tecnologías de viscorreduccion biblio

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  • 8/3/2019 Tecnologas de viscorreduccion biblio


    1. Akbar, M. y Geelen, H., 1981, Visbreaking uses soaker drum,

    Hydrocarbon Processing, 60 (5), 81.

    2. Bell, H., 1959, American Petroleum Refining, 3ra edicin, D. Van Nostrand

    Company, Inc., Lancaster, USA, pp. 218-221

    3. Elliot, J., 1992, Maximize distillate liquid products, Hydrocarbon

    Processing, 71 (1), 75.

    4. Jones, D. y Pujad, P., 2006, Handbook of Petroleum Processing, Sin

    edicin, Springer, Dordrecht, Pases Bajos, pp. 447-458

    5. Meyers, R., 2004, Handbook of Petroleum Refining Processes, 3ra

    Edicin, McGraw-Hill, Sin ciudad, USA, pp. 12.91-12.102

    6. Rhoe, A. y de Blignieres, C., 1979, Visbreaking: a flexible process,

    Hydrocarbon Processing, 58 (1), 131.

    7. Schuetze, B. y Hofmann, H., 1984, How to upgrade heavy feeds,

    Hydrocarbon Processing, 63 (2), 73.

    8. Schulman, B., Biasca, F., Johnson, H. y Dickenson, R., 1993, Bottom-of-

    the-barrel upgrading moves aggressively, Hydrocarbon Processing, 72

    (12), 100-C.

    9. Speight, J., 1999, The Chemistry and Technology of Petroleum, 3ra

    edicin, Marcel Dekker, New York, USA, pp Pendiente

    10.Speight, J., 2006, The Chemistry and Technology of Petroleum, 4ta

    edicin, Taylor and Francis Group, Boca Raton, USA, pp. 260,487-507.

    11.UOP Process Division, 1982, Corporacin Estatal Petrolera Ecuatoriana

    (CEPE) UOP Visbreaking Process, Sin edicin, Sin editorial, Sin ciudad,

    Sin pas, pp 108 yyyyy

    12. Yusevich, A., Timoshkina, M. y Grushova, E., 2010, Features of Combined

    Thermal Cracking of Oil Residues and Plant Oil, Petroleum Chemistry, 50

    (3), 231.