lesson plan 2 secundario

Page 1 IFDC LENGUAS VIVAS TALLER DE PRÁCTICA DOCENTE III ALUMNO PRACTICANTE: Andrea Alejandra Cantaroni. Período de Práctica: Tercer período Institución Educativa: EES N°19 Dirección: Enrique Julio 2000. Buenos Aires Sala / Grado / Año – sección: 3º Año Cantidad de alumnos: 24 Nivel lingüístico del curso: Elemental Tipo de Planificación: Diaria Unidad Temática: ciudades. Clase N°: 2 Fecha: 18 junio., 2015 Hora: de 7:30 a 9:30hs Duración de la clase: 120 minutos Fecha de primera entrega: 14 de junio. Teaching points: Vocabulary related to comparative long adjectives. Teaching aims:

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ALUMNO PRACTICANTE: Andrea Alejandra Cantaroni.

Período de Práctica: Tercer período

Institución Educativa: EES N°19

Dirección: Enrique Julio 2000. Buenos Aires

Sala / Grado / Año – sección: 3º Año

Cantidad de alumnos: 24

Nivel lingüístico del curso: Elemental

Tipo de Planificación: Diaria

Unidad Temática: ciudades.

Clase N°: 2

Fecha: 18 junio., 2015

Hora: de 7:30 a 9:30hs

Duración de la clase: 120 minutos

Fecha de primera entrega: 14 de junio.

Teaching points:

Vocabulary related to comparative long adjectives.

Teaching aims:

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Students will develop their speaking, reading and writing skills to talk about two

different cities and to compare those using short and long adjectives.

Language focus:

Lexis Structure Functions pronunciation


Revision of short comparative adjectives: Smaller, bigger, newer, dirtier ,quieter, noisier, cleaner, older, hotter, .

Is …. Smaller


Is … noisier


Bahia Blanca is smaller than Buenos Aires. Buenos Aires

is noisier than

Bahia Blanca.

Comparing two cities. Is Bahia Blanca

smaller than

Punta Alta? Is

Monte Hermoso

hotter than

Bahia Blanca?

Practice the pronunciation of ə in er ending : dirtier, quieter, noisier, Cleaner, older, hotter.


Long comparative adjectives: more modern ,more expensive, more luxurious, more comfortable,

Atero Hotel is



than Tandil

Hotel. Tandil

Hotel is more

modern than

Atero Hotel

Comparing two cities using short and long adjectives.

Practice the pronunciation of the new comparative structures: more modern than, more comfortable, and luxurious.

Teaching approach: Communicative approach

Materials and resources: two sheets of paper, overhead projector, two

adverts with photos of the cities for each student.

Integration of skills: Although students will put into practice their four skills,

speaking and reading will be central in my lesson. These skills will be integrated through different communicative activities to help students to incorporate new

structures or new vocabulary.

Seating arrangement: students will get in pairs.

Possible problems / difficulties and their possible solutions during the class: a possible problem would be the interruption from three students with

behaviour problems .I will pay attention to them asking them to participate in each stage of the class.

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Potential problems students may have with the language : In case students

don’t understand the vocabulary or the new structure; I will mime each new

structure or vocabulary in order to help them understand it.

Assessment: I will assess my student’s learning and progress during the

lesson by taking into account how they are learning the new structure.

Warm up (25 minutes):

I will say: 'hello’ to the students and I will tell them: ‘Last class we talked about our city

and Buenos Aires. Do you remember?’ I will ask students to make a few comparative

sentences about the two cities to revise what we saw last class .Then, I will say: 'let's

see what you have found about the city you chose’. I will ask them: 'what is the name of

that city?’ Students will say: ‘Monte Hermoso, Dorrego, and Mar del Plata’. Then I will

say:’ we are going to talk about the cities that you have investigated’. I will ask them:

‘Can you compare the city that you have investigated with Bahia Blanca? Who can

start? ‘Students will say: ‘In winter Dorrego is colder than Bahia Blanca ‘or ‘Monte

Hermoso is newer than Bahia Blanca’, we will go on comparing the cities using

different adjectives and the information that students have brought from their house.

Then I will say to students that winter holidays are coming and I will ask them: What

city from Buenos Aires province do you want to go on holidays?’ Students will say:’

Buenos Aires, Mar del Plata, and Patagones. ’I will ask students: ‘What about Sierra

de la Ventana? Do you know Sierra de la Ventana? Or Tandil? Do you know

Tandil?’Students will say: ‘I know Sierra de la Ventana’,’I don´t know Tandil’. I will ask

students:’ what do you know about each city?’ Then I will say: ‘I love Sierra de la

Ventana and I enjoy walking in the mountains .I also love Tandil because I like the

landscape and I go trekking there’. Next, I will tell them that today we will learn more

about the two cities.

Presentation (30 minutes):

I will use the overhead projector to show students two different adverts, one about

Sierra de la Ventana and one about Tandil .The adverts will be the following:

Advert of Sierra de la Ventana:

Come to sierra de la Ventana!

What are you going to do this winter?

Why not come to Sierra dela Ventana in Buenos Aires?

The weather in Sierra is very cold but you can do a lot of different activities such as

have a great time at our luxurious hotel called Atero. The rooms are expensive but

there are comfortable. The temperature in winter is 2 º .You can also enjoy trekking,

horse riding and swimming in our indoor swimming pool. Coming to this beautiful city

will be enjoyable and you will discover a great place to spend the holidays with your

family or friends.

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You can have a great wonderful time in Sierra de la Ventana, so don’t forget your


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Advert of Tandil:

What are your plans for this winter?

Why not visit Tandil in Buenos Aires?

