test ingles[1]

Prueba de nivel: Inglés Ͳ Nivel Básico I (A1) Pág 1 de 7 PARTE 1: Competencia LéxicoͲGramatical 1. Hello, Susan. How are you? a) I’m Mary’s brother. b) I’m going home. c) I’m not very well. d) I don’t know 2. What’s the matter? Have you got a headache? a) No, I’ve got a toothache. b) You’re welcome. c) No, thank you. I don’t want one. d) I don’t know 3. What do you do? a) I’m a dentist b) I play tennis on Saturdays. c) I’m learning English. d) I don’t know 4. Would you like to come to my house? a) Yes, I went home quickly. b) No, thanks. I want to go home. c) Well, I like my house a lot. d) I don’t know 5. Did you go to Sue’s birthday party last week? a) Yes, I did. b) All right. c) No, I wasn’t. d) I don’t know 6. Where do you come from? a) Work. b) Dublin. c) Home. d) I don’t know 7. When can we meet again? a) It was two days ago. b) When are you free? c) Can you help me? d) I don’t know

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Page 1: Test ingles[1]

Prueba de nivel: Inglés Nivel Básico I (A1)

Pág 1 de 7

PARTE 1: Competencia Léxico Gramatical

1. Hello, Susan. How are you?

a) I’m Mary’s brother.

b) I’m going home.

c) I’m not very well.

d) I don’t know

2. What’s the matter? Have you got a headache?

a) No, I’ve got a toothache.

b) You’re welcome.

c) No, thank you. I don’t want one.

d) I don’t know

3. What do you do?

a) I’m a dentist

b) I play tennis on Saturdays.

c) I’m learning English.

d) I don’t know

4. Would you like to come to my house?

a) Yes, I went home quickly.

b) No, thanks. I want to go home.

c) Well, I like my house a lot.

d) I don’t know

5. Did you go to Sue’s birthday party last week?

a) Yes, I did.

b) All right.

c) No, I wasn’t.

d) I don’t know

6. Where do you come from?

a) Work.

b) Dublin.

c) Home.

d) I don’t know

7. When can we meet again?

a) It was two days ago.

b) When are you free?

c) Can you help me?

d) I don’t know

Page 2: Test ingles[1]

Prueba de nivel: Inglés Nivel Básico I (A1)

Pág 2 de 7

8. I’m sorry I’m late.

a) That’s all right.

b) You can’t go.

c) There isn’t time.

d) I don’t know

9. A: Rob, this is Amy.

B: to meet you, Amy.

a) Well

b) Nice

c) Fine

d) I don’t know

10. My brother is engineer.


b) an

c) a

d) I don’t know

11. 10 books on the shelf.

a) There is

b) They are

c) There are

d) I don’t know

12. My dad doesn’t like golf.

a) play

b) to playing

c) playing

d) I don’t know

13. your brother speak Spanish?

a) Does

b) Is

c) Do

d) I don’t know

14. Joe at school last week.

a) didn't be

b) isn’t

c) wasn’t

d) I don’t know

Page 3: Test ingles[1]

Prueba de nivel: Inglés Nivel Básico I (A1)

Pág 3 de 7

15. Richard’s brother to work yesterday because he was ill.

a) doesn’t go

b) didn’t go

c) didn’t went

d) I don’t know

16. Jennifer got married 1998.

a) in

b) on

c) at

d) I don’t know

17. You house is than our flat.

a) bigger

b) more big

c) more bigger

d) I don’t know

18. My bike is very old. I’m going a new one soon.

a) to buy

b) buy

c) to will buy

d) I don’t know

19. We TV at the moment.

a) ‘re watching

b) watched

c) watch

d) I don’t know

20. Sharon is a doctor. She at night.

a) works sometimes

b) never work

c) often works

d) I don’t know

21. There aren’t classes late in the evening.

a) some

b) any

c) no

d) I don’t know

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Prueba de nivel: Inglés Nivel Básico I (A1)

Pág 4 de 7

22. My brother Joe is fair but children are dark.

a) his

b) her

c) their

d) I don’t know

23. A: do you go to the cinema?

B: Once a week.

a) How long

b) How often

c) How much

d) I don’t know

24. How milk do you drink?

a) lot

b) much

c) many

d) I don’t know

25. Where do you want on Saturday?

a) going

b) go

c) to go

d) I don’t know

26. I usually some toast for breakfast.

a) have

b) drink

c) cook

d) I don’t know

27. My uncle’s son is my .

a) cousin

b) aunt

c) niece

d) I don’t know

28. We can speak .

a) Basque

b) Italy

c) Germany

d) I don’t know

Page 5: Test ingles[1]

Prueba de nivel: Inglés Nivel Básico I (A1)

Pág 5 de 7

29. A: Where’s Pat?

B: He’s his bike.

a) riding

b) playing

c) driving

d) I don’t know

30. They the TV and watched the program.

a) turned on

b) looked after

c) turned off

d) I don’t know

PARTE 2: Comprensión Escrita

Katie's diary

Saturday 24 August

We left home early in the morning, but our flight was delayed and we didn't arrive at Dublin Airport

until late in the afternoon. We were really tired, but we took a bus to our hotel because taxis in

Dublin are very expensive. When we got to the hotel, we had a rest and then went out to explore the

city. We had a quick sandwich in a small café and then decided to go to Grafton Street. I bought a

scarf and some T shirts. I wanted to buy a sweater too, but I couldn't find one that I liked. In the

evening, we ate in a Chinese restaurant and went to a typical Irish pub. We met some really nice Irish

people and had so much fun that we didn't get back to the hotel until very late!

