Page 1: *^*2ulr^ 2“ -» *• * - 2«* *2^12 · 2013. 9. 30. · 2. ith regard to r^rtgraph t^o of your letter in quest!on, I hav# to advise th t this institution hz a not e yet applied

**XXXMX 19 ati.nens dtre«t. xxxxxxxx BraaaTottteln.

MW/CT.N i.' • < it

j. V

Bantu Welfare Trust, P.O. Bex 97,JaiAkMiUiUito.

® w Coloa.1 Donaldson,

■ c. • • -'"v ■ *i. : -v _

f e g - < Mfe,

r;.ct>.v: rK/: , ~ r;Uf£AACnr you AFRICANS.


! ! lf,r! . T^ ’ ' ^ r * * 1 “ 00 f*r ti» iwfc «hi.h thi.w i u w w m i d m b aarryin& oa» As th* result of th. Trust's donatieei and

S T L ? importance of th. eerk, th. S Z m U T ^ T t T m m

thiM r w 't * d ^ 1 ! ? •? ; iuffiol#at * • • * * * tte work until fcerch oftion fo r^ eraat ^ yow 1,111 ?iw * fc**«re tout Trust this applica­tion for a grant of £1,000 far th* yi«r April 1948 to Uar»h 1949,


In n6icia,r tills app«al to you I do so in the fins bollof that th. work wpllohod hat justified the expenditure of the sun generously donated W v«ue

Tru.t « * m th.,. th.t th. - ^ ^ ^ 2 2 2 . * S T

*̂*2u lr^ 2“ -»■*• * - 2« * *2 ^ 1 2M **“ * * • **“ * * * • « • * ■ * «n t» i . f«a dM »tU to .11 p n g n u .

T° “ t ? * * * *JU l«*t»r I HI . npart, ilrafa »ub«ltt.d to th*a ...r m » t . of th. « r t M « * U .h * to s .,t « h .r .f 1M T. ______ _ **

C0»» itt .. this report with .o w let , tp p rm l u d h u .r r ..d 4* „ i „

£ « 2 2 2 2 " * r ““ ‘ r 1 <=— » * •■ A ^ n ^ o . T J J T t h . ^ t i L ' ^ '

. u “ r r j * ^ t L i r s 2 5 s 2 **2 : S 2 & . 2 / ~ ; : : . r : / ' £ ; rn“ ,tto the Trust for £1,000. Comalttee hns approved of this approach


4t**«» ? ? ; orK 01 Institute is bolag oerried out not only under the su»er- T1?* * * * » * , f w *U >» out with th. full oollaheratiea of the sltiocai

f alV 0'md*U °a wW<ai burtiHos for 12 ^ t S mt8 ilU rM y .1 .0 with that S the

S T s f f t i 6*1 ^ ^ *,oond*d thr** Aftfiean leaders to H r ,lM ■rs. Whyte sad which purs th. selary of as. ef t h * .*-*•__ . j . ______

in ^itid ^ *? 11,9 contriout^ *° * * w k and in addltiwi 2 . ^ J 2 .uth«*tty « 1 1 W .O ), » t h - .. to

!■* ■ ■ „tTr S 11 ‘M * th.t in addition to the oonsldarablo^ w*rk refltiled in the looal press and its " t’irror" en

Ut^aoy unit coaduoW^ at S e ^ d i « c««*«iitjr Owstre n i sent to tf.U.i.S.C.O. (which net r.owitlv 1*

City) with th. offioial anion d.l.gation. ** Bwieo


I i«Vortant paint in relation to the or«snls»tion of the work 1 . th*

typingeteT*° *f 4frlc*a* for <rmwing up courses, illustmtint.

: Jfa -

taurs sineer.lyl

Quintia whyUACVili;) DlHrCTJeh


A* Ti

Page 2: *^*2ulr^ 2“ -» *• * - 2«* *2^12 · 2013. 9. 30. · 2. ith regard to r^rtgraph t^o of your letter in quest!on, I hav# to advise th t this institution hz a not e yet applied

' rtm^nt of Public £due& tlon fr e v ia e l*! a il^ in ^ s ,

P. 0 . sov IS , C& e To*m.

C.S. 41** 8 /5 /1 ̂ 4? .

pt?y r a u ei'UDvTi a c< u'rav r m w . ensue at the negy:?— * m rm * r - .-TtTUTIOS _______

