skyhawks squadron - apr 2011

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  • 7/29/2019 Skyhawks Squadron - Apr 2011


    W Its that time of year again! Squadron 47 Awards Banquet. We will behaving it on May 21st and details will follow. The cost will be $10 per person.There will be dinner, entertainment and awards!

    We will also have our fundraising raffle during the Banquet. We arelooking for donations of prizes for the raffle. If you have something youwould like to raffle off or know someone or some organizations that wouldlike to donate something for the raffle please let the Chaplain or Maj. D know.We have a letter and tax id number that we can provide for any donor for thetax deduction. The raffle is our biggest fund raiser of the year and all fundsgo to support our programs and cadets at Squadron 47.

    Squadron 47 Annual AwardsBanquet!May 21, 2010San Marcos

    California Wing Encampment Dates


    July 1423

    Camp Pendleton

    From the National Head-quarters website: Encampments are one ofthe most popular and worth-while activities available tocadets. They challenge ca-dets to develop self-discipline and teamworkwhile broadening their un-derstanding of aerospace.

    And the California WingsEncampment is starting totake shape!

    The Prerequisites for firsttime attendance are:: Be a CAP Member Be at least a C/Amn (for


    If you want to be-come a cadet officer youmust first attend an encamp-ment! Mark your calen-dars and start preparing toattend the California WingEncampment, right here onCamp Pendleton!More information will follow!

    Skyhawks Composite Squadron 47Civil Air Patrol

    April 2011Volume 9 Issue 4

    Cadet Special

    points of interest:

    Event Calendar Promotions and

    Awards Scholarship Oppor-

    tunity for Cadets


    Colonel Edwin W.Lewis, Jr. FlightScholarship

    INSPIRE Projectfrom NASA

    Ultimate Bear andWings Challenge -Vandenberg AFB

    San Diego Air andSpace MuseumPaper Airplane

    Festival Virtual Fighter

    Weapons School(VFWS) 2011

    Pacific Region Col-or Guard Champi-ons

    Civil Air Patrol Aer-ospace EducationCadet of the Year

    Aerospace Educa-

    tion Opportunities

    Basic Cadet School(BCS) Camp Pend-leton

    Chino Planes ofFame Air Show!

    Volunteer Oppor-tunity For All Mem-bers at the Air andSpace Museum!

    Combat ControlOrientation Course

  • 7/29/2019 Skyhawks Squadron - Apr 2011


    April 2011

    15-17 Pacific Region Cadet CompetitionDublin California

    30 ACUT/BCUT Radio TrainingLos Alamitos

    May 2011

    13-15 Chino Planes of Fame Air show, Chino

    13-14 Recruiting at the CSF Homeschool Convention


    21 Squadron 47 Annual Awards Banquet

    San Marcos

    28 San Diego Air and Space Museum Space Day

    27-30 Cadet Programs ConferenceCamp San Luis Obispo

    June 2011

    18-19 Mission Pilot Academy Ground School,

    Southern California

    22-27 National Cadet CompetitionDayton OH

    24-26 Ultimate Bear and Wings Challenge -Vandenberg AFB

    July 2011

    8-10 Mission Pilot Academy Training FlightsLocation TBA

    14-23 California Wing EncampmentCamp Pendleton

    30-2 PCR Aerospace Education Officer School

    March ARB, CA

    August 2011

    6 Big Bear Air Fair

    26-28 California Wing ConferenceOakland

    Page 2

    The Fell Swoop

    Upcoming Senior and Cadet Activities

  • 7/29/2019 Skyhawks Squadron - Apr 2011


    Page 3

    Volume 9 Issue 4

    Promotions, Awards and Accomplishments

    Promotions:Justin M Johnson C/A1C

    Sean Wollaston C/SMSgt

    New Members:

    SM Gillian YoungSponsor Member Tae ChunSponsor Member Garrett WhiteC/AB Seth WhiteC/AB David RussellSM Michael MacGregor

    SM John RenisonSponsor Member Anna White

    Awards and Accomplishments:

    Graduated from Basic Cadet School

    C/B Jonathan Harris

    Graduated from Training Leaders of Cadets (TLC)

    2nd Lt. James Wilson

    Maj. Audrey DiGiantomasso

    Winners of the Pacific Region Color Guard Competition!

    Cadets: Nicholas Chun, Sean Wollaston, Corbin White, Russell Console

    And Michael Wilson

    Both optimists and pessimists contribute to

    our society. The optimist invents the air-plane and the pessimist the parachute.

    ~Gil Stern

  • 7/29/2019 Skyhawks Squadron - Apr 2011


    ScholarshipsAvailable in 2011FOR AVIATION/

    AEROSPACESTUDIES(Application dead-

    line is July 18,2011)The Aero Club ofSouthern Califor-nia, in order to as-sist air-mindedyoung people inpursuit of their edu-cation, is offering2011 scholarshipgrants.

    1. Grants up to$2,500 each areavailable to currenthigh school stu-dents who plan topursue studies inaviation or aero-space, and2. Grants up to$5,000 each areavailable to stu-dents currently pur-suing aviation/aerospace studiesin a college, uni-versity or nation-ally accreditedtechnical school.

