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Tercer Semestre

Ranulfo Sántiz López

San Cristóbal de Las Casas, Chiapas, México.

Page 2: Inglés 3

El contenido académico de este texto es exclusiva responsabilidad del Instituto Tecnológico y de

Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (ITESM) y su índice pertenece al programa correspondiente al Plan

de estudios del nivel medio superior, para la materia de:


Autora: María del Rosario Ortega Argüelles.

Revisión y Corrección: Frank Hermanus.

Compendio elaborado por: Ranulfo Sántiz López.

e-mail: [email protected]

La decisión de hacer este compendio fue motivada por un gran deseo de ofrecer ayuda a todas

aquellas personas que se lanzan a la aventura de estudiar sin maestro. Además, como parte de mi

experiencia docente como asesor académico en esta asignatura, he visto la necesidad de contar con

materiales didácticos prácticos y sencillos, aunque no menos rigorista.

Sinceramente, espero contribuir para que el alumnado del sistema abierto, pueda concluir

satisfactoriamente sus estudios de nivel medio superior, porque estoy consciente de la importancia

que tiene la educación en la vida de cada una de las personas. Así entonces, busco facilitar el

proceso de aprendizaje en esta materia que forma parte del plan de estudios del sistema abierto,

esperando que le sea de utilidad y lo lleve a cumplir sus metas educativas.

San Cristóbal de Las Casas, Chiapas; México; Mayo de 2012.

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Tipos de sujeto 1

Uso de pronombres 4

Uso y omisión del artículo “the” 9

Uso y omisión del articulo “the” 12

Tiempos compuestos 17

Verbos que denotan Hechos Verbales 25

Pronombres reflexivos 29

Verbos que indican percepción o circunstancia 31

Adverbios intensificadores y confirmatorios 33

Funciones sintácticas del adjetivo 36

Grado de adjetivos y adverbios 39

Verbos regulares e irregulares 42

Referencia Bibliográfica 47

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Inglés III Preparatoria Abierta 1

Módulo 1


1.1. Para expresar acciones como sujeto.

Dancing is fun.

Doing exercises makes me hungry.

Cleaning his room took me one hour.

1.2. Para expresar acciones como sujeto diferido.

It is fun to dance.

It makes me hungry to do exercise.

It is necessary to paint this table.

1.3. Para expresar acciones en que no hay un sujeto real al cual atribuirle lo que dice el predicado.

It is raining. It snowed last night.

It was Monday. It was spring.

It is midnight. It is Christmas Eve.

1.4. Para expresar acciones con el verbo “haber”.

There is an ash tray on that table. There isn’t any milk in this bottle.

There are two people in front of the door. There was a car in the garage.

There were many guests at the party yesterday. There weren’t many people in the park.

There will be many guests at the Julie’s wedding. There won’t be anything to do.

Weren’t there two oranges on the kitchen table? Is there an English book on the desk?

Yes, there were. No, there isn’t.

OBSERVE Punto 1.1.: Para expresar una acción como sujeto de una oración se cambia el verbo que la nombra a la forma de gerundio (V-

ing). Como conserva su valor verbal, admite complementos aunque éstos, por razones de estilo pueden hacer que la construcción resulte forzada, especialmente si son de más de una o dos palabras. El verbo que sigue a V-ing como sujeto SIEMPRE va en tercera persona singular.

Punto 1.2.: Aunque se puede utilizar el infinitivo de un verbo, en la posición normal del sujeto, generalmente se prefiere

usarlo como sujeto diferido, en cuyo caso se utiliza IT como forma vacía de significado, en el lugar y con la función de sujeto para los fines de concordancia con el verbo que constituye el núcleo del predicado.

Punto 1.3.: Cuando se habla de fenómenos meteorológicos, del tiempo en sí mismo, de la distancia a un lugar; se utiliza IT

como sujeto formal, ya que no hay sujeto real. Punto 1.4.: Para expresar el hecho de hallarse uno o varios objetos en un lugar determinado, se utiliza el verbo “haber”, es

decir; la palabra there como sujeto formal para todos los fines de estructuración y concordancia con el verbo to be, con el que forma una unidad de significación. There funciona sintácticamente como it con objetos singulares u objetos que no tienen unidad, es decir, toma las formas is o was; y they con objetos plurales, es decir, toma las formas are o were. También sucede lo mismo en

las respuestas cortas.

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Inglés III Preparatoria Abierta 2


Ejercicio 1.

Complete las siguientes oraciones. Véase punto 1.1.

1. Studying is necessary. (study)

2. _______________ chess is interesting. (play)

3. _______________ is his special ability. (draw)

4. _______________ is a wonderful sport. (swim)

5. _______________ is a natural activity for children. (play)

6. _______________ is his favorite activity. (eat)

7. _______________ the truth all the time requires great courage. (tell)

8. _______________ this woolen dress with hot water was a mistake. (wash)

9. _______________ and _______________ are essential activities to keep alive. (eat / sleep)

10. _______________ these spots is going to be difficult. (clean)

11. _______________ our heavy coats was a good idea. (take)

12. _______________ English requires a lot of practice. (learn)

Ejercicio 2.

Complete las siguientes oraciones. Véase punto 1.2.

1. It is necessary to water the plants. (water)

2. _______ is pleasant _______________ to music. (listen)

3. _______ is dangerous not _______________ traffic signs. (obey)

4. _______ makes me happy ______________ you. (see)

5. _______ is his duty _______________. (cook)

6. Was ________ your job ______________? (teach)

7. Is ________ our obligation ______________ to church? (go)

8. _______ amuses children _____________ television. (watch)

9. _______ is hard ______________ a mountain. (climb)

10. _______ is convenient ______________ the windows. The room is stuffy. (open)

11. _______ is important ______________ these words correctly. (copy)

12. _______ requires a great effort _______________ upstream. (swim)

Ejercicio 3.

Complete las siguientes oraciones utilizando el infinitivo correspondiente al sujeto diferido. Véase punto 1.2.

1. Visiting friends is pleasant. It is pleasant to visit friends.

2. Learning foreign languages is interesting. ______________________________________________________

3. Criticizing others is easy. ______________________________________________________

4. Explaining the situation was not easy. ______________________________________________________

5. Not protesting against injustice is wrong. ______________________________________________________

6. Not being punctual is a bad habit. ______________________________________________________

7. Reading is enjoyable. ______________________________________________________

8. Doing exercise is good for your health. ______________________________________________________

9. Ironing that dress is not urgent. ______________________________________________________

10. Understanding philosophy is not easy. ______________________________________________________

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Inglés III Preparatoria Abierta 3

Ejercicio 4.

Con la información esquemática que se le da, complete las siguientes oraciones. Véase punto 1.3.

1. It is windy today. (windy)

2. ___________________ yesterday. (cold)

3. ___________________ p.m. (9)

4. ___________________. I am sleepy. (late)

5. ___________________. Take your umbrella. (raining)

Ejercicio 5.

Cambia a la forma negativa, use las contracciones. Véase punto 1.4.

1. There are many chairs in this room. There aren’t many chairs in this room.

2. There is a radio in each room. ______________________________________________________

3. There was a police officer on the corner. ______________________________________________________

4. There were many offices in that building. ______________________________________________________

5. There are many children in the park. ______________________________________________________

6. There is a typewriter in each room. ______________________________________________________

7. There was a window in the room ______________________________________________________

8. There are two doors in the room. ______________________________________________________

9. There will be a letter here for you. ______________________________________________________

10. There were two telephones in the office. ______________________________________________________

Ejercicio 6.

Subraye la repuesta correcta de las siguientes oraciones. Véase punto 1.4.

1. There (is, are) a magazine on the chair. 2. There (is, are) two men in the office.

3. There (was, were) many children in the park. 4. There (is, are) many people on the bus.

5. There (was, were) a man at the door. 6. There (is, are) seven days in a week.

7. There (is, are) twelve months in a years. 8. There (was, were) two windows in this room.

9. There (was, were) many students in our class. 10. There (is, are) only one chair in this room.

11. There (is, are) only one cloud in the sky. 12. There (was, were) several pictures on the wall.

13. There (was, were) two dishes on the table. 14. There (is, are) many churches in this city.

15. There (is, are) a letter for you. 16. There (is, are) some students in the library.

Ejercicio 7.

Cambie a la forma interrogativa las siguientes oraciones. Véase punto 1.4.

1. There is a police officer on the corner. Is there a police officer on the corner?

2. There is a window in each room. ______________________________________________________

3. There was a mouse in the room. ______________________________________________________

4. There were many birds in the tree. ______________________________________________________

5. There is a radio in every room. ______________________________________________________

6. There are twelve months in a year. ______________________________________________________

7. There was only one person on the bus. ______________________________________________________

8. There will be several pictures on the wall. ______________________________________________________

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Inglés III Preparatoria Abierta 4

Módulo 2


2.1. Uso de pronombres posesivos.

Her books are nice and clean, but his are a disgrace. This is Alice’s book. I left mine at home.

The prize is yours. You and your wife won the contest. No, that’s John’s car. Ours is near the pole.

They finished paying for their little house. It is all theirs now.

Whose dress is this? Whose car is that?

Whose is this? Whose is that?

This is yours, hers is on the bed. It’s his.

2.2. Uso de formas pronominales.

Which apple do you want? Which apples do you want?

Which one do you want? Which ones do you want?

I want the big one. I want the big ones.

Are you going to buy this piñata? I can’t use that ball. I need a small ball.

Are you going to buy this one? I can’t use that one. I need a small one.

Yes, I am going to buy this one.

2.3. Uso de pronombres indefinidos.

Everybody (everyone) is having fun. Nobody (no one) is having fun.

There’s somebody (someone) behind the curtain. Anybody (anyone) might win the race.

Everything is in its place. Nothing is in its place.

Something is missing. A hungry mouse eats anything.

There are flowers everywhere. I have my keys somewhere in my handbag.

You can go anywhere in a jeep. Sometime in the future I’ll be rich.

I can find that ring nowhere. There isn’t anybody (anyone) at the desk.

I can’t find that ring anywhere. There is nobody (no one) at the desk.

There is nothing on the table.

There isn’t anything on the table.

OBSERVE Punto 2.1.: Para denotar posesión cuando queda sobreentendido el nombre del objeto que se posee, o cuando no se desea repetirlo se utilizan los pronombres posesivos mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours, yours, theirs en concordancia con el poseedor. El pronombre posesivo no diferencia entre género y número, por ejemplo el pronombre his significa el mío, la mía, los míos y las mías. Para preguntar por el poseedor de un objeto, mencionado o sobreentendido, se usa Whose y éste precede al nombre del objeto. Observe la siguiente estructura: Whose + obj + is/are + this/that/these/those? Punto 2.2.: Cuando no se desea repetir un sustantivo porque se ha mencionado inmediatamente antes, o porque de cualquier otra manera resulta claro en el diálogo, se utiliza las formas pronominales; se sustituye por la palabra ONE si dicho sustantivo es singular, o por la palabra ONES, si es plural. Esto puede hacerse cuando se pregunta especificación con la palabra WHICH, o cuando se da especificación con un adjetivo descriptivo. Se usa la forma ONE con las palabras: which, the, another, other, this y that, etc. No se usa ONES con las palabras: several, five, these, those, etc.

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Inglés III Preparatoria Abierta 5

Punto 2.3.: Estudie cuidadosamente el siguiente cuadro de pronombres indefinidos, su significado y su función gramatical.


Everybody (everyone) Todos Se usa para denotar todas las personas o individuos del mundo (si se trata de una generalización), o de un grupo determinado.

Everything Todo Se usa para denotar todos los objetos del mundo (si se trata de una generalización), o de un grupo determinado.

Everywhere En todas partes Se usa para denotar la totalidad del espacio en una generalización, o la del espacio que se está abarcando convencionalmente.

Nobody (no one) Nadie Indica ausencia de alguna persona.

Nothing Nada Indica carencia de algo.

Nowhere En ningún lugar Se refiere a algún lugar dentro de un espacio determinando o indeterminado pero indicando negación.

Anybody (anyone) Nadie / alguien Indican cualquier persona o individuo de un grupo, determinado o no. Se usa con negativas e interrogativas.

Anything Algo / nada Señala cualquier cosa en general, o dentro de un cierto grupo no precisado. Se usa con negativas e interrogativas.

Anywhere En ningún lugar / en algún lugar

Indica cualquier lugar.

Somebody (someone) Alguien Denotan alguna persona de un grupo no determinado.

Something Algo Indica algo de un conjunto no determinado.

Somewhere En algún lugar Se refiere a algún lugar dentro de un espacio determinado o indeterminado.

Sometime Algún día Señala algún tiempo no preciso.

Las palabras everybody, everyone, everything, no one, no body, somebody, someone, anybody, any one, nothing, something, anything; se pueden usar como sujetos o como complementos directos o indirectos y se estructuran como tales. Como sujetos SIEMPRE concuerdan con el verbo en 3º persona en SINGULAR.

Las palabras everywhere, nowhere, somewhere y anywhere cumplen la función de complementos circunstanciales de lugar. Sometime cumple la función de circunstancial de tiempo. Estas últimas cinco palabras ocupan normalmente las últimas posiciones en la oración.

Las palabras nobody, no one, nothing y nowhere; NO pueden usarse en frases negativas. Las palabras anybody, anyone, anything y anywhere, en frase negativa equivalen a nobody, no one, nothing y nowhere.

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Inglés III Preparatoria Abierta 6


Ejercicio 1.

Complete las oraciones con uno de los pronombres posesivos; según lo pida el texto. Véase punto 2.1.

1. This is yours; I left mine at home.

2. Helen brought ____________, but we didn’t bring ___________.

3. I have my ring in this box; where is _____________, Helen?

4. Mary found ___________ in her dresser, but Sylvia couldn’t find ___________.

5. I have mine and hers, but ___________ are missing. Where did you leave them?

6. __________ is the small read car in front of the house. We bought it last week.

7. We have new radios. Mark bought _________ downtown, Ted and I bought __________ in a store near school.

8. __________ is a beautiful race car. He bought it last September.

9. She made ___________ yesterday.

10. They brought ___________ on time, but Carla and Liz didn’t bring __________.

Ejercicio 2.

Conteste las preguntas guiándose por la información dada entre paréntesis. Véase punto 2.1.

