Page 1: VOLUME 15 NUMBER 17 / 12 DE ENERO DEL 2012 … · VOLUME 15 NUMBER 17 / 12 DE ENERO DEL 2012 Periódico Bilingüe Kansas City 2918 Southwest Blvd. Kansas City, MO 64108 | NEWSROOM:

VOLUME 15 NUMBER 17 / 12 DE ENERO DEL 2012Periódico Bilingüe Kansas City

2918 Southwest Blvd. Kansas City, MO 64108 | NEWSROOM: (816)472.KCHN | FAX: (816) 931.NEWS | E-MAIL: [email protected]


Rocha Leaves Home for Corpus Christi BayRocha deja su casa para irse a la Bahía de Corpus Christi

By Joe Arce & José FAus

Robert Rocha, a retired 28-year veteran of the Kansas City, Kansas fire department, will tell you he began his fire fighting career from the back of a fire truck.

“When I started in 1982, I was literally having to hold on to the back end of the truck (pumper), holding on to the bar in all kinds of inclement weather. I started from the ground up.”






By DeBrA Decoster

A new beginning for Kansas City, Missouri was the mantra for residents when they elected Sly James mayor in 2011. A year later the city’s fortunes are a mixed bag of setbacks and accomplishments.

Mayor James’ pledge after taking office included a commitment to restoring confidence in City Hall by bringing accountability to city government. In keeping with that promise, he has implemented a data driven system called KC Stat to track government performance.

According to the city website, the KC Stat program establishes clear priorities and budgeting benchmarks in basic city services, housing, crime and safety and job creation. The program would develop a quarterly budget report card for citizens and organize online and in-person community forums that allow citizen engagement.

James put into place his Get to Work program for Kansas City. “Kansas City needs a healthy mix of jobs, from hard hats to hard sciences. We need to encourage green investments and infrastructure. We need to increase total wages, encourage small businesses to open here and increase the city retention of small, medium and large businesses,” he explained

The intent of that initiative has been obscured by the continuing struggles of the Kansas City School District. The already beleaguered district began the current school year with the surprising exit of Superintendent John Covington. His departure, in the middle of a radical transformation plan, took the wind out of the stability sail that many were hoping they had found in Covington.

LOS ANGELES, PRNewswire-HISPANIC PR WIRE/ -- The Conservatives for Comprehensive Immigration Reform coalition stands for family values and family unity ( CfCIR believes that the recently announced administrative proposal to amend the waiver process for certain immigrant family members will solve one of our outdated immigration issues, and will go a long way toward solving a small but serious part of our Nation's immigration problems.

Reverend Samuel Rodriguez, President of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference, the nation's largest Christian Hispanic organization ( and CfCIR member, stated, "We applaud and commend the

LOS ÁNGELES, PRNewswire-HISPANIC PR WIRE/ -- La coalición Conservatives for Comprehensive Immigration Reform (Conservadores por una reforma inmigratoria exhaustiva, CfCIR) cree en los valores de la familia y en la unidad familiar ( La CfCIR considera que la propuesta administrativa recientemente anunciada para modificar el proceso de exención a ciertos miembros de familias inmigrantes resolverá una de las problemáticas pendientes en el tema migratorio y significará un gran avance hacia la resolución de una pequeña pero importante parte de los problemas de nuestro país en este asunto.


2011 Brought New Leadership to KCMO2011 Trajó Lidérazgo Nuevo a KCMO

CfCIR aplaude los cambios administrativos propuestos para los procedimientos inmigratoriosCfCIR Applauds Proposed Administrative fix to Immigration Procedures

Romeo Crennel assumes ranks

for the 2012-2013 season.

See page 6 for complete story.

The face of KCMO Government changed in 2011. Many of those that were elected or appointed, such as Police Chief Darryl Forté and Mayor Sly James, face a variety of important issues in the coming year. La cara del gobierno de KCMO a cambiado en el 2011. Muchos de los que fueron elegidos o designados, como el Jefe de la Policia Darryel Forté y el alcalde Sly James, se enfrentan a una variedad de temas importantes el año siguiente.


trADuce GemmA tornero

Un nuevo comienzo para Kansas City, Missouri, era el mantra para los residentes, cuando eligieron al alcalde Sly James, en el 2011. Un año más tarde, las fortunas de la ciudad son una mezcla de reveses y logros.

La promesa del alcalde James después de tomar posesión del cargo, incluyó un compromiso de restaurar la confianza en el Ayuntamiento al traer responsabilidad en el gobierno de la ciudad. Para mantener esa promesa, él ha puesto en práctica, un sistema de datos llamado KC Stat, para rastrear el rendimiento del gobierno.

Según el sitio electrónico de la ciudad, el programa KC Stat, establece prioridades claras y cosas de referencia que planean el presupuesto en servicios básicos a la ciudad, viviendas, crimen, seguridad y creación de empleo. El programa desarrollaría una libreta trimestral de reportes presupuestales para ciudadanos y organizaría foros comunitarios en línea para personas que permitan el compromiso del ciudadano.

James, implemento su programa “Get to Work for Kansas City” (Póngase a trabajar para Kansas City). “Kansas City necesita una mezcla sana de empleos, desde obreros a ciencias exactas. Tenemos que animar las inversiones e infraestructuras verdes, tenemos que aumentar los salarios totales, animar a pequeños negocios a establecerse aquí, e incrementar la retención de negocios pequeños, medianos y grandes de la ciudad”, explicó él.

La intención de aquella iniciativa ha sido opacada por las luchas persistentes del Distrito Escolar de Kansas City. El ya acosado distrito, comenzó el año escolar actual con la salida sorprendente del director John Covington; su salida en medio de un plan de

trADuce GemmA tornero

Robert Rocha, un veterano jubilado con 28 años al servicio del cuerpo de bomberos de Kansas City, Kansas; le dirá que comenzó su carrera apagando incendios en la parte trasera de un camión de bomberos.

“Cuando comencé en 1982, tuve que agarrarme literalmente, a la parte trasera del camión cisterna (pumper), sujetándome a la barra, bajo todas las inclementes

Robert Rocha was proud to wear this KCK Fire Department uniform. He worked his way up the ranks, achieving the Deputy Fire Chief position. In late December, he was introduced as the new Fire Chief of Corpus Christi, TX. He was among eighty candidates for the position. He credits his experience as Assistant Chief of the KCK Fire Department as being the deciding factor in getting the top job. Robert Rocha, estaba orgulloso de vestir el uniforme del departamento de incendios de KCK. Él creó su camino para lograr esta posición como jefe. A finales de Diciembre, él fue presentado como el Nuevo Jefe del Departamento de Bomberos en Corpus Christi, TX. Él fue uno de los 80 candidatos para esta posición. Él le da credito a su experiencía como Asistente del Jefe del Departamento de Bomberos en KCK como factor decisivo para conseguir esta posición.

Page 2: VOLUME 15 NUMBER 17 / 12 DE ENERO DEL 2012 … · VOLUME 15 NUMBER 17 / 12 DE ENERO DEL 2012 Periódico Bilingüe Kansas City 2918 Southwest Blvd. Kansas City, MO 64108 | NEWSROOM:


2 12 DE ENERO DEL 2012

transformación radical, se llevo la idea de estabilidad que muchos esperaban habían encontrado en Covington.

En la confusión consiguiente, la mayor parte de la disfunción que caracterizó a los consejos escolares anteriores, resurgió de nuevo al culpar por la salida del director al Presidente del Consejo Escolar, Airick West, lo que lo llevo a su renuncia como presidente.

Cuando paso la tempestad, quedo claro que Covington había estado planeando su salida y al mismo tiempo, aseguraba a funcionarios del distrito y residentes, que éste seguía adelante.

Después de una seria re-evaluación, West reanudó su posición en el consejo. El consejo apenas recupero su respiración colectiva a tiempo para encontrarse con que el consejo de educación estatal despojaría al distrito de su acreditación.

El Comisionado del Consejo Estatal de Educación, Chris Nicastro, sostuvo reuniones de cabildo en cuanto al impacto que la pérdida de la acreditación tendría en el distrito y en los estudiantes. La ley estatal, permite al distrito dos años para cumplir con los requisitos para la acreditación o enfrentar la toma de funciones por el estado.

El caos consiguiente ha nublado el futuro del distrito. Los accionistas competidores han propuesto diferentes proyectos con respecto a la disolución del consejo escolar y la ruptura del distrito con distritos circundantes asumiendo la administración o absorbiendo la transferencia de estudiantes.

Lo que aumenta el problema, es la retención de distritos escolares vecinos para aceptar a estudiantes adicionales. Aquellos distritos afectados presentaron la demanda buscando una orden restrictiva contra la transferencia de estudiantes. El juez Brent Powell, rechazo la demanda.

Desafiando el fallo de los jueces, los funcionarios de distritos periféricos dijeron que ellos, no admitirían a estudiantes de Kansas City en sus distritos ante la ausencia de un plan que determine la responsabilidad del distrito de Kansas City para cubrir el costo de nuevas transferencias.

El Director de Independence, Jim Hinson, dijo que la decisión de Powell “no cambia el hecho que a fin de cumplir con la ley del Estado, las Escuelas Públicas de Kansas City deben proporcionar la matrícula y el transporte consecuente de acuerdo con la política del Consejo de Distrito Escolar de Independence antes de que cualquier transferencia estudiantil pueda ocurrir”.

El alcalde James, entró en la lucha con un plan que pide al alcalde asumir el distrito y designar el equipo administrativo. El solitario plan fue modificado cuando James y el West sostuvieron una conferencia conjunta indicando que el alcalde y la junta escolar trabajarían juntos para llegar aun plan para mantener la gobernabilidad el distrito en Kansas City. Una semana más tarde, James indicó que estaba listo para hacerlo sólo y buscar la aprobación de la legislatura estatal para pasar normas que permitirán que él pueda hacerlo así.

“Va a haber un empuje significativo en Jefferson City para deshacer el distrito escolar”, dijo Danny Rotert de la oficina de Relaciones Públicas de la ciudad. “El alcalde cree que la mejor manera de retener alguna apariencia del control local es a través de un programa de participación por parte del alcalde”.

El nivel de homicidios subió en el 2011 con 114 homicidios listados al final del año, un aumento del 7.5% durante el 2010. Un tercio de esos homicidios permanece no resuelto. El nuevo jefe de la policía de la ciudad, Darryl Forté, un veterano de 26 años trabajando con la policía, sólo había estado en el poder diez horas cuando él, fue el sujeto de la cobertura informativa, ya que un amigo personal cercano era una de las víctimas de homicidio en la ciudad.

