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    Unidad 1 y 2 ..................................................................................................................................................... 3

    Gramtica...................................................................................................................................................... 3

    1.-Present perfect simple and Present perfect continuous ........................................................................... 3

    2.-Adjectives ending in -ed and ing.......................................................................................................... 4

    3.-Words used with make and do ............................................................................................................... 7

    5.-Comparatives and superlatives .............................................................................................................. 86.-Expect, hope and wait ........................................................................................................................... 9

    7.-Giving your opinion .............................................................................................................................. 9Written ........................................................................................................................................................ 10

    Vocabulario................................................................................................................................................. 12

    Phrasal verbs ............................................................................................................................................... 15

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    Unidad 1 y 2


    1.-Present perfect simple and Present perfect continuous

    1.1 Present perfect continuous (the activity is not complete )

    Esta forma verbal se emplea cuando interesa destacar la accin en s misma ms que el resultado; no se

    precisa si la accin ha finalizado o no (la accin comenz en el pasado y puede que acabe de terminar o que

    incluso contine).

    I have been reading a book (resalto lo que he estado haciendo; no indico si he finalizado el libro o no)

    Este tiempo se utiliza tambin para indicar la duracin de una accinque comenz en el pasado (y que acabade finalizar o an contina).

    I have been playing tennis for two hours

    I have been waiting for him for 1 hour (puede que la otra persona acabe de llegar o que yo an siga

    esperando; el contexto determinar un sentido u otro)

    El empleo de este tiempo indica que el emisor considera que laduracinha sido larga.

    1.2 Present perfect simple (the activity us complete but the time isnt complete)

    Describe una accin que comenz en el pasado y que acaba de finalizar. Pone el nfasisen el resultadoy

    no en la accin en si misma.

    I have read a book (destaco que he ledo un libro, que lo he terminado, y no el hecho de haber dedicadoun tiempo a la lectura).

    En el siguiente ejemplo se puede observar la diferencia entre estas dos formas verbales:

    I have done my homework (indico que ya lo he finalizado)

    I have been doing my homework (indico la actividad que he estado desarrollando; no informo de si he

    terminado mis deberes o no)

    Se utiliza tambin para indicar cuantas acciones se han realizadoen un tiempo determinado.

    Today I have readtenbooks

    El empleo de este tiempo informa indirectamente sobre el presente, ya que conlleva que lasituacin no ha


    He has gone to Canada (esta persona sigue en Canada o est de viaje hacia all; en cualquier caso todava no haregresado)

    I have broken my leg (la pierna sigue rota; an no ha sanado)

    Si no se da informacin sobre el presentehay que utilizar el "past simple".

    He went to Canada (no se informa de si l sigue all o ya volvi) I broke my leg (puede que la pierna ya est curada o que an siga rota)

    En aquellos verbos en los que no se utiliza la forma continuahay que recurrir en todos estos supuestos al

    "present perfect simple"

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    2.-Adjectives ending in -ed and ing

    2.1 "-ed" Adjectives (Adjetivos terminados en "-ed") Describe how the person feels about something.

    Los adjetivos que terminan en "-ed" indican o describen emociones. Estos adjetivos suelen acabar en "-ado", "-

    ido" o "-edo" en espaol y van despus del verbo "estar".


    John is interested in art. (John est interesado en el arte.)

    Denise was bored in class. (Denise estaba aburrida en clase.)

    Luke is excited about his new job. (Luke est emocionado con su nuevo empleo.)

    2.2 "-ing" Adjectives (Adjetivos terminados en "-ing") Describe the persono r thing which produces thefeeling.

    Los adjetivos que terminan en "-ing" indican o describen una caracterstica de algo o alguien. A diferencia de

    los adjetivos que terminan en "-ed", no hay regla en espaol para formar estos adjetivos y van despus delverbo "ser".


    John is an interesting person. (John es una persona interesante.)

    The class was boring so Denise fell asleep. (La clase era aburrida asi que Denise se durmi.)

