presentación chinese civil war

Chinese Civil War and the Cold war

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Chinese Civil War and the Cold


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The Chinese Civil War 1927–1950

• War fought between the Kuomintang (KMT)-led Nationalist Government of the Republic of China, against the Communist Party of China (CPC), both claiming to be the legitimate government of China.

• It led to the Republic of China (ROC) in Taiwan and the People's Republic of China (PRC) in mainland China

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Second Sino-Japanese War

• Japan's campaign was defeated in 1945, marking the end of hostilities in World War II.

• China's full-scale civil war resumed in 1946.

• 1950 saw the cessation of major military hostilities with the newly founded People's Republic of China controlling mainland China.

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Immediate post-war clashes (1945–1946)

• US diplomat Patrick J. Hurley, Chiang Ching-kuo, Chiang Kai-shek, Chang Ch'ün, Wang Shi Jie. Mao Zedong

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The first post-war peace negotiation August 28, - October 10, 1945.

• was attended by both Chiang Kai-shek and Mao Zedong in Chongqing .

• Both sides stressed the importance of a peaceful reconstruction.

• Battles between the two sides continued even as the peace negotiation was in progress, until the agreement was reached in January 1946.

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The Nationalist-Communist Civil War (1947–1949)

• The war represented an ideological split between the KMT's Nationalism, and the Communist CPC.

• In mainland China is known as the War of Liberation.

• In Taiwan is known as Third Internal Revolutionary War.

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Fighting in mainland China (1946–1950)

• By the end of the Second Sino-Japanese War, the balance of power in China's civil war had shifted in favour of the Communists.

• Their "Liberated Zone" contained 19 base areas, including 1/4 of the country's territory and 1/3 of its population; this included many important towns and cities.

• The Soviet Union turned over all of Japanese weapons and their own supplies to the Communists,

• North-eastern China was given to the Chinese from the Soviets.

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Truman´s point of view

“It was perfectly clear to us that if we told the

Japanese to lay down their arms immediately

and march to the seaboard, the entire country

would be taken over by the Communists. We

therefore had to take the unusual step of using

the enemy as a garrison until we could airlift

Chinese National troops to South China and send

Marines to guard the seaports".

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Cold war issues

• Japanese troops were ordered to surrender to KMT troops and not to the CPC present in some of the occupied areas.

• In Manchuria, where the KMT had no forces, the Japanese surrendered to the Soviet Union.

• Chiang Kai-Shek ordered the Japanese troops to remain at their post to receive the Kuomintang and not surrender their arms to the communists.

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The United States supported the Kuomintang.

• The US equipped and trained over 500,000 KMT troops, and transported KMT forces to occupy newly liberated zones.

• American aid included substantial amounts of both new and surplus military supplies.

• Within less than 2 years after the Sino-Japanese War, the KMT had received 4.43 billion dollars from the US - most of which was military aid.

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Outbreak of War

• On 20 July 1946, Chiang Kai-shek launched a large-scale assault on Communist territory with 113 brigades (1.6 million troops) this marked the final phase of the Chinese Civil War.

• Knowing their disadvantages in manpower and equipment, the CPC executed a "passive defence" strategy.

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People's Republic of China

• On October 1, 1949, Mao Zedong proclaimed the state with its capital Beijing.

• Chiang Kai-shek and approximately 2 million Nationalist Chinese retreated from mainland China to the island of Taiwan.

• There remained only isolated pockets of resistance ending soon.

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Establishment of the People's Republic and the Kuomintang retreat to Taiwan

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Taiwan´s claims

• Most observers expected Chiang's government to eventually fall in response to a Communist invasion of Taiwan.

• In the onset of the Korean War in June 1950. President Truman ordered the Seventh Fleet to prevent the ROC and PRC from attacking each other.

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Relationship between the two sides since 1950

• "Forget not that you're in Jǔ" a rock in Quemoy Island with Chiang Kai-shek's admonition to ROC fighters not to retreat, and to retake the


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First Taiwan Strait crisis, September 3, 1954

• On January 20, 1955, the PLA took nearby Yijiangshan Island, with the entire ROC garrison of 720 troops killed or wounded defending the island.

• On January 24 of the same year, the United States Congress passed the Formosa Resolution authorizing the President to defend the ROC's offshore islands.

• It ended in March 1955 when the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) ceased its bombardment.

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Second Taiwan Strait Crisis August 23, 1958

• Air and naval engagements between the PRC and the ROC military forces.

• Artillery bombardment of Quemoy (by the PRC) and Amoy (by the ROC)

• PLA patrol boats blockaded the islands from ROC supply ships.

• The United States rejected Chiang Kai-shek's proposal to bomb mainland China artillery batteries.

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End of the hostilities

• Since no armistice or peace treaty has ever been signed, the PRC still actively claims Taiwan as part of its territory and continues military threats against Taiwan.

• The ROC mutually claims mainland China

• They both continue the fight over diplomatic recognition.

• There is a debate as to whether the Civil War has legally ended.

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• Compiled by Violeta Fonseca from various sources (Tuesday, 10 February 2015)