Page 1: The table ESCENA · Gracias por descargar la guía de discusión de El Corazón del Hombre. En las siguientes páginas, te invitamos
Page 2: The table ESCENA · Gracias por descargar la guía de discusión de El Corazón del Hombre. En las siguientes páginas, te invitamos

Gracias por descargar la guía de discusión de El Corazón del Hombre.

En las siguientes páginas, te invitamos a explorar tu propia historia, a descubrir la nuevaidentidad que el Padre ha creado en ti, y a encontrar y vencer esa voz que te condena y avergüenza. Lograrás esto a través de una exploración de seis escenas de la película: la mesa, el mar, el acantilado, la laguna, la cueva y el banquete.

Para más información sobre la película EL CORAZÓN DEL HOMBRE,y ver las escenas, visita la sección de devocional

Page 3: The table ESCENA · Gracias por descargar la guía de discusión de El Corazón del Hombre. En las siguientes páginas, te invitamos


¿Te puedes identi�car con la imagen de un Padre bueno y digno de con�anza, parado en lacabecera de la mesa, a�rmando, disfrutando y amando?

¿Es así como piensas acerca de Dios el Padre? ¿Por qué sí o por qué no?

¿Concuerda esto con la manera como te relacionas con tu padre terrenal? ¿De qué manera?

¿Anhelas ser aceptado?¿De qué manera?¿Por quién o porqué?

¿En qué “mesa” o “comunidad” en la que hayas participado te sientes cómodo de ser quién eres? ¿Cuál es ese lugar donde no tienes que esconderte o guardar secretos?

¿Cómo te hace sentir la imagen de la iglesia primitiva (Hechos 2: 42-47)?¿Anhelas pertenecer a un tipo de comunidad así de unida?¿O ese tipo de comunidad interdependiente e interconectada te causa algo de ansiedad y miedo? ¿Por qué sí o por qué no?

¿Por qué crees que la iglesia primitiva, viviendo en comunidad de esa manera, creció tanto (Y cada día el Señor añadía al grupo los que iban siendo salvos.)?

¿Cómo puedes pasar más tiempo en la 'mesa' de Dios esta semana?

¿En cuáles de tus relaciones puedes re�ejar una mejor imagen del Padre bueno y digno decon�anza, a�rmando, disfrutando y amando a los demás, sin importar en qué época de la vida se encuentren?

Scene 1:

The table

Can you identify with the image of a good, trustworthy Father, standing at the head of the table, a rming, enjoying and loving you?

Is this how you think of God the Father? Why, or why not?

Is this consistent with your experience with your earthly father? In what ways?

Do you long to belong? In what ways? To whom/ to what?

What ‘table’ or ‘community’ in your own life do you experience as a place where you feel comfortable in our skin? Where don't you have to hide or keep secrets?

How does the picture of the early church (Acts 2:42-47) make you feel? Is that the kind of close-knit community you long to be a part of ? Or does that kind of interconnected, interdependent community cause you some anxiety and fear? Why or why not?

Why do you think the early church, living out community in that way, grew so much (the Lord added to their number day by day)?

How can you be more present at God’s ‘table’ this week?

In what relationships can you live out a better image the good, trustworthy Father, a rming, enjoying and loving others, no matter what season of life they are in?

Scene 1:

The table

Can you identify with the image of a good, trustworthy Father, standing at the head of the table, a rming, enjoying and loving you?

Is this how you think of God the Father? Why, or why not?

Is this consistent with your experience with your earthly father? In what ways?

Do you long to belong? In what ways? To whom/ to what?

What ‘table’ or ‘community’ in your own life do you experience as a place where you feel comfortable in our skin? Where don't you have to hide or keep secrets?

How does the picture of the early church (Acts 2:42-47) make you feel? Is that the kind of close-knit community you long to be a part of ? Or does that kind of interconnected, interdependent community cause you some anxiety and fear? Why or why not?

Why do you think the early church, living out community in that way, grew so much (the Lord added to their number day by day)?

