  • 8/13/2019 Reduccin de Grasa Productos Crnicos


    Fat reduction in comminuted meat products-effects of beef fat, regular andpre-emulsied canola oil

    M.K. Youssef, S. Barbut Food Science Department, University of Gelph, Guelph, Ontario, N1G 2WI, Canada

    a b s t r a c ta r t i c l e i n f o

    Article history:

    Received 9 June 2010

    Received in revised form 15 October 2010Accepted 12 November 2010


    Canola oilCaseinateColorEmulsionFatMeatProteinSoyTextureWhey

    The effects of fat reduction (25.0%, 17.5%, and 10.0%) and substituting beef fat with canola oil or pre-emulsied canola oil (using soy protein isolate, sodium caseinate or whey protein isolate) on cooking loss,texture and color of comminuted meat products were investigated. Reducing fat from 25 to 10% increasedcooking loss and decreased hardness. Canola oil or pre-emulsied treatments showed a positive effect onimproving yield and restoring textural parameters. Using sodium caseinate to pre-emulsify the oil resulted inthe highest hardness value. Cohesiveness was affected by fat type and level. The color of reduced fat meatbatters was darker for all, except the beef fat treatments. Using canola oil or pre-emulsi ed oil resulted in asignicant reduction in redness. The results show that pre-emulsication can offset some of the changes inreduced fat meat products when more water is used to substitute for the fat and that pre-emulsi cation canalso help to produce a more stable meat matrix.

    2010 The American Meat Science Association. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

    1. Introduction

    There has been a continuous trend to reduce fat consumption, andparticularly saturated fat in our diet over the past two decades. Fat isimportant in providing texture, avor and juiciness in meat battersbut is also a calorie dense nutrient (Ban, Daz, Nieto, Castillo, &lvarez, 2008; Keeton, 1991). Consumers who suffer from coronaryproblems are advised to choose low fat or low saturated fat food/meatproducts in an attempt to reduce risk factors. In some of these casesanimal fat can be partially/completely replaced with vegetable oil(Cceres, Garca, & Selgas, 2008; Hoogenkamp, 1987), but certainconsequences in terms of avor and texture are expected (Barbut,in press).

    Various researchers have studied the use of vegetable oils and pre-emulsied vegetable oils on emulsion stability, nutritional composi-tion, texture and sensory quality of low fat meat products ( Bishop,Olson, & Knipe, 1993; Bloukas & Paneras, 1993; Cceres et al., 2008).One attractive oil for this purpose is canola which also has severalbenecial health effects (Mattson & Grundy, 1985; McDonald,Gerrard, Bruce, & Corner, 1989). Overall, canola oil has a higher ratioof unsaturated fatty acids to saturated fatty acids compared with

    animal fats (Eskin & McDonald, 1991), is known for its hypocholes-terolemic effect (Nydahl, Gustafsson, Ohrvall, & Vessby, 1995) andantithrombotic effect (Kwon, Snook, Wardlaw, & Hwang, 1991).

    Paneras, Bloukas, and Filis (1998) reported that low fat frank-furters prepared with vegetable oils were rmer than normal fatcontrols prepared with pork fat.Marquez, Ahmed, West, and Johnson(1989)indicated that beef frankfurter color was affected by the nalfat content, and not by the oil treatments.

    Cceres et al. (2008) explained that pre-emulsication is a processof preparing an emulsion (oil in water in this case) stabilized with anemulsier, which is typically a protein of a non-meat origin. Such apre-emulsion can be prepared the day before sausage manufacturingand can be added as the fat ingredient to the meat product. Theprocess can improve fat binding ability, enhance physical stability,and is usually easier to disperse into a water-based system such asa meat batter (Jimnez-Colmenero, 2007). When oil/fat is pre-emulsied with a non-meat protein, more meat proteins can becomeavailable for gel formation of the matrix (Hoogenkamp, 1987).Bishopet al. (1993)reported that using pre-emulsied fat/oil had no effecton cooking yield, but rmness and redness values were lower in areduced fat bologna.Bloukas, Paneras, and Fournitzis (1997)foundthat low fat fermented sausages prepared with partial replacement ofpork fat with olive oil or pre emulsied olive oil (using soy proteinisolate) showed higher lightness and yellowness values than controlsausage, however sausages prepared with pre-emulsied olive oil

    Meat Science 87 (2011) 356360

    Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 519 824 4120; fax: +1 519 824 6631.E-mail address:[email protected](S. Barbut).

