barcelona june 2013 1kiranr/barca-2013-ii.pdf · barcelona june 2013 1 . ii- ground truth energies...

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Barcelona June 2013 1

II- Ground truth energies and Saliency Transform

B. Ravi Kiran Jean Serra

LIMG ESIEE Université Paris-Est

Barcelona June 2013 2

UPC / Pompeu Fabra Barcelona, June 13 2013

Problem context

Barcelona June 2013 3

A Problem: Inputs

Barcelona June 2013 4

Ground truth: Evaluation of Hierarchies

Barcelona June 2013 5


1. Given a hierarchy H and ground truth partition G find the partition in H closest to G.

1. Closest from H -> G

2. Closest from G -> H

2. Compare any hierarchy H with multiple ground truth partitions of the same image

3. Compare any two hierarchies H1, H2, with respect to a common ground truth partition G

6 Barcelona June 2013

Hausdorff distance and associated problems



i.e. smallest disc dilation of X that contains Y and of X to contain Y

- Global Measure - Large variations when object are asymmetric w.r.t each other

7 Barcelona June 2013

Local Hausdorff distances

• Local measures: Each class S in H is assigned 2 radii: ,

• Both are h-increasing energies

• Local optimization to obtain a globally optimal solution


minimum radius of dilation of ground truth contour that covers the contour of S.

minimum radius of dilation of the contour of S to cover GT within S. Barcelona June 2013


Barcelona June 2013 9

Energy at various levels of H

10 Barcelona June 2013

Energy at various levels of H

11 Barcelona June 2013


1. Given a hierarchy H and ground truth partition G find the partition in H closest to G.

1. Closest from H -> G

2. Closest from G -> H

2. Compare any hierarchy H with multiple ground truth partitions of the same image

3. Compare any two hierarchies H1, H2, with respect to a common ground truth partition G

12 Barcelona June 2013

Optimal Cuts

Initial Image

GT2 13 Barcelona June 2013

Optimal Cuts

Initial Image

GT7 14 Barcelona June 2013


1. Given a hierarchy H and ground truth partition G find the partition in H closest to G.

1. Closest from H -> G

2. Closest from G -> H

2. Compare any hierarchy H with multiple ground truth partitions of the same image

3. Compare any two hierarchies H1, H2, with respect to a common ground truth partition G

15 Barcelona June 2013

Composition of ground truths:

GT5_1 GT5_2 GT5 = GT5_1 + GT5_2

The distance function of the union(sum) is the inf of the distance functions 16 Barcelona June 2013

Composition of ground truths:

GT5_1 GT5_2 GT5 = GT5_1 + GT5_2

17 Barcelona June 2013


1. Given a hierarchy H and ground truth partition G find the partition in H closest to G.

1. Closest from H -> G

2. Closest from G -> H

2. Compare any hierarchy H with multiple ground truth partitions of the same image

3. Compare any two hierarchies H1, H2, with respect to a common ground truth partition G

18 Barcelona June 2013

Global Precision-Recall Energies

Local dissimilarity measure Counterpart Global similarity measures


The two half distances yield two local and then two global energies: • Precision (P) : How close is on average the ground truth to the class (G->S) • Recall (R) : How close is on average the Class contour to the Ground truth (S->G)

Barcelona June 2013

Comparing Hierarchies (saliencies) with Precision-recall similarity measures

UCM Cousty (floodings of watershed)

UCM random hierarchy Cousty random hierarchy

GT6 GT5 GT4 GT3 GT2 GT7 GT1 20 Barcelona June 2013

Comparing Hierarchies (saliencies) with Precision-recall similarity measures

Image 25098

UCM UCM random

Cousty Cousty random

Precision energy

4.4 0.27 0.13 0.09

Recall energy

3.9 0.28 0.16 0.10

Integrals from PR equations expressed per 1000 pixels in the image

21 Barcelona June 2013

Problem context

Barcelona June 2013 22

Ground truth: Evaluation of Hierarchies

Barcelona June 2013 23

A problem: Transforming hierarchies

Barcelona June 2013 24

Representations of Hierarchies: Saliency function

Barcelona June 2013 25

Saliency Ultrametric contour Map (UCM)

Introducing an external function

Barcelona June 2013 26

Introducing an external function

Barcelona June 2013 27

Introducing an external function

Barcelona June 2013 28

Binary Class Opening

Barcelona June 2013 29

Numerical (grayscale) class opening

Barcelona June 2013 30

Example: Class Opening

Barcelona June 2013 31

Properties of class opening I

Barcelona June 2013 32

Properties of class opening II

Barcelona June 2013 33

Saliency degeneracy

Barcelona June 2013 34

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 100












power law x > 1 (compression)

power law x 0 < < 1(expansion)


Evaluating Hierarchies w.r.t Ground Truth

Barcelona June 2013 35

Evaluating Hierarchies w.r.t Ground Truth

Barcelona June 2013 36

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Composing two external functions

Barcelona June 2013 38

Composing two external functions

Barcelona June 2013 39

Generating Random Hierarchies

Barcelona June 2013 40

Hierarchy Fusion: Matching hierarchies

Barcelona June 2013 41

Hierarchy Fusion: Matching hierarchies

Barcelona June 2013 42

Hierarchy Fusion: Matching hierarchies

Barcelona June 2013 43

Hierarchy Fusion: Matching hierarchies

Barcelona June 2013 44

Future work

Barcelona June 2013 46

47 Barcelona June 2013

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