guía de selección equipos para protección de … noark... · distribuidor protecciones para...

Distribuidor Protecciones para instalaciones fotovoltaicas Soluciones para instalaciones eléctricas Empower the world INTERRUPTORES AUTOMÁTICOS EN CORRIENTE CONTINUA SERIE EX9BP SECCIONADOR PORTAFUSIBLE SERIE EX9FP SECCIONADORES MODULARES CC SERIE EX9IP PROTECCIÓN CONTRA SOBRETENSIONES EX9UEP INTERRUPTORES DE CAJA MOLDEADA PARA CC SERIE EX9MD ARMARIOS MONTADOS Y CABLEADOS SERIE RC SECCIONADORES EN CAJA MOLDEADA PARA CC SERIE EX9MSD Guía de selección equipos para protección de instalaciones fotovoltaicas Ex9 BP H 3P C 16 Ex9 FP 1P 30A Ex9 IP 1P 32A Ex9 UEP 20 R 3P 1200 Ex9 MD 1 S TM DC 100 3P RC 3 B 1 2 U 22 I Ex9 M 1 SD DC 100 3P Ex9 Ex9 Ex9 Ex9 RC : Cajas de conexión de CC, totalmente montadas y pre-cablea- das, para aplic. de FV hasta 5 kW. 1 2 3 A: Caja de protección de strings (ramales) B: Caja de concen- tración de strings (ramales) 2 : 1 int. 2 polos (500Vcc) 22 : 2 int. 2 polos (500Vcc) 44 : 2 int. 4 polos (1000Vcc) _: ninguno U: Bobina mínima tensión S: Bobina emisión 1: 4 mód. 2: 8 mód. 3: 12 mód. 4: 24 mód. 5: 36 mód. U: sin puesta a tierra G: con puesta a tierra 1: Magneto- térmico 2: Fusibles _: ninguno B: Magne- totérmico I: Secciona- dor _: ninguno X: auxiliar L: de alarma Ex9 BP : MCB no polarizado FP : Seccionador fusible CC UEP : dispositivo de protección contra sobretensión MD: DC MCCB M : MCCB N : 6kA H : 10kA 1, 2 _: PV72 Clase II C T2 1: para 125A 2: para 250A 3: para 400A 4: para 630A 5: para 800A 1: para 125A 2: para 250A 3: para 400A 4: para 630A 5: para 800A 1, 2, 3, 4 30A In (8/20 µs) 20 kA B: 25kA S: 36kA N: 50kA H: 100kA SD : Seccionador C, K Ex9 1, 2, 3, 4 R: Sí _: No TM: Termo- magnético DC : CC 600 V DC 1200 V DC 16 - 125 125 - 250 250 - 400 400 - 630 630 - 800 3P 3 polos 4P 4 polos 3P 3 polos 4P 4 polos 10 - 63A IP : Seccionador CC 16, 32, 50, 63 1P: 1MU 2P: 2MU 3P: 3MU DC : CC 63, 100, 125, 160, 200, 250, 400, 630, 800 _: Conjunto completo M: sólo cartucho Familia de producto Familia de producto Familia de producto Familia de producto Familia de producto Familia de producto Tamaño de caja Núm. de ramales Dispositivo de salida Funcion de cuadro Tipo sistema FV Tipo de disparador Prot. de entrada Nº Polos componentes Contactos auxiliares Familia de producto Producto Producto Producto Producto Producto Producto Capacidad de corte Polos Clase Tamaño Tamaño Ancho Máx. corr. nominal Corriente Función Función Curva Polos Señal de estado Tipo de tecnología Tipo de corriente Máx tensión trabajo Rango de corrientes Polos Polos Corriente nominal Corriente nominal Ancho Tipo de corriente Rango de corriente Modo conexión

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Page 1: Guía de selección equipos para protección de … Noark... · Distribuidor Protecciones para instalaciones fotovoltaicas Soluciones para instalaciones eléctricas Empower the world


Protecciones para instalaciones fotovoltaicas

Soluciones para instalaciones eléctricas







Guía de selección equipos para protección de instalaciones fotovoltaicas

Ex9 BP H 3P C 16

Ex9 FP 1P 30A Ex9 IP 1P 32A

Ex9 UEP 20 R 3P 1200

Ex9 MD 1 S TM DC 100 3P

RC 3 B 1 2 U 22 I

Ex9 M 1 SD DC 100 3P





RC : Cajas de conexión de CC,

totalmente montadas y pre-cablea-das, para

aplic. de FV hasta 5 kW.