    0309-1740/$ see front matter 2010 The American Meat Science Association. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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  • 8/13/2019 Reduccin de Grasa Productos Crnicos


    were softer than the control.Muguerza, Gimeno, Ansorena, Bloukas,and Astiasaran (2001) reported that replacing pork back fat withpre-emulsied olive oil in a traditional Spanish fermented sausageresulted in lower hardness values compared to the control. Youssefand Barbut (2009) reported a reduction in the emulsion stabilitywhen raising the meat protein level to and beyond 14% infrankfurter-type-products prepared with canola oil (25%) but notwith beef fat. The objectives of this work were to evaluate the effects

    of changing the lipid phase, in meat emulsions, by replacing beef fatwith canola oil or by pre-emulsifying the canola oil with differentnon meat proteins.

    2. Materials and methods

    2.1. Preparation of meat batters

    Lean shoulder blade beef meat (73.6% moisture, 19.6% protein,and 5.9% fatAssociation of Ofcial Analytical Chemist (AOAC), 1996)and beef fat (80% fat, 17% moisture, and 2% protein) were obtainedfrom the University of Guelph abattoir. All visible connective tissueand fat were removed from the lean meat. Meat and later fat werecomminuted separately in a bowl chopper (Schneidmeister SMK40, Berlin, Germany) at the low speed setting for 1 min to obtain ahomogenous mass. The meat and fat were vacuum-packed sepa-rately and frozen (18 C) in a polyethylene bags (750 g/package)for up to 1 month prior to use. Twelve different formulations wereprepared (Table 1) in 3 independent trials. Meat and fat werethawed at 5 C overnight. Pure canola oil (No Name, SunfreshLimited, Toronto, Ontario), and pre-emulsied canola oil treatmentswere also kept at 5 C. Meat was chopped at the low speed setting for30 s followed by adding 2.00% salt and 0.25% sodium tripolyphos-phate, while chopping at high speed setting for 30 s. This wasfollowed by a 1.5 min break (allowing time for protein extraction).Next, the beef fat, canola oil, or pre-emulsied canola oil (seepreparation in Section 2.2) was added and the batter chopped at thehigh speed setting for 1 min, followed by ice addition (Table 1; note:for pre-emulsions some moisture already added during manufactur-

    ing and therefore subtracted from the amount of ice shown inTable 1) and chopping for 4 min. The batter's temperature did notexceed 12 C in any of the treatments. Each batter was vacuum-packed (Multivac A300/16, Wolfertschwenden, Germany) to removetrapped air. Three 35 g samples were stuffed into 50 ml polypropyl-ene tubes, which were centrifuged (Fischer Scientic, Model 225,Pittsburgh, PA) at the low speed setting for 30 s to remove anyremaining small air bubbles. The batters were cooked in a water-bath(Haake W-26, Berlin, Germany) from 25 to 72 C within 1.5 h. Athermocouple unit (Fluke, Model # 52 K/J, Everett, WA) was used tomonitor the core temperature of the samples.

    2.2. Preparation of pre-emulsied canola oil

    The day before production, pre-emulsions were prepared in a foodprocessor (Braun, Model 4243, Frankfurt, Germany) by using canolaoil, water, and sodium caseinate (92.8% protein, Alanate 180New Zealand Dairy Board. Wellington, New Zealand), or whey proteinisolate (95% protein, BiPRO Davisco Foods International. Le Sueur,MN) or soy protein isolate (86% protein, SUPRO EX 33, Solae. St.

    Louis, MO). The ratio of protein: canola oil: water was 0.5:8:8,respectively. The canola oil was pre-emulsied by adding water, theappropriate protein, and oil to the food processor and chopping at thelow speed setting for 5 min. The initial temperature of both oil andwater was 5 C and roseto 92 C attheend. Duringthenal minuteof chopping 1.5% salt was added, and later pre-emulsions kept at 5 C;no separation during storage.

    2.3. Cooking loss

    Fluid separating during cooking was collected, after cooling thetest tubes in a cold-water bath for 5 min; expressed as the ratio ofliquid expelled to raw batter weight (%).