El alcalde James Sly experimentó directamente un poco de la violencia de la ciudad. James estaba en una excursión a pie en el Country Club Plaza. Él estaba acompañado por Alvin Brooks, el director del Grupo Contra el Delito Ad Hoc, cuando se escucharon los tiros. Grandes grupos de adolescentes estaban reunidos en el área. Después de los disparos, James y el ayuntamiento, instituyeron toques de queda de fin de semana y aumentaron la presencia de policía en el área.

El jefe Forté, anunció un plan agresivo para ayudar a reducir el delito violento en la ciudad. El plan pide un aumento en patrulleros uniformados y policías secretos en áreas conocidas con alto índice de delito.

“Tenemos que detener a los delincuentes de la calle. Haremos una diferencia en Kansas City y será una ciudad segura para que la gente viva y establezca negocios aquí. Tenemos que bajar los índices de criminalidad si vamos a atraer a la gente a nuestra ciudad”, dijo él.

La recuperación de Kansas City de la recesión, ha sido lenta ya que el área todavía experimenta una tasa de desempleo del 7.4%; un mejor número que el promedio estatal del 8.7%. El negocio de las convenciones del área se llevo un golpe muy duro al disminuir las reservaciones de cuartos de hotel y convenciones previstas.

Los habitantes de Kansas City, votaron 4 a 1 para renovar el impuesto de ganancias de la ciudad y así evitar un poco, retorcerse las manos en los ya ajustados presupuestos y Ford Motor Company anunció, una mejora grande de alrededor de $400 millones a su planta de Claycomo.

En el frente cultural, la apertura del Centro Kauffman para las Artes Escénicas, atrajo a más de 25 mil personas quienes llenaron los pasajes peatonales para conseguir una ojeada dentro de la estructura de acero y de cristal de 285 mil pies cuadrados. El centro, también era el foco de atención nacional extensa incluyendo artículos en New York Times y una clasificación del #7 en la Revista Forbes para los mejores centros de la ciudad en el país.

En el área del nordeste de la ciudad, el Centro Médico Samuel U. Rodgers, entregó una nueva instalación en el 2011.

“Ninguna persona puede hacer algo por si sola y es a través de cada uno de ustedes que este sueño se ha hecho una realidad. Es por todos y cada uno de ustedes que seremos

capaces de proporcionar más visitas y servicios a más 7, 200 pacientes, esto, por encima de los 18 mil pacientes que actualmente atendemos”, dijo Hilda Fuentes, presidente de Samuel Rodgers.

Las franquicias de deportes del área, proporcionaron algunos momentos notables incluyendo una temporada de triunfos y el estar en las finales por parte del Sporting Kansas City. Los Reales (Royals) de Kansas City, terminaron cerca del último lugar en la división pero parecían listos a mejorar con un movimiento juvenil agresivo. Los Jefes (Chiefs) siguieron su acertado 10-7 de la temporada de hace un año con un record de 6 y 7 más la pérdida del entrenador en jefe Todd Haley.

In the ensuing turmoil, much of the dysfunction that characterized previous school boards resurfaced with blame for the superintendent’s exit been cast on School Board President Airick West leading to his resignation as president.

When the dust settled it became clear that Covington had been planning his exit while at the same time reassuring district officials and residents that the district was continuing forward.

After some serious reevalua-tion, West resumed his position on the board. The board barely caught its collective breath in time to find that the state board of education would be stripping the district of its accreditation.

State Board of Education Commissioner Chris Nicastro held town hall meetings regarding the impact the loss of accreditation would have on the district and students. State law allows the district two years to meet the requirements for accreditation or face takeover by the state.

The ensuing chaos has clouded the district’s future. Competing stakeholders have proposed different plans with calls for dissolution of the school board and the break up of the district with surrounding districts taking over management or absorbing transferring students.

Compounding the problem is the reticence of neighboring school districts to absorb additional students. Those affected districts filed suit seeking an injunction against the transfer of students. Judge Brent Powell denied the suit.

Defying the judges’ ruling, outlying district officials said they would not admit Kansas City students into their districts absent a plan that outlines the responsibility of the Kansas City district to cover the cost of new transfers.

Independence Superintendent Jim Hinson said Powell’s decision “does not change the fact that in order to comply with state law, Kansas City Public Schools must provide tuition and transportation consistent with Independence School District board policy before any student transfers can take place.”

Mayor James entered the fray with a plan calling for the mayor to take over the district and appoint the management team. The go alone approach was modified when James and West held a joint conference indicating that the mayor and the school board would work together to come up with a plan to keep the governance of the district in Kansas City. A week later James indicated he was ready to go it alone and seek approval from the state legislature to pass regulations that will allow him to do so.

“There is going to be a significant push at Jefferson City to break up the school district,” Danny Rotert of the city’s Public Relations office said. “The mayor believes the best way to retain some semblance of local control is a mayoral-involvement program.”

The homicide rate climbed in 2011 with 114 homicides listed by year’s end, a 7.5 percent increase over 2010. A third of those homicides remain unsolved. The city’s new police chief Darryl Forté, a 26-year veteran of the force, had only been in office ten hours before he was the subject of news coverage when a close personal friend was one of the city’s homicide victims.

Mayor Sly James experienced firsthand some of the city’s violence. James was on a walking tour of the Country Club Plaza. He was accompanied by Alvin Brooks, Ad Hoc Group Against Crime director, when shots rang out. Large groups of teenagers were congregating in the area. Following the shooting, James and the city council instituted weekend curfews and increased police presence in the area.

Chief Forté announced an aggressive plan to help reduce violent crime in the city. The plan calls for increased uniform patrols and undercover cops in targeted high-crime areas.

“We need to get the offenders off the street. We will make a difference in Kansas City and it will be a safe city for people to live here and operate businesses here. We have to lower the crime rates if we are going to attract people to our city,” he said.

Kansas City’s recovery form the recession has been slow with the area still experiencing an unemployment rate of 7.4 percent, a better number than the state average of 8.7 percent. The area’s convention business took a hard hit with decreasing numbers of hotel rooms and conventions on tap.

Kansas Citians voted 4 to 1 to renew the city's earnings tax thus averting

some serious hand wringing on already tight budgets, and Ford Motor Company announced a large upgrade to the tune of $400 million to its Claycomo plant.

On the cultural front, the opening of the Kauffman Center for the Performing Arts drew over 25,000 people who lined the walkways to get a peek inside the 285,000 square foot steel and glass structure. The center also was the focus of extensive national attention including articles in the New York Times and a ranking in Forbes magazine of #7 for best downtowns in the country.

In the city’s northeast area, Samuel U. Rodgers Health Center dedicated a new facility in 2011.

“No one person can do anything by themselves and it is through each and every one of you that this dream has become a reality. It is through each and every one of you that we will be able to provide more visits and more services to 7,200 more patients on top of the 18,000 patients that we presently serve,” said Hilda Fuentes, CEO of Samuel Rodgers.

The area’s sports franchises provided some notable moments including a winning season and playoff appearance for Sporting Kansas City. The Royals finished near the cellar in the division but seem poised to improve with an aggressive youth movement. The Chiefs followed their successful 10-7 season of a year ago with a 6 and 7 record and the loss of head coach Todd Haley.



School District’s Future Unknown Se Desconoce el Futuro del Distrito Escolar

School Board President Airick West

Former KCMSD Superintendent Dr. John Covington

KC Mayor Sly James

KCMO Polic Chief Darryl Forté

State Board of Education Commissioner Chris Nicastro

School Board President Airick West and KCMO Mayor Sly James

CEO of Samuel Rodgers Hilda Fuentes

Former Chiefs Head Coach, Todd Haley

Page 3: VOLUME 15 NUMBER 17 / 12 DE ENERO DEL 2012 … · VOLUME 15 NUMBER 17 / 12 DE ENERO DEL 2012 Periódico Bilingüe Kansas City 2918 Southwest Blvd. Kansas City, MO 64108 | NEWSROOM:


2918 Southwest Blvd. Kansas City, MO 64108-1911

PHONE: (816)472.KCHNFAX: (816)931.NEWS

E-MAIL: [email protected]

PUBLISHER/PRESIDENT (Editor/Presidente) Jose “Joe” Arce

VICE PRESIDENT (Vicepresidente) Ramona Arce

OPERATION MANAGER(Gerente Operaciones)Lisa Sidenstick

EDITOR (Editor) Jose Faus

SALES REPRESENTATIVES(Representante de Ventas) Richard Ware

REPORTERS/WRITERS (Reporteros/Periodistas)Debra DeCoster, Jose Faus, John Silva, Yvonne Bruner

CONTRIBUTING WRITER (Reporteros/Escritor)Tony Balandran

DESIGN/LAYOUT(Diseño Editorial/Diagramación) Randi Reed, Janneth-B Rodríguez

SPANISH TRANSLATION(Traducción a español) Gemma Tornero

STUDENT INTERN(Becario) Jose Muñiz, Oscar Gardea

Por JAson AlDermAn

Los costos de la educación superior están fuera de control. La deuda total de préstamos para estudiantes ronda $1 billón, superada solamente por las hipotecas de vivienda. El pago de los préstamos para estudiantes causa estragos en los salarios iniciales incluso en tiempos económicos favorables. Pero habiendo tantos graduados que no pueden hallar un empleo decente –o siquiera un empleo- el pago de la deuda puede ser una pesadilla.Es imposible ignorar la deuda del préstamo para estudiantes. Es prácticamente imposible declararse en bancarrota para exonerarla y no hay reglamentación que limite el plazo por el cual los prestamistas pueden exigir el cobro. De hecho, el gobierno puede retener rembolsos de impuestos y embargar salarios de manera indefinida.La administración de Obama recientemente agilizó la implementación de mejoras para un plan de amortización de préstamos para estudiantes, que es fácil de conseguir pero está mal aprovechado, llamado Pago Basado en los Ingresos (IBR), programado para comenzar en 2014.El IBR está disponible para muchos préstamos para estudiantes garantizados por el gobierno federal y puede ser especialmente beneficioso para familias con bajos ingresos, personas desempleadas y con empleos con salarios bajos del “servicio público” en el sector de la educación, gobierno u organizaciones sin fines de lucro. Bajo el IBR, los pagos mensuales tienen un límite razonable según su ingreso bruto ajustado, el número de integrantes de la familia y el estado de residencia. Por

ejemplo, si usted gana menos del 150 por ciento del nivel de pobreza del gobierno para el número de integrantes de su familia, pagaría cero. No obstante, seguirá adeudando el dinero pero comenzará a pagar cuando sus ingresos aumenten. A medida que sus ingresos aumenten, también aumentarán sus pagos mensuales –pero no más del 15 por ciento del ingreso que exceda el mismo 150 porciento del nivel de pobreza. Además, el gobierno condonará la deuda que todavía se adeude después de 25 años de pagos regulares. Y aquellas personas que trabajan en el servicio público y cumplan con los requisitos solamente deberán pagar durante 10 años y luego se condonará el saldo.De acuerdo con las recientes mejoras del IBR, para los estudiantes que sacaron su primer préstamo durante 2008 o después y que abran al menos un préstamo adicional durante 2012 o después, el límite se reducirá del 15 al 10 por ciento y el periodo de condonación se reducirá a 20 años. Quienes tengan préstamos más antiguos también se podrán beneficiar con los términos originales del IBR. Otras características del IBR:

Todos los Préstamos •Stafford, PLUS y de Consolidación hechos mediante el programa Direct Loan o el programa de préstamos educativos Federal Family Education Loan (FFEL) califican para el IBR, excepto los préstamos en incumplimiento de pago, Préstamos Parent PLUS o Préstamos de Consolidación que incluyan Préstamos Parent PLUS.