1. Whose car is this? It is mine (I’m the owner)

2. Whose books are these? ________________________ (John is the owner)

3. Whose money is this? ________________________ (She is the owner)

4. Whose candy is this? ________________________ (You are the owner)

5. Whose radio is this? ________________________ (We are the owners)

6. Whose records are those? ________________________ (They are the owners)

7. Whose coat is that? ________________________ (Bill is the owner)

8. Whose papers are these? ________________________ (I’m the owner)

9. Whose handkerchief is that? ________________________ (He is the owner)

10. Whose earrings are these? ________________________ (Mrs. Herbert is the owner)

11. Whose socks are those? ________________________ (I am the owner)

12. Whose tickets are those? ________________________ (We are the owners)

13. Whose pen is that? ________________________ (You are the owner)

14. Whose chocolate bars are those? ________________________ (You and Mark are the owners)

15. Whose typewriter is this? ________________________ (We are the owners)

16. Whose watch is this? ________________________ (Jane is the possessor)

17. Whose documents are these? ________________________ (We are the possessor)

18. Whose flowers are these? ________________________ (She is the possessor)

19. Whose sweater is that? ________________________ (Bob’s the possessor)

20. Whose house is this? ________________________ (The Clarks are the possessors)

Ejercicio 3.

Complete con ONE o ONES según convenga. Si no es posible usar ninguna de las dos palabras, cruce el espacio con una línea. Véase punto 2.2.

1. I need another one , please bring it to me.

2. Laura is going to buy several _____________.

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Inglés III Preparatoria Abierta 7

3. Which __________ did Helen choose, number one or number two?

4. I can’t buy the blue __________. They are not my size.

5. Who brought these __________?

6. The __________ in the middle and the __________ at the end, are Mexican. Both belong to Mary.

7. Can you give me those ___________? I need them for school.

8. Five __________ are for John, the other __________ are for Peter.

9. This __________ is Louise’s, that __________ is mine.

10. You may take the small __________, the other ___________ are for the church bazaar. (There are three in all).

11. Those ___________ aren’t ours, Please don’t touch them.

12. Which boy is Peter? Isn’t he the ___________ near the door?

13. Please open the __________ in the refrigerator. It is for dinner tonight.

14. My new flat is much bigger than my old ___________.

15. I like the green shirt best. Which ___________ do you prefer?

16. I like these brown shoes more than those black ___________.

17. Which picture do you prefer, this __________ or that __________?

18. I’m looking for a tie. I want a blue ___________.

19. Would you like a drink? Oh yes, please, I’d love ___________.

Ejercicio 4.

Complete guiándose por el contexto. Utilice las palabras everybody (everyone), everything y everywhere. Véase punto 2.3.

1. Everybody (everyone) shouted happily at the wonderful news.

2. I saw smiling faces ______________________.

3. ____________________ was the way it should be.

4. There were children ______________________.

5. You cannot please ______________________.

6. They placed guards ______________________.

7. ____________________ looks perfect. John is going to be pleased.

8. Was _______________________ at the school auditorium listening to the famous lecturer?

9. I answered ______________________ on the exam. I hope to get a good grade.

10. Not ____________________ came punctually this morning. Some students were late.

Ejercicio 5.

Complete guiándose por el contexto. Utilice las palabras somebody (someone), something, somewhere o sometime.

Véase punto 2.3.

1. That letter will arrive sometime today. Don’t be impatient.

2. Did __________________ call the doctor?

3. The prize is hidden __________________ in this room.

4. The party was __________________ before Christmas.

5. ___________________ in my shoe is bothering me.

6. ___________________ will finally find the answer to the problem.

7. Did you take ____________________ out of the refrigerator?

8. ___________________ opened the main door downstairs. It might be a thief.

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Inglés III Preparatoria Abierta 8

9. One of her contact lenses fell ____________________ near the dresser.

10. There’s _____________________ knocking at the door, please open it.

Ejercicio 6.

Complete guiándose por el contexto. Utilice las palabras anybody (anyone), anything o anywhere. Véase punto 2.3.

1. You can put the packages anywhere

2. ___________________ attracts the attention of a small child: a little insect, a flower, an old candy wrapper.

3. ___________________ can learn English. The only thing required is practice and more practice.

4. With this ticket, I may go ______________________ within three hundred miles of Monterrey.

5. Did Mary add ______________________ unusual to the meat? It has a different taste.

6. ___________________ from Little town could identify John Gilford.

7. ___________________ might ruin the project at this step: a failure in power control.

8. A helicopter can land practically _____________________.

9. ___________________ can win the prize. The tickets are free.

10. Did you smell ______________________ strange when you opened the box?

Ejercicio 7.

Complete guiándose por el contexto. Utilice las palabras nobody (no one), nothing, nowhere, anybody (anyone),

anything, anywhere, con el mismo sentido negativo. Véase punto 2.3.

1. I didn’t find anything inside the envelope.

2. _____________________ arrived on the 8:00 o’clock train.

3. Please don’t say ______________________. I’ll do it anyway.

4. Don’t put ___________________ on the table. I painted it five minutes ago.

5. We can’t go ____________________. We have no money.

6. They talked to ____________________ at the station.

7. She saw it ____________________ in the room.

8. We didn’t buy ___________________ for Christy and her birthday is tomorrow.

9. Alice is _____________________ in the school.

10. Charles isn’t imitating ______________________. That is his own personality.

11. Unfortunately, there isn’t _______________________ we can talk to.

12. They discovered _________________________ new.

13. _____________________ could see the reason for his attitude.

14. _____________________ will convince him: money, presents or advice.

15. The bus didn’t stop _______________________ until it reached its final destination.

16. I could see the books ______________________.

17. Don’t say _____________________. It is not necessary.

18. We didn’t hear _____________________ discussing the problem.

19. They discovered _____________________ of archeological value in the old house.

20. ____________________ answered the phone.

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Inglés III Preparatoria Abierta 9

Módulo 3


3.1. Para expresar generalización o particularización.

A. En el caso de objetos incontables.


Fire is sometimes useful and sometimes harmful. Snow is white.

No se utiliza el artículo THE cuando en una oración se está generalizando el nombre de un objeto y, además, es incontable.

He put out the fire before leaving. The snow in my hand feels very cold.

Sí se utiliza el artículo THE cuando en una oración no se está generalizando el nombre de un objeto, únicamente se está refiriendo a una porción determinada. El artículo THE va antepuesto al nombre del objeto.

B. En el caso de objetos contables.


Trees provide shade for us. Flowers are beautiful. Doctors are usually specialized nowadays.

No se utiliza el artículo THE cuando se quiere englobar a todos los individuos de una especie. El sustantivo va en plural.

The trees in our garden are full of blossoms. The orange tree is especially beautiful. The flower is an important element of Japanese life. The flowers he has in his hand are for Mary. Did you see the doctor today? The Clarks, Dr. Clark and his family, live beside this church.

Sí se utiliza el artículo THE cuando se trata de un individuo o de un grupo de individuos determinados, dentro de una especie. El sustantivo puede estar en singular o en plural.

3.2. Casos especiales.

A. Objetos únicos en la cultura.


The sun is going to melt the snow soon. The moon is full tonight. The wind is blowing hard. They exhibit some beautiful Greek vases at the museum. They are going to the zoo.

Sí se utiliza el artículo THE cuando se trata de objetos únicos o considerados únicos en la cultura. Casos especiales: the air, the earth, the moon, the museum, the sun, the weather, the wind, the world, the zoo. Excepciones: heaven, hell, paradise, society, civilization, town (con el significado de centro de la ciudad).

B. Ramas del conocimiento humano.


English and Spanish have different vowel sounds. Mike is studying law.

No se utiliza el artículo THE cuando se trata de ramas del conocimiento humano tomadas en general.

The new English books arrived today. She lives near the Law School.

Sí se utiliza el artículo THE cuando las ramas del conocimiento humano funcionan como adjetivos. En los ejemplos anteriores, los sustantivos que funcionan como adjetivos son: books y school.

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C. Actividades.


I’m going to bed now. Good night. The policeman are taking the thief to jail. We are going to class now.

No se utiliza el artículo THE cuando el sustantivo deja de referirse a un objeto, para nombrar en general la actividad con la que se conecta dicho objeto. Otros sustantivos con el mismo caso: breakfast, lunch, dinner, supper, tea, church, school, college, prison, work, war.

Caso especial: La actividad de tocar un instrumento musical, con the. He plays the guitar, I play the piano, etc.

She’s sweeping under the bed. They are cleaning the jail. The class was long today. He plays the guitar; I play the piano.

Sí se utiliza el artículo THE cuando el sustantivo se refiere a un objeto.

D. Los días de la semana y las horas.


We have a special class on Saturdays. It’s five now, I’ll be there at seven.

No se utiliza el artículo THE cuando se trata de las horas y de los días de la semana, siempre y cuando no se usen números ordinales.

Mother’s day in the United States is the second Sunday of may. Sí se utiliza el artículo THE cuando se trata de los días de la semana, siempre y cuando se usen números ordinales.


Ejercicio 1.

Guiándose por el contexto, complete con la forma correcta del sustantivo que aparece entre paréntesis, utilizando el

artículo THE. Véase punto 3.1.

1. The coat near my blue suit belongs to my sister. (coat).

2. Vegetables are necessary in our diet. (vegetables).

3. ________________ on the stove is boiling. (water).

4. ________________ need love and protection. (children).

5. I love _________________. (fruit).

6. ________________ was an invention that revolutionized culture. (printing press).

7. Did you talk to ___________________? He wanted to see you. (teacher).

8. ________________ are seldom worn in our country. (winter clothes).

9. ________________ are expensive pieces of equipment. (computers).

10. ________________ are ready for Mrs. Helen signature. (documents).

11. ________________ isn’t everything in life. (money).

12. ________________ usually feels proud of his nationality. (Mexican).

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13. ________________ spoke on television to all parents. (president).

14. ________________ was a contribution of America to the world. (turkey).

15. I placed ___________________ on the table, please take it. (money).

16. ________________ is a wonderful invention. (computer)

17. ________________ are not good friends of mice. (cats)

18. ________________ symbolizes freedom. (quetzal)

19. ________________ are in the top cabinet. (glass)

20. Somebody is knocking at __________________, please open it. (door)

Ejercicio 2.

Utilice THE en los casos en que lo pida el contexto, en los demás casos deje el espacio en blanco. Véase punto 3.2.

1. Did you visit _______________ old church near ________________ river?

2. ______________ sun was out early today.

3. Is the concert going to be at ____________ 8 or at ______________ 9?

4. We are not taking ______________ chemistry this semester.

5. _____________ jail is in poor condition, they are going to rebuild it.

6. At what time do you usually have _______________ breakfast?

7. _____________ Psychology is my favorite subject.

8. I want to go to _______________ heaven.

9. _____________ Earth is the third planet in our Solar System.

10. I’m taking this report to ______________ class.

11. Mr. Benson is showing ______________ museum to my students.

12. Mrs. Clark will send all her children to _______________ college.

13. Our next program will be presented on _______________ Thursday.

14. They go to ________________ work at ________________ seven every day.

15. ______________ zoo will get a new elephant soon.

16. All ______________ Spanish teachers in our community are having a meeting.

17. We are going to ________________ town early tomorrow morning.

18. ______________ weather improved in the last two hours.

19. Can you see _______________ moon from there?

20. I am sure ________________ paradise is similar to this.

21. We never watch ________________ television in the afternoon.

22. ______________ world has to find adequate solutions for the problems of hunger and poverty.

23. ______________ air is polluted in most cities, specially industrial cities.

24. We could see the force of ______________ wind.

25. ______________ society has to provide education for all children.

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Módulo 4


4.1. Uso y omisión de THE con indicadores de posesión o pertenencia.


The king’s daughter’s hat is funny. The bank’s headquarters is in this big building. New York City is not the capital of New York State.

No se utiliza el artículo THE cuando se denota posesión por medio de: ‗S o S‘.

Tampoco se usa THE antes de las palabras university, college, city y state, cuando los nombres con los que se establece la relación de posesión o correspondencia van antepuestos a ellas.

The hat of the king’s daughter is funny. The headquarters of the bank is in that big building. The City of New York is not the capital of the State of New York.

Sí se utiliza el artículo THE cuando se usa la partícula “of” para denotar posesión, pertenencia o correspondencia de un objeto con otro.

4.2. Uso y omisión de THE en relación con nombres geográficos.


Hudson Bay is a vast bay in the north of Canada. Samuel de Chaplain explored Lake Ontario in 1615.

No se utiliza el artículo THE cuando se trata de nombres de bahías; de igual forma, no lleva THE cuando se particulariza el nombre de un lago.

Vasco Nuñez de Balboa discovered the Pacific Ocean in 1513. The Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea form the east earn border of the Republic of Mexico. The Colorado River is very dangerous. The Great Lakes partially divide Canada from the United States.

Sí se utiliza el artículo THE cuando se trata de nombres de océanos, mares, golfos y ríos. Cuando se habla de lagos pero en conjunto, sí lleva el artículo THE.

Peru is in South America. Bilbao is in Vizcaya. Cortés departed from Cuba for Yucatán.

No se utiliza el artículo THE cuando se trata de nombres de continentes, países, provincias, estados, ciudades e islas.

Vizcaya is one of the Basque Provinces. Cuba is part of the Antilles.

Sí se utiliza el artículo THE cuando se trata de nombres de continentes, países, estados, etc. expresados en un conjunto. Otros ejemplos: The Americans, The United States, The Soviet Union, The Netherlands, The Carolinas.

Mount Ararat has biblical importance. No se utiliza el artículo THE cuando se menciona el nombre de una montaña.

The Alps extend through southern central Europe. Sí se utiliza el artículo THE cuando se menciona el nombre de una cordillera.

John lives on Main St. Carlos lives on Insurgents Av.

No se utiliza el artículo THE cuando se menciona el nombre de calles, avenidas, bulevares, etc.

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4.3. El uso de a/an para indicar medida base.


She goes home once a year, at Christmas time. John and I have literature four times a week. They cost two dollars a pound. That perfume costs twenty dollars an ounce.

Sí se utiliza el artículo A/AN cuando antecede a la palabra que se toma como medida base para indicar una proporción, en este sentido equivale a la palabra “per”. Otros ejemplos: a dozen, a gallon, a week, an ounce, a day, a pair, a head, a piece, an hour.

4.4. Casos especiales en el uso y omisión de “a”.

A little Un poco They have a little money, so they are not poor. I have a little money. I’m going to deposit it in my savings account.

