vocab inglés marÍa josÉ

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  • 7/29/2019 vocab ingls MARA JOS



    Pg. 11

    Water = agua

    The earth = la Tierra

    Wonderful = maravilloso

    Place = lugar, sitio

    Land = tierra, pas

    Customs = costumbres

    All = todo/a, todos/as [ all the day = todo el da; all men = todos los

    hombres ]

    Flag = bandera

    Pg. 12, 13 del P.B. Pg. 14, 15, 16 Activity Book

    To be worried = estar preocupado

    Rain: sust = lluvia / v. = llover

    Whats te weather like? = qu tiempo hace?

    Still: adv. = todava, aun

    Wheat = trigo

    Meeting = encuentro, reunin

    Village = aldea, pueblo

    Stick = palo

    Maybe = quizs (o quiz)

    Everybody = todos, todo el mundo

    To laugh = rerse

    Dont be silly = no seas tonto/a

    What can we do? = qu podemos hacer?

    To ask = preguntar, pedir

    Of course = por supuesto (claro!, cmo no!)

  • 7/29/2019 vocab ingls MARA JOS


    To walk = andar, pasear

    To drill = perforar, taladrar, hacer un agujero

    Hole = agujero

    To grow = crecer, cultivar

    To add = aadir

    Altogether = completamente del todo, en total

    To leave = dejar, salir de, abandonar

    Grape = uva

    Pg. 14, 15 y 16 P.B.

    To find out = averiguar, descubrir

    Whats the weather like? = qu tiempo hace?

    Winter = invierno

    Spring = primavera

    Summer = verano

    Autumn = otoo

    The weathers fine = hace buen tiempo

    Its warm = hace calor

    Its sunny = hace sol

    Its windy = hace viento

    Its cloudy = est nublado

    UNIT 3

    Pg. 17 Pg. 22 Activity Book

    Rock climbing = escalada

    Sailing = vela

  • 7/29/2019 vocab ingls MARA JOS


    Swimming = natacin

    Cycling = ciclismo

    Ice = hielo

    Ice-skating = patinaje sobre hielo

    Along = a lo largo de, por

    To come along = venir tambin

    Whens ? = cundo es?

    Its in / on / at = preposiciones de tiempo

    What time is it? = qu hora es?

    Its = son

    Oclock = en punto

    half past = y media

    Quarter past = y cuarto

    to = menos.

    Das de la semana:

    Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

    Nmeros ordinals:

    First, second, third, fourth, fith, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth,

    eleventh, twelfth twentieth, twenty-first

    UNIT 3, LESSON 2

    Pg. 18 y 19 P.B. Pg. 23 Activity Book

    To try = probar, intentar

    To want = querer, desear

    Life jacket = chaleco salvavidas

    Oars = remos

    To get on = subir(se)

    Carefully: adv. = con cuidado, cuidadosamente

  • 7/29/2019 vocab ingls MARA JOS


    Water fall = cascada, salto de agua

    Everyone = everybody = todos, todo el mundo

    Log = tronco, leo

    This way = por aqu

    Im hungry = tengo hambre

    To be cold = tener fro

    Wet = mojado, hmedo; (tiempo = lluvioso)

    To send = mandar, enviar

    At last = por fin

    Rope = cuerda

    Later = ms tarde, despus

    Tongue twister = trabalenguas

    Skating = patinaje

    Skiing = esqu

    Striped = a rayas

    Sweater = chaleco, suter

    Exciting = emocionante

    Its scary = da miedo

    Fun = diversin; funny = divertido, gracioso

    UNIT 3, LESSON 3

    Pg. 20 del P.B. Pg. 24 del Activity Book

    To ask = preguntar, pedir

    Abreviaturas de los numerous ordinals

    1st = first

    2nd = second

    3rd = third

  • 7/29/2019 vocab ingls MARA JOS


    4th = fourth

    Ej: On the sixth of july / On the 6th July

    UNIT 3, LESSON 4

    Pg. 21 del P.B. Pg. 25 del A.B

    Come on! = vamos!, Venga!

    Surfboard = plancha/tabla (de surf)

    Wetsuit = traje de buzo

    Waves = olas


    Pg. 22 del P.B. Pg. 26 y 27 del A.B.

    Answer = respuesta

    To find = encontrar, descubrir

    Also = tambin (adems)

    High = alto, altura

    Lake = lago

    Seaside = playa, orilla del mar

    Boat = barco, barca, bote

    Helmet = casco

    Fencing = esgrima

    Sword = espada

    Canoeing = conoa, piragua

    Paddle = pala

    You need.. = necessitas

    About: prep. = de, sobre, acerca de

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    Rowing = remo