
    Soluciones de Visibilidad Empresarial Unificadas

    Ricardo C. BerriosGerente General y Vice Presidente, AeroScout LATAM

    11 de Marzo, 2007 - Santiago - Chile

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    AeroScout en Pocas Palabras

    4 Estamos resolviendo problemas evidentes (ROI en 6 12 meses!)

    4 Parte de un mercado de alto crecimiento proyecciones de soluciones de RFID activo sobre Wi-Fi son de >$2.5B en el 2010

    4 Con la mas avanzada solucion de visibilidad empresarial

    4 Y con ejemplos significativos en el mercado:

    Producto contrastado Soluciones de AeroScout se han desplegado en

    mltiples lugares del mundo

    Mas de 200 clientes

    Alianzas estratgicas: Cisco

    Crecimiento y solidez financiera

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    Analistas Hablan de AeroScout

    AeroScout shipments accounted for the majority of all Wi-Fi tags in 2006. In-Stat sees two primary reasons for AeroScouts commanding market position. The first being AeroScouts ability to support outdoor deployments. AeroScouts other advantage comes from its good working relationship with the global leader for enterprise-grade Wi-Fi networking, Cisco.

    In-Stat, May 2007

    Aeroscout's market strategy delivers an end-to-end product solution for most vertical markets needing asset tracking solutions Another distinction AeroScout has over its 802.11 rivals is its ability to enable perimeter security and gating applications [with the] AeroScout Exciter.

    Yankee Group, September 2005

    Location tracking providers are pursuing integration of their offerings with the Cisco appliance, now called the 2710. For example, the Cisco appliance natively supports the T2 wireless tracking tag from AeroScout. In general, most WiFi providers are now making location tracking a feature of their wireless networks and establishing relationships with traditional location tracking solution providers such as AeroScout

    ARC Advisory Group, August 2006

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    La Convergencia de Wi-Fi y RFID

    La tecnologa de RFID Activo basada en WiLa tecnologa de RFID Activo basada en Wi--Fi provee una Fi provee una solucin convergente conveniente solucin convergente conveniente data, voz y ahora data, voz y ahora

    localizacin...localizacin...Y APROVECHA las inversiones en estandarizacin de WiY APROVECHA las inversiones en estandarizacin de Wi--FiFi

    RFID Activo4 Solucin para el

    seguimiento de equipos y personas

    4 PERO, la infraestructura de RFID activo y RTLS propietario es muy costoso

    Redes Wi-Fi4 Muchas empresas estan

    desplegando Wi-Fi de Cisco Aplicaciones de datos Voz sobre Wi-Fi

    4 Bsqueda de nuevas formas de aprovechar la infraestructura Wi-Fi

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    Convirtiendo Visibilidad en Valor

    Alertaautomatica y notificacion

    (activo ha salido de un area, o necesita

    mantenimiento, requiere envio a otra localidad, etc)

    Gestiondel status de utilizacion del

    equipo, control del workflow y utilizar

    informacion de localizacion para

    analisis operacional

    Integrarlocalizacion e

    informacion del status con aplicativos empresariales

    existentes (ERP, Scheduling,

    Workflow mgt, etc.)

    Las Soluciones de Visibilidad Total de AeroScout aprovechan las redes Wi-Fi estandar para de una forma exacta localizar activos y personas, y

    utilizar esta informacion de visibilidad para generar beneficios medibles directos:

    Seguimiento y localizacin de equipos en tiempo

    real e histricamente,

    desde un interfaz de Web

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    Rango de las Soluciones de Visibilidad

    PresenciaLocalizacin Tiempo Real Choke-point

    Empresas tienen necesidades complejas que a Empresas tienen necesidades complejas que a menudo requieren mas que un tipo de visibilidad.menudo requieren mas que un tipo de visibilidad.

    WIP inventario X esta en banca Y

    Inventario final X ha salido de la fabrica

    Herramienta X esta en ala norte de fabrica Y

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    Rango de las Soluciones de Visibilidad

    PresenciaLocalizacin Tiempo Real Choke-point

    AeroScout es la AeroScout es la nicanica solucin basada en Wisolucin basada en Wi--Fi Fi que ofrece mltiples modos de localizacin con el que ofrece mltiples modos de localizacin con el mismo Tag, en cualquier entorno fsico.mismo Tag, en cualquier entorno fsico.

