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  • 8/6/2019 informe nuevoo


    The no.1

    Ladies Detective Agency


    (VI- IX)

    Names: Karen Jaime

    Stephanie G.

    Karen Barraza

    Crys Baeza

    Mara Jos Contreras

    Adriana Acua

    Subject: Lengua Inglesa II

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    The boy was eleven years old and was small for his age. They had tried everything to get to grow, but

    grew very slowly and now, when people saw him, instead of eleven he estimated eight to nine years.

    His father had told him that he too was short and now, however, was high and that he would do the


    Parents were afraid that something was wrong and that maybe because I did not grow crooked spine.

    Because four years had fallen from a tree. The boy had recovered, but it felt like walking differently.

    He had been to the clinic where a nurse who examined her eyes and mouth, had assured them that the

    boy was completely healthy.

    The child was more alert than the rest. He liked to look for stones in the red soil and clean with his


    Of his curiosity, he went out to run around the savannah with mysterious purpose, her parents were

    accustomed to out of sight for hours. There was a risk that nothing will happen, unless he had the

    misfortune of stepping on a snake or a cobra.

    The boy had gone back by one of those roads leading to the dusty savannah. He had found something

    that interested him a lot and followed the tracks to try to see the animal. he knew it had to be a snake

    because in stool had balls of fur. He was convinced that was rabbit skin, first by its color, and secondly

    because for big snakes, the rabbits were a delicacy. If he found the snake would kill her with a stone

    and would remove the skin for to make a couple of belts, one for himself and one for his father.

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    It was dusk and must return. In addition, it was impossible to see a snake in a without moon night,

    decided to leave the road and shorten the journey across the savannah towards the dirt road, that would

    lead him into the city.

    It was dark and the trees and bushes, black and formless, were mixed. Between foliage, yellow lights

    appeared. The lights were bright and the boy is turned away. A truck was approaching him could not be

    a car because the sand was too deep and soft.

    The boy stood on the edge of the dirt road and waited. The truck was about to reach him. It was small

    and its headlights jumped due to potholes. The vehicle stopped and the boy used his hand as a visor to


    Someone from within the truck greeted to the boy to the traditional style, the boy smiled and waved

    back. Inside the vehicle were two men, one young man at the wheel and a old one next to it. Although

    he could not see their faces, he knew that they were strangers.

    They spoke Tswana with strange accent. Raised his voice at the end of each word. The locals did not

    speak that way. Asked if he had come to hunt animals but he said no, then they offered to take her


    The driver opened the door and got out of the van, leaving the engine running, to the boy could climb

    up and access the seat bottom. Then came back up, closed the door and accelerated. The boy shrugged

    his legs, there was something on the floor, maybe a dog or a goat, he had noticed a soft, wet nose.

    When they were coming to the house the child, he said he could keep walking if they stopped, but the

    older man took him by the shoulders and said that after could return home and he began to tell a story

    about a pair of cowboys that had seen a calf strange and colorful and each time they approached the

    calf that he began to sing, then comes the cattle owner and went to see the calf was, then said that the

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    calves did not bring luck and strange I began to beat to death. But before dying he whispered to the

    cowboy something very special. When they told the cattle owner, who was the uncle of the cowboys,

    the guy knelt down and cried. The calf was his brother, who once had been devoured by a lion, and had

    now returned. This man had killed his brother and never again be happy and he was very sad.

    The boy looked at the men while they told the story. Suddenly the child understood what was

    happening. He knew what would happen.

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    Mma Makutsi Deals with the mail.

    A conversation with MR J.L.B Matekoni.

