2 iwori bogbe ingles

Post on 01-Mar-2018






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  • 7/26/2019 2 Iwori Bogbe Ingles




    1. If dice que prev el ire de la riqueza cuando crezca. If dice que va

    a entrar en ociedad con al!uien. Ete ne!ocio rendir enor"e!anancia. Ifa in e"#ar!o le advierte que la pare$a querrtraicionarla% pero ea traici&n e ver reco"penada al 'nal.(in e"#ar!o% tendr que ofrecer e#o con una palo"a% una !allina%al!od&n ) dinero. (o#re eto% If dice*

    O!#e eta#a feliz% #aile ) llena de ala#anza a If.Oteere ile n )oOteere ile n)oIle n)o ara i+a$uEro e)in ,i e ,i)ei -le

    ia fun Ee ,an oo I+oriE)i ti )oo tari O!#e inu a#ata #utu a$eWon ni ,i O!#e ru#oO ru#oKo i pe% ,o $innaE +a #a ni #ola%E +a +o ire


    Oteere% el terreno e re#aladizo

    Oteere% la tierra e uave ) re#aladizoLo precurore e /a#0an delizadoLo que vienen dede atr de#en tener cuidadoEte fue el "ena$e de If en una pierna de I+oriue i"pular O!#e en una zan$a profunda de lo teoroO!#e le acone$& ofrecer e#ocu"pli&2o "u) le$o3en a conocerno con la riqueza ) la properidad

    O!#e e I+ori eta#an a punto de co"enzar aociaci&n e"prearial%

    O!#e lue!o fue a conultar a If para el 4ito de la e"prea. Ele le di$o que el reultado er un 4ito% pero l de#e tener cuidadocon I+ori que lo i#a a entre!ar. (u traici&n% de acuerdo con Ifater"inar0aen un favor para O!#e al 'nal. (e le acone$& entonce ofrecer e#o conlo "ateriale ante "encionado.El cu"pli&.

  • 7/26/2019 2 Iwori Bogbe Ingles


    E"prendieron el ne!ocio )% 'nal"ente% ali& todo #ien ) e dieroncuenta de un "ont&n de #ene'cio.En u ca"ino de re!reo% I+ori e preocup& con la idea de deviartoda la !anancia para 0.e repente% pen& en la eli"inaci&n de O!#e en el ca"ino. 5l lle!ar ala afuera de la ciudad donde /a#0a una zan$a profunda% e"pu$& O!#een ella% con la eperanza de que O!#e "uriera en el terreno de $ue!o.

    (e fue a caa a ola con todo el dinero. 6uando lle!& a caa% lepre!untarononde eta#a O!#e. El contet& que O!#e /a#0a ido a caa ante quel.uio el detino que% O!#e recuperara la conciencia% con contuioneleve en u cuerpo.6uando e levant&% e dio cuenta de que /a#0a ca0do en al!o cu#iertocon al!od&n. 6uando lo decu#ri&% e encontr& con un "ont&n dedinero% ropa% collare ) otra $o)a que fueron ro#ada ante ) fueronecondida alli por uno ladrone. O!#e la !uardo ) llev& a u caa%&lo para encontrar a I+ori en caa. 7idi& por u parte del dinero% lo

    coni!ui&% ) a8adi& el #ot0n que encontr& enel terreno de $ue!o. O!#e entonce e /izo rico "ientra que I+orieta#a lleno de re"ordi"iento.

    9. If dice que no de#e uar ropa uada o de e!unda "ano. Ete e unta#: para uted% para no er afectada por la enfer"edad de otraperona. (i ete i!no e revela cuando et enfer"a% el vetir queella et uando en el "o"ento de la adivinaci&n de#e er utilizadoco"o parte de lo "ateriale del e#o. ue de#en er que"ado ) la

    ceniza poner en Eu. La tela no de#e er levada a caa por el#a#ala+o. If dice que e neceario ofrecer e#o con do o,ete% un"ac/o ca#r0o ) dinero. (o#re eto% If dice*

    E,u)a a#idi !#odo!iia fun Gunnun!un;i nlo o +o 5da#a larunE#o ni +on ni ,o +a e


    E,u)a 5#idi !#odo!i

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    5da#a% la palo"a eta#a !rave"ente enfer"o. La enfer"edad era talque nadie pod0a curarla% lue!o enviaron por Gunnun!un% el #uitre% un#a#ala+o adivino para l ) le di$o que poi#le"ente lo cure de uenfer"edad. 5nte de eto% Gunnunu!un /a#0a conultado a Ifa ) le/a#0a acone$ado no uar ropa uada.5l lle!ar al lu!ar de 5da#a% conult& a Ifa ) le recet& co"o parte de lo"ateriale del e#o la ropa de 5da#a

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    feliz ) ala#a#a a If.Oriri nii fo ni#ale ni#ale5+o ile Oni#aunAni#aunia fun Oni#aunAni#aunO"o a'!#a a,ara re"ole,un nitori o"oWon ni ,o ru#oKo pe ,i $in"a

    E +o #e ni ni $e#utu o"oe#utu o"o leere Ope nIfetraducci&n*Oriri nii para ni#ale ni#aleEl a+o de Oni#aunAni#aunCundido If para Oni#aunAni#aunEl que oDerd 9?? a,ara para la "aternidad prop&ito(e le acone$& ofrecer e#ocu"pli&2o e de"aiado lar!o3en a conocer a nootro en "edio de lo ni8o a#undante