Algo, pero no mucho. (es suficiente para algo). Indica idea positiva y se usa para cosas incontables.

Little Poco They have little money, so they are very poor. I have little money, I cannot buy expensive clothes.

Casi no, casi nada. (es insuficiente para algo). Indica idea negativa y se usa para cosas incontables.

A few Un poco I am not sad and lonely because I have got a few friends. There are few chairs in this room.

Algo, pero no mucho. (es suficiente para algo). Indica idea positiva y se usa para cosas contables.

Few Poco I am sad and lonely, I have got few friends. We painted a few chairs. (4 de 8)

Casi no, casi nada. (es insuficiente para algo). Indica idea negativa y se usa para cosas contables.

4.5. Con el sustantivo “time” y otros abstractos.


They are having a wonderful time. She is having a miserable time.

Aunque el sustantivo TIME es abstracto, puede particularizarse para indicar una porción definida de tiempo en el que se tiene una experiencia agradable, desagradable, difícil, etc. Otros sustantivos abstractos: beauty, pity, shame, etc.

4.6. Algunas expresiones fijas en que aparece el artículo a/an.



All of a sudden De repente I was walking peacefully along the road; all of a sudden, a big dog attacked me.

An average of Un promedio de An average of twenty students came every week.

As a matter of fact De hecho. I know John very well, as a matter of fact, we were neighbors for twenty years.

At a loss Indeciso, dudoso, confuso. My friends were not there and I felt at a loss.

In a hurry Rápidamente, apurado. John is in a hurry to finish his work. He has to finish his work quickly.

In a position Adecuado, posición. Mary is not in a position to help her friend.

In a while En un rato, en un momento. They will be here in a while.

Put an end to Terminar. Let’s put an end to the confusion.

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4.7. Algunas combinaciones fijas con los verbos “do” y “make”.

Do a favor Will you do us a favor?

Do a job He did a splendid job.

Do business with Susan never does business with that company.

Do one's assignment We didn't do our assignment. Helen did her assignment immediately.

Do one's best I'll do my best to solve her problem. Alice did her best not to damage the wall.

Do one's duty Do your duty that's the important thing.

Do one's homework I did my homework carefully, you didn't do yours.

Do research Those scientists are doing important research.

Do the dishes Margaret's going to do the dishes after breakfast, but she won't do them after lunch.

Do the exercise Please do the first two exercises.

Do the laundry We do the laundry on Monday.

Do the lesson Marge did the lessons in hurry.

Do the work Please do the work immediately.

Do without I can't do without his help at present.

Make an attempt, a try He made an attempt (a try) to score another point.

Make an appointment I made an appointment with my lawyer to discuss my will.

Make a date Martha made a date with some friends to go dancing.

Make the bed I have to make my bed before I leave for school.

Make a comparison Don't make comparisons between you and others, only try to do your best.

Make a deal Let's make a deal: You give me your 1965 station wagon and I give you my 1972 car.

Make a decision Mother made a decision and she is going to carry it out.

Make an effort Henry made a tremendous effort to carry out the assignment.

Make an error, a mistake I made a mistake and I admit it.

Make a face The man made a terrible face when he heard the news.

Make fun of You should avoid making fun of others, especially on account of physical defects. It’s usually cruel.

Make improvement You are making wonderful in your work. Congratulations!

Make money They made a lot of money by selling their product.

Make a noise The explosion made a big noise, but fortunately nothing happened.

Make a reservation Our secretary is going to make a plane reservation for you and Ted.

Make peace / war Let's made peace. I don't like to make war against anybody.

Make a plan Renaldo’s making a plan to obtain more money for the orphanage.

Make a progress We are making slow progress on account of the bad road.

Make a promise I made a promise to them and I will keep it.

Make sense His words make sense, I believe he is right.

Make a speech Mr. Flaviano will make an interesting speech.

Make a statement You didn't make any statement about the money situation.

Make sure You'll have to make sure all the lights are out before you leave.

Make a turn We cannot make a turn to the right at the next corner.

Make the best of She'll try to make the best of the situation.

Make up one's mind Helen always has difficulty in making up her mind. She cannot decide easily.

Make believe Let's make believe you are an actress. Let's pretend you are an actress.

Make clear He made his intentions clear to everybody.

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Ejercicio 1.

Escriba el artículo THE donde convenga. Véase punto 4.1.

1. The University of Wisconsin is in Madison.

2. Quebec City is the capital of __________ Province of Quebec.

3. We never do business with __________ Mr. King’s company.

4. Did you see __________ John’s sister yesterday?

5. _________ Laval University is an important university in Quebec.

6. _________ voices of the children were loud and clear.

7. _________ State of Alaska is the forty-ninth state of the United States.

8. _________ Mexico City was established in 1521.

9. _________ Vassar College is a women’s college.

10. _________ legs of the table.

Ejercicio 2.

Escriba THE donde corresponda. Véase punto 4.2.

1. The Amazon River is approximately four thousand miles long.

2. My friends, the Sántiz, live in _________ Argentina.

3. _________ Soviet Union and __________ United States won many gold medals in the last Olympic Games.

4. Where is __________ Red Sea? It’s between __________ Egypt and __________ Saudi Arabia.

5. ________ Burgos is an old and beautiful city in ________ north-central Spain. It’s the capital of _______ Province of Burgos.

6. _________ Persian Gulf is an arm of __________ Indian Ocean.

7. They established a new branch store on __________ Fifth Avenue.

8. We are going to visit __________ Bahamas next summer.

9. _________ capital of __________ Madagascar is _________ Tannarive.

10. _________ Mount Everest has an altitude of 29.141 feet.

Ejercicio 3.

Complete las siguientes oraciones utilizando: little, a little, few o a few. Véase punto 4.4.

1. There was little food in the fridge. It was nearly empty.

2. “When did you see Sarah?” “________________ days ago”.

3. He’s very lazy. He does __________________ work.

4. They’re not rich but they’ve got _______________ money enough to live.

5. He’s not well-known. ______________ people have heard of him.

6. She didn’t eat anything but she drank ______________ water.

7. I speak ______________ Spanish.

8. I have _____________ time; I can’t stay here for more two hours.

9. She is very thin because she eats very ______________.

10. They have _______________ money so they’re not poor.

11. They have _________________ money. They’re very poor.

12. There were ___________ people in the park. It was nearly empty.

13. I’ve got ________________friends, so I’m not lonely.

14. I’m sad and lonely. I’ve got _______________ friends.

15. Yesterday evening I wrote _______________ letters to my family and friends.

16. Can I have _________________ milk in my coffee, please?

17. When did John go away? _______________ days ago.

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18. Do you speak any foreign languages? Yes, Italian and ________ Russian.

19. Are you going out alone? No, I’m going with __________ friends.

20. I live in a very small village. There is a church, a shop and ______________ houses –that’s all.

Ejercicio 4.

Complete utilizando a/an donde sea necesario. Véase punto 4.5.

1. Artists are interested in x beauty.

2. The Johnsons are coming and we have ________ little milk, please buy two quarts.

3. We had to wait for ________ long time.

4. What _______ pity! She broke aunt Louise’s old vase.

5. He doesn’t pay his debts. It’s ________ shame.

6. It’s five and the plane doesn’t leave until five-thirty. We have ________ little time to talk.

7. ________ few of this friends are giving him a surprise party.

8. Pity is ________ noble feeling.

9. What ________ waste of ________ time and ________ effort!

10. The boys lost the game. That was _________ pity.

Ejercicio 5.

Utilice la forma correcta de “do” o “make” según el contexto. Véase punto 4.7.

1. Make sure you see the right kind of batteries.

2. The president __________________ an important statement last night.

3. Are you _________________ your homework?

4. Will you __________________ a favor for Mrs. Brown?

5. That doesn’t ___________________ sense.

6. We’ll __________________ two lessons this week.

7. I cannot _________________ any promises to you.

8. Are you _________________ your best to help them?

9. She offered to ___________________ the dishes after dinner today.

10. The refrigerator is __________________ a strange noise.

11. He ___________________ the job splendidly and received many congratulations.

12. Our company didn’t ____________________ any money yesterday.

13. Please don’t ___________________ fun of me.

14. His firm __________________ business with ours.

15. Helen always _________________ her bed before she takes her bath.

16. That boy never __________________ his class assignment carelessly.

17. We have to ___________________ an effort to finish on time.

18. He __________________ a long speech over the radio yesterday evening.

19. Could they __________________ room for the Clarks?

20. The little boy was __________________ a face at the little girl.

21. At what time do you usually __________________ the laundry?

22. Let’s _________________ a plan for our excursion next week.

23. We have to _________________ five exercises today.

24. Zapatistas didn’t __________________ peace with the government.

25. _________________ your duty and don’t worry about us, we’ll be all right.

26. We can __________________ an attempt to correct the mistake.

27. Are you __________________ comparisons? I don’t like it.

28. I can __________________ without the car today, you may take it.

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Módulos 5 – 8


5.1. Presente perfecto simple.

I have read this novel many times. It’s my favorite one. I haven’t been to Africa and India.

She has ridden on the roller coaster only one. You haven’t sharpened ten pencils.

Has she worked in London for six months? How long have you lived in San Cristobal?

Kate and Ken have been married for 20 years. Has someone broken the window?

The taxi hasn’t arrived yet. I’ve written six letters this morning.

I have never seen a ghost. They have just finished.

Has she found a new job? Have the children cleaned the windows?

Yes, she has. No, they haven’t.

What has broken? How many suitcases have you brought?

A glass. I have brought three suitcases.

She’s broken a glass. I’ve brought three suitcases.

6.1. Presente perfecto continuo.

He has been working on that report all morning. They have been playing for a long time.

I’ve been working all day. How long have you been sitting there?

Have you been painting? She hasn’t been doing her homework.

How long have you been living in Manchester? They haven’t been walking all morning.

Ann hasn’t been working very hard recently. He’s been living in Paris for nine months.

She has been waiting for an hour. Has Robert been doing his homework?

What have you been cleaning since morning? Where has Helen been studying Spanish recently?

My bedroom In Mexico

Have the children been playing in the rain? Has her fever been going down?

Yes, they have. Yes, it has.

7.1. Pasado perfecto simple.

We had finished making the two quarts of orange juice just before he brought the electric juicer.

Romeo had died when Juliet regained consciousness.

I had been here as a child, when Peter was living with us.

The rain had not stopped when we left for the concert. They hadn’t gone to bed by 12 midnight.

Had answers been correct before he changed them? Had the baby thrown his bottle on the floor?

Where had John played the guitar? What had Ann written?

In his bedroom A letter

Had Mrs. Lee baked a cake before her children returned from school?

Yes, she had.

8.1 Pasado perfecto continuo.

The beautiful princess had been sleeping for one hundred years when the prince woke her up.

The children hadn’t been doing their homework; they had been playing tick-tack-toe until I came.

They had been fighting for two hours.

Had the students been working in the laboratory all week from 8 to 10 p.m.?

Had they been drinking water? Had Mrs. Smith been writing letters to her family?

Yes, they had. No, she hadn’t.

What had John been playing? Who had been playing the guitar in his room?

The guitar. John.

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OBSERVE Punto 5.1.: El presente perfecto simple se forma con el auxiliar have (haber) y un participio. Al igual que el pasado de un verbo regular, los participios de los verbos regulares se forman al añadir la terminación “-ed” a la raíz del verbo. (play – played, visit – visited, copy – copied, study – studied, close – closed) Sin embargo, hay muchos verbos irregulares que varían su forma cuando se convierten en participios. (Véase lista de verbos irregulares) En la negación añadimos “not” después del auxiliar “have”, y en la interrogación el auxiliar “have” se sitúa al principio de la frase. Observe el siguiente cuadro:


I have played. I have not played. Have I played? You have played. You have not played. Have you played? He has played. He has not played. Has he played? She has played. She has not played. Has she played? It has played. It has not played. Has it played? We have played. We have not played. Have we played? You have played. You have not played. Have you played? They have played. They have not played. Have they played?

Es posible contraer tanto la forma afirmativa (‗ve, ‗s) como la forma negativa (haven‘t, hasn‘t) Punto 6.1.: Se forma el presente perfecto continuo mediante have/has been y el verbo en la forma –ing.


I have been playing. I have not been playing. Have I been playing? You have been playing. You have not been playing. Have you been playing? He has been playing. He has not been playing. Has he been playing? She has been playing. She has not been playing. Has she been playing? It has been playing. It has not been playing. Has it been playing? We have been playing. We have not been playing. Have we been playing? You have been playing. You have not been playing. Have you been playing? They have been playing. They have not been playing. Have they been playing?

Es posible contraer tanto la forma afirmativa (‗ve been, ‗s been) como la forma negativa (haven‘t been, hasn‘t been) Expresiones de tiempo que concuerdan en presente perfecto simple y presente perfecto continuo.

Since (desde) The plant has been here since February. It has been blooming since May. So far (hasta ahora) She has written five letters so far. Up to now hasta ahora) She has written five letters up to now. Up to the present (hast ahoy en día) She has written five letters up to the present. For (por, alrededor de) It has been raining for six hours. All (todo, toda) It has been raining all afternoon. Repeatedly (repetidas veces) He has repeatedly won the championship. Many times (muchas veces) He has obtained first place many times. Just (apenas) I have just finished making a cake. Always (siempre), usually (usualmente), ordinarily (comúnmente), continually (continuamente), customarily (de costumbre), regularly (regularmente), occasionally (ocasionalmente), recently (recientemente), lately (ultimately) (últimamente), finally (at last) (finalmente, por fin), already (ya), yet (todavía)

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Sección de vocabulario

Get in line (alinearse, formarse) Please get in line. Get out (salir) Bobby opened the cage and the bird got out. Get across (cruzar) Can you help me get across the street? Get here (llegar) I always get here at seven. Get to (llegar a) Will the plane get to New York on time? Get in (entrar en un carro chico) Bob is getting in his car. Get out of (salir en un carro chico) Bill is getting out of his car. Get on (entrar en un carro grande) Jack is getting on the bus. Get off (salir en un carro grande) Joe is getting off the bus. Get ahead (avanzar) He is getting ahead in the business world. Get along (dirigir, progresar) They are getting along splendidly at their new job. Get away (escaparse) The prisoner got away. Get back (regresar en un lugar) We got back from Europe last month. Get in the way (obstruir, molestar) That foolish man is always getting in my way. Get in touch with (comunicarse con) Please get in touch with our office in New York. Get over (recuperarse de) Mr. Brown got over his illness. Get through (with) (terminar) We got through with the work exactly at 8 o’clock. Get together (reunir, juntar) They finally got together after three years of separation. Get up (levantarse) My mother always gets up at dawn. Get x over with (terminar) We had a lot of work. We got it over with at midnight. Get x back (devolver, regresar (algo) I got my photo back today. Get x up (despertarse, organizarse) They always get the boys up before 5 a.m.

