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liistoiil. phom ore mrr riesy a j'T/~e G i r t i l I $i/hy Sucicty I CP'

,51!1t([ Z I ~ I ? ~ ~ ? ~ ~ Co l111iy P/ml fzitlg & D C ? Z X ~ O ~ I J I eizt P/IO/O 11 ~ ~ t * / ~ i l ) c j

For Goletai Heritage Dist~pict:

Horzurirzg Our Past. . . . .Shaping Our Futwe

Approved n~zdiidopted by the Sn12td Bdi"bdi"d County Burtld ofSa~ervisols 1

by Resohrtio~z # 01 - 304 on Septerqzbel- 18, 2001

Sanrii B~lrbari~ County Pln~l~lillg 3114 Developmrnt \vishcts to extend their apprscirition ro rhe lnnny c o m m ~ ~ n i t y nlenlbers who gave their tinle and energy ro parricipate in the process of cle\~c.lopinA tllz Goleta Heritage District Arcllitectusc: and Desig~i

Naonli Schwarrz Susan liosc <;nil blnssh:~ll loni Gray Ton1 Urbanslic

. -

Guidelines. Srzrztn Bn7.hni.d Coztrrty 1'11712 12 irzg C'O 712 711 issiolz

P r o j e c t -4 rzn C o ~ n ~ i z i t t e e

jonn!. VElllis, Cllail- Torn hiiller, Vice Cliail

Colleen I 'are~~t Be;ill C)oreen Fnrr- Eliz;llserh F ~ I . I ~ I . I I I ~ Joe \Glencia Charles E. Obe~.clccl.r

J a n Blois Iiich h4ires Harlan Green . Spi1;e kloore Brian Larinrui Phil Unancier

A 7 . c / ~ i t e c f z ~ r r r l a e s i g ~ ~ Sztbco?kzvzittee

lie 11 Rdd tl;r!~, Cliai r H:lrl;tn Grectn a~ici kric I<leincts, Co-Vice Chairs

Robert Bernstctin Joyce Mo h L I I ~

Uob C ~ ~ n ~ l i n g h a n l l%snllinrl M ~ ~ r r a y L)e~ril; Eicl~elber~er Alison Ximmi ng,~ L , IL I~ ,~ I:LIIII<I~O L I S ~ I Joilny W;illis F lb~ l l blillcr P ) ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ \ ~ h ~ 1 , ~ ~ ~

John I'accon, 1)isecror Dan Gi1.3, C o ~ ~ ~ p r e l i e ~ ~ s i ~ e 1'1:11i ning L ~ P L I C ~ Disccto~

kfntt Dobberrezn, Super-visilig I'lannes Lisa Plowman, Supervising T'lnnncs

Heathcr Flint, P l ~ l n n e ~ Lis:~ l'orlas, Plnnnrs

D n v i d Blrrck and Associntes, i lSLil Lnirrlscc~pe A~.c / , i t cc turr

David BIJcI~, l 'ri~lcil~al Robel-r Xda~ns, Associ.lte Susan Hazard, i-\ssociarc.

G r ~ z p h i c Desigrl

Dianne Go~nersall Gonlersall Lksi~11

~ i l f ~ 1 ' ~ 1 1 ~ 7 f ~ 0 7 1 ~ / 1\j'0~k.~ ...................................... -)3 Z z i ~ s i t Stops .................................................. i0

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.............................................................. E: I-rillr/ A ) c L ~ ~ L , L ~ J . . - 5 0

C;l.osx-jl:r ......................................................................... 3 7 ........................................................................... Ar.r~r;.v~j~.y A 41

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I r ........................................................................... AIJI)EA~L)IX B GJ

.............. LOICL~I Old Ti 1 l ~ i 1 .S~;*~!CYILIYJ. .5U J W ~ Z I Y 01' O/LI'C~.. .qS

~~Ii3.toi.i~. RC~UI!~.L.L:I. LORICOI- A41p.. .................................. .46 A!)~)E,IIIILY C ................................................................ 48 / i ~ j ~ to Ho/lijt<i.iluei/~it~ ~ / L ' I J L ~ c ~ o ~ I SkeztL%~i2>. ..................... $8 BIol-k 1 - firirtlicrv i l z ~ r ; ~ ! ~ t > to C))zirge i i ~ ~ e i l l ! ~ ~ . ................ + 0

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b'lork 3 - A.(izg?~o/iiz Az~L~ilc~r to I ' i~z i~ /N~~rr~~l - i i l e Auc.iirlr .... 5-3 B / o L , ~ 4 - l%~t~~i.iil~7/I'iiic~ ~ I L V ~ Z Z L ~ to