    Mma ramostwe was saying that it was important to have a secretary in the agency. Mma makutsi was

    the manager of receiving and opening the mail during these first three days it did not receive anything,

    on the fourth day there came catalogues, a tax of purchase of properties, and on the fifth day, a letter

    directed the previous owner. To beginning of the second week, mma makutsi opened a white envelope

    stained with fingerprints, and read the letter to mma ramostwe:

    The letter was of the teacher of a school of katsana that is near Gaborone, in the letter was saying: that

    two months ago your son vanished, I went to the police and initiated a great search I asked

    everywhere, nobody knew of him. He was asking for breaks in the school to cross the surroundings of

    the people, he went to two kopjes rocky with caves, I searched in all the caves and cracks, but he did

    not find it. The child loved the nature, he was happening the days taking stones, he knew very well the

    sabanas, and knew that here there are not leopards and the Kalahari is very far like in order that they

    avenge the lions.

    how can a boy vanish off the face of the earth like this?, if I was not Christian he, would say and

    believe that some malignant spirit has removed it, I am not rich and do not have to pay a private

    detective, but for what more wants mma ramostwe, ask him to do a small favor to myself, when it is

    investigating some case and speaking with people who could give him tracks, ask for a child called

    Thobiso, of eleven years and four months, son of Katsana's teacher. Ernest Molai Pakotati, graduate in


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    Mma makutsi stopped reading and looked to mma ramostwe. For a moment neither spoke. Then

    mma Ramotswe broke the silence.

    And she asks to mma makutsi: Do you Know something of all that? There has come to him news of a

    missing child?, she answers: it seems To Me that yes, If I am not wrong, it went out a little in the

    newspaper brings over of the search of a child. They believed that he had escaped of house for some

    motive. Mma Ramotswe got up and took the letter from her to secretary and she says: I do not believe

    that, it could help very much, But what more can I do? He knows the sheet that Katsana surrounds,

    knows the people. There is no much that I could do. And they guarded the letter and put in the new red

    box that mma Ramotswe had bought in Botswana Book Centre.

    It was the second letter that they were sending from the First Detectives' Feminine Agency; the first

    one had been an invoice of two hundred fifty pulas for mma Malatsi, in whose top part mma Makutsi

    had written to machine: " deceased Husband. Investigation of the mystery of his death

    That night, about her, Zebra Drive's house, mma Ramotswe while she was preparing the stew with

    gourd to have dinner, was thinking about the arrival of the letter, also in case of a man complaining

    about the unpaid one and she had acceded to help him to recover the money. She was not sure that a

    private detective must deal with cases similarly, but she had not could refuse to the insistence of the

    man. Also she had received the visit of a woman who was worried by his husband. That was coming

    house smelling perfume and smiling while he was listening to the case mma makutsi she says to the

    woman My husband does not smell badly He is very clean, Mma Ramotswe him directed her secretary

    a look of reproach. And She would have to speak with her and to say to her that it should not do

    comments in front of the clients.

    But she was concentrated in the letter of the teacher and the history of the missing child. She was

    thinking about the suffering of the family that the child could be in danger, maybe someone had

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    kidnapped, kidnapped it in full night. The idea of helping the people to solve your problems was very

    nice, but the problems could be heart-breaking. She had another case Malatsi. was imagining that mma

    Malatsi was going to remain ruined when she was finding out that his husband had been devoured by a

    crocodile, but the woman I do not matter for him, she thought probably the woman has killed his

    husband! Because of she does not turn pale on having found out about the news of his death, maybe she

    wanted that he was dying.

    Conversation with MR J. L. B. Matekoni

    The numbers were not fitting. At the conclusion of the first month of her opening, the Detectives' First

    Feminine Agency had losses. Three clients had paid, and other two had been going to ask for advice,

    which they had received, refusing to pay then and hundred pulas for quarrelling the one who was using

    her telephone furtively to effect called Francistown. The total was promoting approximately five

    hundred fifty pulas, but the salary of mma Makutsi was of five hundred eighty pulas. What was the

    meaning of that, there was a loss of thirty pulas, it without bearing other general expenses in mind, as

    the petrol for the small white van and the light of the office.

    Mma Ramotswe was not dealing why so many loss, but yet she still had little money of the

    inheritance of his father, but she could not live of it eternally. She thought about the MR J . L. B.

