
Universidad Tecnológica de Nezahualcóyotl Estrada Hernández Iris Aurora LENGUAJE PORTFOLIO GROUP: ARH-51 M May-August

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Universidad Tecnolgica de Nezahualcyotl

Estrada Hernndez Iris Aurora




Check listEstrada Hernndez Iris AuroraGroup: ARH-51May-August



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Los trabajos tiene cartula y fecha25

Separadores por habilidades1.-Listening2.-Speaking3.-Writting25


Check listEstrada Hernndez Iris AuroraGroup: ARH-51May-August



Orden consecutivo




Los trabajos tiene cartula y fecha25

Separadores por habilidades1.-Listening2.-Speaking3.-Writting25



Dear: Iris Aurora Estrada HernndezThis language portfolio is your property. It has been designed to help you improve your LANGUAGE LEARNING. It will accompany throughout your school life, and will help you document your learning both inside and outside the classroom.The language portfolio contains material which you can use and then keep a record of tour learning. In this portfolio you can also include any extra material given to you by your teacher through the course. However, the final decision about what to include in the Language Portfolio in completely up to you.In practice, Language Portfolio may include a project or other examples of written word, computer diskettes (with some work or drawings completed inside or outside the class), video cassettes (with your favorite story or with performances of songs, school plays, etc.), certificates, reports from your teacher, or even a collection of objects or pictures.

I.-LANGUAGE PASSPORT.This is an update report of your progress in English Language Learning. You will include in this section any evidence of your formal qualifications (certificates, diplomas), test progress report cards, self-assessment cards, etc.

II. - LANGUAGE BIOGRAPHY.This is an update record of your personal language learning history which helps you evaluate your learning aims and reflect on your language and intercultural experiences.

III. - DOSSIERThis is a collectin of your work which you have chosen to illustrate your Language skills, experiences and achievements in the English language.In this section of your Language Potfolio there is some material you can use.You can also file any work you do inside or outside the classroom that you.Would like to keep as evidence of your work in English. I hope you really enjoy doing these activities.

I.- Languaje passport

Here you can record all your achievements in the English language. You can include certificates, diplomas progress report cards, self-assessment forms, test, etc. In general, you can include anything that is proof of your competence in English.Every time you add something, record it on your Language Passport Chart.


DateType of MaterialJanuary 7, 2015-11 May 2015 academic record

II.- Languaje Biography

All About Me!Name: Iris Aurora Estrada Hernandez

Date of birth: March 24, 1994

Age: 21 years old

Place of birth: Mxico City

I am in my class of English

My English teachers name: Erika Irene Pometta Aguilar

Read and put () or a cross (x)

Some members of my family speak English.

Some members of my family are from an English-Speaking country.

I often read English books, magazines, etc. I often watch English TV programmes.

I often listen to English songs.

I have extra English lessons.x

There is someone at home who speaks English to me.

I have contact with people from English-speaking countriesx

I have visited/lived in the following English-speaking countries.

II. Languaje Biography

How I Learn!Think about the easiest ways for you to learn something new. Read the sentences below and choose. You can choose more than one. I understand words/sentences better if1

A I listen to them on cassette/CD

B I listen to my teacher saying them C I see them written D I see, listen and do something with them

I learn words/phrases better if 2

A I listen to them on cassette/CDB I listen to my classmates saying them

C I read them

D I write themE I repeat themF I act them out, sing them, etc.G They are part of a video/DVD, etc.3

I can express myself well if A I already know all the words I need to useB I know some of the words I need to use

C I use mime, objetcs and pintures to help me.D I already have some life experience on the subject4

I learn best if I work

A on my own B in pairs C in groups/teams


I am more eager to learn ifA I know Im doing an activity. C I am rewarded.

B I know an activity will help me. D An activity will help me to find out more about the things I like. II. Languaje Biography

My Language ExperienceWrite about ail your English and intercultural experiences. Include the following and any other experiences you have had. School visits Holidays Films/Books/Music Communication: letters/telephone calls/conversations

When? Where? Who with?My experience in detail

January 2001United Statesmy uncle

My uncle went to live three years to the United States for a better quality of life and when I return to Mexico City, I knew English and some things I taught them and became very interesting to me because it was fun in the form of as I taught.

July 2012Mexico Cityschool

In high school I had a teacher who taught us English through dynamic, one day we put a movie in English without subtitles, at first I thought I would be bored but later discovered it was interesting that through s words and actions I realized what they were talking characters and some words you hear me learned.