A: Caja de protección de strings (ramales)

B: Caja de concen-tración

de strings (ramales)

2 : 1 int. 2 polos (500Vcc)

22 : 2 int.2 polos(500Vcc)

44 : 2 int.4 polos


_: ningunoU: Bobina mínima tensión

S: Bobina emisión

1: 4 mód.2: 8 mód.3: 12 mód.4: 24 mód.5: 36 mód.

U: sin puesta a


G: con puesta a


1: Magneto- térmico

2: Fusibles

_: ningunoB: Magne-totérmico

I: Secciona-dor

_: ningunoX: auxiliar

L: de alarma


BP :MCB no


FP : Seccionador fusible CC

UEP : dispositivo de protección contra sobretensión



N : 6kAH : 10kA

1, 2

_: PV72Clase IIC T2

1: para 125A2: para 250A3: para 400A4: para 630A5: para 800A

1: para 125A2: para 250A3: para 400A4: para 630A5: para 800A

1, 2, 3, 4


In (8/20 µs)20 kA

B: 25kAS: 36kAN: 50kAH: 100kA

SD : Seccionador

C, K

Ex9 1, 2, 3, 4

R: Sí_: No




600 V DC1200 V DC

16 - 125125 - 250250 - 400400 - 630630 - 800

3P 3 polos4P 4 polos

3P 3 polos4P 4 polos

10 - 63A

IP :Seccionador


16, 32, 50, 63

1P: 1MU2P: 2MU3P: 3MU


63, 100, 125, 160, 200, 250, 400, 630, 800

_: Conjunto completo

M: sólo cartucho

Familia de producto

Familia de producto

Familia de producto

Familia de producto

Familia de producto

Familia de producto

Tamaño de caja

Núm. de ramales

Dispositivo de salida

Funcion de cuadro

Tipo sistema FV

Tipo de disparador

Prot. de entrada

Nº Polos componentes

Contactos auxiliares

Familia de producto


Producto Producto




Capacidad de corte






Máx. corr. nominal






Señal de estado

Tipo de tecnología

Tipo de corriente

Máx tensión trabajo

Rango de corrientes


PolosCorriente nominal

Corriente nominal


Tipo de corriente

Rango de corriente

Modo conexión

Gama Noark Prot Solar.indd 1 18/10/2016 15:45:51

Page 2: Guía de selección equipos para protección de … Noark... · Distribuidor Protecciones para instalaciones fotovoltaicas Soluciones para instalaciones eléctricas Empower the world

Seccionador portafusible Serie Ex9FP Protección contra sobretensiones Serie Ex9UEP Seccionadores de caja moldeada corriente continua Serie Ex9MSD

Seccionadores modulares en corriente continua Serie Ex9IP Interruptores de caja moldeada corriente continua Serie Ex9MD Armarios montados y cableados Serie RCInterruptores automáticos en corriente continua Serie Ex9BP

Los seccionadores Ex9FP están diseñados para la protección frente a corto-circuitos y contra sobrecargas en instalaciones fotovoltaicas. Diseñado para el uso de fusibles cilíndricos de tamaño 10x38mm.

Dispone de indicador LED de fusión de fusible.

