fayetteville observer. (fayetteville, tenn.) 1860-03-01 [p ]. · 2017. 12. 17. · ine; jfhw--asile...

i:.- - ' ' - vf..;-v- - r,v ; . .. - : . - ,v - 7 - - . r. , ,v-'-- - v "7 '"' : f . ... .. - - v.- - - v - .. T,tt IJOllnri loir one year if- - paid at : the time of;juictiptin, o E?uI:ri mid ririf.es;.,wii'HuTPETiATioM J. nr the -- expiation .cf-tln- ee ibictitlia.' i ICTf'li JUl'' t?T- - ertisementa, Jo'u- -. ' - rV-jri- r " or-; uisrl jtion',X cmundcted . du -- 'when cottfrattea.c'xr'er-- t ageiiisttboso with " Wlttm we Iave rpnnirg afconnts. X ; 03 lcrit!er failing i o order i dtscontin- - - ' lime To whifli " they wif bnve auWribed,, " :Rre cou4dl'rl aaWUbinjto renew; and it , t-- - ter !).. ecnt out t the t ."mju j wj uj 'jv r : t j ; , t,' ."r .,, ! ' ' - ' ' - ' V . v 03r Adveftiiewent t inserted at Ottr c n K n l- tf n IHClti: & ' . r Lens J for the first insertion ; I Ifty iUy t i: Uiua : Cent for " ., : tjoC qJliQ - ;fWa; tr "irs ,or V,eT" Jf.U oftn t . Z ''Hon hor Utt Me terms under any tire muldnrv W rnotm cinr raiidl fates Tli ro Do I la r ; ti iw'J hi MlvitKe in every :cau. ' with lU cAdveriScrocr.trPot-.rnarl;c- l . rurul er of inaerttoiiB when handed in, will . - .I U con(uwe.l mUtJordaU ouU and r1 " .' exacted. 1 , . ' ndvcrlisemenf innrtl yratuttousTj. . :, oAdvertifcmpnts of .in lnv natnre, : . :v'ot Winxrttd at'ovy jy'ci .y--.j--lC7Jl- i rrinliiiB, 0 Aiin, : , done on Rcv Ty S tn aa reasouabla in Tcnncraee- - - '. terms as but office C3N Inrr 'will he dibcontictted nntil all arrearages nr paid up xce?l at Uu - vption a, t Fulhuier. ''"''T " Too - fbUowing is tbe Vest illuslra- - (ion or tbe rotii ion inch t tie .ue V ; publicans occupy 'on DisuiJiyn we t Lave seen. Wtile dijving tbe Sonth 7 t)ut of the Union by f ibeir, policy, . ; Ibey voi!ilfrat that tbey lire uieuaiy ...lolue union; : .;.;':4,-- ;; Tucliard and John had gond W bed. r' ; ' X niirot h erly jcommun ion ; . -- ? ' f ' In one Isroad Uanlteted, : i W . Z Like two Stud i ibe Union: . ;' ',? ..',, - . -- . - . V ':..TTlien Joh'rrtiVh top.'an w'.'3 a Hc't 4 AasVilyd Lis ale:ir.g brother;- - i Yfj- -l ' I' r'g 'nVha1f; Vb icC'.'V . " T Atid cow i wanUbc'-oUicrl'- ; ' ;;v ont.my gwtfe Jack ' i , 'Star in," aid Jach.';'ind wa'rtn "JT ! " ?v Diaaolve'thieUiiiotj? Never!'' f ;.: " ' ; - So Jack sufolin with private grin V, - At)d Dick with doleful shiver;- J v -- ; ; And flwBgrecing'evermore - .- - s . .Dissolve the Union; ueyen;- - y' rD r " ' - f i h a a - i . f 1 " - - KoTice to ' : it 4 ' ' - rf : - " Warniugi were also giyon, to J. ii. '. XT!! ifichool to-cKe- 'and -- to " ' , - fl I the B- -ior of U the was as folloWi. edit oy& Iti3 loranuers, iVnnd limpet .is more for c ar--' ryibg itself above it' v;lYou said r Vicer to it Secretary tbo U Givb your' children trua honor; tbecan pecU 'ncr it; life praves a; fncud-- ia detb unoa an occurtfOCQ' rau "'-- ine; jfhw- - asile tberi; sua. piu mjr ,kui s'"? vou will ceo' '5 There md' fallen onq of oqrlold Tishjoned KuTtbern Kew York snows; crusted oyer bHTdv enbugh to bear man. -- 1 was getting- - on famously niihr'nay clearing, grUir.rendy Jo build house in the qn iog.:, I :w,is nmbitious irid-worke- enrly and bite, going without my dinnr-soth- e days, wben the piece of bread and; meat bad brought; io my f bcket was froze bo hard that;! not misticatJ it without taking opioo Tnucb of my tiaaa.-''- - Ooe day' it vWa io tensely cold with the prospect of ; storm, ttbat might bimltr my work -- the; day and so'; I worked .'on as ;loiigv as I could, seo,' a rid id twilight' Cled V tree,' wliicb Jn td dt-so-ii lodgid aguins'tranolber, the jdea of leuving the ibb "half fio lahed yhd mountcdtlp nfinost pros-trat- o , body to cu tVway' aTimb to '".let Tbe hole of .the tree forked,' about forty fett r' into two, -- equal jrirts; it h hifge f r jectii;liila from both.A It was one. of lbcpe I had lb cut' bring tt lo tbe In niy;haste, perr.ap3f wu iv to. cartfal: asrI "thonld'liaTe!! been, at liny rate; lVeTii&rN blows -- cased the t ib that hq: t roe began ; to settle,' ant I wV:e'jcoing to jomp ou wnen me lorK-vpi- anu,.asn uki so, one foot dropped into the space so that I cou!d not -- ' exlncale it :tor ' . .77 1,:. r 'Ai';ti' r.. 1 C Another Y: Mree,ttad;others.wiow Jy expelled, from Kc?tu se,m;;Ukea up lb?)r nc was not veroAt Ihc list. Beighborrng.-coautws.t- te, the erne-the- y wer driven tt kfl.ir.l thi.'tb citizens 01 - iirooiiVH e. ua-- -- --r- v- flitter, and Ubpro vhung ; leave' the., Stat, h pf fc, ((f ib. thenow: Vith v; -- . Vvoluntarily ;tbey shall toV.n ".-- . eond tfK wrC; tb-t- t iitjope a j miio-- i . friends j .'iUiuiuuu aftuui"""'"" - i ..r:: . . ..-- 7 rMr. .,1.. aVA-- rf , 1 "v1 '? . . ' .. ' :JW:u tof hftf.was-fixed- . V iivoid-aliercxiioris'wi- Uv alwysdisgre'iap:e : respected ' ougit,n edito'r,"no tbaojhe of ;(brtunervth.tlo ..''mW'iii'l- - wuicftf,ttciuuY eackiconinmarice: ;. direettv.va1 i j r L t : " awayjo ?grbund lodgmn t - ; wayL!httfiiigiitfrth.xne:'re6t o p 7 mv'onlVlMtiw tocrelbtr. "- - I 'flJew, it nib and cbtTitf bfH with 'my fe-dn- e of .ont jmd.atHeast' onfall, a suijiM- - ui? v7 never and through 'nJ.A'x west - ; i .f-i- ii ''4iiJ L v. WOTT3L3D - s'OTr-i-- ; l will .' I cover - Its ; . of f iU attt t kit t ' nntnn When the world u all a lansb '. . iug,nuu hucu nuu vu . ( , .,. .. Ig a footleBvbleeditg stump! - Tbaj S . I " Lingering on with thirst ncsated,,.