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7 Vigésimo Octavo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Vigésimo Octavo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Vigésimo Octavo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Vigésimo Octavo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Page Page Page Page 1 Paz Señor hazme un eñor hazme un eñor hazme un eñor hazme un instrumento instrumento instrumento instrumento de tu de tu de tu de tu

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TRANSCRIPT Vigésimo Octavo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Vigésimo Octavo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Vigésimo Octavo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Vigésimo Octavo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Page Page Page Page 1111


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instrumento instrumento instrumento instrumento

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October 10, 2010 TwentyOctober 10, 2010 TwentyOctober 10, 2010 TwentyOctober 10, 2010 Twenty----Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time Page Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time Page Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time Page Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 2222

For our Mass Intentions:...For our Mass Intentions:...For our Mass Intentions:...For our Mass Intentions:... Saturday, October 9

5:30 pm Virginia Loggiodice (L)

Sunday, October 10

8:00 am Mike Hayward (L)

10:30 am Victoria Fustine (L) 5:30 pm Lynn Fort (L)

Monday, October 11

6:30 pm Marilyn Leonard (L)

Tuesday, October 12

9:00 am James B. Walker (RIP) Wednesday, October 13

6:30 pm Michael Ferguson (L)

We fulfill our obligation to unite with one another in prayer… So, we pray...We fulfill our obligation to unite with one another in prayer… So, we pray...We fulfill our obligation to unite with one another in prayer… So, we pray...We fulfill our obligation to unite with one another in prayer… So, we pray...

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament

Every Wednesday 12:00 pm to 6:30 pm All are invited to come and visit Our Lord Jesus Chris

Pray the Liturgy of the Hours Recite your favorite prayers

Pray the Rosary Sit in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament

We need guardians for every hour.

To volunteer please call Leslie Beal at (678) 925-0748 or Alicia Azula at: (770) 720-6940

In Need Of A Prayer? If you or someone you know is in need of a prayer, or has been hospitalized or is homebound, please inform the parish staff. Call the office or e-mail us at [email protected].

Exposición del Santísimo Sacramento

Todos los Miércoles de 12:00 pm a 6:30 pm Todos estamos invitados a visitar a Nuestro Señor Jesucristo Rece la Liturgia de las Horas Recite sus oraciones favoritas Rece el Rosario Siéntese en presencia del Santísimo Sacramento Necesitamos adoradores. Por favor llamen a Alicia Azula (770)720-6940

Welcome to our parish!Welcome to our parish!Welcome to our parish!Welcome to our parish! We are glad that you chose to worship with us.

If you would like to join our parish, please ask one of the ushers for a ‘New comer packet’. Fill out the registration form and either return it to an usher, mail it or bring it to the parish office.

God Bless!God Bless!God Bless!God Bless!

For those who serve... For those who serve... For those who serve... For those who serve... Jeff Goodwin, WOI Martin McCloud, Terry Smith, Rick Savage, Jullian Walker, Robert McGhee, Julie Key, John A. Minnich, Kasey Mortilaro, Nicholas Rodriguez, Matt Larson, Brandon Larson and Olivia Rodriguez.

¡Bienvenidos a nuestra parroquia!¡Bienvenidos a nuestra parroquia!¡Bienvenidos a nuestra parroquia!¡Bienvenidos a nuestra parroquia! Nos complace que haya elegido celebrar con nosotros.

Si usted desea unirse a nuestra parroquia, por favor pre-gunte a uno de los acomodadores por un ‘Paquete para nuevos’. Llene el formulario de inscripción y, o bien devuél-valo a un acomodador, envíelo por correo o tráigalo a la

oficina parroquial.

¡Dios los Bendiga!¡Dios los Bendiga!¡Dios los Bendiga!¡Dios los Bendiga!

