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  • 7/30/2019 Recopilacion Final_Ingls 4


  • 7/30/2019 Recopilacion Final_Ingls 4


    and their capabilities and limitations. You may already own several computers. What's

    that? You don't own any computers at all? Are you sure?

    Contact with Computers

    Most likely you really do have at least a couple of computers. They are probably in the form of

    microprocessor chips embedded in an object. The object could be a digital clock or watch, a TV

    set, a home video game, a microwave oven, or an automobile. People come into contact with

    computers hidden in common items daily. And it is most probable that all people come into

    contact with the more traditional kind of computer daily also.

    The bank check your account balance on a computer terminal when you cash a check. When you

    take your car back to the dealer for servicing, the service supervisor types your name into a

    computer terminal and all the information about your car appears on the screen. When you ask

    the machinery dealer for a replacement part for your riding lawn mover, the person at the deskpresses a few keys and finds out whether the part is in stock, where it is located in the warehouse,

    how many of these parts are in stock, and how much each one costs?

    At the grocery store checkout, the clerk pulls the food items over a scanner panel and price of the

    item is automatically rung up. All of these are computer encounters.

    Computers are popular and widely used, and they have the capacity to simplify our lives.

    Computers can help us manage our daily lives. They can assist us in making difficult decisions. They

    seem to be in all parts of society. In fact, it looks as though in a few years you will need to know

    something about computers for just about any job you could imagine yourself doing.

    The Information Society(Revolution)

    Our society is in the midst of an Information Revolution that seems to be having as much of an

    impact on the daily fabric of our lives as the Industrial Revolution did in its time.

    Computers are just the only way to handle the masses of information that are generated, stored,

    summarized, and studied everyday.

    Computers have become so integral to our lives that some educational journals have begun using

    the phrase technologically disadvantaged to refer to young children who have not had the

    opportunity to learn about computers.

    Computers are so much as part of our lives that the terminology of the computer world has spilled

    over into everyday life. The Help Wanted Advertisements in the newspapers will often describes a

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    salary as "17k to 20k." We talk about "getting the bugs out" when we are refering a new system or

    process. We deal with data in countless areas. How many times has someone requested your

    input on a particular topic? We routinely interface with others. We use the terms without really

    knowing where they come from and what they mean. Theres's nothing wrong with that. We also

    use many traditional and sometimes antiquated terms whose origins are lost in time. Consider the

    furlong (one eight of mile) or the admonition concerning "a pig in a pole (sack)". Perhaps you

    remember when it was not unusual to see someone pushing a perambulator (baby carriage) or

    someone cranking (starting) an automobile. These terms evoke laughter or raise eyebrows, but

    with computers the common usages give us a head start. They provide a familiar point of

    reference in an otherwise alien territory.

    The New World

    It is easy to imagine the confusion that Christopher Columbus and his crew must have felt when

    they arrived in the New World. They didnt even end up where they thought they would and

    probably couldnt figure out how to accomplish what they had planned.

    As computers have proliferated, our society has become a New World. Most businesses,

    industries, and even homes have felt the impact of computers. Computers calculate our bills at the

    discount store checkout counter; they control electronic equipment during surgery. (They single

    out specific income returns to be audited.)

    The takeoff and landing of our airplanes, rockets and space shuttles, are controlled by computers.

    Controlling the operation of nuclear power plants and (purchasing pills) in pharmaceutical plants

    are accomplished by computers. This is indeed a New World with computers as an integral part.

    Computers are excellent at performing repetitive tasks. They can perform rapid and accurate

    calculations. But computers are not infallible, and we would do well, because computers are very

    dependable, people often find that any discrepancy between their answer and the computers is

    caused by a human error. Unfortunately, this had led us to believe that computers are perfect and

    extremely exacting. (We accept the idea of all knowing computers with four questions ``Our

    computers shows or `this is required for the computer are phrases that often produce

    immediate surrender of more human reason.)

    This was not always so because computers were once very limited. At first computers were

    primarily used on science or engineering applications, but as the cost of the machines decreased

    and the speed and performance potential increased, businesses increasingly began to use


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    Uses of Computers today

    Today it is safe to say either directly or indirectly the computer has affected the lives of everyone.