Sunday 25 August

We got up late and had breakfast in the hotel. I had cereal and some fruit. Anna just had toast. After

breakfast, we went for a walk around the city. We saw Trinity College and the Guinness Storehouse.

In the afternoon, we had a pizza and then took a bus to the train station. Travelling by bus in Dublin

is a great way to see the sights. We caught an evening train to Cork and arrived at about nine o'clock.

We walked to our hotel and went to bed because we wanted to get up early the next day and

explore the city.

31. On Saturday, Katie and her friend to their hotel.

a) walked

b) drove

c) travelled by bus

d) I don’t know

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Prueba de nivel: Inglés Nivel Básico I (A1)

Pág 6 de 7

32. They ate .

a) at the airport

b) at the hotel

c) in a café

d) I don’t know

33. Katie bought .

a) a sweater

b) some clothes

c) a picture

d) I don’t know

34. Anna ate for breakfast.

a) fruit and cereal

b) fruit

c) toast

d) I don’t know

35. When they arrived in Cork, they .

a) had something to eat

b) went to sleep

c) walked around the town

d) I don’t know

Page 7: Test ingles[1]

Prueba de nivel: Inglés Nivel Básico I (A1)

Pág 7 de 7






1 C 19 A

2 A 20 C

3 A 21 B

4 D 22 A

5 A 23 B

6 B 24 B

7 B 25 C

8 A 26 A

9 B 27 A

10 B 28 A

11 B 29 A

12 C 30 A

13 A 31 C

14 C 32 C

15 B 33 B

16 A 34 C

17 A 35 B

18 A

Resultado de la prueba

NOTA: Estas pruebas no evalúan la capacidad de expresión, ni oral ni escrita.

Es importante darse cuenta de que Ud. puede tener niveles muy diferentes en la comprensión y la

expresión; por ejemplo, es frecuente que se tenga una mejor capacidad en la primera que en la


Por esto, antes de matricularse, Ud. debe consultar la descripción de los niveles, para saber qué se

espera de un alumno/a que ha superado cada nivel. Teniendo en cuenta su nivel de expresión, quizás

le interese más a Ud. matricularse en un nivel inferior al que indica esta prueba.

Información sobre cómo se calcula la ubicación

Si Ud. obtiene:

29 o más respuestas correctas, Ud. puede realizar la prueba del nivel superior a esta.

25 – 28 respuestas correctas, Ud. debe matricularse en el nivel superior.

13 – 24 respuestas correctas, Ud. debe matricularse en el nivel de la prueba de nivel que

acaba de realizar.

12 o menos respuestas correctas, Ud. debe realizar la prueba del nivel inferior a la de la

prueba que acaba de realizar.

Page 8: Test ingles[1]

Prueba de nivel: Inglés Nivel Básico II (A2)

Pág 1 de 7

PARTE 1: Competencia Léxico Gramatical

1. Would you like some more dessert?

a) No thanks, I’m full

b) Enjoy your meal!

c) It’s delicious!

d) I don’t know

2. How often does she go swimming?

a) She goes with her mother.

b) She stays for an hour.

c) Most Saturdays.

d) I don’t know

3. How did you get to Ireland?

a) It was 100€.

b) By plane.

c) Last month.

d) I don’t know

4. Could you tell me your surname?

a) Do you like my family name?

b) How do I say that?

c) Would you like me to spell it?

d) I don’t know

5. Shall we go out tonight?

a) I know that.

b) It's very good.

c) I'm too tired.

d) I don’t know

6. Have you had enough to eat?

a) That's all right.

b) Are there any more apples?

c) It's not the right time.

d) I don’t know

7. Do you know my sister Sue?

a) I don't think I do.

b) Sorry, she's not here.

c) I know.

d) I don’t know

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Prueba de nivel: Inglés Nivel Básico II (A2)

Pág 2 de 7

8. It’s the book I’ve ever read.

a) most interesting

b) most interested

c) more interesting

d) I don’t know

9. eaten snails before?

a) Do you ever

b) Did you ever

c) Have you ever

d) I don’t know

10. We’ve worked together many years.

a) since

b) during

c) for

d) I don’t know

11. These are the souvenirs he brought from France.

a) which

b) who

c) what

d) I don’t know

12. He’ll pass his exams if he hard.

a) studying

b) studies

c) will study

d) I don’t know

13. What you do if she didn’t tell you the truth?

a) will

b) would

c) do

d) I don’t know

14. She doesn’t play basketball now, but she when she was young.

a) used to play

b) has played

c) plays

d) I don’t know

Page 10: Test ingles[1]

Prueba de nivel: Inglés Nivel Básico II (A2)

Pág 3 de 7

15. The Guggenheim Museum by lots of tourists every year.

a) visits

b) is visiting

c) is visited

d) I don’t know

16. How about a film at home tomorrow night?

a) watch

b) to watch

c) watching

d) I don’t know

17. We are really hungry and to eat at home.

a) there is nothing

b) there isn’t nothing

c) there is anything

d) I don’t know

18. He television when the telephone rang.

a) watched

b) was watching

c) watches

d) I don’t know

19. This exercise is too difficult for you. I you.

a) ’ll help

b) help

c) ’m going to help

d) I don’t know

20. We’ll meet .

a) on Friday in evening

b) on Friday evening

c) in Friday evening

d) I don’t know

21. She us to do our homework.

a) told

b) said

c) say

d) I don’t know

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Prueba de nivel: Inglés Nivel Básico II (A2)