    2i8o a#undante e el don de Ope

  • 7/26/2019 2 Iwori Bogbe Ingles


    If e el "o"ento de el ire de 4ito 'nanciero a pe!are a "07er"anente"ente e Etitan e ad/ieren a la de al"endra de pal"a

    . Ifa le acone$a ofrecer e#o contra el padeci"iento. If dice que la/ora viene% en u vida cuandoella e atacada por una enfer"edad eria% pero con el e#o adecuado

    que va a uperar el pro#le"a.If dice que in e"#ar!o todo lo "ie"#ro de u fa"ilia neceitanque la aitan en laoferta del e#o para que ella ten!a una recuperaci&n rpida. If diceque ella nunca olvidar cualquierfavor que e e4tendi& a ella. Ifa le acone$a ofrecer e#o para ella conun "aduro "ac/oca#r0o ) dinero. (o#re eto% If dice*Ita,un poolo !un ori Iro,oO le ten!eia fun I$i

    ;ii e Oloro!un lalade OrunO no!#o!#o arunO nna$u ati dideWon ni ,i a+on o"o i)a re da+o $o ranAlo+o2$e i!i too #a pE,e pO,unKoo da 5tori i o5tori "a ni!i o+otraducci&n*Hna !arrapata crapper u#i& un r#ol de Iro,o e apo)a#a con cautelaFena$e de If para I$i

    la te"petadEl !uerrero en el cielo6uando e ufre de enfer"edad !rave ten0a di'cultade para recuperar;odo u /er"ano% donde acone$a a a)udarle a recuperare;a"#in lo /izo% por lo que e nie!an a /acer5/ora I$i% i "ata ) ar#uto crapper7or favor% lanza 5tori el interruptor5tori e el r#ol de repeto

    J. If dice que lo que va a /acer para que u 4ito en la vida no etra#a$o de la ener!0a que e$ercen.E el tipo de tra#a$o que e /ar por per"anecer en un lu!ar )e"pezar a crear u dinerode aquello que tra#a$an duro ) el o#re el tra#a$o. Ifa le acone$aofrecer e#o para ella con trepalo"a% tre !allina de !uinea ) dinero. (o#re eto% If dice*I+oriABo!#e $i$e

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    I+ori #o!#ee "i"uia fun 5$e+e+oA+ee;i )oo $eun 5$i!#onniniE#o ni +on ni ,o +aa eO !#e#o% o ru#oKo pe% ,o $innaE +a #a ni ni $e#utu a$e !#uru!#u

    traducci&n*I+ori O!#e cu#re para proporcionar lo que conu"enI+ori O!#e cu#re a #ucare cuanto a #e#erFena$e de If para el que e depierta ) e lava la "ano ) lo pieuin va a co"er la co"ida de lo que e depert& en la "anana ) elcepillo que el cuerpo contrael roc0o de la "anana(e le acone$& ofrecer e#ocu"pli&En poco tie"po% no "u) le$onae a nootro en "edio de a#undante properidad.

    . If dice que er #endecida con "uc/o nino en la vida. El no"#rede u pri"er /i$o var&ne ;a+oni)ooe% e decir% la predicci&n de 5+o e cu"plir. (i una/e"#ra% el no"#re e Ifata)o%e decir% Ifa e lo que " ale!ra. Ifa le acone$a ofrecer e#o con trede u !allina% !allotre% tre !allina de !uinea ) dinero. ;a"#in e neceario paraali"entar a Ifa para ella con eirata ) ei pece. (o#re eto% If dice*

    5#iro,e !#o!i!#o!i5#iru,ere turu)eAturu)e5#i#o ,uduA,udu lateia fun Orun"ilaoo #i ;a+oni)ooe lo"oI+oriABo!#e o o;a+o ni )oo e oMMMIfata)o o o;a+o ni )oo e otraducci&n*El propietario de la Iro,e !rande% Ifa ;apper

    El proceador de un Iru,ere co"pletaEl propietario de vario deter"inante I#o en la #ande$a de IfFena$e de If para Orun"ilaue dar a luz a ;a+oni)ooeI+ori #o!#e oLa predicci&n de la IC5 e cu"plirIfata)o oLa predicci&n de If e cu"plir

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    N. If le reco"ienda entrenar en la virtud de poner a Olodu"are porpri"era vez en todo upena"iento% dicuro ) accione. If dice que i ella ete4peri"entando al!:n tipo de fortunano conu"ado cuando ea !rande% una de la razone principale por

    la que eto e a0 e" pro#a#le porque no /a lo!rado poner a io pri"ero en toda uactividade en la vida. Ifale acone$a ofrecer e#o para ella con do !allina% do palo"a )dinero. ;a"#in e neceariopara ali"entar a Ifa para ella con cuatro rata ) cuatro pece. (o#reeto% If dice*Bi adie #a "u"i5 $i)an Olorunia fun 5da#a uu;i n"o"i o$u unra/un to"o

    E#o ni +on ni ,o +aa eO !#e#o% o ru#oBi adie #a "u"i5 $i)an Olorunia fun On)a!#e;i nlo o,o alero lodunBi a #a noroKa "u ti Olorun o#a peluia fun Olo#a O,aO"o aro,o fe)e $eE#o ni +on ni ,o +aa e

    O ,oti o!#on/in e#oG#o!#o io+o opeEni !#e#o ni#eE pe o +a e#o otraducci&n*Ifa uno ave acutica #e#idadar ala#anza a ioFena$e de If para 5da#a uu la 7alo"a5l la"entar u incapacidad para dar a luz a un #e#(e le acone$& ofrecer e#oella a0 lo /izo