For our sick and all in need of healing...For our sick and all in need of healing...For our sick and all in need of healing...For our sick and all in need of healing... Mike Landaiche, Jr., Michelle Renn, Anthony Acito, Eloise Gresham, Nancy Fowler, Angie Stout, Dennis Day, Barry Hughes, Glen Carroll, Jack Thomas, Ken Percheski, Josie Reichlin, Beverly Johnson, Scott Savage, Gail Brown, Joe Love, Larry West, Billie Poon, John Wachtel, Ansley Bailey, George Lang, Jerry Wendell, David Spell-man, Mary Rebecca Gallagher, Erin Sawyers, Debbie Carter, Wendy Aman, Ronald Baker, Maria Reyes, Elena J V, Patsy Turner, T.E. Juan, John DeVore, Norm Burns, Scott Miller, Jack Edwards, Catherine Becker,WendyHagerthey, Gale Brown, Lisa Robinson, Kenneth Butler, Lucy Azula

We are beginning a new list of parishioners and friends who are sick or in need of We are beginning a new list of parishioners and friends who are sick or in need of We are beginning a new list of parishioners and friends who are sick or in need of We are beginning a new list of parishioners and friends who are sick or in need of prayer. We have been celebrating Masses for the intentions of those currently prayer. We have been celebrating Masses for the intentions of those currently prayer. We have been celebrating Masses for the intentions of those currently prayer. We have been celebrating Masses for the intentions of those currently listed and then removed from the current list. If you would like to keep someone in listed and then removed from the current list. If you would like to keep someone in listed and then removed from the current list. If you would like to keep someone in listed and then removed from the current list. If you would like to keep someone in the prayer list or you would like to add someone to the prayer list and chain the prayer list or you would like to add someone to the prayer list and chain the prayer list or you would like to add someone to the prayer list and chain the prayer list or you would like to add someone to the prayer list and chain please call the parish office or eplease call the parish office or eplease call the parish office or eplease call the parish office or e----mail us at mail us at mail us at mail us at [email protected][email protected]. Vigésimo Octavo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Vigésimo Octavo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Vigésimo Octavo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Vigésimo Octavo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Page Page Page Page 3333

From the pastor’s keyboard….From the pastor’s keyboard….From the pastor’s keyboard….From the pastor’s keyboard….

The Knight of Columbus sponsor The Annual Altar Server Recognition.Today

Sunday, October 10 after PSR classes.

They will serve ice cream.

Los Caballeros de Colon patrocinan el

El Reconocimiento Anual a los Acólitos.

Domingo 10 de Octubre después de las clases de doctrina en

la mañana. Se servirá helados.

Un significado más profundo, pero la misma Misa! Queridos amigos y amigas, Lo he dicho una y otra vez, mientras más cambian las cosas más siguen siendo las mismas. El nuevo Misal Romano, tercera edi-ción, el texto ritual con oraciones e instrucciones para la celebración de la Misa, ha sido aprobado por la Congregación para el Culto Divino y la Disciplina de los Sacramentos. Este es el nuevo texto ritual con las oraciones e instrucciones para la celebración de la Misa. El Papa Juan Pablo II anunció una versión revisada del Mis-sale Romanum durante el Jubileo del Año 2000. La nueva edición revi-sada del Missale Romanum contiene oraciones para las celebraciones de los santos recientemente canonizados, prefacios adicionales para las Plegarias Eucarísticas, Misas votivas y Misas y Oraciones adiciona-les para Diversas Necesidades e Intenciones. También contiene algu-nas rúbricas (instrucciones) actualizadas y revisadas para la celebra-ción de la Misa. La nueva traducción en inglés del Misal Romano tam-bién incluirá traducciones actualizadas de oraciones existentes, inclu-yendo algunas de las respuestas y aclamaciones conocidas del pueblo. En los próximos meses vamos a comenzar nuestra propia preparación para la aplicación de esta nueva edición del Misal Roma-no. Vamos a comenzar con la exploración de la naturaleza y finalidad de la liturgia, la historia de la Misa, y enseñanzas acerca de las diferen-tes partes de la Misa. Esta preparación será muy beneficiosa para nuestra propia comprensión del misterio que celebramos. Empezare-mos a utilizar el nuevo Misal Romano en el Primer Domingo de Advien-to del año entrante, el 27 de noviembre del 2011. En las próximas semanas, el Primer Domingo de Adviento de este año, comenzamos una nueva iniciativa de la Arquidiócesis —”Catholics Come Home.” Se trata de un esfuerzo de colaboración entre la Arquidiócesis de Atlanta y para invitar y dar la bienvenida a personas que están alejadas de la iglesia. Esta iniciativa es para invitar a la gente a redescubrir su ca-mino de fe. El Arzobispo Gregory nos invita a todos a involucrarnos con la primera fase de esta iniciativa, ofreciendo una contribución financiera para su ejecución. Han recibido por correo una invitación de nuestro Arzobispo para participar, por favor, haga una contribución a esta cam-paña y envíela por correo directamente a la archidiócesis, o deposítela en la cesta de las ofrendas y nosotros las enviaremos a la cancillería. También quiero animaros a seguir invitando a sus amigos y familia a redescubrir las raíces de nuestra fe —la Iglesia Católica. Dios les bendiga,

