  • 7/21/2019 Conceptualismo Global: Puntos de origen 1950-1980


    C O N C E P T U A L I S M O

    G L O B A L :

    P U N T O S D E O R IG E N 1 95 0 1 98 0

    G L O B A L

    C O N C E P T U A L I S M :

    POINTS OF ORIGIN, 1950-1980

    Q U E E N S M U S E U M O F A R T . Q U E E N S , N U E V A Y O R K , 2 8 D E AB R I L - 2 9 DE A G O S T O , 1 9 9 9

    R S H E E D R E E N

    Me dirijo a usted para llamar su atencin sobre la exposi

    cin arriba indicada, cuyo propsito afirma ser el si


    El conceptualismo global estudia esos momentos

    clave en los que artistas de diversos lugares del mu nd o co

    mienzan a crear arte conceptual como medio para cues

    tionar la hegemona de los objetos sobre las ideas en el

    mundo del arte, criticar la institucionalizacin de ste

    tanto en los museos como en las economas modernas, y

    encon trar una nueva funcin para el arte y los artistas en

    el seno de la sociedad, mediante su compromiso en la

    protesta social y poltica.

    En una carta que la Directora de Exposiciones Jane

    Farver me escribi en 1994, deca lo siguiente:

    Buscamos artistas que hayan sido ignorados o ex

    cluidos de la corriente m ayoritaria en el conceptualismo,

    as como obras q ue integren los discursos artstico y po l

    tico y surjan de profundas convicciones ticas. Nuestro

    propsito es acercarnos al arte basado en las ideas en el

    contexto de las culturas que generan esas ideas... Una cui

    dada seleccin de obras producidas entre mediados de la

    dcada de 1950 y finales de la dcada d e 1970...

    Ala vista de lo ocurrid o en esta exposicin, en la que

    unos han sido incluidosyotros excluidos, es evidente q ue

    su pretendido carcter global ha resultado ser falsoytam

    poco ha cumplido los fines anunciados. Lo cierto es que

    supon e un engao al pblico, pues se transm ite la impre-

    Tm wr i t i ng to dr aw your a t t en t ion to t he above exhib i t i on

    which makes the fol lowing claim:

    G l o b a l C o n c e p t u a l is m e x a m i n e s k e y m o m e n t s w h e n

    ar t ists in var ious locales around the world began to crate

    conceptua l a r t as means to ques t ion the hegemony of

    objects over ideas in art, criticize the way art is

    i ns t i t u t i onal i zed both i n museums and in modern economies ,

    and f ind new role for art and the artist in society by

    involving ar t in social and pol i t ical protest .

    In a letter to me in 1994, the Director of Exhibitions

    Jane Farver wrote to me:

    'We ar e seeking ar t i s t s who have been ignored or

    excluded by mains t r eam account s of conceptua l i sm, and

    looking for works which integrated ar t ist ic and pol i t ical

    discourse and which stemmed f rom intense ethical

    convict ions. Ou r intent ion is to look at idea-ba sed a r t in the

    context of cul tures that generated the ideas. . . A revised

    appraisal of works produced f rom the mid-1950s to the late

    1970s. . . '

    In the l ight of the actual exhibi t ion, regarding who is

    include d a nd exclud ed f rom i t, it is clear tha t the claim of the

    global has t urned out t o be noth ing but bogus one . Nei ther

    has it fulfilled its declared intention. It 's in fact now deceiving

    the publ ic by giving an impression that i t 's ' revising' the

    history of Conceptual Art by including in i t ar t i sts f rom Lat in

  • 7/21/2019 Conceptualismo Global: Puntos de origen 1950-1980


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    Rasheed Araeen. Fire/, 1975..Cortesa/Courtesy KalaPress,Londres.Foto/Photo;Elena Bonzanigo





    est revisando


    historia del arte con

    ceptual para incluir en esta categora a artistas proceden

    tes de Iberoamrica, Europa del Este, frica y Asia (con

    independencia desimereceno noser tratado s com oar

    tistas conceptuales,a excepcin de los artistas japoneses

    de la dcada de 1950 y de algunos a rtistas corean os que s

    son dignos de tal reconocim iento), y dejar tras de s este

    America , Eastern Europe,


    som e artists from frica


    Asia (irrespective


    whether they deserve

    to be



    conceptual ar t is ts


    not, with


    except ion



    ar t is ts


    the 50 's

    a nd

    som e Korean ar t is ts who r ight ly deserve





    this respect),

    an d it's


    to get

    a wa y

    with th is decept ion because


    the gene ra l igno rance

    in the

  • 7/21/2019 Conceptualismo Global: Puntos de origen 1950-1980


    engao habida cuenta de la ignorancia generalizada que

    existe en Occidente con respecto a los hechos que las ins

    tituciones deciden silenciar.