..- .- .................. 7;".oIotc I-ll!"flili'/X)llt~~'~if~~~/ Sf1~"'t.. -7.3

............ b'/o~.k - R ~ ! ~ L I I v ~ ; ~ I T / S T ; Y Y ~ 10 AJr~t~jl~Iii~r' Ljlo~A I; -5.7 b'/oL.k 6 - A,lfztrL~/iire BLoc./: 5 to l<iilr~rrzn Avrir r!L* ............. 5 3

.................. B/ot;C. 7 - I ; i i i i ~ ~ i ~ / ~ rl~lL'!.~~!r lo I < e / / o ~ Aurirur 6 1 ................... B/o~.k 8 - f G ' / l ~ ~ p ~ AI,I~'/IZ!L' ti) L)L'~I~.LoI'II I) lrl~~' 63

rl~lap of'Old 'Iowri I-lcritage District Boi~ndaries (.;olcra Llepot, Goleta, CA Scow House, Guletn, C A Sesto 11 House, Goletn, CA (;oleta Old TO\T~I~, SCV aerial plioto Strcetseape, L>an\riIIe, C:A h lission Revival slietch

St>a1iisli Colonal Revi~a l slcetcli

(. 'rnftsman slietch c2~1eeii Ai i~ le Victorian s l i~ t ch Strcamli~ie i\,locleriie slietch

i\rt Deco slietch

Liuildi~ig proportion alict 1.hythn1

E,snniple of b u i l d i ~ i ~ roofli~les and alignment of ho~.izontal eletncnrs

I~lcnic~it-s of' the &~catle

Scncirl? i n t ~ ~ r a t e d with tlle \>uilcling, ~ ;o l e t a . Ci'i T'~.ini;u-!. cn t~? nncl LISC oI:;~ccc~it COIOI; C;lrpiiiteri;l, C:A Streetscapc, Cnrpinteria, C/i 1-'rejecting sign, ( h l e t a . CA I'rojecting sign, (;oletn. C:/4 Figurative siens I ' , i ~ . l i i ~ ~ ~ lor Inticlscnping xvith overheacl tree canopy. planters, a11ci decorative lighting,

Snnta BarL;lra, CA

Exatnple of landscape screening from the stl-eet,

San ta Barbara, CA I'eciestrian passagelvx!, -\vitl~ 1nndscapitlg &

pedestrian amenities, TTentura, CA Outdoor dining I,anctscaping I'i~blic streetscnpe with street trees 2nd peciestrian

anlcnities, Venturn, Cil Wide siclc\vallis ailon? i-kr oi~tcloor cii~iiils,

C:~i.pinte~.ia, (.:A I'axrement material ;1nc1 pattern variatioii I"edestria11 oriented sidrn~alli details

Ilecorative bench

Decol.arive beiich DccoI.;I~~\~c trash r.ece~?r;~clc



T'ul-tlic play ;li.ea Public I'nrli, ' li~cliers Grove, Goleta, CILi Uecorative streetlight ~ v i r h banners

A~.tistic bike rack, i'ortir~nd, OR Prthlic Ia~idscaping nncl pedestriaii a ~ ~ i e ~ i i t i c s Street trees a n d pedestrian amenities,

Snn ta liarbzua, Ci\ Historic resources Iocz~tor map

1,uc:itcd aloilg the central California coast, utlit~corporatcd urban area in California. Nestled benireen the ~l lo i i~l t '~ i~ls ancI the sea, Goletis la~ldscape includes ofice parlo, Icilloil rnnches, and both urban and suburban neighborl~oods. -I'hc Goleta Vi~llev represents an eclectic array of architectural ct!-les that express the taste. rieeds and capacities of its inhabitants o\.er a pried of 150 years. Its history a11d future is a microcosln of tlie tnajor issues facing Califonlians fro 111 and tlc~elopmcnt to historic preservation. Goleta is nlaliing important clccisioiis about tile con~rnunity's appearance and dle quality of life it n-ill offer its residents for the next century.

r )lei 'Ii,\vil is a 1111ique asset to the Goleta lJalley c o ~ n n ~ i ~ t l i t y and ,is rlic, I,istc,i ic lienrt of Goleta, it has hcen the center of the coii~mrinit!-'s commercial and cultural activities. It is uniqr~e in the tli\.crrit\. of its people, culture and rich llistory oF rural and urba11 Ilctit,lgc r11;lt Itas been an iml~ortant part of (;olet<l life.