Debe presentar •documentación actualizada

de ingresos cada año. Si sus ingresos aumentan, también aumentará el importe de pago, pero nunca superará lo que pagaría con un plan de amortización estándar de 10 años.

Debido a que el IBR •extendería el plazo de su préstamo, probablemente acumule más intereses que con un plan de pago estándar de 10 años.

Los préstamos privados •para estudiantes no califican para el IBR.

Quienes hayan tomado dos tipos de préstamos federales diferentes –al menos uno de ellos otorgado bajo los programas Direct Loan y FFEL – podrían consolidar sus préstamos a través del nuevo programa Special Direct Consolidations Loans entre el 1 de enero de 2012 y el 30 de junio de 2012. Esto reducirá las tasas de préstamo FFEL un 0.25 por ciento, además obtendrá un descuento adicional del 0.25 si se suscribe al pago automático. Visite para obtener detalles.Si considera que sus dificultades económicas son temporales, otras opciones de amortización de préstamo podrían ser más convenientes, como por ejemplo, un aplazamiento de pago por dificultades económicas, una prórroga y una extensión del plan de pago. Para más detalles, visite el sitio Federal Student Aid (Ayuda Federal para Estudiantes), y busque “Postponing Repayment.” Otros recursos recomendables son y Project on Student Debt (

Jason Alderman dirige los programas de educación financiera de Visa.

By JAson AlDermAn

College costs are out of control. Total outstanding student loans hover around $1 trillion, second only to home mortgages. Student loan repayment takes a hefty toll on starting salaries even during good economic times. But with so many recent graduates unable to find a decent job – or any job – repayment can be a nightmare. You can't walk away from student loan debt. It's practically impossible to get it discharged through bankruptcy and there's no statute of limitations on how long lenders can pursue you through collections. Indeed, the government can withhold tax refunds and garnish wages indefinitely.The Obama administration recently accelerated improvements to a readily available, yet underused, student loan repayment plan called Income-Based Repayment (IBR) that had been slated to begin in 2014. IBR is available for many federally guaranteed student loans and can be particularly beneficial for low-income families, the unemployed and people with lower-paying, "public service" jobs in education, government or non-profit organizations. Under IBR, monthly payments are capped at an affordable level relative to your adjusted gross income, family size and state of residence. For example, if you earn less than 150 percent of

the government's poverty level for your family size, you would pay zero. You still owe the money, but are not required to begin making payments until your income increases. As your income increases, so will your monthly payment – but up to no more than 15 percent of income that exceeds that same 150 percent of poverty level. In addition, the government will forgive debt still owed after 25 years of consistent repayment. And those with qualifying public service jobs must only repay for 10 years before the balance is discharged. Under the recent IBR enhancements, for students who took out their first loan during or after 2008 and open at least one additional loan during or after 2012, the cap will drop from 15 to 10 percent and the forgiveness period drop to 20 years. Those with older loans can still benefit from the original IBR terms.Other IBR features include:

All Stafford, PLUS and •Consolidation Loans made under either the Direct Loan program or the Federal Family Education Loan (FFEL) program qualify for IBR, except loans in default, Parent PLUS Loans or Consolidation Loans containing Parent PLUS Loans.

You must submit updated •income documentation each year. If your income rises, so will your payment amount, although never above what

you'd otherwise pay under a standard 10-year repayment schedule.

Because IBR will likely •extend the term of your loan, you'll probably accrue more interest than under a standard 10-year payoff.

Private student loans don't •qualify for IBR.

Borrowers with two different types of federal loans – at least one each issued under the Direct Loan and FFEL programs – may consolidate their loans under a new Special Direct Consolidations Loans program between January 1, 2012, and June 30, 2012. This will lower FFEL loan rates by 0.25 percent, plus an additional 0.25 percent discount if you sign up for automatic payments. Visit for details.If you expect your financial hardship to be temporary, other loan repayment options, including economic hardship deferment, forbearance and extended repayment, may be better options. For details, visit the Federal Student Aid site, and search "Postponing Repayment." Other good resources include and the Project on Student Debt ( Jason Alderman directs Visa's f inancial educat ion programs.

Easing student loan repayments

Haciendo más fácil el pago de los préstamos para estudiantes

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Kansas City, MO --- Attorney and President of the Coalition of Hispanic Organizations (COHO), Jessica Piedra, will be discussing what the Spanish-speaking community can do about their taxes regardless of citizenship status at 10 a.m. Saturday, Jan. 14, in the Kansas City SEIU Local 1 hall, 4526 Paseo Blvd. Admission is free at the door. Kansas City SEIU Local 1 Hall is located two blocks north of Emanuel Cleaver and Paseo Blvd.

Piedra has become a well-known advocate in the Hispanic community in this region and in the nation. As project director of the Low Income Taxpayer Clinic at Legal Aid of Western

Missouri, she focused on an outreach plan to educate area immigrants about their rights and responsibilities under federal tax law.

The tax discussion will be followed by a presentation from Raul Duran, Arvest Bank Hispanic business development officer, on the opportunities that are offered to the Spanish-speaking community.

As a liaison for the bank and the Greater Kansas City Hispanic and Latino community, Duran is dedicated to reaching out. With fourteen years of banking experience and community activism as a volunteer and presenter, Duran will educate the public

on the benefits of having a bank account and will even be available for on-site account openings and demonstrations as requested.

The Spanish membership at SEIU specifically requested an educational discussion regarding the tax season, responsibilities and duties for all members of this community, citizen or not. Both Piedra and Duran were happy to present this information, in Spanish, and SEIU is enthusiastic to open this event to the community.

Tables for further discussion will follow the presentation. For more information call Laura Alvarez at (816) 931-9100 ext. 16.

Discussion on what to do about income taxes for Spanish speakers at SEIU Local 1

Kansas City, MO --- Licenciada y presidente del enlace de organizaciones hispanas (COHO), Jessica Piedra, va a presentar lo que la comunidad hispana puede hacer sobre sus impuestos a pesar de ciudadanía a las 10 a.m. el sábado, 14 de Enero en el salón de Kansas City SEIU Local 1, 4526 Paseo Blvd. Admisión es gratis. El salón de Kansas City SEIU está localizado dos cuadras norte de Emanuel Cleaver y Paseo Blvd.

Piedra se ha convertido en una defensa famosa en la comunidad Hispana en esta región y la nación. Como directora de proyectos en la Clínica para contribuyentes de Bajos Ingresos en el Legal Aid de

Missouri Oeste, se enfoco en un plan para educar los inmigrantes de la región sobre sus derechos y responsabilidades debajo de la ley federal de impuestos.

La discusión seguirá por la presentación de Raul Duran, oficial del desarrollo de negocios hispanos, sobre las oportunidades ofrecidas a la comunidad Hispana que habla español.

Como oficial de enlace para el banco y la comunidad Hispana e Latina de Kansas City, Duran se dedica a alcanzar la comunidad con sus catorce años de experiencia bancaria y activismo y presentador. Duran va a educar el publico de los beneficios de tener una cuenta bancaria y también estará disponible para

abrir cuentas bancarias y hacer demostraciones como sean solicitadas.

Los miembros hispanos y latinos de SEIU específicamente pidieron una plática sobre la responsabilidad y el deber de los impuestos para los miembros de esta comunidad, ciudadano o no. Juntos Piedra y Duran estaban alegre para tener la oportunidad de presentar esta información, en Español, y SEIU está entusiasmado de abrir sus puertas para este evento a toda la comunidad.

Mesas para más discusión e información estarán presentes después de la presentación para hacer más preguntas. Para más información llame a Laura Isabel Alvarez al 816-931-9100 ext. 16.

Plática sobre Impuestos para la Comunidad Hispana en el Salón de SEIU Local 1.

City of Kansas City, Mo., Mayor Sly James, along with steering committee co-chairs Tom McDonnell and Madeline Romious, celebrated the kickoff of the public input portion of AdvanceKC, the city’s recently announced economic development strategic planning initiative, and its website,

AdvanceKC will leverage quantitative and qualitative research to develop consensus for an economic development plan to allow the City to take a focused, creative and aggressive approach to attracting, retaining and launching businesses.

“This is our opportunity to examine closely how Kansas City recruits and retains businesses and jobs,” said James. “We need to agree as a community on our priorities and position our local incentives to support those goals. I would like to thank the co-chairs for asking the public to be involved in this process. Together we can move Kansas City forward to shape our future economic activities in a positive way.”

The easiest way for community members to participate in the initiative is through an online survey that can be accessed on the AdvanceKC website

or directly at this link: As the process unfolds, the website will share research findings, provide status updates and solicit additional public comments at key intervals.

In addition to the survey, the City is hosting a series of focus groups to solicit input and ideas from select individuals representing various important segments of the Kansas City community, including not-for-profit organizations; small businesses; financial institutions; health care providers; arts organizations; engineers and architects; agribusiness; convention and entertainment facilities; developers; chambers of commerce; academic institutions; minority advocacy groups; transportation and logistics companies; and workforce development agencies.

Focus groups will be complemented by one-on-one interviews with Kansas City’s top public and private leaders. Public input will combine with detailed quantitative analysis to assess Kansas City’s competitive position against the benchmark cities of Indianapolis, Ind.; Oklahoma City, Okla.; and Charlotte, N.C.

The City has engaged a nationally recognized leader in economic development planning, Market Street Services, to lead the project. Market Street is no stranger to Missouri economic development policy. The Atlanta-based firm recently completed a similar assignment for the Missouri Department of Economic Development and is currently working on a pro bono project to help the city of Joplin, Mo., plan its recovery after last spring’s tornado. Past Market Street clients also include St. Louis, Mo.; Jefferson City, Mo; and Springfield, Mo.

