  • 5/22/2018 Bienvenido Al Sistema Vocatic Mayo


    Barcelona - Mayo 2013

    Bienvenido al Sistema Vocatic Nivel 1:


  • 5/22/2018 Bienvenido Al Sistema Vocatic Mayo


    Mapa del curso 2013

    Clase 1 60 palabras

    Presente continuo

    Resolucin de los conflictos

    Clase 2 60 palabras IKEA y el consumismo

    Clase 3 60 palabras

    Futuro con go


    Clase 4 60 palabras Puedes cambiar tu vida?

    Clase 5 60 palabras

    Pasado continuo

    Cmo elegir una esposa

    Clase 6 60 palabras La homosexualidad es antinatural?

    Clase 7 60 palabras

    Presente simple

    Las Famosas

    Clase 8 60 palabras El significado de los sueos

    Clase 9 60 palabras

    Pasado simple

    Cmo ser ms atractivo y listo

    Clase 10 60 palabras El simbolismo estadounidense

    Clase 11 60 palabras

    Presente perfecto

    Viajar por el espacio la realidad

    Clase 12 60 palabras Ser padre

    Clase 13 60 palabras

    P. P. continuo

    Como sobrevivir al fin de una relacin

    Clase 14 60 palabras Las drogas

    Clase 15 60 palabras

    Futuro con will

    La religin

    Clase 16 60 palabras La pornografa y el declive de la civilizacin

    Clase 17 60 palabras


    Los celos

    Clase 18 Repaso iPhone no tan smart!

    Clase 19 Repaso


    La integridad

    Clase 20 Repaso Todo es estrategia

  • 5/22/2018 Bienvenido Al Sistema Vocatic Mayo



    Tu profesor, Rokeby Lynch

    Tu problema no es el

    mtodo el problema eres t.

    Lo primero que voy a decirte, Rookie, es que te olvides de la idea de que el mtodo para aprenderun idioma tiene tanta importancia. Muchos de nuestros estudiantes han hecho un montn decursos, se han suscrito a un montn de pginas webs y han asistido a un montn de escuelas. Suvida lingstica es como la bsqueda del Santo Grial esperando una solucin mgica ya queNINGN MTODO les ha funcionado.

    Rookie, voy a ser sincero contigo: tu problema no es el mtodo el problema eres t.

    En muchos casos, este problema es la dificultad para realizar proyectos que requieren gestin deltiempo, repeticin, y la capacidad de tolerar el aburrimiento tres cualidades necesarias paraaprender un idioma.

    S que normalmente los profesores dicen que aprender un idioma es divertido, pero yo no estoyde acuerdo. Si aprender un idioma fuera divertido, la gente pasara el viernes por la nocheaprendiendo idiomas.

    Diferente es hablar un idioma eso si es divertido sin embargo, para aprender a hablar tienes quepasar por los pasos menos interesantes. Estos pasos la gramtica, memorizar palabras, repetirnormas etc son los que impiden a la gente aprender. Como estos pasos no necesitan inteligenciasino algn tipo de resistencia y determinacin, podemos ver que verdaderamente el factor msimportante no es el mtodo es la fortaleza mental del alumno. Por eso decimos en Vocatic quetu camino es ms psicolgico que lingstico es un reto personal.

    Para realizar este reto voy a pedirte algo que es en contra de la filosofa de Vocatic: voy a pedirteque dejes de pensar.


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    Porque yo tengo todo lo que necesitas para que domines el ingls y el nico que puede fastidiarloeres

    Cuando lleguemos a algunos temas de este curso como la cultura y el desarrollo personal esperoque pienses mucho espero que t desarrolles tus propias ideas pero cuando nos toquen temasde vocabulario, gramtica y cosas aburridas, djamelo a m y haz lo que te diga! Si si, entiendo quela actitud de la gente hoy en da es a mi nadie me dice lo que tengo que hacer pero es simple:t haz lo que te digo y dominars el idioma si no haces lo que te digo NO VAS A APRENDERNUNCA sers un esclavo eterno de tu lengua materna.