p, Víctor J. Reyesp, Víctor J. Reyesp, Víctor J. Reyesp, Víctor J. Reyes

A Deeper Meaning, but the same Mass...! Dear friends, I have said it over and over again; the more things change the more they remain the same. The new Roman Missal, Third Edi-tion, the ritual text containing prayers and instructions for the celebra-tion of the Mass, has been approved by the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments. This is the new ritual text containing prayers and instructions for the celebration of the Mass. Pope John Paul II announced a revised version of the during the Jubilee Year 2000. The new revised edition of the con-tains prayers for the observances of recently canonized saints, addi-tional prefaces for the Eucharistic Prayers, additional Votive Masses and Masses and Prayers for Various Needs and Intentions. It also contains some updated and revised rubrics (instructions) for the cele-bration of the Mass. The new English translation of the Roman Mis-sal will also include updated translations of existing prayers, including some of the well–known responses and acclamations of the people. In the months ahead we will start our own preparation for the implementation of this new edition of the Roman Missal. We will start by exploring the nature and purpose of the liturgy, the history of the Mass, and lessons on the different parts of the Mass. This prepa-ration will be extremely beneficial for our own understanding of the mystery we celebrate. We will start using the new Roman Missal on next year’s First Sunday of Advent, November 27th, 2011. In the weeks ahead, on this year’s First Sunday of Advent, we will also start a new Archdiocesan initiative —”Catholics Come Home.” It is a collaborative effort between the Archdiocese of Atlanta and to invite and welcome back people who may be away from the church. This initiative is to invite people rediscover their own jour-ney of faith. Archbishop Gregory is asking all of us to get involved with the first phase of this initiative by making a financial contribution towards its execution. You have received in the mail an invitation from our Archbishop to participate, please make a contribution to this campaign and either mail it back to the archdiocese of place it in the collection basket and we will forward it to the chancery. I also want to encourage you to continue inviting your friends and family to redis-cover the roots of our faith —the Catholic Church. God’s blessings,

Fr. Victor J. ReyesFr. Victor J. ReyesFr. Victor J. ReyesFr. Victor J. Reyes

The Blessing of the pets this Sunday , October 10 Sunday , October 10 Sunday , October 10 Sunday , October 10

at 12:30 in the church grounds

La Bendición de los animales este Domingo 10 de octubreDomingo 10 de octubreDomingo 10 de octubreDomingo 10 de octubre

a las 12:30 en los terrenos de la iglesia

October 10, 2010 TwentyOctober 10, 2010 TwentyOctober 10, 2010 TwentyOctober 10, 2010 Twenty----Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time Page Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time Page Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time Page Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 4444

