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Past Simple: To be.Translate:

1.-Estuviste en la escuela ayer? Si.

2.-Estuvieron en casa ayer? No.

3.-Estabas enfermo? No.

4.-Estuvieron tus amigos en el cine ayer? Si.

5.-Estuvo tu padre trabajando ayer? Si.

6.-Hubo cartas para t ayer? No.

7.-Hubo ayer un partido de ftbol en la tele? No.

8.-Estuviste estudiando ingls ayer por la noche? No.

9.-No haba nada en la mesa.

10.-Estaba en el comedor.

11.-De qu color era su abrigo?

12.-Tenamos hambre, sed y fro y estabamos aburridos.


1.-Where .......... your first school?

2.- .......... it a big school?

3.-When ............ your first English lesson?

4.-How many people ......... there in your class?

5.-Where ........... your best holiday?

6.-Who ............ you with?

7.-Who ............ your best friend at school?

8.-What ............... she/he good at?

9.-What ............... your presents for your birthday?

10.-What .............. your favourite subjects at school?

11.-Who ............. your favourite teacher?

12.-What ............... you interested in when you ............. ten years old?

13.-Where ................ your house?

14.-How old ................. your parents?

.Write in the past:

1.-Who is your teacher?

2.-Where is the nearest book store?

3.-What is this?

4.-Why are you late?

5.-How many trees are there in the park?

6.-Where are the children?

7.-Is she in the kitchen?

8.-Are we late?

9.-What nationality is he?

10.-When is her birthday?


1.-Mi hermana estuvo en Pars el fin de semana pasado.

2.-El lunes pasado estuvimos en casa.

3.- El mes pasado estuve en Londres.

4.-El hotel era cmodo.

5.-Fue feliz Sandra cuando estaba en California?

6.-No estuvimos en al cine.

7.-Haba mucha nieve en la calle.

8.-No haba agua en el frigorfico.

9.-No haba patatas para hacer una tortilla.

10.-Haba nios en el parque?

11.-Haba un perro en la calle?

12.-Cuando era pequeo mis profesores eran muy simpticos.

13.-Eran muy caros?

14.-Estabas enfadado?

15.-Ayer no llegamos tarde.

16.-La semana pasada no hizo buen tiempo.

17.-Hizo buen tiempo?

18.-Estuvo Ted en el trabajo ayer? Si.

19.-Estuvieron en la fiesta? No.

20.-Estaba cansado?

Complete the sentences with was / were

1. Picasso __________ a great artist.

2. She __________ (not) at home, she was at school.

3. __________ you at the park? Yes, I __________ .

4. Bill Gates __________ a student at Harvard University.

5. I __________ in bed at 9 oclock this morning.

6. The math questions __________ (not) easy, they were difficult.

7. She __________ reading in bed at 11 oclock last night.

8. The room __________ (not) big, it was small.

9. __________ it sunny yesterday?

10. Einstein __________ a great mathematician.

11. __________ English you favourite subject last year?

12. It __________ (not) cold, it was hot.

13. I __________ with my friends in the park.

14. The English exam __________ (not) difficult, it was OK.

15. Alexander __________ in a cinema in Oxford.

16. __________ it a good film?

17. Lamberto __________ with his family in Norway.

18. __________ they at home? No they __________ .

19. __________ your friends in Mlaga? Yes, they __________ .

20. __________ you a good student last year? Yes, I __________ .

21. Silvia and her sister __________ at the zoo.

22. John and Teresa __________ on holiday in France.

23. __________ your sister at home? Yes, she __________ .

24. __________ famous people always good at school? No, they __________ .

25. __________ Antonio Banderas in Mlaga last summer?

Put in am/is/are/was/were. Some sentences are present and some are past

1.- Last year she ____________ 22 years old so she _____________ 23 years old now

2.- The weather ____________ nice right now. But a few hours ago it ___________ foggy

3.- I ___________ hungry. May I have something to eat

4.- I ___________ hungry hungry last night. So I had something to eat

5.- Where _____________ you at 11:00 last Friday morning?

6.- Dont buy those shoes. They ______________ too expensive

7.- Why ___________ you so hungry yesterday?

8.- We have to go now. It __________ very late

9.- This time last year I _________ in Paris

10.- We ____________ tired when we got home so we went to bed

11.- Charlie Chaplin died in 1978. He _____________ a famous movie star

12.- a.- Where _______________ the children?

b.-I dont know. They ___________ here ten minutes ago

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