    Matekoni, owner of Tlokweng Road Speedy Motors, Sure that did not have problems of clientele

    because he was an excellent mechanic. Mma Ramotswe knew the MR J . L. B. Matekoni from was

    doing many years. he was of Mochudi, and his uncle had been very a friend of his father. The MR J . L.

    B. Matekoni had forty five years, ten more than she, but it was considered of the same age that she. She

    was an agreeable person, and he never marry. He was not handsome, but his face had an expression of

    tranquility and balance. It was the type of husband who would have liked to have any woman in house,

    but he had remained a bachelor and was living alone in a great house near the old airfield.

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    When mma ramotswe was happening with her van, he saw it sat in his porch; only, accommodated in a

    chair, contemplating the trees that were growing in his garden.

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    Chapter seven and eight

    Conversation with MR J.L.B Matekoni

    The Boyfriend

    She liked to call on him at the garage and talk to him in his greasy office ,and look at the calendars on

    the wall with their simple pictures of the sort that men liked ,too she liked to drink tea from one of his

    mugs with the greasy .

    They would talk about Mochudi ,politics or just exchanges the news of the day ,but that day talked

    about finances ,and about the problems of running a paying business .

    He tell her that the end of day there are just one or two pula left for him. Never much more.But at least

    you arent making loss, said Mma Ramotswe. Im thirty pula down on my down on my first months

    trading .and Im sure itll get worse.He said that secretary of yours the one with those big glasses.thats

    where the money will be going .also you need a couple of big need somebody rich to give

    you a caseSomebodu like Mr Patel For example a rich men too have their problems you never

    know .I ve been thinking said Mma ramotswe.

    I had a letter the other day .it made me very sad

    She told him of the letter about the missing boy ,and she explained how she had felt unable to help the

    father, I couldnt do anything for him she said .

    Mr J.L.B Matekoni said : I saw that in the newspaper and I knew it was hopeless from beginning

    Because that boy is dead no animal took him.or at least no ordinary animal ,a santawana maybe ,a

    thokolosi .oh yes.

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    Mma Ramotswe was silent.she imaginated the father of the dead boy.

    Why do you said he is dead?? She asked, he could have got lost

    Mr matekoni shook his head no he said ,the boy have been taken for witch doctor and killed for

    medicine.this is a the great taboo since the late twentieth century here in Africa

    A little boy had been killed because some powerful person somewhere had commissioned the witch

    doctor to make strengthening medicine for him.

    You maybe right, she said

    Of course im right .we are too fringhtened for our lives.

    Mma ramotswe went to bed at ten that night ,half an hour later than usual,

    She turned out the light and said her prayers whispering the words although there was nobody in the

    house to hear her.

    In the early hours of the morning she awoke in terror .her heartbeat irregular ,her mouth dry .

    She sat up and reached for the light switch ,the light in the corridor did not work either, nor that in the


    She opened the back door and stepped out into the yard in her bare feet.

    She stood where she was, frozen in terror .there was somebody in the yard, watching her, somebody

    had whispered her name. so she backed away,slowly,inch by inch, toward the kitchen door. When she

    turned the key the electricity came on and the kitchen was flooded with light. The fridge started to purr,

    a light from the cooker winked on and off at her :3:04,3:04

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    The boyfriend

    There were three quite exceptional houses in the country ,and Mma Ramotswe felt some satisfaction

    that she had been invited to two of them. The best-known of these was Mokolodi. This house was

    probably the grandest establishment in the country and was certainly rather more impressive than

    Phakadi house to the north .

    The third house could only only be suspected of being a house of distinction,a very few people were

    invented to enter it.

    It is like Buckinghem palace,said one women.

    The people in question were were the family of Mr Paliwalar Sundigar Patel,the owner of a lot of

    stores .

    Mr patel had come at the age of twenty five,he had not a great deal in his pocket then,but his father,had

    advanced him the money to buy his first shop in the African mall.this had been a grat success.