^he ii#or«it ry for tint on SduatfloB,Ra tional Advi-ory Council for Physical

tl ^n,union ttwifetion ~'sperta*nt,


'ith reference to vour sainute No• £.53/1®, dat*6 F 0 m i 7 | 1 4 7 , I hr vo to s%f t# that * one ye^r course In physlo&l :duect.on for qUflif i^d aeftive mm faaeher# *»s established ct th* Kealfitovn u* tlve Training Institution In ?.£*$. Forty-flv# KAtl▼«* *en Te&chers have su** es ful y *o®»»2«?ted the roars* since thfc t d*te *nrt IB *<r* attending the course thii yes r. It 1# propose* to established a pars'* !»1 ap»*i**i course for fcfttlve -Otsen Teachers at the ss*e In^tliutS n in t§46 if proper ffccillttes ttsn be provided, There »r el so 341 sn rtl stu-lent Te*eher», high school

48/ or*at1*lag vol'll pupils -hfe *111 h v* to us® ny uch f cl* lt :» * .

■k% f- r ,»•« I i;a -•■*?-re, this 1< ■*■'.- only course of lt^ ty * in the Union. As European fee.eher* of physle? 1 &duct»ti a *re not employed and «re not ff*rlng thwaselves for ♦‘siyloysient in Sj tlve Soho-le, apart from h few T£*f chera* training Institution*, this Um^rtaeiit is completely dependent on the prodact* o? the Healdtcvn Course for providing physlosl • dilution to itetive School* throughout the Cap* °ro*i*ee* Other Kduc Uon#l

uthoritie* Inaide «nd outside the Union, have ale* eaoloyed stu~>nt8 vho have reeeived their training by atte ding this course. The syllabus follo^d ep roxlsfct-s as closely * • is nrotieable the »p roprlate eyllabu* lei'* do^n by the Rational Advisory Counoil for ohyslcel Education and the Instrucion given he* been very effective.

Unfortunately th# eirifitlng "hyaicel Eduey tior, faci itie* at H#eldtO'<n are d»plorabl«. iM # g to the thorns ^hleh ara oontlna# 1: y being nicked up by the bere-footee! children,the pi. ylng fields ran not be used for ,:ywn&8tics anl thr * orarworkad gr»»» l^wna have to be used by 1219 pupils and student* ^hen the *«« • er siloes. One of these Uwns

b en fit #d up with liOil mi<1* bare which «re hi hly prec. ri us ^ '••truBents, A snail elass worn ha* been fit •* rith M K A S t ic a?-;fepatu»

but t>’ ̂ rooa ifi ^truatur-lly un^o nd * nd ffcr too sasll for the purooaa*

a gy»m 9lu», unoffiaif lly »stla* ted to cost £3500, is urgently n« r > ry snd a sviaalng battl is aoless a f*entiAl. Additional expend 11 r*Is required on Kyam#- stic ©p *r tus; n^nd cthletlo equipa-'nt, on playing fields, on an athletic tr* ok ^nd or ten is ^nd nette !1 courts.

( igned) f . da v’o* ^alan.

11 Q,f grdas.;..Uis

Page 3: *^*2ulr^ 2“ -» *• * - 2«* *2^12 · 2013. 9. 30. · 2. ith regard to r^rtgraph t^o of your letter in quest!on, I hav# to advise th t this institution hz a not e yet applied

Union Kcuoetlon l>eo&rt»entNew S'tanflftrd Benk &uil<Hnga

Pretoria.5th June,1P47.

The Secretaries, i .A.Institute of ftace Rel. tlons

P, 0 . flox &7,Johannesburg.

r’#«:r -ir,re Physical Training facilities at Heeldtosm

_________%UfeA<*fr»ry ? n » n w n p a _____________

1 . £lth reference to your let*er of the 3rd January 1P47, I fcttfeeh hereto a copy of a let er receive<i froa the iuperinten ent &em r*l of ’sflucw.t oa , C*pe Provincial <iuoa tion T^e^rt»*»nt, which deals vfully with the points r>‘;ie«<5 by you *nd with which the Nstloiu.l Advisory Council for Physio* 1 fiduoati >n concur*.I el no h»v* to aUte that as the Keaidtor.-. Institution la for educational purposes, under the control of the Cepe Education Deportment, your inquiry w*»s referred to that fcepertwent for its CO", ents.

2. ith regard to r^rtgraph t^o of your letter in quest!on, I hav# to advise th t this institution hz a not e yet applied to the National Advisory Council for Physical £duc*tion for a gr nt to*?, rds the erection of * gyam slum or any other physio*! training *9ellitlea. I f the institution d»slr*s to spt>ly for a gr«nt, It should fol?cw the procedure outlined in paragraph 5 of the enclosed paraphl* which gives the sum ery of the financial and other b benefits to be d#rlv*<* un*er the national physical e'?uc-tl n schese.

