  • "La arquitectura es creada, ?????????? de ??????? por cada hombre que anda en

    ella, que recorre el espacio, subiendo una escalera, o descansando sobre una

    balaustrada, levantando la cabeza para mirar, abrir, cerrar una puerta, sentarse o

    levantarse y tomar un contacto intimo y al mismo tiempo crear ???????? en el

    espacio; el ritual primigenio del cual ????? la danza, primera ????????? de lo que

    ???? el arte ?????????? Ese contacto ??????? ardiente que era percibido por el

    hombre en el comienzo es hoy olvidado. La rutina y los lugares comunes hicieron

    olvidar al hombre de la belleza natural de su ???????? en el ????????? de su


    Lina Bo Bardi



    M101 ?????????????/siting

    M102 ?????????/location

    M103 emplazamiento/ site plan

    M104 fotografias solar 1/ location pictures 1

    M105 fotografias solar 2/ ocation pictures 1

    M106 planta emplazamiento/ floor site plan 1/2000

    M107alzados emplazamiento/ elevations site plan 1/2000


    M201 emplazamiento propuesta / project siting

    M202 estructura, danza y arquitectura/ structure, dance and architecture

    M203 ?????????????????????????????/ space configuration

    M204 ??????????????????????????????????????? / organization of spaces - program

    M205 luz y materialidad/ daylight and materiality

    M206 carpinterias e instalaciones/ frames and facilities

    acceso principal/main entrance

    ?????????/ hall

    patio central / main courtyard

    sala polivalente / multy purpose hall

    sala de calentamiento-ensayo / pupils break-time

    aula de danza /dancing classroom

    patio /courtyard

    sala de lectura -estudio / study room

    terraza cafeteria / terrace snackbar


  • ????????????????



    ??????? situada al sur de Alemania, cerca de la frontera entre Suiza y Austria, es la capital y

    ciudad ??? importante del Estado federado de Baviera y, ??????? de ?????? y Hamburgo,


    Munich se caracteriza por un clima de tipo continental, debido principalmente a la

    presencia de los Alpes.

    Durante el verano, la ciudad goza de una temperatura bastante ??????? alcanzando unos

    ???? en promedio. En el invierno se alcanza un ???? considerable, con presencia de algunos

    ???? de nevadas, teniendo su momento ??? intenso en enero, con una temperatura de


    En Munich, las lluvias son fuertes, pero impredecibles, ??? como en ocasiones se puede

    presentar un ambiente caluroso y repentino debido al viento ???? indistintamente de la


    MUNICH, Germany

    Surface ???????????? Population 1.326.8071 people.

    Division 25 neighborhoods Density ????????????????

    Munich is located in southern Germany, near the border between Switzerland and Austria, is

    the capital and largest city in the state of Bavaria and, after Berlin and Hamburg, the third

    largest city in Germany by population.

    Munich is characterized by a continental climate, mainly due to the presence of the Alps.

    During the summer, the city enjoys a fairly warm temperature, reaching about 24 ? C on

    average. In winter the weather is cold, with the presence of a few days of snow in January,


    In Munich, the rains are strong, but unpredictable, and sometimes there may be a sudden



    El arquitecto y urbanista Theodor Fischer ???? el desarrollo de ?????? hacia finales del siglo XIX. Su obra

    sigue marcando el paisaje urbano de la ciudad.

    La zona centro de ?????? se puede cruzar desde la ???????? Central de Ferrocarriles (Hauptbahnhof) en

    ????????? este, pasando por Karlsplatz y Karlstor (Puerta de Carlos) que entre 1319 y 1791 ?????? de puerta

    de entrada a la ciudad amurallada. Luego se ???????? por la zona peatonal y comercial hasta la Plaza

    de ????? (Marienplatz) que desde la ????????? de la ciudad es el centro ?????????? y social. La preside


    A pocos pasos se encuentra la Catedral de Nuestra ?????? (Frauenkirche), uno de los ?????? de la

    ciudad, con sus dos torres de 99 metros de altura que resultan visibles desde varios ?????????? a la

    redonda, gracias a una ley que impide construir edificios ??? altos que la catedral en el casco urbano y

    parte de las afueras.

    La ciudad cuenta con varios parques entre los que se destaca el ?????? ?????? (Englischer Garten), es el

    parque central de la ciudad atravesado por el arroyo Eisbach. ??????? son importantes del Palacio Real

    de ?????? (Residenz) en el centro ?????????? de la ciudad, ??? como el del Palacio de Nymphenburg,

    antigua residencia de verano de los reyes de Baviera.


    La ciudad de ?????? se organiza en torno al ??? Isar y a las ???? del tren. El Isar discurre de norte a sur,

    estructurando la ciudad en la parte oeste, donde se ????? su centro ??????????? y la este. Las ???? del tren,

    que se deslizan en ????????? este-oeste, rodean el anillo exterior del ?????? dividiendo ?????? en norte y


    El proyecto de la escuela de danza se ????? en el barrio de AU-HAIDHAUSEN, en la parte noreste de la

    ciudad, que conforma el quinto distrito de Munich.

    El AU se encuentra delante del casco antiguo de la ciudad, en el este del valle fluvial del rio Isar. ????

    ?????? las clases modestas, jornaleros, ?????????? y en la parte de abajo, curtidores y tintoreros que ??????


    El barrio de Haidhausen ???? sobre la parte sur del AU, en la altiplanicie del Isar. El distrito limita al norte

    con Bodenhausen, en el este con Berg y Laim y en el sur con Obergiesing. EL barrio de Au-Haidhausen ha

    tenido ?????????????? un acentuado ???????? resindencial con muchas ????? verdes que ???????


    Actualmente es un barrio con una media de edad joven y multicultural, uno de los barrios ??? bonitos de

    ??????? con buenas viviendas, animados patios interiores, tiendas, escuelas y asociaciones culturales que

    crean un animado ambiente en todos los distritos del barrio.


    The architect and urbanist Theodor Fischer develope device of Munich in the late nineteenth century. His

    work continues to set the city's urban landscape.

    The center of Munich can be across from the central railway station (Hauptbahnhof) to the east, passing

    through the Karlstor Karlsplatz (Charles Gate) that between 1319 and 1791 served as the gateway to the

    walled city. Then continue along the pedestrian shopping area to Plaza de ????? (Marienplatz) that since

    the founding of the city is the geographical and social center. Presides the neo-Gothic New Town Hall

    with its famous carillon.

    A few steps away there is the Cathedral of Our Lady (Frauenkirche), one of the icons of the city, with its

    two towers of 99 meters high, which are visible from several miles around, thanks to a law that prevents

    buildings more higher than the cathedral in the city center and some of the suburbs.

    The city has several parks that stands between the English Garden (Englischer Garten), is the city's central

    park crossed by the stream Eisbach. Also important are the Royal Palace in Munich (Residenz) in the heart

    of the city, and the Nymphenburg Palace, the former summer residence of the kings of Bavaria.

    The Neighborhood Site

    The city of Munich is organized around the Isar River and the railroad tracks. The Isar runs from north to

    south, structuring the city in the west, where lies the nerve center and the east. Train tracks, sliding

    east-west, around the outer ring of the core in Munich dividing north and south. These are deflected

    towards the center to get to the central station.

    The proposed dance school is located in the neighborhood of AU-Haidhausen, in the northeastern part of

    the city, forming the fifth district of Munich.

    The AU is in front of the old city in the east of the river valley of the Isar River. Here lived modest classes,

    laborers, masons, and in the bottom, tanners and dyers who had their workplaces in the Au ("Vega") of


    The Haidhausen district is on the southern part of the AU, in the Highlands of Isar. The district Bodenhausen

    bordered to the north, in the east by Berg and Laim and south with Obergiesing. The AU-Haidhausen

    district has historically emphasized Resindencial character with many green areas that still holds today.

    Today is a neighborhood with a median age young multicultural, one of the most beautiful districts of

    Munich, with good housing, animated courtyards, shops, schools and cultural associations that create a

    lively in all districts of the neighborhood.