    El fracaso d e la antecitada exposicin tiene su origen

    en la suposicin de que los artistas ignorad os o excluidos

    de la corriente mayoritaria lo han sido por el hecho de

    pertenecer a pases de Iberoamrica, y que en el caso de

    Europa del EsteyAmrica del Norte n o hab ra tal proble

    ma. Esta percepcin se corresponde con la tendencia que

    en el momento presente predomina en las instituciones

    artsticas occidentales, en virtud de la cual se invita a ar

    tistas extranjeros particularm ente cuand o su obra alude

    a sus propias culturas a participar en estas supuestas ex

    posiciones globales, mientras que se ignora sistemtica

    mente a artistas de raza no blanca que han desempeado

    un papel capital en las vanguardias po sblicas y en el arte

    conceptual de Occidente.

    Ofrezco a continuacin una cronologa de la histo

    ria silenciada del arte de vanguardia y conceptual en el

    Reino Unido, para que pu edan ustedes juzgar por s mis





    1955- Iqbal Geoffrey afirma haber realizado un cuadro

    con cebollas y manzanas autnticas. Labore, Pa-



    Iqbal Geoffrey declara que un rbol vivo es una es

    cultura suya. Labore, Paquistn.


    John Latham (nacido en Rodesia del Sur, hoy Zim-

    babwe) comienza una serie de trabajos en Londres

    con libros quem ados y pegados sobre el lienzo.


    Rasheed Araeen recoge en la calle un aro de metal

    retorcido, se lo lleva a casa y lo coloca sobre un

    lienzo, declarando que se trata de una escultura.

    Poco despus, quema dos ruedas de bicicleta en un

    mo ntn de basura (anticipndose a la quema ma

    siva de neum ticos qu e realiz el pueblo de Paqu is

    tn en 1968 como acto de protesta co ntra la dicta

    dura militar de Ayub Jan), que al quemarse se con-

    West about the actual facts that have been institutionally


    The failure of the above exh ibition is based on an

    assumption that it's the conceptual artists from frica and

    Asia, and to some extent from Latn Amerca, who have been

    ignored or excluded from mainstream accounts; and that as

    far as Western Europe/North America Is concemed there

    couldn't be such problem. This perception fits into an d

    conforms to o general tendency among the Western ort

    instltutions today, by whlch artists from abroa d are invited

    - particularly when their works allude to their own cultures

    to take pa rt in their so-called global exhibitions, while non-

    white artists who have been a historically impo rtant part of

    the postwar avantgardism and conceptual art in the West ar

    continually ignored.

    I endose here

    chronology of suppressed history of

    avantgardism and conceptualism in Britain, so that you can

    make your own judgement.




    Iqbal Geoffrey claims to have made painting by the

    use of actual onions an d app les, Labore, Pakistn.

    1956- Iqbal Geoffrey declares a live tree as his sculp ture.

    Labore, Pakistn.


    John Latham (bom in South Rhodesia, now Zimbabw

    begins a series of works in London by bu min g books

    and sticking them on canvas.

    1959- Rasheed Araeen picks up a twisted metal hoop from

    the Street, takes it to his home and by putting it on

    table declares it sculpture. A week later, he bum s

    two bicycle tyres on buming rubbish heop

    (anticipating mass buming of tyres by people in the

    cities of Pakistn in 1968, as part of the protest

    demonstrations against the military dictatorship of

    Ayub Khan), which when b um t become four twisted

    metal hoops. The work is repeated and documented i

    1975 in London.

  • 7/21/2019 Conceptualismo Global: Puntos de origen 1950-1980










    virtieron en aros de metal retorcidos. La obra fue

    repetida y documentada en Londres, en 1975.