    2.4. Texture prole analysis (TPA)

    After an overnight storage (5 C), TPA parameters were deter-mined using nine cooked cores (each 16 mm diameter, 10 mm long)per treatment. Cores were compressed twice to 75% of their originalheight by a texture analyzer (Model TA.XT2, Stable Micro Systems,Texture Technologies Corp., Scarsdale, NY) at a crosshead speed of1.5 mm/s. The following parameters were determined: fracturability,hardness, springiness, cohesiveness, chewiness, and gumminess(Bourne, 1978).

    2.5. Color

    The color of fresh cut cross-sections from cooked meat batters(9pertreatment) wasdetermined(MiniScan MS/S,HunterLab.,Reston,

    VA) using the D65 illuminant setting, and 10-degree standard observer.Color was expressed according to the Commission International del'Eclairage (CIE) system and reported as Hunter L* (lightness), a*(redness), and b* (yellowness) (Wiegand & Waloszek, 2003).

    2.6. Statistical analysis

    The experiment was designed as a complete randomized block,with three separate replications. Statistical analysis was performedusing a software package (SAS version 8.02, SAS Institute, Cary, NC,USA). The SAS General Linear Model procedure was used for analysis

    Table 1

    Formulations of meat emulsions prepared with beef fat, canola oil, or pre-emulsied canola oil at different fat level.

    Treatmenta Fat level(%)

    Protein level(%)

    Added water/ice(%)

    Beef fat(g)

    Canolaoil (g)

    Pre-emulsied canola oil usingb

    SOY (g) SCA (g) WPI (g)

    Trt1 10%BF 10.0 11.6 31.9 69.0Trt2 17.5%BF 17.5 11.8 21.9 148.5Trt3 25% BF 25.0 11.9 12.5 226.0Trt4 10% CO 10.0 11.5 33.0 55.1Trt5 17.5% CO 17.5 11.5 25.5 118.6Trt6 25% CO 25.0 11.5 18.0 182.0Trt7 10% PRE-SOY 10.0 11.8 32.4 114.4Trt8 17.5% PRE-SOY 17.5 12.0 24.3 243.2Trt9 10% PRE-SCA 10.0 11.8 32.4 114.4Trt10 17.5% PRE-SCA 17.5 12.0 24.3 243.2Trt11 10% PRE-WPI 10.0 11.8 32.4 114.4Trt12 17.5% PRE-WPI 17.5 12.0 24.3 243.2

    a All formulated with 2.0% salt and 0.25% sodium tripolyphosphate.b


    beef fat; CO

    canola oil; PRE

    pre-emulsied canola oil; SOY

    soy protein isolate; SCA

    sodium caseinate protein; WPI

    whey protein isolate.

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    of variance. Tukey's multiple comparison analysis was performedto separate the means (Pb0.05).

    3. Results and discussions

    3.1. Cooking loss

    Cooking loss results for the beef fat treatments were inversely

    related to the fat content with the highest uid losses occurringin the control treatments (Fig. 1). The higher uid loss (moistureonly; no fat losses encountered) in the low fat meat emulsions wasdue to the higher water added (i.e. used to replace some of thefat) and probably due to insufcient amount of meat proteins tohold all this added water. The relationship between cooking loss andfat level were consistent with the nding ofHughes, Cofrades, andTroy (1997) who reported that beef and pork frankfurters with5% fat had higher cooking loss than frankfurters containing 30%fat. In the present study, meat emulsions prepared with canolaoil showed the same trend but had signicantly lower uid lossescompared to the corresponding beef fat treatments. This mightbe due to the higher monounsaturated fatty acids in canola oilcompared to beef fat, which could have inuenced the water

    holding capacity (St. John, Buyck, Keeton, Leu, & Smith, 1986) or thesmaller size fat globules of canola oil treatments which created alarger surface area covered by proteins (Youssef & Barbut, 2009),or it was also related to the difference in the melting point of thecanola oil (12 C) compared to beef fat (15 to 38 C). The resultsdisagreed with Townsend, Ackerman, Witnauer, Palm, and Swift(1971)who reported that frankfurters prepared with vegetable oilhad higher cooking loss than those prepared with animal fat. Whencanola oil was pre-emulsied by non-meat proteins (soy, whey, andcaseinate) it actually helped to stabilize the products and resultedin lower cooking losses compared to the comparable non pre-emulsied products except for the SCA (see comparison at the sameprotein level, Fig. 1). These results agreed with Su, Bowers, andZayas (2000), who reported that reduced fat frankfurters, made with