- - '.- mtensit v of the cold saved me from ;L- - , ' . - " - - .j urns later - -, ' . . urniiguv 1110. iesi; i Weeding tO death. torept OfU Miraclea-w- ben thou hast waited my coat, tnd with my ; r 1 -- : ; and Buspenders mnnHgeu to.oioa op; : niv kg with handful ot snow, anu- - ithil glorious mutations; V rEverv tiTiole. s t ar t ed to era wl h onieV T I f uccp edeq in reaching sight of tbe bpuser a nd then my ! strcfegtL faileO nie .alf together: Qj;. t: tritd , my Voice inTain, nut I could ' mske'.nb one beaT.me.'T I: ex- erted myself once more, and crawled towVrd the road that 1 "knew Ileman must conie. It wxs a panful .taskj for besides my -- pxhaust ion,Iv. was pwriibing!. v.ilh cold.. Just .then I Heard rtho sound of rm- - brotjier's btWge horni niid ibe: jungle of the tells coming down the. hilklI j strdntd' my: voice to the utmost pitcb tut- - he did not,-'coiil- d hear;', but A apd airy anollur 'friend did .lay npoo.ihe TI ua rli fin insislea ut onccompanjirig aud my Lrothcr said: go; k nows what good myTcome of itt, 5 Good did come bf it,; for his quicker' thanHeman e, and he: roused up;at'lbV cs t he BcPno Cry 1 esrhe If aped and v minute, wijs at tho w I lay pon the - sricW. lie tmelt all around, Ivbeld-n- p : footless leg. Jiist tbenthe tt. Jgh got v p' vl Kliil;IIonfer. r'tig path', barked loudly lid ' ns ' the horses pp, would tfMl-U&- . jlet"c0V jumped cabt.hold -- bfrlle'maVsliatMTrpttii bat-k- " he xa " a nd mnierced miiousiy ; fjui i uer iro ingV.-The'efiVct- tiyewlh'aXlTasvrd Ja'it'li'ful oid di'Ev" "Ddat whuld desoit m?i JiTsefToria. IbJaTuedXnfe.rpV caused 1.77-- - inQ io uimi tiruux-- r kuew y rcbV I burfde to" the by of ing in g de on faruv iyng For fainter promisa yon?- - Though hobbling nip we qoaSf c From the crystal fount mornings aonzis a ; " - V '' , - - ; .. . . Wherefore with your blias' at atrife? '' V- - 'Twas an angel that wiibstood you; y Cbuhl glvetonr perfect life - - : i V For a drram of Iivingwould j ,'.. Jij Covert." ;" ' Jlillionsf tiny 'l.rops,., '; ' Are falling all ground; ' - , on housetops,' - 7, ' they're hiding in tbe ground. ' '7- - v- - ? .'.n;, '? - Tbey mujiicianl :. iWjtli anything for keys, ,r tunes upon the 4 (Keeping time the Ireea, notJ 1 here j liglit treb'o - rvlib: j Jcaivj ' ' i' They1 stwam, ;v : V; f',A -T tt7V tT1t w'rt the xaelodj enchants . ' . . t 4,Ltt bim "whb i ' ear lias fust cryf,bd .our, in a spot lere arid my - , had ' btiek iinto the! came; ' 7 Like of a dream.. ' 'A doepci .bass 1s' s" fV? )Vben They're dropping into cave;' r r . tenor from zephyrs, v,i. ; an alto from w'aves. , a. stream of rnnstc, ' . i r And Hohftf don't Dtude, v tf when the - ' V lie drops . en interlude . the ." It seems asr i t jh e ing ?. .o-- ; ' ' . the'tirda in the Had beco gathered tnW rain drops,; 'And was coming Siowp in thowers. ' - ' ' - : T"?v . t ' l f . ' - .. BTUrTT.T.H . t lie jumped up, swzeo .rems, ami -.- .. -- Tr'7"TrT -- ? .. not at what thar wurld can do, V . nut let go until IlermHi caded k;; W It f .:" v . Bor wear 'iipba thy f ? J Hunter Iris-- hoM.' 00lIi Vli icaiinot barm hW long,; 4V; iT:' r-- i r7l biick ihl gilc,V Vy' ; Ins-oi- l 1 ber.tnitten:' and wa V he n ' f'ot ! if, "lonro; re Rat uuig : 'tie'nevt' r nor cease 4intil be Ti'rV'' 4 r7i.7 '4i77 7'. iuy . iiai Io of - pfior the Jwve filled : would , life '' you? ; qTs? rain tbe ' . the ' ., Vitb,, the the 'tis tairris weary, trarbl .'.Of ' - . ina f Ween .''-- '' Oh! then tif well to smile,'. Then smile at, hbrriari Taniiy, j at human prid,,''-V- f iWV tnen do flatter thee, v. ' And smile when thev deriileV tYhen some would care riot ,"tu Wen fairer look$ beguile , ainiile tfien. -- . man, tkatth.ey W v or :.tbe; wilt :bc dnven o pfjbegb andaii haiiV Vresoluteen const tetb tee. ,We .can'je5iCilyntic!pata, tcet jmHaG tave : 1i little:,wbdd was - eafe l Afldlift,,;iPiis.,.thynnningeye . ADVICE To. AN d.tob. iu .V"M'i " i:.; "r vent uallv recovered, but was. - hrirtV,: rorever nere.,r. vy; ,;7; ,; k7wi-Vi- i number ol 3iMollUi i?Krr r1' -- -i r ; o f - T editor fw pndession, - other , theCabinet to 1h more .scend to ; 'could bBndkfrcbielf withia fentbtdbis' tai wcjevdfecoVsiiig-.wit- h some learn', frbra t hb.newspnpers Uit pejij. nearest :i i.-t- ". pprbached man . . nu jio one. r-- ? -- 7i 7 . - " .i, .,fr . liters " ' - '- -i . .. - .