    ??????????/ Isar river

    Englischer Garten / Englischer Garten


    ????????????????/ historic

    Museumsinsel / Museumsinsel

    Mariahilfsplatz / Mariahilfsplatz

    solar del projecte / plot

    Mariahilfsplatz / Mariahilfsplatz

    Museumsinsel /Museumsinsel

    Englischer Garten / Englischer Garten


  • 11 Escuela de primaria y secundaria. 1892 / primary and secundary school 1892

    2 Gimnasio de la escuela 1960 / school gym 1960

    3 Caravana-taller / caravan - worshop area

    4 campo de futbol / futbol pitch

    5 pista de atletismo / athletic track

    6 quiosco construido por los alumnos /barrak hult

    7 escalera de acceso al solar desde la calle Grbsattelstrasse / stairs acces to the site from Grbsattelstrasse

    8 ????????? / hillock

    9 plaza generada por el ensanchamiento de la calle arbolada / squared createt by the widening of the

    tree-lined street

    10 calle peatonal arbolada Freudenbergeweg / tree-lined and pedestrian street

    11 edificio residencial de altura considerable / high residencial building

    12 calle Hochstrasse / Hochstrasse street

    13 cale Franziskanerstrasse / Franziskanerstrasse street

    14 calle Grbsattelstrasse / Grbsattelstrasse street



    4 5













    El solar ???? situado en el parque de Freudenberg en el barrio

    Haidhause, una de las zonas residenciales al suroeste de la

    ciudad, vinculada al ?????? verde que genera la ribera del rio


    El gran desnivel ??????????? formado por esta franja natural, ?????

    el emplazamiento en un cota elevada en contacto con el tejido

    verde, que permite el flujo del espacio natural hacia el tejido


    El ?????? queda delimitado por la calle Hochstrasse al noroeste,

    en paralelo a la franja verde, y en el suroeste la calle

    Gebsattelstrasse, que queda conectada con el solar por el sur y

    baja generando un gran desnivel ??????????? definiendo el ??????

    del parque. Grandes bloques residenciales acaban de definir el


    El solar esta actualmente ocupado por una escuela infantil con

    su respectiva zona ?????? en el interior del parque y un gimnasio

    vinculado a la escuela delante de la calle Hochstrasse. En el

    espacio libre del parque, sin mucho orden, se encuentran

    diferentes pistas deportivas.

    _Escuela: 1892, de estilo ??????????? Tiene un cuerpo principal y

    dos naves laterales. El edificio de pb+4 ???? un poco elevado ya

    que tiene un ?????????? que ventila al exterior. Por esta ????? la

    entrada al edificio se realiza, tanto desde el interior del parque

    como desde la calle Hochstrasse, a ?????? de escaleras. El ??????

    del edificio ???? formado por molduras horizontales mientras que

    en la parte superior hay una capa continua de color

    blanco, con un ligero relieve en los marcos de las ventanas.

    _Gimnasio: posterior a la escuela, se construye en los ???? 60. De

    ?????? ??? sencillas, el edificio ???? semienterrado, demanera. El

    acceso se realiza lateralmnete a ?????? de una pasarela de

    madera ya que en los laterales hay unos patios ingleses para

    iluminar el interior.

    Emplazamiento amplio con abundante ?????????? que resulta

    ser un ??????? ?????? verde para el barrio vinculado a las

    actividades docentes.

    The Plot

    The plot is located in the park of Freudenberg in the

    neighborhood of Haidhause, one of the residential areas in the

    southwest of the city, linked to the green cord that generates the

    banks of the Isar River.

    The large gap formed by this strip topographic nature, places the

    location at a high elevation in green tissue contact, which allows

    the flow of the natural space towards the urban fabric.

    The area is bounded at the northwest by the street Hochstrasse,

    parallel to the green stripe, and at the Southwest by the

    Gebsattelstrasse Street, which is connected with the Plot in the

    south and generating a big topographic slope that defines the

    boundary of the park. Large residential blocks finaly define the

    scope of the site and set the boundaries of the Plot.

    The site is currently occupied by a nursery with their respective

    recreational area inside the park and a gym linked to school

    before Hochstrasse Street. In the clearance of the park, without

    much order, are various sports courts.

    School: 1892, neoclassical style. It has a main body and two aisles.

    +4 Bp building is a little high situated and having a basement that

    vents to the exterior. For this reason the entrance to the building is,

    both inside the park and from the street Hochstrasse through

    stairs. The base of the building is formed by horizontal moldings

    while the top is a continuous layer of white, with a slight relief in

    the window frames.

    Gym: Built in the 60s, after school. Simplest aspect, the building is

    buried. Access is laterally across a wooden walkway on the sides

    and a British patios to illuminate the interior.

    Comprehensive site with abundant vegetation that turns out to

    be a small green space for the neighborhood tied to educational


  • 1 Escuela de primaria y secundaria. 1892 / primary and secundary school 1892

    2 Gimnasio de la escuela 1960 / school gym 1960

    3 Caravana-taller / caravan - worshop area

    4 campo de futbol / futbol pitch

    5 pista de atletismo / athletic track

    6 quiosco construido por los alumnos /barrak hult

    7 escalera de acceso al solar desde la calle Grbsattelstrasse / stairs acces to the site from Grbsattelstrasse

    8 ????????? / hillock

    9 plaza generada por el ensanchamiento de la calle arbolada / squared createt by the widening of the

    tree-lined street

    10 calle peatonal arbolada Freudenbergeweg / tree-lined and pedestrian street

    11 edificio residencial de altura considerable / high residencial building

    12 calle Hochstrasse / Hochstrasse street

    13 cale Franziskanerstrasse / Franziskanerstrasse street

    14 calle Grbsattelstrasse / Grbsattelstrasse street

    11 10 2 1 14

    12 1 11 8 132

  • El edificio se emplaza siguiendo la ????? de ??????? de la calle peatonal, abriendo una

    nueva entrada al parque por el ensanchamiento de la calle arbolada, dialogando con el

    conjunto escolar, gozando de la gran explanada del parque orientada a sur y respetando


    Gracias a las grandes dimensiones del solar ha sido posible desarrollar el programa en

    planta baja. Un valor muy importante para la ???????? entre espacios interiores, del interior

    con el exterior y viceversa.

    Al desarrollarse en planta ?????, la superficie construida e impacto es mayor. Por ese

    motivo se ha tratado el edificio en cuatro ????????? ????????? edificaciones) y una plaza

    cubierta ("entre").

    En cubierta los cuatro ????????? forman un conjunto de edificaciones y el resto de la


    El camino de Freudenberggeweb cruza longitudinalmente uniendo dos de las calles que

    limitan el solar. El acceso principal se halla en ????? facilitando la llegada, por igual, desde

    ambas calles principales.

    La calle arbolada tiene un ensanchamiento que aprovecho para situar el acceso,

    complementando la plaza ya existente, ???????????? en el conjunto del parque a la vez


    Actualmente existe un acceso para las escuelas construidas, pero ?????? no usar este

    mismo como entrada principal ya que me interesa relacionarme y complementar el

    conjunto escolar para dotar de independencia a la escuela de baile, pues el uso escolar y

    el ????????? tienen necesidades, usuarios y horarios distintos. Otro motivo fue el valor


    La escuela de planta cuadrada se emplaza paralela a las escuelas existentes por la cara

    noroeste, se alinea al gimnasio por la cara suroeste, a los edificios de viviendas por la cara


    Hallamos dos plataformas, una de acceso, y otra que alberga la terraza de la ????????? y

    posibles eventos. Esta ?????? crea dos nuevas zonas en el parque; a un lado delimita la

    plaza de la escuela y la masa de ??????? y al otro se extiende la explanada donde se


    En todo momento he querido respetar los elementos existentes y he procurado ?????? valor

    al parqu.

    The building is emplaced following the trees line of the pedestrian area, opening a new

    entrances to the park by the widening of the tree-lined avenue, perfectly adapted to the

    school complex. Enjoying of the great plane extension of the park orientated to the south

    and respecting the equipments and vegetation existent.

    The huge dimension of the building site has made possible the development of the project

    all in the ground floor. This fact is a key value for the relation between interior spaces, of the

    inside and outer.

    At being developed in a unique floor the constructed surface and impact are greater. This

    is the main reason the building has been designed in four volumes (four edifications) and

    one covert square

    The four volumes of the cover form a building ensemble and the rest of the gardebed

    covers totally integrates with the vegetation of the nearby gardens.

