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TOEFL iBT Manual del facilitador

Antonio Alcalá González

Rafael Andrés Ayala Rodríguez

Clark Murray

Primera ediciónD.R. México, 2012

Editoras: Rosa Isela Gluyas Fitch y Ziranda González PinedaDiseño editorial: Aretha Yemallá Olvera Martínez

Diseño de portada: Aretha Yemallá Olvera Martínez y Claudia Elena Cruz Ríos

Todos los derechos reservados. Queda prohibida la reproducción total o parcial de esta obra por cualquier medio o procedimiento, comprendidos la reprografía y el tratamiento informático, la fotocopia o la grabación, sin la previa

autorización por escrito del CONACYT.ISBN 978-607-501-083-0


En un mundo cada vez más interrelacionado, en el que las demandas de personal con altos niveles de capacitación y competencias laborales, son cada vez mayores, es necesario generar nuevas oportunidades de formación de alto nivel en las distintas áreas del conocimiento.

El CONACYT, consciente de estas demandas que el mundo exige y con cuarenta años de experiencia en sus programas de becas, abre ahora un nuevo mecanismo de apoyo para orientar y acompañar a sus candidatos para potenciar así, las posibilidades de ser aceptado en la Universidad y programa de estudios de su interés.

El manual del facilitador de TOEFL iBT, ha sido concebido como una herramienta para brindar asesoría y soporte a los aspirantes a ingresar a un programa de posgrado de calidad en México o en el extranjero, con el propósito de que se preparen de manera adecuada para la aplicación de la prueba TOEFL iBT y acompañarlos a paso a paso en cada de una de las etapas de este proceso para alcanzar su objetivo.

Con este esfuerzo, el CONACYT hace patente su compromiso con la educación y el desarrollo de nuestro país, al ofrecer mejores oportunidades a quienes desean conseguir el sueño de continuar con sus estudios de posgrado.

M. en C. Ma. Dolores Sánchez SolerDirectora Adjunta de Posgrado y Becas



M.C. MARÍA DOLORES SÁNCHEZ SOLERDirectora Adjunta de Posgrado y Becas

DRA. LETICIA MYRIAM TORRES GUERRADirectora Adjunta de Desarrollo Científico

DR. LEONARDO RÍOS GUERRERODirector Adjunto de Desarrollo Tecnológico e Innovación

DR. EUGENIO AUGUSTO CETINA VADILLODirector Adjunto de Centros de Investigación

M.C. MARÍA ANTONIETA SALDÍVAR CHÁVEZDirectora Adjunta de Desarrollo Regional

DR. LUIS MIER Y TERÁN CASANUEVADirector Adjunto de Planeación y Cooperación Internacional

DR. MARIO ALBERTO RODRÍGUEZ CASASDirector Adjunto de Administración y Finanzas

LIC. LUIS ALBERTO CORTÉZ ORTIZDirector Adjunto de Asuntos Jurídicos

LIC. LAURA YADIRA DELGADO FLORESTitular del Órgano Interno de Control en el CONACYT


Tabla de contenidos

Introducción ........................................................................... 6¿Cómo utilizar este manual? ....................................................... 7Propósito educativo ................................................................. 8 Objetivos de aprendizaje ....................................................... 8Información general y tópicos ............................................. 9Evaluación diagnóstica ....................................................... 12Unidades 1. Comprensión de lectura ............................................. 13 Retroalimentación ....................................................... 38 2. Comprensión de audio ............................................. 50 Retroalimentación ....................................................... 63 3. Producción oral ....................................................... 73 Retroalimentación ....................................................... 84 4. Producción escrita ....................................................... 90 Retroalimentación ....................................................... 107Diapositivas de presentación ..................................................... 114Guía del facilitador ................................................................. 131Guiones de audio ................................................................. 146Evaluación final ................................................................. 161Referencias ........................................................................... 162




El examen TOEFL (Test Of English as a Foreign Language) es una prueba estandarizada aceptada en las mayoría de las universidades de países angloparlantes que evalúa las competencias de lenguaje relacionadas con el idioma inglés. El TOEFL iBT, es la última versión de dicha prueba y se considera dentro de los requisitos de admisión para una gran parte de los programas académicos tanto nacionales como internacionales.

El propósito del presente manual es el de ofrecer a los candidatos a estudiar un posgrado, las herramientas para asegurar un mejor resultado en el puntaje de la prueba TOEFL iBT, incluso para aquellos que cuentan con un excelente dominio en la escritura, lectura, comprensión y comunicación oral en inglés, les será de utilidad para entender de qué manera está estructurado el examen y de esta forma aumentar sus posibilidades de obtener un resultado con un puntaje óptimo.

La aplicación de esta prueba dura aproximadamente 4 horas y está dividida en cuatro diferentes habilidades de lenguaje: leer, escribir, escuchar y hablar. Con la ayuda de este manual, podrás familiarizarte con la metodología que se aplica para cada una de estas habilidades y practicar por medio de diversos ejercicios que simulan la manera en que se aplican en el examen.

Es importante mencionar que la prueba se aplica 100% en inglés, desde las instrucciones hasta su desarrollo, por lo que si todavía no estás seguro de comprender, leer, escribir y hablar en esta lengua, deberás considerar el tener una capacitación previa de clases en inglés, antes de intentar presentar el TOEFL iBT.

La mejor manera de prepararse para este examen, es practicar el mayor tiempo posible y este manual ayuda al facilitador para asesorar a los candidatos y así promover el autoestudio.



¿Cómo utilizar este manual?

Este manual puede ser utilizado como una guía para el examen, ya que describe a detalle cada una de las cuatro secciones que componen el TOEFL iBT. Puede además funcionar como un método de preparación y guía de estudio, ya que incluye ejercicios que se asemejan al tipo de reactivos que se presentan en el examen real, organizados de acuerdo a las cuatro diferentes habilidades del lenguaje, así como estrategias pertinentes para cada tipo de preguntas e información sobre los distractores más comúnmente utilizados en dicha prueba.

El manual está dividido en cuatro secciones, cada una de las cuales corresponde a alguna de las habilidades de lenguaje que evalúa el examen:

1. Comprensión lectora: Mide la habilidad del candidato para hacer una lectura activa, en la cual pone de manifiesto sus aptitudes para leer, comprender e interpretar un texto con un tiempo cronometrado.

2. Comprensión auditiva: Mide la habilidad del candidato para escuchar, decodificar y comprender el idioma inglés al escuchar fragmentos de conversaciones o textos, para después contestar algunas preguntas relacionadas con lo que se ha escuchado.

3. Producción oral: Mide las habilidades de identificación de ideas principales y la argumentación de forma oral y escrita, así cómo la capacidad para expresarlo oralmente en un tiempo establecido.

4. Producción escrita: Mide habilidades de organización, coherencia, redacción, léxico y desarrollo de la lengua de forma escrita, así como la habilidad para escribir y argumentar a través de un ensayo.



Propósito educativo

El candidato desarrolla las cuatro habilidades relacionadas con el lenguaje en el idioma inglés que son evaluadas por el examen TOEFL iBT, a través de la práctica de ejercicios con reactivos similares a los empleados en el examen real, la visualización de ejemplos, la aplicación de técnicas, la resolución de problemas y el seguimiento de las recomendaciones sugeridas en este manual.

Objetivos de aprendizaje

• El candidato identifica la estructura general del examen TOEFL iBT, sus secciones principales, así como las estrategias básicas para su resolución a través de la información presentada en el manual.

• El candidato reconoce el tipo de reactivos que se emplean en las cuatro secciones que evalúa la prueba de TOEFL iBT para responderlas correctamente y en el menor tiempo posible, con la ayuda de ejemplos y pruebas simuladas en el manual.

• El candidato desarrolla las estrategias necesarias para optimizar su rendimiento en el examen TOEFL iBT a partir de las sugerencias y el repaso de los distractores más frecuentes que se señalan en cada una de las cuatro secciones que contempla el manual.



Información general y tópicos

A continuación se presenta información general y temas específicos o tópicos del examen.

Estructura de las secciones del examen TOEFL iBT:

Comprensión de lectura:

• 3-5 textos• 12–14 preguntas por cada uno • 60-100 minutos

Comprensión de audio:

• 4–6 conferencias o conversaciones de tipo seminario, de alrededor de 7 minutos y 6 preguntas por cada una.

• 2–3 conversaciones de alrededor de 3 minutos de duración, con entre 12 y 25 intercambios de información entre los hablantes, con 5 preguntas por cada conversación.

Receso de 10 minutos

Producción oral:

• 6 tareas: 2 independientes y 4 para integrar información• 20 minutos

Tareas independientes:

Producto 1. Opinión personalEn esta tarea se le pide al candidato exprese y defienda una opinión personal en relación a una categoría asignada al azar, por ejemplo, gente importante, lugares, eventos o actividades que le agraden al candidato.El tiempo que tiene el candidato para preparar la respuesta es de 15 segundos.La respuesta debe durar un máximo de 45 segundos.

Producto 2. PreferenciaEn esta tarea se le pide al candidato tome y defienda una postura en relación a dos comportamientos u opciones vinculados a una situación presentada al azar.El tiempo que tiene el candidato para preparar la respuesta es de 15 segundos.La respuesta debe durar un máximo de 45 segundos.



Tareas de integración de información: Leer / escuchar / hablar Producto 3. Una situación en un campus universitario

En esta tarea se le presentan al candidato los siguientes elementos:• Un texto escrito (75 a 100 palabras) que aborda una situación en el contexto de un

campus universitario.• Un texto de audio (60–80 segundos, 150 a 180 palabras) que presenta un comentario

respecto al tema del texto escrito.Se le pide al candidato resuma la opinión del hablante dentro del contexto presentado en el texto escrito.El tiempo que tiene el candidato para preparar la respuesta es de 30 segundos.La respuesta debe durar un máximo de 60 segundos.

Producto 4. Un tema académico dentro de un cursoEn esta tarea se le presentan al candidato los siguientes elementos:

• Un texto (75 a 100 palabras) que define, de manera general, un término, proceso o idea dentro del contexto de una clase universitaria.

• Un segmento de una conferencia o clase (60–90 segundos, 150 a 220 palabras) que proporciona ejemplos e información específica para ilustrar el término, idea o proceso definido en el texto escrito.

Se le pide al candidato combine y transmita en sus palabras la información relevante de ambas fuentes de información.El tiempo que tiene el candidato para preparar la respuesta es de 30 segundos.La respuesta debe durar un máximo de 60 segundos.

Escuchar / hablar

Producto 5. Tema relacionado con una situación en el campus y la solución al mismoEn esta tarea se le presenta al candidato el siguiente elemento:

• Un texto de audio (60–90 segundos, 180 a 220 palabras) que presenta una conversación acerca de un problema o dilema que enfrenta un estudiante y dos posibles soluciones al mismo.

Se le pide al candidato demuestre su comprensión del problema y exprese una opinión en relación a la solución del mismo.El tiempo que tiene el candidato para preparar la respuesta es de 20 segundos.La respuesta debe durar un máximo de 60 segundos.

Producto 6. Tema dentro de un curso universitario; elaborar un resumenEn esta tarea se le presenta al candidato el siguiente elemento:

• Un fragmento (audio) de una conferencia académica (90–120 segundos, 230 a 280 palabras) que explica un término o concepto y brinda ejemplos concretos para ilustrarlo.

Se le pide al candidato realice un resumen de los contenidos del audio y demuestre haber comprendido la relación entre los ejemplos y el tema general presentado. El tiempo que tiene el candidato para preparar la respuesta es de 20 segundos.La respuesta debe durar un máximo de 60 segundos.



Producción escrita:

Producto 1. Tarea de integración de información: Leer / escuchar / escribir

En esta tarea se le presentan al candidato los siguientes elementos:• Un texto corto (de 230 a 330 palabras) acerca de un tema académico• Un audio (2 minutos, 230 a 300 palabras) en el que una persona opina acerca del mismo

tema, pero desde una perspectiva distinta.

El texto escrito no se visualiza mientras se escucha el audio, pero se presenta cuando el candidato comienza a redactar, por lo que no puede ser utilizado como referencia. Se le pide al candidato redacte, usando una prosa lógicamente estructurada en inglés, un resumen acerca de los puntos principales del audio, y describa la relación entre los puntos principales de la lectura y el audio.

La extensión sugerida es de 150 a 225 palabras, pero no existe penalización si se utiliza una mayor extensión, siempre y cuando el texto se limite a la tarea asignada.

El tiempo que tiene el candidato para leer y tomar notas es de 3 minutos.

El tiempo que tiene el candidato para redactar es de 20 minutos.

Producto 2. Respuesta de integrar informaciónEscribir con base en experiencia y conocimiento personal

Esta tarea le pide al candidato componga un ensayo que establezca, explique, y justifique su opinión con respecto a un tema asignado al azar. El tema de ensayo normalmente implica seleccionar una de entre dos o más posturas posibles.

Los siguientes son ejemplos de preguntas que suelen presentarse en esta sección del examen:• Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Use reasons and specific details to

support your answer.• Some people believe A. Other people believe B. Which position do you agree with? Give

reasons and specific details.

Un ensayo correctamente elaborado normalmente contiene un mínimo de 300 palabras. Sin embargo, el candidato puede presentar una respuesta más extensa si así lo desea.

Se espera que el candidato justifique sus opiniones y preferencias en el ensayo, y no se limite a hacer una lista de las mismas.

El tiempo que tiene el candidato para redactar es de 30 minutos.



Evaluación diagnóstica

El candidato podrá autoevaluar su desempeño y sus avances en las cuatro habilidades de lenguaje en el idioma inglés, al responder las preguntas tipo que se proponen en cada una de las secciones del manual, así mismo tendrá la posibilidad de conocer sus áreas de oportunidad en la resolución del examen y de esta manera identificar y repasar la información y recomendaciones que se ofrecen para obtener un mejor resultado.


Tipo de preguntas y estrategias

Habilidades generales diagnosticadas por el examen:

Todas las secciones requieren la habilidad de tomar notas y de trabajar con y sobre las ideas presentadas en distintos formatos.En este manual se presentan los distintos tipos de preguntas y estrategias para resolverlas en cada sección del examen.

Comprensión de lectura

Estrategias generales

Hay al menos dos acercamientos generales a los textos de comprensión de lectura. El candidato deberá seleccionar el acercamiento en el cual sea más eficiente para encontrar respuestas correctas dentro del tiempo permitido.

El primer acercamiento es uno en que se realiza una lectura muy rápida del texto tomando las notas necesarias para generar una guía del contenido más importante del texto. Estas notas le servirán más adelante como guía para responder preguntas sobre el texto. La lectura no deberá ser exhaustiva pues es necesario tener el tiempo suficiente para leer las preguntas sobre el texto, considerar las posibles respuestas y seleccionar la correcta. Las notas sólo deberán tener información suficiente para servir de guía hacia la estructura y contenido general del texto. Es necesario contar con la mayor cantidad de tiempo posible para responder las preguntas.

El segundo acercamiento consiste en no leer el texto, sino en concentrarse en responder las preguntas sobre éste. En este enfoque, la estrategia de lectura se adaptará al tipo de pregunta que se hace sobre el texto. Preguntas sobre vocabulario requerirán la lectura a detalle de la oración en la que se encuentra la palabra cuyo significado se busca. En algunos casos se tendrán que leer además las oraciones anteriores a aquella en que la palabra se encuentra para tener información suficiente para seleccionar la respuesta apropiada.

Una vez que el candidato haya seleccionado un acercamiento que le resulte más eficiente, deberá practicarlo con lecturas de dificultad similar o mayor a las que encuentra como ejemplos del examen, para optimizar el tiempo en que obtiene las respuestas correctas.

Una sugerencia general para esta sección es la de no concentrarse en encontrar la respuesta correcta, sino por el contrario, buscar las opciones incorrectas para eliminarlas y de esta manera mejorar la probabilidad de encontrar la mejor respuesta entre las opciones restantes. Este procedimiento mantiene la atención del candidato en la pregunta a resolver y le permite una familiaridad con el tipo de decisiones que tendrá que tomar cuando se enfrente al examen. En caso de que el candidato no conozca la respuesta correcta, con suficiente práctica, el candidato podrá identificar algunas respuestas incorrectas y no considerarlas en su selección final.

Otra sugerencia general que resulta de utilidad para esta sección del examen es de naturaleza psicológica. La dificultad aparente del contenido de la lectura a analizar tiene, por lo general, una influencia en el desempeño de los candidatos que toman el examen. En consecuencia, es importante que el candidato tome en cuenta que toda la información necesaria para encontrar la mejor respuesta a las preguntas que se hacen sobre el texto se encuentra en el texto mismo. El examen es sobre las habilidades de comprensión, no sobre el dominio de algún tema en particular.


Tipo de preguntas y estrategias

De hecho, si el candidato conoce sobre el tema del que el texto trata, es necesario hacer a un lado los conocimientos que no estén señalados dentro del texto, e incluso los sentimientos personales en torno al tema, para evitar la interferencia negativa de estos conocimientos en el desempeño del candidato al tomar el examen.

Por último, es importante recordar que el candidato puede administrar el tiempo a su conveniencia por bloque de preguntas.

Tipo de pregunta

1. Vocabulario pronombres y sus referentes

Este tipo de pregunta evalúa la capacidad del candidato para comprender el uso de cierta palabra en una frase al incorporar un significado tomando en cuenta el contexto en el que está situada.

La información que se requiere sobre el contexto, y a quién va dirigido el texto se puede inferir desde el texto proporcionado. La pregunta y la versión anotada del texto proporcionan una manera rápida y sencilla de encontrar la palabra a la que se hace referencia. De esta manera, lo que realmente se evalúa es la habilidad para comprender el uso de la palabra dentro del contexto y no la habilidad para encontrar la palabra en el texto.

• Algunas de las palabras en las opciones tienen significados similares, pero lo que determina la mejor opción es el contexto. Por consiguiente, es importante concentrarse en la función de la palabra en relación a su significado dentro del contexto específico.

• Es importante tener en mente el contexto y a quién va dirigido el texto además de la intención del autor al responder este tipo de preguntas.

La mayoría de las claves que llevan a la respuesta correcta para este tipo de pregunta se encuentran en el texto previo a la palabra referida.

Ejemplos de este tipo de pregunta: 1, 2, 4, 16, 17, 24, 27, 28 y 29

Técnica a utilizar: Leer la oración que contiene la palabra indicada en la pregunta para encontrar el significado o el sustantivo que se reemplaza apoyándose en el contexto presentado en el texto.

2. Paráfrasis y resumen de oracionesEn este tipo de pregunta se busca evaluar la capacidad del candidato para encontrar la mejor versión sintética de la información presentada en el texto. Es importante notar cómo se relacionan las ideas en el texto, pues hay distractores que modifican esta relación.

Ejemplos de este tipo de pregunta: 6, 7 y 23

Técnica a utilizar: Resumir la idea principal de la oración resaltada y leer a detalle cada una de las opciones para encontrar la que contiene la misma información y la relación apropiada entre ideas.


Tipo de preguntas y estrategias

3. Inserción de oraciones en un párrafo

En una pregunta de inserción de texto, se le pide al candidato seleccione el mejor punto en el cual puede insertarse una oración o frase dentro del texto completo. Las opciones para los puntos de inserción se pueden localizar fácilmente, pues se encuentran como letras mayúsculas resaltadas en la versión marcada del texto.

• La mejor estrategia para este tipo de preguntas es la de considerar la organización del texto en relación a las ideas que presenta la oración a ser insertada.

En caso contrario, en el que se optó por la opción de resolver una pregunta a la vez, el candidato deberá comparar las ideas presentes en la oración con las ideas que el texto discute en la vecindad a cada punto de inserción.

Ejemplos de este tipo de pregunta: 5, 21 y 30

Técnica a utilizar: Leer a detalle cada una de las oraciones previas a las marcas dentro del texto para encontrar una relación lógica y correcta que permita insertar la oración en cuestión dentro del texto. Es recomendable poner atención al uso de conectores y pronombres para encontrar la relación entre ideas.

4. Localización de información específica

Este tipo de pregunta busca evaluar la habilidad del candidato para comprender el significado de oraciones.

• Una estrategia útil para la resolución de este tipo de preguntas es la de parafrasear la oración en términos entendibles para una persona de 10 años de edad, a la vez que se intente no dejar de lado información importante. La información que de esta manera se considera importante es la información esencial de la oración.

La puntuación y las palabras que muestran la manera en que las ideas en el texto están relacionadas, constituyen los componentes de mayor importancia en tanto a su aporte a la información necesaria para cancelar las opciones consideradas como distractores para este tipo de pregunta.

Este tipo de preguntas se refieren, por lo general, a un replanteamiento de una idea o frase que se menciona en el texto. Es necesario considerar toda la información presentada en la pregunta, para determinar qué mención de la idea o frase es la que se busca.

La estrategia a seguir para resolver este tipo de preguntas es la de localizar la oración en el texto y leerla con atención. Este tipo de lectura permitirá al candidato parafrasear la oración que incluye la idea o frase que se busca. Esta idea, una vez parafraseada, deberá compararse con las ideas presentes en las opciones a respuesta. El candidato deberá eliminar las opciones que muestren la mayor diferencia al compararse con la paráfrasis. El repetir este proceso permitirá un acercamiento a la opción correcta, pues se encontrará la idea con significado más similar a la idea en el texto.


Tipo de preguntas y estrategias

El tipo de preguntas, sobre lo que el texto omite, o sobre lo que no se encuentra en el texto, presentan una dificultad peculiar para el candidato. La dificultad radica en la manera en que el proceso de solución para esta pregunta difiere de los procesos seguidos al responder otros tipos de preguntas. Al pedir que el candidato seleccione de lo que NO se ocupa el texto se le pide que siga un proceso cognitivo directamente opuesto al que sigue al responder preguntas directamente relacionadas con el contenido del texto.

La principal estrategia a seguir para resolver favorablemente preguntas sobre información faltante, es la eliminación de distractores. Al reconocer una pregunta como una del tipo sobre información faltante, el candidato deberá: eliminar todas las opciones que mencionan información que se encuentra en el texto. Al hacer esto, el candidato estará en el proceso de encontrar aquella opción que no se menciona en el texto.

Ejemplos de este tipo de pregunta: 3, 9, 10, 12, 14, 20, 33, 34, 35 y 36

Técnica a utilizar: Encontrar la idea principal alrededor de la que se hace la pregunta (puede ser el nombre de un objeto, persona, lugar o un número), y buscar esta misma palabra o un sinónimo dentro del texto. Posteriormente, leer todo el párrafo que contiene la palabra en cuestión y comparar la información dentro del mismo con cada una de las respuestas posibles.

5. Inferencia de detalles

Estas preguntas tratan sobre detalles que no se presentan explícitamente en el texto, pero que dada la información proporcionada en el texto, los detalles buscados son necesariamente ciertos. Aún cuando los detalles que se piden no se encuentran en el texto, son de tal importancia que si fuesen falsos alguna de las ideas del texto o alguna relación entre estas ideas se perdería.

Es necesario que el candidato considere en detalle lo mencionado por el texto para que le sea posible diferenciar entre las opciones presentadas. Lo que se infiere sobre el texto tendrá una relación directa con lo esencial del mismo.

La estrategia para resolver preguntas sobre inferencias es la de discriminar entre las opciones de respuestas. Se eliminan las opciones que no tienen relación con el contenido del texto, se eliminan opciones que contradicen el texto, y se eliminan opciones cuya relación con el texto sea muy lejana.

Ejemplos de este tipo de pregunta: 8, 19, 13, 22 y 37

Técnica a utilizar: Encontrar la idea principal alrededor de la que gira la pregunta (puede ser el nombre de un objeto, persona, lugar o un número) y buscar esta misma palabra o un sinónimo dentro del texto.

Posteriormente, leer todo el párrafo que contiene la palabra en cuestión, y comparar la información con cada una de las respuestas posibles. Finalmente, realizar una deducción lógica de acuerdo a lo indicado en el texto.


Tipo de preguntas y estrategias

6. Inferencia del propósito retórico del lenguaje

En esta parte del examen, se evalúa la habilidad del candidato para relacionar la estructura y las ideas que se presentan en el texto con la intención del autor, dado el contexto en que se presenta el contenido del texto.

Ejemplos de este tipo de pregunta: 11, 18, 25, 26 y 31

Técnica a utilizar: La estrategia de eliminación de opciones incorrectas obedecerá a la manera en que las ideas están organizadas en el texto, y consideraciones sobre las otras posibilidades de orden y presentación por las que no optó el autor. Se considerarán las decisiones que tuvo que tomar el autor al organizar el texto de la manera en que se presenta y con las ideas que se presentan. De nuevo, es mucho mas fácil determinar cuáles son opciones definitivamente incorrectas y descartarlas de inmediato. El continuar con este proceso para limitar las posibles opciones relevantes, ayuda al candidato a optimizar su selección.

7. Llenado de cuadros esquemáticos

Esta tarea evalúa la habilidad del candidato para priorizar y organizar la información esencial presentada en el texto.

La estrategia a seguir, será la de eliminación de opciones que:• directamente contradicen los hechos presentados en el texto,• no son relevantes a los hechos presentados en el texto, o• no son lo suficientemente importantes a la esencia del texto para ser considerados en

una esquematización del mismo.

Ejemplo de este tipo de pregunta: 15

Técnica a utilizar: Leer a detalle y resumir el texto o párrafos indicados en la pregunta y comparar el resumen personal (en contenido y secuencia de eventos) con el presentado por las posibles respuestas.



Comprensión de lectura



This section tests your ability to understand an academic reading passage in English. You have 40 minutes to read the passages and answer the questions about them.

Read the following passage.

The languages spoken by early Europeans are still wrapped in mystery. There is no linguistic continuity between the languages of Old Europe (a term used for Europe between 7000 and 3000 B.C.) and the languages of the modern world. The effect of a lack of written understandable references is usually a crucial fact in our understanding of ancient cultures, so this absence of written sources from the groups that inhabited Europe more than 5000 years ago has limited our knowledge concerning their culture. On the contrary, and taking advantage of bilingual and even trilingual inscriptions, scholars have deciphered other ancient languages, such as Sumerian, Akkadian, Babylonian, and even Egyptian hieroglyphs; however, and unfortunately for most of those specialized in the study of Old European culture, no such cross-references related to the ancient European languages have been found yet.

In the study of some of the regions of what today we call the Middle East, the situation has been different. The discovery of examples of complex ancient writing has made the translation of such sources possible. When cuneiform tablets were first discovered in the eighteenth century, scholars could not decode their contents. Then inscriptions found in The Behistun Inscription at the end of the eighteenth century provided a link: the text in these inscriptions is a statement by Darius I of Persia, and it was written three times in three different scripts and languages: two languages side by side, Old Persian and Elamite (languages that had already been deciphered) and cuneiform above them. It took several decades, but scholars eventually translated the ancient cuneiform script via the more familiar Old Persian language.

Similarly, the hieroglyphic writing of the Egyptians remained a mystery, and most aspects of their culture would have equally remained a closed book to our days had it not been for the discovery made by French troops that unearthed the famous Rosetta stone in the late eighteenth century. The stone carried the same message written in ancient Greek, Egyptian hieroglyphic, and Egyptian hieratic (a simplified form of hieroglyphic). The Rosetta stone graveled scholars’ efforts for several decades until the early nineteenth century when several key hieroglyphic phrases were decoded using the Greek inscriptions. Unfortunately, there is no Old European Rosetta stone to chart correspondences between Old European script and the languages that replaced it. It is essential to point out that one of the reasons why no major evidences of Old European script have been found is due to the gradual fading away of the peoples that inhabited Europe before the incursions of Indo-European tribes from the late fifth to the early third millennia B.C. This arrival accelerated the disappearance of the tribes that spoke Old European languages causing a linguistic and cultural discontinuity. One of the main consequences of this process is the fact that the modern languages of what we now call Europe come not from a branch that started in the center of the continent, but near the Black Sea, close to the regions where Europe and Asia meet.


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The aforementioned incursions disrupted the Old European sedentary farming lifestyle that had existed for 3,000 years. As the Indo-Europeans encroached on Old Europe from the east, the continent underwent upheavals. These severely affected the Balkans, where, contrary to what occurred in other areas at that time, the Old European cultures abundantly employed script; nevertheless, the existing turmoil caused the Old European way of life to deteriorate rapidly, and this included their production of written language. The new peoples who spread over the whole continent spoke completely different languages belonging to the Indo-European linguistic family. The Old European language or languages, and the script used to write them, declined and eventually almost vanished.

Pockets of Old European culture remained for several millennia and their cultural heritage remains to our days; for example, the Basque language, together with the Finn and Estonian, has a Pre-Indo European origin. However, no scripts of the old forms of such languages have been found, and the connection between their present and old forms has been lost. In addition, Basque has never extended farther from a rather limited area of use as it is even today; as for the latter two, they spread into an also limited area of the continent at about the same time that the Indo-European languages did, and this made them share more characteristics with these ones than with the Sami languages from which they evolved.

Refer to this version of the passage to answer the questions that follow.

The languages spoken by early Europeans are still wrapped in mystery. A There is no linguistic continuity between the languages of Old Europe (a term used for Europe between 7000 and 3000 B.C.) and the languages of the modern world. B The effect of a lack of written understandable references is usually a crucial fact in our understanding of ancient cultures, so this absence of written sources from the groups that inhabited Europe more than 5000 years ago has limited our knowledge concerning their culture. C On the contrary, and taking advantage of bilingual and even trilingual inscriptions, scholars have deciphered other ancient languages, such as Sumerian, Akkadian, Babylonian, and even Egyptian hieroglyphs. D However, and unfortunately for most of those specialized in the study of Old European culture, no such cross-references related to the ancient European languages have been found yet. E

In the study of some of the regions of what today we call the Middle East, the situation has been different. The discovery of examples of complex ancient writing has made the translation of such sources possible. When cuneiform tablets were first discovered in the eighteenth century, scholars could not decode their contents. Then inscriptions found in The Behistun Inscription at the end of the eighteenth century provided a link: the text in these inscriptions is a statement by Darius I of Persia, and it was written three times in three different scripts and languages: two languages side by side, Old Persian and Elamite (languages that had already been deciphered) and cuneiform above them. It took many years, but at the beginnings of the nineteenth century, scholars eventually translated the ancient cuneiform script via the more familiar Old Persian language.

Similarly, the hieroglyphic writing of the Egyptians remained a mystery, and most aspects of their culture would have equally remained a closed book to our days had it not been for the discovery made by French troops that unearthed the famous Rosetta stone in the late eighteenth century. The stone carried the same message written in ancient Greek, Egyptian hieroglyphic, and Egyptian hieratic (a simplified form of hieroglyphic). The Rosetta stone graveled scholars’ efforts for several decades until the early nineteenth century when several key hieroglyphic phrases were deciphered using the Greek inscriptions.











Comprensión de lectura


Unfortunately, there is no Old European Rosetta stone to chart correspondences between Old European script and the languages that replaced it.

It is essential to point out that one of the reasons why no major evidences of Old European script have been found is due to the gradual fading away of the peoples that inhabited Europe before the incursions of Indo-European tribes from the late fifth to the early third millennia B.C. This arrival accelerated the disappearance of the tribes that spoke Old European languages causing a linguistic and cultural discontinuity. One of the main consequences of this process is the fact that the modern languages of what we now call Europe come not from a branch that started in the center of the continent, but near the Black Sea, close to the regions where Europe and Asia meet.

The aforementioned incursions disrupted the Old European sedentary farming lifestyle that had existed for 3,000 years. As the Indo-Europeans encroached on Old Europe from the east, the continent underwent upheavals. These severely affected the Balkans, where, contrary to what occurred in other areas at that time, the Old European cultures abundantly employed script; the existing turmoil caused the Old European way of life to deteriorate rapidly, and this included their production of written language. The new peoples who spread over the whole continent spoke completely different languages belonging to the Indo-European linguistic family. The Old European language or languages, and the script used to write them, declined and eventually almost vanished.

Pockets of Old European culture remained for several millennia and their cultural heritage remains to our days; for example, the Basque language, together with the Finn and Estonian, has a Pre-Indo European origin. However, no scripts of the old forms of such languages have been found, and the connection between their present and old forms has been lost. In addition, Basque has never extended farther from a rather limited area of use as it is even today; as for the latter two, they spread into an also limited area of the continent at about the same time that the Indo-European languages did; this made them share more characteristics with these ones than with the Sami languages from which they evolved.

1.-The word “wrapped” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to

(A) Included(B) Separated(C) Encapsulated(D) Isolated(E) Surrounded

2.-The word “them” in paragraph 2 refers to

(A) inscriptions(B) cuneiform tablets(C) Old Persian and Elamite(D) Languages(E) Scholars





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3.-According to the passage, Elamite is

(A) a language that was written in the cuneiform script (B) a modem language that came from Old Persian (C) one of the languages spoken by the Old Europeans (D) a language decoded by the late eighteenth century (E) a language spoken by Darius I

4.-The word “Pockets” in paragraph 6 is closest in meaning to

(A) group(B) receptacle(C) cavity(D) small bag(E) language

5.-Look at the five squares [ ] that indicate where the following sentence could be added in paragraph 1. As a result, we have not been able to find a way to translate the Old European script yet.

Where would the sentence best fit?A





6.-Which of the following sentences best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in paragraph 2?

(A) The contents of cuneiform tablets were first deciphered when scholars discovered them in the eighteenth century.(B) In the eighteenth century, cuneiform tablets were found, but their texts were not understood.(C) After they found cuneiform texts in the eighteenth century, scholars decoded them using contents.(D) Scholars could not use the content of cuneiform tablets when they found them in the eighteenth century.(E) In the eighteenth century scholars used cuneiform tablets to decode their contents.

7.-Which of the sentences below best expresses the meaning of the highlighted sentence in paragraph 5?

(A) The advance of the Indo-Europeans brought violence into Europe.(B) When the Indo-Europeans arrived in the continent they went under upheavals.(C) The Indo-Europeans reached Old Europe after they went ups and downs.(D) The Indo-Europeans found upheavals when they reached Europe.(E) Under the existing reach in Europe, the Indo-Europeans went to the East continent.



Comprensión de lectura


8.-When does the passage imply that Egyptian hieroglyphic was finally decoded?

(A) Near the end of the 1800’s (B) A few decades after the hieratic script was decoded (C) As soon as additional French incursions caused bilingual inscriptions to become available to scholars (D) Shortly after the Rosetta stone was unearthed(E) At around the same time as cuneiform script was decoded

9.-According to the passage which of the following is not true about The Behistun Inscription?

(A) It was found by scholars.(B) It contains two versions of the same text.(C) It was written in three languages.(D) It contains a declaration by a king.(E) It contributed to the decoding of cuneiform script.

10.-According to the passage what is true about the Rosetta stone?

(A) It carried a message from a king.(B) It served as a reference to understand the Old European stone.(C) It thwarted the knowledge of scholars.(D) It was written in two languages.(E) It was discovered by Napoleon.

11.-Why does the author mention the Rosetta stone and The Behistun Inscription?