How can you be more present at God’s ‘table’ this week?

In what relationships can you live out a better image the good, trustworthy Father, a rming, enjoying and loving others, no matter what season of life they are in?

Page 4: The table ESCENA · Gracias por descargar la guía de discusión de El Corazón del Hombre. En las siguientes páginas, te invitamos

Escena 2:LA LANCHA

¿Alguna vez has llamado a Dios “Abba” o “Papá” ? Pruébalo ahora mismo.¿Cómo te sientes al usar ese nombre más personal para dirigirte a Dios?¿Cambia tu forma de pensar sobre el Padre? ¿Cómo?

¿Describirías a tu padre terrenal como un padre herido? ¿Por qué sí o por qué no?¿Tu padre alguna vez habló de sus heridas?¿Cómo crees que sus heridas afectaron la forma en que él te crió?

¿Eres un padre herido?¿De qué manera tus heridas han in�uenciado la forma cómo crías a tus hijos?

En la película EL CORAZÓN DEL HOMBRE, el autor William Paul Young dice: "Me tomó cincuenta años borrar completamente el rostro de mi padre de la cara de Dios". ¿Qué quiere decir con eso? ¿Te identi�cas en absoluto con ese sentimiento que tiene sobre la visión de Dios el Padre?

Re�exionando sobre Romanos 8: 14-17 y 1 Juan 3:1, no solo se nos llama “hijos” de Dios, sinotambién sus hijos “adoptados” e incluso “herederos". ¿Qué más dice tu identidad como hija o hijo “adoptado” y “herederos” acerca de los sentimientos que tiene Dios por ti?

Re�exionando sobre Mateo 7: 9-11, ¿Cuáles son algunas de los “buenas dádivas” que te ha dado Dios?

Scene 2:

The boat

Have you ever called God ‘Abba’ or ‘Papa’? Try it right now. How does it make you feel to use that more personal name for God? Does it change how you think about the Father? How?

Would you characterize your earthly father as a wounded father? Why or why not? Did your father ever talk about his wounds? How do you think his wounds a ected how he fathered you?

Are you a wounded father? How do your wounds a ect how you father your child/ren?

In the lm THE HEART OF MAN, author William Paul Young says, ‘It took me fty years to wipe the face of my father completely o the face of God.’ What does he mean by that? Can you relate at all to this sentiment about your view of God the Father?

Re ecting on Romans 8:14-17 and 1 John 3:1, not only are we called God’s ‘children,' but also his ‘adopted’ children and even ‘heirs.' What more does your identity as ‘adopted’ and ‘heirs’ say about how God feels about you?

Re ecting on Matthew 7:9-11, what ‘good gifts’ has God given you?

Scene 2:

The boat

Have you ever called God ‘Abba’ or ‘Papa’? Try it right now. How does it make you feel to use that more personal name for God? Does it change how you think about the Father? How?

Would you characterize your earthly father as a wounded father? Why or why not? Did your father ever talk about his wounds? How do you think his wounds a ected how he fathered you?

Are you a wounded father? How do your wounds a ect how you father your child/ren?

In the lm THE HEART OF MAN, author William Paul Young says, ‘It took me fty years to wipe the face of my father completely o the face of God.’ What does he mean by that? Can you relate at all to this sentiment about your view of God the Father?

Re ecting on Romans 8:14-17 and 1 John 3:1, not only are we called God’s ‘children,' but also his ‘adopted’ children and even ‘heirs.' What more does your identity as ‘adopted’ and ‘heirs’ say about how God feels about you?

Re ecting on Matthew 7:9-11, what ‘good gifts’ has God given you?

Page 5: The table ESCENA · Gracias por descargar la guía de discusión de El Corazón del Hombre. En las siguientes páginas, te invitamos


¿Crees que Dios te dio la libertad de amar y la libertad de decir "no" a las tentaciones en tu vida?

¿A veces desearías tener menos libertad?