    The Freudenberggeweb path crosses longitudinally unifying two of the main streets which

    delimit the building site. The main access is present in the mentioned path making it easy to

    arrive from the two different streets likewise.

    The tree-lined avenue has a widening which I take profit to localize the main access,

    completing the already existent square, including it in the conjunct of the park and at the

    same time a new access is created for this.

    Presently already exist an access for the school, but I decided to provide of more

    independency the dance academy by not using the same entrance and creating a new

    one, having in mind that the school and the school have different necessities and


    The square floor academy is emplaced parallel according to the other schools by the

    northwest side, is lined up with the Gymnasium by the southwest face, residential buildings

    by the southeast and finally by the pedestrian road by the northeast side. We can

    appreciate two platforms, the first of access and the second one which is the porch of the

    snackbar. This last mentioned created two new zones in the park; in one side delimitates the

    school square and the garden trees and at the other side the athlete's field, football field,


    At all times ???? wanted to respect the existent elements and ???? tried to add value to the

    park and its surroundings.

  • 6a 9a 2a



    1a 9a 7a



    3a3a 4a










    5b x 3a

    3b x


    5b x 3a

    5b x














    buena para ser cierta. Pero nos dice algo esencial sobre la ????????y de


    Es obvio que el hombre posee una ?????????????????? que le permite



    La arquitectura, que a menudo ha empleado dimensiones simples, se ha

    ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????





    las casas de Venecia, y su forma casi anhelaba reflejarse en el agua para


    alternaban las ventanas redondas y las rectangulares, mientras que el

    piso superior tenia ventanas uniformes. La alternancia se hallaba en la



    ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ritmo en la



    acontecimientos cuando estos guardan un orden acompasado. Los

    elementos se repiten armoniosa y organizadamente, ya sean sonoros o

    visuales, conformando una estructura.





    distintas formas sobre compases de igual medida.



    En la danza es poner orden a los movimientos, en la arquitectura al



    un movimiento se alterna regularmente. Un trabajo que no puede





    se produzca con tal regularidad que no sea necesario empezar desde el

    principio cada vez. Los movimientos se ajustan de manera tan agradable

    que parece que pasa al siguiente sin un esfuerzo consciente, como el



    entorno que estimule el baile. Que el esqueleto del edificio dialogue con

    el uso de su interior, la danza.

    *Adaptado del libro: La experiencia de la arquitectura, de Steen Eiler???????????????????????


    Muros portantes de ???????? conforman la base, la

    estructura y cerramiento vertical.

    La ?????????? de estos cuatro ????????? crean los


    muros de HLE de e:50cm.


    ?????? perimetral que ata el conjunto y se

    comporta como una valla invertida, evitando ver

    los altos edificios de viviendas y encuandrando la



    ??????? finas de canto de ???????? visto se

    organizan entorno a las ??????? en forma de espiral


    Se diferencian por su ?????????? canto de las


    elemento para contrarrestar los efectos del viento

    Elemento estructural para contrarrestar efectos del

    viento sobre las ??????? perimetrales y colaborar


    En las zonas de acceso y terraza el elemento


    En las zonas de patio exterior el elemento estructural


    elementos auto-apoyados en circuito cerrado

    La base de su equilibrio reside en que un elemento

    se apoya en el siguiente elemento, y ???

    sucesivamente, hasta que el ?????? elemento se

    apoya finalmente sobre el primero cerrando el


    STRUCTURE, DANCE AND ARCHITECTUREThe Legend says that Pythagoras, while he was going through a

    blacksmith, he heard the sound of three hammers and found it pleasant.

    He went to investigate and discovered that the heads of the three

    hammers were interrelated with the proportion 6:4:3.The largest produced

    the tonic note; the end of the medium was a fifth and the smallest was a

    higher octave. This is just a legend, and in my opinion, too good to be

    true. But he said something essential about the harmony and how it is


    It is obvious that man possesses a special intuition that allows you to see

    the simple mathematical proportions in the physical world. This can be

    demonstrated in regard to music and the visible dimensions.

    The architecture, which has often used simple dimensions, has been


    In 1918 the Danish architect Aage Submitted a very unusual design for

    court house for a small Danish town, so inusual, indeed, that it was

    rejected. It has just as exciting a window rhythm as the Venetian houses

    and form which, like so many Venecian houses, almost craves mirroring

    wate to give balance. The ground floor had a regular rhythm with

    alternating round and rectangular windows while the floor above had

    uniform windows and alternating pier widths. The two rhythms coincided

    at great intervals.

    People will notice that all of these ??????? are rhythmically divided. And

    yet if you were to ask them what rhythm in architecture means it would be

    difficult for them to explain, let alone define.

    As a general term, rhythm is the succession of events when they save a

    rhythmic order. The items are repeated harmonious and organized,

    whether visual or audible, forming a structure. The musical rhythm is the

    proportion that keeps the time of a movement, and of a different one. This

    depends on the durations of sounds and silences. In instrumental music,

    the rhythm is the repetition and frequency of various forms on compasses

    in equal measure. Literarily it is a pleasant and harmonious combination

    and succession, between the voices and the clauses, breaks and cuts. In

    the dance is to bring order to the movements, the architecture to the


    It is well known that physical work becomes easier to perform when the

    motions Involved are regulary alternated. A job that cannot be donde at

    one stretch is easily accomplixhes when it is carried out in short, regular

    spurts so that the muscles have a chance to rest between. What interests

    us here is not that the muscles are restored but that the change from one

    set to the other takes place with such regularity that it is unnecessary to

    begin takes place with such regularity that it is unnecessary to begin all

    over again each time. The motions are so nicely adjusted that one seems

    to give rise to the next without conscious effort, like the swinging to and fro

    of a pendulum.

    The intention is to create, through the structure, harmony and clarity, an

    environment that will encourage dancing. Try that the skeleton of the

    building dialogue with the interior use, the dance.

    *Adapted from the book Experiencing architecture, by Steen EilerRasmussen, ed. the MIT Press

    concrete Bearing walls form the basis, structure and

    enclosure vertical.

    The layout of these four volumes created the school


    thick:50 cm HLE walls

    Main beam perimeter that atach set and behaves

    like a fence upside down, avoiding to see the tall

    buildings of houses and framing vegetation of the


    Concrete beams are arranged around the

    spiral-shaped beams spaces defining relationship of

    the school.

    They differ in their direction, singing the girders

    (depending on the light) and presence of skylights.

    Structural element to counter effects of the wind on

    the perimeter beams and collaborate with the

    weight of the beam.

    In the areas of access and terrace the structural

    element is horizontal (metallic slat)

    in the areas of outdoor patio the structural element

    is vertical (metallic pillar)

    The basis of your balance lies in that an element is

    supported in the next item, and so on, until the last

    item ultimately rests on the first closing the circle of

    the self-supporting


    main beam perimeter binding structural assembly

    rhythmic spaces

    element to counter the effects of the wind

    self-supported elements in a closed circuit

  • muros portantes configuran la plazaLos muros portantes, como si de edificios

    se tratasen , conforman una "plaza

    cubierta", el espacio de ???????? de la


    En estos cuatro ????????? se enmarca

    la ?????????? del parque y se evita la


    plaza square

    patio como elemento organizadorEl patio como elemento organizador de

    esta plaza. Los muros portantes, el patio

    y la estructura vista configuran cuatro

    espacios que formaran el "espacio


    El patio central es un sistema de

    ???????????? un mecanismo que

    permite relacionar las diferentes partes y

    representa una parte del parque en el

    interior de la escuela.

    "entre" common spaces

    ????????????????????????????????????? relationship of the school to the parkEl parque de uso ??????? se relaciona

    con la escuela de uso privado. Busco

    que el interior tenga ???????? con su

    entorno pero siempre con un grado de

    privacidad, este es el motivo de la

    existencia de los patios. La escuela no

    tiene aberturas directas al exterior, se

    dan siempre a ?????? de un filtro, el



    porche, terraza o patioLos patios exteriores tienen diferentes


    Se extiende su pavimento de madera

    para crear accesos o terrazas y se

    cambia el ???????? por grava en zonas

    de filtro.

    patios exteriores

    las plataformas configuran el parqueLa ????????? del pavimento , la calle

    arbolada y su ensanchamiento

    conforman el acceso principal a la


    La ????????? del pavimento de la zona

    de la ????????? , la ??????????? al sur y la

    masa arbolada crean una nueva plaza.

