  • Agencia Andaluza de Evaluacin Educativa







  • Consejera de Educacin I Agencia Andaluza de Evaluacin Educativa



    Consejera de Educacin I Agencia Andaluza de Evaluacin Educativa

    Junta de Andaluca

    Consejera de Educacin Agencia Andaluza de Evaluacin Educativa

  • Consejera de Educacin I Agencia Andaluza de Evaluacin Educativa


    En este cuadernillo vas a encontrar diferentes tipos de preguntas. Para responder utiliza un bolgrafo.

    Cada actividad tiene un ttulo, un enunciado y una o varias preguntas para que respondas.

    Lelas atentamente para comprender bien lo que se te pide que hagas.

    En el inicio de la prueba vas a escuchar una audicin. Guarda silencio y presta atencin. En la actividad

    A continuacin, te explicamos cmo contestar. Fjate en el siguiente ejemplo:



    Lee el texto y responde a las preguntas. Read the text and answer the questions.

    1. Maddie is on holiday__________

    !" "#! %!&'()*%+ ! #" "#!$(",-.'#+!

    $" "#!/0'.1%#2+!

    Si te equivocas, tacha la primera % y despus vuelve a sealar la opcin correcta.

    !" "#! %!&'()*%+ ! #" "#!$(",-.'#+!

    $" "#!/0'.1%#2+!

    Otras preguntas te pedirn que digas si algo es verdadero o falso, que contestes sobre lo que has ledo

    o que escribas una narracin.

    Utiliza una letra clara, cuida la presentacin, los signos de puntuacin y la ortografa.

    Brighton, Wednesday 23rd July

    Dear Silvia,

    I am spending my holidays in Brighton, in the south of England. Every morning I go for a walk along the seashore. Brighton is lively, as you can see in the photograph. I hope the weather is good in La Corua. Here, it is sunny and warm. Tell everybody I said hello! Love, Maddie (your best school friend forever)



    aparece este smbolo:

    3 Consejera de Educacin I Agencia Andaluza de Evaluacin Educativa

  • Consejera de Educacin I Agencia Andaluza de Evaluacin Educativa


    Listening. Follow the instructions:

    1. Read questions 1-6.

    2. Youll hear the listening. Listen carefully and tick the right answer.

    3. Youll hear the listening once again. Check your answers.


    4 Consejera de Educacin I Agencia Andaluza de Evaluacin Educativa

  • Consejera de Educacin I Agencia Andaluza de Evaluacin Educativa


    For breakfast most people drink2

    A) coffee and tea.

    B) coffee and orange juice.

    C) tea and orange juice.


    People sometimes have porridge2

    A) in the summer.

    B) in the winter.

    C) all the year.


    Which of these is NOT in the full English breakfast?

    A) Sausage.

    B) Bacon.

    C) Salad.

    5 Consejera de Educacin I Agencia Andaluza de Evaluacin Educativa

  • Consejera de Educacin I Agencia Andaluza de Evaluacin Educativa


    What is Masala Dosa?

    A) Thin bread with spicy vegetables.

    B) Spicy rice with vegetables.

    C) Special vegetable bread and rice.


    The womans favourite breakfast in Vietnam was8

    A) beef noodle soup.

    B) noodle soup and rice.

    C) chicken noodle soup.


    Put a tick into the correct place (TRUE or FALSE):

    T F

    A) Many people have the English full breakfast nowadays.

    B) British people never have cereal for breakfast.

    C) Richard really liked breakfasts when he travelled to India.

    D) They are going to spend their next holidays in Vietnam.

    E) French croissants are a type of pastry.


    6 Consejera de Educacin I Agencia Andaluza de Evaluacin Educativa

  • Consejera de Educacin I Agencia Andaluza de Evaluacin Educativa


    In your opinion, what is a healthy breakfast?

    Write 20-30 words.

    7 Consejera de Educacin I Agencia Andaluza de Evaluacin Educativa

  • Consejera de Educacin I Agencia Andaluza de Evaluacin Educativa

    JOBS Read these five job adverts carefully and answer the questions.