    - Gustav Metzger (nacido en Alemania, en el seno

    de una familia juda ortodoxa obligada a huir del

    pas durante la persecucin nazi) publica su Pri

    mer Manifiesto de Arte Autodestructivo en Lon


    Iqbal Geoffrey llega a Londres y produce una serie

    de pinturas casi negras: en una de ellas (Letter to

    my Girlfriend), garabatea con p eque os caracteres


    la palabraNeelo(una actriz entonces famosa

    en Paquistn), incomprensible para el pblico eu


    - David Medalla (nacido en Filipinas) llega a Lon


    Gustav Metzger (miembro fundador del

    Comit de

    los ien-escisin de CN D - que organiza manifes

    taciones callejeras y sentadas contra la Bom ba N u

    clear) proclama ante una audiencia congregada en

    South Bank, Londres, su concepto del Arte Auto-

    destructivo, rociando cido sobre grandes lienzos

    tensados que posteriormente se queman y desinte


    Rasheed Araeen, an en Karachi, crea una serie de

    dibujos m inimalistas, a base de lneas trazadas con

    rotulador mediante un movimiento curvilneo y

    vertical de la mano; esta obra seminal se transfor

    mara ms tarde en sus estructuras minimalistas.

    David Medalla crea su prime ra escultura con espu

    ma en P ars.

    David Medalla regresa a Londres y construye una

    serie de esculturas de espuma llamadas mquinas

    de burbujas, seguidas por mqu inas de arena y m

    quinas de barro.

    John Latham comienza sus ceremonias en la Skoob

    Tower, donde se queman ritualmente esculturas

    creadas con libros.

    Rashid Araeen llega a Londres.

    David Medalla publica su

    MMMMMMM Mani-

    fiesto donde propon e una serie de esculturas con

    ceptuales y vivas (en su mayora irrealizables) que

    respiran, transpiran, tosen, ren, bostezan, sonren,

    - Gustav Metzger (born in Germany, son of an

    Orthodox Jewish family, torced to leave Germany due

    to Nazi persecution) issues his First Manifest of Auto-

    Destructive Art in London.

    1960- Iqbal Geoffrey arrives in London, a nd producesa series

    of almost blank paintings: in one p ainting (Letter to

    my Girlfriend) he scribbles in sm all Urdu letters the

    word Neelo (then a famous actress in Pakistn),

    which is incomprehensible to European audience.

    - David Medalla (born in the Philippines) arrives in


    1961- Gustav Metzger (a founding m embe r of the Comm ittee

    of Hund red - a n offshoot of CND - which o rganise

    Street demostrations and sit-ups against the Nuclear

    Bomb) demonstrares, in front of a gathered audience

    at the South Bank, London, his concept of Auto-

    Destructive Art by spraying acid on a large stretched

    canvas which consequently bums and



    Rasheed Araeen, while in Karachi, makes a series of

    minimalist drawings comprising felt-pen lines

    produced by the vertical curvilinear movement of the



    seminal work which is loter transformed into

    his minimalist structures.

    1963-David Medalla makes his first foam sculpture in Paris.

    1964- David Medalla returns to London, and constructs a

    series of foam sculptures called bubble machines,

    followed by sand machines and mud machines.


    John Latham begins his Skoob Tower ceremonies, in

    which sculptures ma de of books are ritually bum t.

    1964- Rasheed Araeen arrives in London.


    David M edalla issues his MMMMMMM... Manifest, in

    which he proposes a series of conceptual and uve (but

    mostly unrealisa ble) sculptures tha t brea the, perspire,

    cough, laugh, yaw n, smirk, wink, pant, dance, walk,


    - Rasheed Araeen conceives a series of minimalist

    sculptures, comprising symmetrically arranged steel

    girders, before the Minimalist movement takes shape

  • 7/21/2019 Conceptualismo Global: Puntos de origen 1950-1980



    hacen guios , jadean, bai lan, caminan, reptan. . .

    - Rasheed Araeen concibe una serie de escul turas

    minimalistas, entre las que figuran vigas de acero

    dispues tas s imtricamente , antes de que e l movi

    m ien to m in im a l i s t a tom e fo rm a y s ea reconoc ido

    en Estados Unidos . En 1966 real iza una serie de

    trabajos basados en celos as (gras) empleadas en

    la cons truccin.

