
A new way to think for

Mariana Aguilera V 2 y 3

Para ti maestro. 3

Libros recomendados. 4

Día del Internet 5

Agenda 5

Actividades para hacer en

Familia. 5


Mayo 2017

Colegio Campestre Anglo Hispano

Boletín No 9



El Día de la Madre o Día de las Madres es una festividad que se celebra en honor a las madres en todo el mundo, en diferentes fechas del año según el país. Su origen contemporáneo se remi-tiría al Mother's Friendship Day y las reuniones Mother's Day Meetings organizadas en 1865 o 1868 por Ann Maria Reeves Jarvis, en que las madres se reunían para intercambiar opiniones

sobre distintos temas de actualidad.

El día de las madres en Colombia se festeja el segundo domingo del mes de mayo, fecha en la cual suele celebrarse de igual manera el día de la madre en la mayoría de los países de Latinoa-


¿Qué regalar el día de las madres?

Puedes regalar para el día de la madre un perfume, flores, invitarla a cenar, una serenata o comprarle el detalle que siempre ha querido; pero sin duda alguna el mejor regalo para tu madre en este día va a ser tu amor y tu compañía. Obséquiale un plan ilimi-

tado de abrazos, caricias y mimos sin fecha de caducidad.


The culture of peace consists of values;

attitudes and behaviors that refuse vio-

lence and prevent conflicts by trying to

search the causes to solve problems by

means of dialogue and transaction be-

tween people, cities and countries. And

the humans rights that they are very im-


Culture of peace is a sign of happiness

towards all. We should talk and communi-

cate in a good way and not always judging

us, always respecting ourselves, knowing

the limits and our rights, because happi-

ness is not depend of how long you can

do whatever you want or how many things

you have happiness is based on what you

sow every day, If we want to live in a

world with a culture of peace we should

change and get better with everyone.

Culture of peace means a culture full

of good values, with these we can all

get ahead and just like that make a

better world in which there are no

wars, no hate, no violence, so should

be the world. We must all collaborate

so that the world, in our world is better

and always has peace in all countries.

Also we can define culture of peace

means to live in a place where you feel

alive, without any worry that something

bad can happen to you, it is also to live

happy with yourself and with the other

people, you have to respect others, to

life And that way you will be respected,

so there would be violence and over all

in a culture of peace there must be

good values.

I believe that a culture of peace is the

key to find many agreements and live

in harmony with one's neighbor. This

culture has to be formed from very

young at home and also at school. I

think that if we all focus a little more on

making this culture of peace play a

more important role in our lives, reach

good agreements through dialogue.

I think it's good to inform people about

what a culture of peace mean, be-

cause many people think that peace is

not being in wars but in reality it is

more than that, it is to respect others,

listen to others and say what you think

what you want to think, also respect

the rights of others and their own.

I found it very interesting, because

building not only comes from a single

person, but from a group, from a com-

munity, we have to support ourselves,

so that this world, go forward, and not

fall before the temptations offered by

the world, Build a culture of peace,

they need to respect each other, they

need to respect ideas, to know who

they are, to control themselves, to live

in the image and likeness that God

created us, and to build it we should

not wait for the authorities to begin, we

in our schools , Academies, home, we

can start and give testimony, so that

Mariana Aguilera Vasquez

A new way to think other people follow you, and so

gradually, we have a better future,

and when you realize it is not only

your well-being, but also that of your

neighbor, so we must reflect And

begin to build a culture of peace!

This topic we can discus with a sim-

ple example. Our life, we can see

and discus about how we live with

the other people. But we have to

stop judging other people We have

to stop judging other people without

seeing ourselves first.

Nobody can judge anyone since no-

body is perfect in this world. We

must all have the same respect. I

know it is not easy to live with every-

one, but we have to make a great

effort to be more tolerant of other

people. Tolerance in society is very

important because if we all tolerate it

will see more peace and tranquility

in our society and in our lives.

I believe that its time that we can live

in peace, be respected, and tolerant.

I say that this is the best way of life

for everyone. Who would not like to

live in a world like this? That every-

one loves you, respect you or be

tolerated with you. The only thing I

can say to society is that at least we

have to try to change this world, and

if we can’t do it, we have to try

again, to try until we can change the

world and the coexistence that many

people in this world want.

Página 3 Boletín No 9

I know it's hard to have the whole society

agree, but people who do not think so, but

not all the society will think the same that

you so you have to let me know so I can

do something about it, do not look for the

easiest way to solve problems. Look for

the best way.

And many people think that the best way

to solve them is to hurt people in different

ways, but it is not like that, the best way to

solve a problem is by talking with the peo-

ple you do not agree with you. And that

way you will find the solution without hurt-

ing anyone. And if we choose the best

way to solve the problems our solutions

will be better and easier.

I will make that society start to think that

peace in our hearts is good. I want that all

the people of this world be able to see a

person and feel that we can appreciate

those people.

To promote peace in our hearts, I would

make meetings with my Neighbors then

with more and more people, to make them

to start thinking that, love and respect

everyone is not bad. But also we can’t tell

everybody about our personal life.

We don’t want that Colombia, our coun-

try that give us food, love and too much

things, finish fighting with other country.

The only thing that we want to our

country is that we can live in peace with

all the countries. If we have a misunder-

standing with another country we have

to discus, negotiate until we have a

conclusion that beneficiate both coun-


A culture of peace is how social harmo-

ny prevails based on the principle of

equality versus rights and respect for

the least favored.

