terrorism powerpoint presentation

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  • 7/28/2019 Terrorism Powerpoint Presentation



  • 7/28/2019 Terrorism Powerpoint Presentation


    What is terrorism?


    "Terror" comes from the Latin word terrere meaning "to frighten.

    It was first coined in the 1970s to refer to the terror used during the

    French Revolution by the Revolutionaries against their opponents.

    The Jacobin party of Maxim lien Robespierre carried out a Reign ofTerror involving mass executions by the guillotine. Although

    terrorism in this usage implies an act of violence by a state against

    its domestic enemies, since the 20th century the term has been

    applied most frequently to violence aimed, either directly or

    indirectly, at governments in an effort to influence policy or topplean existing regime.

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    What is terrorism?

    Definition: "the use of violence for political ends, and includes any use of violence for

    the purpose of putting the public, or any section of the public, in fear."

    -British Government definition of 1974

    The unlawful use of force and violence against a person or property tointimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment

    thereof, in furtherance of a political or social objective.-Federal Bureau of Investigation

    Premeditated, politically motivated violence perpetrated againstnoncombatant targets by sub national groups or clandestine agents, usuallyintended to influence an audience.

    -U.S. Federal Code

    "An anxiety-inspiring method of repeated violent action, employed by(semi-) clandestine individual, group or state actors, for idiosyncratic,criminal or political reasons, whereby - in contrast to assassination - thedirect targets of violence are not the main targets.

    United Nations, 1992

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    History of Terrorism

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    Brief History of Terrorism

    The history of terrorism goes back to Sicarii Zealots. After

    Zealotry rebellion in the 1st century AD, when some

    prominent collaborators with Roman rule were killed,

    according to contemporary historian Josephus, in 6 AD Judas

    of Galilee formed a small and more extreme offshoot of theZealots, the Sicarii. Their terror also was directed against

    Jewish "collaborators", including temple priests, Sadducees,

    Herodians, and other wealthy elites.

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    Brief History of Terrorism

    The Assassins were the next group to show recognizable

    characteristics of terrorism. A breakaway faction of Shia

    Islam called the Nizari Ismalis adopted the tactic of

    assassination of enemy leaders because the cult's limited

    manpower prevented open combat. Their leader, Hassam-ISabbah, based the cult in the mountains of Northern Iran.

    Their tactic of sending a lone assassin to successfully kill a

    key enemy leader at the certain sacrifice of his own life (the

    killers waited next to their victims to be killed or captured)inspired fearful awe in their enemies.

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    Brief History of Terrorism

    Even though both the Zealots and the Assassins operated in

    antiquity, they are relevant today:

    Served as forerunners of modern terrorists in aspects of motivation,

    organization, targeting, and goals.

    Although both were ultimate failures, the fact that they are

    remembered hundreds of years later, demonstrates the deep

    psychological impact they caused.

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    Characteristics of Terrorist Attacks

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    Nature of terrorism

    Creates a general climate of FEAR.

    Increasingly dramatic, violent and high-profile


    Targets crowded, populous or significant

    places like diplomatic facilities, military bases,

    executive offices and transportation vehicles.

    Attracts the attention of the media.

    Planned and calculated attacks.

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    Causes of terrorism

    1. To attain a political objective.

    2. Perceived social and political injustice.

    3. Religious, cultural or ideological cause.

    4. Re-establishment of a national homeland.

    5. Extort money.

    6. Free prisoners.7. Satisfy vengeance.

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    Effects of Terrorism

    1. Political Impact Impact on governmental services and functioning

    Consequences on public order

    Influence on public confidence

    Strict policy changes

    2. Economic Impact Real or Direct Cost destruction of physical assets,

    casualties and life losses Perceived or Indirect Cost investment and consumption

    behavior, rising transaction cost, FDI

    Increased Insurance

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    Effects of terrorism

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    Effects of Terrorism

    3. Cross-national Effects Refugee flows

    Diplomatic reprisal

    Decline in tourism

    4. Increased Security Measure Rise of government spending on defense industries for


    Targeted laws, criminal procedures, deportations andenhanced police powers.