    Esta terraza adentrada en el parque es

    el punto de ???????? con el conjunto

    escolar actual y un posible segundo


    accesos - terrazas

    espacio servidor y servidoCada "caja" se compone de;

    un espacio de servicio dividido en

    dos niveles , con una planta ??????? en

    la parte superior.

    y otro espacio con altura doble

    destinada al baile.


    patio como elemento organizadorpatio

    El patio como elemento presente en

    todo el proyecto, como ????????? de las

    aulas, ?????????? ????????????? como

    punto de ???????? con el parque y sus



    El patio dota de luz y ??????????? a todas

    las zonas y suma la naturaleza a las aulas

    de baile.

    Separa asi las zonas de servicio y de



    The courtyard as an organizer of this

    square. The bearing walls, the courtyard

    and the structure viewed, configured

    four places that form the "rhythmic

    space" of the school.

    The central courtyard is a composition

    system, a mechanism that allows the

    linking of different parts and represents a

    part of the park inside the school.

    The Park is public and school private.

    I am looking for a connection of the

    school spaces with the park. This is the

    reason for the existence of the


    The school does not have direct

    openings on the outside, always they are

    across a filter - court.

    The courtyards have different functions;

    terraces when the wooden pavement

    spreads and driveways by changing the

    concrete for filter gravel areas.

    The extension of the pavement, wooded

    street widening forms the main entrance

    to the school.

    The extension of pavement in the

    snackbar area, the south facing wooded

    mass create a new square.

    This terrace deve in the park is the point

    of connection with the current school

    assembly and a possible second access.

    courtyard as an organizer

    The courtyard like present element in the

    whole project, as extension of the

    classrooms, snackbar, hall ... and as

    point of relation with the park and his


    The court provides the spaces of light

    and ventilation in the areas of service

    and of nature, light and ventilation to

    the areas of dance. It separates these

    two necessary uses providing each of

    them with his particular needs.

    La Danza es una de las formas ?????????? ??? antiguas del hombre. Las tribus acostumbraban a

    danzar alrededor de ????? ???????? un ?????? un ?????? el fuego, unos ?????? casados o cualquier

    otro elemento representativo. En este caso el patio y su ????? son el centro del ritual, el ????????


    Dance is one of the oldest art forms of man. The tribes were accustomed to dance around a symbol,

    a tree, a totem, fire, newlyweds or any other representative elements. In this case the yard and tree

    are the center of the ritual, is a place in itself, and much more than just an artifact designed for light

    to enter.

    Patios en Munich. Como ????????????? que somos es ?????? proyectar espacios distribuidos alrededor de un patio, rasgo ?????????????? de nuestra arquitectura. En esta ??????? son


    Una ???????? hubiese sido elevar el edificio, pero entonces la escuela ?????????? su entorno, en vez de integrarlo como parte de sus espacios. Otra hubiese sido abrir grandes ventanales


    Con esta ??????????? de filtros y control de visuales, ambos, bailarines y paseantes del parque, gozan de la danza y su entorno privilegiado al poder observar y ser observados; pero

    siempre tras un "filtro natural", los patios.

    Courtyards in Munich;as Mediterranean we are, is logic to design spaces arranged around a courtyard, a feature in our architecture. In that case are patios, whether, but not

    Mediterranean. These are elements that help the dancer who needs concentration and can also enjoy the surrounding environment.

    One solution would have been to raise the building, but then the school would observe their environment, do not integrate as part of their spaces. Another solution would have been to

    open large windows overlooking the park, but then the dancers lose their privacy, would be a showcase and even the viewer feel uncomfortable, violent.

    With this composition of control and visual filters, both dancers and walkers enjoy the park and dance privileged because they can observe and be observed but always after a "natural

    filter", patios.

    Bearing walls, as if they were buildings,

    make a "covered square" the school

    relationship spot. With these four

    volumes, it frames a part of the park

    vegetation and allows to overlook the

    high buildings of around.

    Bearing walls configuring the square

    Courtyard as an organizer element

    porch, terrace or patio

    Platforms configuring the Park

    Server space and servedEach "box" is composed of;

    a space of service divided into two

    levels, with a technical floor on the top.

    a space with double height for the

    dancing classrooms

    relation school park


    aulas de danza



    sala de profesores



    instalaciones en planta baja



    sala polivalente

    zona de calentamiento

    zona de lectura/estudio


    zona dedicada al baile

    zona general

    instalaciones en cubierta

    zonas dedicadas al baile

    Zonas con altura generosa (4.25m) donde se albergan los espacios dedicados al baile con prestaciones

    ??????????? y la ??????????????? Todas ellas relacionadas con el parque a ?????? de un patio. Estos patios

    amplian el espacio.


    En la ?????????????? no hay ??????? visuales, de forma que ???? acceder al interior de la escuela vuelves a


    Dance fitted out areas

    These areas are characterized by their maximum headroom of 4.25m where the spaces are devoted to

    the dance and their specific technical characteristics as the administration. The mentioned areas are all

    related between them with the park through a patio which helps to extend the space.

    Vegetation is invited to the inside of the classroom by the huge window. In the moment of entering in the

    dance school the first you will appreciate is that the offices have no visual limits as has another light and

    vegetation entrance.




    un ventanal apaisado con lamas de madera verticales que aportan privacidad. La sala de profesores y






    Areas needed of natural illumination and ventilation casting aside maximum headroom .

    Changing rooms, bathrooms and kitchen are localized at one side of the patio considering they need

    more ventilation and light that other area. The courtyard belongs to classes, so their relationship with it is

    done through a landscape window with vertical wooden slats that provide privacy.

    Staffroom and the store room are localized in these lower zones considering there is no need for high roofs.

    The changing rooms have to be in a key point where the access to class rooms is direct and fast these is

    the reason is localized in the central point of the academy/school in the other hand bathrooms are

    distributed according to their different necessities.

    The habilitated zone for installations is emplaced in the lower floor having direct access from the outside

    and great ventilation, having a height of 1.90m in the cover of each volume.

    Espacios comunes





    entradas de luz natural.


    y creando el hall.




    posibilidad de transformarse en dos clases




    Sala de lectura; espacio para el estudio tanto de los alumnos como de gente del barrio.

    Common spaces

    The edgewise girder structure collaborates in the composition of these spaces. The four volumes that

    conform the ??? ???????? can work out in a independent or collective way depending of the disposition

    of the door-sliding furniture which are under the spiral girders.

    Each lounge/rooms is defined by the direction/position of the structure, the edgewise of the girders

    (depending of the distance) and the entrance of natural light.

    The hall is created by the girders which pass through the ??? ???????? to the inside of the box unifying the

    access with the principal patio.

    In the snack bar the girders of 160cm edgewise with skylight differentiate the zone of the dining tables of

    the passageway.

    The polyvalent room of great heights, with garders of 200cm, is prepared for polyvalent acts having the

    possibility of becoming in two warm-up rooms; related point of the academy made up of garders 100cm

    with skylights. Outside spaces of the classrooms, warm-up, rehearsal, possible class room and in actuation

    days backstage.

    Reading zone; peaceful area for the study of the pupils as well as for the locals of the neighborhood.

    recorridos -



    En este muro se ?????? ventanas que relacionan las aulas de baile con la zona de calentamiento-ensayo, la barra de la


    Analizando los recorridos se determinan espacios con mobiliarios como son las mesas de lectura, las de la ????????? o los



    The access to the inside of the boxes is done through the previous hall releasing the wall. The hall harbour, accesses and

    installations wardrobe. In the wall windows are placed in such a way that relates the dance room with the warm-up and

    rehearsal areas or the snack bar.