(A) They are examples of the Indo-European cross reference heritage.(B) They were crucial in understanding the history of old script forms.(C) They are examples of evidence that has made the translation of old languages possible.(D) They are examples of scholars’ hard work.(E) They are examples of complex writings.

12.-What is stated in the passage about the Balkans?

(A) It was a famous farming area.(B) It was the first part of Europe affected by the Indo-European incursions.(C) They fought the Indo-Europeans and suffered several losses.(D) Written language was not used in that area.(E) Script forms were plentifully used there.

13.-What would most likely have happened if the Indo-Europeans had not entered Old Europe?

(A) Basque would be spoken by more people in our days.(B) They would have invaded Egypt.(C) They would have become farmers.(D) Old European script forms could have been found and eventually deciphered.(E) Old European script samples would have been found in the Middle East.


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14.-What does the author mention about the Estonian language?

(A) It is an example of a language with Pre-Indo-European origin.(B) It evolved from Basque.(C) It is spoken near Finland.(D) It is an example of a pocket language.(E) It has no written evidence.

15.-Which of the following lists best summarizes, in chronological order, the events described in paragraphs 4, 5 and 6?

Read the following passage.

Pop art was an artistic movement that incorporated elements of popular culture and consumerism that developed as a British and later American cultural movement of the late 1950´s and the 1960’s. The movement’s name is mainly attributed to the critic Lawrence Alloway who made reference to the commonplace iconography of the images created by the movement. The main purpose driving Pop artists like Roy Lichtenstein and Andy Warhol was their having recognized the generality inherent to the modern mass-produced culture that emphasized commonplace symbols and folklore over the elevated standards of other higher






• Modern European languages came from the Black Sea.• The Indo-Europeans entered Europe.• Instability aroused in the European continent.• Old European cultures resisted the invasion for centuries.• Some languages with Pre-Indo-European origin survived.

• Old Europe had the same lifestyle for over 3,000 years.• The Indo-Europeans came from the Black Sea and entered Europe.• Instability aroused in the European continent.• Old European cultures gradually disappeared.• Few languages with Pre-Indo-European origin remained in restricted areas.

• Indo-Europeans came from the Black Sea bringing disruption into Europe.• The Old Europeans defended their farming life.• The Old Europeans started speaking Indo-European languages.• The Sami languages evolved.

• The peoples that inhabited Old Europe faded away.• The Indo-Europeans invaded Europe.• The Indo-Europeans changed the farming style of Old Europeans.• The Balkans suffered upheavals.• The Basque language was the only one that survived.

• The Indo-Europeans met in the Black Sea.• The Indo-Europeans fought the Old Europeans.• Turmoil was under ways in the continent.• Pockets kept the cultural heritage.• The Sami languages evolved from Basque.



Comprensión de lectura


art forms. Pop artists rejected distinctions between good and bad taste and used ordinary stuff like food packaging designs and highway signs to produce their paintings and sculptures as the artistic expressions of a criticism to the mass-consumption centered society in which they lived.

Abstract impressionism thrived in the post war context. It made a claim to the use of non-representational techniques. In its beginnings, Pop art was considered a reaction against this movement inasmuch as it proposed the use of a defined imagery taken from every day contexts. Regarding its relation to other XX Century artistic movements, Pop art took after the Dadaist movement from the 1920’s that advanced beyond what had previously been done in arts by means of its use of political and cultural situations as its subject matter that was expressed using modern techniques such as collage.

Robert Rauschenberg is usually considered the father of the Pop art movement. His art dealt with popular culture, history and mass media in the United States as its subject matter. He started with black and white paintings and later moved on to create Coca-Cola bottles, traffic barricades and stuffed birds which he named “combine” paintings. By such a term he meant a combination of sculpture and painting. He went as far in his revolutionary proposals as to experiment with incorporating newspaper and magazine photographs into his paintings by means of a process based on the use of solvents to transfer them directly into the canvas.

Andy Warhol was a highly innovative Pop art producer. He believed in the idea that pop art was to cause boredom in its audience and point out the dehumanization of modern life. His early fame came from his repetitive paintings of soap cans and soap pad carton sculptures. It was by using a silk-screen process that he managed to replicate an image in an endless manner. This stage in his artistic life was followed by the production of a series of celebrity portraits in garish colors.

One of the most striking manifestations of pop art was the creation of installations and assemblages. In the first one, a common place object is used to evoke an idea related to its qualities and origin. Installations can be temporary or permanent and usually only achieve their artistic purpose inside the space where they are conceived and created. As for an assemblage, it consists in creating a three-dimensional composition that is brought about by putting together objects that seem to have been collected and placed in the same place at random. The common feature for all the objects used to produce an assemblage is that they are made of manufactured materials not originally intended as art objects since they are the mere products of a modern mass-production life style.

What made Pop art such a cultural and artistic event was its reflection of the social situation at that time and its use of easily understandable images to convey its message by using icons that almost immediately were taken by the mass media. Its conceivers viewed it as a democratic, non-discriminatory art that joined both critical and average viewers. Though it never achieved a serious acceptance, it was recognized as a form that fit into the mass-media technological consumption society into which it had been born.


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Refer to this version of the passage to answer the questions that follow.

Pop art was an artistic movement that incorporated elements of popular culture and consumerism that developed as a British and later American cultural movement of the late 1950´s and the 1960’s. The movement’s name is mainly attributed to the critic Lawrence Alloway who made reference to the commonplace iconography of the images created by the movement. The main purpose driving Pop artists like Roy Lichtenstein and Andy Warhol was their having recognized the generality inherent to the modern mass-produced culture that emphasized commonplace symbols and folklore over the elevated standards of other higher art forms. Pop artists rejected distinctions between good and bad taste and used ordinary stuff like food packaging designs and highway signs to produce their paintings and sculptures as the artistic expressions of a criticism to the mass-consumption centered society in which they lived. Abstract impressionism thrived in the post war context. It made a claim to the use of non-representational techniques; in its beginnings, Pop art was considered a reaction against this movement inasmuch as it proposed the use of a defined imagery taken from every day contexts. Regarding its relation to other XX Century artistic movements, Pop art took after the Dadaist movement from the 1920’s that advanced beyond what had previously been done in arts by means of its use of political and cultural situations as its subject matter that was expressed using modern techniques such as collage.

Robert Rauschenberg is usually considered the father of the Pop art movement. His art dealt with popular culture, history and mass media in the United States as its subject matter. He started with black and white paintings and later moved on to create Coca-Cola bottles, traffic barricades and stuffed birds which he named “combine” paintings. By such a term he meant a combination of sculpture and painting. He went as far in his revolutionary proposals as to experiment with incorporating newspaper and magazine photographs into his paintings by means of a process based on the use of solvents to transfer them directly into the canvas.

Andy Warhol was a highly innovative Pop art producer. He believed in the idea that pop art was to cause boredom in its audience and point out the dehumanization of modern life. His early fame came from his repetitive paintings of soap cans and soap pad carton sculptures. It was by using a silk-screen process that he managed to replicate an image in an endless manner. This stage in his artistic life was followed by the production of a series of celebrity portraits in garish colors. E

One of the most striking manifestations of pop art was the creation of installations and assemblages. In the first one, a common place object is used to evoke an idea related to its qualities and origin. Installations can be temporary or permanent and usually only achieve their artistic purpose inside the space where they are conceived and created. As for an assemblage, it consists of creating a three-dimensional composition that is brought about by putting together objects that seem to have been collected and placed in the same place at random. The common feature for all the objects used to produce an assemblage is that they are made of manufactured materials not originally intended as art objects since they are the mere products of a modern mass-production life style.








Comprensión de lectura


What made Pop art such a cultural and artistic event was its reflection of the social situation at that time and its use of easily understandable images to convey its message by using icons that almost immediately were taken by the mass media. Its conceivers viewed it as a democratic, non-discriminatory art that joined both critical and average viewers. Though it never achieved a serious acceptance, it was recognized as a form that fit into the mass-media technological consumption society into which it had been born.

16.-What does the word “their” highlighted in paragraph 1 refer to?

(A) Designers(B) Signs(C) Paintings(D) Sculptures(E) Artists

17.-The word “thrived” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to

(A) disappeared(B) consolidated(C) Reacted(D) Flourished(E) contributed

18.-Why does the author mention the word “collage” in paragraph 2?

(A) To provide an example of the achievements of Dadaism(B) To provide an example of reactions against Abstract impressionism(C) To provide an example of the innovative techniques employed in art of the XX Century(D) To provide an example of defined imagery(E) To provide an example of how Pop art was expressed

19.-Which of the following would most likely have been used by a Pop artist as material to form a sculpture?

(A) a chisel(B) a tree(C) a marble rock(D) a China vase(E) a can of soda

20.-All of the following about Robert Rauschenberg are true except

(A) His subject matter was black and white.(B) He produced Coca-Cola bottles.(C) He is considered the beginner of Pop art.(D) He believed in merging sculpture and painting.(E) He used solvents to copy pictures from printed media.



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21.-Go back to the passage and look for the letters A, B, C, D and E in bold that indicate where the following sentence could be added in paragraph 4.

He innovated by producing a technique that allowed him to make exact duplications without having to paint the original image more than once.

Where would the sentence best fit?A





22.-According to the text what can be inferred to be the main difference between an assemblage and an installation?

(A)An installation is made with ordinary objects while an assemblage is not.(B) An installation was first proposed by Andy Warhol while an assemblage was not.(C) An installation was first proposed by Rauschenberg while an assemblage was not.(D) An installation is made using an original art object while an assemblage is not.(E) An installation is made with a common place object while an assemblage is not.

23.-Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information of the highlighted sentence in paragraph 5?

(A) The shared characteristic of the items in an assemblage is that all of them are originally not the product of an artistic creation, but of mass-production.(B) The manufactured materials used to create an assemblage have some common artistic features. (C) Mass-production is a common feature used in assemblage to make it an art form.(D) The common characteristic of manufactured objects is that they can be artistically used in assemblages.(E) The objects used in assemblages are originally art objects until they are used to produce an assemblage.

24.-The word “conceivers” in paragraph 6 is closest in meaning to

(A) consumers(B) opponents(C) founders(D) admirers(E) critics

25.--The author includes the word “democratic” in paragraph 6

(A) to point out that pop art was original from the United States(B) to emphasize that Pop art was designed to be appreciated by every viewer(C) to show why Pop art achieved recognition(D) to explain why Pop art did not discriminate people(E) to indicate the relationship between Pop art and mass-media



Comprensión de lectura


Read the following passage.

Digital technology has diversified and personalized our total experience, demonstrating that we can interact with a rational world in an individualized manner. Digitalization allows the workforce to be more productive as well as to fulfill their family and social expectations. On a more urgent level, digital technology, if encouraged, may be a major player in the fight against global warming as it could help reduce green house gas emissions.

A wave of digitalization has overcome our collective civilization. Digitalization affects how and where we work, interact with each other and treat our planet. The aforementioned statement is true to the extent that this global “movement” is no longer limited to an information context because communication is far from the only area affected by digitalization. Such a revolution is comparable to the widespread effects that mass production had in the 19th century when large numbers of people came into contact with one another as a direct result of the industrial revolution.

The demands generated by the industrial revolution along with its subsequent social, political and economic repercussions, in effect, determined society’s entire profile. One of the effects was the birth of urbanization when millions of people, who had been working in the agricultural sector, moved to the growing urban centers, converting small towns into densely populated urban zones. This movement began in Britain in the late 1700s and spread to other western countries. To some extent this phenomenon has continued until now. For example, many workers from Mexico and Central America still travel to the United States hoping to find employment opportunities.

Since the dawn of the industrial revolution, and all throughout the 20th Century, there has been an ongoing trend of urbanization; and in 2010 it was found that half the planet’s population now resides in large urban areas for the first time in history. An example of an urban area would be the populated stretch of land from Los Angeles, California to Tijuana, Mexico. Large scale immigration may have disappeared, but there still exists massive amounts of movement within cities as people travel to work every day. Nevertheless, in the near future we might see a decrease in this trend as people are starting to realize that they can work wherever they want while remaining productive and supporting their lifestyles.

Due to the advantages of the digital age, people are not necessarily limited by the temporal-spatial restrictions of having a particular job, nor will they need to be close to a certain market. Based on a recent survey done by United American Labor, slightly more than 4% of the U.S. workforce considers the home to be their primary place of work. This figure represents around 6 million Americans, though it doesn’t include people who are their own boss without office space and employees. 3 of the 6 million are home based businesses, providing a variety of services and products. However, this data is extremely conservative, even deceiving if we take into account that there are almost 50 million people with jobs in telecommunications or telemarketing. Any job that is telecommunications compatible is, by default, also compatible with digital communication, nor do these figures contemplate the growing number of people who are going into work less often during the week. Nevertheless, there is a momentum here suggesting that one day people will not need to travel to work.


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It might also be the case that our social and leisure time will not be restricted by the inconvenience of physical location and distance. Today people are using social networking to keep up with their friends and family. The established contact could be with people living in another country or just across town. Emails, texts and tweets have complimented traditional forms of social interaction. By monitoring all email communication at an undisclosed US city with a population of slightly more than 1 million people, Holland Data Services found that people maintain between 25 and 40 separate ongoing communications per day. What is important here is that these exchanges are not related to their professional duties. Such digital communications actually nurture relationships; plus, these contacts can lead to further social interactions as messages are forwarded and people share friends on Facebook. There is little doubt that digitalization is influencing our professional and leisure time, changing how we work and socialize. We even see social groups being formed across the globe through video games, collective intelligence communities, blogging, and twittering. What all of these activities have in common is that they can be done from home. If a large percentage of the population is kept at home, this should reduce production burdens and allow us to be more efficient overall, completely altering our tastes and expectations. Given this digital lifestyle, will people stop moving to the cities, traveling in general and commuting to work?

There is a lot of evidence supporting the thesis that digitalization is permeating our entire experience. We take this for granted and do not associate it with a long term trend. For instance, as a direct result of a digitalized workspace, parents are able to perform their professional duties at home. In addition, the practice of outsourcing is a direct consequence of digital communication and production. Here many services have been displaced overseas because information can be received and shipped with the same speed as it could if the data had been produced in the same country. This trend will continue. Throughout Europe and North America 2.7 million jobs will be exported to places like India and Vietnam by 2013. There is another phenomenon related to the above, though not as drastic. It is called “Home Sourcing”, a title conceived by Dr. Roland Murray, an urban planning professor at the University of Rochester, NY. Dr. Murray conceived home sourcing to categorize the growing number of cases where people have exchanged the office for their home as their working headquarters.

One can even take a vacation while still being “on the clock” as long as he or she has reliable communication with their place of work, office, clients, market, or employees. It is quite common, and has been for some time, that people communicate with their office or clients via the web. Plus, Skype, Twitter and Facebook are becoming more prevalent in terms of their use in keeping us on top of our responsibilities. How can this new era of digitalization have a positive effect on global warming?

Many regions of the globe, those most active in the generation of green house gasses, are transforming from an orientation defined by manufacturing, mainly concerned with the production of tangible objects, to territories whose industries are more service oriented. Recall that industrialization demanded massive immigration which laid the foundations for urbanization. Factories needed a large quantity of workers, and these factories had a physical location that was operated by a system of efficiency characterized by cost-effective production.



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The labor force worked by the clock, workers punching in and out so that their productivity could be maximized for the benefit of the owners. This system is an example of scientific management whose principle idea was to improve productivity, thereby making the factory more economically efficient. This was an efficiency paradigm that required the factory workers to live in the same city and work on a fixed schedule. Not everyone, especially those with children, could afford to live close to the office or factory; therefore, in the 20th Century we saw the emergence of the suburbs. This entire scheme was for the benefit of the owners of production. Now, we have a more fractured system, one determined by the individual.

Given the advent of the internet and the ability to work at a distance, we have an entirely new understanding of an efficient society. This new conceptualization has altered production and allowed for a new lifestyle based on individual needs and freedoms—a personalized understanding of efficiency. Space is no longer an obstacle, nor is it a goal. A worker can make time, occupy two different places at once, and define time as opposed to living on someone else’s time. If this is the case, we may see a decline in a contingency of urbanization in the near future, that of daily commutes to work.

According to Raymond Hughes, chief of NASA’s global warming task force, massive urbanization, or urban sprawl, is a major contributor to global warming. 70% of green house gas emissions are generated by all the world’s cities of a million people or more. This fact tells us two things: one, it demonstrates that global warming is directly related to population density, but it also suggests that the solution is within cities themselves. Now what goes on within a city that generates so much carbon dioxide? Well, to start there is the production of goods and private transportation. Commuting to work by car is a major contributor to green house gas emission. For example, 7% of the US’s annual gas consumption is spent on looking for a parking space, which is part of the commuting process.

Commuting and the emergence of suburbs go hand in hand. A commuter lives in a suburb or in a bedroom community and travels to work in the center of the city. On the other hand, as urban sprawl creates greater and greater distances from downtown areas, businesses of all types have emerged in these periphery areas. Having these new businesses and services so close to home enables one to stay in the suburbs and perhaps walk more. Digitalization could one day limit the immediate need to travel on a daily basis. As long as an area of town is diverse enough to meet the needs of their citizens, then there would be fewer reasons to travel long distances. Ideally people would walk to the mall, the hospital or the grocery store. Hughes refers to this concept as “the frozen city”, not to suggest that people stop moving, but that they would be traveling less by car and working out of the home. Working and socializing through the internet is the key to the operations of a frozen city, thereby showing digitalization to be a major player in the reduction of green house gas emissions.

What additional conclusions could be made by the likely possibility that people will be spending more time on the Internet? If we take this to the extreme, production could be greatly affected by digitalization; therefore, more things consumed would be digitalized. We might be consuming digital products. One day, time on the Internet may be the new currency. The need to produce material things will decrease, thereby having a positive effect on the planet. So we can see how an increased attention to digitalization could help reduce global warming by eliminating the need to travel by car and produce material things.


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Refer to this version of the passage to answer the questions that follow.

Digital technology has diversified and personalized our total experience, demonstrating that we can interact with a rational world in an individualized manner. Digitalization allows the workforce to be more productive as well as to fulfill their family and social expectations. On a more urgent level, digital technology, if encouraged, may be a major player in the fight against global warming as it could help reduce green house gas emissions. B

A wave of digitalization has overcome our collective civilization. Digitalization affects how and where we work, interact with each other and treat our planet. The aforementioned statement is true to the extent that this global “movement” is no longer limited to an information context because communication is far from the only area affected by digitalization. Such a revolution is comparable to the widespread effects that mass production had in the 19th century when large numbers of people came into contact with one another as a direct result of the industrial revolution. C

The demands generated by the industrial revolution along with its subsequent social, political and economic repercussions, in effect, determined society’s entire profile. One of the effects was the birth of urbanization when millions of people, who had been working in the agricultural sector, moved to the growing urban centers, converting small towns into densely populated urban zones. This movement began in Britain in the late 1700s and spread to other western countries. To some extent this phenomenon has continued until to now. For example, many workers from Mexico and Central America still travel to the United States hoping to find employment opportunities.

Since the dawn of the industrial revolution, and all throughout the 20th Century, there has been an ongoing trend of urbanization; and in 2010 it was found that half the planet’s population now resides in large urban areas for the first time in history. An example of an urban area would be the populated stretch of land from Los Angeles, California to Tijuana, Mexico. Large scale immigration may have disappeared, but there still exists massive amounts of movement within cities as people travel to work every day. Nevertheless, in the near future we might see a decrease in this trend as people are starting to realize that they can work wherever they want while remaining productive and supporting their lifestyles. A.

Due to the advantages of the digital age, people are not necessarily limited by the temporal-spatial restrictions of having a particular job, nor will they need to be close to a certain market. Based on a recent survey done by United American Labor, slightly more than 4% of the U.S. workforce considers the home to be their primary place of work. This figure represents around 6 million Americans, though it doesn’t include people who are their own boss without office space and employees. 3 of the 6 million are home based businesses, providing a variety of services and products. However, this data is extremely conservative, even deceiving if we take into account that there are almost 50 million people with jobs in telecommunications or telemarketing. Any job that is telecommunications compatible is, by default, also compatible with digital communication, nor do these figures contemplate the growing number of people who are going into work less often during the week. Nevertheless, there is a momentum here suggesting that one day people will not need to travel to work.











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It might also be the case that our social and leisure time will not be restricted by the inconvenience of physical location and distance. Today people are using social networking to keep up with their friends and family. The established contact could be with people living in another country or just across town. Emails, texts and tweets have complimented traditional forms of social interaction. By monitoring all email communication at an undisclosed US city with a population of slightly more than 1 million people, Holland Data Services found that people maintain between 25 and 40 separate ongoing communications per day. What is important here is that these exchanges are not related to their professional duties. Such digital communications actually nurture relationships; plus, these contacts can lead to further social interactions as messages are forwarded and people share friends on Facebook. There is little doubt that digitalization is influencing our professional and leisure time, changing how we work and socialize. We even see social groups being formed across the globe through video games, collective intelligence communities, blogging, and twittering. What all of these activities have in common is that they can be done from home. If a large percentage of the population is kept at home, this should reduce production burdens and allow us to be more efficient overall, completely altering our tastes and expectations. Given this digital lifestyle, will people stop moving to the cities, traveling in general and commuting to work?

There is a lot of evidence supporting the thesis that digitalization is permeating our entire experience. We take this for granted and do not associate it with a long term trend. For instance, as a direct result of a digitalized workspace, parents are able to perform their professional duties at home. In addition, the practice of outsourcing is a direct consequence of digital communication and production. Here many services have been displaced overseas because information can be received and shipped with the same speed as it could if the data had been produced in the same country. This trend will continue. Throughout Europe and North America 2.7 million jobs will be exported to places like India and Vietnam by 2013. There is another phenomenon related to the above, though not as drastic. It is called “Home Sourcing”, a title conceived by Dr. Roland Murray, an urban planning professor at the University of Rochester, NY. Dr. Murray conceived home sourcing to categorize the growing number of cases where people have exchanged the office for their home as their working headquarters.

One can even take a vacation while still being “on the clock” as long as he or she has reliable communication with their place of work, office, clients, market, or employees. It is quite common, and has been for some time, that people communicate with their office or clients via the web. Plus, Skype, Twitter and Facebook are becoming more prevalent in terms of their use in keeping us on top of our responsibilities. How can this new era of digitalization have a positive effect on global warming? D

Many regions of the globe, those most active in the generation of green house gasses, are transforming from an orientation defined by manufacturing, mainly concerned with the production of tangible objects, to territories whose industries are more service oriented. Recall that industrialization demanded massive immigration which laid the foundations for urbanization. Factories needed a large quantity of workers, and these factories had a physical location that was operated by a system of efficiency characterized by cost-effective production. The labor force worked by the clock, workers punching in and out so that their productivity could be maximized for the benefit of the owners. This system is an example of scientific management whose principle idea was to improve productivity, thereby making the factory more economically efficient. This was an efficiency paradigm that required the factory workers to live in the same city and work on a fixed schedule.







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Not everyone, especially those with children, could afford to live close to the office or factory; therefore, in the 20th Century we saw the emergence of the suburbs. This entire scheme was for the benefit of the owners of production. Now, we have a more fractured system, one determined by the individual. E

Given the advent of the internet and the ability to work at a distance, we have an entirely new understanding of an efficient society. This new conceptualization has altered production and allowed for a new lifestyle based on individual needs and freedoms—a personalized understanding of efficiency. Space is no longer an obstacle, nor is it a goal. A worker can make time, occupy two different places at once, and define time as opposed to living on someone else’s time. If this is the case, we may see a decline in a contingency of urbanization in the near future, that of daily commutes to work.

According to Raymond Hughes, chief of NASA’s global warming task force, massive urbanization, or urban sprawl, is a major contributor to global warming. 70% of green house gas emissions are generated by all the world’s cities of a million people or more. This fact tells us two things: one, it demonstrates that global warming is directly related to population density, but it also suggests that the solution is within cities themselves. Now what goes on within a city that generates so much carbon dioxide? Well, to start there is the production of goods and private transportation. Commuting to work by car is a major contributor to green house gas emission. For example, 7% of the US’s annual gas consumption is spent on looking for a parking space, which is part of the commuting process.

Commuting and the emergence of suburbs go hand in hand. A commuter lives in a suburb or in a bedroom community and travels to work in the center of the city. On the other hand, as urban sprawl creates greater and greater distances from downtown areas, businesses of all types have emerged in these periphery areas. Having these new businesses and services so close to home enables one to stay in the suburbs and perhaps walk more. Digitalization could one day limit the immediate need to travel on a daily basis. As long as an area of town is diverse enough to meet the needs of their citizens, then there would be fewer reasons to travel long distances. Ideally people would walk to the mall, the hospital or the grocery store. Hughes refers to this concept as “the frozen city”, not to suggest that people stop moving, but that they would be traveling less by car and working out of the home. Working and socializing through the internet is the key to the operations of a frozen city, thereby showing digitalization to be a major player in the reduction of green house gas emissions.

What additional conclusions could be made by the likely possibility that people will be spending more time on the Internet? If we take this to the extreme, production could be greatly affected by digitalization; therefore, more things consumed would be digitalized. We might be consuming digital products. One day, time on the Internet may be the new currency. The need to produce material things will decrease, thereby having a positive effect on the planet. So we can see how an increased attention to digitalization could help reduce global warming by eliminating the need to travel by car and produce material things.




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26.-What is the purpose of the passage?

(A) To convince people to stop moving to cities(B) To describe the process that led us to be able to be in two places at once thereby showing digitalization to be crucial to the effort to slow global warming(C) To show the degree to which digitalization has affected our society by suggesting that it could even have a positive effect on global warming(D) To demonstrate that the most effective way to decrease global warming would be to encourage further digitalization(E) To make a direct link between immigration and global warming

27.-In the first line of paragraph 8, “on the clock” is closest to which meaning?

(A) To be working on someone else’s time(B) To be working(C) To be waiting for something(D) To have your own time(E) To be standing on a clock

28.-Which of the following lines would best describe the tone of the author’s words in the last paragraph?

(A) objective and neutral(B) curious and excited(C) cynical and sarcastic(D) mysterious and teasing(E) speculative and hopeful

29.-What does the author imply about video games?

(A) That social groups are being formed by video games(B) That they will disappear with increased digitalization(C) That they will experience an explosion in sales(D) That people are forming and maintaining friendships through video games(E) That video games will replace our former means of socialization

30.-Go back to the passage and look for the letters A, B, C, D and E in bold that indicate where the following sentence could be added.

So, for purposes of this passage the issue is not so much immigration as it is commuting.

Where would the sentence most appropriately fit into the passage?A






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31.-How has efficiency changed from industrialization to digitalization?

(A) Despite all the changes that our civilization has gone through, efficiency has remained constant.(B) Efficiency’s impact on society, as a defining characteristic, started to decrease with the advent of digitalization.(C) Efficiency has become a more important element as scientific management is being applied to all aspects of society.(D) Efficiency has gone from a time oriented concept to one that has been individualized.(E) Efficiency has become something that we don’t even think about anymore; it has atrophied from disuse.

32.-Given the context of the article, what is the best definition of a frozen city?

(A) A city in the arctic circle(B) A city forgotten by digitalization(C) A city ignored by industrialization(D) A city where communication has been discontinued(E) A city where people move around very little

33.-Why does the author make reference to Raymond Hughes?

(A) To explain the increasing phenomenon of outsourcing(B) To provide a living example of someone who is actively practicing the way of life in a frozen city(C) In order to lend credibility to the data on global warming needed to support the author’s argument(D) To provide the reader with evidence to the contrary that carbon dioxide contributes to global warming(E) In order to give the reader some background information on the origins of scientific management

34.-The passage asserts that ________ are part of the problem and possible solution to global warming.

(A) Internet and digitalization(B) cities(C) cars(D) walking and riding bicycles(E) immigration and migrant workers

35.-Paragraph 9, what does “punching in and out” mean?

(A) To hit someone in the face(B) To make a decisive decision(C) To enter and exit work(D) To virtually check into and out of a work space(E) To switch from a virtual workspace to household activities



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36.-What is a phenomenon related to urbanization that the author considers an important contributing factor to global warming?

(A) ghettos(B) commuting (C) immigration(D) carbon dioxide(E) suburbs

37.-According to the author, what can be inferred about the declining production of material things as a result of digitalization?

(A) That the production of material things will become more and more difficult with the destruction of the planet (B) That he hopes this to be the case in order to reduce the amount of green house gasses corrupting the ozone(C) That digitalized products will be consumed(D) If we are in a digital world, then we will want digital things, bought by time on the internet.(E) That digitalization will completely overcome the production of material things


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r.1(A) The text indicates that there is no way to understand Old European script, so everything related to it is “surrounded” by mystery, and the word “included” means “contained” or “added”, so this answer is wrong.(B) The text indicates that there is no way to understand Old European script, so everything related to it is “surrounded” by mystery, and the word “separated” implies a separation, so this answer is wrong.(C)The text indicates that there is no way to understand Old European script, so everything related to it is “surrounded” by mystery, and the word “encapsulated” means “put inside a capsule” or “summarized”, so this answer is not the best.(D) The text indicates that there is no way to understand Old European script, so everything related to it is “surrounded” by mystery, and the word “isolated” implies a separation, so this answer is wrong.(E) This is the best answer! The text indicates that there is no way to understand Old European script, so everything related to it is “surrounded” by mystery.

r.2(A) The text reads: “…Old Persian and Elamite, languages that had already been deciphered, and cuneiform above them.” It is clear that the author makes reference to “Old Persian and Elamite”, so this answer is wrong.(B) The text reads: “…Old Persian and Elamite, languages that had already been deciphered, and cuneiform above them.” It is clear that the author makes reference to “Old Persian and Elamite”, so this answer is wrong.(C) This is the best answer! The text reads: “…Old Persian and Elamite, languages that had already been deciphered, and cuneiform above them.” It is clear that the author makes reference to “Old Persian and Elamite”.(D) The text reads: “…Old Persian and Elamite, languages that had already been deciphered, and cuneiform above them.” It is clear that the author makes reference only to “Old Persian and Elamite”, excluding any other languages, so this answer is not the best.(E) The text reads: “…Old Persian and Elamite, languages that had already been deciphered, and cuneiform above them.” It is clear that the author makes reference to “Old Persian and Elamite”, so this answer is wrong.

r.3(A) According to the text, Elamite was used to understand cuneiform which was a different language, so this answer is wrong.(B) The relationship between Old Persian and Elamite is never explained in the text; in addition, the context indicates Elamite was an ancient language, so this answer is wrong.(C) A connection between Old Europe and Elamite is never mentioned. This language is only referred to as one of the examples of bilingual writing that helped understand ancient languages, so this answer is wrong.(D) This is the best answer! The text indicates that The Behistun Inscription was discovered at the end of the eighteenth century, and points out Elamite was a language that had already been deciphered by that time.(E) The text indicates that the Behistun Inscription contained a statement by Darius I written in three different languages, but it never indicates whether he spoke the three of them, so this answer is not the best.



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r.4(A) This is the best answer! The text mentions that “Pockets of Old European culture remained for several millennia and their cultural heritage remains to our days…” This makes it clear that the author is referring to small groups or tribes.(B) The text mentions that “Pockets of Old European culture remained for several millennia and their cultural heritage remains to our days…” This makes it clear that the author is referring to small groups or tribes, and the word “receptacle” is close in meaning to “container”, so this answer is wrong.(C) The text mentions that “Pockets of Old European culture remained for several millennia and their cultural heritage remains to our days…” This makes it clear that the author is referring to small groups or tribes, and the word “cavity” is close in meaning to “hole”, so this answer is wrong.(D)The text mentions that “Pockets of Old European culture remained for several millennia and their cultural heritage remains to our days…” This makes it clear that the author is referring to small groups or tribes, but not to “bags”, so this answer is wrong.(E) The text mentions that “Pockets of Old European culture remained for several millennia and their cultural heritage remains to our days…” This makes it clear that the author is referring to small groups or tribes and their whole culture, rather than just their languages, so this answer is wrong.

r.5(A) The sentence to be added indicates a result rather than a consequence of the lack of a linguistic continuity between Old European script and modern European languages, which is the information mentioned in A, so this answer is wrong.(B) This is the best answer! The sentence preceding B mentions that there is no “linguistic continuity between the languages of Old Europe… and the languages of the modern world”. This is what makes it impossible to translate forms of Old European script.(C) The sentence to be added refers to the translation of Old European script, not to the understanding of “other ancient languages” as it is mentioned after C, so this answer is not the best.(D) The sentence to be added does not have a clear relationship to the information in the sentences after and before D, so this answer is wrong.(E) The sentence to be added refers to the lack of a way to translate Old European script, but does not make reference to “those specialized in the study of Old European culture” that are mentioned in the last sentence of the paragraph, so this answer is not the best.

r.6(A) The highlighted sentence indicates that the decoding of cuneiform tablets was not done when they were discovered, but some time after, so this answer is wrong.(B) This is the best answer! The highlighted sentence indicates that scholars could not read the cuneiform tablets found in the eighteenth century.(C) The highlighted sentence does not mention the use of “contents” to decipher cuneiform texts, so this answer is wrong.(D) The highlighted sentence indicates that scholars could not read the cuneiform tablets found in the eighteenth century, but no reference is made to making use of their contents, so this answer is not the best.(E) The highlighted sentence does not mention that cuneiform tablets were used to decipher their own contents so this answer is wrong.


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r.7(A) This is the best answer! The highlighted sentence indicates that the Indo-Europeans advanced inside the Europe from the East, causing turmoil with their arrival.(B) The highlighted sentence indicates that the Indo-European incursions caused upheavals, but not that those existed in the continent before their arrival, so this answer is wrong.(C) The highlighted sentence does not mention any “ups and downs” experienced by the Indo-Europeans on their way to Europe, so this answer is wrong.(D) The highlighted sentence indicates that the Indo-Europeans, who had advanced inside the continent from the East, caused rather than found turmoil as a result of their arrival, so this answer is not the best.(E) The highlighted sentence does not mention any incursion of the Indo-Europeans into an “East continent”, so this answer is wrong.

r.8(A) The author explains that both cuneiform script and Egyptian hieroglyphic were decoded at the beginnings of the eighteenth century (1900’s), so this answer is wrong.(B) The author does not detail a relationship between the decoding of hieratic and hieroglyphic script, so this answer is wrong.(C) No additional findings of inscriptions by French troops are mentioned in relation to the decoding of Egyptian hieroglyphic, so this answer is wrong.(D) The author explains that the Rosetta stone challenged scholars for many years before they could translate Egyptian hieroglyphic, so this answer is wrong.(E) This is the best answer! The author explains that both, cuneiform script and Egyptian hieroglyphic were decoded at the beginnings of the eighteenth century.

r.9(A) The text does not state whether The Behistun Inscription was found by scholars or not, so this answer is not the best.(B) This is the best answer! The text indicates that The Behistun Inscription contains the same text written three times in three different languages.(C) The Behistun Inscription is written in three languages according to the text (Old Persian, Elamite and cuneiform), so this answer is wrong.(D) The text mentions that The Behistun Inscription contains a statement by “Darius I of Persia”, a name most probably taken by a king, so this is not the best answer.(E) The text mentions that the discovery of The Behistun Inscription made the decoding of cuneiform script possible, so this answer is wrong.

r.10(A) The text does not detail what kind of message the stone carried, so this answer is wrong.(B) The text indicates that an Old European Rosetta stone does not exist, so this answer is wrong.(C) This is the best answer! The text indicates that the Rosetta stone “graveled scholars” efforts”.(D) The text indicates that the Rosetta stone was written in three languages: “ancient Greek, Egyptian hieroglyphic, and Egyptian hieratic, a simplified form of hieroglyphic”, so this answer is not the best.(E) The text mentions that the Rosetta stone was found by French troops, but no specific names are given, so this answer is wrong.