    - Li Yuan Chia (Ch ina) se ins ta la en Inglate rra t r as

    un breve perodo en I ta l ia .

    1966- David Medalla propone la idea de Pueblo Despega-

    ble ,

    presenta do en form a de col lage fotogrfico.

    - Gustav Metzger organiza

    Destruction In Art Sym-

    posium (DAS),

    con la part ic ip acin d e Wolf Vos-


    Ivor Davies , Herm ann Ni t s ch , Yoko Ono y

    John La tham . Com o re su l t ado de l a pe r fo rm ance

    de Nitsch, Metzger es arres tado y declarado culpa

    b le ( jun to con John S ha rkey) , adem s de conden a

    do a paga r una m ul ta .

    1967 - L ia Yuan Chia com ienza a p rodu c i r obras m a nipu -

    lables con objetos imantados ( ta les como crculos ,

    t r i ngu los , e t c . , p in tados o acom paados de fo to

    grafas) , que pueden moverse para crear diferentes

    formas .

    - John Latham, como reaccin a l rechazo ofic ia l

    ante su ins is tencia en la importancia del factor

    t iempo en e l arte , mast ica y reut i l iza un e jemplar

    de la obra Art and Culture , de Greenburg, lo que

    motiva su expuls in de la S t . Mart in ' s School of

    Art , donde daba c lases desde 1965.

    - David Medalla , junto con Paul Keeler y muchos

    de sus amigos m sicos y poetas , inic ia la



    un a confluencia c int ica de explo radores

    mult imedia , ac tuando en lugares pblicos de Lon

    dres , Gra n Bretaa y e l con t inen te . (David Medalla

    y a lgunos m iem br os de l aExploding Galaxy son de

    ten idos por pasea r im prop iam ente ves t idos por

    Kings Road, Londres) .


    Rasheed Araeen enva una propues ta a l Ins t i tute of

    Co ntem pora ry Ar t ( ICA) que subv ie r te l a idea de l

    m in im a l i sm o com o es t ruc tu ras f i j a s co locadas en

    la galera por el artista como declaracin final. La

    and is recognised in the US;foUowed in 1966 by


    series of works bosed on the lattice structures (cranes

    used in constructions.

    - Li Yuan Chia (bom in China) comes to live an d

    work in Eng land, after


    brief period in Italy.

    1966-David Medalla proposes the idea of a Peelable Villag

    presented in the form of


    photo collage.

    - Gustav Metzger organises 'Destruction In Art

    Sympo sium (DAS)' in w hich Wolf Vostell, Ivor Davie

    Hermann Nitsch, Yoko Ono and John Latham take

    part. As a result of Nitsch's performance, Metzger is

    arrested and charged (with John Sharkey) and is fine



    Li Yuan Chia begins to make manipulatable works, i

    which magnetized objects - such as circles, triangles,

    etc., either painted or with photos - can be moved

    around to make different conflgurations.

    - John Latham, as


    reaction to official disapproval

    his stressing the importance of time in art, chews an

    distils the library copy of Greenburg's A rt and Cultur

    which led to his being dismissedfi omSt. Martin's

    School of Art where he began teaching in 1965.

    - David Med alla, together with Paul Keeler an d ma n

    of his poet and musician fnends, initiates the

    Exploding Galaxy -


    kinetic confluence of

    transmedia explorers' - and they all together perform

    in public places in London, Britain and the Continen

    (David Medalla and some members of the Exploding

    Galaxy are arrested for wearing unusual clothes in

    King's Road, London).

    1968- Rasheed Araeen sends a proposal to th e Institute of

    Contem porary Art (ICA) for a work wh ich would

    subvert the idea of minimalism as fixed structures

    placed in the gallery space by the artist as



    stateme nt. The work initially comprises a minim alis

    sculpture, comprising 100 structural cubes (18 x 18

    each) arranged by the artist in 10 x 10 conguration

    and placed on the floor, and then this work is

    continually dismantled and formed into different

  • 7/21/2019 Conceptualismo Global: Puntos de origen 1950-1980


    obra consta inicialmente de una escultura minim a

    lista integrada p or 100 cubos estructurales (45 x 45

    cm) d ispuestos po r el artista en hileras de1 x1 y

    colocados en el suelo, para que el pblico de sman

    tele la obra a su a ntojo y cree diferentes estructuras

    mientras dure la exposicin.

