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UNIT 21 1

One Always Eats Better at Home 

Marg. - I l ike this restaurant, T om! The soup is good. Very good!

Tom - Uh huh. I t isn’ t bad. But the soup that my mother makesis better.

Marg. - Oh, wel l! One always eats better at home. My mothermakes del ic ious soup. She’s a wonderful cook!

Tom - Ah! That is very good news!

Marg. - Why is i t good news, dear?Tom - Well , Margaret . . . your mother’s eyes are as blue as the

sea, but your eyes are even bluer. Your mother is a verygood pianist, but you are even better. You say that yourmother is a wonderful cook, so I hope that when youbegin to cook for me, you wi l l be - - -

Marg. - But Tom! You know that I can’ t cook at al l ! I can’ t evenmake coffee.

Tom - And I say that you wi l l soon learn to cook. You say thatyour mother makes del ic ious soup. Wel l , I ’m sure thatyour soup is going to be even more del ic ious. The mostdel ic ious soup in the world!

Marg. - No, Tom. It wi l l be bad. Very bad. I t wi l l be worse thanpoison. I t wi l l be the worst soup in the world.

Tom - My darl ing, you are a pessimist! You always expect the


Marg. - And you are a fool ish optimist. You always expect the


Tom - Optimists aren’ t f ool ish. They’re very wise.

Marg. - Do you think you are very wise, Tom?

Tom - Sometimes I am, aren’ t I? I was wise in choosing you for

my f iancée, wasn’ t I?

Marg. - Darl ing! What a del ightful compl iment!

(turn over)  

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 UNIT 21 2

(continuation) One Always Eats Better at Home  

Tom - Do you think so, dear? Wel l , now you are going to hearsomething even more del ightful .

Marg. - What?

Tom - After we leave Barcelona we are going to visi t Rome andAthens.

Marg. - Oh Tom! Real ly?

Tom - Yes, real ly. And now l isten to this: Last night, just beforegoing to sleep, I had a splendid idea. Instead of wait ingti l l next summer, we could marry this winter! What doyou think about that?

Marg. - Tom! How wonderful !

Tom - Do you st i l l th ink I ’m fool ish, dear?

Marg. - Oh no, of course I don’ t! You are the best and wisest ofal l men!

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UNIT 21 3


1.  En algunos casos “one”  traduce el pronombre español “se”.  

•  One always eats better at home.

En casa se come s iempre mejor .

2.   Se usa  “ one” con un nombre para poner en evidenci a que

se es tá hablando de una  sola cosa o persona.

•  Christ iani ty teaches us that there is one God.

El cr is t ian ismo nos enseña que hay un ( solo ) Dios .

3.   Se usa “one” como pronombre para evitar la repetición de un


•  Margaret looks pretty in every dress, but she looks prett ier

when she wears the green one.  

Si el nombre es plural se usa “ ones”.

•  Abel l ikes al l subjects, but the ones  that he l ikes best are:

history and foreign languages.

4.   “One of” se usa a menudo delante de superlativos .  

•  America is one of the r ichest countr ies in t he world.

5.   Cuando nos refer imos a un t iempo en el pasado o en el futuro.

•  One day last summer, I spent the whole day rol ler-skating.

One  evening next week I am going to take Barbara out for apizza.

===whole = entero  

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UNIT 21 4

one  Abel  

One of my best fr iends is my American cousin, Ivan. But

my parents and some of my relat ives don’ t l ike him.

In my opinion, Ivan is one of the cleverest boys that I

know. But he is considered the black sheep of the fami ly,

  just because he stopped going to school , and above al l

because he has long hair and earr ings.

I th ink that one should respect other people’s ideas.

Even i f Ivan is not going to school , he spends most of his

t ime reading and studying. He is, in fact, interested in many

subjects. But, the ones that he prefers are History and

Pol i t ics.

There is only one thing that he should do. He should stop

smoking, because i t is bad for his heal th.

Ivan is not a rebel , as most people think, even i f he

behaves l ike one. In my opinion he has a strong personal i ty.

Unfortunately grown-ups don’ t understand him.===

sheep = ovejaabove all = sobre todoto respect = respetar  most of . . . = la mayoría de. . .to behave = comportarseunfortunately = desafortunadamente


home = hogar 

Con verbos de movimiento “ home” no requiere ninguna preposición.