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r.11(A) The writer does not mention the existence of something that can be considered “cross reference heritage”, so this answer is wrong.(B) The text mentions the Behistun Inscription and the Rosetta stone were crucial for scholars to decipher old script forms, but not to study their history, so this answer is wrong.(C) This is the best answer! The author mentions that “taking advantage of bilingual and even trilingual inscriptions, scholars have deciphered other ancient languages”. After this, the text describes how the Behistun Inscription and the Rosetta stone enabled scholars to decipher two forms of ancient script.(D) The author indicates that scholars worked hard to decode the texts in both the Behistun Inscription and the Rosetta stone, but that does not mean that such inscriptions were the product of hard work.(E) The author indicates that both the Behistun Inscription and the Rosetta stone are complex trilingual writings that enabled scholars to decode ancient script forms, but the simple expression “complex writings” is too general as to be considered the main reason why the author mentions them, so this is not the best answer.

r.12(A) The text mentions a “sedentary farming style” was characteristic of all Old Europe not just of particular regions, so this answer is wrong.(B) The text mentions that the Indo-European invasions came from the East, but does not state which was the first region affected by them, so this answer is not the best.(C) The Balkans is referred to as a region, not a group of people who could have fought against the Indo-Europeans, so this answer is not the best.(D) The text emphasizes that script language was extensively used in the Balkans, so this answer is not the best.(E) This is the best answer! The text emphasizes that script language was extensively used in the Balkans.

r.13(A) Although the Basque language was one of the few languages that survived from those with an Old European origin, no reference is made to whether it could have become a widespread one, so this answer is not the best.(B) The text mentions that where the Indo-Europeans came from, but no reference is made to whether they had plans on entering regions other than Old Europe, so this answer is wrong.(C) The text emphasizes that the old “sedentary farming style” of Old Europe was disrupted by the Indo-European incursions in the continent, so this answer is wrong.(D) This is the best answer! The writer mentions that the Indo-European incursions “caused the Old European way of life to deteriorate rapidly”. The result of this was the disappearance of most of its cultural heritage, of which script forms would have made examples similar to those mentioned of ancient languages from the Middle East.(E) The text never makes reference to whether the “sedentary” farmers of Old Europe would have moved to other areas if they had not been affected by the incursions of other groups in their continent, so this answer is wrong.


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r.14(A) This is the best answer! The author mentions only three examples of languages with a pre-Indo-European origin: Basque, Finn and Estonian.(B) No relationship other than having a Pre-Indo -European origin is mentioned about the two languages, so this answer is wrong.(C) The area where Estonian is and was spoken is never mentioned in the text, so this answer is not the best. Remember, you are expected to show your ability to understand an academic text, not your general knowledge.(D) The concept “pocket language” is not mentioned in the text, so this answer is wrong.(E) Although the text indicates no script evidence of Estonian has been found, the answer is written in present; if this answer were correct, it would mean the Estonian language does not have a written form and this is not indicated by the author, so this answer is not the best.

r.15(A) The “branch” from which modern European languages evolved started in the Black Sea, but they did not come from there; additionally, the author never indicates resistance to the Indo-European incursions from the Old Europeans, so this answer is wrong.(B) This is the best answer!(C) Neither resistance from the Old Europeans to the Indo-European incursions, nor their adopting Indo-European languages are mentioned by the author, so this answer is not the best.(D) The author mentions that the Old Europeans faded away after the incursions of the Indo-Europeans; in addition, he does not mention any change in the farming style of Old Europeans. Finally, Basque is only one of the three mentioned examples of languages with no Indo-European origin, so this answer is wrong.(E) No meeting of the Indo-Europeans in the Black Sea neither “turmoil” being “under ways” is mentioned in the text; besides, the author does not indicate that the Basque is the ancestor of the Sami languages, so this answer is wrong.

r.16(A) The author indicates that “Pop artists… used ordinary stuff like food packaging designs and highway signs to produce their paintings and sculptures”, so this answer is wrong.(B) The author indicates that “Pop artists… used ordinary stuff like food packaging designs and highway signs to produce their paintings and sculptures”, so this answer is wrong.(C) The author indicates that “Pop artists… used ordinary stuff like food packaging designs and highway signs to produce their paintings and sculptures”, so this answer is wrong.(D) The author indicates that “Pop artists… used ordinary stuff like food packaging designs and highway signs to produce their paintings and sculptures”, so this answer is wrong.(E) This is the best answer! The author indicates that “Pop artists… used ordinary stuff like food packaging designs and highway signs to produce their paintings and sculptures”.

r.17(A) The author mentions that Abstract impressionism had flourished or developed after the war, but the meaning of the word “disappeared” is the opposite of this, so this answer is wrong.(B) The author mentions that Abstract impressionism had flourished or developed after the war, but he does not make reference to any consolidation of the movement, so this answer is not the best.(C) The author does not mention any reaction related to Abstract impressionism, so this answer is wrong.



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(D) This is the best answer! The author mentions that Abstract impressionism had flourished or developed after the war, and this is the meaning of the word “thrived”, so this answer is wrong.(E) The author does not mention the word “thrived” in relation to any contribution made by Abstract impressionism, so this answer is wrong.

r.18(A) The text indicates that Dadaism “advanced” beyond previous movements, but objectives and achievements related to it are not indicated, so this answer is not the best.(B) Collage is mentioned in the text as a characteristic of Dadaism, but not as a reaction to another movement, so this answer is wrong.(C) This is the best answer! The author indicates that Dadaism “advanced” from other previous forms of art by using “modern techniques such as collage”.(D) A connection between “imagery” and collage is not established in the text, so this answer is not the best.(E) The text mentions “collage” as an example of the techniques used by Dadaism, but it is never directly linked to pop art by the writer, so this answer is wrong.

r.19(A) The text indicates that Pop artists used manufactured ordinary objects to produce their art, but a chisel is usually related to producing a sculpture from a shapeless rock to start creating a shape from scratch, so this answer is wrong.(B) The text indicates that Pop artists used “ordinary stuff” that represented “the mass-consumption centered society in which they lived”, and a tree is rather a natural object that does not represent mass-production by itself, so this answer is wrong.(C) The text indicates that Pop artists used “ordinary stuff” that represented “the mass-consumption centered society in which they lived”, and a marble rock does not have an evident association to mass-production, so this answer is wrong.(D) The text indicates that Pop artists used “ordinary stuff” to produce their art without making distinctions “between good and bad taste”, and the word “China” is usually associated with an antique artisanal tradition previous to the times of mass-production, so this answer is not the best.(E) This is the best answer! The text indicates that Pop artists used “ordinary stuff” representing “mass-consumption” to produce their art.

r.20(A) This is the best answer! The author explains that Rauschenberg used black and white as a technique at the beginning of his career, but not as subject matter.(B) The author mentions that Rauschenberg created Coca-Cola bottles, so this answer is wrong.(C) The author mentions that Rauschenberg “is usually considered the father of the Pop art”, so this answer is wrong.(D) The author mentions that Rauschenberg believed in combining sculpture and painting, so this answer is not the best.(E) The author explains that Rauschenberg used solvents to transfer images from newspapers and magazines to canvas, so this answer is wrong.


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r.21(A) The sentence to be added anticipates the description of the process that allowed Warhol to create replicated images, but the sentence following A is about his ideas on Pop art, so this answer is wrong.(B) The sentence to be added anticipates the description of a process used to create replicated images, but the sentence following B is a description of the works that brought him early fame, so this answer is wrong.(C) This is the best answer! The sentence preceding C mentions Warhol made “repetitive paintings”, and the following one explains the process he followed to do it.(D) The sentence to be added anticipates the description of the technique to create replicated images, but the sentence following is a description of a stage in his artistic career, so this answer is wrong.(E) The sentence to be added anticipates the description of the process that Warhol used to create replicated images, but marks the end of the paragraph, so this answer is wrong.

r.22(A) According to the text, an installation is created with “a common place object”, not with “objects”, so this answer is wrong.(B) The text does not mention the relationship of Andy Warhol with the creation of installations, so this answer is wrong.(C) The text does not mention the relationship of Rauschenberg with the creation installations, so this answer is wrong.(D)According to the text, installations are made with “a common place object”, so this answer is not the best.(E) This is the best answer! According to the text, an installation is created using “a common place object”, while an assemblage is composed by some objects put together at random.

r.23(A) This is the best answer! The highlighted sentence indicates that all objects used in an assemblage are the result of manufacture and mass-production which makes them have no artistic purpose until they become part of an assemblage.(B) The highlighted sentence indicates that the simple manufactured materials used in the objects that are part of an assemblage have no original artistic value, so this answer is not the best.(C) The highlighted sentence does not indicate that mass-production is the reason why assemblage is an artistic expression, so this answer is wrong.(D) The highlighted sentence does not indicate that every single manufactured object can be artistically used to create an assemblage, so this answer is not the best.(E) The highlighted sentence indicates that the objects forming assemblages have originally no artistic value until they are used to produce an assemblage, so this answer is wrong.

r.24(A) The word “conceivers” is used to refer to the “founders” of Pop art, not to its “consumers” (people who bought and followed it in galleries), so this answer is wrong.(B) The word “conceivers” means “founders”, but the word “opponents” expresses the opposite, so this answer is wrong.(C) This is the best answer! The word “conceivers” is used to refer to those who founded the Pop art movement. (D) The word “conceivers” is close in meaning to “founders”, but “admirers” means people who followed them after the movement was already established, so this answer is not the best.(E) The word “critics” refers to those who express their critical views on art, but not to its founders which is the meaning of “conceivers” in relation to Pop art, so this answer is wrong.



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r.25(A) The author does not mention any relation between the word “democratic” and the country where Pop art originated; in addition, in the first paragraph it is stated that Pop art started in Britain before coming to the United States, so this answer is wrong.(B) This is the best answer! The writer mentions that Pop art was a “democratic” form that “joined” all types of viewers.(C) The word “democratic” is used to explain how its creators viewed Pop art, but not to explain its recognition, so this answer is wrong.(D) The words “democratic” and “non-discriminatory” are part of the features of Pop art listed by the author. They are not presented as one being the reason for the existence of the other, so this answer is not the best.(E) The author uses the word “democratic” to explain why Pop art appealed to every viewer, but not to indicate that it had a relation to mass-media, so this answer is not the best.

r.26(A) This answer is wrong and contrary to the point of the passage. In fact, cities are mentioned as a possible solution to global warming.(B) This is a good answer but not the best. The passage does describe how digitalization could be a player in helping reduce green house gas emissions. The passage describes a process, but the purpose was not to demonstrate how we arrived at being able to be in two places at once.(C) This is the best answer. The passage compares digitalization to the industrial revolution, each having effects on our entire civilization. The passage shows the breadth of the effects by suggesting that global warming can be slowed if digitalization is encouraged.(D) This is a good answer but not the best. The passage never suggests that digitalization is the most effective way to decrease global warming. The passage only suggests that digitalization could play a major role in decreasing global warming.(E) The link between immigration and global warming is too attenuated. The passage makes a direct link between commuting, not immigration, and global warming. This answer is incorrect.

r.27(A) This is a good answer but not the best. The author mentions that workers during the industrial revolution worked on the owner’s time; however, the author juxtaposes the model of efficiency of the industrial revolution with that of digitalization where we are able to make our own time. This answer actually contradicts the purpose of the passage. (B) This is the best answer. The purpose of that part of the passage was to demonstrate how people are able to be working wherever they are, even while on vacation. (C) This answer is incorrect. Though the reader may think that this could mean that one is waiting for work to end—for something. However, “on the clock” suggests something much more precise, and not general like the phrase, “for something” implies. “On the clock” meant one thing in the industrial era and another in the digital age; therefore, the phrase’s use in the passage was always intended to have a specific meaning.(D) This is a good answer but not the best. “On the clock” in the digital world could mean to have your own time, but this would be forgetting that a worker is still under some kind of obligation. This answer is too open to interpretation, and the phrase’s use in the passage was always intended to have a specific meaning.(E) This answer is absurd. If the reader were to superimpose the phrase of standing on a clock over “on the clock” then the paragraph would not make sense. This answer is wrong.


DescripciónComprensión de lectura


r.28(A) This answer is wrong since the author admits to being hypothetical when he says, “if we take this to the extreme”. To be objective is to stick to the case or facts.(B) This is a good answer but not the best. The author is not so much curious as he is exploratory, proposing a possibility on previous arguments. He is not asking questions; rather, he is inducing from previous data. There are no qualitative words to suggest that he is excited.(C) This is a good answer but not the best. The author, by suggesting a possible solution to global warming, is not being cynical. He sounds positive in thinking that digitalization can have that much influence.(D) This is a good answer but not the best. Though the author is speculating about time on the Internet being the next currency, this is not a mysterious statement. He supports it with an attempt at being logical which is not mysterious. Nevertheless, the suggestion of time on the Internet being the next currency could be taken by some as a form of teasing; but the author is not teasing the reader. He is taking his argument to the next level, based on data. (E) This is the best answer. The author is speculating on a possible future based on his assumption that we will be spending more time on the Internet. His possible future, however, seems to be a bit enthusiastic about the effects of digitalization. The Internet being the next currency is founded purely on the author’s opinion and not on data as were the previous arguments.

r.29(A) This is a good answer but not the best. The author explicitly states that social groups are being formed by video games, and therefore he does not suggest it.(B) This is a good answer but not the best. The author never suggests that video games might disappear. However, it could be inferred that their use will increase if we consider that they have a role in socialization.(C) This is a good answer but not the best. The passage never mentions the sales of video games, only how they are being used for social purposes. However, it could be inferred that their use will increase if we consider that they have a role in socialization; but this would be a stretch considering the overall purpose of the passage.(D) This is the best answer. Since the author mentions video games just after mentioning “sharing friends” and “changing how we socialize”, the reader may infer that friendships are being formed through video games. The author uses the phrase, “social groups”; and the reader may infer that such a group is based on friendship.(E) This is a good answer but not the best. The passage states that video games contribute to socialization, along with other social networks, but he does not suggest the extent to which video games might come to replace them.

r.30(A) This is the best answer. In the paragraph that would conclude with the statement in question, the author mentions commuting. Plus, the use of the word “so” suggests a form of conclusion which is appropriate since the author had been talking about immigration as a means meant to lead the reader to the issue of commuting.(B) This answer is wrong. If the reader were to insert the statement at the end of the first paragraph, it would be taken as a transition to the next paragraph; however, there is no mention of immigration in the first paragraph and no mention of commuting in the second.(C) In the paragraphs that would straddle this statement, the author only talks about immigration and not commuting. “So” suggests a conclusion or a possible shift in the current of the passage. In addition, since the surrounding paragraphs talk only about immigration, there is little to suggest that a conclusion has been reached or that the current has shifted. This answer is incorrect.



Comprensión de lectura


(D) This answer is wrong. Placing the statement here would not serve as a proper transition from one paragraph to another.(E) This answer is wrong. Placing the statement here would not serve as a proper transition from one paragraph to another.

r.31(A) This is a decent answer but not the best. Efficiency is mentioned throughout the passage, either in terms of the industrial revolution, digitalization or indirectly through examples of how we demonstrate one kind of efficiency or another. Nevertheless, the author does make it clear that efficiency has changed due to digitalization.(B) This is a decent answer but not the best. There are no qualitative statements suggesting that the influence of efficiency has decreased. The author states specifically that efficiency has changed, but he is clear that its influence remains strong, especially by his reference to the possibility that people are able to hold two jobs at once.(C) This is a good answer but not the best. The passage does say how digitalization is affecting all of society, but the author also mentions how a new kind of efficiency has replaced the former one related to scientific management.(D) This is the best answer. In the context of the industrial revolution, the author talks of efficiency as it relates to time and the scientific management of the factories. Then, in the context of digitalization, efficiency answers to the individual and his/her personal needs rather than controlling the time of the individual as it did during industrialization. (E) The passage suggests that we have become more efficient with digitalization by mentioning that efficiency has become personalized and adaptable to our lives and not the other way around. Efficiency has not atrophied; rather it has changed its form.

r.32(A) The passage mentions various geographical regions but never the arctic circle. This answer is incorrect.(B) This answer opposes the intended meaning of a “frozen city”. Digitalization has created the frozen city, according to the passage. This answer is wrong.(C) This is a decent answer but not the best. Industrialization contributed to the creation of large cities in the first place, and the passage never mentions cities being ignored by industrialization. The passage does mention that certain areas were not favorable for mass production.(D) The passage never mentions communication being discontinued. Increased communication was a motif throughout the passage. This answer is incorrect.(E) This is the best answer. The author mentions a “frozen city” in the context of people working at home and not needing to travel very much within the city. “A frozen city” is a metaphor meant to imply that people will travel less.

r.33(A) This is a decent answer but not the best. Data on outsourcing was mentioned but in connection to Holland data services.(B) The passage never mentions any specific names of people who are actually living and working in the manners mentioned. This answer is wrong.(C) This is the best answer. Hughes is the director of NASA’s task force on globalization. NASA is an authority. Plus, the information following the reference to Hughes is all his data.(D) The author never offers counter arguments, only arguments that support his hypothesis. This answer is wrong.(E) Hughes may be a scientist, but the author mentions scientific management in another paragraph in order to explain the type of efficiency employed during the industrial revolution.


DescripciónComprensión de lectura


r.34(A) This answer would be contrary to the argument. Digitalization was mentioned only as a possible solution. This answer is wrong.(B) This is the best answer. The author explicitly states that cities are a major contributor to green house gas emission. The author also mentions that cities contain a possible solution as people can walk within a frozen city.(C) Cars are mentioned as a problem but not a solution. This answer is wrong.(D) Walking is mentioned as a solution but not a problem. This answer is wrong.(E) This is a good answer but not the best. Immigration is related to the creation of cities which can, due to their convenience, be looked to as a solution. Immigration was never mentioned as a solution; in fact, the author implies that people don’t need to emigrate anymore thanks to digitalization.

r.35(A) No direct violence to humans of any kind was mentioned. This answer is incorrect.(B) To punch in and out is a specific decision to go to work; therefore, it is not a decisive decision in general, to be applied to any goal. This answer is incorrect.(C) This is the best answer considering that the paragraph deals with factory workers working within the restrictions of scientific management. A clock is a very scientific and rational means to control work hours.(D) This is a good answer but not the best. This answer would have been appropriate in the paragraph that mentions the phrase “on the clock”.(E) This is a good answer but not the best. Punching in could be interpreted in such a way within the context of “touch screen” technologies; plus, the passage did mention people working at home; but punching in and out was specifically mentioned in a paragraph talking about the industrial revolution when working at home was not possible.

r.36(A) Ghettos, though a consequence of urbanization, were not mentioned in the article. This answer is wrong.(B) This is the best answer. The author focuses on commuting and its contributions to green house gasses to which digitalization is mentioned as a possible solution.(C) This is a good answer but not the best. Immigration is mentioned as a cause of urbanization, but the author does not refer to it as a direct contributor to global warming.(D) This is a good answer but not the best. Carbon dioxide does contribute to global warming as it is a green house gas; however, there is no necessary link between carbon dioxide and urbanization. Carbon dioxide, as a cause of global warming, must be emitted in a certain fashion. Urbanization is not that link. Commuting is that link which is known because the author mentions the percentage of gas we use when looking for a place to park. This answer is wrong.(E) Suburbs are just one of the effects of urbanization. And the link between urbanization and global warming, according to the passage is commuting. This answer is wrong.

r.37(A) This is a decent answer but not the best. The author focuses more on a choice of non digital things in terms of what we will be consuming. The author never talks about the difficulty of production. This answer is wrong.(B) This answer is wrong. The passage never mentions the ozone, nor does it specifically link production with global warming. Also, the passage gives no indication that the author wants this to happen. The author only implies that digitalization might reduce the production of material things.



Comprensión de lectura


(C) This is a good answer but not the best. Though the reader may think this to be ridiculous, the author explicitly states this; and therefore it cannot be inferred.(D) This is the best answer. The author mentions the amount of time we will be spending on the Internet. Digitalization is a byproduct of the Internet; therefore, it can be inferred that the author assumes we will want to buy digital products.(E) This is a good answer but not the best. The reader might assume this if he/she takes seriously what the author says about the trend of digitalization; however, the author specifically states that production will be greatly affected, which cannot be taken to meant that it will be completely overtaken.


Tipo de preguntas y estrategias

Comprensión de audio

Estrategias generales

Existen tres habilidades principales que son recomendables desarrollar para lograr un resultado satisfactorio en esta sección:

I. La primera de ellas consiste en realizar efectivamente resúmenes esquemáticos, mentales y escritos, de cada audio. Debido a que en el examen iBT está permitido tomar notas en cada sección, es recomendable aprovechar esta ventaja para elaborar los resúmenes mencionados, así como para anotar nombres, lugares, números, acciones que sean mencionados pues es muy probable que varios de ellos sean requeridos para responder algunas preguntas.

II. En segundo término, es recomendable que el candidato practique y encuentre la forma que le resulte más adecuada para tomar y organizar sus notas. Además es necesario tener presente que las respuestas aparecen una a una después de que el audio ha concluido. Esto implica que no se pueden anticipar las preguntas al tiempo en el que se escucha el audio.

III. Por último el candidato también debe considerar que puede utilizar los botones y demás herramientas del visualizador a su favor:

• Las instrucciones son siempre las mismas, así que no es esencial escucharlas al inicio de la sección. Si el candidato se siente más cómodo accediendo directamente a los audios y preguntas correspondientes, así lo puede hacer.

• Las imágenes que se presentan mientras avanza el audio pueden ayudar no sólo a contextualizar el lugar y el tipo de personas que interactúan en una conversación, sino también a proporcionar información que puede ser útil para contestar preguntas. Dicha información suele presentarse en forma de diagramas, dibujos o pizarrones con datos y términos relevantes.

• La barra de título siempre indica el número de preguntas y tiempo restantes por cada grupo correspondiente a un mismo texto de audio. De esta manera, el candidato puede administrar el tiempo a su conveniencia.

Técnica básica a utilizar para esta sección: Tomar notas, a manera de resumen, de la idea principal y detalles que apoyan y describen la misma, al tiempo que se escucha el audio.

Finalmente, el candidato debe de estar familiarizado con los distintos tipos de pregunta que aparecen en el examen, los cuales se detallan a continuación:

Tipos de pregunta:

1. Comprensión de ideas principales

Para casi toda conversación o conferencia en el examen se tiene una pregunta acerca de la idea principal alrededor de la cual se desarrolla la información o el motivo por el cual se origina la conversación.


Tipo de preguntas y estrategias

Sugerencia: Para contestar este tipo de pregunta es necesario recordar que la idea principal de cada audio casi siempre es establecida al inicio del texto en cuestión; sin embargo, también es conveniente revisar la información que se menciona a lo largo del mismo para confirmar de qué se está hablando.

Ejemplos de este tipo de pregunta: 1, 7, 13, 19, 26 y 34

2. Comprensión de detalles

Existen tres tipos de preguntas acerca de detalles:

i. Detalles mencionados en el audio:En este tipo de pregunta se deben eliminar las respuestas que no coinciden con la información proporcionada en el audio y escoger la(s) respuesta(s) en que si se presentan los detalles mencionados en el audio.

En ocasiones, en este tipo de pregunta se le pide al candidato que seleccione no una sino dos o hasta tres respuestas correctas de un grupo de cuatro o cinco posibilidades, respectivamente

ii. Detalles no mencionados en el audio:En este tipo de pregunta, la palabra inglesa ‘not’ se encuentra integrada. Se le pide al candidato escoja el único detalle (nombre, número, lugar, hecho, acción) que no se menciona en el texto de audio. Lo anterior significa que todas las respuestas, menos una son mencionadas en el audio, y es por lo tanto falsa de acuerdo a la información proporcionada.

iii. Detalles mencionados y no mencionados en el audio: Este formato de pregunta presenta una lista de detalles, para que el candidato indique, uno por uno, si fueron mencionados o no en el audio.

Sugerencia: Para contestar este tipo de pregunta es recomendable tomar notas mentales y escritas de los detalles mencionados en el audio, para apoyarse en ellas al contestar la pregunta.

Es importante poner atención a los detalles (nombres, lugares, números, hechos) que se mencionan en cada audio para poder contestar este tipo de preguntas.

También se debe considerar que, en la mayoría de las ocasiones, la(s) respuesta(s) correcta(s) presentan la misma idea, mas no en las mismas palabras o usando el mismo vocabulario que se incluye en el texto de audio. Por lo anterior, es importante que el candidato posea un rango amplio de vocabulario que le permita reconocer palabras y frases que, en la(s) respuesta(s) funcionen como sinónimos para referirse a las ideas presentadas en el audio.

Ejemplos de este tipo de pregunta: 3, 11, 14, 20 y 37


Tipo de preguntas y estrategias

3. Comprensión del propósito del lenguaje usado

Este tipo de pregunta le pide al candidato que indique porqué el hablante enunció una frase u oración en específico. Esto significa que debe ponerse atención no sólo en qué se dice, sino también en la intención por la que tal frase u oración es mencionada.

Los propósitos que normalmente se le solicita identificar al candidato pueden relacionarse con: pedir disculpas, aclarar una idea, cambiar de tema, indicar un cambio de opinión, realizar una sugerencia, o dirigir la atención de alguien a un punto en específico.

Como apoyo para el candidato, la pregunta incluye una repetición del fragmento del audio en el que aparece la intervención del hablante respecto a la cual se hace la pregunta acerca del propósito.

Sugerencia: Para poder contestar este tipo de pregunta satisfactoriamente es necesario que el candidato preste atención al contexto situacional en el que se encuentra el hablante.

Ejemplos de este tipo de pregunta: 2, 4 ,9, 22, 23, 25, 27, 28, 32 y 35

4. Comprensión de la postura de los hablantes

Este tipo de pregunta le pide al candidato que identifique el sentir de uno de los hablantes en relación a una situación descrita en el audio.

El tipo de actitudes que se le piden al candidato que identifique se relacionan con emociones tales como: satisfecho, inconforme, triste, feliz, emocionado, aburrido, impresionado, desmotivado. También es posible que se le pida al candidato identificar si el hablante está convencido o no acerca de lo que ha enunciado.

Sugerencia: Para poder contestar este tipo de pregunta es recomendable poner atención al contexto en el que se encuentra el hablante y la forma en que éste habla para que así se pueda hacer una conclusión acerca de su sentir partiendo de estos últimos elementos.

Ejemplo de este tipo de pregunta: 10 y 16

5. Realización de conclusiones, predicciones e inferencias

Este tipo de pregunta conlleva la intención de verificar que el candidato sea capaz de comprender la interconexión lógica que puede existir entre distintas ideas que aparecen a lo largo del audio.

Se espera que el candidato sea capaza de realizar conclusiones, predicciones y deducciones lógicas apoyándose en el contexto, los detalles y la actitud de los hablantes que aparecen a lo largo del audio.


Tipo de preguntas y estrategias

Sugerencia: Para contestar esta pregunta es importante entender y tomar nota de todos los detalles mencionados en el audio y analizarlos para ser capaz de concluir, predecir o inferir según lo indique la pregunta.

Ejemplos de este tipo de pregunta: 5, 6, 8, 12, 15, 24, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33 y 36

6. Comprensión de la organización de la información presentada

Este tipo de pregunta le pide al candidato identifique la forma en que se organizan y presentan las ideas y detalles en el audio. Otra variante para el mismo tipo de pregunta es que se le pida llenar un cuadro que ilustre la forma en que se organizan las ideas.

La intención de este tipo de pregunta es verificar que el candidato comprende no sólo la idea central del texto, sino también las ideas de apoyo, así como la organización y relación entre las mismas.

Sugerencia: Los conectores adverbiales, así como las frases que indican tiempo y lugar son referentes esenciales para determinar correctamente la organización y jerarquía entre ideas dentro de un texto.

Para contestar este tipo de pregunta es importante que, al escuchar y tomar notas, se preste igual importancia a las ideas centrales y de apoyo así como a la organización entre las mismas.

Ejemplo de este tipo de pregunta: 21


Comprensión de audio


Listen to the following conversations and lectures, and answer the questions that follow each of them. The questions will be about main idea, supporting details, or about the speaker’s attitude or purpose.You will listen to each conversation and lecture only once.You can take notes while you listen and use them later to answer the questions.

Dialogue 1 This task should take no more than 5 minutes.

1.- (narrator) Why does the man go to see the professor?

(A) To ask about the professor’s office hours(B) To ask for a new deadline for the class project(C) To ask if the professor can assign a different team for him(D) To ask what the project is about(E) To ask if he can do the term project individually

2.- (narrator) What can be inferred when the professor says the following: ‘Sorry about that Matt’?

(A) She is uncertain about the student’s name.(B) She knows she has made a mistake.(C) She is not in her office hours.(D) She is sorry about the office hours.(E) She is giving the student a negative feedback.

3.- (narrator) Which of the following sources will the student use in his research for the project?

(A) An anthology of Horror stories from the campus library(B) An old magazine of early XX century Weird tales(C) A narrative of horror events occurring to early American settlers(D) A digital database on Weird fiction(E) A best seller just published by a famous Horror author

4.- (narrator) What does the professor mean when she says this: ‘I’m sorry Mr. Smith, but rules are rules’?

(A) The student will have to change his project.(B) The teams cannot be changed.(C) She will give him another opportunity to do the project.(D) She wants the student to understand he has to follow the rules set in class.(E) She wants to treat the student with respect.


Comprensión de audio

5.- (narrator) What does the professor think will probably happen as a result of the project activity?

(A) The student will do a good project.(B) The student will organize a good team.(C) The student will learn something useful for his professional life.(D) The student will benefit by doing online research.(E) The student will become friends with his teammates.

6.- (narrator) What can be inferred about Matt?

(A) He is uncomfortable working with other people.(B) He is not a good student.(C) He does not like to do online research.(D) He is not good at organizing his time(E) He would prefer to do a different project.

Lecture 1

This task should take no more than 5 minutes.Listen to a lecture from a Literature class

7.-(narrator) What is the main objective of the professors’ speech?

(A) To give the students a general background of the term ‘Gothic’(B) To explain why the term ‘Gothic’ describes a specific type of literature(C) To explain what the students must review for their next test(D) To introduce the unit the class is about to start(E) To give the students the names of the authors they will read in the semester

8.- (narrator) Why does the professor mention Gothic Architecture?

(A) As an example of the connotation of the term ‘Gothic’ in arts(B) As an example of what the Goths built(C) Because it is part of the Neoclassical style(D) Because it was a great influence in Gothic Literature(E) As an example of the spaces where Gothic stories take place

9.- (narrator) Who is not listed among the writers they will read for the unit?

(A) Charlotte Perkins Gillman(B) Nathaniel Hawthorne(C) Herman Melville(D) William Faulkner(E) Sigmund Freud


Comprensión de audio

10. (narrator) How does the professor most probably feel when he says this:‘As others may have inferred, at least those who remember the notes from their Psychology undergraduate classes, Sigmund Freud’s work will be of great help to start our study’?

(A) She is glad the students are very participative in class. (B) She feels the students will have to go back to take undergraduate courses.(C) She would like the students to bring their notes from their previous Psychology classes.(D) They will read Sigmund Freud next.(E) She is not glad at all the students do not participate as much as he would like them to do.

11.- (narrator) Whose work will they be reading at the end of the unit?

(A) Sigmund Freud’s(B) Howard Phillips Lovecraft’s(C) Edgar Allan Poe’s(D) Flannery O’Connor’s(E) Horace Walpole’s

12.- (narrator) Which of the following will the students probably do after class?

(A) Read the texts by Gillman and Lovecraft(B) Look for their Psychology notes(C) Go and see the professor in his office hours(D) Consult the online library(E) Borrow books from the campus library

Dialogue 2

This task should take no more than five minutes.

13.- (narrator) What is the conversation mainly about?

(A) The activities each student will be doing during the short period they will be away from school(B) Thanksgiving holiday and its cultural influence in the U. S.(C) The different activities American families enjoy on their Thanksgiving weekend(D) The customary sports played during this holiday(E) Bruno’s intention to go with Paty’s family abroad

14.- (narrator) According to the conversation, what is to be the woman’s main activity during the holiday?

(A) Catching up on her reading for her term papers(B) Writing for a university newspaper(C) Collecting family stories from overseas(D) Watching football and thinking about possible topics for a paper(E) Quantifying material from stores for Thanksgiving


Comprensión de audio

15.- (narrator) Why does the woman most likely mention distance as a way to gain perspective?

(A) because she feels sufficiently separate from mainstream culture to be able to more objectively write about it(B) Because the woman’s parents will be going overseas during the holiday(C) So as to validate his experience in the topic(D) So as to be able to mention the commercial aspect of the holiday(E) Because she has been far away from her home for very long

16.- (narrator) What is the male student’s attitude toward her also writing about football?

(A) He is uncomfortable with the idea(B) He is relieved she chose a more popular topic(C) He feels let down by her choice(D) He feels despondent(E) He feels apathetic

17.- (narrator) How does the woman acknowledge Bruno’s concern for her?

(A) By deciding she does need to take on more challenging topics(B) By giving an example of a sport that needs to be talked about more(C) Through stating she should pace herself and dedicate her effort to one article(D) By saying he looks forward to reading the article(E) By saying she forgot how much of a fan he is

18.- (narrator) What does the man mean by saying his family puts on a big show for Thanksgiving?

(A) They only want their neighbors to see how much fun they are having.(B) They plan and prepare everything beforehand so everything turns out perfectly. They do this sometimes exaggerating the attention that detail for the event needs.(C) They do not prepare for it at all, everyone gets together and then they figure things out.(D) They are not sincere in their celebration of the holiday, it is only pretending.(E) His family just does this when they can, they do not worry about it too much.

Lecture 2

This task should take the student no more than seven minutes.

19.- (narrator) What is the lecture mainly for?

(A) Show technological innovation in biology(B) Present a different perspective on a description of the cell(C) Describe the methodology and perspective to be adopted in a class(D) Present the engineering challenges for biologists(E) Mention the challenges engineers face when confronted with terminology from other areas such as Biology


Comprensión de audio

20.- (narrator) According to the lecture, why are biology textbooks inadequate for the course?