    1969- David Medalla propone el lanzamiento de la Gran

    Muralla China alrededor de la luna, en forma de

    coUage fotogrfico.

    1969-Li Yan

    Chia realiza su segunda exposicin en la Lis-

    son Gallery, que incluye objetos mvilesymanipu

    labas entre los que figura una instalacin formada

    por un columpioyhojas de oto o esparcidas por el



    Rasheed Araeen concibe u na serie de discos acuti

    cos flotantes, que comprende discos del mismo ta

    mao en medidas simtricas (4 x 4), con la inten

    cin de lanzarlos a los ros para que finalmente lle

    guen a los mares y se dispersen po r tod o el planeta.

    1970- 23 de febrero: Rasheed Araeen lanza en compaa

    de algunos amigos los primeros discos flotantes

    (Chakras) en los muelles de Santa Catalina (Lon

    dres) y sigue atentamente su avance diario du rante

    dos semainas; en junio de ese mismo ao cuelga

    cuatro estructuras cbicas de un rbol frente a la

    estacin de Euston; en septiembre lanza 16 discos

    de poliestireno del mismo tamao al ro Sena, en


    1971 - Rasheed Araeen concibe una obra que integra

    grandes discos acuticos con seres humanos de pie

    sobre ellos que flotan por los ocanos del mundo.

    1972- David Medalla y John Dugger exponen en la Sigi

    Krauss Gallery una serpiente p itn viva; ms tarde

    participan en la Docum enta 5 de Kassel. De regre

    so a Londres crean el rtistLiberationFront que

    trabaja activamente en defensa de los trabajadores

    britnicos y del mundo entero; asimismo, realizan

    una exp osicin conjunta en el ICA en protesta co n

    tra la declaracin de laLeyMarcial en Filipinas po r

    parte del presidente Marcos.

    1973-Rasheed A raeen ejecuta or Oluwale(concebida en

    1971) durante una exposicin organizada en la

    structures by the audience every day oftheperiod of

    the exhibition.


    David Medalla proposes sending ofTheGreat Wall of

    China around the Moon, presented in the form ofa


    1969-LiYuan Chia holds his second exhibition at the Lisson

    Gallery, comprising moveable and manipulatable

    objects, including an installation comprising



    and autumn leaves on the floor.

    1969- Rasheed A raeen conceives a series of floating

    waterdiscs, comprising same-size circular discs of

    symmetrical num bers (4 x 4), to be released in rive rs

    with the idea that they will eventually end up in the

    sea and will disperse all around the world.

    1970- February


    Rasheed Araeen performs, with some

    friends, the


    loating of waterdiscs (Chakras) at St.

    Katherine s Docks, London, a nd documents their

    movement every day for two weeks; in June, he also

    hangs 4 cube structures from a tree in front of Euston

    Station; and in September, he releases 16 polystyrene

    equal-size waterdiscs in to the River Seine, Paris.


    Rasheed Araeen conceivesawork comprising large

    waterdiscs, with human beings standing on them and

    floating on water in the occeans oftheworld.

    1972- David Medalla and John Dugger show at Sigi Krauss

    Gallery, in whichalive python is used; and they

    particpate together in Documenta 5, Kassel. On

    retum to London they form the Artist Liberation Front,

    which campaigns in support of


    in Britain and

    abroad; and they also jointly put on an exhibition at

    theICAin protest against Marcos declaration of

    Marshal Law in the Philippines.