Readings for the Week of October 10, 2010Readings for the Week of October 10, 2010Readings for the Week of October 10, 2010Readings for the Week of October 10, 2010 Oct 10 = 2 Kgs 5:14-17; 2 Tm 2:8-13; Lk 17:11-19 The Lord has revealed his saving power to all the nations. Let us remain steadfast in faith and thankful for the Lord’s blessings. Oct 11 = Gal 4:22-24,26-27,31; Ps 113: 1b-5a, 6-7; Lk 11: 29-32 In Christ we have been raised up and set free from slavery to sin. He is the sign of God’s presence. Oct 12 = Gal 5: 1-6; Ps 119:41, 43-45, 47-48; Lk 11:3741 Salvation comes through faith ‘which expresses itself in love”. Such love bespeaks an inner life rooted in the Spirit. Oct 13 = Gal 5:18-25; Ps 1:1-4,6; Lk 11: 42-46 We are called to follow the way of Christ crucified, avoiding hypocrisy in all its forms. Oct 14 = Eph 1: 1-10; Ps 98: 1-6; Lk 11: 47-54 Salvation is known through reconciliation in Christ. Fidelity to his word may incur the opposition of others. Oct 15= Eph 1:11-14; Ps 33:1-2,4-5,12-13; Lk 12-1-7 In Christ we have been chosen and sealed in the spirit. How incredible is God’s love for each one of us. Oct 16 = Gal 5:18-25; Ps 1:1-4,6; Lk 11:h 1:15-23; Ps 8:2-3b,4-7; Lk 12: 8-12 God has raised Christ from the dead, putting all things under his feet. His Spirit sustains us, especially in the time of trial.

Catequesis Comunitaria Somos un pueblo de Eucaristía.

Vivimos en alabanza y gracias al Señor 28º domingo en tiempo ordinario

Semana del 10 de octubre de 20102

Escucha la Palabra (Lucas 17:11-19) Escuchen cuidadosamente el Evangelio de esta semana. ¿Qué imagen de esta historia los impactó más? ¿Qué palabras les llamó la atención?

Ve Tu Vida

Pregunta para los niños: Inventen una oración que diga a Dios que están agradecidos por todo lo que tienen aun cuando no tengan todo lo que quieren. Pregunta para los jóvenes: Sólo uno de los leprosos regreso agradeci-do. ¿Cuándo te has detenido a agradecer a alguien lo bueno que han hecho por ti? ¿Cuándo le has dado las gracias a Dios esta semana? Pregunta para los adultos: ¿Cuáles son algunas maneras en que podr-ían mostrar gratitud hacia Dios? Háganlo realidad concreta.

Actividades para el hogar Elijan una de las siguientes actividades como una forma de reflexión sobre las lecturas del domingo: Para ayudar a su familia a concentrarse en dar gracias, pidan a cada miembro que escriba una nota de agradecimiento a cada uno de los otros miembros por haber hecho cosas buenas durante el año pasado. Distribuyan las notas a las personas apropiadas. Concluyan con una oración para dar gracias a Dios por su familia. Escriban una oración familiar de gracias. Pidan a cada miembro que contribuya diciendo por los menos una cosa por la que están agradeci-dos. Recen esta oración a la hora de comer cada noche durante la se-mana. Hagan una lista de personas que hacen algún trabajo para ustedes cada semana; Por ejemplo: el cartero, los trabajadores de las tiendas, los ma-estros, el personal de la parroquia. ¿Con qué frecuencia les dan las gra-cias a esas personas? Esta semana podría ser un buen momento para escribirles notas de agradecimiento a ellas. Preparen una cesta de frutas para regalar. Pidan a los miembros de la familia que decidan a quién se la deben dar en gratitud por lo que esa persona ha hecho por su familia. Asegúrense de incluir una nota perso-nalizada que exprese su gratitud.

Community Catechesis We are Eucharistic people.

We live in praise and thanksgiving 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Week of October 10, 2010

Listen to the Word (Luke 17:11-19) Listen carefully to the Gospel of this week. What image in this story

strikes you most forcefully? What words caught your ear?

Look into Your Life Question for Children: Make up a prayer which tells God you are thankful for everything you have, even if it's not all you want. Question for Youth: Only one of the lepers returned to give thanks. This past week, when have you stopped to thank someone for something good they have done for you? When have you thanked God this week? Question for Adults: What are some ways you can think of to show gratitude to God? Make them concrete and real.