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    AeroScout-Cisco : Arquitectura

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    Unified Asset Visibility New Architecture

    Passive Tags

    Passive Readers

    Enterprise Applications

    AeroScout MobileView 4.0

    Location EngineReva Appliance

    Wi-Fi Tags and Clients

    Wi-Fi + UWB Tags

    UWB Readers

    ExcitersWi-Fi APs

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    AeroScout-Cisco: Solucion de Visibilidad


    Red WiRed Wi--Fi StandardFi Standard

    Location EngineLocation Engine

    Aplicativo de VisibilidadAplicativo de Visibilidad



    s &





    s &



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    Como Funciona el Sistema?

    4 Etiqueta de RFID activo sobre redes estndar de Wi-Fi enva una seal a un intervalo regular

    4 La seal es recibida por los PAs Wi-Fi de Cisco, y de ah se enva a la Location Appliance

    4 La Location Appliance determina la localizacin de la etiqueta, y la enva al software de Visibilidad Empresarial AeroScout MobileView

    4 AeroScout MobileView usa esta informacin para crear alertas, gestionar activos, permitir bsquedas y reportes de inventario en tiempo real, etc.

    4 AeroScout MobileView integra con los sistemas de gestin de empresa

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    Etiqueta AeroScout T2

    4 Etiqueta de RFID Activo sobre red Wi-Fi mas avanzada del mercado, con miles de instalaciones.

    4 100% basada en estndares de Wi-Fi 802.11b.

    4 Hasta 4 aos de vida de batera.

    4 No Interferencia con otros equipos Wi-Fi.

    4 Sin problemas de seguridad.

    4 Sensor de movimiento es una funcin estndar.

    4 Carcasa fortalecida para ambientes industriales.

    4 Botn de llamada, transparente, y opciones de sensor de temperatura y telemetra.

    4 Intrinsically Safe (EX) versin disponible

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    Etiqueta AeroScout T3

    4 Tamao de tarjeta crdito, 10 mm ancho4 Riqueza de funcionalidad

    2 botones de llamada 2 LEDs Sensor de movimiento Sensor de temperatura Tamper-proof

    4 Mltiples opciones de montaje en equipos y etiquetas de identificacin, etc.

    4 Misma larga duracin de la bateria y bajo nivel de carga de la red inalmbrica que la tag lder del mercado hoy dia, la T2.

    Rear view Tag bracket

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    Etiquetas Especializadas

    4 Etiqueta con extra larga bateria Batera con 8 aos de vida 15,000 etiquetas ya instaladas en un cliente

    4 Etiquetas con banda Tamper-proof Hoy usada en penitenciarias

    4 Etiqueta de integracin Para integracin en otros equipos Voltaje regulable Conectores especiales

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    Rango mas Amplio de Opciones para Montaje de la Etiqueta

    4 AeroScout tiene la experiencia y las soluciones para el montaje de las etiquetas en una gran variedad de activos

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    Capacidad de Sensor y Telemetra

    Las etiquetas de AeroScout pueden conectarse con una amplia gama de sensores y fuentes de datos telemtricos. Esto permite a las etiquetas de forma inalmbrica sobre estndar Wi-Fi 802.11 poder transmitir informacin critica y, automticamente generar alarmas o acciones basadas en un cierto nivel pre-determinado.

    Ejemplos:4 Etiqueta con Sensor Temperatura (built-in)4 Sensor de Humedad4 J1708 and OBD-II

    Telemetra de diagnsticos en el sistema de abordo del vehiculo.

    4 Sensor de Presin4 Otros Disponibles en demanda

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    AeroScout MobileView 4.0 Introduction

    MobileView 4.0 is the industrys most enterprise-ready, easy-to-use, and solution-oriented platform for real-time visibility. MobileView gives businesses unified visibility of asset location and status across the enterprise.