Pág 4 de 7

22. I had a sandwich dinner.

a) for

b) for the

c) in the

d) I don’t know

23. He a lot of money in his job.

a) had

b) wins

c) earns

d) I don’t know

24. Excuse me, could I on this sweater, please?

a) try

b) take

c) get

d) I don’t know

25. We didn’t have time to sightseeing in London.

a) go

b) play

c) do

d) I don’t know

26. They us if we could take them home.

a) told

b) said

c) asked

d) I don’t know

27. Susan will look our children while we go to the cinema.

a) after

b) for

c) up

d) I don’t know

28. Richard asked me if I could him my dictionary.

a) take

b) borrow

c) lend

d) I don’t know

Page 12: Test ingles[1]

Prueba de nivel: Inglés Nivel Básico II (A2)

Pág 5 de 7

29. I’m sorry I’m late. I the bus.

a) lost

b) missed

c) left

d) I don’t know

30. It’s raining! Don’t forget to on your boots!

a) put

b) wear

c) dress

d) I don’t know

PARTE 2: Comprensión Escrita


Dr Martens boots were introduced into Britain 50 years ago, a half century that has seen the country

transformed, as musical movements have emerged and declined, and fashions come and gone.

However, DMs have been the footwear of choice for everyone, from punks to policemen. Klaus

Märtens, the German army doctor who created the original design after a skiing injury, thought of an

air cushioned sole. It provided comfort and absorbed impact from walking and running.

For the first few years in Britain, Dr Martens were the working men's boots, worn in factories and by

postmen. When Pete Townshend, from the Who, wore them in 1966, they became fashionable.

Townshend bought DMs because he was tired of the 1960s clothes. "I was sick of dressing up as a

Christmas tree in clothes that disturbed my guitar playing," he says. The boots helped him jump

around on stage, and reminded him of his working class origins.

By the 70s DMs had been adopted and made part of their uniform by several subcultures, such as

mods, rockers, goths, and the most frightening of all, skinheads. Gavin Watson was a teenage

skinhead. "I was 12 when I bought my first DMs," Watson says. "And the rule was to baptize them by

kicking someone, it didn't matter who."

Adapted from Sarfraz Manzoor, The Observer, 31 10 2010.

31. Since their arrival in Britain, DMs have…

a) become old fashioned.

b) been transformed.

c) been worn by all kinds of people.

d) I don’t know

32. Doctor Märtens created the boots…

a) because of an accident.

b) for the army.

c) for runners.

d) I don’t know

Page 13: Test ingles[1]

Prueba de nivel: Inglés Nivel Básico II (A2)

Pág 6 de 7

33. DMs were first seen in Britain…

a) as a new fashion.

b) as footwear for workers.

c) when the Who started wearing them.

d) I don’t know

34. In the 70s, … wore DMs.

a) different groups

b) mods never

c) only skinheads

d) I don’t know

35. Skinheads…

a) attacked anyone with their new DMs.

b) bought their first DMs before they were 13.

c) didn’t have rules.

d) I don’t know

Page 14: Test ingles[1]

Prueba de nivel: Inglés Nivel Básico II (A2)

Pág 7 de 7






1 A 19 A

2 C 20 B

3 B 21 A

4 C 22 A

5 C 23 C

6 B 24 A

7 A 25 A

8 A 26 C

9 C 27 A

10 C 28 C

11 A 29 B

12 B 30 A

13 A 31 C

14 A 32 A

15 C 33 B

16 C 34 A

7 A 35 A

18 A

Resultado de la prueba

NOTA: Estas pruebas no evalúan la capacidad de expresión, ni oral ni escrita.

Es importante darse cuenta de que Ud. puede tener niveles muy diferentes en la comprensión y la

expresión; por ejemplo, es frecuente que se tenga una mejor capacidad en la primera que en la


Por esto, antes de matricularse, Ud. debe consultar la descripción de los niveles, para saber qué se

espera de un alumno/a que ha superado cada nivel. Teniendo en cuenta su nivel de expresión, quizás

le interese más a Ud. matricularse en un nivel inferior al que indica esta prueba.

Información sobre cómo se calcula la ubicación

Si Ud. obtiene:

29 o más respuestas correctas, Ud. puede realizar la prueba del nivel superior a esta.

25 – 28 respuestas correctas, Ud. debe matricularse en el nivel superior.

13 – 24 respuestas correctas, Ud. debe matricularse en el nivel de la prueba de nivel que

acaba de realizar.

12 o menos respuestas correctas, Ud. debe realizar la prueba del nivel inferior a la de la

prueba que acaba de realizar.

Page 15: Test ingles[1]

Prueba de nivel: Inglés Nivel Intermedio I (B11)

Pág 1 de 7

PARTE 1: Competencia Léxico Gramatical

1. Do you give and get presents Christmas Day?

a) at

b) in

c) on

d) I don’t know

2. ”Are you ready to order, sir?”