•  Every evening Robert leaves the factory at six o’clock and

goes home.

Mi l l ie general ly goes to the market in the morning, but she

soon returns home.

at home = en casa / en el hogar 

Robert usual ly spends the evening at home, reading a book or

a newspaper.

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 UNIT 21 5

it isn’t bad = no está mal

Robert and Mill ie  

Millie - Is dinner good this evening, Robert?

Rob. - I t isn’ t bad.

Millie - Well , the steak is good, isn’ t i t?

Rob. - I t isn’ t bad.

Millie - And the fr ied potatoes are good, aren’ t they?

Rob. - They aren’ t bad.


to make   = hacer  

Mill ie   

I don’ t know what to do about Robert.

In the morning I a lways make him a nice big cup of coffee

and some toast wi th jam and butter. But he always f inds an

excuse to complain; sometimes about the coffee, andsometimes about the toast or the jam.

When he comes back home in the evening, I make some

del ic ious soup or pasta, and I cook some meat or f ish, and a

big salad, too. But he is never satisf ied, and he always makes 

some rude remarks.

I th ink he is bored with his work and with his l i fe. But when I

make suggestions about gett ing a new job or going out more

often and trying to  make new fr iends, he only makes si l ly


I a lso suggested making a tr ip from t ime to t ime, but he only

makes promises, and never keeps them.


excuse = excusa remark = observaciónto complain = quejarse to suggest = sugerir  sat is f ied = satis fecho suggestion = sugerencia

to make comments = hacer comentariosto make a promise = hacer una promesato keep a promise = mantener una promesa

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 UNIT 21 6

even   = hasta, incluso

•  Margaret’s eyes are even bluer than the sea.

When Margaret wears pink, she looks charming. But when shewears green, she looks even more charming.

Yesterday the weather was beauti fu l . Today i t is even morebeauti fu l .


to wear   = llevar (puesto)  

even  = hasta, incluso

not even  = ni s iquiera

Robert and Mill ie 

( In the morning )

Rob. - Is my coffee ready?

Millie - Just a moment, dear!

Rob. - Just a moment? Just a moment? Do you know that i t ’salready seven o’clock? I ’ l l be late for the factory!

Millie - Oh, Robert! - Please be patient! I real ly can’ tunderstand i t , dear!

Rob. - Understand what?

Millie - I can’ t understand why you are always so impatient. Youknow, Robert . . . even a l i t t le chi ld can learn to bepatient. You know that very wel l , dear.

Rob. - Yes - and I know another thing too! And i t ’s th is . . . noteven a saint can be patient wi th a wi fe who talksnonsense from morning to night!


to be late = llegar tarde; es tar en retraso

saint = santo

to talk nonsense = decir tonter ías

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 UNIT 21 7

to be going to  

Con la expresión “  to be going to ” se expresa un  futuro de i ntención .

•  Tom and Margaret are going to marry this winter.

Tom y Margare t    se casarán este inv ierno .

Es dec ir: (Tom y Margare t t ienen intención de casarse este inv ierno . )

Margaret says, “When I marry, I am going to have a cook.”


But Tom says, “ I am going to buy you a cookery book.”


Robert and Mill ie  

( In the afternoon )

Rob. - Mil l ie! What are we going to have for lunch today?

Millie - Soup, dear.

Rob. - Soup?! Only soup?! Do you mean that we are going tohave only soup?!

Millie - Oh no Robert! Of course not. We are going to have meat

and potatoes, too. And cheese and frui t .

Rob. - Well , I hope so. Because i f there is only soup, I ’m  going

to eat at a restaurant!



I  was going  to leave  

He  was going  to eat  

= Estaba a punto de salir   = Estaba a punto de comer 

•  Last night when I was going to fal l asleep the telephone rang.


to fall asleep = ( l i t . caerse dormido) dormirserang = tocó

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UNIT 21 8

instead of   = en vez de, en lugar de

Robert and Mill ie 

( In the evening )

Millie - What do you want for dinner this evening, Robert?

Rob. - Steak.

Millie - Always steak, dear? Why not some f ish this evening,instead of steak? Some nice fr ied f ish.

