  • 7/30/2019 Macchupicchu Ubicacion Ingles



    Good night teacher and classmates. My name is Luis Angulo.

    Today we're going to talk about one of the most representative sites of Peru. Macchu Picchu.

    Our exhibition consists of three parts: History, Geography and Importance

    Below my classmate began exposure.


    Machu Picchu is located in the southern hemisphere, 13.2 degrees south of the equator. It is 80 kilometers

    northwest ofCusco, on the crest of the mountain Machu Picchu, located about 2,430 metres above mean sea

    level. As such, it had a milder climate than the Inca capital. It is one of the most important archaeological sites in

    South America.

    Machu Picchu est ubicado en el hemisferio sur, 13,2 grados al sur del ecuador. Se encuentra a

    80 kilmetros al noroeste de Cusco, en la cresta de la montaa Machu Picchu, ubicada a unos

    2.430 metros sobre el nivel medio del mar. Como tal, tena un clima ms suave que la capital

    Inca. Es uno de los sitios arqueolgicos ms importantes de Amrica del Sur,

    The year at Machu Picchu is divided between wet and dry seasons, with the majority ofannual rain falling from

    October through to April. It can rain at any time of the year.

    El ao en Machu Picchu se divide entre las estaciones hmedas y secas, y la mayora de la lluvia

    anual que cae desde octubre hasta abril. Se puede llover en cualquier momento del ao.

    Machu Picchu is situated above a loop of the Urubamba River, which surrounds the site on three sides. The city

    sits between the two mountains Machu Picchu and Huayna Picchu. The location of the city was a military secret,

    and its deep precipices and steep mountains provided excellent natural defenses. It has a water supply from

    springs and enough land to grow food. The terraces reduced soil erosion and protected against landslides. Two

    high-altitude routes from Machu Picchu go across the mountains back to Cusco, one through the sun gate, and

    the other across the Inca bridge.

    Machu Picchu est situado sobre un meandro del ro Urubamba, que rodea el sitio en tres lados.

    La ciudad se encuentra entre las dos montaas Machu Picchu y Huayna Picchu. La ubicacin de

    la ciudad era un secreto militar y sus profundos barrancos y montaas escarpadas proporcion

    excelentes defensas naturales. Cuenta con un suministro de agua de los manantiales y suficiente

    tierra para cultivar alimentos. Las terrazas reducen la erosin del suelo y la proteccin contra

    deslizamientos. Dos rutas de alta montaa de Machu Picchu pasan a travs de las montaas de

    regreso a Cusco, uno a travs de la puerta del sol, y el otro por el puente Inca.

    That's it. Thank you. Then my classmate continue with exposure

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