    Ifa uno ave acutica #e#ida(e dar ala#anza a ioFena$e de If para el a!ricultor On)a!#e6uando va para el cultivo anual(e le acone$& ofrecer e#o(ie"pre que e /a#la3a"o a poner a io en cuentaFena$e de If para el dueno del eta#lo lleno de !rano

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    uin cultivar u !ran$a de la ave para conu"ir(e le acone$& ofrecer e#oEl e ne!&;odo lo e!uidore de Ifue lo acone$& ofrecer e#oacerlo de acuerdo

    P. If dice que prev el ire de la lon!evidad. Ifa le ae!ura que ellanunca va a "orir $oven. Ifale acone$a ofrecer e#o para ella con cuatro !allo% cuatro !allina%cuatro palo"a% cuatro !allinade Guinea% do de #ronce 5!o!o ) dinero. (o#re eto% If dice*5tapete a+o o,oia fun 5$aAe)iAi!#odu;i i,u o nii pa ni re+eAre+eWon ni ,o a,aale% e#o ni ieO !#e#o% o ru#o

    I,u o nii pa iru a+a +on)i o5!o!o ide ,o "aa ro ,eM5$a)i i!#odutraducci&n*5tapete e el a+o de o,oFena$e de If para 5$a)i I!#oduIfa quien no va a "atar en la $uventud e(e le acone$& ofrecer e#ocu"pli&La "uerte no va a "atar !ente co"o nootroe$e que el 5!o!o #ronce e!uir a onar

    5$a)i I!#odu

    1?. If dice que er #endecido con la victoria o#re todo uene"i!o. (an!o e repona#lede u victoria o#re lo ene"i!o. Ifa le acone$a ofrecer e#o para ellacon do carnero ) dinero.Hno de lo carnero ern utilizado para ali"entar a (an!o $unto con9?? piedra en la parteuperior de un "ortero. El icono de (an!o e "antendr en el "orterodurante iete d0a. (o#re

    eto% If dice*I+ori #o!#ee $i$eI+ori #o!#ee "i"uia fun Olu,oo laluenrola o"o ari!#a ota e!unE)i ti )oo 'ri +o+o ete2i!#a tin #e ni a!#ate"o o!un ara)eE#o ni +on ni ,o +aa e

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    O !#e#o% o ru#o;a lo nperi O#a;ooM E"i o peri re 5ladoMMMtraducci&n*I+ori O!#e cu#re para proporcionar lo que conu"enI+ori O!#e cu#re a #ucare cuanto a #e#erFena$e de If para Olu,oo lalu% ta"#in conocido co"o (an!o

    enrola que utiliza 9?? piedra de uperar uprie lue!o utiliza un roc0o fuerte para aplatar la conpiraci&n6uando eta#a en "edio de la crii ) la inurrecci&n(e le acone$& ofrecer e#ocu"pli&5/ora que et planeando en contra de la O#a2unca% no contra vootro 5lado

    11. If dice que er #endecido con "uc/o /i$o. Ifa le ae!ura queOun er repona#le de

    u "aternidad ) crianza de lo nino ) u oportunidade. Ifa leacone$a ofrecer e#o para ellacon do !allina% cuatro rata% cuatro pece ) dinero. ;a"#in eneceario para ali"entar aOun para ella con una !allina ) c/ic/a. (o#re eto% If dice*O,u !#ii ni ,otoE!un!un a+o lorunia fun Oun E+u$i2i!#ati o n"o"i o$u un!#ere o"oE#o ni +on ni ,o +aa eO !#e#o% o ru#o

    Oun E+u$i% I)a Oni 5larede5re ni )e)e +a eKo "a $atraducci&n*La copa e lanza a la tu"#a(e equeleto aparece en el cieloFena$e de If para Oun E+u$i5l la"entar u incapacidad para tener /i$o(e le acone$& ofrecer e#oella a0 lo /izoOun E+u$i% la Fadre que e conoce co"o 5larede Oni

    2uetra "adre /a venido a $u!ar con nootro2o luc/ar

    19. If dice que al!uien "u) cercano a uted que et teniendopro#le"a de "aternidad. Ifa leae!ura que eta perona tiene una enfer"edad que le i"pide quedare"#arazada. If ae!ura

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    la "u$er etril que e a donde va% a/ora que ella er #endecida conu propio #e#. Ifa le acone$aofrecer e#o con do !allina% cuatro rata% cuatro pece ) dinero. Ellata"#in neceita paraali"entar a Olu+eri e!:n correponda. (o#re eto% If dice*5di,ale eru otoi2ii pa Olo+o lerinAin

    ia fun 5tori"a$e!i;in loo "ara +o lodo Olu+eriE#o ni +on ni ,o +aa eO !#e#o% o ru#o5tori"a$e!i% o "ara +a +oO di Olo"o o% 5tori"a$e!itraducci&n*La car!a de una perona po#reE ie"pre un te"a de diveri&n para lo ricoFena$e de If para 5tori"a$e!i6uando va a reci#ir trata"iento en el /o!ar de Olu+eri

    (e le acone$& ofrecer e#oella a0 lo /izo5/ora 5tori"a$e!i que /an lle!ado a difrutar que e /an convertido en una "adre or!ulloa

