





ATRIO Health Plans PPO / HMO Plan

Directorio de proveedores

Este directorio está en vigencia desde el 27 de Octubre de 2021.

Este directorio presenta una lista de los proveedores de red actuales de ATRIO Health Plan.

Este directorio es para los condados de Douglas, Josephine, Jackson, Marion, Polk y Klamath (con la excepción de los códigos postales 97425, 97731, 97733, 97737 y 97739) en Oregon.

Para acceder al directorio en línea de proveedores de ATRIO Health Plan, puede visitar Si desea realizar preguntas sobre la información que se encuentra en este directorio (copia impresa o en línea), llame a nuestro Departamento de Servicio de atención al cliente al 1-877-672-8620, todos los días de 8 a. m. a 8 p. m. (PST). Los usuarios de teletipo (TTY) deben llamar al 1-800-735-2900.

ATRIO Health Plans posee los planes PPO y HMO D-SNP con un contrato de Medicare. La inscripción en los

Planes de salud ATRIO depende de la renovación del contrato.. Los proveedores fuera de la red/no

contratados no están obligados a tratar a miembros del ATRIO Health Plan, excepto en situaciones de emergencia. Llame al número del Servicio de atención al cliente o consulte la Evidencia de cobertura para obtener más información, incluyendo los costos compartidos que se aplican a los servicios fuera de la red.

Es posible que este documento esté disponible en otros formatos.





Sección 1 - Introducción ................................................................................................................................. iii

Para miembros de PPO Plan ......................................................................................................................... iii

¿Cuál es el área de servicio para ATRIO Health Plans? ............................................................................ iv

¿Cómo busca a los proveedores de ATRIO Health Plans en su área? ....................................................... iv

Para miembros del HMO Plan inscritos en ATRIO Special Needs Plans ........................................................ v

¿Cuál es el área de servicio para ATRIO Health Plans? ............................................................................ vi

¿Cómo busca a los proveedores de ATRIO Health Plans en su área? ....................................................... vi

Sección 2 – Lista de proveedores de la red ................................................................................................... 1

Consulta a proveedor de atención primaria (PCP) ......................................................................................... 1

Especialistas ................................................................................................................................................ 64Hospitales .................................................................................................................................................. 184




Este directorio presenta una lista de los proveedores de red de ATRIO Health Plan. Para obtener información detallada sobre su cobertura de cuidado de salud, consulte su Evidencia de cobertura.

Para los miembros de PPO Plan: Puede recibir los cuidados de un proveedor de la red enumerado en este directorio o de un proveedor fuera de la red. Si consulta a un proveedor fuera de la red para que le brinde cobertura de servicios que no sean de emergencia/servicios de urgencia, sus costos de bolsillo pueden ser mayores que si usa a los proveedores de la red. Existen determinadas reglas para los servicios fuera de la red. Además, no necesita obtener una derivación o autorización previa al recibir atención de proveedores que no son de la red. Sin embargo, antes de obtener un servicio fuera de la red, sugerimos que se ponga en contacto con el Departamento de Servicio de atención al cliente para ver si los servicios que está obteniendo están cubiertos y son médicamente necesarios. Si tiene preguntas sobre si pagaremos algún servicio o atención médica que esté considerando, tiene el derecho a preguntarnos si lo cubrimos antes de recibir el servicio o el cuidado.

Los proveedores de la red enumerados en este directorio aceptan brindarle los servicios de cuidado de salud. Puede ir a cualquiera de las proveedores de la red enumerados en este directorio. Si ha consultado a un proveedor de la red, no es necesario que siga visitando a ese mismo proveedor.

Si bien puede obtener atención de un proveedor que no es de la red, ese proveedor debe ser elegible para participar en Medicare. A excepción de la atención de emergencia, no podemos pagarle a un proveedor que no sea elegible para participar en Medicare. Si recibe atención de un proveedor que no es elegible para participar en Medicare, será responsable de pagar todos los costos por los servicios que reciba. Antes de recibir servicios verifique con su proveedor para confirmar que sea elegible para participar en Medicare.

Los proveedores fuera de la red/no contratados no están obligados a tratar a afiliados de ATRIO Health Plan, excepto en situaciones de emergencia. Para obtener una decisión respecto a si cubriremos un servicio fuera de la red, lo invitamos a que usted o su proveedor nos solicite una determinación previa al servicio antes de recibirlo. Llame a nuestro Departamento de Servicio de atención al cliente al 1-877-672-8620, diariamente de 8 a. m. a 8 p. m. (PST). Los usuarios de TTY/TDD deben llamar al 1-800-735-2900. También puede consultar su Evidencia de cobertura (EOC) para obtener más información, incluyendo los costos compartidos que se aplican a los servicios fuera de la red.

Envío de una factura a un proveedor fuera de la red

Siempre debe solicitar al proveedor que realice una factura para el plan. Si usted paga el monto total en el momento en que recibe atención, debe pedirnos que le reembolsemos nuestra parte del costo. Envíenos la factura junto con la documentación de cualquier pago que haya hecho.

A veces, puede recibir una factura de un proveedor reclamando un pago que usted cree que no debe. Envíenos esta factura, junto con la documentación de cualquier pago que ya haya hecho. Si se le debe algo al proveedor, le pagaremos a él directamente. Si usted ya ha pagado más que su parte del costo por el servicio, determinaremos el monto de su parte y le reembolsaremos nuestra parte del costo.