· Capacidad de corte hasta 33kA· Corriente máxima admisible: 30A· Tensión nominal de trabajo máxima: 1000Vcc· Para fusibles cilíndricos de tamaño 10x38mm· Disponible en versión de 1 y 2P· Categoría de utilización DC-20B

La serie Ex9UEP ha sido diseñada de acuerdo a la normativa para aplicaciones fotovoltaicas EN50539-11 (Clase T2). Dispone de indicador visual que ayuda a conocer el estado del cartucho. Además hay disponible una versión con señal remota de indicación de alarma.

El diseño permite la sustitución del cartucho sin necesidad de desconectar el dispositivo del cuadro, y es apto para sistemas con y sin tierra.

· Máxima corriente de descarga: Imax = 40kA (8/20μs)· Máxima corriente de descarga por boque: In = 20kA (8/20μs)· Tensión nominal máxima de trabajo en continua: 600Vcc o 1200Vcc· Conexión de cartucho rápida con indicador visual de estado· Contacto de indicación remoto opcional

La serie Ex9MSD sirve como seccionador de corriente continua de la planta de generación fotovoltaica.

Con unos tamaños iguales a los interruptores Ex9MD, existe la posibilidad de acoplar una gran variedad de accesorios, tanto internos como externos:· Tamaños disponibles: M1 a M5. Corriente máxima disponible: 800A· Según norma IEC / EN 60947-3· Tensión nominal: hasta 1000Vcc (250Vcc por polo)· Accesorios internos y externos disponibles:

- Contactos auxiliares de señalización y auxiliares- Bobinas de mínima tensión y de emisión de corriente- Separadores de fases y cubrebornes- Terminales, Espaciadores y Mandos rotativos

La serie de seccionadores modulares Ex9IP ha sido diseñada para su uti-lización en instalaciones fotovoltaicas así como en otras aplicaciones con corriente continua.

- Seccionadores no polarizados, aptos para instalaciones fotovoltaicas.- Corriente máxima admisible: 63A- Tensión nominal máxima: 1000Vcc (250Vcc por módulo)- Intensidad asignada de corta duración: Icw = 12 x Ie, 1s- Según normas IEC / EN 60947-3- Anchura de 1 a 4 módulos- Categoría de utilización DC-22B- Variedad de accesorios: · Contacto auxiliar: AX31 · Bobina de mínima tensión: UVT31 · Bobina de emisión de corriente: SHT31

El Ex9MD está diseñado para su uso en instalaciones fotovoltaicas de acuerdo a IEC/EN60947-2, asegurando su funcionamiento y fiabilidad en un amplio rango de aplicaciones, incluido el aislamiento. El poder de corte va desde 25kA hasta 100kA.

La resistencia a impulsos de tensión de hasta 8kV hace posible la utilización de estos equipos en sistemas con picos de tensión de alta magnitud.

· Tamaños disponibles: M1 a M5· Corriente máxima disponible: 800A· Tensión nominal: 750Vcc (3 polos) y 1000Vcc (4 polos)· Poder de corte: Icu hasta 100kA, Ics = 100% Icu · Relé magnetotérmico· Amplio rango de accesorios internos/ externos:

- Contactos auxiliares de señalización y auxiliares- Bobinas de mínima tensión y de emisión de corriente- Separadores de fases y cubrebornes- Terminales, espaciadores y mandos rotativos

Cuadros montados y precableados para instalaciones solares domésticas mo-nofásicas en tejados de hasta 5kW. El diseño de la caja permite su instalación en intemperie gracias a su grado de protección IP65. Bajo Norma EN60439-3.

Gracias a los conectores tipo MC4, la instalación del armario a las placas sola-res es rápida. El conjunto incluye la caja de conexiones ensamblada y cableada (dispositivos, conductores, terminales de tierra (PE), pletinas, etiqueta de modelo, protocolo de pruebas, material e instrucciones de montaje, adhesivos multilingües, prensaestopas y conectores MC4).· Disponible para sistemas con y sin puesta a tierra.· Conjuntos ensamblados y cableados para instalaciones fotovoltaicas de hasta 5kW de ambito doméstico.· Instalación rápida y sencilla mediante conectores MC4· Tensión de trabajo 500V o 1000V CC· Corriente máxima de trabajo 8.65A· Armario PHS apto para intemperie con grado de protección IP65

Los interruptores automaticos noark Ex9BP están diseñados para trabajar en aplicaciones o instalaciones en corriente continua. Gracias a su indepen-dencia de polaridad esta familia de interruptores es válida para aplicaciones fotovoltaicas.