    1>. If dice que e un ta#: "antener la "alicia con nadie. (i al!uien la"oleta o ofende a ella%e4ite la neceidad de que lla"ara la atenci&n de ea perona a 'n deae!urar que el pro#le"aet reuelto de "anera a"itoa de una vez por toda. Ifa le acone$a

    ofrecer e#o para ella conuna !allina ) dinero. (o#re eto% If dice*(e "i n #i oLoo!un oreia fun I+ori;i )oo #i O!#e leere oroE#o ni +on ni ,o +aa eO !#e#o% o ru#otraducci&n*Ofender a "0 ) que "e lla"o la atenci&n aue e la panacea de la #uena a"itad

    Fena$e de If para I+oriue lla"e la atenci&n de O!#e a un pro#le"a(e le acone$& ofrecer e#ocu"pli&

    1@. If dice que va a reci#ir una !ran #endici&n de fuera de u lu!ar dereidencia. If dice que

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    ella ta"#in tiene un a"i!o que va a lle!ar a er un a"i!o decon'anza con ella. En nin!unacircuntancia de#e de$ar que ete a"i!o. Ifa le acone$a ofrecer e#opara ella con cuatro rata%cuatro pece. o palo"a% do !allina% do de GuineaAave% do!allo ) dinero. ;a"#in eneceario para ali"entar a ifa ) Erinle por ella co"o adecuado. (o#re

    eto% If dice*Bi o,an #a denu i!#o5 "aa ro ununAunun5 "aa #o duduuduia fun Orun"ilaE)i ti n ore ErinleE)i ti )oo rinle a)e $aE#o ni +on ni ,o +aa eO !#e#o% o ru#otraducci&n*(i o,an r#ole entra en el #oque

    (e "antienen 'r"e en el #oque i I$o,u cripper entra en la a#ana(e centrar en el ueloFena$e de If para Orun"ilauin a"itad Erinle quin lo /ar cu#rir el "undo entero por co"pleto(e le acone$& ofrecer e#ocu"pli&

    1. If dice que va a er #endecido con toda el ire de la vida in

    e4cepci&n. If dice que cadavez que ofrece e#o% que no e aceptado% la raz&n no e deconectaral /ec/o de que ella no /aetado utilizando el "aterial adecuado para u e#o. Ifa le acone$aofrecer e#o para ella con un"ont&n de /ueo ) dinero. ;a"#in e neceario para ali"entar a Ifcon do rata ) do pece.acer eto /ar que todo lo e#o que ofrece a "anifetare. (o#reeto% If dice*Oriri nii fo ni#aleAni#ale5+o ile Oni#on/unAni#o/un

    O"o a'!#a e,u ru#o "a 'nAinO"o a'!#a e$a ru#o "a 'nAinFo a'!#a e)e ru#o "a 'nAinO"o a'!#a eran ru#o "a 'nAinWon ni ,o a,aale e#o ni ieO +a loo ' ee!unA,ee!un ru#oKop e% ,o $innaE #a ni ni aru'n e#o

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    traducci&n*Oriri vuela a #a$a altura la ca"aEl a+o reidente de Oni#on/unAni#o/un el que ofreci& e#o con 9?? rata que no ean aceptado el que ofreci& e#o con 9?? pece que no ean aceptado

    el que ofreci& e#o con 9?? ave que no ean aceptado el que ofreci& e#o con 9?? ani"ale que no ean aceptado(e le acone$& ofrecer e#oEl o#edeci& al ofrecer e#o con un "ont&n de /ueoEn poco tie"po% no "u) le$onae a nootro fueron nuetro e#o e /a aceptado

    1J. If dice que prev un ire que todo lo a#arca. If dice que de ello e

    epera que reci#an todaete ire% pero uno de ello no pueden cu"plir con el aeora"iento dela 5+o. Ifa le acone$aae!urare de que ofrecen ete e#o para ella con do rata% do pece) dinero.Ka !#o riru e#o ,a ruia fun ele"ope ileKa !#o etutu ,a tuia fun Ele"ope o,oE#o ni +on ni ,o +aa eEle"ope ile ni,an lo ru#o

    Ele"ope ile lo deni apeintraducci&n*3a"o a cu"plir con el aeora"iento de la 5+o ofrecer e#o.Fena$e de If para Ele"ope Ile conocida co"o la 7alo"a va"o a cu"plir con el cone$o para ofrecer EtutuFena$e de If para Ele"ope o,o% ta"#in conocida co"o la 7alo"a5"#o fueron acone$& ofrecer e#o(&lo Ele"ope Ile cu"plidoEle"ope Ila e convirti& en un l0der de !ran reputaci&n


    1. Ifa A para el 4ito% la victoria% orientaci&n ) protecci&n

    9. Ori A para conuelo de detino% la elevaci&n ) el 4ito

    >. Olu+eri A para el trata"iento de la enfer"edad ) la "aternidad

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    @. EuAOdara A por la victoria de apo)o% la protecci&n% el 4ito ) laelevaci&n

    . (an!o A por la victoria o#re la adveridad

    J. Oun A para la procreaci&n ) crianza de lo /i$o

    . I#e$i A para la procreaci&n ) crianza de lo /i$o

    N. E!#e A para el 4ito de la ca"arader0a ) la elevaci&n

    P. O!un A por la victoria ) el 4ito

    1?. O#atal A para la conu"aci&n de la fortuna


    1. 2unca e de#e co"er o "altratar a una palo"a A para evitar lafortuna no conu"ada

    9. 2unca de#e divorciare o la eparaci&n de u epoo A para evitar lacrii% el deatre ) la fortunano conu"ada

    >. 2unca de#e"o er or!ulloo ) arro!ante A para evitar el deatre) la fortuna no conu"ada

