las puertas dimensionales en el espaciotiempo parte i

Las Puertas Dimensionales en el EspacioTiempo PARTE I Empezamos una serie sobre la energía que hay en el orden implícito, todo aquello que no se ve pero que sin embargo controla las fuerzas en el espacio- tiempo. El artículo combina conocimientos sobre física, metafísica y el saber antiguo. Ha habido una importante investigación práctica hecha recientemente en relación a los meridianos de energía de la Tierra, conocida como “Líneas-Ley”, ( inglés), “Camino de Hadas” (irlandés), “Caminos de Dragón” (chino) y “Líneas de Canción” (australiano aborigen). La primera investigación en el tiempo actual de las Líneas-Ley fue hecha por Alfred Watkins, quién primero acuñó el término “Ley” o “Pradera” en 1921. Dos pioneros en este área, que han publicado sus conclusiones en los últimos años, son Paul Broadhurst y Hamish Miller: El Sol y la Serpiente, (1989), y el Baile del Dragón, (2000). La existencia de estas ‘líneas Ley’ todavía está siendo discutida entre investigadores y científicos. Sin embargo, al contrario que la mente humana que puede percibir y contemplar su existencia, las ‘Ley’ no puede ser medidas: nuestra comprensión actual consiste en que son “conductos” de energía infinita que sólo se hacen existentes cuando encontramos muchos sitios diferentes o señales famosas unidas juntas en una línea directa – estas alineaciones al principio basadas en lo que nuestros antepasados distantes habían encontrado quizás por el medio psíquico – p. ej., la radiestesia. Nosotros podríamos pensar en las praderas como líneas neutrales nulas o neutrales cero. Antes de que nosotros entremos en materia de ‘las ley’ y las líneas de la Tierra de fuerza, vamos a mirar los fenómenos de onda.

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Page 1: Las Puertas Dimensionales en el EspacioTiempo PARTE I

Las Puertas Dimensionales en el EspacioTiempo PARTE I

Empezamos una serie sobre la energía que hay en el orden implícito, todo aquello que no se ve pero que sin embargo controla las fuerzas en el espacio-tiempo.  El artículo combina conocimientos sobre física, metafísica y el saber antiguo.

Ha habido una importante  investigación práctica hecha recientemente  en relación a los meridianos de energía de la Tierra, conocida como “Líneas-Ley”, ( inglés), “Camino de Hadas” (irlandés), “Caminos de Dragón” (chino) y “Líneas de Canción” (australiano aborigen).

La primera investigación en el tiempo actual de las Líneas-Ley  fue hecha por Alfred Watkins, quién primero acuñó el

término “Ley” o “Pradera” en 1921.

 Dos pioneros en este área, que han publicado sus conclusiones en los últimos años, son Paul Broadhurst y Hamish Miller: El Sol y la Serpiente, (1989), y el Baile del Dragón, (2000).

La existencia de estas ‘líneas Ley’ todavía está siendo discutida entre investigadores y científicos. Sin embargo, al contrario que la mente humana que puede percibir y contemplar su existencia, las ‘Ley’ no puede ser medidas: nuestra comprensión actual consiste en que son “conductos” de energía infinita que sólo se hacen existentes cuando encontramos muchos sitios diferentes o señales famosas unidas juntas en una línea directa – estas alineaciones al principio basadas en lo que nuestros antepasados distantes habían encontrado quizás por el medio psíquico – p. ej., la radiestesia. Nosotros podríamos pensar en las praderas como líneas neutrales nulas o neutrales cero.

Antes de que nosotros entremos en materia de ‘las ley’ y las líneas de la Tierra de fuerza, vamos a mirar los fenómenos de onda.

Lo que sigue es quizás como nuestros antepasados antiguos entendieron la fuerza motriz dinámica en todos los fenómenos de onda en su forma sencilla de entender.  Ver también Diagramas de círculos.

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Figure 1: Onda de viajeTrazo de una Onda-Seno singular mostrando las tres fases de un ciclo

Punta-Positivo, Valle-Negativo y el Transliminal (Neutro)

Como podemos ver, una onda tiene realmente el mismo movimiento cíclico de energía que lo que ocurre dentro de un vórtice torus, (mirar debajo) pero en nuestra realidad tridimensional  puede ser ‘sacado’ como si se tratase de un ciclo que se mueve o rueda a lo largo entre dos puntos en el espacio – como entre la posición “A” y la posición la “B”. Como muchos de nosotros sabemos, las ondas de viaje oscilarán a lo largo de una línea nula imaginaria o en el espacio-tiempo.

La onda de viaje mostrada arriba como una onda de frecuencia sola, toma la forma de una onda de seno. La frecuencia de la onda es determinada por cuantos ciclos u oscilaciones hay en un segundo. La amplitud de la onda es su desplazamiento máximo en cualquiera de los lados de la línea nula – la línea nula que ser ‘el punto medio’ o el punto de equilibrio de la onda de viaje y donde las fases positivas y negativas se equilibran o se cancelan.

La línea nula es el cero, teniendo la amplitud cero, y debido a esto nosotros podríamos decir que es ‘inexistente’ como una línea tangible o rayo de energía. Pero, algo debe sostener la punta y el valle de la onda de energía cuando la onda viaja a través del espacio-tiempo,  y la respuesta en cuanto a por qué esta línea sería ‘inexistente’ para nosotros es porque es ‘infinito’ y no puede ser medido –se sale fuera de la escala – y es por esto que es cero.

La energía de línea cero-nula, es realmente punto inmóvil en el centro del círculo, el ciclo como en el vórtice torus o en verdad el epicentro de un ciclón o un tornado, siendo la expresión ‘del vacío’ de misticismo oriental, o el Absoluto.

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Realmente no es que esté “estirado” como si en una línea, sino que es la forma que percibimos las cosas; nuestra comprensión desde esta dimensionalidad.

En verdad, no hay ninguna línea. Es imaginaria. La única línea que existe para nosotros es la onda, en su punto y valle que viaja sobre y alrededor de la línea imaginaria, dándolo un toque. Sólo el punto existe – el mismo punto de nodo cero que está siendo dado un toque – y aquel punto representa el centro de la fuente – el mismo centro que sembró el universo”.

En cuanto a las ondas de energía positiva y negativa, el invisible, la línea nula-cero en la que pareen viajar estas ondas es el oculto, la “tercera fuerza neutra” – que era el término usado por Gurdjieff.

De acuerdo a nuestros sentidos, no hay ninguna ‘línea’ ampliada de energía infinita. De verdad toda la energía está dentro de una no-dimensión, no local, el PUNTO. Quiero decir con esto que no hay tal ‘línea’ que va de la posición A a la posición la B. Y no hay ninguna onda que viaja durante el tiempo y el espacio. De verdad, el espacio y el tiempo no existen: el espacio y el tiempo son una ilusión que ha sido creada en este punto NO-dimensión, energía no local e infinita.

Realmente para entender esto, debemos aprender a pensar en la energía como información y la información como energía. Nuestra percepción es que la energía fluye en el espacio, o es propagada en ondas momento a momento a lo largo de un espacio-tiempo lineal. Podemos aplicar esto a nosotros cuando nos movemos por el espacio y el tiempo, andando desde la posición A a la posición B. ..,¿ pero pasaría si realmente no hay ninguna posición A o B? Queriendo decir que nuestra experiencia externa del movimiento, como cuando cambias de localización y tiempo es realmente un cambio EN LOS PATRONES DE ENERGÍA E INFORMACIÓN que nos aparecen.  Como hemos mencionado, la onda parece viajar desde A a B, pero realmente está yendo en círculos o en transformaciones cíclicas – un lazo-.

Siempre la onda de energía pasa por el nodo cero sobre la línea nula o el punto medio le ‘da un toque’ para que la energía vuelva a hacer la siguiente mitad del ciclo. Pero como podemos ver, cada nodo cero es el MISMO NODO CERO… EL MISMO VACÍO.

Esto quiere decir que la onda realmente no “viaja” a ninguna parte en el espacio y el tiempo: ‘ las posiciones en el espacio y el tiempo ‘ por el cual ‘la onda’ parece pasar son solamente una alteración o una transformación en energía que compone los patrones de información circundante de nuestra realidad sensitiva.

Nosotros podríamos referirnos a este movimiento de energía como ‘Backaction’, porque aunque parezca que la energía se mueve a lo largo de un camino lineal en el tiempo y el espacio, el cero siendo “golpeado” es el mismo cero – el mismo vacío. La energía medida hacia fuera siempre regresa al mismo punto, al igual que para “golpear” ahí la energía infinita.