“Yes, I the fish.”

a) have

b) had

c) ‘ll have

d) I don’t know

3. I know sugar is bad for my teeth but I hate drinking coffee without it.

a) / my

b) / the

c) the / any

d) I don’t know

4. If I where I live, I in Australia.

a) don’t live / will live

b) didn’t live / would live

c) wouldn’t live / lived

d) I don’t know

5. I haven’t decided yet where to spend my holidays. I go to Ireland.

a) don’t have to

b) may

c) need

d) I don’t know

6. He is very proud of himself because he only makes spelling mistakes when writing in


a) a few

b) a little

c) any

d) I don’t know

7. My friends and I to the cinema on Tuesdays because it is much cheaper.

a) are used to go

b) use to go

c) usually go

d) I don’t know

Page 16: Test ingles[1]

Prueba de nivel: Inglés Nivel Intermedio I (B11)

Pág 2 de 7

8. I love getting up late Sunday morning.

a) at

b) in

c) on

d) I don’t know

9. She has been doing her homework at least three hours.

a) during

b) for

c) since

d) I don’t know

10. How long ago Joan’s sister?

a) did you meet

b) do you meet

c) have you met

d) I don’t know

11. There isn’t coffee left. Shall I go and buy some?

a) a lot

b) much

c) plenty

d) I don’t know

12. I didn’t play basketball at school and .

a) neither did Robert

b) nor played Robert

c) Robert did too

d) I don’t know

13. Children be left alone at home. It can be dangerous.

a) don’t have to

b) have to

c) mustn’t

d) I don’t know

14. The teachers give us extra homework when some students badly.

a) behave

b) cheat

c) revise

d) I don’t know

Page 17: Test ingles[1]

Prueba de nivel: Inglés Nivel Intermedio I (B11)

Pág 3 de 7

15. I’ve finally thrown my old leather jacket.

a) away

b) in

c) up

d) I don’t know

16. You’re not allowed to drive here because it is a area.

a) pedestrian

b) residential

c) suburb

d) I don’t know

17. Could you give me a 20% on this bag? It has a dirty mark on it.

a) bargain

b) discount

c) refund

d) I don’t know

18. I haven’t eaten anything for hours. I’m !

a) freezing

b) starving

c) tiring

d) I don’t know

19. She’s so ! Her feelings are easily hurt.

a) reliable

b) sensible

c) sensitive

d) I don’t know

20. I told them the truth, they said they didn’t believe me.

a) Although

b) Despite

c) However

d) I don’t know

21. Is that the lady gave you the parcel?


b) that

c) whose

d) I don’t know

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Prueba de nivel: Inglés Nivel Intermedio I (B11)

Pág 4 de 7

22. If you need some money, you can always it from me.

a) afford

b) borrow

c) lend

d) I don’t know

23. I’m trying to give eating chocolate. I need to lose weight.

a) away

b) back

c) up

d) I don’t know

24. Slow ! You’re breaking the speed limit.

a) down

b) off

c) up

d) I don’t know

25. When we arrived Paris it was raining.

a) at

b) in

c) to

d) I don’t know

26. Jack was unhappy in his job so he and found another one.

a) applied

b) resigned

c) retired

d) I don’t know

27. I’m sorry but I agree with you.

a) don’t

b) haven’t

c) ’m not

d) I don’t know

28. I’m responsible the advertising department.

a) for

b) of

c) with

d) I don’t know

Page 19: Test ingles[1]

Prueba de nivel: Inglés Nivel Intermedio I (B11)

Pág 5 de 7

29. “Stop ! I hate it when people shout.”

a) arguing

b) chatting

c) discussing

d) I don’t know

30. What are you having for your main ?

a) course

b) dessert

c) starter

d) I don’t know

PARTE 2: Comprensión Escrita


A US millionaire who became the first private space tourist has unveiled ambitious plans to send a

man and woman (probably a married couple) on a round trip to Mars in 2018.

Dennis Tito, 72, a former rocket scientist who made his fortune through investments, said his Mission

for America aims to encourage a new era of space exploration. Tito, who became the first private

space tourist when he paid the Russians $20m for a ticket to the International Space Station in 2001,

announced his plans in Washington DC. He is not intending to fly himself.

The trip will take advantage of the alignment of the planets in January 2018 to fly around Mars and

return to Earth in the relatively short time of 501 days. The same opportunity will not arise again

until 2031.

Tito says he plans to fund the mission until the end of 2014 and hopes to raise the rest of the money

through donations from private investors and foundations. "There is no time to lose," he said. "Now

is the time." The mission, likely to launch on 5 January 2018, aims to take a man and a woman from

the US on a flyby to within 100 miles of the Martian surface, and return them safely to Earth. The

actual capsule the pair will travel in, is likely to be "the size of a toilet".

The mission faces substantial obstacles. The human body adapts to space by losing muscle, and

astronauts need daily exercise on resistence machines to slow down the wasting. Finding room for

those machines is crucial.

The experts say the mission will depend on Tito's ability to raise funds. Tito said the cost would be

similar to that of a mission to low Earth orbit. But it is almost certain that he will not get rich from the

mission. He said: "Let me be clear, I will come out a lot poorer as a result of this mission but my

grandchildren will come out a lot richer for the inspiration it will give them."