(A) Because they often require conceptual background that engineers are generally not provided with(B) Because they are not in laymen’s terms and do not provide sufficient detail(C) Biology textbooks often provide too few theory-laden concepts, which making it difficult for engineers to understand(D) Because of the great advances in Biology and Engineering(E) Because they only provide concepts that are useful for biologists not for engineers

21.- (narrator) What best describes the organization of the lecture?

(A) From general to specific(B) From specific to general(C) From most to least expensive(D) Chronological(E) Social based

22.- (narrator) The professor mentions cochlear implants and retinal implants in order to:

(A) Show there is work still to be done in the fields of biology and engineering(B) Emphasize the problems biology faces with engineering(C) Give additional examples for the recent engineering feats in Biology(D) Introduce the topic of mini-factories with inlets and outlets(E) Motivate engineers to pursue career paths in those directions

23.- (narrator) What is the motivation behind the use of a conceptual umbrella in the lecture?

(A) To be able to use mini-factories with engineers(B) To be ready for proofs of concept that attempt to break established guidelines(C) To make use of the language students have previously acquired, so as to make comprehension of foreign concepts easier.(D) To protect students from an otherwise fluid environment(E) To consider the never ending possibilities of an ever growing metaphoric realm

24.- (narrator) Which course is the professor most likely teaching?

(A) A general course in molecular biology(B) A molecular biology course for the engineering department(C) An engineering course in the biology department(D) A technology innovation course(E) A technical course for biologists in engineering


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Lecture 3

The student should take seven minutes to complete this segment.

25.- (narrator) Why does the professor ask the students to look at the image of a woman and her child?

(A) To provide an example for the point he is trying to make(B) To show how well the woman is able to do many things at once(C) To provide an example of a typical working housewife(D) To demonstrate how efficient she is(E) To show what an irresponsible mother she is

26.- (narrator) What is the main purpose of the lecture?

(A) To show that our society is increasingly more efficient(B) To discuss how our time-space paradigm has changed over the years(C) To show how an everyday activity could exhibit larger ethical and social implications if seen through the eyes of another(D) To demonstrate how parenting should not be diluted by professional responsibilities(E) To provide the students with an example of unethical behavior

27.- (narrator) When the professor mentions religious organizations, what point is he trying to make?

(A) To show that Religion is losing its influence due to the use of social networking(B) To show how the efficiency paradigm affects many aspects of society(C) To show that Religion resists the use of social networking(D) To show that religious outreach has improved thanks to the use of social networking(E) To show how Religion has completely changed thanks to the new paradigm

28.- (narrator) According to the speaker, what aspect of society might an alien consider to be a victim of the efficiency paradigm?

(A) Parenting(B) Priesthood(C) Work time(D) Democracy(E) Child rearing

29.- (narrator) What does the speaker imply about multitasking?

(A) That it is an example of a very efficient society(B) That it is the defining characteristic of our times(C) That it is potentially dangerous if not given some institutional limitations(D) That it might take our attention away from other important activities(E) That it is a byproduct of digital information technology


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Lecture 4

The student should allow 9 minutes to complete this task.

Listen to a lecture in a class at a university.

30.- (narrator) Why does the author mention the war between France and Prussia?

(A) To show that the US could be viewed as two nations(B) To show that the US Civil War was the prelude to the conflict between France and Prussia (C) To show that the Civil War was more influential in terms of conflict analysis(D) To show that if slavery had not existed, there never would have been a war between the two European nations (E) To suggest that the US had exposed itself to invasion by going to war with itself

31.- (narrator) What does the speaker imply about “belief”?

(A) That the North believed it was fighting for slavery(B) That the South believed slavery to be a right(C) That many wars have been fought over differences in faith(D) That no one believed slavery to be the true cause of the war at the time (E) That freedom is a just cause for war

32.- (narrator) What metaphor does the speaker use to show that the North and South really were two different regions?

(A) Apples and oranges(B) Speaking different languages(C) Black and white(D) Being different societies(E) Family feuds

33.- (narrator) What does the speaker imply about the hierarchical Southern society versus the diverse society of the North?

(A) That the farmers did everything the landowning elite said to do(B) That slaves were at the bottom of this hierarchy(C) That a hierarchy is a more powerful social model than a melting pot(D) That nature formed the hierarchy of the South with the landowners at the top(E) That a hierarchical society can easily transform into an army

34.- (narrator) What did the North and South really fight for, according to the speaker?

(A) A type of society(B) Slavery(C) Political power in Congress(D) Expansion into other territories(E) For their common fear of invasion


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35.- (narrator) Why did the speaker mention the political-economic reasons for war?

(A) To provide the class with the conventionally accepted reasons for war(B) To provide counterarguments in order to discuss some lesser known causes for the war, the ideological arguments that permeated the entire society(C) To show that slavery was the principle cause for the war(D) To show that these arguments have been fully exhausted and the speaker wants to add some additional reasons(E) To simplify the causes as to why a powerful nation would choose war over more civilized means of negotiation

36.- (narrator) Based on what you heard, what is a melting pot?

(A) A stew common in the 19th century(B) A cohesive society(C) A machine used in industrialized factories(D) A mix of cultures and traditions (E) A common kit used for melting bullets

37.- (narrator) What year did the war begin?

(A) 1776(B) 1876(C) 1866(D) 1861 (E) 1871


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r.1.(A) The professor mentions at the beginning she is already in her office hours, so this answer is wrong.(B) Neither the project deadline nor any other requirement is discussed in the conversation, so this answer is wrong.(C) The team has not been assigned yet, so this answer is wrong.(D) The student himself mentions what the project is about; he has no doubts about the project but would like to do it individually, so this answer is not the best.(E) This is the best answer! The student said he feels uncomfortable working in groups.

r.2.(A) She makes this statement after the student has already made his name clear to her, so this answer is not the best.(B) This is the best answer! The professor apologizes for having called the student by the wrong name.(C) She has already mentioned she is in her office hours, so this answer is wrong.(D) A problem with her office hours is not mentioned, so this answer is wrong.(E) She does not give feedback to the student, so this answer is wrong.

r.3.(A) The professor mentions the research will ‘exclusively’ be based on online sources, so this answer is wrong.(B) The professor mentions the research will ‘exclusively’ be based on online sources, so this answer is wrong.(C) The research concerns early XX Century Horror. This historical context does not correspond with the arrival of the American settlers, so this answer is wrong.(D) This is the best answer! The professor mentions the research will ‘exclusively’ be based on online sources, and a digital database is a good example of such a source.(E) The research concerns early XX Century Horror, so the word ‘recently’ makes this answer wrong.

r.4.(A) The student does not want to change the project, only the way to do it, so this answer is not the best.(B) The student does not have a team yet, so this answer is wrong.(C) The student does not ask for any new opportunity; in addition, the project has just been assigned so this answer is wrong.(D) This is the best answer! The professor changes to an authoritative tone in order to make it clear the student will have to follow the rules set in class.(E) The professor uses the word ‘Mr.’ to address the student in an authoritative tone in order to make it clear he will have to follow her instructions, so this answer is not best.

r.5.(A) The research is just the means, but not the final product of the activity, so this answer is not the best(B) Organizing a team is just a step, but not the final product of the activity, so this answer is not the best(C) This is the best answer! The professor mentions the student will learn the importance of teamwork for a professional life.(D) Digital research is just a means, but not the final product of the activity, so this answer is wrong, so this answer is wrong.(E) The professor never mentions, nor even implies, that good teamwork necessarily means making friends, so this answer is wrong.


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r.6.(A) This is the best answer! The student has gone to see his professor to ask if he can do the team activity individually.(B) Information to know Matt’s performance as a student is not given in the conversation, so this answer is wrong.(C) He never expresses disagreement with having to do the online research assigned by the professor, so this answer is wrong.(D) He never expresses having problems with organizing his time, so this answer is wrong.(E) He disagrees with the project being a team activity, but not with having to do the project at all, so this answer is not the best.

r.7.(A) The professor only uses the explanation on the origins of the term ‘Goth’ as the introduction to the lecture topic which is an introduction to American Gothic Literature, so this answer is wrong.(B) She only explains why the word ‘Gothic’ describes a specific type of literature to set the background for the class topic which is an introduction to American Gothic Literature, so this answer is wrong.(C) The sources the students will have to check for their test are only given at the end as the closing, but not as the main idea of the lecture, so this answer is wrong.(D) This is the best answer! The professor is introducing the topic of the unit they are going to work in during the following sessions.(E) The names of the authors given only correspond to the materials they will have to read for the present unit, not for the whole semester, so this answer is not the best.

r.8.(A) This is the best answer! The professor explains the term ‘Goth’ became widely associated with everything opposed to the Classical artistic taste of order and proportion inherited from the Greek and Roman traditions.(B) It is stated that Gothic Architecture is only related to the Goths in that it took its name from them, so this answer is wrong.(C) The professor explains that what was opposed to the Neoclassical style was the connotation of the term ‘Goth’, not the Gothic Architecture itself which, in addition, had existed in a previous historical period, so this answer is wrong.(D) The professor does not mention any other relation between Gothic Architecture and Literature than the fact that they share an adjective with a given artistic connotation, so this answer is not the best.(E) It is stated that Gothic stories take place in an ‘antiquated space’, but the professor does not mention any other relation between Gothic Architecture and Literature than the fact that they share an adjective with a given artistic connotation, so this answer is not the best.

r.9.(A) This writer’s work is listed as one of the main sources for the unit, so this answer is wrong.(B) This writer’s work is listed as one of the main sources for the unit, so this answer is wrong.(C) This writer’s work is listed as one of the main sources for the unit, so this answer is wrong.(D) This is the best answer! Faulkner’s work is only mentioned as one example of American Southern Gothic, but not as a name included in the reading list for the unit.(E) Freud’s test on the Uncanny is listed as a key reference for the unit, so this answer is wrong.


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r.10.(A) What the professor means is that he has perceived a lack of interest from his students in their academic labors, so this answer is wrong.(B) The professor would like the students to remember their undergraduate Psychology notes, but not to go back to undergraduate studies, so this answer is wrong.(C) The professor would like the students to remember their undergraduate Psychology notes, but not to bring them to class, so this answer is wrong, so this answer is wrong.(D) The professor does not mention Sigmund Freud in this part of the lecture, so this answer is wrong.(E) What the professor means is that he would like the students to be more interested and participative than they are doing in the session. This is the best answer.

r.11.(A) Sigmund Freud’s work is going to be read to start the unit’s work, so this answer is wrong.(B) This is the best answer! Lovecraft is the last name in list of the writers whose work they will study in chronological order.(C) This writer’s work is listed in the middle of the chronological list of reading sources, so this answer is wrong.(D) This writer’s work is not listed as one of the main sources for the unit, so this answer is wrong.(E) This writer’s work is not listed as one of the main sources for the unit; his work is only listed as the example of the first text in the history of Gothic Literature, so this answer is wrong.

r.12.(A) They will read Gillman and Lovecraft at the end of the unit which they have just started, so this answer is wrong.(B) Their Psychology notes are only mentioned to ask if they remember what they studied in their undergraduate Psychology classes, so this answer is wrong(C) They will only have to see the professor in his office hours after they have already checked the online sources, and just in case they do not understand how to use them, so this answer is wrong.(D) This is the best answer! The professor advises the students to start checking the complementary Historical sources they will need to study for the exam, and some of them are in the digital wrong.(E) The books in the library which they can use for this class are on ‘reserve’, so this answer is wrong.

r.13(A) This is the best answer. Most of the conversation is about what each of the students will be doing during Thanksgiving weekend.(B) The topic “Thanksgiving holiday and its cultural influence in the U. S.” is too broad for what is discussed in the conversation. This answer is wrong.(C) The answer is too broad, there is only a mention of what Bruno’s and Paty’s families are doing during the holiday. This answer is wrong.(D) One sport is mentioned in the conversation, but the time dedicated to the discussion on football takes only a few lines. This answer is wrong.(E) There is no mention about Bruno’s intention to go with Paty’s family. This answer is wrong.


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r.14(A) She responded she was writing for the newspaper, not reading for term papers. This answer is wrong.(B) This is the best answer. She is to be doing research and writing for the university newspaper. (C) Who will most probably be watching the football game will be Bruno and his family. There is no mention of her intention to watch the game. This answer is wrong.(D) She decided to leave the football paper for later, implying she already decided on her topic. There is no mention of her intention to watch the game. This answer is wrong.(E) She mentions the surprising amount of preparation for Thanksgiving in stores as an example of how much the holiday was an institution. She does not mention this will be an activity for her during the break. This answer is wrong.

r.15(A) This is the best answer. She mentions her distance from mainstream culture as an asset. (B) That the woman’s parents are going overseas is irrelevant to the dialogue. The reference to distance in the context of the conversation is an abstraction of the physical concept. Separating oneself from the topic is having less contact with it. This answer is wrong.(C) That he participates in the Thanksgiving tradition is the reason for which he cannot comment on it as an “external” observer. He is in a sense disqualified from writing on it as an observer. Metaphorically, he is too close to the topic because he celebrates Thanksgiving. This is the wrong answer.(D) The commercial aspect of the holiday has nothing to do with needing distance from the event to comment on it. This answer is wrong.(E) There is no mention of her being far from home for a long time in the conversation. This answer is wrong.

r.16(A) This is the best answer. He feels she is taking on too much in critically analyzing topics that are deemed popular by most students.(B) He shows his discomfort proposing she take one topic at a time. This answer is wrong.(C) He does not talk about his expectations for her work, so there is no way of telling whether he feels let down or not. This is the wrong answer.(D) There is no sign of sadness or unhappiness in his answers. This is the wrong answer.(E) His proposal that she take one topic at a time shows emotion. This is the wrong answer.

r.17(A) She does state that she wants a challenge, but this is not acknowledging his preoccupations. This is the wrong answer.(B) She mentions football as an interesting topic to talk about, but doing this does nothing to address his concern. This is the wrong answer.(C) This is the best answer. She mentions agreeing with him in that she needs to take it one controversial topic at a time.(D) He does say that he looks forward to reading the article, but this does not show how she acknowledges his concern. This is the wrong answer.(E) She mentions she forgot how much of a fan he is, so as to step back from a critical stance toward a sport he likes. This does not show how she understands his worries. This is the wrong answer.


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r.18(A) To put on a big show in this context means to prepare everything so that things go as planned. It is a demonstration of how Thanksgiving is to be celebrated. This demonstration is not necessarily for the neighbors. This is the wrong answer.(B) This is the best answer. It correctly interprets the meaning of “put on a big show” in the context of the dialogue.(C) This is the opposite of the meaning “to put on a big show” has in this context. This is the wrong answer.(D) Putting on a big show is not related to sincerity. It has more to do with an elaborate demonstration. Whether this demonstration is sincere or not is a different matter. This is the wrong answer.(E) If the family puts on a big show for something, there is an implied care taken towards the event. This option makes reference to the opposite of the intended meaning. This is the wrong answer.

r.19 (A) Technological innovations are mentioned, but they do not constitute the main purpose of the lecture. This answer is wrong.(B) There is a presentation of a different way to look at the cell in the lecture, but this should not be interpreted as the main purpose. The lecturer provides that presentation in order to describe the manner in which the class will be describing the cell. This is a good answer, but not the best one. This answer is wrong. (C) This is the best answer. The lecturer is giving reasons for and a description of the methods and language to be used in the class.(D) There is a description of challenges faced, but not by biologists. This is not the purpose of the lecture. This is the wrong answer.(E) This answer’s scope is too broad when referring to the challenges mentioned in the lecture. The lecturer only talks about challenges engineers face when dealing with Biology. Furthermore, the purpose of the lecture is to provide an introduction to a course and the methodology and language to be used in it. This is the wrong answer.

r.20(A) This is the best answer. The lecturer states that the difficulty with the available textbooks is in the use they make of vocabulary that requires prior information to be understood. In the other extreme, simplified texts do not provide engineers with the required amount of detail.(B) The lecturer states that biology textbooks in layman’s language are not appropriate because of their lack of detail. The lecturer acknowledges the existence of these textbooks. This is the wrong answer.(C) The lecturer states precisely the opposite. The use biology textbooks make of theory-laden concepts hinders engineer’s understanding. This is the wrong answer.(D) Great advances in Biology and Engineering are mentioned as part of the motivation for engineers to study Biology. This motivation is not directly related to textbooks. This is the wrong answer.(E) It can be inferred from the lecture that biologists could make better use of the textbooks because of their prior knowledge, but it could also be inferred that engineers could take some advantage from these textbooks. The statement that the textbooks ONLY provide use for biologists is too extreme. This answer is wrong.


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r.21(A) This is the best answer. The lecture goes from general to specific both in the examples and in the manner in which the lecturer refers to the methodology for the class. There is initial general motivation leading to specific problems involving the cell finally arriving at the purpose for the class.(B) This answer goes against the organization of the lecture in that the lecture goes from general to specific both in the examples and in the manner in which the lecturer refers to the methodology for the class. There is initial general motivation leading to specific problems involving the cell finally arriving at the purpose for the class. This is the wrong answer.(C)There is no mention of the expenses in the treatments discussed or in the use of the technologies that were spoken of. This is the wrong answer.(D) There is no general timeline followed by the lecturer. This is the wrong answer.(E) The social impact is briefly mentioned at the beginning of the lecture, but this does not suffice for an organizational scheme for the whole lecture. This is the wrong answer.

r.22(A) In the context in which it is mentioned cochlear implants and retinal implants are used to highlight an achievement, not an area where more work needs to be done. This is the wrong answer.(B) The implants are mentioned to show the extent to which both fields have achievements when working together. Not to underline problems between them. This is the wrong answer.(C) This is the best answer. The lecturer mentions these implants in order to show some of the technologies that are leading the way in these fields.(D) The topic of mini-factories is mentioned as a useful metaphor, not in direct relation to the implants. This is the wrong answer.(E) While the mere mention of the implants could steer students to follow these as career paths, these devices only serve the purpose of being examples in the lecture. This is the wrong answer.

r.23(A) Mini-factories are mentioned as a metaphor to be used in class. This is not the purpose of using the metaphor. This is the wrong answer.(B) There is no mention of proofs of concept, or of breaking established guidelines. The purpose is to sidestep difficulties in language through the use of metaphor and thereby acquire the necessary conventional knowledge. This is the wrong answer.(C) This is the best answer. The purpose of the lecture is to use the prior knowledge and language students have, so as to make their understanding of concepts in Biology more natural.(D) There is no mention in the lecture of a fluid environment or the need to protect oneself from it. This is the wrong answer.(E) It is possible to assume the lecturer is aware of this fact, but it would be incorrect to take this as the purpose of the use for the conceptual umbrella proposed in the lecture. This is the wrong answer.


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r.24(A) The topics discussed in the lecture are too specific for a general course in molecular biology. This is a good answer, however; it is not the best answer. (B) This is the best answer. The references in the language used, the examples given and even the choice of metaphor points to an audience of engineers. These engineers are to be taught the makings of the cell. Molecular biology includes this topic.(C) The biology department most likely has students with a complete grasp of the workings of the cell. Despite the mention of technological devices, the stated purpose of the class is to teach how the cell functions. This is the wrong answer.(D) A technology innovation course is too broad a topic for the course to which the lecture belongs. This is the wrong answer.(E) This is a technical course. What makes the course technical is the biology concepts in it not the engineering ones. This is the wrong answer.

r.25(A) This is the best answer because the audience has been asked to observe their culture as if they were extraterrestrials who might see something different in the image.(B) Though the professor labels this image as “efficient”, it is not the correct answer because the speaker never comments on how well the woman is performing these tasks.(C) This is a good answer but not the best. The speaker wants the audience to understand that we might view this as typical, but the possibility that the woman is a working housewife is not as important as the suggestion that her behavior is guided by the efficiency paradigm. This answer is incorrect.(D) This is a good answer but not the best. The speaker uses her as an example of efficiency but does so in order to highlight how our everyday activities are being influenced by an efficiency paradigm. This answer is incorrect.(E) The speaker never makes such a judgment as to her parenting abilities; however, the speaker does mention that an alien might say that child rearing is a victim to the efficiency paradigm. This answer is incorrect.

r.26(A) This is a good answer but not the best. The lecture is not about how our society is becoming more efficient; rather, it is about the possible interpretations and ethical implications of this reality. This answer is incorrect.(B) The speaker makes references to technological evolution in order to show how the efficiency paradigm might have come about, but this is not the purpose of the lecture. This answer is incorrect.(C) This is the best answer because the ethical implications are only discussed in terms of an alien’s point of view; plus the speaker alludes to a larger social reality at the end.(D) The tone of the speaker is ironic and hypothetical. He never mentions recommendations or solutions. He merely speculates as to what an outsider might say. This answer is incorrect.(E) This is a good answer but not the best. The professor was clear from the beginning that not all ethical analysis is about right and wrong. He merely asks the audience to analyze the image with a fresh pair of eyes in order to see how another might judge those actions. This answer is incorrect.


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r.27(A) This answer deviates from the point the speaker is trying to make when referencing religion. The speaker implies that religion is expanding. This answer is incorrect.(B) This is the best answer because one might not readily associate a faith based institution with efficiency, which is the point the speaker is trying to make.(C) This answer is contrary to what the speaker is trying to do by referencing religion. He says that religion is taking advantage of them for outreach purposes. This answer is incorrect.(D) This is a good answer but not the best. The speaker never makes a qualitative comment on whether religious outreach has improved. He just says that religious institutions are taking advantage of them. This answer is incorrect.(E) The speaker comments on the outreach aspect of Religion but not the entire institution. This answer is incorrect.

r.28(A) This is a good answer but not the best because the speaker specifically mentions that an alien might consider child rearing to be the victim. This answer is incorrect.(B) The speaker implies that a priest could do his job more efficiently, but he never says that an alien might think so. This answer is incorrect.(C) This is a good answer but not the best. Work time is affected, evidence of which is that the speaker says we can almost work 24/7, but the speaker never says that an alien might arrive at this conclusion. This answer is incorrect.(D) Democracy is not mentioned in the lecture. This answer is incorrect.(E) This is the best answer since it is taken verbatim from the lecture. The speaker cites this as a possible conclusion that an alien might reach.

r.29(A) This is a good answer but not the best. Multitasking was referenced as a category of behavior and not as a specific example. This answer is incorrect.(B) This is a good answer but not the best. The speaker says that a defining characteristic of our times is that we do not tolerate time and space limitations. This answer is incorrect.(C) The speaker never says that multitasking is bad, only that an alien might think child rearing is a victim of the efficiency paradigm. This answer is incorrect.(D) This is the best answer because the speaker, by saying that the image was an example of multitasking, implies that other activities might be influenced or affected by multitasking.(E) The speaker never talks about multitasking in terms of it being the direct result of digital technology. He says that digital technology contributes to the efficiency paradigm. This answer is incorrect.

r.30(A) This is the best answer because it should be obvious to the reader that France and Prussia were 2 separate countries. Plus part of the main purpose of the lecture was to show that the US was not a unified nation at the time of the civil war but actually two distinct territories with different visions of the future.(B) Though the Franco-Prussian war followed, the speaker never mentions the US Civil War to be the cause of it. This answer is incorrect.(C) Though the speaker mentions conflict analysis and resolution, he does not use this example for such a purpose. This answer is incorrect.(D) The speaker never makes reference to slavery in France and Prussia. This answer is incorrect.(E) The author mentions the possibility of invasion as an example of why the two regions would unite but not in the manner suggested by the answer. This answer is incorrect.


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r.31(A) The speaker mentions that much subsequent analysis of the US Civil War cites slavery as a direct cause; however, the speaker links the slavery cause with those in power in the North. This answer is incorrect.(B) This is a good answer but not the best. The speaker referred to slavery as being a right of each state, as well as legislation in general, but not a belief. This answer is incorrect.(C) This is the best answer because the speaker says that faith, which is like a belief, can drive people to war.(D) This answer is incorrect since the speaker says that those in power in the North were opposed to slavery because it did not serve their interests. An interest has nothing to do with belief. This answer is incorrect.(E) The purpose of the lecture was not to talk about just causes. It was more objective than that. This answer is incorrect.

r.32(A) No fruit was mentioned, least of all as a metaphor. This answer is incorrect.(B) This is the best answer as it is taken verbatim from the text. This metaphor is appropriately applied since it is logical to conclude that two separate entities might speak different languages.(C) No colors are mentioned. This answer is incorrect.(D) This is a good answer but not the best. The speaker did say that the 2 regions had different ideas of what a society should be, but this is more of a conclusion and not a metaphor. This answer is incorrect.(E) The speaker talks about families being patriarchal and organized, but he does not talk about families fighting between or among each other. This answer is incorrect.

r.33(A) This is a good answer but not the best since this possibility can be inferred, but the speaker specifically cites military organizations by comparing the North and the South in terms of their structure. He does not say that the farmers were ubiquitously influenced by the elite. This answer is incorrect.(B) This is a good answer but not the best. The speaker does say that slaves were part of the hierarchy, but he does not imply this. This is not the correct answer.(C) This is a good answer but not the best since the speaker never qualifies one as more powerful than the other, only more cohesive. This is not the correct answer.(D) Like letter C, this is a good answer but not the best. This was said explicitly. The speaker does not say that nature formed the hierarchy. Nature was referenced to as an example of an ideological justification. This is not the correct answer.(E) This is the best answer because the speaker explicitly says that a paternalistic society can translate into an army. A paternalistic society is a type of hierarchy, though the speaker never actually says this; therefore it was implied.


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r.34(A) This is the best answer since one region fought for a unified nation based on progress while the other fought for a lifestyle.(B) This is precisely what the speaker wants to challenge as the commonly accepted cause for the war. Plus, this was an old topic that had been discussed in previous lectures. This answer is incorrect.(C) This was an old topic that had been discussed in a previous lecture. This answer is incorrect.(D) This is a good answer but not the best since expansion was mentioned in terms of how the US was going to grow, either based on slavery or free labor. This does not, however, relate to ideological reasons that were used to convince the average citizens. This answer is incorrect.(E) This is contrary to the point that the speaker is trying to make about the US not being a unified nation. Invasion was mentioned but only as an excuse to come together temporarily. This answer is incorrect.

r.35(A) This is a good answer but not the best. The class had discussed these topics, but the professor uses them as a foundation for the lecture. This answer is incorrect.(B) This is the best answer since the speaker uses these reasons as an introduction to his discussion that there were other less tangible and more obscure reasons for war.(C) This is contrary to the point that the speaker was trying to make. The speaker is saying there were other arguments that have not been given the same analytical attention. This answer is incorrect.(D) This is a good answer but not the best. The speaker never indicates that the argument had been fully exhausted. This answer is incorrect.(E) This answer contradicts the speaker’s intention. The speaker was trying to show that the causes for the war were actually very complex. This answer is incorrect.

r.36(A) This answer is incorrect because no food was mentioned.(B) The listener should have understood the opposite. This answer is incorrect.(C) The speaker never mentioned a specific machine. This answer is incorrect.(D) This is the best answer since a melting pot was directly juxtaposed against the part about the South being cohesive.(E) This answer is incorrect since specific manufacturing was never mentioned.

r.37(A) This answer is incorrect because this year was mentioned.(B) This year was never mentioned. This answer is incorrect.(C) This year was never mentioned. This answer is incorrect.(D) This is the best answer since this year was mentioned in the context of a call to war.(E) This year was mentioned but only as it related to the beginning of another war.


Tipo de preguntas y estrategias

Producción oral

Esta sección solicita la generación de 6 productos por parte del candidato. Estos productos se clasifican en dos tipos de tarea:

• Tareas independientes (2 productos), y• Tareas de integración de información (4 productos).

Estrategias generales

• Identificar ideas principales y de apoyo en argumentos escritos y orales• Tomar notas de la idea principal y detalles, al tiempo que se lee un texto o se escucha un audio• Refutar o apoyar argumentos de otros• Planear una respuesta con apoyo en notas, y de acuerdo al tiempo establecido• Crear un argumento sólido y claro apoyándose en ideas y experiencias personales y de otros, así

como en hechos de conocimiento general• Usar, principalmente, conectores y discurso indirecto para producir un argumento oral estructurado

y que se apoye en paráfrasis de lo leído y escuchado previamente• Presentar el argumento oral dentro del tiempo establecido


Producción oral

The TOEFL iBT speaking section asks for the completion of six tasks: . One independent task in which you have to answer a question.. One independent task in which you have to express a choice.. Two listening, reading and speaking integrated tasks in which you will be asked to integrate the information from two different sources.. Two listening and speaking integrated tasks in which you will be asked to report, summarize or explain the information from one source.

The key skills to develop for the integrated tasks are note taking and the ability to identify the topic and main points of audio and written texts.


Read the following passage and take notes on the main points about it.You will then use your notes to answer some questions about it.You will have 4 minutes to read the text, take notes, and answer the questions that follow.

As part of the university’s Green Campus policy, the Campus Housing Services office has implemented some new regulations that will have to be followed by every single user of the student residences starting next semester. Dormitory occupants will remain responsible for collecting their own trash and placing it in the containers outside each dorm complex. Additionally, there are some new policies that will have to be followed without exception. First, every Tuesday at around noon, the dorm cleaners will inspect each room and kitchen, and keep a list with the names of those who did not empty their trash cans before then. Those lists will be handed in to the CHS office, and the students who fail to empty their trash cans will be charged the corresponding fines. If you empty your room’s can, but the one of your dorm kitchen is not, you will still receive a partial fine for holding part of the responsibility for the cleanliness of the kitchen. Second, and finally, each room and kitchen will now have two separate trash cans, one for inorganic trash and another for the organic one. Those rooms and kitchens that fail to divide their trash according to these categories will also be charged with a fine. For detailed information about the fine costs, check the Campus Housing Services web page.










Producción oral




Now, use your notes to answer the following questions

1.-What is the topic of the passage?

(A) the campus’ new Green Policy(B) the problems related to trash handling in the campus dormitories(C) the fines stipulated by the new Green Policy(D) the supervision done by dorm cleaners(E) the new regulations related to trash handling in campus residences

2.-According to the text, how many new regulations are introduced by the university’s Green Campus policy?

(A) one(B) two(C) three(D) four(E) none

3.-According to the text, it can be inferred that the fines for not following the new trash handling policies will be charged by?

(A) the campus director(B) the residence cleaners(C) the dorm supervisors(D) the housing services office(E) the students’ parents

4.-What can be inferred from the text about the residence kitchens?

(A) They are not included in the new policy.(B) They are not for individual use.(C) They produce more organic trash.(D) They are dirty all the time.(E) They are cleaned every Tuesday.


Listen to a conversation and take notes on the main points about it.You will then use your notes to answer some questions about it.After the conversation ends, you will have 3 minutes to answer the questions.


Producción oral












Now, use your notes to answer the following questions (3 minutes).

5.-What can be inferred about the woman?

(A) She is the dorm student supervisor.(B) She hates recycling.(C) She loses her temper with Matt.(D) She is socially responsible. (E) She is ecologically conscious.

6.-What main reason does Matt give not to separate trash?

(A) It will interfere with his studies.(B) His does not have to do it at his parents’ home.(C) He will do it when he works, but not now.(D) People in the city do not do it. (E) It looks like an unreasonable imposition.

7.-According to the woman, what benefit has the university received for sorting out trash in its dormitories?

(A) a public prize (B) reduced costs (C) extra fines(D) payments off (E) an encouragement


Producción oral

8.-What does the woman imply about sorting out trash?

(A) It is time consuming, but rewarding. (B) It will save the planet. (C) It pays off.(D) It is not time consuming at all. (E) It is obligatory for every student at that university.


Read the following passage and take notes on the main points about it.You will then use your notes to answer some questions about it.You will have 2 minutes to read the text, take notes, and answer the questions that follow.

These days, the average citizen of any urban area spends at least a tenth of his life with a headphone set on his ears. The search for high fidelity combined with the need for isolating sounds from the external environment makes many of us use headphones for a number of different activities related to leisure and communication. Nevertheless, most people do not consider the negative side effects that the use of these devices has on their ears and the rest of their bodies.

To begin with, it has been known for years that laboratory studies have constantly demonstrated that the use of headphones affects the hearing ability in a long term. Besides, there is also the fact that research done in several universities during the 1980’s demonstrated that the magnets and wire inside each speaker create a magnetic field that increases the risk of brain cancer. As a result, for many years scientific and medical associations have been recommending that the use of such devices be limited as much as possible.













Producción oral

Now, use your notes to answer the following questions

9.-What is the topic of the passage?

(A) Headphones allow us to hear better.(B) Headphones can cause brain cancer.(C) Headphones are useful, but also dangerous.(D) Headphones reduce hearing accuracy.(E) Headphones should be banned.

10.-According to the text, it can be inferred that people use headphones despite the negative consequences because?

(A) Headphones are indispensable in their lives.(B) They need to communicate.(C) They love leisure.(D) They simply ignore the scientific evidence about headphones.(E) The use of headphones guarantees a better sound.


Listen to a lecture and take notes on the main points about it.You will then use your notes to answer some questions after the lecture.After the lecture ends, you will have 2 minutes to answer the questions.












Now, use your notes to answer the following questions (2 minutes).


Producción oral

11.-What is the topic of the lecture?

(A) Headphones have many more uses than in the past.(B) Headphones have been improved.(C) Headphones have many applications.(D) Headphones can hurt people.(E) Headphones have better sound quality than before.

12.-What example does the writer give to support the idea that headphones are safe in our days?

(A) They do not use transistors anymore.(B) They allow us to explore places out of reach with robots.(C) They can be used by scientists.(D) They can be used in rainy conditions.(E) They can be used in crude conditions.

13.-How does the information in the listening relate to what is explained in the passage?

(A) It presents a contrasting view of headphones.(B) It refutes the ideas in the passage.(C) It adds extra information to the passage.(D) It emphasizes the advantages of headphones over their disadvantages.(E) It is based on facts rather than on assumptions.


Note taking is not the only skill you need to complete the six tasks of the iBT Speaking section with satisfactory results. It is also important that you show a good use of linking words (to create your arguments) and reporting verbs (to report what the speakers said) when producing your responses. You will now be given a series of questions to help you diagnose your knowledge of these linguistic devices. Choose the best answer for each of them.

14.-Which of the following words can be used to start an argument with an objective opinion?

(A) I strongly believe that…(B) In my opinion…(C) If I had to choose, I would pick…(D) I’m convinced that…(E) To illustrate this point…

15.-Which is the best way to introduce a report on the following statement:woman: “This is not fair! I failed because I was never told that the class activities counted for the partial grade.”

(A) The woman complained that…(B) The woman suggested that…(C) The woman pointed out that…(D) The woman mentioned that…(E) The woman emphasized that…


Producción oral

16.-Which is the best way to introduce a report on the following statement:man: “This flyer contains the essential information we’ll have to check before enrolling in the kayaking club.”

(A) The man argues that…(B) The man indicates that…(C) The man comments that…(D) The man implies that…(E) The man discusses that…

17.-Which is the best way to introduce a report on the following statement: man: “Hey, what’s wrong, you seem as if you’d seen a ghost.”woman: “I wish that were the case; at least that would’ve been less complicated to face. The truth is I have just realized I enrolled in the wrong Math course and the deadline to cancel enrollments was yesterday.”

