the catholic monarchs (reyes católicos, versión inglés)

Catholic Monarchs The birth of a Modern State SEK Les Alpes. Prof. Samuel Perrino Martínez. 1

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Page 1: The Catholic Monarchs (Reyes Católicos, versión inglés)

SEK Les Alpes. Prof. Samuel Perrino Martínez.

1Catholic MonarchsThe birth of a Modern State

Page 2: The Catholic Monarchs (Reyes Católicos, versión inglés)

SEK Les Alpes. Prof. Samuel Perrino Martínez.

2 Catholic Kings

The fight for the power Internal policy Control of the kingdom Religious homogenization Foreign policy African policy European policy The Discovery of America

Page 3: The Catholic Monarchs (Reyes Católicos, versión inglés)

SEK Les Alpes. Prof. Samuel Perrino Martínez.

3 Catholic Monarchs

Check your knowledge-- Catholic Monarchs are considered one of the most important kings of the Spanish History, ¿Do you know why?-- ¿Do you know how was the situation of Spain at the end of the XV century?

-- Socially, the society was divided in ….-- Politically, the Iberian Peninsula was divided in ….-- Economically, the situation was …

Page 4: The Catholic Monarchs (Reyes Católicos, versión inglés)

SEK Les Alpes. Prof. Samuel Perrino Martínez.

4 Society

Society was divided in three categories (peasants, nobles and clergy)

Nevertheless, at the end of the Middle Ages, a new class will appear: …

In the particular case of the Iberian Peninsula, there were three cultures living together: Christians, Muslims and Jews.

Page 5: The Catholic Monarchs (Reyes Católicos, versión inglés)

SEK Les Alpes. Prof. Samuel Perrino Martínez.


There were four Christian kingdoms (Castille, Aragon, Navarre and Portugal) and one Muslim kingdom (Granade)

Christian kingdoms are in a good period after the Muslim hegemony.

Page 6: The Catholic Monarchs (Reyes Católicos, versión inglés)

SEK Les Alpes. Prof. Samuel Perrino Martínez.

6 Economy

The economic situation was not especially good in Castilla and Aragon because of the Black Death (XIV century)

Castilla was focus on wool trade and Aragon in the Mediterranean trade (all type of goods)

Page 7: The Catholic Monarchs (Reyes Católicos, versión inglés)

SEK Les Alpes. Prof. Samuel Perrino Martínez.

7Game of ThronesThe fight for the power in Castilla

Page 8: The Catholic Monarchs (Reyes Católicos, versión inglés)

SEK Les Alpes. Prof. Samuel Perrino Martínez.

8 In this situation, in the middle of XV century, there was a new King in Castilla: Enrique IV

Enrique IV was a weak King, so he was controlled by aristocracy

This King had a daughter: Juana “la Beltraneja”, but the nobility did not want to recognize her as a heir.

As a symbol of power, the nobility make Enrique IV recognize as a heir the half sister of Juana: Isabel, in the “Pactos de los Toros de Guisando”

Page 9: The Catholic Monarchs (Reyes Católicos, versión inglés)

SEK Les Alpes. Prof. Samuel Perrino Martínez.

9 Enrique IV and Juana la Beltraneja

Page 10: The Catholic Monarchs (Reyes Católicos, versión inglés)

SEK Les Alpes. Prof. Samuel Perrino Martínez.

10 But, why did the nobility prefer Isabel instead of Juana la Beltraneja? They believe Isabel will be very

easy to manipulate:-- She was 17 years old-- She was a woman-- She will be in debt with the nobility because they gave her the throne

Page 11: The Catholic Monarchs (Reyes Católicos, versión inglés)

SEK Les Alpes. Prof. Samuel Perrino Martínez.

11 Nevertheless, Isabel had other plans

The first she did was getting married secretly with Fernando of Aragon in order to improve her situation and obtain more power.

Enrique IV was very upset for this because Aragon was a enemy Kingdom, so he change his testament in favor of Juana (his daughter) and after this, he died.

Page 12: The Catholic Monarchs (Reyes Católicos, versión inglés)

SEK Les Alpes. Prof. Samuel Perrino Martínez.

12 Castilian Civil War (1474 – 1479)

There are two persons for the Throne of Castilla, so it was produced a Civil War between Isabel and Juana supporters.

Isabel counts on the support of Aragon, and Juana counts on the support of Portugal, France and England.

The Portuguese King offers marriage to Juana if she is able to win.

¿Why do you think Portugal was supporting Juana?

Page 13: The Catholic Monarchs (Reyes Católicos, versión inglés)

SEK Les Alpes. Prof. Samuel Perrino Martínez.

13 The destiny of Castilla was at the stake


Page 14: The Catholic Monarchs (Reyes Católicos, versión inglés)

SEK Les Alpes. Prof. Samuel Perrino Martínez.

14 Castilian Civil War

Portugal lose the conflict, and it make an agreement with Aragon (Alcaçovas Treaty)

- Portugal accepts the union of Castilla and Aragon and the colonization of Canary Islands

- In exchange, the new Hispanic kingdom accepts the exploration of the African coast by the Portuguese.