    Analyzing the rounds the furnished spaces are determined such as reading tables, dining tables or sofas of the hall.


    zonas humedas

    aulas de baile



    La luz es de una importancia decisiva en la experiencia de la arquitectura. Se

    puede hacer que la misma ?????????? produzca impresiones espaciales muy

    distintas mediante el simple recurso de cambiar el ?????? y la ???????? de

    sus huecos. El desplazamiento de una ventana desde el centro del muro hasta


    En la escuela se utilizan aperturas de entrada de luz laterales en torno a patios


    The light has been a basic element and result of creation for the project.

    Light is of decisive importance in experiencing architecture. The same room

    can be made to give very different spatial impressions by the simple expedient

    of changing the size and locaion of its openings. Moving a window from the

    middle of a wall to a corner will utterly transform the entire character of the


    At school openings used light entry side around courtyards and voids zenith,

    where the vault is used as a reflector.

    La ???????? de que la estructura no sea ocultada busca que la realidad

    espacial no dependa de elementos adicionales . El principal material es el

    ???????? visto encofrado con tablas de madera de abeto colocados en

    sentido vertical que conforman la estructura. El HLE compuesto por ??????

    ligeros y por ???????? de aire en masa reducen la conductividad ??????? y


    La madera de pino de tonos claros se usa en el mobiliario ( puertas,

    carpinterias, mesas, sillas...), en los falsos techos, pavimentos exteriores y en la


    La ?????????? es el tercer material que conforma el espacio de la escuela.

    The structure is seen. The main material is concrete formwork fir planks placed

    vertically to form the structure. The HLE composed of lightweight and due to

    occlusion of mass air reduces the thermal conductivity and confers upon the

    concrete insulating propertie.

    Clear pine wood is used for furniture (doors, frames, tables, chairs...), in

    suspended ceilings, outside pavements and the partition in the form of 'H' of

    the 'box'.

    The vegetation is the third material that makes up the school space.


    La carpinteria de la escuela tiene un importante papel. La estructura de ???????? vista es

    cerramiento y estructura, siendo los elementos esenciales en la ??????????? del espacio las




    Las ???????????? del "entre" buscan la ????????? de la frontera entre espacio interior y

    exterior ; son ???????????? ????????? de la casa Schuco. La ?????????? de la hoja fija va

    integrada en el ???????? y la parte practicable se enmarca con la ?????????? tintada de


    La ??????????? del patio principal se ????? en un plano distinto al de las ??????? en cruz. Son



    El aceso lo componen; una primera puerta opaca de madera y una segunda de vidrio.

    Las puertas-mueble de madera situadas bajo las ??????? en espiral son las responsables de

    generar diferentes espacios y relaciones entre ellos. Son puertas abatibles y correderas que


    The frames have an important role at this project. Structure works as enclosure and

    structure simultaneously. So frames are the furniture or the building.


    Conceptualmente las instalaciones del edificio se organizan en cuatro ????????? formados

    por un espacio ????? y una caja. La zona de servicio de la caja alberga en cubierta una


    Se centralizan en planta baja las instalaciones conjuntas; ????????? transformadora,

    contadores, caldera y acumulador, bombas, unidad enfriadora...) El agua (caliente y/o

    ????? circula por ???????? aisladas ???????????? en anillo por la cubierta hacia los cuartos

    de ????????????? de cada caja, donde se ?????? los climatizadores que alimentan cada


    Las instalaciones en el espacio ????? son vistas y en las cajas se albergan en el falso


    En cada caja se ha proyectado un mueble que alberga instalaciones como los colectores

    del suelo radiante, mangueras, extintores, bajante de aguas pluviales...

    The facilities of the building are organized into four volumes, formed by a common space

    and a box . The service area of the box lodges in covering a technical plant with a free

    height of 1.90m.

    The common facilities are centralized in first floor; transformer station, counters, boiler and

    tank, pumps, cooling unit or cold water flows through pipes thermally insulated by the

    cover toward technical rooms in each box.

    Facilities in the common space are viewed and in boxes are housed in the suspended


    In each box is planned a cabinet which houses facilities such as the collectors of the

    underfloor heating, hoses, extinguishers, downspout rainwater...


    El acceso a la escuela se realiza a ?????? de un calle arbolada que

    se ensancha formando un plaza.

    La plataforma de madera, pavimento de la entrada , se fusiona

    con esta plaza.

  • ?????????

    ???? entrar divisamos tres puntos de luz que conectan la estancia

    con el exterior. La ?????? ????? como elemento unificador del



    El patio central como sistema de ???????????? un mecanismo que

    permite relacionar las diferentes estancias.


    Los "espacios ????????? de la escuela deben ser zonas flexibles y con

    movimiento, no un "espacio final". ????? organizadas entorno a un

    patio y pueden trabajar tanto de forma colectiva como individual


    El hecho de que este espacio carezca de asientos fijos permite una

    gran flexibilidad de uso. Todas las partes componentes del auditorio

    pueden ser utilizadas para actuar y para observar, permitiendo que








    Patio como ventana al exterior.



  • ?????????????????

    Plataforma de madera integrada en el parque y orientada a sur




    A101 planta emplazamiento / site plan 1/2500

    A102 alzado emplazamiento noreste /norteast elevation 1/1000

    A103 alzado emplazamiento sureste / southeast elevation 1/1000

    A104 alzado emplazamiento suroeste / southwest elevation 1/1000

    A105 alzado emplazamiento noroeste / northwest elevation 1/1000


    A201 planta baja emplazamiento / site plan 1/1000

    A202 planta baja (+1.50m)/ ground floor (+1.50m) 1/300

    A203 planta cenital / ceiling floor 1/300

    A204 planta cubierta / roof floor 1/300


    A301 alzado noreste / northeast elevation 1/200

    A302 alzado sureste / southeast elevation 1/200

    A303 alzado suroeste / southwest elevation 1/200

    A304 alzado noroeste / northwest elevation 1/200

    A305 ??????????? / seccion 1, 2 1/200

    A306 ??????????? / seccion 3, 4 1/200

    A307 ??????????? / seccion 5, a 1/200

    A308 ???????????/ seccion b, c 1/200

    A309 ????????? / seccion d 1/200


  • ???????????

    E1 ?????????/hall 203m

    E2 ?????????/snack bar 304,56m

    E3 sala polivalente/multy purpose hall 580m

    E4 ?????????????????????????????????? / pupils break-time 304m

    E5 espacio de lectura/study room 224m


    A.v ????????????????/hall foyer 152m

    A.rv ?????????/ reception 69m

    A.p patio / patio 29m

    A.b ???? / toilet 29m

    A.c cocina / kitchen 56m


    B.ab1 aula de baile grande/ danceroom 170m

    B.p patio / patio 29m

    B.sp sala de profesores/ staff room 103m


    C.v1 vestuario 1 / dressing room 1 35m

    C.v1 vestuario 2 / dressing room 1 35m

    C.v1 ???????????????????? /dressing room 27m

    C.p patio / patio 29m

    C.ab2 ??????????????/ classroom 70m

    C.ab3 ?????????????/ classroom 70m


    D.ab4 clase de baile grande / classroom 170m

    P4 patio / patio 29m

    D.b ???? / toilet 44m

    D.i instalaciones / instalaciones 56m

    EP patio central/ main patio 176m

    T1 porche de acceso / terrace main acces 129,60m

    T2 ??????????????????????? / terrace snack bar 181m

    T3 patio-porche sala polivalente/aula 1 / outside patio 103m

    T4 patio-porche zona escuela/aula3 /outside patio 80,5m

  • I00 INSTALACIONESI01???????????????????????????????????????????aire situadas en el falso techo de las cajas. Difusorlineal integrads en las lamas de madera del falsotecho.I02_?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????I03????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????I04???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

    IL00 ???????????IL01??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????un acabado gris metalizado . Dimensiones:253 mm?????IL02????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????linea T5 con un cuerpo de luminaria fabricada dealuminio extrusionado en color blanco. Montajeindivudual empotrada en falso techo de maderade grosores entre 8 y 20 mmIL03?????????????????????????????????????????general de la sala polivalente. Cuerpo construido enaluminio inyectado. Reflector en aluminio repulsadoy anodizado.IL04?????????????????????????????????????????????zona de espejo y barra de las aulas. Cuerpo?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????IL05_luminaria para estantes, integrado en??????????????????????????????????????????????????????T5 con un cuerpo de luminaria fabricada en??????????????????????????????????????????????????28 x 82.IL06???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????IL07???????????????????????????????????????????????IL08??????????????????????????????????????????techo.IL09_luminaria fluorescente tubular

    I00 INSTALATIONSI01_supply and exhauste-air ducts are routed in thesuspended ceiling of the boxes. Lineal difusionintegrated on the pattern of the suspended ceiling.I02_supply and exhauste-air ducts are routed .circular section.I03_supply ducts are routed in the suspended ceilingwith sound insulation of the multy-prupose hall.I04_exhauste-air ducts are routed in the suspendedceiling with sound insulation of the multy-pruposehall.