(A) The woman wishes…(B) The man thinks…(C) The woman suspects…(D) The woman’s problem…(E) The man suggests…

18.-Which of the following words or phrases would be best to connect the following two sentences:I plan on doing a postgraduate program in another country.I need to present the TOEFL iBT test as an extra requirement.

(A) Furthermore,(B) That is,(C) For this reason,(D) In fact,(E) Otherwise,

The following activities (numbers 19-30 in the speaking section) are designed to help you practice organizing your arguments.


Read the given arguments (#1-#4). Use the examples to form a counterargument of your own.Once you have an argument in mind, follow the steps below.1. Read the given argument.2. Explain your argument.3. Give background information.4. State your argument clearly.5. Explain how each example supports your argument.6. Also, make sure you explain how each example shows that the given argument is faulty.7. Finally, give a conclusion summarizing your point of view. It should demonstrate that some critical points were not considered in the given argument; therefore, the given argument is faulty.


Producción oral

(19-21) Argument #1: The drug war should be allowed to run its course since neither the US nor Mexico has the infrastructure to deal with the subsequent effects, such as treatment, job placement, and medical care, that will come with the vacuum left behind if drug trafficking suddenly came to a halt.

Examples:The author does not specify what he means by “run its course”.At the moment, Mexico’s medical infrastructure is not being used to its full potential. Treatment and preventive medical issues are the fastest growing new industry in the United States.Now, go to step 4 in the instructions and begin stating your argument.

(22-24) Argument #2:The few countries in Northern Africa (Arab Africa) that are calling for drastic political and social changes, for example democratic rule and a free market, should not be given guidance from the West since one of the most important tenants of self rule is individual freedom. Any amount of foreign influence might have a retroactive effect on the progress made so far in terms of social and political change.

Examples:“Any amount of foreign influence” is a drastic statement. In the information age, it would almost be impossible for no Western influence to get through.Arab countries do not have a history of democratic tradition and would need guidance.A free market implies contact with the West.Now, go to step 4 in the instructions and begin stating your argument.

(25-27) Argument #3China should continue to restrict Internet access within their borders in order to preserve their identity. The Chinese government is taking the correct path by prohibiting their citizens from using Google

Examples:Access is the new world paradigm. Most other developing countries are vying for Internet access.Most cultures have accepted the fact that their citizens can enjoy two simultaneous identities—that of their nation plus the one that participates in the global community.In the 21st Century, “prohibition” is reserved for illicit behavior and not access to information.Now, go to step 4 in the instructions and begin stating your argument.

(28-30) Argument #4 (Here, the writer is attacking the assumption. High level of difficulty)NASA should not treat UFOs or extra terrestrials as a legitimate cause for continued space exploration because such an endeavor would divert funds which could otherwise be used towards more humanitarian issues.

Examples:There are countless other causes for space exploration, and UFOs and extra terrestrials would only be additional causes along with others.Further space exploration could also address the “humanitarian issues” in addition to entertaining the idea of extra terrestrials.As a means of generating public support, UFOs and extra terrestrials would be popular issues that could resuscitate space exploration.


Producción oral

Now, go to the steps above 1 to 7 and begin stating your argument.













Producción oral


r.1.(A) The author indicates that the university’s Green Campus policy implies new regulations to be followed by dormitory occupants, and then goes on to describe them. Apart form the fact that “Green Campus policy” and “Green Policy” are two different names, this answer is very general to be the topic of the whole text, so this answer is not the best.(B) Although the text discusses the handling of trash in the campus residences, no existing problems related to it are mentioned, so this answer is wrong.(C) The fines related to the incorrect handling of trash in the student residences are just mentioned as part of the details of the topic, which is “the new regulations related to trash handling in campus residences”, so this answer is wrong.(D) The text indicates that the dorm cleaners will supervise that every student and kitchen follow the new regulations, but this is just part of the details supporting the topic. In addition, “the supervision done by dorm cleaners” is a very general idea to be used as a topic, so this answer is wrong.(E) This is the best answer! The author explains that the university’s Green Campus policy implies new regulations to be followed by residence occupants, and then goes on to describe them.

r.2.(A) The text indicates that dorm occupants will have to empty their room and kitchen trash cans once a week, and that they will have to separate the trash in both places as well. In addition, the writer uses the connecting words “First” and “Second” to introduce the explanation and details concerning each of these new policies, so this answer is wrong.(B) This answer is the best! The text indicates that dorm occupants will have to empty their room and kitchen trash cans once a week, and that they will have to separate the trash in both places as well. In addition, the writer uses the connecting words “First” and “Second” to introduce the explanation and details concerning each of these two new policies.(C) The text indicates that dorm occupants will have to empty their room and kitchen trash cans once a week, and that they will have to separate the trash in both places as well. In addition, the writer uses the connecting words “First” and “Second” to introduce the explanation and details concerning each of these new policies. Although it is previously mentioned that the students will “remain” responsible for placing the trash in the containers outside the residences, the word “remain” indicates this is not a new policy, but part of the existing regulations, so this answer is wrong.(D) The text indicates that dorm occupants will have to empty their room and kitchen trash cans once a week, and that they will have to separate the trash in both places as well. In addition, the writer uses the connecting words “First” and “Second” to introduce the explanation and details concerning each of these new policies, so this answer is wrong.(E) The text indicates that dorm occupants will have to follow some new policies, so this answer is wrong.

r.3.(A) The text mentions that the lists with the names of those who fail to follow the new policies will be handed to the office of Campus Housing Services, so this answer is wrong.(B) The text explains that the cleaners will write down the names of those who do not follow the policies, but they will then hand in the lists to the office of Campus Housing Services, so this answer is not the best.(C) The existence of dorm supervisors is never mentioned in the text, so this answer is wrong.


Producción oral

(D) This is the best answer! The text indicates that the cleaners will hand in the lists with the names of those who failed to follow the new policies to the office of Campus Housing Services, and then the students will be charged the corresponding fines.(E) The students’ parents are not mentioned by the author at any time, so this answer is completely wrong.

r.4.(A) The text explains that, according to the new policy, the trash in kitchens must be emptied and separated, so this answer is wrong.(B) This is the best answer! The text indicates that if the trash of a dorm kitchen is not emptied, the students will still “receive a partial fine for holding part of the responsibility for the cleanliness of the kitchen.”(C) The author does not mention the percentage of organic and inorganic trash that is generated in the kitchens, so this answer is wrong.(D) The author does not mention that the kitchens are always dirty, so this answer is wrong.(E) The author explains that the cleaners will check that kitchen trash cans have been emptied every Tuesday around noon, but does not mention anything related to when the places are cleaned, so this answer is wrong.

r.5.(A) The question asks you to make an inference. When the man asks for the “dorm student supervisor”, the woman answers: “You don’t have to ask any further”. This means he has already found the person he was looking for, so this answer is completely wrong.(B) In the conversation, the woman insists more than once that the man consider the trash separation rule. In addition, she mentions the cost reduction related to it as an advantage, so this answer is completely wrong.(C) In the conversation, the woman tries to convince the man to the end, and never seems to get mad at Matt, so this answer is wrong.(D) Throughout the conversation, the woman tries to convince the man to follow an ecological policy, but the idea of “social responsibility” has to do with acting to benefit society, not to help ecology, so this answer is not the best.(E) This is the best answer! The woman emphasizes that rules such as the trash separation policy bring benefits for everyone. Finally, she tries to convince the man by mentioning that it is a contribution to preserve the environment.

r.6.(A) This is the best answer! When the man expresses his refusal to separate trash, his argument is that he is there “to study, not to add extra time to my schedules separating trash”. Then he also mentions that he does not like the idea of receiving “extra assignments apart from the ones I’ll already be having from my professors.”(B) The man does not mention his parents’ home; in fact, he mentions that sorting out trash sounds like a good idea within a family environment, so this answer is wrong.(C) The man mentions that separating trash sounds good for a company, but he does not make any reference to his working future, so this answer is wrong.(D) The man mentions that he will consider renting a place near campus, but he does not state whether people in the city do not sort out trash, so this answer is not the best.(E) The man complains about having to separate trash because he has academic responsibilities to follow, but does not refer to it as an “unreasonable imposition”; actually, he mentions that he will try to follow it before making a decision to move out of campus, so this answer is not the best.


Producción oral

r.7.(A) The woman does not mention a public prize as a reward for the university’s trash policy, so this answer is wrong.(B) This is the best answer! The woman indicates that the university has had to pay less for trash collection as a result of their trash policy.(C) The woman only mentions the fines that students who do not sort out trash have to pay, but fines paid by the university are not indicated, so this answer is wrong.(D) The noun “payments” does not have an existing meaning in combination with the particle “off”. The woman used the phrasal verb “paying off” in that its meaning is “to bring results”, so this answer is wrong.(E) The woman mentions that the direct benefit from the trash separation policy is that the university has had to pay less for trash collection because “the city hall encourages the preservation of resources”. The word encourages is thus used as a verb indicating that the city hall motivates ecological policies, but it is not used to describe the direct benefit received by the university, so this answer is not the best.

r.8.(A) The woman indicates that sorting out trash will not “ take more than a few seconds” of the man’s day, so this answer is wrong.(B) The woman just mentions that separating trash contributes “a little bit to save our environment”. However, the idea “save the planet” is far more general than that. Although it is commonly accepted that trash separation is a means to help preserve the Earth’s ecology, this idea is not mentioned by either speaker in the conversation, so this answer is not the best. (C) The woman indicates at least two benefits of separating trash at the university, but this answer does not specify them, so it is not the best.(D) This is the best answer! The woman tries to convince the man to change his attitude by mentioning that “separating trash won’t take more than a few seconds of your day”.(E) The woman explains that the separate trash cans in the dorm kitchen and rooms are for students to follow the trash separation rules, but she does not explain anything related to other campus facilities. In addition the fact that the man will consider moving out of campus implies that this rule is only to be followed by students living in the university’s residences, so this answer is wrong.

r.9.(A) This is just one of the characteristics of headphones discussed in the text, so this answer is wrong.(B) This is just one of the negative side effects of headphones mentioned by the author, so this answer is wrong.(C) This is the best answer! In the first paragraph, the author mentions the advantages why people use headphones, but in the second one, two dangers of their use are listed. (D) This idea is related to just one of the side effects of the use of headphones listed in the text, so this answer is wrong.(E) The author lists the side effects of using headphones, but never expresses a personal opinion, so this answer is completely wrong.

r.10.(A) The author does not mention that people find headphones “indispensable”, so this answer is wrong.(B) The author mentions communication just as one of the uses of headphones, but not as the reason why they ignore their negative effects, so this answer is not the best.(C) The author mentions that people use headphones in leisure activities, but not as the reason to ignore their negative side effects, so this answer is wrong.


Producción oral

(D) This answer is the best! The author mentions that people use headphones for communication and leisure activities without considering their negative effects, and all these negative side effects listed have been detected by means of scientific research.(E) The author mentions the search for a better sound just as one of the reasons why they are used, but not as the main reason why people ignore their negative effects, so this answer is wrong.

r.11.(A) The author indicates that headphones have more uses than in the past, but only as one of the characteristics in their improvement, so this answer is wrong.(B) This is the best answer! The author indicates not only that the uses of headphones have grown, but also that they have become more secure.(C) The author mentions a varied number of uses of headphones only as one of their characteristics, so this answer is wrong.(D) The author indicates that headphones could cause an electric shock, but only in the past, so this answer is wrong.(E) The author indicates that headphones have a better sound quality than in the past, but only as one of the characteristics in their improvement, so this answer is wrong.

r.12.(A) Although the direct connection with the transistors of the radio made headphones dangerous in the past, the author does not indicate whether headphones use transistors or not, so this answer is wrong.(B) The author does not mention the use of headphones in explorations in connection with their safety, so this answer is wrong.(C) The author does not mention the use of headphones for scientific purposes in connection with their safety, so this answer is wrong.(D) This is the best answer! The author indicates that, in our days, headphones “can even be used in the rain”.(E) The word “crude” is only mentioned to describe the sound quality in old headphones, so this answer is wrong.

r.13.(A) This is the best answer! The two sources discuss some aspects of headphones, and both coincide in their mention of their safety. However, the passage mentions that there are negative side effects related to the user’s health, while the speaker indicates that they “do not represent any danger for the user.”(B) Although this answer refers to the plural “ideas” both sources present contrasting views regarding only one characteristic of headphones, which is their safety. Besides, the verb “to refute” means “to deny”, but the listening does not address the side effects mentioned in the passage, so this answer is not the best.(C)The passage mentions that headphones are used for communication and leisure and that they produce scientifically proved side effects. On the other hand, the speaker describes the improvement of headphones and their uses for entertainment and exploration. As a result, neither the main ideas, nor the examples in the listening add to what is mentioned in the passage, so this answer is wrong.(D) The speaker does not mention disadvantages of headphones in our days. In addition, he does not contrast the advantages that he mentions with the disadvantages listed in the passage, so this answer is wrong.(E)The speaker does not indicate whether he ignores or decides not to mention the scientific research mentioned in the passage. Even if he indicated that he bases his idea on the security of phones on mere assumptions, this would mean the opposite to this answer, so it is completely wrong.


Producción oral

r.14.(A) The expression “I strongly believe that…” shows a strong opinion rather than an objective one, so this answer is wrong.Other expressions to show a strong opinion are:I’m convinced that…I support / oppose the idea of…The best way to…I’m sure that…It’s obvious that…I have no doubt that…I agree / disagree…(B) This is the best answer! Other expressions to start an objective opinion are:As far as I’m concerned…As far as I know…From my point of view…(C) The expression “If I had to choose, I would pick…” shows a preference rather than an opinion, so this answer is wrong.Other expressions to show a preference are:I prefer…I’d prefer…I’d rather…It would suit me better to…(D) The expression “I’m convinced that…” shows a strong opinion rather than a neutral one, so this answer is wrong.(E)The expression “To illustrate this point…” introduces an example rather than an opinion, so this answer is wrong.Other expressions to introduce an example are:For example, andFor instance.

r.15.(A) This is the best answer! The woman mentions that the situation is unfair in order to initiate her complaint about her not having been told about a class evaluation requirement. (B) The woman is not making any suggestion, so this answer is wrong.(C) The phrasal verb ‘point out’ means ‘to emphasize’ or call attention to something, but the expression “This is not fair!” shows that the woman is complaining about her situation, so this answer is not the best.(D) The verb ‘mention’ means ‘to refer’ or ‘say’, but the woman is complaining and describing the result of her not having been told about a class requirement, so this answer is wrong.(E) The verb ‘emphasize’ means ‘to stress’, but the expression “This is not fair!” shows that the woman is complaining about her situation, so this answer is not the best.

r.16.(A) The man explains what the contents of the flyer are, but the verb ‘argue’ means to put forth reasons for or against, so this answer is incorrect.(B) This the best answer! The man explains what the contents of the flyer are, and the verb ‘indicate’ means ‘to state’ or ‘explain’.(C) The man states what the contents of the flyer are, and the verb ‘comment’ means to make a remark or observation, so this answer is not the best.


Producción oral

(D) The man explains what the contents of the flyer are, but the verb ‘imply’ means to indicate by a hint or ‘to suggest’, so this answer is incorrect.(E) The man explains what the contents of the flyer are, but the verb “discuss” means to examine or consider mainly in a conversation, so this answer is incorrect.

r.17.(A) Although the woman wishes she had seen a ghost rather than enrolled in the wrong course, that is not the main point of her problem, so this answer is not the best.(B) The man’s impression on the woman’s countenance is just what leads her to explain her problem, so this answer is wrong.(C) The woman does not mention having any suspicion, so this answer is wrong.(D) This is the best answer! The main point of the conversation so far is that the looks worried because she has enrolled in the wrong course.(E) Although the context indicates he may do it later on, the man has not suggested anything in this part of the conversation, so this answer is wrong.

r.18.(A) The conjunctive adverb ‘furthermore’ is used to add extra information, but the relationship between the two sentences in the question shows cause and result, so this answer is wrong.Other conjunctive adverbs used to add extra information are:in additionmoreoverbesidesadditionallyThese are written between a period or semi colon, and a comma.(B) The conjunctive adverb “that is” is used to exemplify or illustrate, but the relationship between the two sentences in the question shows cause and result, so this answer is wrong.Other conjunctive adverbs used to exemplify or illustrate are:for examplefor instancein other wordsin shortspecificallyThese are written between a period or semi colon, and a comma.(C) This is the best answer! The relationship between the two sentences in the question shows cause and result which is the relationship expressed by the conjunctive adverb “for this reason”.Other conjunctive adverbs used to show cause and result are:consequentlyas a resulthencethereforethusThese are written between a period or semi colon, and a comma.


Tipo de preguntas y estrategias

Producción escrita

Esta sección solicita la generación de 2 productos por parte del candidato. Estos productos se clasifican en dos tipos de tarea:

• Tarea independiente (1 producto), y• Tarea de integración de información (1 producto).

Estrategias generales

• Identificar ideas principales y de apoyo en argumentos escritos y orales• Tomar notas de la idea principal y detalles, al tiempo que se lee un texto o se escucha un audio• Refutar o apoyar argumentos de otros• Planear una respuesta escrita con apoyo en notas, y de acuerdo al tiempo establecido• Crear un argumento escrito sólido y claro • Usar, principalmente, tiempos verbales, partes del discurso, estructura de oraciones, así como

conectores para producir un ensayo estructurado • Saber redactar un ensayo basándose en las siguientes habilidades:

• Realizar el bosquejo de un ensayo antes de redactarlo con base en notas,• Redactar la idea principal, • Redactar una introducción,• Redactar párrafos argumentativos,• Redactar una conclusión, y• Revisar y editar antes de entregar.

• Completar el ensayo dentro del tiempo establecido


Producción escrita


Listen to a lecture and take notes on the main points about it.You will then use your notes to answer some questions after the lecture.

Now, use your notes to answer the following questions.You will have 2 minutes to answer them.












1.-What is the topic of the lecture?

(A) Why humans prefer some animals instead of others(B) Why some animals can be domesticated while others cannot(C) Why people domesticate animals(D) Why humans like dogs over wolves(E) Why deer are not domestic animals

2.-Why is it easy to domesticate dogs?

(A) They are interdependent with wolves.(B) They can be trained while wolves cannot.(C) They protect their cubs and form groups.(D) They need to follow a leader.(E) They are independent animals.


Producción escrita

3.-Why is it difficult to domesticate deer?

(A) They follow a leader.(B) They cannot be ridden.(C) They are very protective of their own territory.(D) They are very violent.(E) They cannot live in constrained areas.

4.-According to the speaker, what problems would humans find if they tried to domesticate deer?

(A) They would have to train them not to fight.(B) They would have to train them to live in stables.(C) The deer would try to escape all the time.(D) They would only be able to domesticate isolated groups.(E) Deer would never accept dogs.

5.-Which of the following outlines best summarizes the speaker’s speech?

(A) . Most people do not know why some specific animals have been domesticated instead of others.. The existence of some characteristics makes it easier to domesticate some animals. . Dogs can be domesticated because they are loyal and follow a master.. Wolves are difficult to domesticate because they are independent.. Horses can be domesticated because they are social animals that accept others in their group, . and because they can follow a single leader for a big group.. Deer form small groups and do not accept other groups to enter their area.. Whenever thinking about domestication, reflect upon the features that make a species easier to domesticate than other related ones.



. People talk about domestication without reflecting upon it.

. People use various domestic species for different purposes.

. Dogs can be domesticated while wolves cannot.

. Wolves are difficult to domesticate because they are independent.

. Horses are domesticated because they can be ridden.

. Deer form small groups and do not accept other groups to enter their area.

. Whenever choosing a domestic animal, reflect upon the features that make it suitable for a house.

. Most people do not know what domestic animals are mainly used for.

. Humans have used domestic animals since humans became sedentary.

. Dogs can be domesticated in an easy way.

. Wolves are difficult to domesticate.

. Horses can be domesticated.

. Deer form small groups.

. Before you choose a pet, check if it is from a domestic family.


Producción escrita



. We generally ignore the reasons why some animals have been domesticated.

. The existence of some characteristics makes it easier to domesticate some animals.

. Dogs can be domesticated because they follow a master.

. Wolves are difficult to domesticate because they are interdependent.

. Horses can be domesticated because they are social animals that follow a single leader for a big group.. Deer do not accept other groups to enter their area.. Whenever thinking about domestication, reflect upon the features that make a species easier to domesticate than other related ones.

. We use domestic animals as pets and mainly on farms.

. Animals can be domesticated according to their characteristics.

. Dogs can be domesticated because they are loyal and follow a master.

. Wolves are difficult to domesticate because they form packs.

. Horses can be domesticated because they are social animals that accept others in their group, and because they can follow a single leader for a big group.. Deer allow other groups to enter their area.. After this speech, you have a wider knowledge about domestication.


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Read the following passage and take notes on the main points about it.You will then use your notes to answer some questions after the text.You will have 5 minutes to read the text, take notes, and answer the questions that follow.

It was demonstrated by Darwin, and has been accepted since then, that primates are the closest relations to humans in the animal kingdom. Nevertheless, very few attempts have been made to domesticate primates others than using them for entertainment and space exploration. There are some specific reasons related to behavior and physical characteristics behind this absence of primates in our list of domesticated animals. To begin with primates exhibit some of the most marked features of character that identify humans. They experience deep affection and sense of belonging to a group. These two characteristics would be just enough to domesticate and keep them as affectionate pets that would never attempt to leave home were it not for the fact that they also share other human emotions like stubbornness and jealousy. These two other characteristics would be enough to have at home the same quarrels that are usually experienced among family members, but this time the pet would also be included in them. It is clear that pets like cats and dogs also show these kinds of emotions that make them react in ways that may not be the desirable ones inside a house, but these two kinds of domestic animals have limited ways to react in a rebellious manner to show that they disagree with the way they are being treated. Apart from scratching a piece of furniture or urinating on a forbidden area of the house, there are not many options a dog or a cat can make use of to show disagreement. Biting may be their last resource, but research done in laboratory has demonstrated that the height and biped position of man inspires immediate submission when faced by a four-legged animal that has been removed from a wild context.

Contrary to the previous, it has also been demonstrated that, even out of a wild scenario, apes tend to see humans as their equals once they are treated as part of a human group. This would increase the possibilities of suffering a severe attack by a primate pet which is dissatisfied with the portion of food it received or with the order in which he is served in the house. Coming to this point it is not only necessary to consider the behavior, but also the physical shared characteristics we have with primates. They have strong arm muscles that can cause severe fractures, their hands can manipulate objects that a cat or dog may fail to grasp with its mouth, and their teeth, though not sharp, are harder and longer than ours. As a result, an angry ape pet would be able not only to steal and hide personal objects to show dissatisfaction, but may go as far as hurting its owner in a severe way that may leave permanent consequences.

When space exploration developers decided to use chimpanzees over dogs, it was precisely because, although both have similar weight, the former were also able to operate human designed tools, buttons and knobs. Additionally, they could follow complex instructions and keep their concentration for long periods as we do. However, as the preceding lines have mentioned, it is precisely their extreme similarities to humans in behavior and body structure that make apes not the ideal pets to have as company in a peaceful home.


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Now, use your notes to answer the following questions.

6.-What is the topic of the passage?

(A) Primates share many characteristics with humans.(B) Primates behave like humans once they are inserted in a human context.(C) Primates could kill humans if they wanted to.(D) Primates have better ways to attack humans than dogs and cats do.(E) Primates have specific characteristics that prevent humans from domesticating and using them as pets.

7.-Which characteristics does the writer mention would make us think of domesticating apes?

(A) attachment and closeness(B) tenderness and correspondence(C) effectiveness and longing(D) affection and grouping(E) love and friendship

8.-According to the writer, how does a cat or dog usually react to show discontent?

(A) by biting and urinating(B) by quarreling and escaping(C) by being stubborn and jealous(D) by peeing and damaging property(E) by attacking its owner


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9.-What physical characteristics of primates would make them able to hurt a human being?

(A) their intelligence and heavy arms(B) their stubbornness and jealousy(C) their strong limbs and teeth(D) their wildness and manipulation(E) their arms and hands

10.-What paradox does the author imply at the end of the text?

(A) Apes are excellent pets only for space exploration.(B) Apes were considered for space exploration and dogs remained pets.(C) Apes can easily replace us in space explorations.(D) Apes can operate machinery much better than other pets.(E) Apes are so similar to humans that they cannot make ideal pets.

11.-Which summary best outlines the preceding text?

(A) . Some behavioral and physical characteristics prevent us from domesticating apes.. Primates and humans share stubbornness and jealousy.. Cats and dogs are dangerous for humans.. Apes could attack humans because they do not fear us, and because they have the physical requirements to do it.. Although their physical abilities and mind allowed us to use chimpanzees to explore space, their similarities to us do not make them ideal pets.




. Some of their behavioral and physical characteristics prevent us from domesticating apes.. Primates and humans share some positive and negative character features.. Cats and dogs also share positive and negative characteristics with humans, but their negative behavior is not a dangerous one for humans.. Apes could attack humans because they do not fear us, and because they have the physical requirements to do it.. Although their physical abilities and mind allowed us to use chimpanzees to explore space, their similarities to us do not make them ideal pets.

. Darwin suggested the domestication of apes.

. Primates and humans share character features.

. Cats and dogs also share characteristics with humans.

. Apes do not fear us, and because.

. Chimpanzees explored space with good results.

. Some behavioral and physical characteristics prevent us from domesticating apes.

. Primates and humans share some positive and negative character features.

. Cats and dogs also share positive and negative features with humans, but their negative behavior is not a dangerous one for humans.. Primates could hurt humans because they do not fear us.. Although their physical abilities and mind allowed us to use chimpanzees to explore space, their similarities to us make them ideal pets.


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(E) . Not many attempts have been made to domesticate apes.. Apes and humans are very similar.. Cats and dogs are also similar to humans.. Apes could attack humans because they do not fear us, and because they have the physical requirements to do it.. Although their physical abilities and mind allowed us to use chimpanzees to explore space, their similarities do not make them ideal pets.


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The TOEFL iBT writing section asks for the production of two essays: • integrated essay (150-225 words / 20 mins.), and • independent essay (300 words / 30 mins.).

Note taking is not the only skill you need to complete both tasks with satisfactory results.It is also important that you show a good understanding of verb tenses, word choice, sentence structuring, and use of linking words when writing your arguments.You will now be given a series of incomplete sentences. In each of them, choose the best answer to fill in the blank.

12.-The Southern states decided for secession because _________

(A) the increasing pressure from the Union to free their slaves.(B) no guarantees given by the Union to keep their slaves.(C) the slaves needing freedom.(D) the Union pressed them to free his slaves.(E) of the increasing pressure from the Union to free their slaves.

13.-There are some facts that need to be considered before deciding to adopt a pet. _________, one must consider the space available at home.

(A) Consequently(B) Because (C) To begin (D) First of all (E) After

14.-__________ they could even realize it, the team members had spent the entire budget for the project.

(A) When(B) After(C) At(D) Previously(E) Before

15.-We had had a great time at the beach. _________, we decided to go for some snacks.

(A) After(B) Before(C) Then(D) Meanwhile(E) So


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16.-The results presented in the report are not accurate at all. __________, they are the product of very carefully detailed and well conducted research.

(A) Nevertheless(B) As an example(C) Besides(D) Additionally(E) In fact

17.-The legitimacy of their discovery is still under debate _________ they have not been able to reproduce it in other laboratories.

(A) although(B) despite(C) inasmuch as(D) due to(E) that

18.-It is a commonly observed phenomenon that those employees who hold two simultaneous jobs often __________ giving bad results in both of them.

(A) end up(B) come across(C) show up(D) pick out(E) turn in

19.-In the story, the prince decided to leave the city after ________

(A) having discovered the secrets of his parents.(B) he has discovered the truth about his past.(C) he finded out the real meaning of his heritage.(D) having been producing his true origins.(E) had found out who his parents were.

20.-Although the president gave a convincing speech, many people still wondered why __________

(A) had he not told the truth before.(B) he had not chosen the blame for the recent events.(C) he did not want to resign.(D)didn’t he look to remain in charge of the country.(E) does he still insists he is the best option to lead the country.

The next two sections are designed to give you some practice in writing argumentative / persuasive essays. You should use the power point presentation as a guide to write the essays so that you may take full advantage of the following exercises.


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Essay Writing

Read the following passage. Then, in the form of a well structured essay, construct a counter argument using examples from your own experience, knowledge or information that is considered to be common knowledge.

Digital technology has diversified and personalized our total experience, demonstrating that we can interact with a rational world in an individualized manner. Digitalization allows the workforce to be more productive as well as to fulfill their family and social expectations. On a more urgent level, digital technology, if encouraged, may be a major player in the fight against global warming as it could help reduce green house gas emissions.

A wave of digitalization has overcome our collective civilization. Digitalization affects how and where we work, interact with each other and treat our planet. The aforementioned statement is true to the extent that this global “movement” is no longer limited to an information context because communication is far from the only area affected by digitalization. Such a revolution is comparable to the widespread effects that mass production had in the 19th century when large numbers of people came into contact with one another as a direct result of the industrial revolution.

The demands generated by the industrial revolution along with its subsequent social, political and economic repercussions, in effect, determined society’s entire profile. One of the effects was the birth of urbanization when millions of people, who had been working in the agricultural sector, moved to the growing urban centers, converting small towns into densely populated urban zones. This movement began in Britain in the late 1700s and spread to other western countries. To some extent this phenomenon has continued until to now. For example, many workers from Mexico and Central America still travel to the United States hoping to find employment opportunities.

Since the dawn of the industrial revolution, and all throughout the 20th Century, there has been an ongoing trend of urbanization; and in 2010 it was found that half the planet’s population now resides in large urban areas for the first time in history. An example of an urban area would be the populated stretch of land from Los Angeles, California to Tijuana, Mexico. Large scale immigration may have disappeared, but there still exists massive amounts of movement within cities as people travel to work every day. Nevertheless, in the near future we might see a decrease in this trend as people are starting to realize that they can work wherever they want while remaining productive and supporting their lifestyles.

Due to the advantages of the digital age, people are not necessarily limited by the temporal-spatial restrictions of having a particular job, nor will they need to be close to a certain market. Based on a recent survey done by United American Labor, slightly more than 4% of the U.S. workforce considers the home to be their primary place of work. This figure represents around 6 million Americans, though it doesn’t include people who are their own boss without office space and employees. 3 of the 6 million are home based businesses, providing a variety of services and products. However, this data is extremely conservative, even deceiving if we take into account that there are almost 50 million people with jobs in telecommunications or telemarketing. Any job that is telecommunications compatible is, by default, also compatible with digital communication, nor do these figures contemplate the growing number of people who are going into work less often during the week. Nevertheless, there is a momentum here suggesting that one day people will not need to travel to work.


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It might also be the case that our social and leisure time will not be restricted by the inconvenience of physical location and distance. Today, people are using social networking to keep up with their friends and family. The established contact could be with people living in another country or just across town. Emails, texts and tweets have complimented traditional forms of social interaction. By monitoring all email communication at an undisclosed US city with a population of slightly more than 1 million people, Holland Data Services found that people maintain between 25 and 40 separate ongoing communications per day. What is important here is that these exchanges are not related to their professional duties. Such digital communications actually nurture relationships; plus, these contacts can lead to further social interactions as messages are forwarded and people share friends on Facebook. There is little doubt that digitalization is influencing our professional and leisure time, changing how we work and socialize. We even see social groups being formed across the globe through video games, collective intelligence communities, blogging, and twittering. What all of these activities have in common is that they can be done from home. If a large percentage of the population is kept at home, this should reduce production burdens and allow us to be more efficient overall, completely altering our tastes and expectations. Given this digital lifestyle, will people stop moving to the cities, traveling in general and commuting to work?

There is a lot of evidence supporting the thesis that digitalization is permeating our entire experience. We take this for granted and do not associate it with a long term trend. For instance, as a direct result of a digitalized workspace, parents are able to perform their professional duties at home. In addition, the practice of outsourcing is a direct consequence of digital communication and production. Here many services have been displaced overseas because information can be received and shipped with the same speed as it could if the data had been produced in the same country. This trend will continue. Throughout Europe and North America 2.7 million jobs will be exported to places like India and Vietnam by 2013. There is another phenomenon related to the above, though not as drastic. It is called “Home Sourcing”, a title conceived by Dr. Roland Murray, an urban planning professor at the University of Rochester, NY. Dr. Murray conceived home sourcing to categorize the growing number of cases where people have exchanged the office for their home as their working headquarters.

One can even take a vacation while still being “on the clock” as long as he or she has reliable communication with their place of work, office, clients, market, or employees. It is quite common, and has been for some time, that people communicate with their office or clients via the web. Plus, Skype, Twitter and Facebook are becoming more prevalent in terms of their use in keeping us on top of our responsibilities. How can this new era of digitalization have a positive effect on global warming? Many regions of the globe, those most active in the generation of green house gasses, are transforming from an orientation defined by manufacturing, mainly concerned with the production of tangible objects, to territories whose industries are more service oriented. Recall that industrialization demanded massive immigration which laid the foundations for urbanization. Factories needed a large quantity of workers, and these factories had a physical location that was operated by a system of efficiency characterized by cost-effective production. The labor force worked by the clock, workers punching in and out so that their productivity could be maximized for the benefit of the owners. This system is an example of scientific management whose principle idea was to improve productivity, thereby making the factory more economically efficient. This was an efficiency paradigm that required the factory workers to live in the same city and work on a fixed schedule. Not everyone, especially those with


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children, could afford to live close to the office or factory; therefore, in the 20th Century we saw the emergence of the suburbs. This entire scheme was for the benefit of the owners of production. Now, we have a more fractured system, one determined by the individual. Given the advent of the internet and the ability to work at a distance, we have an entirely new understanding of an efficient society. This new conceptualization has altered production and allowed for a new lifestyle based on individual needs and freedoms—a personalized understanding of efficiency. Space is no longer an obstacle, nor is it a goal. A worker can make time, occupy two different places at once, and define time as opposed to living on someone else’s time. If this is the case, we may see a decline in a contingency of urbanization in the near future, that of daily commutes to work.

According to Raymond Hughes, chief of NASA’s global warming task force, massive urbanization, or urban sprawl, is a major contributor to global warming. 70% of green house gas emissions are generated by all the world’s cities of a million people or more. This fact tells us two things: one, it demonstrates that global warming is directly related to population density, but it also suggests that the solution is within cities themselves. Now what goes on within a city that generates so much carbon dioxide? Well, to start there is the production of goods and private transportation. Commuting to work by car is a major contributor to green house gas emission. For example, 7% of the US’s annual gas consumption is spent on looking for a parking space, which is part of the commuting process.

Commuting and the emergence of suburbs go hand in hand. A commuter lives in a suburb or in a bedroom community and travels to work in the center of the city. On the other hand, as urban sprawl creates greater and greater distances from downtown areas, businesses of all types have emerged in these periphery areas. Having these new businesses and services so close to home enables one to stay in the suburbs and perhaps walk more. Digitalization could one day limit the immediate need to travel on a daily basis. As long as an area of town is diverse enough to meet the needs of their citizens, then there would be fewer reasons to travel long distances. Ideally people would walk to the mall, the hospital or the grocery store. Hughes refers to this concept as “the frozen city”, not to suggest that people stop moving, but that they would be traveling less by car and working out of the home. Working and socializing through the internet is the key to the operations of a frozen city, thereby showing digitalization to be a major player in the reduction of green house gas emissions.