- - . .,;; ,,:t.j.iit,-- . I- - . " ..17. : Althbuoh thLusb Was mv wi!hih a bnef Is., not . ocvceerd gettii'g bold n petitioners, by it c me.in9 a loorx .tmyj ma t hefrjr , Rnfciwnders. pocket-kt- f i thUtr- - cducution, pat i joegTaeV th?'y thn and increased the a : '. Tbcy'ie'dancing arefairy-lik- a 7 npon alf .V- - with Why:iave for aJiFo-dj- v,J which a UT1UUS. :,s gfjnerHi opinion, tha moftkey'Twa thoorghtlto the rDuV'we'ditrered.Tind proved by4 bytwisiingheiimbatogcthcr vr,'nt;l;n,;f.t. liiearesf 4vie: lst.. The' w out.of ; .period, onlyi ; i"ma w:eie, Iceftiasf byty oils toward Eorisb r'Eentihg windows, sounding; Wwv hoTsr(. iAnJjfiiltt friends' thil'Vsf is bmnfvirou V VoJ- - remarkably Pel- - but owing to the indolence hn dUstytish always for.o. 4ih, Will ion" of prisomJ soul'" music "Ob; siile ben soma be our- - run ta thefry'f of distress, if It comes from one of 7k fp J J " 54 h. end. be ; rl never .iooKs the 'of others.-7th,- " -- Would np( hoot food s pelled.' - o:br tbe animal we iffU KlTgej t.ibg wio'Vi- - c p t - ma rr. ; . The bov e "cigh t pin: idmost ft i Ibe bandleflf ttie-rire.wu- r. uiey. invoke i qo. ifeisiulv .iy uujv .,.,-.rrr:.-?v"- VV "'-- i u ever in mv grasp, so -- wnaioim; v ' ' ether animal.' thinks if V.v.i 7. .i r r.,.tv wa -- : 1 " ...7- " 7 - . -- , ' . 7 ' '''';..:. - 7' .'7.' .'' ' 7 ' ' 7 ". r." D;iti5 Jones baa a .r ife, an qiuible, dccodi jilUheiJ, ; anfl . . iQautirul U$y-- , finds, too many. Ipcki tif hxs bAt--Oq- e bighl lie came bonja tighL'aod rVthetifrigbtiiDed, ta fiod bis tirorliiv lady si t ting up; fr, hint Sh e 1 way s i does., iiigh court TbatalSo , jftbe I always does. 'You late," she srvW, 'that; I' feared, yoa bail been taken sU;k.' ;: ; : .4lirc--ai- nt sick,' wife .b-b- ut doaU yoa tbiuk 1,'rri a little iiglittV : .,. ) of the CeBsns. ibU"bnderta!iibgT Cenerid districtVwitb vliicrtifol: aacqnd She. BfjiUed;ben bo wm io. iV "of 6tajtnOuto 'tli.Hr'districind for'.each'scbdiTisiotiid'rpnio.aiias little,. perbaps,. njy.ear,ereater popnlliion;(by tstimatejtbab but that is .nothing ypri so in one'sobdiT'yorj.'.; ; CURIOUS .Georgo. drel.:?wU'Hb jadimi: nre-requi- red died"witbat President, auu. as6tuaii Hating Dcen v.?v "."r join tb-- m in gl.s .a..frld!;fied,-'by'oith,-; pcWrmMV-T- l d lrutb; V:j: marsbal-- r Vith cHre5v Cr?' Objiitv dcar.Tam land instruction:- - f ,;-'7;'- ; that i msu aiurtber g ass' would hurt you. ftoiv,' you'. taTw a ss, Setitt b with just jas h my dear. '; ar .toO . kind my .dear, by nil!, 1 Kuow I m . love ol al 0a jo, .u!y jul;p 7 7 much, T7cTbT, month Uhat ivith. .if CJmi;. ;:upoa h!sj Vuffi. hjoked glas?, raised, tove,' lady, xtUso eceed Ui.i.tna ; tastei .iady retire. which found chair., which, hus.'i Slte answer, easy chair, States nucient lofty J mobntaioa extend interior. get,; w4nt8 dy Mode Taking , Tbe. cpoo mc.uoiTca pwies tntr 'ib eaclrf ';Adan' scfifl" the dt3fict States:;: r 1 " marsbala hw b HV i In : care r.ot .to iriclad'c A.yery Ibn.yft 2&M6 anv w., "our ts third fib ,p?j i ine --".r- r.-J- .r in -- i;--'. is, lam iD sure ?j-:-'- ' tle:; vv a't suppose, pf ile ' You too United to" trerarieoirtd H brigioal !e"v r,:-- t: r. .fied with M cport 1 H JmWP'dcT cbptes; a.roi;wW- - forafdej to'th'a'marsTiai,' .whjor trans- - J i"' i:r ' -- V , all WeJt,Jake a glass State for his distrWand ,to was uiu' my gl burt'ttri" tb nrian Cur, '? ti, IB .,Ppu . enq inier La ' roo,.!iear; 1 wani one aeioro Tho compensati6r:ta-th- e rm.rsbUii - "TU Udy-hasterte- d to pen: bpMmr rHas not rrc- - tle, het ,twa: one paidjVf' v -- 7- - belorelbsr on the Lie-boar- d, p Une dbWtfr ,efP K in one very . ri!-au- m h! chji.irep, s.urde,chs5d ling thgUss the ate, return1 bvhts, atarttl . she: nded with :: riiost j tlviaVno H-- rves the'soa .'' smite to her n'r o'lfi- -. "ad tls cx-- : Suspicion , for eaCI) em thousand return-miud.-r; She bad V never been ed a sy'slcp of compensatiprt 0viU1).i uiui nucM uo n-i- a iuim. nuy . uuc wn'cn roty ad He at. it to tho " rayiiiebtof a gre'a jCertaioly. replied the an,i - thousand taking a .'montbfut, which fhQ wasj no'moreVjEfm. he' not to swallow.va.-':-- ' turiis much a mUJion Buspjcioirvanished, ana so an ineaualitv Dot .usual To ralins :Cea s!o nmclin n',i ill ' initn thi trifhAt i . .7 "' t 7 f " o f : .the i v husba n do, After tbe Hn- - v'tAi "Mi.m- - itini to v a, all of be- - one was "to an for i to. of was be he. crrkd one. to h;s ,; th to f. 'cf Greece is of almost" of be - , duties" tbe ?! .befbra fifteen cents; - ' wo - it 6r - . . fcbi!drenViIIi' W (. ? i. - , " . - . . , lb are ' r . . powyrlulmeli : I Cuiidrc-'Diedr.itf&- fivceWpeir ' ' . fen for - - r ; ; ' 1 bad ' .a x i . i - - k i a iit i ai 111 i in r 1 11 - it i.ra . hprr .JM te,ncmmjition,: those ' . :Sue fixed tub water antraveV QLlHI-haTff-?fc- n easy the J . : baria ,.was-cutioas,- , rea-i- n find GkrrtntA- - son;: miofites.later; niiaUewnc'e M i and FeH!or: e5 tubstance-kaowota- a splurge, the the g-jv- e Jtha Vk j ; ;Tho gone when rose frcm-th- e. ' and never after borne wife- - rano .and impassable tfl0ttntaius.S:ilie8e thxpugh;vthe;:wholeV .the jby . . ; c " each farm each pro- ductive the . ttteeu : Macedon - 7 Southern, be taiaed ? ' 1 in " s .,. '. f u j, a a a aav riu :ir a a jj j r- - ? eo ! velvet 7 . -- " it J 7 7" -- - - the product thread I ' . v :.v:;.t . 