    MobileView 4.0 represents a major upgrade of our popular MobileView software, designed to meet the specific application needs of our diverse and fast-expanding customer base worldwide.

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    MobileView 4.0 Highlights

    4 Easy-to-use: Intuitive Web-based user application provides easy access to visibility data from Web browsers and handheld devices

    4 Unified visibility: Collects and aggregates location and status data from any sensor, location or auto-ID source

    4 Delivers direct benefits: Makes enterprise visibility data actionable, to streamline business processes

    4 Scalable: Tracks hundreds of thousands of mobile assets in real time4 Context-based alerting: Configures and sends automated alerts

    based on context4 Powerful reporting: Generates reports on asset events, locations,

    status, utilization, etc.4 Enterprise-class: High availability, clustering, LDAP support, etc.4 Integration: SOAP API for Integration with any third party application4 Development: Platform for customized industry applications, and plug-

    in solutions for specific industries

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    MobileView Modules

    4 Main Modules: Asset Locator Asset Manager Report Generator & Viewer Event Engine Alert Manager Mapping Tools User Access Manager

    4 MobileView Gateways for a variety of visibility sources

    4 API for enterprise application integration

    MobileView is a server-based business software application that acts as both an end-user application, and a platform for integration and development.

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    Asset Locator

    Building 3

    3D Map View allows drilling down into specific floors/areas. Number of assets and alerts per area at a glace

    Intuitive and easy to use asset search tool Search results display asset, category, business status, time of last location, and more

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    Handheld Asset Locator and Manager

    4 Handheld PDA application for users on the go Add, edit and remove assets Search for assets and view asset locations in

    list or map view Disconnected mode for users who are not

    always within Wi-Fi coverage area Runs on Windows Mobile 5 OS UI Designed for stylus-free use

    4 Works with integrated barcode scanner PDA - Quick and efficient tag admission process as easy as 1-2-3:1. Scan the tags barcode2. Scan or type the Assets Name/Number3. Press OK > request is submitted to

    the MobileView Server via Wi-Fi

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    Managing Assets

    Import and export lists of thousands of assets Supports XML, Excel or Text files

    Quick asset search tool All assets are displayed with icons, name, tag, battery status, location and status

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    Event Engine

    4 Create Events According To: User-defined business conditions (time/date,

    location, etc.) Assets or asset types

    4 Supported Event Types Entrance / Exit Location Changed Out of Sequence Friend / Foe Overflow / Shortage Dwell / Absence Battery Level Telemetry Tamper Temperature Call Button Out of Sight/In Sight

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    Alert Manager

    4 Event notification by Email, Web Service, HTTP Post, JMS Queue, Skype Chat, XML

    4 Event-driven asset business status updates4 Ability to configure contents of alert (via UI is in 4.x)4 Alert Viewer

    Filter alerts by type, time of alert, severity and area Mark read/unread alerts

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    4 Out of the box reports Inventory Report History Report Temperature Report Events Report Battery Status Report

    4 3rd party report creation and customization tool

    4 OLAP support

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    Reports Example

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    User Access Manager

    4 Departments Users are assigned to departments, which control the assets and

    maps/zones that they are allowed to access (e.g. Dept A nurse can view assets only in Building A and she can view equipment and patients)

    4 User roles and rights Create users, associate to departments, define roles and access to

    certain modules of MobileView (e.g. access only to the Asset Locator and Reports module)

    4 Integration LDAP and Active Directory authentication

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    Casos Exito


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    Caso Estudio: The Boeing Company

    Plantas de Boeing para ensamblaje final de aviones, incluyendo la bodega mas grande del mundo.Problemas:4 Partes del WIP (sub-ensambladas) se hallan

    en lugares errneos, forzando la parada de produccin hasta que se encuentren.

    4 El ensamblaje de aviones para el Gobierno implica auditorias peridicas de herramientas, con multas elevadas en caso de perdida de herramientas.

    4 Partes/Herramientas en lugares errneos resulta en baja productividad para una mano de obra con salarios elevados.

    4 Productividad y Facturacin se ralentizan debido al uso de un sistema manual de captura de progreso en el proceso de ensamblaje.