    As que, Rookie, tu primera leccin es matricularte con la mentalidad correcta para realizar tu reto.Tienes que dejar de exigir que tus clases sean divertidas y tienes que dejar de pasar tu vidadescargando montones de podcasts, cursos, juegos, mtodos y todo lo que ponga English. Yatenemos en Vocatic los audios, los libros y los profesores que necesitas. En vez de buscar mtodosy escuelas, busca dentro de ti la fuerza mental para seguir este curso hasta el final. Okay, perfecto,nos vemos en la primera clase vocabulario 1a.

    Tutorial 2

    Tu primera misin

    aprende sesenta palabras

    en una semana.

    Hola, me llamo Rokeby Lynch. Mi padre es de Estados Unidos, mi madre de Irlanda, yo nac en

    Inglaterra, vivo en Espaa, y mis hijos van a una escuela catalana y a decir verdad, estoy un poco

    confundido sobre la vida. Sin embargo, una cosa sobre la que no estoy confundido para nada es

    como aprender un idioma.

    Esta certeza proviene de muchos aos de enseanza e investigacin y me ha conducido a entender

    algo muy importante y lo quiero compartir contigo en este tutorial: que el factor ms importante

    de tu listening, de tu speaking y generalmente de tu habilidad para aprender ingls, es el

    vocabulario. Piensa en lo que voy a decir y recuerdalo bien.

    Un idioma consiste en palabras y si t no sabes estas palabras no sabes este idioma.

    En Vocatic hacemos cursos residenciales que se llaman inmersin bsicamente nos vamos a un

    hotel en el campo y comemos demasiado, bebemos demasiado, pero lo ms importante

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    hablamos ingls todo el tiempo. El mes pasado fui con unos ejecutivos y una mujer queria aprender

    ingles americano porque tena un cliente de los Estados Unidos y no poda entenderle. Ella me

    explico esto en un ingls muy bsico y yo tuve que decirle la verdad. Que su problema no era con

    el ingls americano sino con el ingls en general. y punto. Ella no saba las palabras

    fundamentales del idioma en el que el cliente le estaba hablando claro. no poda entenderle ni

    hablarle. En pocas palabras. Su speaking y listening estaban inhabilitados por una falta de


    Esto suena obvio pero es increble cmo la gente gasta su dinero y tiempo en productos complejos

    para aprender ingls cuando su problema es muy simple no saben suficientes palabras.

    Otra cosa importante es que como el desconocimiento del vocabulario es la fuente de muchos

    problemas, un buen vocabulario es la fuente de mucho xito. Yo he visto ao tras ao que los

    alumnos que se centran desde el principio en adquirir palabras la base fundamento de un idioma

    cogen el resto mucho ms rpido.

    As que, quiero que tengas claro tu prioridad es el vocabulario. Si vienes con un nivel bsico,tienes que aprender las mil palabras ms usadas en ingls. Si vienes con un nivel intermedio, tienes

    que identificar y cazar despiadadamente las palabras que te faltan de las mil ms usadas.

    Tu primera misin Aprende sesenta palabras

    Tu primera misin es iniciar una estrategia clara para asimilar el vocabulario y utilizarla paraaprender sesenta palabras en una semana.

    Cuando veas que eres capaz de hacer progreso verdadero y medible desde la primera semana (en

    este caso aprender 60 palabras) tu motivacin y probabilidad de xito aumentar.

    Abajo tienes las primeras 3 unidades del libro de vocabulario, Wordbank (el audio conpronunciacin est en el archivo zip). 60 palabras en 7 das.

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  • 5/22/2018 Bienvenido Al Sistema Vocatic Mayo


    1 PASO 1 PASO 2


    Lee la siguiente lista de palabras y escucha lapronunciacin (el audio esta en el archivo zip).