¿Estás de acuerdo con la descripción anterior de cómo funciona el pecado? ¿Es así como hasexperimentado el pecado en tu propia vida?

¿Qué tentación (es) enfrentas actualmente en tu propia vida? ¿En qué acantilado estás parado?

¿Qué te ha traído al acantilado?

¿Crees que Dios te ha dado la opción de alejarte de ese acantilado?

¿Sientes la presencia de Dios contigo al borde de ese acantilado?

¿Con quién puedes hablar sobre el acantilado en el que te encuentras? ¿Confías en esa persona para que te acompañe y guíe en tu lucha? Contáctala HOY ... no esperes. Y pídele a Dios que mani�este Su presencia mientras estás parado en ese acantilado.

Scene 3:

The Cliff

Do you believe that God gave you the freedom to love and the freedom to say ‘no’ to the temptations in your life?

Do you sometimes wish you had less freedom?

Do you agree with the above description of how sin works? Is that how you’ve experienced sin in your own life?

What temptation(s) are you currently facing in your own life? What cli are you standing on?

What has brought you to the cli ?

Do you believe God has given you a choice to walk away from that cli ?

Do you feel God’s presence WITH you on the edge of that cli ?

Who can you talk to about the cli you are standing on and trust to join you and guide you through your struggle? Contact them TODAY… don’t wait. And ask God to make His presence known to you as you stand on that cli .

Scene 3:

The Cliff

Do you believe that God gave you the freedom to love and the freedom to say ‘no’ to the temptations in your life?

Do you sometimes wish you had less freedom?

Do you agree with the above description of how sin works? Is that how you’ve experienced sin in your own life?

What temptation(s) are you currently facing in your own life? What cli are you standing on?

What has brought you to the cli ?

Do you believe God has given you a choice to walk away from that cli ?

Do you feel God’s presence WITH you on the edge of that cli ?

Who can you talk to about the cli you are standing on and trust to join you and guide you through your struggle? Contact them TODAY… don’t wait. And ask God to make His presence known to you as you stand on that cli .

Page 6: The table ESCENA · Gracias por descargar la guía de discusión de El Corazón del Hombre. En las siguientes páginas, te invitamos


¿Has tenido en tu propia vida la "experiencia de la laguna"?¿Cómo fue?¿Has compartido esto con alguien de tu con�anza?

¿Sientes que estás al borde de una "experiencia de la laguna"?Todavía hay tiempo para detenerte y regresar.Dios ya está allí contigo en la laguna y disponible para darte la fuerza que necesitas.

Como dice Romanos 7:18, "Aunque deseo hacer lo bueno, no soy capaz de hacerlo". Es solo a través de la fuerza de Cristo en ti que puedes hacer lo correcto. ¿Confías en su fortaleza?

Dios ya te ha perdonado por las decisiones que tomaste en la laguna. ¿Te has perdonado a ti mismo? Si no es así, ¿por qué no lo has hecho?

1 Juan 1: 8-9 dice: “Si decimos que no tenemos pecado, nos engañamos a nosotros mismos y la verdad no está en nosotros. Si nosotros confesamos nuestros pecados, él es �el y justo y nosperdonará nuestros pecados y nos puri�cará de toda maldad”.

¿Te niegas a aceptar tus pecados?¿Qué pecado has negado que necesitas confesar? ¿A ti mismo? ¿A tu pareja? ¿A un amigo?¡Ahora reclama y celebra el perdón que Dios te da a través de Su Hijo!

Scene 4:

The lagoon

Have you already had your own ‘lagoon experience’ in life? What is it? Have you shared this with someone you trust?

Do you feel like you’re on the verge of a ‘lagoon experience’? ere’s still time to stop and turn around.

God is already there with you in the lagoon and available to give you the strength you need.

As Romans 7:18 says, ‘For I have the desire to do what is right, but not the ability to carry it out.’ It is only through Christ’s strength in you that you can do what is right. Are you relying on His strength to you?