    pre-emulsied fat, had lower cooking loss than all-meat non-pre-emulsied frankfurters. Wu, Xiong, Chen, Tang, and Zhour (2009),also reported that adding pre-emulsied lard or vegetable oil(peanut) at 10% to myobrillar protein gels improved water holdingcapacity of the cooked gels by 28 to 44% compared to no fat/oiladded. In the present study, pre-emulsied canola oil, preparedwith either soy or whey proteins, showed the lowest cookinglosses. This was most probably due to the capability of these two

    proteins to form a heat induced gel. Using sodium caseinate forpre-emulsication did not provide any advantage over no pre-emulsication (using meat protein only). This is an interestingnding as caseinate is known to be a good emulsier (e.g., usedby the meat industry in the production of regular/high fat meatproducts). However, in this case since no fat losses were observedin the control, the role of caseinate was not essential in terms ofcontributing to fat holding capacity. It should also be remembered

    that sodium caseinate is not able to form a gel at the cooking tem-perature used here (72 C). Therefore, it could not help in holdingwater as whey protein isolate or soy protein isolate did.

    3.2. Texture prole analysis (TPA)

    Reducing the fat content signicantly decreased the hardness ofall cooked meat batters (Table 2). This is mainly due to the highermoisture content in these treatments (i.e., water provides lessresistance to compression). Claus, Hunt, and Kastner (1989) alsoreported that low fat, high-added water bologna was less rm thanthe high fat (30%) control. Later,Wu et al. (2009)reported the sametrend when decreasing the amount of lard or peanut oil from 15 to 10and 5% in myobrillar protein gels. HoweverHand, Hollingsworth,Calkins, and Mandigo (1987)indicated that low fat frankfurters wereharder than the control. In the present study, replacing beef fatwith canola oil or pre-emulsied canola oil signicantly increasedhardness values (Table 2). This is the result of creating much smallerfat globules in the canola oil treatments.Youssef and Barbut (2010)reported that when canola oil is used, smaller fat globules wereobtained; average area was about 1% of the beef fat globules (e.g. 63vs 6101 m2) in nely comminuted meat batters produced with 25%canola oil and beef fat, respectively. The higher surface area, coveredby proteins, allowed more bonding to the matrix and resulted inrmer products (higher resistance to compression; Table 2). It isinteresting to note that in the present study, the differences in hard-ness between beef fat and canola oil only became signicant at 17.5%fat/oil and the magnitude of the difference increased at the 25% fat/oillevel. The explanation for this is possibly the fact that at 10% fat/oil

    the volume ratio of fat to the lean meat matrix was small.The highest hardness values were observed in the meat emulsion

    prepared with pre-emulsied canolaoil using sodiumcaseinate whichwere signicantly higher than the two corresponding canola oiltreatments. This appears to be due to higher emulsifying capacity ofcaseinate which later could interact (and form better bonds) with themeat matrix. As indicated before, caseinateis known to be a very goodemulsier (i.e., used by the meat industry for this purpose), whichcould better interact with the myobril proteins and subsequentlyreinforce the gel, as suggested by Xiong, Blanchard, and Means(1992). In the case of soy protein isolate, Bloukas et al. (1997)alsofound that the incorporation of pre-emulsied olive oil in fermentedsausage, resulted in harder texture than the control. On the otherhand,Bishop et al. (1993)reported that reduced fat meat emulsions

    produced withpre-emulsied fat or oil (usingsodium caseinate) weresofter than reduced fat bologna prepared with non pre-emulsied fat.The latter, could be related to the protein level Bishop et al. used, ascan be seen in the present experiment.