Esto quiere decir que la onda es cíclica – circular – un autoreferencial, autoorganizador lazo de energía.

Una partícula subatómica es realmente un lazo diminuto de energía – un toroid: su energía doblándose hacia afuera y hacia dentro continuamente en sucesiones rápidas desde su centro. Las ondas de energía que parecen viajar a lo largo de un camino lineal son realmente las ondas concéntricas de los lazos más grandes de energía. Y otra vez, podemos aplicar esto a nosotros. Nosotros “damos un toque” a la energía de nuestro propio centro. Este ‘toque’ de energía infinita es como uno se regenera y recrea el modelo de información de la realidad que uno experimenta. El centro de nuestro conocimiento no se mueve; no nos movemos, permanecemos siempre en un punto!

En otras palabras, el movimiento que asociamos con los acontecimientos del espacio y tiempo es sólo los cambios leves o drásticos hechos en el modelo que se desdobla – p. ej., el modelo en cada ciclo, que se divide

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entre mental y material – implican y explican la energía/información. No hay ningún tiempo ni ninguna posición, sólo un cambio en el modelo. “

Estamos siempre en un solo lugar. . . en el centro, pero los patrones cambiantes que nos rodean - que podríamos decir son las proyecciones finitas de energía / información de ”la placa súper-holográfica,” nuestro centro, nos dan la ilusión de espacio y tiempo.

En verdad, nosotros - o más bien nuestra conciencia - está siempre en el ETERNO PRESENTE. 

Como sabemos, nos resulta muy difícil captar el presente a pesar de que estamos viviéndolo todo el tiempo. En el momento en que tratamos de captar ese instante de ¡AHORA! …Ya ha pasado.

La razón por la que no podamos captar la energía infinita del ”eterno presente” es porque yace escondida, detrás de nuestro inconsciente -y así lo hemos llamado el “Inconsciente”. De nuevo, no tenemos conciencia en este momento de los ciclos. Por supuesto no nos damos cuenta que somos inconscientes tantas veces por segundo, y así podríamos decir que nuestra conciencia de alguna manera “empapela” por encima de las uniones o juntas del nodo cero en nuestra realidad circundante, por lo que en realidad no notamos este cero en ninguna parte – sólo reconocemos estas cosas como, ”¡Oh, sí! Hay ”nodos” en las ondas estacionarias ”- que ahora se da por supuesto y realmente no significa nada para nosotros. . . y eso es lo emocionante de esto, ya que nadie se ha dado cuenta de esto o explicado el fenómeno de las ondas de oscilación de esta manera antes, y sobre todo no en términos de conciencia.

Al mismo tiempo, sin embargo, nos damos cuenta de que el cero es responsable de todas las paradojas de nuestro mundo, y esta es la razón por la cual muchos físicos tratan de ignorar infinitos cuando se trabaja en una nueva teoría. No es la naturaleza que “aborrece el vacío”,  es el hombre mismo. . . su mente o ego. Es el ego el que quiere ”evitar el vacío”. El ego quiere evitar ’Lo que’, que es el verdadero Creador detrás de su realidad ilusoria, y que tiene el poder para exponer la ilusión sobre sí mismo y su mundo que el ego está tratando de dominar y controlar.

En la literatura esotérica, este punto que está siendo aprovechado es conocido como el “Eterno Retorno” – de nuevo, es realmente el “Eterno Ahora” - y este punto de ’Ahora’, es también el ‘Motor Primario’ de toda la energía. Cada uno de estos términos es antiquísimo y apoya lo que he dicho.

Podemos ver que la razón por la que se ha llamado el ”Eterno Retorno”, porque es el mismo punto siendo contactado cada vez, y también es conocido como el ‘Motor Primario’, porque este punto o centro, impulsa a todos estos ciclos. Como se ha dicho, las olas medidas de la energía no se dirigen realmente a ninguna parte – como, de nuevo, los espacios en tres dimensiones y las distancias entre una cosa y otra son una ilusión. Y así como nuestro planeta en órbita, la ola de energía se mantiene en órbita alrededor de ese mismo centro  – como si viajara sin realmente estar en movimiento”.

En esencia, esto es lo que el chamán dice que hace cuando trata de explicar cómo se puede acceder a otras realidades.

Como se ha dicho, si todo es sólo información, entonces es la información que está cambiando, y no nosotros moviéndonos a través de un mundo tridimensional de objetos reales. Cuando vemos o sentimos como si nos estamos moviendo de un lugar a otro, en realidad no nos estamos moviendo en absoluto. Aunque parece que definitivamente estamos en movimiento a través del tiempo y el espacio, nuestros sentidos nos engañan. . . en realidad es únicamente la información que está alterando o cambiando dentro de nuestra propia conciencia -y ya que nuestra realidad circundante está compuesta de nuestra propia energía, entonces esto será lo que sintamos y experimentemos.

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Y supondríamos que uno se da cuenta de esto durante los estados alterados de conciencia - que es lo que hace el chamán. Él accede al estado de trance, o estado hipnagógico con el fin de “viajar sin moverse” de una realidad a otra.

Y si el lector ha jugado alguna vez uno de esos juegos 3D generados por ordenador, entonces él o ella entenderá lo que estoy diciendo.

Cuando nos movemos, en realidad es únicamente la información que está alterando o cambiando un poco, como lo que se ve en la pantalla de nuestro ordenador cuando nos movemos a través de un entorno 3D generado por computadora. Y en cuanto a juegos de ordenador, toda la información relativa a la ”realidad virtual” o “mundo virtual” con el que hemos interactuado, se almacena en un plano y redondo disco CD-ROM - una buena analogía para el ciclismo, ciclón de los patrones que hemos almacenado en nuestro propio programa.

El programa es nuestro disco duro, y nuestro diálogo interno propio es lo que se está reproduciendo en la memoria RAM. . .como en la memoria de acceso aleatorio. Esto viene a demostrar que nada existe realmente como algo en sí mismo - lo único cierto y verdadero que existe es la energía y la información de la que todo se está creando.

Ahora vamos a llevar nuestra atención hacia el esquema de la onda que se muestra arriba.

Como podemos ver, las olas también oscilan a través de una serie de picos y valles. Cada ciclo se divide en dos, cada ciclo expresando mitades tanto positivas como negativas. En una ’onda viajante’, los dos puntos en el ciclo en los que perdemos la conciencia son los “nodos” donde la función de la onda cambia de positivo a negativo y de negativo a positivo. En otras palabras, el nodo-cero es el punto en el que las ondas positivas y negativas cruzan el punto de equilibrio o punto medio de la ola (la línea-nula cero) creando así un “accidente”, donde tanto los aspectos positivos y negativos ¡son momentáneamente cancelados!

Ese “accidente” representa donde y cuando estamos inconscientes en los ciclos, y todos los ciclos muestran esto, y lo reflejan. Esto es lo que divide una cosa de otra. Yo diría que, desde el nivel sub-cuántico  para arriba, es nuestro inconsciente - esos “accidentes” de pérdida de conocimiento en cada ciclo que está dividiendo a la energía UNA en muchos fragmentos diferentes y también en diferentes cuantos - es

decir, tasas diferentes de las frecuencias.

Es nuestro ser inconsciente de nuestro propio centro - es decir, la conciencia volviéndose inconsciente de sí mismo - que divide y corta la Energía Una en fragmentos y por qué todo en nuestro mundo está dividido y separado por el tiempo y el espacio.

Figura 2: Representación artística de las líneas LEY del campo magnético de la Tierra de la y los puntos de convergencia de las principalesDe Anti-Gravedad y La Red Mundial. Editado por David Hatcher Childress. (Unlimited Adventures Press. 1987.)

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Líneas de Fuerza de la Tierra

La Figura 2 es un popular, aunque imaginativo dibujo de cómo se verían estas líneas en la Tierra.

Es un hecho reconocido que muchos edificios y estructuras antiguas se construyeron en antiguos sitios sagrados por lo que no es de extrañar que los edificios importantes, como templos, conventos, iglesias y castillos están unidos entre sí con líneas bastante rectas, revelando una vasta red energética subyacente, conocida por nuestros antepasados lejanos. Que fueron ellos quienes hicieron esta “red de energía” visible por los templos megalíticos, menhires y los círculos de piedra que construyeron. Estos fueron colocados cuidadosamente en determinados “puntos de poder” en la Tierra, a fin de estimular el flujo de energía en toda la red energética para que la gente que sabía de estas fuerzas y los principales puntos de convergencia tal vez pudieran aprovechar el poder de la tierra.