    Luke started an exciting new job. (Luke acaba de empezar un nuevo empleo emocionante.)

    Nota: Como hemos mencionado anteriormente, el uso de un adjetivo en vez de otro cambia el sentido de la



    Steve is embarrassed. (Steve est avergonzado.)

    Steve is embarrassing. (Steve es vergonzoso.)

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    A continuacin tienes una lista de algunos de los adjetivos ms comunes terminados en "-ed" y "-ing".

    "-ed" Adjetivo Espaol "-ing" Adjetivo Espaol

    alarmed alarmado alarming alarmante

    aggravated agravado aggravating agravante

    annoyed molesto annoying molesto

    astonished asombrado astonishing asombroso

    astounded asombrado astouding asombroso

    bored aburrido boring aburridor

    captivated cautivado captivating cautivador

    challenged desafiado challenging desafiante

    charmed encantado charming encantador

    comforted consolado comforting consolador

    confused confuso confusing confuso

    convinced convencido convincing convincente

    depressed deprimido depressing deprimente

    disappointed decepcionado disappointing decepcionante

    discouraged desalentado discouraging desalentador

    disgusted indignado disgusting repugnante

    distressed preocupado distressing preocupante

    disturbed perturbado disturbing pertubadorembarrassed avergonzado embarrassing vergonzoso

    encouraged animado encouraging alentador

    entertained entretenido entertaining entretenido

    excited emocionado exciting emocionante

    exhausted agotado exhausting agotador

    fascinated fascinado fascinating fascinante

    frightened asustado frightening espantoso

    frustrated frustrado frustrating frustrantefulfilled satisfecho fulfilling satisfactorio

    gratified satisfecho gratifiying gratificante

    inspired inspirado inspiring inspirador

    insulted insultado insulting insultante

    interested interesado interesting interesante

    moved emocionado moving emocionante

    overwhelmed abrumado overwhelming abrumador

    perplexed desconcertado perplexing desconcertante

    pleased satisfecho pleasing satisfactorio

    relaxed relajado relaxing relajante

    relieved consolado relieving consolador

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    satisfied satisfecho satisfying satisfactorio

    shocked chocado shocking chocante

    sickened asqueado sickening asqueroso

    soothed relajado soothing relajante

    surprised sorprendido surprising sorprendente

    tempted tentado tempting tentador

    terrified aterrado terrifying aterrador

    threatened amenazado threatening amenazante

    thrilled emocionado thrilling emocionante

    tired cansado tiring agotador

    touched conmovido touching conmovedor

    unsettled perturbado unsettling perturbador

    worried preocupado worrying preocupante

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    3.-Words used with make and do

    3.1 MakeCrear o producir algo.

    3.2 Do

    Desarrollar una actividad o trabajo.

    3.3 Examples

    Make Do arrangements/plans

    an attempt

    a bed

    a change/changes a comment

    a complaint

    a declaration

    a deal

    a discovery

    a difference / an exception

    an effort

    an enquiry

    an excuse

    fun of something/somebody

    an impression a mistake


    an offer

    a point

    a presentation

    a profit


    a reservation

    room for something (find place for)

    a speech

    a statement

    a suggestion

    sure / certain

    a telephone call

    a treta

    a Choice

    a decision


    a Boise

    a copy

    a promise a mess

    a meal

    the accounts

    an assignment


    one's best the crosswords


    a degree / a course

    drugs (consume/use)

    your duty


    a favour

    the gardening

    a good turn

    good / harm

    a good job your homework

    a lesson

    a job


    military service

    your nails / hair / make-up

    a project


    (something) right/wrong

    the shopping

    a test

    a translation

    well / badly


    without something

    a sport

    the Cleaning

    the housework

    the ironing

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    4.- Questions

    How was your weekend?

    What did you do?

    Where did you go?

    Who did you go with?

    How long did you go for?

    Did you have a good weekend?