    Applicants mustdemonstrate intentto pursue a career

    in aviation or aero-space, must havenow and maintain a3.0 GPA and mustbe full time stu-dents now and

    when the scholar-ship will be used.

    To apply, studentsshould submit atypewritten state-ment that includesall of the followingin tabular form. Aviation/

    Aerospace ca-reer goals

    Current and fu-ture Aviation/

    Aerospace edu-cational plans

    Work experi-ence

    Achievementsrelated to Avia-tion/Aerospace

    fields Evidence of ini-

    tiative and lead-ership skills

    Other interestsand accom-plishments

    Two letters ofrecommenda-

    tion, typed, (nonfamily mem-bers)

    Certified schoolrecords

    Please send yourapplication to:

    Aero Club ofSouthern Califor-nia c/o John Du-rant, 1573 WestFir Ave, Fresno,CA, 93711

    no later than July18, 2011.

    Please include yourresidence mailingaddress, e-mail ad-dress and phonenumber. Questionsmay be directed toMr. Durant at 909-418-0582 or [email protected].

    Page 4

    The Fell Swoop



    for Cadets

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    Volume 9 Issue 4


    Meet new friends and visit with old ones. Learn newand interesting things about CAP.Push your CAP career forward!


    ** CADET PROGRAMS DIRECTOR'S RECEPTION **The Director of Cadet Programs invites all Senior Members to this informal gathering to discuss the Cadet


    Some seminars that will be offered: How to start your path in Emergency Services UDF Introductory Course First Aid & CPR Model Rocketry Map & Compass Course How to Survive at the Banquet (aka Etiquette) Swing and Line Dancing Firing Simulator

    Cadet/ Officer and Senior NCO round table discussion

    Plus lots of old favorites and many new adventures!Arrival to CPC Fri. 27 May 2011 from 1800 to 2300 or Sat 28 May 2011 by 0730

    NO dinner will be oered on Fri. Please come prepared.

    Applicaons must be postmarked by 15 April 2011 for early pricingCAWG Form 150 andApplication Cover Sheet are required for all CAP membersSend CPC Application Cover Sheet, CAWGF 150 & Check (made out to CAWG/CPC 2011)

    orPayPal(see to:Lt Col Valerie Hanley4575 Rudisill Street

    California WingCivil Air Patrol


    28-30 May 2011

    Early Application Price for the Full Conference {billeting for 3 nights, 6 meals & the banquet}: $115.00

    Pre-approved Staff (Cadet and senior): $90.00At this time we are not offering Banquet only tickets.

    Questions: Please call Lt Col Hanley @ 213-716-1373 or Lt Col Hartwell @ 626-233-2999

    Dont wait! Apply today!

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    Page 6

    The Fell Swoop

    Colonel Edwin W. Lewis, Jr. Flight Scholarship

    We are honored to have a cadet flight scholarship named in the memory of

    Colonel Edwin W. Lewis. Colonel Lewis was a 56-year member of Civil Air Pa-

    trol and at the time of his death, was the Director of Operations for the PacificRegion, Civil Air Patrol. He served CAP in many positions, including Command-er of the Pacific Region and California Wing. He was known as a pilots pilotwith vast knowledge of aviation from Cessna 0-1 Bird Dogs to Boeing 747s.

    To introduce a Civil Air Patrol cadet to the wonders of flight, a scholarship wascreated.

    If you are a cadet and have a strong desire to fly, please take the

    time to review the simple application requirements.

    Applications will be accepted until 01 May.Protocols for the Administration of the


    It is envisioned that this scholarship will be an annual gift, to be given to a worthy Cadet from one of theWings of the Pacific Region. The presentation will be on the 28th of May each year, the anniversary of Col.Lewis joining CAP.

    Funds donated to the scholarship will be deposited in a special account at the National Headquarters, Civil AirPatrol, Maxwell AFB, Alabama. Donations will be accepted year round.

    Applications will be accepted until 01 May each year. Send all applications to Pacific Region HQ, P.O. Box4718, Hayward CA, 94540-4718. The selection committee will then have one month to choose the recipient.

    The selection committee will be composed of the Region Commander or Vice Commander, the Region Direc-tor of Cadets and Colonel Lewiss widow, Midge Lewis. They will review the applications and select the re-cipient.

    Funds from this scholarship will be used only for initial aviation flight training and no other purpose. Theamount of the scholarship may vary every year depending on the interest earned and donations to the funds inthe account.

    The application will consist of a one page, double spaced letter to the selection committee stating the reasonsfor the Cadets desire to fly and what their goals in aviation would be.