    By his fiftieth birthday ,he stopped expanding his empire ,and concentrated on the improvement and

    education of his family.

    There were four children- a son Wallace,Twin daughters,Sandri and Pali,and the youngest ,a daughter

    called Nandira.

    Wallace had been sent to an expensive boarding school in Zimbabwe . there he had learned to play

    cricket ,and to be cruel.he had been admitted to dental school.after a large donation by MrPatel and had

    then returned to Durban ,where he set up a practice in cosmetic dentristy .at some point he had

    shortened his name ,Mr Patel had protested at the changes ,but his son said short names are easier

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    There had been no such pretensions from the twins.they had both been sent back to the natal to meet

    husbands, wich they had done in the manner expected by their father.

    Then there was Nadira ,who was sixteen at the time and a pupil at Maru a Pula school in Gaborone,the

    best and most expensive school in the country ,she was bright academically,was expected to make a

    good marriage in the fullness of time probably on her twentieth birthday.

    The entire family including the sons in law ,the grandparents,and several distant cousins,lived in the

    Patel mansion near the old Botsawa Defence Force Club .there had been severa houses on the plot.

    But Mr Patel had knocked them down and built his new house from scratch .in fact ,it was several

    houses linked together ,all the family Compound.

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    Chapter nine,

    The architect who had designed for building a big house for the wedding , was called Delhi

    Rococo with a great deal of gilt in furniture , expensive picture of Hindu saint and deer on the wall of

    the room.

    When the twins are married were a expensive ceremony in Durban with fifteen hundred

    invited and Mr. Patel give to the sons in-law also each a red Mercedes-Benz whit their

    initial on the drivers door. The cousin told to Mr. Patel that he didnt go to flashing your

    money around the place because the African dont like that, and had careful , but he said

    that none of that applies in Botswana because the people have a diamond , and stability to

    a place and that any dangerous but the cousin to ignore him and said that for example

    everythings going fine one day, and ,then next day when you wake up and discover that

    you throats been cut , Mr. Patel took warning about this and put special attention.

    Mma. Ramotswe who receive one call for Mr. Patel that said, if she could possibly of go to

    his house some evening in the near future, but ,before she go , she called to M.J.B.

    Matekoni, and she said him that Mr. Pale called her and that he was a rich men and , if she

    should get him , Mr. Matekoni daid her that he had four Mercedes-Benz in your house and

    that problem with transportation . Then Mma. Ramotewe came to the Patel s houses, she

    couldnt park outside and hoot your horn because he was a rich men and had a bell on the

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    wall and the people that go to house had that spoke from of small speaker above your head.

    when she go to the house, she had that left your tine white car to round the corner for to

    keep up appearance , then she question in the bell of wall, to Mr. Pale, when the open door

    and she found in the courtyard that has netting into a grave of lush vegetation, but she also

    saw a big doorway with tall white pillars and plants, where Mr. Pales appeared before the

    door , but she know that him had a artificial leg because she never see he before, she

    wasnt tall but Mr. Pale still found himself looked up to her, when he said that ,if she had

    been in your house and she had been on his parties, but she knew that him lie because he never parties.

    So they walked and lend to a big room that was a study where any of family allowed , the

    room was shiny black and white and expensive because the room had a private, and had a

    large desk , miniature elephant and several glass, when he said that will take a little time for

    sit because your artificial leg and told that your leg did in Italy and that him cost a lot of

    money ,but he think that better maybe in America. Also said that he had a happy family

    and he had four son: one men how was a dentist in Durban , the big girls twins were

    married with good boys and they lived in under the roof , also had a little girl called

    Nandira how had sixteen and study in a Mura-a-Pula school, but he had a question about

    the teenager and as doing thing in these modern day? Mma Ramotswe answer that the

    parent crying for yours teenager , Mr. Pales walked with emphasis and said that in your

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    family these thing not happened and he told her that Nandira saw a secret boy after the

    school, because there were foreign children from American, and he didnt see boys because

    Nandira was a teenager very insolent and he want that Mma. Ramotswe watching her and

    she said he that give to photograph for watching . When she left to house , she thinkin that

    he wasnt a good father this men because he had to let go.

