
RESUMENLa regin amaznica peruana alberga un gran nmero de ecosistemas acuticos los cuales permiten la presencia de diversos organismos de flora y fauna, entre los cuales las algas son componentes muy importantes en las cadenas alimenticias acuticas, pudiendo estar asociadas (epifiton, metafiton) a las races, tallos u hojas de macrfitas. Estudios realizados sobre la diversidad algal en la Amazona del Per estn referidos mayormente a la llanura amaznica ms no la ceja de selva. La laguna El Oconal se ubica en el distrito de Villa Rica, Oxapampa, y es un ecosistema importante a nivel local. Sin embargo, se encuentra afectado por actividades humanas. El objetivo del presente trabajo es determinar la diversidad de algas (excepto Bacillariophyceae) asociadas a macrfitas de la laguna El Oconal, y hallando adems su abundancia relativa. Se realizaron dos salidas de campo en poca de vaciante (31 de agosto del 2013) y de creciente (23 de diciembre del 2013). Se obtuvieron 24 muestras de 4 zonas de colecta (nor-oeste, nor-este, centro y centro-sur de la laguna). Las muestras fueron obtenidas raspando o cortando parte de la macrfita en contacto directo con el agua. Se realiz la identificacin utilizando bibliografa especializada y artculos cientficos recientes. Como resultado se obtuvo un total de 75 gneros, 161 especies y 16 variedades descritas, siendo 16 gneros, 67, especies y 10 variedades nuevos reportes para el Per. Los gneros ms abundantes fueron Desmodesmus, Leptolyngbya, Trachelomonas, Lepocinclis y Phacus. Los phylum ms abundantes fueron Chlorophyta con 28.9%, Cyanobacteria con 27.7% y Euglenophyta con 19.3%. La gran diversidad y abundancia de algas encontradas puede deberse a factores fsico-qumicos, ambientales o por efecto de las mismas macrfitas. Concluimos que existe una alta diversidad algal asociadas a macrfitas presentes en la laguna El Oconal, as tambin que las Chlorophyta y Cyanobacteria fueron los phylum dominantes.


The Peruvian Amazon is home to a large number of aquatic ecosystems which allow the presence of various wildlife organisms, including algae are very important components in aquatic food chains, may be associated (epiphyton, metafiton) to the roots , stems or leaves of macrophytes. Studies on the algal diversity in Amazonian Peru are referred mostly to the Amazonian lowlands but not the "eyebrow of the jungle". El Oconal lagoon is located in the district of Villa Rica, Oxapampa province, and is an important local ecosystem. However, it is affected by human activities. The aim of this study was to determine the diversity of algae (except Bacillariophyceae) associated with macrophytes in El Oconal lagoon, and also determinate their relative abundance. Two field trips in dry season (August 31, 2013) and growing season (23 December 2013) were performed. 24 samples were collected in 4 zones of sampling (north-west, north-east, central and south-central regions of the lagoon) were obtained. The samples were obtained by scraping or cutting parts of macrophytes which were in direct contact with the water. Identification weas made using specialized literature and scientific articles. As a result a total of 75 genera, 161 species and 16 varieties were described, In addition, 16 genera, 67 species and 10 varieties were new records for Peru. The most abundant genera were Desmodesmus, Leptolyngbya, Trachelomonas, Lepocinclis and Phacus. The most abundant phylum were Chlorophyta with 28.9%, Cyanobacteria with 27.7% and Euglenophyta with 19.3%. The great diversity and abundance of algae found may be due to physico-chemical, environmental or macrophytes factors. We conclude that there is a high algal diversity associated with macrophytes present in El Oconal lagoon, and also mention that Chlorophyta and Cyanobacteria were the dominant phylum.

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