    More permissive interrogation and detention policies. Technology innovations.

    5. Psychological Impact Psychological stress and trauma.

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    Types of Terrorism

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    Types of terrorism?


    1. Establishment Terrorism aka State-sponsored Terrorism

    2. Revolutionary Terrorism

    3. Sub-revolutionary Terrorism


    1. Domestic Terrorism

    2. International Terrorism

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    Types of terrorism?


    1. Bioterrorism

    2. Cyber Terrorism

    3. Nuclear Terrorism


    1. Ecoterrorism

    2. Narcoterrorism

    3. Nationalist Terrorism

    4. Religious Terrorism

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    Often called state or state-sponsored terrorism is employed bygovernments or more often factions with governments against that governments citizens, against factions within thegovernment, or against foreign government groups

    This type of terrorism is very common but difficult to identify,mainly because the state's support is always clandestine.


    In the 1980s, the United States supported rebel groups in Africa that allegedlyengaged in acts of terrorism (National Union for the Total Independence ofAngola)

    Various Muslim countries (e.g. Iran and Syria) purportedly provided logistical andfinancial aid to Islamic revolutionary groups engaged in campaigns against Israel,the United States, and some Muslim countries in the late 20th and early 21stcenturies.

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    Most common form

    Practitioners of this type of terrorism seek the complete

    abolition of a political system and its replacement with a new



    German Red Army Faction (Baader-Meinhof Gang)

    Italian Red Brigades

    the Basque separatist group ETA

    Peruvian Shining Path (Sendero Luminoso)

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    It is used not to overthrow an existing regime but to modify the

    existing sociopolitical structure. Since this modification is often

    accomplished through the threat of deposing the existing

    regime, subrevolutionary groups are somewhat more difficult to


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    BIOTERRORISMrefers to the intentional release of toxic biological agents to

    harm and terrorize civilians, in the name of a political or other

    cause. Category A Biological Diseases are those most likely to do

    the most damage.

    They include:

    Anthrax (Bacillus anthracis)

    Botulism (Clostridium botulinum toxin)

    The Plague (Yersinia pestis)

    Smallpox (Variola major)

    Tularemia (Francisella tularensis)

    Hemorrahagic fever, due to Ebola Virus or Marburg Virus

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    CYBER TERRORISMA type of terrorism that uses computers and network. It can

    allow disruptions in military communications and even electrical

    power. Usually, small terrorist groups use cyberterrorism.

    (e.g. Aum Shinrikyo and the Tamil. These two terrorist groups usuallyuse cyberterrorism to fail the computer security, or to show off

    their technical abilities.)

    Ways of demonstrating Cyberterrorism:

    a. By controlling from a distance electrical things such as dams or power


    b. By destroying the actual machine that contains the electronic information

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    NUCLEAR TERRORISMRefers to a number of different ways nuclear materials might be

    exploited as a terrorist tactic. These include attacking nuclear

    facilities, purchasing nuclear weapons, or building nuclear

    weapons or otherwise finding ways to disperse radioactivematerials.

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    ECOTERRORISMA recently coined term describing violence in the interests of

    environmentalism. In general, environmental extremists

    sabotage property to inflict economic damage on industries or

    actors they see as harming animals or the natural environment.These have included fur companies, logging companies and

    animal research laboratories, for example.

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    NARCOTERRORISMHas had several meanings since its coining in 1983. It once

    denoted violence used by drug traffickers to influence

    governments or prevent government efforts to stop the drug

    trade. In the last several years, narcoterrorism has been used toindicate situations in which terrorist groups use drug trafficking

    to fund their other operations.

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    NATIONALIST TERRORISMThese terrorists are usually successful at getting peoples sympathybecause they try to fight for "national liberation.

    (e.g. Irish Republican Army, Basque Fatherland and Liberty, and the

    Kurdistan WorkersParty)

    RELIGIOUS TERRORISMThe motivation of which is typically rooted in the faith based tenets.