Rob. - No. Steak. With fr ied potatoes.

Millie - But too many fr ied potatoes wi l l make you fat, dear.

Why not a nice green salad instead of fr ied potatoes,

this evening?

Rob. - No! You know that I never eat salad.

Millie - Al l r ight, dear. And .. . dear . . . the doctor says that wine

is bad for your l iver. Why don’ t you dr ink mineral water

instead of wine?Rob. - Why don’ t you start preparing dinner instead of talking

al l the t ime?

Millie - Oh Robert! Robert!===to make fat = engordar l iver  = higado


always   = s iempre

never  = nunca

•  W e never spend our hol idays in England.

W e always visi t foreign countr ies.

But we never learn foreign languages.

We speak only Engl ish, because foreign languages aredi ff icul t and we always find somebody who can understandEngl ish. 

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UNIT 21 9

often = a menudo

sometimes = a veces

Tom and Margaret 

Marg. - When we are marr ied, Tom, how shal l we spend our


Tom - Wel l , sometimes we’ l l go to the theatre. And of course,

we’l l o f ten go to the cinema.

Marg. - Yes, and sometimes we’ l l v is i t our fr iends.

Tom - Uh-Huh. But often we’ l l spend a quiet evening at home.

Marg. - Doing what, dear?

Tom - Oh, sometimes we’ l l ta lk . . . sometimes we’l l watch

television. Sometimes we’ l l read. You wi l l o f ten want to

sew, I ’m sure.

Marg. - Oh no! I can’ t sew at al l . I can’ t even sew on a button!

Tom - You’ l l learn to sew, dear. You’ l l learn.

===quiet = tranquiloto sew = coser  to sew on a button = coser un botón


word study 

news = noticia, noticias

What   is the news. What are the news. ¡Error!  

This is very bad news.

1. Con la palabra  “ news” se pone el verbo en s ingular .

 No se puede decir: “a news”.   (una noticia)

Se puede hablar de: “a piece of news”   = una noticia

“some news”   = algunas noticias

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 UNIT 21 10

word study 

furniture = mobiliario, muebles

My furni ture is beauti fu l and art ist ic.

 Mis muebles son herm osos y ar t í s t icos .

1. Con la palabra “  furniture”  se pone el verbo en s ingular .

 No se puede decir: “a furniture” .   (un mueble)

Se puede hablar de:   “a piece of furniture” = un mueble

“some furniture”   = unos muebles

 La palabra “   furnitures”  no exis te.


information = información; informaciones

His information was completely wrong.Sus in formaciones eran comple tamente equivocadas.

1. Con la palabra “ information ”  se pone el verbo en s ingular .

 No se puede decir: “an information”.   (una información)

Se puede hablar de:   “a piece of information” = una información

“some information” = algunas informaciones  

 La palabra “ informations ”  no exis te .

•  I would l ike some information about f l ights to New York.

I am going to give you an important piece of information.  

For further information please wri te to …

Para u l ter iores in formaciones por favo r escrib ir a …)

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 UNIT 21 11

word study 

advice = consejo; consejos

Abel says: “The advice  that my mother gives me is  always verygood. But I can’ t a lways fol low i t .”

1. Con la palabra “  advice”  se pone el verbo en s ingular .

 No se puede decir: “an advice”.   (un consejo)

Se puede hablar de:   “a piece of advice” = un consejo

“some advice” = algunos consejos  

 La palabra “ advices ”  no exis te.


I don’ t l ike to give any advice to anybody, for two

reasons. The f i rst reason is that I mysel f don’ t l ike to l isten

to advice. And the second one is that nobody l ikes to l isten

to advice anyhow.

Of course my mother always gives me very good advice  

but i t is almost impossible to fol low i t .

She tel ls me that I shouldn’ t p lay footbal l because my

fr iends are rough. She tel ls me that I shouldn’ t go rol ler-

skating because i t is dangerous... and so on, and so on.

When I go out on Saturday evening, before leaving the

house she always says to me, “And now Abel, let me give

you one last piece of advice: Remember that smoking and

drinking alcohol are very dangerous for your heal th.”