· Automáticos no polarizados, aptos para instalaciones fotovoltaicas.· Poderes de corte disponibles: 6kA y 10kA según versión· Tensión máxima admisible por polo: 250Vcc· Tamaños disponibles: de 1 a 4 módulos. Según tensión de trabajo· Curvas disponibles: C y K· Corriente máxima admisible: hasta 63A· Amplia variedad de accesorios: - Contacto auxiliar: AX31 y Contacto de alarma: AL31 - Bobina de mínima tensión: UVT31 - Bobina de emisión de corriente: SHT31· Diseñados de acuerdo a la normativa IEC / EN 60947-2



· Interruptores automáticos en corriente continua

· Seccionador portafusible

· Seccionadores modulares en corriente continua

· Protección contra sobretensión

· Interruptores de caja moldeada de corriente continua

· Seccionadores de caja moldeada de corriente continua

· Armarios montados y cableados

/19 20 the World

Hangzhou East Railway Station— The Largest Individual Building PV Power Generation System in Asia


Development of Green Electric EnergyElectric Power Development

PV Products and Solutions

As a world leading supplier of new energy, CHINT commits to the application and popularization of new energy, especially the solar photovoltaics. CHINT formed the system integration advantage with the integration of the development of new energy production equipment, production of photovoltaic products like photovoltaic battery and components, investment and construction of photovoltaic power plants. By building and holding commercial solar photovoltaic power plants with more than 1,300MW around the world, CHINT is the largest private power plant investment enterprise .

The electrical industry chain integration manufacturing advantages cover a full set of photovoltaic equipment like photovoltaic cells, components, inverters, low-voltage power distribution and high-voltage power transmission and transformation equipment of CHINT Group. CHINT's new energy not only provides the overall solutions for photovoltaic power plants, but also provides general engineering EPC one-stop services as an effort to develop more clean power for the world and continues to improve the environment.


Depot Park - Sacramento, CA USA


Rovigo Project - Italy

Hangzhou Railway East Station is the largest railway hub site in Asia with a floor area of 1,130,000 m2 and 15 platforms. CHINT is responsible for 120,000 m2 roof PV project and Hangzhou Railway East Station. The average annual electricity production of about 50,000 PV modules is 10 million kwh, which can meet electricity demand of 5,000 households (more than 20,000 people) per year.

Typical CasesSolutions to CHINT PV Plant SystemModular design and flexible collocation, easy to design and constructIncrease system efficiency by 2%-10% globallyFull-industrial advantage to ensure seamless fusion of each part and ensure system stability and economyProvide one-stop EPC service

PV Cell

PV Combiner Box

WEB Monitoring Smart Mobile Terminal

Data ProcessingCenter

PV InverterDC Power Distribution Cabinet

AC Power Distribution Cabinet

Grid Connected Substation

Solutions to system power distribution

PV Plant Data Processing SystemPV Component System

The integration advantage of CHINT full-industrial electrical chain is that it leads in achieving PV plant system power distribution solutions, forms the best system matching degree, the best system cost control and the best convenient operation and maintenance.

Directly monitors the whole plant (including components, archiving data storage, real-time collection and report breakdown, effectively reducing cost and ensures stable operation of PV plant).

One of the enterprises in Chinese PV industry with the most product lines.

Max. conversion efficiency of single crystal solar panel can be up to 19.1%.

Max. conversion efficiency of thin-film solar panel can be up to 11%.

Connects to the public power grid to help supply power.