3 . It is perhaps necesf^ry to point out that !(s ) ell funds for the eur ant financial yecr b&ve sire/ fly been alloo ted t.nd

(b) a grrnt torcrds fche es of this nhtu^e cannot be B*-de until * building permit hi.s been obtained.

The Council concerned will gladly furnish any inforta* tion which t»ltht be re- ui r*»d.

Your a fe ith fully,Knclst Signed! T&ylor

for secretary for Sduostlon National Council for physical


Page 4: *^*2ulr^ 2“ -» *• * - 2«* *2^12 · 2013. 9. 30. · 2. ith regard to r^rtgraph t^o of your letter in quest!on, I hav# to advise th t this institution hz a not e yet applied







Morning: G-, Edmunds; J . Donalds on. & 3

Afternoon G-.Edmunds; Q,.^hyte; R .Phillips; J.R.Jones; Col D. 5

Corning Cr.Edmunds; J.Donaldson. 2

Afternoon Gr.Edmunds; Gi.Vfayte; R.Phillips; J .R.Jones; Col fl). 5

Kfitntne: Sol Donaldson 1

Afternoon u.Edmunds; Q,.Whyte; R,Phillips; J.R.Jones; Col D. 5

Mornine Col Donaldson; R.V.Thema 2

Afternoon R.Phillips; J.R.Jones; Col Donaldson 3

Morning Col Donaldson. 1

Afternoon G.Edmunds; R.Phillips; J.R.Jones; Col DonaIdson 4

The days most suitable for the Trustees ere Monday, Tuesday end Wednesday of the 1st &2nd weeks of the month at 4 .30 p.m.

3r®jar vfoiyte not available on Monday & ATuesda,y of month,

-̂A.1 -Lba > > t , , , 2nd 3c 3rd Thursdays of month. Mr_Edmunds ,, , , ,, ia6t Friday of month

Page 5: *^*2ulr^ 2“ -» *• * - 2«* *2^12 · 2013. 9. 30. · 2. ith regard to r^rtgraph t^o of your letter in quest!on, I hav# to advise th t this institution hz a not e yet applied

P. 0. Box 97, Johannesburg,

29 th April,194?

Dear Sir,

The monthly meeting of the Bantu Welfare Trust will

be held at 3.30 P.M on Thursday 8th Way 1947 In the Office of

Lt Colonel J.Donaldson D .S .O ., A.B.C.Chambers,Johannesburg.

Yours faithfully*



■*J '



Page 6: *^*2ulr^ 2“ -» *• * - 2«* *2^12 · 2013. 9. 30. · 2. ith regard to r^rtgraph t^o of your letter in quest!on, I hav# to advise th t this institution hz a not e yet applied

P. 0. Box 97,J ohannesburg,

22nd May,1947.

Dear Sir,

The meeting of the Bantu Welfare Trust will be held at 3.30

p.m. on Friday 30th May,1947,in the office of Lt. Colonel J . Donaldson

D. 3. 0 , , A. B. C. Chambers, Johannesburg.

Yours faithfully,


Page 7: *^*2ulr^ 2“ -» *• * - 2«* *2^12 · 2013. 9. 30. · 2. ith regard to r^rtgraph t^o of your letter in quest!on, I hav# to advise th t this institution hz a not e yet applied

The meeting of the Bantu Welfare Trust will be held at 4 .30 p.m. on the 30th June,1947, In the office of Lt. Colonel J.Donaldson D .S .O ., A,B.C.Chambers, Johannesburg.


(Assistant Secretary)

Page 8: *^*2ulr^ 2“ -» *• * - 2«* *2^12 · 2013. 9. 30. · 2. ith regard to r^rtgraph t^o of your letter in quest!on, I hav# to advise th t this institution hz a not e yet applied



A special meeting of the Bantu Welfare Trust will be held in the office of Lt.Colonel J.Donaldson D .S .O . at 11 a.m. on Friday 19th September,1947, to consider the following matter* arising out of discussions of the sub-committee of the Bantu Welfare Trust with the Manager of the Johannesburg municipal N*n-£uropean Affairs Department:-

#A) Formation of a committee of the Trust to cooperate with the municipality for the purpose of building sehools at Moroka-Jabaru.

M(b) To decide upon a grant of £8,000 towards the erection

of the schools,

$e) To determine the method of cooperation with the municipality*

(d) Teachers' salaries.