Page 15: The Catholic Monarchs (Reyes Católicos, versión inglés)

SEK Les Alpes. Prof. Samuel Perrino Martínez.

15 Dynastic Union. What kind of union?

The Dynastic Union is the union of the Kingdom of Aragon with the Kingdom of Castilla

However, they are different kingdoms, with different languages and different laws.

They have in common the religion, the capital (Toledo) and the foreign policy.

Page 16: The Catholic Monarchs (Reyes Católicos, versión inglés)

SEK Les Alpes. Prof. Samuel Perrino Martínez.

16 The born of a new state

The policy of Isabel and Fernando will make Castilla and Aragon the most powerful kingdoms of the world, creating the first modern State. This policy will be based on:

- Effective control of the territories - Cultural homogenization - Aggressive foreign policy

Page 17: The Catholic Monarchs (Reyes Católicos, versión inglés)

SEK Les Alpes. Prof. Samuel Perrino Martínez.

17 What is a modern State?

What are the powers of a State today:

Power to recollect taxes Power to use the force (monopoly of violence) Power to establish rules in the territory

Power to develop new projects (money, laws and security)

Page 18: The Catholic Monarchs (Reyes Católicos, versión inglés)

SEK Les Alpes. Prof. Samuel Perrino Martínez.


Page 19: The Catholic Monarchs (Reyes Católicos, versión inglés)

SEK Les Alpes. Prof. Samuel Perrino Martínez.

19 In the medieval times, it was not so easy.

The use of the force... In modern times, if a country wants

to declare war to other State, what does this state do?

In medieval times kings called for his knights, and his knights brought soldiers

What would you do in order to be more powerful / effective?

Creation of a permanent Army, but...

Page 20: The Catholic Monarchs (Reyes Católicos, versión inglés)

SEK Les Alpes. Prof. Samuel Perrino Martínez.

20 This brings a problem: money. Fiscal policy

Catholic Monarchs will raise taxes and special contributions

They will create a modern body of civil servants who recollect taxes

Traditionally, in MA, people who were working for the nobility were in this position because they were “trustworthy” people (i.e relatives). Catholic Kings will change the process to make it more effective:

They will work with people who know reading and writing, with some knowledge of Maths (Jews were very important for the new organization), so the organization will be much better (modern bureaucracy)

Page 21: The Catholic Monarchs (Reyes Católicos, versión inglés)

SEK Les Alpes. Prof. Samuel Perrino Martínez.

21 And last, but not least…

They will establish a “modern system” of control:

They created “modern mayors” who were paid by the Crown (they acted as spies of the Queen)

They will create a rural police (Santa Hermandad)

Inquisition: It was the only common institution in both Kingdoms. In theory, it persecuted those who were against Christian faith, in practice …

Page 22: The Catholic Monarchs (Reyes Católicos, versión inglés)

SEK Les Alpes. Prof. Samuel Perrino Martínez.

22 Internal policy. Cultural homogenization

Page 23: The Catholic Monarchs (Reyes Católicos, versión inglés)

SEK Les Alpes. Prof. Samuel Perrino Martínez.

23 The end of the “Spain of the three cultures” Catholic Kings believe the best

way to unify the country is through an unique religion.

At that moment, there were three main religions in the IP

Catholic Monarchs will establish Inquisition in 1478.

Page 24: The Catholic Monarchs (Reyes Católicos, versión inglés)

SEK Les Alpes. Prof. Samuel Perrino Martínez.

24 Jews

Jews were more educated than the average of Christian people ---- they should read in order to understand the Holy Book (Torah)

Jews were very rich because they can work in agriculture (they did not have this right) so … they worked in the banking system

Many people hate them for that

Page 25: The Catholic Monarchs (Reyes Católicos, versión inglés)

SEK Les Alpes. Prof. Samuel Perrino Martínez.

25 Muslims

Muslims were in the IP from 711 (8 centuries)

They were very advanced regarding Sciences, and they were get used to live in Christian territories (unique case in Europe)

Toledo (the capital) was the perfect example of a city of three cultures

Page 26: The Catholic Monarchs (Reyes Católicos, versión inglés)

SEK Les Alpes. Prof. Samuel Perrino Martínez.

26 This society of three cultures will disappear because of: Creation of the “Holy Inquisition” Granade War

Page 27: The Catholic Monarchs (Reyes Católicos, versión inglés)

SEK Les Alpes. Prof. Samuel Perrino Martínez.

27 Creation of the Holy Inquisition

In 1478, they created the “Holy Inquisition” to research about the honesty of the “New Converted Christians” (neoconversos) and look for the “purity of blood”

Inquisition counted on an important network of spies

Inquisition worked to accuse political enemies, so it will create a permanent feeling of fear in the population (more control)

Page 28: The Catholic Monarchs (Reyes Católicos, versión inglés)

SEK Les Alpes. Prof. Samuel Perrino Martínez.

