regionalización biogeográfica en iberoamérica y tópicos afines · regionalización...

Regionalización biogeográfica en Iberoamérica y tópicos afines Primeras Jornadas Biogeográficas de la Red Iberoamericana de Biogeografía y Entomología Sistemática (RIBES XII.I-CYTED)

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Regionalización biogeográficaen Iberoamérica y tópicos afines

Primeras Jornadas Biogeográficasde la Red Iberoamericana de Biogeografía

y Entomología Sistemática (RIBES XII.I-CYTED)

Page 2: Regionalización biogeográfica en Iberoamérica y tópicos afines · Regionalización biogeográfica en Iberoamérica y tópicos afines Primeras Jornadas Biogeográficas de la Red

Comisión Nacional para el Conocimientoy Uso de la Biodiversidad

Lic. Vicente Fox QuesadaPresidente

Ing. Alberto Cárdenas JiménezSecretario Técnico

Dr. José Sarukhán KermezCoordinador Nacional

Dr. Jorge Soberón MaineroSecretario Ejecutivo

Fís. Ana Luisa Guzmán y López FigueroaDirectora de Evaluación de Proyectos

Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Dr. Juan Ramón de la FuenteRector

Dr. Ramón Peralta y FabiDirector de la Facultad de Ciencias

Dra. Edna María Suárez DíazCoordinadora del Departamento de Biología Evolutiva

M. en C. Mercedes PerellóCoordinadora de Servicios Editoriales

Page 3: Regionalización biogeográfica en Iberoamérica y tópicos afines · Regionalización biogeográfica en Iberoamérica y tópicos afines Primeras Jornadas Biogeográficas de la Red

Regionalización biogeográficaen Iberoamérica y tópicos afines

Primeras Jornadas Biogeográficasde la Red Iberoamericana de Biogeografía

y Entomología Sistemática (RIBES XII.I-CYTED)

Editores:Jorge Llorente BousquetsJuan J. Morrone

Facultad de Ciencias, UNAM

México, D.F., 2005

Page 4: Regionalización biogeográfica en Iberoamérica y tópicos afines · Regionalización biogeográfica en Iberoamérica y tópicos afines Primeras Jornadas Biogeográficas de la Red

Diseño de portada e interiores: Adrián D. Fortino O.

Primera edición, 2005Las Prensas de Ciencias, Facultad de Ciencias, UNAM

Regionalización biogeográfica en Iberoamérica y tópicos afines:

PPPPPrimeras Jornadas Biogeográficasrimeras Jornadas Biogeográficasrimeras Jornadas Biogeográficasrimeras Jornadas Biogeográficasrimeras Jornadas Biogeográficasde la Rde la Rde la Rde la Rde la Red Iberoamericana de Biogeografíaed Iberoamericana de Biogeografíaed Iberoamericana de Biogeografíaed Iberoamericana de Biogeografíaed Iberoamericana de Biogeografía

y Entomología Sistemática (RIBES XII.I- y Entomología Sistemática (RIBES XII.I- y Entomología Sistemática (RIBES XII.I- y Entomología Sistemática (RIBES XII.I- y Entomología Sistemática (RIBES XII.I-CCCCCYTED)YTED)YTED)YTED)YTED)

Editores:Jorge Llorente BousquetsJuan J. MorroneISBN-970-32-2509-8

Impreso y hecho en México.Queda prohibida la reproducción parcial o total de esta obra

por cualesquiera medios, sin el permiso escrito de los titulares de los derechos.

Page 5: Regionalización biogeográfica en Iberoamérica y tópicos afines · Regionalización biogeográfica en Iberoamérica y tópicos afines Primeras Jornadas Biogeográficas de la Red

Panbiogeography 67

Michael Heads

The history and philosophy of panbiogeography

You start a question, and it’s like starting a stone.You sit quietly on the top of a hill; and away thestone goes, starting others […]

Stevenson, 2002

Our scientific ideas are of value to the degree in whichwe have felt ourselves lost before a question; haveseen its problematic nature, and have realized thatwe cannot find support in received notions, in pre-scriptions, proverbs, mere words. The man who dis-covers a new scientific truth has previously had tosmash to atoms almost everything he had learnt, andarrives at the new truth with hands bloodstained fromthe slaughter of a thousand platitudes.

Ortega y Gasset, 1932

I examine the history of panbiogeographic thoughtfrom its origins in the pre-Socratic philosophers ofancient Greece through to modern times. Parts of thesame ground have been well covered by Llorente etal. (2000, 2001). Main themes include the following:

1. Teleological thinking and writing have no placein biology and have held up progress.

2. Earth and life evolve together.3. The Scientific Revolution started with sixteenth

century biology, not seventeenth century astronomy.4. Cesalpino was the first true systematist and a

major figure in the Scientific Revolution.5. The Scientific Revolution and panbiogeography

are branches of the North Italian Renaissance.6. Evolution is not gradual or clock-like.7. Orthogenetic development (phylogenetic con-

straint by molecular drive, etc.) is of primary impor-tance in evolution.

8. Natural selection is of secondary importance,pruning but not creating evolutionary trends.

9. The vicariance/dispersal debate is less about ecol-ogy and means of dispersal than about modes of spe-ciation: whether species evolve at a point (Darwin’s

‘chance dispersal’, Mayr´s ‘founder dispersal’ andHennig’s ‘speciation by colonisation’) or over a region(Mayr’s dichopatric speciation, Croizat’s vicariance).

10. Evolution by vicariance involves neither a cen-ter of origin nor migration over a barrier.

11. The basic concepts of Mayr, Hennig and modernphylogeographers (teleology, point center of origin,undifferentiated ancestor, progression rule) are derivedfrom Aristotelian logocentrism and German idealism.

Evolution in the Greek and Roman classics

[…] from his [Aristotle’s] frequent polemics againstEmpedocles, Heraclitus and Democritus we see howall these had a very much more correct insight intonature and had also paid more attention to experi-ence than had the shallow prattler now before us.

Schopenhauer, 1974

Many, if not most, of the important principles of bio-geography and evolution were elaborated, or at leastinitiated, in the Greek and Roman classics. For ex-ample, Huxley (quoted in Matthews, 1971) arguedthat Darwin’s work was revivified thought of ancientGreece. Anaximander (610-546 B.C.) argued that or-ganic life is the result of an historical process. Fromhis observations on embryos, fossils (Burn, 1966), andhabits of the smooth shark (Galeus levis), a fish thathas some ‘mammalian’ characteristics (Kitto, 1951),he deduced that men are descended from fish. Hesuggested that: Life comes from the sea, and bymeans of adaptation to the [terrestrial] environmentthe present forms of animals were evolved (Copleston,1962). He supported a concept of dispersal as physi-cal movement and proposed migration [of earlyforms] onto the drier land (Toulmin and Goodfield,1965). (In a vicariance view, the ‘invasion’ of the landis much more likely to have involved geological upliftof pre-adapted forms). Xenophanes (fl. 540) had de-

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tected the phenomenon of raised beaches throughthe presence of shells and marine fossils inland andon mountains and the imprint of sea-weeds and fishesin the stone quarries of Syracuse (Farrington, 1949;Kitto, 1951). Heraclitus (fl. 504 B.C.) held the viewthat everything changes, all is flux. Empedocles (484-424 B.C.) proposed a version of natural selection, inwhich the genesis of mortal beings takes place in fourstages (Cavendish, 1964): (1) the production of sepa-rate parts of plants and animals, not joined together;(2) the coming together of these parts to form amultitude of monsters; (3) the chance formation,among these monsters, of viable forms; and (4) thepersistence of these viable forms by reproduction.

Thus, the pre-Socratic philosophers were well onthe way to developing an evolutionary biology. Platoalso supported a theory of the origin of species byevolution, but it was a theory of ‘degeneration’, withanimals and plants descending from the highest form,man. Speusippus and certain Pythagoreans also ac-cepted that organic evolution had occurred, but withthe ‘best’ forms having developed last (Popper, 1984).The trend towards evolutionary thinking in biologywas interrupted by the work of Aristotle, which de-nied evolution and set back the development ofpanbiogeography for two millennia.


The theory of the four humors espoused by the schoolof Hippocrates was to exercise a thoroughly deleteri-ous influence on medicine for 2,000 years; becauseunder it one could account for anything, it blockedthe way to further enquiry based on observation.

Burn, 1966

[…] every discipline as long as it has used the Aristo-telian method of definition has remained arrested ina state of empty verbiage and barren scholasticism.

Popper, 1984

[…] overhead the branches met each other and in-terlaced their foliage; and though it had happenednaturally this too gave the impression of having beendone on purpose.

Longus, 1956

They were amazed to find that fish have fins, birdswings, seeds a husk – full of that philosophy whichdiscovers virtuous intentions in nature and regards itas a kind of St Vincent de Paul always busy distribut-ing benefits.

Flaubert, 1976

The teleological explanation of organic structure,accounting for a structure in terms of the ends andpurposes it achieves (its ‘final cause’), has been a fun-damental tenet of biology, especially popular biol-ogy, for over 2000 years. In the contemporary me-dia, every night on television one can hear statementssuch as: tiger sharks are beautifully adapted for eat-ing large prey (National Geographic Channel) or thata flower has a beautiful scent in order to attract apollinating insect. Developing ‘a theory’ of any struc-ture, such as the casque (‘helmet’) of the cassowary,means finding out what it is for (National GeographicChannel). Perhaps it is for pushing through the un-dergrowth –but juveniles do not have it and so per-haps it is for something else… Neo-Darwinians some-times claim that this is only a ‘short-hand’ way ofwriting, and that what is really meant is that the ef-fects of natural selection look like purposeful evolu-tion; however, this claim is unlikely, at least for thevast majority of biologists, and teleological explana-tion is one of the few concepts that first-year univer-sity students in biology around the world are familiarand confident with.

Whether or not the idea of purpose is invoked, allteleological and selectionist accounts explain a structurein terms of how it functions now. If it is discovered, forexample, that a particular structure previously seen asmysterious currently functions as a weapon in combat,or as a sexual attractant, this function will be seen as thecause of its evolution. On the other hand, panbiogeog-raphy argues that this is an end-point of evolution, andso cannot be a cause, at least outside of teleology. The(current) end-point of an evolving structure is thus ofsecondary importance to the explanation of the struc-ture. A teleological theory of the cassowary casque in-volves its current function, while a non-teleological ex-planation could be, for example, that it is derived by re-duction from a structure found in dinosaurs.

Plato taught a teleological conception of Natureand likewise in Aristotle’s metaphysics: it is legitimate

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Panbiogeography 69

and necessary to ask always in the study of her[Nature’s] works at what good she was aiming(Farrington, 1949). The teleology of Plato and subse-quently that of the Christian writers invokes as a pur-pose the will of God, whereas Aristotle saw teleologyas an activity immanent in nature itself: nature nevercreates anything without a purpose, but always whatis best in view of the possibilities allowed by the es-sence of each kind of animal (Aristotle, 1968, Progr-ession of Animals, II). ‘The good’, ‘the advantageous’and ‘the best’ are not concepts that occur in the prin-ciples of the exact sciences and perhaps it was theirteleological obsession –everything is for the best– thatprevented Aristotelians from developing the ideas onevolution that had already been initiated by earlierGreek philosophers.

In his Researches about Animals (Historia Anima-lium), Aristotle recorded his observations on animalswithout referring to any reasons or causes of thephenomena; these are dealt with at length in his Partsof Animals, Movement of Animals, Progression ofAnimals and Generation of Animals. Aristotle cited fourprimary causes: formal (the eternal ‘idea’ or ‘form’ ofa thing), material (what a thing is formed of), efficient(how it is formed), and final (what it is formed for). Herecognized the importance of the efficient cause butassigned fuller significance to the final cause (see dis-cussion in Arber, 1970). For Aristotle a biological spe-cies’ purpose (the end towards which the living indi-viduals strive) and its form (the immanent force bywhich their growth is directed) comprise its essence.

Modern science has rejected the use of formal andfinal cause in favor of efficient and material cause,and the critique of teleology in evolutionary biologyis a major theme of panbiogeography. Croizat (1964:495-499) discussed Aristotle’s teleological views(Physics II, 8) and in particular his critique of the non-teleological approach of Empedocles (as cited byAristotle). Aristotle (as translated in Zirkle, 1941)wrote: Why not say, it is asked [by Empedocles], thatNature acts as Zeus drops the rain, not to make themake the corn grow, but of necessity (for the risingvapour must needs be condensed into water by thecold and must then descend, and incidentally, whenthis happens, the corn grows), just as, when a manloses his corn on the threshing floor, it did not rainon purpose to destroy the crop, but the result was

merely incidental to the raining? So why should itnot be the same with natural organs like the teeth?Why should it not be a coincidence that the frontteeth come up with an edge, suited to dividing thefood, and the back ones flat and good for grindingit, without there being any design in the matter? Andso with all organs that seem to embody a purpose.In cases where a coincidence brought about such acombination as might have been arranged on pur-pose, the creatures, it is urged, having been suitablyformed by the operation of chance, survived; other-wise they perished […] (Darwin, 1971: 7 quoted thispassage but thought that Aristotle was agreeing withit, whereas in fact he was criticizing it). Aristotle ar-gued that these phenomena, such as the structure ofteeth, were constant or normal, and so could not bethe result of chance; however, he also argued, lessconvincingly, that the only choice is to assign theseoccurrences to coincidence or to purpose, and if inthese cases coincidence is out of the question […]there is purpose then, in what is, and what happensin Nature.

Croizat pointed out that Empedocles did not, asAristotle felt he did, substitute chance –in the senseof blind hazard– to law. Empedocles emphasized in-stead that nature is bound by laws, for example, lawsof condensation, and that rain does not fall in orderto make wheat grow. Croizat concluded: things arebecause they must be is the position of Empedocles;things are because there is a purpose in their beingis the position of Aristotle.

Aristotle insisted, as quoted above, that: naturenever creates anything without a purpose, but al-ways what is best in view of the possibilities al-lowed by the essence of each kind of animal (boldadded). So as well as teleology, he also accepted anon-teleological necessity. As Windelband (1958a)commented, Ancient philosophy did not overstep thisdualism between the purposive activity of form andthe resistance of matter; with the demand of the te-leological view of the world it united the naïve hon-esty of experience, recognizing the necessity, purpose-less and contrary to design, which asserts itself inthe phenomena of the actual world. Thus, Aristotleargued that: There are more causes than one con-cerned in the formation of natural things: there isthe cause for the sake of which the thing is formed

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[‘good purpose’, final cause], and the cause to whichthe beginning of the motion [i.e. development] isdue [‘simple necessity’; material and efficient cause].Therefore another point for us to decide is which ofthese two causes stands first and which comes sec-ond. Clearly the first is that which we call the ‘Final’Cause –that for the sake of which the thing is formed–since that is the logos of the thing –its rationalground, and the logos is always the beginning forproducts of nature as well as those of Art. (Parts ofAnimals I, 1). Similarly, […] whenever there is evidentlyan end towards which a motion goes forward unlesssomething stands its way, then we always assert thatthe motion has the End for its purpose (Parts of Ani-mals I, 1). In contrast with Aristotle, Empedocles andpanbiogeography accept that only material and effi-cient cause (‘necessity’) are legitimate in biology;purposeful explanation is not.

Aristotle went on to cite both purpose and neces-sity in, for example, the very hairy head of man, thelips of man (which are soft and fleshy, to make speechpossible), and animals’ horns (the purpose is obvi-ous, the necessity is that Nature has taken away fromthe teeth to add to the horns). Unlike kindred ani-mals, snakes can turn their head backwards whilethe rest of the body remains still. The vertebrae arecartilaginous and flexible, and: This then is the nec-essary cause why they have this ability; but it servesa good purpose too, for it enables them to guardagainst attacks from the rear […] (Parts of Animals IV,11). Aristotle’s teleological arguments often soundvery modern, and also rather illogical: The Carabi[Crustacea] find a tail useful because they are goodswimmers (Parts of Animals IV, 8) –but of course theyare only good swimmers because they have a tail. Atail would be useless to the Carcini, which spend theirlives near the land and creep into holes and crannies–but if they had a tail they wouldn’t spend their livescreeping. Likewise, It is for a good reason, too, thatwinged animals have feet, while fishes have none.The former live on dry land and cannot always re-main up in the air, and so necessarily have feet; butfishes live in the water and not air. Their fins, then,are useful for swimming, whereas feet would be use-less (Progression of Animals XVIII).

At other times, Aristotle even denies some organsany purpose: But the spleen, where present, is present

of necessity in the sense of being an incidental con-comitant, as are the residues in the stomach and inthe bladder. So in some animals the spleen is deficientin size […] (Parts of Animals III, 7). Likewise, thosewho assert that the gallbladder is present for the sakeof some sensation are wrong [e.g. there is no gall-bladder in the seal or dolphin; it is large in sheep fromNaxos but absent in sheep from Chalcis] […] No; itseems probable that just as the bile elsewhere in thebody is a residue or colliquescence, so this bile aroundthe liver is a residue and serves no purpose […] Thetruth is that some constituents are present for a defi-nite purpose, and then many others are present ofnecessity in consequence of these (Parts of AnimalsIV, 2). This interpretation of structures as ‘epiphenom-ena’ approaches the view of Empedocles and pan-biogeography, but was not developed by Aristotle orhis followers.

Immediately after Plato and Aristotle, teleologybegan to be criticized again. Farrington (1949) wrotethat it is: this whole conception [teleology] whichAristotle’s student Theophrastus wishes to subjectto fresh analysis […] Having swept aside the wholeeffort to create a theology, in the manner of Platoand Aristotle, from what they thought they knewabout the motions of the heavenly bodies, Theophras-tus proceeds in his last chapter [of his Metaphysics]to lay hands on the Ark of the Covenant, the teleo-logical principle itself […] This protest against theglib assertion of the universality of purpose and therashness with which some philosophers assign endsto things, he backs up with powerful arguments […]His final opinion is that if science is to make progressthis reckless teleology must be checked.

The Roman author Lucretius (1973) also warnedagainst teleology: there is one illusion that you mustdo your level best to escape –an error to guard againstwith all your foresight. You must not imagine thatthe bright orbs of our eyes were created purposely,so that we might be able to look before us; that ourneed to stride ahead determined our equipment withthe pliant props of thigh and ankle […] To interpretthese or any other phenomena on these lines is per-versely to turn the truth upside down. In fact, noth-ing in our bodies was born in order that we might beable to use it, but the thing born creates the use(Lucretius, 4, 823-835). Lucretius was a mechanist

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Panbiogeography 71

and tended to minimize the personal activity of thegods, so his work was received with hostility both bythe religion of his own day and Christianity whichwas soon to emerge. The abuse and calumny whichLucretius received for over 1500 years is a matter ofrecord (Zirkle, 1941) and the overwhelming influenceof Plato and Aristotle ensured that teleology remaineda major tenet of scientific writing, at least in biology,for over 2000 years. For example, the early anato-mists, notably Galen (129-216 A.D.), saw that mostparts of the human body were adapted with admi-rable Art to their several Functions (Addison, in Steeleand Addison, 1997). Likewise, Marcus Aurelius (121-180 A.D.) (1979) assumed that: The purpose behindeach thing’s creation determines its development. Theteleology of the early Christian authors such as Lac-tantius (260-340 A.D.) have been well documentedby Zirkle (1941). In Renaissance times, authors likeCastiglione (1967) took it for granted that: the feath-ers of birds and the leaves and branches of trees […]are given by Nature to preserve their being. Cesalpino(1583) retained the reliance on both efficient and fi-nal cause, and wrote, for example, that the ‘purpose’of the corolla and stamens is the protection of thedeveloping fruit (quoted in Arber, 1970).

The Scientific Revolution instigated a radicalchange of thinking. In the seventeenth century tele-ology was the second great cosmological movement(after ‘naturalism’) that modern science specially se-lected for critique (Collingwood, 1945). Bacon leadthe attack, writing memorably that teleology, like avirgin consecrated to God, produces no offspring(Bacon, 1970), in other words, teleological explana-tion tells us nothing. In the new theory of nature,observations are explained through efficient causes,that is, by the action of material things already exist-ing. This critique successfully eliminated teleologyfrom physics, chemistry, geology and the precursorsof panbiogeography, although it remained of funda-mental importance in mainstream biology.

Spinoza criticized the use of teleology in science in,writing, like Lucretius, that: […] this doctrine of fi-nal causes turns Nature completely upside-down, forit regards as an effect that which is in fact a cause,and vice versa (Spinoza, 1982). Likewise, in the newapproach heralded by Bacon, Hume (1977) wrote: Itis vain, therefore, to insist upon uses of the parts in

animals or vegetables, and their curious adjustmentsto each other. I would fain know how an animal couldsubsist, unless its parts were so adjusted?

In contrast, the German philosophers accepted theuse of teleology in practice, at least as an heuristicdevice, but they had qualms. The cosmology of Leibnizis like that of Spinoza but emphatically reaffirmedthe doctrine of final causes. Half of Kant’s (1790)Critique of Judgment (Kant 1978) is devoted to tele-ology. Kant agreed that the goal of science must al-ways be to provide, as far as possible, a mechanicalexplanation (efficient cause), and that ‘end’ is not acategory or a constitutive principle of objective knowl-edge; however, he felt that a mechanical explanationof the organism had not only not yet succeeded, butwas impossible in principle. The whole of the organ-ism is determined by the parts and the parts are de-termined by the whole; it is impossible to conceivehow the mere ‘mechanism of nature’ should preciselyand specifically lead to, for example, the growth ofgrass (Warnock, 1964), thus, the organism is themiracle in the world of experience. Therefore the te-leological view of organisms is necessary and univer-sally valid, although it must never profess to be any-thing else than a mode of consideration (Windelband1958b). In other words, Kant regarded teleologicallanguage as unavoidable in accounting for naturalphenomena, but it must be understood as meaningonly that organisms must be thought of ‘as if’ theywere the product of design, and that is by no meansthe same as saying that they are deliberately produced.

This rather confused stance, of writing but notthinking teleologically, was adopted by Mayr (1982c:49-50), who inherited many ideas from the Germanidealists although he claimed to be criticizing them.Mayr accepted that ontogenetic and physiological pro-cesses can be ‘goal-directed’ and that: It is the end-points that produce the selection pressure which causethe historical construction of the genetic program.

Kant’s influence on Goethe is well-known, and thelatter’s biology is fundamentally and radically teleo-logical in character, although, again, the teleology isnot that of a designing creator (Lenoir, 1984). Herder,the philosopher and historian of culture, and Lamarckwere both born in 1744 and wrote about history inthe same manner. Herder’s ideas were developed byHegel, Comte and Marx, and in all these authors his-

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tory is seen as teleological fulfillment of hidden pur-pose (Toulmin and Goodfield, 1965). The exact au-thorship of the important document ‘The oldest sys-tematic programme of German idealism’ (1796/7) isunknown, but it is certain that Hölderlin, Schellingand Hegel took part in its writing and the conceptsof teleology and organism determine its attitude to-wards state and society (Sturma, 2000).

Schopenhauer also accepted the perfect adaptationof organisms and their organs to their purpose; how-ever, in his discussion of Schopenhauer’s views, Tay-lor (1985) noted that since the seventeenth centurymen of science have looked with suspicion on all at-tempts to describe biological phenomena teleologi-cally […] Thus instead of saying after the manner ofSchopenhauer that the ant eater has a glutinoustongue in order to pray on ants and termites, onecan say, it is claimed, that because it has such atongue, it does in fact prey upon ants and termites.Nevertheless, for Schopenhauer: concepts of purposesor ends seemed necessary for the manifest teleologyof living things. Taylor concluded: It is perhaps sig-nificant to note too, that Darwin, who is widely sup-posed to have banished teleology from nature alto-gether, was unable to dispense with it.