    Able ser capaz

    About sobre / acerca de

    Accept aceptar

    Accident accidente

    Actor actor

    Actually de hecho / en realidad

    Add sumar / aadir

    Advert anuncioPASO 2 INSTRUCCIONES

    Utiliza este espacio para memorizar las palabras. Puedes escribirlas varias

    veces en ingls, as como su equivalente en espaol. Hay otros estudiantesque dibujan mind maps (mapas mentales).

    Advice consejo

    Affect afectar

    Account cuenta

    Bank banco

    Card tarjeta

    Cash efectivo

    ocaticRory Lynch 2013

    Cash-point cajero

    Shop tienda

    Shopping las compras

    Cheap barato

    Expensive caro

    Life vida

    Todays word-chain: money!

    Class activities: Speaking Visual Vocabulary. Talk about the

    photo above, identifying and using as many as the words fromtodays list as possible.

    Class activities: Speaking Basic use. Each student has to thinkof a sentence that uses the target word.

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    PASO 3 - Ejemplos y conversacin con Justin(opcional) 1


    Subraya la palabra clave. Responde a las preguntas EN VOZ ALTA, utilizando

    las palabras que acabas de aprender.

    1. Are you able to sing like (como) Pavaroti?2. What is the film Jurrasic Park about?3. Do bars accept credit cards?*4. Whos your favourite actor?5. Am I actually a Russian spy?6. Whats the name of your bank?7. Add 2 and 2.8. What's the most stupid advert on television?9. Give me some advice on love.10.Does alcohol affect your emotions?11.Have you got a Swiss bank account?12.Name two types of card?13.Where is your cash and credit card?14.Whats a cash-point?15.Do you like clothes shops?16.Do you like shopping with women?17.Is it cheap to live in Spain?18.Can mobile telephones cause car accidents? (can = poder)19.Is life expensive in Madrid?20.Do you love life?

    (*Aceptan?) En este caso, dofunciona como verbo auxiliar, no como verbo (hacer).

    PASO 4


    Ahora que has concluido todos los pasos, comprueba que has

    asimilado las palabras. Hay que traducirlas en ingls.









    las compras



    de hecho / en realidad

    sumar / aadir



    ser capaz

    sobre / acerca de




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    2 PASO 1 PASO 2


    ocaticRory Lynch 2013

    Again otra vez

    Against contra

    Ago hace (aos, das, etc.)

    Al l todo

    Al lowed permitido

    Almost casi

    Alone / Only solo / slo*

    Al ready ya

    Also tambin

    Al though aunque


    Agree estar de acuerdo

    Disagree no estar de acuerdo

    Angry enfadado

    Unpleasant desagradable

    Fight pelear / lucharWatch-out cuidado

    Dangerous peligroso

    Help ayudar

    Al l r ight bien

    Al ive vivo

    Solo / slo tiene 2 significados en inglsAlone - solo (solitario, sin compaa) y only(slo, nico).

    1. Yo vivo solo I live alone.2. Slo tengo tres minutos I only have 3 minutes.

    Todays word-chain: disagreement

    Class activities: Speaking Visual Vocabulary. Talk about the photo above,identifying and using as many as the words from todays list as possible.

    Class activit ies: Speaking Basic use. Each student has to think of a sentencethat uses the target word.

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    PASO 3 - Ejemplos y conversacin (opcional) 2

    1. Would you like to go to Disneyland again and again? *te gustara? would = conditional2. Who won* the game Bayern Munich against Barcelona in May 2013? *quin gan?3. What hair-style did you have* fifteen years ago? *tenas?4. Do you like* all the Greek islands? *te gusta?5. Are people allowed to smoke on trains and in restaurants?6. Are you almost a hundred years old?7. Can man live on bread and water alone?8. Are you already tired of English?9. Are you also studying German?10.Although they can't see, do blind people watch television?11. Do you agree that Argentinians talk alot? *ests de acuerdo?12. Do you disagree that Irish men are bad in bed?13.Are you angry today?14. Is smoking unpleasant?15. Is fighting a good form of exercise?16. If someone is about to fall* down a hole*, what do you say? *a punto de caer... agujero17. Is swimming in the sea dangerous?18. Do you help old people to cross the road?19. Is it all right for me to use your car later*?*later ms tarde20. Is Elvis Presley alive?