Public Power Grid

/19 20 the World

Hangzhou East Railway Station— The Largest Individual Building PV Power Generation System in Asia


Development of Green Electric EnergyElectric Power Development

PV Products and Solutions

As a world leading supplier of new energy, CHINT commits to the application and popularization of new energy, especially the solar photovoltaics. CHINT formed the system integration advantage with the integration of the development of new energy production equipment, production of photovoltaic products like photovoltaic battery and components, investment and construction of photovoltaic power plants. By building and holding commercial solar photovoltaic power plants with more than 1,300MW around the world, CHINT is the largest private power plant investment enterprise .

The electrical industry chain integration manufacturing advantages cover a full set of photovoltaic equipment like photovoltaic cells, components, inverters, low-voltage power distribution and high-voltage power transmission and transformation equipment of CHINT Group. CHINT's new energy not only provides the overall solutions for photovoltaic power plants, but also provides general engineering EPC one-stop services as an effort to develop more clean power for the world and continues to improve the environment.


Depot Park - Sacramento, CA USA


Rovigo Project - Italy

Hangzhou Railway East Station is the largest railway hub site in Asia with a floor area of 1,130,000 m2 and 15 platforms. CHINT is responsible for 120,000 m2 roof PV project and Hangzhou Railway East Station. The average annual electricity production of about 50,000 PV modules is 10 million kwh, which can meet electricity demand of 5,000 households (more than 20,000 people) per year.

Typical CasesSolutions to CHINT PV Plant SystemModular design and flexible collocation, easy to design and constructIncrease system efficiency by 2%-10% globallyFull-industrial advantage to ensure seamless fusion of each part and ensure system stability and economyProvide one-stop EPC service

PV Cell

PV Combiner Box

WEB Monitoring Smart Mobile Terminal

Data ProcessingCenter

PV InverterDC Power Distribution Cabinet

AC Power Distribution Cabinet

Grid Connected Substation

Solutions to system power distribution

PV Plant Data Processing SystemPV Component System

The integration advantage of CHINT full-industrial electrical chain is that it leads in achieving PV plant system power distribution solutions, forms the best system matching degree, the best system cost control and the best convenient operation and maintenance.

Directly monitors the whole plant (including components, archiving data storage, real-time collection and report breakdown, effectively reducing cost and ensures stable operation of PV plant).

One of the enterprises in Chinese PV industry with the most product lines.

Max. conversion efficiency of single crystal solar panel can be up to 19.1%.

Max. conversion efficiency of thin-film solar panel can be up to 11%.

Connects to the public power grid to help supply power.

Public Power Grid

/ 1920 Empower the World

Hangzhou East Railway Station— The Largest Individual Building PV Power Generation System in Asia


Development of Green Electric EnergyElectric Power Development

PV Products and Solutions

As a world leading supplier of new energy, CHINT commits to the application and popularization of new energy, especially the solar photovoltaics. CHINT formed the system integration advantage with the integration of the development of new energy production equipment, production of photovoltaic products like photovoltaic battery and components, investment and construction of photovoltaic power plants. By building and holding commercial solar photovoltaic power plants with more than 1,300MW around the world, CHINT is the largest private power plant investment enterprise .

The electrical industry chain integration manufacturing advantages cover a full set of photovoltaic equipment like photovoltaic cells, components, inverters, low-voltage power distribution and high-voltage power transmission and transformation equipment of CHINT Group. CHINT's new energy not only provides the overall solutions for photovoltaic power plants, but also provides general engineering EPC one-stop services as an effort to develop more clean power for the world and continues to improve the environment.


Depot Park - Sacramento, CA USA


Rovigo Project - Italy

Hangzhou Railway East Station is the largest railway hub site in Asia with a floor area of 1,130,000 m2 and 15 platforms. CHINT is responsible for 120,000 m2 roof PV project and Hangzhou Railway East Station. The average annual electricity production of about 50,000 PV modules is 10 million kwh, which can meet electricity demand of 5,000 households (more than 20,000 people) per year.

