  • 7/28/2019 histria da santeria - apontamentos eng


    History of Santeria - you Notice

    In the ends of the century XVI began to arrive to Cuba coming blacks of the vast

    African continent, the the consequence of the slaves' trade.

    They arrived in black many America African accompanied by their respective religions,the it i today the marries of the one that knew the Santera.

    It was not just Cuba that these unhappy ones went to stop, great amount of them also

    arrived in Brazil and Haiti. The repression the one that was subject and the uncertainty

    of if they find in the new world, it didn't turn off the will and intelligence of the

    Africans. They stuck to their habits and traditions goes us to survive face the radical

    changes what they were subject.

    With them they also arrived their divinities, (that plows the same ones that you/they

    govern the world from his/her alone creation that, transformed by the ideologies of

    different cultures).

    The culture that had larger domain in Carabas was Yoruba, maybe due to the domain

    that this exercised in the western part of Africa through vast empires the the one of If,

    Oshogbo, Abeokut, Dahomey, Oy, Ibadan, Ogbomosho, Iwo and Ilorin that

    controlled Yorubas lives than 80 populations, besides many other African nations,

    imposing his/her great might econmico, political and soldierly.

    Among only many groups different from slaves that arrived to the new world, this group

    always stood out of the other ones, not only goes his/her religion but also goes his/her

    number, that was very big of facto, having been enslaved tribes whole Yoruba.

    Yorubas or Lukumises always if distiguiram of the other people goes his/her

    intelligence, art and culture.

    The discovery of the assumption new world caused in Europe the great commotion and

    it woke up an immoderate avarice, struggling goes the domain of new lands.

    The interest lived lives than everything in the facto of they be lands that would increase

    benefits econmicos to the European powers. This drove among other things, to the

    very strong mercantile actividade where was marketed cocoa, coffee, cotton and to suck


  • 7/28/2019 histria da santeria - apontamentos eng


    The search of these products was alone high that the settlers had the need to bring to

    America, the slave, (workforce that was used in the Iberian peninsula, Egipto, smaller

    Asia, Italy and France).

    This way they began to arrive to the new continent, great contingents of black slaves

    goes us to dedicate her to the hard work that the native place didn't get to support.

    It i believed that the first slaves that arrived in Cuba, Haiti and Brazil cam from theclosest nations to the western coast of the African continent.

    This way, they arrived to America numerous groups of Congo, Yorubas Lucumes or

    Nagots, you will Plow, Uolofs, Ashantis, Guassas, Malinkeses, Fons, Adjas, Baribas,

    Jekris, Haussas, Ijos, Mandingos, Kwas, Bambaras, Ibos, Efiks, etc.

    Yorubas were the slaves that lives contributed in the new world to maintain, in all

    his/her orthodoxy, their ancestors' old convictions, to the they establish in Cuba, Brazil

    and Haiti, what today knew goes the name of Santeria in Cuba, Candombl in

    Brazil and the Voodo in Haiti.

    Of these three places that it maintained the orthodoxy of these convictions entirely, it

    was Cuba and very especially the municipal district of Matanzas (State of Matanzas),

    it goes the reason that there, when they negotiated the slave, with him it was his/herwife and their children. In other words, they respected them the family union goes that

    there, it was where Yorubas maintained their ancestral habits entirely.

    It goes these reasons, every team that had opportunity, in the nights when the bosses

    slept, they practiced his/her rituals to honor their divinities, and also alone that these

    illuminated their roads goes like this to obtain the proteco of Orishas in that findsstrange earth, that would be his/her house to break her/it of that moment.

    The lot of teams they made this even with the foremen's consent that you/they watched

    them, goes that reason got lost never many of the religious secrets that nowadays in the

    longer they exist in other parts. Those practices, then, they were rotundamente

    condemned by the settlers, being the slaves victims of strong punishments that

    nalgumas occasions took them to the death.

    Then, little by little they went being acceptances goes the bosses, live understanding,

    especially because the lot of teams and with the lot of secrecy, they helped those same

    bosses leave her of problems, and these in gratitude gave them best treatments, and

    better conditions.

    But, in Matanzas (Cuba), it seems that the modern teams didn't change in anything the

    old traditions; In this place, nowadays, the followers of the old faith Yoruba continues

    to practice the religion in the same way that four centuries ago behind in Nigeria.

    He/she notices: Nigeria i the country from where proves the faith of Santeria.

    This influence Yoruba in America gave to know divinities the: Eleggw, Obatal,

    Orula, Algay, Oggn, Oshosi, Shang, Yeggu, Yemay, Oshn, Oy, Mejys, Ide,

    Osayin, Asogwan, Buruku Sleeps, Wow Nani, Iyamio Ochoronga, etc. All of them

    governed by the divine trilogy formed by Olodumar, Olofi, and Olorn.

    In agreement with the tradition oral yoruba, it i of the knowledge that the Universe, and

    the earth in itself, they were created by order of this trilogy, names these emanated of

    the philosophy Yoruba that, if we analyze well, they plows simply sinnimos of sameand only God.

  • 7/28/2019 histria da santeria - apontamentos eng


    Besides they were also the first ones that you/they inhabited the planet after this to be


    In another phase of the transculturizao process, the religious practice Yoruba was

    called in Cuba, sarcastically of" Santera", the the jest to the religion that supposedly

    was practiced by beings of an inferior race.

    He/she wants to say, the term Santera was used to minimizes the religious culture that,in spite of being African, he/she had certain similarity with the Catholicism, in the sense

    that believes in the existence of the single creative God and adds divinities or saints that

    accompany him in his/her creative aco, being them that act directamente in the human

    beings, helping them and guiding them.

    This takes us to think that everything eat from the same origin, independently of the

    geographical situation of the people and of the characteristics of their cultures.

    This terminology have been maintaining her unaffected through the team, being

    preserved thanks to the habit of the practicing people of this African culture.

    With this denomination or name, it i identified an ancestral religious practice that from

    the beginning it was goes the man to communicate with the force that created the first

    civilizations, and that you/they stay latent to help the human being.The convictions Yorubas plows older than many of the convictions that see of the

    Judeo-Christianity, their roots plows found in the old convictions of the Egyptian and

    in the old Mesopotamia.

    In the tradition Yoruba that we knew like Santera, in the reality calls herself Osha

    (Oxa) and habitually on this side of the world it i denominated Roll-neck of Osha. In

    spite of the similarity that we previously mentioned, the Roll-neck of Osha, inside of

    his/her depth, he/she have the difference marked with the Catholicism.

    Our Santos or African Orixs plows older and we yielded them way taxes different from

    the ones that adores the one of the Catholic church.

    The differences plows that, it goes Yoruba, his/her relationship with the Orixs goes

    beyond than the religious concept, it goes us Oxa i part of our daily life, and it i related

    with our way of living room.

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