01 i w uere in - - wilt' - is .called of. " " in days, ; ;n ! t - it considered irs almiVlameBdmeht' to tie corn itary yiewV, ' witb .Pxjjde first connected Eted.ii,. ujju;.i.iouw, i,iglit-ca- p, If The "million Joamicg .satisfied spittiig qut;'thQ loot fore Thg expenses,' This loose or:, short ooder nscef .root ?tbe warrf T!je .his" -- 7r'..,V Je.diag ftorr,: piw,. Vr ev-ttt- .f low ca.waru nern, cents per.pnge the. phCV This: pass Utah, mcW viae; Kew the Great Vpoint:: Pf.": : def emiDcd-Wr'tlie- . l .'iu- - was crestj broad c - th f as;.tb .,! hnpsdy,l.i i.rV; v.. i f t ' ;T(,ca - oh;ibe S.)ulb '.two sand vevrs 82o a croenf i--. - . . ' v rtoa v and: 0siC i customer one. .octi mi'i - . - .. - .'.'. ins " fytlotis r.v;, iXobit;' children. resiUfii distant,' taKi.Dg djsc;, ..nrpe, .qnalHj tbeja ddrank 'blanks indeed, copka clerlrof oreach pyaeu,. whd.as placed tumblers Exceed 4?be; U:' Husband. no!(in!i; persons moiieraic, mitf tenty re-ver- y,, careful, (tb'not AliiLtrd r T:,. fiAJa.!- - know-t- h Afew from., busbarid brick, twaper sqmre number thmnj threads effected !IowW in' th.r'w;' ikqf: was; : life '.roTteh, UrdLi looking .entered re-Jam- es Softness '.mere an tineieni a wu9-krv- huuhwuku hiM1 r'f VnV " pints' who. rkef haiidsf bief y; ir ri:vtrXV-- u r ' - ;v to lived there askid 'what ' tfuCU- --: kiadvcf rile: ..I.. 'v.. ttwaven ia ir.eir assami anon metr r . w ou. iik-ii.- ;- ;uHtt . imciitj nas na u nio 03 10 iwa nog fo'n which prevai.'s inevery k ft n r v "f Ibid wash it bingtragc: oabert of exertior.s i$VW-'a- eibfin an is &ud to jpprehfitiding that the f I good, ;Otb,-)r'e- tt fiUng elionporf UsSa. Bfr'KIi.fHIAII ' - . . . ;flrjIyf iJ riDougtasi J erf old ! called worn a ns arras Hbe!sVrpentstha. wind about. man's neck,' killiiig bis resolutions-- ' biJobglas Jer rpkC I We reckon apfet ty pair? of ' wlito" arms," br nicd y 0 uog u nd car i?cdd help vi keep' ; gbod : We'woiild like" 1 0. taks ity at ! . aevpivo f.Tbe Goverapient -- has acts ibe V These J,'v" .once 'me' :Iu report. returns county the ic?"- -- -- r Mlmt's the person enumerated; for for industry, cial nod and V thd pns the 2nd thb to,. the the- xife, 1 used a" pbw'ct.-- -'; v A worthy asked why bb "dicX not venture to' aa were v and: give 1 vote, Io Wt why I 11M Atvkt VAw'-- .ma ?Ti -- ' ; Neai E', a fi 'days head ijof vimales Vra;6ld r:.The. carroas. -- .facts -- rega rd appe a r tro ai bistort ..:.;. .. t -- ;.t-( Wnngtcauf ot ;' IlV- - waa.Te-crectc- d. XarhVivbtf , Presides tv di6d ;wUboat . . Jamesllii cHidrja. J Il-- i "y.iis ' rBakir'trrd of their " ' tr",:,..: cannot, was it 'millhrnBe bewilchinj? cloudily, pe'rVons. cents;, ha piratiojifTbiserm Xilimnriv thirteenth rrts- - IrJeii bid lu ; w.ii ret ""ifames acdR?i'S' rr- - ' rbm' thebove firts, rr;ear3 . that n?- - Preiiueht everh:iiai? ,r: v . AMMf vt;ciri.;ffn' , H.wir.i.;.. vaJ: " v...-.Au- heautitul 4 mostly a wlk f tbrie; remiir'k-able';(b?.the:;s- oit de' ef . its j surface a pile sjatrstkp ccntumrj Burface.frthraaV .' occasioned of 8mouot!lowed furpnmeraiing;theby.fcg Tcertin-o- f ipccl ,: trro cents eaj:bnitfitVauW lba s traveling so thickly it ta by..noltixlyiDg , thej 6f in'terHcibk of thb -- , district .byelfiquare-lQat;- .. of tbe zdewad3. of snaare-?-milts- . .1. .7,-- .' 'V'iii." w ma Vtheewfong hcrwHs. V - codVn:;.;f be rtvedvJhe..cumr,ofiades . iney(imea,-':aoq.eigl- is between: tWaJs;-uhit- h Thermop-- 1 GilifoniuL Ore'gonand and hVfHiTfMrnU,, ..i ' of of .u- - Ko vh"nf was lawfeccived; the pArraupn'iit' of He'j ;iHece.-;By:pecuiiar4- d .flibisrange.pnmoOrdaios cflditwa:.of AlOtiw hiA il - koowo province rot 'V'-v- i mmalsOlvm'nuand ' ia itistiucUitwiaxnoubfftinPt of account, mey n.Ye 10 S'jp- - ir,wi t..,f -- r vr is ury.oi-- - wir 1 n mij lu uuy . "nV ; Th'esslTrtetweea::tbe-- . .' .7:' - ' were imagined btve "ia ivlw HX", - 1. . .'.K,J.T.xk.-v..i::i:w.'it..7Ti-i.i-- - celesttiU enemies, led yenn.exi proverb iJ J i rict ti. kxtrayaganCand rerenf.rW;iifi? all a ot . rT - ' Fie; a la "roan'd beck, all rlbtiscs;';' ellmbt!:'r es.fablishiaent'cf so- - ' s it cryman np(?nlbeing electiib,,'ntvwli;chUhb-;pre- iibbasfy' cbrulactcd' tepHed,'il,I i6" l 1 MitferMrg,- - ' w &rnceir?'enty-iilha- " atIQOcrjbbadr pres-- t TcHeffson; jq-- "' jfourfh'PrrotJ 'ibrobgVthe children.'; IjueHaoan, Gf:eentb'Pni: (dent,'lia3 'fib'.cbjMrea,' it itihmit-h- e velvet jbwing to population upn'ght entirely in ujiuu-.'.iuo.-iwwue- fermmnteiac A!ex:indec Mexico.unde2tbe opcratioo .disemtion- - iioii - A.beingi ikinofrftfclhe PQ nUhottf-an- jrbiHi .FACTS. piIelhTeadsbfb .tnrefcre ' tormod " info v a series of )acn?f 7 sfcinuiai'up from thg surfio? pr iha sflVj sub-- " and by . . . .... . " ' ' '. :. : : seqaeauy. catling tbeae. ioops Kiln a ihzr j iastrumeuUhVpile is rrcducrd. 1 - lain brass wires arb teoponrily no- - ven m irnong. IDs . tfcfs tcrena;, .to assUt ja'formingihe-foop'Si'aa- d by a deiicivto cu5 of scisioa, made with shatp msirum'ectVthe loops arecufaatl ' tbb'wires IiBeratSd." Striped ve!vt&5 arb'prcdaced by som a : of the jila" threads being uncut.' . . .' ' - : LastSuaday: morning throe were1 Tfound . on the ntetio bouses'lb Lbufstnie, iKii V - - ' - .7 . ' : "JJA 7. ' I 1.. "I i 4 r .1- - f j i