“We are excited to begin this partnership with the City of Kansas City to make it more competitive for the highest-value jobs being created in today’s economy,” said Market Street CEO J. Mac Holladay. “The Great Recession has completely changed the competitive landscape for economic development, and cities that don’t respond effectively will find themselves left behind as the national economy recovers.”

The process is anticipated to conclude in third quarter 2012 with the release of the AdvanceKC strategy.

City kicks off AdvanceKC economic development process

KCHN is a weekly publication of Arce Communications Inc. who bears no responsibility for accuracy or content advertisements. All rights reserverd. Arce Communications Inc does not guarantee the absence of error and every attempt will be made to remedy in KCHN at our next edition. KCHN es una publicacion semanal de Arce Communications Inc. quienes no se hacen responsables por la presición o contenido de los anuncios. Todos los derechos reservados. Arce Communications Inc. no garantiza la ausencia de errores en KCHN los cuales seran corregidos en nuestra siguiente edición.

Page 4: VOLUME 15 NUMBER 17 / 12 DE ENERO DEL 2012 … · VOLUME 15 NUMBER 17 / 12 DE ENERO DEL 2012 Periódico Bilingüe Kansas City 2918 Southwest Blvd. Kansas City, MO 64108 | NEWSROOM:

12 DE ENERO DEL 2012



Like the Emergency Room of a hospital, the American Red Cross must be prepared to respond to patient emergencies with blood products 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Through the everyday support and generosity of blood donors, the Red Cross can be prepared to do this day-in and day-out, no matter when or where these blood products are needed.

Brandon Riddle, 27, of Springfield, MO is only one example. He had his first surgery to treat Biliary Atresia at 13 days old. That surgery enabled him to grow and gain strength before he had his first liver transplant at 13 months. He required two more surgeries within two weeks of the transplant which required numerous blood transfusions.

“Outside of Brandon's ICU room at Barnes Hospital in 2005 and 2006, were boxes and boxes from American Red Cross that held bag after bag of blood that was put into Brandon as quickly as he was bleeding it out. Finally after many, many bags of blood and fresh frozen plasma, Brandon quit bleeding and survived those life-threatening bleeds and enjoyed several more years of good health until further complications arose”, says Brandon’s mother, Regina Riddle.

Brandon (shown right, celebrating his 27th birthday) has suffered numerous complications during the last few years which required another new liver. On December 29, 2011, Brandon received his second liver transplant which required 72 units of red cells, six units of plasma, and four platelets. Unfortunately, Brandon had to receive a third liver transplant last week, Thursday, January 5 due to complications. He only required 4 units of blood during that surgery. Since the start of the second transplant on December 29, 2011, and over a 7 day period, Brandon has required over 150 red cells, 50 fresh frozen plasma, 15 platelets, and 80 cryo. “He still has a long way to go and may require more blood products, but at this point, everything is looking good and Brandon should be able to recover and have many, many more healthy years ahead of him. Over the course of Brandon's 27 years, he has probably received over 500 units of blood. If not for all the donors who supplied the blood that Brandon has received, he would not be with us today. Blood donations are so very important and Brandon's family is so appreciative of each and every donor who took the time to donate each and every bag of blood Brandon has received”, says Riddle. In effort

to support the blood supply, Brandon's friends, family, and community members in Springfield, MO, have hosted several blood drives so blood will be available for others.

Each day, approximately 44,000 units of blood are needed for patients in the United States. In fact, approximately every two seconds, someone in this country needs blood. All eligible donors are encouraged to become an Everyday supporter of the Red Cross and their communities by giving blood this winter.

The American Red Cross is reporting lower donations than expected since the start of 2012. O blood types are particularly low, but all blood types are needed.

1/15/2012, Our Lady of Peace, •1029 Bennington, Kansas City, MO, 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM

1/16/2012, Life Spring •Church, 206 N Webster, Spring Hill, KS, 3:00 PM to 7:00 PM

1/17/2012, City Wide •Maintenance, 8454 Neiman Rd., Lenexa, KS, 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM

1/18/2012, Municipal •Services Administration Bldg, 1385 S. Robinsons, Olathe, KS, 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM

1/19/2012, Fellowship •Bible Church, 16900 Waverly Road, Gardner, KS, 4:00 PM to 8:00 PM

1/20/2012, South and •Associates, 6363 College Blvd, Overland Park, KS, 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM

1/21/2012, Rawhide •Harley-Davidson, 725 N. Rawhide Rd., Olathe, KS, 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM

1/23/2012, Cameron Fire •Department, 101 N. Chestnut St., Cameron, MO, 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM

How to Donate Blood

Simply call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767) or visit to make an appointment or for more information. All blood types are needed to ensure a reliable supply for patients. A blood donor card or driver’s license, or two other forms of identification are required at check-in. Individuals who are 17 years of age (16 with parental permission in some states), weigh at least 110 pounds and are in generally good health may be eligible to donate blood. High school students and other donors 18 years of age and younger also have to meet certain height and weight requirements.

About the American Red Cross

Governed by volunteers and supported by giving individuals and communities, the American Red Cross is the single largest supplier of blood products to hospitals throughout the United States. While local hospital needs are always met first, the Red Cross also helps ensure no patient goes without blood no matter where or when they need it. In addition to providing nearly half of the nation’s blood supply, the Red Cross provides relief to victims of disaster, trains millions in lifesaving skills, serves as a communication link between U.S. military members and their families, and assists victims of international disasters or conflicts.

Over 30% of Latinas in the U.S. and Mexico Suffer Perinatal Depression

Children’s Mercy Urgent Care College Boulevard Opens Its Doors

On Monday, January 9, Children’s Mercy Urgent Care College Boulevard, 5520 College Boulevard, Suite 130, Overland Park, Kan., began seeing patients.

Children’s Mercy Urgent Care College Boulevard provides care for children with minor injuries or illnesses that are not considered life threatening, but require prompt attention. Typical conditions seen in urgent care may include abdominal complaints, allergic reactions, minor cuts and burns, respiratory conditions, simple fractures, strains and sprains, seasonal illnesses, and uncomplicated skin rashes and lesions.

Children’s Mercy Urgent Care College Boulevard provides lab testing including X-ray, rapid strep, mono, influenza, and RSV, as well as glucose, hemoglobin, and urinalysis. Patients requiring additional services may be referred to the pediatric emergency departments at Children’s Mercy South, 5808 W. 110th, in Overland Park, or our Level I Pediatric Trauma Center

and Emergency Department at Children’s Mercy Hospital, 2401 Gillham Rd., in Kansas City, Mo.

Children’s Mercy Urgent Care College Boulevard is open Noon to 10 p.m., seven days a week, 365 days a year.

Since 1993, Children’s Mercy South provided after-hours or urgent care services. Since a major expansion in 2004, Children’s Mercy South clinics and urgent care volume have remained near full capacity. In fiscal year 2005 the Children’s Mercy South Urgent Care Center handled about 33,000 patient visits. In fiscal year 2011, the center handled more than 52,000 patient visits.

In October 2011, Children’s Mercy converted its Urgent Care Center to the Tom Watson Emergency Department, the only full-time pediatric emergency service provider in the state of Kansas. Now, with the opening of the new Children’s Mercy Urgent Care College Boulevard, residents have access to Children’s Mercy

full range of pediatric services.In addition to the Children’s

Mercy Urgent Care College Boulevard, Children’s Mercy also has five other locations throughout the Kansas City metropolitan area that provide pediatric specialty care, urgent care, and support services. Our main campus, Children’s Mercy Hospital and Hall Family Outpatient Center, has the only advanced Level IIIc neonatal intensive care unit in the region, nationally recognized pediatric specialists and surgeons, and the region's only level I pediatric trauma center; Children’s Mercy Clinics on Broadway, provides specialty clinics; Children’s Mercy Northland providing specialty clinics and urgent care; Children’s Mercy South provides inpatient care, emergency care, specialty clinics and surgery; and Children’s Mercy West/The Cordell Meeks Jr. Clinic is a primary care clinic for children from birth to age 18.CMH4YOU for all phone types.

HISPANIC PR WIRE -- Postpartum Support International (PSI), the world renowned organization dedicated to bringing awareness to women's reproductive mental health and removing the stigma associated with Perinatal Depression, is unveiling their all-new Spanish language educational DVD, "Madre Saludable, Familia Feliz," distributing it to Hospitals & Healthcare Agencies nationwide in an effort to help inform Latina women suffering from Perinatal Mood & Anxiety Disorders (PMAD's).

Intended to provide pregnant and postpartum women, their families, and their health care providers further insight into the psychological and physiological effects of Perintal Mood & Anxiety Disorders, the DVD's English counterpart "Healthy Mom, Happy Families," is being offered to hospitals across the country to be incorporated into their women's education and childbirth support programs.

"The statistics for Latinas suffering from mental illness related to childbirth and untreated depression continue to climb; and, depression continues to be the number one complication of pregnancy. We know many of these new mothers are not asked about feeling depressed or anxious during their pregnancy by a health care provider," said Dr. Lucy Puryear, PSI president. "Our hope is to reach as many families and clinicians working in support of mothers and babies in this very important segment of our population."

"PSI's goal is to heighten awareness among families and health care providers, reduce stigma, and strengthen the ability

to assess and treat these very real and devastating illnesses," continued Dr. Puryear. "By offering an educational tool useful across cultural healthcare platforms, our hope is that Spanish-speaking women who are pregnant and postpartum will feel encouraged to reach out and will have access to appropriate treatment. When a woman is able to become adequately informed, screened or treated for maternal depression, not only is her individual suffering alleviated but the chances for positive outcomes for her baby and entire family are greatly improved."

In one 2009 study which investigated the prevalence of depressive symptoms and their associated risk factors during pregnancy in Latinas in the United States and Mexico, prevalence of depressive symptoms was 32.4% for pregnant Latinas and 36.8% for Mexicans. *

Another study done in 2005 found that Hispanic women have higher rates of depression than non-Hispanic women but are less likely to be identified as depressed. It states that the lifetime prevalence of depression in Hispanics … is 37%, 12% higher than found in the general population. **

"Madre Saludable, Familia Feliz" and "Healthy Mom, Happy Families," serve to help viewers identify risk factors, recognize symptoms of these debilitating illnesses, and gain a more comprehensive understanding of how maternal mood disorders affect a mother and her family. They also offer a review of evidence-based treatments and interventions

effective for treating Perinatal Mood & Anxiety Disorders (PMAD's). They feature four women who have suffered from and survived PMAD's. Sharing their experiences, these women offer hope and reassurance to expecting and new parents, their family members and health care professionals. Their poignant stories are complemented by up-to-date information from renowned experts in the field: PSI’s immediate past president Birdie Meyer, R.N., M.A., Pec Indman, Ed.D., LMFT, and Caroline Little Cribari, M.D., Ph.D. Dr. Laura Sirulnik, a New York-based psychiatrist whose practice focuses on the healthcare needs of Hispanic women, is also featured.