What additional conclusions could be made by the likely possibility that people will be spending more time on the Internet? If we take this to the extreme, production could be greatly affected by digitalization; therefore, more things consumed would be digitalized. We might be consuming digital products. One day, time on the Internet may be the new currency. The need to produce material things will decrease, thereby having a positive effect on the planet. So we can see how an increased attention to digitalization could help reduce global warming by eliminating the need to travel by car and produce material things.





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Section 1 Take 30 minutes to complete section 1. For this section, you will construct an argumentative essay of 8-10 paragraphs based on the previous passage. Basically, your essay will be a counter argument to the argument(s) within the passage. To do this, you will use examples from your own experience, knowledge or information that is considered to be common knowledge.Please, make sure that your essay contains the following components.

1. Introduction paragraph(s) which includes general to specific information, concluding with an argument statement.

2. At least 4 supporting paragraphs with one counter example each (experience, knowledge, common knowledge). Also, make an obvious attempt at transitions from one paragraph to the next. The transition should come within the topic sentence of the following paragraph.

3. A conclusion paragraphNow, begin writing your counter argument.

Section 2 Questions (21-41)

Using the power point presentation (page 114) as a guide, you will write four argumentative/ persuasive essays. You will be given 4 arguments (#1-#4). Using the examples given (supporting information), you are to attack the argument (expose the weaknesses) in the form of a 5 paragraph essay. By the time you finish with this section you will have written 4 mini-essays. Make sure that your essays contain the following components.

1. Introduction paragraph which includes general to specific information, concluding with an argument statement.

2. 3 supporting paragraphs with one example each (These are provided). Also, make an obvious attempt at transitions from one paragraph to the next. The transition should come within the topic sentence of the following paragraph.

3. A conclusion paragraphTake 20 minutes per essay.


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(Questions 21-26) Argument #1:

The drug war should be allowed to run its course since neither the US nor Mexico has the infrastructure to deal with the subsequent effects, such as treatment, job placement, and medical care, that will come with the vacuum left behind if drug trafficking suddenly came to a halt.


1. The author does not specify what he means by “run its course”.2. At the moment, Mexico’s medical infrastructure is not being used to its full potential. 3. Treatment and preventive medical issues are the fastest growing new industry in the United States.

Now, attack the argument using the three examples provided.

(Questions 27-31) Argument #2:

The few countries in Northern Africa (Arab Africa) that are calling for drastic political and social changes, for example democratic rule and a free market, should not be given guidance from the West since one of the most important tenants of self rule is individual freedom. Any amount of foreign influence might have a retroactive effect on the progress made so far in terms of social and political change.


1. “Any amount of foreign influence” is a drastic statement. In the information age, it would almost be impossible for no Western influence to get through.

2. Arab countries do not have a history of democratic tradition and would need guidance.3. A free market implies contact with the West.

Now, attack the argument using the three examples provided.

(Questions 32-36) Argument #3

China should continue to restrict Internet access within their borders in order to preserve their identity. The Chinese government is taking the correct path by prohibiting their citizens from using Google.


1. Access is the new world paradigm. Most other developing countries are vying for Internet access.2. Most cultures have accepted the fact that their citizens can enjoy two simultaneous identities—that

of their nation plus the one that participates in the global community.3. In the 21st Century, “prohibition” is reserved for illicit behavior and not access to information.

Now, attack the argument using the three examples provided.


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(Questions 37-41) Argument #4 (Here, the writer is attacking the assumption. High level of difficulty)

NASA should not treat UFOs or extra terrestrials as a legitimate cause for continued space exploration because such an endeavor would divert funds which could otherwise be used towards more humanitarian issues.Examples:

1. There are countless other causes for space exploration, and UFOs and extra terrestrials would only be additional causes along with others.

2. Further space exploration could also address the “humanitarian issues” in addition to entertaining the idea of extra terrestrials.

3. As a means of generating public support, UFOs and extra terrestrials would be popular issues that could resuscitate space exploration.

Now, attack the argument using the three examples provided.


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r.1.(A) The speaker mentions that some characteristics have made humans choose some animals over others for the exclusive purpose of domestication, but the word ‘prefer’ is very general and more related to emotional rather than practical relationships, so this answer is not the best.(B) This is the best answer! The speaker mentions that the existence of some characteristics is what makes it easier to domesticate some animals than others, and then he provides two specific examples of this.(C) The speaker mentions some of the uses of domestic animals to contextualize the topic but does not explain why humans domesticate animals.(D) Similar to the word ‘prefer’ in answer ‘A’, the word ‘like’ is very general. In addition, the difference between dogs and wolves is only one of the two examples used by the speaker to support his argument, so this answer is wrong.(E) The reason why deer cannot be easily domesticated is only one of the examples that the speaker uses to support the topic, so this answer is wrong.

r.2.(A) The speaker mentions that dogs are interdependent with a leader but not with wolves, so this answer is wrong.(B) The speaker describes the reasons why dogs can be easily domesticated but does not state that wolves cannot be trained, so this answer is not the best.(C) The speaker does not discuss either characteristic, so this answer is completely wrong.(D)This is the best answer! According to the speaker, what makes dogs easy to domesticate is their need for a leader.(E) The speaker emphasizes that dogs need to follow a leader, so this answer is completely wrong.

r.3.(A) The speaker indicates that deer follow a leader, but does not state this is the reason why they cannot be domesticated, so this answer is not the best.(B) The speaker does not indicate whether deer can be ridden or not, so this answer is completely wrong.(C) This is the best answer! The speaker mentions that deer do not let other groups enter their area, and this causes group leaders to fight for the possession of a single territory.(D) The speaker mentions that male deer group leaders fight for the possession of an area, but does not emphasize that they are violent animals, so this answer is not the best.(E) The speaker does not indicate whether deer can be confined in a reduced area or not, so this answer is wrong.

r.4.(A) The speaker concludes the explanation on why deer are difficult to domesticate by mentioning that domesticating a group leader and its group will not mean the immediate domestication of another group living in the same area, so this answer is not the best.(B) The speaker does not discuss the life conditions of domestic animals, so this answer is wrong.(C) The speaker does not mention whether domestic deer would try to escape, so this answer is wrong.(D) This is the best answer! The speaker mentions that domesticating a deer group leader is not a guarantee to domesticate another group living in the same region.(E) The relationship between dogs and deer is never mentioned, so this answer is wrong.


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r.5.(A) This is the best answer! The speaker first mentions that most people do not reflect upon the characteristics that make some species suitable for domestication. Then he describes the characteristics that make dogs and horses easy to domesticate in comparison with wolves and deer respectively. Finally, he concludes inviting his audience to reflect upon what characteristics simplify the domestication of specific species for over other related ones.(B) The main idea which is that some characteristics make it easier to domesticate some species over others is missing in this outline. In addition, the idea that people do not reflect on domestication is not mentioned by the speaker, and neither are the ones about horses being suitable for ridding or choosing a domestic animal, so this answer is wrong.(C) The main idea which is that some characteristics make it easier to domesticate some species over others is missing in this outline. Besides, the speaker does not mention that people ignore the uses of domestic animals. Additionally, not all the key characteristics related to the domestication of the four species mentioned are listed. Finally, the speaker does not mention the selection of a pet, so this answer is wrong.(D) The speaker does not indicate that wolves are ‘interdependent’, so this answer is not the best.(E) The speaker does not mention the use of domestic animals as a key idea in his argument. Moreover, the sentence “Animals can be domesticated according to their characteristics” implies that different animals have different degrees of domestication, about which the speaker does not discuss that idea. Besides, the idea that wolves can form packs is mentioned by the speaker only as a tendency but not as a fact as the sentence in this summary seems to indicate. Finally, the speaker does not state that the audience has an ampler knowledge after having listened to his speech, so this answer is wrong.

r.6.(A) The features shared by men and apes are only mentioned as a reason for not having domesticated the latter, so this answer is wrong.(B) The author mentions that the behavior of primates is very similar in a wild or domestic scenario; in addition, their behavior is only mentioned as a reason to support the main idea: that apes have characteristics that prevent us from domesticating them, so this answer is wrong.(C) The author mentions the possibility that apes could cause severe injuries in a human, but just under certain circumstances, so this answer is wrong.(D) The author mentions this only as an example to support the topic: that we do not keep primates as domestic animals because of certain characteristics they possess, so this answer is not the best.(E) This is the best answer! The author mentions that some of their physical and behavioral characteristics keep us from adopting primates as pets.

r.7.(A) This is the best answer! The text indicates that “deep affection and sense of belonging to a group” are the characteristics that would make us domesticate apes.(B) The text indicates that “deep affection and sense of belonging to a group” are the characteristics that would make us domesticate apes, but the word ‘correspondence’ is related in meaning to agreement and similarity, so this answer is wrong.(C) The text indicates that “deep affection and sense of belonging to a group” are the characteristics that would make us domesticate apes, but the words ‘effectiveness’ and ‘longing’ are not related to that idea, so this answer is wrong.


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(D) The text indicates that “deep affection and sense of belonging to a group” are the characteristics that would make us domesticate apes, but the word ‘grouping’ means creating a group, but not necessarily feeling an attachment to it, so this answer is not the best.(E)The text indicates that “deep affection and sense of belonging to a group” are the characteristics that would make us domesticate apes, but the word ‘love’ is too general and not necessarily related to the idea of feeling part of a group, so this answer is wrong.

r.8.(A) The text points out that quadrupeds like cats and dogs will very unlikely attack a human being, so this answer is not the best.(B) The text does not mention escaping as an answer from a dissatisfied pet, so this answer is wrong.(C) The text mentions this kind of behavior as the causes, not the results, of reacting with discontent, so this answer is wrong.(D) This is the best answer! The text mentions that cats and dogs commonly show discontent by urinating and scratching furniture.(E) The text points out that four-legged animals are rather unlikely to attack a human being, so this answer is not the best.

r.9.(A) The author does not directly mention primate intelligence at any time, so this answer is wrong.(B) These two behavioral features are mentioned as causes, not results, of a primate aggressive reaction, so this answer is wrong.(C) This is the best answer! The author mentions that the primates could use their strong arms and hard teeth to attack humans.(D)The wildness of apes is not mentioned as a physical characteristic, so this answer is not the best.(E) The author mentions the hands of apes to discuss their ability to manipulate objects, but not to indicate that they cold be used to hurt humans, so this answer is not the best.

r.10.(A) The word ‘pet’ is related to an animal home companion, not to space exploration, so this answer is wrong.(B) The author does not indicate any selection as to which species would remain as pets if not chosen for space exploration. Besides, such a decision does not imply a paradox inside the context of the text, so this answer is wrong.(C) The author never mentions the use of chimpanzees as a replacement of human beings, nor does he suggest it would mean a paradox, so this answer is wrong.(D) Although the author indicates that their ability to manipulate objects was one of the characteristics that made chimpanzees space explorers, this idea does not imply any paradox according to the text, so this answer is not the best.(E) This is the best answer! After discussing the similarities with humans that made us chose chimpanzees for space exploration, the author concludes by mentioning that “it is precisely their extreme similarities to humans in behavior and body structure that make apes not the ideal pets to have as company in a peaceful home.”


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r.11.(A) This answer does not point out whose characteristics prevent the domestication of apes. Besides, according to the text, humans and primates not only share “stubbornness and jealousy”. Finally, cats and dogs are not mentioned as “dangerous to humans”, so this answer is not the best.(B) This answer is the best! To set his topic, the author mentions that some of their characteristics keep us from domesticating apes; the rest of the text is a description of the characteristics that make dogs and cats appropriate pets, plus the ones that would not make primates be the same. In the end, the author concludes that, although we are very similar to apes, these similarities are the reasons for not making them our pets.(C) The text does not discuss that Darwin proposed the domestication of apes, so, although there are other mistakes in this answer, this simple fact makes it completely wrong.(D) This answer does not point out whose characteristics prevent the domestication of apes. Besides, the last sentence in this summary indicates that apes would make ideal pets, but the text indicates completely the opposite, so this answer is wrong.(E) The idea that “Not many attempts have been made to domesticate apes” is not the main one in the introductory paragraph. Moreover, the second and third sentences in this summary are correct, but very general, so this answer is not the best.

r.12.(A) The word ‘because’ is an adverb connector; therefore, a complete sentence (subject and verb structure) is needed after it, but there is no verb in this answer, so it is wrong.(B) The word ‘because’ is an adverb connector; therefore, a complete sentence (subject and verb structure) is needed after it, but there is no verb in this answer, so it is wrong.(C) The word ‘because’ is an adverb connector; therefore, a complete sentence (subject and verb structure) is needed after it, but there is no verb in this answer, so it is wrong.(D) The word ‘his’ is singular, but must be plural since it refers to ‘them’ which refers to ‘Southern states’, so this answer is wrong.(E) This is the best answer! The word “because” is an adverb connector which marks the beginning of a subordinate clause; therefore, a complete sentence (subject and verb structure) is needed after it.

r.13.(A) The conjunctive adverb ‘Consequently’ is used to explain a result, but that is not the relation between the two sentences, so this answer is wrong.(B) The adverb connector ‘because’ cannot be used to connect ideas separated by a period. In addition, its meaning is not the appropriate one in the context given, so this answer is wrong.(C) To begin with is a good way to start a series of reasons or examples as this seems to be the case here; however, the answer only reads ‘to begin’ without the preposition ‘with’, so this answer is wrong.(D) This is the best answer! The first sentence explains that some facts have to be considered, and the conjunctive adverb ‘First of all’ is used to start an argument formed by related reasons and examples. (E) The adverb connector ‘after’ cannot be used to connect ideas separated by a period. In addition, its meaning is not the appropriate one in the context given, so this answer is wrong.


Producción escrita

r.14.(A) The verb tenses used in these two sentences (‘realized’ and ‘had spent’) indicate that the actions are not simultaneous, but the adverb connector ‘When’ implies simultaneity, so this answer is wrong.(B) The verb tenses used in the sentences indicate that the team members first ‘had spent’ the budget, and later were able to realize it, so this answer is completely wrong.(C) The word ‘At’ is a preposition, so it cannot be used to connect two sentences as it is required in this question, so this answer is wrong.(D) The word ‘Previously’ is an adverb, so it cannot be used to connect two sentences as it is required in this question, so this answer is not the best.(E) This is the best answer! The two sentences need an adverb connector to join them, and the two verb tenses used in the sentences indicate that the members first ‘had spent’ and later ‘could even realize’.

r.15.(A) Two sentences separated by a period like these can be connected with a conjunctive adverb, but ‘after’ is an adverb connector, and this type of linking word cannot be used with sentences separated by a period. If we do that, the second sentence would become a fragmented one, so this answer is wrong.(B) Two sentences separated by a period like these can be connected with a conjunctive adverb, but ‘before’ is an adverb connector, and this type of linking word cannot be used with sentences separated by a period. If we do that, the second sentence would become a fragmented one, so this answer is wrong.(C) This is the best answer! Two sentences separated by a period like these can be connected with a conjunctive adverb, and ‘then’ is precisely that kind of linking word.(D) Two sentences separated by a period like these can be connected with a conjunctive adverb. ‘Meanwhile’ is such kind of word, but its meaning does not correspond to the relationship between the two sentences because the verbs ‘had had’ and ‘decided’ indicate the two actions are not simultaneous, so this answer is wrong(E) Two sentences separated by a period like these can be connected with a conjunctive adverb, but ‘so’ is a coordinate conjunction, and this type of linking word cannot be used with sentences separated by periods, so this answer is wrong.

r.16.(A) This is the best answer! Two sentences separated by a period can be connected by a conjunctive adverb. The five options are conjunctive adverbs, but the specific relationship between the two sentences indicates contrast, and that is precisely the meaning conveyed by ‘Nevertheless’.(B) Two sentences separated by a period can be connected by a conjunctive adverb. The five options are conjunctive adverbs, but the relationship between the two sentences indicates contrast, and “As an example” is used to exemplify, so this answer is wrong.(C) Two sentences separated by a period can be connected by a conjunctive adverb. The five options are conjunctive adverbs, but the relationship between the two sentences indicates contrast, and ‘Besides’ is used to add extra information or details, so this answer is wrong.(D) Two sentences separated by a period can be connected by a conjunctive adverb. The five options are conjunctive adverbs, but the relationship between the two sentences indicates contrast, and ‘Additionally’ is used to add extra information or details, so this answer is wrong.(E) Two sentences separated by a period can be connected by a conjunctive adverb. The five options are conjunctive adverbs, but the relationship between the two sentences indicates contrast, and ‘In fact’ is used to emphasize, so this answer is wrong.


Producción escrita

r.17.(A) Two sentences can be connected by an adverb connector, and ‘although’ is that kind of word. However, its meaning connects contrasting ideas, and that is not the relationship between these two sentences, so this answer is wrong.(B) There are two sentences that need to be connected. ‘despite’ is a preposition, and prepositions do not connect sentences, so this answer is wrong.(C) This is the best answer! Two sentences can be connected by an adverb connector like “inasmuch as”. Additionally, this linking word connects cause and result, which is the relationship between the two sentences.(D) There are two sentences that need to be connected. ‘due to’ is a preposition, and prepositions do not connect sentences, so this answer is wrong.(E) There are two sentences that need to be connected. ‘that’ is a linking word, but it does not convey the idea of cause and effect that expresses the relationship between the two sentences, so this answer is wrong.

r.18.(A) This is the best answer! The idea expressed in this sentence is that the result of having two simultaneous jobs is to finish with bad results in both of them. The phrasal verb ‘end up’ means ‘to finish’.(B) The idea expressed in this sentence is that the result of having two simultaneous jobs is to finish with bad results in both of them. The phrasal verb ‘come across’ means ‘to find’, so this answer is not the best.(C) The idea expressed in this sentence is that the result of having two simultaneous jobs is to finish with bad results in both of them. The phrasal verb ‘show up’ means ‘to arrive or become visible’, so this answer is not the best.(D) The idea expressed in this sentence is that the result of having two simultaneous jobs is to finish with bad results in both of them. The phrasal verb ‘pick out’ means ‘to choose’, so this answer is not the best.(E) The idea expressed in this sentence is that the result of having two simultaneous jobs is to finish with bad results in both of them. The phrasal verb ‘turn in’ means ‘to deliver’, so this answer is not the best.

r.19.(A) This is the best answer! The idea that the prince “had discovered the secrets” has been reduced to “having discovered”.(B) The sentence narrates related events in a story, and there is no time indicator that justifies switching from past (‘decided’) to present (‘has discovered’), so this answer is wrong.(C) The past form “finded” does not exist. The correct form is “found”, so this answer is wrong.(D) This answer indicates that the prince “had been producing his true origins”. It does not make logical sense to read that someone “produces” his own origins, so this answer is not the best because of wrong word choice.(E) This option has a verb but no subject. Every single verb must have a subject in correct English, so this answer is completely wrong.


Producción escrita

r.20.(A) The inverted order of verb plus subject in this answer corresponds to the form used after question words, like ‘why’, in interrogative sentences, but this sentence is not a question, so this answer is completely wrong.(B) This sentence has the normal order of subject plus verb that is needed in declarative sentences, but the verb ‘chosen’ does not make sense used in combination with the word ‘blame’, so this answer is wrong because of word choice.(C) This is the best answer! It has the normal order of subject plus verb that is required in a declarative sentence.(D) The inverted order of verb plus subject in this answer corresponds to the form used after question words, like ‘why’, in interrogative sentences, but this sentence is not a question, so this answer is completely wrong.(E) The inverted order of verb plus subject in this answer corresponds to the form used after question words, like ‘why’, in interrogative sentences, but this sentence is not a question. In addition, and even if this sentence were a question, the verb ‘insist’ has to be in simple form because of the use of the auxiliary ‘does’, so this answer is completely wrong.


Producción escrita

How to write a persuasive essay


Guide to writing a persuasive (argumentative) essay




A persuasive / argumentative essay is…

  CCoohheerreenntt: clear argument, objective style, perfect grammar, logical structure.

  Consistent: all supporting paragraphs support the same argument.

A persuasive / argumentative essay is…

  Convincing: the examples you choose are appropriate in terms of their function for lending credibility. Plus, the manner by which you explain and analyze the examples should make sense to the average reader.

 Reader friendly: a combination of the above makes your essay reader friendly.

How to write a persuasive essay


Persuasive/argumentative essay? (most difficult type)

  In this type of essay, you (the writer) will attempt to convince the reader of your point of view, as opposed to a descriptive essay which only describes a particular aspect of life. This component is called the argument.

Persuasive/argumentative essay? (most difficult type)

  The writer’s point of view should be supported by facts and external information (not opinions). The purpose of this is to lend credibility to the writer’s point of view. It helps the reader sympathize with the argument. These components are called supporting paragraphs.

Persuasive/argumentative essay? (most difficult type)

  For purposes of the iBT exam, external information can come from the writer’s own experience or knowledge. It can also come from expert opinions or common knowledge. We will refer to this type of information as examples. Examples are a crucial element to the supporting paragraphs.

How to write a persuasive essay


Choosing a topic (easiest part)

  For the iBT, the topics will be provided; therefore, the writer’s argument or point

of view will be based on the information given, and the writer should demonstrate

why or how the essay is sound or faulty. (I recommend “faulty”)

  After reading the essay the writer will either attack or support the arguments

within the essay.

Choosing a topic (easiest part)

  For example, the writer will be given a short essay on, lets’s say, a possibile solution to the immigration problem between Mexico and the United States. Then, the writer would write an essay demonstrating why the essay is incorrect or faulty.

#2 essay type

  The other possibility will be that the writer is only given a topic and he / she must write a persuasive essay based on that topic.

  For example:

1) Topic: abortion.

How to write a persuasive essay


#2 essay type

2) Writer’s argument:

“There should be no legal ramifications on abortion until there is more scientific evidence concerning the effects it has upon the mother and child. In addition, more sociological data as to the ethics of the operation is needed.”

#2 essay type

3) Supporting paragraphs: then the writer will go on to support his/her argument using examples.

What is an argument?

It is the writer’s point of view, but logically supported (facts).

It is one or two affirmative statements; it is not a question.

It is not factual, meaning that it can be proven false.

It is not descriptive, meaning that it does not describe an aspect of life.

How to write a persuasive essay


What is an argument? Example:

The Merida initiative could prove advantageous if the US and Mexico take a more cooperative approach to the issue by encouraging a community on both sides of the border, working with local agencies to address consumption and security; and the plan should contemplate the deep socioeconomic inequalities that leave so many Mexicans susceptible to criminal pursuits.

(Notice the parts in RED; these can be topics for supporting paragraphs to come later.)

What is an argument? It is the writer’s point of view, but logically supported (facts). It is one or two affirmative statements; it is not a question.

It is not factual, meaning that it can be proven false.

It is not descriptive, meaning that it does not describe an aspect of life.


The Merida initiative could prove advantageous if the US and Mexico take a more cooperative approach to the issue by encouraging a community on both sides of the border, working with local agencies to address consumption and security; and the plan should contemplate the deep socioeconomic inequalities that leave so many Mexicans susceptible to criminal pursuits.

(Notice the parts in RED; these can be topics for supporting paragraphs to come later.)

Steps for making a persuasive argument

1) The writer reads an essay whose argument can be summarized as follows: “Gay marriage should be illegal because it will alter the essence of matrimony because marriage is a contract whose end includes the creation of families.”

How to write a persuasive essay


Steps for making a persuasive argument

2) The writer will either attack or support the argument.

Steps for making a persuasive argument

3) (attack): “Same sex marriages will actually reinforce the essence of matrimony because they will diversify our understanding of contracts and be consistent with our expanding concept of family.”

Steps for making a persuasive argument

4) Then, the writer will go on to logically defend his/her argument by using facts, common knowledge, experience, expert opinions, etc.

How to write a persuasive essay


Structure of an essay

  In the next slide, you will see a diagram of how a consistent and coherent essay should look.

  Notice how all the “support, examples” point back to the original argument at the top.

  This means that each supporting paragraph explains and analyzes the example in a way that relates to the argument, adding credibility to the writer’s point of view.







Start writing

The introductory paragraph(s)

1) The writer should start by mentioning the broad topic or theme.

2) Then, the writer should contextualize the topic in terms of the argument he/she would like to make.

3) Lastly, the writer should state his/her argument. Immediately following the argument is the first supporting paragraph.

How to write a persuasive essay


Start writing

If the introductory component is 2 paragraphs, then the argument would go

at the end of the second paragraph.

Next, you will see a visual diagram of how the topic should be introduced from

the general to specific points followed by the argument).

Introductory paragraph (s)

1) General


2) Contextualize


3) Argument

Visual image of essay structure.

  Keep the following image in your mind as you write your argumentative/persuasive essay.

  Notice how there is an arrow connecting the supporting paragraphs with the argument.

  Later I will give you some isolated examples demonstrating how this works.

How to write a persuasive essay


1. Introduction


2. Supporting

Pargraphs with


3. Conclusion,

restating argument

in different words.

Essay structure

Mechanism of a supporting paragaph

  A supporting paragraph lends credibility to the writer’s argument. (Your opinion alone not enough.)

  The examples that the writer chooses are intended to support the point of view of the writer.

Mechanism of a supporting paragaph

 However, the example is not enough. The writer must analyze or explain the examples in terms of the argument, telling the reader how/why this example supports the argument.

How to write a persuasive essay


Mechanism of a supporting paragaph

  The next 2 slides are diagrams of the relation between the supporting paragraphs and argument.

Intro (with argument)

Supporting Paragraph, explaining how the example supports the argument. This strategy reminds the reader of the argument.

Supporting Paragraph, analyzing the example in a way that makes the reader understand how /why the example supports the argument.

Your argument Elements of a supporting paragraph:

4. Topic sentence introduces the paragraph. Its content is based on the example. It could have a transition element from the previous paragraph.

3. Context tells reader who said it or where it came from, etc. Contexualize the example.

1. Example comes from another source, but it still relates to the original argument.

2. Explain/analysis tells the reader how

the example supports the argument.

How to write a persuasive essay


Supporting paragraph and argument

  Next we will see the previous diagram in written form, meaning that we will

understand the relationship between the argument and all supporting paragraphs.

  Note, even though you will be looking at supporting paragraphs in isolation (not as part of an entire essay), the same

mechanism applies to all supporting paragraphs.

Supporting paragraph and argument

  The argument is at the top in red while the supporting paragraph is at the


  Notice the elements of a supporting paragraph:

4) topic sentence; 3) context; 1) example; 2) explain / analysis

Same sex marriages will actually reinforce the essence of matrimony

because they will diversify our understanding of contracts and be

consistent with our expanding concept of family.

How to write a persuasive essay


4) The essense of a family has greatly changed since

marriage became a formal aspect of society. 3) For example,

in the last half century, 1) non biological siblings have become

more common as people get divorced and married again. We already have a very different concept of family, given that

families are expanding and contemplating new forms of membership, ie step mothers. The idea of family now includes

“extended families” which are more inclusive whereas the

more traditional understanding was bilogically exclusive. 2) A marriage contract can also demonstrate inclusive elements. It

could be expanded to incorporate other such variations such as same sex unions. It seems that the concept of family is

changing, but the traditional marriage contract has remained

stagnant. There is a trend of change that cannot be ignored; therefore, one can argue that same sex marriages can

reinforce matrimony by focusing on matrimony’s power to support the broadening understanding of “family”.

Same sex marriages will reinforce the essence of matrimony, a contract to promote stability, because they will diversify our understanding of contracts and expand our concept of family.

*Notice the transition “trend”

4) This trend would also include the fact that gay

marriages are already legal in many parts of the world. 3)

To explain, I call to mind just a few places around the

world. For example, gay marriages are legal in 1)

California, Massachusetts and Holland. In addition, Mexico

City has also legalized it, even though Mexico is a very

conservative and religious country. 2) The capital city of a

conservative country has already legalized same sex

marriages, suggesting that there is a tendency toward its

global legalization. Plus, all three of the other examples are

historically known for their liberal and innovative

perspectives, again suggesting that other regions will follow

their lead. Matrimony will be reinforced if it is allowed to be

applied to more cases.

Returning to the first supporting paragarph.

  In the next slide, I would like to indicate the specifics of the relation between the supporting paragraphs and the writer’s argument.

  The purpose is to show coherency, consistency and convincing elements of the paragraphs and their relation to the argument.

  We will focus on element #3, the explanation and analysis of the argument. Pay close attention to how the writer brings the reader back to the argument.

How to write a persuasive essay


Same sex marriages will actually reinforce the essence of matrimony, a contract to promote stability, because they will

diversify our understanding of contracts and be consistent with our expanding concept of family.

4) The essense of a family has greatly changed since marriage became a formal aspect of society. 3) For example, in the last half century, 1) non biological siblings have become more common as people get divorced and married again. We already have a very different concept of family, given that families are expanding and contemplating new forms of membership, ie step mothers. The idea of family now includes “extended families” which are more inclusive whereas the more traditional understanding was bilogically exclusive. 2) The marriage contract can also demonstrate inclusive elements. It could be expanded to incorporate other such variations such as same sex unions. It seems that the concept of family is changing, but the traditional marriage contract has remained stagnant. There is a trend of change that cannot be ignored; therefore, one can argue that same sex marriages can reinforce matrimony by focusing on matrimony’s power to support the broadening understanding of “family”.

The words in red have a direct relationship to the words in the argument. They are meant to convince the reader that the writer’s point of view is logical. They also show that the writer is being consistent with his/her argument.

Consistent, coherent

  You should have noticed that the language in the example / analysis element of the supporting paragraph is similar to that of the argument. This is intentional as it makes your argument reader friendly.

  You are reminding the reader of the original argument, and using the same or similar language is just one technique to accomplish that.

How to write a persuasive essay


Steps for making supporting paragraphs

You are writing(constructing a paragraph) around your example. The numbers below correspond to the numbers in the previous two supporting paragraphs.

Steps for making supporting paragraphs

1. Find example

2. Analyze example and make it relate to thesis.

3. Contextualize example

4. Write topic sentence. Ask yourself: “what is this example about? The answer to that question is the topic sentence.

In the next few slides you will see the steps laid out.

Step #1: Find the example

This is external information that supports your original argument.


1) Gay marriages promote stability within society because they allow partners to enjoy legal rights. A judicial vehicle would reduce tension with other family members and decrease unnecessary violence in society.

How to write a persuasive essay


Step #2: Analyze and explain the example.

This step shows the reader why / how your example supports your argument.

1) Gay marriages promote stability within society because they allow partners to enjoy legal rights. A judicial vehicle would reduce tension with other family members and decrease unnecessary violence

in society. 2) Such a contract would reinforce the essence of matrimony because, given the added

power now given to matrimony, the contract would be stronger and more respected. If a marriage contract can now be used to protect gay partners

from other family members, then the marriage contract is all the more powerful.

Step #3: contextualize the example   This element can be one or two sentences or it can be a

fragment of a sentence as you have seen in the previous examples. This element allows the paragraph to flow (reader friendly).

3) Gay marriage is not just about the immediate parties

involved. 1) Gay marriages promote stability within society because they allow partners to enjoy legal rights. A judicial vehicle would reduce tension with other family members and decrease unnecessary violence in society. 2) Such a contract would reinforce the essence of matrimony because, given the added power now given to matrimony, the contract would be stronger and more respected. If the marriage contract can now be used to protect gay partners from other family members, then the marriage contract is all the more powerful.

Step #4 the topic sentence. Ask yourself, “what is the example about?” The answer to that

question is the topic sentence. It could be one or two


4) There are other societal advantages to the legalization of gay marriages, in addition to the advantages that the parties involved would enjoy. There are other issues of social stability

to considered. 3) Gay marriage is not just about the immediate parties involved. 1) Gay marriages promote stability within society because they allow partners to enjoy legal rights. A

judicial vehicle would reduce tension with other family members and decrease unnecessary violence in society. 2) Such a

contract would reinforce the essence of matrimony because, given the added power now given to matrimony, the contract would be stronger and more respected. If the marriage contract

can now be used to protect gay partners from other family members, then the marriage contract is all the more powerful.

How to write a persuasive essay


Don’t forget

Since I suggest writing the topic sentence, (4) and

context elements (3) after the example (1) and

explanation and analysis (2), you should leave

spaces for this when you write your essay.

It does not hurt to leave spaces throughout the

essay since you will be making changes.

You will notice that your argument and explanations

might change as you work; therefore, you will

need space for these alterations.


  The conclusion paragraph is more than one sentence.

  Basically the writer should re-state the argument, but in different words.

  If the conclusion is better than the argument, then the writer should go back and fix the argument.

Final comment

  Once you have finished the essay, go back and read all of your examples and explanations/analysis, making sure that they actually relate and directly support the original argument.

  You might notice that your argument will change a little. This is good. If your argument does not change as you write, it is probably not a very good argument.

  Good luck. Now go on to sections 1 and 2.


Guía del facilitador

Con la finalidad de apoyar a los facilitadores en el proceso del asesoramiento y retroalimentación de los ejercicios que se plantean en las cuatro secciones que comprende el Manual de TOEFL iBT (comprensión lectora, comprensión auditiva, producción oral y producción escrita) se enumeran a continuación las respuestas correctas de cada una de las preguntas planteadas en dichas secciones, así como los posibles distractores y las distintas formas en las que el candidato puede descartar las respuestas incorrectas de la correcta en cada uno de los casos.

Comprensión de lectura

Estrategias por tipos de pregunta:

1. Vocabulario pronombres y sus referentes

Técnica a utilizar: Leer la oración que contiene la palabra indicada en la pregunta para encontrar el significado apoyándose en el contexto presentado en el texto.

Ejemplos de este tipo de pregunta: 1, 2, 4, 16, 17, 24, 27, 28 y 29

Pregunta 1: Las respuestas B y D son completamente ajenas a lo indicado por el contexto en relación al significado de la palabra indicada en la pregunta. Por otro lado, las respuestas A y C llevan la intención de confundir al lector con significados que indican inclusión, más no una relación envolvente como lo indica la respuesta correcta: E.

Pregunta 2: El contexto indica que el autor menciona las relaciones entre los lenguas escritas antiguas, y utiliza el pronombre plural “them” para referirse a las lenguas “Old Persian” y “Elamite” previamente mencionados al iniciar la descripción de las lenguas encontradas en la piedra descrita en el texto, por tanto C es la respuesta correcta.

Pregunta 4: Las respuestas A, B y C buscan confundir al candidato con ideas que pueden entenderse como similares a la palabra presente en la pregunta si es que no se toma el contexto del párrafo como referencia. La respuesta D es la traducción literal de la palabra en cuestión, pero no corresponde al contexto. La respuesta E es la única correcta dentro del contexto dado.