In the nineteenth century ‘adaptation’ finally tookover from God and unspecified immanent causes asthe mechanism for teleology in biology. Discussingthat vast, and in many respects very magnificent, lit-erature on design written by the natural theologians,Mayr (1997) wrote that it was possible to take overalmost all of this literature into Darwinism simply byreplacing the explanatory causal factor: it was not Godwho perfected the design but the action of naturalselection […] the essential structure of [the] theorywas left untouched; only the basic causal factor wasreplaced (Mayr, 1997; bold added). If the new ‘basiccausal factor’ turns out to be wrong (see ‘orthogen-esis’ below), we are simply left with a single body oftheory, one of teleology. The structure has a function;the structure is there for the fulfillment of that func-tion, and the function explains its structure.

O’Grady (1984) has summarized the role of tele-ology in Darwinism clearly. He wrote: The orderamong and within living systems can be explainedrationally by postulating a process of descent withmodification, effected by factors which are extrinsic

or intrinsic to the organisms. Because at the timeDarwin proposed his theory of evolution there wasno concept of intrinsic factors which could evolve,he postulated a process of extrinsic effects –naturalselection. Biological order was thus seen as an im-posed, rather than an emergent, property. Evolution-ary change was seen as being determined by the func-tional efficiency (adaptedness) of the organism in itsenvironment, rather than by spontaneous changesin intrinsically generated organizing factors. The ini-tial incompleteness of Darwin’s explanatory model,and the axiomatization of its postulates as neo-Dar-winism, has resulted in a theory of functionalism,rather than structuralism. As such it introduces anunnecessary teleology which confounds evolution-ary studies and reduces the usefulness of the theory.O’Grady cited Asa Gray (1874) who wrote: Let us rec-ognize Darwin’s great service to Natural Science inbringing back to it Teleology: so that instead of hav-ing Morphology versus Teleology, we shall haveMorphology wedded to Teleology. In a letter to Gray,Darwin responded favorably: What you say aboutTeleology pleases me especially (F. Darwin, 1959).O’Grady also cited neo-Darwinist work suggestingthat entire species are ‘adaptive devices’, and con-cluded that the theory not only fails to limit suchhyperbole but actually encourages it.

As noted above, teleology is as ubiquitous in biol-ogy now, in both the popular media and the scien-tific press, as it has ever been. An example of a mod-ern apologist for teleology is Vogel (1988), who wrotea book called ‘Life’s devices’. A dictionary definitionof ‘device’ is ‘plan, scheme, trick; contrivance, inven-tion, thing adapted for a purpose or designed for aparticular function’. Likewise, Vogel admitted that theuse of the word ‘design’, which in his book he found‘hard to avoid’, is: seriously misleading –in commonusage, design implies anticipation and purpose. Theproblem is not just terminological. Why do organ-isms appear to be well designed if they are not de-signed at all? They obviously appear to be well de-signed to a teleologist; to a panbiogeographer theydo not appear any better (or worse) designed thanthe sun or the moon. Vogel defended his position byarguing that verbal simplicity is obtained by talkingteleologically –teeth are for biting and ears are forhearing, but actually it is verbally simpler to say ‘teeth

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bite and ears hear’. He supported the German ideal-ist argument that: the attribution of purpose isn’t abad guide to investigation, but that is the whole point–it is a bad guide. In evolutionary studies, teleologyleads to fanciful explanations of a structure, focusedexclusively on its current function, rather than analy-sis of its evolutionary history. Vogel agreed that thereare ‘powerful constraints’ to natural selection, butthe only ones he referred to are: the rules of the physi-cal sciences and the basic properties of practical ma-terials; he did not cite biological or genetic constraints.At least Vogel admitted that his book is: incorrigiblyadaptationist in its outlook and teleological in itsverbiage. As a study of biomechanics, his book isuseful, showing how, for example, a fish can swimfaster than a duck can paddle. But as an explanationof evolution in fishes and ducks, and why they havethe structure they do, it is practically worthless.

Rose and Lauder (1996) observed that in moderntimes: A new adaptationism is creeping back intomainstream evolutionary biology; however, thisadaptationism is not really new, it is the same oldteleology which has dominated biology since the timeof Aristotle. The powerful influence of Aristotle inAmerican scholarship is well-known (e.g. the neo-Aristotelian school of literary criticism at the Univer-sity of Chicago) and it is easy to find examples incontemporary biology. In a publication from theSmithsonian Institution, Leigh (1999) wrote that: Thisbook presupposes the prevalence of adaptationamong organisms […] Aristotle recognized that or-ganisms are like human artifacts that are built for apurpose, insofar as one understands neither artifactnor organism nor any part of an organism unless oneunderstands the function for which it was designed(Parts of Animals 639b 14-20). Moreover an organ-ism whose structure or behavior is abnormal for itsspecies is usually dysfunctional (Physics 199a 33-b4),as if normal organisms are adapted to their ways oflife […] Aristotle recognized the purposiveness oforganisms and emphasized that they cannot be un-derstood without resorting to functional explanation,but he was unable to explain the source of this pur-posiveness. As Leigh correctly observes, Darwin’stheory does explain the purposiveness – it does notreject it. Throughout his book, Leigh’s approach is toask: What problems must tree design solve? How can

a tree be designed so as best to solve these prob-lems? Leigh’s answers to these questions all comprisearguments from design: some trees are designed toavoid or shed lianes; the branches of Terminalia: aredesigned to intercept nearly all the light coming theirway; the architecture of trees in cloud forest: seemsdesigned not only to assure aerodynamic smooth-ness but to minimize the amount of shedding andrebuilding of branches; mangrove leaves are designedand arranged to avoid overheating; plant diametervaries with height so as to provide a margin of safetyagainst a stem buckling under its crown weight (infact that is exactly what does happen in some plants–lianes by definition do buckle under their ownweight, if there are no other plants present to sup-port them).

Teleology and panselectionism vs. orthogenesisand morphogenesis

As far as the famous ‘struggle for life’ is concerned,it seems to me for the moment to be more assertedthan proven. It occurs but it is the exception; life as awhole is not a state of crisis or hunger, but rather arichness, a luxuriance, even an absurd extravagance…Species do not grow in perfection […].

Nietzsche, 1998

What are the practical implications of a non-teleo-logical view? Denying that function determines struc-ture, and accepting that structure determines func-tion, places much more emphasis on structure, espe-cially the series of homologous structures present inrelated taxa. In other words, the question becomes:What is the morphogenetic context of the variation?How did the variation come about in the first place?And if a structure could develop, would it not havecome about anyway? In this view, the orthogenetictrend or trajectory formed by a whole series of differ-ent but related (homologous) structures –what Dar-win called a ‘Law of growth’– is the primary factor,not the individual points or morphologies (Grehanand Ainsworth, 1985). (Orthogenesis was later ap-propriated by North American authors and relabeled‘phylogenetic constraints’). Once the morphogenetictrajectory is established, the particular morphologies

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and their different ‘adaptations’ are seen as merelysecondary, as points along the trajectory. It is the dis-covery of the fundamental trajectories that shouldbe the concern of the biologist, not overemphasis onparticular morphologies as ‘wonders of nature’. Ev-eryone is impressed by the butterflies of the MalayArchipelago (Doleschallia: Nymphalidae) that closelyresemble dead leaves, and no doubt neo-Darwinianshave explained their structure in terms of this resem-blance. But what about the related taxa that onlylook a little like leaves?

Neo-Darwinism played down Darwin’s ‘laws ofgrowth’ and instead stressed the effect of the exter-nal environment on the organism, almost support-ing a kind of Lamarckism. For example, Matthew(1915) asserted that: the whole of evolutionaryprogress may be interpreted as a response to exter-nal stimuli. Panbiogeography takes a diametricallyopposed view through supporting orthogenesis,which will lead to evolutionary development despitethe environment, not because of it. Evolution willresult in structure which, in a particular environmentmay be adaptive, non-adaptive (leading to extinction),or neutral, but it is never simply a function of theenvironment to start with.

Orthogenesis is, of course, not a finalistic principleor teleological concept, as panselectionists such as Mayr(1982c: 517, 528-531) have confusingly claimed; in fact,it is the opposite. Mayr (1982c: 531) himself admittedthat: trends may be necessitated by the internal cohe-sion of the genotype which places severe constraintson the morphological changes that are possible, andthis is a good description of orthogenesis.

As well as teleology, other idealist modes of inter-preting particular aspects of morphology were lateradopted by the Darwinians and have persisted in bi-ology, sometimes subconsciously, until now. Theyhave had a tremendous influence on the way in whichmorphological series have been viewed. The idealistview inherited by Darwin is that the ancestor of ataxon is undifferentiated, not polymorphic, and thatany complex organic structure is derived by elabora-tion from a simple one. This idea is seen repeatedlyin modern accounts of morphology and was clearlyexpressed by Goethe (1962): Here [in the Padua Bo-tanical Garden], where I am confronted with a greatvariety of plants, my hypothesis that it might be pos-

sible to derive all plant forms from one original plantbecomes clearer to me and more exciting […] I amon the way to discovering the manner in which Na-ture, with incomparable power, develops the great-est complexity from the simple […] Among this mul-titude might I not discover the primal Plant? Theremust certainly be one […] When walking in the Pub-lic Gardens of Palermo, it came to me in a flash thatin the organ of the plant which we are accustomedto call the leaf lies the true Proteus who can hide orreveal himself in all vegetal forms. From first to last,the plant is nothing but leaf […]. This idealized, primi-tive organ became the basis of Goethe’s morphol-ogy. Croizat’s (1961) Principia Botanica was in largepart a critique of the idealist morphology of Goetheand his modern representative, Wilhelm Troll, that isstill taught in all first year botany courses around theworld. In this view, the plant is made up of threeelements: stem, leaf, and root, and their modifica-tions. Thus Léon Camille Marius Croizat defendedbotany against Teutonic idealism just as the Romangeneral Marius defended the republic from the Teu-tonic tribes that threatened it.

In contrast with Goethe and Troll, Croizat saw theleaf, the stem, and all the other plant (and animal)organs not as pure, irreducible elements, but as end-points of long lines of reduction and fusion of com-plex precursors. Following the laws of symmetry thathe deduced (Croizat 1961), Croizat proposed thatstructures with many smaller parts arranged in a highorder of symmetry evolve into structures with few,larger parts in five-fold (2/5) and eventually three-fold (1/3) and bilateral (usually flat) (½) symmetry.(Arthur, 2002, argued that there is a: fundamentalgap between bilateral and pentaradial symmetry, butdid not seem to be aware of Croizat’s, 1961, detailedexplanation of how these two symmetries and trira-dial symmetry are closely linked). The sequence (1-7)given below is a typical morphogenetic trajectory(‘morphogeny’ in Croizat’s terminology) of externalorgans involving suppression, reduction, and fusionof parts through evolutionary time:

1. Complex branched structure with sporangia.2. Complex branched structure with fertile parts

suppressed.3. Simpler axial structure with parts fused (often

reduced to 5-fold symmetry, e.g. vertebrate limbs,

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leaves on a stem, flower).4. Spine or bilateral organ.5. Gland (i.e. an organ with ‘hemmed-in’ growth,

producing a secretion such as sweat, scent, milk,poison, hormone, haploid reproductive cells, etc.).

6. Color spot.7. ‘Nothing’ (at least on the surface).All stages of this series are seen in many plants

but the first two are very rare in most vertebrates, atleast without dissection (stage 2 is seen in somefishes). Vertebrates and most animals are generallyalready much more reduced than plants and as a con-sequence are notably more glandular. Each morpho-logical step in the series has quite a different func-tion, but all steps are a function of a single morpho-genetic trajectory –they are not each the result ofseparate adaptation, having evolved through selec-tion for their function. Reduction/fusion may also leadto many other specific morphologies with importantecological implications, for example, the retention ofa female spore in a sporangium, a crucial develop-ment leading to the seed habit in plants. These mor-phogenetic trends are often interpreted, followingGoethe, in reverse order (especially for animals), withcomplex structures derived from simple ones andsomething developing essentially from nothing.

Cladistics (morphological or molecular) is not wellsuited to analyzing morphogenesis, as different mor-phological stages are seen in different groups and dif-ferent morphogenies do not necessarily run together,or in congruence with phylogeny –thus many mor-phologies are simply dismissed as ‘mere’ homoplasy.In addition, cladistics aims to polarize characters intoprimitive or derivative, whereas two characters maybe alternative states, neither derived from the other.For example, in birds, ground dwellers have flat,straight claws, perching birds have moderately curvedclaws, and trunk climbers have more highly curvedclaws (Feduccia, 1996). This is a good example of atrend in which structure determines function. Curvedclaws are not necessarily derived from straight onesor vice versa –the difference probably goes back tothe origin of the tetrapod hand and foot by the sameprocesses of reduction and fusion that are cited above.

Animal genitalia show enormous variation and areoften conspicuously variable even in otherwise simi-lar taxa. Rather than examining the origin of the

genitalia themselves (these are classic cases of organsderived by extreme reduction and fusion), panselectio-nists such as Hosken and Stockley (2004) assume thatthe genitalia of related forms were similar to beginwith and have diverged. Thus, ‘compelling evidence’shows that selection is ‘clearly a potent force’ and is‘the primary force driving genital diversity’. But thiswhole argument is based on assumption. For example,the authors feel that: Complicated and divergent mor-phology is unlikely to have arisen purely for the rela-tively simple function of sperm transfer. But in apanbiogeographic view, genitalian morphology has notevolved for sperm transfer (or anything else) at all.

Leigh (1999) argued that: For Darwin, as forAristotle, adaptation was the central feature of bio-logical organization. No one who has spent a lifetimestudying tropical nature could disagree with them. Thisclaim, however, represents either willful distortion orsimple ignorance of the literature. Many, if not most,of the great tropical biologists, such as Darwin him-self, Wallace, Croizat, Richards, Wild and van Steenishave disagreed fundamentally with panselectionism.

Although panselectionism has completely domi-nated biology since the hardening of the neo-Dar-winian synthesis in the 1940s and 1950s, the origi-nal authors of the theory of natural selection weremuch less sanguine about its omnipotence. There isa common misconception that Darwin himself was apanselectionist and that he simply dismissed the ‘bio-logical laws’ of the morphologist, assuming that natu-ral selection does all the work of adapting popula-tions (Lenoir 1984). Grehan and Ainsworth (1985)have emphasized the importance that Darwin placednot on selection but on prior, orthogenetic ‘laws ofgrowth’ that exist independent of selection, and Craw(1984) compiled a list of quotations from Darwin’swork supporting this. For example, Darwin (1860)wrote that: We are far too ignorant in almost everycase, to be enabled to assert that any part or organis so unimportant for the welfare of a species, thatmodifications in its structure could not have beenslowly accumulated by means of natural selection.But we may confidently believe that many modifica-tions, wholly due to laws of growth, and at first inno way advantageous to a species, have been subse-quently taken advantage of by the still further modi-fied descendants of this species. Thus, natural selec-

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tion only operates on variation produced to beginwith by an orthogenetic trend.

Wallace (1889) was also skeptical about the ex-tent of the powers of adaptation; Wake’s (2002) claimthat he ‘remained the ultimate panselectionist’ is in-correct. For example, Wallace wrote: In all works onNatural History, we constantly find details of themarvellous adaptation of animals to their food, theirhabits, and the localities in which they are found.But naturalists are now beginning to look beyondthis, and to see that there must be some other prin-ciple regulating the infinitely varied forms of animallife. It must strike every one, that the numbers ofbirds and insects of different groups, having scarcelyany resemblance to each other, which yet feed onthe same food and inhabit the same localities, can-not have been so differently constructed and adornedfor that purpose alone […] What birds can have theirbills more peculiarly formed than the ibis, the spoon-bill, and the heron? Yet they may be seen side byside, picking up the same food from the shallow wateron the beach; and on opening their stomachs, wefind the same little crustacea and shell-fish in themall. Then among the fruit-eating birds, there are pi-geons, parrots, toucans and chatterers, –families asdistinct and widely separated as possible, –which yetmay be often seen feeding all together on the sametree; for in the forests of South America, certain fruitsare favourites with almost every kind of fruit-eatingbird. It has been assumed by some writers on NaturalHistory, that every wild fruit is the food of some birdor animal, and that the varied forms and structures oftheir mouths may be necessitated by the peculiar char-acter of the fruits they are to feed on; but there ismore imagination than fact in this statement […].

One of the main themes in Richards’ (1952, 1996)classic study of rain forest ecology is a critique ofadaptation. Richards suggested that any usefulnessin a plant structure is incidental, and not a cause. Inother words, structure is the way it is primarily be-cause of prior laws of growth, not because of anyadvantage. For example, it is often assumed that thered pigments in the young leaves of many tropicaltrees have an adaptive value; however, Richards (1996)cited recent work giving no support to the view thatanthocyanins bestow a selective advantage to thetree, and suggested instead that they may be ‘merely

byproducts’ in the synthesis of flavonoid compoundsin the young leaves. When it rains in tropical lowlandrainforest, water on the leaves often runs off the ‘drip-tips’ of the aristate leaves found in many species there.The adaptationist view is that the drip-tips haveevolved in order to facilitate this. Richards (1996),however, cited authors who give a number of rea-sons why drip-tips probably have little functional im-portance. For example, some leaves with drip-tips haveunwettable leaf surfaces, some species have drip-tipson some leaves and not on others, and some plantswith long drip-tips grow in dry environments. (Theproblem of the leaf and drip-tips is probably the same,structurally, as the problem of the grass lemma and itsawn. Both involve interplay of a complex of parts; cf.Croizat, 1961: 994-1000). Richards (1996) concludedthat: The crude teleological ‘explanations’ [of leafmorphology in tropical rain forest] of the last centuryare no longer acceptable [this is correct] but there isas yet little to put in their place [this is incorrect].

Hiram Wild, one of the most distinguished bota-nists of south-central Africa, also argued against an-thropomorphism and teleology in biology and wrotethat: Teleological forms of expression should beavoided (Wild, 1963). It is hardly surprising that thestructuralist psychologist Piaget was manifestlyagainst teleology in his botanical work, for examplein his explanation of abscission zones at the base ofthe branches in Sedum (Piaget, 1966).

In one of his many critiques of panselectionism,van Steenis (1969) wrote that: In this country [U.K.]it may appear blasphemy to say that the study oftropical plants has given my mind little satisfactionthat adaptation has played an enormous rôle in theevolution of the plant kingdom, an opinion stillstrongly held by so many. Fisher (1936) even declared:‘Evolution is progressive adaptation and nothing else’.Like van Steenis, many other botanists have felt that:The plant kingdom is rich in what appears to be non-adaptive evolution (Juniper et al., 1989).

Gould and Lewontin (1979) provided an amusingcritique of panselectionism, which they dubbed ‘thePanglossian paradigm’. (Pangloss was the characterin Voltaire’s satire who felt that “everything was forthe best”). Likewise, in a review of optimal foragingtheory, Rapport (1991) concluded that optimality mod-els in general are far too simplistic […] [and] lead to a

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dead end. The results of studies that have been car-ried out provide much in the way of counter-examples.

It has been suggested that: the ingenious are al-ways fanciful, and the truly imaginative never other-wise than analytic (Poe, 1986), and there is never ashortage of ingenious teleological explanations toexplain any and every biological structure. As Em-pedocles and Lucretius indicated, rather than func-tion determining structure, structure may determinefunction. Rather than plants growing in order to reachthe light, the ability of some plants to grow upwardsand form a strong trunk means that they automati-cally reach the forest canopy as trees, whether this isbeneficial or not. Rather than the giraffe having along neck in order to reach taller trees, it has a longneck in the first place and does not have much choiceas to its diet –it finds it much easier to eat from tallertrees. Price (1980) considered thysanopteran maleslack wings so that they will remain on the host plantfor mating; however, Brooks (1981) suggested insteadthey might remain there because they lack wings. Inthe same way, as we grow older we may lose most orall of our teeth and be forced to change our diet tosofter food. Kingdon (1982) noted, reasonably, thatthe The oryx’s dislike for soft, wet ground may berelated to the structure of the hoof. In other words:structure determines function and ecology.

Despite many centuries of debate, there is still muchconfusion on this topic. Amazingly, in the course of asingle review Sussman (1984) suggested both that:morphological features related to feeding are quiteconservative and place constraints on the diet of aspecies –that is, structure determines function; andalso that: Tamarins have evolved claw-like nails in or-der to exploit [gums from trees]. –i.e. required func-tion determines structure. The argument followed hereimplies that there is no real adaptation, and that anyadaptation is really the result of pre-adaptation inher-ent in parts of a morphogenetic trend. For example,plant families Proteaceae and Myrtaceae are pre-adapted for living in deserts (Raven, 1983). In birds,Charadrii have an aquatic origin as marine or fresh-water birds and the arid zone taxa are more recentoffshoots. These birds survive in the arid zones of theworld through the succesful use of adaptations pre-viously evolved in a marine or brackish shoreline habi-tat, which are thus ‘preadaptations’ (Maclean, 1984).

In his study of primate evolution Groves (1989)supported nomogenesis (i.e. ‘evolution by law’), andsaw natural selection as ‘fine-tuning’, eliminatingsubviable forms, but not creating novelty. In otherwords: The organism must make the most of what is‘given’ in the best way it can (Turk 1964, on Arach-nida). The evolution of giant cavernicolous arachnidshas been dependent on certain ancient, pre-existent‘predispositions’ in the ancestral stock, and Turk sup-ported orthogenesis in Croizat’s sense.

Several authors have utilized the idea of ‘geneticpotential’ to account for different degrees of evolu-tion in different groups. For example, in the moun-tains of tropical East Africa, evolution has been rela-tively minor in plant families such as Juncaceae,Caryophyllaceae, Cruciferae, Crassulaceae, Labiataeand Rubiaceae, while much more extensive evolutionhas taken place in Lobeliaceae and Compositae. Mos-quin (1971) concluded that differences of this kindcould indicate inherent differences in ‘evolutionarycapacity’ in the different groups. Many neo-Darwin-ians have argued that complete isolation of popula-tions and enough time must eventually lead to spe-ciation, but this is not necessarily true. This will onlyhappen if the populations have enough ‘genetic po-tential’ for differentiation, and the levels of this willvary considerably in different groups. Traditionally,genetics assumes that any genetic similarity betweenpopulations is due either to similar selection pres-sure and random mutation, or gene flow, even whenthis is problematic (for example, the ‘puzzling’ con-clusions of Lessios et al., 2001, who also found: someremarkable instances of high gene flow between verydistant areas). Parallelism or cladistic homoplasy incharacter distribution is very widespread in all groupsand indicates that parallel evolution is one of the mainmodes of evolution. Parallel molecular evolution byorthogenetic mechanisms such as molecular drivemeans that DNA sequences of taxa will stay the samedistance apart as they evolve.

The problem of ‘parallelism’ –how and why dounrelated and sometimes geographically distantplants or animals sometimes have one or more char-acters in common?– is only a problem if it assumedthat taxa are monophyletic. If, because of orthogen-esis, taxa develop not just once but many times atmany different places from a diverse, widespread

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ancestral complex, occasional striking ‘parallelism’would be expected. As with the critique of the centerof origin and of organs evolving ‘de novo’, out ofnothing, the panbiogeographic view of phylogenesisinvolves always already diverse ancestral states, ratherthan a single, homogeneous ancestral state of fullpresence or absence.