    Terrorist acts throughout the centuries have been performed onreligious grounds with the hope to either spread or enforce a system

    of belief, viewpoint or opinion. Religious terrorism does not in itselfnecessarily define a specific religious standpoint or view, but insteadusually defines an individual or a group view or interpretation of thatbelief system's teachings.

    (e.g. Al-Qaeda, Hamas, Hezbollah, Aum Shinrikyo)

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    Terrorist Groups

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    Organizational Structure



    *CELL- smallest element and the building block

    of a terrorist organization

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    State Department Current List of Designated Foreign Terrorist Organizations

    1. Abu Nidal Organization (ANO)

    2. Abu Sayyaf Group

    3. Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade

    4. Al-Shabaab

    5. Ansar al-Islam

    6. Armed Islamic Group (GIA)

    7. Asbat al-Ansar8. Aum Shinrikyo

    9. Basque Fatherland and Liberty (ETA)

    10. Communist Party of the Philippines/New

    People's Army (CPP/NPA)

    11. Continuity Irish Republican Armya

    12. Gamaa al-Islamiyya (Islamic Group)

    13. HAMAS (Islamic Resistance Movement)

    14. Harakat ul-Jihad-i-Islami/Bangladesh (HUJI-B)

    15. Harakat ul-Mujahidin (HUM)

    16. Hizballah (Party of God)

    17. Islamic Jihad Group

    18. Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU)

    19. Jaish-e-Mohammed (JEM) (Army of


    20. Jemaah Islamiya organization (JI)

    21. Kahane Chai (Kach)

    22. Kata'ib Hizballah

    23. Kongra-Gel (KGK, formerly Kurdistan Workers'

    Party, PKK, KADEK)

    24. Lashkar-e Tayyiba (LT) (Army of the Righteous)

    25. Lashkar i Jhangvi

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    State Department Current List of Designated Foreign Terrorist Organizations

    1. Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE)

    2. Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG)

    3. Moroccan Islamic Combatant Group (GICM)

    4. Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MEK)

    5. National Liberation Army (ELN)

    6. Palestine Liberation Front (PLF)

    7. Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ)8. Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine


    9. PFLP-General Command (PFLP-GC)

    10. Tanzim Qa'idat al-Jihad fi Bilad al-Rafidayn

    (QJBR) (al-Qaida in Iraq) (formerly Jama'at al-

    Tawhid wa'al-Jihad, JTJ, al-Zarqawi Network)

    11. al-Qaida12. al-Qa'ida in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP)

    13. al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb (formerly GSPC)

    14. Real IRA

    15. Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC)

    16. Revolutionary Organization 17 November

    17. Revolutionary Peoples Liberation Party/Front


    18. Revolutionary Struggle

    19. Shining Path (Sendero Luminoso, SL)

    20. United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia (AUC)

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    Responses to TerrorismGlobal War on Terror

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    DEFENSIVE measures used to reduce the

    vulnerability of individuals and property to

    terrorist acts, to include limited response andcontainment by local military and civilian


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    Operations that include the OFFENSIVE measures

    taken to prevent, deter, preempt and respond to


    It involves the use of information gathering, lawenforcement, diplomacy, military force, and

    protective security.

    Besides eliminating existing terrorist, effectivecounterterrorism also attempts to discover and

    remove the causes that motivates terrorist.

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    How is Counterterrorism Conducted?

    1. Intelligence Gathering

    Technical means Governments use advance

    technologies to eavesdrop on telephone, radio, internet

    and other communications among terrorists. Use of

    satellites to photograph terrorist bases.

    Informants and Spies

    2. Physical Security

    Physical barriers, bomb proof buildings, armor, weapondetector and other protective means are important part

    of counterterrorism.

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    How is Counterterrorism Conducted?

    3. International Cooperation Law Enforcement Governments rely on international

    law, especially treaties that obligate them to criminalize,

    prosecute, or cooperate with other governments

    concerning terrorist crimes.

    Disrupting the Financing of Terrorism An international

    treaty adopted in 1999 makes terrorist fundraising an

    international crime.

    Use of Sanctions

    4. Military Methods

    US invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq.