God has already forgiven you for your choices in the lagoon. Have you forgiven yourself ? If not, why not?

1 John 1:8-9 says ‘If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.’ Are you in denial of your sin? What sin have you denied that you need to confess? To yourself ? To your spouse? To a friend? Now claim and celebrate the forgiveness God gives you through His Son!

Scene 4:

The lagoon

Have you already had your own ‘lagoon experience’ in life? What is it? Have you shared this with someone you trust?

Do you feel like you’re on the verge of a ‘lagoon experience’? ere’s still time to stop and turn around.

God is already there with you in the lagoon and available to give you the strength you need.

As Romans 7:18 says, ‘For I have the desire to do what is right, but not the ability to carry it out.’ It is only through Christ’s strength in you that you can do what is right. Are you relying on His strength to you?

God has already forgiven you for your choices in the lagoon. Have you forgiven yourself ? If not, why not?

1 John 1:8-9 says ‘If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.’ Are you in denial of your sin? What sin have you denied that you need to confess? To yourself ? To your spouse? To a friend? Now claim and celebrate the forgiveness God gives you through His Son!

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¿Te encuentras actualmente en una cueva en tu vida? ¿Qué decisiones tomaste para llegar hasta allí?

Puedes estar seguro de que Dios te ama. ¿Puedes creer también que Dios está contigo en la cueva? ... en tus momentos más vergonzosos y en las noches más oscuras? ¿Por qué crees que él está contigo allí?

¿O crees que está esperando a que te limpies tu mismo antes de que Él pueda abrazarte y consolarte?

Si aceptas esta verdad, ¿cómo podría esto cambiar la forma en que te ves a ti mismo día tras día? ¿Cómo podría esto cambiar la forma en que ves a los demás?

¿Qué te impide aceptar que tu pasado vergonzoso haya sido cruci�cado en la cruz?

Romanos 8:37-39 dice: “... en todo esto somos más que vencedores por medio de aquel que nos amó. Porque estoy seguro de que ni la muerte ni la vida ... ni la altura ni la profundidad, ni ninguna otra cosa en toda la creación, podrán separarnos del amor de Dios en Cristo Jesús, nuestro Señor”.

Esto quiere decir que “nada” puede separarte del amor de Dios. Y eso incluye tus eleccionesautodestructivas. ¿Estás viviendo en el amor de Dios? Si no así, ¿qué puedes hacer hoy para dar un paso en esadirección?

Isaías 43:1-2 lo a�rma de otra manera, Dios dice: “Yo estaré contigo ... cuando atravieses aguas profundas cuando pasas por ríos de di�cultad cuando caminas por el fuego de la opresión”.Ora hoy para que reconozcas y sientas la presencia de Dios contigo en tu cueva, en tus aguasprofundas, en tu río de di�cultad, en tu fuego de opresión.

Scene 5:

The cave

Are you currently in a cave in your life? What choices did you make to get you there?

You may believe in your mind that God loves you. Do you also believe that God is with you in the cave? …in your shame and your darkest moments? Why do you think he’s with you there?

Or do you believe He’s waiting for you to clean yourself o before He can hold and comfort you?

If you accept this truth, how could this change how you view yourself day to day? How could this change how you view others?

What’s keeping you from accepting that your shame story was eradicated at the cross?

Romans 8:37-39 says, ‘ all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am sure that neither death nor life...nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.’

at is to say, ‘nothing’ can separate you from God’s love. at includes your self-destructive choices. Are you living in God’s love? If not, what can you today to take a step in that direction?

Isaiah 43:1-2 says it another way, God says ‘I will be with you… when you go through deep water when you go through rivers of di culty when you walk through the re of oppression.’ Pray today that you recognize and feel God’s presence with you in your cave, in your deep waters, in your river of di culty, in your re of oppression.’

Scene 5:

The cave

Are you currently in a cave in your life? What choices did you make to get you there?

You may believe in your mind that God loves you. Do you also believe that God is with you in the cave? …in your shame and your darkest moments? Why do you think he’s with you there?