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Post on 30-Jan-2021




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  • i:.- - ' ' - vf..;-v- - r,v ; . .. - : . - ,v - 7 - - . r. , ,v-'-- - v "7 '"' : f . ... .. - - v.- - - v - ..

    T,tt IJOllnri loir one year if- - paid at: the time of;juictiptin, o E?uI:ri

    mid ririf.es;.,wii'HuTPETiATioMJ. nr the -- expiation .cf-tln- ee ibictitlia.' iICTf'li JUl'' t?T- - ertisementa, Jo'u- -.

    ' - rV-jri- r " or-; uisrl jtion',X cmundcted . du-- 'when cottfrattea.c'xr'er-- t ageiiisttboso with" Wlttm we Iave rpnnirg afconnts.

    X ; 03 lcrit!er failing i o order i dtscontin--- ' lime To whifli " they wif bnve auWribed,,

    " :Rre cou4dl'rl aaWUbinjto renew; and it ,

    t--- ter !).. ecnt out t the t ."mju j wj uj 'jv r : t j ; , t,' ."r .,, ! ' ' - ' ' - ' V . v

    03r Adveftiiewent t inserted at Ottrc n K n l- tf n IHClti: &

    ' . r Lens J for the first insertion ; I Ifty iUy t i: Uiua: Cent for " ., : tjoC qJliQ

    - ;fWa; tr "irs ,or V,eT" Jf.U oftn t. Z ''Hon hor Utt Me terms under any tiremuldnrv

    W rnotm cinr raiidl fates Tli ro Do I la r; ti iw'J hi MlvitKe in every :cau.' with lUcAdveriScrocr.trPot-.rnarl;c- l. rurul er of inaerttoiiB when handed in, will

    . - .I U con(uwe.l mUtJordaU ouU and r1" .' exacted. 1 , .' ndvcrlisemenf innrtl yratuttousTj. .:, oAdvertifcmpnts of .in lnv natnre,

    : . :v'ot Winxrttd at'ovy jy'ci .y--.j--lC7Jl- irrinliiiB, 0 Aiin,

    :, done on Rcv Ty S tn aa reasouabla

    in Tcnncraee- - -'. terms as but officeC3N Inrr 'will he dibcontictted nntil

    all arrearages nr paid up xce?l at Uu- vption a, t Fulhuier.

    ''"''T " Too - fbUowing is tbeVest illuslra- -(ion or tbe rotii ion inch t tie .ue

    V ; publicans occupy 'on DisuiJiyn wet Lave seen. Wtile dijving tbe Sonth7 t)ut of the Union by f ibeir, policy,. ; Ibey voi!ilfrat that tbey lire uieuaiy

    ...lolue union; : .;.;':4,-- ;;

    Tucliard and John had gond W bed. r' ;'

    X niirot h erly jcommun ion ; .--

    ? ' f' In one Isroad Uanlteted, : i W .

    Z Like two Stud i ibe Union:.

    ;' ',?..',, - . -- . - .

    V':..TTlien Joh'rrtiVh top.'an w'.'3 a Hc't 4AasVilyd Lis ale:ir.g brother;- - i Yfj- -l

    ' I' r'g 'nVha1f; Vb icC'.'V. " T Atid cow i wanUbc'-oUicrl'- ; ' ;;v

    ont.my gwtfe Jack '

    i,'Star in," aid Jach.';'ind wa'rtn "JT !

    " ?v Diaaolve'thieUiiiotj? Never!'' f ;.:"

    ' ;- So Jack sufolin with private grin

    V, - At)d Dick with doleful shiver;- J v -- ; ;And flwBgrecing'evermore - .-- s

    . .Dissolve the Union; ueyen;-- y' rDr " ' -f





    - i





    - - KoTice to

    ': it

    4 ' '- rf :


    " Warniugi were also giyon, to J. ii.'. XT!! ifichool to-cKe- 'and --to" ' , - fl I

    the B- -ior of U

    thewas as folloWi.

    edit oy&

    Iti3 loranuers,iVnnd limpet .is more for car--'

    ryibg itself above it'v;lYou said r

    Vicer toit Secretary tbo

    U Givb your' children

    trua honor; tbecan pecU'ncr it; lifepraves a; fncud-- ia detb

    unoa an occurtfOCQ' rau "'--

    ine; jfhw- - asile tberi; sua. piu mjr ,kui s'"?

    vou will ceo''5 There md' fallen onq of oqrlold

    Tishjoned KuTtbern Kew York snows;

    crusted oyer bHTdv enbugh to bearman. -- 1 was getting- - on famouslyniihr'nay clearing, grUir.rendy Jobuild house in the qn iog.:, I :w,isnmbitious irid-worke- enrly and bite,going without my dinnr-soth- e days,wben the piece of bread and; meatbad brought; io my fbcket was frozebo hard that;! not misticatJ itwithout taking opioo Tnucb of mytiaaa.-''- - Ooe day' it vWa io tensely coldwith the prospect of ; storm, ttbatmight bimltr my work -- the; dayand so'; I worked .'on as ;loiigv as Icould, seo,' a rid id twilight' CledV tree,' wliicb Jn td dt-so-ii lodgidaguins'tranolber,the jdea of leuving the ibb "half fiolahed yhd mountcdtlp nfinost pros-trat- o

    , body to cu tVway' aTimb to '".let

    Tbe hole of .the tree forked,' aboutforty fett r' into two, -- equal jrirts;

    it h hifge f r jectii;liila fromboth.A It was one. of lbcpe I had lbcut' bring tt lo tbeIn niy;haste, perr.ap3f wu iv to.cartfal: asrI "thonld'liaTe!! been, atliny rate; lVeTii&rN blows --cased the

    t ib that hq: t roe began ; tosettle,' ant I wV:e'jcoing to jompou wnen me lorK-vpi- anu,.asn ukiso, one foot dropped into the space sothat I cou!d not --' exlncale it :tor '

    . .77 1,:. r 'Ai';ti' r.. 1C Another Y:

    Mree,ttad;others.wiowJyexpelled, from Kc?tu

    se,m;;Ukea up lb?)r nc was not veroAt Ihc list.Beighborrng.-coautws.t-

    te, the erne-the- y wer driventt kfl.ir.l thi.'tb citizens 01

    - iirooiiVH e. ua-- -- --r- v- flitter, and Ubpro vhung; leave' the., Stat, h pf fc, ((f ib. thenow: Vithv; -- . Vvoluntarily ;tbey shall toV.n

    ".-- .




    tb-t- t

    iitjope a j miio-- i . friends j

    .'iUiuiuuu aftuui"""'"" - i ..r:: . . ..-- 7 rMr. .,1..aVA-- rf ,1

    "v1 '? . . ' .. ' :JW:u tof hftf.was-fixed- .


    iivoid-aliercxiioris'wi- Uv

    alwysdisgre'iap:e: respected

    ' ougit,nedito'r,"notbaojhe of


    ..''mW'iii'l- -











    awayjo ?grbund

    lodgmn t


    ; wayL!httfiiigiitfrth.xne:'re6to p

    7 mv'onlVlMtiw

    tocrelbtr. "-- I 'flJew, itnib and cbtTitf bfH with 'my

    fe-dn- e of

    .ont jmd.atHeast' onfall, a suijiM- - ui? v7

    neverand through



    - ; i .f-i- ii ''4iiJ L v. WOTT3L3D - s'OTr-i-- ;

    l will .' I


    - Its ;


    of fiU attt t kit t ' nntnn When the world u all a lansb '. .iug,nuu hucu nuu vu . ( , .,. ..