Punto 7.1.: El pasado perfecto simple se forma con el auxiliar had y un participio pasado. Al igual que el pasado de un verbo regular, se construye los participios de los verbos regulares añadiendo –ed a la raíz del verbo. (play – played, visit – visited, copy – copied, study – studied, close – closed) Sin embargo, hay muchos verbos irregulares que varían su forma cuando se convierten en participios. (Véase lista de verbos irregulares) En la negación añadimos not después del auxiliar had, y en la interrogación situamos el auxiliar had al principio de la frase.


I had played. I had not played. Had I played? You had played. You had not played. Had you played? He had played. He had not played. Had he played? She had played. She had not played. Had she played? It had played. It had not played. Had it played? We had played. We had not played. Had we played? You had played. You had not played. Had you played? They had played. They had not played. Had they played?

Es posible contraer tanto la forma afirmativa (‗d) como la forma negativa (hadn‘t) Punto 8.1.: Se forma el pasado perfecto continuo con had been y un verbo terminado en –ing.


I had been playing. I had not been playing. Had I been playing? You had been playing. You had not been playing. Had you been playing? He had been playing. He had not been playing. Had he been playing? She had been playing. She had not been playing. Had she been playing? It had been playing. It had not been playing. Had it been playing? We had been playing. We had not been playing. Had we been playing? You had been playing. You had not been playing. Had you been playing? They had been playing. They had not been playing. Had they been playing?

Es posible contraer tanto la forma afirmativa (‗d been) como la forma negativa (hadn‘t been)

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Ejercicio 1.

Escribe las siguientes oraciones con el presente perfecto simple. Véase punto 5.1.

1. He (speak) to me about it many times. He has spoken to me about it many times.

2. They (finish) their dinner. ______________________________________________________

3. I (be) in Washington several times. ______________________________________________________

4. I (hear) her sing once or twice. ______________________________________________________

5. They (be) good friends for years. ______________________________________________________

6. We (learn) many new words. ______________________________________________________

7. I (lose) my umbrella. ______________________________________________________

8. She (study) that same exercises many times. ______________________________________________________

9. They (clean) the house very well. ______________________________________________________

10. They (give) up their home in the country. ______________________________________________________

11. He (make) and lost several fortunes. ______________________________________________________

12. She (be) late for class many times. ______________________________________________________

13. We (drive) to New York form Miami. ______________________________________________________

14. I (see) that same movie three times. ______________________________________________________

15. He (lend) me money several times. ______________________________________________________

Ejercicio 2.

Complete con la forma del presente perfecto simple, use los verbos entre paréntesis. Véase punto 5.1.

1. John has copied the words many times. (copy)

2. We __________ finally _______________ the situation. (understand)

3. We __________________ sandwiches for everybody. (prepare)

4. Ted __________________ his book again. (forget)

5. You __________________ an opportunity. (lose)

6. They __________________ all the meat already. (freeze)

7. I ________ just _____________ Mary. (see)

8. We _________________ New Orleans five times. (visit)

9. The Clarks __________ recently _____________ from Paris. (return)

10. The children _________________ all afternoon. (sing)

11. You _________ always ___________ punctual. (be)

12. The baby __________________ since eight o’clock. (sleep)

13. I _______________ all the songs. (record)

Ejercicio 3.

Cambie las siguientes oraciones a la forma negativa. Véase punto 5.1.

1. They have been good friends for years. They haven’t been good friends for years.

2. She has felt well recently. ______________________________________________________

3. He has worked here for many years. ______________________________________________________

4. I have read that story. ______________________________________________________

5. He has studied English for many years. ______________________________________________________

6. He has left for Chicago. ______________________________________________________

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7. The lesson has begun. ______________________________________________________

8. I have found my pen. ______________________________________________________

9. I have spoken to him about it. ______________________________________________________

10. He has mentioned it to me. ______________________________________________________

11. The students have copied the words. ______________________________________________________

12. Our company has signed the contract. ______________________________________________________

13. We have sold all the problems so far. ______________________________________________________

14. I have told you that many times. ______________________________________________________

15. You have had that suit in your closet. ______________________________________________________

Ejercicio 4.

Cambie a la forma interrogativa las siguientes oraciones. Véase punto 5.1.

1. He has studied English for many years. Has he studied English for many years?

2. They have known each other for a long time. ______________________________________________________

3. They have seen that movie for several times. ______________________________________________________

4. Her father has been in three times in Mexico. ______________________________________________________

5. They have been in Asia before. ______________________________________________________

6. Ann has bought many bottles of pure water. ______________________________________________________

7. The school bell has rung several times. ______________________________________________________

8. He has worked as a mechanic since 1980. ______________________________________________________

9. We have studied in Open Preparatory School. ______________________________________________________

10. All the girls have gone to school very early. ______________________________________________________

11. The child has lost a shoe. ______________________________________________________

12. You have drunk your milk. ______________________________________________________

13. Mrs. Robert has eaten an apple. ______________________________________________________

14. They have painted all the chairs. ______________________________________________________

15. She has combed her hair. ______________________________________________________

Ejercicio 5.

Escribe las siguientes oraciones en presente perfecto continuo. Véase punto 6.1.

1. She (study) English for two years. She has been studying English for two years.

2. We (live) in this house since last March. ______________________________________________________

3. I (try) to reach you by phone for the last hour. ______________________________________________________

4. He (drive) that same car for at least ten years. ______________________________________________________

5. She (feel) much better recently. ______________________________________________________

6. He (sit) on that bench for several hours. ______________________________________________________

7. Rose (work) on that same problem for days. ______________________________________________________

8. The students (speak) English since 1999. ______________________________________________________

9. He (work) in that same office since 1990. ______________________________________________________

10. Ms. Russo (teach) school for many years. ______________________________________________________

11. They (go) together for almost a year. ______________________________________________________

12. I (wait) here for you for almost an hour. ______________________________________________________

13. It (rain) all day long. ______________________________________________________

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14. You (study) music since she was a child. ______________________________________________________

15. She (wear) that same hat for more than a year. ______________________________________________________

16. They (work) three for a long time. ______________________________________________________

17. We (plan) this trip for many months. ______________________________________________________

18. You (do) that exercises for four hours. ______________________________________________________

19. We (answer) that test for many hours. ______________________________________________________

20. Mary (practice) football since morning. ______________________________________________________

Ejercicio 6. Escribe la forma negativa de las siguientes oraciones. Véase punto 6.1.

1. Annie copies those words. Annie has not been copying those words.

2. She prepares them. ______________________________________________________

3. We eat well. ______________________________________________________

4. Marge plays tennis. ______________________________________________________

5. I read the letters. ______________________________________________________

6. You walk to school. ______________________________________________________

7. It produces noise. ______________________________________________________

8. We work there. ______________________________________________________

9. They talk for two hours. ______________________________________________________

10. I work all afternoon. ______________________________________________________

Ejercicio 7. Complete las respuestas breves. Véase punto 6.1.

1. Have they bought a new car? Yes, they have

2. Has Vivian understood the questions? Yes, _____________________

3. Have the boys been running? No, _____________________

4. Have the girls made a mistake? No, _____________________

5. Has the meat frozen? Yes, _____________________

6. Have you and Ted been absent? No, _____________________

7. Have they been sleeping? Yes, _____________________

8. Has it been raining for a long time? No, _____________________

9. Have the documents arrived? Yes, _____________________

10. Have your parents given your permission? Yes, _____________________

Ejercicio 8.

Complete las siguientes oraciones con what, where, whose, who, how, how much, whom, how many, which.

Observe la respuesta. Véase punto 5.1.

1. What have you bought for Helen? A record player.

2. _______________ has the dog hidden its bone? In the garden.

3. _______________ car has just arrived? Mary’s

4. _______________ have you made for dessert? A lemon pie.

5. _______________ has escorted Louise? Bob Smith.

6. _______________ have I left my keys? On the top of the dresser.

7. _______________ have you come? By plane.

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8. _______________ money have we lost this year? Two thousand pesos.

9. _______________ have they convinced of the plan? Nobody.

10. _______________ has Bill ordered the flowers? At May’s Florists.

11. _______________ has she broken? An old vase.

12. _______________ has caused the interference? A radio signal.

13. _______________ have they studied French? In Paris.

14. _______________ drawings have you finished? Five.

15. _______________ house have they rented? The big one.

Ejercicio 9. Escriba en pasado perfecto simple las siguientes oraciones. Véase punto 7.1.

1. He told me that he (visit) Miami several times. He told me that he had visited Miami several times.

2. The stranger (steal) the money. ______________________________________________________

3. I saw that we (take) the wrong road. ______________________________________________________

4. She said that she (have) her lunch. ______________________________________________________

5. I thought he (find) his keys. ______________________________________________________

6. I told him that I (see) the movie. ______________________________________________________

7. When we arrived, they already (leave). ______________________________________________________

8. I visited the places where I (play) as a boy. ______________________________________________________

9. We got there just ten minutes after he (leave) ______________________________________________________

10. She (live) there two years when the war began. ______________________________________________________

11. He said that he (look) everywhere for it. ______________________________________________________

12. She already (take) the money to the bank. ______________________________________________________

13. I was sure he (have) the same trouble before. ______________________________________________________

14. He (receive) similar reports in the evening. ______________________________________________________

15. What did he say he (do) with the money? ______________________________________________________

16. I was there in 1974. ______________________________________________________

17. John visited the museum before. ______________________________________________________

18. The boys studied all night before. ______________________________________________________

19. We saw the actor before. ______________________________________________________

20. Alice and Peter won a contest. ______________________________________________________

Ejercicio 10.

Cambie a la forma negativa las siguientes oraciones. Véase punto 7.1.

1. Alice had looked for him several times. Alice hadn’t looked for him several times.

2. The boys had played tennis. ______________________________________________________

3. The history course had ended. ______________________________________________________

4. You had understood all the questions. ______________________________________________________

5. The perfume had evaporated. ______________________________________________________

6. The violinist had arrived on time. ______________________________________________________

7. They had studied Spanish in Mexico. ______________________________________________________

8. Martha had danced all night. ______________________________________________________

9. Mr. Kent had signed the contract. ______________________________________________________

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Ejercicio 11. Escribe el pasado perfecto continuo de las siguientes oraciones. Véase punto 8.1.

1. They (fight) for two hours. They had been fighting for two hours

2. Mrs. Lee (wash) clothes all morning. ______________________________________________________

3. The students (work) in the laboratory all week. ______________________________________________________

4. It (rain) steadily all evening. ______________________________________________________

5. They (cry) for a long time. ______________________________________________________

6. Sylvia and Ann (swim) when it started to rain.______________________________________________________

7. I (call) long distance when he interrupted. ______________________________________________________

8. They (study) English all the morning. ______________________________________________________

9. She (read) a magazine for two hours. ______________________________________________________

10. I (study) when you called me. ______________________________________________________

Ejercicio 12.

Complete las respuestas breves. Véase punto 7.1. y 8.1.

1. Had the rain damaged her curtains? No, it hadn’t

2. Had Louise and you been here before? Yes, ____________________

3. Had the light been flashing all night? Yes, ____________________

4. Had Martha served dinner before eight? Yes, ____________________

5. Had Mr. Johnson won the prize? Yes, ____________________

6. Had I told you the news? No, ____________________

7. Had the procedure become obsolete? No, ____________________

8. Had the child repeated it correctly? Yes, ____________________

9. Had she informed everybody? No, ____________________

10. Had the boys been playing all afternoon? Yes, ____________________

Ejercicio 13.

Complete las siguientes oraciones con whom, where, who, when, how, what, how much. Observe la respuesta.

Véase puntos 7.1. y 8.1.

1. Whom had they been visiting? The Smiths.

2. ________________ had we had lunch on that occasion? In the restaurant by Kent’s road.

3. ________________ had answered our questions first? John.

4. ________________ had he established his first company? Before 1973.

5. ________________ had Mary come to the meeting? By plane.

6. ________________ had been causing the difficulty? A mechanical failure.

7. ________________ milk had the baby drunk? Five ounces.

8. ________________ color had you chosen for your walls? White.

9. ________________ had you gone before? In Mexico City.

10. ________________ had Ann been doing that night? Her homework.

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Módulos 9 – 10


9.1. Para indicar con qué actitud o en qué momento de su desarrollo se considera la realización del hecho verbal.

Formas afirmativas:

A. Con verbos que admiten forma en infinitivo.

Margaret loves to eat chocolates. My baby dislikes to eat vegetables.

The stream started to dry up two years ago. Mrs. Brown began to knit a sweater this morning.

She expects to finish a sweater in three days. You need to be firm with Bobby.

Give him the coat. He might need to wear it in Chicago.

B. Con verbos que admiten forma en gerundio.

Margaret loves eating chocolates. My baby dislikes eating vegetables.

The stream started drying up two years ago. Mr. Brown began knitting a sweater this morning.

People avoid walking under a ladder. We risked falling into the water.

You must quit smoking. Your lungs are congested.

C. Con verbos que admiten formas en infinitivo y gerundio. Margaret loves to eat chocolates. Margaret loves eating chocolates.

The stream started to dry up two years ago. The stream started drying up two years ago.

You should continue to study English. You should continue studying English.

Formas negativas:

A. Con verbos que admiten formas en infinitivo o gerundio.

He is trying not to drop the dishes. She preferred not to answer him.

Mr. Peters hates not to receive his newspaper early. She preferred not answering him.

Mr. Peters hates not receiving his newspaper early. I enjoy not hurrying to work.

You should try not to forget to mail the letters.

Remember! You must try not to use all your strength at the beginning. Save some energy for the final turn.

B. Con verbos que admiten formas en infinitivo o gerundio.

She didn’t finish addressing the envelopes. We don’t need to wear coats today.

They don’t enjoy attending concerts. They don’t expect to play football today.

They aren’t helping to fight contamination. Mrs. Brown never neglects watering her plants.

You shouldn’t continue eating candy. It makes you fat. She can’t learn to swim. She is afraid of the water.