    IL00 LIGHTNINGIL01_cylindrical spotlight to fit on to electric track.Cast aluminium body. Includes gear box linked tolight source unit. Protective glass.Metallic light grey.?????????????????????

    IL02_T5 polyvalent fluorescent luminaire for arrangingin continous straights lines. recess into the woodenceiling.

    IL03_hanging luminaire for general interior lighying ofthe multy-purpose hall. Inhected aluminium housing.Spun and anodized aluminium reflector

    IL04_Low-voltage spotlights. Luminaire for mirrordancing area of the classrooms. Highly heat-resistantdie-cast aluminium. 200mm. long stem. Swivel joint????????????????????????????????????

    IL05_ luminaire inegrated on furniture.

    IL06_hanging Coderch luminaire. wood. dimensions???????????IL07_daylight enters through the rooflightIL08_downlight. toilelts suspended ceiling

    IL09_fluoresence light

  • ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? metallictramex as protection for instalations

    ???????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????5.70 m

    ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????polivalente.??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????multy propuse hall

  • ????????section 2

    ????????section 1

    ????????section 1

    ????????section 2

  • ????????section 3

    ????????section 4

    ????????section 3

    ????????section 4

  • ????????




    ????????section 5

    ????????section 5

    ????????section a

  • ????????




    ????????section b

    ????????section c





  • ????????section d






    E001 ???????????????????/detail list

    E002 ?????????????????????? /concrete tipology

    E003 estructura reciproca /reciprocal frame

    E004 elementos estrcuturales /structural elements

    E100 PLANTAS

    E101 ????????????/foundation 1/300

    E102 forjado sanitario/suspended floor 1/300

    E103 ??????????????????????????????????????????????????? 1/300

    E104 ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? 1/300

    E105 ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? 1/300

    E106 ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? 1/300

    E107 ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? 1/300

    E107 ?????????????????????????????????


    E201 ?????????????????????????????/section and foundation detail 1/20

    E202 ?????????????????????????????????????????/ section and detail wall-hollow 1/20

    E203 ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

    / section and detail wall-beam and suspended beam 1/20

    E204 ??????????????????????????????/ section and detail beam 1/20

    E205 ?????????????????????????????/section and detail rooflight 1/20

    E206 ???????????????????????????????? /section and detail metallic column 1/20

    E207 ????????????????????????????????/section and detail metallic beam 1/20

    E300 ???????????????????????????

    E301 volumen A /wall piece A 1/300

    E302 volumen B /wall piece B 1/300

    E303 volumen C /wall piece C 1/300

    E304 volumen D /wall piece D 1/300


  • forjado de placasalveolares(1.20x10,50m)

    de un aula. h:5,40mestructura no vista.

    lucernarios de lazona de

    calentamiento dela escuela.luz 7.20m

    rooflight ofbreack-time area.


    forjado de placasalveolares(1.20x3,00m)

    de un aula. h:5,40mestructura no vista.

    porche de accesoa la escuelasup:181 m2.main acces

    terrace.181m2 surface

    patio exterior de lazona de la ecuela,

    sup: 80,50 m2outside patio ofbreack-time anddance classroom.surface:80,50m2

    patio exterior de lasala polivalente y el

    aula. sup: 103 m2outside patio of

    multy-purpose halland classroom.103 m2 surface

    lucernarios de lacafeteria. luz max.

    9,80.rooflight snackbar .

    max.dist: 9,80m.

    forjado de losamaciza de



    ajardinadahollow reinforced

    concrete slab.20cm thick.

    max. dist: 3,60mroof garden


    terraza de la?????????????????

    m2snackbar terrace .

    181 m2 surface.

    forjado de placasalveolares(1.20x10,50m)

    de un aula. h:5,40mestructura no vista.

    cubierta planainvertido no

    transitable de piezas????????????

    one way span.hollowcore slab , depth30+5cm, h:5,40m

    flat roof.upside-down roof.

    concrete flags.

    forjado de placasalveolares(1.20x10,50m)

    de un aula. h:3,25mestructura no vista.

    cerramientosuperior a h:5,40mde un entramado

    tramex paraproteger y no dejar

    vistas lasinstalaciones

    one wayspan.hollow core

    slab , depth30+5cm, h:3,25m.Metalic finishing

    gate fornproytectio and

    visual efects overinstalations

    detalle detail E206

    detalle????????????????????????????detail wall- beamandr suspended


    detalle detail E210detalle lama????????

    detail metalicbeam

    detalle detail E204


    foundations detail

    detalle detail E205

    detalle encuentroforjado-muro.

    detail wall-hollow

    detalle detail E208

    detalle lucernario???????????

    detail concreterooflight

    detalle detail E209

    detalle pialr???????? detailmetalic column

    detalle detail E207

    ???????????????????detail beam


    concrete beam0.30x1x10,50m


    concrete beam0.30x2x17,70m

    ????????????0.30x0,60x6.90mconcrete beam0.30x0,60x6.90m

    ????????????0.30x1,40x14,10mconcrete beam0.30x1,40x14,10m

    forjado de placasalveolares(1.20x10,50m)

    de un aula. h:3,25mestructura no vista.

    ?????????????????ligero estructuralvertido in-situ.HLE

    e:50cm . encofradode tablas de

    madera douglasde abeto de 30mmde grosor y 100mm

    de ancho.Colocadas ensentido vertical.

    Cantos lisos ytablas colocadas a situ concrete

    reinforced wall. HLE50cm thick.

    Formwork madefrom Douglas fir

    boards 30mm thickand 100m width, on

    vertical way.Straight edges, butt

    joints betweenboards.

    ??????????????????armado e:20cm

    encofrado perdido?????????????????????cavity. pavimento??????????????????

    concrete groundslab. formwork lost

    plastic iglu typecavity.

    forjado: losa de???????????????

    pavimento demadera

    hollow reinforcedconcrete slab.

    wooden pavement

    estrcutura dehormigon ligero

    estructural armadolightweigthreinforced

    concrete HLE

    estrcutura de???????????????


    concrete HA

    elementoestructural vertical

    en los patiosexteriores .pilar?????????????contrarrestar

    efectos del viento ycolaborar con elpeso propio de la

    ??????vertical structural

    element for outsidecourtyards

    metallic column forwind effect and

    beam weight


    horizontal en zonasde paso como sonla terraza del bar y

    el acceso.lama?????????????contrarrestar

    efectos del viento ycolaborar con elpeso propio de la

    ?????? horizontal structural

    element on livedspaces like

    snackbar and mainentrace . metallic

    beam for windeffect and beam



    ???????????componen la


  • ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? HLE-25/P/20/IIaestructura interna cerradadensidad aparente ?????????????????????????????? ligero arcillas

    pizarrasesquistos expandidos

    fck ?????????

    ????????????????DEL HLE RESPECTO AL CONVENCIONAL???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????



    ?????????????????????????????????_mejor comportamiento ante el fuego

    ?????????????????????????????????????????????_dificultad para ajustar la consistencia y la resistencia

    ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Tomos. INTEMAC.???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????


    El ???????? visto no ???? tiene cualidades visuales. Las estructuras ??????????? del ???????? son ??????? especialmente

    duraderas y el hecho de que no requieran ser enlucidas o revestidas, supone una ????????? de su coste y hace los edificios

    ecologicamente sostenibles. Sin embargo , debido a la alta conductividad ??????? del ????????? ???? sin aislamiento provoca


    En la escuela el muro de ???????? ?????????? resuelve en un solo material el conjunto de exigencias estructurales y de

    cerramiento. ???? necesita alcanzar resistencias a ?????????? equivalentes a muros de carga de ??????? de ladrillo y una


    La ???????? ?????????? resulta claramente onerosa, pero aporta ventajas sustanciales, al eliminar de raiz las condensaciones y

    presentar una ????????? sencilla , evitando engorrosas soluciones ???????? in situ, ???? los ??????? de poliestireno expandido,

    que ocasionan serios problemas de continuidad de encuentros de forjados y muros.