    4 El coste total de tener una parte en el lugar errneo puede llegar hasta $1M por incidente.

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    Partes disponibles cuando se necesitan

    Ensamblaje comienza

    Ensamblaje completo

    Ensamblaje parado

    Parte se trae de otro pedido

    Bsqueda hasta encontrar

    Algunas partes pre-posicionadas

    Reemplazo Express

    Inventario manual partes

    Parte perdida

    Ciclo de Ensamblaje Final de un Avin

    Partes se entregan cerca-JIT

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    La Solucin para Boeing

    Solucin: Seguimiento de partes de alto valor y herramientas mviles con las etiquetas de AeroScout y equipo estndar WLAN.

    4 PAs de Cisco y LRs de AeroScout determinan la localizacin y movimiento de activos.

    4 Progreso en la produccin se audita automticamente basado en localizacin, reduciendo tiempos de auditoria manual.

    4 Multas for auditorias se reducen, ya que las herramientas se hallan con rapidez.4 Alertas automatizadas avisan en caso que una parte se retire prematuramente,

    reduciendo as la amenaza de parada en la lnea.

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    Partes disponibles cuando se necesitan

    Bsqueda hasta encontrar

    Ensamblaje parado

    Algunas partes pre-posicionadas

    Inventario manual partes

    Reemplazo Express

    Parte perdida

    Parte se trae de otro pedido

    Ensamblaje completo

    Nuevo Ciclo de Ensamblaje Final de un Avion

    Ensamblaje comienza

    Partes se entregan cerca-JIT

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    Logistics: Weis Markets

    Weis Markets is a large regional chain of 157 grocery stores.

    Problem:4 Distribution center for the 1.2m sqft

    warehouse in Milton, PA4 400+ fully owned trailers based on

    site (deliver to stores)4 Trailers are lost/mis-parked upon

    entry: Wasted labor Over-spending on extra trailers Slow turnaround

    4 Check-in and picking process inefficient

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    Logistics: Weis Markets, continued

    Solution:4 Tags permanently mounted on

    trailers When trailer leaves for delivery, tag is

    automatically turned off to conserve battery

    4 Exciters at gate record trailer entry and automatically assign pad based on trailer type

    4 Trailer location constantly updated; workers check current location before getting a trailer

    4 Location information integrated to Weis Markets MDS system for improved trailer picking/job assignment

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    Logistics: American Port Services

    4American Port Services: 3PL site run on behalf of worlds largest retailer

    4Up to 1000 trailers on site at any time4Trailers misplaced, or location wrongly

    reported (30% error rate typical)4Lack of visibility causes wasted labor

    and fuel, poor service and reduced throughput

    4Three biggest issues: searching for trailers, long check-in process, yard overflow

    4Additional issues: efficiency, trailer maintenance, safety

    Misplaced assets cause inefficiencies resulting in millions of dollars lost per site.

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    AeroScout solution: Trailers are tagged as they enter the yard Checks correct pad placement, and tracks location in yardYard spotters use AeroScout to find correct trailer and determine correct picking order

    4Eliminates misplaced trailers, optimizes labor allocation, and expedites gate entry

    4Projected ROI: less than 1 year

    Logistics: American Port Services, continued

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    Leading Manufacturer Distribution Center

    4 Background Around 3,000 vehicles in the lot Large distribution center serving a LATAM country

    4 Customer requirements Track all vehicles throughout the premises Provide the capability to locate a vehicle Allow quick vehicle admission/release through

    using hand-held devices Present vehicle attributes for a specific vehicle Ensure a vehicle goes through accessories shop

    (only for required vehicles) Provide on demand inventory counts

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    Leading Manufacturer Distribution Center

    4 Solution All vehicles are tagged Vehicle attributes such as line, model, color,

    stock#, motor# and so on are pulled from ERP data repository and stored in MobileView

    This enables the vehicles to be tracked as they move about the premises, both indoors and outdoors

    Employees use handheld devices to search for specific vehicles as they are required

    Automatic inventory counts Validation that vehicle is not released to

    dealer without accessories being installed (in case they should have)