Formas interrogativas:

A. Con verbos que admiten formas en infinitivo o gerundio.

Do you want to dance with me? Yes, I do. Yes, I want to.

Does he enjoy riding on the merry-go-round? No, he doesn’t.

Did they begin painting the doors? Yes, they did. Yes, they began to.

Did they begin to paint the doors? Yes, they did. Yes, they began to.

Are they attempting to get free? Yes, they are. Yes, they are attempting to.

Are we going to need to make an umbrella? No, we aren’t. No, we aren’t going to need to.

Will we need to take an umbrella? No, we won’t. No, we won’t need to.

Were you expecting to receive a check? Yes, I was. Yes, I was expecting to.

Can’t they stop making a noise? No, they can’t

Have they got to start working at 8:30? Yes, they have. Yes, they’ve got to.

Does he have to delay painting because of the rain? Yes, he does. Yes, he has to.

Should the administration forbid touching the objects? Yes, it should. Could you finish making the dress last night? No, I couldn’t

Would they rather continue playing? Yes, they would.

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B. Con verbos que admiten formas en infinitivo o gerundio.

Where do I have to start opening the can? At the corner.

In what manner did they decide to walk? Quietly.

When can she try to read? After her baby is asleep.

What shouldn’t they like to eat? Candy.

What could fail to operate? The flash.

Who likes to drink milk? The baby.

OBSERVE Forma Afirmativa, Inciso A.: Para indicar con qué actitud o en qué forma se considera la realización del hecho verbal, se

expresa primero el sujeto, luego el verbo conjugado que señala tal actitud o hecho verbal, y por último, un verbo en infinitivo precedido por “to”. Si hay complementos, ocuparán su lugar de costumbre. Hay más de setenta de estos verbos para indicar actitud o forma de considerar la realización del hecho verbal. A continuación algunos de los más comunes: afford, agree, attempt, begin, cease, consent, continue, decide, demand, dislike, expect, fail, fear, forget, happen, hate, help, hope, intend, learn, like, love, mean, need, neglect, offer, omit, plan, prefer, proceed, promise, propose, refuse, regret, remember, stand, start, try, want, wish.

Forma Afirmativa, Inciso B.: Para indicar con qué actitud o en qué forma se considera la realización del hecho verbal, con ciertos verbos se utiliza el gerundio “V-ing”. Los verbos más comunes que se usan para esta estructura, son los siguientes: admit, advise, appreciate, avoid, complete, consider, delay, deny, enjoy, finish, forbid, imagine, keep, mind, miss, permit, quit, recall, risk, stop, suggest.

Forma Afirmativa, Inciso C.: Existen algunos verbos que admiten doble terminación, es decir, pueden estar en gerundio o en infinitivo. Cuando lleva la preposición “to” indica hecho verbal en futuro y cuando lleva la terminación V-ing, indica hecho verbal en pasado. Los verbos más comunes que se usan para esta estructura, son los siguientes: attempt, begin, cease, continue, dislike, fear, forget, hate, intend, like, love, neglect, omit, prefer, propose, regret, remember, stand, start, try.

Forma Negativa, Inciso A.: Para indicar con qué actitud o en qué forma se enfrenta la NO realización del hecho verbal, se expresa primero el sujeto, luego el verbo conjugado que señala tal actitud o hecho verbal, luego la partícula NOT y al final un verbo en infinitivo o gerundio exigida o permitida por el verbo de actitud o de forma de enfrentamiento.

Forma Negativa, Inciso B.: Una segunda forma para indicar con qué actitud o en qué forma se enfrenta la NO realización del hecho verbal, se expresa primero el sujeto, seguido del auxiliar correspondiente en forma negativa, luego el verbo conjugado que señala tal actitud o hecho verbal, y al final un verbo en infinitivo o gerundio exigida o permitida por el verbo de actitud o de forma de enfrentamiento.

Forma Interrogativa, Inciso A.: Para preguntar si se toma o no una determinada actitud o si se enfrenta o no en cierto momento de su desarrollo la realización del hecho verbal, se hace la interrogativa en forma ordinaria para el verbo que denota la actitud o momento de enfrentamiento como se ve en los ejemplos anteriores, es decir: do/does para presente, did para pasado, will para futuro; can, could, should, would; etc.

Después de todo lo anterior va el hecho verbal de que se trate, en su forma de infinitivo o gerundio según lo exija el verbo de actitud. Cuando el verbo de actitud exige que el verbo que le sigue lleve la forma de infinitivo con to, hay una segunda respuesta breve después de Yes o No: (sujeto + verbo de actitud conjugado + to)

Forma Interrogativa, Inciso B.: Para pedir datos específicos relacionados con la actitud o forma de enfrentamiento al hecho

verbal, o con la potencialidad, obligación, permiso, etc., de tomar dichas actitudes o formas de enfrentamiento se da en primer término la pronombre interrogativo que pide el dato que se desea, y luego se estructura la pregunta según se ha descrito en los puntos anteriores.

Cuando el dato pedido es el sujeto de la oración se utiliza en primer término, en la posición del sujeto, la palabra interrogativa

WHO (si el sujeto pedido es persona o ser personificado) o WHAT (si el sujeto pedido es cualquier otro ser).

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10.1. Las palabras about, around, against, down, into, off, through, toward, up y upon se usan para indicar posición. Estudie cuidadosamente el siguiente cuadro.



About/around On all sides of, encircling. Casi, acerca de There are always four or five cats about. It’s about six a.m. The sun is coming out. It’s around six a.m. The sun is coming out.

Against In opposite direction to/adjoining/ in collision with.

Contra, contrario We are moving against the wind. He placed the picture up against the wall. Don Quixote fought against a windmill.

Down In a descending direction. Hacia abajo They are coming down the hill.

Into To the interior of/inside the nature of. Dentro de, en The elephant fell into the trap. Boling water turn into stream.

Off Not on, separated from. Lejos The telephone is off the hook.

Through From one side to the opposite, from one extreme to the other/by means of.

Por, a través de Many cars pass through this giant tree. He received the package through the mail.

Toward (s) In a course leading to, in the direction of. Hacia She was running toward the empty chair.

Up In an ascending direction. Arriba The bride is going up the staircase.

Upon On, sometimes with an upward motion. Sobre, encima de otro.

You have to place one block upon the other. They found Bob seated upon the top of the pole.

10.2. Algunos adjetivos y verbos de los más comunes, con las preposiciones que los acompañan normalmente.


(Be) angry about (Be) enthusiastic about Complain about (Be) angry at Arrive at Look at (Be) homesick for Blame for (Be) tired from Borrow from Stop from (Be) interested in Arrive in (Be) look into Translate from—into (Be) kind of—to Think of (Be) tired of Agree on / agree upon Depend on / depend upon (Be) in tears over (Be) married to (Be) accustomed to (Be) used to Agree with—on Supply with

Enojado de (algo) Entusiasmado de Quejarse de Enojado de (alguien) Llegar en Ver a alguien Nostálgico de Culpar de / a Cansarse físicamente de Dar prestado algo a Detenerse Interesado en / de Llegar a Investigar, examinar Traducir de… a… Amable de Pensar en alguien Cansarse emocionalmente Acuerdo con Depender de Llorar de Casado (a) con Acostumbrado de Acostumbrado de De acuerdo con—en / a Proveer de / con

He is angry about the new company rules. They were enthusiastic about the idea of their trip. Stop complaining about the situation. He is angry at the thought of losing his job. Ann arrived at the office before all others. Please look at me. I am homesick for my family and friends. They will blame Mr. Brown for their failure. Henry’s tired from working in the garden all day yesterday. Mrs. Lee never wants to borrow money from us. The policeman stopped the man from causing a disturbance. Are you interested in the project? Did it arrive in Monterrey on time? Please look into this matter at once. We are going to translate the poem from English into Spanish. It was kind of Helen to telephone us the news. I’m constantly thinking of you. Are you tired of the situation? They couldn’t agree on the price. I am going to depend on you for doing the job. She’s in tears over her school grades. They were low. Susan is married to my husband’s brother. We are accustomed to seeing her in a bikini. We are used to seeing her in bikini. He agreed with us on the solution to Mark’s problem. I always supply them with candy for the children.

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Ejercicio 1.

Complete las siguientes oraciones utilizando en el orden y forma adecuados de los verbos que aparecen entre

paréntesis. Véase Forma Afirmativa, Inciso A.

1. Ferry attempted to steal base. (attempt – steal)

2. After his speech, the President __________________________ the ribbon. (cut – proceed)

3. They __________________________ their country and honor their flag. (defend – promise)

4. We _________________________ cold coffee. (dislike – drink)

5. She urgently _________________________ shoes. (buy – need)

6. Ted and Penny _________________________ together all night last Saturday. (continue – dance)

7. Liz ________________________ presents. (get – love)

8. My brother _________________________ gasoline in his car. (forget – put)

9. I _________________________ ice-cream. (prefer – eat)

10. He _________________________ only ten more minutes for his girl friend. (decide – wait)

Ejercicio 2.

Complete las siguientes oraciones utilizando en el orden y forma adecuados de los verbos que aparecen entre

paréntesis. Véase Forma Afirmativa, Inciso B.

1. The man admits stealing the camera. (steal – admit)

2. The experts _______________________ tress in this area. (advise – plant)

3. We ________________________ from you. (hear – appreciate)

4. They _________________________ the houses last year. (complete – build)

5. Mary _________________________ an answer until John came. (delay –gave)

6. I __________________________ to the park. (go – suggest)

7. Babies _________________________ their arms and legs. (enjoy – move)

8. Ted will _________________________ his homework in ten minutes. (finish – do)

9. The government ________________________ the border last summer. (cross – forbid)

10. Please ________________________ that terrible noise. (make – stop)

Ejercicio 3.

Vuelva a escribir las oraciones que admiten el uso del gerundio (V-ing). En lugar del infinitivo que nombra el hecho

verbal. Véase Forma Afirmativa, Inciso C.

1. Mr. Livingston hates to go to parties. Mr. Livingston hates going to parties.

2. He refused to come here. ______________________________________________________

3. We hope to visit Europe. ______________________________________________________

4. Ann often forgets to close the box. ______________________________________________________

5. The women proposed to have a meeting. ______________________________________________________

6. The mailman failed to come today. ______________________________________________________

7. They are offering to lend to money. ______________________________________________________

8. Bobby fears to be alone. ______________________________________________________

9. The man omitted to sign his name. ______________________________________________________

10. We meant to answer his questions. ______________________________________________________

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Módulo 11


11.1. Para indicar que la acción recae en el mismo que la ejecuta.

The little girl is dressing herself. Mary and Ted are looking at themselves in the mirror.

Bob made himself a sandwich. I cut myself.

The cat is cleaning itself. You are harming yourself by eating so many chocolates.

11.2. Para indicar que se ejecuta una acción sin ayuda o sin compañía.

She painted the house by herself. The baby is walking by himself for first time.

Those two children are traveling by themselves. I prefer to study English by myself.

I live by myself. Sheila did all the dishes by herself.

I think he went by himself. You can’t go there by yourself.

They completed the work by themselves. You are supposed to do it by yourselves.


Ejercicio 1.

Complete las siguientes oraciones con los pronombres reflexivos correspondientes. Véase punto 11.1.

1. Matt shaves himself every morning.

2. Sheila hurt ___________________ when she fell.

3. Sam looked at ____________________ in the mirror.

4. We enjoyed _____________________ at the party last night.

5. She says that she ______________________ will return the book to you.

6. Be careful! You will cut ___________________with that knife.

7. The dog hurt ______________________ when it jumped over the fence.

8. The child burned _______________________ on the hot stove.

9. My young son can dress ______________________ very well.

10. Can your little daughter dress ______________________ yet?

11. I cut ______________________ yesterday on a piece of glass.

12. The president ______________________ will deliver the principal address.

13. That horse will hurt ____________________ if it falls in that hole.

14. We ____________________ heard Anne shout at the teacher.

15. Helen fell and hurt _______________________.

16. I want to buy _______________________ a new hat.

OBSERVE Punto 11.1.: Para indicar que la acción recae sobre el mismo que la ejecuta, se utiliza un pronombre reflexivo (myself,

yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves) en concordancia con el sujeto. Los pronombres reflexivos van después del verbo.

Punto 11.2.: Para expresar la idea de que el sujeto realiza algo sin ayuda o sin compañía, se utiliza el pronombre reflexivo

precedido por la preposición “by”, siempre después del verbo y los complementos directo indirecto, y a veces también después del

complemento circunstancial de lugar.

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17. Mr. Oguri __________________ will give the principal speech.

18. We ______________________ will serve the meal.

19. They all enjoyed _________________ very much at the party.

20. I also enjoyed ____________________ very much.

21. Monique cut ___________________ with the knife.

22. We need to look at ___________________ in the mirror.

23. Most children like to look at _________________ in the mirror.

24. The president ____________________ speak to the members of Congress.

25. Mr. Roth arranged the flowers _____________________.

Ejercicio 2.

En lugar de la palabra “alone”, escribe la preposición “by” y el pronombre reflexivo correspondiente. Véase punto


1. She went for a walk in the park alone. She went for a walk in the park by herself

2. I don’t like to study alone. ______________________________________________________

3. He eats lunch every day in the cafeteria alone.______________________________________________________

4. Do you like to eat alone? ______________________________________________________

5. The two boys will study alone. ______________________________________________________

6. Eva and I will also study alone. ______________________________________________________

7. The woman lives alone in a furnished room. ______________________________________________________

8. The dog found its way home alone. ______________________________________________________

9. He works alone in a small office. ______________________________________________________

10. He often goes for a walk in the park alone. ______________________________________________________

11. Do you like to go to the movies alone? ______________________________________________________

12. She did all the work alone. ______________________________________________________

13. She plans to go to Europe next month alone. ______________________________________________________

14. The boys study alone in one group. ______________________________________________________

15. The girls study alone in another group. ______________________________________________________

Ejercicio 3.

Vuelva a escribir cada oración utilizando un pronombre reflexivo e indicando que la acción se realiza sólo o sin compañía. Véase punto 11.2.

1. Sylvia finished the work without help. She finished the work by herself.

2. Alice went to Europe without a companion. _______________________________________________

3. Mark discovered it alone. _______________________________________________

4. He climbed the mountain alone. _______________________________________________

5. I solved the puzzle without help. _______________________________________________

6. Tommy got dressed alone for the first time. _______________________________________________

7. I discovered the truth without any help. _______________________________________________

8. Did you build this without help? _______________________________________________

9. I can’t do the work without help. _______________________________________________

10. We believe he went alone. _______________________________________________

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Módulo 12


12.1. Para afirmar, negar o preguntar la percepción, conocimiento de una circunstancia del ser o de la acción.

She knows whom to ask. They haven’t learned how to walk by themselves.