    Cohesiveness tended to decease as fat content was raised in thebeef fat meat treatments (Table 2). A similar trend resulting fromraising animal fat content was reported in various other studies(Barbut & Mittal, 1992; Pietrasik, 1999). The replacement of beef fatwith canola oil or pre-emulsied canola oil caused the reversed trend.This is most likely related to the much smaller fat globules in thecanola oil treatments, saturation level of the fat/oil phase and/or pre-emulsifying the oil with non-meat proteins. Springiness valuesincreased as beef fat or pre-emulsied oil level was raised and thiscan be explained by the high fat/oil providing more elasticity (i.e.,

    water does not contribute to springiness). The canola oil treatments





    e ef


    e e










































    Moisture loss

    Fig. 1.Effectsof substitute beeffat with canola oil,or pre-emulsied canola oil at differentfatlevelson moisturelossof comminutedbeef meat emulsions. (BFbeeffat;CO canolaoil; PRE pre-emulsied canola oil; SOY soy protein isolate; SCA sodium caseinateprotein; WPI whey protein isolate).agMeans with no common letter, above bar, are

    signicantly different (Pb


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    by themselves (10, 17.5 and 20) did not reveal a clear trend.Chewiness and gumminess showed the same increasing trend whenbeef fat or canola oil wasraised. However, it should be mentioned thatthe 25% canola oil in the non or pre-emulsied form, showed valuestwice as high as itsbeef fat counterpart again indicating that thefat/oilglobule size has a signicant effect on these textural parameters.Overall, reducing the beef fat content and replacing it with canola oilor pre-emulsied canola oil resulted in increasing most of the texturalparameters (Table 2). The results agreed withPaneras and Bloukas(1994)who found that low-fat frankfurters, produced with vegetableoils, were rmer than high fat controls. Park, Rhee, Keeton, andRhee (1989)have also indicated that cohesiveness, gumminess, andchewiness were higher in low-fat products made with high-oleicsunower oil than in regular beef fat (30%) frankfurters.

    3.3. Color

    The changes observed in color were mainly related to type andlevel of fat/oil used (Table 3). There was no signicant difference in

    lightness (L*) values among the high and low beef fat treatments butthey became progressively more yellow (higher b*) as more beef fatwasused.The former agrees with Ahmed, Miller, Lyon,Vaughters, andReagan (1990)who found that decreasing fat content in fresh porksausages (i.e. with a simultaneous higher added water), did not affectL* values. However, Claus and Hunt (1991) reported that bolognamade with 30% fat had higher L* value than the same productwith 10% fat. In the present study, replacing beef fat with canola oil or

    pre-emulsied canola oil resulted in a signicant increase in lightnessacross all fat levels compared to the control. This is most probablyrelated to the much smaller canola oil globules which reect morelight (larger surface area) than the larger beef fat globules. It shouldalso be pointed out that lightness values increased with increasingcanola oil content. These results agree withBishop et al. (1993)whoreported that increasing oil content in bologna containing pre-emulsied corn oil resulted in higher L* value compared to low fatbologna. However, Paneras et al. (1998) indicated that high fatfrankfurters were darker than low fat products produced withdifferent levels of vegetable oils. When it comes to yellowness (b*)the canola oil treatments showed higher values compared to the beeffat treatments (Table 3) as canola oil is yellow in color.

    There was some increase in redness (a*) with increasing theamounts of added beef fat and canola oil content. This might be dueto a different concentration of the myoglobin by adding less water tothe higher fat/oil treatments.Carballo, Mota, Baretto, and Colmenero(1995)reported that increasing fat resulted in lower redness values,but as they also raised the meat protein level (which obviously

    added more myoglobin to the meat system) the trend was not soclear. In the present study, the replacement of beef fat with pre-emulsied canola oil resulted in lower redness values. This is due toreplacing part of the meat proteins (which is a source of myoglobin)with white non-meat proteins in the pre-emulsied meat treatment(seeTable 1).

    4. Conclusions

    Reducing the fat content resulted in higher cooking loss in thebeef fat treatments (i.e. as more water was used in the formulation).The same trend was observed with canola oil but to a much lesserextent. The latter was most probably due to the much smaller fat

    globules in the canola oil treatments. Using pre-emulsication ofcanola oil with soy, caseinate, and whey proteins helped to furtherreduce cooking loss. Fat reduction was also associated with a softertexture in the beef fat and canola oil treatments. Pre-emulsicationhelped to slow down this trend as the non-meat proteins helpedto stabilize the fat and possibly allowed more meat proteininteractions.