    Computers can monitor and control air and water pollution. They are fundamental to weather

    forecasting. Improved medical techniques for analysis and diagnosis have been more possible bycomputers.

    Computers have impacted upon areas as diverse as urban planning, and land enforcement. In

    business, computers are used to calculate bills, control equipment, predict market changes, and

    control financial and management activities.

    The most visible computers are the ones we see on desktops in a variety of settings, but there are

    huge size computers too. Home of this equipment or the uses of it appeared overnight. So how did

    I get here? Did someone sit down and decide to increment a computer? Not at all. It was more of a

    necessity in response to a series of increasingly complex problems involving informationprocessing. And the history of computers is intimately tied to business concerns.

    Today is safe to say that either directly or indirectly the computer has affected the lives of

    everyone. Computers can monitor and control air and water pollution. They are fundamental to

    weather forecasting. Improved medical techniques for analysis and diagnosis have been made

    possible by computers. Computers have impacted upon areas as diverse as urban planning.

    Development of computers

    People throughout history have used technology to solve problems. Just as the wheel

    developed in response to the need to transport heavy loud, so computing devices were

    developed to deal with information need. The expansion of commerce and the need for

    accurate records created a demand for tools for calculation.

    One of the first of these was the abacus. The Chinese have used the abacus for centuries, and

    it is still in use today in some parts of the world. The abacus appeared in many forms. There

    where knots in string, pebbles in a tray of sand, and beads in a wooden frame. Some sources

    attribute the Babylonians with the development of the abacus, other credit the Chinese. In the

    most widely used form of the abacus, moving beads on wires enabled the user to perform

    addition and subtraction more rapidly and efficiently than would be possible otherwise.

    Bankers especially found the abacus helpful in the course of doing business. On Chinese

    restaurant owner still uses an abacus to calculate bills. When asked why, he explained that for

    him abacus is faster. The abacus could be called the first mechanical calculator. A skilled user

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    of the abacus and a skilled user of the electronic desk calculator were each given several

    arithmetic calculations to perform as rapidly as possible. The abacus user won easily.

    In 1615, John Napier, a Scottish mathematician, invented a computing device which makes

    multiplication and division easier. His device used a number of sticks marked in a manner

    similar to some currently used multiplication tables. The devices became known as Napiers

    bones. The principles of Napiers bones were used by Edmund Gunther who, in 1620,

    developed the first slide rule. The slide rule was used by scientists and mathematicians and

    business people to perform rapid calculations. Engineering students could be spotted carrying

    slide rules on college campuses up until the 1970s when the electronic pocket calculator was


    Then, after 350 years of reliable service, the slide rule was replaced almost overnight.

    What is your personality aim?

    This wasnt always so because computers use was once very limited. At first computers were

    primarily used in research and in scientific or engineering applications but as the cost of the

    machines decreased and the speed and performance potential increases, businesses increasingly

    began to use computers.

    Mechanizing Computations

    In 1617 in France, Blaise Pascal devised his Machine Arithmetic which had a tremendous effect on

    the work of mathematicians. Pascal was 19 years old when he developed this first mechanical

    adding machine which he called the numerical wheel calculator.

    With this machine, which is also referred to as the PASCALINE, additions and subtractions were

    performed mechanically instead of laboriously. The Machine Arithmetic could also count. It was

    the first adding machine that could perform all these operations. It used gear driven counting

    wheels to add. The odometers in cars today work much the some way. Even though he lived

    before the Industrial Revolution, Pascals closing was so reliable that it was used for virtually all

    adding machines until electronic calculators made then absolute.

    In the Pascals day, the mayor problem with his machine was that he was the only person who

    could repair the machine when the broke down. This severely limited the number of machines he

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    could produce and sell. Business owners of that time considered Pascals machine to be too

    complex to be practical.

    Since multiplications and divisions were difficult to do with. Pascals Machine Arithmetic; Gottfried

    Leibniz modified the design so that multiplication and division could be performed directly

    Leibnizs Stepped Reckoner was completed in 1673 and was a great Stride for were in thedevelopment of automatic calculators. The Stepped Reckoner turned a complex arithmetic

    operation into a series of simpler operation. For example multiplication was done by automatically

    performing series of additions this principle is used in Modern Computer System.