Poor mama! She gives me the same advice   everySaturday.


reason = razón I myself   = yo mismoto follow = seguir   anyhow = de cualquier manerarough = rudodangerous = peligroso

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UNIT 21 12

word study 

large = grande (No s ignif ica “ largo”.)

Tokyo is a very large ci ty.

Tokyo es una c iudad muy  grande.  

long   = largo  


parents =  padres (No s igni f ica “ parientes ” . )  

Parents make a lot of sacr i f ices to br ing up their chi ldren.

 Los padres hacen muchos sacri f ic ios para cr iar a sus n iños .  

relatives = parientesrelations = parientes


word study 

disco = discoteca   (No s igni f ica “disco”. )  

A disc jockey works in a disco .

Un disc jockey t rabaja en una  discoteca .

 Disco es la forma abreviada de discotheque .

record   = disco 

•  Abel ’s parents don’ t a l low him to go to the disco because heis too young .  


economical = ahorrador   (No s igni f ica “económico”. )  

•  Lydia is not economical at al l . On the contrary, she is very


cheap   = económico

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UNIT 21 13

library = bib l io teca  (No s igni f ica “ l ibrería”. )

A publ ic l ibrary is a bui ld ing where you can read or borrow books,magazines, videos etc.

In some large houses people have a room where they keep al l

their books. They sometimes call th is room “the l ibrary” .


to borrow   = pedir o tomar prestado  

to lend   = prestar   

bookcase   = librería (mueble)

bookshop  = librería ( t ienda)


He speaks Engl ish better than   I   (do).  Habla ing lés mejor que yo .

He speaks Engl ish better than  me. “ “ “ “

En el inglés coloquial , después del comparativo se usan los pronombres compl emento: me, him, her , us , them  

Sin embargo, ser ía más correcto usar los pronombres sujetos :   I, he,

  she, we, they seguidos del verbo.  

•  He earns more than me. = Él gana más que yo .

He earns more than I (do). = “ ” “ ”  

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 UNIT 21 14

suffixes   = sufi jos

-ful   = lleno de

use uso useful   út i lbeauty bel leza beautiful   bel locare cuidado, a tenc ión careful  cuidadosodelight dele i te , p lacer   delight ful   del ic iosowonder maravi l la wonderful   maravi l loso

-less   = s in  

use uso useless  inú t i lhome casa homeless  s in hogar mother madre motherless  huérfanoheart corazón heartless  s in corazón


good bueno goodness  bondad 

clever in te l igente cleverness  in te l igenc iahappy   feliz happiness    fe l ic idad useful út i l usefulness  ut i l idad  t ired cansado t iredness  cansanc iocold   frío coldness    frialdad i l l enfermo i l lness  enfermedad sad t r i s te sadness  t r i s teza


fr iend amigo fr iendship  amistad  

dictator dic tador  dictatorship  dic tadura

champion campeón championship  campeonato


rapid rápido rapidity  rapidez

real real reali ty  real idad  

stupid estúpido stupidity  estupidez

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 UNIT 21 15

1. to wait (for) = esperar algo / a alguien

Se usa  “ to  wait” cuando se es tá esperando que ocurra algo o quellegue alguien.

•  Every morning George goes to the train stat ion and waits patiently unti l the train arr ives.

- What are you doing here?

- I am wait ing for my gir l fr iend.

2. to expect

a) esperar , anticipar   

•  When George comes back home from work, he expects to f indsome nice dinner, but he always f inds boi led potatoes or coldboi led r ice.

Tom is an optimist. He always expects the best.

Margaret is a pessimist. She always expects the worst.

b) contar con, exigir   

•  On Saturday, Abel ’s parents expect him to return home before


c) suponer  

•  - After such a long walk I expect they wi l l be very t i red.

- There are many clouds in the sky. I expect that i t wi l l ra insoon.

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 UNIT 21 16

como dar “ las  gracias ” 

Thank you. = Gracias .

Thank you very much. =  Muchís imas gracias .

Thanks. = Gracias .

Thanks a lot. =  Muchís imas gracias .

“ Thanks”  y “ Thanks a lot”  se usan en el inglés coloquial .  

como decir “  de nada ” 

That’s all r ight.

That’s OK.

It ’s a pleasure.

Si una persona nos es tá dando las gracias de forma muy calurosa se puede contest er así: Not at all . - I t was nothing.  