Adapted from The Guardian

Page 20: Test ingles[1]

Prueba de nivel: Inglés Nivel Intermedio I (B11)

Pág 6 de 7

31. Tito plans to …

a) fly on the Mars Mission with a couple.

b) let a couple fly to Mars.

c) set up a new business exploring space.

d) I don’t know

32. Tito wants the Mission to be launched in 2018 to …

a) be back in 2031.

b) reduce the time of the journey.

c) repeat the experience in about 501 days.

d) I don’t know

33. The capsule will …

a) get near Mars.

b) land on Mars.

c) stay in Mars after the mission is completed.

d) I don’t know

34. The experts think the mission will succeed if ...

a) the astronauts exercise to keep fit.

b) the capsule is the right size.

c) Tito can collect enough money.

d) I don’t know

35. Tito believes this mission will …

a) help him earn a fortune.

b) make his grandchildren wealthy.

c) set an example.

d) I don’t know

Page 21: Test ingles[1]

Prueba de nivel: Inglés Nivel Intermedio I (B11)

Pág 7 de 7






1 C 19 C

2 C 20 A

3 A 21 B

4 B 22 B

5 B 23 C

6 A 24 A

7 C 25 B

8 C 26 B

9 B 27 A

10 A 28 A

11 B 29 A

12 A 30 A

13 C 31 B

14 A 32 B

15 A 33 A

16 A 34 C

7 B 35 C

18 B

Resultado de la prueba

NOTA: Estas pruebas no evalúan la capacidad de expresión, ni oral ni escrita.

Es importante darse cuenta de que Ud. puede tener niveles muy diferentes en la comprensión y la

expresión; por ejemplo, es frecuente que se tenga una mejor capacidad en la primera que en la


Por esto, antes de matricularse, Ud. debe consultar la descripción de los niveles, para saber qué se

espera de un alumno/a que ha superado cada nivel. Teniendo en cuenta su nivel de expresión, quizás

le interese más a Ud. matricularse en un nivel inferior al que indica esta prueba.

Información sobre cómo se calcula la ubicación

Si Ud. obtiene:

29 o más respuestas correctas, Ud. puede realizar la prueba del nivel superior a esta.

25 – 28 respuestas correctas, Ud. debe matricularse en el nivel superior.

13 – 24 respuestas correctas, Ud. debe matricularse en el nivel de la prueba de nivel que

acaba de realizar.

12 o menos respuestas correctas, Ud. debe realizar la prueba del nivel inferior a la de la

prueba que acaba de realizar.

Page 22: Test ingles[1]

Prueba de nivel: Inglés Nivel Intermedio II (B12)

Pág 1 de 7

PARTE 1: Competencia Léxico Gramatical

1. My brother up at seven but not any more.

a) used to get

b) usually gets

c) was used to get

d) I don’t know

2. Tom loves chocolate but his doctor has advised him to eat some only twice week.

a) / a

b) / the

c) the / a

d) I don’t know

3. “Where are the saw and the hammer?”

“Who knows? They be in the basement.”

a) may

b) need

c) ought

d) I don’t know

4. I have decided to exercise every day and eat healthy food I can lose weight.

a) for that

b) in order to

c) so that

d) I don’t know

5. Did your son phone when he arrived Italy?

a) at

b) in

c) to

d) I don’t know

6. The president was annoyed because ten people left the room his welcome speech.

a) during

b) for

c) since

d) I don’t know

7. If you don’t hurry, we are going to the train to London.

a) be late

b) lose

c) miss

d) I don’t know

Page 23: Test ingles[1]

Prueba de nivel: Inglés Nivel Intermedio II (B12)

Pág 2 de 7

8. She can’t walk very well because she has got a terrible in her left leg.

a) harm

b) hurt

c) pain

d) I don’t know

9. The weather was rainy that we had to stay at home.

a) so

b) such

c) too

d) I don’t know

10. Tom is young this jacket. He looks ridiculous.

a) enough / to wear

b) too / for to wear

c) too / to wear

d) I don’t know

11. Drivers often complain that there is parking space in the city because of road works.

a) few

b) less

c) lots

d) I don’t know

12. She gets up early in the morning and comes back home late at night, completely after a

hard workday.

a) exhausted

b) stressing

c) wealthy

d) I don’t know

13. We really liked that house but it was too expensive for us. So, finally, we decided that not buying

it was the most thing to do.

a) selfish

b) sensible

c) sensitive

d) I don’t know

14. “I’d like to know .”

“Well, he’s quite shy but when you get to know him, he’s very nice.”

a) how Peter is like

b) what Peter is like

c) what Peter looks like

d) I don’t know

Page 24: Test ingles[1]

Prueba de nivel: Inglés Nivel Intermedio II (B12)

Pág 3 de 7

15. If I you were waiting for me, I much earlier.

a) knew / would come

b) had known / would come

c) had known / would have come

d) I don’t know

16. When you travel to France, you take your passport. Your identity card is enough.

a) don’t have to

b) mustn’t

c) oughtn’t

d) I don’t know

17. My boyfriend, car has just broken down, is waiting for me at the petrol station.

a) which

b) whom

c) whose

d) I don’t know

18. You’ll just have to learn all those expressions by .

a) heart

b) memory

c) mind

d) I don’t know

19. Please do not to contact our office in case of any difficulty.

a) delay

b) deny

c) hesitate

d) I don’t know

20. Keep the if you think you may need to change that shirt.

a) note

b) receipt

c) recipe

d) I don’t know

21. She is always hugging and kissing her friends; she’s a very girl.

a) affectionate

b) charming

c) moody

d) I don’t know

Page 25: Test ingles[1]