    Ig a footleBvbleeditg stump! - Tbaj S. I " Lingering on with thirst ncsated,,.- - '.-mtensit v of the cold saved me from ;L-- , ' . -" - - .j urns later - -, '. . urniiguv 1110. iesi;

    i Weeding tO death. torept OfU Miraclea-w- ben thou hast waitedmy coat, tnd with my ; r 1 -- : ;and Buspenders mnnHgeu to.oioa op; :niv kg with handful ot snow, anu- - ithil glorious mutations;VrEverv tiTiole.s t a r t ed to era wl h onieV T I f uccp edeqin reaching sight of tbe bpusera nd then my ! strcfegtL faileO nie .alftogether: Qj;.t:tritd , my Voice inTain, nut Icould


    mske'.nb one beaT.me.'T I: ex-erted myself once more, and crawledtowVrd the road that 1 "knew Ilemanmust conie. It wxs a panful .taskjfor besides my -- pxhaust ion,Iv. waspwriibing!. v.ilh cold.. Just .then IHeard rtho sound of rm- - brotjier'sbtWge horni niid ibe: jungle of the tellscoming down the. hilklI j strdntd'my: voice to the utmost pitcb tut- - hedid not,-'coiil- d hear;', but A apd airy

    anollur 'friend did .lay npoo.iheTI ua

    rli fininsislea ut onccompanjirigaud my Lrothcr said: go;

    k nows what good myTcome ofitt, 5 Good did come bf it,; for his

    quicker' thanHeman e, andhe: roused up;at'lbV cst he BcPno Cry 1 esrheIf aped and v minute, wijs attho w I lay pon the - sricW.lie tmelt all around, Ivbeld-n- p

    : footless leg. Jiist tbenthett.Jgh got v p' vl Kliil;IIonfer.r'tig path', barked

    loudly lid ' ns ' the horses pp,

    would tfMl-U&- .


    cabt.hold --bfrlle'maVsliatMTrpttii

    bat-k- " he xa"

    a nd mniercedmiiousiy ; fjui i uer iro


    tiyewlh'aXlTasvrdJa'it'li'ful oid di'Ev" "Ddatwhuld desoit m?i JiTsefToria.

    IbJaTuedXnfe.rpV caused1.77-- -inQ io uimi tiruux-- r kuew

    y rcbV I burfde to" theby of ing in g de on faruv


    For fainter promisa yon?- -

    Though hobbling nip we qoaSfc From the crystal fount mornings

    aonzis a ;" - V ' ', - - ; ... .

    Wherefore with your blias' at atrife? '' V- -'Twas an angel that wiibstood you; y

    Cbuhl glvetonr perfect life - - : iV For a drram of Iivingwould j ,'..

    Jij Covert." ;" '

    Jlillionsf tiny 'l.rops,., '; 'Are falling all ground; ' -

    , on housetops,' -

    7, ' they're hiding in tbe ground. ''7- - v- - ? .'.n;, '?- Tbey mujiicianl :.

    iWjtli anything for keys, ,rtunes upon the 4

    (Keeping time the Ireea,

    notJ 1 herej liglit treb'o -rvlib: j Jcaivj ' ' i' They1 stwam, ;v : V;

    f',A -T tt7V tT1t w'rt the xaelodj enchants . ' . .t

    4,Ltt bim"whb i

    'ear lias

    fust cryf,bd

    .our, in aspot lere

    aridmy - ,

    had '

    btiek iinto the!came;



    Like of a dream.. '

    'A doepci .bass 1s' s" fV?)Vben They're dropping into cave;' r r

    . tenor from zephyrs, v,i. ;an alto from w'aves.

    , a. stream of rnnstc, '

    . i r And Hohftf don't Dtude,v tf when the - 'V lie drops . en interlude .

    the ."

    It seems asr i tjh e ing ?. .o-- ; ' ' .the'tirda in the

    Had beco gathered tnW rain drops,;'And was coming Siowp in thowers. ' -

    ' ' - : T"?v . t 'l f . ' - .. BTUrTT.T.H . t

    lie jumped up, swzeo .rems, ami -.- .. -- Tr'7"TrT --? .. not at what thar wurld can do, V .nut let go until IlermHi caded k;; W It f.:" v . Bor wear 'iipba thy f ? J

    Hunter Iris-- hoM.' 00lIi Vli icaiinot barm hW long,; 4V; iT:' r-- i r7lbiick ihl

    gilc,V Vy' ;Ins-oi- l 1 ber.tnitten:' and wa V he n ' f'ot ! if, "lonro;

    reRat uuig :

    'tie'nevt' rnor cease

    4intil beTi'rV'' 4 r7i.7 '4i77 7'.iuy . iiai

    Io of- pfior

    the Jwvefilled

    : would




    you? ;







    Vitb,, thethe


    tairris weary,


    ' -.ina fWeen

    .''-- ''

    Oh! then tif well to smile,'.

    Then smile at, hbrriari Taniiy,j at human prid,,''-V- f iWV

    tnen do flatter thee, v. 'And smile when thev deriileV

    tYhen some wouldcare riot,"tu

    Wen fairer look$ beguile ,ainiile tfien.

    --. man, tkatth.eyW

    v or :.tbe; wilt :bc dnven o pfjbegb andaii haiiVVresoluteen const tetb

    tee. ,We .can'je5iCilyntic!pata, tcet jmHaG tave : 1i little:,wbdd was - eafe l Afldlift,,;iPiis.,.thynnningeye


    ADVICE To. AN d.tob. iu .V"M'i " i:.; "r vent uallv recovered, but was. - hrirtV,: rorever nere.,r. vy; ,;7; ,;k7wi-Vi- i number ol 3iMollUi i?Krr r1' -- -i r ; o f - T

    editor fw


    - other,

    theCabinetto 1h more

    .scend to







    wcjevdfecoVsiiig-.wit- h some

    learn', frbra t hb.newspnpers Uit pejij. nearest:i i.-t- ".

    pprbached man. .nu jio


    r-- ? --7i 7 . - " .i, .,fr . liters" ' - '- -i . .. - .-- . .,;; ,,:t.j.iit,-- . I- - . " ..17. :