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    Trials for Terrorists

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    Agencies Involved in Counterterrorism

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    United Nations

    UN Global Counter Terrorism StrategyThe Counter-Terrorism Implementation Task Force(CTITF) was established by the Secretary-General in2005 to enhance coordination and coherence of

    counter-terrorism efforts of the United Nations system.Currently the Task Force consists of 30 internationalentities which by virtue of their work have a stake incounter-terrorism efforts. Each entity makes

    contributions consistent with its mandate. Its chairedby the Director of the CTITF Office in the Departmentof Political Affairs, Jean-Paul Laborde.

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    United Nations

    The primary goal is to maximize each entityscomparative advantage by delivering as one to helpMember States implement the four pillars of theStrategy, which are: measures to address the conditions conducive to the

    spread of terrorism; measures to prevent and combat terrorism;

    measures to build states capacity to prevent and combatterrorism and to strengthen the role of the United Nationssystem in that regard;

    measures to ensure respect for human rights for all andthe rule of law as the fundamental basis for the fightagainst terrorism.

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    NATOs 1999 Strategic Concept identifiedterrorism as a threat to the Alliances security.The events of September 11 saw NATO becomeactively engaged in the fight against terrorism.

    Allies invoked Article 5 of the Washington Treatyfor the first time in NATOs history leading to thecreation of Operation Active Endeavour amaritime counter terrorism operation in the


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    Programme of Work for Defense Against Terrorism Countering improvised explosive devices.

    Explosive ordnance disposal.

    Protection of aircraft against shoulder-fired, surface-to-air missiles.

    Protection of helicopters from rocket-propelled grenades.

    Protection of harbours and ports.

    Detection, protection and defeat of chemical, biological, radiological

    and nuclear (CBRN) weapons.

    Precision airdrop technology for special operations forces.

    Intelligence, reconnaissance, surveillance and target acquisition of


    Countering mortar attacks.

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    2001 ASEAN Declaration on Joint Action to Counter Terrorism

    1. Review and strengthen our national mechanisms to combatterrorism;

    2. Call for the early signing/ratification of or accession to all relevant

    anti-terrorist conventions including the International Convention forthe Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism;

    3. Deepen cooperation among our front-line law enforcementagencies in combatting terrorism and sharing "best practices";

    4. Study relevant international conventions on terrorism with the viewto integrating them with ASEAN mechanisms on combatinginternational terrorism;

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    5. Enhance information/intelligence exchange to facilitate the flow of information, inparticular, on terrorists and terrorist organisations, their movement and funding,and any other information needed to protect lives, property and the security of allmodes of travel;

    6. Strengthen existing cooperation and coordination between the AMMTC and otherrelevant ASEAN bodies in countering, preventing and suppressing all forms ofterrorists acts. Particular attention would be paid to finding ways to combat

    terrorist organisations, support infrastructure and funding and bringing theperpetrators to justice;

    7. Develop regional capacity building programmes to enhance existing capabilities ofASEAN member countries to investigate, detect, monitor and report on terroristacts;

    8. Discuss and explore practical ideas and initiatives to increase ASEAN's role in andinvolvement with the international community including extra-regional partners

    within existing frameworks such as the ASEAN + 3, the ASEAN Dialogue Partnersand the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF), to make the fight against terrorism a trulyregional and global endeavour;

    9. Strengthen cooperation at bilateral, regional and international levels in combatingterrorism in a comprehensive manner and affirm that at the international level theUnited Nations should play a major role in this regard.

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    Terrorism in the Philippines

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    Four Major Terrorist Groups

    1. Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF)

    2. Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF)

    3. Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG)

    4. New People's Army (NPA)

    M N ti l Lib ti F t (MNLF)

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    Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF)

    Emerging in the early 1970s, the MNLF sought an independentIslamic nation in the Filipino islands with sizeable Muslim

    populations. In 1996, the MNLF signed a peace agreement with

    Manila that created the Autonomous Region of Muslim

    Mindanao (ARMM), an area composed of two mainland

    provinces and three island provinces in which the

    predominantly Muslim population enjoys a degree of self-rule.