Activities for the home Choose one of the following activities as a way to further reflect on the Sunday readings: To help your family focus on giving thanks, ask each member to write a thank-you note to every other family member, thanking the family member for some of the good things he or she has done dur-ing the past year. Distribute the notes to the appropriate people. Close with a prayer thanking God for your family. Write a family prayer of thanksgiving. Have each member contribute by telling at least one thing for which they are thankful. Pray this prayer at mealtime each night this week. Make a list of people who serve you every week, for example, the mail carrier, store clerks, teachers, parish staff. How often do you say thank-you to those people? This week may be a good time to write short thank-you notes to them. Prepare a basket of fruit to give away. Have family members decide who to give it to in gratitude for what that person has done for your family. Make sure to include with the fruit basket a personalized note that expresses your gratitude. Vigésimo Octavo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Vigésimo Octavo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Vigésimo Octavo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Vigésimo Octavo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Page Page Page Page 5555

T rue joy, happiness and inner peace come from giving of ourselves to oth-

ers. A happy life is a life for others. Henry Nouwen Goal Pledged Paid Balance

2010 $26,817 $18,160 $15,405 $-11,412

Archbishop’s Annual AppealArchbishop’s Annual AppealArchbishop’s Annual AppealArchbishop’s Annual Appeal

Stewardship by the Book Stewardship by the Book Stewardship by the Book Stewardship by the Book Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Jesus healed ten lepers in today’s Gospel. Only one (10%) came back to say thank you. I, too, have received many

blessings from the Lord – indeed, all I am and all I have is gift! How and how often have I remembered to thank Him?

Corresponsabilidad de acuerdo a la BibliaCorresponsabilidad de acuerdo a la BibliaCorresponsabilidad de acuerdo a la BibliaCorresponsabilidad de acuerdo a la Biblia Vigésimo Octavo Domingo en el Tiempo Ordinario

Jesús sanó a diez leprosos en el Evangelio de hoy. Solo uno (el 10%) regresó para dar gracias. ¡Yo, también, he re-cibido muchas bendiciones del Señor – de hecho, todo lo que soy y todo lo que tengo es don! ¿Cómo y qué tan a me-nudo me he acordado de agradecerle a Él?

TIME AND TALENT Opportunities for Ministry at our parish

Oportunidades de Servicio en nuestra parroquia Advisory Councils Building Commission Finance Council Hispanic Ministry Commission Liturgy Team The Discipleship Initiative Evangelization and Faith Formation Adult Faith Formation Baptismal Preparation Lectionary Based Scripture Study Parochial School of Religion RCIA RCIA for Children Sunday Morning Scripture Study Vacation Bible School Youth Ministry Liturgy Altar Servers Art and Environment E.M.H.C. at Mass E.M.H.C. outside of Mass Greeters Ministers of the Word (Lectors) Music Ministry Sacristans Ushers Wedding Coordination Service and Parish Life Women’s Guild Church Cleaning Coffee and Donuts Fellowship Emmaus Ministry Grounds and Church Maintenance Knights of Columbus Offertory Counters Welcome of New Parishioners Support and Outreach Bereavement Support Ministry Blue Star Support Ministry Campus Catholics at Reinhardt Visitation to the Homebound Soup Ministries Respect for Life Ministry Ministerios Hispanos Escuela Parroquial de Religión Formación de Fe de Adultos Ministros de la Palabra Ministerio de Música M.E.S.C. Preparación Pre-Bautismal Preparación Pre-Matrimonial Sacristanes Servidores del Altar Visita a los Enfermos

Pope Benedict XVI will head a Synod of clergy, religious

and laity at the Vatican from October 10-24, 2010.

This Special Assembly will focus on the Christians of the middle East. The Synod of Bishops will meet and pray, discuss and debate the Christians who live and lived in the land sanctified by the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. For centuries there has not been a gathering of this magnitude. The Christian presence in the Middle East is crushed; yet we seldom hear or read about the plight of the Christian character of the Holy Land. As we pray during Mass “:...and the good of all His Church” I ask you in a special way to pray for the success of this Synod. The ramifications of a strong vibrant Christian community in the Middle East, impact directly our safety here in the West. El Papa Benedicto XVI dirigirá un Sínodo del clero, religio-

so y laicos en el Vaticano del 10 al 24 de octubre del 2010.