    PASO 4









    solo / slo




    otra vez


    hace (aos, meses etc)

    estar de acuerdono estar de acuerdo




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    3 PASO 1 PASO 2

    This / That esto/a/e eso/a/e *

    These /Those estos/as esos/as

    Be ser / estar

    Very muy

    Well bien

    Have tener

    Have to tener que

    Must deber (verbo)

    There is / There are hay**

    Where donde

    When cuando

    Who quien


    What qu?** / lo que

    Why por qu

    Which cual

    But pero

    And y

    Or o

    There all / all

    Here aqu

    *Otro significado de that= que:Me dicen que pan es barato They tell me that bread is cheap.

    ** Si hablas de algo en singular se usa There is (theres).Sihablas de algo en plural se usa There are (therere).

    Todays word-chain: Why?

    Class activities: Speaking Visual Vocabulary. Talk about

    the photo above, identifying and using as many as the wordsfrom todays list as possible.

    Class activities: Speaking Basic use.Each student has tothink of a sentence that uses the target word.

    ocaticRory Lynch 2013

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    PASO 3 - Ejemplos y conversacin (opcional) 3

    1. Is this a beautiful classroom?2. Are these your books?3. Are you a clown (payaso)?4. Are you a very rich man?5. Is it true that you can sing very well? (true verdad)6. Have you got two wives? (wives esposas)7. How many times* have you got to go to work tomorrow? (*cuntas veces?)8. Is it true that all pupils in this class must kiss the teachers feet at the end of course?9. Are there more female directors than male in Hollywood?10. Where is Ottawa? Where is Paris? And where is Timbuktu?11. When is Christmas, when is your birthday and when is the weekend?12. Who is the president of Egypt?13. What are you thinking about?14. Why do you live here - in this town / city?15. In which American city is there an Eiffel tower?16. Are you beautiful but stupid?17. Are you half Irish and half Nigerian?18. Do you prefer rice or pasta, or do you like to eat rice and pasta together?19. Is there a Spanish textbook over there on that desk?20. Can you come here and give me fifty Euros?

    PASO 4

    esto/a/e eso/a/e

    estos/as esos/as



    ser / estar


    tener que

    deber (verbo)

    hay (singular) hay (plural)






    por qu



    all / all


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    REPASO con SophieOkay Rookie, utiliza esta hoja para combrobar que sepas las 60palabras.

    This / That

    These / Those





    Have to


    There is / There are















    All owed


    Alone / Only

    Alr eady


    Alt hough

    Agr ee







    All right

    Ali ve






    Actual ly



    Adv ice











  • 5/22/2018 Bienvenido Al Sistema Vocatic Mayo

    14/19 LISTENING

    Perfecto ahora vamos a hacer una clase de

    Listening, Reading y Speaking, y si te has preguntadoporque tenemos msica irlandesa al principio delaudio, es por las races de Vocatic. De los cuatrofundadores de Vocatic, dos son de Irlanda, una deMxico y otra de Espaa.

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    VocaticSemester 1 class 1a


    1a. Conflict Resolution

    1b. Business feuds

    1c. Peloponnesian war


    Conflict Resolution: part 1 Notes & Ideas

    Vocabulario 1a (Unas palabras que vas a escuchar en el listening)

    1 Peaceful:tranquilo

    2 Make sure: asegurar

    3 Such as: tal como

    4 Wrong: incorrecto / no tener razn

    5 Sides: lados

    Ahora es el momento de repetir las palabras de hoy Peaceful: tranquilo, Wrong: incorrecto, Such as:tal como, Make sure: asegurar y Sides: lados. Okay, vamos a escuchar el audio de esta semana, pero

    recuerda, esta clase es slo un mdulo de la experiencia de aprendizaje nica llamada Vocatic. Visita y comienza a mejorar tu carrera, tu cultura general, y tu ingls. Descarga la versin gratuita ...