Pregunta 16: La respuesta A “designers” no aparece en el párrafo donde se encuentra el pronombre en cuestión. Por otra parte, las respuestas B, C y D se refieren a objetos, cuando el contexto “to produce their paintings” hace clara referencia al hecho de que el pronombre se refiere a un grupo de personas. La respuesta E es la única correcta que menciona a los artistas (“artists”) previamente mencionados al inicio de la oración donde se localiza el pronombre “them”.

Pregunta 17: Las cuatro opciones incorrectas, A, B , C y E no son significados aceptados de la palabra indicada en la pregunta. El único significado correcto es el indicado por la respuesta D.

Pregunta 24: La respuesta A tiene un sonido similar al de la palabra indicada, pero ninguna relación en cuanto a significado. Las respuestas B, D y E guardan relación con el significado de la palabra, mas no poseen el mismo significado. La respuesta C es la única correcta ya que corresponde el mismo significado.

Pregunta 27: La mejor respuesta es B. El propósito de esa parte del pasaje es demonstrar cómo es posible que las personas trabajen, sin importar donde están, incluso cuando estén de vacaciones. La opción a es contradictoria. C y D pueden considerarse incorrectas basándose en un análisis contextual de esa parte del pasaje. La opción E es absurda.


Guía del facilitador

Pregunta 28: La mejor respuesta es E. El autor está especulando sobre un futuro posible, basándose en la suposición de que estaremos más tiempo en el internet. No obstante, su futuro posible aparenta ser algo entusiasta sobre los efectos de la digitalización. La consideración del Internet como lo cotidianamente intercambiable se basa únicamente en la opinión del autor y no en datos, tal como sucede en los argumentos anteriores. La opción A es incorrecta debido a la diferencia entre el ser objetivo y el ser hipotético. La opción B es incorrecta porque el autor es menos curioso que exploratorio. C es incorrecta porque el autor, al sugerir una solución, no está siendo cínico. D es incorrecta porque la sugerencia de que el tiempo en internet puede tomarse como una forma de provocación; pero el autor no está provocando al lector. Está llevando el argumento al siguiente nivel, basándose en datos.

Pregunta 29: D es correcta porque el autor menciona video juegos justo después de mencionar “sharing friends” y “changing how we socialize”, el lector puede inferir que las amistades están en proceso de formación a través de los video juegos. El autor usa la frase, “social groups”; y el lector puede inferir que tal grupo está basado en amistad. A es incorrecta porque el autor expresa de manera explícita que los grupos sociales se forman a partir de video juegos, y por lo tanto no lo sugiere. B es incorrecta porque el autor nunca sugiere la desaparición de los video juegos. C es incorrecta porque el autor nunca menciona la venta de videojuegos. E es incorrecta porque el autor no sugiere la medida en que los video juegos remplazarán a las redes sociales.

2. Paráfrasis y resumen de oraciones

En este tipo de preguntas se busca evaluar la habilidad del candidato para encontrar la mejor versión sintética de la información presentada en el texto. Es importante notar cómo se relacionan las ideas en el texto, pues hay distractores que modifican esta relación.

Técnica a utilizar: Resumir la idea principal de la oración resaltada y leer a detalle cada una de las opciones para encontrar la que contiene la misma información.

Ejemplos de este tipo de pregunta: 6, 7 y 23

Pregunta 6: La oración resaltada indica que los textos no podían descifrarse cuando fueron hallados. La respuesta A indica que ambas acciones en la oración (descifrar y hallar) ocurrieron al mismo tiempo, lo cual es contrario a lo expresado en el texto. La respuesta C indica el uso de los contenidos para descifrar, pero no especifica el origen de los mismos. La repuesta D enfatiza el uso, mas no la comprensión de los textos encontrados. Finalmente, la respuesta B es la correcta, ya que indica las mismas ideas presentes en la oración original.

Pregunta 7: La oración resaltada indica que los indoeuropeos encontraron una situación tensa (“underwent upheavals”) al avanzar dentro de (“encroach”) Europa; sin embargo, la respuesta D indica que encontraron dicha situación al llegar, mas no al avanzar dentro del continente. Por otro lado, la respuesta B busca confundir al lector haciendo juegos de palabras con los vocablos “underwent” y “upheavals”, mientras que la respuesta C presenta otro juego con las palabras “encroach” y la raíz de “upheavals”. La respuesta E juega con la palabra “encroach” y hace referencia a un continente “East” nunca mencionado en el texto como tal. La única respuesta correcta posible es A en tanto que hace referencia a la tensión (“violence”) encontrada por los Indoeuropeos al entrar en el continente.


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Pregunta 23: La repuesta A es la correcta pues indica lo mismo que se menciona en el texto: la oración resaltada indica que los objetos utilizados para crear un ensamble (“assemblage”) tienen en común el haber sido creados no con el objetivo de hacer de ellos objetos artísticos, sino como productos de consumo masivo. La respuesta E expresa una idea completamente contraria a la descrita, mientras que las respuestas B y D aluden a la presencia de características artísticas presentes en los objetos y materiales usados en una instalación, pero el texto indica que éstas solo aparecen después de que los mismos son utilizados en un ensamble. La respuesta C indica que la producción en masa es un rasgo (“feature”) de una instalación, pero tal relación no es mencionada por el autor.

3. Inserción de oraciones en un párrafo

Técnica a utilizar: Leer a detalle cada una de las oraciones previas a las marcas dentro del texto para encontrar una relación lógica y correcta que permita insertar la oración en cuestión dentro del mismo. Es recomendable poner atención al uso de conectores y pronombres para encontrar la relación entre párrafo.

Ejemplos de este tipo de pregunta: 5, 21 y 30

Pregunta 5: La frase “As a result” indica que la oración debe insertarse en donde indique el hecho de que, el no poder traducir textos escritos de Europa Antigua, es el resultado de otro evento previo. La respuesta correcta es B, pues es la única que expresa claramente esta relación. La respuesta A implicaría poner el resultado antes de la causa, mientras que la respuesta C hace referencia a una falta de conocimiento no sólo respecto a la lengua, sino a la cultura de Europa Antigua en general. Por otro lado, la respuesta D implicaría una relación entre la traducción de otras lenguas antiguas y la mencionada en la pregunta, pero ésta no se indica en el texto. Finalmente, la respuesta E es cercana a la relación de causa y efecto indicada por la oración a insertar, pero la referencia que se hace respecto a los especialistas en el estudio de la cultura de Europa antigua no aparece en dicha oración.

Pregunta 21: La oración faltante en el texto menciona que el artista desarrolló una técnica para reproducir una imagen original sin tener que pintarla más de una vez. La respuesta C es correcta, pues permite explicar dicha técnica inmediatamente después de mencionarla, mientras que cualquier otra respuesta separaría la mención y explicación de la técnica de manera tal que el párrafo no se podría leer como una secuencia de ideas que explican el porque Andy Warhol fue un artista innovador como se indica al inicio del texto.

Pregunta 30: La respuesta correcta es A porque el uso de la palabra “so” sugiere una forma de conclusión, la cual es apropiada, dado a que el autor ha estado hablando de inmigración como una forma de conducir al lector hacia el problema del desplazamiento. B es incorrecta porque, si el lector insertara la oración al final del primer párrafo, ésta se tomaría como una transición hacia el siguiente párrafo; sin embargo, no hay mención de inmigración en el primer párrafo y no hay mención de desplazamiento en el segundo. C es incorrecta porque “so” sugiere una conclusión o un posible cambio en el sentido del párrafo en cuestión. Adicionalmente, dado que los párrafos circundantes sólo hablan de inmigración, hay poca evidencia de que se ha alcanzado una conclusión o que ha cambiado el sentido del párrafo. D es incorrecta porque el situar la oración en este lugar, no serviría como una transición apropiada de un párrafo a otro.

4. Localización de información específica

Técnica a utilizar: Encontrar la idea principal alrededor de la que se hace la pregunta (puede ser el nombre de un objeto, persona, lugar o un número) y buscar esta misma palabra o un sinónimo dentro del texto. Posteriormente, leer todo el párrafo que contiene la palabra en cuestión y comparar la información dentro del mismo con cada una de las respuestas posibles.


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Ejemplos de este tipo de pregunta: 3, 9, 10, 12, 14, 20, 33, 34, 35 y 36

Pregunta 3: Las respuestas A, B y E indican relaciones del “Elamite” con la escritura cuneiforme, “Old Persian” y Darío I respectivamente, pero ninguna de ellas se indica en el segundo párrafo que es donde aparece el nombre “Elamite”. Por otro lado, la respuesta C conecta al “Elamite” con “Old Europeans”, pero el texto no indica conexión alguna ente ambos conceptos; de hecho, no se mencionan dentro de un mismo párrafo. La respuesta D es la única correcta que puede inferirse del texto en tanto que el “Elamite” se había descifrado antes (“by”) del descubrimiento de la Inscripción de Behitsún.

Pregunta 9: La pregunta pide encontrar la única respuesta que no es mencionada en el texto. La Inscripción Behitsún fue hallada por investigadores, contenía en tres lenguas distintas un mismo decreto real y permitió descifrar la escritura cuneiforme. Todos los detalles anteriores se mencionan en el texto, así como en las respuestas A, C , D y E respectivamente. Sin embargo, la respuesta B es la correcta, en dado que menciona la presencia de dos, más no tres lenguas en la inscripción.

Pregunta 10: Las respuestas A, B y D contienen información falsa de acuerdo a lo explicado en el texto, y la respuesta E menciona a Napoleón, pero el texto sólo indica a tropas francesas como los descubridores de la piedra de Rosetta. Por otro lado, la respuesta C es correcta; en ella se usa la palabra “thwarted” (dificultar) como sinónimo de “graveled” para referirse a la dificultad que presentó el descifrar el texto en la piedra Rosetta.

Pregunta 12: Las respuestas C y D son completamente falsas. Las respuestas A y B indican datos generales respecto a la Europa antigua y las incursiones Indoeuropeas, respectivamente, pero estos datos no son explicados como particulares de los Balcanes en el texto. La respuesta correcta, E, indica un dato específico respecto a los Balcanes mencionado en el párrafo cinco.

Pregunta 14: La respuesta B es falsa, mientras que la respuesta C indica un hecho de conocimiento general, pero que no se discute en el texto. Por otro lado, la respuesta D juega con la palabra “pocket”, usada en el párrafo seis del texto, para confundir al candidato. La respuesta E busca confundir en cuanto que resulta ambiguo saber si explica la presencia de evidencia escrita respecto al estonio antiguo o moderno. Finalmente, la respuesta A es la correcta, pues es la única que menciona un hecho claramente indicado en el texto.

Pregunta 20: La pregunta pide encontrar la única respuesta que no es mencionada en el texto. De acuerdo al párrafo tres, Robert Rauschenberg creó botellas de Coca-cola, fue un precursor del arte Pop, combinó escultura con pintura y utilizó solventes para copiar imágenes impresas como lo indican las respuestas B, C, D y E respectivamente. Por el contrario, la respuesta A es correcta porque es la única que no indica información mencionada en el texto acerca de este artista; de hecho el texto indica “black and white” como una técnica, pero no como un tema usado por Rauschenberg.

Pregunta 33: La opción A es incorrecta porque “data” fue mencionada en relación a Holland data services. B es incorrecta porque no se mencionan nombres de esta manera. C es correcta porque Huges es el director de la fuerza de tarea de la NASA sobre globalización. NASA es una autoridad. D es incorrecta porque no se mencionan argumentos en contra. E es incorrecto por la falta de aplicación adecuada de “efficiency”.


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Pregunta 34: A es una respuesta incorrecta porque contradice el argumento. B es correcta porque el autor menciona explícitamente que las ciudades son un contribuyente mayor hacia la emisión de gases de invernadero. C es incorrecta porque se mencionan los automóviles como un problema, no como una solución. D es incorrecta por motivos similares a los de C. E es incorrecta porque la inmigración nunca se menciona como una solución; de hecho el autor sugiere que gracias a la digitalización la inmigración ya no es necesaria.

Pregunta 35: La respuesta A es incorrecta porque no se menciona violencia directa en contra de humanos. B es incorrecta porque el problema se volcó hacia aplicaciones específicas y generales. C es correcta porque un reloj es una manera muy científica y racional de controlar las horas de trabajo. D está mal aplicada al párrafo incorrecto. E es incorrecto debido a la información contextual.

Pregunta 36: La respuesta A es incorrecta, no se mencionan “ghettos”. B es correcta porque el autor se enfoca en el desplazamiento y su contribución a los gases de invernadero, problema al cual la digitalización se muestra como posible solución. C es incorrecta debido a la falta de uso apropiado de inmigración. D es incorrecta debido a problemas de causa más próxima: desplazamiento o bióxido de carbono. E es incorrecta debido a una confusión entre causa y efecto.

5. Inferencia de detalles

Técnica a utilizar: Encontrar la idea principal alrededor de la cual gira la pregunta (puede ser el nombre de un objeto, persona, lugar o un número), y buscar esta misma palabra o un sinónimo dentro del texto. Posteriormente, leer todo el párrafo que contiene la palabra en cuestión, así como los párrafos previos y posteriores al mismo, y comparar la información con cada una de las respuestas posibles. Finalmente, realizar una deducción lógica de acuerdo a lo indicado en el texto.

Ejemplos de este tipo de pregunta: 8, 13, 19, 22 y 37

Pregunta 8: El segundo párrafo indica que la escritura cuneiforme en la Inscripción Behitsún fue descubierta en el siglo XVIII, y que tomó varias décadas descifrarla; de manera paralela, el tercer párrafo menciona que los jeroglíficos egipcios fueron descifrados a principios del siglo XIX. A partir de dicha información se puede concluir que ambos tipos de escritura se pudieron decodificar en momentos cercanos. La respuesta E es, por tanto, correcta. Las repuestas A y D mencionan información falsa de acuerdo al tiempo que tomó descifrar los jeroglíficos, mientras que las respuestas B y C mencionan conexiones entre la escritura hierática e inscripciones bilingües, respectivamente, que el texto no indica en relación con el desciframiento de jeroglíficos egipcios.

Pregunta 13: Los párrafos cinco y seis indican que la irrupción de los pueblos Indoeuropeos en la Europa antigua propició la rápida desaparición de formas de escritura nativas. Lo anterior implica que D sea la respuesta correcta. Las respuestas B, C y E no guardan relación directa con la información mencionada en el texto, mientras que la respuesta A se refiere a un caso muy particular, pero la pregunta hace referencia a nombres más generales.

Pregunta 19: El primer párrafo indica que los artistas pop utilizaban objetos ordinarios para producir sus esculturas, pero las respuestas A, C y D hacen referencia a objetos comúnmente asociados con objetos no comunes para la producción de arte. Por otro lado, la respuesta B indica un objeto natural no relacionado con los ejemplos de productos manufacturados como los listados en el párrafo uno. La respuesta E es correcta ya que coincide con el tipo de objetos que aparecen en dicha lista.


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Pregunta 22: Ambas formas, “installation” (instalación) y “assemblage” (ensamble) utilizan objetos ordinarios en su creación, pero la diferencia principal es que la instalación se realiza con un solo objeto, mientras que el ensamble requiera varios objetos. En este sentido la respuesta E es la correcta. La respuesta A es un distractor en tanto que menciona el uso de objetos para la instalación, pero ésta se realiza con un solo objeto. Las respuestas B y C mencionan datos no indicados en el texto. La respuesta D indica que para la instalación se usa un objeto de arte, lo cual es falso de acuerdo al texto.

Pregunta 37: La respuesta A es incorrecta porque el autor se enfoca más en la selección de cosas no digitales en relación a lo que estaremos consumiendo. B es incorrecta porque no se menciona ozono. C es incorrecta porque el autor explícitamente menciona esto. D es correcta debido a una adecuada aplicación de inferencia lógica. E es incorrecta porque el autor menciona específicamente que la producción será seriamente afectada, lo que no debe interpretarse como que aquélla será completamente sobrepasada.

6. Inferencia del propósito retórico del lenguaje

Técnica a utilizar: Encontrar la idea central alrededor de la que se realiza la pregunta (puede ser el nombre de un objeto, persona, lugar o un número) y buscar esta misma palabra o un sinónimo dentro del texto. Posteriormente, leer todo el párrafo que contiene la palabra en cuestión, así como los párrafos previos y posterior al mismo, y comparar la información con cada una de las respuestas posibles. Finalmente, realizar una deducción lógica respecto a la intención del autor en relación a la palabra central en la pregunta y su uso en el texto.

Ejemplos de este tipo de pregunta: 11, 18, 25 y 31

Pregunta 11: En este caso, se pregunta acerca de la mención de dos ideas y el propósito de la mención de las mismas en el texto. Las ideas en cuestión se mencionan en los párrafos dos y tres como ejemplos de la decodificación de las escrituras mencionadas en el primer párrafo. En este sentido, C es la respuesta correcta. Por otro lado, la respuesta A las menciona en relación a la tradición Indoeuropea, pero el texto nunca indica lo anterior, mientras que la respuesta B indica un dato que sólo corresponde a una de las dos ideas mencionadas en la pregunta. La respuesta D indica un dato falso, y la E una característica que no se menciona e el texto.

Pregunta 18: La parte del texto previo a la palabra “collage” indica: “modern techniques such as”. Lo anterior deja en claro que la palabra en cuestión es un ejemplo de las técnicas usadas por el Dadaísmo, el cual, a su vez, es descrito como un movimiento artístico del siglo XX. Lo anterior hace que C resulte la respuesta correcta. Las respuestas A, D y E mencionan ideas que no se relacionan en el párrafo dos con la palabra “collage”, mientras que la respuesta A indica que éste fue un logro (“achievement”), pero el texto nunca hace tal mención, en tanto que sólo lo menciona como una técnica.

Pregunta 25: En el texto, la palabra “democratic” aparece seguida por una coma y la frase “non-discriminatory”; lo anterior permite entender a ambas ideas como sinónimos, por lo cual la respuesta B es la correcta. Las respuestas C y E no coinciden con dicha relación, mientras que la respuesta D pretende presentar el vocablo “democratic” como explicatorio de “non-discriminatory”, pero, como ya se mencionó, ambos son sinónimos dentro del texto. Finalmente, la respuesta A busca confundir al lector presentando una asociación de conceptos que no se mencionan dentro del texto en ningún momento.

Pregunta 31: La opción A es incorrecta porque el autor deja en claro que la eficiencia ha cambiado debido a la digitalización. B es incorrecta debido a una falta de aseveraciones cualitativas. D es correcta debido a la manera en que cambia el significado de eficiencia debido a los distintos contextos. E es incorrecta porque la eficiencia sólo cambia de forma, no se atrofia.


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7. Llenado de cuadros esquemáticos

Técnica a utilizar: Leer a detalle y resumir el texto o párrafos indicados en la pregunta y comparar el resumen personal (en contenido y secuencia de eventos) con el presentado por las respuestas posibles.

Ejemplos de este tipo de pregunta: 15

Pregunta 15: La respuesta B es la correcta. En la respuesta A el primer punto nunca se menciona en el texto. Los puntos 2 y 3 en la respuesta C son falsos de acuerdo al texto. En la respuesta el punto 1 es inexacto, mientras que los puntos 3 y 5 son falsos. Finalmente, en la respuesta E, los puntos 1, 2 y 5 son falsos, y los puntos 3 y 4 presentan juegos de palabras con los vocablos “underwent” y “pockets” (párrafos cinco y seis, respectivamente) que presentan información que no concuerda con lo descrito en el texto.

Comprensión de audio

Técnica básica a utilizar para esta sección: Tomar notas, a manera de resumen, de la idea principal y detalles que apoyen y describan la misma, al tiempo que se escucha el audio.

Tipos de pregunta:

1. Comprensión de ideas principales

Técnica a utilizar: Para contestar este tipo de pregunta es necesario recordar que la idea principal de cada audio casi siempre es establecida al inicio del texto en cuestión; sin embargo, también es conveniente revisar la información que se menciona a lo largo del mismo para confirmar qué es de lo que se está hablando.

Ejemplos de este tipo de pregunta: 1, 7, 13, 19, 26 y 34

Pregunta 1: Cuando Matt, el alumno, dice “I think that’s completely clear to me”, queda claro que no tiene dudas acerca del tema del proyecto (pregunta D). Igualmente, al inicio de la conversación, la profesora indica que se encuentra en horas de oficina sin que Matt lo pregunte (pregunta A). En lo referente a las preguntas B y C, el alumno nunca hace preguntas al respecto. La respuesta correcta es E dado que el punto por el que Matt menciona que acude a ver a la profesora es porque a él no le gusta trabajar en equipos y se puede inferir que está a punto de solicitar que se le permita realizar el trabajo individualmente, antes de que la profesora le deje en claro que eso no está dentro de las reglas relacionadas a la clase y la elaboración del proyecto en cuestión.

Pregunta 7: Las respuestas A y B se refieren a conceptos que la profesora utiliza para contextualizar el tema de la clase, el cual es una introducción a la nueva unidad que van a comenzar; por lo anterior, la respuesta D es la correcta. Respecto a la respuesta C, ésta hace referencia a un examen, lo cual no es mencionado por la profesora; respecto a la respuesta E, la profesora no indica textos ni actividades para un semestre completo, sólo para una unidad en particular.


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Pregunta 13: Esta pregunta es sobre el tema principal de la conversación, lo que hay que cuidar aquí es que la opción no contradiga directamente lo que se dice en la conversación. El ejemplo aquí es la opción E, aunque debe también notarse que las palabras y la manera en que se agrupan hacen que tenga similitudes con lo que se escucha en el audio. Éstas son características de buenos distractores. Lo siguiente que debe cuidarse es el alcance de la respuesta. Muchos distractores son muy generales (opción B y C) o muy específicos como lo es el caso de la opción D. La respuesta correcta es A.

Pregunta 19: Las opciones A, B, y D mencionan algo de lo que se habla en el texto pero esto no constituye lo esencial del mismo. La opción E es cercana a lo que motiva el texto pero no es el propósito general de la intervención. La mejor opción C menciona el propósito u objetivo que se busca. Este es un caso en que lo principal no se menciona al principio. Esta pregunta también puede catalogarse como una de propósito, pero se cataloga aquí por necesitar la diferenciación entre detalles mencionados e información general.

Pregunta 26: En este caso, se puede llegar directamente a la opción correcta si se pone atención al inicio del pasaje de audio C. De la información inicial también se puede eliminar la opción E. Los temas mencionados en las opciones restantes, pueden descartarse al considerar el pasaje de audio en su totalidad, y no solo responder a la pregunta sobre si son mencionados en el audio. El mantener en mente el hecho de que se pregunta sobre el propósito general del pasaje y no sobre detalles específicos evita que el candidato seleccione estos distractores.

Pregunta 34: Se busca entender lo que el hablante intenta comunicar. Esta pregunta puede clasificarse como de inferencia o de idea principal, ya que se busca algo que no se encuentra explícitamente en lo que se dice, y para contestarla apropiadamente hay que considerar el contenido en su totalidad. Los distractores en este caso se refieren a hechos mencionados en el texto pero demasiado particulares para ser considerados la intención principal, hechos mencionados para proveer al escucha de contexto, o hechos que van directamente en contra de lo que busca el hablante.

2. Comprensión de detalles

Técnica a utilizar: Es importante poner atención a los detalles (nombres, lugares, números y hechos) que se mencionan en cada audio para poder contestar a este tipo de preguntas.

También se debe considerar que, en la mayoría de las ocasiones, la(s) respuesta(s) correcta(s) presentan la misma idea, más no en las mismas palabras o usando el mismo vocabulario que se incluye en el texto de audio. Por lo anterior, es importante que el candidato posea un rango amplio de vocabulario que le permita reconocer palabras y frases que, en la(s) respuesta(s) funcionen como sinónimos para referirse a las ideas presentadas en el audio.

Para contestar este tipo de preguntas es recomendable tomar notas mentales y escritas de los detalles mencionados en el audio, para apoyarse en ellas al contestar la pregunta.

Ejemplos de este tipo de pregunta: 3, 11, 14, 20 y 37

Pregunta 3: El alumno indica que el proyecto es “an online research”, a lo cual la profesora responde que, en efecto, se trata de un “exclusively online research of the early XX Century Horror story”. Por lo anterior, la respuesta D es la única correcta. Las respuestas A y B hacen referencia a fuentes impresas (una antología de biblioteca y una revista vieja respectivamente). Las respuestas C y E indican eventos distantes en tiempo a los inicios del siglo XX (anglo-américa-colonial y un bestseller recién publicado, respectivamente).


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Pregunta 11: Al referirse a la lista de autores correspondientes a la unidad, la profesora indica que los menciona en orden cronológico, mismo que seguirán para realizar la lectura de sus obras; en dicha lista, Lovecraft es el último nombre que ella menciona. Lo anterior ocasiona que la respuesta B sea la única correcta, dado que la respuesta C indica a un autor mencionado al inicio de la lista. En cuanto a las preguntas D y E, éstas indican nombres que se mencionan como referencias del tipo de literatura descrito en la clase, más no dentro de la lista de lecturas de la unidad. Por otro lado, la respuesta A menciona a un autor que la profesora indica como referencia teórica, pero no como lectura de la unidad en cuestión.

Pregunta 14: Los distractores aquí contradicen el audio directamente como en la opción A, o no se mencionan en el mismo como en la opción C, D, y E. Es importante notar el uso de frases que suenan como las frases del diálogo en los distractores y la paráfrasis en la opción correcta, B.

Pregunta 20: Las opciones B, y D mencionan detalles que se encuentran en el audio, pero no están completamente relacionados con la pregunta. La opción C contradice directamente lo que se escucha en el audio, pero usa un lenguaje idéntico al que se escucha para plantear la opción. La opción E es muy extrema, por lo general se debe evitar este tipo de opciones. La respuesta correcta, A menciona lo que pide la pregunta en un lenguaje que se escucharía distinto a lo que se menciona en el audio. Ésta es la principal estrategia que sigue el examen para generar dificultad para su resolución.

Pregunta 37: Esta pregunta busca determinar la atención a los detalles de parte del escucha. La toma de notas adecuadas ayudaría al escucha en este caso en particular. Los años mencionados como opciones se escuchan muy similares al que en este caso se busca.

3. Comprensión del propósito del lenguaje usado

Técnica a utilizar: Para poder contestar este tipo de pregunta satisfactoriamente es necesario que el candidato preste atención al contexto situacional en el que se encuentra el hablante y así sea capaz de hacer una conclusión respecto al propósito de lo enunciado, a partir de dicho marco.

Ejemplos de este tipo de pregunta: 2, 4 ,9, 22, 23, 25, 27, 28, 32 y 35

Pregunta 2: La expresión “Sorry about that” se utiliza comúnmente para pedir disculpas; previamente a enunciarla, la profesora se equivoca respecto al nombre del alumno, Matt, a quien nombra: “Mark”. Por lo anterior, la mejor respuesta es B. La respuestas C y D se refieren a las “office hours” de la profesora, pero la profesora indica que, precisamente, ella se encuentra en sus horas de oficina, por lo cual no existe ningún malentendido ni problema al respecto. La respuesta A es inapropiada, dado que el alumno indica su nombre, mientras que la respuesta E tampoco es correcta pues la profesora no proporciona retroalimentación en ningún momento de la conversación.

Pregunta 4: Cuando Matt, el alumno, expresa que no le agrada trabajar en equipos, la profesora cambia de tono, y se refiere a él como “Mr. Smith” para posteriormente explicarle que no puede cambiar las indicaciones del proyecto: “…rules are rules. If you just follow the indications…”. Lo anterior explica que la respuesta correcta sea D. La respuesta E es un distractor basado en el uso de la expresión “Mr.” Mientras que las respuestas A, B y C se relacionan con situaciones a las que ni el alumno ni la profesora hacen referencia durante la conversación (cambiar el proyecto, cambiar de equipo, o tener una segunda oportunidad).


Guía del facilitador

Pregunta 9: Las respuestas A, B y C mencionan nombres indicados por la profesora en la lista de autores que se leerán como parte de la unidad; por otro lado, la respuesta E menciona a un autor indicado como referencia importante para estudiar el tema de la unidad. La respuesta D es la correcta, puesto que William Faulkner sólo es mencionado como ejemplo de los llamados por la profesora “Southern writers”, mas no como parte de los autores que se trabajarán en la unidad. De hecho, después de mencionar a Faulkner y O’Connor, la profesora menciona: “As for the last two key writers in our program…” para retomar la discusión acerca de los autores que se leerán para trabajar en la clase.

Pregunta 22: La información sobre el contexto desde el cual se menciona la frase determina la función de la misma. Las opciones A, B, D, y E pueden eliminarse poniendo atención a lo que busca el autor en la porción de audio en que se menciona la frase. Estas opciones pueden considerarse buenos distractores porque repiten palabras que se escuchan en el audio y si no se considera lo que se escucha y el contexto en que se menciona la frase, podrían considerarse opciones plausibles.

Pregunta 23: Esta pregunta es un ejemplo estereotípico del tipo de preguntas sobre propósito. Las opciones A y E tienen algo que ver con lo que se menciona en el texto sobre fábricas. Las opciones B y D no tienen que ver con el objetivo último mencionado en el texto, pero hay alguna relación con los temas o conceptos presentados. La opción correcta C, menciona el propósito del autor y utiliza un vocabulario distinto al que se utiliza en el recurso de audio para distraer al candidato.

Pregunta 25: En esta pregunta, se busca la interpretación del escucha de la intención del hablante. El hablante pide se considere atentamente la imagen de la madre y su hijo para poder hablar sobre lo que considera importante A. La opción B es muy buen distractor pues sobre lo que se habla la mayor parte del tiempo es sobre eficiencia. La opción C, D y E se mencionan pero no contienen la intención del autor. El hacer hincapié sobre el porqué es que menciona la imagen, resuelve la opción correcta.

Pregunta 27: En esta pregunta se busca distinguir si el candidato puede comprender el propósito del ejemplo en el contexto general del audio. Los distractores no tienen sentido cuando se considera el audio completo y en específico el propósito general del hablante.

Pregunta 28: En esta pregunta es necesario tener en cuenta el mensaje principal que el hablante busca comunicar y recordar el uso que hace del ejemplo sobre la madre y el niño. Al hacer tal consideración es útil recordar los detalles específicos de la pregunta, pues algunos distractores pueden descartarse utilizando estos detalles.

Pregunta 32: En esta pregunta se busca interpretar el uso de una metáfora utilizada en el audio. Los distractores son mencionados por el hablante o no están relacionados con la diferenciación de una población en regiones. Es útil en este caso cuidar que el conocimiento previo del candidato sobre posibles metáforas para mostrar diferencias no influyan en su decisión sobre lo que en realidad se menciona en el audio.

Pregunta 35: Aquí se busca evaluar la comprensión del escucha sobre la intención del hablante para organizar el texto de la manera en que lo hace. Es necesario poner atención a la manera en que el discurso se estructura además del contenido del mismo para responder esta pregunta adecuadamente. Los distractores muestran puntos opuestos a lo que el autor busca, o bien sobre simplifican buscando atraer la atención del candidato.


Guía del facilitador

4. Comprensión de la postura de los hablantes

Técnica a utilizar: Para poder contestar este tipo de pregunta es recomendable poner atención al contexto en el que se encuentra el hablante y la forma en que éste habla para que así se pueda hacer una conclusión acerca del sentir del hablante partiendo de estos elementos.

Ejemplo de este tipo de pregunta: 10 y 16

Pregunta 10: Cuando la profesora menciona: “…at least those who remember the notes from their Psychology undergraduate class…”, es importante recordar que, al inicio de su discurso, ella dice: “No answers?” como respuesta al hecho de que los alumnos no parecen muy participativos, tal como lo confirma el hecho de que únicamente uno de ellos, Melvin, realiza una intervención muy corta a la mitad del discurso de la profesora. La respuesta correcta es E, puesto que, como se ha explicado, ésta es la segunda ocasión en su discurso que la profesora enfatiza el hecho de que los alumnos no se muestran muy participativos. Lo anterior implica que la respuesta A es completamente incorrecta; por otro lado, las respuestas C y D se relacionan con clases de psicología, pero en el audio existen varios referentes que indican que se trata de una clase de literatura; además la profesora menciona que, cualquier conocimiento previo de psicología, será útil solamente como referencia para estudiar a los autores que se leerán en la unidad. Finalmente, la respuesta B tampoco es correcta pues la profesora menciona el hecho de recordar (“remember”) más no de tomar nuevamente algún tipo de clase.

Pregunta 16: Aquí se le pide al candidato inferir sobre actitudes. Es importante notar pausas o indicadores de inconformidad en el flujo de la conversación. Esto también se puede notar en un cambio de tema forzado, o en pausas incómodas al responder. El lenguaje utilizado en la conversación y la afectación del flujo indican que el hablante masculino considera que ella está tomando demasiados temas controversiales a la vez. El candidato puede identificar los distractores al tomar en cuenta lo que sucede con la conversación.

5. Comprensión de la organización de la información presentada

Técnica a utilizar: Los conectores adverbiales, así como las frases que indican tiempo y lugar son referentes esenciales para determinar correctamente la organización y jerarquía entre ideas dentro de un texto.

Para contestar este tipo de pregunta es importante que, al escuchar y tomar notas, se preste igual importancia a las ideas centrales y de apoyo así como a la organización entre las mismas.

Ejemplo de este tipo de pregunta: 21

Pregunta 21: En las opciones para esta pregunta se encuentra: una que directamente contradice la organización de las ideas presentadas en el audio B, una que no tiene relación con el audio C, una que indica una forma común de organización pero que no corresponde al audio D, y una que tiene relación al audio por una breve mención al inicio pero no representa la relación general entre las ideas presentadas. Estos distractores son característicos de este tipo de preguntas.


Guía del facilitador

6. Realización de conclusiones, predicciones e inferencias

Técnica a utilizar: Para contestar esta pregunta es importante entender y tomar nota de todos los detalles mencionados en el audio y analizarlos para ser capaz de concluir, predecir o inferir según lo indique la pregunta.

Ejemplos de este tipo de pregunta: 5, 6, 8, 12, 15, 24, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33 y 36

Pregunta 5: El hecho de que la profesora mencione: “…I’m pretty sure you’ll be able to come up with a good result and, more importantly, you will realize the importance of group activities and the collaboration they imply… Just remember; later, in your working life there will always be the need to work with others if you want to advance in your career.” permite inferir que, de acuerdo a su punto de vista, lo aprendido por el alumno al realizar el proyecto le permitirá trabajar en equipo en su carrera como profesionista. Por lo anterior C es la respuesta correcta. La respuesta A no es la más indicada dado que la profesora parece estar muy segura de la habilidad de Matt para entregar un buen trabajo. Las respuestas B y D no guardan relación con lo mencionado por la profesora cuando se refiere a los resultados del proyecto. Finalmente, la respuesta E es incorrecta, en tanto que la profesora menciona el trabajar en equipo, mas no el hacer amistad con los que forman parte del mismo.