Consulte la Sección 2 del Capítulo 7 de su Evidencia de cobertura para obtener información sobre lo que debe hacer si recibe una factura o si necesita solicitar un reembolso. O bien, puede llamar a nuestro Departamento de Servicio de atención al cliente al 1-877-672-8620, diariamente de 8 a. m. a 8 p. m. (PST). Los usuarios de TTY/TDD deben llamar al 1-800-735-2900.

Emergencias médicas

“Atención de emergencia:” Nuestro Plan cubre servicios de emergencia, independientemente de que sean suministrados o no por un proveedor contratado de la red. En caso de una emergencia médica, busque ayuda lo más pronto posible. Llame al “911” para solicitar ayuda o diríjase a la sala de emergencias, hospital o centro de atención de urgencias más cercano. Si la necesita, pida una ambulancia. No necesita obtener primero la aprobación o derivación de su Proveedor de atención primaria (PCP, por sus siglas en inglés).



¿Qué se cubre en una emergencia médica?

Una “emergencia médica” se produce cuando cree que su salud está en grave peligro. Algunos ejemplos de emergencia médica pueden ser dolor intenso, una lesión grave, una enfermedad grave o una condición médica que está empeorando. Puede recibir atención médica de emergencia cubierta siempre que lo necesite, en cualquier parte, consultando al proveedor más cercano disponible.

En caso de una emergencia médica:

Solicite ayuda médica lo más rápido posible. Llame al 911 para solicitar ayuda o vaya directamente ala sala de emergencias, hospital o centro de atención de urgencias más cercano.

Lo más pronto posible, usted u otra persona deben ponerse en contacto con ATRIO Health Plansllamando al número que se encuentra en la parte posterior de su tarjeta de membresía. Comuníquesecon ATRIO Health Plans para informar sobre su emergencia dentro de las 48 horas.

Después de que finaliza la emergencia usted tiene derecho a recibir atención de seguimiento para asegurarse de que su afección continúa estable. Nuestro plan cubrirá su atención de seguimiento. Para obtener más información, consulte el Capítulo 3, Sección 3 de la Evidencia de cobertura.

¿Cuál es el área de servicio para ATRIO Health Plans?

Los condados del área de servicio están enumerados a continuación.

Condado de Douglas

Condado de Josephine

Condado de Jackson

Condado de Klamath, solo los siguientes códigos postales: 97601, 97602, 97603, 97604, 97621,97622, 97623, 97624, 97625, 97626, 97627, 97632, 97633, 97634, and 97639

Condado de Marion

Condado de Polk

¿Cómo puede encontrar a los proveedores de ATRIO Health Plan en su área?

El directorio de proveedores enumera a los proveedores de atención primaria, especialistas, hospitales, centros de atención de urgencias, centros de enfermería especializada y servicios de atención médica a domicilio que tienen un acuerdo contractual con ATRIO Health Plans. Están enumerados por condado. Cada condado luego enumera a los proveedores por tipo. También puede buscar a los proveedores por orden alfabético en el índice al final de este Directorio de proveedores.

Si tiene preguntas sobre ATRIO Health Plans o necesita ayuda para seleccionar un PCP, llame a nuestro Departamento de Servicio de atención al cliente al 1-877-672-8620, todos los días de 8 a. m. a 8 p. m. (hora del Pacífico). Los usuarios de teletipo (TTY) deben llamar al 1-800-735-2900. O bien, visitar

Para los miembros de ATRIO HMO PLAN inscritos en ATRIO Special Needs Plans:

Deberá elegir a uno de los proveedores de la red que están enumerados en este directorio para que sea su Proveedor de atención primaria (PCP). Por lo general, debe recibir los servicios de cuidado de salud que brinda su PCP. El término “PCP” se usará a en todo este directorio.

Un PCP es un proveedor que cumple con los requisitos estatales y está capacitado para brindarle la atención médica básica como geriatra, enfermero, proveedor de medicina familiar o medicina interna. Su PCP le brindará la mayor parte de su atención y le ayudará a arreglar o coordinar el resto de los servicios cubiertos que recibe como miembro de nuestro plan. Como miembro de un Plan HMO D-SNP, debe elegir un PCP. Por lo general, debe recibir la cobertura de cuidado de salud que brinda su PCP. Si desea designar, cambiar o si necesita ayuda para buscar un PCP, llame al Departamento de Servicio de atención al cliente de ATRIO al 1-877-672-8620, todos los días de 8 a. m. a 8 p. m. (hora del Pacífico). Los usuarios de teletipo (TTY) deben llamar al 1-800-735-2900.

Es posible que en ocasiones su PCP considere que necesita un tratamiento más especializado. En ese caso, puede recibir una derivación de su PCP para ver a un especialista de la red. Una vez que la derivación de su PCP esté completa, puede programar una cita con el especialista. En la mayoría de los casos, el especialista



o su PCP solicitará cualquier autorización previa necesaria. Sin embargo, es su responsabilidad asegurarseque se haya dado la autorización previa antes de que se le preste cualquier servicio.

Los “proveedores de la red” enumerados en este directorio aceptan brindarle los servicios de su cobertura de salud. Puede ir a cualquiera de las proveedores de la red enumerados en este directorio. Si ha consultado a un proveedor de la red, no es necesario que siga visitando a ese mismo proveedor.