Figure 3: Chinese Acupuncture Chart. Taken from Acupuncture, Marc Duke. (Pyramid House New York, 1972, p. 127.)

La extraña criatura de arriba no es un “alienígena” es un gráfico de acupuntura china que muestra la energía de los meridianos Yin (negativo, femenino) y yang (positivo, masculino) así como los puntos de poder que contienen la energía Chi (neutral). Las agujas de acupuntura se colocan en estos puntos de poder para estimular la circulación de la energía Chi, aportando armonía y equilibrio al individuo.

Los chinos de la antigüedad entendían que el cuerpo de la Tierra tiene similares líneas de meridianos , que se denominan “Caminos del Dragón”. Los chinos entendían que la energía se divide en dos, entre el blanco yang (tigre en las altas montañas) y el yin (dragón  azul de las bajas colinas y valles). También entendían que había dos pulmones mei (“dos inhalaciones de Chi”) que se encontraban y cruzaban; existe un punto de poder neutral que contiene la infinita energía del Chi en su estado puro e indisoluble.

Estas líneas de fuerza que  parecen formar parte de la matriz de energía de la Tierra, son normalmente indetectables por los sentidos normales. Sin embargo, un zahorí puede rastrear estas líneas de  fuerza utilizando una varilla de zahorí o un simple péndulo, volveremos a este tema más adelante.

De la misma manera que las agujas de acupuntura estimulan el flujo de pura energía de conciencia por todo el cuerpo (transportado por estos meridianos de energía) nuestros antepasados erigieron los menhires para vigorizar, armonizar  y distribuir esta potente energía a través del paisaje, asegurando

buenas cosechas y una mejor calidad de vida a consecuencia del equilibrio de estas dos fuerzas.

Simplemente utilizando una varilla de zahorí, Broadhurst y Miller descubrieron que los antiguos chinos tenían razón: todas las líneas de fuerza están envueltas por las líneas de fuerza positivas y negativas de la Tierra que entran y salen de estos directos  y neutrales ejes de líneas de fuerza entrecruzándose unas con otras en ciertos puntos a lo largo de las mismas. (Ver figura 4 “A” sacada del libro “The Dance of The Dragon”

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Aquí los autores nos muestran como las Corrientes masculinas y femeninas de la “energía de la tierra” hacen zigzag por el paisaje, entrecruzándose en ciertos puntos a lo largo de estas líneas de fuerza( la línea de fuerza. Está marcada como la línea recta.

(A)    Figure 4: (B)

Líneas de fuerza de la Tierra      Caduceo

De (El Sol y la Serpiente) Paul Broadhurst y Hamish Miller (Pendragon Press, 1989)

Como ya han reconocido estos autores, estas líneas de fuerza tanto positivas como negativas, tienen la apariencia como las dos serpientes del Caduceo, un símbolo esotérico antiguo que simboliza la energía Kundalini del hombre (en la actualidad es el símbolo de la profesión médica). Figura 4 B. El polo central o eje del Caduceo representaría la línea de poder recta que esta ceñida por las dos

energías opuestas de la Tierra representadas en el Caduceo por las dos serpientes en espiral, de nuevo, una representando la energía positiva, otra la negativa. Y de nuevo podemos ver que el Caduceo nos muestra realmente como la energía pueda quedar atrapada en un movimiento espiral y cíclico de “onda permanente”

La ilustración a continuación (figura 5) se la conoce como Serpientes entre Colinas y pertenece a uno de los más famosos libros de Alquimia titulado “Book of Abraham the Jew” que se dice que fue descubierto por el legendario alquimista Nicolas Flamel en el siglo XIV. Muestra el paisaje de la Tierra cubierto de serpientes; no es difícil ver lo que el artista está tratando de comunicar: que el paisaje de la Tierra está literalmente vivo con todas esas serpientes, lo que nosotros ahora interpretaríamos como líneas de energía positiva y negativa que se desplazan en espiral.

Figura 5: Serpientes entre Colinas del libro “The Book of Abraham the Jew” Siglo XIV.

Como la radiestesia de Hamish Miller ha demostrado, estas líneas de fuerza son sin lugar a dudas “serpentinas” en el sentido de que se curvan hacia dentro y lejos de las líneas de fuerza neutrales que

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actúan como un “pozo de gravedad”, siempre manteniendo estas dos fuerzas serpentinas fijas al recorrido recto de la línea de fuerza neutral desde un extremo opuesto al otro.

Hasta ahora, ambos Miller y Broadhurst han finalizado de trazar solo dos líneas nulas ampliadas o líneas de fuerza en la Tierra, al detectar y seguir las trayectorias de dos series de energías masculina y femenina que las envuelven. Estas energías “serpentinas” opuestas han sido denominadas por los autores como “Michael” y “Mary” y “Apollo” y “Athena”. El denominado eje de línea de fuerza: Michael-Mary atraviesa el ancho de Inglaterra desde Lands End en Cornwall hasta Hopton en East Anglia (fig. 6).

Es un hecho importante que dos autores hayan observado todos los Nodos que cruzan ambas Líneas de Fuerza; por ejemplo los puntos de energía tanto masculina(positivo) como femenina (negativo) se cruzan y anulan en el cero. Estos “nodos-cero” coinciden a menudo con las destacadas localidades citadas en los mapas.

Los sitios más impresionantes en este eje son lugares tan conocidos,  legendarios y místicos  como   el Monte San Michel, Glastonbury Tor, Avebury (conocida como el “Templo de la Serpiente” -por razones que comentaremos después-  y también Ogbourne, St George y Bury St Edmunds.

Figura: 6 The Michael-Mary Axis. Iustración de The Sun and the Serpent. Paul Broadhurst y Hamish Miller.

Las palabras “On”,  “Ong” y “Og” son nombres que se utilizan a menudo en referencia a las denominadas “Montaña Sagrada” y “Montaña del Mundo” de origen indígena; un arquetipo que simboliza la saturación del vórtice. Este vórtice es el más cercano que el hombre puede alcanzar en su imaginación en cuanto a modelo o imagen de conciencia, y así la montaña es la metáfora para el vórtice saturado que se puede escalar y cuyo pico y centro es el último estado de conciencia. Los hindús lo llaman Monte Kailas, los budistas “Monte Meru” que se dice que se encuentra en el centro del mítico espacio en Tibet conocido como “Shambhala” o “Sangri-la” Los antiguos nórdicos lo conocían como Asgard, los antiguos griegos como Monte Olimpo. Monte Sion es la sagrada montaña de los hebreos y los japoneses tienen el Monte Fuji. Como hemos mencionado anteriormente, la Gran Pirámide fue construida sobre este concepto de “monte sagrado” o “montaña del mundo” así como los Zigurats de Mesopotamia y la famosa Torre de Babel  – algo a lo que  volveremos más adelante.

La tradición shamanica  tibetana conocida como “Bons” o “Bon-Po” reconoce a Shambhala como Olmolungring. De nuevo, el nombre abreviado es “Ong”, “Og”, “Oz” o “Os”.

Ong también era el nombre que se utilizaba para describir un sombrero cónico, que en la mitología de las hadas es el sombrero a menudo utilizado por los magos y brujas. Desde luego el tradicional “Dunce’s Cap” es un

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sombrero cónico similar y antiguamente se usaba para aportar más poder al cerebro del que lo llevaba. Esto es debido a que el sombrero cónico que también han llevado los curas y reyes de culturas antiguas, simboliza el vórtice del Chakra Corona, que tradicionalmente contiene en su centro el “bindu”(el centro de la conciencia del ser humano) localizado algunas pulgadas por encima de la cabeza. La piedra que remata la Gran Pirámide también representa el “bindu” y esta es una conexión a la que volveremos en más profundidad.

TRADUCCIÓN:  Equipo de traducción de la Gran Hermandad Blanca


In addition, �Os� or �Oz� are words which are used in reference to the apex of the mount, and the centre of the vortex � being the Supreme Centre.    Looking into the etymology of these words, I discovered that they are ancient names meaning �God� The Egyptian God Osiris has the syllable �Os� at the beginning of his name � meaning Centre. The word iris is now used to depict the coloured part of the eye, and so in esoteric terms the iris would represent the vortex that surrounds the centre � the pupil � being the calm eye of the cyclone or vortex . . . the �eye of the storm.� Logically this would mean that the nodal centres on the Earth are associated with the �Godhead� � meaning that they are �windows� or �doorways� into the Infinite . . . the Creator or Absolute.    Like the Hypnagogic State in consciousness, strange things have been reported in the vicinity of these sacred places that are positioned along the Ley � i.e., visionary experiences and the like. This is not surprising, as these sites all encompass these zero-point nodes which one could say are like reservoirs; centres of infinite, limitless energy within the landscape: in other words, our finite reality is �pockmarked� with the Infinite.