    The authors would like to thank the Egyptian Mission Department,Ministry of Higher Education, Arab Republic of Egypt, for supportingMr. Youssef's Ph.D. program and the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture

    and Food for

    nancial support.

    Table 2

    Effects of substitute beef fat with canola oil, or pre-emulsied canola oil at different fat level on texture prole analyses of cooked comminuted meat batters. (BF beef fat; CO canola oil; PRE pre-emulsied canola oil; SOY soy protein isolate; SCA sodium caseinate protein; WPI whey protein isolate).

    Treatment (#) Hardness (N) Fracturability (N) Springiness (mm) Cohesiveness (ratio) Chewiness (mm) Gumminess

    Trt1 10%BF 47.6 0.9f 32.30.84e 0.670.01 cd 0.260.01gh 8.80.4e 12.70.4 h

    Trt2 17.5%BF 60.7 1.1d 37.10.09 dc 0.650.02de 0.250.01 h 9.80.3e 15.30.4 fg

    Trt3 25% BF 66.2 1.2c 33.30.58e 0.600.02e 0.220.01i 9.00.5e 14.60.4 fg

    Trt4 10% CO 49.3 0.9f 40.20.78ab 0.720.01abc 0.290.01ef 10.40.3e 14.30.3 g

    Trt5 17.5% CO 68.7 1.4c 42.71.10a 0.680.01bcd 0.300.01de 14.20.6d 20.60.6d

    Trt6 25% CO 76.4 1.9b






    Trt7 10% PRE-SOY 56.9 1.5e 42.30.78a 0.690.01bcd 0.270.01 fg 10.90.5e 15.80.5ef

    Trt8 17.5% PRE-SOY 85.1 1.5a 35.20.66de 0.740.01a 0.330.01bc 21.71.1a 28.61.1b

    Trt9 10% PRE-SCA 61.6 1.8d 39.71.44abc 0.730.01ab 0.300.01de 13.60.5d 18.61.8ed

    Trt10 17.5% PRE-SCA 88.32.1a 36.71.06 dc 0.770.01a 0.350.01a 24.81.6a 33.62.5a

    Trt11 10% PRE-WPI 54.1 1.1ef 39.10.95bc 0.680.01bcd 0.290.01ef 10.80.5e 15.80.5ef

    Trt12 17.5% PRE-WPI 79.31.8b 37.51.01bcd 0.750.01a 0.310.01 cd 18.80.7c 25.00.8c

    agMeans, standard error, with no common superscript are signicantly different (Pb0.05).

    Table 3

    Effects of substitute beef fat with canola oil, or pre-emulsied canola oil at different fatlevel on color (L*=lightness, a*=redness, b*=yellowness) of cooked comminutedbeef meat emulsions. (BF beef fat; CO canola oil; PRE pre-emulsied canola oil;SOY soy protein isolate; SCA sodium caseinate protein; WPI whey proteinisolate).

    Treatment (#) L* a* b*

    Trt1 10%BF 64.1 0.1 g 2.690.04c 12.880.04f

    Trt2 17.5%BF 64.5 0.1 g 3.070.05b 12.990.04f

    Trt3 25% BF 64.2 0.1 g 3.710.02a 13.430.05e

    Trt4 10% CO 70.1 0.1f 2.300.02ef 14.190.03a

    Trt5 17.5% CO 72.1 0.2d 2.400.02de 14.000.03b

    Trt6 25% CO 72.9 0.1c 2.490.03d 13.990.04b

    Trt7 10% PRE-SOY 71.5 0.1e 2.230.02 fg 13.940.04bc

    Trt8 17.5% PRE-SOY 73.80.2b 2.240.03efg 13.920.05bc

    Trt9 10% PRE-SCA 71.2 0.1e 2.190.04 fg 13.940.05bc

    Trt10 17.5% PRE-SCA 74.50.1a 2.200.03 fg 13.740.04d

    Trt11 10% PRE-WPI 70.1 0.2f 2.120.03 g 14.010.05b

    Trt12 17.5% PRE-WPI 73.10.1c 2.210.03 fg 13.810.05 dc

    agMeans, standard error, with no common superscript are signicantly different



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