The culture of peace always starts

always in the family parents must be

the promoters of their children not

the teachers of the schools in which

they enroll their children.

I believe that the culture of peace is a

union of people who get along well that

there are no fights or brutalities in short

all people, whether they are children or

adults, we should put a grain of sand so

that in the world we live in today is bet-

ter But always thinking about the future

for our children or granddaughters so

that each person should promote peace.

In a culture of peace. There is also

equality and human rights can be ful-

filled. We must start living in a culture of

peace in school respecting us.

Living like this we will live more joyful,

with repeated, tolerant, love and peace.

So the conclution of this article is

that society have to avoid those stu-

pid problems, that if we do not know

how to solve by them, those prob-

lems will be bigger and bigger and

when we have problems that big we

do not know how solve it we need of

the others to helps us and I think it’s

better solve it by our own.



Maestro Día tras día me das tus enseñanzas

Parte de tu valioso tiempo

Confías en mi aprendizaje

Cómo pagar tanto amor y sacrificio.

Felicidades a todos los maestros y maes-

tras que conforman nuestra familia Anglo

Hispana y que día a día se esfuerzan por

encender esa llama en nuestros estudian-


Libros recomendados

En algún lugar de un libro hay una

frase esperándonos, para darle un

sentido a nuestra existencia. Mi-

guel de Cervantes

Todos para uno y uno para todos Autor: Brigitte Weninger El ratón Melitón empieza un via-je para conocer mundo. Por el camino se encuentra al resto de animales, al topo, la rana, el erizo y el gorrión que se unen a Melitón en su aventura. Todos ponen en común sus habilida-des, llegan a la conclusión de la importancia de aceptar a cada uno como es, deciden ayudarse y entre todos consiguen alcanzar sus sueños.

Cubrelunas Autor: Eric Puybaret Nino es el nuevo encargado de tapar la luna con su gran man-to para que veamos cada no-che una luna distinta que cam-bia de su tamaño. Para poder desempeñar su trabajo le en-tregan una pastilla que le ayu-dará a llegar hasta la luna. Pero Nino pierde su pastilla y no sabe como hacer para po-der llegar hasta la luna. Uno a uno todos los habitantes del pueblo intentarán ayudarlo. ¿Será que Nino alcanzará la luna?

La alegría de querer

Autor: Jairo Aníbal Niño Éste es un libro lleno de encan-to y sabiduría, donde los niños y su sencilla visión de la vida, su candor y su humor, son la inspiración para este autor co-lombiano, que nos recuerda la felicidad del amor. Logra tras-cender de una manera original los conceptos de este senti-miento, forjados a través del tiempo y los medios de comuni-cación y le transmiten una fres-cura completamente nueva y transparente.

Robinson Crusoe

Autor: Daniel Defoe.

Cuenta la historia del jo-ven Robinson Crusoe que, desobedeciendo los deseos de su padre, embarca en un largo viaje como marinero a bordo de un barco de nego-cios. Pero una gran tormenta abate el barco en el que viaja-ba, naufragando a una isla deshabitada cerca de Vene-zuela. Solo y sin medio de escapar, pasarán sus aventu-ras en la isla en la que perma-nece durante 28 años.

La Tregua

Autor: Mario Benedetti Martín Santomé, viudo con tres hijos, en las vísperas de su jubilación comienza a registrar en un diario su vida gris y sin relieve. La vida cotidiana de la rutina en la oficina y la de un hogar desunido y crispado se ve-rán alteradas cuando irrum-pe en su rutina la joven Lau-ra Avellaneda, su nueva empleada.

Actividades Especiales en el mes de mayo

[email protected]

Visita la Biblioteca infantil y juvenil de Comfandi y disfruta de sus bellos y cómo-dos espacios con tu familia.

una hora del día en que las pala-bras se vuelan de los libros y llegan a la voz del narrador,

este es el momento para escuchar de viva voz relatos para toda la familia Comicteca - ludo Todos los sábados 1:30 p.m. a 4:30 p.m. Un espacio de esparcimiento, desafío y competencia para los juegos de mesa inspirados en el mundo del manga (Vanguard, Gaia, Yugi Oh, Rol, etc.) Centro Cultural Comfandi Nelson Garcés Vernaza Calle 8 # 6-2 Teléfono: 334 0000 ext. 1303, 1312, 1314

Sala Infantil y Juvenil Biblioteca De-partamental Un lugar para vivir la maravillosa aventu-ra de la lectura, y para disfrutar momen-tos creativos con talleres artísticos y actividades lúdicas. El mundo de los libros al alcance de los niños y sus familias. Teléfono: 6200405 Email: [email protected] Horario: Lunes a sábado de 9:00 A.M. a 7:00 P.M. Domingos y Festivos de 10:00 A.M. a 3:00 P.M.

CAMPEONATO NACIONAL DE ESCA-LADA Lugar: Rocódromo Mundialista, Unidad Deportiva Alberto Galindo Hora: 8:00 am a 8:00 pm

Ballet de Montecar-lo (Principado de Mónaco) 30 y 31 de mayo Teatro Jorge Isaacs

Actividades para hacer en Familia

Durante este mes del mayo, los estudiantes del Colegio Campestre Anglo Hispano, se preparan para diferentes actividades, las cuales son muy importantes. Estas actividades son: Semana Cultural - Mayo 02 al 05 Feria Empresarial - Mayo 06 Presentación Artística - Mayo 27 Esperamos contar con su valioso apoyo pues de esta manera el desarrollo de cada una de las actividades propuestas será mejor que el esperado.

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