    The link for the form and more information for this scholarship is:

  • 7/29/2019 Skyhawks Squadron - Apr 2011


    U.S. high school students are invited to participate in NASAs Interdisci-plinary National Science Program Incorporating Research Experience,or INSPIRE, through an online learning community. INSPIRE is de-signed to encourage students in 9th through 12th grades to pursue ca-reers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Applica-tions are being accepted through June 30, 2011. Selections will bemade in September. For more information on INSPIRE, visit

    NEW! 2011 INSPIRE Project

    Page 7

    Newsletter Title

    See Page 8 for

    more details

    CAP provides a monthly AE E-Newsbrief for those interested in promoting aerospaceeducation to the membership of CAP and to the general public. This is an easy one-stop loca-tion for current AE news, contests, Web sites, workshops, and information to share with your or-ganization. It is hoped that at least ONE informational item will be useful in inspiring the next gen-eration of aerospace enthusiasts and national workforce. To communicate with the CAP NationalHeadquarters Aerospace Education team, contact [email protected].

    Stay attuned to CAP AE Quarterly Newsletters and monthly E-Newbriefs-You can be notifiedwhen a new issue is placed on the website by signing up for this convenient service at

    If you would like to receive an automatic notification whenever new information is added toour AE: Whats New? page, go to and click AE: Whats New?Scroll to the bottom of the page and follow the instructions.

    NOTE: The Information from these 2 pages of Aerospace News are from the Civil Air Patrol Aerospace Educa-

    tion section at the National Headquarters Website. You can access this information and even more at:

    Rocketry Page for Educators and Students (All Educators and Students) NASA

    Education is launching a new Website to get students and educators off the launch padand on their way to becoming rocket scientists. Educators can find lesson plans for theclassroom and keep students in-the-know with up-to-date information about NASA-supported rocketry competitions. Visit the new Website at

  • 7/29/2019 Skyhawks Squadron - Apr 2011


    The Interdisciplinary National Science Project Incorporating Research and Education Experience, or INSPIRE, is a multi-tier year-round program designed for students in ninth to 12th grade who are interested in science, technology, engineering and

    mathematics, or STEM, education and careers.Through the INSPIRE Online Learning Community, or OLC, the centerpiece of the INSPIRE Project, students fromacross the nation have the opportunity to interact with their peers, NASA experts, and education specialists twenty-four hours aday, seven days a week. Members of the OLC Discover new knowledge while exploring their interests through unique activitiesand challenges; Connect with subject matters experts through weekly chats and blogs, as well as their peers on an exclusive discus-sion board; and Equip themselves through access to resources designed to help students prepare for their future as well as infor-mation about other NASA competitions/opportunities. Even parents/guardians have a unique opportunity when their student isaccepted into the INSPIRE project by providing them with resources designed to help champion their childs education and careergoals.

    To ensure all students have an opportunity to participate in the OLC, those who qualify for the National School LunchProgram are eligible to receive a free laptop.

    To be considered for the INSPIRE Online Learning Community, applicants must:

    Be entering the ninth through 12th grade when the school year begins.

    Be at least 13 years of age or older at the time of application.

    Be a U.S. citizen.

    Have a minimum of a 2.5 academic grade point average on an unweighted 4.0 scale.

    Demonstrate the desire and the academic preparation to pursue a STEM-related field of study beyond high school.

    Complete the online application process with all required documentation.

    Members in good standing with the INSPIRE OLC have the opportunity to compete for grade-appropriate summer STEM experi-ences. The summer STEM experience is designed to provide hands-on opportunities to investigate education and careers in STEMat a NASA facility or a Space Grant Institution/University. Each summer experience, except the Collegiate Experience, will takeplace at the NASA facility within the student's service area. To locate the NASA facility in your service area, please see the"NASA Facilities and Service Area" section below.

    Explorer Experience: INSPIRE OLC participants in the ninth grade may compete for The Explorer Summer Experience.Selected applicants and their parents/guardians receive a trip to the NASA facility within their service areas, where they will partic-

    ipate in a VIP tour and workshop. The visit occurs the summer between the students' ninth-

    and 10th-grade school year.

    Collegiate Experience: INSPIRE OLC participants in the 10th grade may compete for The Collegiate Summer Experi-ence. Students selected participate in a two-week on-campus experience at a Space Grant Institution/University. Students are chap-eroned by the host institution where their exposure to college life is designed to improve study skills and encourage the pursuit ofhigher education and careers in STEM areas. NASA INSPIRE will pay round-trip travel expenses for those students who live morethan 100 miles from the college or university providing this experience. In addition, the college or university provides lodging,meals, supervision and educational activities. The Collegiate Experience occurs the summer between the students' 10th- and 11th-grade school year.

    Residential Internship: INSPIRE OLC participants in the 11th grade may compete for the Residential Internship Sum-mer Experience. Selected students participate in a paid, eight-week internship under a NASA mentor at the NASA facility withinthe students' service areas.To be considered for a summer STEM experience, INSPIRE Online Learning Community participants must at a minimum:

    Be an active participant in the INSPIRE Online Learning Community.

    Have a 3.0 academic grade point average on an unweighted 4.0 scale.

    Submit updated transcripts, recommendations and parental consent forms, and other documentation as instructed.

    Students must be at least 16 years of age to participate in the Residential Internship or the Pre College Internship.Note: Depending on funding availability, the number of laptops to be awarded may be limited and not all summer experiences maybe offered every year.