April 2015Mexico CityHouse

In the holiday I have always liked to see some movies that interest me but especialemnte see the translation of lagoons songs I like and ais I can see what they say and sing what it means.

II. Languaje Biography

Now I can.!

Here is what you will be able to do English at this level. Every now and then, for instance once a month, you will need to check your progress in the English language. For this reason you should use a pencil so that you can change and/or add things as you go along. You can use the following code. Very Well: OK: Not Very Well:


I can Understand and follow orders and instructions. Connect what I hear to a picture, object, diagram, etc. Understand familiar words and simple phrases about myself, my family, my friends, my hobbies, etc. Catch the main point in short, clear, simple messages and announcements. Understand and extract the essential information from short recorded passages about everyday matters. Understand simple questions about me and my experiences. Understand other people when they speak slowly and clearly.


I can Connect words to picture. Choose words from a list to complete short texts. Understand and follow simple instructions. Understand simple texts about other cultures.

Understand familiar names, words and very simple sentences, for example on notices and posters. Find specific, predictable information in simple everyday material such as advertisements, leaflets, menus and timetables. Understand short simple letters.

II. Languaje Biography


I can Greet other people and introduce myself Ask and answer simple questions about familiar topics (e.g. people, daily routines, habits, what I do in my free time, etc.) Talk about what I can see in a picture. Sing a song Take part in a conversation about topics I know. Give instructions. Make and respond to everyday situations (e.g. invitations, suggestions, directions, etc.) Talk about people in the past and activities Talk about my future plans. Talk about personal changes.


I can Write names of countries, animals, sport, food, etc. Write short, simple sentences and paragraphs about my family, my daily routine, etc. Write a very simple personal letter, for example describing myself and my friend. Write short, simple notes, postcards and stories. Write a short, simple poster, for example about my personal experiences.

II. Languaje Biography

Future Plans!What would you like to do in the future to improve your English? How can you learn more about other people and other countries? Choose and write. You can also own beas.

Read English stories, magazines, etc. Write to people from other countries. Watch English films, TV programmes, etc. Visited other countries Listen to English songs. Find information about other countries and cultures. Talk to English people Use the internet


I would like to listen to my favorite songs in English in order to learn more English because I was not so difficult for that would be repeated again and again.

Date July 14, 2015


I would like to learn, live or go for a walk to a foreign country in accordance with the routine or views that make people learn to speak the language. Date March 14, 2017

Watch movies to listen and pronounce words while to see how they are written, watch the movies with a partner or a family member for any doubt tro both solve Date November 20, 2016


Desempeo: 50%Exmenes orales, exposiciones, estudios de caso.Aqu se calificara:1.- La gramtica y vocabulario en el uso del idioma.2.- El manejo del discurso, la coherencia y rango de extensin.3.- La habilidad para mantener el flujo coherente en el idioma.4.- La organizacin del lenguaje e ideas.5.- Coherencia y claridad en el mensaje.6.- Comunicacin efectiva.7.- Interaccin efectiva y de manera apropiada.8.- Pronunciacin y entonacin.

Listening exercises Comprensin auditiva.1.- Entendimiento de frases familiares, dilogos y conversacin en el mbito familiar y de oficina.2.- Recibir y atender mensajes telefnicos en el contexto familiar y laboral.3.- Comprender ideas y opiniones expresadas de una manera sencilla.4.- Comprender el sentido general de una presentacin con apoyos visuales.

Conocimiento: 30%Ejercicios escritos y de lectura.1.- Escritura clara concisa y bien organizada en textos sencillos y cortos.2.- Las ideas se expresan de manera lgica.3.- Errores de gramtica y de ortografa.4.- Identificar textos en el lenguaje diario y de oficina.

Actitud: 20%Se toma en cuenta la puntualidad del alumno as como su participacin en clase, la entrega de trabajos en tiempo y forma.


1.- Puntualidad: 10 minutos de tolerancia cuando las clases son de 2 horas o ms. 2.- Asistencia del 80% para calificacin normal y 70% para recuperacin.3.- Prohibido uso de celulares. IP, radio audfonos etc. en clase.4.- Prohibido comer en clase y beber en clase.5.- Tener limpio el saln.6.- La entrega, o envi de trabajos ser en tiempo y forma. La entrega despus del ahora estipulada el alumno se har merecedor de una penalizacin.7.- Todos los trabajos debern ser entregados con cartula y a computadora.