Or do you believe He’s waiting for you to clean yourself o before He can hold and comfort you?

If you accept this truth, how could this change how you view yourself day to day? How could this change how you view others?

What’s keeping you from accepting that your shame story was eradicated at the cross?

Romans 8:37-39 says, ‘ all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am sure that neither death nor life...nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.’

at is to say, ‘nothing’ can separate you from God’s love. at includes your self-destructive choices. Are you living in God’s love? If not, what can you today to take a step in that direction?

Isaiah 43:1-2 says it another way, God says ‘I will be with you… when you go through deep water when you go through rivers of di culty when you walk through the re of oppression.’ Pray today that you recognize and feel God’s presence with you in your cave, in your deep waters, in your river of di culty, in your re of oppression.’

Page 8: The table ESCENA · Gracias por descargar la guía de discusión de El Corazón del Hombre. En las siguientes páginas, te invitamos


¿Ya estás en el banquete?¿O has estado en el banquete antes pero sientes que te retiraste por una temporada?

¿Crees que hay un asiento siempre reservado para ti en la mesa? ¿Ya tomaste tu lugar? ¿Por qué sí o por qué no?

¿Crees que Él es un buen Padre y que tú eres un buen hijo? ¿Por qué sí o por qué no?

Paul Young dice: “Quién eres sí importa, y en quién te estás convirtiendo sí importa. Tu verdadera identidad importa. Tu eres ese UNO por el cual Él dejó las NOVENTA Y NUEVE para ir a buscarte. Tu importas. ¿Vives tu vida en base a esta realidad? ¿De qué manera?

Eres una nueva criatura. ¿Qué signi�ca esto para ti?

¿Qué signi�ca para ti vivir en libertad?

¿En dónde te encuentras en tu viaje como hijo pródigo?

¿Sientes que perteneces al banquete?¡Sí perteneces! Isaías 25:6 dice: “Sobre este monte, el Señor Todopoderoso preparará para todos los pueblos un banquete de manjares especiales, un banquete de vinos añejos, de manjares especiales y de selectos vinos añejos”. ¡Dale gracias al Padre por su invitación al banquete, y ten por seguro que siempre tendrás unasiento en la mesa!

Scene 6:

The feast

Have you arrived yet at this feast? Or have you been at the feast before but feel like you left for a season?

Do you believe there is a seat always reserved for you at the table? Have you taken your seat yet? Why or why not?

Do you believe that He is a good Father and that you are a good son? Why or why not?

Paul Young says, ‘Who you are matters, and who you are becoming matters. And the truth of who you are matters. You’re the one that He left the ninety-nine to nd. You matter.’ Do you live in this reality? How so?

You are a new creature. What does mean to you?

What could it mean for you to live free?

Where are you on your prodigal journey?

Do you feel like you belong at the feast? You do! Isaiah 25:6 says, ‘On this mountain, the Lord Almighty will prepare a feast of rich food for all peoples, a banquet of aged wine—the best of meats and the nest of wines.’

ank the Father for His invitation to the feast, and know that you always have a seat at the table!

Scene 6:

The feast

Have you arrived yet at this feast? Or have you been at the feast before but feel like you left for a season?

Do you believe there is a seat always reserved for you at the table? Have you taken your seat yet? Why or why not?

Do you believe that He is a good Father and that you are a good son? Why or why not?

Paul Young says, ‘Who you are matters, and who you are becoming matters. And the truth of who you are matters. You’re the one that He left the ninety-nine to nd. You matter.’ Do you live in this reality? How so?

You are a new creature. What does mean to you?

What could it mean for you to live free?

Where are you on your prodigal journey?

Do you feel like you belong at the feast? You do! Isaiah 25:6 says, ‘On this mountain, the Lord Almighty will prepare a feast of rich food for all peoples, a banquet of aged wine—the best of meats and the nest of wines.’

ank the Father for His invitation to the feast, and know that you always have a seat at the table!

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