In a similar view, Schwabe and Warr (1984) rec-ognized that traditional theories of evolution aremonophyletic in that they: all start with the Urgene[a single ancestral gene] and the Urzelle [the singleancestral cell] which have given rise to all proteinsand all species, respectively. Schwabe and Warr tookissue with this and argued instead for a polyphyleticview of evolution, in which the prior genetic poten-tial of an entity, not random mutation/selection, isthe primary determining factor.

In theory, cladistic analysis claims to stipulate noparticular evolutionary process other than descentwith modification and cladogenesis (Albert et al.,1992). But in practice, there are underlying assump-tions, as indicated. Crawford et al. (1992) pointedout that the annual habit may have evolved seventimes in one genus, Coreopsis. (This is their cladisticinterpretation of a pattern in which the annual habitoccurs in seven clades). But why assume that theancestor was either annual or perennial? Why notboth? Could not it also have been biennial, etc.? Ifcharacters can evolve seven times, why not 7000times? In other words, evolution probably generallytakes place ‘on a broad front’ (cf. molecular drive –Dover et al., 1993).

Arthur (2002) discussed the possibility that: de-velopmental reprogramming is, at least in some cases,systematically biased, in that mutation more readilyproduces changes in certain directions than others[…] Such a state of affairs has been referred to ingeneral as mutation bias or developmental bias […]Negative biases, both relative and absolute, consti-tute constraint, whereas positive biases have recentlybeen termed developmental drive (quite distinct frommeiotic drive, molecular drive, and dominance drive).Proposals that these biases can potentially lead tothe direction of evolutionary change being deter-mined by developmental dynamics as well as by popu-lation dynamics are in contrast with the historicalthrust of Darwinism and neo-Darwinism, that the di-

rection of change is determined exclusively by selec-tion. The predominance of certain leaf-arrangementand floral-symmetry patterns in angiosperms havebeen proposed as examples of bias-led evolution. Thefact that all 3,000 or so species of centipede haveodd numbers of leg-bearing segments (from 15 to191) also suggests developmental bias, and in thiscase an alternative selective explanation is highlyimplausible. Arthur concluded: Are such examplesexceptions to a general rule that selection on its owndetermines evolutionary directionality, or are they anindication of a general but as yet largely undiscov-ered role for developmental bias? This is an entirelyopen and very important question.

The history of biogeography:Earth and life evolve together

As indicated, development of the evolutionary ideasof the early Greek philosophers was stymied by therise of Aristotelian essentialism and teleology. Thisblock was eventually by-passed, although it tookmany centuries. The history of the idea that earthand life evolve together is examined next. The historyof biogeography is inextricably linked with globalexploration, the Scientific Revolution, and the historyof biological systematics in general, and these arealso reviewed briefly here.

Middle Ages. Following the decline of the RomanEmpire, little advance was made in Europe throughthe Middle Ages in the integrated study of earth andlife; however, in Persia the famous Muslim scholarAvicenna (980-1037) described fossil remains ofaquatic and other animals on many mountains andexplained mountains as effects of upheavals of thecrust of the earth (Toulmin and Goodfield, 1965). Thiswas an important development in the history ofpanbiogeographic analysis, linking earth and life his-tory in a dynamic way.

Fifteenth century. In his classic work on the originsof modern science, Butterfield (1957) suggested thatfifteenth century Italian art was an early chapter ofthe Scientific Revolution; however, an art historianmight suggest instead that modern science is a late

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branch of fifteenth century art. (Singer, 1959 has achapter ‘Renaissance art versus modern science’pointing out, not very convincingly, all the differ-ences). Bronowski and Maslish (1960) agreed withButterfield (1957) that the most far-reaching changewhich grew out of the Renaissance was the evolu-tion of the scientific method of enquiry, and theydated the Scientific Revolution from 1500-1700,rather than the more traditional 1600-1700.

What were the characteristic features of intellec-tual life in the North Italian Renaissance that led tothe development of modern biology and eventuallypanbiogeography? The Renaissance is often seenmainly as a rediscovery of the Greek and Roman clas-sics, for example, the architect Vitruvius, who livedat the time of Augustus, became an indispensableauthority in the Renaissance. He had extolled eurhyth-mia, the repetition of parts, and symmetria, puttingthem in proportion (Huyghe, 1974). This deeply bio-logical approach developed into the overtly anthro-pomorphic architectural theories of Michelangelo andPalladio. Many authors have played down the ideaof the Renaissance as merely classical revival. Pater(1998) stressed instead: the love of the things of theintellect and the imagination for their own sake andemphasized the appeal of the novel: […] new experi-ences, new subjects of poetry, new forms of art. Fur-ther, One of the strongest characteristics of that out-break of the reason and the imagination […] which Ihave termed a mediaeval Renaissance, was itsantinomianism, its spirit of rebellion and revolt ….Renaissance ‘artists’ such as Alberti, Leonardo, andMasaccio explored maths, geometry, optics, andanatomy in considerable detail and were among thefirst to cry out against authority (Butterfield, 1957).

Nietzsche (1994) also stressed as characteristic ofthe Renaissance its liberation of thought, disdain forauthority, the triumph of education […], [and] en-thusiasm for science and men’s scientific past [...]Burckhardt (1990) cited: The intellectual freedom andindependence of Florence. Of the Renaissance authorsthemselves, Petrarch vigorously attacked: the preten-sions of a philosophical and academic training,proudly professing and asserting his ignorance ofsuch matters. Leonardo fought constantly againstauthority and tradition and divided thinkers into twoopposed groups: the original discoverers and the

imitators and commentators (Cassirer, 1963). Argan(1974) wrote that: the outstanding characteristic ofLeonardo’s genius lies in his categorical rejection ofall ‘principles of authority’ (in contrast with, say, thePlatonism of Michelangelo). In a similar way, Croizat(1964) would later write that he was: absolutely im-pervious to authority unable to demonstrate its te-nets on grounds better than authority: whetherAristotle or Darwin […] a name means a round noth-ing to me.

Burckhardt (1990) felt the essence of the Renais-sance was not the revival of antiquity, but the devel-opment of the individual and the discovery of theworld and of man: Discovering the world and repre-senting it in word and form […] this investigationand this art were necessarily accompanied by a gen-eral spirit of doubt and inquiry […] when once thedread of nature and the slavery to books and tradi-tion were overcome, countless problems lay beforethem [the investigators and artists] for solution.Burckhardt wrote that a comparison of the Italians’achievements in geography and oceanic travel withthose of other nations: shows an early and strikingsuperiority on their part. Where, in the middle of thefifteenth century could be found, anywhere but inItaly, such a union of geographical, statistical andhistorical knowledge as was found in Aeneas Sylvius[the humanist writer Enea Silvio Piccolomini, laterPope Pius II] –the first who not only enjoyed the mag-nificence of the Italian landscape but described itdown to its minutest details? Burckhardt concludedthat: Italy, at the close of the fifteenth century, withPaolo Toscanelli, Luca Pacioli and Leonardo da Vinci,held incomparably the highest place among Europeannations in mathematics and the natural sciences […].Burckhardt (1990) described the zeal: at an early pe-riod for the collection and comparative study of plantsand animals […] King Emanuel the Great of Portugalknew well what he was about when [in 1515] hepresented Pope Leo X with an elephant and a rhi-noceros. It was under such circumstances that thefoundations of a scientific zoology and botany werelaid. Emanuel also presented the Pope with the fa-mous drawing of a rhinoceros by Dürer (Delaunay1964). Burckhardt acknowledged the relationship ofthe new attitude to plants, animals and landscapewith aesthetic, rather than immediately pragmatic

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considerations: Outside the sphere of scientific in-vestigation, there is another way to draw near tonature. The Italians are the first among modernpeoples by whom the outward world was seen andfelt as something beautiful […] Along with the care-ful cultivation of fruit, we find an interest in the plantfor its own sake, on account of the pleasure it givesto the eye. We learn from the history of art at howlate a period this passion for botanical collectionswas laid aside [but not by botanists] and gave placeto what was considered the picturesque style of land-scape gardening.

Leonardo’s perception that the presence of fos-sils is an indication of uplift is a good example of theintegration of geology and biology in the Renaissance.In a fine essay, Gould (1998) pointed out that Leo-nardo also recognized the temporal and historicalnature of horizontal strata; that rivers deposit large,angular rocks near their sources in high mountainsand that transported blocks are progressively worndown in size until sluggish rivers deposit gravel andeventually fine clay near their mouths; that the pres-ence of fossils in superposed layers proves their depo-sition at different and sequential times; that tracksand trails of organisms are often preserved on bed-ding planes of strata; that if both valves of a clamremain together in a fossil deposit the animal musthave been buried where it lived, for any extensivetransport by currents after death will disarticulate thevalves; that no marine fossils have been found in re-gions or sediments not formerly covered by the seas;and that the elevation of strata with fossils must rep-resent a general and repeatable feature of the earth’sbehavior, not an odd or anomalous event.

Sixteenth century. At the beginning of the sixteenthcentury both the Roman Church and the Holy RomanEmpire were under attack and it is surprising thatamid the political, social and military turmoil any realcultural advances were made. It was a dangerous timefor writers. Bruno, Dolet, and Paleario were burnt atthe stake. Berni was poisoned for refusing to takepart in a plot to poison a cardinal. Ferreira died ofthe plague. Nevertheless, a tremendous revolutiontook place in art, science and literature, and the mod-ern era is often dated from this time. Associated withthe new attitude of disdain for mere authority already

referred to was the frequent use of satire by sixteenthcentury writers such as Quevedo, Régnier, and Marot.Aretino is well-known for his wit and impudence, andRabelais’ Gargantua and Pantagruel includes muchmockery –it is the work of the authentic scholar whoridicules scholarship (Cohen in Introduction to Rabelais,1974). There are obvious parallels with Croizat’s style.(Delaunay, 1964 noted that it took a Rabelais to rel-egate unicorns, harpies, seleucid and stymphalid birds,and satyrs to the ‘Land of Satin’).

Along with the new attitudes, new practical de-velopments facilitated the intellectual revolution.Gutenberg invented printing by moveable metal typein the middle of the fifteenth century and by the startof the sixteenth century practically every country inEurope had its own press: there were nearly 80 inItaly, 64 in Germany, and 45 in France (Hay, 1968).Once printing began, the total repression of bookspreviously carried out by bishops or inquisitors be-came almost impossible. Another key practical de-velopment was oceanic navigation. In 1519 Cortésleft Cuba to conquer Mexico, and in the same yearMagellan left Spain to reach the east by sailing west.Magellan’s men subsequently brought back the firstbird of paradise seen in Europe. By the second half ofthe sixteenth century reasonably accurate maps ofthe explored regions of the globe appeared throughthe work of Ortelius and Mercator. As Hall (1968)wrote: the men of the sixteenth century were con-fronted by a world extending from the northern tun-dra to the South African Cape, from the east to theWest Indies. They knew the Pacific as well: in 1516the Dutch Schouten and Le Maire sighted the NewGuinea islands Manus and New Ireland. In 1568Mendaña discovered Santa Isabel in the Solomon Is-lands and later (1595) settled there, on Santa Cruz.Through the sixteenth century naturalists and explor-ers discovered the incredible biodiversity of the trop-ics. For example, in the New World Orellana madethe first trip down the Amazon (in 1542), Oviedo yValdez, based at Santo Domingo, produced the firstaccount of natural history in America (in 1550), andMonardes, a trader in Seville, described the medici-nal plants of the West Indies (from 1565-1574; Debus,1978). Working at Goa and Bombay, the Portugusephysician Garcia de Orta produced a classic work (in1563) on the medicinal plants of India.

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In botany, the first revolution in plant descriptionoccurred in the sixteenth century: when the traditionof scientific botany began (Jacobs, 1980). Singer(1959) argued that Botticelli was the first painter ofplants in modern times. Over thirty species can bedetected in his famous ‘Primavera’ (1478), which is“largely a botanical study”. Albrecht Dürer’s (1503)‘Das grosse Rasenstuck’ is a painting of plants only,done with such ‘scientific’ accuracy that: the speciesare easily recognizable (Jacobs, 1980). Singer wrotethat these two were the only serious rivals Leonardohad in plant illustration. He also pointed out thatLeonardo’s studies of human anatomy were at leasta century in advance of their time. Leonardo alsomade observations on comparative anatomy, for ex-ample in his illustrations showing the homologies ofthe leg in horses and humans. One of Leonardo’s dis-coveries can serve to illustrate the depth of his bio-logical insight. Rather than simply assuming that theway in which the leaves are arranged on a stem(phyllotaxis) is adaptive and for the best, he was thefirst to actually describe the standard pattern of leafarrangement, in the same way that he might haveanalyzed the structure of a crystal. He observed thatin many species the leaves occur in cycles of fives,with the sixth leaf – the first in the next cycle – stand-ing above the first leaf. This arrangement is referredto in botany as the phyllotactic mode of ‘2/5’. Croizat(1961: 634) seems to have been the only writer tohave noticed Leonardo’s discovery of this key pat-tern. (Gould, 1998 has pointed out the curious ne-glect of Leonardo’s notebooks).

Bronowski and Maslish (1960) suggested thatLeonardo: found nothing that we should now call ascientific theory, because he lacked the gift to iso-late those abstract concepts –gravitation, momen-tum, energy– in which science seeks the unity un-der the chaos of natural phenomena. Leonardo’sobservation on phyllotaxis may or may not be a sci-entific ‘theory’, but it definitely does isolate unityunder apparent chaos. The predominance of thisphyllotactic pattern in vegetation throughout theworld has still not been properly explained by main-stream botanists, but Croizat’s (1961) massive analy-sis of it and comparison with five-fold symmetry in,for example, the flower and the hand, has hardlybegun to be studied (Heads, 1984).

In fact, Leonardo’s is not the only Renaissance bi-ology to have been overlooked – the whole field hasbeen neglected. For example, Hall (1966) suggestedthat the biological and medicinal science of the six-teenth: consisted of little more than herbalism andthe endeavor to cure disease’ and that: the sixteenthcentury naturalists contributed little new (Hall 1968).This view seems incorrect, but widely established;Ashworth (1990) observed that natural history ingeneral: occupies a shallow niche in most accountsof the Scientific Revolution […] The implication […]is that natural history played no formative role inthose collective developments that we call the Scien-tific Revolution […] the period between 1560 and1660 is either ignored or belittled. Likewise, Schmitt(1975) wrote that: recent historiography of sciencehas tended to see in the development of physicalsciences the model by which other intellectual move-ments are to be judged. Nevertheless, there is anequally good reason to see medical and biologicalsciences as an important facet of the developmentof modern civilization and one which has its own in-ternal logic […] In botany we have, I think, one of themost important points of university scientific develop-ment of Renaissance Italy. This was the science parexcellence which emerged from oblivion during thesixteenth century to become a growth point […] Thefirst separate chair of botany was established at Romein 1513, but it seems to have been rather short-livedand did not exert any significant influence […] A fewyears later we find other botanical chairs beingfounded with greater effect. These include Padua(1533), Bologna (1534), Ferrara (1543) and Pisa (1544).

In the magical year 1543 a translation of Archi-medes appeared (Hall, 1968 suggested that the mod-ern history of mathematics might be dated from thisevent), Copernicus published his famous book onastronomy, working at Padua Andreas Vesalius laidthe foundations of anatomy in his De Humani Cor-poris Fabrica (the figures have been attributed to amember of Titian’s school), and the first botanicalgarden was founded, in Pisa, by Luca Ghini (1490-1556) (it was paid for by the Medicis). Others, suchas Wightman (1962), have suggested that the firstbotanic garden was the one at Padua, founded in1542, but Whewell (1967) wrote that this wasfounded in 1545. In any case, it is interesting that

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both the Padua and Pisa gardens were associated withuniversities, and Schmitt (1975) has pointed out thatRenaissance biology and medicine (unlike the physicalsciences) advanced nearly wholly within a universitycontext. Botanical gardens were established at Florenceand at Bologna (by Aldrovandi) in the 1550s (Schmitt,1975 says 1568) and at the Vatican in the 1560s. Be-yond the Alps, similar gardens were established atLeiden by Lécluse (1577), at Leipzig (1580), and atMontpellier by Henry IV (1597). Before the end of thecentury such gardens were relatively common.

Luca Ghini held one of the first chairs of botany,at Bologna, in 1534 and later moved to Pisa. None ofGhini’s publications are known, but as well as estab-lishing the botanic garden, he and his pupils pio-neered the use of the herbarium. The earliest recordis in 1551 when Ghini sent some specimens to Mattio-li, but the oldest extant herbarium is that of Ghini’sstudent, Gherardo Cibo, who started collecting in1532 (Wightman, 1962). Among Ghini’s studentsdestined for future greatness were Cesalpino (1519-1603) and Aldrovandi (1522-1605). They made col-lections of dried plants, remains of which are still inexistence (Singer, 1959) and some of Aldrovandi’snatural history collections can be seen at the Univer-sity of Bologna. Schmitt (1975) observed that: alreadyin the middle of the sixteenth century we find thatspecific field trips were being made, not only privately,but as extensions of university courses in botany(Schmitt quoted an interesting itinerary for one suchtrip in 1557 from Aldrovandi’s autobiography).

The Swiss Gesner (1516-1565) and Aldrovandi (themost underappreciated naturalist of the early mod-ern era– Ashworth, 1990) were the most well-knownof the new ‘encyclopedist’ biologists. Gesner wrote ahuge work on animals including literally everythingever written about them, as well as much new infor-mation (e.g. an illustration of a bird of paradise). (Thematerials for his unpublished companion work onbotany were only discovered in 1929 in Erlangen; in1994 Isely wrote that they were being prepared forfacsimile publication). The first systematic bibliogra-phy of any kind was Gesner’s Bibliotheca Universalis(1545) (Hay, 1968). Whewell (1967) argued that:Gesner saw the peculiar importance of flower andfruit, and that the botanical concept of genus is duemainly to his work. In the sixteenth century: The Alps

came to be looked upon as the haunt not of unknownterrors but of unknown beauties, to be attained byhuman stamina and enterprise. Gesner was the pio-neer of alpinism and the botany of high altitudes(Wightman, 1962). The exploration of pastoralthemes in sixteenth century literature was a paralleldevelopment in the arts. Aldrovandi began to teachbotany at Bologna in 1556 but about 1560 the nameof the chair was changed to ‘Lecturer in fossils, plantsand animals’. He published a vast, ‘improved’ ver-sion of Gesner’s Historia Animalium and paid moreattention to anatomical features in arriving at a clas-sification. Ley (1968) has reproduced one of his mod-ern-looking pages of illustrations, showing many spe-cies of grasshoppers. Among the other zoologistswere Guillaume Rondelet (1507-1566), who workedon marine animals, and Pierre Belon (1517-1564),who wrote a History of Fishes (1551) and a Historyof Birds (1553), and whose illustration comparingthe skeleton of a bird with that of a man is still of-ten reproduced.

Andrea Cesalpino (‘Caesalpinius’) took over thedirectorship of the Bologna botanical garden fromAldrovandi. Later he was professor at Pisa and finallybecame physician to Pope Clement VIII. (He is cred-ited by Italian authors –but not the English– withhaving discovered the circulation of the blood). His1583 work De Plantis Libri XVI is the first attempt toarrive in a truly scientific way at a classification of theknown plants. It also marks the transition from herb-als, accounts of useful plants, to floras, accounts ofall known plants, whether useful or not (Isely 1994).This fundamental revolution in method and approachrepresents the beginning of systematic botany.Linnaeus (as quoted in Whewell, 1967) called him‘Primus verus systematicus’, the first true systematist,but he is strangely overlooked by most biologists.Cesalpino summarized his work: Since all science con-sists in the collection of similar, and the distinction ofdissimilar things, and since the consequence of thisis a distribution into genera and species, which areto be natural classes governed by real differences, Ihave attempted to execute this task for the wholerange of plants (quoted in Whewell, 1967). He classi-fied the plants according to properties of their fruitsand seeds and also considered ecology, citing, forexample, ultramafic endemism in Italian plants

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(Brooks, 1987). Bremekamp (1952) wrote that Cesal-pino’s writings towered above all that had been writ-ten on the subject before, and for the next hundredyears no-one seems to have understood him.

Soon after Cesalpino and Aldrovandi had initiatedsystematic biology, the center of gravity of biologicalresearch moved north of the Alps. Clusius (Lécluse)(1526-1609) described as: The greatest botanist atthe beginning of the modern era (Wolf, 1935), suc-ceeded Dodoens in the chair of botany at Leiden, andat the time of his death Leiden had become the bo-tanical center of Europe (Isely, 1994). Thus, by theend of the sixteenth century there were universityprofessors of biology, biology courses with field tripson which plants were collected to be grown on inbotanic gardens or preserved in herbaria, and sur-prisingly modern-looking illustrated accounts of fau-nas and floras.

Seventeenth century. After the sixteenth century itis no longer possible to talk about the arts in thetraditional sense, as the world became dominated byone branch of northern Italian Renaissance art: sci-ence. The artist van Ruisdael (1628-1682) is famousfor his paintings of landscapes and trees, but is alsorecognized as a precursor of the science of tree ar-chitecture (Ashton et al., 1982). Since their architec-ture is rendered so accurately, many of the trees inhis paintings are perfectly recognizable.

Harvey studied at Padua and his account of thecirculation of the blood (1628) is often taken to markthe full arrival of the Scientific Revolution (although,as suggested here, this date is probably too late). Ac-cording to Hall (1983): Harvey’s great merit was tore-order known but misunderstood facts and obser-vations. Harvey resembled Copernicus and Galileo ininsisting upon a new view of what people thoughtthey already understood –it looks as though the sunmoves and the earth stands still, but Copernicus’ sys-tem turned this on its head. This breakthrough wasoften used by Croizat as a metaphor for panbioge-ography; it seems obvious that physical movementshould be the means by which biotic distributions areformed, but paradoxically movement has little to dowith the process, which depends more on evolution.

Cesalpino’s Flora had treated all plant species, notjust the useful ones. In ‘The sceptical chymist’ (1661)

Robert Boyle argued in a similar way that chemistryshould be studied for its own sake, to gain an insightinto nature and not merely to make gold or medi-cines. Boyle criticized the current concepts behind theterms ‘element’ and ‘principle’, and instead supportedatoms. Likewise, Croizat showed that the fundamen-tal elements of twentieth century biology, such asthe Goethian leaf or Wallace’s biogeographic ‘re-gions’, were unsatisfactory and could be analyzedinto distinct components. In this connection Croizatoften cited Lavoisier’s crucial demonstration in theeighteenth century that water, assumed for millen-nia to be an element, is actually a compound.

Like Avicenna and Leonardo, cited above, the sev-enteenth century writers Steno (= Steensen, Stenonisin latin, a Dane resident in Florence) and Hooke alsorealized the significance of fossils. Hooke wrote thatfossils in inland mountains imply that: a great part ofthe surface of the earth hath been since the creationtransformed [...] parts which have been sea are nowland; and diverse other parts are now a sea whichwere once a firm land; mountains have been turnedinto plains and plains into mountains and the like(quoted in Toulmin and Goodfield, 1965). This is atruly dynamic theory of geological change, althoughHooke had to try and compress geological historyinto a much reduced time scale.