'The Goleta Old Town Heritage District Architecture a n d Dcsign Guidelines are intended to guide both ptiblic and private development of pronlirlent Old Town parcels. Thev were developed in order to enhance the image of Old Ton-11, ensure developlneilt of a distinctive and unificd streetscape, and contrilute to a Inore pedestrian orie~lted downtowu area. Their

d to providc a distinctive and'unil;yinp t residents, business owners and visitors

eritage District provides an opporti~nity iew atid evaluate development \vithin

Old Tow11 Guleta. This araluation must begin with the careful \

identification arld appreciation of ii-hat is wliiable nho~it Toisrn's past, llo~ir the legacy of its pasr .lnd present residents can be n~aintained alld how the unique character of its cl(ialitv of life cat1 be enhanced for residents and visitors nlikc.

7'1ie clevelopment of these ciesign g~ticieiines is t11c first step in creixting this opportunity.

'I'lle plll-pose of the Heritage Dist-rict Architecture and Design ( ; i ~ i ~ I ~ l i ~ i c s is 10 enco~~rage 2nd guide irnproverne~its, both public ;11it1 pi.ivntc, i l l the Goletn Old Tow11 I-Ieritnge District. T h e s~~ idc l i~ lcs :Ire illtended for. use by architects. desigilers, property ~ \ V I ~ C I . S , tenants and resicletits, governinent ager~cies and the gcner:ll P~~l,lic. 'TIic? provide a basis for reviewing and el,alu;lting i m p r o \ ~ ~ z i c ~ ~ t s that nlay be proposect \vithin tlze District. 111 ntldition, the g ~ ~ i d e l i ~ ~ e s reinforce anel provide consiste~~cy to the clesign seals arlcl policies already established by the Goleta Old 'I;twn Iirvitnlizatio~l Plan. 'Yhe are also i~lterldeci to cnsllrc and in~p~.ove the enviro~~r~lenta l , visual and f i ~ n c t i o ~ ~ a l quali t!~ of (:)id ' lown, to create an urban environment that provitles design co~ztinuit~;., historical appropriateness and an ;~ctivc, v i s~~aI I \~ plensi~lg, l~edestria~z-frie~l~iIy esperience within the 1Hcrit;i~e District.

111 [he surnnzer of 1995 the County of S'ltlta Barbara Board of Supcl-visors approved the Goleta Old To~vn Redevelopment I;casibility Stucty, '1s a n i1n~lenientatio11 itsrn o f the Goleta ( ' on~~i~uni t ! - l'lan. B:isecl upon the need to identif>r and analyze a

r,z~l$c of public infrastructure improvements, private tlt.vclol~ments and f i n a ~ z c i n ~ options, the Board initiated the c;olct.i Old To\\-II Re\ritnliznrioti I'roject. 1-0 .mist county staff i11

clcvelopi~l~ .;pccific revitaiizntion strategies, the Board also , ~ ~ ~ o i n t e d the Golcta Old Town Advisory Committee in the \s.i~i t c ~ of' 1 '-)'I0. T h e wor-I< of this committee tesultcd i r i the rele'zse of the I~iitiation Llraft Golet'x Clld Tow11 lievitalization 1'1,111 in Augu~t IC)9(1 f;r p~iblic ~evien- and coniment.

To ~iiaitltain ~edevelo~>ment as a poten~inl financing nleclinilisn~ to h1nc.1 Old. Tow11 inip~ove~nents. tlir Eoard ofSupe17~isors : ~ ~ ~ ' o i n t c d a I'roject Area Conlmitree (i3i-\C) in Novenlbc~ 19'70 as

rnni~dated u~lcier State rede~eiopment law. The PAC co~~c luded its ~eview and recou~mcndat io~~s on the initiation Drafi I<e\iitalization Plan in September 13'17. r e s u l t i ~ i ~ in the ~cleasc of tile Revised Draft Revitalization Plan (December I W 7 ) .

This ciraft plan, after over 65 cornnzunit!r meetings, \\iorlishups ,111d Ileal ings, resulted it1 the prepamcion atlei netoption by the lioard of Supe~visors of the Final Golcta Old Town Revitalization I'lnn in Jitly L'IC)S. The nnissiorl statenlerlt flic12,zrerl as p,11 t of tile Revitalization l'lan and presented ar the b c g i n ~ l i n ~ oftlie docume~l t is important to note. It reads as follo\vs:

'Tile Goleta Old Tow11 Revitalization Plan identifkd tlie Heritacge District Aesthetics a11d Design Standards. 'These standards Jvere prepared as a preliminary step to developiiig detailed design ~~uidelines. T h e intent of the standards is "to enhance the image of 2'

Old Town, ensure tlze development of n distinctive anci u~nifiect strcctscape, and contribute to a more pedestrian-oriented do\vn toxvn area."

'These Re\iitalization Plan Aesthetics :und Design Standards and their accoinpanying design goals and policies (see appendix A. 4 1 ) provide t11e L~asis for tlie Heritasr District A~.clnitecture and Design Giiideli nes.