Esta Asamblea Especial se enfocara en los cristianos de el Medio Oriente. El Sínodo de los Obispos se reunirá para orar, discutir y de-batir los cristianos que viven y vivieron en la tierra santificada por la vida, muerte y resurrección de Jesucristo. Durante siglos no se ha celebrado un encuentro de esta magnitud . La presencia Cristiana en el Medio Oriente es aplastada, y sin embargo rara vez escuchamos o leemos acerca de la difícil situación de los cristianos de la Tierra San-ta. Cuando oramos durante la misa por “...el bien de toda su santa Iglesia” les pido que de manera especial oremos por el éxito de este Sínodo. Las ramificaciones de una comunidad cristiana viva y fuerte en el Medio Oriente, directamente impacta nuestra seguridad aquí en el Occidente.

October 10, 2010 TwentyOctober 10, 2010 TwentyOctober 10, 2010 TwentyOctober 10, 2010 Twenty----Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time Page Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time Page Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time Page Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 6666

Mass ScheduleMass ScheduleMass ScheduleMass Schedule HospitalityHospitalityHospitalityHospitality Altar ServersAltar ServersAltar ServersAltar Servers LectorsLectorsLectorsLectors E.M.H.C.E.M.H.C.E.M.H.C.E.M.H.C.

Saturday, 5:30 Marilyn Catlin Belva Wadleigh

Joanne Montoro Bob Sequin Lucila Kelson Carmen Young

Sunday, 8:00 Dale Cronauer Randy Johnson

Mikey Johnson Dwane Vital

Vince Baker Barbara Macke Larry Macke

Sunday, 10:30 Frank Cotter Greg Paterson Chuck Morris

Paul Ternes Marian Schuetz Rita Hart Carol Kelly

Domingo, 5:30 William Simon Yadira Cruz Mayra Aragon Gregorio Jimenez Alicia Hernandez

Yarumi Jimenez Eduardo González

Rolando Bautista Victoriano Lorenzo Lucia Nerio

Macrina Delgado Lorenza Natividad Francisco Cantu

Schedule for Religious Education Classes

Where: Parish Center When: Sunday after Mass Kindergarten thru 5th Grade meet after 8:00a.m. Mass 6th Grade through Confirmation meet after 10:30a.m. Mass

∗ Assistant Catechists needed for several grades. Lead Catechists needed for Kindergar-ten. Please call Jeannie Mullen-Rodriguez at 770-479-8923 at Ext. 223 (Please leave a mes-sage) if you are interested.

∗ Mass attendance logs are going home with the children.

Please have your child’s card signed by an usher, catechist, Deacon or priest after each Mass they attend. We will collect the cards periodically for a drawing. Thank you for your support.


Eucharist (Mass) 6:30pm in the Sanctuary RICA Sesiones de Entrenamiento 7:00pm en el Centro Parroquial

Eucharist (Mass) 9:00am in the Sanctuary Scripture Study 9:30am in the Parish Center ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) 10:00am in the Parish Center 7:00pm in the Parish Center

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament 12:00pm to 6:30pm in the Sanctuary Eucharist (Mass) 6:30pm in the Sanctuary RCIA Catechesis 7:00pm in the Parish Center

Ministry ScheduleMinistry ScheduleMinistry ScheduleMinistry Schedule Weekend of October 16th and 17thWeekend of October 16th and 17thWeekend of October 16th and 17thWeekend of October 16th and 17th

The food drive continues. Please bring canned fruits,

vegetables and other non-perishable items to the

Parish Center. Financial donations should be made to

the Church and marked “ Soup Ministry.” These

items will be used to feed those in need all fall and


La colecta de enlatados continua. Por favor traigan

frutas, vegetables enlatados y otros artículos no pe-

recederos al Centro Parroquial. Estos artículos se

usaran para alimentar a todos los necesitados en el

otoño e invierno. Donaciones monetarias deben

hacerse a nombre de la Parroquia y marcada “Soup

Ministry”. Vigésimo Octavo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Vigésimo Octavo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Vigésimo Octavo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Vigésimo Octavo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Page Page Page Page 7777