    Then she thought in her baby that had born premature, so fragile ,so light and looked up

    the sky and wait say something to God but she cant because her throat was blocked for

    sobs and nothing would come

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    Chapter nine

    Mma Ramotswe that it would be a rather easy case because some of them was difficult. She was long

    periods of waiting outside houses and offices, doing nothing but watching for somebody to appear.

    Nandira would be at school for mot of the day. That was the point t which se would have to follow her

    and see where she went.

    Mma Ramotswe followed somebody driving a car keeping a reasonable distance behind her.

    On day following her interview with Mr.Patel, Mma Ramotswe parked the tiny white van in the school

    car park shortly before the final bell of the day sounded. Nandira walked out of the school entrance,

    carrying her school bag and books. she was by herself, and Mma Ramotswe was able to get a good

    look at her from the cab of her van.

    She was an attractive child, a young woman really; one of those sixteen years olds who could pass for

    nineteen, or even twenty.

    She walked down the path and stopped briefly to talk to another girl, who was waiting under a tree for

    her parents to collect her. They chatted for a few minutes, and then Nandira walked off towards the

    school gates. there were several people about, and there was no reason why she should be conspicuous.

    She followed the girl down the road and round the corner. Nandira was not going directly home, as the

    Patel house was in the opposite direction to the routes he had chosen.

    Mma Ramotswe had a manual the principles of private investigation by Clovis Andersen, stressed

    the one should never crowd ones subject. keep a log rein wote Mr. Andersen, even if it means

    losing the subject from time to time. You can always pick up the trail later. And a few minutes of non-

    eye contact is better than an angry confrontation . Mma Ramotswe was looking for these houses all

    had gates and driveways, and bearing in mind that she had only been out of view for a minute or so,

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    Nandira would not have had time to disappear into one of these houses. She would certainly not have

    been able to reach the houses farther along the road.

    She stood still for a moment, and then she made up her mind. Walking as quickly as she could, she

    made her way back to the tiny white van and drove back along the route on wich she had so recently

    followed Nandira. Then parking the van in front of the house on the right, she walked up the driveway

    towards the front door.

    Mma Ramotswe knocked on the door, and the dog started to bark loudly inside the house. Mma

    Ramotswe knocked again, then the door opened and a woman looked out at her. Mma Ramotswe could

    tell that she was not a Motswana. She was a West African, probably a Ghanaian, judging by the

    complexion and the dress. Mma Ramotswe was looking for Sipho, the woman has got two daughter,

    but no son, she said that Ugandan family have got a boy, but hes only six or seven. Mma Ramotswe

    made her apologies, nd walked back downdrive. At eight oclock that night Mma Ramotswe received

    a telephone cll from Mr. Patel, and asked if she has anything report to him, but Mma Ramotswe

    answered that unfortunately had not been able to find out where Nandira went after school, but she

    hoped that she might be more successful the following day. Mr. Patel said that not very good, and that

    Nandira came home three hours after school finished, she had just been at a friends house. The Mr.

    Patels wife found a note on the table, a note which Nandira must have dropped, it said see you

    tomorrow Jack , Mr. Patel asked who is this person? Is that a girl name?, Mma Ramotswe answered

    no, it sounds like a boy.

    The next day afternoon Mma Ramotswe saw to Nandira come out of the school, accompanied by

    another girl. Girls talked about their boyfriends, and she was certain that this was the subject of

    conversation between Nandira and her friend.