  • 5/22/2018 Bienvenido Al Sistema Vocatic Mayo


    VOCATIC Intermediate English 1 WWW.VOCATIC.COM RORY LYNCH 2013 2


    Listening Bsico - Harmony: 1b

    Its my opinion that education teaches us many things how to read, how to write, and how to work with

    numbers. However, the one thing our education system doesnt teach us is how to live. A good example

    of something they dont teach you in school that is important for your personal and professional life is

    conflict resolution.

    Divorce, business problems, fights with friends, problems with bosses, our lives are literally full of conflict

    and the way we manage those conflicts is very important for our future. I believe that if everybody learns

    the basics of conflict resolution they will be better parents, children, husbands, wives, bosses, workers

    and in general better people.

    Well, we have approximately three minutes in this podcast, Can I teach you some basic conflict

    resolution? Not really, but I will teach you one thing. You must learn to be more flexible in a conflict and

    accept that often, many of the things you believe to be true in a conflict are not as true as you think. For

    example - many conflicts depend on something that happened or something said, or something agreed

    in the past but the two of you remember what you said differently.

    It has been scientifically demonstrated that most people including you remember what they want:they edit the facts and take what is convenient to their argument and eliminate the rest. This is

    fundamental to conflict resolution because often we are 100% certain that our version of the facts is

    correct. If you know anything about anything, however, you know that humans remember subjectively

    and that in a conflict you are probably not remembering the whole story.

    If you know that and always keep in your mind this important fact about human memory it will help

    you to be more flexible and open in a conflict. Okay, my friends, that all all we have time for but

    remember life is full of conflict and the same way you must learn to navigate words and numbers at

    school, you must learn to navigate life, and conflict resolution is an important part of that. Good bye.

    Listening Intermedio - Harmony: 1b

    In 1977 John Lennon composed Imagine - his classic song about universal peace and a world without

    conflict; and what an appropriate name for the song, because unfortunately a world without conflict can

    only exist in the imagination.

    Conflict is everywhere, and it has permanent consequences; divorce with its effect on husband, wife

    andchildren being the best example. Even if you have a peaceful life, a disagreement can emerge at

    any moment at work or in the family, and often, your friendships, marriage and career, depend on how

    you manage these disagreements.

    So today, lets look at five principles that help both sides in a conflict arrive at a compromise.

    Number 1: Be realistic: Most conflicts are not black and white, right and wrong almost always its

    grey, with right and wrong on both sides. So stop being a fundamentalist.

    Number 2: Be humble (humilde): There have been many times in your life where you were absolutely

    convinced you were right. But later you saw you were wrong. Therefore, you can never be certain that

    this is not the case in your current conflict. So chill out.

    Number 3: Be intelligent: Intelligent people know two scientifically demonstrated phenomena

    selective memory, and cognitive distortion. Basically, people remember what they want, and when

    looking for evidence they only look at the facts that are convenient, and eliminate the rest. This is

    human instinct, therefore you must remember that its impossible you are being truly objective.

  • 5/22/2018 Bienvenido Al Sistema Vocatic Mayo


    VOCATIC Intermediate English 1 WWW.VOCATIC.COM RORY LYNCH 2013 3

    Number 4: Be empathy (empatia): During a conflict you must imagine everything the other person has

    passed through; the circumstances, misfortunes and factors that make them feel what they feel. When

    you see through their eyes you will be ready to compromise.