Typical CasesSolutions to CHINT PV Plant System

Modular design and flexible collocation, easy to design and constructIncrease system efficiency by 2%-10% globallyFull-industrial advantage to ensure seamless fusion of each part and ensure system stability and economyProvide one-stop EPC service

PV Cell

PV Combiner Box

WEB MonitoringSmart Mobile Terminal

Data ProcessingCenter

PV Inverter DC Power Distribution Cabinet

AC Power Distribution Cabinet

Grid Connected Substation

Solutions to system power distribution

PV Plant Data Processing System PV Component System

The integration advantage of CHINT full-industrial electrical chain is that it leads in achieving PV plant system power distribution solutions, forms the best system matching degree, the best system cost control and the best convenient operation and maintenance.

Directly monitors the whole plant (including components, archiving data storage, real-time collection and report breakdown, effectively reducing cost and ensures stable operation of PV plant).

One of the enterprises in Chinese PV industry with the most product lines.

Max. conversion efficiency of single crystal solar panel can be up to 19.1%.

Max. conversion efficiency of thin-film solar panel can be up to 11%.

Connects to the public power grid to help supply power.

Public Power Grid

/15 16 the World

From power plants to end users, CHINT makes power more efficient and stably transmitted. CHINT transmission and distribution industry commits to provide complete power transmission and distribution system solutions and general EPC engineering services for many users of energy, industry, infrastructure and residential markets. With extensive experience in the manufacturing and installation of transformers, GIS, switch cabinets, high and middle-voltage components, wire and cable and other full product lines

Helps Stabilize the Power TransmissionPower Transmission and DistributionIndustry

covering power transmission and distribution, CHINT provides reliable products and services for STATE GRID Corporation of China, China Southern Power Grid Corporation, Inner Mongolia Power (Group) Co., Ltd. and other mainstream power grid companies in nearly 500 substation and power transmission projects across the country. Meanwhile, CHINT's intelligent energy-efficient T&D equipment series are sold in more than 129 countries and CHINT provides EPC one-stop system engineering general contracting services for dozens of countries throughout the world.

Power Transmission


Bangladesh - Power Transformer to AggrekoJapan - CT&PT to APR Energy Burkina Faso - Power Transformer to Forclum

Engineering Contractors

Power Utilities

Industrial End Users

Ecuador - Power Transformer to CELEC S.A.

Typical CasesThe solution consists of power transmission and distribution equipment, electric control system, EPC service and etc.Widely applied in electricity generation, power network, infrastructure, energy, manufacture, construction and other fields.Providing EPC service.

CHINT’s Global Power Transmission and Distribution Solution

Photovoltaic Power Generation

Nuclear Power Generation

Step-Up Station Transmission Line AIS Switchgear Panel

GIS Step-Down Station


Commercial Usage





Hydroelectric Power Generation

Wind Power Generation

Power Automation System

Provides on-line monitoring and brings a strong smart grid as far as it can.

With power transmission and distribution equipment of 750kv and below, this includes: transformer, GIS, switchgear, high and medium-voltage elements, wire and cable and other entire product series for the power transmission and distribution industry.

Transmission and Distribution Equipment

Puerto - Rico USA230kV 570MVA TransformerIndia - 420kV 60MVA Transformer

Australia -132kV Transformer to BHP Billiton Japan - 26kV Disconnector to JFE Steel Corporation

Serbia - 400kV 400MVA Transformer

/15 16 the World

From power plants to end users, CHINT makes power more efficient and stably transmitted. CHINT transmission and distribution industry commits to provide complete power transmission and distribution system solutions and general EPC engineering services for many users of energy, industry, infrastructure and residential markets. With extensive experience in the manufacturing and installation of transformers, GIS, switch cabinets, high and middle-voltage components, wire and cable and other full product lines

Helps Stabilize the Power TransmissionPower Transmission and DistributionIndustry

covering power transmission and distribution, CHINT provides reliable products and services for STATE GRID Corporation of China, China Southern Power Grid Corporation, Inner Mongolia Power (Group) Co., Ltd. and other mainstream power grid companies in nearly 500 substation and power transmission projects across the country. Meanwhile, CHINT's intelligent energy-efficient T&D equipment series are sold in more than 129 countries and CHINT provides EPC one-stop system engineering general contracting services for dozens of countries throughout the world.