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    Suddenly a blue car drew up opposite the two girls. Mma Ramotswe sriffened and watched as the

    driver leant over the passenger seat and opened the front door, Nandira got in, and her friend got into

    the back. Mma Ramotswe started the engine of the little white van and pulled out of the school car

    park, just as the blue car drew away from the school. She followed safe distance. The blue car was

    taking its time, and Mma Ramotswe did not have to strain to keep up. They drove past the Sun Hotel

    and made their way towards the Stadium roundabout. There they turned in towards town and drove past

    the hospital, and the Anglican Cathedral towards the mall. She had seen teenagers meeting one another

    after school in plces like the Botswana Book centre. Perhaps Nandira was going off to hang around

    with this Jack.

    The blue car nosed into a parking place near the President Hotel. Mma Ramotswe parked several cars

    away and watched as the two girls got out the car, accompanied by an older woman, presumably the

    mother oh the other girl. Mma Ramotswe followed Nandira and her fiend casually, stopped to look at

    rack of African print blouses which a woman was displaying in the square.

    The girls had finished with the shoe shop and were strolling up towards to book centre. Mma

    Ramotswe had been right; they were planning to hang about.

    There were very few people in the Botswana Book centre. Mma Ramotswe noticed that the two girls

    were at the far end of the shop, looking at a shelf of books in the Setswana section. Nandira could be

    learning Setswana at school, but she would hardly by likely to be buying any of the schoolbooks or

    biblical commentaries that dominated that section.

    Mma Ramotswe walked purposefully to the African Section and reached for a book. It was the

    snakes of Southern Africa and it was well illustrated. She gazed at a picture of a short brown snake

    and asked herself whether she had seen one of these. Her cousin had been bitten by s snake like that

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    years ago, when they were children. It could well have been the same snake, because it was described

    as nonvenomous and not aggressive. But it has attacked her cousin, or had her cousin attack.

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    Chapter nine,

    Mma Ramotswe watch the girls and they were still there and one of them laughed.

    Mma Ramotswe said they are talking about guys sure, sooner or later discover that the topic

    starts to bore you. Within a few years instead of laughing them crying, thought with irony.

    She returned to her perusal of the snakes of Southern Africa. Shuddered, and read: The above

    picture is of an adult male of the species black mamba and measures 1.87 meters. This snake is

    abundant throughout, the region is, different from the green

    mamba habitat and toxicity of venom. It is one of the most dangerous snakes across

    Africa, surpassed only by the Gabon viper, rare species that inhabits forests in parts of the eastern

    districts of Zimbabwe. Often overstated the number of attacks by black mamba,

    And stories of snakes attacking men on galloping horse and over taking them , are most

    certainly apocryphal. The mamba can manage a considerable speed over a very short distance,

    but could not compete with a horse. Nor are the stories of virtually instantaneous death

    necessarily true, although the action of the venom can be speeded if the victim of the bite

    should panics, which, of course, he often does on realising that he has been bitten by a mamba.

    Mma Ramotswe stopped reading. The book had absorbed so much that she had

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    not paid attention to girls. Snakes of South Africa returned to the shelf and ran. He walked in the

    direction of President Hotel. Thought that the car had gone to

    meet with the mother, but to reach the car park, he saw the blue car went down the other

    end being only the mother inside. So the

    girls were still there, near the plaza. Mma Ramotswe returned to the stairs and peered President

    Hotel the whole square, Posed systematically look at each group of people, no trace of the

    girls. He noticed the woman in the post tops. She wore a kind of bag on the hand that drew what

    looked like a worm Mopani. Are Mopani worms? asked Mma Ramotswe.

    The woman turned round and looked at her. Yes, I gave the bag to mma Ramotswe, who picked up a

    worm and put it in his mouth. It was a delicacy to which he could not resist.

    Have you seen two girls out of the Book Centre? Asked Mma Ramotswe, an Indian and an

    African. India is more or less as high. Yes, she said. First went to the cinema and then to another

    site, but do not know where.