Eighteenth century. Kant, in a 1753 dissertation,gave the first systematic, evolutionary account ofcosmic history and was the first to talk of a past ofmillions of years (although after the death of Frederickthe Great, Kant was forced to retract this). The possi-bility of intercontinental vicariance was also beingdiscussed by this time. In 1769 Gilbert White answereda correspondent as follows: The question that youput with regard to those genera of animals whichare peculiar to America, viz. how they came there,and whence? Is too puzzling for me to answer; andyet so obvious as to often have struck me with won-der. If one looks into the writers on that subject littlesatisfaction is to be found. Ingenious men will readilyadvance plausible arguments to support whatevertheory they shall choose to maintain; but then themisfortune is, everyone’s hypothesis is each as goodas another’s, since they are all founded on conjec-ture. The late writers of this sort, in whom may be

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seen all the arguments of those that have gone be-fore, as I remember, stock America from the westerncoast of Africa and the south of Europe; and thenbreak down the isthmus that bridged over the Atlan-tic. But this is making use of a violent piece of ma-chinery: it is a difficulty worthy of the interpositionof a god! (White, 1977).

In the dispersalist tradition of African biogeogra-phy, everything originally migrated into Africa fromthe north, as inferior, primitive forms were forced outof Europe by new, competitively superior ones. De-spite the widespread acceptance of this account, analternative view has existed for over 200 years. Al-ready in the eighteenth century there were sugges-tions of biogeographic affinities between the Caperegion of South Africa and Australia (Willdenow,1798, as cited by Weimarck, 1934). This affinityamong southern lands is totally unexpected in theorthodox explanation. Weimarck (1934) wrote that:As far as I am aware, Willdenow was the first scien-tist who assumed the occurrence of ancient land con-nections between south-hemispheric countries. Invirtue of the relationship between the flora of therespective regions he (Willdenow, 1798, 430) saysthat New Holland [Australia] was once connected withthe Cape and the Island of Norfolk with New Zealand.Many texts on the history of systematic biology (e.g.Lomolino et al., 2004) begin with Linnaeus’ andBuffon’s work in the eighteenth century, but this is avery late date to start with, and Linnaeus’ work isusually only emphasized because of its importancefor binomial nomenclature – a relatively minor as-pect of systematics. (Linnaeus’ attempts at a naturalclassification are usually overlooked). For Linnaeus,all species originated as a single pair (or a single her-maphrodite) and all genera originally consisted of onespecies (Larson, 1971). (This probably derives fromthe biblical account of the original parent pair, Adamand Eve in Eden). This idealist view was subsequentlyaccepted, sometimes, it seems, almost unconsciously,by Darwin, the neo-Darwinians, and the cladists. Itcontrasts strongly with the panbiogeographic viewof the origin of new taxa in which polymorphic an-cestral complexes evolve over a broad front in ‘phasesof modernisation’ (cf. Heads, 1985) and there is nopoint phylogenetic ‘center of origin’. This is discussedfurther below.

In his ‘Histoire Naturelle’ Buffon (1749-1788) de-scribed seven epochs of earth history. In epoch 3, thecontinents were covered with water, in 4, the oceanswithdrew and there was volcanic activity, in 5, tropi-cal animals spread across whole earth, and in 6, thecontinents separated. Note that the sequence of 5and 6 suggests a vicariance model, and at one pointBuffon wrote: ‘To account for the origin of these ani-mals [mammals] we must go back to the time whenthe two continents were not yet separated (Buffon,1766, Histoire Naturelle vol. 14, quoted in Hull, 1967and Papavero et al., 2003); however, Matthew’s ideason the ‘Holarctic’ center of origin for all the maingroups can also be traced to Buffon’s belief in thenorthern origin of the great mammals (Matthew,1915: 178; Croizat, 1958, 1: 650). Croizat quotedBuffon (1779): All the watery, oily and ductile com-ponents which must enter into the composition oforganized beings have fallen with the waters on thenorthern parts of the globe, earlier and in much greaterquantity than on the southern parts. Croizat summa-rized Buffon: When it got colder in Holarctis, the ma-jor animals migrated southwards, but were stoppedon their way by the highlands of Panama. Therefore,South America is inhabited to this day by mammalsthat are puny by contrast with the boreal forms.

Nineteenth century. The work of Hegel (1770-1831)on the philosophy of history is perhaps the mostwidely discussed of any in modern Europe and musthave influenced Darwin’s ideas on materialistic evo-lution, whether consciously and directly or not. Forexample, both Hegel and Darwin strongly supportedthe idea of progress in evolution. However, the Hegel/Darwin relationship is usually overlooked. In a typi-cal example, Hegel is simply not mentioned inDesmond and Moore’s (1992) otherwise excellentbook, even though Desmond has written a book(1989) about the pre-Darwinian generation, andMoore has contributed a 1991 article ‘Deconstructingdarwinism: The politics of evolution in the 1860s’.Nevertheless, Desmond and Moore’s book providesimportant background information on the question.From the beginning of his academic life, Darwin wasaround people who must have been aware of thedevelopments in ‘historical’ thinking on the Conti-nent. Darwin relied on Lyell who in turn acknowl-

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edged the stimulus from the new school of criticalhistorians, for example Niehbuhr, active in Berlinaround 1810. The ‘Origin of species’ was a late phasein this development of historical analysis. Darwin’searly mentor in the 1820s, the sponge expert R. Grant,was known as a ‘radical’ and had visited universitiesin France, Germany, Italy and Switzerland, but inDesmond and Moore’s (1992) book there is no men-tion of Hegel or indeed any European philosopher,apart from the biologists Lamarck and St. Hilaire whoare always cited in books on Darwin. In 1836 Darwinmet Owen, who was synthesizing German ideas onthe forces regulating life and growth. Darwin’s phi-lologist relative Hensleigh studied the laws by whichalphabets change and: praised the Germans for un-derstanding the organic development of language.All Darwin’s family: were interested in German bibli-cal criticism and language studies and in 1837 Poli-tics, science and literature were all of a piece in theconversation at Darwin’s home. It would be strangeif Hegel’s ideas had not been discussed there.

So why has the Hegel-Darwin connection beenoverlooked? Everyone always cites the English influ-ences, such as Spencer, Malthus, and Erasmus Dar-win, but the only writer I know of to have linked Dar-win directly to Hegel is Nietzsche (1910: sect. 357),who noted that with Hegel’s work: the thinkers inEurope were prepared for the last great scientificmovement, for Darwinism –for without Hegel therewould have been no Darwin […].

What are the fundamental principles of Darwin’sbiogeography? Darwin wrote: We are thus broughtto the question which has been largely discussed bynaturalists, namely, whether species have been cre-ated at one or more points of the earth’s surface.Undoubtedly there are many cases of extreme diffi-culty in understanding how the same species couldpossily have migrated from some one point to theseveral distant and isolated points where now found.Nevertheless the simplicity of the view that each spe-cies was first produced within a single region capti-vates the mind. He who rejects it, rejects the veracausa of ordinary generation with subsequent mi-gration, and calls in the agency of a miracle. (Dar-win, 1971). Darwin gave no actual evidence to sup-port the idea of a point center of origin, arguingmerely that the simplicity of the idea ‘captivates the

mind’. It probably derives from the earlier views ofLinnaeus and others. Darwin’s claim that: He whorejects it […] calls in the agency of a miracle is obvi-ously just propaganda –an aggressive feint designedto put off any closer examination of an argumentthat is very weak but fundamental in his synthesis.As Matthews (1971) noted in his introduction to theOrigin of Species: It is surprising how much of thebook is given to arguments based on entirelysuppositious premises […].

A necessary corollary of a point center of origin isa process by which a biological form can spread out.Here Darwin invoked the physical movement and‘means of dispersal’ so well-known in plants and ani-mals, and ‘chance dispersal’ to account for difficultcases. Darwin’s biogeography is thus based on a pointcenter of origin and chance migration. On ChonosArchipelago in Chile, Darwin reported that a ‘singu-lar little mouse’ was common on some islands butnot on others. This led Darwin: to wonder why colo-nization was such a serendipitous affair. This is a clas-sic example of Darwin as a good observer but an in-different analyst. Why assume that the pattern wasrandom? Why wonder about ‘serendipity’? Why notactually work out the problem with reference to dataon distribution, phylogeny, and ecology?

Desmond and Moore (1992) also provided usefulinformation on Darwin’s thinking on altitudinal dis-tribution and the effects of uplift on biological com-munities. Darwin observed that the horizontal tree-line in Tierra del Fuego looked like the ‘high-water’mark on a beach. At this time he was starting to real-ize the occurrence of geological uplift and soon heunderstood that the uplift of the Andes had beengradual and recent. But he remained obsessed withuplifted fossil beds and overlooked the living ‘strata’that have also been raised. At 13 000’ in the Andes,even though he felt himself in ‘another world’ bio-logically, fossils were still his over-riding interest. Henever established any real integration of uplift andbiological evolution. Even after the Concepción earth-quake, when he observed freshly uplifted mussel bedswith all the mussels having died, he overlooked thepotential effect on terrestrial species that have beenuplifted and survived.

Darwin held the idealist view that all taxa (and lifeitself) have originated only once, at a single morpho-

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logical and biogeographic point, from which theyspread. The importance of groups such as the spe-cies of Darwin’s finches on the Galapagos was thatthey appeared to be derived from a single phyloge-netic point (a single immigrant species) and a singlegeographic point, to produce an ‘adaptive radiation’.But how could a species ever change if there wasconstant immigration? With this, Desmond andMoore (1992) wrote, Darwin was thrown back onthe single, chance event –a ‘few, stray colonists’. Thebotanist Joseph Hooker wondered, if this was a gen-eral principle, why some islands should have highendemism while others –he cited the Falklands andIceland– should have none. In fact, Hooker disagreedstrongly with Darwin on the significance of ‘meansof dispersal’ and instead favored changing geogra-phy as an explanation for biogeographic affinities,for example, those linking Tasmania and Fuegia. Simi-larly, Edward Forbes supported a former continent:Ireland-Portugal-Azores to explain plant distributionin this region. Desmond and Moore agreed thatDarwin’s treatment of ‘chance’ was unsatisfactory.They wrote: As chance crept into the picture [...] Dar-win resorted to haphazard variations [...] But Darwinremained muzzy on the subject and never really letgo of his harmonious law-based system. Sometimeshe viewed ‘chance’ as the unintentional intersectionof causal chains, an idea woolly enough to allow anynumber of accommodations. At others he spoke asdeterministically as Martineau [...] It was the mak-ing of future confusion. (Emphasis added).

Nietzsche (1955) named Darwin, John Stuart Milland Herbert Spencer in his scathing reference to: re-spectable but mediocre Englishmen […] What is lack-ing is genuine power of intellect, genuine depth ofintellectual perception. One of Darwin’s main achieve-ments was to actually analyze much of what had pre-viously been regarded as miraculous, for example,seeing instinct as unconscious memory, or the mor-phology of groups such as vines as the result of ‘lawsof growth’. But he created confusion by replacingthe miraculous in evolution and biogeography with,respectively, teleology and chance.

Darwin did not write a great deal on biogeography(two chapters in the Origin of Species, parts of theVoyage on the Beagle), although what he did writewas, of course, extremely influential. Wallace, on the

other hand, did write extensively on biogeography, buthis views are quite varied and he changed his mind onmany aspects. (In many ways modern dispersalism is amore direct reflection of the work of Matthew (1915),who simplified and codified certain aspects of Darwin’sand Wallace’s thought into a rigid dogma).

In his book on the Malay Archipelago, Wallace(1962) wrote: There is nothing that geology teachesus that is more certain or more impressive than theextreme instability of the earth’s surface. Everywherebeneath our feet we find proofs that what has landhas been sea, and that where seas now spread outhas once been land; and that this change, from seato land, and from land to sea, has taken place notonce or twice only, but again and again, during count-less ages of past time. Now the study of the distribu-tion of animal life upon the present surface of theearth causes us to look upon this constant inter-change of land and sea –this making and unmakingof continents, this elevation and disappearance ofislands– as a potent reality, which has always andeverywhere been in progress, and has been the mainagent in determining the manner in which livingthings are grouped and scattered over the earth’ssurface. And when we continually come upon suchlittle anomalies of distribution as that just now de-scribed [the Sulawesi fauna], we find the only ratio-nal explanation of them in those repeated elevationsand depressions which have left their record in mys-terious, but still intelligible characters on the face oforganic nature. Thus, in 1869 Wallace explained theanomalies in the fauna of Sulawesi with reference topast connections with Africa and the Mascarenes(‘Lemuria’, a forerunner of ‘Gondwana’); however,by the time he wrote his Geographical distributionof animals (1876) and Island life (1881) he had fallenunder the spell of Darwin’s views on dispersal, anddecided that the continental outlines have remainedessentially the same. (In the 10th edition of The MalayArchipelago (1890) he needed to add the footnoteto the passage quoted above: I have since come tothe conclusion that no such connecting land asLemuria is required to explain the facts). This was thebeginning of the long detour of ‘continental stabil-ity’ and Matthew’s ‘zoogeography’; however, beforeMatthew reaffirmed Wallace’s views, these were sub-ject to some searching criticism.

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Von Ihering (1892) wrote on Pacific biogeogra-phy and followed the New Zealand zoologist Hutton(1872) in differing from Wallace in ‘very essentialpoints’, notably the extent of former southern landconnections. As for Wallace’s core doctrine of the‘permanence of oceanic and continental areas’, VonIhering wrote: I am as much convinced of the errone-ousness of this doctrine […] as I am that the ideas ofDarwin and Wallace on ‘natural selection’ as the causeof the origin of species will have but a historical in-terest in the coming centuries. Mr Wallace’s supposi-tion that land and fresh-water mollusks, lizards, &c.,were distributed over the whole Pacific Ocean by thewaves of the sea I think to be more than bold […] Iagree with Professor Hutton in thinking that an an-cient land-communication must have existed betweenSouth America and New Guinea, Australia, &c., toaccount for the close relations between the two ter-ritories in flora and fauna […] Mr Wallace’s explana-tion of the distribution of Lacertidae throughPolynesia as far as the Sandwich Islands [Hawaii] bymeans of a migration across the ocean is just as bolda hypothesis as his attempt to explain the occurrenceof identical fresh-water fishes in New Zealand andPatagonia by the transport of their fry on icebergs.To such theories may those adhere who wish to saveWallace’s hypothesis of the stability of the continentsand depths of the seas; but one cannot ask unpreju-diced scientists to accept such incredible explanations.

Von Ihering was strongly supported by thebryologist Müller (1893), who cited the baobab ge-nus Adansonia in Africa and Australia: the question,From which of these two points did the type origi-nate? has lost its sense. Australia did not receive itfrom Africa, nor did Africa receive it from Australia –it is autochthonous in both places […] the enigmacannot be explained by migration, for that necessar-ily includes the idea that the reproduction of the typewas successful in one place only. This always makeson me the same impression as the idea of explainingthe origin of organisms by deriving them from someother globe. What is gained by it? Nothing else butthat the cause of origin is put further back; for, afterall, one is obliged to ask, Where did the organismsof that strange globe come from? […] With such ex-planations one wanders without knowing it in a circle,if one does not wish to arrive at the absurd conclu-

sion that the creation of organisms was possible onone globe only. It is the same with migrations. I donot deny them when they are opportune, and I knowvery well that wind and weather, animals and men,are able to distribute species sometimes over largeareas; but it is quite a different thing when we haveto deal with whole floras, sufficient to impress onedistrict with the stamp of another […] so that onecannot be understood without the other. This can-not ever have been accomplished by a migration of amechanical nature.

Twentieth century. The beginning of the twentiethcentury saw the critique of Wallace extended and thedevelopment of early panbiogeography. Croizat’s(1958) main work is probably better known for re-jecting the biogeography of Wallace, Matthew andtheir followers, but it also acknowledged the work ofimportant, but largely unknown, workers inpanbiogeography, such as the bat specialist K.Andersen, the ichthyologists C. Tate Regan and C. H.Eigenmann, the herpetologists T. Barbour, D. Cochranand H. W. Parker, the entomologists J. A. G. Rehnand G. Marcuzzi, and many others.

Ortmann (1902), for example, writing on Crusta-cea, concluded: It is incorrect to regard the creationof a scheme [of regions] of animal distribution as animportant feature or purpose of zoogeographicalresearch. Thus we are justified in saying that zoo-geographical study, as introduced by Wallace [andSclater], is not directed in the proper channels [andresults in] fruitless discussions on the limits of thedifferent zoogeographical regions. Ortmann consid-ered it: entirely a matter of indifference whether weaccept any regions or not, predicting laterpanbiogeographic treatments of ‘biogeography with-out area’ (Henderson, 1990). Instead: the chief aimof zoogeographical study consists –as in any otherbranch of biology– in the demonstration of its geo-logical development. This is exactly the panbiogeo-graphic approach. Likewise, White (1965) wrote that:It seems to the author that recognition (and naming)of centers of endemism, which may occupy a smallor large proportion of the total area of the Domain,and which may or may not overlap with other cen-ters, provides a much truer picture of the chorologicalpattern than does the division of a Domain into wa-

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ter-tight units. As for the many distributions whichdo not conform with present topography and theusual biogeographic regions, Ortmann wrote that:instead of leaving them out of consideration we knowthat just these cases are the most interesting, sincethey demand closer investigation. In most cases wefind that these instances of ‘abnormal’ distributionare to be traced back into the geological past in or-der to be properly understood […] In many respectswe have found a wonderful agreement between thedistributional facts and what is known of the geol-ogy and tectonics of the respective parts.

Andersen (1912) concluded on Megachiroptera asfollows: The evidence afforded by the geographicaldistribution of Bats has generally been considered ofdoubtful value; hence they have either been entirelyexcluded from the material worked out by zoogeog-raphers or at least treated with pronounced suspi-cion, as likely to be more or less unreliable documentsof evidence. This unwillingness or hesitation to placeBats on an equal zoogeographic footing with non-flying Mammalia would seem to be due partly to thepreconceived idea that owing to their power of flightBats must evidently have been able easily to spreadacross barriers […This] may in theory appear plau-sible enough, but when tested on the actual distri-bution of the species and subspecies it proves to beof much less importance than commonly supposed;it rests, in reality, on a confusion of two differentthings: the power of flight would no doubt enable aBat to spread over a much larger area than non-fly-ing Mammalia, but, as a matter of fact, only in veryfew cases is there any reason to believe that it hascaused it to do so […]. Rather, local differentiation:tends to show that the present distribution of Me-gachiroptera has not been influenced to any great,and as a rule not even to any appreciable, extent bytheir power of flight; if it had, the Fruit-bat fauna ofone group of islands could not, so commonly as isactually the case, differ from that of a neighboringgroup or continent, and the tendency to differentia-tion of insular species or forms would have beenneutralised by the free intercourse between neigh-bouring faunas. Andersen, for example, recorded thatof the 12 fruit bat genera in West Africa 9 are en-demic there, and in modern times, Kingdon (1974)observed a: surprising degree of correspondence

between some bat distributions and those of othermammals within the continent. In New Guinea, batsshow a major distribution break at the craton margin(Heads, 2001a, 2002b) like that of many other groups.

Eigenmann (1921) argued that the freshwater fishfauna of Ecuador and its affinities with eastern SouthAmerica antedate the Andes: It is quite within rea-son, therefore, that the present fish-fauna of theGuayas [Ecuador] did not come from the east acrossa barrier but that at a time preceding the origin ofthe present species a section of a continuous faunawas segregated from the rest by the formation ofthe mountainous screen between them. Also writingon freshwater fishes, Tate Regan (1922) disagreedwith both continental permanence and northern cen-ters of origin, concluding that: in early Cretaceoustimes South America and Africa formed one conti-nent, which must have extended to India […] Thealternative view, that the Ostariophysi originated inthe north and spreads southwards, involves so manyimprobabilities as to be almost unbelievable.

In stark opposition to these early panbiogeo-graphers, Matthew’s (1915) work (cf. Bowler, 1996for a review) reaffirmed the core tenets of Wallace’sbiogeography, especially: The permanence of thegreat features of the distribution of land and wateron the earth’s surface (Wallace, 1998). In Wallace/Matthew biogeography, a Bering Land Bridge is ac-cepted in the north, but land bridges in the south areeither unacceptable, or if accepted, as they were af-ter the 1960s, are deemed too old to be relevant.

The second axiom of Wallace and Matthew is thatmost forms of life have originated in northern cen-ters of origin (‘Holarctis’), Darwin’s: great evolution-ary workshops of the north. From here, new, supe-rior life forms (Matthew’s ‘higher types’) have drivenout inferior forms southwards. Matthew wrote thatthe: principal lines of migration […] have been radialfrom Holarctic centers of dispersal and reviewed allthe orders of mammals, as well as many reptiles, birdsand fishes to prove that all originated in Holarctis.(The base map he used, centered on the North Pole,is the same as that used in the United Nations sym-bol). Any resemblance between, in particular, Afri-can and South American forms cannot be direct, andmust be due to extinction in the north or parallelism.The ‘ape/man’ skull from South Africa discovered by

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Dart implied that Eurasia was not the center of originof Homo, and so was greeted for many years withsimple disbelief, eloquent testimony to the influenceof Matthew’s theories. Modern concepts such asmassive groupings of African mammals (Afrotheria)and Australo-Papuan passerines are equally incom-patible with the idea of the Holarctic origins of ev-erything; these groups evidently do not, as was for-merly thought, comprise many unrelated end-pointsof northern lineages.

A third component of the Matthewian synthesisthe belief that climate change is crucial for biogeog-raphy. As his title ‘Climate and evolution’ indicates,Matthew (1915) argued that climate change has beenan important factor in the evolution of the vertebratesand is the principal known cause of the distributionof the land vertebrates. Later authors have followedhis lead in attributing many aspects of biogeographyto the effect of the Pleistocene Ice Ages and this was,for example, the basis of the ‘refugium theory’ ofbiogeography. Croizat was opposed to this chronol-ogy and argued at length that the Pleistocene wasmuch too late to have played an important role inshaping major aspects of distribution, although it haslocally modified ranges and caused much extinction.This view has been repeatedly vindicated over the lastdecade or so and it is now widely accepted that theevolution of modern groups is the result of earlierevents. For example, in a study of rainforest faunas,Moritz et al. (2000) found that: in most cases, thedivergence of extant sister taxa predates the Pleis-tocene, and Voelker (1999) concluded that: the Pleis-tocene may have had little effect in generating mod-ern species. Other references are cited in Heads(2001a: 918-919).

Perhaps the greatest early exponent of panbioge-ography, Knud Andersen, died in World War I early inhis career and amid the upheavals of this timeMatthew’s (1915) work criticizing Andersen (1912),Ortmann (1902) and others, found little opposition.Matthew’s book capitalized on the fascination of theAmerican public with vertebrate paleontology whichhad existed since the time of Thomas Jefferson’s ex-ploits and became the most influential text in the his-tory of biogeography. Its ideas were promulgated bySimpson, Mayr, Darlington and others, forming whatCroizat (1958) labelled the ‘New York school of zoo-

geography’ (cf. Croizat, 1984; Nelson and Ladiges,2001; for some reason Nelson and Ladiges did notinclude Mayr in the school). Simpson (in litt. 3 April1959 to Croizat) denied that such a school existed,and claimed that Darlington: is known as the stron-gest opponent of Matthew’s views (emphasis in origi-nal). This is inaccurate; for example, Darlington (1959:488) wrote that: after the two chapters on geographi-cal distribution and parts of other chapters in Darwin’sOrigin of Species the next really important treat-ment of the subject was by Matthew (1915).