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    Leading Manufacturer Distribution Center

    4 Benefits Reduce turn-around time, increase throughput

    - Minimizing operational disruptions- Increasing labor productivity- Avoiding delays caused by misplaced/lost vehicles

    Direct labor savings - eliminate non-added value actions- Search for vehicle- Manual tracking- Manual inventory counts

    Cost reduction- Avoid situations (carry fine) in which a vehicle was released without

    accessories installed Data collected for process optimization

    - Improve process efficiency

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    Caso Estudio: Holmgrens Bil

    Holmgrens Bil es un mega distribuidor y detallista de autos en Suecia.4 1000 autos en el parque y en servicio en cada momento.

    (interiores/exteriores, multiples areas de aparcamiento)4 Servicio al cliente es impactado por la capacidad de poder encontrar el

    coche adecuado con rapidez.4 Mano de obra se pasa un tiempo considerable buscando coches para

    clientes potenciales y, a menudo, sin xito. 4 El resultado es perdida en ventas y desperdicio de recursos humanos.

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    Caso Estudio: Holmgrens Bil

    Solucin:4 Seguimiento de autos a

    medida que se mueven dentro de los recintos.

    4 Kioscos para clientes permiten el auto-servicio, aadiendo valor para el cliente y ahorrando tiempo a los empleados.

    AeroScout y IQ han creado una solucin elegante y eficiente que ofrece una forma interactiva muy sencilla de servicio al cliente.

    - Benny Holmgren, Dueo

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    AeroScout Value Transportation and Logistics

    Problems:4 Packages are shipped to the wrong locations

    Out of pocket recovery expenses Reduced customer satisfaction

    Solution scale: 4 Over 100 sites throughout the UK4 22,000 assets tracked over a hybrid Cisco and Symbol

    networkResults: 4 Full visibility 4 Dollar impact: $2M year

















    Cisco APs at hub

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    AeroScout Value Monitoring Throughout the Extended Enterprise

    4 Problem Lack of visibility of pharmaceutical products temperature condition in transport

    4 Solution En Route Wireless Monitoring System Wi-Fi temperature sensor tags, GPRS

    modem and GPS integration Wi-Fi active RFID allows extension of monitoring and location tracking into the

    distribution centers and warehouses in the supply chain, even to end customer site

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    INCO Nickel Mine, Ontario CA

    Underground tracking4 Problems

    Workers safety Searches for equipment underground

    take hours and sometimes equipment is lost

    4 Solution Tag is integrated in miners cap lamp battery case Intrinsically safe for explosion-sensitive environments Tags are mounted on valuable assets Tracking equipment both 3000ft (1km) underground and


    4 Benefits Workers safety is maximized Ore production is accelerated due to increased visibility

    of people, trucks, containers and other equipment

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    INCO Nickel Mine, Ontario CA

    On the surface truck management4 Problems No visibility of truck fleet and

    sub-contractors trucks Manual reporting takes time

    and is subject to human error4 Solution Full visibility of all trucks and vehicles Track ore loading/dumping and trace trucks routes using Wi-Fi Access

    Points coverage in designated areas and Exciters to complement Integrate to execution system and automatically receive scale and

    location reads Automatically generate loading and dumping reports

    4 Benefits Accelerate ore processing and improve operations efficiency

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    Offshore Oil Rig Pilot

    4 Problems Track personnel on offshore rigs

    in case of an emergency/evacuation Authority requirement is to track all

    personnel on board within less than 20 min

    4 Solution In case of an emergency, provide full

    visibility on peoples exact location Utilizes Wi-Fi APs and Exciters for specific

    chokepoints and evacuation points

    4 Benefits Maximize workers safety Comply with authority requirements

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    Standard Cisco Wireless LAN

    Industry-leading Wi-Fi tags

    Solutions for a broad range of manufacturing environments

    Robust application platform

    Superior Unified Asset Visibility Solutions

    Best performance and broadest set of capabilities at the lowest total cost of ownership

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    [email protected]

    Gerente General y Vice Presidente, AeroScout Latinoamerica

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