    8 Consejera de Educacin I Agencia Andaluza de Evaluacin Educativa

  • Consejera de Educacin I Agencia Andaluza de Evaluacin Educativa


    Choose the best job for these people according to the adverts:

    8.1. Nina is studying English and has her own blog. She is a very sociable person, and is

    interested in music and fashion.

    A) Support worker.

    B) Trainee hairdresser.

    C) Vowee Magazine writer.

    D) Model.

    E) Coffee Beans caf worker.

    9 Consejera de Educacin I Agencia Andaluza de Evaluacin Educativa

  • Consejera de Educacin I Agencia Andaluza de Evaluacin Educativa

    8.2. Dave has just finished school and is looking for a full-time job. He is sociable, likes

    working with his hands and cares about his appearance.

    A) Support worker.

    B) Trainee hairdresser.

    C) Vowee Magazine writer.

    D) Model.

    E) Coffee Beans caf worker.

    8.3. Dewei enjoys helping people. He wants to make a difference in other people's lives. He is looking for opportunities to learn new things that will help him in his career.

    A) Support worker.

    B) Trainee hairdresser.

    C) Vowee Magazine writer.

    D) Model.

    E) Coffee Beans caf worker.

    8.4. Sarah is a student and she is looking for a flexible, part-time job. She doesn't want to work

    in a restaurant or shop. She is tall, beautiful and has her own unique look.

    A) Support worker.

    B) Trainee hairdresser.

    C) Vowee Magazine writer.

    D) Model.

    E) Coffee Beans caf worker.


    10 Consejera de Educacin I Agencia Andaluza de Evaluacin Educativa

  • Consejera de Educacin I Agencia Andaluza de Evaluacin Educativa

    8.5. Sam is friendly and sociable. He has experience working in a restaurant and wants a job

    with more responsibility. He is studying part time so he needs flexible working hours.

    A) Support worker.

    B) Trainee hairdresser.

    C) Vowee Magazine writer.

    D) Model.

    E) Coffee Beans caf worker.

    11 Consejera de Educacin I Agencia Andaluza de Evaluacin Educativa

  • Consejera de Educacin I Agencia Andaluza de Evaluacin Educativa

    QUESTION 9 Choose the best option. Use only one and different option for the jobs described below.

    9.2. In this job, you never have to wear your own clothes.

    A) Support worker.

    B) Trainee hairdresser.

    C) Vowee Magazine writer.

    D) Model.

    E) Coffee Beans caf worker.

    9.1. This job offers possibilities for people under 16 years old.

    A) Support worker.

    B) Trainee hairdresser.

    C) Vowee Magazine writer.

    D) Model.

    E) Coffee Beans caf worker.

    9.3. Your pay for this job depends on how successful you are at the job.

    A) Support worker.

    B) Trainee hairdresser.

    C) Vowee Magazine writer.

    D) Model.

    E) Coffee Beans caf worker.


    12 Consejera de Educacin I Agencia Andaluza de Evaluacin Educativa

  • Consejera de Educacin I Agencia Andaluza de Evaluacin Educativa

    9.4. This job requires physical contact with customers.

    A) Support worker.

    B) Trainee hairdresser.

    C) Vowee Magazine writer.

    D) Model.

    E) Coffee Beans caf worker.

    9.5. This job offers management opportunities.

    A) Support worker.

    B) Trainee hairdresser.

    C) Vowee Magazine writer.

    D) Model.

    E) Coffee Beans caf worker.

    13 Consejera de Educacin I Agencia Andaluza de Evaluacin Educativa

  • Consejera de Educacin I Agencia Andaluza de Evaluacin Educativa



    Write a composition explaining which JOB in the adverts is the best for you.

    Check for grammar mistakes, sentence structure, spelling and punctuation.

    Write 80-95 words.


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  • Consejera de Educacin I Agencia Andaluza de Evaluacin Educativa 15

    Consejera de Educacin I Agencia Andaluza de Evaluacin Educativa

  • Agencia Andaluza de Evaluacin Educativa







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