The New York school was adopted as the ‘official’biogeography by the architects of the ‘Modern Syn-thesis’ of evolution, Mayr, Simpson and Jepsen. Thesethree formed the core of the Committee on Com-mon Problems of Genetics, Paleontology and System-atics, established in 1943. As a result of their strongpartisan support of certain ideas, Schwartz (1999)wrote that: alternative theories, which had kept thepossibility of intellectual novelty alive through thedebates they provoked, were submerged. The syn-thesis that emerged [e.g. Jepsen, Mayr and Simpson,1949] was, by stark contrast, largely intolerant of criti-cism and resistant to change. The dogma of this groupon evolution in space and time was Matthewian, andon evolution of form it was strictly panselectionist.Gould (2002) has accurately described the ‘harden-ing’ of the adaptationist perspective in the ‘ModernSynthesis’; this can be seen in the difference betweenSimpson (1944) and Simpson (1953), and betweenMayr (1942) and Mayr 1963), and Gould showedclearly that evolutionary teaching under the hegemonyof this school became almost blindly channelled.

Through the 1960s and 1970s the core beliefs ofthe New York school –continental permanency andnorthern centers of origin– came under growing at-tack, with earlier members of the school, such as theichthyologist Myers, deserting the gospel accordingto St. Matthew (Myers, in litt. to Darlington, Jan. 21,1964, quoted in Nelson and Ladiges, 2001). In fact,Wallacean biogeography and its main mouthpiece,the New York school, led to an unproductive detourthat has lasted for well over a century. Even follow-ing the acceptance of continental drift, Wallaceandispersal has been kept alive by many authors whohave simply applied the old migration routes (e.g.Europe-Asia-South Pacific) to new paleogeography,

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and/or argued that drift took place too long ago tobe relevant.

The huge influence of Wallace and Matthew’s bio-geography was a disaster for the science as it smoth-ered the growth of an analytical methodology whichwas beginning, with Andersen and the others, to pro-duce excellent results. Up until modern times it hasbeen normal to follow the New York school in ridi-culing many of these authors as ‘land-bridge build-ers’, but this is an inaccurate caricature of their work;discussion of prior land formed only a small part oftheir analyses. In any case, predictions about paleo-geography framed on the basis of biogeographic dis-tributions led to Wegener’s (1924) work on conti-nental drift which will probably outlast Wallace, Mat-thew and Simpson’s notions on continental stability.A century later the texts of the early panbiogeo-graphers are still largely ignored because ofMatthew’s enduring legacy, but the work of Ortmann,Andersen, Regan, Eigenmann and others, quotedabove, comes across as surprisingly modern.

Croizat’s work and the contemporary receptionof panbiogeography

At last I salute a science that gives results.Horace, Epodes, as translated in Montaigne, 1958

His observations on life are equally just, pertinent,and uncommon.

Smollett, 1967

An independent and cautious scientific attitude isalmost thought to be a kind of madness: the freespirit is brought into disrepute, particularly by schol-ars who miss their own thoroughness and antlikeindustry in his talent for observation, and wouldgladly confine him to a single corner of science […]

Nietzsche, 1994

If this work seems so threatening to them, this is be-cause it isn’t simply eccentric or strange, incompre-hensible or exotic (which would allow them to dis-pose of it easily), but as I myself hope, and as theybelieve more than they admit, competent, rigorouslyargued, and carrying conviction in its re-examination

of the fundamental norms and premises of a num-ber of dominant discourses, the principles underly-ing many of their evaluations, the structures of aca-demic institutions, and the research that goes onwithin them.

Derrida, 1995

Before his grandfather moved to Turin, Croizat’s familyhad lived for centuries in the triangle Lyon-Geneva-Chambéry. The family had included in its branchesSt. Francis of Sales (1567-1622), the patron saint ofwriters; Mme. de Roland (1754-1793), a well-knownfigure in the French Revolution and famous for hermemoirs written in prison; and Alphonse de Lamartine(1790-1869), whose poetry began the Romanticmovement in French literature. Croizat was born(1894) in Turin and in his younger days botanized onthe slopes of Mt. Viso in the nearby Alps. Here hebegan to wonder about questions of distribution, forexample, why certain Euphorbia species from the Alpsand eastern Mongolia very nearly duplicate one an-other, without there being any known records be-tween these two localities. (Ekman, 1953 wrote: Toolder zoogeographers the great similarities betweenthe Mediterranean and Japanese fauna were a sourceof surprise. The discovery of the former extent of theTethys Sea has solved this riddle). Croizat later re-turned to a study of the Mt. Viso region in his bookon Hannibal’s route across the Alps (Croizat, 1975b).The natural environment, the cultural environment,and the long history of biological enquiry in the areatogether provided the stimulus for Croizat’s earliestinvestigations and it can hardly be a coincidence thatpanbiogeography originated in northern Italy.

The key texts in the history of panbiogeographyare Croizat’s two massive global analyses (1958 and1968a-c, 1975a), which still appear to have been readby very few biogeographers. Croizat’s (1958) work isa true synthesis of tropical biology, accounting forevolution of earth and life in northern South America,Africa and tropical Asia/Pacific, and is 2749 pageslong. Among his other major publications are stud-ies on Euphorbiaceae (Croizat, 1965, 1967, 1972,1973) (see Heads and Craw, 1984 for a bibliography).

Although the scientific aspects of Croizat’s workhave been discussed by many authors, his generalphilosophy has seldom been examined. Croizat ar-

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gued that neither Darwinian center of origin/dispersalbiogeography nor vicariance cladistics was capable ofeffective biogeographic analysis and he observed thatin both these schools of thought, and thus most bio-geographic literature, there is a great discrepancy be-tween the nature of the phenomena and the meansused to explain them. Croizat concluded that a criti-cal underlying factor missing from biogeography wasa sense of proportion or of humor –what the Frenchcall a sense of the ridiculous. The relationship betweenthese has been expressed by other authors, for ex-ample, during the war in Egypt, Douglas wrote that:my senses of proportion and humor, like two court jest-ers, chased away the tragic poet […] (Douglas, 1966).

Croizat often wrote that what was most neededto produce a valid, creative biogeography was theuse of ‘disciplined imagination’. For example, afterhaving been brought up with the very mechanicalDarwinian view of dispersal as physical movementfrom a point center of origin, some creative thinkingis required to shift to a concept of dispersal as differ-entiation, a process resembling the way in which thevein in a leaf develops out of its ground tissue. Thissort of thinking is currently rare in comparative biol-ogy; most is unimaginative, unoriginal, and conse-quently, as noted below, often very boring. At best,the arguments in this kind of work follow logicallyfrom the premises, but the premises themselves arehardly ever examined critically. Rouse (1941) sug-gested that: In Greece alone do we find a people strongboth in imagination and in the reason that regulatesimagination […] ; however, other authors are moreoptimistic. Pater (1998) felt that: Art addresses […]the imaginative reason. Philips (in Introduction toPater, 1998) noted that the phrase ‘imaginative rea-son’ is taken from Matthew Arnold’s essay ‘Paganand mediaeval religious sentiment’ (1864), which hequotes: The main element of the modern spirit’s lifeis neither the senses and understanding, not the heartand imagination, it is the imaginative reason. Like-wise, in ‘The dagger with wings’, Chesterton (1981)wrote that: All things are from God; and above all,reason and imagination and the great gifts of themind. Leopardi (1905) wrote that: subtlety of talentand power of reasoning do not suffice to form a greatphilosopher; he must also have a considerable shareof imagination (Leopardi felt that the former is much

more widespread among men than the latter). In thesame way, Popper (1984) argued that: rationalismmust encourage the use of imagination because itneeds it.

Through the 1960s Croizat’s work found sympa-thetic readers around the world, including support-ive editors in Paris (Aubréville), Coimbra (Fernandes),Florence (Moggi) and Pavia (Tomaselli) who publishedhis lengthy monographs. Hostility towards his workwas naturally greatest in the United States, the homeof Matthew and the New York school. However,through the 1970s there was a major change in atti-tude at the American Museum of Natural History to-wards his ideas. Nelson, Rosen and Platnick wroteextensively and positively on panbiogeography, andenabled Croizat to publish in Systematic Zoology(Croizat et al., 1974; Croizat, 1977a, 1978, 1979,1981). Subsequent publications (especially Nelson andPlatnick, 1981) indicated that this group was moreintent on developing the cladistic research programthan panbiogeography, and Croizat lost interest inthe collaboration.

In New Zealand, Craw, then a Ph.D. student, pub-lished a vigorous defence of Croizat (Craw, 1978),and in the early 1980s he was joined by other Ph.D.students (myself, then Grehan, then Henderson) toform the New Zealand school of panbiogeography).Croizat took a close and active interest in this groupuntil his death in 1982, when, on Catalina Croizat’sinvitation, I visited Coro and acted as Croizat’s liter-ary executor. The New Zealand group continued toattract other New Zealand workers through the1980s, and publications include Craw and Gibbs(1984), and Craw and Sermonti (1988). A panbioge-ography conference was held at the New ZealandNational Museum in 1989 (papers in Matthews,1989), but at this point there was an overt responseby the New Zealand establishment. The localpanbiogeographers all either lost their jobs (Climoand Craw), kept their jobs but stopped writing andtalking about panbiogeography (Gray and Hen-derson), or after completing Ph.D.s had to find em-ployment overseas (Grehan, Page, and Heads).

In 1988 Crisci had met with Craw and myself inAuckland for intensive discussions, and at the sametime as the New Zealand school was being suppressedand dispersed through the 1990s, the formidable new

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Latin school of panbiogeography was emerging inArgentina, Brazil, Mexico, Venezuela, Colombia, Italy,and France. A few examples of the many publicationsof this school are Morrone and Crisci (1990), Llorente(1991), Zunino (1992), Crisci and Morrone (1992),Fortino and Morrone (1997), Colacino (1997), Cortésand Franco (1997), Lourenço (1998), Hajdu (1998),Morrone (2000a, b), Llorente et al. (2000), de Marmels(2000, 2002), a new journal, Croizatia, published inVenezuela, and two books dedicated to Croizat(Llorente Bousquets and Morrone, 2001; Zunino andZullini, 1995, 2003).

Critique of contemporary biogeography:Vicariance versus dispersal

Do you want to start off our squabbles again? Didwe not agree not to explain this word proximate,and both to utter it without saying what it signifies?

Pascal, 1967

Much of the debate in current biogeography con-cerns the concept of ‘dispersal’. Croizat followedauthors such as Clements and Shelford (1939) whosuggested that ‘dispersal’ or ‘migration’ should in-clude: any and all changes in position. Anyone whohas ever actually read Croizat knows it is simply un-true that he ever denied that dispersal occurs, al-though many authors have claimed that he did. Oneof his major works (1968b) is even titled ‘The bioge-ography of the tropical lands and islands east of Suez-Madagascar, with particular reference to the dispersaland form-making of Ficus L.’. Like Clements andShelford, Croizat used the term ‘dispersal’ to meanthe processes that have led to distribution –any andall changes in position. It is the particular nature ofthese processes that is controversial. Croizat arguedthat an efficient concept of dispersal must involveevolution, as well as physical movement; an organ-ism can change its position to include a locality notjust by moving there, but by evolving there.

As recently as 15 years ago the term ‘vicariance’,introduced by Croizat, was rarely seen in print butnow it features in many papers on biogeography andevolution, even in journals, such as Evolution, longdominated by the New York school. Biogeographic

debate following the work of Croizat has often takenthe form of an argument ‘vicariance vs. dispersal’.Many authors have argued that both processes occurand are important. This recalls Popper’s (1984) com-ment on Aristotle’s work, where: Instead of Plato’sflashes of penetrating insight, we find dry systemati-zation and the love, shared by so many mediocre writ-ers of later times, for settling any question whateverby issuing a ‘sound and balanced judgment’ that doesjustice to everybody; which means, at times, by elabo-rately and solemnly missing the point.

The debate between vicariance and dispersal oftenfocuses on whether the physical movement requiredby ‘dispersal’ is possible, and on the means of dis-persal involved in a particular case. These topics, how-ever, are really irrelevant, as panbiogeography acceptsboth that individual plants and animals move, and thattaxa may expand their range. The latter occurs duringperiods of mobilism, for example around the coasts ofthe late Mesozoic epicontinental seas. Vicariant form-making cannot take place during periods of mobilism,but occurs during phases of immobilism when largeblocks of fauna and flora are relatively sessile (e.g. thepasserine avifauna of today’s world).

It is often felt that organisms such as birds ‘must’disperse, but the records of distribution, with massiveendemism and vicariance at all levels, show that this isnot true. Thus Wiens (1991) noted that: Because birdsare mobile creatures, one might expect the distribu-tional boundaries that define biogeographic patternsto be blurred within continents or biogeographicrealms. In fact, many species have quite limited distri-butions. Albatrosses roam the oceans, but return tobreeding sites that are often very localized and vicariantwith those of their relatives. Many passerines, such asbirds of paradise, are highly sessile and individuals mayspend much of their lives in a single tree.

Rather than focusing on ‘means of dispersal’, thevicariance vs. dispersal difference can perhaps bebetter appreciated by considering the two as differ-ent modes of speciation. Mayr and Croizat have bothemphasized that the prevailing mode of speciation isgeographical, as in Mayr’s ‘allopatric speciation’ andCroizat’s ‘vicariance’. Mayr (1997), however, arguedthat this occurs in two forms, and: actually, the twoallopatric models are worlds apart (Mayr, 1982a). Inthe first model, Mayr’s ‘dichopatric speciation’, a pre-

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viously continuous set of populations is disrupted bya newly arisen barrier, such as a mountain range or anew arm of the sea, and populations of each sectorevolve into a new species over a wide area: there isno center of origin. In the second model, Mayr’s‘peripatric speciation’, a founder population is estab-lished through dispersal: by a single inseminated fe-male or by a few individuals (a clear reference to aDarwinian ‘ancestor’). At some point, and somehow(Mayr does not explain how, exactly –chance plays amajor role) migration stops and the founder becomesisolated from its parent population. Dichopatric andperipatric modes of speciation are usually known as‘vicariance’ and ‘dispersal’, respectively. (These arenot the only synonyms for the same two processes;for example, in anthropology, there is the ‘out-of-Africa’ model (dispersal) and the ‘multi-regional hy-pothesis’ (vicariance) for the evolution of Man).Hennig’s (1966) German idealist views closely re-semble those of Mayr on most important topics. Forexample, both accept that all taxa derive from singlespecies and both accept (in contrast with Darwin andMatthew) that the ‘primitive species’ stay at the cen-ter of origin while advanced forms move out. Hennigalso accepted ‘peripatric speciation’, referring to itas ‘speciation by colonization’.

In some of his writings Mayr seems to accept onlyperipatric speciation as common and dismisses theimportance of dichopatric speciation: Quite obviously,except for a few extreme [local?] endemics, everyspecies is a colonizer because it would not have therange it has, if it had not spread there by range ex-pansion, by ‘colonization’, from some original placeof origin (Mayr, 1965). Here Mayr ignores the possi-bility of ‘dichopatric speciation’ involving two or morewidespread species, for example, a split between aLaurasian form and a Gondwanan form, or even be-tween north New Guinea and south New Guineaforms. Most widespread groups show a mosaic pat-tern, with many genera, species and practically allsubspecies showing vicariant ranges. Under Mayr’sview, this standard pattern would require a hugenumber of founding events, point centers of origin,and range expansions, rather than the simple break-up of a widespread common ancestor.

Mayr proposed his ‘peripatric model’ (‘an entirelynew theory of allopatric speciation’, Mayr, 1982a) in

a 1954 paper on New Guinea birds. (He introducedthe term ‘peripatric speciation’ in 1982a; in 1954 hereferred to the idea as the ‘founder population’model). The model was based largely on the occur-rence of highly ‘aberrant’ populations of bird specieson islands off New Guinea, peripheral to the maindistribution, and the ‘amazingly great differences’among populations of adjacent islands in NewGuinea. Mayr (1954) admitted that ‘much’ of his pa-per is ‘frankly speculative’ but he did not refer to anygeology in his study, even speculatively. The distribu-tions he dealt with have been analysed in a very dif-ferent way in panbiogeographic work (Croizat, 1958;Heads, 2001a, 2002a), in which models of NewGuinea as a geological and biological composite havebeen discussed fully. These studies concluded thatthere is no need to invoke ‘founder populations’ andthat massive movements of geological terranes, not‘chance dispersal’, account for facts of bird distribu-tion in the region, such as the aberrant populationsstudied by Mayr and the total absence of birds of para-dise from Biak and the Bismarck Archipelago. The otherexample that Mayr and many others have based theirtheories on is the bird Zosterops in New Zealand. Mayr(1954) stated that: a small flock found its way in 1856from Australia to New Zealand, but this apparentlyclassic example of a founding population is not sup-ported by a closer reading of the literature. Buller([1888] 1967) and Mees (1969) have both indicatedan earlier presence of this bird in New Zealand and asornithology in New Zealand only started at about thistime, Zosterops may well have been in the countryfrom ancient times, becoming more abundant withthe advent of European settlement and agriculture.

The whole field of founder effects is problematic.Futuyma (1998) has noted that “founder effect spe-ciation” is “very controversial” and that: a great dealof controversy surrounds the genetic changes postu-lated for the founder populations in peripatric spe-ciation. Ayala et al. (1995) observed that the preva-lence of founder events in speciation is a matter of‘acrimonious debate’, with some authors rejectingthe purported genetic consequences on theoreticalgrounds. Whittaker (1998) noted that: It is particu-larly problematic that founding events (i.e. coloniza-tion) have been theorized to produce a variety of ratherdifferent founder effects […emphasis in original],

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and that some authors have queried the significanceof founder effects. Tokeshi (1999) argued that: […]despite the conceptual appeal and Mayr’s emphasisin his monograph, data which can unequivocally berelated to such peripatric speciation are not easy toidentify […] Rather than hard empirical evidence ofcontemporary and historical distribution patterns infaunas and floras, the interest in the peripatric per-spective has mainly revolved around its theoreticalimplications from population genetics. In an attemptto explain the divergence of peripheral populations,Mayr (1954, 1963) advocated the concept of thefounder effect […] theoretically, however, the foundereffect based on random genetic drift does not seemto be an effective means of speciation […]. Nei (2002)wrote that while the theory of speciation by thefounder principle has been popular for the past 40years, it is: speculation, and there has been no em-pirical study of this hypothesis. Recent studies of MHCloci in Galapagos finches and cichlid fishes in Africanlakes, both model cases of speciation by the founderprinciple: led to one of the most important findingsin evolutionary biology in recent years: that specia-tion by the founder principle may not be very com-mon after all.

Thus, of the two modes of speciation that Mayrhimself agreed were ‘worlds apart’, dichopatric spe-ciation or vicariance is accepted by most authors,whereas peripatric speciation (founder effect, specia-tion by colonization, ‘dispersal’) is highly controver-sial; biogeographers such as Croizat and geneticistssuch as Nei have simply rejected it.

Centers of origin and dispersal

As noted: the ingenious are always fanciful, and thetruly imaginative never otherwise than analytic. Dar-winism is nothing if not ingenious and fanciful; forexample in biogeography, ‘the simplicity’ of the viewthat dispersal starts from a single point center of ori-gin and spreads out by physical movement was afancy of Darwin’s (1971) which “captivates the mind”.The obsession with a center of origin is not restrictedto biology. For example, in literary studies: many Finn-ish scholars shared Lang’s unhappiness with the ten-dency of Benfey and others to trace every story back

to some hypothetical origin in India. However, theFinnish folklorists shared the diffusionists’ preoccu-pation with discovering the starting places of stories(Irwin, 1994). In another field, Fernández-Amesto(2000) has written that: All history, I have come tobelieve, is the history of colonization because all ofus got to where we are from somewhere else. Thismay be true, or may be not. One school of thoughtbelieves that groups of Homo sapiens have evolvedinto modern humans there, where they are. One thingdoes seem clear: over a century of argument –aboutmeans of dispersal, dispersal vs. vicariance, and muchelse– has shown that the Darwinian concepts of ‘cen-ter’ and ‘dispersal’ lead only to endless controversy,not to an efficient biogeography. This requires insteadlong, detailed and imaginative analysis to identify thenodes and tracks of distribution, and to integratethese with tectonics.

As George (1987) pointed out, it was discrepan-cies between theories of centers of origin, in particu-lar how one located the center of origin, that led toCroizat’s development of the generalized tracks/vicariance approach. For example, authors like Dar-win (1971), Matthew (1915), Darlington (1966), Frey(1993), and Briggs (2003) have assumed that the mostadvanced species occur at the center of origin andout-compete the primitive ones which migrate away.In contrast, other dispersalist authors, such as Mayr(1942), Hennig (1966) and modern phylogeographers(Avise, 2000), assume that the most primitive taxaoccur at the center of origin and it is the advancedones which have migrated away (‘Progression Rule’).(Nelson, in press, noted that ‘Hennig’s rule is nowreborn –as if it were for the first time– withinphylogeography’). This is a fundamental split withinthe dispersalist school, but neither assumption is usedin vicariance cladistics (e.g. Platnick, 1981; Nelson,in press) or in panbiogeography.

In the twentieth century, Darwin and Wallace’sconcepts of biogeographic processes have been lessdominant outside the Anglophone world. For ex-ample, leading tropical botanists in France have sim-ply dismissed long-distance dispersal: Schnell [1970]doesn’t believe in it, neither do I (Aubréville, 1971).Nevertheless, Darwin and Matthew’s ideas live on. Inparticular, the point center of origin idea currentlyshows no signs of abating. For example, Wilkinson

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(2003) argued that plate tectonics may have beenimportant in the evolution of the order Carnivora,but: if I am interested in the biogeography of thetiger Panthera tigris, and if we assume that thisspecies had a point of origin in space-time in the re-cent geological past, then dispersal will be one ofthe key relevant mechanisms in understanding itscurrent distribution (emphasis added). But why as-sume a point center of origin? Did the tiger reallyevolve at a single spot, perhaps under a particularlyauspicious banyan tree? Might not the evolution ofthe tiger have involved dichopatric vicariance?

McDowall (2004) has argued that centers of ori-gin do exist and are of interest and relevant because:the overall [distribution] patterns we observe are theaccumulation of the individual patterns. This does notfollow logically: no reason is given why an individualpattern requires a center of origin. McDowall may betrying to say that there are no standard patterns, onlyindividual patterns. But even if this were true, whichit obviously isn’t, it would not in itself be a justifica-tion for centers of origin.

The miracle and mystery of chance dispersal

These marvels (like all marvels) are mere repetitionsof the ages.

Melville, 1998

As discussed above, critique of teleology developedduring the seventeenth century and at the same timean important attack was launched on the so-called‘naturalism’ of the Renaissance –the belief in pan-psychism and animism which gives everything a souland sees miracles everywhere in nature. Thus, whereaspeople had previously sought to demonstrate Godthrough miracles and divine caprice, Kepler soughtto demonstrate God through divine order and self-consistency. Likewise, for panbiogeography, the realmiracle is the incredible repetition in the biogeo-graphic patterns of all kinds of organisms –plants andanimals, lowland and alpine, terrestrial and marine.However, it is not a mystery and it can be analyzed.