    Rasheed Araeen executes For Oluwale (conceived,

    1971) during an exhibition at the Swiss Cottage

    Library, comprising a 4 x 4 ft display board which is

    changed every week for four weeks. The material

    displayed comprises a newspaper clipping about th e

    death of Oluwale,aNigerian, who died as a result of

    plice brutality, a newsletter oftheBlack Panther

  • 7/21/2019 Conceptualismo Global: Puntos de origen 1950-1980


    Swiss Cottage Library. Esta obra consta d e un panel

    de 120X120 cm qu e cambia todas las semanas d u

    rante cuatro semanas. El material exhibido en el

    panel incluye: un recorte de peridico sobre la

    mu erte de Oluwale, un nigeriano que m uri a con

    secuencia de la brutalidad policial; un boletn in

    formativo de los Panteras Negras londinenses,

    don de se muestra la represin policial contra la co

    munidad negra en general; propaganda sobre la

    manifestacin contra la visita a Inglaterra del dic

    tado r fascista p ortug us, etc., etc.

    1974- David Medalla es cofundado r de

    Artistsfor Demo-

    cracy un a extensa organizacin d edicada a ofrecer

    apoyo material y cultural a los movimientos de li

    beracin del mu ndo entero.

    - Rasheed Araeen concibe una obra que consta de

    16 juegos de 16 discos acuticos, pintados por un

    lado de rojo y con la inscripcin Abajo el imp eria

    lismo cultura l por el otro lado; los discos se lanza

    rn a los mares y ocanos simultneamente desde

    16 pases diferentes (en su mayora de frica, Asia

    e Iberoamrica) el mism o da y a la misma hora de

    tal modo que slo se vean los lados rojos flotando

    sobre el agua.


    Artists for Democracy

    se traslada a un squat de

    Whitfield Street, en Lon dres.

    - Rasheed Araeen se une a rtistsforDemocracyy

    crea una obra especial para su festival Victory in

    Vietnatn:un coUage fotogrfico con una especie de

    pintura que alude a la bandera estadounidense (y a

    los cuadros de banderas de Johns) sobre otra ban

    dera vietnam ita cuya estrella incluye una fotografa

    del Vietcong victorioso m archa ndo sobre Saign; a

    continuacin se prende fuego a la bandera supe

    rior, que al quemarse revela lentamente la bandera

    vietnam ita, que est debajo. El proceso de creacin

    de la bandera estadounidense, su quem a y cmo

    va revelando poco a poco lo que intentaba supri

    mir, se doc um enta en una secuencia de 16 fotogra

    fas en blanco y negro.

    - Rasheed Araeen lanza (con ayuda del poeta Mah -

    Movement' in London, showing plice violence

    against black people in general, publicity material

    about the public demo ag ainst the official visit to

    Englond of Portugal s fascist dictator, etc. etc.

    1974- David Medalla co-founds 'Artist for Democracy',


    broad organisation dedicated to 'giving material and

    cultural support to liberation movements woridwide

    - Rasheed Araeen conceives a work comprising 16 s

    of 6waterdiscs, painted on one side red and the ot

    with the w ords 'Down with Cultural Im perialism', to

    be released into the seas or oceans simultaneously

    from 16 different countries (mostly from frica, Asia

    and Latin America) at the same time and on the sam

    doy in such a way that only the red sides are seen

    floating on the water.

    1975-'Artist for Democracy' moves into a squat in Whitfiel

    Sfreet, London.

    - Rasheed Araeen joins 'Artists for Democracy' and

    make a special work for its 'Victory in Vietnam'

    festival: a photocollage produced by placing a sort o

    painting alluding to the Am erican 'flag' (referencing

    Johnsflagpaintings) over a painted Vietnamese fla

    whose star includes a photo of victorious Vietcong

    entering Siagon; the top 'flag' is then set



    bum ing to reveal the emerging Vietnamese 'flag'

    und eme ath. The whole process of moking American

    'flag' painting, the buming and revealing what it tri

    to suppress, is documented in a sequence of 6bficw


    - Rasheed Araeen begins writing 'Preliminary Notes

    for a


    MANIFEST',aconceptual art work in

    which the readers are invited to participte. The fin

    versin is completed a t the end of 1976.


    The premises of 'Artist for Democracy' are closed dow

    Itsfinalactivities include Rasheed Araeen's 'Paki

    Bastard' performance an d D avid M edalla's

    participation work 'Eskimo Carver.'