    Althbuoh thLusb Was mv wi!hih a bnef Is., not .ocvceerd gettii'g bold n petitioners, by

    it c me.in9 a loorx .tmyj ma t hefrjr ,Rnfciwnders.

    pocket-kt- f i thUtr--


    pat i joegTaeV th?'ythn and increased the


    : '.Tbcy'ie'dancing

    arefairy-lik- a 7



    .V- -

    withWhy:iave for

    aJiFo-dj- v,J

    which a

    UT1UUS. :,s gfjnerHi opinion,tha moftkey'Twa thoorghtlto the

    rDuV'we'ditrered.Tind proved by4

    bytwisiingheiimbatogcthcr vr,'nt;l;n,;f.t. liiearesf 4vie: lst.. The'w

    out.of ; .period, onlyi ; i"ma w:eie,Iceftiasf

    byty oils


    r'Eentihg windows,






    thil'Vsfis bmnfvirou V VoJ- - remarkably Pel--

    but owing to the indolence hn dUstytish always for.o. 4ih, Willion" of









    our- -

    run ta thefry'f of distress, if It comesfrom one of 7k fpJJ " 54 h.

    end. be;

    rl never .iooKsthe 'of others.-7th,- " --Wouldnp( hoot food spelled.' - o:br tbe animal we

    iffU KlTgej t.ibg wio'Vi--c p t - ma rr. ; . The bov e "cigh t pin:

    idmost ft i Ibe bandleflf ttie-rire.wu- r. uiey. invoke i qo. ifeisiulv .iy uujv .,.,-.rrr:.-?v"- VV "'-- iu ever in mv grasp, so -- wnaioim; v '' ether animal.' thinks ifV.v.i 7. .i r r.,.tv wa --:

    1 " ...7- " 7 - . -- , ' . 7 ' '''';..:. - 7' .'7.' .'' ' 7 ' ' 7 ".

    r." D;iti5 Jones baa a .r ife, an qiuible,dccodi jilUheiJ, ; anfl . . iQautirul U$y-- ,

    finds, too many. Ipcki tif hxs bAt--Oq- ebighl lie came bonja tighL'aod

    rVthetifrigbtiiDed, ta fiod bis tirorliivlady si t ting up; fr, hint Sh e 1 way s idoes., iiigh courtTbatalSo , jftbe I always does. 'You

    late," she srvW, 'that; I'feared, yoa bail been taken sU;k.' ;: ;: .4lirc--ai- nt sick,' wife .b-b- ut doaUyoa tbiuk 1,'rri a little iiglittV : .,. )

    of the CeBsns.ibU"bnderta!iibgT


    districtVwitb vliicrtifol: aacqnd

    She. BfjiUed;ben bo wm io. iV "of



    little,. perbaps,. njy.ear,ereater popnlliion;(by tstimatejtbabbut that is .nothing ypri so in one'sobdiT'yorj.'.; ;




    nre-requi- red



    auu. as6tuaii Hating Dcen v.?v "."rjoin tb-- m in gl.s .a..frld!;fied,-'by'oith,-; pcWrmMV-T-l


    lrutb; V:j: marsbal-- r Vith cHre5v Cr?'Objiitv dcar.Tam land instruction:- - f ,;-'7;'- ;

    that i msu aiurtber g ass' wouldhurt you. ftoiv,' you'. taTwa ss, Setitt b with just

    jas h my dear.'; ar .toO . kind my .dear, bynil!, 1 Kuow I m .

    loveol al

    0a jo, .u!y jul;p 7 7 much,

    T7cTbT, month



    .ifCJmi;. ;:upoa h!sj


    hjoked glas?, raised,

    tove,' lady,xtUso



    tastei .iady

    retire.which found

    chair., which, hus.'i Slte


    easy chair,

    States nucientlofty J

    mobntaioa extendinterior.




    Mode Taking, Tbe.

    cpoo mc.uoiTca pwies tntr


    eaclrf ';Adan'

    scfifl" the dt3fictStates:;: r 1 "

    marsbalahw b HV i In :

    care r.ot .to iriclad'cA.yery

    Ibn.yft 2&M6 anv

    w.,"our ts



    ,p?j i ine --".r- r.-J- .rin --i;--'.

    is, lam iDsure ?j-:-'- ' tle:; vv


    pf ile'





    trerarieoirtd Hbrigioal !e"v r,:-- t: r.

    .fied with M cport 1 H JmWP'dcTcbptes; a.roi;wW- -forafdej to'th'a'marsTiai,' .whjor trans- - J i"' i:r ' -- V

    , all WeJt,Jake a glass State for his distrWand






    burt'ttri" tb nrian Cur, '? ti, IB .,Ppu . enq inier La 'roo,.!iear; 1 wani one aeioro Tho compensati6r:ta-th- e rm.rsbUii -

    "TU Udy-hasterte- d to pen: bpMmr rHas not rrc- -tle, het ,twa: one paidjVf' v -- 7- -belorelbsr on the Lie-boar- d, p Une dbWtfr ,efP Kin one very . ri!-au- m h! chji.irep, s.urde,chs5dling thgUss the ate, return1 bvhts, atarttl .she: nded with :: riiost j tlviaVno H-- rves the'soa .''

    smite to her n'r o'lfi- -. "ad tls cx-- :Suspicion , for eaCI) em thousand return-miud.-r;

    She bad V never been ed a sy'slcp of compensatiprt0viU1).i uiui nucM uo n-i- a iuim. nuy . uuc wn'cn roty adHe at. it to tho " rayiiiebtof a gre'a

    jCertaioly. replied the an,i - thousandtaking a .'montbfut, which fhQ wasj no'moreVjEfm. he'

    not to swallow.va.-':-- ' turiis much a mUJionBuspjcioirvanished, ana so an ineaualitv Dot .usual To ralins:Cea

    s!o nmclin n',i ill ' initn thi trifhAt i . .7 "' t 7 f "o f : .the i v husba n do, After

    tbe Hn--v'tAi "Mi.m- - itini

    to v a, allof be- - one was "to

    an for ito.


    was behe.

    crrkd one. to h;s ,;

    th tof.'cf Greece is

    of almost"








    fifteen cents;





    - ..

    fcbi!drenViIIi'W (. ? i. -












    : ICuiidrc-'Diedr.itf&-


    '' .




    - r

    ; ;

    ' 1bad '

    .a x i . i - - k i a iit i ai 111 i in r 1 11 - it i.ra .

    hprr .JM te,ncmmjition,: those ' .:Sue fixed tub water antraveV QLlHI-haTff-?fc- n

    easy the J . :baria ,.was-cutioas,- , rea-i- n find GkrrtntA- -son;: miofites.later; niiaUewnc'e M iand FeH!or: e5 tubstance-kaowota- asplurge, the the

    g-jv-e Jtha Vk j ;

    ;Tho gone when rosefrcm-th- e. ' and neverafter borne wife- -

    rano.and impassable

    tfl0ttntaius.S:ilie8ethxpugh;vthe;:wholeV .the






    each farmeach pro-



    ttteeu : Macedon - 7 Southern, be taiaed?