    El HLE es un ???????? que presenta una ????????? del peso ?????????? del 20 al 60%, alcanzada en general por medio de ??????

    ligeros y por ???????? de aire en masa, ya sea directamente por agentes aireantes o indirectamente mediante ??????? porosos. En

    mi caso, los rellenos ligeros, reducen la conductividad ??????? y confieren al ???????? propiedades aislantes. EL HLE aplicado en

    la escuela se destina a usos estructurales, tanto en pilares-pantalla como en ???????? En este caso la estructura granular se

    presenta en una masa compacta de poros cerrados, muy similar a la del ???????? convencional. La normativa contempla

    hormigones con densidades aparentes ( estado seco) entre 1.200 ????? hasta ?????????? conseguidas por ????????? de ??????

    ligeros, naturales o artificiales, y donde quedan excluidos los hormigones celulares. La resistencia se establece en un ?????? de 15


    El ????????? al aportar ligereza, nos interesa para las ??????? principales de luces medias y por su aislamiento ??????? para los


    En ???????? con la densidad media del ???????? estandar de ??????????? la ????????? hasta los ????????? supone un 50%, lo

    que revierte en menor carga muerta en forjados y menores secciones estructurales en general.

    El ???????? ligero aporta capacidades aislantes, la conductividad ??????? media ronda los 0,5-0,7 ??????? menos de la mitad

    del ???????? convenional, por lo tanto colabora en el aislamiento ??????? del envolvente. Para resolver por si mismo las

    necesidades de aislamiento en nuestra fachada con muros ???????????? ??????? alcanzar valores de unos 0,20 ??????? para

    cumplir un espesor razonable se necesitan unos 25-30 cm ????? la normativa ????????? Al tener en ?????? un clima ??? extremo,


    Otra ?????????????? interesante de este ???????? es su aislamiento ????????, la porosidad interna ????? de amortiguador ????????


    La permeabilidad depende no ???? de la porosidad sino ??????? del ?????? de los poros y de su continuidad, aunque los ??????

    ligeros son ??? porosos que los ?????? de uso habitual, el ???????? fabricado con estos ?????? es, por lo general, menos

    permeable, debido a la mayor calidad del mortero y un mayor contenido en finos.Los ?????? ligeros se rodean de una capa

    impermeable de mortero de muy alta calidad y muy reducida ?????????? que ????? de ?????????????????? exterior de los ???????

    (Calavera, 2003).

    EL armado de los muros, destinados a absorber las fuertes retracciones del ????????? se realiza con barras ??????????? que evitan

    la ????????? de ????????? con independencia del espesor de recubrimiento (unos 5cm) y, ante todo, eliminan una gran cantidad


    La ???????? ?????????? ha exigido un riguroso replanteo previo de los pasos de instalaciones y encofrados antes de su

    hormigonado. A pesar del sobrecoste del ???????? aislante (hasta dos veces el convencional)globalmente es ??? ????????? ya

    que se prescinde de aislamientos y acabados en la cara interior.

    El transporte del ???????? debe hacerse en camiones hormigonera y debe procederse a un reamasado antes de procederse al

    vertido. Se llama la ???????? a la posible ????????? de la consistencia del ???????? durante el transporte en mayor nivel que en

    los hormigones tradicionales, ??? como la mayor tendencia a la ??????????? lo que puede manifestarse en mayor medida en los

    hormigones ??? fluidos y ante los ?????? con menor densidad, por lo que resulta recomendable la ??????????? de aditivos o

    adiciones que permitan reducir el contenido de agua.

    Vivienda unifamiliar en Berlin 2007. Mike Schlaich. MUros ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

    Detached house in Berlin 2007. Mike Schlaich. Monolithic walls of 50cm thick that do not require thermal insulation.

    Casa Meuli en Flasch, Suiza (Bearth y Desplazes, 2001) ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

    Meuli house in ??????? Switzerland (Bearth and Desplazes, 2001)monolithic concrete construction insulated with 50 cm thick walls

    Vivienda en Chur, Suiza (Patrick Gartmann, 2003)???????????? ?????????? de ???????? aislante de arcilla expandida y vidriocelular. Los muros exteriores, de 45cm, y cubierta de 60-65 cm, carecen deaislamiento.

    Housing in Chur, Switzerland (Patrick Gartmann, 2003)

    Expanded clay and cellular glass insulation concrete monolithicconstruction. Exterior walls, 45 cm and 60-65 cm cover, lack of insulation.


    The concrete not only has Visual qualities. Monolithic concrete structures are also especially durable and the fact that do not

    require to be plastered or covered, it means a reduction of its cost and makes environmentally sustainable buildings. However, due

    to the high thermal conductivity of concrete, this non-insulated leads to significant losses of heat which cannot be allowed in

    countries cold as Germany.

    At school the monolithic concrete wall resolves in a single material structural requirements and enclosure Assembly. You only need

    to reach compressive strengths equivalent to load-bearing walls of brick and a thermal conductivity that eliminates the

    conventional insulation.

    The monolithic solution is clearly costly, but provides substantial advantages, to remove condensation from root and present a

    simple execution, avoiding cumbersome solutions sandwich spot, how the nuclei of expanded polystyrene, which cause serious

    problems of continuity of meetings of floor slabs and walls.

    The HLE is a concrete which has a reduction of the specific weight of 20 to 60%, generally reached through light aggregates and

    by occlusion of air mass, either directly by air agents or indirectly through porous solids. In my case, lightweight fillers, reduce

    thermal conductivity and confer concrete insulating properties. The HLE applied in school goes to structural uses, both in structural

    walls and in beams. In this case the structure granular is presented in a compact mass of pores closed, very similar to the

    conventional concrete. The legislation provides for concretes with apparent densities (dry state) from 1,200 ????? to 2.000 ?????

    achieved by inclusion of light aggregates, natural or artificial, and where are excluded the cellular concrete. The resistance is set

    to a minimum of 15 MPA (HLE 15) and a maximum of 50 Mpa (HLE 50).

    The concrete to bring lightness, we are interested in for the main beams lights mean and their insulation for walls and girders in

    contact with the outside.

    In relation to the average density of the 2, 400 ????? standard concrete, reducing up to ????????? is 50%, which reverts in less load

    dead in slabs and minor structural sections in general.

    Lightweight concrete provides insulating capabilities, the average thermal conductivity round w/the 0, 5-0, 7 m ? km, less than half

    of the conventional concrete, so it collaborates in the thermal insulation of the envelope. To resolve whether same the needs of

    insulation in our walls monolithic facade, should reach values of approximately 0.20 w/m ? km, about 25-30 cm according to the

    Spanish law are required to meet a reasonable thickness. Having more extreme weather in Munich, walls and beams in contact

    with the outside will have a thickness of 50 cm.

    Another interesting feature of this concrete is its acoustic isolation, internal porosity acts acoustic damper to absorb the sound

    vibration, especially at low frequencies.

    Permeability depends not only on the porosity but also the size of the pores and its continuity, although the light aggregates are

    more porous aggregates commonly used, concrete manufactured with these aggregates is, generally speaking, less permeable,

    due to the highest quality mortar and a major content in fine. Light aggregates are surrounded by an impermeable layer of mortar

    of very high quality and very small cracking that acts outside waterproofing of nodules (skull, 2003)

    The assembly of the walls, intended to absorb strong shrinkage of the concrete, is made with polymeric bars that avoids the

    appearance of corrosion irrespective of the thickness of coating (aprox. 5 cm) and, above all, to eliminate a large number of small

    thermal bridges of steel.

    The monolithic solution has required a rigorous prior restatement of the installations and formwork steps before your concrete.

    Despite the additional cost of insulating concrete (up to two times the conventional) is globally more economical since it dispenses

    with insulation and finishes on the inside.