    As a philosopher and mathematician in Germany Leibniz knew that his machine was ideally suited

    for calculating tables of common mathematical functions. Such tables represented a lifetime of

    work in the seventeenth Century. There was guide a demand for the Stepped Reckoner.

    The weaving Industrys Contributions

    Josep Marie Jacquard was concerned with looms that were used in his native England to weave

    designs into topestries. Great skill and concentration were required for the weaver to correctly

    execute a design. Operating the loom required constantly adjusting the looms settings before

    each row of threads was woven. In 1800, Jacquard developed and attachment for the weaving

    loom that used card with holes punched in them to set the loom in certain ways. A series of these

    cars were attached to each Ether in sequence to instruct a loom to create a specific pattern.

    Jacquard designed a loom that could read the punched-card instructions and translate then into

    corresponding settings on the loom. Using a linked series of cards, and entire design could be

    woven without adjustment by the loom operator.

    With Jacquards loom the design could be respected many times and exact copies of various rugs

    and topestries could be made this represented a tremendous change in weaving industry. The

    design was controlled by the punched cards which determined what color threads more used and

    when each was used. No matter how the wave operating the loom, the design was the some. The

    loom is considered by some to be the first significant use of automation. The series of punched

    cards is the forerunner of the program currently used in computer. The success of the puncher

    cards control of Jacquards loom inspired many of the important developments in computing

    machines during the nineteenth century.

    A man ahead of his time

    Charles Babbage was born in England in 1791. Had he been born a hundred years later, he

    probably would have hastened the development of computers. As a student, Babbage developed

    the concept of a machine that could accurately perform complex calculations. He even planned a

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    way that machine could print out the results. The computations and printing were to be done

    without intervention. Babbage is said to have built a small prototype of this machine witch he

    called the difference engine. The design of this mechanical calculator was prompted by Babbage's

    work with astronomical tables. In checking data which had been calculated manually. Babbage

    found many errors. In 1830 Babbage received a great from the British government to find a way to

    perform calculations quickly and without errors. His blueprints specified astronomical equation

    depending on a value that was indicated as the stand of the computation. In this way, entire

    tables could be derived rapidly and dependably. Babbage never complete work on the difference

    engine. When he tried to produce the large machine, he found the parts could not be produced to

    his specifications.

    The numerous gears needed for the difference engine had to be finished by hand and they were

    not accurate enough to perform reliably in the machine.

    While he was working on the difference engine, Babbage conceived the idea often even more

    combinations calculating machine which he called the analytical engine.

    He abandoned work on the difference engine in 1834 to began work on the analytical engine. The

    analytical engine was designed to compute any mathematical function is any form.

    It could be add, subtract, multiply or divide according to instruction that were coded or cards.

    The design incorporated many of the characteristics of modern electronic computer.

    As Babbage envisioned it, the analytical engine would have a store for the number used in a

    calculations. The store could hold one thousand numbers.

    Each number could have fifty decimal digits. The analytical engine would have a mill witch would

    be a central mechanism where arithmetic operations where to performed.

    Programs for the mill would be written on punched cards.

    These would determine what process were used in manipulating the data. The data would be

    transferred back and forth between the store and the mill by a system of gears and levers.

    The engine would ring a bell if a value went below zero or above the capacity of the machine,

    since either of these events would result in incorrect calculations.

    The machine would use a typesetter to print the results of the operations. All of these operations

    were to be performed mechanically.

    In essence, the analytical engine was a general-purpose computer skeptics dubbed the machine

    Babagge's Folly, the overall organizations is remarkably similar to be conceptual design of modern


    Ironically, some of the early pioneers of the electronic computer were not aware of Badagge's

    ideas. Badagge was a hundred years ahead of his time in proposing his analytical engine.

    Had be been born in a time of electronic technology, the modern computer might have been

    developed much earlier it was. Babbage worked on his analytical engine until his death.

    The state of manufacturing technology at the time was inadequate for producing the components

    Babbage needed with the precision that was required. Another complicating factor was the lack of

    a real need for a computing machine that had such powerful capabilities. The British stopped

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    supporting Babbage's work leaving him without funds to continue his research.

    Had Babbage completed his analytical engine it would have been the first completely automatic

    general purpose computer. Babbage in called the "Father of the computer" Although Babbage

    failed to construct either of the machine for which we remember him.

