piam, jorge garcía vidal, 2006 · 2007. 5. 31. · 1 piam, jorge garcía vidal, 2006 piam, jorge...

1 PIAM, Jorge García Vidal, 2006 PIAM, Jorge García Vidal, 2006 PIAM, Jorge García Vidal, 2006 !" # !$ %&’ (& # $) * ! ! + ! , , - PIAM, Jorge García Vidal, 2006 ./0, ./ 1 ./(

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  • 1

    PIAM, Jorge García Vidal, 2006



    PIAM, Jorge García Vidal, 2006


    PIAM, Jorge García Vidal, 2006


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    PIAM, Jorge García Vidal, 2006


  • 2

    PIAM, Jorge García Vidal, 2006

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    PIAM, Jorge García Vidal, 2006

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    PIAM, Jorge García Vidal, 2006

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  • 5

    PIAM, Jorge García Vidal, 2006 PIAM, Jorge García Vidal, 2006


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  • 6

    PIAM, Jorge García Vidal, 2006


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    PIAM, Jorge García Vidal, 2006


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    PIAM, Jorge García Vidal, 2006

    Can be client (issues SIP requests) or server (receives SIP requests andgenerates responses that accepts,Rejects or redirects the request)

    Accepts REGISTER request and places the info it receives(SIP@ IP@) in those requests into the Locations Servicefor the domain it handles

    Use a Location Service that maintains (SIP@IP@) table

    PIAM, Jorge García Vidal, 2006



    The requestissued by Alicetypically will usethe domain nameof Bob. DNS isrequired forlocating theIP@ of the Proxy server for this domain

    Keeps a tablewith the mappingBobSIP@IP@

  • 7

    PIAM, Jorge García Vidal, 2006 PIAM, Jorge García Vidal, 2006

    PIAM, Jorge García Vidal, 2006 PIAM, Jorge García Vidal, 2006

  • 8

    PIAM, Jorge García Vidal, 2006 PIAM, Jorge García Vidal, 2006

    Alice calls Bob:

    PIAM, Jorge García Vidal, 2006 PIAM, Jorge García Vidal, 2006

    02������� 4����

    ����� %A'���+� ���3 �3 �+��

    INVITE sip:[email protected] SIP/2.0Via: SIP/2.0/UDP 70To: Bob

  • 9

    PIAM, Jorge García Vidal, 2006

    02������� 4����

    ����� %AF'���+� ���3 �3 �+��

    SIP/2.0 200 OKVia: SIP/2.0/UDP server10.biloxi.comVia: SIP/2.0/UDP bigbox3.site3.atlanta.comVia: SIP/2.0/UDP Bob

  • 10

    PIAM, Jorge García Vidal, 2006 PIAM, Jorge García Vidal, 2006

    PIAM, Jorge García Vidal, 2006 PIAM, Jorge García Vidal, 2006

  • 11

    PIAM, Jorge García Vidal, 2006


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