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Figure 7: The Fool from the Rider-Waite Tarot Deck

Figure 7 shows The Fool � card 0 (zero) � from the popular Rider-Waite Tarot deck.     The reader may have already noticed the almost synchronous similarities between this card and the map of the Michael-Mary Axis (Figure 5.) The designer of the Rider-Waite Tarot was Arthur Edward Waite (1857-1942) � thought to be one of the most important compilers and interpreters of the Western Occult Tradition. In 1881, Waite became a member of the Golden Dawn. Regarded as a great scholar of divination, Waite decided to invent a new deck of Tarot cards based on his own personal esoteric studies. He commissioned graphic artist, Pamela Colman Smith to produce the artworks to his design. The result is so full of symbolic meaning that the Rider-Waite Tarot is now considered to be one of the greatest esoteric accomplishments. One has to ask: from all his research into the esoteric traditions, did A. E. Waite re-discover the ancient knowledge pertaining to this particular Ley-line axis that extends from one end of England to the other? And if so, did he encode the secret knowledge of this Ley-line in the Fool card?  It would seem that the precipice that the Fool is walking towards could easily be interpreted to be the rocky cliffs of Land�s End in Cornwall, England.  

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    Amongst other things, which we will come to later, the stick or staff that the Fool holds over his right shoulder seems to symbolise the Ley-line that runs from Land�s End in Cornwall to Hopton in East Anglia and is almost at the same angle. This interpretation is accentuated further by the image of the Sun which is positioned at the top end of the staff. This image reveals that the rising of the Sun takes place in Hopton, East Anglia and exactly on that Ley-line every year at dawn on Beltane, May 1st. If we look closely we can see that the Fool�s arm, which is holding the stick, and the red feather that extends from his head, both make an �S� shape. This is a clever allusion to the serpentine energies that flow 'in' and 'out' along the line in a winding, spiralling �S� shape � again we see this in the Caduceus and wave phenomena.  If none of the above was intended by Waite when he designed the cards, then this is surely a remarkable synchronicity. And if so, then this shows that at a deep level, our own consciousness has already made these connections. These connections will then re-surface in all sorts of ways � and this particular card is a good example.

Nodes and Convergence Points 

The Apollo-Athena ley-line axis runs through Europe to the Middle East, from Skellig Michael, Ireland, to Armageddon in Israel. (Figure 8.) St Michael�s Mount is also on this line, and is considered a key centre or major �coordination point� as both axes and their two energies cross each other right in the centre of the ancient Monastery on top of the Mount.

Figure 8: The Apollo-Athena Axis from Dance of the Dragon by Paul Broadhurst and Hamish Miller (Pendragon Press, 2000)

Update: Because he was familiar with my work on the 23.5-degree references, an old and close friend of mine, David Webb, asked if

these lines were at the angle of 23.5 degrees. We measured the line on this map and the map in figure 6 and yes he was correct,

both lines are 23.5 degrees.


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Unfortunately because of the large scale of these maps, they do not show the Earth�s positive and negative lines of force that weave in and out of the neutral ley-line that extends from one extreme point to the other on both diagrams.     The well-documented dowsing activities of these two men is evidence that these �lines of force� do in fact exist. Again, an example of how these energies cross the null line at certain points along it can be seen in Figure 4, (A.)     The two men discovered that these zero-point nodes, which were once sacred pagan sites, were often marked by a barrow, earth-mound, stone circle, temple, shrine, church, abbey or cathedral.     Most significant is that an altar stone or font will often mark the location of these nodes � evidence that our distant ancestors were well aware of these �lines of force� and their energy centres.     The fabric of our reality � i.e., its �energy matrix,� seems to be knotted together by these nodal points � also �Sunya� or �Laya� centres. If so, then we could say that the overall pattern of our reality is being regenerated, recharged and sustained at these Power points � each node or centre acting like a neutral �window� or �doorway� through several dimensions � linking together these dimensions and their realities and everything they contain. Following is a quote from Paul Broadhurst and Hamish Miller.     �We had come to call these crossing points Nodes and found that they were quite rare. Where they occurred were always places of great antiquity and spiritual significance. When meditating at these places we had found they were portals into other dimensions. Perhaps they were focal points where these dimensions crossed over, and refined spiritual forces combined with those of the Earth.�    �It had often occurred to us that these observations had strong parallels with the analogy of a nervous system, with the nodes operating as ganglia or nerve centres. Were we really studying the nervous system of the planet?� [1]

The authors also discovered that the nodes where the male and female energies cross are really vortices: some have �star� or �petal-like� patterns of energy surrounding them which resemble an unfolding flower (Figure 9.)

Figure 9: The pattern of energyaround a node.From Dance of the Dragon by Paul Broadhurst and Hamish Miller (Pendragon Press, 2000)

Like the �lines of force,� that converge at these points, the energy patterns that surround these nodes are not usually detected by the normal senses, but again, their energy patterns can be determined and mapped by a gifted dowser. Broadhurst and Miller found that the outer edge of these flower-like vortices of energy can extend to 12 feet, with smaller versions of the same pattern within it, as shown in the drawing on the right.      These petal-like energy patterns remind us of the mystical depictions of the seven Chakra vortices that are said to align the human spinal column as well as the Mandalas and three-dimensional Mandalas as featured in the article Sunya. See here:     Chakras are said to be vortices of swirling energy that knot the spiritual body to the physical and so they could be described as "doorways" or portals between this world and the next or indeed other dimensions or levels of existence.

In the East the Chakras are usually portrayed as Lotus flowers (Figure 10, A) And although it has not been acknowledged as yet - even by today's scholars - in Ancient Egyptian art, the Lotus or Lilly also signified the chakra vortex, as the two examples in B and C reveal. The 7, 8, or 9 levelled chakra system by which one reaches enlightenment via the 'energy phenomenon' known as Kundalini (Hindu) was

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naturally associated with the gods - especially the highest chakra, which was associated with reaching Nirvana - being 'Heaven' or the 'otherworld', and so according to this belief it was natural to place the god or gods inside at the center and/or indeed standing or sitting upon the Lotus (chakra). Again, the chakras are to be seen as 'doorways' between this world and the next (the abode of the gods), and it was believed that the gods entered and exited our world through them, and we should remember that the chakra - although it consists of both positive and negative energy, its center - the "eye of the storm" - is neutral . . . zero. We see here both Hindu and ancient Egyptian gods on top and inside the Lotus (chakra) - providing evidence that the Ancient Egyptians possessed the same knowledge about the internal Kundalini processes as did Hindus. 


                                                              A                                                                        B                                                   C

A: Brahma sitting in the centre of a Chakra which represents the navel of the God Vishnu.

B: The Four Incorruptible Sons of Horus emerging from a Lotus (chakra).

C: The Egyptian sun god Horus as "Ahi," "master of the great Secret of Life". From Secrets of Freemasonry by Frank C. Higgins.

Note that in picture C, Horus is placing a finger on his lips, signifying that he knows a great secret ("great Secret of Life") that he cannot divulge, and ironically this has proven effective in regard to the Egyptologists who have not yet identified this 'great secret', and if told by those who know, would not even accept it. If the AE scholars were just to cross-reference the symbolism of both the ancient Hindu and Egyptian cultures, perhaps these connections would at last be noted and  acknowledged. And then again, one has to have had this rare experience to identify the references to it in the first place. 