En los Estados Unidos se usa también la expresión:

You are welcome. = (li t . Eres bienvenido.)  

Mrs Wilson and Mrs Paganini  

Mrs P. - Dear Mrs. Wi lson, how are you?Mrs W. - I ’m very wel l , thank you. And how about your husband

and your chi ldren?Mrs P. - They are very wel l , too. Thanks.Mrs W. - Why don’ t you take off your coat and si t down. We

could have tea together.

Mrs P. - Oh, thanks a lot. I real ly  need some tea, I feel so t i red.Mrs W. - You should work less, my dear.Mrs P. - I know. But wi th my job, my fami ly, the house and the

garden, i t is impossible.Mrs W. - As you know, i f you need my help, cal l me and I ’ l l be

pleased to give you a hand.Mrs P. - Oh, that’s so kind of you. I don’ t know how to thank 

you.Mrs W. - That’s al l r ight.

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 UNIT 21 17

a pessimist = un pesimista (substant ivo)

pessimistic = pesimista (adje t ivo)

an optimist = un optimis ta (substant ivo)

optimistic = optimis ta (adje t ivo)

•  Margaret is pessimist ic. She is a pessimist ic person.

She general ly expects the worst.

She is a pessimist.

Tom, on the contrary, is optimist ic. He is an optimist ic person.

He general ly expects the best.

He is an optimist.

Optimists are happy people.

Pessimists are seldom happy.

So i t is better to be optimist ic, isn’ t i t?


It is very nice  of you.  = Es muy s impatico  de tu parte .

I t is very si l ly of her . = Es muy tonto   de su parte. 

I t is very rude of him . = Es muy grosero  de su parte.  

•  When Tom teases Margaret, she becomes offended. That isvery si l ly of her.  

Robert often hurts Mi l l ie ’s feel ings. That is very unkind of  him.

But, Mi l l ie always forgives him. That is very sweet of  her .

Debra is a good student. She prepares al l her lessonscareful ly. That is very wise of her.


careful = atento

carefully = atentamente

wise = sabio

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UNIT 21 18

George Gray  

Hel lo! I t is George Gray speaking. The man from

Glumvi l le. The man that is marr ied to Lydia, the pretty

lady wi th very expensive tastes.

I get up early every morning, at six o’clock, because

as you know I work in a Department Store in the centre

of London. And as I have no car, I have to go to work by


como sabe is

 ya qu e

My l i fe is tough! But I don’ t l ike to complain, because I

know that there are lots of people who l ive worse  than 



 peor de

Of course in winter, at six i t is st i l l dark, and when it

rains or snows, or when i t is windy, gett ing up so early,

preparing my breakfast in a hurry and going to the train

stat ion on foot, is not very pleasant. But I don’ t mind,

because I know many people who get up even earl ier than I do. I a lso know some other people who work al l

n ight, and sleep only a few hours in the morning,

because in the afternoon t hey have another  job.

es de noche

nieva / ven toso


más temprano


I repeat, I don’ t l ike to complain, but after a hard day’s

work, and after a boring train  journey, one expects to

arr ive home and f ind a good dinner wai t ing for him. But I

seldom find a good dinner wai t ing for me.


v ia je

rara vez


Because my wife cooks very badly. Oh so   badly! My

dear mother was a bad cook, but Lydia is even worse 

than my mother was. Lydia is the worst cook that I know.

For example, i f she gives me boi led potatoes for dinner,

they are always harder   than stone. And she gives me

boi led potatoes for dinner three or four t imes a week!

  peor que

la peor  

(turn over)  

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UNIT 21  19

(continuation) George Gray  

I t ’s real ly very strange, because she knows very wel l

that I don’ t l ike boi led potatoes. But when I say to her,

“What! Potatoes again, my dear?”, she always answers,

“You say that we must be economical . You say that we

mustn’ t waste money.” She is r ight, of course, but I th ink

that she exaggerates a l i t t le.


When she doesn’ t g ive me boi led potatoes, sheprepares some boi led r ice. Wel l I l ike r ice, but when i t is

wel l -prepared, wi th meat and vegetables, or wi th

vegetables and curry, or Chinese style. But she only boi ls

the r ice, puts i t in a bowl and, i f she remembers, she

puts some butter on top. And that is al l . Can you imagine




enc ima

After the r ice, i f I am st i l l hungry, I have to eat some

bread and cheese, or a glass of mi lk. Because she never

gives me any f ish or meat. According to Lydia, f ish and

meat are expensive.