    Applications for the INSPIRE 2010 - 2011 OLC are no longer being accepted. Applications for the 2011 2012 OLC willbe accepted March 3 to June 30, 2011. To receive periodic notices about INSPIRE and application notices, we encourage studentsand parents to register at the following website: > .NASA Contact: Steve Chance - INSPIRE Project ManagerMail Code: XA-D/John F. Kennedy Space Center, FL 32899 E-mail: [email protected]

    INSPIRE Project from NASA

    Page 8

    Volume 9 Issue 4

    [Students Grades 9-12

    and Higher Educa-

    tion][email protected]?subject=INSPIRE%20Projectmailto:[email protected]?subject=INSPIRE%20Projectmailto:[email protected]?subject=INSPIRE%20Project
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    Volume 9 Issue 4

    24-26 Jun

    Ultimate Bear and Wings Challenge - Vandenberg AFB

    Is your squadron ready for the challenge?Squadron teams from across the Wing will compete in a series of physical ground and water

    obstacles as well as in-depth CAP mission challenges. Only one team will be crowned UBEC

    Champion ... will it be you?

    200m Parachute Sprint

    100m Lap Swim

    Water Checkpoint Course|

    Aquatic Strength Course

    Map & Compass Course

    Leadership Challenge

    Only 15 Team Slots Available!Cost: $30 Per Team Member-Activity fee does not include meals. Meals will be purchased at Breakers DiningHall on VAFB. Cadets should plan for $3.00 - $5.00 per meal.

    Application Start Date: 15 AprilApplication Deadline: 01 June or when space is no longer available (whichever comes first)

    To apply: Complete the Team Application Sheetand email [email protected]. Teams must have fourcadet members, with no more than two cadet officers, and one senior member escort. Once the team applica-tion is received by the UBWC staff, payment and registration info will be emailed to the participants.

    Completed CAWGF150s are mandatory upon arrival.

    Cadets should know how to read a map and compass and be familiar with the Cadet Officer's AE Textbook(NOT the NCO modules).

    This is a physically demanding activity that focuses on physical challenges to include water -related exer-

    cises and running activities. If cadets have any pre-existing injuries that limit participation in the physi-

    cal activities they are highly discouraged to participate.[email protected]:[email protected]://[email protected]://
  • 7/29/2019 Skyhawks Squadron - Apr 2011


    Cadets and Senior Members from Skyhawk CompositeSquadron 47 spent a day helping out at the San Diego Airand Space Museum Paper Airplane Festival. The festival isfamily-friendly, hands-on experiences that help the publicgain insight into the science of flight by creating many funtypes of paper airplanes. During the festival people en-gaged in hands-on activities, competitions and at the endthere was a mass launch of paper airplanes. There werealso competitions which included farthest flight distance,longest air time, and flight accuracy. What could be more

    perfect for Civil Air Patrol members to participate in?

    The members arrived at the museum early to get briefed on what they would be doing during theday and, along with the other volunteers, learned how to make a number different types of space-themed paper airplanes. After the building practice it was time to help set up the tables around theoutside of the museum and the day began. Many families took advantage ofthe opportunity to fold their own paper airplane. The CAP members helpedhundreds of kids build their paper airplanes and by about the middle of the daythey felt like they could have folded the airplanes with their eyes closed.

    In between helping the public with their paper airplanes the cadets got the op-

    portunity on their breaks to tour the museum.

    The cadets took their new skills to the next Squadron meeting where they

    shared with everyone. Paper airplanes were flying all over the building. The

    Paper Airplane Festival was a lot of fun and a fantastic opportunity to intro-

    duce the CAP Cadet program to more people. We are eagerly looking forward

    to another opportunity to volunteer at the museum.

    Page 10

    Newsletter Title

    Skyhawks Composite Squadron 47 Volunteers at the San Diego Air and Space

    Museum Paper Airplane Festival

  • 7/29/2019 Skyhawks Squadron - Apr 2011


    You are invited to attend the Pacific Region Aerospace Education

    School. The purpose of this school is threefold: educate CAP AE lead-ers about their job requirements & the resources available to help them,share ideas which improve the AE program and provide AE enrich-ment experiences for the participants.

    This is the year for you to attend. The school is designed forunit aerospace education officers but is open to all senior members andMitchell cadets who want to become more involved with aerospace edu-cation. Some of the school topics include: the AE Mission, Responsibili-ties of the Unit AEO, Orientation Flights, Grant writing, AE for Seniors,

    AE for Cadets, External AE program, Awards, Robotics, Model building

    and a presentation from NASA Dryden Flight Research Center. In addi-tion to the academic classes students will get to participate in severalhands on activities which can be replicated at the local squadron, tourthe AF Predator Drone facility, and meet a WWII Woman Air forceService Pilot (WASP).

    The AEO School runs Saturday thru Tuesday. Wednesday is anoptional day for students. We have tentatively been slotted for an AFC17 refueling flight. This is subject to change based on AF training re-quirements. Students will also have the opportunity to visit the NASAJPL teacher center and pick up free AE lesson plans, posters and vide-


    The AEO School costs $50.00 which includes all materials, Sat-urday barbeque dinner and the Tuesday luncheon. Lodging is availableon March ARB for $39.00 per night. Additional information will be sentupon receipt of your registration. The AEO School will make arrange-ments to pick up students flying into Ontario (ONT) and Riverside (RAL)airports.