    MNLF chairman and founder Nur Misuari was installed as the

    region's governor but his rule ended in violence when he led a

    failed uprising against the Philippines government in November2001.

    M I l i Lib ti F t (MILF)

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    Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF)

    The largest Islamic extremist group in the Philippines,the MILF split from the MNLF in 1977 and continuesto wage war against Manila. Headed by Islamic clericSalamat Hashim, the MILF seeks a separate Islamic

    state in the southern Philippines. Although it signed apeace agreement with Manila in 2001, MILF-sponsored violence has continued.

    Accusations: March 2003 Davao City airport bombing that killed 21 people

    For harboring members of the small militant Pentagon gangaccused of kidnapping foreigners in recent years

    Ab S f G (ASG)

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    Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG)

    The smallest, most active and most violent Islamic

    separatist group in the southern Philippines, Abu Sayyaf(Bearer of the Sword) emerged in 1991 as a splinter groupof the MNLF. Its founder, Abdurajik Abubakar Janjalani,was a veteran of the Islamic mujahideen movement inAfghanistan and was killed in a clash with Philippine police

    in 1998. ASG's current head is thought to be Janjalani'syounger brother Khadafi Janjalani.

    Abu Sayyaf engages in kidnappings, bombings,assassinations and extortion from businesses and wealthybusinessmen. Most of its activities are centered in the

    southern island of Mindanao, but in recent years, thegroup has broadened its reach.

    The group finances its operations primarily throughrobbery, piracy and ransom kidnappings. Both the MNLFand MILF condemn Abu Sayyaf's activities.

    N P l A (NPA)

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    New Peoples Army (NPA)

    The NPA is the military wing of the Communist People'sParty of the Philippines (CPP). Founded in 1969 with the

    aim of overthrowing the Philippines government through

    guerrilla warfare, the NPA strongly opposes the U.S.

    military presence in the Philippines. The NPA primarilytargets Philippine security forces, politicians, judges,

    government informers and former NPA rebels. The NPA's

    founder, Jose Maria Sison, lives in self-imposed exile in

    the Netherlands and reportedly directs operations fromthere.

    They have links with international terrorism, particularly

    with Jemaah Islamiyah and Al Qaeda.

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    Philippine Response

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    Philippine Response to Terrorism

    The Philippines combats terrorism through political, legal andmilitary means. The U.S. assisted the Philippines in amending

    their anti-money laundering legislation to meet international

    standards, and Manila passed its revised legislation in March

    2003. Washington also installed the Terrorist Interdiction Program

    (TIP) in the Philippines with equipment, software and training

    to enhance their capacity to secure their borders.

    In 2002, the two nations' law enforcement agenciescooperated to bring charges against 15 Abu Sayyaf terrorists,

    implement an extradition treaty and train some 700 Filipino

    law enforcement officers.

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    Philippine Response to Terrorism

    The Philippines receives anti-terrorist financial assistancefrom the U.S. following former Philippine President Gloria

    Macapagal-Arroyo's May 2003 visit to the U.S., Washington

    pledged to provide new funds to the Philippines for training

    and equipping Philippine forces to deal with terrorist groupsand funds to spur development in the Mindanao region,

    where Islamic extremists are based.

    In 2002, the U.S. sent about 650 American advisers to train

    Philippine soldiers in counterterrorism techniques.

    Human Security Act of 2007.

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    Human Security Act of 2007

    Under the law, 3 days warrantless detention are authorized, although arresting

    officers are obliged to immediately inform a judge about the arrest.

    Furthermore, detained terrorists are entitled to see a lawyer, a priest, a doctor,

    or family members. T he law allows eavesdropping on suspects as well as

    access to bank accounts for authorities. Convictions could result in 40 years

    prison sentences, but compensations are provided for in case of miscarriage of

    justice. Terrorism was defined by Section 3 as "sowing and creating a condition

    of widespread and extraordinary fear and panic among the populace in order

    to coerce the government to give in to an unlawful demand."