    Concrete transport should be in concrete mixer truck and proceed to a re-knead prior to the spill. Draws attention to the possible

    reduction of the consistency of the concrete during transportation in higher level than in the traditional concrete, as well as the

    greater tendency to segregation that can occur to a greater extent in the more fluid concretes and aggregates with lower

    density, so it is recommended the use of additives or additions that will reduce the water content.

    ???????????????????????????????Todos los elementos en contacto con el exterior son de HLE.


    ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????structural lightweight concrete HLEall elements in contact with the outside are of HLE.the walls of thick:50 cm, will be seen in its entirety on the outside and promptly covered by elements such as suspended woodceilings and mirror.

    ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????conventional reinforced concrete HAthe beams that make up the interior space of thick:30 cm will be a concrete conventional.all elements horizontal, Foundation plate, the forged of solid slab and the coating of the slabs will be of HA. Roof have their ownisolation

    ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????A differentiation in the type of concrete used .When designing took into account the differentiated aspect that will have these two concretes.

  • ????????????????????


    Es necesario cierto coeficiente de rozamiento entre los mismos para alcanzar el equilibrio. El ??????

    ?????? de elementos necesarios es tres. La base de su equilibrio reside en que un elemento se apoya

    en el siguiente elemento, y ??? sucesivamente, hasta que el ?????? elemento se apoya finalmente sobre


    Este tipo de estructuras tienen la capacidad de salvar luces (o ??? bien cubrir superficies) superiores a

    las longitudes de sus elementos, siendo su ??????????? ?????????? la que posibilita una estructura

    estable. Normalmente sus elementos son de tipo viga, aunque ??????? pueden aceptarse como

    estructuras ?????????? aquellas formadas por elementos iguales. Al no necesitar elementos externos de

    soporte son utilizadas para construir puentes, cubiertas o estructuras similares.

    Las estructuras ??????????? ??????? conocidas como ?Tejado Mandala? se han utilizado desde el siglo

    XII en la arquitectura China y Japonesa, como atestiguan algunos documentos encontrados, aunque

    quedan muy pocos vestigios de estos ???????? ?????? sean Sebastiano Serlio y Leonardo Da Vinci

    quienes establezcan los primeros estudios ??????????? y estructurales de la reciprocidad en torno al

    ??? 1500. Un claro ejemplo de ??????????? de una estructura ????????? lo podemos encontrar en el


    ??? recientemente ????? estructuras fueron utilizadas por los arquitectos Kazuhiro Ishii (the Spinning

    House) y Yasufumi Kijima, y el ingeniero Yoishi Kan (Kijima Stonemason Museum). Villard de Honnecourt

    ?????? bocetos mostrando ??????? similares en el siglo XIII (fig.2), y estructuras parecidas se usaron en la

    sala capitular de la Catedral de Lincoln (Lincolnshire, Inglaterra). ??????? fue utilizada por Josep Maria

    Jujol en Casa Bofarull y Casa Negre.

    ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ( Fig.4/5)

    En los esquemas observamos como dentro del conjunto de una estrcutura ????????? se divide en


    En un sistema ????????? cada barra representa una ?????? independiente y cada una de estas barras

    se apoyan en otra barra y en el soporte estructural .



    KA representa el punto de apoyo estructural , en el caso de la escuela es el muro estructural que

    conforma las cajas



    The reciprocal frame is a roof structure where each beam both supports and is supported by other

    beams in the roof structure. A minimum of 3 beams is required to create a reciprocal frame roof. As each

    beam supports the next in a reciprocal manner no internal support structure is ?????????? Only the outer

    end of each beam requires support which will normally be a post used for the ?????? The roof loads are

    transferred to these posts and in turn to the supporting foundation. The beams can be fabricated from

    timbers, laminated wood, steel or reinforced concrete.

    The reciprocal frame, also known as a Mandala roof, has been used since the twelfth century in Chinese

    and Japanese architecture although little or no trace of these ancient methods remain. More recently

    they were used by Architects Kazuhiro Ishii (the Spinning House) and Yasufumi Kijima, and engineer Yoishi

    Kan (Kijima Stonemason Museum).

    Villard de Honnecourt produced sketches showing similar designs in the 13th century (fig.2)and similar

    structures were also used in the chapter house of Lincoln Cathedral. Josep Maria Jujol used this structure

    in both the Casa Bofarull and Casa Negre


    From a structural standpoint, each individual bar in the system functions as a single beam. This beam lies

    at each of the bar's ends and on the supports of the entire system, at the school are the walls that

    make-up the boxes . Each bar bears the supporting force of the bars resting on it .

    A basic system is based on a decomposition into sub-systems. Here, the sub-systems are single bars,

    representing the smallest system unit of a reciprocal frame structure. In the following, n is the number of

    individual bars constituting the basic system whereby n must be >3, as otherwise no operating system is

    possible. Furthermore, k is the index of the observed bar. KA,k and KB,k are the node points of the system,

    whereby KA,k forms the support points on the system edge and KB,k the contact points to the

    neighbouring bar.

    figura 1/figure 1 figura 2/figure 2 figura 3/figure 3 figura 4/figure 4 figura 5/figure 5


    Para evitar las juntas de hormigonados en los muros y sistematizar la obra se ha usado un sistema de anclaje estanco eficaz

    entre dos fases de hormigonado llamado Stabox. Este es una caja de esperas que realiza ella sola un anclaje capaz de recuperar



    Stabox is traditional methods that ensure reinforcement continuity between two concrete elements are time consuming and

    require complicated and ultimately expensive site adapted formwork

    elementos in-situ

    El 'entre' esta compuesto por los espacios de ???????? de la escuela, estos quedan definidos por la ????????? de las



    Los muros tienen aberturas ????? el programa y las ??????? un ?????? ????? la luz , por este motivo se ???? por una

    estructura in-situ.

    in-situ elements

    The common spaces are defined by the direction and dimension of the exposed concrete beams.

    The floor of the common area is seen; slab solid thickness 20 cm and edge of concrete beams in situ.

    The walls have openings depending on the program and the beams according to the distance, for this reason i chose

    a structure in-situ.

    elementos prefabricados

    Las caja es un elemento que se repite, tienen el mismo ancho y no quedan vistos.


    exterior al interior se hace de forma horizontal por el cambio de nivel.

    El forjado esta compuesto por placas alveolaresde 35 cm (30 -5cm) de luces de 10,50m y de 3m en la zona del


    prefabricated elements

    The box is an element that repeats, has the same width and is covered by a suspended ceiling.

    The floor is made up of one way span. Hollow core slab. 35 cm (30 - 5 cm)

    ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????modelo.??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????de las armaduras en espera.

    Esperas:Acero corrugado BE 500s certificadoAFCA-BENOR KIWA???????????????????????????????????????????????????????desplegable una sola vez.

    simplifica la puesta en obra: 1Controlar que las dimensiones del STABOX elegidosoncompatibles con los recubrimientos exigidos en lasegunda fase.?????????????????????????????????????????????????poliestirenoen las dos extremos de la caja..2 Fijar el Stabox al encofrado y/o eventualmente a lasarmaduras.3 Hormigonar la primera fase.????????????????????????????????????????????????tapones depoliestireno del Stabox.5 Las esperas aparecen perfectamente limpias.6 Desplegar las armaduras en espera con la ayuda deuna???????????????????????????????????????????????


    Lo visible en el ???????? visto es su superficie y al contrario de lo que sucede con el muro de ???????? el ???????? oculta su



    En la escuela el encofrado es de tablas de madera douglas de abeto de 30mm de grosor y 100mm de ancho .Colocadas en




    With exposed concrete, what is visible is the concrete surface oposite to facing masonry.

    Exposed concrete does not disclose its inner workings, but instead hides its basic structure under an extremely thin outer layer.

    The surface still exhibits textures traces of a structure that no longer exist: the formwork.

    At the school the formwork is made from Douglas fir boards 30mm thick and 100 mm width. Straight edges, butt joints between


    muros aue conformanlas "cajas"

    walls that make up theboxes


    ??????????????????valla invertida. canto

    3,70mperimetral beam,

    invertes fence. 3,70m

    ????????????????????conforma la estructu

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