    Prepare two copies of CAPF 17. Submit one copy through proper CAPchannels. Mail the second with your $50.00 registration fee (payable to

    Pacific Region CAP) to PACR AEO School, PO Box 6351, March ARBCA 92518-6351.

    Questions? Contact School Director Virginia Nelson

    [email protected]

    Page 11

    Volume 9 Issue 4

    March Air Reserve


    Riverside CA

    July 302 Aug

    $50.00 Registrationfee holds your slot.






























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  • 7/29/2019 Skyhawks Squadron - Apr 2011


    This is similar to a National Cadet Special Activity, but it is run by a WingThis activity is held at the University of Missouri in Columbia and partici-

    pants learn about military aviation tactics and practice those tactics in a computercombat flight simulator.

    Each day consisted of classroom training with a lot of hands -on flightlab. Cadets learned basic flight principles, then applied those principles to individu-al maneuvers, then applied those maneuvers to accomplish tactical goals, finallyapplying those tactics in teams.

    The test of all of this knowledge and skill comes in the form of a competitivecadet vs. cadet head to head tournament held at the end of the activity. Cadet Rob-ert Varwig of St. Charles Composite Squadron finished the tournament in first place,and was named the "Top Gun". He will be back next year as an aggressor.

    If you think you have what it takes to challenge the #1 virtual pilot of 2011,then you need to apply for VFWS 2011! Send an email to [email protected] we will add you to our mailing list and notify you when the application cycleopens.

    In the meantime, check out the VFWS 2008 review video here

    Announcing Virtual Fighter Weapons School(VFWS) 2011

    ACUT/MRO CLASS (Radio)

    714-615-0151 (cell)

    IMPORTANT Deadline forregistration is 23 April 2010Pre-registration is required.No walk-ins.

    REQUIRED CAPF 17 orCAPF 150, as appropriateand signed by Unit Com-mander

    Note: Please pre-register

    using computerized forms.Do NOT use handwrittenforms. Computer forms maybe "dry signed" by unitcommander. (This is a com-pleted form, e-mailed toyour unit commander then e-mailed by your unit com-mander to the ACUT POwith a message indicatingunit commanders approv-

    al). Members may also

    mail the computer-

    generated form to the POafter it has been signed bytheir unit commander.Mailing CAPF 17s orCAPF 150s that are notsigned by their unit com-mander or are submittedvia email other than bytheir Unit Commander willNOT be registered.

    Required payment of $10fee for materials may bemade at class sign-in bycash or personal check.Failure to bring funds willdeny entrance to class.

    QUESTIONSMajor Phinizy [email protected] John Frerichs [email protected]

    GROUP 7 will present an

    ACUT/MRO radio classon 30 April 2011 at Group7 Headquarters at the JointForces Training Base inLos Alamitos, California.Class starts at 0900 andends at 1700. Sign-instarts at 0830. Please bringnote-taking materials with


    CLASS LOCATION3976 Constitution Ave-nueLos Alamitos, CA90720-5140

    PROJECT OFFICERMajor W. H. Phinizy17044 Avenida AbuelitosFountain Valley, CA92708Email:[email protected]

    Page 12

    The Fell Swoop

    June 19-26 St. LouisMissouri

    Application cycle isopen now.

    Deadline: 1 May

    2011.[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://
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    Volume 9 Issue 4

    This is so simple! eScrip works with merchants to

    contribute to Squadron 47 each me you shop

    Register any one or all of your exisng grocery loyalty, debit and credit cards for use in the program.

    eScrips privacy policy protects your cards and they dont sell informaon.

    Based on your purchases using the cards you have registered, parcipang merchants will contribute a

    percentage of sales to Squadron 47 .

    Your purchases are tracked and available to you online, allowing you to see just how much you are earn-

    ing on your child's behalf.

    Squadron 47 will receive an electronic deposit into its bank account every month which includes contribu-

    ons from all of our parcipang supporters.

    Go to, click on sign-up, and enter your info. Thats it! No selling

    candy, no buying candy, no harassing co-workers and family! :) Its all automac now!

    All squadron and cadet acvies are paid for with donaons from members, or charges

    to the cadets. The more money donated through eScrip, the more acvies we can

    have andnot have to charge for them. A win-win situaon!

    Although we are an auxiliary of the United States Air Force, Civil Air Patrol squadrons

    do not receive money from them for operang costs or acvies, other than for

    reimbursement for aircra expenses.

  • 7/29/2019 Skyhawks Squadron - Apr 2011


    The Squadron 47 Color Guard competed in the Pacific

    Region Color Guard Competition and came home the

    champions! They will be representing Squadron 47,

    California Wing and the Pacific Region at the Nation-

    al Competition June 2226 in Ohio. Here are the re-

    sults from the Competition:

    1st Place Finishes: Indoor Presentation, Written Ex-

    am, Mile Run, Inspection, Standard Drill and Panel

    Quiz (tied)

    2nd Place: Outdoor Presentation

    Highest Written Exam Score: Russell Console

    Fleet FootMale: Russell Console

    Thanks to everyone who came out to support us and

    special thanks to Lt. Col John DiGiantomasso, 2nd Lt.