On the other hand, the basis of all dispersal bio-geography is a mystery and a miracle: the un-analyzable chance event, that, given enough time,

becomes a certainty. For example, Mayr and Phelps(1967) accepted that the eastern Pacific islandswere populated by animals through long-distance,over-water dispersal, and they wrote that: the dis-tances involved in some of these colonizations aretruly miraculous. Croizat pointed out that the al-most unanimous acceptance of this ‘process’ in bio-geography reflects a psychological phenomenon:people find mysteries and miracles attractive, eventhough in science they are the antithesis of an ac-ceptable explanation.

In classical times Tacitus noted that man’s char-acter is such that: he will always prefer to believe inmysteries (Tacitus, 1972), and in Renaissance ItalyBurckhardt (1990) referred to the: popular cravingfor the miraculous which was satisfied by the manymiraculous pictures of the Virgin. In 1498 Fra Giro-lamo was already arguing that miracles: should notbe used except in dire necessity when reasoning andexperience proved insufficient […]. (Guicciardini,1966) and another Renaissance author, Ficino, wrote:In our time we are no longer satisfied with themiracle; we must have a rational, philosophic ex-planation (quoted in Battisti, 1974).

In many ways the belief in chance dispersal is thebelief in the miraculous, one-off event that defies allexplanation. Why, without any geographical change,should an organism that is arriving more or less regu-larly on, say, an offshore island, change its ecologyand stop dispersing there, thus enabling the islandpopulation to change into a new species? How andwhy should an organism disperse hundreds or eventhousands of kilometers to establish a massively dis-junct population, without leaving any populations inthe gap? And above all, why should these patternsbe repeated in countless groups with totally differ-ent ecology and means of dispersal? There is no ra-tional explanation for the mysterious ‘chance dis-persal’ which is invoked to explain these commonpatterns, and as Avise (1994) admitted, in an under-stated way: Dispersalist explanations sometimes be-come quite strained.

In fact, using Darwin, Wallace and the New Yorkschool’s concepts of dispersal and center of origindoes not solve biogeographic problems efficiently butsimply leads to confusion, mystery and paradox, asleading dispersalists often find themselves forced to

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admit. Birds are the best-known group of animals,and the influential dispersalist biogeographerDarlington (1966) had ‘unusual opportunities’ instudying their biogeography, including discussionswith, and assistance from leading North Americanornithologists. ‘Nevertheless’, he concluded: I still findthe distribution of birds very hard to understand. Thepresent pattern is clear enough, though complex. Butthe processes that have produced the pattern –theevolution and dispersal of birds– are very difficult totrace and understand.

Describing the birds of Melanesia, Mayr and Dia-mond (2001: 249) posed the question: Why is theSan Cristobal avifauna so distinctive in its endemism,absentees, eastern specialties and differentiation?They concluded […] some mystery remains and wedo not claim to have a complete answer. Discussinganother island, they wrote (2001: 254): We are un-certain whether these three factors [colonizing abil-ity, wind direction, and ecology] suffice to resolvethe paradox of Rennell’s avifauna […] This paradoxdeserves more attention. In a further example, theyreferred (2001: 229) to the absence of the New Guineaspecies Monarcha chrysomela from New Britain as:the most surprising distributional gap in the wholeBismarck avifauna and wrote that the reason for itspresumed disappearance on New Britain remainsmysterious. They also failed to account for the evenmore striking absence of birds of paradise from theBismarck Archipelago. In fact the whole fauna andflora is quite different from that of the mainland. DoSan Cristobal, Rennell and New Britain really repre-sent zones of ‘mystery’ and ‘paradox’? As noted, thepublic always loves a mystery and the ‘chance dis-persal’ favored by neo-Darwinians such as Mayr andDiamond is inherently mysterious, but outside dis-persal theory there appears to be no real reason foraccepting biogeographic nodes as centers of mys-tery or paradox. Mayr and Diamond did not mentionany geological development earlier than the Pleis-tocene, but this earlier history is probably crucial to aresolution of their mysteries. For example, Hall’s(1998, 2001) reconstruction of the region for 30 Mashows the east Philippines, northern Moluccas andnorth New Guinea terranes (including New Britain)forming a relatively continuous arc, running parallelwith and 1-2000 km north of proto-New Guinea,

before moving south and west and docking. Thiswould explain the close connections among theseregions and also the great difference between thenorthern and southern Moluccas, and the BismarckArchipelago and mainland New Guinea.

Matthew ridiculed the early panbiogeographersfor discussing ‘landbridges’, in fact these authors weresimply discussing prior land which may have com-prised biogeographic centers in their own right. Theidea of prior areas of land merely being land-bridges–means of getting from point a to b of current to-pography– is a speciality of dispersalist biogeogra-phy. For example, Mayr and Diamond (2001) invokedPleistocene landbridges in their only reference tochanging topography.

The writing of many biogeographers and evolu-tionists resembles: the English of administrators, poli-ticians, and important people who write letters toThe Times. Imprecision would seem to be the chiefquality of this language, but for its weary pomposityand its childish delight in foolish metaphors (Kitto,1951). With the usual North American penchant forcrude, mechanical metaphor, Mayr and Diamondconcluded that the: whole movie of speciation be-gins with the arrival of colonists overseas, however,in a notable omission from a 22 page bibliography,an absence that is in fact a characteristic mark ofthese authors’ work, Croizat’s (1958, 1968b) detailedanalyses of the northern Melanesian avifauna are noteven mentioned.

Chance and dispersal

Some think that all things are subject to the chancesof Fortune; these believe that the world has no gov-ernor to move it.

Juvenal, in Juvenal and Persius, 1969

Fortune reigns in gifts of the world, not in the linea-ments of nature.

Shakespeare, As You Like It

[…] those more numerous Copyings, which are foundamong the Vessels of the same Body, are evident Dem-onstrations that they could not be the Work of Chance.

Addison, 1712, in Steele and Addison, 1997

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Aristotle implied that some aspects of things are ac-cidental; caused by matter, things only imitate tran-scendent forms and the imitation is imperfect. Theimperfections are not of scientific interest and: Itwasn’t until the Aristotelian cosmology was sweptclean away that scientists could begin to take natureseriously and [...] treat her lightest word as deserv-ing of attention and respect. This new attitude wasfirmly established by the time of Leonardo da Vinci(Collingwood, 1945). Croizat’s deconstructive analy-ses often focused on Nature’s ‘lightest words’ –ap-parently minor, anomalous aspects of biogeographyand morphology which would usually be treated asinsignificant and accidental, but which he showedare crucial and revealing parts of larger patterns, forexample, in demonstrating that commonly acceptedunits such as ‘North America’ or ‘leaf’ are in fact hy-brid composites and not natural entities.

While ‘accident’ plays no role in panbiogeography,chance dispersal and random mutation are the coreconcepts used in the Darwinian and neo-Darwinianprograms to account for differentiation in space andform, respectively. In contrast, panbiogeography seesthe far from random laws of growth (i.e. orthogen-esis/phylogenetic constraint) generated by processessuch as molecular drive (Dover et al., 1993; Dover,2000; Craw et al., 1999) as providing the variationon which selection can work, and thus of primaryimportance. Evolution proceeds whether or not thedirection is especially adaptive; if the new mutationis subviable the lineage goes extinct. Extinction hasalways been a rather problematic topic for neo-Dar-winism. Why do some taxa but not others fail toadapt? Extinction is usually interpreted as a functionof the environment; for example, Keast (1996) asked:Why has there been extinction in seemingly benignNew Caledonia? The panbiogeographic interpreta-tion is that taxa will eventually go extinct because ofintrinsic tendencies in their morphological evolution,not necessarily because of unfavorable climatic orhabitat change. However, environmental change maycause extinction before orthogenesis does.

The uncritical use of ‘chance’ and ‘accident’ inbiology, whether as ‘chance dispersal’ to explain bio-geographic patterns or ‘random mutation’ and natu-ral selection to explain phylogeny and morphology,was one of Croizat’s main targets. He pointed out

that ‘chance’ has been used in two quite distinct waysin biology. First, it can mean a mathematically calcu-lable probability; for example, a seed has a chance of1/n of being blown 1 km. Alternatively, ‘due to chance’can simply mean ‘due to unknown factors’, for ex-ample many authors regard the biogeographic con-nection between Hawaii and the Marquesas Islandsas due to ‘chance’ events in dispersal. One of Mat-thew’s (1915) main arguments ran as follows: if thereis the slightest possibility of an ‘exceedingly improb-able accident’ of long-distance colonization, giventhe vast amount of geological time available, an ‘al-most infinitesimal chance’ becomes a ‘quite probablechance’. Likewise, over geological time, even a slowrate of dispersal can eventually take a worm aroundthe world. However, if the probability of an eventoccurring is zero, it will never happen.

Dispersal in groups with ‘massive capacity forspread’: Ferns, sharks, and albatrosses

Ebach and Humphries (2003) contributed a useful,concise critique of dispersalism. In a negative re-sponse, McDowall (2004) commented that: Interest-ingly, Ebach and Humphries [2003] do not seem toinvest much effort in vicariance theories for the bio-geography of albatrosses or oceanic sharks. And whatof ferns, which seem to have massive capacity forspread […]? In fact, Ebach and Humphries did notrefer to albatrosses, sharks or ferns at all. But thisomission is hardly ‘interesting’, as their article wasonly three pages long. McDowall himself has not sup-plied a dispersal account of these groups, which allshow distribution patterns that are quite standardand strikingly precise. Other authors have questionedthe importance of dispersal in these groups andMcDowall’s snide implication that vicariance analy-sis of them is not possible is incorrect.

Discussing ferns, Cockayne (1928) wrote that: Thecase of Hymenophyllum ferrugineum of JuanFernández, Chile and New Zealand is hard to explainon the supposition of wind-carriage and equally dif-ficult is that of H. malingii, a pseudo-epiphyte, ofquite local occurrence […] in New Zealand and Tas-mania […] Were spores as readily carried by the windas is supposed there should be no special fern floras,

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which is not the case; nor should the endemic Poly-podium novae-zelandiae be confined to one portionof North Island. Lovis (1959) argued similarly: It is some-times somewhat facilely supposed that on account oftheir copious production of spores […] pteridophytesmust be more widely diffused and distributed thanare flowering plants […] Study of actual plant distri-butions shows this generalization to be manifestlyunjustifiable […] pteridophytes, and bryophytes andorchids as well, have distributions which by and largeshow the same characteristics [...] as do floweringplants which possess relatively heavy disseminules. Thestriking distributions of many ferns in New Zealand(Heads, 1990a), New Guinea (Heads, 2001a, b, 2002a)and the Malay Archipelago (Heads, 2003a) have beeninterpreted in a vicariance context and shown to becomponents of general patterns correlated with tec-tonic events. I am not aware of any dispersalist inter-pretations for any of these patterns.

As another example, consider Acrostichum au-reum. This distinctive fern is widespread in the trop-ics, where it typically grows in mangrove forests andreedbeds and is able to tolerate very saline condi-tions. In southern Africa it is recorded along the coastsof Natal and Mozambique by Burrows (1990) whoadded, significantly, that: There is an extraordinaryrecord of Acrostichum growing next to some hot-springs in south-eastern Zimbabwe, at an altitude of550 metres and 400 kilometres away from the coast.Although it is easy to understand its ability to with-stand the highly saline or mineralized soils aroundthe hot springs, it is interesting to speculate how itarrived there. Apart from the possibility of normalspore dispersal by wind, it is widely accepted thatthe entire south-eastern portion of Zimbabwe was,during earlier times, submerged below the sea – in-deed the original dunes are still discernible in places.It may be that Acrostichum once grew along this‘inland’ coastline and, as the sea receded eastwards,a relic population was able to remain intact along-side a mineral spring. This is pure panbiogeography.Note that there is no dogmatic assertion of any theory,simply a juxtaposition of facts and an opening up ofnew and interesting possibilities.

Albatross distribution has been analyzed elsewhere(Heads, in press a). Despite their legendary powers offlight, after roaming the oceans at will, all albatross

species return to very precise and often very local-ized sites to breed. Vicariance occurs at all ranks. Asa generic example, Diomedea of the Southern Hemi-sphere is sister to Phoebastria in the north Pacific. Atspecies level, D. exulans (Indian Ocean islands, Tristanand South Georgia in the Atlantic Ocean, southernislands in New Zealand: Macquarie, Auckland, Camp-bell, Antipodes Islands) is related to D. epomophoraof New Zealand: Auckland and Campbell Islands,Otago Peninsula, Chatham Island. The distributionsare largely vicariant, with overlap only on Aucklandand Campbell Islands. The third species in the genus,D. amsterdamensis of Amsterdam Island is vicariantwith the other two species. Most or all subspecies ofalbatross are vicariant with the related subspecies.

I am not aware of any vicariance studies of sharks,although the distribution of the east Australian en-demic Brachaelurus colcloughi, disjunct between theMcPherson-MacLeay Overlap and Cape York (Last andStevens, 1994) is identical to that of many terrestrialplants. The disjunction in the latter is usually attrib-uted to extinction caused by increasing aridity, butthe affects of terrane accretion have been overlookedand a dispassionate study of comparative biogeog-raphy in these sharks and trees would be of greatinterest. Although vicariance in sharks appears to bea neglected field, this is not true for the highly di-verse and endemic Australasian skates (Last andYearsley, 2002). These authors found ‘striking’ com-positional differences between the faunas of NewZealand/New Caledonia and of Australia. The subfam-ily Arhynchobatinae is particularly speciose in the re-gion and the New Zealand/New Caledonian fauna isdominated by species and supraspecific taxa of thisgroup. The Australian fauna, on the other hand, al-though including many arhynchobatins is dominatedinstead by members of subfamily Rajinae and showslittle overlap in species composition with the faunaof New Zealand and New Caledonia. The extantAustralasian fauna: appears to be derived from ele-ments of Gondwanan origin, dispersal from the east-ern and western Tethys Sea, and intraregionalvicariance speciation […] The Tasman Sea, which isthought to have divided Australia and New Zealandsince the Late Cretaceous, has formed an effectivebarrier to the dispersal of obligate benthic fishes typi-fied by most rays […] the main ancient mechanism

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of derivation is almost certainly vicariance. Note thatLast and Yearsley did not invoke any dispersal at allacross current geography.

‘Unknown means’ of dispersal and galaxiid fishes

Conjecture, expectation, and surmiseOf aids uncertain should not be admittedShakespeare, Second Part of King Henry the Fourth

Darwin (1971) cited freshwater fishes found in NewZealand and other countries as examples of groupsthat have dispersed across open ocean by ‘unknownmeans’. The classic examples are the galaxiid fishes,several of which have a marine phase in their life cycle.They have been the topic of much debate betweendispersalists (McDowall, 1964, 2002) who have ar-gued for an Australian center of origin followed bydispersal to New Zealand and South America (Mat-thew, 1915 considered the case for transoceanic dis-persal in Galaxias ‘proven’), and panbiogeographers(Croizat et al., 1974; Rosen, 1978) who favor vica-riance of a widespread southern ancestor. Fortunately,this debate may be approaching a resolution.

A study of Galaxias maculatus, one of the world’smost widespread freshwater fishes, found: extremelystrong intercontinental geographical structure, i.e.vicariance, with well-supported clades for Tasmanian,New Zealand, and Chilean haplotypes (Waters et al.,2000). Waters et al. wrote: This leads us to questionthe assertion that trans-Pacific dispersal is going onin this species […] our data indicate that the dispersalpowers of G. maculatus may be more limited thanpreviously suggested and a vicariant role in the di-vergence of eastern and western Pacific G. maculatuscannot be rejected. Genetic divergences (implyingmaximum divergence dates of 36 Ma) may be consis-tent with a vicariance model. For forty years McDowallhas argued strongly for a dispersal model of Galaxiasbiogeography, and so this study, in which he played‘a major role’, represents a significant reversal in thedispersal/vicariance debate. The dispersalists, how-ever, have not yet become fully-fledged panbiogeo-graphers. Waters et al. (2000) also argued that thetopology of the G. maculatus cladogram, ((Tasma-nia, New Zealand) Chile), conflicts with ‘the pattern

of continental fragmentation’ and that this meansthe Tasmania/New Zealand relationship is due to dis-persal. Writing in a more popular publication less likelyto be exposed to critical examination, Wallis andWaters (2003) even wrote that: At first sight, this [Tas-mania, New Zealand, Chile differentiation] mightappear to support a Gondwanan explanation for theirorigin but this is not the case, contradicting Waterset al. ’s more cautious and realistic statement that“vicariance cannot be rejected”. Waters et al.’s andWallis and Waters’ absolute faith in geology is naïve:they cite no geological publications, presumably be-cause they think that ‘the pattern’ is all worked outand agreed on. In fact the current geographic/politi-cal entities (Tasmania, New Zealand, Chile) are notgeological entities but geological composites, and thesimple split sequence between them may not be rel-evant. The sequence and timing of accretion of thecomponent terranes and their distinct biogeographicaffinities are topics of current investigation (Heads,1999) and the ad hoc invocation of dispersal to ex-plain apparent biological/geological incongruence inthis region is unjustified. In fact, while vicariance-cla-distic biogeography has predicted congruence be-tween phylogeny and ‘split sequences’ of early (pre-terrane) plate tectonics, panbiogeography has criti-cized this as simplistic and misleading (Craw, 1982;Heads, 1999). Congruence between split sequenceand phylogeny would only be predicted if the areaswere biogeographically homogeneous before the splitand this seems very unlikely.

As indicated by Heads and Craw (2004), thedispersalist biogeography of Wallis resembles that ofWallace in most aspects, for example in basing bio-geographic conclusions on theories from anotherfield, geology, not on biological data. Privileging cer-tain currently accepted theories from a field in whichthey have little expertise means that biogeographerscan never make new predictions about either geol-ogy, as did, for example, workers such as Wegener orCroizat, or biology. The way in which Waters et al.(2000) presented their data reflects their underlyingcommitment to dispersal. For example, in their ab-stract they point out that: a lack of genetic structureamong New Zealand samples suggests that marinedispersal [occurs within New Zealand], and that:marine dispersal is an important biogeographical

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mechanism for this species. However, in the abstractthey conspicuously avoid even mentioning the mainoverall pattern, the extremely strong intercontinen-tal geographic structure among Tasmania, NewZealand and South America, which contradictis dis-persal. In their paper lack of genetic structure is takento imply dispersal, but extremely strong genetic struc-ture is not taken to imply vicariance. This biased ap-proach does scant justice to the very interesting data.

Likewise, in an earlier study of Galaxias maculatusBerra et al. (1996) wrote that: Significant genetic het-erogeneity between populations would be consistentwith a vicariant model, whereas its absence wouldsupport a dispersal model (italics added). This alsoreveals the prejudiced stance of the authors: why wouldgenetic heterogeneity not support vicariance and itsabsence be consistent with dispersal? In any case,dispersalists can always change the rules: when strongvicariant genetic heterogeneity was subsequently dis-covered, Waters et al. (2000) and Wallis and Waters(2003) backtracked on Berra et al.’s prediction.

Dating evolutionary events and distinguishingbetween dispersal and vicariance

Dating evolutionary events has been done by corre-lating the age of taxa with the age of the oldest fos-sil, with the age of strata bearing endemic taxa, andwith the age of paleogeographic events. (This topicis treated in more detail elsewhere; Heads, in pressb). By dating phylogenetic events with a molecularclock and comparing these dates with the age of tec-tonic events, phylogeography claims to be able totest dispersal and vicariance hypotheses. How reli-able are these claims?

In Matthewian studies of phylogeny, biogeographyand evolution, fossils are given extraordinary signifi-cance, although Darwin himself emphasized the frag-mentary nature of the fossil record. Matthew (1915)favored a literal reading of the fossil record, in whichthe taxon is taken to be the same age as its oldestknown fossil and the absence of earlier fossils is takenas significant. But when even a paleontologist (Gould,1989) can cite: the most treacherous kind of argu-ment that a scientist can ever use –negative evidence,it is clear that the direct method for dating the origin

of taxa has unstable foundations. Occasionally, doubtsabout the method and its results are expressed. Forexample, based on the stunningly preserved fossils inMessel, Germany, G. Storch (quoted in Hoffmann,2000) proposed that: Bats were already advanced 49million years ago. I’m convinced they originated muchearlier than you read in textbooks. However, the ma-jor problems with the Matthewian approach are usu-ally ignored and there is even a recent book titled ‘Theadequacy of the fossil record’ (Donovan and Paul,1998a). The title is probably a reference to Darwin’s(1971) chapter ‘On the imperfection of the geologicalrecord’. In the introduction to their book, Donovanand Paul (1998b) refer to Darwin’s ‘bias’ in his well-known argument that the fossil record must be veryincomplete but I would suggest that it is Donovan andPaul, not Darwin, who are biased. A member of theNew York school (Darlington, 1966: 320) has proposedthat the fossil record: allows an almost magical viewinto the past, and Briggs (1974: 249) used exactly thesame words. In this approach, termed by Croizat (1952)the cult of the petrifact, the age of the earliest knownfossil of a group is the age of the group, the locationof that fossil is the group’s center of origin, and thefossil itself, a material trace from the prehistory ofnature, is the group’s ancestor. In contrast, Croizatinsisted on the distinction between age of being andage of fossilization, and the idea that fossils are an-cestors was severely criticized by the cladists (Gee,1999; Williams and Ebach, 2004).

What the fossil record can do is give broad aver-ages of level of organization through time. The namesof the geological eras reflect the fact that Cenozoicmembers of a group (kainos = new) have a modernstamp and usually look rather different from Meso-zoic and Paleozoic members. But a literal reading ofthe details of the fossil record is bound to be mis-leading and new discoveries of fossils much older thanthe previously known oldest members of a group aremade regularly.

In a second method of dating evolution, taxa areassumed to be the same age as the strata they occuron, for example on recent volcanic islands. This ig-nores the possibility of prior islands in the region onwhich taxa can survive.

In a third method of dating, the age of taxa hasbeen correlated with paleogeographic events, but

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these correlations have often been very simplistic. Thethree methods have been taken over by phylogeo-graphy, and are discussed further below.

Dating evolutionary events in phylogeography

The results of molecular systematics produced overthe last 15 years represent great scientific advance.Croizat (1977b) regarded evolutionary developmentas: a function of (a) panbiogeography and (b) mo-lecular biology. Molecular cladograms are often ex-tremely valuable and of great interest for biogeogra-phy and general evolutionary studies. In contrast, theassociated molecular clock studies generally seemalmost worthless. Clock calibrations have been madeusing the three techniques cited above that have beenused to date evolutionary events in general.

Calibrations based on fossils. In most phylogeo-graphic studies the fossil record is taken at face valueand the age of a taxon is equated with the age of theoldest known fossil. Clock calibrations and the chro-nology of the phylogenetic tree are based on this age.As indicated above, this is simplistic and misleading.Although more and more credence is apparently be-ing given to the idea that age of fossilization is lessor much less than the age of being and Croizat’s dic-tum that age of fossils only gives a minimum age fora taxon is cited frequently, in practice it is usuallyassumed that the age of the fossil equals the age ofthe taxon, and other ages of clades within a groupbased on this are given as absolute, not minimumages. In panbiogeography the age of the oldest fos-sil is never assumed to represent the age of the taxonand so a calibration based on the oldest known fossilcannot be accepted either.

Calibration using age of strata that endemic taxaoccur on. A common logical mistake that biologistsmake in reading geology is to take geologists’ sugges-tion that: there is no evidence for land in a region fora particular period, to mean there is evidence for noland. Wallacean biogeographers believe that the ageof an island (i.e. of the currently exposed strata) indi-rectly places a maximum age limit on any endemicplants that have evolved in situ, but as noted, this ig-

nores the possibility of other former islands in the area,or older strata buried beneath present topography.