Parish Office HoursParish Office HoursParish Office HoursParish Office Hours Monday through Thursday 8:00am to 3:00pm

Friday 8:00am to 12:00pm [email protected]

770.479.8923 tel 770.479.6025 fax

Parish StaffParish StaffParish StaffParish Staff Rev. Victor J. Reyes, Pastor (Extension 225)

[email protected] Deacon Charlie Carignan

[email protected] Deacon John Stanley

[email protected] Jean Mullen-Rodriguez, Religious Ed (Extension 223)

[email protected] Mindy Johnson, Youth Group (Extension 223) Louise Baker, Maintenance (Extension 224)

[email protected] Barbara DuMont, Parish Secretary (Extension 221)

[email protected] Bulletin/Web Site Announcements

[email protected]

Promise to Protect - Pledge to Heal

To report abuse by church personnel 888-437-0764

Archdiocese of Atlanta 24 Hour Reporting Hotline

You matter. You are family.

We are here to listen and take action!


ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) 10:00am in the Parish Center Educación Religiosa 6:30 en el Centro Parroquial

Reconciliation 4:30pm in the Sanctuary Eucharist (Mass) 5:30pm in the Sanctuary Celebración de la Palabra 7:00pm en el Centro Parroquial

Eucharist (Mass) 8:00am and 10:30 in the Sanctuary Eucaristía (Misa) 5:30pm en el Santuario Religious Education After 8:00am Mass (K-5th) After 10:30am Mass (6th-Confirmation) 3:45pm en el Centro Parroquial

Will meet the 3rd Sunday of each month after 10:30 mass. We will carpool from church to the Marietta Abor-tion clinic to pray the last Sat. of each month at 8am to

return by 10:30am. To be placed on the call list and/or email please leave a

message for Ellen at 678.493.4841

Respect Life MinistryRespect Life MinistryRespect Life MinistryRespect Life Ministry

During this Respect Life month please

start and continue to pray…

For every woman who has had an For every woman who has had an For every woman who has had an For every woman who has had an

abortion that she might be given the grace abortion that she might be given the grace abortion that she might be given the grace abortion that she might be given the grace

to embrace the to embrace the to embrace the to embrace the mercy of God mercy of God mercy of God mercy of God and know and know and know and know

healing, strength, and the holiness.healing, strength, and the holiness.healing, strength, and the holiness.healing, strength, and the holiness.

Archdiocesan Annual Homeschool Families’ Mass, Oct. 14th!

Attention all home school families! Bishop Luis Rafael Zarama will be celebrating this year’s Annual Mass for Home school Families on

Thursday, October 14, 2010 at 10:30a.m at St. Catherine of Siena in Kennesaw, GA. Be a part of the joyful gathering of families from all over the Atlanta Archdiocese to receive grace and blessings from the celebration of the Most Holy Mass with Bishop Zarama and to

thank Our Lord for the gift of our vocation. A cry room is available. A light finger-food reception will be held in Our Lady of Grace Hall Room 316-317 immediately following the Mass. For planning pur-

poses, please RSVP to: [email protected].

Queen of Angels Catholic School in Roswell will begin accepting applications for the 2011-2012 school year in the month of November. Please check our website,, for ad-missions information and deadlines. Applica-tions will be available for download from our website beginning November 5, 2010, or they

can be picked up at the school beginning on November 8, 2010. Applications and all supporting documents are due on January 28, 2011. Interested applicants and their families are also invited to at-tend our Open House on Sunday, November 7, from 2:00-3:30 PM. The Open House will begin with a message from our school princi-pal, Dr. Kathy Wood, at 2:00 in the gym.

Parish Social Ministry on October 15th and 16th, Catholic Charities Atlanta will host this year’s Parish Social Ministry Regional Gathering at Holy Spirit Catholic Church. We will have speakers from Catholic Charities USA and USCCB to discuss how parishioners can make the connec-tion between their faith and the actions of charity and justice. For more information, please contact Heidi Tauscher at (404) 885-7208 or [email protected] or Augusto Michael Trujillo at (404) 885-7472 or [email protected]