    Jim Wilson, Maj Tony Diaz and Lt. Col Brian Billing

    for all their work as Senior Member Coaches. Thanks

    to C/2nd Lt. Noah Chun and C/2nd Lt. Ruby Rosado

    who also helped coach the team!

    Go Skyhawks!

    Page 14

    The Fell Swoop

    Pacific Region Color Guard Champions!

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    Page 15

    Volume 9 Issue 4

    Cadets: Are you looking for a new Challenge?

    How about working towards the:

    Civil Air Patrol Aerospace Education

    Cadet of the Year

    If you are a cadet looking for a new challenge why not check out what it takes to earn a nominationfor the Civil Air Patrol Aerospace Education Cadet of the Year. If you are interested in learningmore about the award and would like to work towards it, you can talk with Major DiGiantomasso.The information on what is expected from the Aerospace Education Cadet of the year is provided

    below. Check it out!

    The AFA recognizes one CAP cadet for outstanding aerospace education contributions with its na-tional CAP Aerospace Education Cadet of the Year Award. This is an annual award that goes tothe most deserving cadet in the nation who has made significant contributions by promoting aero-space education within CAP and the local community.

    Anyone in the squadron/unit may nominate a deserving cadet. This award timeline follows allawards timelines, but the AE Officers at each level will be the POC for this award. By 15 January,unit commanders will submit nominations to the wing DAE for consideration. By 15 February, wingDAEs will screen nominations from unit commanders within their wings and the wing commander

    will forward the best nominee to the region DCS/AE for consideration. By 15 March, region DCS/AEs will select the best of the wing nominees and the region commander will forward one nomina-tion to National Headquarters/AE for consideration. National Headquarters AE staff will convene aselection committee for final determination of the award.

    The selection criteria at each level should be based on significant aerospace education accom-plishments during the past year. These accomplishments should include support for CAP's aero-space mission both within the unit level and with community involvement, as well.

    Wings and regions may choose to have the cadet Brewer Award winner represent them, or theycan select another cadet for this award. Nomination packages should contain the completed appli-

    cation form, and a written narrative describing the cadet's accomplishments during the past year.The package should be no longer than three pages.

    These directives are found on pages 23 and 46 of CAPP -15, The Aerospace Education OfficersHandbook--

    The award will be presented at the National Board and Conference Awards Ceremony by an AFARepresentative, as well as at the AFAs Annual Air and Space Conference and Technology Expo-sition in Washington, D.C.
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    Page 16

    The Fell Swoop

    Group 7 & Squadron 47

    Integrated Leadership Program

    Basic Cadet School


    Camp PendletonReview of:

    Cadet Activities and Program

    Cadet Honor Code and Core Values

    Cadet Responsibilities

    CAP Missions

    CAP Organization & History

    Drill and Ceremonies


    Wear of the CAP Uniforms

    And lots more!

    Cost: $40.00Dates: 17-19 JUNE 2011

    Report time 1800 Friday 17 JUNE 2011 Includes meals & billeting

    Graduation: 1600 Sunday 19 JUNE 2011

    Location: Camp Pendleton, Camp Pendleton, CA(directions/maps will be given in acceptance packets)

    Application Deadline: 10 June 2011

    For more Information, call Captain Dave MacGregor at (760) 497-0188 or e-mail at

    [email protected] List:

    Toilet Kit: Sleeping Bag Comb/BrushBDU Uniform Tooth Paste & Brush PT UniformDeodorant Socks (White/Black) Shampoo

    Under garments Bath Towel Pen & PaperRazor CAP Manuals Soap

    Jacket and/or Poncho Shoe Shining Gear Flashlight and One Quart Canteen

    To Apply:

    Students: Mail CAWGF 150 with ALL required signatures and check made payable to PCR-CA- 324Capt Eithne Doyle

    BCS June 2011

    24547 Corte Jaramillo

    Murrieta, CA 92562

    Cadet Staff: Interested parties should email a brief resume and cover letter stating which position you are applyingfor, why you are qualified. For instructors only - the dates of previous ILP instructor positions to [email protected]. Staff cost is $35.00. Selected staff should mail an completed CAWG 150 and payment to Capt EithneDoyle. BCS June 2011, 24547 Corte Jaramillo, Murrieta, CA 92562

  • 7/29/2019 Skyhawks Squadron - Apr 2011


    NASAs Math andScience @ Work pro-

    ject offers challengingsupplemental prob-lems based on spaceexploration topics.This project engagesstudents by providingreal-world applicationsto promote criticalthinking and problem-

    solving while exposingstudents to careers inspace exploration.These problems arefor grades 10-12 andare available for cal-culus, physics, biolo-gy, chemistry, U.S.history, and humangeography. Visit theMath and Science @

    Work Web site

    employ decision-making and collabora-tive skills while apply-ing principles of alge-bra, geometry and cal-culus in each of thesemodules. To link tothis useful site, go and click onLessons and OtherAE Resources. Thelink will be on the

    NASA has releasedthe revised VirtualSkies program thatintroduces the keyconcepts in the worldof aviation in six inde-

    pendent modules.Recommended forhigh school studentsand used by other ed-ucational audiences,Virtual Skies helpsstudents acquire and

    page for the Planestopic.

