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Estándar °5: Toma de decisiones y análisis de resultados Gabriela Quezada Cabezas Práctica Pedagógica VII

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Estándar °5: Toma de decisiones y análisis de resultados

Gabriela Quezada Cabezas

Práctica Pedagógica VII

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Estándar 5:

Toma de decisiones y análisis de resultados

Estándar: El profesor o profesora en formación hace ajustes a su planificación tomando decisiones

a partir de los resultados de aprendizaje de sus estudiantes y comunica su análisis y conclusiones

acerca de la eficacia de su enseñanza.

Tarea 1:

Describa las modificaciones que realizo a la planificación de la unidad durante el proceso de

enseñanza-aprendizaje, explique que lo llevo a realizar dichos cambios y evalué la eficacia de estas


Firstly, for the successful development of the unit “Mystery” with the class 2nd grade A

secondary high school, I had to make some modifications regarding some activities and

lesson plans in order to ensure the attainment of the learning goal. These modifications

were the following:

Lesson 1:

AIM: At the end of the lesson students WBAT comprehend and interview with an inspector.

In this lesson the main changes were applied when checking the activities, instead of asking

students orally the answers, they were asked to write the answer on the board, in this way was

easier to correct wrong answers and the students pay more attention to the class and activities.

Lesson 2

AIM: students will be able to retell what other people have said about hoax.

In this lesson the main change was regarding the lead in, due to the lead in suggested by the

Students’ book was not as engaging as it should be. In order to do a more engaging lead in, the

teacher talked about national hoax such as the ones reported in some televisions programs “en su

propia trampa” and asks students if they have been victims of any hoax.

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Lesson 3

AIM: Students will be able to report questions that other people have asked about aliens or

mystery encounters.

In this lesson was unnecessary to apply any changes, since students were able to understand and

achieve the aim of the lesson. They were engaged by the lead-in, and the activities at the moment

of practice and produce were suitable for them. Finally the closing of the lesson was focused on

the students’ feedback.

Lesson 4

AIM: Students will be able to understand an article about a famous nineteenth-century mystery.

Regarding this lesson, some changes were applied when checking the activities, instead of asking

students orally the answers, they were asked to write the answer on the board. Another change

was regarding the time for the activities, it had to be increased, due to most of the students

presented problems at the moment of answering the questions, as a conclusion of it, the first

activity of the after reading had to be eliminated, because the students did not have time to do it.

And as an after reading activity, the students just did some feedback asking them if they were able

to achieve the aim of the lesson.

Tarea 2:

Analice, sintetice y comunique los logros de aprendizaje obtenidos por sus estudiantes.

Goal lesson 1:

1. SWBAT talk about mysteries, report statements and questions and speculate about


Instrument: Worksheet.

Evaluation type: Formative

Level of performance

Achieved Almost achieved Do not achieved

Students were able to talk

about mysteries events.

They were able to report

questions that they already

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They were able to understand

a listening file related to


listened, but with great


Goal lesson 2: Students will be able to retell what other people have said about hoax.

Instrument: Worksheet.

Evaluation type: Formative

Level of performance

Achieved Almost achieved Do not achieved

Students were able to work in

a worksheet with different

types of exercises related to

retell what other people had


Goal lesson 3: Students will be able to report questions that other people have asked about aliens

or mystery encounters.

Instrument: Worksheet.

Evaluation type: Formative

Level of performance

Achieved Almost achieved Do not achieved

Students were able to retell

questions that they classmates

already asked.

Students were able to match

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the corresponding parts of the

direct and indirect questions.

Goal lesson 4: To understand an article about a famous nineteenth-century mystery.

Instrument: Worksheet and students’ book

Evaluation type: Formative

Level of performance

Achieved Almost achieved Do not achieved

Students presented

some difficulty when

answering some questions and

activities related to the


Goal lesson 5: To speculate and respond to speculations about a new mystery.

Instrument: Worksheet and students’ book

Evaluation type: Formative and summative

Level of performance

Achieved Almost achieved Do not achieved

Students were able to answer

correctly the worksheet.

Most of the students wrote

the dialogue without mistakes

or little mistakes regarding the


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Tarea 3:

Evalué la efectividad de su enseñanza en los logros de aprendizaje de sus estudiantes. A la luz de

los resultados de las evaluaciones, juzgue que tan efectivos fueron los planes diseñados y las

modificaciones a la planificación durante el desarrollo de la unidad.

As a result of the evaluations, it can be said that the activities and tasks that the students

had to do were coherent with the learning goals. Those tasks and activities were guiding the

students in the learning process with the necessary contents to achieve the lessons goals and also

the unit goal.

Most of the issues when applying the lessons plan were when the students had to work in

pairs or groups, due to they were very talkative and did not pay attention to the instructions. In

order to that, some of the strategies carried were the offer of tenth for some tests or quizzes or

rearrange them in other places inside the classroom.