The weather in Tandil is not so cold. It Is 15 º in winter. It is always sunny and you can

stay in our modern hotel called Tandil Hotel. The rooms are cheap and they are small.

There are a lot of interesting activities to do outdoors such as trekking, cycling and

visiting the mobile rock. You will find out a great place to stay with family members or


You will have a spectacular time in Tandil!

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Then I will start reading the advert of Sierra de la Ventana and I will explain new words

if necessary. I will take notes of the following information on the board. I will ask oral

questions as the following ones to complete the following information. What is the

weather like in Sierra de la Ventana? Is Atero hotel cheap? And so on.

Hotel Atero:


Hotel price:

Hotel accommodation:


Tandil Hotel:


Hotel price:

Hotel accommodation:


After completing the information about the two places. I will make students to look at

the information and I will ask them to help me compare the two destinations. I will say:’

let’s start with the weather .What can we say about the weather in Sierra de la Ventana

and in Tandil’. Students will say: ‘Sierra de la Ventana is colder than Tandil or Tandil is

hotter than Tandil’. After that I will continue with the age of the hotels .Students will

say:’Atero Hotel is older than than Tandil ’or ‘Hotel Tandil is newer than Atero Hotel’ I

will say: ‘Yes, it is more modern than Atero Hotel ‘I will copy these sentences on the

board .I will continue with the price of the hotels .Students will say ‘Hotel Tandil Is

cheaper than Atero Hotel. I will say:’ so Atero Hotel is more expensive than Hotel


I will copy the sentences on the board .I will continue with the hotel accommodation.

After that, I will ask students: Which place has more interesting activities to do, Tandil

or Sierra de la Ventana? We will revise the activities we can do in one place and in the

other and students will choose their favourite place. I will say:’so Tandil is more

interesting to visit than Sierra de la Ventana or Sierra a de la Ventana is more

interesting to visit than Tandil’. I will copy the sentence on the board. Then I will ask

students: what do you notice when we compare the places by using long adjectives?

Students will notice the use of more and that we add nothing to the adjective at the end

like in the case of short adjectives.

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Practice (25 minutes):

Then I will provide students with a sheet of paper that will have the two adverts. I will

tell students that they will work in pairs and I will give one advert to each one. The

photocopy will also have some sentences. I will tell them that some sentences are

wrong and some of them are right. They are supposed to find the incorrect ones and to

correct them. The sentences will be the following ones:

Tandil is hotter than Sierra de la Ventana.

Atero Hotel is more modern than Tandil Hotel.

Atero Hotel is cheaper than Hotel Tandil.

Tandil Hotel is more luxurious than Atero Hotel.

Tandil Hotel´ s rooms are bigger than Atero Hotel´s .

I will give students sentences to complete with adjectves from the box. Then I will say:

‘you have to complete the sentences with the comparative form of adjectives from the

box .For instance, 1) Atero Hotel´s rooms are …………….Hotel Tandil´s.

Tandil and Atero Hotel

Cheap expensive cold hot comfortable modern old

1)Atero Hotel´s rooms are …………….........Hotel Tandil´s.

2)Tandil Hotel ´s rooms are …….. ….......Atero Hotel´s .

3) Atero Hotel is ……………………….....Tandil Hotel.

4) Hotel Tandil is ………………. …...Atero Hotel .

5) Tandil is………………………........Sierra de la Ventana.

6) Sierra de la Ventana is……………………….....Tandil.

7) Tandil Hotel is ……………………………......Atero hotel.

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Productions (25 minutes):

I will give students two adverts from two other touristic cities .I will say: ‘you are going

to play a game. You are going to work in pairs again. You have to read the adverts and

write ten sentences comparing the two cities. The first pair that finishes first is the

winner. I will walk around the class to monitor their work.

Advert of Carhue:

What is your plan for this winter? You can come to Carhue in Buenos Aires. The

weather in Carhue is not so cold .It Is 16 º in winter. You can stay in our comfortable

hotel called Hotel Avenida Termas. Rooms are not cheap and they are small. There

are a lot of interesting activities to do outdoors such as swimming, trekking, cycling and

taking a boat trip in the lake .You will find out great a place to stay with family members

or friends!It is a beautiful place.

Advert of Pedro Luro:

Come to Pedro Luro! What are you going to do this winter? Why not come to Pedro

Luro in Buenos Aires? The weather in Pedro Luro is very cold but you can do a lot of

different activities such as have a great time at our luxurious Hotel called Termas de

Ceferino de Pedro Luro. The rooms are expensive and comfortable. The temperature

in winter is two degree below zero .You can also enjoy cycling and swimming in our

indoor swimming pool. Coming to this enjoyable place will be great and you will

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discover unforgettable place to spend the winter holidays with your family. You can

have an enjoyable time in Pedro Luro.

After a few minutes, the winning pair will read the sentences aloud and I will ask the

other students to pay attention. I will repeat the sentence one member of the pair read

and I will say: Pedro Luro is colder than Carhue. Is it right or wrong?

Closure (15 minutes)


Finally, I will tell students: ‘For next class, you must design a poster comparing two

different tourist destinations you would like to visit in winter. Look for photos of the two

places and compare them taking into account the following items: weather in winter,

one hotel's age, accommodation, its price, activities to do.

I will tell students they have to stick the photos of the two places and write the

information in column design: I will copy the following on the blackboard so they can

copy as a model.

Bariloche Villa Ventana

Photo photo

Weather in winter: Weather in winter:

Hotel´s age: Hotel´s age:

Accommodation: Accommodation:

Price: Price:

Activities to do: Activities to do:

Then they have to write comparative sentences in the poster by using the information


For instance: Bariloche is colder than Villa Ventana in winter.

Then I will say: Goodbye. I will see you next class.