I don’t know where to go. I don’t know which animal to buy.

I don’t know at what time to leave. They haven’t considered how far to travel.

They haven’t considered how much to use. They didn’t explain where to take it.

12.2. Para afirmar, negar o preguntar si se da o se pide información sobre una circunstancia de la acción.

The man told the children which path to follow. The man told them which path to follow

Is the instructor teaching Bobby how to swim? Is the instructor teaching him how to swim?

I told her where to fly. He asked her when to leave.

She showed us how to dance. We will teach you how to polish the furniture.

12.3. Sección de vocabulario.

Back Indicate that the action originally done is reserved. With verbs of movement it means to return to a place.

He came back to his desk at 10:20. They’re going back to Acapulco now.

On Indicates that the action is prolonged or continued. The politician talked on for hours. O.K. Drive on to the next inspection post.

Up Indicates that the actions referred to by the verbs are done to their completion.

Fine, you’re drinking up your milk. Remember I don’t want any left.

Over Indicates that the action is repeated. Please type this letter over. He’s going tossing the last song over.

Special cases: Go over (examine completely), Look over (examine, review), Talk over (discuss, consult with) y Think over (ponder, reflect)

SPECIAL OBSERVATION: Object pronouns (me, you, him, her, it, us, you, them), when used in verb combinations with back, over and up, always go between these words and the corresponding verb. In the case of verb combinations with over, this is the only position for the noun. But the noun may follow back and up in verb combinations with these two words.


Ejercicio 1.

Guiándose por la respuesta, escriba el pronombre interrogativo correspondiente para completar la pregunta. Use:

which, where, when, how, whom, what. Véase punto 12.1.

1. Have they decided which to buy? Yes, the blue one.

2. Do you know ___________________ to go? Yes, to the corner store.

OBSERVE Punto 12.1.: Para afirmar, negar o preguntar la percepción, conocimiento o memoria de una circunstancia del ser o de la

acción, se usan los siguientes verbos: ask, consider, decide, discover, explain, figure out, find out, forget, guess, hear, imagine, know, learn, observe, perceive, remember, see, tell, understand, wonder, que de alguna manera señalan percepción, conocimiento o memoria. En seguida, inmediatamente después del verbo, el pronombre interrogativo que se refiere a la circunstancia de la cual se trate y al final el infinitivo del verbo que nombra la acción con la que se relaciona dicha circunstancia.

Punto 12.2.: Para afirmar, negar o preguntar si se da o se pide información a alguien distinto del sujeto sobre una circunstancia de la acción, se usan los siguientes verbos: advise, ask, inform, show, teach, tell; en seguida, inmediatamente después del verbo el nombre de la persona o personas a quienes se da o pide información o el pronombre correspondiente (me, you, him, her, us, you, them). Al final, como en el punto anterior, el pronombre interrogativo que se refiere a la circunstancia de la

cual se trate, y el infinitivo del verbo que nombra la acción con la cual se relaciona dicha circunstancia.

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3. Will you and Tim consider __________________ to return? Yes, next year.

4. Did they figure out _________________ to solve it? Yes, by applying Rule 3.

5. Could you find out __________________ to claim it? Yes, in the Lost and Found Department.

6. Has your cat forgotten _________________ to catch mice? No, it still does.

7. Has she found out ___________________ to reduce? Yes, by not eating so much.

8. Could Martha guess ___________________ to find it? Yes, in the garden.

9. Could you find out __________________ to simplify the production? Yes, with a new machine.

10. Do we know ___________________ to ask? Yes, Mr. Brown.

11. Were they able to perceive ____________________ button to press? Yes, the red one.

12. Has Ann remembered _________________ to look for the answer? Yes, in her chemistry book.

13. Can you see _________________ word to take out? Yes, the third word in the first line.

14. Did he tell them _________________ to get there? Yes, by following his map.

15. Are they going to dance or to sing? They haven´t considered ____________ to do.

Ejercicio 2.

Complete las siguientes oraciones. Véase punto 12.2.

1. How do you know he’s going to the right place? I told him where to go.

2. How do you know she’s coming at the right time? I told _____________________ to come.

3. How do you know they will bring the right number of glasses? I told _____________________ to bring.

4. How do know I will do the right thing? I told ________________________ to do.

5. How do you know we will use the right amount of sugar? I told _____________________ to use.

6. How do you know Helen’s taking the right bus? I told _______________________ to take.

7. Does she think you’ll do it right? Yes, she taught _______________________ to do it.

8. Does she think I’ll do the right exercise? Yes, she taught _______________________ exercises to do.

9. Does she think Ann will plant tulips in the right place? Yes, she taught __________________ to plant them.

10. Does she think John will do the right thing? Yes, she taught ______________________ to do.

11. Will Henry choose the right color? Yes, Mr. Brown advised ______________________ color to choose.

12. Will you talk to the right people? (one person) Yes, Mr. Brown advised __________________ to talk to.

Ejercicio 3.

Complete con back, on, over, up según lo pida el texto. Véase punto 12.3.

1. You only have a little milk. Drink it up

2. This composition is full of mistakes, please do it ______________.

3. David borrowed two books from Peter yesterday. Peter needs them today. David is taking them _______ to Peter.

4. How are you going to return to your office today, are you walking _____________.

5. They stopped to take on passengers in Houston and then flew ______________ to New York?

6. I love that record, please play it _________________.

7. Eat ____________ your food. Don’t leave any of it.

8. This toy is not yours; give it ______________ to its owner.

9. We arrived this morning, and we’ll drive ______________ home this evening.

10. Let’s move ______________, we’re blocking the passage way.

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Módulo 13


13.1. Para indicar gradaciones en las cualidades o características de un ser.

His grandmother is very thin.

The frame on the left is perfectly round, the other one is slightly oval.

Those two blouses are almost identical. Their differences are barely noticeable.

This box is too small for Debbie’s doll.

John is exactly eighteen years old. He’s old enough to vote.

Ann is seventeen and a half years old. She can’t vote. She’s too young to vote.

13.2. Para indicar gradaciones en la forma de realización de una acción.

This line is moving very slowly. We have hardly advanced a yard in the past hour.

I have almost completely finished icing the cake.

You certainly arranged the flowers beautifully.

Ted didn’t run rapidly enough so Bob was safe at second base.

She’s expressing her ideas quite forcefully.

Obviously, he shut the door took hard.

13.3. Para indicar matices de grado o características utilizando formas compuestas.

A. Construcciones de adjetivo o adverbio más participio activo (V-ing) o pasivo (V-ed/en) o pseudo

participios (N-ed)

This lane is for show-moving. Chance to the other one.

They’re exhibiting the much-celebrated Mona Lisa in our local museum.

We’re using the heavy-sprinkling system now.

Their main attraction is a two-headed cobra.

B. Construcciones de sustantivos más participio activo (V-ing) o pasivo (V-ed/en).

Picking cotton by hand is a back-breaking job.

Helen is heart-broke. Her boy friend married another girl.

That’s an ear-piercing sound. Please stop it.

C. Construcciones cuantitativas de adjetivo numeral más sustantivo, y de adjetivo numeral, más sustantivo,

más adjetivo de descripción.

1. Con adjetivo Numeral más sustantivo.

He report covered a two-year period.

They bought a three-story house.

2. Con adjetivo numeral más sustantivo más adjetivo calificativo.

I need a two-inch-wide ribbon.

We have a three-year-old girl. Today is her birthday.

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OBSERVE Punto 13.1.: Para indicar gradaciones en las cualidades o características de un ser se utilizan adverbios intensificadores o

modificadores especiales como very, about, almost, just, quite, well, too o adverbios intensificadores o modificadores formados de adjetivos, como perfectly, slightly, barely, etc. Estos adverbios indican la cualidad o característica en muy alto grado: very, absolutely, highly, quite, too, con gran certeza: certainly, definitely, obviously, con alguna incertidumbre: possibly, probably, en un grado razonable: fairly, rather; al punto deseado, o casi: about, enough, just, almost, en un grado escaso, barely, hardly, scarcely.

Con excepción de enough, todos los adverbios anteriores se anteponen al adjetivo al cual modifican. Enough siempre va después del adjetivo al cual modifica: He’s old enough to vote. El adverbio too, que indica un grado mayor del deseable, y el adverbio enough, que indica el grado deseado, normalmente exigen que se señale con relación a qué se establecen dichos grados.

Punto 13.2.: Los adverbios que indican grados o matices de intensidad pueden usarse para modificar a otro adverbio. Pueden

ocupar, junto con el adverbio al que modifican, la posición normal del adverbio, después del verbo al que ambos se refieren, pero también pueden ambos anteponerse al verbo. Cuando hay un auxiliar, como en I have almost completely finished icing the cake, el auxiliar va antes de los adverbios y el verbo principal después.

Los adverbios que más comúnmente acompañan a otro adverbio son almost, enough, quite, rather, very y too. También pueden usarse algunos otros terminados en –ly como certainly, decidedly, definitely, evidently, exceedingly, fairly, obviously, positively, really, truly, etc., que tienen un valor de confirmación o refuerzo además de ser intensificadores. Como puede resultar desagradable al oído la proximidad de dos adverbios terminados en –ly, es común que cuando un adverbio intensificador termina en –ly y afecta a uno de modo terminado también en –ly, el primero vaya al principio de toda la frase, separado por una coma: Evidently, they finished their work quickly, o va sólo antes del verbo, mientras que el segundo adverbio, el modificado, va después del verbo y de sus complementos, como en You certainly arranged the flowers beautifully. En estos casos el adverbio intensificador no sólo modifica al segundo adverbio, sino a toda la oración.

El adverbio enough siempre sigue al adverbio de modo al cual se refiere: Ted didn’t run rapidly enough and Bob got safe to the second base.

Punto 13.3. Inciso A: Las construcciones de adjetivo más participio activo o pasivo actúan como una unidad para describir

matices de grado o características de un sustantivo o pueden anteponerse a él o ir enlazados con él por un copulativo. Hay siempre un guión entre el adjetivo o el adverbio y el participio para indicar tal unidad.

Hay una serie de sustantivos que admiten la terminación –ed para convertirse en pseudo-participios y formar construcciones descriptivas con adjetivos o adverbios como los participios verbales. Otros ejemplos son: green-eyed, able-bodied, old-fashioned, feeble-minded, kind-hearted, sure-footed, etc.

Punto 13.3. Inciso B: Las construcciones de sustantivo más participio activo o pasivo también actúan como una unidad para describir características de un sustantivo, y también van enlazadas por un guión, e igualmente pueden anteponerse al sustantivo al que se refieren o unirse a él, por un copulativo.

Punto 13.3. Inciso C: Las expresiones de cantidad o medida, compuestas de un numeral y un sustantivo, o un numeral, un sustantivo y un adjetivo, pueden anteponerse al sustantivo al que miden o cuantifican. En este caso el sustantivo que integra la construcción cuantitativa o de medida no lleva forma plural aunque le corresponda sentido plural, como en His report covered a period of two years; I need a ribbon two inches wide.

La inclusión del adjetivo en estas construcciones se hace por conveniencia de claridad: A two-inch-wide ribbon es distinto de A

two-inch-long ribbon; o simplemente por razón de estilo: We have a three-year girl o we have three-year-old girl.

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Ejercicio 1.

Guiándose por el contexto, elija entre las palabras very, too y enough. Véase punto 13.1.

1. There are very high peaks in the Alps.

2. I can’t wear this dress, it is ______________ short.

3. We think Terry is ________________ young to marry. She’s only fifteen.

4. Those two boys are old _________________ to go on the trip by themselves.

5. Mr. Kent earned two million dollars last year. He’s wealthy _______________ to stop working.

6. Canada is ______________ cold in the winter.

7. She’s expert _______________ to make a good purchase.

8. Leonardo da Vinci was a _______________gifted man.

9. Please excuse me. I’m ________________ busy to talk to you now.

10. Helen couldn’t give any details to the police. She was ______________ nervous.

Ejercicio 2.

Vuelva a escribir cada oración colocando, en el lugar más adecuado, los modificadores que se dan entre paréntesis.

Véase punto 13.2.

1. They disappeared rapidly. (too) They disappeared too rapidly.

2. He acts unfriendly. (certainly) ______________________________________________________

3. Ann entered the room quietly. (very) ______________________________________________________

4. You didn’t react fast. (enough) ______________________________________________________

5. Her dress is definitely ruined. (almost) ______________________________________________________

6. They drove back slowly. (rather) ______________________________________________________

7. His men quickly controlled the situation. (very) ______________________________________________________

8. They left the city suddenly. (quite) ______________________________________________________

9. Crazily, he will attempt it again. (enough) ______________________________________________________

10. She used all the words correctly. (really) ______________________________________________________

Ejercicio 3.

Complete cada oración utilizando en su debido orden los elementos que se le dan entre paréntesis. Véase punto 13.2.

1. She spoke too rapidly , I couldn’t understand her. (rapidly – too)

2. You’re working ______________________. Please hurry up. (very – slowly)

3. We _______________________ forgot his request. (entirely – almost)

4. Bobby is moving _______________________. He won’t disturb the baby. (quietly – enough)

5. ________________, they carried it ________________. Three pieces are broken. (obviously – carelessly)

6. He acted ________________________ to get their help. (enough – intelligently)

7. Vivian is ________________________ in class at this time. (almost – certainly)

8. She usually express herself _________________________ and clearly. (firmly – quite)

9. Will they type _________________________ to complete the work by eight? (enough – quickly)

10. Bob spoke _________________________. They won’t pay any attention to his request. (timidly – too)

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Módulo 14


14.1. Para expresar gradaciones y matices de color.

My dress is light-gray. His coat is dark-gray.

They painted the chair solid-black.

I bought a Mexican pink skirt for myself and a Baltic blue dress for Helen.

The uniforms of our soldiers are olive-green. The uniforms of our sailors are navy-blue.

14.2. Para señalar que parte de un todo se considera en una determinada situación.

NONE OF THE SNOW has melted. NOT ANY OF THE SNOW has melted.

NOT MUCH OF THE SNOW has melted.

MUCH OF THE SNOW has melted.

MOST OF THE SNOW has melted.