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I would emphasise that this experience is universal, experienced by people all over the world and throughout history and therefore it is a phenomenon that would have also been experienced by certain individuals in ancient Egypt.     Again, �Kundalini� is the ancient Hindu Sanskrit name given to this experience and, so any mention of Kundalini and the chakra system within the context of ancient Egyptian history would indeed invite a negative knee-jerk reaction from many Egyptologists and orthodox thinkers who would assert that I am making a connection between Hindu and Egyptian mysticism where and when no such connection exists. Such people would add for example, that the ancient Egyptians had no conception of the �Hindu chakras� � as if the chakras exist for the Hindus only and because it were they who gave the ancient Sanskrit name �chakra� to these energy vortices � that although they cannot be detected by the normal senses, all traditions around the world have symbolised in many different ways. Many of us overlook the fact that this experience is universal despite whatever name is given to it, as it has its origin in the more ancient shamanic experience which is global. Of course the ancient Egyptians had knowledge of the chakra centres in the body, but like other peoples they symbolised them in their own way. It is also a fact that many mainstream historians and skeptical materialists are not in a position to argue this as the majority have no clear understanding of this rare experience and so they would not be able to recognise it in the distinctive symbology of the different cultures.     Their objections that experiencers who recognise it are misinterpreting AE symbolism is therefore a non-sequitor, as the symbolism was based on these experiences.     Such people do us all a great disservice and block our greater understanding by repeatedly rejecting these evident connections on the grounds that if true, then the scholars and particularly, the Egyptologists would have already known about them. Again, in general population terms such experiences are rare, but the priesthoods and ruling elite of these ancient peoples would have known about this experience � hence the profuse �serpent� symbolism, which is universal.     As for the ancient Egyptians, it was the Kundalini phenomenon that gave the pharaoh his power and this is evident in the Uraeus (snake) worn on the brow that protected the pharaoh by spitting fire � �liquid fire� � much like the mythical dragon.     Following are a couple of quotes from a 15th century esoteric treatise entitled Le Comte de Gabalis:

 �After passing through the centres of the sympathetic nervous system, the positive and negative currents of the Solar Force meet in the forehead where, as it were, their balance registers; so that at this degree of evolution the initiate can sense whether the balance is perfect or whether positive or negative current predominates. This power to sense and govern the currents is here called the double bridle of Leviathon. And the adept Kings of Egypt bore upon their foreheads the Uraeus, or Sacred Serpent emblem of this bridle, to signify that they achieved this power.� [2]


The Uraeus personified the power of Ra or Re, the creator god who himself personified the energy we call �Light� and represented the source-centre of creation. Therefore the pharaoh was protected by the powerful spiritual energy of light (�fire�) that one experiences during Kundalini enlightenment. Sometimes the Uraeus is depicted surrounding the sun disk like an Ouroborus � the snake that swallows its own tail, conveying the message that all creation is cyclical � as in recreation.

It is said that the increasing number of petals ascribed to each ascending Chakra, from the base of the spine to the top of the head, indicates the respective vibration frequency of each Chakra. The highest Chakra centre � which is said to be located above the head � is depicted as having a thousand petals � which of course brings us back to the �Kundalini Awakening,� which is one�s experience of all seven of these Chakra centres in the body being activated at once by one�s consciousness having reached this highest centre � the Source of one�s life-force energy and one�s being and existence.                                                                                 Figure 11 (below) gives us a fairly good picture of the Chakra centres that align the spinal column � known as the Staff of Brahma. Also shown are the positive (male) and negative (female) nerve meridians known in the Hindu tradition as the nadis (Sanskrit) that weave in and out of the central nerve channel.     


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                                              Figure 11: The Human Physio-Kundalini-Chakra System. (Diagram by Gary Osborn)

Using Hindu terminology, the male nerve channel is known as the Pingala, and the female nerve channel, the Ida. The central nerve channel is neutral and is called the Sushumna, which when the whole system is activated during a �Kundalini Awakening,� acts like a superconductor; carrying the energy upwards to the highest centre known as the Bindu � again, located just above the head. Now compare this illustration of the human chakra system with the landscape in Figure 4, (A,) and the Caduceus in Figure 4, (B.)

� . . . the exact place where the currents crossed seemed to create a vortex of energy that made the spine tingle.� [3]   

As mentioned, each Chakra, like any node on the Earth�s landscape, is a vortex � and like any subatomic entity � it is a spherical cyclone of standing waves consisting of incoming and outgoing energy. As mentioned, we could think of such vortices as simultaneous blackhole/whiteholes � where energy is being drawn inwards and at the same time projected outwards.

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Figure 12: Smoke Ring Torus. Arrows show direction of Rotation

The Torus Vortex

To remind ourselves, a Torus is a doughnut-shaped vortex of energy which is constantly turning itself inside out � just like a rotating smoke ring (Figure 12). The Torus is flexible and can shape itself like a ring or a sphere.     Below is a diagram showing the various shapes of a Torus Vortex with cross-sections.

Figure 13: Different versions of theTorus Vortex

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As mentioned earlier, there is now a great deal of scientific and metaphysical information available to indicate that the Torus is the best model we have for attempting to understand the primal structure of the universe. What we are looking at is really the principal shape of consciousness itself � it being a spherical vortex of energy; a self-organising and self-sustaining sphere of energy � the centre of course, being the Source of its energy. Below is the same drawing of a Torus as seen from above or below.


    Figure 14: Torus as seen from above or below

As we can see, the energy waves of the Torus still give us the familiar leaf-like patterns we see in the Lotus-style Chakras. The leaf patterns are due to the Torus being made up of many Lemniscate paths of energy as we see in a magnetic field (Figure 15 B.) We find the Lemniscate in the cross-section of the Torus � especially the Horn Torus (Figure 13.) Again, the Lemniscate is better known as the �Infinity Symbol� � with the zero point of infinity at its centre � a Node.    


Figure 15: Lemniscate and a Torus vortex made up of many lemniscates 

Although the Chakras are depicted in many ways and are mostly symbolic in form � as we find in Eastern Lotus depictions � the Torus gives us a better idea of the exchange of energy that goes on within, and around the Chakras, as well as the Chakra-like centres that also exist within the Earth�s energy grid and which gifted dowsers like Hamish Miller have found on the landscape � especially at well-known sacred

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locations. The leaf-patterns traced by Hamish Miller at the location of these nodes of infinite energy, indicate that they are really lemniscate or Torus-shaped, electro-magnetic vortices, as are the Chakras in the human system.    Looking back at Figure 11, we notice the nerve channels crossing on either side of the Chakra centres, as well as going through them.It is true that the many Eastern illustrations that show the Chakra system, often show these nerve channels running around the Chakras � rarely through them. But it is known that these nerve channels also run through the centre of the chakras as Figure 16 below shows.     This is an illustration taken from a book called The Elements of the Chakras by Naomi Ozaniec. (Element Books 1990.) This illustration, which can be found on page 12 of the book, shows the two routes taken by these nerve channels. If we were to think of these nerve channels as oscillating or vibrating channels of energy � much like what we see happening in a �Standing Wave� � or for example, the ghostly images of a vibrating guitar string � then we can imagine these opposite energies spiralling rapidly: alternating between going around the Chakras one moment and then through them the next. 

Figure 16: Energy going through and around the Chakra centres.Taken from The Elements of the Chakras by Naomi Ozaniec. (Element Books 1990)  

After my own Kundalini experience, I had the insight that these opposite lines of energy are forever alternating one way, (around the Chakras,) and then the other, (through the centres of the Chakras,) and that this life-giving energy is also alternating up and down the body through these two nerve channels which cannot be seen nor detected by ordinary human senses. My own insights were supported some

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years later by what we saw in Naomi Ozaniec�s book.    Now this movement of energy is happening within the body all the time. The energy being separated in two � i.e., positive and negative � is alternating up and down through the Ida and Pingala nerve channels � each of which represent one of the opposites.     However a �Kundalini Awakening� means that one has become consciously aware of all this movement along the spinal axis and can feel the oscillations accelerating faster and faster the more one becomes aware of this movement and as one�s separated part of consciousness � i.e., one�s mind � merges with it.     The oscillations become so rapid that it seems as if all this oscillating movement has ceased. In fact what has happened is that as one�s energy accelerates in frequency, the two halves of one�s consciousness become fused together again and also reduces down to a pinpoint. In other words, one�s divided energy has become as One again within the centre of the Chakra level that one�s consciousness has been working from.     Having been gathered within the centre of the Chakra, the energy is therefore centred within the Sushumna � the central nerve channel, which acts like a superconductor for one�s energy. The energy then quickly climbs up the spinal column through the Sushumna and through each of the ascending chakras � ideally to the highest centre if the �awakening� be intense enough.    This Oneness is illustrated by the Hindu and Egyptian god or gods (Figure 10) who rests within the Centre of the highest Chakra. During the climax of the �Kundalini Awakening,� whereby one�s energies are gathered together at a point within oneself � a point beyond space and time � one does indeed become as a �god� . . . one is Superconscious and has the ability to warp space and time and �leap� from one reality to another.     This experience also signifies a �change� or �transformation� in the individual to a new level of consciousness.     For our ancestors this �transformation� was also expressed at the macrocosmic level � i.e., a significant moment in the annual cycle of the Earth. In Britain, this special time of the year was the Sabbath known as Beltane � otherwise known as �Mayday.�      Now going back to the Ley-line which extends across southern England: (Figure 7) what is particularly interesting about this picture is the symbol of the Sun � showing the point where it rises in England on Mayday � (May 1st.)     If we compare this picture with the Caduceus, in Figure 4 B, we can see that the null-line which extends from Lands End to East Anglia is like the central axis of the Caduceus, which in turn represents the central nerve channel, the sushumna.         The Sun icon in the diagram � which could also be interpreted as a simple drawing of a flower or Lotus � is positioned like the orb at the top of the Caduceu - the inner sun.    For some, the striking similarities between this Ley-line diagram and the Caduceus is no mere coincidence, as the microcosmic workings of our own inner consciousness seem to be mirrored in the macrocosmic phenomena of the external world. The orb above the Caduceus symbolises the Source or Centre of one�s consciousness known as the �Inner Sun,� being the Void or bindu. Again, the Chakra-centres aligned along the human axis are not unlike the zero-point nodes on the Earth, where the positive and negative lines of force cross each other.     As a brief note of interest, these flower-like pattern of energy at these nodes and at the point where these opposite energies CROSS each other as in figure 9, is the true meaning behind the symbol of a rose at the centre of a Christian Cross � a Rosicrucian symbol known as the Rose Croix (Figure 17.)