    The detailed plans that he left enabled others to construct them later. In 1855, a Swedish printer

    named George Scheutz built a difference engine from Babbage's plans. It worked as Babbage had

    envisioned. Babbage's son, Henry, built a working model of the mill portion of the analytical

    engine in 1871. Both of Babbage's machines influenced future researches.

    The First Programmer

    Babbage designed his analytical engine to use punched cards. The color on the cards would

    instruct the mall in the operations the performed. A scientific paper written in I talian explaining.

    Babbages concepts was translated into English by Ada Augusts counters of Lovelace and daughter

    of the past Lord Byson. An excellent mathematician sometimes termed or mathematical genious.Ada Lovelace understand Babbages concepts and added fifty pages of notes to twenty pages of

    the original paper. Included was detracted sequence of instructions for the analytical engine to

    perform contain complex calculations. This is generally considered to be the first computer


    Ada Lovelace is thus regarded by many as the worlds first computer program. Ours of Ada

    Lovelaces ideas was the preparation of cards that would instruct the analytical engine to repeal

    certain operations she had deserned that repeating the same sequence of instructions was

    frecuently necessary in performing a specific calculation she suggested that only a single set of

    cards containing the sequence of instructions was frecuently necessary in performing a specificcalculation she suggested that only a single set of cards containing the sequence of instructions as

    used and the deviced facility to jump back to the beginning of the sequence under certain

    conditions. This powerful concept is now one of the fundamental structures of program design.

    We call it a loop.

    In recognition of Ada Lovelaces contributions to the development of computers, a computer

    language has been named for her. Ada is a major programming language which has been adopted

    by the United States Department of Defense.

    Calculating MachinesIn 1885, Darr E. Felt used a modern macaronic box to build a calculating machine meat skewers

    served as keys; staples were used as key guides; and rubber bands functioned as springs. With

    these everybody components, felt built an experimental model of key-driven calculating machine.

    Known only as the macaroni box, Felts invention was successful and was replaced in 1887 by the

    Comptometer. This machine was used for business calculations even before the printing device

    was added a couple of years later.

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    In 1890, W. S. Burraughs produced and marketed the Burraughs Adding and Listing Machine. With

    a lever on the side and a device for printing the computations, it employed a series of bars and

    toothed racks. Many businesses utilized this machine especially in the area of accounting.

    The industrial revolution had led to more mechanization and numerous nead inventions. It also

    dramatically increased the needs for information and for the distribution of that information. As a

    result information processing became increasingly more important. And the jobs kept getting


    Punched Cards come to the rescue

    The United States Constitution requires a census every ten years. This population count was

    originally conceived as a simple head count to determine congressional districts. Over time,

    additional social, ethnie, and economic factors have been included so the variety of data being

    collected as increased. The 1880 census was analyzed and tabulated manually and required more

    than seven years to complete. Between 1880 and 1890 the growth rate of the population was

    explosive. The population of 50 million in 1880 had grown to over 60 million by 1890.

    Thus the 1890 census presented and unprecedented challenge. It was stimulated that counting

    and classifying each resident and generating the statistics for the 1890 census would take until

    1902. That would be two years after the next required census in 1900. Work on the 1900 census

    would begin before the 1890 census was completed and the problem could only be expected to

    get worse.

    In 1879, an employee of the census information. He also suggested that these should be away to

    process the cards mechanically, Dr. Herman Hollerith allyings associate was fascinated by that

    idea. He immediately begun working on a design for such equipment.

    The Importance of Software

    In early development of computers, hardware was everything. All effort was concentrated on

    getting the processor to work properly and on making improvements. This was appropriate sinceat first there literally was no software. Programing was accomplished by wire and switches, and

    computers were designed for one specific purpose. Once a machine was wired to accomplish

    specific calculations, no further changes were made. Data was fed in results who obtained. There

    was no thought of changing the wiring so the computer could perform a different process. At last,

    not very frequently; and not unless the new process, otherwise it just wasnt worth the time,

    trouble, and expense. Sometimes just keeping the equipment functioning took so much time it

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    was hard to think about modification, but, with the advent of the generation computers, as

    hardware prices came down and computers were more dependable, software became increasingly


    The idea of using software to modify the processor routines seemed a more efficient alternative to

    hard wiring. Initially, not much time was spent developing software since software representedsuch a small part of the total system cost. Now it I common to advise a potential computer system

    purchaser to first determine the software needs and then to pick a computer system on which the

    required software will run.