"Depression in pregnancy and that which appears after (partum), is shown by tremendous suffering for the woman in the moment when both she and society expect enjoyment and happiness," said Dr. Sirulnik. "These symptoms surprise and confuse the woman and her family, the woman experiences a total incongruence, where the depression removes all possibility of gratification in her role as mother."Dr. Sirulnik believes, "Silence, not asking for help, perpetuates the suffering and the damage to yourself, the baby, and your family."

"Madre Saludable, Familia Feliz" and "Healthy Mom, Happy Families" were made possible with proceeds contributed from country music artist Wade Bowen's annual celebrity concert and golf tournament to benefit the programs of Postpartum Support International.

HISPANIC PR WIRE-- Postpartum Support International (PSI), la organización de renombre mundial dedicada a crear conciencia sobre la salud mental reproductiva de las mujeres y a eliminar el estigma asociado con la Depresión Perinatal, está divulgando su totalmente nuevo DVD educativo en español, "Madre Saludable, Familia Feliz", distribuyéndolo a hospitales y agencias de cuidado de la salud en todo el país, con el propósito de informar a las mujeres latinas que padecen de trastornos perinatales de ansiedad y estado de ánimo (PMAD).

Con el propósito de proporcionar a las mujeres durante el embarazo y el postparto, sus familias y sus proveedores de atención médica una mayor comprensión de los efectos psicológicos y fisiológicos de los trastornos perinatales de ansiedad y estado de ánimo, el equivalente en inglés del DVD, "Healthy Mom, Happy Families", se está ofreciendo a hospitales de todo el país para que lo incorporen en sus programas de educación y apoyo en el parto para las mujeres.

"Las estadísticas de las latinas que padecen de enfermedades mentales relacionadas con el parto y la depresión sin tratar siguen aumentando; y la depresión sigue siendo la complicación número uno del embarazo. Sabemos que los proveedores de atención médica no preguntan a muchas de estas nuevas madres si se sienten deprimidas o ansiosas durante su embarazo", dijo la doctora Lucy Puryear, presidenta de PSI. "Esperamos llegar a muchas familias y clínicos que trabajan para apoyar a las madres y a los bebés en este segmento muy importante de nuestra población".

"El objetivo de PSI es elevar

el grado de conciencia entre las familias y los proveedores de atención médica, reducir el estigma, y fortalecer la capacidad de evaluar y tratar estas enfermedades muy reales y devastadoras", continuó la doctora Puryear. "Al ofrecer una herramienta educativa a través de plataformas culturales de atención médica, tenemos la esperanza de que las mujeres hispanohablantes que están embarazadas o en la fase posterior al parto se sientan alentadas a pedir y tener acceso a un tratamiento apropiado. Cuando una mujer puede informarse, examinarse o recibir un tratamiento adecuado por depresión maternal, no sólo se alivia su sufrimiento individual, sino que las probabilidades de que haya resultados positivos para su bebé y para toda su familia mejoran en gran medida".

En un estudio de 2009 que investigó la prevalencia de síntomas depresivos y sus factores de riesgo durante el embarazo en latinas en los Estados Unidos y México, la prevalencia de síntomas depresivos fue de 32.4% para las latinas embarazadas y de 36.8% para las mexicanas*.

Otro estudio realizado en 2005 encontró que las mujeres hispanas tienen tasas más altas de depresión que las mujeres no hispanas, pero es menos probable que las identifiquen como deprimidas. Expresa que la prevalencia durante toda la vida de la depresión en las hispanas… es del 37%, 12% más alta que la hallada en la población general**.

"Madre Saludable, Familia Feliz" y "Healthy Mom, Happy Families" ayudan a las espectadoras a identificar factores de riesgo, reconocer síntomas de estas enfermedades debilitantes y adquirir una comprensión más cabal de cómo los trastornos anímicos maternales afectan a las madres y a sus familias. También ofrecen una revisión

de tratamientos basados en evidencias e intervenciones eficaces para tratar los trastornos perinatales de ansiedad y estado de ánimo (PMAD). Presentan a cuatro mujeres que han sufrido y sobrevivido trastornos PMAD. Al compartir sus experiencias, estas mujeres ofrecen esperanza y seguridad a las personas que han sido madres y padres recientemente o que están esperando un hijo, a sus familiares y a profesionales de atención médica. Sus conmovedoras historias están complementadas por información actualizada de renombrados expertos en el campo: la presidenta inmediatamente anterior de PSI, Birdie Meyer, R.N., M.A., Pec Indman, Ed.D., LMFT, y Caroline Little Cribari, M.D., Ph.D. También se presenta a la doctora Laura Sirulnik, una psiquiatra de Nueva York cuya práctica se centra en las necesidades de cuidado de la salud de las mujeres hispanas.

"La depresión en el embarazo y la que aparece después del parto, significa un tremendo sufrimiento para la mujer en un momento donde ella misma y la sociedad esperan goce y alegría", dijo la doctora Sirulnik. "Estos síntomas sorprenden y confunden a la mujer y a la familia, la mujer experimenta una total incongruencia, donde la depresión la aleja de toda posibilidad de gratificación en su rol de madre."

La doctora Sirulnik cree que "el silencio, el no pedir ayuda, perpetúa el sufrimiento y el daño a vos misma, al bebé y a tu familia".

"Madre Saludable, Familia Feliz" y "Healthy Mom, Happy Families" fueron posibles gracias a la contribución de las ganancias recaudadas en el concierto anual de celebridades y el torneo de golf del artista de música country Wade Bowen a beneficio de los programas de Postpartum Support International.

Más del 30% de las latinas en los Estados Unidos y México sufren de depresión perinatal


Blood Donations Needed Every Day to Respond to Patient Emergencies

Page 5: VOLUME 15 NUMBER 17 / 12 DE ENERO DEL 2012 … · VOLUME 15 NUMBER 17 / 12 DE ENERO DEL 2012 Periódico Bilingüe Kansas City 2918 Southwest Blvd. Kansas City, MO 64108 | NEWSROOM:


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Pursuant to RSMo 99.825, and in accordance with RSMo 99.830, notice is hereby given by way of certified mail to inform you about a public hearing that will be held by the Tax Increment Financing Commission of Kansas City, Missouri (the “Commission”) commencing at 9:45am, Wednesday, February 8, 2012 located at Town Pavilion, 1100 Walnut, Fourth Floor Conference Center, Kansas City, Missouri regarding the proposed Seventh Amendment of the North Oak Tax Increment Financing Plan (the “Plan) as described by the Plan.

The proposed Seventh Amendment of the Plan provides for modifications to the Redevelopment Project Costs and notes that the developer is now seeking commercial bank financing rather than revenue bonds.

The Redevelopment Area includes two noncontiguous areas which are generally bounded by: (1) NE 43rd Street on the north, property line of the old Farmland Building (3301 North Oak Trafficway) on the south and property line of commercial properties facing North Oak Traffic way and (2) southern boundary of the existing Baptist Seminary buildings on the north, Vivion Road on the south, western boundary of a tract commonly known as the President’s house on the east and North Oak Trafficway on the west (the “Redevelopment Area”) in Kansas City, Clay County, Missouri.

The document, as proposed, may be reviewed by any interested party on or after February 1, 2012 between the hours of 9:00 AM and 4:00 PM at the TIF Commission Offices, 1100 Walnut, Suite 1700, Kansas City, Missouri.

According to Section 99.830.2(3), all interested parties will be given an opportunity to be heard at the public hearing.

According to Section 99.830.3, each taxing district located wholly or partially within the Redevelopment Area may submit comments or objections to the Commission concerning the subject matter of the public hearing prior to the date of the public hearing.

Heather Brown Tax Increment Financing Commission of Kansas City, Missouri1100 Walnut, Suite 1700Kansas City, Missouri 64106



Pursuant to RSMo 99.825, and in accordance with RSMo 99.830, notice is hereby given by way of certified mail to inform you about a public hearing that will be held by the Tax Increment Financing Commission of Kansas City, Missouri (the “Commission”) commencing at 9:30 AM Wednesday, February 8, 2012 located at Town Pavilion, 1100 Walnut, Fourth Floor Conference Center, Kansas City, Missouri regarding the proposed Seventh Amendment of the Parvin Road Tax Increment Financing Plan (the “Plan) as described by the Plan.

The proposed Seventh Amendment of the Plan provides for modifications to the budget of Redevelopment Project Costs.

The Redevelopment Plan Area is described by the Plan as an irregularly shaped area generally bound by N.E. 48th Street, Parvin Road and the Kansas City city limits on the north, the Kansas City city limits and the railroad tracks on the east, Missouri Route 210 and the railroad tracks on the south and North Bennington Avenue on the west in Kansas City, Clay County, Missouri.

The document, as proposed, may be reviewed by any interested party on or after February 1, 2012 between the hours of 9:00 AM and 4:00 PM at the TIF Commission Offices, 1100 Walnut, Suite 1700, Kansas City, Missouri.

According to Section 99.830.2(3), all interested parties will be given an opportunity to be heard at the public hearing.

According to Section 99.830.3, each taxing district located wholly or partially within the Redevelopment Area may submit comments or objections to the Commission concerning the subject matter of the public hearing prior to the date of the public hearing.

Heather BrownTax Increment Financing Commission of Kansas City, Missouri1100 Walnut, Suite 1700Kansas City, Missouri 64106

LIVESTRONG Sporting Park holding job fairs on Wed., Jan. 18 from 5:30pm to 9pm and on Sat., Jan. 21 from 9am to 1pm. Job fairs will be located at 1 Sporting Way, Kansas City, KS 66111. Various part-time positions needed, incl. concierges, ushers, ticket takers, box office reps. These are part time positions. Must be at least 18. Park in Lot C behind Lonestar Restaurant, and enter Members’ Club Entrance. More info: email Narda at [email protected] or call 913-912-7600.


Parks & Recreation Dept.



Qualified applicants should submit cover letter and resume to City of Merriam.

Please view full detailed ad on our Web site at

EOE/ADA/Drug Screen

The City of OPKS a Contract Specialist position available in the Public Works Dept. To apply, go to

Positions Available MARC, the metropolitan planning organization and association of city and county governments serving the bi-state Kansas City region, currently has four positions available.