    @. 2unca de#e conu"ir ave de corral o de !allo o !allina A para evitar

    el a#andono de la divinidade

    . 2unca de#e tener "alicia contra nadie A para evitar que la fortunano conu"ada

    J. 2unca de#e conpirar contra cualquier perona A para evitar lacrii ) lo deatre

    . 2unca /a) que olvidar o u#eti"ar a nadie A para evitar la fortunano conu"ada

    N. 2unca e de#e participar en una actividad antiocial A para evitar erencadenado ) encarcelado

    P. 2unca de#en participar en actividade e4traA"atri"onial A paraevitar la e4poici&n% la /u"illaci&n

    ) la de!racia

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    1?. 2unca de#e uar una ropa de e!unda "ano A para evitarafeccione ) enfer"edade


    1. If Q Oria (acerdotia

    9. 6urandero% cone$ero% funcionario de Bienetar

    >. Banquero% Hnionita


    1. O"o)ele A un nino correponde a una caa

    9. Ifari)ii,e A Ifa tiene eta para cuidar de

    >. O"otinu+e A nino dede el interior de la olla de Oun

    5#oru 5#o)e


    1. Ifa says that it foresees ire of wealth for your granddaughterwhen she grows up. Ifa says that she will to go into businesspartnership with someone. This business venture will yield

    huge profit. Ifa however warns her that the partner will betrayher, but this betrayal will pay off in the end. You howeverneed to offer 1 pigeon, 1 hen, cotton wool and money forher while she is still young. On this, Ifa says:

    Oteere ile n yoOteere ile nyo

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    Ile nyo ara iwajuEro eyin i e iyesi !le"ia fun Ese an soso IworiEyi ti yoo tari Ogbe sinu abata butu aje#on ni i Ogbe ruboO rubo


    Oteere, the land is slipperyOteere, the land is smooth and slipperyThe prede$essors had slippedThose $oming from behind should bewareThis was the message of Ifa to one leg of Iwori#ho would push Ogbe into a deep tren$h of treasuresOgbe was advised to offer ebo%e $omplied

    Ogbe and Iwori were about to $ommen$e business partnership, Ogbethen went to $onsult Ifa on the su$$essful out$ome of the venture. %ewas told that the out$ome will be su$$essful but he should bewarethat Iwori would betray him. %is betrayal, a$$ording to Ifa would endup in favour of Ogbe in the end. %e was then advised to offer ebowith the materials mentioned above. %e $omplied.

    They went out on the business and eventually it $ame out well andthey reali&ed a lot of profit. On their way ba$, Iwori was pre'o$$upiedwith the thought of diverting all the profits to himself alone. (uddenly,he thought of eliminating Ogbe on the way. On getting to the outsirtof the town where there was a deep tren$h, he pushed Ogbe into it,hoping that Ogbe would die in the pit$h. %e went home alone with allthe money. #hen he got home, they ased him about Ogbe. %ereplied that Ogbe had left for home before him.

    )s fate would have it, Ogbe regained $ons$iousness with minorbruises on his body. #hen he stood up, he noti$ed that he had fallenon something $overed with $otton wool. #hen he un$overed it, hefound a lot of money, $lothing, beads and other treasures that wereearlier stolen and ept by some robbers. Ogbe pa$ed them and toothem home, only to find Iwori at home. %e re*uested for his share ofthe money, got it and added it to the loot he found in the pit$h. Ogbe

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    then be$ame wealthy, while Iwori was full of regrets. Ogbe washappy, dan$ing and full of praises to Ifa.

    Oteere ile n yoOteere ile nyoIle nyo ara iwaju

    Ero eyin i e iyesi !le"ia fun Ese an soso IworiEyi ti yoo tari Ogbe sinu abata butu aje#on ni i Ogbe ruboO rubo+o i pe, o jinnaE wa ba ni bola,E wa wo ire


    Oteere, the land is slipperyOteere, the land is smooth and slipperyThe prede$essors had slippedThose $oming from behind should bewareThis was the message of Ifa to one leg of Iwori#ho would push Ogbe into a deep tren$h of treasuresOgbe was advised to offer ebo%e $omplied

    ot too long-ome and meet us with wealth and prosperity

    . Ifa says that this baby should not use any used or se$ondhand $lothes. This is a taboo for her in order not to beaffli$ted with another person/s ailment. If this Odu is revealedforher when she is si$, the $lothe she is wearing at the timeof the divination should be used as part of the ebo materials.It should be burnt and the ashes put on Esu. The $loth mustnot be taen home by the babalawo. Ifa says that you needto offer ebo for her with 2 okete, big rats, 1 he-goat andmoney.

    Euya abidi gbodogi"ia fun 0unnungun

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    Ti nlo o wo )daba larunEbo ni won ni o wa se

    TranslationEuya abidi gbodogi alias2-ast Ifa for 0unnunugun, the vulture#hen going to treat )daba/s ailment the dove2

    %e was advised to offer ebo

    )daba, dove was seriously si$. The si$ness was su$h that nobody$ould heal it, he then sent for 0unnungun, The 3ulture, a babalawoto $ome and divine for him and to possibly heal him of his si$ness.4rior to this, 0unnunugun had $onsulted Ifa and he had been advisednot to use any used $loth.

    On getting to )daba/s pla$e, he $onsulted Ifa and pres$ribed as partof the ebo materials adaba/s $loth whi$h he was fas$inated with2.