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                                                                 Figure 17. Rose Croix - symbol of the Rosicrucian movement

As I discovered, the Rose Croix also represents the Ecliptic Cross as expressed in the design of the Great Pyramid � the rose representing the enlightened mind or consciousness of the individual in the King�s Chamber who through the hypnagogic trance state � has accessed the Bindu-chakra centre located above the head � the rose being another symbol for the Lotus-style Chakra. This fusion in consciousness is replicated in the fusion of energies at these nodes in the energy-grid landscape of the Earth.     It has been said; that when the Sun first appeared on the horizon at dawn on May 1st (Beltane,) our ancestors would light a fire or beacon at each of the sacred sites (nodes) on the ley-line. Going by what has already been revealed in this article, we can see this ritual as symbolising the activation of all the Chakras aligned along the spinal axis in the human system, initiated by the enlightenment of a �Kundalini Awakening� which transforms one�s consciousness to a new level of understanding. The ritual was seen as the �transformation� from the old to the new � the new year and therefore a new pattern . . . rebirth.     The Sun positioned above the head of The Fool, (Figure 7) as he holds his head back, also symbolises the Bindu, (centre of the seventh Chakra) � which in Eastern esoteric traditions, is again, said to be located just above the head. The zero above the head and positioned above the spine of the Fool also symbolises the bindu centre, as the bindu is described as the zero-point void. It is well known in some Mystery Schools that the staff The Fool carries on his shoulder, symbolises the human spinal axis and � as we see it also has another meaning in that it also represents the Axis Mundi � i.e., the Earth�s axis � which is tilted and was once pointing towards the star Constellation of Draco or Draconis � the Dragon or Serpent � another reason why the �S� shape is expressed in the feather of the cap and the Fool�s arm as he holds the staff.     �The Fool� of the Tarot, is also Osiris who took a fall (the �fall of man,� again, perhaps due to the tilt of the axis) by being murdered by his brother Set who is considered to be the Egyptian 'Satan' or Serpent associated with the constellation of Draco. Osiris also represents the star Constellation of Orion � the faithful hunting dog that follows him being the �dog star� Sirius � also associated with Isis and the Constellation of Canis Major. As we will see, these correspondences are highly significant to my later investigations of what went on in the Great Pyramid, and in other parts of this work, I will give more of an in-depth study of the themes given briefly in this Chapter. For now; my purpose here is to show how this microcosmic system � the human chakra system � corresponds to the macrocosmic system � i.e.,

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the energy grid of the Earth (Again, see Figure 2).    Especially significant here, is the connection between the Chakra centres in the body with that of the �zero-point nodes� on the Earth.

            Figure 18. Study of Praying Hands by Albrecht Durer. 1508.             

Synchronisation and Fusion

Going back to Figure 2, we can see these centres as the major and minor convergence points in the grid � which is anywhere on the globe where these lines of force cross each other. We have already seen that all elementary particles are really tiny vortices of energy brought about by the criss-crossing of �oppositely charged� high-frequency waves and their convergence at certain points within the energy grid of our reality.    As said earlier, these �convergence points� within the energy matrix of the Earth, as regards the macrocosmic scale, were once sacred pagan sites and these points are often marked by a Temple, Church, Abbey or Cathedral.     And again, most significant is that an altar stone or font will often mark the location of these macrocosmic zero-point nodes. Taking this into account, we can see that like the two energies or forces that come together at these nodal points � often marked by an altar stone � a male and female couple will often be married at the altar of a church. The marriage ritual � also a metaphor used in Alchemy � symbolises the occult significance of the union of these two energies.      The word �altar� is synonymous with the word �alter� � meaning to change or transform. If an individual wishes to alter or transform the patterns of oneself and one�s reality, then it would be at the location of these points that one would meditate on the negation of one�s opposite energies so as to reach that infinite Source within, as the energy is also infinite at the location of these external points. This was the belief, and it is at these points, that one�s creative potential will intensify whereby one�s desires will manifest much more quickly � but one should be careful what one wishes for.     Moreover, a person bringing both hands together as in prayer (see figure 17) so as to initiate the outcome of a desire � and often inside a church built on one of these nodes � also symbolises this union of the male and female polarities represented by the right and left sides of the body respectively. When a couple get married, they get married at the altar of the church and like the central sushumna of the spine, the couple will walk to the altar within the central aisle in-between the two rows of guests made up of males and females.

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    The left and right hemispheres of the brain also correspond with the positive and negative energies. We can envision one�s thoughts, as if swinging like a pendulum between them; creating �lines of information� out of the brain�s �communication cables,� known as dendrites � which are not unlike the ley-lines that grid the earth � connecting one thing with another. In this way the energy of the mind is divided and oscillates in an �alternating current� fashion � divided as it is between the so-called �conscious-self� (left-hemisphere) and the �subconscious� (right-hemisphere.)     But it is the synthesis between the energies of the left and right hemispheres, and between the conscious and the subconscious, which can propel our mind into an altered state of consciousness akin to the perception of seeing things as if from another dimension. Our sphere of consciousness and everything it contains is then pulled into its own Centre like a node on the Earth�s landscape.

This synthesis, or fusion of consciousness down to a point � which has its climax in the enlightenment experience known as a �Kundalini Awakening� � then allows us to synchronise many different �things� into a meaningful whole � �things,� which before the experience, were always seen as separated in time and space and seen as having nothing in common with each other whatsoever.  It is as if during this �awakening,� one�s consciousness has become the primal atom or seed centre of the universe, where everything in the cosmos is contained at one point just before the �big-bang.� As one�s consciousness falls into division again � and so fragments itself into energy/information patterns, so as to create the sphere of one�s reality � one will then experience this �Big-Bang� as the bright-white flash of energy that seems to radiate outwards and everywhere from the centre of the head.    Again this ancient people who designed and built the Great Pyramid and other sacred sites around the world � and from which all our esoteric knowledge has its origin � understood that consciousness is oscillating and going though a projection (fission) and retraction (fusion) process all the time. But within this cycle, and at the point of fusion, we are usually unconscious. There are moments though, when we will remain conscious at this �fusion point� and this will trigger a small evolutionary leap in consciousness.    Because of the brief and transient nature of these �fusions� in consciousness, (which happen more times than we realise) most of the time we will not notice them � unless of course we have a full-blown �Kundalini Awakening,� which is the ultimate fusion experience. Although we are not aware of these momentary fusions in consciousness, we will experience the effects . . .     I have already outlined in other articles on this website, how the hypnagogic state is the key to understanding all our paranormal and mystical experiences and this is because it is the precursory experience that leads-up to the superconscious awakened state of the Kundalini enlightenment. The closer we are to �consciously� accessing the �Eternal Now,� then the more intense will be our paranormal or mystical experiences. What we call In-sight; in-tuition and in-spiration are also the result of this brief conscious synthesis or fusion in consciousness � although these experiences are the milder effects of this fusion.     'Time-slip' or 'Time-storm' experiences, in which the events pertaining to two different times are seen to coincide or be superimposed on each other, and which in their separation can also produce �spatial� effects, such as location slips � from one location to another � sometimes miles away � are also due to this fusion in consciousness.     Paranormal and mystical experiences, whereby two or more realities or dimensions are seen to overlap and coincide, and in which strange encounters with supernatural beings are experienced, is also due to this fusion. This fusion in consciousness will often accompany these experiences, known as the �Oz Factor� � a term coined by paranormal investigator and writer, Jenny Randles. Here we have the �Oz� or �Os� syllable again.    ESP, (Extra-Sensory-Perception) whereby information pertaining to events that are separated by time and space can be received by the mind and connected together within the mind is also due to this fusion in consciousness.     And again, in a milder way, the answer as to what triggers our experiences of �coincidences� and �synchronicities,� are also due to this fusion.