28 The Conquest of Granade(1492)

In 1492, CM conquered the last Muslim territory (Granade)

In the agreement, they accepted to respect the goods, habitudes and Muslim religion of the population of Granade

Page 29: The Catholic Monarchs (Reyes Católicos, versión inglés)

SEK Les Alpes. Prof. Samuel Perrino Martínez.

29 Conquest of Granade

Nevertheless, they will not respect the deal

In 1499, Inquisition obliged Granadian population to a forced conversion (otherwise, they should abandon the kingdom)

Those who accepted this “forced conversion” will be called “moriscos” (they will maintain Arabic language and tradition)

Page 30: The Catholic Monarchs (Reyes Católicos, versión inglés)

SEK Les Alpes. Prof. Samuel Perrino Martínez.

30 Conquest of Granade

After the conquest of Granade, Catholic Monarchs order the expulsion of all Jewish population

Many Jews escaped to North Africa (the so called “Judíos sefardíes”)

The expulsion was negative for the kingdom because Jews were rich and literate population

Page 31: The Catholic Monarchs (Reyes Católicos, versión inglés)

SEK Les Alpes. Prof. Samuel Perrino Martínez.

31 Decreto de expulsión de los judíos DECRETO DE EXPULSIÓN DE LOS JUDÍOS “Don Fernando y Doña Isabel, por la gracia de Dios rey e reina de Castilla (…) acordamos

de mandar salir a todos los judíos de nuestros reinos, que jamás tornen; (…) que hasta el fin del mes de julio que viene salgan todos con sus hijos, de cualquier edad que sean, y no osen tornar (…) bajo pena de muerte.

Y mandamos que nadie de nuestros reinos sea osado de recibir, acoger o defender pública o secretamente a judío ni judía pasado el término de julio. . . So pena de confiscación de todos sus bienes. Y porque los judíos puedan actuar como más les convenga en este plazo, les ponemos bajo nuestra protección, para que puedan vender o cambiar sus bienes. Les autorizamos a sacar sus bienes por tierra y mar, en tanto no sea oro ni plata, ni moneda ni las otras cosas vedadas.

Mandamos a nuestros alcaldes, corregidores (...) que cumplan y hagan cumplir este nuestro mandamiento. Y porque nadie pueda alegar ignorancia mandamos que esta Carta sea pregonada por plazas e mercados...”

Page 32: The Catholic Monarchs (Reyes Católicos, versión inglés)

SEK Les Alpes. Prof. Samuel Perrino Martínez.


Page 33: The Catholic Monarchs (Reyes Católicos, versión inglés)

SEK Les Alpes. Prof. Samuel Perrino Martínez.

33 The foreign policy of the C.M

Therefore, the Spanish Monarchy will be stronger than other monarchies because of:

Permanent Army Efficient bureaucracy Spies network

At the same time, they will develop an active foreign policy towards:Africa / America / Europe

Page 34: The Catholic Monarchs (Reyes Católicos, versión inglés)

SEK Les Alpes. Prof. Samuel Perrino Martínez.

34 Africa

The Kings used the system of “Capitulaciones”-- A person submitted a project to the Kings. If the Kings accepted and the person accomplished the mission, the Kings received the new territory and the nobles received lands (1/3) and money (10% of the earnings) Sometimes, they received the right to name a new territory (i.e Lanzarote)

-- The risk was not high for the Crown, because the nobles took the risk, although the Crown could support the expedition with sailors, soldiers or ships.

Page 35: The Catholic Monarchs (Reyes Católicos, versión inglés)

SEK Les Alpes. Prof. Samuel Perrino Martínez.

35 Africa. The conquest of Canary Islands The conquest of Canary Islands

started in 1480 aprox., and it was relatively easy.

The Spanish exterminated the native population (guanches) in 10 years.

Canary Islands will be important because of:

-- Sugar (luxury product)-- Geographical situation (future)

Page 36: The Catholic Monarchs (Reyes Católicos, versión inglés)

SEK Les Alpes. Prof. Samuel Perrino Martínez.

36 Foreign policy. Navarre.

Navarre was a small kingdom under French influence.

Castille conquered “peacefully” Navarre in 1512. In Exchange, Castilla promised to respect the special taxes of this territory

Page 37: The Catholic Monarchs (Reyes Católicos, versión inglés)

SEK Les Alpes. Prof. Samuel Perrino Martínez.

37Foreign policy. Europe

CK will develop an ambitious policy of marriages with the most important kings of Europe.

His idea was creating an international alliance against France (the most important enemy)

Problem: All their sons die, with one exception: Juana “The Crazy”, married with Felipe “The Handsome”, son of the German emperor.

Page 38: The Catholic Monarchs (Reyes Católicos, versión inglés)

SEK Les Alpes. Prof. Samuel Perrino Martínez.


Page 39: The Catholic Monarchs (Reyes Católicos, versión inglés)

SEK Les Alpes. Prof. Samuel Perrino Martínez.

39 American foreign policy


Page 40: The Catholic Monarchs (Reyes Católicos, versión inglés)

SEK Les Alpes. Prof. Samuel Perrino Martínez.

40 The discovery of America