Prueba de nivel: Inglés Nivel Intermedio II (B12)

Pág 4 de 7

22. All for the job must fill in the correct form.

a) applicants

b) employees

c) employers

d) I don’t know

23. I clearly remember him the keys back when he asked me to.

a) giving

b) to give

c) to have given

d) I don’t know

24. When I think about it I regret so nasty to John when we both were at school, but I

couldn’t help it then.

a) be

b) being

c) to be

d) I don’t know

25. There is no point for that job; they are not going to hire me no matter how hard I try.

a) for applying

b) in applying

c) to apply

d) I don’t know

26. He was a millionaire but he all his money to poor people.

a) gave away

b) gave in

c) gave up

d) I don’t know

27. Food that isn’t cooked is .

a) crude

b) rare

c) raw

d) I don’t know

28. This ring isn’t a lot of money, but I love it!

a) afford

b) cost

c) worth

d) I don’t know

Page 26: Test ingles[1]

Prueba de nivel: Inglés Nivel Intermedio II (B12)

Pág 5 de 7

29. My parents have just finished paying the on their house.

a) credit

b) grant

c) mortgage

d) I don’t know

30. her little experience, Sarah finally got the job.

a) Although

b) Despite

c) However

d) I don’t know

PARTE 2: Comprensión Escrita


Criminal gangs are targeting isolated individuals living in housing association and council

accommodation by becoming their friends and using their homes to deal drugs.

There are many rewards for "cuckooing". The gangs are able to operate from an unobtrusive flat out

of sight of the police and use it to deal and manufacture drugs in a safe environment. Once the gangs

are using the properties for criminal enterprises, their inhabitants are terrified of going to the police

for fear they will be suspected of drug dealing, which would cause their expulsion.

"They are predatory people," said Tony Waters, the manager of a hostel run by the homelessness

charity Thames Reach. "If you're a granny living on your own you won't get cuckooed, because you'll

have friends to support you. But if you're vulnerable, say you're ex homeless, you'll be clocked

straight away. These gangs are very se lective."

The rise of cuckooing is a response to the closure of crack smoking hideaways by local authorities.

This coincided with a push to accommodate thousands of homeless in flats run by housing

associations. The gangs often use drugs as a strategy, but sometimes it is simply friendship that

opens the door. "Most victims are lonely and have nothing to do with their time," said Mike Nicholas

from Thames Reach.

Pete was placed in a flat by his local council after leaving rehabilitation for alco holism. The two men

two flats down seemed friendly, one of them offering Pete his crack pipe. "I thought they were all

right at first," Pete said. "I'd been in rehab, so I didn't know anyone. At least it was someone to talk

to." The men would treat Pete's flat as their own, using it to smoke crack and deposit their bikes.

Then they started beating Pete. He was in constant fear of them entering his flat to take drugs when

he was des perately trying to stay off alcohol. One night he was alone, he decided to flee. "I left

everything I had there: TV, DVD player, mobile phone," he said. Pete was somewhat lucky: he could

get out quickly. But having lost his flat he is back in a hostel, drinking super strength lager and

struggling to turn his life around.

Adapted from The Observer, Jamie Doward, Sunday 3 October 2010.

Page 27: Test ingles[1]

Prueba de nivel: Inglés Nivel Intermedio II (B12)

Pág 6 de 7

31. The victims live in…

a) associated hostels.

b) social housing.

c) their own flats.

d) I don’t know

32. The gangs use their victims’ flats to…

a) do drugs and business under cover.

b) hide from the police and other gangs.

c) keep stolen goods.

d) I don’t know

33. The victims…

a) are afraid to say they were homeless.

b) are often suspected of drug dealing.

c) don’t usually tell anything to the authorities.

d) I don’t know

34. In order to become their victims’ friends, the criminals…

a) help them fight their addictions.

b) offer them accommodation.

c) offer them drugs.

d) I don’t know

35. Pete…

a) hasn’t started drinking again.

b) is having trouble with alcohol again.

c) is on hard drugs now.

d) I don't know

Page 28: Test ingles[1]

Prueba de nivel: Inglés Nivel Intermedio II (B12)

Pág 7 de 7






1 A 19 C

2 A 20 B

3 A 21 A

4 C 22 A

5 C 23 A

6 A 24 B

7 C 25 B

8 C 26 A

9 A 27 C

10 C 28 C

11 B 29 C

12 A 30 B

13 B 31 B

14 B 32 A

15 A 33 C

16 A 34 C

7 C 35 B

18 A

Resultado de la prueba

NOTA: Estas pruebas no evalúan la capacidad de expresión, ni oral ni escrita.

Es importante darse cuenta de que Ud. puede tener niveles muy diferentes en la comprensión y la

expresión; por ejemplo, es frecuente que se tenga una mejor capacidad en la primera que en la


Por esto, antes de matricularse, Ud. debe consultar la descripción de los niveles, para saber qué se

espera de un alumno/a que ha superado cada nivel. Teniendo en cuenta su nivel de expresión, quizás

le interese más a Ud. matricularse en un nivel inferior al que indica esta prueba.