She never gives me any dessert, of course, because

she never buys any sweet things. She says that sweets

are bad for the f igure. Wel l I have no problem with my

figure. On the contrary, everybody is tel l ing me that I am

too thin, and that I should eat more. Wel l , what can I do?

As French people say, “C’est la vie!” Such is l i fe!


de lgado

¡Así es la v ida!

On Sundays she doesn’ t cook at al l , because she’s too

busy. She always gives a l i t t le party on Sunday

afternoon. She invi tes three or four of her lady fr iends,

and they have a nice t ime together , ta lking, laughing,

l istening to music, and of course, eating and dr inking.

She never invi tes any men. She says that men have

enough fun in l i fe.



divers ión  

(turn over)

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UNIT 21 20

(continuation) George Gray  

And so, she spends Sunday morning preparing some

del ic ious snacks for her guests. Lydia is a very bad cook,

but she can make very good snacks: l i t t le pieces of toast

wi th ham, biscui ts wi th cheese or ol ives, del ic ious l i t t le

sandwiches. I often say to her, “Your snacks look so

del ic ious. Why can’ t you learn to boi l potatoes wel l?” And

she always answers, “Cooking is one thing, snacks are

another. They are not the same.” Perhaps she is r ight.



As it is a party only for ladies, I am not even allowed 

to go into the l iv ing room or into the k i tchen. So I have to

spend Sunday afternoon in my room reading the paper,

or watching television.

  ya que / no me

está permi t ido

Every Sunday Lydia says to me, “Now, George!

Remember! I f you  eat any snacks, there won’ t be enough

for my guests.”

no habrán

As I was saying before, l i fe is tough! como

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UNIT 21 21

Margaret’s Friend, Caroline 

Margaret’s old schoolmate Carol ine l ives in a quiet 

l i t t le town, in a charming house with a garden al l round

i t. The garden is ful l of f lowers of every colour, and there

are also many frui t trees.

t ranqui la


The house is very near the hospi tal where Carol ine’s

husband works. (He is a physician, as I am sure you al l

remember.) I t is the only hospi tal in the town, but i t is bigand modern. There is a garden al l round the hospi tal too,

because Engl ish people l ike gardens so much, as we al l




Carol ine’s husband is a very busy man. He works at

the hospi tal a l l day. He is at home for breakfast, lunch

and dinner, and, of course, at night. But for the rest of the

day, Carol ine, her l i t t le gir l Betty and the maid are alone

in the house. But Carol ine doesn’ t  get bored at al l . In

fact , she is always saying, “ I am too busy to get bored. I

have so many things to do.” But is she real ly as busy as

she imagines?

no se aburre / de


She gets up early - about seven o’clock - and has

breakfast wi th her husband and chi ld. Li t t le Betty l ikes to

get up early too. They don’ t eat much at breakfast. Just

toast, wi th a l i t t le ham, coffee and some frui t . L i t t le Betty

prefers jam with her toast - strawberry jam, and a glass

of orange juice. Carol ine eats the least of the three,

because she is so busy talking.

menos de

What does she talk about? Nothing interesting. But she

talks and talks. And she laughs and laughs.

(turn over)  

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UNIT 21 22

(continuation) Margaret’s Friend, Caroline 

“Oh! I must do so many things! I must go to the

butcher’s to buy the meat for lunch. Then I must go to the

baker’s - because i f I send the maid there she always

forgets to buy the brown bread for l i t t le Betty. Then I must

go to the hairdresser’s. I want to change the colour of my

hair. And I need a new l ipst ick, and a bott le of that

perfume that you l ike so much, darl ing. Then I must

telephone at least six people - and - oh! What a

beauti fu l morning i t is! Look at the sun!”



 por lo menos

“Uh-huh,” says the doctor, “but I ’m afraid that i t wi l l rain

before lunch-t ime.”

temo que

“No, i t won’t !» laughs Carol ine. “Don’ t be a si l ly

pessimist, dar l ing! Be an optimist! Like me! I a lways

expect the best! And she goes on laughing.