Calibrations using paleogeographic events. Mostof the standard correlations between distribution andpaleogeographic events used to calibrate clocks arehighly simplistic. A classic example is the rise of theIsthmus of Panama at about 3 Ma, which is widelyassumed to have brought about vicariance betweenAtlantic and Pacific marine taxa. The rise of the Isth-mus is also one of the most important dates in dis-persal biogeography of terrestrial taxa as it is sup-posed to mark the beginning of the ‘Great AmericanInterchange’ of terrestrial faunas, one of the centralpillars of Wallace/Matthew orthodoxy. The 3 Ma agefor the isthmus is very often used as the basis for clockcalibrations, however, many authors have pointed outAtlantic/Pacific pairs of taxa that must have divergedwell before the final rise of the isthmus (Heads, in pressa). Croizat (1975a) questioned the significance of theIsthmus of Panama and emphasized instead the com-plex earlier geology of the Colombia-Central Americaregion. Other geologists and biologists have also sug-gested much earlier isthmian links between North andSouth America in the late Mesozoic or early Cenozoicthat may have led to Pacific/Atlantic isolation and dif-ferentiation of marine taxa.

In conclusion, phylogeography resembles ordinarybiogeography in most ways, studying distributions ofcharacters in space. The results are notable for the veryhigh levels of vicariance they have revealed. The oneway in which phylogeography really differs from pre-vious biogeography lies in its claims about evolution-ary clocks and its ability to date evolutionary events.Because of this, it also claims to be able to test whetheran event is due to vicariance or dispersal. However,there are notable difficulties with this whole line ofreasoning which are seldom acknowledged, let alonediscussed. Perhaps the most obvious and commonfallacy involves assuming a clock and calibrating it withthe oldest known fossil of a group. The divergencepoints on a cladogram are then given as absolute ormaximum dates, whereas in fact this is a simple, logi-cal mistake: all these will be minimum dates.

In sum, as Ebach and Humphries (2002) noted:Phylogeography has re-invented dispersal biogeog-raphy […] Phylogeography is limited in its perspec-

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tive, as it has not overcome the logical hurdles al-ready addressed in cladistic biogeographical meth-odology over the last two decades. Prior knowledge,it seems, is neither assumed nor necessary in phylo-geography. Humphries (2000) observed that: despitefour decades of analytical criticism, narrative bioge-ography [progression rule and its opposite] still seemsto persist and is indeed growing with renewed vigoramongst contemporary evolutionists. Fossils and an-cestors still assume cardinal importance and centersof origin are alive and kicking. Nelson (2004) agreed,writing that the paleontology of earlier authors, es-pecially Matthew and Simpson, is revived in molecu-lar systematics of the present, in the search for an-cestors and centers of origin.

Some current trends in systematics:hypocladistics vs. cladocentrism

Ignorance at the top fraternizing with impudence,cliquishness in place of merit, utter chaos of all fun-damental concepts […].

Schopenhauer, 1974,describing philosophy in German universities

Cladocentrism. In modern systematics the taxon ora clade, a phylogenetic branch, is central to all stud-ies. Current systematics is derived from German ide-alism through the work of authors such as Hegel,Hennig, and Mayr, and is concerned with pure, au-thentic, monophyletic branches or races derived froma parent pair or homogeneous ‘stem species’, notfrom a polymorphic ancestral complex. The use ofbotanical metaphor here is not accidental, and in stud-ies of genealogy and phylogeny this use goes back atleast to the biblical branch of David; however, I be-lieve that modern systematics seems to have misread,‘overconcretized’ or ‘misconcretized’ the metaphor,and become, as a result, ‘cladocentric’.

The evolution of taxa (phylogenesis or taxogenesis)is only one aspect of form-making, which also includesthe evolution of characters. Form-making may or maynot result in well-defined groups. In weakly delimited‘complexes’, often interpreted as hybrid swarms, it isthe kaleidoscopic recombination of characters whichis striking, rather than any distinct groups. Thus, the

monophyletic group cannot really be a fundamentalunit for general, comparative biology and systemat-ics. Nor can the species be fundamental, as even spe-cies are constituted by characters, the most ‘essential’of which may ‘drop out’ unexpectedly.

In panbiogeography there is nothing special aboutspecies (or clades of any rank). The species level issimply another point on the trajectory of differentia-tion, lying between subspecies and genus. The pro-cess of form-making is the important thing. The em-phasis on species as a privileged category is a classicfeature of neo-Darwinism (as usual, Darwin himself,despite the title of his famous book, was much lessrigid in his views than the neo-Darwinians and didnot regard species as very special). The modern viewis well exemplified by Cracraft (2002) who includedthe following in his “seven great questions of sys-tematic biology”: “What is a species?”, “How manyspecies are there?”, “Where are the Earth’s speciesdistributed?”, and “How have species’ distributionschanged over time?” In equally myopic species-centrism, Hubbell (2001) even regarded biodiversityas: synonymous with species richness and relativespecies abundance and ecology as the scientific studyof the distribution and abundance of species.

Character analysis. Comparative morphology nowa-days is often subsumed in cladistics, for example intables showing ‘primitive’ vs. ‘derived’ states of char-acters. The ‘outgroup method’ used by many authorsis a more or less hopeful attempt at morphogeneticanalysis. Nevertheless, character analysis cannot besimply ‘probabilistic’, as is so-called ‘parsimony’ analy-sis. For example, consider the character of epiphyllyin plants, in which flowers grow from the surface ofa leaf. This is a very rare condition, found only in ahandful of unrelated taxa. So it is usually assumed(by ‘outgroup analysis’) to be secondarily ‘derived’,and a ‘parallelism’ in the different groups. This ap-parently obvious conclusion is probably wrong, asemerges from a deconstruction of the concept ‘leaf’.In the idealist morphology that is taught in all first-year university botany courses, leaf, stem and rootare the only three elements in a plant’s structure; forexample, the parts of the flower are interpreted as‘modified leaves’. Naturally, this begs the question,just what is a ‘leaf’? Rather than having always been

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there, or simply developing out of nothing, the mod-ern leaf, as indicated above, is more likely to be theend result of a long process of reduction and simpli-fication from a much more complex structure thatwas branched and probably fertile (sporogenous)(Croizat, 1961; Heads, 1984). One of the main re-sults of the reduction of the protoleaf has been ster-ilization, now virtually complete in all taxa except theepiphyllous ones, although traces of the ‘leaf’s’former self (or selves) are seen everywhere in reducedform, as glands, teeth, venation, domatia, hairs, tor-sions, coloured areas, and occasionally epiphyllousflowers. The wings of some insects provide a parallelcase of the evolution of planar structure in animals,and occasionally bear ‘eye-spots’ and ‘osmophoreglands’ suggestive of relictual structures. Androconialorgans which release scents or pheromones occur onthe wings and other parts of Lepidoptera and areperhaps morphogenetically homologous to the axil-lary glands and domatia of angiosperm leaves; how-ever, most studies of androconia (e.g. Hall and Harvey,2002) overlook their evolutionary morphogenesis,seeing them merely as later ‘add-ons’ resulting from‘sexual selection’, and instead emphasize their func-tion and systematic significance.

The status of an organ’s morphology cannot beassessed simply by using taxonomy, by seeing how itis distributed in groups. It is necessary to look at thecomparative organogeny of each particular case indetail. In practice, taxonomic monographs seldomconcern themselves with morphological controver-sies. The (idealist) morphologists of the nineteenthcentury and early twentieth century were in manycases the only workers to have carried out detailedanalyses of particular morphological trends, and at-tempted to find a structural explanation or a generalview. Where idealism fails in morphology is in its ten-dency to invoke purely theoretical ‘constructions’ (andin a tendency to follow heroes, such as Goethe, andtheir concepts uncritically). In biology, the moderndescendants of the idealists, the cladists, use tradi-tional (‘classic’) concepts of leaf, flower, carpel etc.without question, but apart from purposes of descrip-tion and cataloguing, it is difficult to see the use ofknowing whether the leaf of a given species is ‘large’or ‘small’, if it is not at all clear what a ‘leaf’ is. Whatis the point of comparing the small ‘leaves’ of ericoid

shrubs such as Leonohebe (Scrophulariaceae) or Erica(Ericaceae), with the large ‘leaves’ of Hebe and Rhodo-dendron which have a different origin and structure(Heads, 1994, 2003a)? A full morphogenetic analysisis always needed, not just a cladistic analysis of pre-conceived categories. In any case, what exactly is theoutgroup? This is a notorious problem, obvious at onceto any student beginning a cladistic analysis. In anytruly comparative morphology or biogeography, theoutgroup can only be all other known biological taxa.

Hypocladistics. Instead of a cladocentric view whichaccepts taxa (especially the species) as the fundamen-tal units of biological existence, a direct study of char-acters and, especially, recombination of characterscan help solve many problems. This approach aimsto get ‘behind’ the taxonomic classification –whichis a summary– to the characters themselves, whichare the basis of the taxonomy. For example, considerthe ‘hypocladistics’ of the following examples:

1. Piculet woodpeckers (Picidae: Picumninae) are aclassic case of what Croizat called ‘wing dispersal’. Thegroup (Winkler et al., 1995) comprises three genera:Picumnus in tropical America from Honduras to NWArgentina (mainly in Brazil), Nesoctites in Hispaniola,Sasia with one species (formerly Verreauxia) in centralAfrica (Nigeria to Congo), and two species from theHimalayas to Borneo, and finally Picumnus again, withone species, P. innominatus, from the Himalayas toBorneo. (Short, 1973 confirmed that the last speciesdoes belong in Picumnus). Thus, Picumnus occurs intwo regions, in the far west and the far east, but isstrikingly absent from Africa. A virtually identical pat-tern is seen in the dispersal of Thymelaeaceae tribeDicranolepideae (Domke, 1934; Nevling, 1961a, b)which comprises three related genera (Dicranolepis,Synaptolepis and Craterosiphon) in tropical Africa, andLophostoma of Brazil closely related to Enkleia andLinostoma of NE India to W New Guinea. In both thePicumninae and the Dicranolepideae the charactershave recombined in a similar way ‘in the wings’ of therange, with an enormous disjunction between locali-ties in South America and SE Asia. This does not meanthat there has been any migration between the twoareas, or extinction in the center, simply that the char-acters of the groups have recombined in the same wayat widely separated localities.

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2. ‘Divaricating’ shrubs show a distinctive shootarchitectural syndrome with brachyblasts (short orspur shoots) and determinate long shoots which abortapically. (Although I have pointed out repeatedly thatthese are the two key characters (Heads, 1990b, 1996,1998a, c, 2003a), McGlone et al. (2004) asserted,quite erroneously, that the long shoots are ‘indeter-minate’ in classic divaricates such as Pseudopanaxanomalum). Divaricate architecture occurs in a fewspecies in each of many different families and thegroup is obviously not monophyletic. It appears tobe most diverse in parts of the SW Indian Ocean (EastAfrica, South Africa, and Madagascar) and SW Pa-cific (Australia/New Zealand), but is notably very rarein New Guinea and the central Pacific islands. Thedistribution is a standard one for monophyletic taxa,indicating that the biogeography of symplesiomorphyis the same as that of synapomorphy (Heads, 1990b).

3. Jagera and Trigonachras (Sapindaceae) are re-lated genera of trees which range from the Moluccasto northern New South Wales, and the Malay Penin-sula to New Guinea, respectively (Adema and van derHam, 1993). The more perforate form of pollen foundin these two genera occurs in the northwestern partof the range (several Trigonachras species and J.javanica), while the more reticulate form occurs inthe southeastern part (several Jagera species and T.papuensis). The traditional explanation of this sortof pattern is that some casual, chance parallelism hasbeen at work, giving a pattern of incongruent differ-entiation which runs counter to the other characterson which the genera are differentiated. The geo-graphical vicariance of the pollen characters is, again,supposedly the result of chance dispersal. The occur-rence of overlap only in New Guinea is supposedlythe result of migration of the two pollen types intoNew Guinea from somewhere else. Other traditionalexplanations of this sort of parallelism are that thetaxonomy is wrong, or that there must be some mys-terious ‘ecological’ correlation. Nevertheless, there isno real need for any of these speculations. Charac-ters have their own geographic and phylogenetic dis-tribution and ‘the group’ can only be congruent witha limited number of the characters. The other, ‘in-congruent’ characters, comprising parallelism or ho-moplasy, are routinely ignored, but in fact furnish anequal or greater amount of biogeographic data.

Jagera and Trigonachras may be sympatric over a largearea, but underlying this is a fundamental split in thepollen types which show a clear geographic vicariancerunning counter to the taxonomy. The different char-acters have ‘crystallized out’ in different ways. Thereare no true synapomorphies or symplesiomorphies,and the rigorous distinction usually made betweenthese two types of characters, with the former al-ways privileged, has acted as a conceptual road-blockwhich preventing biogeographic analysis.

The problem of ‘parallelism’ –How and why dounrelated and sometimes geographically distantplants or animals so often have one or more ecologi-cally insignificant characters in common?– is only aproblem if it assumed that taxa are monophyletic. Incenter of origin/dispersal biogeography, charactersand taxa are assumed to develop just once, at a singlepoint and to radiate out from there. In panbiogeo-graphy, however, a widespread ancestral complex in,say, northern South America, could differentiate outinto, say, three components, one in each of Ecuador,Colombia, and Venezuela, with each developing theirindividual identity over the broad region of an entirecountry. Thus phylogenesis occurs on a broad front.In the latter view, but not the former, occasional strik-ing ‘parallelism’ would be expected. As with the cen-ter of origin, and the morphogenetic equivalent con-cept of organs evolving ‘de novo’, out of ‘nothing’(or rather a homogeneous prior structure), it is a ques-tion of an ancestral state/s or organ which are al-ways already diverse no matter how far back in timethey are traced, rather than a homogeneous center/organ or source of full presence or absence.

There are obvious parallels between these argu-ments and those of structuralism. What would a struc-turalist biology be like? Perhaps it would hold thatthere are no taxa, only differences between ‘taxa’.Perhaps there are also no characters, only differencesbetween characters. Such a view contrasts with thebase concepts of cladistics: the ‘full presence’ of char-acters, localities and taxa (including species) as enti-ties, either as types, kinds, classes or individuals; thesemaphoront; the concept of center in dispersalistand vicariance cladistics, and the node as center ofsimple presence. Modern, decadent phylogeography(analyzed well by Nelson, 2004) has reverted to anearly 1960s, pre-Brundin outlook, exemplified by the

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idea that small sister taxa –‘basal’ groups– are primi-tive and ancestral, and located near the group’s origi-nal center of origin. In fact, a ‘basal’ group is just thesmaller of two sister groups. Both will have the sameage and neither one is derived from the other.

Instead of these concepts, emphasis is laid hereon the processes of differentiation, vicariance andmorphogenesis. For example, a node may be a cen-ter of both presence and absence. The biogeographyof synapomorphy or presence (the Madagascar-Australasia sector as a zone of endemism for manymonophyletic groups) is the same as the biogeogra-phy of symplesiomorphy (the same distribution shownin many polyphyletic groups (characters) such as thedivaricating plants), and also the biogeography ofabsence (groups such as woodpeckers are strikinglyabsent there). Form-making is probably better seenas a ‘metamorphic overprint’ or a ‘remelting’ andrecrystallisation’ than as a ‘radiation’ out from a point‘center of origin’, a purely theoretical locus of origi-nal, full, homogeneous presence. This regional meta-morphism often results in relatively widespread formsmeeting at a node or a series of nodes. The boundaryzone is often itself the site of highly localized ende-mism. In addition, these local endemics may havehighly disjunct affinities or be disjunct themselves.Disjunction, local endemism and widespread taxa canall be the end result of form-making which is basi-cally vicariant around a small number of nodes.

Much of this topic depends on the particular con-cept of ‘ancestor’ used. The common ancestor of oneor more groups is usually assumed to be a singleuniform species. For example, in cladistics, Wiley etal. (1991) asserted that: Each monophyletic groupbegins as a single species, and only species can beancestral taxa […] there are no known processes [inneocladistic theory] that allow for a genus or a fam-ily to give rise to other taxa that contain two or morespecies. Outside the conceptual straitjacket of ideal-ist theory, however, such processes are acknowledged(for example, molecular drive or concerted evolution)and are closely akin to the well-known phenomenonof parallel evolution. Even Hennig (1966) acceptedorthogenesis and the real reason for the cladists’ ac-ceptance of the homogeneous ancestor would seemto be a subconscious adherence to the logocentricmetaphysics of presence and idealist notions of Plato

and Aristotle, not any lack of mechanism for ortho-genesis. If the idealist position was correct, and theancestor was monomorphic, all the unique charac-ters found in the descendant groups would be ad-vanced or ‘derived’. However, it seems safer to as-sume that ancestors in general are not necessarilysingle species but may be polymorphic complexes,with many different states already present for eachcharacter (Heads, 1985).

The ontology of systematics

Any literature, including that of biogeography,biodiversity and conservation, has its own ontologyor view on the nature of entities as beings, and onexistence itself. The broader ontology of a sciencehas far-reaching effects on the theory and practiceof that science. What is the ontology of ‘biology’ atthe beginning of the third millennium?

Within the conceptual framework of ‘sema-phoront’, ‘monophyletic group’ and ‘progressionrule’, cladistics aims to ‘polarize’ alternative charac-ter states in terms of which state was derived fromwhich. The argument again is one of ‘center of ori-gin’, represented by the prehistorical, the primordial,or primitive, vs. the advanced or derived. The opposi-tion of the primordial to the derivative is a standardmetaphysical approach (cf. Derrida, 1982: 63) and ingeneral, Derrida has questioned the approach ofmodern Platonic/Hegelian thinking with its basis ofdichotomous, polarized oppositions (e.g. presence/absence, identity/difference, nature/culture, animate/inanimate) rather than specific analysis. Morphoge-netic analysis often shows instead that two alterna-tive morphologies are inherited, not one from theother, but both from a third.

The cladocentric system of systematics outlinedabove, derived from Plato and Hegel’s philosophy ofhistory, accepts that being is determined by presence(rather than, say, difference) and at the origin of anyentity there is an ancestral homogeneity, an absenceof differentiation. In metaphysical idealism and itsderivatives, differentiation, as history and material-ity, lies a step outside identity, property and presenceand is of secondary interest. The logocentric andcladocentric bases of Hennig’s (1950, 1966) work is

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evident in his concepts of ‘stem species’ (possessingfully present synapomorphies of the group), and thetypical idealist Konstruction, the ‘semaphoront’. Thestem species resembles Husserl’s: punctual presentmoment or point of presence –a unique and originalpoint of plenitude from which repetition as re-pre-sentation and difference, the displacement of pres-ence, supposedly derive (Ryan 1982). The semapho-ront is supposedly the character bearer, the biologicalindividual during a minimal time period, and the ulti-mate element of systematics. In contrast with theseapproaches, in panbiogeography and hypocladisticsthere is a movement away from a rigid emphasis onthe clade. Indeed, Croizat’s life and work can be readas a critique of the cladocentric approach, with a no-table focus on German idealism and Italian fascism.

Nothing important in biology is ever unique, asbiological phenomena occur and recur in series andaverages by reiteration, replication and reproduction.This is shown particularly clearly in biogeography. Acritique of the ‘center of origin’ as an ideal, theoreti-cal source is the same as a critique of the origin ofcomplexity from simplicity, the stem species, thesemaphoront, the monophyletic group, and thesynapomorphy. Croizat aimed to dissolve the mythof the ‘center of origin’, and likewise, Nietzsche’ssuspicion with respect to origins is matched by a con-viction that origins are not single points of departurebut complex and ramified intersections of multipleforces (Smith, in the Introduction to Nietz-sche, 2000).This theme was also taken up and elaborated by De-rrida, for example in a discussion of ‘representation’:In this play of representation, the point of origin be-comes ungraspable. There are things like reflectingpools and images, an infinite reference from one tothe other, but no longer a source, a spring. There isno longer a simple origin (Derrida, 1976).

Earlier (Craw and Heads, 1988) I explored the af-finities between the work of Croizat and Derrida, com-paring, for example, the ‘track’ and ‘form-making’ ofCroizat, with the ‘trace’ and ‘differance’ of Derrida.Clark (2001) recently discussed and extended thiswork, and concluded that although: Scarcely tappedby the humanities, the leads ‘panbiogeographers’have offered seem to have considerable potential fordisenthralling conservation of its metaphysics of pres-ence, in New Zealand and beyond.

A specific onto-theology of biology is revealed,for example, in concepts of ‘nature sanctuary’ or ‘re-serve’, set apart in the name of conservation. While asanctuary was earlier a place that is ‘holy’, set apartfor God (cf. the taxon as ‘set apart’ by the synapo-morphy), the ‘nature reserve’ is now a place which issupposed to typify, save, and, above all, represent,an ideal, earlier landscape, or a romantic or politicalvision. Historic, scientific conferences have often beenheld at nature sanctuaries, for example that ofHermann Goering, with systematists such as Hennigin attendance.

A naïve view of ‘the wonders of nature’ is oftenrevealed in the boast that the nature reserve of con-cern to an author includes “one of the biggest/ small-est/ heaviest/ loudest/ rarest/ most beautiful (trees,snails, birds etc.) in the world”. This is related to theabsolutist view of the ‘virgin climax’ rain-forest, andignores the relatedness of biogeographic phenom-ena, including taxa and localities. As argued elsewhere(Craw et al., 1999), nature conservation should in-stead aim to preserve biogeographic structure, i.e.networks of nodes.

In many ways conservationists are the missionar-ies of modern biology. Many remote villages in thetropics have a missionary and a conservationist, bothout to ‘save the world’. (Landes, 1999 writes of anew world of peripatetically eager experts and tech-nicians –eager to spend money, to do good, to wieldpower). This relates to the triumphalist interpreta-tion of natural history as seen on television, withbreathless, sentimental accounts of conservationists’struggles and the miracles of nature accompaniedby harps, trumpets, lyrical flutes, soaring violins, andangelic choirs. The ambience is similar to that at theend of a cowboy or war movie, with the victory ofthe ‘good guys’.

Why biogeography is so boring

One must get rid of the bad taste of wishing to agreewith many others.

Nietzsche, 1955

I know of no country in which there is so little inde-pendence of mind and real freedom of discussion as

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in America. The majority raises formidable barriersaround the liberty of opinion; within these barriersan author may write what he pleases, but woe tohim if he goes beyond them.

de Tocqueville, 1835, Democracy in America,as quoted in Barzun, 2000

[…] the transformations of American universities,formerly citadels of thought, into organizationswhere, nowadays, no one has a moment in which tostop and think.

Leigh, 1999

I feel they [contemporary ‘novelties’] hold nothingessentially new and are really no more than timidvariations […].

Borges, 1978

Current biogeography is undertaken mainly by au-thors who seem afraid to think (or at least write)outside the strict orthodoxy. The only variations inthe literature are few and very minor, and the subjecthas become boring to read. Croizat (1964) wrote thatthe panbiogeographic method is Socratic, askingquestions in lieu of taking axioms for granted, but incontemporary work basic assumptions, includingideas now well over a century old, remain unques-tioned. Cato attributed the Romans’ success to theirbringing ‘untrammelled minds’ (animus inconsulundo liber) to the council chamber (Sallust,1964), and this is exactly what is needed in biogeog-raphy in order to escape from the conceptual net oursubject has inherited from Wallace and Matthew.