    The best computer system is not necessarily the one which the best hardware. If it cant run the

    particular software needed to get the job done, then the very best hardware is useless.

    Software Defined

    Software is generally defined as instructions that direct a computer to process data. These

    instructions are also called programs. The distinction between hardware is generally whether or

    not the items are tangible hardware, is intangible. You can touch it. See it, and describe it in

    physical terms. Software is intangible, the programs are stored electronically so you cannot feel

    them the way you can touch and feel hardware.

    Software is an interface between people and computer machinery. When a message such Enter

    Password is displayed on a computer screen, it is software that caused the computer to do that.

    Software also determines what message would be displayed. When the person using computer

    types in a response, it is software that accepts that information and checks it out software

    provides the instructions that determine what the computer does. Ultimately, software enhances

    the user friendliness of the computer.

    The Dawn of Modern Computer Age

    The punched card equipment which was developed in the late 1800s and early 1900s proved to be

    very valuable. Both government and business uses punched card devices to carry out the various

    functions of their business. These machines however, were not true computers. Work on the

    development of modern computers didnt begin until the late 1930s. The government funded the

    work on new computing devices because the potential of those devices in the war effort was

    tremendous. The war brought changes which required increased information-handling

    capabilities. Additional were required to finance World War II. Changes in payroll processing were

    necessary. Millions of people enlisted in the armed forces. The administration and record keeping

    involved in tracking military were a new challenge to the existing systems of processing

    information. Development of new weapons and defense research demanded better computing

    devices. The existing punched card system was just too slow.

    The Mark I

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    The first real step in the development of the modern computer was taken by Howard Aiken of

    Harvard University. In 1939 with substantial support from IBM. Aiken began working on a machine

    to perform the needed calculations more rapidly. The Mark I was completed in 1944. Instead of

    using mechanical years like Pascal and Leibniz had done Aikens design for the Mark I used

    electromagnetic relays and mechanical counters.

    Mark I facts

    Dimentions: 5 feet long

    8 feet high

    3 feet deep

    Components: 3000 mechanical switches.

    750 000 electronic components.

    500 miles of wiring.

    Speed: 3 additions for second, 1 multiplication in 6 seconds, 1 division in 12 seconds.

    The Mark I was huge machine that weigh many tons. It had thousands of switches and electrical

    components and 500 miles of wiring. It could perform calculations accurately to 23 digits, and it

    was much faster than any other machine in existence at that time. In fact, it could complete three

    additions per second. It could perform a multiplication in six seconds and a division in twelve

    seconds. In actually, the Mark I was the first working realization of Babbages analytical engine

    which had been designed a century earlier. The Mark I was the first working general purpose

    digital computer. It was also the first real stop toward the development of the modern computer,

    the year of its completion(1944) is generally called the dawn of modern computer age.

    Electronic Processing

    At the some that Aiken was developing the Mark I, researches were investigating the possibility of

    designing a computer that would use electricity rather than mechanical devices. A mechanical

    design is limited by the speed with the interacting years can operate. Although the Mark I used

    electricity to stimulate the movement of the years, it still cared not perform faster than the years

    could rotate. An electronic device would have the potential to handle much move complex

    mathematical function, since it would operate much faster. There were some problems with the

    idea, though. How to represent numbers, for example, was a mayor common.

    On mechanical devices, the positions of the wheels or years corresponded to numbers, but how

    could this be done electronically? An electronic device would rely on electrical currents which

    have only two fundamental states: on(the presence of current) and off(the absence of current).

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    Representing numbers with only those two conditions presented a challenge which was solved by

    adopting the binary or base two system.

    Base 10: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9

    Base 2: 0,1

    Figure the familiar decimal system is base ten. The binary system is base two.

    Boolean Logic

    Applying the binary system to computing machines was facilitated by work done much earlier.

    George Boole, a British mathematician, had published the principles of Boolean logic in 1889.

    Boolean logic uses variable whose only values are true and false. These two values could be

    represented by the binary digits which are zero and one while it was extremely difficult to build on

    electrical element to represent the decimal digit zero through nine, it was much easier to build

    one that could represent the binary digits Booles logic was a perfect match for electrica l

    capabilities much could depict zero and one as off and on.