    Page 17

    Volume 9 Issue 4

    A new video game based on actual work astronauts performed dur-ing the course of several NASA missions is available online. To take avirtual spacewalk in the Station Spacewalk game, visit

  • 7/29/2019 Skyhawks Squadron - Apr 2011


    California Wing Mission Pilot Academy

    downloads of course ma-terials and lots of infor-mation:

    To recap the earlier an-nouncement, this is not ashortcut or a reduced re-quirement for Mission Pi-lot training but a compre-hensive and intense pro-gram intended to covereverything required tobecome a Mission Pi-lot. There are severalrequirements which per-spective students must

    meet, and this pre-announcement is beingsent early to give all po-tential applicants achance to complete theprerequisites.

    Applicants will be re-quired to have the follow-ing prior to April 15th:

    A CAPF 5 in one of thefollowing corporateaircraft: C182(round dial), C182NAV III (glass cock-pit), or C206.

    A mission scannerstandard rating

    190 hours as PIC (CAPR60-3 requires 175to begin trainingand 200 to finish,but since studentsare expected tocomplete a F91within 30-days, werequire more hoursto attend this pro-

    gram).If you are interested in

    attending this year'sschool, please work withyour unit's leadership tomake sure you havethese prerequisites ac-complished by no laterthan April 15th.

    This years Mission PilotAcademy locations anddates are set for GroundSchool.

    Northern California -June 4/5 at the

    SQ188 facility, Oak-land Airport

    Southern California -June 18/19 at

    Airflight, LongBeach Airport

    We are not taking appli-cations at this time, reg-istration will be openedin early March. We arelooking for memberswho have or will have aCAPF 5 in a corpo-rate aircraft and haveachieved their MissionScanner by no later than

    April 15th.

    Check the Mission PilotAcademy website for

    Page 18

    The Fell Swoop


    Safety Round Up:

    A Reminder of what we learned in our Safety Briefing:

    Check and make sure your Smoke alarms are functioning Get a Carbon Monoxide Detector if you dont have one


    Safety is always the Priority!
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    Page 19

    Volume 9 Issue 4

    Chino Planes of Fame Air Show!

    Looking for some antique war bird excitement?

    Looking to further advance your Emergency Services

    training as an Urban Direction Finding or Ground Team

    Member? (tentative)

    Then look no further!!! The Planes of Fame Airshow planning staff is working to provide

    all of the above opportunities!!! Primary airshow duties will involve day time crowd con-

    trol, recruiting booth, as well as one night shift duty. Tons of free time is built into the

    schedule for viewing the airshow either day.

    Who: All CAWG Cadets and Seniors What: Planes of Fame Airshow 2011

    When: 13-15 May 2011 (Check-in Friday at 1800, Check-out Sunday by 1800)

    Where:Chino Airport, 7000 Merrill Ave, Chino, CA(Click for a map)

    Cost: $10 (helps cover operating costs for the weekend however cost cutting methods are being researched in

    hopes of bring this cost down)

    All food is provided for the duration of the weekend

    Billeting is provided on site via tent camping. An equipment list will be provided at a later time. Senior

    members are welcome to bring self-contained travel trailers (No hookups available and advance notice

    is requested for parking purposes).

    All Staff positions are available as indicated in the original flyer on the CAWG Website!!! The hard

    deadline for staff applications at this time is April 15th, 2011.




    EMAIL NON-STAFF CAWG FORM 150s TO:[email protected]


    TIVITY, LOG ON TO:http//

    Any questions, comments, concerns or ideas, please contact Planes of Fame Airshow Activity Com-

    mander Capt. Chris Mattson Email: [email protected] cell (909-584-5205)

    ***Schedule and activities are tentative and subject to change at the discretion of the Activity Staff***,%20Chino,%20CA%2091710-9091&encType=1,%20Chino,%20CA%2091710-9091&encType=1mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://http/[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://http/[email protected]:[email protected]://,%20Chino,%20CA%2091710-9091&encType=1
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    Page 20

    Volume 9 Issue 4

    2011 Space Day Celebration

    We have the opportunity to volunteer to work at the San Diego Air and Space Museums Annual Space Day!Everyone seemed to have a lot of fun at the Paper Airplane Festival, and this one looks even better! We will

    arrange for carpools if they are needed.

    If you would like to see a video about what goes on at this even you can go to the following link:

    I have provided the information from the Museums website below:

    Saturday, May 28th 2011, 10am - 2pm

    The San Diego Air & Space Museum will host its 8th Annual Space Day celebration! Space Day will feature

    demonstrations, giveaways, and hands-on activities with local and national space experts.