Envío de una factura a un proveedor fuera de la red

Debe usar proveedores de la red excepto en situaciones de emergencia o urgencia o para diálisis renal fuera del área. Si obtiene cuidados de rutina por parte de proveedores fuera de la red, ni Medicare ni ATRIO Health Plans serán responsables por los costos. Siempre debe solicitar al proveedor que realice una factura para el plan. Si usted paga el monto total en el momento en que recibe atención, debe pedirnos que le reembolsemos nuestra parte del costo. Envíenos la factura junto con la documentación de cualquier pago que haya hecho.

A veces, puede recibir una factura de un proveedor reclamando un pago que usted cree que no debe. Envíenos esta factura, junto con la documentación de cualquier pago que ya haya hecho. Si se le debe algo al proveedor, le pagaremos a él directamente. Si usted ya ha pagado más que su parte del costo por el servicio, determinaremos el monto de su parte y le reembolsaremos nuestra parte del costo.

Consulte la Sección 2 del Capítulo 7 de su Evidencia de cobertura para obtener información sobre lo que debe hacer si recibe una factura o si necesita solicitar un reembolso. También puede llamar a nuestro Departamento de Servicio de atención al cliente al 1-877-672-8620, diariamente de 8 a. m. a 8 p. m. (PST). Los usuarios de TTY/TDD deben llamar al 1-800-735-2900.

Emergencias médicas

“Atención de emergencia”. Nuestro Plan cubre servicios de emergencia, independientemente de que sean suministrados o no por un proveedor contratado de la red. En caso de una emergencia médica, busque ayuda lo más pronto posible. Llame al “911” para solicitar ayuda o diríjase a la sala de emergencias, hospital o centro de atención de urgencias más cercano. Si la necesita, pida una ambulancia. No necesita obtener primero la aprobación o derivación de su PCP.

¿Qué se cubre en una emergencia médica?

Una “emergencia médica” se produce cuando cree que su salud está en grave peligro. Algunos ejemplos de emergencia médica pueden ser dolor intenso, una lesión grave, una enfermedad grave o una condición médica que está empeorando. Puede recibir atención médica de emergencia cubierta siempre que lo necesite, en cualquier parte de los Estados Unidos consultando al proveedor más cercano disponible.

En caso de una emergencia médica:

Solicite ayuda médica lo más rápido posible. Llame al 911 para solicitar ayuda o vaya directamente ala sala de emergencias, hospital o centro de atención de urgencias más cercano.

Lo más pronto posible, usted u otra persona deben ponerse en contacto con ATRIO Health Plansllamando al número que se encuentra en la parte posterior de su tarjeta de membresía. Comuníquese con ATRIO Health Plans para informar sobre su emergencia dentro de las 48 horas.

Después de que finaliza la emergencia usted tiene derecho a recibir atención de seguimiento para asegurarse de que su afección continúa estable. Nuestro plan cubrirá su atención de seguimiento. Si recibe su atención de emergencia de proveedores que no son de la red, intentaremos coordinar para que los proveedores de la red se hagan cargo de su atención tan pronto como su condición médica y las circunstancias lo permitan. Para obtener más información, consulte el Capítulo 3, Sección 3 de la Evidencia de cobertura.

¿Cuál es el área de servicio para ATRIO Health Plans?

Los condados del área de servicio están enumerados a continuación.

Condado de Douglas



Condado de Klamath, solo los siguientes códigos postales: 97601, 97602, 97603, 97604, 97621,97622, 97623, 97624, 97625, 97626, 97627, 97632, 97633, 97634, and 97639

Condado de Marion

Condado de Polk

¿Cómo puede encontrar a los proveedores de ATRIO Health Plan en su área?

El directorio de proveedores enumera a los proveedores de atención primaria, especialistas, hospitales, centros de atención de urgencias, centros de enfermería especializada y servicios de atención médica a domicilio que tienen un acuerdo contractual con ATRIO Health Plans. Están enumerados por condado. Cada condado luego enumera a los proveedores por tipo. También puede buscar a los proveedores por orden alfabético en el índice al final de este Directorio de proveedores.

Si tiene preguntas sobre ATRIO Health Plans o necesita ayuda para seleccionar un PCP, llame a nuestro Departamento de Servicio de atención al cliente al 1-877-672-8620, todos los días de 8 a. m. a 8 p. m. (hora del Pacífico). Los usuarios de TTY/TDD deben llamar al 1-800-735-2900. O bien, visitar