    Number 5: Be cautious (cauteloso): winning a conflict, whether its a legal action or a schoolboy fight,

    does not end there. The greater your apparent victory the more angry an opponent you leave behind

    you. Human beings love revenge, and if you have humiliated somebody and left them with nothing you

    can guarantee that conflict will return. Always, therefore, make sure both sides leave the fight with


    Okay, thats it. so, taking these five principles together, youre now ready to enter a conflict with the

    right state of mind, which can be summarised as: calm down, open your mind, and get ready to


    However, those five points are all about attitude. In the complete Vocatic seminar on conflict we also

    look at other aspects: behaviour, for example, and the tone of your voice; logistical aspects such as

    never conducting conflicts by e-mail or Wassap; and special cases like toxic people who can never

    resolve anything.

    For the moment, however, thats all we have time for, and all I will say in conclusion is that whatever

    philosophy of conflict resolution you follow make sure you have one. Not having a conflict strategy is

    like fighting in the dark, and is as dangerous for you as it is for those who surround you.

    Ok, me gustara terminar nuestra clase de hoy pidindoles un aporte a los estudiante. Tu tarea de

    escritura esta semana ser visitar nuestra pgina web o nuestra pgina de Facebook

    Vocatic escuela - y que nos cuentes lo que has aprendido en tu vida sobre la resolucin de conflictos.

    Queremos que compartas con los dems estudiantes algn consejo que tengas sobre el tema. Bueno ...

    muchas gracias y nos vemos la semana que viene.

    Listening questions

    1 Why is imagine an appropriate name for the song?2 What example does Rokeby give of a conflict with permanent consequences?3 What are the favourite colours of a fundamentalist believer in their own argument?4 There is a scientifically demonstrated phenomenon which shows people only choose certain types

    of facts in a conflict. Which facts?

    5 Is e-mail a good medium through which to conduct a conflict?

    Speaking: 1c

    1 All of us have a different persona for different contexts as a parent, as a sportsman, as a boss, as anegotiator. Give the class a brief 1 minute profile of your conflict personality and general conduct in

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    VOCATIC Intermediate English 1 WWW.VOCATIC.COM RORY LYNCH 2013 4


    a conflict. To objectify it, speak in third person about yourself. For example Jennys motto is

    simple shes always right and shell fight to the death rather than accept the contrary etc etc

    2 What were/are the majority of your conflicts about as a teenager with your parents? Can you tell usa specific story? What could both sides have done better to reduce the amount of conflict?

    3 Is physical violence justified in the following circumstances: someone verbally insults and humiliatesyou? Someone verbally insults and humiliates your mum? Your best friend sleeps with your


    4 What do you do if someone jumps in front of you in a queue and refuses to move?5 What are the three most common types of argument between spouses and boy/girlfriends?6 Do you think that relationship counselling can work or that once a relationship is dead its dead? Try

    and give specific reasons.

    7 How is it possible that some conflicts like the Palestinian Israeli problem can go on for so manyyears despite numerous presidents, experts, agreements and interventions? Try to avoid a political

    discussion and refer to each state as State A or State B instead of directly naming Israel.

    8 Why is it that for all of its history Europe was at war, yet there has been no war in Western Europesince the 1940s? What has caused the elimination of armed conflict?

    9 Can you tell us about a serious incidence of conflict in the workplace you have witnessed orexperienced personally? Talk about a previous company if you cannot talk about your current job.

    How was the conflict resolved?

    10 What are the 5 most annoying things people do on Facebook? Is it possible to have a conflict oversomething on Facebook. Do you agree with Rokebys advice that you shouldnt have conflicts by e-

    mail or Wassap? How do you define a toxic person?

    Listening answers1 Because according to Rokeby a world without conflict can only be achieved in our imagination.2 Divorce.3 Black and white.4 Convenient ones.

    En la prxima clase: Spotify, IKEA obsesin, Consumismo, Waterloo.


    60 palabras ms, y nuevos profesores:Sophie Frost y Justin Walters (UK, Canada)

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    VOCATIC Intermediate English 1 WWW.VOCATIC.COM RORY LYNCH 2013 5


    Vamos a cometer un asesino: vas a colaborar?

    Nos vemos en la prxima clase Un abrazo - xoxo.

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