C. Historic Co~ztc,~t

The liiscory of Golem Valley begins \vitIi the iiidige11011s Cliumasli Indians. Tlie conimercial and cultural ceiiter of the loc,ll Cli~tmnsli people was located around hlescal Island i11 and adjacent to tlie slieltered deep harbor, now kiiowli :IS Goler,l Slo~tgli and tlie site of Santn I;,~rLar:l Airport. Tlie C l i ~ ~ m ~ i s l i people tli~ivsd o ~ i tlie acorns of tlie dense 031; forests that oncc covci-ed the \lalley aiid 011 rllz abuiidant rli,~riile life frorii the seii ~inril their population beuan a systenlatic declirie d ~ ~ e to disease . . " 311~1 ;L cllangi~ig way of 11fe b~-o~iglit by ~loii-i~idigeno~is settlers.

l'lic. Ch~i~iiasl i iiih:tbited tllc land when it was claimed by King Carlos of Spain arid tlieri gra~ited to the Franciscan Lithers wlien

the I'residio and Mission were foundect in Sanca Barbam in 1782- 1786. U~ider the Fraiicisca~is tile oalr forests were cur dowii :ind the land was ~ ~ s e c i for cattle grazing to support the iieeds of the A/lission for livestock ~lliil food.

\Vhcn A/lexico becanie independent froni Spaill in 1877, the missions were sec~~l~irized and the larids \irere granrecl. to former I'residio soldiers. Lalid in rodafs Old Town Goleta was granred in small parcels to K~milies of tile soldiers, for raising crops. 'When I'io Pico becanle goverlior of California he actively sold ofC:land to tiiia~ice the Mcsic,iri Ariiericltn W"1r of' 18-46 (Edw,lrds 1978). -l'lir I.iii(t iiow co~iiprisiilg chu Goleta HerirLlge District w,is iiiclucied in the ~ , lncho granted Ily l'ico to D,liiiel Hill, '1

Eostu11i~l11 11ieicliaiir who h.1d ~n~~rr ieci RnfcirlLl C)rteg;i ‘inti Ii,icl

Lcconic. '1 A/lesica~i cicizcn. His tlecd, entitled Lcl Golrta R,incho, rnco~iipassec~ -r,426 acres i?'onipl.;ins I C)00:.i9-40).

Hill continued to ~ise rlir Innd for cnrrlr grazing i i i tllc saii~c r~lail~ler as tlie Franciscn~ls, selling tlie I1idc.s to e;1strr11 nianuE~cr~irers. A major droi~glir in 1863-1 865 l;illed liis cnrrlc. and spelled the end of tlie rancho way of life. \Vhen Hill died in 1865, his land was virc~ially \vorthless because of the drought, rill4 liis family \vas destinlte. His laild as s~ibdivided alilolig his isrido\ir Rafsela 2nd liis thirteen children. To rnise money rlic

fianiily had the rancho sun~eyed n ~ i d divided into 138 sninller far~iisreacls, thirteen chosen by lot by tlie lreirs rind clie remainder advertised for sale in S a ~ i Francisco aiicl Los Xngeles ne\vspnpers (Tonipkins 1966:70-73). Tliis sale \vas the f-irsr ti11le ally of 111~.

mnclio land in go let:^ was operied for sale to those not associated \vitli the blission or Presidio, a ~ i d ~narlceci a tr:irlsirion in Iiinii L I S ~

froni Hispanic cattle mnclii~lg to Ariglo mixed-crop f i l rn l i~i~.

Tlie vario~is L~r~iiers and I I O I I I ~ S ~ ~ ~ C ~ ~ I - S niovillg 011to t11r fori~ier L3 Goleu Ra~lcllo fro111 [lie 1800s rhro~~gil chc 1880s were fl,uniilics frorii borh tlie l\/lidwesc 311~1 ensterii U~lirsd Srares, ns \veil ns

'Wester11 Europe, \\rho grew crops sucli as grains, fi-~iirs n ~ i c l

\~egembles. \Val~iut growing became the first 1113jor cotll~lirrcial agric~~ltural business in Goleta, us new proprrry owners souglir viable commerci;ll crops ro rnise on the fornicr c:irtlc grnzing lands. Later, lima beans a i d lerl~ons were also s~iccessfi~l, ant1 all of'

tliesc crops served to put Golcta on the ninp.

'I'lit. 19th centurIr f<rniers rsc1~iirc.d goods :lnd srr\liccs sucli ;IS

f:irm mncliinery, wagons atid b~iggiss, bl;iilis~iiithiii~ ; i l~cI Z O L I I ~ ~ ~ ! :

stores sslliiig s~ipplirs.