ALL OF THE SNOW has melted.

ALL OF THE GIRLS are holding a flower. NONE OF THE BOYS are holding flowers.

NOT ANY OF THE BOYS are holding flowers.




NOT ALL OF THE CHILDREN are playing, but MOST OF THEM are playing.




ONE THIRD OF THE JAR is full of fruit.

You may use HALF OF THAT FRUIT for the sherbet.

OBSERVE Punto 14.1.: La tonalidad o el matiz de un color puedes expresarse con un adjetivo como light, dark, pale, deep, soft, solid,

con adjetivos que indican color (blue, red, yellow, etc) a los cuales se les agrega el sufijo –ish (a la manera de, similar a), con formas especiales que indican el lugar en donde se originó ciento color, como Mexican pink, Prussian blue, Baltic blue, Ultramarine blue, French Gray, o con el nombre de un objeto del cual se toma el color, como almond greed, apple green bottle green, emerald green, olive green, pea green, sea green, sky blue, cobalt blue, pearl gray, steel gray, etc.

Las dos primeras combinaciones llevan guión intermedio, pero también se escriben sin él. De cualquier manera, estas construcciones son inseparables y se pueden usar antepuestas al nombre del sustantivo al que se refieren o después de él, enlazadas a él con un verbo copulativo.

Punto 14.2.: All of, most of, some of, none of, not any of, not all of se anteponen a sustantivos en singular y en plural y sustantivos que no admiten el numeral uno, como snow, para indicar la porción de un todo que se está considerando en una situación dada.

Much of y not much of y a little of solamente se anteponen a sustantivos que no admiten el numeral uno, o a singulares, mientras que many of, not many of, a few of y several of solamente lo hacen con sustantivos plurales.

Los numerales cardinales seguidos de of solamente se pueden usar con sustantivos en plural, los partitivos pueden usarse con sustantivos que no admiten el numeral 1 y con sustantivos en singular y en plural.

Hay otras expresiones como part of, a fraction of, a bit of, a pound of, a yard of, y todas las que se emplean como medida, que también pueden usarse para indicar una porción del todo.

Los partitivos, excepto half, se forman con números cardinales cono numeradores y números ordinales (pluralizados cuando el numerador es dos o más) como denominadores. Cuando el numerador es one, normalmente se sustituye por el artículo a/an. El

ordinal pluralizado puede usarse sólo para indicar la forma de partición. Ej. I’m going to divide it into fourths.

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14.3. Sección de vocabulario.

A. Algunas formas conocidas comúnmente como adverbios, que se usan como adjetivos antepuestos a sustantivos.


Very/Just Exactly This is the very thing I wanted. This is just the thing I wanted.

Just Only/no more. I have just two dollars. I have only two dollars.

Almost Approximately the amount. She chopped almost a cup.

Enough Sufficient We don’t have enough lollipops for all the children. We don’t have lollipops enough for all the children.

More Additional amount or number. You need more material for a long skirt.

Less1 Reduced amount. Next time carry fewer things; you’ll waste less effort, time and money. Fewer2 Reduced number.

B. Algunos adjetivos que por su forma pueden confundirse con adverbios de modo.


EJEMPLO Adjetivo Adverbio

Cowardly Deadly Fatherly Friendly Heavenly Kindly Lively Lonely Lovely Manly Masterly

Cobarde Mortal Paternal Amable Celestial Amable Vivo, activo Solo (a) Encantador Varonil Genial

Cobardemente Terriblemente Paternalmente *** *** Amablemente *** *** *** *** ***

Their cowardly act caused indignation in the people. Matches are sometimes deadly weapons in the hands of children. Mr. Kent gave me some fatherly advice. Her friendly voice attracted the child. Angels are heavenly creatures. My kindly old grandfather is vividly present in my mind. It was a lively party. Everybody had a wonderful time. She feels very lonely since her husband died. Martha looked lovely in her pink velvet dress. I congratulate you on your manly position in this matter. His was a masterly performance. He’s a magnificent pianist.

C. Algunos adjetivos que tienen la misma forma que el adverbio correspondiente.


EJEMPLO Adjetivo Adverbio

Hourly Daily Nightly Weekly Monthly Yearly Early Fast Hard Late Straight

Cada hora Diario Nocturno Semanal Mensual Anual Temprano Rápido Duro, difícil Tarde Recto, derecho

Cada hora Diariamente Cada noche Semanalmente Mensualmente Anualmente Temprano Rápidamente Fuerte Tarde Recto, derecho

John makes a weekly visit to his family. He sees his family weekly. We’ll have to make an early departure. We’ll depart early. He made a fast turn to the right. He turned fast to the right. Margaret is a hard worker. She works hard. Did you see the late show? Did you stay up late to see the show? I drew a straight line. I drew the line straight.

1 Less is used with non-count nouns: water, bread, effort, time, etc.

2 Fewer is used with count nouns: things, houses, books, etc.

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Ejercicio 1.

Complete cada oración con las palabras que se encuentran al final de la oración en su orden debido. Véase punto


1. Both girls’ hair is reddish-brown . (is-brown-reddish-hair)

2. I like ____________________________________. (green-walls-almond-those)

3. Shouldn’t ______________________________________. (uniforms-blue-be-their-navy)

4. Is ______________________________________ its original color? (red-that-greenish)

5. I love _______________________________________. (blue-his-deep-eyes)

6. _____________________________________ impresses me. (skin-write-lily-her)

7. I don’t think _____________________________ is adequate for their purposes. (gray-that-tone-light)

8. We need _______________________________ to complete out flower arrangement. (dozen-pink-a-roses-pale)

9. I’m not sure ______________________________ will look well with my new skirt. (green-blouse-this-bottle)

10. Mother ordered ______________________________ for the studio curtains. (material-red-Indian-white)

Ejercicio 2.

Complete indicando la porción del todo que corresponde según el contexto. Véase punto 14.2.

1. All of the people in the world will die some day.

2. ________________________ the air pollution is produced by automobiles.

3. ________________________ the countries of the world are rich countries. Only a few are.

4. ________________________ the surface of the Earth is covered with water.

5. We spend ____________________ our time sleeping.

6. ________________________ the inhabitants of Mexico speak Spanish.

7. ________________________ the people in my school write with their right hand. Many are left-handed.

8. All of my friends are coming to my party. ________________________ them will be absent.

9. ________________________ the countries on the American Continent have seacoasts.

10. ________________________ of the astronauts have visited the Moon.

Ejercicio 3.

Guiándose por el contexto, complete con: very, just, only, almost, enough, more, less o fewer. Véase punto 14.3. Inciso A.

1. Is it exactly what he proposed before? Yes, it is the very thing he proposed before.

2. It costs ninety-nine cents. It costs _________________ a dollar.

3. Hey! The recipe calls for _____________ milk, and fewer eggs you’re using too much milk and too many eggs.

4. There’s only _____________ oil in the world to last a few years.

5. Did all your children come? No, ______________ Jack and Theresa did.

6. We need ___________ time to finish the work, it is very difficult and time consuming.

7. I’m afraid I don’t have _______________ food for all those people.

8. Are you sure that’s exactly what he said? Yes, those were his _____________ words.

9. He’s _____________ a friend. There’s nothing special between us.

10. Buying on installments costs ______________money.

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Módulos 15 – 16


15.1. Grado comparativo de inferioridad y superioridad de adjetivos cortos y largos.

Mr. David is shorter than his wife.

The small house is prettier than the big house.

The window on the right is less wide than the window on the left.

The white dress is more expensive than the black blouse.

Andrea is less beautiful than Kristel.

15.2. Grado superlativo de adjetivos cortos y largos.

Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world.

She was declared the most beautiful girl among the contestants.

You are the laziest person I know.

This is the worst food I have eaten.

The third problem is the least difficult of the three.

15.3. Grado comparativo de igualdad.

Her eyes are as bright as stars.

John ran as fast as Peter.

He’s moving as carefully as she.

Mrs. Brown eats as much food as her sister.

15.4. Para indicar similitud entre dos seres que se comparan.

The square on the right is the same as the square on the left.

Sylvia is like her father. They both love football. (Sylvia and her father are alike)

My coat is the same as yours.

The square on the left is the same size as the square on the right.

The oranges are the same price as the grapes.

15.5. Para indicar diferencia entre dos seres que se comparan.

The second and third triangles are different from the other three.

The tree by the door is different from the tree in front of the window.

The square on the left is a different color from the square on the right.

John has a different style from Peter’s.

OBSERVE Punto 15.1.: Para entender mejor el grado de los adjetivos o de los adverbios; es necesario dividirlos en dos grupos:

adjetivos cortos y adjetivos largos. Son adjetivos cortos los que constan de una sola sílaba como: tall, short, quick, etc.; o bien aquellos de dos sílabas terminados en y, w, de, como easy, narrow, y wide, etc. Observe los siguientes grados de un adjetivo y/o adverbio:

Comparativo de igualdad: Juan is as tall as Pedro. Comparativo de inferioridad: Juan is less tall than Pedro. Comparativo de superioridad: Juan is taller than Pedro. Superlativo: Juan is the tallest of his family.

Juan is the least tall of his family.

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Ejercicio 1.

Escriba la forma comparativa de los adjetivos o adverbios entre paréntesis. Véase punto 15.1.

1. Helen is (young) Rob. Helen is younger than Rob.

2. This book is (interesting) that one. ______________________________________________________

3. Oranges are (sweet) lemons. ______________________________________________________

4. The weather today is (warm) it was yesterday. ______________________________________________________

5. This exercise is (easy) the last one. ______________________________________________________

6. Lisa is (intelligent) her sister. ______________________________________________________

7. I am (tired) I was last night. ______________________________________________________

8. Our classroom is (large) your classroom. ______________________________________________________

9. This lesson is (long) the next one. ______________________________________________________

10. You seem to be (busy) George. ______________________________________________________

11. Your grandfather is (old) mine. ______________________________________________________

12. My father is (tall) my mother. ______________________________________________________

13. We will get there (soon) you. ______________________________________________________

14. She answered me (quickly) I expected. ______________________________________________________

15. She plays the piano (well) her sister. ______________________________________________________

Punto 15.2.: Son adjetivos largos los que constan de dos o más sílabas como: important, interesting, intelligent, useful, etc. Observe los siguientes grados de un adjetivo y/o adverbio:

Comparativo de igualdad: An English book is as interesting as a Spanish book. Comparativo de inferioridad: An English book is less interesting than a Spanish book. Comparativo de superioridad: An English book is more interesting than a Spanish book. Superlativo: An English book is the most interesting of all the books.

An English book is the least interesting of all the books.

Punto 15.3.: Cuando se quiere indicar que dos seres poseen una cualidad en el mismo grado, realizan una acción del mismo modo o poseen la misma cantidad de algo, se utiliza la expresión as seguida de la palabra que indica la cualidad y luego otra vez as, (as…as) todo ello antepuesto al segundo término de la comparación.

Punto 15.4.: Para señalar el mayor grado de similitud entre dos seres se emplea la expresión “the same as” antecediendo al

segundo término de la comparación. Esta similitud puede referirse a su modo de ser o a su modo de actuar. La palabra “like”, antepuesta también al segundo término de la comparación, señalan alto grado de similitud, casi de igualdad, y a veces se emplea con sentido de igualdad total. Si a “like” le sigue un pronombre debe ser en su forma de complemento: me, you, him, her, it, us, you, them.

“Alike” es un adjetivo que expresa similitud y se emplea en la posición de un adjetivo, después de “be” u otro copulativo. Para indicar la idea de que no hay similitud entre dos seres se hace negativa la forma verbal empleada en la comparación: am

not, is not, do not, etc. Punto 15.5.: Para expresar que dos objetos son diferentes al comparar uno con otro se anteponen las palabras different from

al segundo término de la comparación. Por supuesto se pueden usar para el mismo fin las expresiones the same as y like en estructuras negativas.

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Ejercicio 2.

Complete las siguientes oraciones agregando el comparativo de los adjetivos entre paréntesis. Véase punto 15.1.

1. My house is bigger than her house. (big – superioridad)

2. Peter is ________________________ John. (intelligent – superioridad)

3. The boys in our class are _________________________ the boys in their class. (noisy – inferioridad)

4. The big dog is _________________________ the small dog. (lazy – inferioridad)

5. He swims _______________________ she. (rapidly – inferioridad)

6. Tom is _____________________ Lizzie. (old – superioridad)

7. This computer is ______________________ this other. (cheap – superioridad)

8. Her coat is ______________________ her dress. (short – superioridad)

9. The old man moves ______________________ the child. (rapidly – inferioridad)

10. The apples are ________________________ the bananas. (heavy – superioridad)

Ejercicio 3.

Escribe la forma superlativa de los siguientes adjetivos. Esté seguro de usar la palabra “the”. Véase punto 15.2.

1. Joy is (tall) girl in our class. Joy is the tallest girl in our class.

2. She is (athletic) student in the school. ______________________________________________________

3. New York is (large) city in the United States. ______________________________________________________

4. Alice is (intelligent) girl in our class. ______________________________________________________

5. Carlo is (good) student in our class. ______________________________________________________

6. Mr. Gilbert is (busy) teacher in our school. ______________________________________________________

7. Grace is (friendly) girl in our group. ______________________________________________________

8. He is (bad) student in our class. ______________________________________________________

9. John is (tall) person in our class. ______________________________________________________

10. They are (bad) singers in our group. ______________________________________________________

11. Mother bought (small) watch in the store. ______________________________________________________

12. William has (beautiful) voice in the choir. ______________________________________________________

13. I need (big) box for this shirt. ______________________________________________________

14. Please give me (expensive) doll. ______________________________________________________

15. Ann’s dress is (beautiful). ______________________________________________________

Ejercicio 4.

Agregue la expresión “as…as” con los siguientes adjetivos o adverbios. Véase punto 15.3.