    Tons of great activities including:

    Drive a Mars Rover

    Build & Fly a Paper Rocket

    Talk to Space Experts

    Design Your own Space Patch

    Look Through a Telescope


    Free Posters


    Fun for All Ages!

    As an extra bonus, the Museum's Space Galleries are open for viewing throughout the event, including a

    flown Apollo spacecraft, moon rocks, and space suits.

    Invited Presenters include NASA, Deep Space Network, JPL, The Mars Society, SETI, San Diego Astronomy

    Association, UCSD EarthKAM, The Planetary Society and many others.

    Volunteer OpportunityFor

    All Members at the

    Air and Space Museum!

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    Page 21

    The Fell Swoop

    Combat Control Orientation Course

    From time to time different Wings will host activities and invite members from other wings to participate. North Carolina is hostinga Combat Control Orientation Course and is inviting anyone who meets the requirements to attend. It is not an "official" nationalspecial activity so you would not earn a ribbon for attending. It sounds pretty interesting and it is for Cadets and Seniors. It hasstrenuous physical requirements.

    It is a unique and exciting opportunity that I wanted to pass on to you.

    ...a unique and challenging training opportunity. The Combat Control Orientation Course (CCOC) is a 1 week course held from 31July through 6 August 2011 at Pope AFB, NC. CCOC is a physically and mentally challenging course that provides a view into theAir Force Special Tactics mission and the Combat Control career field. CCOC is run by North Carolina Wing and the USAF Com-bat Control School at Pope AFB. Some of the areas covered are;

    -History and heritage of Special Tactics & USAF Combat Control-Terminal attack control training and capabilities-Weapons familiarization and hands on training with individual weapons systems-Familiarization with air traffic control in a tactical environment-Hands on familiarization of ground training for static -line parachute operations-Hands on familiarization of military free-fall operations to include ground and vertical wind tunnel training

    -Daily individual and team physical fitness training

    CCOC student slots are open to both cadets and senior members. Cadets must be 15 or older, have completed the Wright BrothersAchievement and graduated from a CAP encampment. Senior members must be a 2d Lt/FO or higher and have completed their Lev-el I. Both cadet and senior member candidates must be in physical category I (Unrestricted) and pass a physical assessment prio r tosending in their application for selection. The physical assessment is to ensure the students are capable of safely completing veryphysically demanding training. Cost for students is $180.00. Because of the logistics involved with the course, there is a hard limitof 20 primary slots. If there are more than 20 individuals who meet all requirements, there will be a number of individuals placedinto secondary slots in order of merit.

    The application deadline to the 2011 CCOC class is 15 May 2011. Applications must be time stamped or post marked no later than2359 15 May 2011. Selection for primary slots will be conducted by a paper board on 1 June 2011. Applications will be consideredon the following criteria:

    -Completed CAPF 31, CAPF 60,-Applicable endorsements from guardians, squadron, group and wing commanders or their representatives. Please note that if youare not a member of NC Wing, you must have your wing commander's endorsement to attend CCOC. -Passing physical assessment (See CCOC website for assessment worksheet)-PROFESSIONAL photo attached to CAPF 31(Optional)

    Interested individuals can review the course website further information and forapplicable forms. Please note that the website is being updated soon and may not be available. For a glimpse of what CCOC is like,there are two videos on YouTube which can be viewed. The 2009 class video can be found at The 2010 class video is experiencing technical difficulties with sound, but can be found at

    Completed applications can be scanned to a PDF file and sent electronically to ccoc-

    [email protected] by snail mail to the follow-ing address:CCOC-XO2128 Buckhorn RdFayetteville, NC 28304

    Questions may be directed to the Executive Officer at [email protected] the Course Director at [email protected] Aaron Schaak, 1st Lt, CAPExecutive Officer2011 CCOC"[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://
  • 7/29/2019 Skyhawks Squadron - Apr 2011


    Skyhawk Composite Squadron47


    2164 Kirkcaldy Rd

    Fallbrook, CA 92028

    (562) 652-3881


    Skyhawks Composite Squadron 47

    Unit CA324

    Business Name

    National CAP Headquarters

    California Wing Headquarters

    California Cadet Activities

    Squadron 47 Homepage

    Vanguard Industries

    (online store)

    Squadron Commander

    Major Robert Calderone

    Deputy Commander for Seniors

    Lt Col Brian Billing

    Deputy Commander for Cadets

    Lt. Col. John DiGiantomasso

    Cadet Commander

    C/Capt. Michael Chung

    Cadet Executive Ocer

    C/2nd Lt. Ruby Rosado

    Cadet Advisory Council Squad-

    ron Representative:

    C/SMSgt Anna Boop

    Civil Air Patrol Leadership:

    Citizens Serving Communities:

    Above and Beyond

    Squadron 47 e-

    mail list

    An e-mail list exists for receiving squadron information.

    Members, parents and friends of Squadron 47 can sub-

    scribe by sending an e-mail to Major Tony Diaz at: tdi-

    [email protected]

    2010 National

    Quality Cadet Unit

    Award Winner

    Home of the 2011

    California Wing

    Color Guard


    Home of the 2011

    Pacific Region