Page 9: *^*2ulr^ 2“ -» *• * - 2«* *2^12 · 2013. 9. 30. · 2. ith regard to r^rtgraph t^o of your letter in quest!on, I hav# to advise th t this institution hz a not e yet applied


TELEPH ON E 44-3326 P . O . B O X 97


16th June,1947.

Mr Qulntin Whyte, ?. 0. Box 97,

J ohannesburg.

Dear Sir,

At the last meeting of the Bantu Welfare Trust, it was agre that all the Trustees should be asked to submit their suggesting as how, they think, the Trust’ s charities could be given publicity.

It would therefore be appreciated if you coild have your suggestions ready for submission at the next meeting.

^ Ly,



Page 10: *^*2ulr^ 2“ -» *• * - 2«* *2^12 · 2013. 9. 30. · 2. ith regard to r^rtgraph t^o of your letter in quest!on, I hav# to advise th t this institution hz a not e yet applied




Bochuanaland P rotsetorate

3rd December, 1947.

Dr. Ray Phillips*19 ihleanor street,

m wifiv,n lfiim w p i*

Dear Dr* Phillipa,

The very generous offer made by The Bantu flfelfare Trust regarding

finding a competent geologist to exemine and report on th* mineral resources of

this country seems to have made little or no impression on the Beohuanaland

Protectorate Government* I have made many attests to get the Goverment inter*

ested in Colonel Donaldson* s offer but it seems as if the Goverment i»i another

scheme in vie* on the eame work* and it may be considered that Colonel Donaldson*s

suggestions out across their scheme. I personally think that it is a very great

mistake to have let this chance pass*

On the assumption that the suggestion has been turned down* it seems to

■e a great pity that Beohuanaland should not avail Itself of the offer for assist-

anas made by Colonel Donaldson* and ay mind has turned to sens other proposition.

X believe I have* at one time or another* spoken to you about tbs

sscondary school which my Tribe, the Bamangwate* are establishing in Beohuanaland.

This sill be the first and at present the only Sscondary School in the country.

The Immediate capital expenditure for this project was estimated at about £100*000,

but because of our tribal coinnunal effort (free transport of materiala etc. by tri­

bal wagons etc.* as well as free tribal unskilled labour)* it is now estimated to

cost about £55*000. The tribe has raissd the funds unaided by the Goverment and

to-day funds are available to oarry out the project at this figure.

The school is to provids tuition for (a) the full five years secondary

education* (b) advanced domestic science course and (e) full agricultural training,

is are not eatiafied with the elementary courssa given at Fort Cox and her sister

agricultural eehools catering for the African people* for there we find that the trai

ing given only fits those in training to work under the supervision of someone and it

is our sad experience that lads trained at these schools are entirely lost when left

to themsslves. It is , therefore, our desire that the training at this school should

give the type of education which will create in the mind of the etudents the ambition

Page 11: *^*2ulr^ 2“ -» *• * - 2«* *2^12 · 2013. 9. 30. · 2. ith regard to r^rtgraph t^o of your letter in quest!on, I hav# to advise th t this institution hz a not e yet applied

-I 2 l-

to become self-reliant in whatever calling they pursue. The original intention

was to provide at this sohool also the technical and a trades school| but due to

lack of funds it is not possible to make a start on this course of study at this


would the Bantu Welfare Trust consider making a grant towards this pro*

ject> i .e . the establishment of the teohnieal and trades sohool? Such a grant

would be expected to finance the putting up of the buildings» provide equipment

and the maintaining of two instructors * an European and an African assistant.

If there is any likelihood of the Bantu welfare Trust giving serious consideration

to such an application* I could work out details of capital cost including equip­

ment and the maintenance of the two instructors, and submit these for consideration

Such a grant could either be made to the B.P. Government > earmarked for

the "Bamangwato See> ndary Sohool" # or direct to The Bamangwato Tribal Treasury

which is supervised and audited by the Government auditor* In the former case,

the B .P. Government would hand the gffant over to the Bamangwato Tribal Treasury*

Tour views on the above proposal would be greatly appreciated•

/ith personal greetings»

Tours sincerely»

(SOD.) T m m D I KHAMA

Page 12: *^*2ulr^ 2“ -» *• * - 2«* *2^12 · 2013. 9. 30. · 2. ith regard to r^rtgraph t^o of your letter in quest!on, I hav# to advise th t this institution hz a not e yet applied

Collection Number: AD1715


PUBLISHER: Collection Funder:- Atlantic Philanthropies Foundation

Publisher:- Historical Papers Research Archive

Location:- Johannesburg



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