1. Tomiko is (tall) her brother. Tomiko is as tall as her brother.

2. This book was (expensive) that one. ______________________________________________________

3. Mario is not (old) I. ______________________________________________________

4. Amanda can’t swim (fast) I. ______________________________________________________

5. I will be there (soon) possible. ______________________________________________________

6. He came to the office (quick) he could. ______________________________________________________

7. She can do the work (easy) I. ______________________________________________________

8. She doesn’t work (hard) the other students. ______________________________________________________

9. We go to the movies (often) we can. ______________________________________________________

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INFINITIVE PRESENT SIMPLE PAST PAST PARTICIPLE GERUND MEANING To add Adds Added Added Adding Sumar To administrate Administrates Administrated Administrated Administrating Administrar To agree Agrees Agreed Agreed Agreeing Estar de acuerdo To answer Answers Answered Answered Answering Contestar To appreciate Appreciates Appreciated Appreciated Appreciating Apreciar To arrive Arrives Arrived Arrived Arriving Llegar To ask Asks Asked Asked Asking Pedir, preguntar To attend Attends Attended Attended Attending Asistir To attract Attracts Attracted Attracted Attracting Atraer To beg Begs Begged Begged Begging Rogar To believe Believes Believed Believed Believing Creer To belong Belongs Belonged Belonged Belonging Pertenecer To board Boards Boarded Boarded Boarding Abordar To boil Boils Boiled Boiled Boiling Hervir To bother Bothers Bothered Bothered Bothering Molestarse To broil Broils Broiled Broiled Broiling Asar To call Calls Called Called Calling Llamar To carry Carries Carried Carried Carrying Llevar To change Changes Changed Changed Changing Cambiar To charge Charges Charged Charged Charging Cobrar To chat Chats Chatted Chatted Chatting Charlar To claim Claims Claimed Claimed Claiming Reclamar, afirmar To clean Cleans Cleaned Cleaned Cleaning Limpiar To climb Climbs Climbed Climbed Climbing Subir To close Closes Closed Closed Closing Cerrar To collect Collects Collected Collected Collecting Coleccionar To compete Competes Competed Competed Competing Competir To complete Completes Completed Completed Completing Completar To confirm Confirms Confirmed Confirmed Confirming Confirmar To consider Considers Considered Considered Considering Considerar To constitute Constitutes Constituted Constituted Constituting Constituir To continue Continues Continued Continued Continuing Continuar To contradict Contradicts Contradicted Contradicted Contradicting Contradecir To cook Cooks Cooked Cooked Cooking Cocinar To copy Copies Copied Copied Copying Copiar To cross Crosses Crossed Crossed Crossing Atravesar, cruzar To decide Decides Decided Decided Deciding Decidir To declare Declares Declared Declared Declaring Declarar To decorate Decorates Decorated Decorated Decorating Decorar To demand Demands Demanded Demanded Demanding Exigir To die Dies Died Died Dieing Morir To discuss Discusses Discussed Discussed Discussing Discutir To dream Dreams Dreamed Dreamed Dreaming Soñar To dress Dresses Dressed Dressed Dressing Vestirse To elect Elects Elected Elected Electing Elegir To eliminate Eliminates Eliminated Eliminated Eliminating Eliminar To employ Employs Employed Employed Employing Dar empleo To enjoy Enjoys Enjoyed Enjoyed Enjoying Gozar de To enter Enters Entered Entered Entering Entrar en To entertain Entertains Entertained Entertained Entertaining Divertir To examine Examines Examined Examined Examining Examinar To exchange Exchanges Exchanged Exchanged Exchanging Intercambiar To excuse Excuses Excused Excused Excusing Perdonar, disculpar To expect Expects Expected Expected Expecting Esperar To extend Extends Extended Extended Extending Extender

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To fasten Fastens Fastened Fastened Fastening Fijar, apretar To fill Fills Filled Filled Filling Llenar To finish Finishes Finished Finished Finishing Terminar To freshen Freshens Freshened Freshened Freshening Refrescarse To fry Fries Fried Fried Frying Freír To furnish Furnishes Furnished Furnished Furnishing Suministrar To greet Greets Greeted Greeted Greeting Saludar To guess Guesses Guessed Guessed Guessing Adivinar To happen Happens Happened Happened Happening Ocurrir To help Helps Helped Helped Helping Ayudar To hope Hopes Hoped Hoped Hoping Esperar To hurry Hurries Hurried Hurried Hurrying Apresurarse To import Imports Imported Imported Importing Importar To inspect Inspects Inspected Inspected Inspecting Inspeccionar To introduce Introduces Introduced Introduced Introducing Presentar To invite Invites Invited Invited Inviting Invitar To join Joins Joined Joined Joining Unirse a To land Lands Landed Landed Landing Aterrizar To learn Learns Learned Learned Learning Aprender To like Likes Liked Liked Liking Gustar To list Lists Listed Listed Listing Poner en lista To live Lives Lived Lived Living Vivir To look Looks Looked Looked Looking Mirar, parecer To love Loves Loved Loved Loving Amar To mail Mails Mailed Mailed Mailing Enviar por correo To manufacture Manufactures Manufactured Manufactured Manufacturing Fabricar To mark Marks Marked Marked Marking Marcar To mention Mentions Mentioned Mentioned Mentioning Mencionar To miss Misses Missed Missed Missing Perder, echar de menos To move Moves Moved Moved Moving Mudarse, moverse To note Notes Noted Noted Noting Notar To obtain Obtains Obtained Obtained Obtaining Obtener To open Opens Opened Opened Opening Abrir To order Orders Ordered Ordered Ordering Ordenar To owe Owes Owed Owed Owing Deber To pack Packs Packed Packed Packing Empacar To paint Paints Painted Painted Painting Pintar To park Parks Parked Parked Parking Estacionar To perform Performs Performed Performed Performing Ejecutar To pick Picks Picked Picked Picking Coger To plan Plains Planed Planed Planning Idear, hacer planes To play Plays Played Played Playing Jugar, tocar To prefer Prefers Preferred Preferred Preferring Preferir To prepare Prepares Prepared Prepared Preparing Preparar To present Presents Presented Presented Presenting Presentar To print Prints Printed Printed Printing Imprimir To process Processes Processed Processed Processing Elaborar, procesar To produce Produces Produced Produced Producing Producir To promise Promises Promised Promised Promising Prometer To prove Proves Proved Proved Proving Comprobar To provide Provides Provided Provided Providing Proveer To reach Reaches Reached Reached Reaching Llegar a To receive Receives Received Received Receiving Recibir To recommend Recommends Recommended Recommended Recommending Recomendar To reduce Reduces Reduced Reduced Reducing Reducir To register Registers Registered Registered Registering Registrar, matricularse To regulate Regulates Regulated Regulated Regulating Regular To relax Relaxes Relaxed Relaxed Relaxing Calmarse

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To remember Remembers Remembered Remembered Remembering Recordar To rent Rents Rented Rented Renting Alquilar To represent Represents Represented Represented Representing Representar To require Requires Required Required Requiring Requerir To reserve Reserves Reserved Reserved Reserving Reservar To return Returns Returned Returned Returning Volver, devolver To roast Roasts Roasted Roasted Roasting Asar To roll Rolls Rolled Rolled Rolling Enrollar To sail Sails Sailed Sailed Sailing Navegar To save Saves Saved Saved Saving Salvar, ahorrar To separate Separates Separated Separated Separating Separar To serve Serves Served Served Serving Servir To share Shares Shared Shared Sharing Compartir To shave Shaves Shaved Shaved Shaving Afeitarse To show Shows Showed Showed Showing Mostrar To sign Signs Signed Signed Signing Firmar To smell Smells Smelled Smelled Smelling Oler To smoke Smokes Smoked Smoked Smoking Fumar To snow Snows Snowed Snowed Snowing Nevar To start Starts Started Started Starting Comenzar To stay Stays Stayed Stayed Staying Permanecer To stop Stops Stopped Stopped Stopping Detenerse To study Studies Studied Studied Studying Estudiar To suggest Suggests Suggested Suggested Suggesting Sugerir To supply Supplies Supplied Supplied Supplying Suministrar To suppose Supposes Supposed Supposed Supposing Suponer To surprise Surprises Surprised Surprised Surprising Sorprender To talk Talks Talked Talked Talking Hablar To telephone Telephones Telephoned Telephoned Telephoning Telefonear To thank Thanks Thanked Thanked Thanking Agradecer To touch Touches Touched Touched Touching Tocar To treat Treats Treated Treated Treating Tratar, convenir To try Tries Tried Tried Trying Probar, intentar To turn Turns Turned Turned Turning Girar, voltear To use Uses Used Used Using Usar To visit Visits Visited Visited Visiting Visitar To vote Votes Voted Voted Voting Votar To wait Waits Waited Waited Waiting Esperar To walk Walks Walked Walked Walking Caminar To want Wants Wanted Wanted Wanting Querer To waste Wastes Wasted Wasted Wasting Desperdiciar To watch Watches Watched Watched Watching Observar To welcome Welcomes Welcomed Welcomed Welcoming Dar la bienvenida To wish Wishes Wished Wished Wishing Desear To work Works Worked Worked Working Trabajar To worry Worries Worried Worried Worrying Preocuparse To wrap Wraps Wrapped Wrapped Wrapping Envolver

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INFINITIVE PRESENT SIMPLE PAST PAST PARTICIPLE GERUND MEANING To arise Arises Arose Arisen Arising Levantar To awake Awakes Awoke Awaked Awaking Despertar To beat Beats Beat Beaten Beating Golpear, latir To become Becomes Became Become Becoming Llegar a ser To begin Begins Began Begun Beginning Empezar To bleed Bleeds Bled Bled Bleeding Sangrar To blow Blows Blew Blown Blowing Soplar To break Breaks Broke Broken Breaking Romper, quebrar To bring Brings Brought Brought Bringing Traer To build Builds Built Built Building Construir To buy Buys Bought Bought Buying Comprar To catch Catches Caught Caught Catching Agarrar, atrapar To choose Chooses Chose Chosen Choosing Escoger To come Comes Came Come Coming Venir To cost Costs Cost Cost Costing Costar To cut Cuts Cut Cut Cutting Cortar To deal Deals Dealt Dealt Dealing Tratar To do Does Did Done Doing Hacer To drink Drinks Drank Drunk Drinking Beber To drive Drives Drove Driven Driving Conducir To eat Eats Ate Eaten Eating Comer To fall Falls Fell Fallen Falling Caer To feed Feeds Fed Fed Feeding Alimentar To feel Feels Felt Felt Feeling Sentir, palpar To fight Fights Fought Fought Fighting Pelear To find Finds Found Found Finding Encontrar To fly Flies Flew Flown Flying Volar To forget Forgets Forgot Forgotten Forgetting Olvidar To forgive Forgives Forgave Forgiven Forgiving Perdonar To freeze Freezes Froze Frozen Freezing Congelar To get Gets Got Gotten Getting Conseguir, volverse To give Gives Gave Given Giving Dar To go Goes Went Gone Going Ir To grow Grows Grew Grown Growing Crecer, madurar To hang Hangs Hung Hung Hanging Colgar To have Has Had Had Having Tener To hear Hears Heard Heard Hearing Oír To hide Hides Hid Hidden Hiding Esconder To hit Hits Hit Hit Hitting Golpear To hold Holds Held Held Holding Sostener To hurt Hurts Hurt Hurt Hurting Lastimar To keep Keeps Kept Kept Keeping Guardar To know Knows Knew Known Knowing Saber, conocer To lay Lays Laid Laid Laying Colocar To leave Leaves Left Left Leaving Dejar, abandonar To lend Lends Lent Lent Lending Prestar To let Lets Let Let Letting Permitir To lose Loses Lost Lost Losing Perder To make Make Made Made Making Hacer To mean Means Meant Meant Meaning Significar To meet Meets Met Met Meeting Conocer, encontrar To pay Pays Paid Paid Paying Pagar To put Puts Put Put Putting Poner To read Reads Read Read Reading Leer

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To ride Rides Rode Ridden Riding Montar To ring Rings Rang Rung Ringing Sonar To rise Rises Rose Rosen Rising Levantar (se) To run Runs Ran Run Running Correr To say Says Said Said Saying Decir To see Sees Saw Seen Seeing Ver To sell Sells Sold Sold Selling Vender To send Sends Sent Sent Sending Enviar To shake Shakes Shook Shaken Shaking Sacudir To shine Shines Shone Shone Shining Brillar To shoot Shoots Shot Shot Shooting Disparar To show Shows Showed Shown Showing Mostrar To sing Sings Sang Sung Singing Cantar To sink Sinks Sank Sunk Sinking Hundir To sit Sits Sat Sat Sitting Sentarse To sleep Sleeps Slept Slept Sleeping Dormir To slide Slides Slid Slid Sliding Deslizar To slit Slits Slit Slit Slitting Rajar, cortar To speak Speaks Spoke Spoken Speaking Hablar To spend Spends Spent Spent Spending Gastar, pasar el tiempo To spin Spins Spun Spun Spinning Girar To spread Spreads Spread Spread Spreading Esparcir To spring Springs Sprang Sprung Springing Saltar To stand Stands Stood Stood Standing Parar (se) To steal Steals Stole Stolen Stealing Robar To stick Sticks Stuck Stuck Sticking Pegar, meter To strike Strikes Struck Struck Striking Golpear To swear Swears Swore Sworn Swearing Jurar To sweep Sweeps Swept Swept Sweeping Barrer To swim Swims Swam Swum Swimming Nadar To take Takes Took Taken Taking Tomar To teach Teaches Taught Taught Teaching Enseñar To tear Tears Tore Torn Tearing Rasgar To tell Tells Told Told Telling Decir To think Thinks Thought Thought Thinking Pensar To throw Throws Threw Thrown Throwing Echar, tirar, arrojar To understand Understands Understood Understood Understanding Entender, comprender To wake Wakes Woke Woken Waking Despertar To wear Wears Wore Worn Wearing Usar To wet Wets Wet Wet Wetting Mojar To win Wins Won Won Winning Ganar To withdraw Withdraws Withdrew Withdrawn Withdrawing Depositar To write Writes Wrote Written Writing Escribir

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Ortega Argüelles, María del Rosario. Inglés III -Libro-, SEP Preparatoria Abierta, Editorial MIG, S.A. de C.V. 1996.

525 pp.

García Bores, Jaime. Diviértase aprendiendo Inglés Editorial Diana S.A. México D.F. 1990. 222 pp.

Pelayo-Pelayo Ramón y Gross. Diccionario Moderno Larousse, Ediciones Larousse. 1998. 513 pp.

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Este material fue elaborado por Ranulfo Sántiz López.

Es Maestro en Docencia por el Instituto de Estudios de Postgrado (IEP),

Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas y actualmente trabaja en la

Escuela Normal de Licenciatura en Educación Primaria Intercultural Bilingüe

“Lic. Manuel Larraínzar” en San Cristóbal de Las Casas, Chiapas; México.

Comentarios al e-mail: [email protected]

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