Identical information played out in very different circumstances and which happen so close to each other in time that any thoughts about their manifesting from �random chance� is rejected � are really fused as One at the ultimate level � i.e., the Centre of what some of us would call, our �Collective Consciousness.�     At the point of fusion, this information and the events in which they are �played out� as it were, are perceived all at once. However, this experience is forgotten the moment our consciousness falls into division again. And I would emphasise again, that although we may not remember this fusion experience, we will experience its effects . . .    As our consciousness falls into division again and resumes its usual �pendulum swing� between its

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opposites, the line of our subsequent thoughts will again create the illusion of time in which the information pertaining to these events and the events themselves � although closer in time � will still be sequentially separated between �A� and �B.�     Although we may not be aware of the fusion in consciousness that triggered these events, we are aware that these events � which are the effects of this brief fusion in consciousness � are related by their similar information content, which � if we are sensitive enough � may then lead us to their deeper meaning as regards our experience of them. The deeper meaning is what they mean to us and where they are leading us as regards our personal evolution. It may be, that one of the objectives of this evolution is that we realise the above concerning this �fusion point� in our consciousness from which everything is being created.     Most people believe that psychics are using the right side of the brain. I say this is wrong and shows that we are still caught by our �dual perception� that offers explanations based on either one thing or another, but never both at the same time. I feel that it is the synthesis or fusion of the two sides of our dual nature, which brings on psychic activity in the individual and therefore paranormal and mystical phenomena is the result of a synchronisation in frequencies taking place between the two sides of the brain.     This fusion or synchronisation also manifests the genius in us, and ignites the rare �flashes of insight� that help us see the connections between things � which before, were seen as divided, unconnected, distant and as separate as our consciousness was before the fusion - hence duality and our reality made up of opposites.  Again, each insight is a quantum leap of evolution in the consciousness of an individual.      The paradoxes associated with quantum physics, i.e., its particle/wave duality stems from our divided consciousness and the resulting dual-perception which is necessary for one�s experience of reality. Left-brain dominance gives a person a perception which favours the objective side of reality and all things associated � in other words, the �physical.� Those of us who are left-brain dominant, are generally Materialistic because the left side accounts for the �particle� side of things.     Right-brain dominance gives a person a perception which favours the subjective side to our reality and all things associated � being the realm of the �mind.� Those of us who are right-brain dominant are usually quite abstract in our expression and are often dreamy, religious, and spiritual. The right side of the brain accounts for the �wave� side of things.     It is well known that the right hemisphere of the brain (feminine principle) controls the left half of the body, and the left hemisphere of the brain (masculine principle) controls the right side. Again the synthesis or fusion of both is necessary for one to experience paranormal or mystical phenomena. This means that what we call �psychic,� �paranormal� or �mystical� experiences � in which we are able to pick up other information, perform psychokinetic phenomena, or sense, or experience another world or dimension altogether � seems to be triggered by one�s own synthesised consciousness � i.e., the two opposite energies in balance or indeed neutralised by being fused together � and more-so if we are at the location of one of these neutral, zero-node areas on the Earth. 

However, before one can experience or trigger the dramatic warping effect in consciousness which produces paranormal or mystical phenomena, again, one�s centre of consciousness must be synchronised with the same centre on the landscape � as in, �the King and the Land are One� from the Arthurian legends. If one can access that Source within, then one also accesses the Centre of the reality matrix, which is represented by one of these nodal power points. One�s consciousness and the surrounding reality become as One energy and so the individual is in a position to alter its patterns and change it � however slightly.     Often these transformations will happen spontaneously, when an individual happens to be in a relaxed and open state of mind: the individual, not aware of actually having �rent the veil� that divides our world from others, will interpret these chaotic transformations in the patterns as a paranormal or mystical experience.     As mentioned, these �Lines of Force� were mapped out by Hamish Miller and Paul Broadhurst using the dowsing method � and as if to confirm all of the above, the dowser actually uses the same synchronising principle in consciousness to find and map these Meridian lines. The word �Divining� is a close synonym of the word �Dowsing� and this gives us a clue as to the state of consciousness one is in while dowsing. Divining comes from the word divinus meaning "of God,� �of the gods,� �by the gods� or �for the gods� � also, �inspired by the gods." The success of dowsing or �divining� rests on a divine state of mind � i.e., one�s mind being Centred.

Dowsing rods come in various designs: A popular one is the forked twig, which is shaped like the letter �Y.� The dowser holds the two forks � one in each hand as in Figure 18.

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Figure 18: Holding the 'Y' Dowsing Rod

The two forks of the twig held one in each hand symbolise the synchronisation of the two hemispheres of the brain and may even stimulate this synchronisation. The single branch where the two forks of the stick join together represents Neutral and this is held outwards before the dowser. When a line of force is encountered, the forked twig will often give a violent jerk and will be magnetically pulled downwards or pushed upwards by the force of the meridian � especially at the nodal points where the two energies cross.    Interesting is the fact that the letter �Y� also symbolises the Androgonyne or Hermaphrodite in Alchemical literature � the two sexes as One. (See Figure 19.)

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Figure 19: The Androgonyne or Hermaphrodite. The two sexual genders - male and female - as the opposite energies, balanced in perfect equilibrium

In effect, by holding the forks in each hand the dowser takes on the semblance of the Androgonyne, in that the dowser seeks to centre or balance the two opposite energies within so as to reach into and gather more information from the Source of Consciousness itself � the Akasha � where all the information of the universe is contained. This information is then delivered via the pulls, pushes, jerks and twists of the dowsing rod, which has been made into a sensitive aerial or receiver by the balanced energies of the dowser.     Another popular dowsing tool is the L-shaped rods, which are made out of two L bent wires � of which one end is placed in a tube � making sure that the wire can turn freely. Again one is held in each hand as shown in Figure 20 � and again the same synchronisation process applies: The dowser will walk along with both rods pointing outwards.    

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 A.                        Figure 20. Holding the �L� dowsing rods                          B

 A: Open rods represent the division of energy into two opposites.

B: Closed rods represent the fusion of energies back into one again. X marks the spot


Of course each dowser is an individual with his or her own preferences and so the results will sometimes differ according to the consciousness of the individual: but usually when the dowser encounters one of these �lines of force� then depending on the positive or negative charge of the �meridian� the rods will either turn outwards (negative) or inwards (positive.)     Now when encountering one of these neutral nodal points, the rods will often turn inwards and will cross over each other making an X. Like the Earth�s positive and negative lines of force, which will occasionally cross each other; cancelling each other out at a node; the X made by the crossing rods �marks the spot.� Again, it�s as if one�s synchronised energies become synchronised with the synchronised energies of the Earth.

Last but not least is the Pendulum dowsing method � which is much more versatile and based on the Triad.    Are these �zero-point nodes� on the Earth the �dimensional windows� or �doorways� that veteran author and investigator of the paranormal, John Keel has hypothesised and has written about? And is one�s experience of these �doorways� and what comes through them, to all intensities, related to the activation of the human Physio-Kundalini System? Well the answer to this and more besides can be

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found in the cosmology adopted by those who built the Great Pyramid, and who designed into it, all the esoteric principles that I have outlined elsewhere in this work. 

The Shining Ones and Atlantis

The story of the lost continent of Atlantis, was first told by the Greek philosopher, Plato. He wrote about Atlantis in two of his dialogues, Timaeus and Critias, around 370 BC. One of the details that interest us concerns the stone that was said to have been quarried from Atlantis. Plato tells us that one kind of stone was white, another red and a third black, and that the hillsides displayed veins of red, white, and black marble alongside deposits of every kind of precious metal. We are told that Atlantean architects used this red, white and black marble to design their buildings with these same three colours tastefully combined and contrasted.

Have we discovered the original source of the theme of Red, White and Black, which we keep encountering on our journey through these myths and legends? Not necessarily.

Remember that these descriptions were given by Plato who lived between 427and 347 BC, and could be part of the code we are now unravelling, in that these colours are associated primarily with �processes� that are physiological, psychological and psychical, as related to the trance state and the related enlightenment experience.

As I have shown in the book I co-authored with Philip Gardiner, The Serpent Grail, the theme of the RED, WHITE and BLACK are related to different states of consciousness based on the Triad.

The Red and White are interchangeable but relate to the male-female, positive-negative opposites of the Triad. The Black is the neutral, as found in the midpoint between the opposites and also at the apex � the neutral point.