Power Transmission


Bangladesh - Power Transformer to AggrekoJapan - CT&PT to APR Energy Burkina Faso - Power Transformer to Forclum

Engineering Contractors

Power Utilities

Industrial End Users

Ecuador - Power Transformer to CELEC S.A.

Typical CasesThe solution consists of power transmission and distribution equipment, electric control system, EPC service and etc.Widely applied in electricity generation, power network, infrastructure, energy, manufacture, construction and other fields.Providing EPC service.

CHINT’s Global Power Transmission and Distribution Solution

Photovoltaic Power Generation

Nuclear Power Generation

Step-Up Station Transmission Line AIS Switchgear Panel

GIS Step-Down Station


Commercial Usage





Hydroelectric Power Generation

Wind Power Generation

Power Automation System

Provides on-line monitoring and brings a strong smart grid as far as it can.

With power transmission and distribution equipment of 750kv and below, this includes: transformer, GIS, switchgear, high and medium-voltage elements, wire and cable and other entire product series for the power transmission and distribution industry.

Transmission and Distribution Equipment

Puerto - Rico USA230kV 570MVA TransformerIndia - 420kV 60MVA Transformer

Australia -132kV Transformer to BHP Billiton Japan - 26kV Disconnector to JFE Steel Corporation

Serbia - 400kV 400MVA Transformer






• DC Moulded Case Circuit Breakers

• Frame sizes M1 - M5

• Rated current up to 800 A

• Rated ultimate short circuit breakingcapacity Icu up to 100 kA, Ics = 100 % Icu

• Rated voltage 750 V DC (3-pole)and 1000 V DC (4-pole)

• Thermomagnetic releases

• Fixed version

DC Moulded Case Circuit Breakers Ex9MD TM are intended mainly for photovoltaic applications. Testing according to IEC / EN 60947-2 standards ensures functions and reliability for wide variety of applications including isolation.

These breakers are off ered with breaking capacities from 25 kA up to 100 kA. Rated impulse withstand voltage Uimp 8 kV makes it possible to use them even in system with occurences of transient overvoltage waves of high intensity.

Utilization category A.


Product family






Frame size

1: to 125 A2: to 250 A3: to 400 A4: to 630 A5: to 800 A



B: 25 kAS: 36 kAN: 50 kA

H: 100 kA



TM: Thermo-magnetic

Type Key

Certifi cation marks


Current character



Rated current

16 — 125125 — 250250 — 400400 — 630630 — 800



3P: 3-pole4P4T: 4-pole


DC MCCB Switch Disconnectors Ex9MSD

• DC MCCB Switch Disconnectors

• Frame sizes M1- M5

• Rated current up to 800 A

• Tested according to EN 60947-3

• DC current character

• Rated operating voltage Ue up to 1000 V DC(4-pole DC version)

• Fixed version

DC MCCB based Switch Disconnectors Ex9MSD are used as a main switch in all kinds of DC applications. Thanks to theirs polarity independence can be used also for PV. They serve there as a main disconnector of DC side of the power plant.

These switch disconnectors have same size and design as standard Ex9M MCCBs. Therefore is there po-ssibility to use fully compatible range of external and internal accessories including extended rotary handles, auxiliary contacts, tripping units, motor operators and terminal covers.


Product family




M: MCCBbased



Frame size

1: to 125 A2: to 250 A3: to 400 A4: to 630 A5: to 800 A




Type Key

Certifi cation marks


Current character



Rated current

63, 100, 125, 160, 200, 250, 400, 630, 800



3P: 3-pole4P: 4-pole

Gama Noark Prot Solar.indd 2 18/10/2016 15:45:55