eesc presentation 2010 web en

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  • 7/30/2019 EESC Presentation 2010 Web En


    European Economic andSocial Committee

    European Economic and Social Committee

  • 7/30/2019 EESC Presentation 2010 Web En


    European Economic andSocial Committee

    Democracy cannot exist without the

    participation of civil society

    Impact: makes EU policies better

    Scope: all topics affecting daily life employment


    consumer rights


    fighting organised crime etc.

    Why do European citizens need an EESC?

  • 7/30/2019 EESC Presentation 2010 Web En


    European Economic andSocial Committee

    Why do European citizens need an EESC?

  • 7/30/2019 EESC Presentation 2010 Web En


    European Economic andSocial Committee

    Our vision: European values

    freedom, democracy

    and equality

    global solidarity,social justice



  • 7/30/2019 EESC Presentation 2010 Web En


    European Economic andSocial Committee

    Why does the EESC matter?

    A unique resource for the EU

    because its members:

    represent all of civil society

    have a wide range of skills and knowledge

    enjoy freedom of thought and speech

    improve EU laws and policies

    promote civil society and social dialogue round the world

  • 7/30/2019 EESC Presentation 2010 Web En


    European Economic andSocial Committee

    Why does the EESC matter?

  • 7/30/2019 EESC Presentation 2010 Web En


    European Economic andSocial Committee

    Does the EESC influence EU laws?

    Yes. The European

    Commission acts on

    4 out of 5 EESC


    81%81%Herman Van Rompuy Staffan Nilsson

  • 7/30/2019 EESC Presentation 2010 Web En


    European Economic andSocial Committee

    The EESC builds ?

    better EU

    legislation, by

    uniting diverging

    interests through


    and issuing


  • 7/30/2019 EESC Presentation 2010 Web En


    European Economic andSocial Committee

    participatory democracy,

    by involving people in decisions at every level

    The EESC builds ?

  • 7/30/2019 EESC Presentation 2010 Web En


    European Economic andSocial Committee

    The EESC builds ?

  • 7/30/2019 EESC Presentation 2010 Web En


    European Economic andSocial Committee

    What is organised civil society?

    All the groups and organisations that citizens set

    up to represent their interests, to achieve a goal,

    or to co-operate with like-minded people

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    European Economic andSocial Committee

    Where the EESC stands in Europe

    European Economic

    and Social Committee

    Committee of

    the Regions

    European Parliament

    Councilof the EU

    European Commission

  • 7/30/2019 EESC Presentation 2010 Web En


    European Economic andSocial Committee

    Strengthening the EU by:

    ensuring that EU policies match economic, social and

    civic realities

    building a more participatory EU, closer to its citizens

    promoting EU values and civil society organisations


    Our mission

  • 7/30/2019 EESC Presentation 2010 Web En


    European Economic andSocial Committee

    Our mission

  • 7/30/2019 EESC Presentation 2010 Web En


    European Economic andSocial Committee

    More than half a century of experience

    Founded 1957 Treaty of Rome

    Single European Act, Maastricht,

    Amsterdam, Nice, and Lisbon Treaties

    extend responsibilities

  • 7/30/2019 EESC Presentation 2010 Web En


    European Economic andSocial Committee

    More than half a century of experience

    Signing of the Treaty of Rome 1957

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    European Economic andSocial Committee

    The Lisbon Treaty = bigger role

    EU dialogue with civil society is mandatory

    more mandatory consultation areas (sport,

    energy, research) increased cooperation with Parliament

    citizens initiative

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    European Economic andSocial Committee

    The Lisbon Treaty = bigger role

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    European Economic andSocial Committee

    Concrete benefits for the citizens

    Some of the success stories

    1989 Charter of Fundamental

    Social rights (2009: call for a

    new social action programme

    Agricultural policy reforms

    Employment recovery plan

    A Programme for Europe

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    European Economic andSocial Committee

    Whos on the EESC?

    344 members

    from the 27

    Member States

    5 year term

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    European Economic andSocial Committee

    How we work

    Nine plenaries a year simple majority vote

    Bureau, president and vice-presidents

    Three groups:

    Employers (Group I),

    Workers (Group II),

    Other interests (Group III)


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    European Economic andSocial Committee

    How we work

  • 7/30/2019 EESC Presentation 2010 Web En


    European Economic andSocial Committee

    How we work: 6 sections

    Employment and social affairs Transport, energy, infrastructure and

    information society

    Single market, consumers

    Economic and social cohesion

    Agriculture and the environment

    External relations

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    European Economic andSocial Committee

    How we work: 6 sections

  • 7/30/2019 EESC Presentation 2010 Web En


    European Economic andSocial Committee

    How we work: working bodies

    Consultative Commission on Industrial Change

    Single Market Observatory

    Labour Market Observatory

    Lisbon Strategy Observatory

    Sustainable Development Observatory

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    European Economic andSocial Committee

    How we work: working bodies

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    European Economic andSocial Committee

    At the formal request of the European

    Commission, Parliament or Council

    On the EESCs own initiative Exploratory opinions

    Around 200 opinions every year

    How we work: opinions

    European Commission, Parliamentor Council makes request

    EESC takes own initiative

    Autorisation of work by

    the Bureau

    Rapporteur and Study GroupMembers identified by Groups

    Drafting by Rapporteur.

    Often assisted by Study Group

    Examination and adoptionby sections

    Adoption by plenary

    Opinion is communicatedas appropriate

    Opinion goes to EU institutions

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    European Economic andSocial Committee

    Auditions, conferences, hearings Networking with other institutions

    Young peoples plenary session

    Promoting intercultural dialogue through

    cultural activities

    Over 10 000 visitors in 2009

    Internet, publications etc.

    How we work: going local, involving people

  • 7/30/2019 EESC Presentation 2010 Web En


    European Economic andSocial Committee

    How we work: going local, involving people

  • 7/30/2019 EESC Presentation 2010 Web En


    European Economic andSocial Committee

    What are the challenges for the future?

    Europe 2020 strategy

    strengthening global links

    sustainable development and green jobs

    Europes social model

  • 7/30/2019 EESC Presentation 2010 Web En


    European Economic andSocial Committee

    What are the challenges for the future?

  • 7/30/2019 EESC Presentation 2010 Web En


    European Economic andSocial Committee

    To contact or visit us

    EESC Info [email protected]