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  • 7/25/2019 Varios Programas, Codigo y Trucos


    Generate QR code with google chart API using UDF in Excel

    posted Jun 4, 2014, 6:21 AM by roberto mensa [ updated Jun 4, 2014, 8:23 AM ]

    by The FranensTeam

    !t " #ou$d " %or&

    'e %ou$d $(e to share a tr(#y )*F to +enerate - #odeson your %orsheet.The te#hn(/ue (s s(mp$e: you #an #reate a ne% - p(#ture or update an e(st(n+ one by

    us(n+ )-/rode5-!57 ormu$a. The p(#ture (tse$ (s +enerated by 9oo+$e #hart

    A!, so your system needs to ha;e (nternet #onne#t(on.The p(#ture %($$ be updated %hen the ormu$a (s #a$#u$ated, so %hen you #han+e the ;a$ue

    (n the #e$$ %(th $(n to be en#oded A< on the be$o% p(#ture7 you %($$ (mmed(ate$y see the


    *o%n$oad the ($e.

    Mandatory arguments:
  • 7/25/2019 Varios Programas, Codigo y Trucos


    =ame o the p(#ture (s mandatory, ( you set a p(#ture name %h(#h a$ready e(sts on

    the sheet, (t %($$ be updated. *e$eted and re"added.7 ! you #hoose a ne% name, the

    p(#ture %($$ be pos(t(oned net to the #a$$er #e$$.

    - ;a$ues (s a$so mandatory, usua$$y (t (s an )- address you %ant to en#ode tothe - p(#ture.

    !tional arguments:

    (>e o the p(#ture on$y one measure, be#ause the shape %($$ be re#tan+$e7.

    *(sp$ayTet (s the return ;a$ue o the ormu$a. !t %($$ be ;(s(b$e (n the #e$$ you %r(te

    the )F* #a$$er #e$$7.

    )pdateab$e ar+ument #an be set to Fa$se ( the p(#ture shou$d not be updated %hen

    the reerred #e$$ ;a$ues #han+e. !t #ou$d be useu$ ( you use the too$ o$(ne %(thout(nternet #onne#t(on7.


    The base #on#ept o th(s )*F te#hn(/ue (s the a#t that )*Fs #ou$d mod(y, de$ete and add

    shapes to %orsheet.

    'e use 9oo+$e #hart A! to +enerate the - #ode (tse$. ?ur )*F #omposes the )- orthe A!, and use th(s )- as the (rst ar+ument o the hapes.Add(#ture method.

  • 7/25/2019 Varios Programas, Codigo y Trucos


    @ou #an use our eamp$e ($e, or you #an #opy the #ode to your o%n ($es.

    Option Explicit'other technical specifications about google chart API:'

    !unction "#$%#&odeE#IE( )*+al Picture,ame As tring- )*+al %#+alue As tring- Optional )*+al Pictureie As $ong 012- Optional )*+al 3ispla*4ext As tring 55- Optional )*+al "pdateable As )oolean 4rue6 As +ariant

    3im oPic As hape- o#ng As Excel.#ange3im v$eft As +ariant- v4op As +ariant3im s"#$ As tring

    &onst s#oot"#$ As tring 5 sieParameter As tring 5chs5

    &onst s4*pe&hart As tring 5chtqr5&onst s3ataParameter As tring 5chl5&onst s8oin&9# As tring 55

    If "pdateable !alse 4hen "#$%#&odeE#IE 5outdated5 Exit !unctionEnd If

    et o#ng Application.&aller.Offset(- 06On Error #esume ,extet oPic o#ng.Parent.hapes(Picture,ame6If Err 4hen

    Err.&lear v$eft o#ng.$eft ; < v4op o#ng.4opElse v$eft oPic.$eft v4op oPic.4op Pictureie Int(oPic.=idth6 oPic.3eleteEnd IfOn Error >o4o 2

    If $en(%#+alue6 2 4hen "#$%#&odeE#IE &+Err(xlErr+alue6

    Exit !unctionEnd If

    s"#$ s#oot"#$ sieParameter Pictureie 5x5 Pictureie s8oin&9# s4*pe&hart s8oin&9# s3ataParameter "4!?"#$Encode(+)A.#eplace(%#+alue- 5 5- 5;566

    et oPic o#ng.Parent.hapes.AddPicture(s"#$- 4rue- 4rue- v$eft- v4op-Pictureie- Pictureie6
  • 7/25/2019 Varios Programas, Codigo y Trucos


    oPic.,ame Picture,ame"#$%#&odeE#IE 3ispla*4extEnd !unction

    !unction "4!?"#$Encode()*+al str As tring6

    '*tearra*utf?stringvbB.asp 3im i As $ong 3im a As $ong 3im res As tring 3im code As tring

    res 55 !or i 0 4o $en(str6 a Asc=(Cid(str- i- 066 If a D 0? 4hen code Cid(str- i- 06 ElseIf ((a F 0G6 And (a D 2

  • 7/25/2019 Varios Programas, Codigo y Trucos