    )fter the sa$rifi$e, he went home and began to wear )daba/s $loth.)daba got well and the ailment totally left him. )fter a while, theailment whi$h already left )daba affli$ted 0unnugun and eventuallybe$ame si$. #henever )daba saw 0unnungun, he per$hed on atree and began to sing thus:

    )run adaba,0unnugun gbe

    )run adaba

    0unnugun gbe

    TranslationThe ailment of adaba0unnugun had taen it overThe ailment of adaba0unnugun had already taen it over

    5. Ifa says that your grand$hild will not suffer from the problem of$hildlessness when she grows up. You need to feed Ifa and Osun forher with 66 aara fried bean $ae2. You also need to offer ebo forher with 4 rats, 4 fish, 4 hens and money. Ifa says she will beblessed with $hildren.

    Oriri nii fo nibale nibale)wo ile Onibaun'nibaun

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    "ia fun Onibaun'nibaunOmo afi/gba aara remoleun nitori omo#on ni o rubo

    TranslationOriri nii fo nibale nibale

    The awo of Onibaun'nibaun-ast Ifa for Onibaun'nibaunThe one who offerd 66 aara for $hildbearing purpose%e was advised to offer ebo

    Onibaun'nibaun was lamenting her inability to beget a $hild. (hewent for Ifa $onsultation and was advised to offer 66 aara to feedIfa and Osun. (he $omplied. Thereafter, she was blessed with noteven one, but plenty of $hildren. (he be$ame happy and was praisingIfa.

    Oriri nii fo nibale nibale)wo ile Onibaun'nibaun"ia fun Onibaun'nibaunOmo afi/gba aara remoleun nitori omo#on ni o rubo+o pe i jinmaE wo be ni ni jebutu omo7ebutu omo leere Ope n/Ife

    TranslationOriri nii fo nibale nibaleThe awo of Onibaun'nibaun-ast Ifa for Onibaun'nibaunThe one who offerd 66 aara for $hildbearing purpose%e was advised to offer ebo%e $ompliedot too long-ome and meet us in the midst of abundant $hildren

    )bundant $hildren is the gift of Ope Ifa2 in Ife

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    8. Ifa says that it foresee the Ire of finan$ial su$$ess for yourgrand$hild. Ifa assures you that the wealth will $ome inabundan$e and your grand$hild shall not e9perien$e want inher life. Ifa advises you to offer ebo for her with four pigeons,four guinea'fowls and money. You also need to feed Ifa for herwith 66 Etitan, palm'ernel. On this, Ifa says:

    4ogun'pogun loun )gbe4ogbon'pogbon loun )luoOhun )luo ni mo ngboEmi o yi gbohun )gbe"ia fun OrunmilaIfa nsunun oun o laje lowoEbo ni won ni o waa seO gb/ebo, o ru/boO to ire aje o wonoo mo mi lonii o#onoo, letitan nwo meyin#onoo

    Translation4ogun'pogun is the voi$e of )gbe the lue Toura$$o4ogbon'pogbon is the voi$e of )luo the ;aroon Tura$$oIt is only the voi$e of )luo that I am hearingI am yet to hear the voi$e of )gbeIfa/s message for Orunmila

    #hen lamenting his inability to re$eive the blessing offinan$ial su$$ess%e was advised to offer ebo%e $ompliedIfa it is time for the ire of finan$ial su$$ess to sti$ to me4ermanently does Etitan sti$ to the palm'ernel

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    e9tended to her. Ifa advises you to offer ebo for her with onematured he'goat and money. On this, Ifa says:

    Itaun poolo gun ori IrooO le tenge

    "ia fun IjiTii se Olorogun lalade OrunO nsogbogbo arunO nnaju ati dide#on ni i awon omo iya re dawo jo ran'lowoje igi too ba p/Ee p/Oun+oo da )tori si o

    )tori ma nigi owo

    Translation) ti$ $rapper $limbed an Iroo tree)nd it rested gingerlyIfa/s message for IjiThe tempestThe warrior in heaven#hen he was suffering from serious ailment

    )nd was finding it diffi$ult to re$over)ll his siblings where advised to help him to re$over(o did, so refuse to do

    ow Iji, if you ill $rappers and shrubs4lease spear )tori the swit$h

    )tori is the tree of respe$t

    =. Ifa says that what your grand$hild will do to mae hersu$$eed in life is not energy e9erting wor. It is the ind ofwor that she will do by staying in a pla$e and be maing hermoney from those who toil and labour about. Ifa advises youto offer ebo for her with threepigeons, threeguinea'fowlsandmoney. On this, Ifa says:

    Iwori'ogbe jijeIwori bogbee mimu"ia fun )jewewo'wese

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    Ti yoo jeun )jigbonniniEbo ni won ni o waa seO gb/ebo, o ru/bo+o pe, o jinnaE wa ba ni ni jebutu aje gburugbu

    TranslationIwori $overs Ogbe to provide what to $onsumeIwori $overs Ogbe to pro$ure what to drinIfa/s message for he who waes up and washes his handsand feet#ho will be eating the food of those who woe up in themorning and brush there body against the early morning dew%e was advised to offer ebo%e $ompliedefore long, not too far7oin us in the midst of abundant prosperity.