Webmaster – BA/BS required with 3 yrs of exp.; •Public Safety Database Specialist – HS Diploma or •GED required; Information & Assistance Services Coordinator - HS •Diploma or GED required, BA/BS preferred with 2-3 yrs of exp.;Community Services Coordinator - HS Diploma or GED •required MSW preferred with 5 yrs of exp.

For complete job descriptions, more information about the programs, and to apply please visit our website at

MARC is an Equal Opportunity Employer /M/F/V/D

Notice to all Minority-Owned, Women-Owned, and Disadvantaged Business Enterprises:

Lakeshore Engineering Services and Huffman Construction are seeking Subcontractor and Material Supplier bids for PHASE 2 ATHERTON WWTP IMPROVEMENTS, INDEPENDENCE MO bidding TUESDAY, JANUARY 17, 2012 at 2:00 PM. Plans are available for viewing by appointment at Huffman Construction offices in Poplar Bluff MO, Huffman’s FTP site, HDR Inc. (ENGINEER) 816-554-3019, Minority Contractors 816-924-4441, KCHACE 816-842-7101, Women Constr Owners & Execs 816-842-7023, and others. All interested parties are invited to call Larry Steward at Huffman Construction (573-776-6600) as soon as possible. Quotations are due in our office no later than 11:00 AM on TUESDAY, JANUARY 17, 2012.

Invitation for BidThe Lee’s Summit Housing Authority (LSHA) is issuing an “Invitation For Bid” Bid number 2011-24 for Duncan Estates Re-Roof at LSHA. Sealed Bids will be received until 12:00 noon Local Time on January 20, 2012 and read aloud publicly. Funding has been made available under the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development Capital Fund Program and under a Community Development Block Grant program. Bids for the scope of work described above will be with the Housing Authority of the City of Lee’s Summit. Bidding documents and any addendums or notices of information are available by contacting the Lee’s Summit Housing Authority at 111 SE Grand Avenue, Lee’s Summit, MO. 64063. Office hours are Monday through Friday 8:30 AM until 4:30 PM. telephone number 816-524-1100. The LSHA reserves the right to reject any and all bids, to waive technical defects in bids, and to select the bid(s) deemed most advantageous to LSHA.

The LSHA is an equal opportunity employer.


Page 6: VOLUME 15 NUMBER 17 / 12 DE ENERO DEL 2012 … · VOLUME 15 NUMBER 17 / 12 DE ENERO DEL 2012 Periódico Bilingüe Kansas City 2918 Southwest Blvd. Kansas City, MO 64108 | NEWSROOM:

12 DE ENERO DEL 2012



By: José FAusIt is official. The Kansas City Chiefs announced on Monday that they were lifting the interim label from Romeo Crennel and officially naming him the head coach of the Kansas City Chiefs. Crennel brings five Superbowl rings and a host of questions to his new position.

In a Monday afternoon news conference Chiefs CEO Clark Hunt introduced Crennel. “In 30 years as a coach in the National Football League, Romeo has established an outstanding track record of success, and we believe his experience and proven ability make him the best person to help us reach our goal of consistently competing for championships.”

Crennel has a long association with General Manager Scott Pioli dating back to their successful partnership with the New England Patriots. Crennel brings head coaching experience following a stint with the Cleveland Browns were he amassed a record of 24-40.

Crennel took on the interim position after the dismissal of head coach Todd Haley before the end of the season. Crennel led the Chiefs to a 2-1 record including a defeat of the previously undefeated Green Bay Packers and a final season victory over divisional rival Denver Broncos.

"I have a deep appreciation for the vision that Clark Hunt has and his commitment to building a championship-caliber team," Crennel said. "I believe in the types of players that we are trying to win with and the identity we are trying to create.”

Crennel believes that he has a foundation for success in the team he inherits. “I think there

is a good nucleus in that locker room. As I told the young men at the end of the season, I think they have some substance and some character to them. I think that going forward we have an opportunity to develop and build that competitive team that will hopefully give us a chance to be on the championship track year-in and year-out.”

The Chiefs are coming off a disappointing season that saw last year's divisional champion limp to a 7-9 record. Major injuries to offensive players tight end Tony Moeaki and All-Pro running back Jamal Charles were complicated by a season ending injury to Pro Bowl quarterback Matt Cassel. On defense, the team lost one of its most promising players with the season ending injury to Pro Bowl safety Eric Berry.

In spite of the injuries the team was still in a position to win the division crown in the 16th week of the season. An overtime-home loss to the Oakland Raiders buried those hopes.

Though the defense saw improvement under Crennel

there were still questions about the direction of the team. Crennel will have to decide on key staff

additions including offensive and defensive coordinator positions.



“La decisión tiene sentido económico y político”

Dreaming in the Batcave By: michAel uslAn

Dreams are a hard thing to have these days.We can chalk that up to the economy, the stock market and

unemployment rates, but the truth is that no matter where you come from or where you grew up, times have always been a little tough. It was no different for me.

As a New Jersey kid growing up as the son of a working-class stone mason, I had big dreams. I drew my inspiration, as many kids back then did, from comic books. My favorite character was Batman. To me, Batman was accessible. To be Superman, you had to come from Krypton, but Batman was just a man who trained himself to be the best, both physically and intellectually. As an 8-year-old kid sitting in his bedroom awash in his heroic fantasies, I believed that someone could actually grow up to BE Batman. Even me.

I couldn’t have been more excited when I heard they were making a TV show about Batman and I remember devouring the first episode, finally seeing the costumes, the Batcave, the Batmobile and all these fantastic characters brought to life in living color – but something was wrong. I heard my parents laughing. It hit me that they were playing the whole thing for laughs and I was horrified. They were laughing at Batman!

That was heresy to me. The Batman that I grew up on in the comics was not a comedian. He was a tragic figure, a dark knight who fought crime and injustice by stalking evildoers from the shadows. It was then, as a kid, I found my dream – to grow up to make a movie that would make people take Batman seriously. They would see in him the same thing I saw – the inspiration to be anything you dreamed you could be.

As an adult, I discovered that dream would almost break me. When I first approached DC Comics to acquire the film rights to Batman, the management at DC thought I was crazy to even want them because the TV series was dead and no one cared about Batman anymore. Then they told me they couldn’t sell me the rights because I was not a Hollywood producer. I was a college grad with a dream, but no credentials to back it up.

Undaunted, I went out to get those credentials. I went to law school and upon graduation, took a job at United Artists as a production attorney. There, I had the most amazing training in Hollywood by working on the legal side of movies like Rocky 2 and Apocalypse Now (a crisis per day for two years!). Finally, I went back to DC in 1979 and said, “How about now?”

With the rights to Batman in my back pocket and with a legendary partner, Benjamin Melniker, I went to Hollywood, thinking people would be standing in line to help me make my vision of a dark and serious Batman movie a reality.

Not so much. I was laughed at, just as they laughed at Batman when I was a kid, and I spent 10 years bloodying my knuckles on shut doors – all the while trying to earn a living to support my family – until finally the pieces fell into place. Batman was released in 1989, breaking box office records left and right. My dream came true.

More than 20 years later, I am involved in my eighth Batman feature film, “The Dark Knight Rises.” But the real turning point in my life and career came after the release of “The Dark Knight” a few years ago. It was a rousing success and the most complete vindication of my vision I could have ever imagined, thanks to the genius of Christopher Nolan, who deserves all the credit and accolades and has raised the bar for all comic book based films. My wife sat me down after the premiere and said, “Okay. Now that you’ve accomplished what you set out to do, what do you want to do when you grow up?”

A perfect question for a man who had made his living in comic books for most of his adult life. It made me think about what I could contribute, what I could do that could make a difference in people’s lives. Then I thought about my heroes, the guys who practically founded the comic book business. We lost two of them just before the holidays. Joe Simon, who co-created Captain America, was one of them. A lot of people don’t realize that the first issue featured Cap slugging Hitler in the jaw nine months before America entered World War II. It was a war America had initially wanted no part of, but even Joe saw the need to inspire people to act against evil, no matter where it was.

Jerry Robinson was another of my heroes we lost recently. In addition to co-creating characters like The Joker and Batman’s sidekick Robin, he was also an editorial cartoonist for most of his career. He used his pen and ink to help free a political prisoner from Uruguay, and stood with me just a few months ago at the United Nations in front of an international gathering of editorial cartoonists to help inspire them to change the world.

So my next chapter is this – I want to share with as many people as I can the inspiration they gave me to fulfill my dreams. Today, dreams are hard won commodities. The American Dream itself too often is perceived to be dying, but it doesn’t have to be that way. I want people to ask themselves in the new year what inspires them. What do THEY want to be when they grow up? Who are their heroes, and what would they do if their backs were against the wall as many Americans find themselves today?

My wife’s question forced me to wonder if I could accomplish in these harsh modern times what I did decades ago, and I am forced to answer yes. It would be harder and I’d have bloodier knuckles than I did even back then, but I’d still find a way to do it. Dreams cannot be treated as conveniences or luxuries to be discarded when they become too tough to realize. When people ask me what I did to achieve success, the answer is simple.

I forfeited any sense of entitlement I thought the world owed me. I got up off the couch. I dared to dream big, based upon my passion in life. And I made a personal commitment not to give up. The rest was easy.

Michael Uslan is the executive producer, along with his partner Benjamin Melnicker, of the Batman franchise of motion pictures

El reverendo Samuel Rodriguez, presidente de la National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference (Asamblea Nacional de Líderes Cristianos Hispanos), la organización hispana cristiana más grande del país ( y miembro de la CfCIR, señaló: "Aplaudimos y elogiamos al gobierno por adoptar las medidas adecuadas para la protección de las familias de inmigrantes. Esta decisión tiene sentido económico y práctica. La unidad familiar es la mejor protección contra muchos males sociales. Como comunidad comprometida con la fe y la familia, vemos esta decisión como una extensión de nuestros valores judeocristianos".

"Si bien no se trata de una reforma exhaustiva ni de la Ley

DREAM, sí es un paso importante en la dirección correcta, un paso que ayudará a mantener muchas familias unidas", comentó el Dr. Juan Hernandez, cofundador de la CfCIR. "Tal vez esta propuesta aliente algunas de las otras reformas que tan desesperadamente necesita nuestro sistema de inmigración".

Robert Gittelson, cofundador de la CfCIR, apuntó: "Esta 'ligera modificación' al sistema inmigratorio ayudará a miles de familias de inmigrantes a permanecer unidas durante su proceso de legalización, nosotros aplaudimos este enfoque marcado por el sentido común. Nuestras leyes son anticuadas y están muy necesitadas de una actualización exhaustiva. La reforma inmigratoria exhaustiva (CIR) es básicamente una serie de cambios de este tipo

que mejorarán la seguridad en la frontera y en los espacios laborales, y paliarán muchas de las causas de la inmigración ilegal. No obstante, a fin de cuentas necesitamos que el Congreso se reúna con un método bipartidista para que nuestro sistema inmigratorio transite al siglo XXI".