Greig, Shandra D, MD*…

Family Medical Group of Molalla

Family Medicine

861 W Main St

Molalla, OR 97038

(503) 829-7374

Ledford, Greta M, FNP*…

Family Medical Group of Molalla

Family Medicine

861 W Main St

Molalla, OR 97038

(503) 829-7374


Andeen, Gabriel K, MD…

OHSU Family Health Center

Family Medicine

51377 SW Old Portland Rd

Scappoose, OR 97056

(503) 418-4222

Atwood, Ashley L, PA…

OHSU Family Health Center

Family Medicine

51377 SW Old Portland Rd

Scappoose, OR 97056

(503) 418-4222

Balsbaugh, Holly J, FNP…

OHSU Family Health Center

Family Medicine

51377 SW Old Portland Rd

Scappoose, OR 97056

(503) 418-4222

Bridges, Aubrey, PA…

OHSU Family Health Center

Family Medicine

51377 SW Old Portland Rd

Scappoose, OR 97056

(503) 418-4222

Brodt, Erik, MD*…

OHSU Family Health Center

Family Medicine

51377 SW Old Portland Rd

Scappoose, OR 97056

(503) 418-4222

Brooks, Emma R, MD…

OHSU Family Health Center

Family Medicine

51377 SW Old Portland Rd

Scappoose, OR 97056

(503) 418-4222

Cantone, Rebecca E, MD…

OHSU Family Health Center

Family Medicine

51377 SW Old Portland Rd

Scappoose, OR 97056

(503) 418-4222

Hatch, Brigit A, MD…

OHSU Family Health Center

Family Medicine, Preventative


51377 SW Old Portland Rd

Scappoose, OR 97056

(503) 418-4222

Michel, Christopher I, PA…

OHSU Family Health Center

Family Medicine

51377 SW Old Portland Rd

Scappoose, OR 97056

(503) 418-4222

Moberly, Richard W, MD…

OHSU Family Health Center

Family Medicine

51377 SW Old Portland Rd

Scappoose, OR 97056

(503) 418-4222

Penner, Ian R, PA…

OHSU Family Health Center

Family Medicine

51377 SW Old Portland Rd

Scappoose, OR 97056

(503) 418-4222

Rugge, John B, MD*…

OHSU Family Health Center

Family Medicine

51377 SW Old Portland Rd

Scappoose, OR 97056

(503) 418-4222

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid

Page 1 of 204




Skariah, Joe M, DO…

OHSU Family Health Center

Family Medicine

51377 SW Old Portland Rd

Scappoose, OR 97056

(503) 418-4222

Wahls, Steven A, MD…

OHSU Family Health Center

Family Medicine

51377 SW Old Portland Rd

Scappoose, OR 97056

(503) 418-4222

Willingham, Jennifer L, MD…

OHSU Family Health Center

Family Medicine

51377 SW Old Portland Rd

Scappoose, OR 97056

(503) 418-4222

Yetter, Michael E, PA…

OHSU Family Health Center

Family Medicine

51377 SW Old Portland Rd

Scappoose, OR 97056

(503) 418-4222


Agsten, Sarah L, DO*…

Family Tree Medical Clinic

Family Medicine

2508 NW Medical Park Dr

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 673-5225

Anderson, Pamela H, DO…

Evergreen Family Medicine and

Women's Clinic - Family


Family Medicine

1937 W Harvard Ave 1st Floor

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 677-7200

Baker, Rola P, MD*…

Rola Baker, MD

Family Medicine

2282 NW Troost St Ste 102

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 440-9128

Bancroft, Clyde T, PA-C…

Evergreen Family Medicine

Family Medicine

2570 NW Edenbower Blvd Ste 100

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 677-7200

Basham, Derwood E, DO…

Cow Creek Health & Wellness


Family Medicine

2589 NW Edenbower Blvd

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 672-8533

Basham, Derwood E, DO…

Cow Creek Health & Wellness


Family Medicine

480 Wartahoo Ln

Canyonville, OR 97417

(541) 839-1345

Beery, Heidi M, MD…

Aviva Health Center - Roseburg

Family Medicine

150 Kenneth Ford Dr

Roseburg, OR 97470

(541) 672-9596

Bigham, Michael A, FNP…

Aviva Health Center - Myrtle


Family Medicine

790 S Main St

Myrtle Creek, OR 97457

(541) 860-4070

Blum, Steven, MD…

Adapt Integrated Health Care:

Primary Care

Internal Medicine

671 SW Main St

Winston, OR 97496

(541) 229-8973

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid

Page 2 of 204




Blumenstein, Beth, MD…

Cow Creek Health & Wellness


Family Medicine

2589 NW Edenbower Blvd

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 672-8533

Blumenstein, Beth, MD…

Cow Creek Health & Wellness


Family Medicine

480 Wartahoo Ln

Canyonville, OR 97417

(541) 839-1345

Bogardus, Kaitlyn E, PA-C…

Evergreen Family Medicine

Family Medicine

2570 NW Edenbower Blvd Ste 100

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 677-7200

Bolduc, Diane, MD*…

White Oak Medical Center

Family Medicine

340 Medical Lp

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 464-5907

Bonds, Brandon W, MD…

Evergreen Family Medicine

Family Medicine

2570 NW Edenbower Blvd Ste 100

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 677-7200

Bons, Donald L, FNP*…

Canyonville Health & Urgent


Family Medicine

115 S Pine St

Canyonville, OR 97417

(541) 839-4211

Briggs, William F, FNP…

Cow Creek Health & Wellness


Family Medicine

2589 NW Edenbower Blvd

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 672-8533

Briggs, William F, FNP…

Cow Creek Health & Wellness


Family Medicine

480 Wartahoo Ln

Canyonville, OR 97417

(541) 839-1345

Brittain, Shelley G, MD…

Evergreen Family Medicine and

Women's Clinic - Family


Internal Medicine

1937 W Harvard Ave 1st Floor

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 677-7200

Capannolo, Cristina, DO*…

Umpqua Health Newton Creek

Family Medicine

3031 NE Stephens St

Roseburg, OR 97470

(541) 229-7038

Choate, Laurance W, MD…

Adapt Integrated Health Care:

Primary Care

Family Medicine

621 W Madrone

Roseburg, OR 97470

(541) 492-4550

Cooksley, Richard E, PA*…

Canyonville Health & Urgent


Family Medicine

115 S Pine St

Canyonville, OR 97417

(541) 839-4211

Dannenhoffer, Robert L, MD*…

Aviva Health Center - Roseburg


150 NE Kenneth Ford Dr

Roseburg, OR 97470

(541) 672-9596

Dauer, Anca M, DO…

Evergreen Family Medicine and

Women's Clinic - Family


Family Medicine

1937 W Harvard Ave 1st Floor

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 677-7200

Dauer, Anca M, DO…

Evergreen Family Medicine

Family Medicine

2570 NW Edenbower Blvd Ste 100

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 677-7200

Dean, Marcy E, FNP…

Adapt Integrated Health Care:

Primary Care

Family Medicine

621 W Madrone

Roseburg, OR 97470

(541) 492-4550

DeOrnellas, Pamela C, FNP…

Aviva Health Center - Newton


Family Medicine

3031 NE Stephens St

Roseburg, OR 97470

(541) 672-9596

Dilcher, Kanani K, MD…

Aviva Health Center - North


Family Medicine

316 West A Ave

Drain, OR 97435

(541) 804-1717

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid

Page 3 of 204




Dudek Dewbre, Suzanne R, FNP…

Adapt Integrated Health Care:

Primary Care

Family Medicine

671 SW Main St

Winston, OR 97496

(541) 229-8973

Engler, Nicole M, FNP…

Evergreen Family Medicine

Family Medicine

2570 NW Edenbower Blvd Ste 100

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 677-7200

Engler, Nicole M, FNP…

Evergreen Family Medicine

Family Medicine

145 NE Broadway St

Myrtle Creek, OR 97457

(541) 677-7200

Epps, Kimbra A, FNP*…

One Peak Medical - Roseburg

Family Medicine

1700 NW Garden Valley Blvd Ste


Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 464-0788

Flynn, Shelli L, MD…

Evergreen Family Medicine

Family Medicine

2570 NW Edenbower Blvd Ste 100

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 677-7200

Frost, Jennifer A, FNP…

One Peak Medical - Roseburg

Family Medicine

1700 NW Garden Valley Blvd Ste


Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 464-0788

Gambill, Jon D, PA*…

Canyonville Health & Urgent


Family Medicine

115 S Pine St

Canyonville, OR 97417

(541) 839-4211

Garner, Amanda J, PA…

Valley Ridge Family Medicine

Family Medicine

2282 NW Troost St Ste 103

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 672-4798

Garwood, Mary C, FNP…

Adapt Integrated Health Care:

Primary Care

Family Medicine

621 W Madrone

Roseburg, OR 97470

(541) 492-4550

Goebel, Scott O, PA-C…

Evergreen Family Medicine

Family Medicine

2570 NW Edenbower Blvd Ste 100

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 677-7200

Graham, Michael F, PA-C…

Evergreen Family Medicine

Family Medicine

2570 NW Edenbower Blvd Ste 100

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 677-7200

Hansen, Aimee, FNP…

Valley Ridge Family Medicine

Family Medicine

2282 NW Troost St Ste 103

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 672-4798

Hebert, Emmanuelle, FNP*…

White Oak Medical Center

Family Medicine

340 Medical Lp

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 464-5907

Hebert, Marie, MD*…

White Oak Medical Center

Family Medicine

340 Medical Lp

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 464-5907

Hebert, Rachel A, FNP*…

White Oak Medical Center

Family Medicine

340 Medical Lp

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 464-5907

Heisel, Nancy J, MD…

Dunes Family Health Care

Family Medicine

620 Ranch Rd

Reedsport, OR 97467

(541) 271-2163

Herscher, F Luke, DO…

Sutherlin Health Clinic

Family Medicine

781 W Central Ave

Sutherlin, OR 97479

(541) 459-0303

Holmes, Heather R, MD*…

Excellence in Women's


Family Medicine

2564 NW Edenbower Blvd Ste 134

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 492-2350

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid

Page 4 of 204




Hoyne, James J, DO…

Umpqua Health Newton Creek

Family Medicine

3031 NE Stephens St

Roseburg, OR 97470

(541) 229-7038

Humphrey, Princess, MD…

Cow Creek Health & Wellness


Family Medicine

2589 NW Edenbower Blvd

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 672-8533

Humphrey, Princess, MD…

Cow Creek Health & Wellness


Family Medicine

480 Wartahoo Ln

Canyonville, OR 97417

(541) 839-1345

Jacques, Robert L, MD…

Lower Umpqua Hospital -

Reedsport Medical Clinic

Internal Medicine

385 Ranch Rd

Reedsport, OR 97467

(541) 271-2119

Jacques, Robert L, MD…

Lower Umpqua Hospital - Dunes

Family Health Care

Internal Medicine

620 Ranch Rd

Reedsport, OR 97467

(541) 271-2163

Jaworski, Gerald A, MD*…

Gerald A. Jaworski, MD

Family Medicine

2282 NW Troost St Ste 101

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 673-0609

Jones, Angela L, MD*…

Angela Jones, MD, PC

Internal Medicine

1813 W. Harvard Ave Ste 427

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 440-6322

Jones, Natalie A, FNP*…

Aviva Health Center - Roseburg


150 NE Kenneth Ford Dr

Roseburg, OR 97470

(541) 672-9596

Jorgensen, Layne S, DO*…

Umpqua Health Newton Creek

Family Medicine

3031 NE Stephens St

Roseburg, OR 97470

(541) 229-7038

Jorgensen, Steven L, DO*…

Umpqua Health Newton Creek

Family Medicine

3031 NE Stephens St

Roseburg, OR 97470

(541) 229-7038

Karim, Alim, MD…

Aviva Health Center - Myrtle


Family Medicine

790 S Main St

Myrtle Creek, OR 97457

(541) 860-4070

Koopman, Deborah A, NP…

Roseburg Clinic

Family Medicine

3369 NE Stephens St Ste 101

Roseburg, OR 97470

(541) 677-8900

Kulacz, Anna, PA-C…

Aviva Health Center - Sutherlin

Family Medicine

123 Ponderosa Dr

Sutherlin, OR 97479

(541) 459-3788

Lamb, Amy M, FNP…

Aviva Health Center - Glide

Family Medicine

20170 N Umpqua Hwy

Glide, OR 97443

(541) 496-3504

Leder, Carl W, PA-C…

Adapt Integrated Health Care:

Primary Care

Family Medicine

621 W Madrone

Roseburg, OR 97470

(541) 492-4550

Lin, Tom J, MD…

Evergreen Family Medicine


Family Medicine

145 NE Broadway

Myrtle Creek, OR 97457

(541) 677-7200

Manson, Jennifer J, FNP*…

Umpqua Health Newton Creek

Family Medicine

3031 NE Stephens St

Roseburg, OR 97470

(541) 229-7038

McAvoy, Jacob D, PA-C…

Adapt Integrated Health Care:

Primary Care

Family Medicine

671 SW Main St

Winston, OR 97496

(541) 229-8973

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid

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Meyer, Skyler S, FNP…

Adapt Integrated Health Care:

Primary Care

Family Medicine

621 W Madrone

Roseburg, OR 97470

(541) 492-4550

Meyers, Dustin J, MD…

Evergreen Family Medicine

Family Medicine

2570 NW Edenbower Blvd Ste 100

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 677-7200

Meyers, Dustin J, MD…

Evergreen Family Medicine


Family Medicine

145 NE Broadway St

Myrtle Creek, OR 97457

(541) 677-7200

Miller, Felisha A, FNP…

Lower Umpqua Hospital - Dunes

Family Health Care

Family Medicine

620 Ranch Rd

Reedsport, OR 97467

(541) 271-2163

Moffett, Natalie A, MD…

Evergreen Family Medicine

Family Medicine

2570 NW Edenbower Blvd Ste 100

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 677-7200

Moffett, Natalie A, MD…

Evergreen Family Medicine

Family Medicine

145 NE Broadway St

Myrtle Creek, OR 97457

(541) 677-7200

Monteiro, Glen D, MD…

Aviva Health Center - Newton


Family Medicine

3031 NE Stephens St

Roseburg, OR 97470

(541) 672-9596

Newsome, Wanda C, NP…

Dunes Family Health Care

Family Medicine

620 Ranch Rd

Reedsport, OR 97467

(541) 271-2163

Nguyen, Dung T, DO…

Dunes Family Health Care

Family Medicine

620 Ranch Rd

Reedsport, OR 97467

(541) 271-2163

Nichols, Michael L, DO…

Evergreen Family Medicine

Family Medicine

2570 NW Edenbower Blvd Ste 100

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 677-7200

Okenye, Emmanuel, DO…

Evergreen Family Medicine and

Women's Clinic - Family


Family Medicine

1937 W Harvard Ave 1st Floor

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 677-7200

Parrish, Britain L, MD…

Evergreen Family Medicine and

Women's Clinic - Family


Family Medicine

1937 W Harvard Ave 1st Floor

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 677-7200

Patterson, David R, MD…

Evergreen Family Medicine

Family Medicine

2570 NW Edenbower Blvd Ste 100

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 677-7200

Phelps, Michelle N, FNP…

One Peak Medical - Roseburg

Family Medicine

1700 NW Garden Valley Blvd Ste


Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 464-0788

Phillips, Mark C, MD*

Mark C. Phillips, MD

Family Medicine

860 N Myrtle Rd

Myrtle Creek, OR 97457

(541) 863-3410

Powell, Timothy J, MD…

Evergreen Family Medicine and

Women's Clinic - Family


Family Medicine

1937 W Harvard Ave 1st Floor

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 677-7200

Richards, Jay J, DO…

Aviva Health Center - Roseburg

Family Medicine

150 NE Kenneth Ford Dr

Roseburg, OR 97470

(541) 672-9596

Richards, Jay J, DO…

Aviva Health Center - Newton


Family Medicine

3031 NE Stephens St

Roseburg, OR 97470

(541) 672-9596

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid

Page 6 of 204




Russell, Jonathan F, PA…

Adapt Integrated Health Care:

Primary Care

Family Medicine

671 SW Main St

Winston, OR 97496

(541) 229-8973

Sargent, Jason R, DO…

Lower Umpqua Hospital - Dunes

Family Health Care

Family Medicine

620 Ranch Rd

Reedsport, OR 97467

(541) 271-2163

Sathianathan, Jairus, MD…

Evergreen Family Medicine and

Women's Clinic - Family


Internal Medicine

1937 W Harvard Ave 1st Floor

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 677-7200

Seals, Christine M, MD*…

Christine Seals, MD

Family Medicine

1813 W Harvard Ave 434

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 957-0111

Seeley, Kody J, DO…

Aviva Health Center - Sutherlin

Family Medicine

123 Ponderosa Dr

Sutherlin, OR 97479

(541) 459-3788

Shaffer, Alex R, PA…

Aviva Health Center - Roseburg

Family Medicine

150 NE Kenneth Ford Dr

Roseburg, OR 97470

(541) 672-9596

Shaffer, Alex R, PA…

Aviva Health Center - Newton


Family Medicine

3031 NE Stephens St

Roseburg, OR 97470

(541) 672-9596

Skinner, Kristina A, FNP…

Evergreen Family Medicine


Family Medicine

145 NE Broadway St

Myrtle Creek, OR 97457

(541) 677-7200

Sperry, Kiersten A, PA-C…

Valley Ridge Family Medicine

Family Medicine

2282 NW Troost St Ste 103

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 672-4798

Stark, Matthew T, PA-C…

Evergreen Family Medicine and

Women's Clinic - Family


Family Medicine

1937 W Harvard Ave 1st Floor

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 677-7200

Stevens, Kimberlly J, FNP*…

Aviva Health Center - Myrtle


Family Medicine

790 S Main St

Myrtle Creek, OR 97457

(541) 860-4070

Suhr, Shannon B, FNP…

Aviva Health Center - Roseburg

Family Medicine

150 NE Kenneth Ford Dr

Roseburg, OR 97470

(541) 672-9596

Thien-Huong, Theresa V, PA…

Umpqua Health Newton Creek

Family Medicine

3031 NE Stephens St

Roseburg, OR 97470

(541) 229-7038

Tiwari, Anandita, MD*…

Canyonville Health & Urgent


Internal Medicine

115 S Pine St

Canyonville, OR 97417

(541) 839-4211

Todd, Rodney E, MD…

Valley Ridge Family Medicine

Family Medicine

2282 NW Troost St Ste 103

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 672-4798

Totoian, Doru A, MD*

Umpqua Internal Medicine

Internal Medicine

2510 NW Edenbower Blvd Ste 176

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 673-2254

Townsend, William B, MD*…

Umpqua Valley Internists

Internal Medicine

1813 W Harvard Ave Ste 423

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 440-6323

Trammell, Shannon D, PA*…

White Oak Medical Center

Family Medicine

340 Medical Lp

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 464-5907

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid

Page 7 of 204




Waller, Jonathan, MD…

Aviva Health Center - Roseburg

Internal Medicine

150 NE Kenneth Ford Dr

Roseburg, OR 97470

(541) 672-9596

Wells, Rachelle L, PNP…

Aviva Health Center - Sutherlin


123 Ponderosa Dr

Sutherlin, OR 97479

(541) 459-3788

Wells, Rachelle L, PNP*…

Aviva Health Center - Roseburg


150 NE Kenneth Ford Dr

Roseburg, OR 97470

(541) 672-9596

Witham, Andrea S, FNP…

One Peak Medical - Roseburg

Family Medicine

1700 NW Garden Valley Blvd Ste


Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 464-0788

Wornstaff, Cynthia L, APRN…

Lower Umpqua Hospital -

Reedsport Medical Clinic

Family Medicine

385 Ranch Rd

Reedsport, OR 97467

(541) 271-2119

Yecha, David A, DO…

Evergreen Family Medicine

Family Medicine

2570 NW Edenbower Blvd Ste 100

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 677-7200

Yecha, Shaina A, DO…

Evergreen Family Medicine

Family Medicine

2570 NW Edenbower Blvd Ste 100

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 677-7200

Zeal, Julia G, FNP*…

Christine Seals, MD

Family Medicine

1813 W Harvard Ave 434

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 957-0111


Absalon, Michael J, MD…

Asante Physician Partners -

Internal Medicine


560 Catalina Dr

Ashland, OR 97520

(541) 201-4800

Adams, Justin R, MD*…

La Clinica del Valle - Wellness


Family Medicine

730 Biddle Rd

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 535-6239

Albert, Martin P, MD…

Rogue Community Health

Family Medicine

900 E Main St

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 773-3863

Amuchastegui, Lucas D, PA-C…

PMG - Central Point

Family Medicine

870 S Front St Ste 200

Central Point, OR 97502

(541) 732-8000

Amuchastegui, Lucas D, PA-C…

PMG - Medford Medical Clinic

Family Medicine

70 Bower Dr

Medford, OR 97501

(541) 734-3430

Anderson, Carie A L, FNP…

Quave Clinic

Family Medicine

701 Golf View Dr

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 494-1111

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid

Page 8 of 204




Anderson, Carie A L, FNP*…

Quave Clinic

Family Medicine

3555 Lear Way

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 494-1111

Andrews, Stacey L, FNP…

La Clinica del Valle - West

Medford Health Center

Family Medicine

1307 W Main St

Medford, OR 97501

(541) 535-6239

Andrews, Stacey L, FNP…

La Clinica del Valle - Acute Care


Family Medicine

616 Market St

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 494-3840

Armstrong, Patricia J, NP*…

Womens Specialty Group

Family Medicine

691 Murphy Rd Ste 232

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 773-3018

Azevedo, Kristopher L, MD…

La Clinica del Valle - Central