no l loverá


cont inua

When the doctor comes back home from the hospi tal at

lunchtime, she is st i l l laughing.

vue lve

During lunch she talks al l the t ime. Once or twice her

husband begins to speak about his work at the hospi tal ,

but she doesn’ t l isten to him. She wants to talk about her

visi t to the hairdresser’s. She tel ls her husband al l the

things that the hairdresser said to her , and she talks a lot

about two other women who were there. She remembers

everything about these women - their c lothes, theirshoes … the colour of their hair and eyes .. .And whi le she

talks, she laughs. Her husband doesn’ t ask, “But what are

you laughing about?” I t isn’ t necessary. Because he

already knows the answer: she is laughing about nothing,

as always.


le d i jo

(turn over)  

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UNIT 21 23

(continuation) Margaret’s Friend, Caroline 

In the evening, at dinner, Carol ine continues to talk and

laugh. After dinner, her husband often goes back to the

hospi tal . “Poor man!”, perhaps you wi l l say - “He must be

so t i red!” But he doesn’ t mind going back to work.

Probably he is more relaxed at the hospi tal than at home.

vue lve


no le importa

re la jado

When he returns home (about one o’clock in the

morning), Carol ine is general ly sleeping.

The doctor comes into the bedroom as quiet ly as

possible. He doesn’ t want to wake Carol ine up. But

suddenly he hears a strange l i t t le noise. Has he woken up 

his wi fe after al l? The poor man feels very sorry.


ha despertado

después de todo

But no! I t ’s al l r ight. Carol ine is only laughing in her

sleep. sueño  

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UNIT 21 24


1.  Traduce oralmente . 

2. Copia toda la página. 

1. Pessimists are fool ish people.

2. They always expect the worst.

3. Optimists always expect the best.

4. Perhaps they are fool ish too.

5. But they are happier than pessimists.

6. They say that I am the black sheep of the fami ly.

7. They say that wi th my long hair and my earr ings I make a badimpression on people.

8. They say that I wear very funny clothes.

9. They also say that I only think about rock music and discos.

10. How strange! Nobody says that I am the best of the class inEngl ish, in maths and even in Latin!

11. George is a very quiet person.12. When he comes home from his work, he l ikes to spend his

evenings at home reading the paper or watching TV.

13. His wi fe Lydia loves to go to cinemas, theatres and restaurants.

14. Every Sunday afternoon she gives a l i t t le party, and she offers her

guests the most del ic ious snacks.

15. Her part ies are for women only, because she thinks that men have

too much fun in l i fe.

16. I love my French lessons so much! But when I speak I make too

many pronunciat ion mistakes.17. I don’ t mind when my teacher corrects me. But I can’ t stand when

my schoolmates make rude remarks about i t .

18. I t makes me very angry.

19. Instead of making some good suggestions about French

pronunciat ion, they only make stupid comments.

20. But in summer I am going to make a tr ip to France, and so when I

come back I am going to speak Fr ench l ike a Parisian.

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UNIT 21 25


Traduce por escrito y oralmente.  

1. Los pesimistas son personas tontas.

2. El los siempre esperan lo peor.

3. Los optimistas siempre esperan lo mejor.

4. Quizás el los sean tontos también.

5. Pero el los son más fel ices de los pesimistas.

6. Dicen que soy la oveja negra de la f ami l ia.

7. Dicen que con mi pelo largo y mi pendiente hago una malaimpresión sobre las personas.

8. Dicen que l levo ropa muy extraña.

9. Dicen también que pienso solamente en la música rock y en lasdiscotecas.

10. ¡Que extraño! Nadie dice que soy el mejor de la clase en inglés,en matemáticas e incluso en latín.

11. George es una persona muy tr anqui la.

12. Cuando viene a casa de su trabajo, le gusta pasar las tardesleyendo el periódico o mirando la televisión.

13. Su mujer Lydia ama los cines, los teatros, y los restaurantes.14. Cada domingo por la tarde el la da una pequeña f iesta, y el la

ofrece a sus húespedes las más del ic iosas tapas.15. Sus f iestas son para mujeres solamente, porque el la piensa que

los hombres se divierten demasiado en la vida.