    5.-Comparatives and superlatives

    5.1 1 Syllable and 2 Syllables

    Comparatives superlatives

    1 syllable Smaller


    The smallest

    The biggest

    2 syllables Happier

    More beautiful

    The happiest

    The most beautiful

    These rules are the same for adjectives and adverbs.

    5.2 Irregular

    Good better the best

    Bad worse the worst

    5.3 others comparatives

    As + adj/adv + as

    Not + so/as + adj/adv + as

    Less/least + adj

    Much/far/a lot + adj/adv + er/more + adj/adv

    Slightly/a bit/ a littleNot quite as

    Rather than

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    6.-Expect, hope and wait

    6.1 Expect

    Se utiliza cuando crees algo va a ocurrir. Por ejemplo, Mara siempre llega tarde a la fiesta, y no crees quellegue temprano I expect that Mara is going to arrive late.

    6.2 hope

    Cuando deseas que ocurra algo. I hope Ill win de Lotery.

    6.3 wait

    Ests esperando algo (fsicamente). Im waiting for my result. I waiting for the new information.

    7.-Giving your opinion

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    1.-Linking words

    1.1 to show contrast

    English Spanish

    Even though A pesar de que

    Although Aunque

    Whereas Mientras que

    However Sin embargo

    but Pero,sino

    In contrast Por el contrario, a direrenciaOn the other hand Por otro lado

    1.2 to show similary

    English Spanish

    Similary Similarmente, de manera similar

    Like Como (comparative).

    Equally equitativamente

    In a similar way De manera similarlikewise Igualmente, as mismo.

    1.3 to give examples

    English Spanish

    For example Por ejemplo

    e.g. Abreviatura de por ejemplo

    Such as Tal como, como, parecidoFor instance Por ejemplo

    1.4 to express result

    English Spanish

    So A s que, por lo que.

    Then Entonces

    Consequently Por consiguiente, entonces

    Therefore Por lo tanto, por esoAs a result Como resultado, como consecuencia

    thus As, por consiguiente

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    1.5 to express reasons

    1.6 to express sequence

    English Spanish

    First primero

    To start with Empezar con

    Then Entonces,despus, en ese momento.

    After this Despus de esto

    Afterwards Despus, luego, ms tarde

    Finally Por fin, de manera definitiva

    lastly Finalmente, por ltimo

    1.7 to clarify/explain

    1.8 to conclude

    English Spanish

    In short En sntesis, para resumir, en pocas palabras

    Briefly En pocas palabras, en resumen

    To sum up Para resumir

    To summarise Para resumir

    In conclusion En conclusion

    1.9 to add information

    English Spanish

    And Y, y tambin

    Also Tambin, adems

    In addition adems

    Besides Adems, aparte

    Not onlybut also No solo sino tambin

    English Spanish

    because Porque,debido a, por causa de

    since Porque, dado que, ya queDue to Debido a

    That is why Es por eso que

    English Spanish

    In other words en otras palabras, dicho de otro modo

    That is to say o sea, es decir

    Another way de otro modo, de otra manera

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    English Spanish

    Aims Objetivos

    Affair Asunto, aventura, reunion

    Starting off Iniciar, comenzar

    Play on (the playstation, wiietc) Jugar con (la playstation, wii).

    Amused Divertido

    Get on with Continuar haciento algo, especialmente un trabajo.

    Do up Redecorar, renovar

    Clear up Limpiar, ordenar

    Go on Continuar

    Wear out Agotar, cansar

    Pick up Recoger a alguien, recoger algo.

    Drawers cajonera

    Nothing else Nada ms. Se dice cuando terminas una frase.