The philosophy of biology is in a similar situation.A typical treatment, such as Sterelny and Griffiths(1999), illustrates a parochialism and poverty of think-ing marked in particular by a total neglect of any-thing outside mainstream North American orthodoxy.For example, the most-cited authors are Gould,Eldredge, Hull, Sober, Lewontin, and Dawkins, whileon the other hand neither Hegel, Derrida nor Croizatare even mentioned.

In his satires Juvenal derided: The derivative, arti-ficial, cliché-ridden nature of contemporary literature(P. Green, in the Introduction to Juvenal, 1967).Juvenal’s observation, that: All gabble off the samestale old couplets and catchphrases applies equally

to contemporary literature on evolution and biogeog-raphy. There are also indications (for example, the over-use of words such as ‘clearly’ and ‘appropriate’) thatthe language of the bureaucrats is infiltrating biology.A list of the worst clichés in the field would need toinclude ‘Explosive speciation’, ‘laboratory of specia-tion’, ‘drivers of evolution’, ‘species pumps’ and espe-cially the horrible ‘pattern and process’. Following theappearance of the Hollywood film ‘Out of Africa’, thephrase has been wheeled out in every study dealingwith Africa, apart from those written by Africans orpeople working in Africa, who know better. Most au-thors seem unaware that the phrase does not meanthings have moved out of Africa (the quote is out ofAfrica, always something new). Recent publicationsfeature ‘out-of-India’ (Conti et al., 2002) and even ‘out-of-Madagascar’ (Raxworthy et al., 2002) models. Or-thodox taxonomic accounts are usually better written;when Klass et al. (2002) did discover something reallynew ‘out of Africa’ they managed to get through thewhole article without using the phrase.

Dogmatism, deliberate falsehood, suppressionand plagiarism: a natural progression

[…] there is nothing more difficult or dangerous, ormore doubtful of success, than an attempt to intro-duce a new order of things in any state. For the inno-vator has for enemies all those who derived advan-tages from the old order of things.

Macchiavelli, 1997

The opponents of panbiogeography, mainly dis-persalists of the Matthew/New York school, havedominated all phases of biogeography for the lastcentury and held a virtual monopoly on academicposts, research grants, access to students, and evenpublishing outlets. They have protected their posi-tion and privileges in a variety of ways, notably bydogmatic repetition of the infallibility of their viewsand by spreading deliberate falsehoods about pan-biogeography, suppressing publication of panbiogeo-graphy, and plagiarizing panbiogeography.

Dogmatism. The biogeographic literature is full ofdogmatic statements that a particular pattern can only

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be explained by dispersal, it must have been dispersal,no other mechanism is possible or even conceivable.No arguments are presented to support these decla-rations; the views are simply asserted. For example,Renner et al. (2000) wrote that numerous disjunc-tions between South American and Australasian sis-ter species of Compositae: must have resulted fromlong-distance dispersal, as the family is not oldenough for the pattern to be caused by vicariance.Fukuda et al. (2001) wrote that: It is obvious […] thatLycium sandwicense of the Pacific Islands originatedin the New World, simply because it and a group ofNew World species are sister taxa (which instead sug-gests vicariance). Meve and Liede (2002) stated that:The African-Malagasy distributions [in Apocynaceae]can only be explained by long-distance dispersalevents […]. Eibl et al. (2001) asserted that Polysciasjoskei in Fiji, sister to a New Caledonian group, canbe explained only by dispersal. All this is simply pro-paganda. As Pascal said, It cannot be as certain as allthat […] because where there is dispute, there isuncertainty. (Pascal, 1988). Of course, it is simply fool-ish to assume that anyone knows for sure what hap-pened tens of millions of years ago.

Deliberate falsehoods. Raxworthy et al. (2002) wrotethat: Historical biogeography is dominated by vi-cariance methods. This extravagant claim was intro-duced simply to make the authors’ conclusions ap-pear new, interesting, and opposed to current ortho-doxy. In fact, they are none of these; they simply re-state the dispersalist dogma that has been dominantsince the time of Matthew. Rieppel (2002) also ar-gued that: dispersalist explanations in biogeographyhad [when?] fallen from favor, but again, this hasnever been the case. It is true that Croizat’s reputa-tion has risen steadily since the 1960s and that in thelast few years the word vicariance has actually beenallowed in respectable journals, but this hardly makesit dominant. It would be easy to show that disper-salism is so ingrained in the subject that that the vastmajority of biogeographers simply assume it. For ex-ample, the tree frog family Rhacophoridae, with over300 species in ten genera, is known from Africa,Madagascar and southern India to SE Asia. Wilkinsonet al. (2002) found ‘unexpectedly’, that Chirixalusdoriae from SE Asia forms a clade with African spe-

cies of Chiromantis suggesting that Chiromantis dis-persed to Africa from Asia even though it is geo-graphically well separated; however, it will only sug-gest this to authors already committed to a dispersalistworld-view to start with. Likewise, Bossuyt and Milin-kovitch (2001) argued that Chiromantis is nested wellwithin an Asian clade so it must have reached Africaoverland. Waters and Roy (2004) have claimed that:It is unfortunate, then, that some biogeographersactively discourage the examination of biogeographicmechanisms. For instance, Croizat (1964) recommen-ded that biogeographic processes should be ignored[...]. This statement is, of course, a deliberate false-hood and would never stand up in a court of law. Thestandards of the journal in which Waters and Roy(2004) made their claim have sunk dramatically in re-cent times, as the next example shows.


What freedom was there, they asked, when therewas no freedom of speech?

Livy, 1976

I do not see how Plato’s method of impressing uponhis readers the belief that all important theories havebeen examined can be reconciled with the standardsof intellectual honesty.

Popper, 1984

The process by which panbiogeography was sup-pressed in New Zealand after the 1989 National Mu-seum conference on the subject is described else-where (Colacino and Grehan, 2003; Heads, 2003b,c). It is not surprising that biologists have subse-quently failed to carry out panbiogeographic work inNew Zealand; after 1989 no funding proposal forpanbiogeographic research has succeeded, nopanbiogeographers have been employed there, andno panbiogeographic work has been accepted forpublication either in the government or the RoyalSociety journals.

Suppression of panbiogeography also has a longhistory in other countries, as a recent example shows.In 2000 Wallis and Trewick submitted a manuscriptto Systematic Biology criticizing my analysis of Al-

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pine fault disjunction in New Zealand plants and ani-mals (Heads, 1998b). The editor, R. Olmstead, sentme the manuscript for review and I found it so badthat I recommended it be published as it was, as longas I could have the right of reply. Olmstead promisedme I would have the opportunity to respond. Thearticle was published (as Wallis and Trewick, 2001)and the reply I wrote with Robin Craw was submit-ted to Systematic Biology. Unfortunately, the neweditor, C. Simon, had herself coauthored a recentpaper on the same subject heavily critical of my views(Buckley et al., 2001; cf. especially the first and lastsentences in this paper) and despite Olmstead’s prom-ise our reply was rejected. It has since been publishedelsewhere (Heads and Craw, 2004). As the Romanhistorian wrote: to use one’s official position for thefurtherance of private animosities was to set a badenough example […] it degraded the authority ofthat college (Livy, 1976).

Donoghue (2001) argued that the key to attract-ing the most interesting work to Systematic Biologyis publishing papers that are controversial becausethey push the envelope in one way or another. Inthis connection I’m concerned about the ‘Points ofView’ and ‘Book Review’ sections. In the 1970’s and1980’s these generated a lot of excitement and weremust reading for everyone in the field. My impres-sion is that they have lost their edge […].


If Owen could steal the credit for someone else’sachievements, he would always do so; if he couldnot, he would strive to discredit the achievement.

Barber, 1980

The two ‘original’ platforms on which Gould built hissynthesis, namely ‘punctuated equilibria’ (Eldredgeand Gould, 1972) and anti-panselectionism (Gouldand Lewontin, 1979), both formed an important partof Croizat’s (1958, 1964) synthesis. Gould presentedhimself as an omnivorous reader and remarkablylearned, and it is striking that he did not even men-tion Croizat in any of his many books (including oneon evolutionary theory 1433 pages long) or any otherwriting. This is in spite the fact that Gould had been

familiar with, and interested in, Croizat’s work sincehis student days (Gould in litt., to Croizat, 22 June1978). In fact, Gould made many unjustified claimsof originality, for example, in writing (Gould, 2002)that prior to his book Historians of science had notpreviously discussed orthogenetic theories in this fair-est light, again ‘overlooking’ all of Croizat’s work andthe panbiogeographic analysis of the topic by Grehanand Ainsworth (1985). Recent commentators havenoted that Gould’s work is “annoyingly self-congratu-latory” (Wake, 2002) and approaches traditional neo-Darwinism far more closely than he explicitly admits(Futuyma, 2002).

Thus, while one Harvard professor, Mayr, ‘over-looked’ Croizat’s work (Mayr mentioned Croizat onlyonce – Mayr, 1982b; cf. Croizat, 1984), because hetotally disagreed with it and wanted to suppress it,another Harvard professor, Gould, subsequently ‘over-looked’ Croizat’s work for a rather different reason.The link between suppression and plagiarism is gen-erally overlooked by historians of science, but hascertainly been important in the development ofpanbiogeography.

The conjoint plagiarism and suppression of pan-biogeographic work in New Zealand is documentedelsewhere (Heads, 2003b). In a related case, in 2000I submitted a manuscript to the American journal TheAuk presenting a new analysis of evolution in NewGuinea birds. The article was rejected but soon after-wards, and before I had resubmitted it, I had a queryabout certain aspects of it from a graduate studentat a well-known North American university. The sys-tematics group there had been discussing the paperat their weekly meeting.


Teleology and natural selection vs. orthogenesis.While Croizat’s critique of Darwin’s natural selectionand centers of origin theory is more well-known, at adeeper level panbiogeography is largely a critique ofteleological explanation and the metaphysics of pres-ence in biology. Teleological reasoning was stronglysupported by Plato and Aristotle (authors whose workwas brilliantly presented by Popper (1984) as the origi-nal totalitarian fascism), by the German idealists, and

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by modern writers such as Mayr and Vogel. Panbioge-ography instead follows Empedocles, writers of theScientific Revolution such as Bacon, Spinoza, andHume, and many modern tropical biologists in beingunabashedly anti-teleological. Rejecting teleologymeans that structure can be seen as determining func-tion, not the other way around, and refocuses atten-tion on broad morphological trends rather than thecurrent ecology of particular cases. Morphologicaltrends are the result of orthogenetic development –non-random genetic changes caused by processessuch as molecular drive. Natural selection only workson variation supplied in the first place by orthoge-netic development. Orthogenesis was misleadinglyportrayed by Mayr (1982c) as mystical and teleologi-cal, whereas in panbiogeography it is a purely mate-rial, non-goal-directed process. The morphogenetictrends themselves are not necessarily adaptive;subviable ones lead to extinction.

Most neo-Darwinian ecological discourse reflectsan acceptance of the ‘empty niche syndrome’, inwhich authors imagine natural selection forcing struc-ture into a particular part of the environment. Withpurely random mutation and ‘selection pressure’ to-wards an ‘empty niche’ anything is possible. What-ever the mechanism, the results of totipotent naturalselection and totipotent teleology are the same. Ev-erything is for the best, for the good/advantage ofthe species. Orthogenesis or a neutral model, how-ever, will not give this result, and a concept of evolu-tion by ‘adaptation’ in response to selection pressurecan be replaced with one of morphogenetic series,structured eterming function, and pre-adaptation.

Adaptive radiation vs. non-adaptive juxtaposition.Mayr is the most well-known member of the NewYork school of zoogeography and was probably themost influential comparative biologist of the twenti-eth century. He formulated his key concept of founderdispersal based on his interpretations of New Guineabird biogeography. This work and subsequent stud-ies in the region (Mayr and Diamond, 2001) com-pletely overlooked the complex geological history ofNew Guinea and its relevance for evolution. The im-portance of terrane tectonics for the biogeographyof New Zealand, New Guinea and Indonesia has beenexplored elsewhere (Heads, 1990, 2001a, 2002a,

2003a) and this work indicates that founder dispersalis simply unnecessary. Its existence has also been re-peatedly questioned by geneticists. Using founderdispersal leads merely to conclusions of biogeographic‘miracles’, ‘mysteries’ and ‘paradoxes’, as its ownauthors have admitted (Mayr and Phelps, 1967; Mayrand Diamond, 2001, as discussed above).

Distributions elsewhere have also been accountedfor using tectonics, rather than founder dispersal. Forexample, La Greca (1998) attributed evolution inMediterranean Orthoptera to Paleogene terrane tec-tonics: a western terrane (Alborana) broke off fromthe African plate and crossing the Tethys docked withthe Iberian-Sarfian-Corsican plate, while one or moreeastern terranes accreted with the Afghanian-Iranianedge of the Eurasian plate.

The highest diversity of Neotropical Ericaceae oc-curs in Antioquia, NW Colombia (23 genera, over 100species). This has been attributed to ‘adaptive radia-tion’ in the very wet climate there, but a similar pat-tern occurs in pantropical marine groups, such as fid-dler crabs (Uca), which have maximum diversityaround the coasts of NW Colombia. This pattern andits occurrence in both marine and alpine groups caneasily be explained as the result of terrane accretionfrom the Pacific side (Heads, 2003a). In North Am-erica, the very high plant diversity in California canlikewise be accounted for by terrane accretion.

The synthetic concept of ‘adaptive radiation’ re-lies on two of the older concepts, teleological adap-tation and center of origin/dispersal. (A radiationmust, by definition, be from a central point). Recog-nition of the importance of non-teleological evolu-tion by orthogenesis and the significance of terraneaccretion for biogeography in areas such as the SWPacific, the Mediterranean, Colombia, and Californiaindicates that diverse groups there may be better seenas the result of non-adaptive juxtaposition rather thanadaptive radiation.

Panbiogeography and metapopulations. Hubbell(2001) termed MacArthur and Wilson’s (1967) ‘equi-librium theory’ of island biogeography a ‘radicaltheory’, but this is not an accurate description. Equi-librium theory is simply an extrapolation of Darwin-Wallace dispersal biogeography, with founder dis-persal from a mainland center of origin playing the

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dominant role. In contrast, panbiogeography theorydoes not rely on a totally hypothetical mainlandsource or on equally hypothetical founder effect dis-persal; instead it stresses normal migration by ordi-nary means of survival among unstable local popula-tions, any of which may go extinct, and regional per-sistence. This ‘metapopulation’ approach is eminentlypanbiogeographic and, like panbiogeography, sug-gests that taxa may survive environmental change bypersisting more or less in situ, not in a few, large‘refugia’, but in many, small ones. These latter hardlywarrant the name ‘refugia’ as they are individuallyephemeral and so small that they are ecological ratherthan geographic entities. Thus in northern Sweden,contrary to the conventional view that isolated moun-tains were completely covered with forest some thou-sands of years ago, Bruun and Moen (2003) con-cluded that many alpine plants survived the forestperiod on the isolated mountains, probably on cliffsand slopes too steep for closed forest. Conversely,taxa can survive glaciations on nunataks, rocky areasprojecting above ice and snow. For example, disjunctNE American populations of otherwise Cordilleranspecies may be relictual and have survived the iceages in this way, and thus do not require theories oflong-distance dispersal (Weber, 2003).

Biogeography and geology. As indicated above,geologists have no real expertise or even interest indeciding whether or not there were small areas ofemergent land in a region. In this and many othercases biologists have vastly more potentially valuableinformation. Usually this is ignored because chancedistribution is assumed and geological evidence oreven theory is treated as ‘harder’ than biological data.Thus, biologists usually defer to geologists’ opinionson paleogeography. History shows that biologicalinformation can be used as effectively as geologicalinformation in making predictions about paleogeog-raphy. For example, land connections between SouthAmerica and Africa, Africa and Australia, and Austra-lia and South America were postulated by biologistscenturies before their acceptance by geologists, andWegener (1924) used these as key evidence in hisargument for continental drift. Likewise, Croizat(1961) predicted the hybrid nature of North Americabased on biogeographic analysis decades before the

development of modern geological ideas on accretedterranes in the west.

Phylogeography, paleontology and Matthewiandispersalism. Genes and fossils are specially privi-leged entities in neo-Darwinism, and geneticists andpaleontologists have historically been the most un-questioning followers of this orthodoxy. Ecologistsand, above all, systematists have been more reticentabout the claims of the Modern Synthesis. Paleontol-ogy has been the subject of much critique by thecladists as well as by panbiogeography, while genet-ics has had a new lease of life with the developmentof molecular techniques. However, the basic assump-tions of the science have not changed for decades.For example, genetic similarity of populations is stillseen as the result of either similar selection presure(and random mutation) or gene flow. Phylogeographygenerally presents a technically advanced form offounder dispersalism, based on the same key con-cepts of ‘center of origin’ and ‘means of dispersal’.The modern phylogeographers are the pale, emaci-ated epigones (Nietzsche, 2000) of the nineteenthcentury dispersalists, held in thrall to the idea of acenter of origin, the simplicity of which ‘captivatesthe mind’.

Many phylogeographers are genetics techniciansworking within a very narrow speciality. Unlike tradi-tional systematists they do not develop a familiaritywith a wide range of disciplines, each with its ownhistory and concepts. If a biogeographer wishes toinvestigate a group of, say, 20 species, obviously it isideal to have both molecular and traditional studiesavailable. However, it is generally more useful to havea thorough traditional taxonomic revision with alldescribed taxa and a significant number of specimensaccounted for, morphological descriptions, detailedmaps, notes on ecology, discussion of puzzling speci-mens, anomalous altitude records, etc., than a mo-lecular cladogram, which usually will not even includeall the described taxa.

Geneticists and paleontologists have traditionallyshown little real interest in biogeography. For ex-ample, one paleontologist’s book on evolutionarytheory (Gould, 2002) comprises 1433 pages of whichonly three (pp. 113-115), i.e. 0.2%, deal with bioge-ography. Very few paleontological papers include dis-

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tribution maps of fossil taxa or (as would be most de-sirable) maps of fossil and extant members of a group(Matthew, 1915 is an impressive exception). In pale-ontology and genetics, biogeography is regarded as aminor, ‘add-on’ to a phylogeny (Williams and Ebach,2004) and the spatial context of evolution is basicallyignored. In most phylogeographic studies the geo-graphic distribution is not shown on the cladogramsand any maps show only sampling sites.

It will not escape the discerning reader that theempty, arrogant claims typical of both the New Yorkschool and its modern derivative, phylogeography,are simply inflated self-publicity. Genetics has beenthe ‘star’ of biology for decades, and perhaps it isnatural that its practitioners have become so narcis-sistic. They assume they can wander into a field likebiogeography and make original, valid contributionswithout knowing even the basics of the subject. Cla-distics was an attempt to get away from using abso-lute degree of difference in systematics. But in mod-ern phylogeography degree of difference is againtaken to be meaningful and even of fundamentalimportance, especially with respect to time. Degreeof divergence, whether molecular or morphological,may have very little to do with either the age of agroup or the time involved in its evolution, and maybe determined rather by the evolutionary potentialof the group. Under this view, in any given phase ofevolution, for example, during a period of rifting,some groups will diverge to species level, others togeneric level, while yet others may diverge only cryp-tically or not at all. This explains why the same bio-geographic track is always held by taxa of obviouslydifferent rank. The different groups sharing a distri-bution pattern always involve differing degrees ofdifferentiation, due to differing original genetic po-tential and thus different responses in a single phaseof evolution. Phylogeography, however, assumes thatthe pattern, and the differing degrees of difference,are due to different phases of evolution and thus seesthe groups as having different histories. The biogeo-graphic pattern is assumed to be a pseudo-patterncaused by chance congruence. This is just chance dis-persal all over again.

German idealism in modern biology: Mayr, Hennigand phylogeography. Modern dispersalism, cladis-

tics and phylogeography are all based on precepts ofGerman idealism, and this is especially clear in thework of Mayr and Hennig which is idealist by rootand implication. For example, the work of these au-thors always assumes an ancestor which is homoge-neous, either a single parent pair or a monomorphicspecies, whereas panbiogeography utilizes a conceptof polymorphous ancestral complex. A second im-portant concept linking Mayr and Hennig’s work con-cerns ‘dispersal’ and speciation: Darwin’s ‘chancedispersal’, Mayr’s ‘founder dispersal’ and Hennig’s‘speciation by colonization’ all refer to the same pro-cess. A further fundamental concept linking Hennigand Mayr’s work, as well as modern phylogeography,is the ‘progression rule’, in which primitive taxa areassumed to remain near the center of origin and ad-vanced taxa migrate away.

Criticism of panbiogeography. The neo-Darwinian‘Modern Synthesis’, having incorporated the New Yorkschool of zoogeography, hardened through the late1940s and 1950s into the sclerotic institution thatstill dominates biology today. Schwartz (1999) de-scribed its intolerance of any criticism and active sup-pression of any alternative ideas. It has successfullyimmunized itself from attack by misrepresenting anycriticism of it as unscientific denial of evolution itself,and the authors of critique as dangerous and anti-social. For example, G. G. Simpson (quoted in Nelson,1977, and Hull, 1988) described Croizat as a mem-ber of the ‘lunatic fringe’.

Contemporary biogeography, especially phylogeo-graphy, is simply boring to read because the ‘mind-less slaves’ that produce it ignore Horace’s dictumsapere aude (Epistle I, 2) –”dare to be wise”– and arenot bold enough to produce anything new. Their onlynovelties are timid variations, and the trite stories theytell involve the same old ideas that have been workedand reworked for over 2000 years. Ancient teleologyis replayed every night on television, and ‘mysteriousmeans of dispersal’ and ‘perfect adaptations’ are ex-tolled as ‘wonders of nature’.

Most critics of panbiogeography are taxonomicspecialists in particular groups and have little if anyexpertise in general biogeography. Few seem to havemade any positive contribution to comparative bio-geography, such as describing a previously unknown

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biogeographic pattern– not just a species distribu-tion, but a general pattern, shared by different taxa.Of course, the critics, such as McDowall (2004), feelcomparative studies are not a valid approach any-way, and Briggs (2004) even advised the biogeogra-pher against comparing the distributions of manytaxa, as this involves combing through an enormousliterature. Instead he suggested that a student shouldconcentrate on a particular group and by learning asmuch as possible about its anatomy, physiology, be-havior, systematics, biochemistry, paleontology andevolution […] let that particular group speak to you[…]. But why should we all have to play his game?Obviously, learning all about the biochemistry, pale-ontology, etc. of a group would take a life-time andleave no time for comparative analysis. A mystic or ataxonomic specialist may feel it is possible to under-stand everything about the nature of the ‘leaf’, of aspecies, or of a country by spending a life-time study-ing a single leaf, species or country, but a compara-tive or structuralist biologist forsakes this detailedknowledge for the perspective of a broader approach.


I thank Mauro Cavalcanti, Frank Climo, Karin Mahlfeldand Andrés Moreira-Muñoz for commenting on anearly draft and supplying literature; to Peter Ashton,Jorge Crisci, Malte Ebach, Niles Eldredge, David Hull,Juerg de Marmels, Juan J. Morrone, Gary Nelson, Ri-chard O’Grady, Brian Patrick, Susanne Renner, Tim Wat-ers, J.A. Wilkinson, Bastow Wilson, and Mario Zuninofor data and literature; ant to Juan J. Morrone and Jor-ge Llorente for inviting me to contribute to this volume.


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