These three colours also relate to the Physio-Kundalini Chakra system and the two nerve channels symbolised by the serpents of the Caduceus � i.e., the male Pingala (red), the female Ida (white) and the central Sushumna (black).

We therefore cannot rule out the possibility that these colors were actually associated with this �sunken land�, which may have once existed, and may have even been a centre for the �Serpent People� or �Shining Ones� who ruled through their knowledge � a knowledge which they largely kept a secret to themselves.

And if so, then these colors were made to correspond with these processes or vice versa, so that the code could encompass several themes at once, which when unraveled by noting and cross-referencing all the correspondences, would provide people in the future with the same �system of knowledge� that had been understood concerning the nature of existence and reality, along with the place from which it all may have originated. All this was encoded together along with clever inferences made to the very nature of the catastrophe that had possibly lost them their foundation or centre.

Again, the existence of Atlantis remains inconclusive. However, the fact that in the Hindu cosmology, the god Shiva is red, Vishnu-Krishna is blue-black and Brahma is white reveals that we are again dealing with a code, which has been spread worldwide and obviously from the same source.

Furthermore, the Hindu myth of Manidvipa is said to be an allegory pointing to the destruction of Atlantis by the Flood and of the survival of its three races � red, white and black races � and in a special kind of Ark. The Hindu trio, Shiva, Shava and Shakti, are often depicted fleeing their destroyed world the �Island of the Jewels� � Manidvipa. But could this also be interpreted to mean that this knowledge was rescued, preserved and carried over?

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We are told that these three aspects of the Hindu god also correspond to the three �sons� of Noah, who each symbolize the three different colored races of mankind. Again, we can see the symbolic device of the Triad being used both on an individual level, as regards the three aspects of Self � one�s consciousness � and also on a collective level as the three aspects or �races� of man. Can we take these stories literally? � Loaded as they are with the same symbolism?

We would note too, that in ancient Egypt where the surviving Shining Ones had migrated after landing in Sumeria as we will see later, the land was divided between 1,) Upper Egypt in the south, which was signified by White, and 2,) Lower Egypt in the north, which was signified by Red. The Nile itself and the soil around the Nile, was Black � as the ancient name of Egypt, Khem, which means �black�, verifies it. It�s where the name al-Chem-y is said to have derived, and as we know the art of alchemy is all about the union or fusion of opposites.

Figure 21: An artist�s portrayal of what the capital city of Atlantis looked like.

In Plato�s dialogue, Critias, we are told that Poseidon, Greek god of the sea and also of earthquakes, was given Atlantis, and there he fell in love with a mortal maiden called Cleito. Cleito lived on a hill in Atlantis, and to prevent anyone reaching her home, Poseidon encircled the hill with alternate rings of land and water, �two of land and three of water, which he turned as with a lathe�. He also laid on abundant supplies of food and water to the hill, �bringing up two springs of water from beneath the earth, one of warm water and the other of cold, and making every variety of food to spring up abundantly from the soil�.

People tend to take the Atlantis story seriously and literally. Its true that we cannot really discount the reality of it, as the details may have been based on some truth, however, like the three colours of the Triad, we can also interpret this detail of the concentric ringed hill as symbolism or allegory, as it surely points to the shamanic concept of the seven-levelled, concentric sphere we saw earlier associated with the sphere of consciousness.

For instance, in Hindu and Buddhist cosmography there exists a central mountain called Mt Meru. Around this central mountain, which acts like the hub of a wheel, there are again sevenconcentric circles of water, each separated by seven circles of land including a range of golden mountains.

Returning to the Atlantis myth, the hill on which Cleito lives encircled by alternate rings of earth and water, is obviously based on the shamanic world mountain or �primordial mound� of creation as we have seen in the stepped pyramid, the Mesopotamian Ziggurats and even Silbury Hill. The earth and water correspond with the male and female opposites, and the two springs � one warm and one cold, correspond with the two opposite nerve channels � the Pingala, which channels the hot, active �fiery� energy related to the male, and the Ida, which channels the cooling energy related to the female.

This is interesting as we see these same motifs associated with the trance state and the enlightenment experience, in the town of Glastonbury, England.

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Legend says that after the crucifixion of Jesus, Joseph of Arimathea brought the Holy Grail to Glastonbury. However, we are also told that Joseph brought two cruets (vessels) with him. Apparently the blood and water (some say �sweat� and therefore poison) that had issued from Christ�s wound, and which makes a reference to the blood and uterine water of rebirth, had been separated out and each contained in one of these two cruets. Again this indeed a reference to the two opposites (pineal and pituitary glands) that are brought together in the Grail (the thalamus at the centre of the head).

Earlier, I mentioned how the processes associated with the Kundalini are literally �drawn� on the landscape. Well we can see this in the account given about the city of mythical Atlantis, and unfortunately one cannot confirm this, but one can confirm it at Glastonbury.

The name �Glastonbury� translates as �Glass-borough�. It was known as the �Isle of Glass� due to the calm, still, glass-like appearance of the sea, or lake, which surrounded the Tor.

The deeper significance of Glastonbury and its central mound, the Tor, also stems from the two unusual springs, which are said to have emerged from a cave entrance under the Tor. One of these springs is known as the White Spring, as it contains white mineral deposits, which give it a milky-white appearance, and the other is known as the Red Spring, due to its rust-red, iron content. Again, in their many interpretations, the colours as regards male and female opposites, are interchangeable, and so like the blood of the snake, the red spring is said to have regenerative healing properties. Here we have yet another reference to the familiar theme of the Red and White � but this time we see it in the real phenomena surrounding Glastonbury Tor which is said to have been a central place of initiation for the shaman-like pagans and Druids of the region.

Figure 22: Glastonbury Tor (Chalice Hill) with St Michael�s Tower as seen from the North.

Note the surrounding seven concentric levels. These are really inward folding paths based on the Cretan Labyrinth design, and symbolise the folds of the female vulva as well as the folds of the human brain. The existence of the tower is appropriate, as it represents the male phallus, which takes it

place at the centre of the vortex. The whole symbolic design is similar to the Hindu, Yoni-Lingam symbol and ancient Egyptian Sun Symbol.

Here again, we have a �primordial mound� surrounded by seven concentric rings or levels, (a reference to the seven chakras in the body) and which was once surrounded by a sea; an upwelling vortex, along with two energy springs attached to it like the pingala and ida serpents or nerve channels � each representing the two divisions in consciousness becoming one at a central point.

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The significance of this was not lost on the pagan-priests who obviously believed this place to be the perfect �portal� or �gateway� into the Underworld as it reflected the fusion that goes on in the mind and body of an individual during the enlightenment experience. 

In the Grail romances this fusion is the �healing� of this division as allegorically told in the plight of the wounded Fisher King whose wound will not heal, until someone reminds him of this division and loss, by asking the question �Whom does the Grail Serve?� � thereby bringing the feminine principle to his attention which then heals and illuminates him. Perhaps in a strange way this explains why Cleito lived on top the hill, as if she represented the wisdom of the risen and awakened Kundalini, as the archetypal Goddess does indeed, and also why Poseidon prevented anyone from reaching her therefore denying anyone this knowledge and wisdom � and perhaps for a reason. Could this knowledge have anything to do with the catastrophe that had befallen the earth, resulting in the destruction of Atlantis?

Like the circle associated with the female, the symbolism associated with the World Tree (male � phallic) is also loaded with clues in this regard and also as regards the migration and �rebirth� of this shining culture whose homeland was lost.

In the Hindu text, the Mahabharata, the Asura (angel) capital city of Tripura (�Triple City�) is similar to Plato�s descriptions of Atlantis. It expresses three concentric parts like Atlantis, which is divided into three concentric parts by canals. During the war between the Devas (angels) and the Asuras (demons) the city of Tripura is sent burning to the bottom of the �Western Ocean�.

I would emphasise that in all these stories, as with the Temple of Solomon, which people tend to take too literally, we are really dealing with allegories that are telling us something profound about the human mind and the human physical system and they are all really leading us back to ourselves.


UPDATE, 2nd Nov, 2006:

See document: Quantum Bio-Cosmology by Doctor Manjir Samanta-Loughton MBBS - published in 2003.

The ideas and theories about blackholes, zero-point energy, non-locality, consciousness and the chakra system presented in this Paper, supplement and support the theories and insights given in this article as well as the article Sunya.



1. The Dance of the Dragon. Paul Broadhurst and Hamish Miller with Vivienne Shanley and Ba Russell. (Pendragon Press. 2000.) pp. 101 � 102.

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              2. Comte de Gabalis � 15th century esoteric treatise.                            3. The Dance of the Dragon, p. 101.