Pregunta 6: Aunque Matt no lo menciona directamente, cuando dice: “…I really feel uneasy about working in groups.” Se puede inferir que no disfruta trabajar con otras personas; por esto, A es la respuesta correcta. En cuanto a las respuestas B, C y D, ni él ni la profesora hacen referencia alguna a que Matt sea mal alumno, no le agrade hacer investigaciones en línea o no sepa organizar su tiempo, respectivamente. La respuesta E menciona un hecho al que Matt no hace referencia en toda la conversación.

Pregunta 12: La profesora cierra su discurso con la siguiente información: “Some of the texts are on line in our digital library, while others are on reserve at the campus library, so you may want to start looking at both sources. If you have any doubts about how to use the online sources, look for me during my office hours.” Lo anterior indica que la respuesta D es la correcta. La respuesta E es incorrecta debido a que la profesora explica que los textos impresos en la biblioteca son material de reserva, mientras que la respuesta A se refiere a autores que se verán hacia el final de la unidad que apenas están por comenzar. Por otro lado, la respuesta C implica una actividad que, de acuerdo a la profesora, los alumnos podrán requerir en caso de haber primero intentado usar la base de datos en línea. Finalmente, la respuesta B se refiere a la mención que la profesora realiza respecto a la posibilidad de que los alumnos recuerden sus nota, pero ella no hace referencia alguna a que se deban revisar dichas notas.

Pregunta 15: La opción correcta es A, usa un vocabulario marcadamente distinto al utilizado en el audio. Los distractores contradicen lo que se dice en la conversación directamente, como en la opción B y C. Otros distractores D y E mencionan hechos que no tienen que ver con la conversación. Las notas que se toman al momento de escuchar la conversación son importantes para poder discriminar entre las opciones proporcionadas.

Pregunta 24: Esta pregunta requiere que el candidato realice una inferencia desde el material que se presenta en el audio. El audio trata de temas relacionados con los componentes de la célula, pero además hace comentarios sobre la dificultad que enfrentan los ingenieros al toparse con el tipo de conceptos y explicaciones que se tienen en esta materia. Los distractores para esta pregunta tienen que ver con el contenido del audio pero no responden la pregunta correctamente, como es el caso con la opción D. La primera opción, A es muy general. La opción C y E invierte ingenieros y biólogos en cuanto al énfasis que se hace en el curso.


Guía del facilitador

Pregunta 29: En este tipo de pregunta se busca información que no esta de hecho incluida en el audio, pero que el escucha puede inferir a partir de la información proporcionada. El caso del uso de “multitasking” en el audio es uno de éstos. Para poder distinguir la respuesta correcta de los distractores para esta pregunta en específico, es necesario considerar el objetivo general que busca el hablante y además las instancias en el audio en que se menciona el “multitasking”. Los distractores en este caso específico pueden tener sentido en contextos amplios y no necesariamente relacionados con el audio. La relación directa con el audio y el propósito general del mismo es la clave necesaria para la selección.

Pregunta 30: En esta pregunta se busca determinar si el escucha puede interpretar correctamente el propósito del hablante al mencionar los dos países y su relación con el texto. Es importante destacar aquí la importancia de las relaciones causa-efecto mencionadas en las opciones. Si se toma en cuenta el contenido del audio se pueden descartar las opciones incorrectas.

Pregunta 31: En esta pregunta la clave está en la interpretación de la palabra “belief” en la pregunta. El hablante se refiere a lo diferente de la orientación de creencias en el norte con respecto a las del sur, pero creencia en el sentido general. Los distractores son demasiado específicos al mencionar X cree que Y. Cuando en el audio se refiere a creencia en sentido general. El único distractor que menciona “belief” en este sentido general, se refiere a algo no mencionado en el texto.

Pregunta 32: La clave para responder a esta pregunta correctamente es la interpretación adecuada de la metáfora presentada sobre el hablar distintos idiomas. “speaking different languages” denota la imposibilidad de comunicación debido a los contextos y puntos de partida distintos en que se encuentran las partes a las que se hace referencia. Es útil además entender lo que las demás opciones indican e interpretar su posible relación con el contenido de la lectura.

Pregunta 33: Esta es una pregunta en la que se busca que el candidato infiera a partir de lo que se menciona para probar su comprensión del contenido. Las respuestas incorrectas en esta pregunta, lo son porque buscan el porqué del orden jerárquico en el sur en vez de responder la pregunta, tal es el caso de las opciones B y D. La opción tanto A como C son inferencias posibles pero no tienen relación directa con lo que se dijo. Lo que nos deja con E, la cual provee el vínculo directo entre el orden social y la eficiencia con la que se forman milicias en el sur.

Pregunta 36: Esta pregunta busca una definición basada en el contexto. Y se puede resolver haciendo inferencias sobre lo que dice el hablante. Los distractores mencionan posibilidades que podrían ser válidas si se ignorara el contexto. La frase que se busca definir es una frase comúnmente utilizada de la manera en que el hablante la usa. Sería útil, mas no necesario, en este caso haber escuchado la frase y asociado un significado a la misma en otro contexto.

Producción oral

Técnicas básicas a utilizar para esta sección:

• Identificar ideas principales y de apoyo en argumentos escritos y orales• Tomar notas, a manera de resumen, de la idea principal y detalles que apoyan y describen la

misma, al tiempo que se lee un texto o se escucha un audio• Refutar o apoyar argumentos de otros• Planear una respuesta con apoyo en notas, y de acuerdo al tiempo establecido• Crear un argumento sólido y claro apoyándose en ideas y experiencias personales y de otros, así

como en hechos de conocimiento general


Guía del facilitador

• Usar el vocabulario adecuado, principalmente conectores y verbos para reportar, el cual permita producir un argumento oral estructurado y que se apoye en paráfrasis de lo leído y escuchado previamente

• Presentar el producto oral dentro del tiempo establecido

Producción escrita

Técnicas básicas a utilizar para esta sección:

• Identificar ideas principales y de apoyo en argumentos escritos y orales• Tomar notas, a manera de resumen, de la idea principal y detalles que apoyan y describen la

misma, al tiempo que se lee un texto o se escucha un audio• Refutar o apoyar argumentos de otros• Planear una respuesta escrita con apoyo en notas, y de acuerdo al tiempo establecido • Crear un argumento escrito sólido y claro apoyándose en ideas y experiencias personales y de

otros, así como en hechos de conocimiento general• Usar el vocabulario adecuado, principalmente tiempos verbales, partes del discurso,

estructura de oraciones, así como conectores, los cuales permitan producir un ensayo estructurado y que se apoye en paráfrasis de lo leído y escuchado previamente, y / o del conocimiento general del candidato

• Saber estructurar un ensayo basándose en las siguientes habilidades:• Realizar el bosquejo (planear la organización) de un ensayo antes de redactarlo con base en

notas,• Redactar la idea principal,• Redactar una introducción,• Redactar párrafos argumentativos,• Redactar una conclusión, y• Revisar y editar antes de entregar.

• Elaborar el ensayo dentro del tiempo establecido.


Guiones de audio

Comprensión de audio


Listen to the following conversations and lectures, and answer the questions that follow each of them. The questions will be about main idea, supporting details, or about the speaker’s attitude or purpose.You will listen to each conversation and lecture only once.You can take notes while you listen and use them later to answer the questions.

Dialogue 1(narrator) Listen to a conversation between a student and a professor.

(man) Excuse me, professor Lovecraft?(woman) Uh, hi. That’s Mark, right?(man) No, actually my name’s Matt Smith.(woman) Sorry about that Matt, but come in; these are my office hours, so you’re more than welcome. What can I do for you?(man) Well, it’s just that I have some doubts about the project we have to prepare for this term.(woman) Have you read the indications I gave in class yesterday?(man) Well, I just went over them this morning and found we have to do an online research project on Horror tales and present it in class.(woman) That’s right; it’s an exclusively online research about the development of early XX Century Horror story. I listed a number of academic sites that can be considering as a starting point. You may include Weird and Ghost fiction in your work. (man) Yeah, I think that’s completely clear to me.(woman) Then, what it is that you don’t get?(man) You know, the point is the project is described as a team activity, and I really feel uneasy about working in groups. (woman) I’m sorry Mr. Smith, but rules are rules. If you just follow the indications, then get a team organized, do your project, and hand it in before the deadline, I’m pretty sure you’ll be able to come up with a good result and, more importantly, you will realize the importance of group activities and the collaboration they imply.(man) Well, I think I have no choice when you put it like that.(woman) It’s good you understand. Just remember; later, in your working life there will always be the need to work with others if you want to advance in your career.

(narrator) Now, use your notes to answer the following questions.

1 (narrator) Why does the man go to see the professor?2 (narrator) What can be inferred when the professor says the following: ‘Sorry about that Matt’?3 (narrator) Which of the following sources will the student use in his research for the project?4 (narrator) What does the professor mean when she says this: ‘I’m sorry Mr. Smith, but rules are rules’?5 (narrator) What does the professor think will probably happen as a result of the project activity?6 (narrator) What can be inferred about Matt?


Guiones de audio

Lecture 1(narrator) Listen to a lecture from a Literature class

(woman 1)

(man 2)

(woman 1)

Good morning everyone. Let me start by asking if you know where the term ‘gothic’ comes from? No answers? Well, you don’t need to worry if you’re confused since the use of that word is very varied and sometimes ambiguous nowadays. However, if you first thought of the barbarian tribes that invaded Europe between 300 and 700 A.D. you’re more than right. Among such groups there was one known as the Goths, and despite the existence of many other barbarian groups, the term ‘Goth’ was the one that became widely associated with everything opposed to Rome and the Classical taste of order and proportion that the English Neoclassicism later inherited from the Greek and Roman traditions. As Gothic Architecture had previously opposed the classical architectural tradition of its predecessor, the Romanesque style, and its successor, the Renaissance one, it was in a similar opposition that Gothic Literature opposed the rational art of the Neoclassical period into which it was born. The history of Gothic Literature started when Horace Walpole published his work The Castle of Otranto; from then, the elements of the Gothic have been reappearing inside different historical periods adapting themselves to the concerns of the writers’ times.

The point of today’s class is then to introduce the main motifs of this kind of literature and start studying their presence here, in America, into what critics have sub-divided from the main Gothic stem to call it American Gothic Literature.

As a general introduction, a Gothic story takes place, at least part of it, inside the limits of an antiquated space. This setting can range from an old, dark castle or house, to a town or even a city. Inside the boundaries posed by such context, the characters in a Gothic plot witness the appearance of hidden secrets irrupting from the past that haunt them unceasingly. This haunting usually becomes embodied in the shape of a monster, a ghost or a fearful object that does not always have an evident connection with the irrupting secret. These Gothic motifs are usually family secrets or buried personal memories that have gained access into the conscious mind of the protagonist. The main character undergoes a search or escape through dark corridors, tunnels and trap doors of the Gothic setting that becomes a reflection of a personal search into the labyrinths of the mind, from which the hidden memory has been released.

If the ghost or monster seems to be coming from an alien world, this is no more than a representation of the protagonist’s own mind and past from which the seemingly alien menace has been awakened.

Sorry professor?

Yes, Melvin?


Guiones de audio


(woman 1)

Is it right that the Theory of Psychoanalysis can be applied to study Gothic Literature?

That’s right Melvin, as you have mentioned, and as others may have inferred, at least those who remember the notes from their undergraduate Psychology classes, Sigmund Freud’s work will be of great help to start our study of the processes that take place into the minds of Gothic characters. His text on the Uncanny is one of the key references we will be using in our study of American manifestations of the Gothic.

To approach that topic and to satisfy the curiosity of those who may have started asking what writers we will be reading in this unit, I just need to remind you there’s a syllabus which, if you had read in advance, would have given you a clear idea of the unit contents and objectives.

As stated in the class program, the American Gothic writers whose work we will study as main sources for this unit are, in the same chronological order in which we will read examples of their work: Washington Irving, Charles Brockden Brown, Edgar Allan Poe, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Herman Melville, Charlotte Perkins Gilman, and Howard Phillips Lovecraft. Although much has been done in American Gothic after the works of these writers, their texts are the cornerstone of everything that has been written after them.To begin with, Irving and Brown are the most recognizable examples of early attempts to contextualize Gothic motifs into the American reality of the recently independent colonies. It was later with Poe and Hawthorne that American Gothic saw its consolidation as a true new form that achieved a complete adaptation of the Gothic elements into this American context. After Poe and Hawthorne, such elements as the failed Puritan project, the dark mansions and their dark family secrets, plus the mysteries hidden in the lands still to be explored in and outside America became key recognizable Gothic elements in a style that would later be explored by Southern writers like William Faulkner and Flannery O’Connor. These latter ones used it to express the sense of loss and the grotesque present that was felt in the South years after the Civil War.

As for the last two key writers in our program, Perkins Gillman’s importance comes from her being one of the first who explored the Gothic as a way to exteriorize the inner concerns and worries of the mind which had been described by Freud as a fragmented unity. As for Lovecraft, he used this genre as a means to express the concerns that the increasing number of scientific discoveries had brought at the beginnings of the XX Century regarding the role of mankind in the frame of the vast universe and its governing laws. The characteristics I mentioned make Gillman and Lovecraft clear examples of how American Gothic Literature has been used as a way to express concerns particular to the writer’s time.

That’s all for today, for our next class, remember to start reading the first two texts indicated in the program for this unit; at the end of next week, we will have an exam about these texts and their relationship with the context in which they were written, so I advise you immediately start taking a look at the complementary bibliography of texts on the Historical background of the first century of the United States as an independent nation. Some of the texts are on line in our digital library, while others are on reserve at the campus library, so you may want to start looking at both sources. If you have any doubts about how to use the online sources, look for me during my office hours.


Guiones de audio

7 (narrator) What is the main objective of the professors’ speech?8 (narrator) Why does the professor mention Gothic Architecture?9 (narrator) Who is not listed among the writers they will read for the unit?10 (narrator) How does the professor most probably feel when she says this: ‘As others may have inferred, at least those who remember the notes form their Psychology undergraduate classes, Sigmund Freud’s work will be of great help to start our study’?11 (narrator) Whose work will they be reading at the end of the unit?12 (narrator) Which of the following will the students probably do after class?

Dialogue 2(woman)(man)(woman)(man)(woman)(man)










Hi, Bruno!Hi Paty!Hey, what are you doing for Thanksgiving?I guess I’ll be going to my parent’s place to meet with my family. How about you?I don’t know yet, I’m thinking about going home for that weekend.Really? I thought you weren’t into all that “holiday and family gathering for a meal together” deal.I’m not! It’s just that my parents are planning on going overseas on those same dates, and I enjoy the peace and quiet around the house.You know me. The bookworm…So, you think you will get some reading done before we are to be back in school?I did my reading for the term papers weeks ago. I’m into much more interesting stuff than that.I guess you will not fall for the challenge then? The one about writing an article for the paper that generates discussion and debates.Not really. I am writing a paper for that controversy section of the school newspaper. I decided to write on the topic of family and holidays. Holidays such as this one, so I need to do some research for the article.Hmm, It’s interesting, how you: the only person I know that is not into holidays, are writing a newspaper piece on it.Sometimes all you need is a little distance to get a proper perspective on an issue.You are so right. I also find it difficult to write about topics that I am too familiarized with. Why Thanksgiving?Yeah. I got the idea when, while I was thinking about my next writing topic, every store I walked into was selling something for Thanksgiving. It seems it is pretty institutionalized in our culture.I agree. My family puts on a big show for this holiday. My extended family flies in from all over, we have a huge dinner and watch football together…Football! That’s another interesting topic for a critical analysis.I can’t comment on that topic either, I’m too close to it.I forgot how much of a fan you are.You know it.Maybe I’ll write about football in my following article. These are not easy topics to take on, especially for critical readers who are fond of their traditions. You might be taking on the whole university with these two topics.


Guiones de audio



13 (narrator) What is the conversation mainly about?14 (narrator) According to the conversation, what is to be the woman’s main activity during the holiday?15 (narrator) Why does the woman most likely mention distance as a way to gain perspective?16 (narrator) What is the male student’s attitude toward her also writing about football?17 (narrator) How does the woman acknowledge Bruno’s concern for her?18 (narrator) What does the man mean by saying his family puts on a big show for Thanksgiving?

Lecture 2(narrator) Listen to a lecture in a class at a university


This is exactly what I’m after. A challenge! But, I guess you’re right; I should take it one at a time.Well, good luck on your research. I look forward to reading your article.Thanks. Have a great holiday!

Technologies previously considered to be mostly in the realm of science fiction are becoming feasible and in fact being used for the first times. You can see such advances in the engineering of biology in the latest cochlear implants and retinal implants among others. One of the most interesting areas in which progress is being made is the communication and adaptation of these devices in the body at the cellular level, which leads us to the main content of our course.

Most of the advances in the theoretical and technologically applied fields deal with cells as the most basic constituents of living organisms. This common view or starting point is familiar to you if your background includes biology, which for most engineers is not the case. This situation leaves engineers looking to be part of these new and exiting developments in bio-engineering at a disadvantage. Engineers who look to textbooks for explanations of these biological constituents rarely find everything they are after in a straightforward fashion. The textbooks available at this time either provide the necessary explanations, but assume the reader to already have a background in the cellular makeup of organisms, or give explanations in layman’s language, and in doing so fail to provide necessary details for the engineer.

We will here attempt to address this problem by providing a primer on the workings of the cell albeit from a slightly different perspective: one that is more amiable to engineers. We will begin by considering cells to be tiny factories with their necessary inlets, outlets and other organizational features. We will describe the processes within the factory using flowcharts and other tools you are already familiar with. This metaphorical analogy will provide us with the necessary elements to talk about the way cells work and the function they carry out in larger scales. In this manner we can avoid unnecessary references to theory-laden concepts or vocabulary that could work against the comprehension of this particular topic.


Guiones de audio

19 (narrator) What is the lecture mainly for?20 (narrator) According to the lecture, why are biology textbooks inadequate for the course?21 (narrator) What best describes the organization of the lecture?22 (narrator) The professor mentions cochlear implants and retinal implants in order to:

We will here attempt to address this problem by providing a primer on the workings of the cell albeit from a slightly different perspective: one that is more amiable to engineers. We will begin by considering cells to be tiny factories with their necessary inlets, outlets and other organizational features. We will describe the processes within the factory using flowcharts and other tools you are already familiar with. This metaphorical analogy will provide us with the necessary elements to talk about the way cells work and the function they carry out in larger scales. In this manner we can avoid unnecessary references to theory-laden concepts or vocabulary that could work against the comprehension of this particular topic.

We also make use of the added value that your experience as engineers brings to the table. We will use the same language you are already using such as the language used to describe factories and their processes to describe cells. This language provides us with terminology that can be applied to a more in depth understanding of the cell.As for the theory-laden concepts that usually appear in Biology textbooks, I will highlight these concepts as they appear so you take note.

I will also ask you to bear in mind this is only a metaphor we will have adopted for the purpose of expediency and ease of comprehension. Do not expect for this tiny factory view to be a broadly adopted one. Expect quite the opposite: to be constantly translating between the vocabulary that is in mainstream use and the metaphor we are using only for the purpose of this class.

Having said this, (and hoping that this effort in metaphorical thinking leads us to a better and more practical understanding of the cell, and its function in different organisms), I will describe the contents of the course so you may have a chronological reference to when we will be addressing which topics.

The first of our topics is the classification of organisms. This topic will enable you to be able to differentiate between cells and be able to situate the human cell among the range of possible variations in other living organisms. We will also provide a historical backdrop upon which to place the discoveries that led us to find the functions of different parts of the cell. Discoveries in which we also highlight the role technology had in bringing them about.The second topic is the in depth description of particular cellular organelles: the Golgy body, Lyosomes, the cell membrane, the cytoplasm, centroplasm, mitochondria, the endoplasmic reticulum, the nucleus and ribosome. Once these organelles have been sufficiently explained we move on to the third topic: energy generation and protein synthesis.

Energy generation and protein synthesis within the cell will be described as chemical processes. You will find that our tiny factories analogies is of great use to describe all these essential components as it provides us with a conceptual umbrella, if you will, that we can use to protect us from the ambiguity afforded us by terminology with too many theory-laden concepts.


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23 (narrator) What is the motivation behind the use of a conceptual umbrella in the lecture?24 (narrator) Which course is the professor most likely teaching?

Lecture 3

(narrator) Listen to a lecture in a class at a university.

(lecturer) This activity is about putting yourself in someone else’s shoes and gaining insight into our own culture from the additional point of view. Ethical analysis is not always about looking for right and wrong. Sometimes it is just about seeing something new. If you will, take a look at this image of a woman taking care of her child, working on her laptop and talking on the phone. She’s getting a lot done, right? Now, try to see this image as if you were an extraterrestrial, observing our behavior with the end of divining our habits and priorities. For purposes of today’s lecture, allow me to categorize this image as an example of efficiency.

This situation is so normal that its ethical implications might elude scrutiny, that is, unless analyzed from another’s point of view. One of the approaches for an ethical analysis is to start by questioning our daily habits from which larger conclusions can be made about our society. This particular slice of experience, an example of multitasking, is a manifestation of a defining characteristic of our society, one that does not tolerate time and spatial limitations. But how would an outsider interpret this piece of reality?

Our entire society is becoming increasingly defined by this kind of “timeless and space-less” expectation. We are everywhere at the same time and doing many things at once. This image is just a symptom of a lifestyle which conditions our actions and expectations to consider time and space as relative or even unimportant. These once stalwart aspects of reality have been brought into the fold of a hyper-efficient paradigm. Calling it a paradigm suggests that it has the power to act upon other aspects of experience in a deterministic manner. Religious organizations, for example, are now starting to take advantage of the many social networks in an attempt to maximize their ability to reach out to the community.

A priest cannot be everywhere at the same time, but these days he is expected to be so.

This hyper-efficient paradigm has evolved over a long period of time and has been rewarded with a powerful role in our society which judges the advantages to be good. It can be argued that our desire to be in two different places at the same time goes all the way back to sending smoke signals and was intensified by the telegraph, etc. Then wireless communication allowed one to be in many places at the same time, and finally, digital technologies have liberated us from the constraints of time. We can almost work 24/7.

One thing is for sure, though. The ability to be that efficient is a sign of success. Efficiency maximizes our experience; it makes us happy. But would all this be true if we took an alien’s perspective into consideration? Given the additional interpretation, would we value efficiency in the way we do now? Ok, as aliens, what do you see?


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25 (narrator) Why does the professor ask the students to look at the image of a woman and her child?26 (narrator) What is the main purpose of the lecture?27 (narrator) When the professor mentions religious organizations, what point is he trying to make?28 (narrator) According to the speaker, what aspect of society might an alien consider to be a victim of the efficiency paradigm?29 (narrator) What does the speaker imply about multitasking?

Lecture 4

(narrator) Listen to a lecture in a class at a university.


Start with the basic components. We see a woman involved in a very sacred activity, taking care of (or perhaps teaching) her child while “working” and communicating at the same time. One victim of this obsession with time-space management might be that the efforts of parenting are being diluted by the fact that our attention is always elsewhere, occupied by other things. The alien might say that one victim to the efficiency paradigm is child rearing. So, an analysis or our everyday activities can evoke an ethical discussion of our society as a whole if we can borrow an additional pair of eyes.

Good morning. For the last couple of weeks we have been discussing the more widely accepted causes of the US Civil War. We talked about the well known economic cause: a free labor economy versus one based on slavery, either of which might have determined American society in the 19th century. We also talked about the unequal distribution of congressional power where a few privileged men from the South wielded a disproportionate amount of influence in comparison to their northern counterparts. For example, people like Cornelius Vanderbilt had special interests that were inhibited by the partnership between the slave owners and their corresponding representation in Congress. And finally we discussed States Rights, an issue ever since Andrew Jackson threatened to invade South Carolina if that state did not respect a federal tariff. These reasons were real in the minds of those in power, but what about the average citizen? What made him fight?

The aforementioned reasons were tangible in the cause/effect sense, especially when analyzed after the fact. Hind sight identifies the economic and political factors as the most compelling reasons why a civilized nation would choose to fight instead of weighing more peaceful alternatives. Remember, there were institutions to resolve these kinds of disputes. So how could an entire society, from the elite on down to the common man, be driven to such a violent means of conflict resolution? Perhaps a more ideological analysis of 19th century America would shed light on the issue. The political-economic reasons would have had little effect on the majority of the population. To convince someone to do something irrational, like fighting and dying, requires something greater than political affiliations, a belief perhaps; and we are all aware of how faith can drive people to war, but, in the case of the US civil war, a belief in what?


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I would say that it was a belief in a type of society (a type of future) that convinced people to fight. The society of the North was concerned with industry, technological production and progress while the South’s interests were much more agrarian and spiritual. These ideological differences were strong enough to pit half the nation against the other in one of the bloodiest civil wars in history. For the average citizen, the conflict had to do with the kind of life people were looking for, the kind of society they wanted to perpetuate. Society for the North meant a nation whose responsibility it was to provide opportunities for its people while the South advocated a particular lifestyle built around a natural order. This was an irreconcilable difference, evidence that the US was actually two countries who went to war much like France and Prussia did in 1871; or for argument’s sake, like the conflict between the US and the Comanche nation. These two societies were so different that they could not communicate beyond the battlefield. One society was founded on private property while the other was measured by horseflesh and battlefield heroics. Two cultures, so different in their perspective, were not compatible; and this “language problem” is similar to the one that existed between the North and the South.

At the time, the US was very much under the influence of Manifest Destiny: for example, the war with Mexico, the expropriation of native lands, the Monroe doctrine, etc. So why would the US risk slowing their empire’s momentum by going to war? There were alternatives to war. For instance why didn’t the North continue to appease the South or compensate the slave owners for freeing their slaves; and why did the South treat federalism with such distain, insulting it by threatening to secede. A big clue lies in the fact that there was never such a strong sense of “union” within the United States. American loyalties were much more local and abstract in terms of their aspirations for the future.

Again, I return to the ideological differences which showed the US to be a vast region containing two different countries. Prior to the conflict, many considered the US to be a loose organization of states, only cooperating out of mutual necessity, like in the event of an invasion. Each state was considered to have a certain amount of autonomy that trumped Federal powers. Evidence of this is still seen today as the death penalty and gay marriage are legal in some states while banned in others. Understood in terms of autonomy, secession was not treason; it was a legitimate option. For the South, secession was a manifestation of their sovereignty, as was slavery and legislation.

Another symptom of regionalism was the bifurcating interpretations of “freedom”. This was a factor which permeated the causes for the war as well as its subsequent analysis, though mainly as it related to freeing the slaves. At the time, however, the concept was much more nebulous. For the North “freedom” was based on free will, while for the South it meant freedom from big government. Lincoln, even, was not primarily concerned with abolishing slavery; rather, his priority lay with preserving the union; nor was “freeing the slaves” a viable call to arms in 1861. For some, slavery was just a bad idea, referred to as the peculiar institution because it was counterproductive. Slavery kept society at a standstill, preserving an agrarian tradition and not manufacturing, which is what defined the North’s vision of America. In addition, the North had a large immigrant population who viewed slaves as competition and not as objects of pity. Immigrants meant cheap labor, taxes and growth. Slavery was objectionable to the North because it obviated the ability to compete on a world scale.


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30 (narrator) Why does the author mention the war between France and Prussia? 31 (narrator) What does the speaker imply about “belief”?32 (narrator) What metaphor does the speaker use to show that the North and South really were two different regions?33 (narrator) What does the speaker imply about the hierarchical Southern society versus the diverse society of the North? 34 (narrator) What did the North and South really fight for, according to the speaker?35 (narrator) Why did the speaker mention the political-economic reasons for war?36 (narrator) Based on what you heard, what is a melting pot?37 (narrator) What year did the war begin?

The North was an industrialized nation while the South was more agriculturally oriented. In the South, life followed the rhythms of nature while the market determined the pace of life in the North. One had a faith in God while the other had a faith in progress. The North saw nature as a resource, but the South understood man’s relationship to nature to be an extension of God’s order, within which slavery played a part. The common soldier of the South fought for a way of life while the Northern soldier fought for a country.

There were other fundamental differences which distinguished the two regions. The South was like a family, the people having come from the same part of Europe, and they were basically protestant. The North, on the other hand, was a melting pot of people from all over and with a variety of languages and traditions. Where there was diversity in the North there was cohesion in the South. The South was a paternalistic society, a feature which also made it easier to justify slavery, as the slaves were given food, clothing and housing; but this aspect also made it easy for the South to mobilize itself for war. Plus, many small communities already had local militias, sponsored and commanded by the wealthy land owners of the area. On the other hand, the North was a complex society that was difficult to organize. So, ideological reasons played a huge part in driving the US to war. The two sides could not agree on a society. One fought for a lifestyle based on order and the other a nation whose responsibility it was to provide opportunities for progress.


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Producción oral


Listen to a conversation and take notes on the main points about it.You will then use your notes to answer some questions about it.After the conversation ends, you will have 3 minutes to answer the questions.








Hi, My name’s Matt. I’m looking for the dorm student supervisor.Hi, I’m Sarah. You don’t have to ask any further. Nice to meet you.Nice to meet you too, Sarah. They told me at the residences’ office that you would show me around the dorm.That’s right. As we both can see, you already know where the kitchen is. From here I can show you to your room and the laundry room.Hey, just a question.Yes, what is it?Why are there two trash cans in here? Don’t tell me it is one of those ecologist policies?You hit the nail on the head, Matt. The university has been applying what they call “Green Campus regulations” since last semester. Every student who fails to follow it has to pay a fine. In reality, those are more than rare to be heard of. On the other hand, our contribution seems to be paying off. The report from the last term indicated the residences’ office had two pay only two thirds of what they usually paid to the municipal trash collecting service. That’s because the city hall encourages the preservation of resources with reduced costs to those who contribute to recycling. In the end, everybody wins when this kind of rules is applied.That sounds very good, for a family or a company, but I’m here to study, not to add extra time to my schedules separating trash. Hey, hold on, what do those two cans in this bed room indicate? Am I also expected to sort out trash in my room?You’re right for the third time. The university encourages every student and staff member to help recycle at any time, and the ideal starting point is from our own trash. Just think about it for a second, and you’ll realize that, once you get organized, separating trash won’t take more than a few seconds of your day.I don’t know. I’m paying for a place to study and live while I’m doing it, not to receive extra assignments apart from the ones I’ll already be having from my professors. Will think about it, but if I find it very difficult to follow this rule, I may better start looking for a place to rent near campus.Whatever pleases you. But Just remember, next Monday is the last day to request any accommodation change, so please, think it over carefully, and consider the advantages of living on campus in exchange for contributing a little bit to save our environment.


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Instructions:Listen to a lecture and take notes on the main points about it.You will then use your notes to answer some questions after the lecture.After the conversation ends, you will have 2 minutes to answer the questions.

When hearing the expression “headphones”, most people immediately think about a portable music player. However, there are many other applications to what the old telephone earpiece from the 1900’s inspired to create.

In the beginning, headphones were just meant for a basic purpose; that is, to amplify audio signals to simplify the work of people in charge of operating radio signal receivers. They were uncomfortable and their sound quality was extremely poor. The need for high sensitivity to receive every reproduce sound also meant a very crude noisy sound. Besides, since they were directly connected to the transistors inside the radio, they represented a permanent risk of receiving an electric shock.

Nowadays, the headphones or headsets (those including a microphone) are secure and comfortable. They can even be used in the rain, and don’t represent any danger for the user. Their applications and uses are as varied as the number of devices they can be plugged into. We can see them present in activities related to entertainment like editing the sound effects of a movie or mixing music in a nightclub. Moreover, they are also very important in scientific studies, especially when dealing with environments that require a maximum degree of high fidelity like the sounds sent from probes transmitting form other planets in the solar system, or robots exploring the depths of the sea.


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Producción escrita

1. (narrator)



Listen to a lecture and take notes on the main points about it.You will then use your notes to answer some questions after the lecture.

When talking about animal domestication, most people rarely think about the reasons why humans have historically chosen some animals over others to use them for various purposes. We know it is very pleasant for some people to have a pet at home, and for many centuries it has been necessary to keep animals for countless purposes such as the production of food and carrying out hard work, especially in rural areas.

However, very few of you, I am sure, have reflected upon questions like the following: Why do we prefer dogs over wolves, or horses over deer? From the beginnings of human sedentariness, it has been because of the existence of some particular and defined characteristics that some animals have been selected instead of others to be domesticated.

To begin with, and going back to the previously mentioned comparisons, dogs show a deep sense of loyalty and a natural disposition to obey a master. They possess a highly developed sense of interdependency that makes it very difficult for them to find a reason to live without a leader. For centuries, this role of leader has been adopted by humans that have trained dogs to follow them almost by instinct. Contrary to that, wolves are more independent, and even though they tend to form packs around a leader, it is also common to see a lonely wolf hunting and living by itself even if it has a cub to look after. Actually, dogs and wolves share a common ancestor, but when humans chose to domesticate those less independent members of that common ancestral group, they brought about the division of one single species into two different ones that show very different behavioral patterns.

As for horses and deer, the former also possess a natural inclination to live in groups and follow a leader. If the leader of the group is trained by a human to follow him, then the rest of the group will also follow after. In addition, horses are very sociable in that, even when living in the wild, one group can accept another to share the same area without any rivalry to arise; in the end it will be very easy for both groups to merge into one and follow a common leader. On the other hand, deer gather in reduced groups and are very protective of their own areas. This is the reason why it is very common to see a couple of male deer fighting for either the possession of an area or the leadership of a group. One group cannot accept another one to enter its area, and if that happens, both leaders will fight and the winner will keep the rights over the area while the loser will have to look for a new one for him and his group. Even if a human succeeds in training the leader of a group, this will definitely not guarantee the submission of another neighboring group.

Next time you study a domestic animal, look for its particular characteristics that made it suitable for domestication in comparison to other species of the same family.


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(narrator) Now, use your notes to answer the following questions. You will have 2 minutes to answer them.



Evaluación final

El candidato puede evaluar su desempeño en las distintas habilidades de lenguaje desde la manera en que las mismas se evalúan en el examen respondiendo las preguntas tipo que se presentan en el manual, procurando responder a preguntas que no haya desarrollado en el examen diagnóstico. Al revisar la documentación que sobre las mismas se tiene podrá conocer sus áreas de oportunidad en la resolución del examen. Se le proporciona ayuda para resolver los conflictos que permanezcan en la sección de tipos de preguntas y estrategias. El candidato identificará el tipo de pregunta en que se le presenta el problema y aplicará las estrategias sugeridas para la solución del tipo de pregunta.



Departamento de Estudios Globales, Claustro de profesores de Lengua Extranjera. 2011. Comunicaciones varias. EHCS, Tecnológico de Monterrey, campus Ciudad de México, México, D.F.

Gear Jolene & Gear Robert. 2006. Cambridge Preparation for the TOEFL Test. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Phillips, Deborah. 2007. Longman Preparation Course for the TOEFL Test: iBT. Nueva York: Pearson, ESL.

Rogers, Bruce. 2006. Complete Guide to the TOEFL Test: IBT. Nueva York: Heinle, ELT.

Sharpe, Pamel. 2010. Barron’s TOEFL iBT. Nueva York: Barron’s Educational Series.