    It would be useless to try to find Nandira now, but could follow the tracks that had given him. So

    Mma Ramotswe went to the cinema to find out what time the meeting began at night, then

    returned to the small white van and returned home to prepare a tea. Mr. Patel called before

    leaving home, He told me my daughter has been home of a friend doing who knows what duties,

    he told gruffly. She is lying to me again Yes, said Mma Ramotswe, I'm afraid so. But I know where she

    is going and I shall be there, do not worry.

    She is going to see this Jack? shouted Mr Pate. She is meeting this boy?

    Probably, said Mma Ramotswe, but do not worry. Tomorrow I will report.

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    Early, please,said Mr. Patel. I always get up at six o'clock.

    When the movies came Mma Ramotswe had very few people. Decided to sit in the back, in the

    penultimate row, so the door would be perfectly why anyone had to go into the court, and even if

    Nandira and Jack came off the lights and could recognize them. Nandira appeared five minutes

    before the start of the session. She was alone and stood a moment in the doorway, looking

    around. Feeling observed, Mma Ramotswe looked away quickly and stared at the floor, pretending to

    look for something. A few seconds later looked back and saw that the girl kept her eyes fixed on

    her. Mma Ramotswe looked back at the ground,she saw a ticket and stooped to pick it up.

    Nandira decisively crossed the room, approached the row of Mma Ramotswe and sat beside her.

    Good night, Mma, greeted the girl education. Is this seat taken?

    No, no one, she said. It's free. Nandira sat. I'm excited to see this movie, she said gently. Had long

    wanted to see. Yeah, said Mma Ramotswe. It is good to see a movie that has always been eager to

    see. There was silence. The girl stared at her, and Mma Ramotswe felt quite uncomfortable, I've

    seen this afternoon, announced Nandira in school. Ah, yes! Mma Ramotswe concealed. I was just

    waiting for someone. And I've seen in the Book Centre Nandira he continued, flipping through a

    book. It is true, said Mma Ramotswe I Wanted to buy a book. Then she asked me Mma Bapitse,

    the saleswoman, said Nandira quietly. She said that you had asked for me. Mma Ramotswe noted

    to be careful with Mma Bapitse onwards. Why am I being followed? Nandira asked, turning to

    stare at Mma Ramotswe.Your father wants to know if you're dating a guy, said Mma Ramotswe. Is

    worried about you. Nandira seemed happy. Well, if you are worried because I go out with boys,

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    the fault is yours. Then you go out with boys? Mma Ramotswe inquired. Is it true that you see with

    many boys? No. Not exactly, said Nandira, But what about that so Jack? asked Mma

    Ramotswe. Who is it? Jack does not exist, he confessed at last. I made it up. Why? Nandira

    shrugged. I want them, my family, I think I have a boyfriend, he said. I want you to believe that

    there is someone that I have chosen me, without me so dictate. He paused. Do you understand

    what I mean? Yes," he said, laying his hand on his arm Nandira, I understand. Did you tell my

    father? Do I have any choice? Said Mma Ramotswe, when you know that no boy, do you think I

    give a little more freedom? Do you think I will live a little quiet without having to explain what I do

    every minute? Could try to convince you, suggested Mma Ramotswe. I do not know if I hear, but I

    can try. Early in the morning Mma Ramotswe called Mr Patel. He said that instead of giving the

    preferred party for your meet him at home. I have good news, said Mma Ramotswe. Do not have a

    boyfriend. And what about the note ? Mr Patel was surprised. What about Jack? Was it all up?

    Mr Patel was perplexed. He raised his stick and tapped several times on the prosthesis. It seems,

    said Mma Ramotswe, Nandira has invented a social life. He invented a boyfriend for a little over

    freedom. Why should I accept one of these modern ideas? said Mr Patel, Mma Ramotswe already

    had the answer ready, Because, otherwise, the imaginary boyfriend will become real. Are you a

    clever woman, he admitted. I take your advice. I'll give you more freedom, certainly within two or

    three years I will agree let me help you find the right man to marry. Sure, said Mma Ramotswe,

