g-sus 6

>>Ras Tafari<< >>Itations<< >>Inity<< Use the drop-down boxes above to navigate through the Website Return to Reasoning List Here is a link to this page: http://www.jah-rastafari.com/forum/message-view.asp?message_group=5414&start_row=51 Burn JC and Burn bible 1 - 10 11 - 20 21 - 30 31 - 40 41 - 50 51 - 60 61 - 70 71 - 80 81 - 90 91 - 100 101 - 110 111 - 120 121 - 130 131 - 140 141 - 150 151 - 160 161 - 170 171 - 180 181 - 190 191 - 200 201 - 210 211 - 220 221 - 230 231 - 238 Time Zone: EST (New York, Toronto) Messenger: GARVEYS AFRICA Sent: 1/10/2014 2:39:26 AM even better, when broken down by a Rasta and a Pasten Messenger: zion mountain Sent: 1/10/2014 7:15:15 AM Like elder Muta say,the Ible is there to confuse you.Its because its all mythology. Haile Selassie is more real than the Bible,Jesus and the god concept,why??? Because God is within I mind,yet Haile Selassie I is both mind and body. We say Selassie I because I can link Him with I past and present,henceforth the present,but I cant link Jesus with past because it take a man and a woman to link dat past,but if man born of a virgin (which is impossible)then you cant link dat past,therefore no present. The bible is not the source,e.g the so called Moses law is Incient Igyptian law. Can someone tell I what Jesus did for you???Realistically not mythology or belief Messenger: jehosaphat2011 Sent: 1/10/2014 12:11:26 PM Página 1 de 4 JAH - Burn JC and Burn bible - View Messages 14/06/2014 file:///C:/Users/Usuario/AppData/Local/Temp/Low/78UGWFCJ.htm

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>>Ras Tafari<< >>Itations<< >>Inity<<

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Messenger: GARVEYS AFRICA Sent: 1/10/2014 2:39:26 AM

even better, when broken down by a Rasta and a Pasten

Messenger: zion mountain Sent: 1/10/2014 7:15:15 AM

Like elder Muta say,the Ible is there to confuse you.Its because its all mythology.Haile Selassie is more real than the Bible,Jesus and the god

concept,why???Because God is within I mind,yet Haile Selassie I is both mind and body.We say Selassie I because I can link Him with I past and present,henceforth the present,but I cant link Jesus with past because it take a man and a woman to link dat past,but if man born of a virgin(which is impossible)then you cant link dat past,therefore no present.The bible is not the source,e.g the so called Moses law is Incient Igyptian

law.Can someone tell I what Jesus did for you???Realistically not mythology or belief

Messenger: jehosaphat2011 Sent: 1/10/2014 12:11:26 PM

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...& I thought H.I.M Emperor Haile Selassie was/is a kinsman to Yehoshua? Surely some one is CON-FUSEd!...

Messenger: Ark I Sent: 1/10/2014 11:18:23 PM

What Yeshua did for I is taught I many Useful and Righteous things.

The Bible is not there to confuse people, people confuse themselves.

People need to use their Mind and Irits to filter any book they read, so they can Sight the Truth. And I don't have an issue with the Teachings of Yeshua, they are Great Teachings.

It is True that Haile Selassie is Higher than the Bible, but He also taught I and I that the Bible is a very good book for I and I. I don't just think the Bible is a good book for I and I because Selassie say so, but I am in

agreement with Selassie I because I have seen it is good for Iself, through reading it.

I don't Iverstand how people can say they think so highly of Haile Selassie I, but look so low on the things he Teaches. It makes no sense to I. And often when I see that kind of thought, I eventually see the person leaving Haile Selassie I. This can be seen in the history of some

people coming through this website forum.

Haile Selassie I is not a figure head to I, He is I God I Emperor I Leader and I Teacher.

Messenger: GARVEYS AFRICA Sent: 1/11/2014 12:27:34 AM

"What Yeshua did for I is taught I many Useful and Righteous things."

Did Yashua do that for you? Did he speak to you directly or did the story of Yashua written by man in the bible teach you what you just said?

If so, then the question, as it always does, boils down to whether you believe the account of yoshua / jesus in the bible is an actual accurate account of a real physical being/man? Or simply an allegory / story with a meaning of events that didn't necessarily take place. Or even a

deceitful lie? Or even a once factual story which had been edited and changed by Rome?

- when people say 'what Jesus taught me' and 'what I learned from the teachings of Yoshua' what you are actually referring to is the teachings of the bible text written by man which you *BELIEVE* to be the actual account of history.

- what I overstand is much of the bible is allegorical and not historical in the sense the actual events and characters in the story don't matter as long as the message is recieved. The bible has no 'new' message, so I have no problem putting it down

I can burn the bible and find all necessary 'righteous teachings' elsewhere - without the false teachings the contradictions and the attack on Africans

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Messenger: GARVEYS AFRICA Sent: 1/11/2014 12:44:12 AM


- lived without sin, turned the other cheek, never had an empress, and

ate fish (just off the top of my head)

- I can think of many ancient teachings which these would be in direct violation of. +some of the teachings this violates are even included in the Old Testament!

This is part of the reason I don't believe or trust the Yoshua story. I can't

deal with yoshua. Rasta don't come to die on cross. Most rasta that eat fish do so because they are bible adherent Rastas - meanwhile we burn bible and live ITAL

Any bible teaching which goes against the tradition and culture of the incients I'd recommend careful examination of.......

Rastaman higher than Jesus

Messenger: GARVEYS AFRICA Sent: 1/11/2014 1:25:10 AM

Was his majesty ital?

Did his majesty wear locks?

- yet still we as rasta do things a little different.

Same argument when people tell I say haile selassie dealt with the bible.......

Messenger: Raybob Sent: 1/11/2014 3:28:12 AM


"What Yeshua did for I is taught I many Useful and Righteous things."

Did Yashua do that for you? Did he speak to you directly or did the story of Yashua written by man in the bible teach you what you just said?>>

Yeshua works by the spirit of Jah, within one's heart. If one lets the spirit

of Jah, guide them in ALL things, especially the word, that is when the one allows the spirit of Jah (Yeshua) to teach the I to live joyous and free from sinful lifestyle. Yeshua set up the 3rd and final kingdom of Jah, in the spirit world, eternal kingdom forever. Jah Rastafari!

Messenger: GARVEYS AFRICA Sent: 1/11/2014 4:52:33 AM

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Did anybody witness Yoshua setting up this Kingdom in the spirit world? Id like to see this kingdom

I'd also like to know where in the four chambers of my heart muscle a man called Yoshua lives?

This is all christian rhetoric. How does this differ from any Christian sayings - all it seems we have done is replace the word Jesus with Yoshua / Haile Selassie and replace the word God with Jah - EVERYTHING else is the same Christian talk and ideology.....Lava

Messenger: Ark I Sent: 1/11/2014 9:31:05 AM

So, do you think Haile Selassie I is mistaken in His assessment of the Bible?

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Haile Selassie I

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