    Household task/chores Tareas domesticas

    Cook o prepare meal Cocinar o preparar comida

    Tidy Ordinar, limpiar

    Clean the house Limpiar la clasa

    Dust the furniture Limpiar el polvo

    Make the bed Hacer la cama

    Hang the washing out to dry Tender la colada para secar

    Sweep the floor Fregar el suelo

    Wash the dishes Fregar los platos

    Mop the floor Barrer el suelo

    Do the washing up lavar

    Do the ironing planchar

    Set the table/ Lay the table Poner la mesa

    Clear the table Quitar la mesa

    Take out the bins/rubbish Sacar la basura

    Recycle reciclar

    Doing the chores Hacienda las tareas

    Have a duty to help Tener el deber de ayudar

    Bag pipes gaitasCliffs Acantilados

    Promenade Paseo martimo

    Treadmill cinta de correr

    Underline Subrayar

    Circulate Hacer un circulo

    No have a clue No tener ni idea

    Take risk Hacer cosas peligrosas

    Have a go intentar

    Take up Primera vez que haces algoKeep a promise Mantener una promesa

    Get hold of Conseguir

    Make up Inventar

    Sum up Resumir

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    English Spanish

    Approach Acercarse, aproximarse

    Treat Tratar, invitar, sorpresa

    Lack of respect Falta de respeto

    Stepdaughter hijastra

    To hold Esperar, contener

    Bring up Sacar un tema

    Untidy room Habitacin desordenada

    fair Justo, imparcial,feria.

    Run the shop Estar a cargo de

    equally equitativamente

    Countryside campo

    Nearby Cerca, prximo.

    Impressive Impresionante, impactante.

    Leisure Ocio,tiempo libre

    Pleasure Placer

    Thrills Emocin,entusiasmo,Window-shopping Ir de escaparates

    Encourage Animar, alentar

    Require Requerir, demandar

    Distract Distraer, entretener

    Brand marca

    Head off Salir, irse, desviar

    clamber Trepar(con out sera salir trepando).

    Shot Arruinado, herido, daado(con off es salir disparado).

    High-pitched AgudoStraw paja

    Heap of Pila o montn de

    Elated Exultante, eufrico

    Waking Soar despierto

    Starting up Puesta en marcha

    Alleway callejn

    Smack Bofetada, torta, golpear

    Bend Doblar, inclinarse

    Snap romperseHandlebars manillar

    Cookery Cocina(de cocinar, no la cocina fisica)

    Keen Cook Cocinero aficionado

    Fairly bastante

    Complain Quejarse, reclamar

    Come around Pasarse, dejarse caer

    Delightful delicioso

    Demanding Exigente

    Dreadful Terrible, espantoso

    Superb Magnfico, soberbio

    Time-consuming Prdida de tiempo, que lleva tiempo

    Puzzle Desconcertar

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    English Spanish

    Rely Depender, confiar

    Go off(explode) Explotar

    Put off(postpone) posponer

    Let someone off Excusar a alguien para hacer algo

    Show off(boast) presumir

    Set off Salir, partir, empezar un viaje

    Cut off desconectar

    challenging Desafiante,retador

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    Phrasal verbs

    Prhasal verb Description

    Clear upMake a place tidy by removing things from it or putting where

    they should be

    Do up Repair or decorate a building so that it looks attractive

    Go for Choose

    Go on Continue

    Pick up Collect (or go and get) someone or something

    Wear out Make someone extremely tired

    Get on with Continue doing something, specially work

    (not) have a clue Have any idea/knowledge

    Sume up Written in a few words, summarize, give a summary

    Get hold of Obtain something (conseguir, hacerse con, pillar a alguien).

    Take up When start a new hobby or activity (sports)

    Have a go Try something

    Take risk Do something dangerous

    Make up Tell a story thats not true/make an excuse

    Keep a promise You give your word in something and you do it.

    Take up Start doing a particular job or activity

    Sum upDescribe the important facts or characteristics about

    something or someone

    Get hold of Obtain something

    Have a go Try to do something

    Take riskDo something even though something bad might happen

    because of it.

    Make up Say o write something which is not trueKeep a promise Do what you said you would do

    Not have a clueBe completely unable to guess, understand or deal with


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