Información sobre cómo se calcula la ubicación

Si Ud. obtiene:

29 o más respuestas correctas, Ud. puede realizar la prueba del nivel superior a esta.

25 – 28 respuestas correctas, Ud. debe matricularse en el nivel superior.

13 – 24 respuestas correctas, Ud. debe matricularse en el nivel de la prueba de nivel que

acaba de realizar.

12 o menos respuestas correctas, Ud. debe realizar la prueba del nivel inferior a la de la

prueba que acaba de realizar.

Page 29: Test ingles[1]

Prueba de nivel: Inglés Nivel Avanzado (B2)

Pág 1 de 8

PARTE 1: Competencia Léxico Gramatical

1. I wish I in touch with him, but I don't have his email address.

a) could get

b) get

c) got

d) would get

e) I don’t know

2. Please do not hesitate to contact me, you require further information.

a) could

b) might

c) should

d) would

e) I don’t know

3. Many people discourage their children actors.

a) became

b) for becoming

c) from becoming

d) to become

e) I don’t know

4. The singer denies the tune from an old Beatles song.

a) having plagiarised

b) having to plagiarise

c) to have plagiarised

d) to plagiarise

e) I don’t know

5. William was suspected instruments from the theatre.

a) for stealing

b) from stealing

c) of stealing

d) to steal

e) I don’t know

6. It was such a long time ago that I can hardly remember Paris.

a) my visit

b) to visit

c) visit

d) visiting

e) I don’t know

Page 30: Test ingles[1]

Prueba de nivel: Inglés Nivel Avanzado (B2)

Pág 2 de 8

7. The play received very good in the press.

a) announcements

b) critical

c) reviews

d) surveys

e) I don’t know

8. I will wait for you until you back.

a) came

b) come

c) will come

d) would come

e) I don’t know

9. The government wants to football hooligans from travelling abroad.

a) avoid

b) miss

c) prevent

d) protect

e) I don’t know

10. I was so tired that I down and closed my eyes.

a) lain

b) lay

c) lie

d) lied

e) I don’t know

11. The novel is really worth .

a) reading

b) reading it

c) to read

d) to read it

e) I don’t know

12. These birds make an incredible 10,000 kilometre to Africa every winter.

a) expedition

b) journey

c) outing

d) voyage

e) I don’t know

Page 31: Test ingles[1]

Prueba de nivel: Inglés Nivel Avanzado (B2)

Pág 3 de 8

13. I had no difficulty a place to live. In fact it was surprisingly easy.

a) about finding

b) finding

c) in order to find

d) to find

e) I don’t know

14. Some of the most famous people in Marbella will have to face trial on money charges.

a) blowing

b) haggling

c) laundering

d) spree

e) I don’t know

15. As I have such a sweet it is very difficult for me to lose weight.

a) mouth

b) taste

c) tongue

d) tooth

e) I don’t know

16. His family became so that they were forced to sell the farm.

a) affluent

b) hard up

c) loaded

d) rip off

e) I don’t know

17. No wonder John and Mary are close friends. You know, birds of a feather .

a) flock forever

b) flock together

c) fly forever

d) fly together

e) I don’t know

18. The last family took place on aunt Sarah’s 100th birthday.

a) anniversary

b) encounter

c) gathering

d) together

e) I don’t know

Page 32: Test ingles[1]

Prueba de nivel: Inglés Nivel Avanzado (B2)

Pág 4 de 8

19. He was accused of corruption, so he from his post.

a) abandoned

b) left

c) resigned

d) set

e) I don’t know

20. She her living as a magician at children’s parties.

a) earns

b) gains

c) has

d) wins

e) I don’t know

21. I’ve always Bill for his courage and determination.

a) looked after

b) looked up to

c) taken after

d) taken out for

e) I don’t know

22. The of war in Iraq took us all by surprise.

a) outbreak

b) outburst

c) outcry

d) output

e) I don’t know

23. The drug has powerful side effects. , it can be addictive.

a) Furthermore

b) Nevertheless

c) So that

d) Whereas

e) I don’t know

24. I’ll draw a map for you you can’t find our house.

a) as long as

b) in case

c) provided

d) unless

e) I don’t know

Page 33: Test ingles[1]

Prueba de nivel: Inglés Nivel Avanzado (B2)

Pág 5 de 8

25. This is a private letter addressed to me. I’d rather you it.

a) didn’t read

b) don’t read

c) won’t read

d) wouldn’t read

e) I don’t know

26. After ten years, I got a uniform at school.

a) use to wear

b) used to wear

c) used to wearing

d) wearing

e) I don’t know

27. I know him although we’ve never been introduced to each other.

a) at first sight

b) by sight

c) in sight

d) out of sight

e) I don’t know

28. She committed that crime. She was at home with me at the time it took place.

a) can’t have

b) mightn’t have

c) mustn’t have

d) should have

e) I don’t know

29. I only had time to at the newspapers, but I couldn't read them carefully.

a) gaze

b) glance

c) stare

d) watch

e) I don’t know

30. She’s not in her office right now but if you on for a minute, I’ll try and find her.

a) count

b) hang

c) keep

d) pass

e) I don’t know

Page 34: Test ingles[1]

Prueba de nivel: Inglés Nivel Avanzado (B2)

Pág 6 de 8

PARTE 2: Comprensión Escrita


As 33 year old Londoner Luke Bream pedalled past the finishing post of the Tour de France last year,

he felt a surge of excitement that made the pain of the past three weeks worthwhile. Unlike the

professional team cyclists with their state of the art bikes and convoys of support vehicles, Luke

an amateur who had only recently taken up cycling , had decided to have a go at the Tour de

France on a last minute whim. "Looking back, it was a bit mad," he admits, laughing. "I had no

fitness, no biking experience and I'd never been up a mountain. The other cyclists thought I was out

of mymind!"