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    sighing with relief. Yes, repeated Mr Patel. And all thanks to you. Mma Ramotswe often thought

    about Nandira when she drove past the Patel compound, with its high white wall.She expected to

    see her from time to time, now that she knew what she looked like, but she never did, at least not

    until a year later, when, while taking her Saturday morning coffee on the verandah of President

    Hotel, she felt somebody tap her shoulder. She turned round in her seat,and there was Nandira

    with a young man. The young man was about eighteen, she thought, and he had a pleasant, open

    expression. Mma Ramotswe, said Nandira in a friendly way. I thought it was you, Mma Ramotswe

    shook Nandiras hand. The young man smiled at her. This is my friend, said Nandira. I do not think

    you have met him.The young manstepped forward and held out his hand. I'm Jack he said.

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    Cattle /kt()l/: cows and bulls kept by farmers for their milk or meat. A group of cattle is called a


    Vulture /vltr/: a large bird that eats the bodies of dead animals.

    Heartrending: / h(r)trend/ causing feeling of great sadness.

    Beg: /be/ to ask somebody for something especially in an anxious way because you want or

    need it very much.

    Distraught: /dstrt/ extremely upset and anxious so that you cannot think clearly.

    Sinners: /snr/ a person who has committed a sin or sins (broken Gods law).

    Baptism: / bptzm/ a member of a Christian protest and church that believes that baptism should

    take place when a person is old enough to understand what is means, and not as a baby.

    Veranda: / vrnd/ a platform with an open front and a roof, built into the side of a house on the

    ground floor.

    Frown: / fran/ a serious, angry or worried expression on a persons face that causes lines on their


    Seal : / sild/ to close an envelope.

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    Questions with its answers

    1-. Why the boy was lost?

    Because, it followed the trail of a snake and went to look in the savannah, then darkned and when the

    wanted to go home they found two man who boarded a truck and took him.

    2. - who is MR J.L.B Matekoni?

    He was owner of Tlokweng Road Speedy Motors, he never marry and he was not handsome, but his

    face had an expression of tranquility and balance. He was an excellent mechanic.

    3.- why entire family lived together in the Patel mansion?

    Because they liked to live in a compound be able to see whats going on the family.

    4. - Who was Mr Paliwalar Patel? And What nationality was he?

    Mr Paliwalar was one of the richest men in Botswana,he was Indian

    5. How old was his daughter, Nandira?

    His daughter Nandira was sixteen years old

    6. What did Mr Patel think his daughter was doing?

    Mr Patel think that his daughter seeing a boy in secret

    7.- What did Mr Patel want Mma Ramotswe to do?

    Mr Patel want that Mma Ramotswe o find out about he boy.

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    The story takes place in Katsana village, in this town recently opened ladies detective agency, where a

    teacher sent a letter saying that his son was missing two months ago.

    Tlokweng road speedy motors: this was a garage. In the office of this garage there were piles of

    receipts and orders for spare part.

    On the wall, hang up calendars with their simple pictures of the sort that men liked.

    Family Patel Houses: it was surrounded by a high while wall.

    There had been several houses on the plot old colonial-style houses with wide verandahs and fly

    screens. In fact, it was several houses linked together.

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    Description of the characters

    Thobiso: He was eleven years and was a small boy. He was curious

    Mma Precious Ramotswe, the first female private investigator in Botswana.

    Mma Grace Makutsi, the Agency's secretary and Mma Ramotswe's assistant.

    Mr. J.L.B. Matekoni, mechanic and proprietor of Tlokweng Road Speedy Motors, Mma Ramotswe's

    suitor and eventual husband. He is always referred to in these novels by this very formal title.

    Mr Paliwalar Patel : one of the richest men in Botswana, his nationality is Indian

    varn, Wallace: Mr Patel's eldest son,Bachelor of Dental Surgery

    Twins Sandri y Pali: Mr Patel's daughters, married and living with his father

    Nandira: Mr Patel's youngest daughter, she is sixteen years and is very tall

    Mma Bapitse: it is a business ,she sells blouses

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