"La CfCIR se encuentra motivada y está comprometida a ayudar a resolver los problemas del país relacionados con la inmigración", concluyó Gittelson. "Este pequeño ajuste normativo preservará la unidad

familiar y agilizará un proceso inmigratorio que está atorado. Por eso aplaudimos la medida, pero exhortamos a nuestros dirigentes a hacer la política a un lado y sumar esfuerzos para atender una reforma significativa y necesaria desde hace tiempo en las política migratorias estadounidenses".

FUENTE Conservatives for Comprehensive Immigration Reform

administration for taking the appropriate steps in protecting immigrant families. The decision makes economic and practical sense. Family unification stands as a firewall against many social ills. As a community committed to faith and family, this decision serves as an extension of our Judeo Christian values."

"While this is not comprehensive reform, or even the DREAM Act, it is still an important step forward in the right direction and will help to keep many families united," said, Dr. Juan Hernandez, Co-Founder of CfCIR. "Perhaps this proposal will spur some of the additional reforms that our immigration system needs so desperately."

Robert Gittelson, Co-Founder of CfCIR, stated, "This 'tweak' to our immigration system will help thousands of immigrant families to remain united during their legalization process, and we applaud this common sense approach. Our laws are antiquated, and in serious need of a

comprehensive updating. CIR is fundamentally a series of such tweaks that will improve border security, workplace security, and alleviate many of the causes of illegal immigration. However, ultimately we need Congress to get together in a bi-partisan method to bring our immigration system into the 21st century."

"CfCIR is motivated and committed to helping to solve the nation's immigration problems," Gittelson concluded. "This narrow regulatory adjustment will preserve family unity, and streamline a clogged immigration process. Therefore, we applaud this action, but urge our leaders to please put politics aside, and come together to address a long-needed and meaningful reform of America's immigration policies."

SOURCE Conservatives for Comprehensive Immigration Reform

“The decision makes economic and political sense”

Crennel is Named Chiefs Head Coach

Top picture, Chief CEO Scott Hunt (left), new Chiefs Head Coach Romeo Crennel (center) and Scott Pioli (Right), following the announcement of Crennel’s new position as Head Coach.

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estaciones del clima; empecé desde cero”.

El mes pasado, Rocha de 54 años, fue nombrado el nuevo jefe del cuerpo de bomberos de Corpus Christi, Texas; después de una búsqueda nacional de 80 personas que solicitaron el puesto. Él habló recientemente con Hispanic News desde su oficina en Corpus Christi.

“Fui afortunado al tener una carrera muy exitosa en Kansas. Me retiré muy contento con el trabajo que hice allí. Una vez que me retiré, reconocí que había otros desafíos. Me tome mi tiempo, no hice solicitudes a ningún otro departamento. Cuando supe que había un puesto aquí, fue realmente una decisión fácil pues Corpus Christi, es tan similar en el tamaño y demografía a Kansas City, que realmente fue una decisión fácil”.

Aunque la familia Rocha; que incluye a su esposa Karen a sus tres hijas, Anna, Olivia, Gabby y a su hijo Dominique, le acompañaran pronto en su nueva casa, él, deja atrás otra familia y amigos.

“La parte difícil, es que esto me lleva lejos de mi familia. Soy el primero en dejar Kansas City; sin mencionar el estado de Kansas o Missouri y venir hasta el estado de Texas – Incluso, por parte del lado de la familia de mi esposa; ya que toda su familia vive allí en Kansas City. Entonces, hago un movimiento gigantesco, esto parece un juego de póker – estoy con todo porque esta ciudad y este departamento me quedan perfectos”.

Rocha, acredita su éxito a la pasión que él tiene para el servicio de bomberos así como la ética de trabajo que él heredó de su padre; cabe mencionar que también da crédito a su esposa Karen.

“Ella estaba conmigo cuando oí las noticias sobre el trabajo, Karen ha estado a mi lado y tengo tanto amor, admiración y confianza en la fuerza que ella me da, que me permite la oportunidad de realizar esta clase del metas”.

Rocha, es nativo de Kansas City, Kansas con raíces profundas en el vecindario de Argentine. Él dijo a Hispanic News que la transición a Corpus Christi es como retroceder en el tiempo.

“La hospitalidad de Texas ha sido fantástica. Esto me recuerda tanto a como era Argentine cuando yo era niño - el sentimiento de ser una parte de la comunidad-. Es una ciudad grande, pero tiene una sensación de ciudad pequeña en ella. Voy seguramente a echar de menos a mis amigos y a mi familia pero, esto, es un buen movimiento en mi carrera, un desafío. Lo bueno consiste… en que entro en una situación con un ambiente amistoso.... el tiempo es hermoso aquí en el sur. La gente es muy agradable. La ciudad es hermosa y es exactamente en la bahía. ¿Qué más podría yo pedir?”

Rocha añade, “El trabajo me da la oportunidad de ser el jefe de bomberos; a lo que llamamos en el servicio de bomberos `un cuerpo de bomberos metropolitano´. Rocha, agrega que ser el jefe de una ciudad metropolitana grande, es como ser el jefe de una compañía Fortune 500. “La oportunidad de estar a cargo, es algo que estaba buscando y gracias a Dios me ofrecieron este trabajo aquí”.

Rocha, quiso ser jefe de bomberos de Kansas City, Kansas y solicitando el puesto, fue finalista, pero no fue escogido. Louis Madrigal un compañero bombero y amigo de infancia, compartió con Hispanic News sus sentimientos de que Rocha haya sido promovido.

“Yo estaba muy feliz por él. Es una pena que no consiguiera el trabajo de jefe aquí. Él todavía tíene mucho para ofrecer y quería compartir su experiencia”.

Madrigal notó, que en vez de ser negativo cuando fue rechazado para el puesto local, ayudó al nuevo jefe en la transición del puesto. “Sé que el nuevo jefe lo echa mucho de menos, porque Robert tenía mucha maestría escribiendo propuestas y consiguiendo dinero del gobierno; recibimos muchos fondos federales debido a Robert”.

Rocha esta agradecido por su tiempo aquí, pero al mismo tiempo reconoce que era tiempo de continuar.

“Hice mi tarea allí”, explicó Rocha. “Hice todo lo que yo pude para el departamento, tenía una gran carrera y no lamento lo que pasó; me marché en mis términos, habiendo conseguido una buena cantidad de éxito allí y disfrute del tiempo con mi familia. Con esta oportunidad que surgió, tengo algunas habilidades y tengo algunas capacidades y estoy agradecido de que la ciudad de Corpus Christi viera eso en mí y fuera capaz de ofrecerme el trabajo”.

Otro amigo de mucho tiempo, Carlos Pacheco, capitán de bomberos de Kansas City, Kansas, comentó sobre el profesionalismo de Rocha.

“Yo pienso que él, nos representó bien en Kansas City; no sólo a la comunidad hispana, nos representó a cada uno cuando estaba aquí. Yo piensó que era la mejor opción que ellos podrían tener en ese cuerpo de bomberos. Es muy similar al nuestro”.

Pacheco ve mucho porvenir en el puesto que ocupa Rocha. “Él tiene la sed para ser el jefe de bomberos para ese departamento, yo estaba muy feliz por él. Además de ser un amigo, trabajamos juntos en el cuerpo de bomberos, sé que tipo de persona es, así que yo estoy muy orgulloso de él. También es bueno para nuestro departamento mostrar que somos capaces tener gente que es reconocida fuera del área”.

Rocha siente que su previa experiencia administrativa con el departamento financiero y su enfoque en la dirección de un cuerpo de bomberos, fueron los ingredientes que hicieron la diferencia para ser elegido; usando principios de negocios para maximizar la inversión que los contribuyentes hacen, creo que es la gran diferencia”.

La única preocupación que Rocha afrontará, es la

preparación para enfrentar un huracán. “He tenido a diario una reunión que ha implicado la discusión sobre huracanes. Es un gran problema aquí; además de la responsabilidad enorme de ser el jefe de bomberos, también soy responsable del departamento de gestión de emergencias y ese departamento, es responsable del estado de prevención para huracanes aquí en Corpus Christi”.

Rocha confiesa que su transición ha sido más fácil por el departamento. “He sido dotado de personal, bomberos

y un departamento grandioso. Buscamos un poco de mando, que creo que tengo. Estoy viviendo aquí la mejor época de mi vida”.

Pacheco indica que Rocha, era consciente que tendría que ganar el respeto de su nuevo cuerpo de bomberos y llegar a un punto de pasar muchos turnos en las estaciones de bomberos; la primera vez en muchos años, que él no hacia esto.

“Él me dijo, la peor cosa que usted puede hacer, es entrar a otro departamento como jefe pues ellos lo consideraran un intruso. De alguna manera, usted tiene que hacerse uno

de ellos. Ellos tienen que entender, que usted es uno de ellos y que usted está allí para ellos. Realmente yo sugerí eso (trabajar turnos) y se que él lo hace, creo que es muy positivo ya que ellos apreciarán esto”.

Las acciones de Rocha demuestran que él está listo para maniobrar las demandas de su nueva posición. Él ya ha puesto en juego una de las cuestiones más críticas que separan su nueva ciudad y su ciudad natal.

“El barbecue es diferente aquí y extraño el de Kansas City, pero, diré que el barbecue de Texas… también es bastante bueno”, se ríe Rocha.

Last month, the 54-year-old Rocha was named the new fire chief of the Corpus Christi, Texas fire department after a national search that saw 80 people apply for the post. He spoke recently with Hispanic News from his office in Corpus Christi.

“I was fortunate to have a very successful career in Kansas. I retired very happy about the job that I did there. Once I retired I recognized there were other challenges out there. I took my time. I did not apply to any other department. When I found out there was a position here, it was really an easy decision just because Corpus Christi is so similar in size and demographic to Kansas City that it was really an easy decision.”

Though Rocha‘s family, which includes his wife, Karen and three daughters Anna, Olivia and Gabby and son Dominique, will be joining him soon in his new home, he leaves other family and friends behind.

“The hard part is that it takes me away from my family. I am the first one … to leave Kansas City, let alone the state of Kansas or Missouri, to come all the way down to the state of Texas - even on my wife’s side of the family. All her family lives there in Kansas City. So I'm making a giant move. It is like playing poker - I am all in because this city and this department is a perfect fit for me.”

Rocha credits his success to the passion he has for the fire service as well as the work ethic he inherited from his father. He also gives credit to his wife Karen.