    ' 1










    aav riu :ir





    r- - ?

    eo !

    velvet7 . -- "it J 7 7" -- - -the product thread I ' . v

    :.v:;.t. 01 i w uere in -


    wilt' -is .called of. " "

    in days, ; ;n ! t -it considered irs almiVlameBdmeht' to tie corn

    itary yiewV, '





    i,iglit-ca- p,




    .satisfiedspittiig qut;'thQ




    This looseor:,


    nscef.root ?tbe warrf

    T!je.his" -- 7r'..,V

    Je.diag ftorr,: piw,.


    ev-ttt- .f

    low ca.waru nern, cents per.pngethe. phCV

    This: pass Utah, mcWviae; Kewthe Great

    Vpoint:: Pf.":

    : def emiDcd-Wr'tlie-.

    l .'iu- -was crestj broad c -th

    f as;.tb .,! hnpsdy,l.i i.rV; v.. i f t ' ;T(,ca -oh;ibe S.)ulb '.two sand vevrs 82o a croenf i--. - . . ' v

    rtoa v and: 0siC i customer one. .octimi'i - . - .. - .'.'.




    r.v;,iXobit;' children.


    distant,' taKi.Dg



    tbejaddrank 'blanks





    whd.as placed tumblers Exceed

    4?be; U:'Husband. no!(in!i;



    tentyre-ver- y,,

    careful, (tb'not



    T:,.fiAJa.!- -







    threads effected !IowW




    life '.roTteh, UrdLilooking .entered

    re-Jam- es


    '.mere an tineieni a wu9-krv- huuhwuku hiM1 r'f VnV "pints' who. rkef haiidsfbief y; ir ri:vtrXV-- u r ' - ;v

    to lived there askid 'what ' tfuCU- --:

    kiadvcf rile:..I.. 'v..ttwaven ia ir.eir assami anon metr r . w ou. iik-ii.- ;- ;uHtt. imciitj nas na u nio 03 10 iwa nog

    fo'n which prevai.'s inevery k ft n r v "f Ibid wash itbingtragc:

    oabert of exertior.si$VW-'a- eibfin an is &ud tojpprehfitiding that the f I good, ;Otb,-)r'e- tt fiUng elionporf UsSa.

    Bfr'KIi.fHIAII ' - . . .



    riDougtasi Jerfold ! called worn a nsarras Hbe!sVrpentstha. wind about.

    man's neck,' killiiig bis resolutions-- 'biJobglas JerrpkC I We reckon

    apfet ty pair? of ' wlito" arms," brnicd y 0 uog u nd car

    i?cdd help vi keep' ; gbod: We'woiild like" 1 0. taksity at




    f.Tbe Goverapient -- has


    ibeV These




    report. returns

    county the ic?"- ---- r



    person enumerated; forforindustry,







    2nd thb

    to,. the



    11 used a" pbw'ct.-- -';

    v A worthyasked why bb "dicX not venture to' aa

    were v and: give1 vote, Io Wt why I

    11M Atvkt VAw'-- .ma ?Ti -- '

    ; Neai E', a fi 'dayshead ijof vimales


    r:.The. carroas. --.facts--rega rd appe ar tro aibistort ..:.;. .. t --;.t-(

    Wnngtcaufot ;' IlV- -

    waa.Te-crectc- d.

    XarhVivbtf, Presides tv

    di6d ;wUboat .


    JameslliicHidrja. J Il-- i "y.iis


    rBakir'trrdof their

    " 'tr",:,..:

    cannot, was







    piratiojifTbisermXilimnriv thirteenth rrts--

    IrJeii bid lu ; w.ii ret


    acdR?i'S' rr--

    ' rbm' thebove firts, rr;ear3 .that n?- - Preiiueht everh:iiai?

    ,r: v.

    AMMf vt;ciri.;ffn' ,H.wir.i.;.. vaJ:


    v...-.Au- heautitul4 mostly a wlk ftbrie; remiir'k-able';(b?.the:;s- oit

    de' ef . its j surfacea pile

    sjatrstkp ccntumrj Burface.frthraaV .' occasionedof8mouot!lowed furpnmeraiing;theby.fcg Tcertin-o- f ipccl

    ,: trro cents eaj:bnitfitVauW lba straveling so thickly it taby..noltixlyiDg , thej 6f in'terHcibk of thb -- ,

    district .byelfiquare-lQat;- .. of tbe zdewad3.of snaare-?-milts- . .1.

    .7,-- .' 'V'iii." w maVtheewfong hcrwHs. V -

    codVn:;.;f be rtvedvJhe..cumr,ofiades .iney(imea,-':aoq.eigl- is

    between: tWaJs;-uhit- hThermop-- 1 GilifoniuL Ore'gonand and hVfHiTfMrnU,, ..i 'of of .u-- Ko vh"nf

    was lawfeccived;the pArraupn'iit' of He'j

    ;iHece.-;By:pecuiiar4- d

    .flibisrange.pnmoOrdaios cflditwa:.ofAlOtiw hiA il -koowo province rot 'V'-v- i

    mmalsOlvm'nuand 'ia itistiucUitwiaxnoubfftinPt of account, mey n.Ye 10 S'jp--ir,wi t..,f -- r vr

    is ury.oi-- - wir 1 n mij lu uuy . "nV ;Th'esslTrtetweea::tbe-- . .' .7:' -


    were imagined btve "ia ivlw HX", -1. . .'.K,J.T.xk.-v..i::i:w.'it..7Ti-i.i-- -

    celesttiU enemies, led yenn.exiproverb iJ J i rict ti.


    rerenf.rW;iifi? all a ot .rT -



    la "roan'd

    beck, allrlbtiscs;';'


    es.fablishiaent'cfso- -


    s it

    cryman np(?nlbeing


    iibbasfy' cbrulactcd'tepHed,'il,I i6"

    l 1

    MitferMrg,- - ' w&rnceir?'enty-iilha- "


    pres-- t

    TcHeffson;jq-- "'




    IjueHaoan, Gf:eentb'Pni:(dent,'lia3 'fib'.cbjMrea,'


    itihmit-h- e


    jbwing to


    upn'ght entirely



    A!ex:indec Mexico.unde2tbe opcratioo

    .disemtion- -




    PQ nUhottf-an-



    piIelhTeadsbfb .tnrefcre ' tormod " info v

    a series of )acn?f 7 sfcinuiai'up fromthg surfio? pr iha sflVj sub-- "and by .. . .... ." ' ' '. :. : :seqaeauy. catling tbeae. ioops Kiln aihzrj iastrumeuUhVpile is rrcducrd. 1 -lain brass wires arb teoponrily no- -ven m irnong. IDs . tfcfs tcrena;, .toassUt ja'formingihe-foop'Si'aa- d bya deiicivto cu5 of scisioa, made withshatp msirum'ectVthe loops arecufaatl 'tbb'wires IiBeratSd." Striped ve!vt&5arb'prcdaced by som a : of the jila"threads being uncut.' . . .' ' -: LastSuaday: morning throe

    were1 Tfound . on the ntetiobouses'lb Lbufstnie, iKii V- - ' - .7 . ' : "JJA 7. '





    .1- -