16. ¡Yo amo mis clases de francés tanto! Pero cuando hablo, hagodemasiadas fal tas de pronunciación.

17. A mi no me importa cuando mi profesor me corr ige. Pero yo no

puedo aguantar cuando mis compañeros hacen observacionesgroseras sobre eso.

18. Me hace enfadar muchisímo.

19. En lugar de hacer buenas sugerencias sobre la pronunciaciónfrancesa, el los hacen estúpidos comentarios.

20. Pero en verano, haré un viaje a Francia, y así cuando vuelva

hablaré francés como un parisino.

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UNIT 21 26

1. Contesta a las preguntas siguientes:  

1. Where does one eat better, at home or at a restaurant?

2. Is Margaret’s mother a good or a bad cook? W hy?

3. What does Margaret say about her cooking?

4. When Margaret says that she can’ t cook at al l , what does Tom


5. Which do you general ly expect in l ife - the best, or the worst?

6. So which are you - an optimist or a pessimist?7. When Tom and Margaret leave Barcelona which ci t ies are they

going to visi t?

8. When are Tom and Margaret going t o marry?

9. According to you, is i t wise or fool ish to marry very young?

10. According to you, which is the r ight age to marry?

11. When you marry, how many chi ldren would you l ike to have?

12. How old were your parents when t hey marr ied?

13. Who is Ivan?14. Abel ’s parents don’ t l ike Ivan. Why?

15. How is Ivan considered by some of his r elat ives? Why?

16. How does Ivan spend his t ime?

17. Which subjects interest Ivan most?

18. What do you think about smoking?

19. What does Mi l l ie make Robert for breakfast?

20. What does Robert complain about?

21. When Robert isn’ t sat isf ied wi th his dinner, what does he do?

22. According to you why is Robert always i rr i table?

23. When Tom and Margaret are marr ied, how do they want to

spend their evenings?

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UNIT 21 27


above all Ebúv o: l sobre todoAthens A† inz  Atenasbeauty bju: t i bellezato behave tu biheiv comportarsebutton bútn botóncare keE cuidado

careful keEful atentocarefully keEfuli atentamenteto choose tu tSu:z escoger Christianity krist iAnit i Cristianismocleverness klevEnis inteligenciacoldness kouldnis   frialdad comment kØment comentarioto complain tu kEmplein quejarsecompliment kØmplimEnt cumplidodangerous deindZrEs  peligroso

delight dilai t deleitedelightful dilai t ful deliciosodictator diktei tE dictador dictatorship diktei tESip dictaduraeven i :vEn inclusoexcuse ikskju:s excusato expect tu ikspekt esperar; contar con; suponer  to fall tu fØ:l caer to follow tu fØlou seguir foolish fu: l iS tonto

fortunately fØ: tSni t l i afortunadamentefriendship frendSip amistad God gØd  Diosgoodness gudnis bondad heart ha:t corazónheartless ha:t l is sin corazónhomeless houmlis sin hogar i l lness i lnis enfermedad 

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 UNIT 21 28


l iver l ivE higadoto make fat tu meik fAt engordar most of moust Øv la mayoría demotherless múTElis huérfanonot even nØt i :vEn ni siquieraoptimist Øptimist optimista (subst.)optimistic Øptimist ik optimista (adj.)pessimist pesimist  pesimista (subst.)pessimistic pesimist ik   pesimista (adj.)promise prØmis  promesaquiet kwaiEt tranquilorapid rApid rápidorapidity rApidi t i rapidezreason r i :zn razónremark rima:k observaciónto respect tu r ispekt respetar sadness sAdnis tristezasaint seint santosatisfied sAtisfaid satisfechoto sew tu sou coser sheep Si:p ovejastupidity st jupidi t i estupidezto suggest tu sEdZest sugerir suggestion sEdZestSEn sugerenciasure Su:E segurotiredness túiEdnis cansanciounfortunately únfØ: tSni t l i desafortunadamenteuse   ju:s usouseful   ju:sful útilusefulness   ju:sfulnis utilidad useless   ju:slis inútiluselessness   ju:slisnis inutilidad wide waid anchowise waiz sabiowonder wúndE maravilla

Carmelo Mangano – – for private or academic use only. 

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