As an amateur, Luke couldn't ride alongside the professional cyclists but instead rode each of the 21

stages one day in advance of them. Whereas they were hooked up to food drips at night, Luke had

his mum in a white transit van supplying him with Coca Cola, Mars Bars and jam butties throughout

the day.

Having never even seen the route on TV, Luke was in shock. "The mountains are 15 miles long and

there might be four or five of them in a day. It just killed me. But I never got off the bike to walk."

Day after day he battled on, setting out early to compensate for cycling at about half the speed of the

professionals and finishing each stage by nightfall.

Only three weeks previously he had been sitting drinking coffee, contemplating how to fill his time.

His sandwich business had recently gone bust and he was left with no money and a 40 cigarette a

day habit. So he gave up smoking and bought himself a bike, the first he'd had since he was eight.

"There I was in Starbucks, reading in the paper about the first leg of the Tour de France setting off

from England. So I phone my mother and say: 'I'm thinking about doing the Tour de France. Will you

come?' "

His mum, 68 year old Carolyn, a former primary school teacher, immediately agreed, but she turned

out to be almost as badly prepared as her son: she suffers from chronic vertigo, so had to drive on

the wrong side of the road through the Pyrenees and Alps hugging the cliffs. She was also

claustrophobic, so she wasn't able to sleep in the back of the van with the bike like Luke, sleeping

across the front seat instead.

On the fifth day Luke got food poisoning and was up all night being sick. But with some tough love

from Mum he managed to finish the stage. This year he plans to do it again on his own, pitching a

tent at the end of each stage. "Losing all my money was the best thing that could have happened to

me," he says now. Setting himself near impossible challenges and completing them gives him a sense

of pride he never felt through work. Separated from his wife and with two small boys, he has set up a

new business selling food supplements to cyclists, but limits himself to part time hours.

His next project is to do the Race Across America, where amateur cyclists cover 3,000 miles in 12

days cycling up to 23 hours a day. Only a handful of "nu ers", as Luke puts it, are willing to try it.

His father jokes that if Luke is "scared senseless" by something, he will want to do it. As Luke says:

"Endurance sports are like life it's long and it can be painful, but what matters is how you respond

when things get difficult."

Page 35: Test ingles[1]

Prueba de nivel: Inglés Nivel Avanzado (B2)

Pág 7 de 8

The Reader´s Digest, (adapted)

31. According to the text, ...

a) Bream felt too tired to go for a walk during the tour.

b) Bream's mum gave him a lot of jam sandwiches.

c) professional cyclists were addicted to food drips.

d) I don’t know

32. Bream was very surprised when he saw the mountains because ...

a) he did not know beforehand what they were like.

b) they were extremely close to each other.

c) when he set out and arrived it was too dark to see them.

d) I don’t know

33. Through the Pyrenees and Alps, Bream's mother ...

a) could not sleep well because of her son's bicycle.

b) drove away from the road outer side.

c) hardly knew how to drive properly.

d) I don’t know

34. Bream feels proud of ...

a) having lost all his money.

b) having started a new part time job.

c) overcoming difficult challenges.

d) I don’t know

35. Bream wants to do the Race Across America ...

a) as another way to test his endurance.

b) because his father finds it funny.

c) since there will only be a few nutters involved.

d) I don’t know

Page 36: Test ingles[1]

Prueba de nivel: Inglés Nivel Avanzado (B2)

Pág 8 de 8






1 A 19 C

2 C 20 A

3 C 21 B

4 A 22 A

5 C 23 A

6 D 24 B

7 C 25 A

8 B 26 C

9 C 27 B

10 B 28 A

11 A 29 B

12 B 30 B

13 B 31 B

14 C 32 A

15 D 33 A

16 B 34 C

7 B 35 A

18 C

Resultado de la prueba

NOTA: Estas pruebas no evalúan la capacidad de expresión, ni oral ni escrita.

Es importante darse cuenta de que Ud. puede tener niveles muy diferentes en la comprensión y la

expresión; por ejemplo, es frecuente que se tenga una mejor capacidad en la primera que en la


Por esto, antes de matricularse, Ud. debe consultar la descripción de los niveles, para saber qué se

espera de un alumno/a que ha superado cada nivel. Teniendo en cuenta su nivel de expresión, quizás

le interese más a Ud. matricularse en un nivel inferior al que indica esta prueba.

Información sobre cómo se calcula la ubicación

Si Ud. obtiene:

29 o más respuestas correctas, Ud. puede realizar la prueba del nivel superior a esta.

25 – 28 respuestas correctas, Ud. debe matricularse en el nivel superior.

13 – 24 respuestas correctas, Ud. debe matricularse en el nivel de la prueba de nivel que

acaba de realizar.

12 o menos respuestas correctas, Ud. debe realizar la prueba del nivel inferior a la de la

prueba que acaba de realizar.