    1978-Rasheed Araeen launches (with the help of poet

    Mahmood Jamal) the art magazine



  • 7/21/2019 Conceptualismo Global: Puntos de origen 1950-1980


    mo od Jamal) la revista de arte



    de publica su

    M anifiesto Negro,

    texto que formula

    y propone una nueva concepcin del arte interna

    cional ms all de la dom inacin de Europa y Esta

    dos Unidos y del monopolio de su discurso y su

    historiografa, que excluye a todos los artistas que

    no sean blancos y europeos, aun cuando vivan y

    trabajen en las metrp olis occidentales;


    to Negro se publica tambin en Studio Internatio

    nal ;

    Black Phoenix

    cierra despus de sacar 3 n


    1982- Rasheed Araeen lanza

    Third Text

    como resurrec

    cin y continuacin de

    B lack Phoenix,

    un trabajo

    de arte conceptual enelque invita a participa r a to

    dos aquellos interesados en el debate sobre el dis

    curso artstico que va ms all del mo dern ism o eu-

    rocntrico, a la vista del proceso histrico de des

    colonizacin del mun do y como parte de ste.


    Rasheed Araeen desafa la visin establecida de la

    historia del arte en Gran Bretaa tras la Segunda

    Guerra Mundial en su muestra

    The Other Story,

    que se expone en la Hayv^ard Gallery de Londres

    entre noviembre de


    y febrero de


    y mues

    tra la con tribucin de los artistas afroasiticos a la

    corriente mayoritaria. La exposicin es denostada

    por la mayora de los crticos de arte (blancos), y

    sus revelaciones siguen siendo ignoradas por los

    comisarios y los historiadores del arte.

    1999- Rasheed Araeen compila u na crono loga de la his

    toria silenciada del arte de vanguardia y co nceptual

    en Gran Bretaa tras la Segunda Guerra Mundial.

    NOTA: Incluimos en esta cronologa a John Latham, aunque hoy es

    un miembro reconocido de la vanguardia britnica, porque an no

    goza del debido reconocimiento. Gustav Metzger ha sido ignorado

    hasta muy recientem ente, y todava espera el mom ento de entrar en la

    historia oficial. Ambos artistas han sido excluidos, junto con todos los

    dems men cionados en esta cronologa, de la muestraConceptualismo

    lobal Puntos de origen. 1950-1980, Queens Museum of Art, Nueva


    which he publishes . . . Black Manifest which

    formulotes and proposes a new concept of

    intemational ar t beyond the (s t i l l ) prevail ing

    European-Nor th Amer ican domina t ion and monopoly

    of i ts disecarse and his toriography from wrhich those

    who are not white-European art is ts are excluded even

    whe n they Uve an d work within the W estern

    metrpolis ; ( . . .Black Manifest is a lso published in

    Studio Internat ional) , Black Phoenix is shelved after 3


    1982- Rasheed Araeen begins researching the his tory of the

    work of Afncan and Asian ar t is ts in Bri ta in in order to

    challenge the off lcial his tory of ar t in postwar Bri tain

    from which these ar t is ts were, and continu to be,



    Rasheed Araeen launches Third Text , as the second

    resurrect ion and continuity of Black Phoenix, a

    conceptual ar t work in which he invites al l those who

    are interested in a debate or ar t discourse which gees

    beyond the Eurocentr ici ty of modemism to part ic pate

    in it, in view of and part of the historical process of

    the decolonisat ion of the world.

    1989- Rasheed Araeen challenges the established view of

    history of ar t in postwar Bri ta in by the The Other

    Story exhibi t ion at the Hayward Gallery, London,

    Nov. 1989-Feb. 1990, which shows the contr ibution of

    Afro-Asian ar t is t to the mainstream developments .

    The exhibi t ion is denounced and dismissed by most

    (white) ar t cr i t ics , and i ts revelat ions continu to be

    ignored by art curators and his torians.


    Rasheed Araeen compiles a chronology of the

    suppressed h i s to ry o f avan tga rd i sm and concep tua l

    art in postwar Bri ta in.

    NOTE: We include here John Lath am, a ltho ugh he is now

    recognised as part of the British avantgarde, because he has not

    receved the wide recogniton he deserves. Gustav Metzger has

    been ignored until only recently, but he still have to enter the

    offlcial history. Both of these artists have been excluded, along

    with the rest in the chronology, from Global C onceptualism:

    Points of orign, 1950-198 0 at the Q ueens Mu seum of Art, N.Y.

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