    >. Ifa says that your grand$hild will be blessed with many$hildren in life. The name of her first male $hild isTawoniyoose, meaning thepredictionofAwoshallcometo pass. If a female, the name is Ifatayo, meaning Ifa iswhat rejoicing over. Ifa advises you to offer ebo for herwith three hens, three roosters, three guinea'fowls andmoney. You also need to feed Ifa for her with si9 rats and si9

    fish. On this, Ifa says:

    )biroe gbogigbogi)biruere turuye'turuye)bibo udu'udu late"ia fun OrunmilaYoo bi Tawoniyoose lomoIwori'ogbe o oTawo ni yoo se o???Ifatayo o oTawo ni yoo se o

    TranslationThe owner of the big Iroe, Ifa TapperThe pro$essor of a full IruereThe owner of several Ibo determinant in the Ifa tray

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    Ifa/s message for Orunmila#ho will give birth to TawoniyooseIwori bogbe oThe predi$tion of ifa shall $ome to passIfatayo oThe predi$tion of Ifa shall $ome to pass

    @. Ifa advises you to train your grand$hild on the virtue ofputting Olodumare first in all her thoughts, spee$hes anda$tions. Ifa says that if she is e9perien$ing any form ofun$onsummated fortune when she grows up, one of themajor reasons why this is so is more liely be$ause she hasfailed to put 0od first in all her a$tivities in life. Ifa advisesyou to offer ebo for her with two hens, two pigeons andmoney. You also need to feed Ifa for her with four rats andfour fish. On this, Ifa says:

    i adie ba mumi) jiyan Olorun"ia fun )daba susuTi nmomi oju sunrahun tomoEbo ni won ni o waa seO gb/ebo, o ru/bo

    i adie ba mumi) jiyan Olorun"ia fun OnyagbeTi nlo soo alero loduni a ba nsoro+a mu ti Olorun oba pelu"ia fun Oloba OaOmo aroo feye jeEbo ni won ni o waa seO oti ogbonhin sebo0bogbo isowo opeEni gb/ebo nibeE pe o wa sebo o

    TranslationIfa a fowl drins water

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    it will give praises to 0odIfa/s message for )daba susu the "ove#hen lamenting her inability to give birth to a baby(he was advised to offer ebo(he $ompliedIfa a fowl drins water

    It will give praises to 0odIfa/s message for Onyagbe the Aarmer#hen going for annual $ultivation%e was advised to offer ebo#henever we are speaingBet us put god into $onsiderationIfa/s message for the owner of the barn full of grains#ho will $ultivate his farm for the bird to $onsume%e was advised to offer ebo%e refused

    )ll followers of IfaBet those advised to offer ebo"o so a$$ordingly

    C. Ifa says that it foresees the Ire of longevity for yourgrand$hild. Ifa assures you that she will never die young.Ifa advises you to offer ebo for her with four roosters, fourhens, four pigeons, four guinea'fowls, two brass )gogo and

    money. On this, Ifa says:

    )tapete awo soo"ia fun )ja'eyi'igboduTi iu o nii pa ni rewe'rewe#on ni o saaale, ebo ni siseO gb/ebo, o ru/boIu o nii pa iru awa wonyi o

    )gogo ide o maa ro e?)jayi igbodu

    Translation)tapete is the awo of sooIfa/s message for )jayi Igbodu#hom Ifa will not ill in is youth%e was advised to offer ebo

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    %e $omplied"eath will not ill people lie usBet the brass )gogo $ontinue to $hime

    )jayi Igbodu

    16. Ifa says that your grand$hild shall be blessed with vi$toryover all her enemies. (ango is responsible for her vi$toryover enemies. Ifa advises you to offer ebo for her with tworams and money. One of the rams will be used to feed(ango together with 66 pebbles on top of a mortar. Thei$on of (ango will remain on the mortar for seven days. Onthis, Ifa says:

    Iwori bogbee jijeIwori bogbee mimu"ia fun Oluoso lalu7enrola omo arigba ota segunEyi ti yoo firi wowo seteigba tin be ni agbatemo ogun arayeEbo ni won ni o waa seO gb/ebo, o ru/boTa lo nperi ObaToo? Emi o peri re )lado???

    TranslationIwori $overs Ogbe to provide what to $onsumeIwori $overs Ogbe to pro$ure what to drinIfa/s message for Oluoso lalu, also now as (ango7enrola who uses 66 pebbles to over$ome uprises

    )nd then uses heavy dew to smash $onspira$y#hen he was in the midst of $rises and uprising%e was advised to offer ebo%e $ompliedow who is planning against the Obaever, I do not plan against you )lado

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    11. Ifa says that your grand$hild shall be blessed with many$hildren. Ifa assures you that Osun will be responsible forher $hildbearing and $hildrearing $han$es. Ifa advises youto offer ebo for her with two hens, four rats, four fish andmoney. You also need to feed Osun for her with one henand mai&e beer. On this, Ifa say:

    Ou gbii ni otoEgungun sawo lorun"ia fun Osun Ewujiigbati o nmomi oju sungbere omoEbo ni won ni o waa seO gb/ebo, o ru/boOsun Ewuji, Iya Oni )larede

    )re ni yeye wa se+o ma ja

    TranslationThe $ups is thrown into the graveIt seleton appears in heavenIfa/s message for Osun Ewuji#hen lamenting her inability to have $hildren(he was advised to offer ebo(he $ompliedOsun Ewuji, the ;other/s nown as Oni )larede

    Our mother has $ome to play with usot to fight

    1. Ifa says that someone very $lose to you who is having$hildbearing problem. Ifa assures you that this person ishaving an ailment that is preventing her from be$omingpregnant. Ifa assures the barren woman that it is where sheis going now that she will be blessed with her own baby. Ifaadvises her to offer ebo with two hens, four rats, four fishand money. (he also needs to feed Oluweri as appropriate.On this, Ifa says:

    )diale eru otosiii pa Olowo lerin'in"ia fun )torimajegiTin loo mara wo lodo Oluweri

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    Ebo ni won ni o waa seO gb/ebo, o ru/bo

    )torimajegi, o mara wa woO di Olomo o, )torimajegi


    The load of a poor personIs always a subje$t of amusement to the ri$hIfa/s message for )torimajegi#hen going to re$eive treatment in the home of Oluweri(he was advised to offer ebo(he $ompliedow )torimajegi you have $ome to treat yourself

    )nd you have be$ome a proud mother

    15. Ifa says that it is a taboo for your grand$hild to eep mali$ewith anyone. If anyone annoys of offends her, there is theneed for her to $all the attention of su$h person to it so as toensure that the issue is ami$ably resolved on$e and for all.Ifa advises you to offer ebo for her with one hen and money.On this, Ifa says:

    (e mi n bi o

    Boogun ore"ia fun IworiTi yoo bi Ogbe leere oroEbo ni won ni o waa seO gb/ebo, o ru/bo

    TranslationOffend me and let me $all your attention to itThat is the pana$ea of good friendshipIfa/s message for Iwori#ho will $all the attention of Ogbe to an issue%e was advised to offer ebo%e $omplied

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    18. Ifa says that your grand$hild is going to re$eive a bigblessing from outside her pla$e of abode. Ifa says that shewill also have a friend who will turn out to be a reliable friendto her. On no $ondition must she leave this friend. Ifaadvises you to offer ebo for her with four rats, four fish. Twopigeons, two hens, two guinea'fowls, two roosters and

    money. You also need to feed ifa and Erinle for her asappropriate. On this, Ifa says

    i oan ba denu igbo) maa ro sunsun'unsun) maa bo duduudu"ia fun OrunmilaEyi ti n sore ErinleEyi ti yoo rinle aye jaEbo ni won ni o waa seO gb/ebo, o ru/bo

    TranslationIf oan trees enters the forestIt will stand firmly in the forest

    )nd if Ijou $ripper enters the savannahIt will $over the groundIfa/s message for Orunmila#ho will befriend Erinle

    )nd who will mae him $over the whole world $ompletely%e was advised to offer ebo%e $omplied


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    )wo ile Onibonhun'nibohunOmo afigba eu rubo ma fin'inOmo afigba eja rubo ma fin'in;o afigba eye rubo ma fin'inOmo afigba eran rubo ma fin'in#on ni o saaale ebo ni sise

    O wa loo fi eegun'eegun rubo+op e, o jinnaE ba ni ni arufin ebo

    TranslationOriri bed flys at low altitudeThe resident awo of Onibonhun'nibohun%e who offered ebo with 66 rats

    )nd they where not a$$epted%e who offered ebo with 66 fish

    )nd they where not a$$epted%e who offered ebo with 66 birds

    )nd they where not a$$epted%e who offered ebo with 66 beasts

    )nd they where not a$$epted%e was advised to offer ebo%e $omplied by offering ebo with plenty of bonesefore long, not too far7oin us were our ebo is been a$$epted

    1=. Ifa says that it foresees an all en$ompassing Ire for yourgrand$hild. Ifa says that two of them are e9pe$ted to re$eiveall this Ire but one of them may not $omply with the advi$e ofthe )wo. Ifa advises you to ensure that you offer this ebo forher with two rats, two fish and money.

    +a gbo riru ebo a ru"ia fun elemope ile+a gbo etutu a tu"ia fun Elemope ooEbo ni won ni o waa seElemope ile nian lo ruboElemope ile lo deni apesin

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    TranslationBet us $omply with the advi$e of the )wo to offer ebo.Ifa/s message for Elemope Ile nown as the 4igeon

    )nd let us $omply with the advi$e to offer EtutuIfa/s message for Elemope oo, also nown as the "ove

    They were both advised to offer eboOnly Elemope Ile $ompliedElemope Ile be$ame a leader of high reputation

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    1. Ifa D for su$$ess, vi$tory, guidan$e and prote$tion. Ori D for $onsolation of destiny, elevation and su$$ess5. Oluweri D for treatment of ailment and $hildbearing8. Esu'Odara D for support vi$tory, prote$tion, su$$ess and

    elevation. Ibeji D for $hild bearing and $hild rearing@. Egbe D for $omradeship su$$ess and elevationC. Ogun D for vi$tory and su$$ess16. Obatala D for $onsummation of fortune


    1. ;ust never eat or maltreat a pigeon D to avoidun$onsummated fortune

    . ;ust never divor$e or separation from your husband D toavoid $risis, disaster and un$onsummated fortune

    5. ;ust never be proud or arrogant D to avoid disaster andun$onsummated fortune

    8. ;ust never $onsume fowl either rooster or hen D to avoid

    being abandoned by the divinities. ;ust never overloo or underestimate anyone D to avoid

    un$onsummated fortune@. ;ust never engage in any antiso$ial a$tivity D to avoid being

    $hained and imprisonC. ;ust never engage in e9tra'marital a$tivities D to avoid

    e9posure, humiliation and disgra$e16. ;ust never use a se$ond hand $lothe D to avoid affli$tions

    and diseases

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    )O''IB!E )ROE''IO$1. Ifa Orisa 4riestess. %ealer, -ounsellor, #elfare Offi$er5. aner, Fnionist


    1. Omoyele D a $hild befits a house. Ifariyiie D Ifa has this to tae $are of5. Omotinuwe D $hild from inside the pot of Osun

    )boru )boye

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