“She was with me when I heard the news about the job. She has

been by my side and I have so much love and admiration for her and the strength that she gives me that allows me the opportunity to achieve these kinds of goal.”

Rocha is a native of Kansas City, Kansas with deep roots in the Argentine neighborhood. He told Hispanic News that the transition to Corpus Christi has been like stepping back in time.

“The Texas hospitality down here has been fantastic. It so much reminds me of what Argentine was like when I was kid - the feeling of being a part of the community. It is a big city but it has a small town feel to it. I am certainly going to miss my friends and my family but this is a good career move for me, a challenge. The good thing … is that I am coming into a situation that is a friendly environment. … The weather is beautiful down here. The people are very nice. The city is beautiful and it is right on the bay. What more could I ask for?”

Rocha adds, “The job allows me the opportunity to be the fire chief of what we call in the fire service a metro fire department. Rocha adds that to be chief of a large metropolitan city is like being chief of a Fortune 500 company. “The opportunity to be in charge was something that I was looking for and thank God I was offered the job down here.”

Rocha wanted to be Kansas City, Kansas fire chief and applied for the job. He was a finalist but was not picked. Louis Madrigal a fellow firefighter and childhood friend, shared his feelings about Rocha’s promotion with Hispanic News.

“I was extremely happy for him. It’s a shame he wasn’t able to get the chief ’s job here. He still had a lot to offer and he wanted to share his experience.”

Madrigal noted that rather than being negative after being turned down for the local job, Rocha helped the new chief transition into his position. “I know the new chief missed him a lot because Robert had a lot of expertise writing up proposals, getting money from the government. … We received a lot of Federal funding because of Robert.”

Rocha is appreciative of his time here but at the same time acknowledges it was time to move on.

“I ran my course there,” explains Rocha. “I did everything I could for the department. I had a great career and I have no regrets about what happened. I left on my terms having achieved a good amount of success there and enjoy time with my family. … With this opportunity that came up, I have some skills and I have some ability and I am grateful that the city of Corpus Christi saw that in me and was able to offer me the job.”

Another longtime friend, Carlos Pacheco a fire captain with the Kansas City, Kansas’s fire department, commented on Rocha’s professionalism.

“I thought he represented us well in Kansas City, not just the Hispanic community, he represented everybody when he was here. I thought he was the best choice they could make for that fire department. It is very similar to ours.”

Pacheco sees a lot of positive in Rocha’s position. “He has the thirst to be the fire chief for that department so I was very happy for him. Besides being a friend, we worked together at the fire department. … I know what kind of person he is so I was very proud of him. Also

it is good for our department that we are able to have people that are recognized outside of the area.”

Rocha feels that his administrative background with departmental financial experience and his approach to running a fire department were the difference makers in his being chosen. “Using business principles to maximize the investment that the taxpayers are making. I think that is the big difference.”

A unique concern Rocha will face is hurricane preparedness. “Everyday I have had a meeting that has involved discussion about hurricanes. It is the big issue down here. Besides the awesome responsibility of being fire chief … I am in charge also of the emergency

management department and that department is responsible for hurricane preparedness here in Corpus Christi.”

Rocha admits that his transition has been made easier by the department. “I have been blessed with a great staff, great firefighters and a great department. We are looking for some leadership that I think I have. I am down here having the time of my life.”

Pacheco points out that Rocha was aware that he would have to earn the respect of his new fire department and has made it a point to spend shifts at many of the firehouses, the first time in many years that he has done that.

“He told me the worst thing you can do is to come in from

another department to be the chief and they consider you an outsider. Somehow you have to become one of them. … They need to understand that you are one of them and that you are there for them. … I actually suggested that (shift work) and I know that he is doing it and I think that is very positive because they will appreciate that.”

Rocha’s actions demonstrate that he is ready to maneuver the demands of his new position. He already has staked a position on one of the most critical issues that separate his new city and his hometown.

“The barbecue is different here and I miss Kansas City barbecue but I will say Texas barbecue is pretty good too,” laughs Rocha.



“I am all in,” said Fire Chief Rocha

“Estoy totalmente comprometido,” dijo Rocha, Jefe del Cuerpo de Bomberos

Photo by J. Steven Alford, CorPuS ChriSti CAller-timeS

Robert Rocha’s passion for fire service has taken him to Corpus Christi, TX, to assume the position of Fire Chief. La pasión de Robert Rocha, por su servicio en incendios, lo ha llevado a Corpus Christi, TX., para asumir el cargo de Jefe de Bomberos.

ISMAEL S. “ISH” ORTIZIsmael S. “Ish” Ortiz, Sr., 74, of Blue Springs, MO passed away Saturday, January 8, 2012 at Kansas City Hospice House. Mass of Christian Burial will be 1:00 p.m. Friday, January 13, 2012 at Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Church, 901 Cesar Chavez Blvd, Kansas City, MO 64108. Visitation will be 6-8:00 p.m. Thursday, January 12, 2012 at Speaks Suburban Chapel, 18020 E. 39th St., Independence, MO 64055 where the rosary will be prayed at 7:00 p.m. Burial in Calvary Cemetery. “Ish” was born in Hope, KS, May 7, 1937 to Domingo & Michaela (Morales) Ortiz, and is the oldest of nine brothers & sisters. He lived his whole life in the Kansas City area, where he met & married, in 1956, the love of his life, Marcellina Ramirez. They eventually settled & lived the remainder of their life together in Blue Springs, Missouri, where they raised their three children. They were members of St. Robert Bellermine Parish and love being surrounded with family and friends. He worked for Fritz’s Meat Co. for 36 years before retiring in 2000. He loved going to the Lake of the Ozarks, where they owned a lake house for 35+ years. Beyond his family & friends, he LOVED his KANSAS CITY CHIEFS! He was a season ticket holder for 20+ years and thoroughly enjoyed tailgating with his family and friends…and even strangers that he would invite to join the celebration! He was a proud member of Los Westside Companeros, an organization of childhood friends, who grew up together and now meet once a month, and collect funds to help out the less fortunate. He knew no stranger, and loved his friends as if they were family. There has never been a more loving husband, father, grandfather and great-grandfather and he will be missed more than can be put into words.He is survived by his devoted and loving wife of 55 years, Marcellina Ortiz, of the home., son, Esmael S. Ortiz, Jr. of Ames, IA, daughter, Lisa Ortiz-Batesel & son-in-law, Jeff, of Platte City, MO, daughter Yolanda Ortiz-Burt & son-in-law Chris, of Lee’s Summit, MO. Five loving grandchildren, Esmael S. Ortiz, III & wife Jackie of Kansas City, KS, Manuel J. Ortiz & wife Monique, of Kansas City, MO, Gabrielle, Alexander & William Burt of Lee’s Summit, MO, & 10 Great-Grandchildren. In addition, he is survived by many loved nieces, nephews, cousins and of course many friends.

In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made in Ismael’s name to K.C. Hospice House, 12000 Wornall Rd, K.C. Mo. 64145 or the Parkinsons Foundation Heartland,

8900 State Line Rd, #320, Leawood, KS 66206. Online condolences may be expressed at

(Arr: Speaks Suburban Chapel 373-3600)

In Loving Memory

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8 12 DE ENERO DEL 2012

By Gerrit WestervelD

Democrats and Republicans don’t agree on much these days. But there is one thing on which they do see eye to eye: the value of early childhood education.

Once an afterthought of America’s education system, early learning now is front and center as educators, governors and legislators grapple with ways to better prepare children for a lifetime of success.

The Obama administration just announced that nine states – California, Delaware, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, North Carolina, Ohio, Rhode Island and Washington – will receive grants under the federal Race to the Top-Early Learning Challenge, a $500 million project intended to jumpstart programs that educate our youngest learners. These states are led by Republican, Democratic and Independent governors.

In fact, more than two-thirds of the nation’s governors – 17 Republicans and 18 Democrats – applied for federal money to develop early learning programs. They represented states large and small and scattered throughout every region of the country, from Maine to Hawaii, Washington to Florida.

While only a handful of states won grants, one thing is clear: There is a strong, bipartisan, national movement to establish and improve early childhood education. And it’s not going away.

Just look at what this competition already accomplished. The 35 states (plus Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia) that applied for grants first had to examine their own approaches to early childhood education and make sure they had policies in place to improve quality, build connections and support children and families. That work alone increased awareness of and appreciation for the importance of early learning and gave new momentum to the issue within state capitols.

Leaders in all those states and more now realize that we must start long before kindergarten to give children the tools they need to flourish during their school years and throughout

their lives. This is exactly what funders, advocates, practitioners and experts intended when they began to lay the groundwork for change more than a decade ago.

States have been leading the way. The BUILD Initiative, created

by philanthropies through the Early Childhood Funders Collaborative, has worked with nine states – Arizona, Illinois, Michigan, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Washington – to develop early learning systems that support the National Education Goal that “all children start school ready to learn.” These states have been pioneers in creating a comprehensive approach to early childhood policies that respond to child health, nutrition, mental health, family support, and early care and education needs for young children and their families.

Even the states that did not win grants are making progress. They now have detailed plans on how to improve early learning opportunities and the support of a burgeoning movement that includes parents, philanthropists, business leaders and high-ranking government officials. It is a movement led by states and fueled by private-sector energy and philanthropic resources – historically a potent combination for bringing about social change.

The movement also will grow because states will learn from each other. The BUILD Initiative and the First Five Years Fund, leaders in strengthening the connection between early childhood and the K-12 community, have formed the Early Learning Challenge Collaborative to tap into this collective expertise from the states. The collaborative will continue to share with all states the best thinking for improving

the quality and effectiveness of early learning programs.

Education in general and early learning in particular is one of the smartest investments America can make, not only for our children, but for our country’s economic wellbeing. Success in the workplace begins with success in the early grades.

State leaders understand that, and have taken steps to give children a strong start by educating them from the moment they are born.

Research by Nobel Laureate economist James Heckman bears out the impact of early learning on the economy. He found that investing in early childhood education closes the achievement gap, reduces the need for special education, increases the likelihood of healthier lifestyles, lowers the crime rate, and reduces overall social costs. Heckman estimates that for every dollar invested in early childhood education, there is a 10 percent per year return on investment.

For the last decade, the nine BUILD states and others have developed early learning systems that put Heckman’s theory into action. These states have worked to improve early childhood education because they know that children are born learning, and that nurturing their early development and the ability of their families to support them strengthens their chances for long-term success.

Isn’t that what we all want for our children?

Gerrit Westervelt is Executive Director of the BUILD Initiative, a national project created by the Early Childhood Funders Collaborative to help states improve and align policies and services for young children.

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