    The ABC

    An early as 1935 Dr. John Vincent Atenasoff, a professor at Iown States University, was thinking of

    a plan for a new machine. The machine would be an and to his graduate students in doing the long

    and involved calculations that their study of physics required. In 1942, Atenasoff and Clifordberry,

    a graduate student, completed work or an electronic vacuum tube computer. The machine was

    named the ABC for Atenasoff Berry Computer. Today ABC is recognized as the first true electronic

    digital computer. This was not always the case. For years not much known about the ABC. Only

    after a court ruling in 1973 was it revended that the ABC was indeed first with the technology. The

    lock of recognition may have been partly due to the way in which Atenasoff perceived his own

    device and partly to his retiring personality. Open the completion of ABC in 1942 an Iown state

    publication mentioned the ABC in an article as a machine that could be important after the war,

    since it could solve equations with thirty variables faster than any machine in existence. Atenasoff

    himself through of it at that time primarily as an aid to students. There was so little enthusiasm for

    Atenasoffs machine at Iown State that the school did not even patent it. It is possible that this

    oversigh led to a loss in revenge to Iown state of an estimated 500 million dollars. Ironically, when

    Atenasoff left Iown State to work for the Department of the Navy during Worl War II. The ABC

    stood selected in a basement room of the old physics building. The ABC was about the size of a

    large desk. It was fully operational. And much of the critical design information was really stored

    with other pioneers in computer technology. Today, a metal plaque in the lobby of the physics

    building commemorations the construction of the ABC.

    Software Changes

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    Many companies have been formed to provide software packages that includes programs and

    procedure for complete applications. Such software packages usually address familiar problems

    such as keeping an invention. The program is provided on tape or disk and is accompanied by

    printed or on-line documentation or both. Much time has been spent designing the routines and

    assuring that they are error free. The software usually is generic enough to have a broad base of

    application, but it can generally be customized to meet the needs of an individual business.

    With such products, new lines of thinking have cropped up. Instead of a business having a

    programmer to write a program for an inventory application, the business check out the available

    software packages to see if one exist that will fill i requirements. In essence, the approach toward

    obtaining the software needed in the building of computer systems applies a longstanding truth:

    Do not reinvent something that already exist. Is a usable software package is available, it could

    lead to considerable savings in time and money. An existing package should cost less, be more

    reliable, and take less time from the early 1950s to the middle 1960s, business were purchasing

    and installing the first computer system. During this period, computers were new and untried

    devices. Although the provided innovative techniques for processing data, they were by no meanstoken for granted. System and application software usually were developed specifically for an

    individual business. As a result, the programs that operated system for one business often were

    much different from the software developed for other similar business. Business people and

    programmers alike were still familiarizing themselves with the capabilities of these new machines.

    The middle 1960s represented a turning point in the development of computer systems. Mary

    large and medium sized business. That could benefit from computer systems has already

    converted their functions to the computer. Mary other were in the process of making the

    changeover. By 1970, hundreds of thousands of businesses government agencies had installed

    computers which were being used in their fundamental business operations. This development of

    new computer system was relegated to the back burned in many cases. A more processingconcern was the maintenance of existing systems. At the same time, people began to recognize

    that several computerized applications were common to many businesses. For example, all

    business must file tax returns. And all businesses must file payroll with holding reports with the

    Internal Revenue Service. Common requirements extend even beyond government regulations. All

    businesses that sell products and services must issue invoices to their customers. All businesses

    write checks. Common needs of businesses also apply to internal Operations. For instance, in

    manual data processing systems, companies need to organized and stored transaction documents

    reports, and other data. A traditional method for providing this type is through the use of file

    folders housed in file cabinets. With automated data processing systems, the needed to file

    transaction data in an organized still exist. In increasing numbers, computer user recognized these

    common needs. And the emergence of specialized software companies became a natural

    development. Today, remaining available packages for any given application can become a mejor

    task. There are many packages for performing any business function. Hundreds, even thousands,

    of options may exist. Just as each business is different, so different packages functions best in

    different environments. A business should have to totally change its way of doing business in order

    to use a computer. New computer applications should solve identified problems.

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