Point Health Center

Family Medicine

4940 Hamrick Rd

Central Point, OR 97502

(541) 535-6239

Azevedo, Kristopher L, MD…

Oasis Center of the Rogue Valley

Family Medicine

1025 E Main St Ste 108

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 200-1530

Baker, Benjamin, PA…

Rogue Community Health

Family Medicine

19 Myrtle St

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 773-3863

Baker, Mary J, FNP…

Shady Cove Clinic

Family Medicine

21990 Hwy 62

Shady Cove, OR 97539

(541) 878-2022

Balestreri, Laura E, MD…

Rogue Community Health


1322 E McAndrews Rd 202

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 773-3688

Banowetz, Elizabeth S, MD*…

La Clinica del Valle - Central

Point Health Center

Family Medicine

4940 Hamrick Rd

Central Point, OR 97502

(541) 535-6239

Barnhart, Jasmine B, FNP*…

PMG - Pulmonology

Family Medicine

827 Spring St

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 732-7600

Barnum, Mary E, FNP*…

Groskopp & Ryland

Family Medicine

800 E Main St

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 608-7683

Bartyzal, Consuelo, NP…

Asante Physician Partners

Family Medicine

691 Murphy Rd Ste 107

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 789-6460

Belafsky, Caryn B, MD*…

Family Practice Group


229 W Stewart Ave

Medford, OR 97501

(541) 779-5531

Bismarck, Margaret M, FNP…

Asante Physician Partners

Family Medicine

2859 State St

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 282-6505

Blanche, Robert N, MD…

Asante Physician Partners -

Family Medicine

Family Medicine

628 N Main St

Ashland, OR 97520

(541) 201-4930

Blanche, Robert N, MD…

Asante Physician Partners -

Family Medicine (Talent)

Internal Medicine

49 Talent Ave

Talent, OR 97540

(541) 201-4900

Boles, Deborah J, NP*…

PMG - Medford Family Medicine

Family Medicine

1698 E McAndrews Rd Ste 300

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 732-7950

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid

Page 9 of 204




Bradshaw, Donna, MD…

Asante Physician Partners


560 Catalina Dr

Ashland, OR 97520

(541) 201-4800

Brandenburg, Daniel R, MD…

PMG - Doctors Clinic

Internal Medicine

965 Ellendale Dr

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 732-6000

Braughton, Lori D, FNP…

La Clinica del Valle - West

Medford Health Center

Family Medicine

1307 W Main St

Medford, OR 97501

(541) 535-6239

Brown, Laurel M, PA-C…

La Clinica del Valle - Birch Grove

Health Center

Family Medicine

910 S Central Ave

Medford, OR 97501

(541) 535-6239

Brown, Nathaniel S, FNP…

PMG - Central Point

Family Medicine

870 S Front St Ste 200

Central Point, OR 97502

(541) 732-8000

Brown, Nathaniel S, FNP…

PMG - Medford Medical Clinic

Family Medicine

70 Bower Dr

Medford, OR 97501

(541) 734-3430

Burnham, Shaylyn R, FNP…

Gastroenterology Consultants

Family Medicine

2860 Creekside Cir

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 779-8367

Byers, Dannielle S, NP…

Southern Oregon Wellness Clinic

Family Medicine

547 E Pine Street Ste 101

Central Point, OR 97502

(541) 973-2551

Byers, Dannielle S, NP…

Southern Oregon Wellness Clinic

Family Medicine

2921 Doctors Park Dr

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 973-2551

Byers, John C, FNP…

Asante Physician Partners -

Family Medicine (White City)

Family Medicine

2841 Ave G Ste 100

White City, OR 97503

(541) 826-5252

Carter-Meletich, Lauralyn B, DO…

La Clinica del Valle - Birch Grove

Health Center

Family Medicine

910 S Central Ave

Medford, OR 97501

(541) 535-6239

Castillo, Sherry J, MD…

Asante Physician Partners

Family Medicine

2859 State St Ste 101

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 282-6505

Cathey, Jeremy A, FNP…

Pain Specialists of Southern


Family Medicine

825 Bennett Ave

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 779-5228

Cendejas, Fernando, MD*…

Southern Oregon Internal


Internal Medicine

2900 Doctors Park Dr Ste 200

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 282-2200

Chamberland, Shireen, MD…

PMG - Ashland

Family Medicine

1661 Hwy 99 N Bldg A Ste 100

Ashland, OR 97520

(541) 732-8300

Charles, Marcelin, MD*…

Asante Physician Partners

Family Medicine

691 Murphy Rd Ste 107

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 789-6460

Chatroux, Sylvia S, MD*

Hersey Healthcare

Family Medicine

400 W Hersey St Ste 1

Ashland, OR 97520

(541) 482-7047

Chiedozi, Rosemary O, MD…

Asante Physician Partners

Family Medicine

691 Murphy Rd Ste 107

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 789-6460

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid

Page 10 of 204




Choate, Miriam E, MD…

PMG - Central Point

Family Medicine

870 S Front St Ste 200

Central Point, OR 97502

(541) 732-8000

Church, Kelly E, FNP…

La Clinica del Valle - Birch Grove

Health Center

Family Medicine

910 S Central Ave

Medford, OR 97501

(541) 535-6239

Church, Kelly E, FNP…

La Clinica del Valle - Acute Care


Family Medicine

616 Market St

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 494-3840

Clark, Sheri R, FNP*…

Asante Physician Partners -

Family Medicine

Family Medicine

555 Black Oak Dr

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 789-8000

Collins, Dea N, FNP*…

Family Practice Group

Family Medicine

229 W Stewart Ave

Medford, OR 97501

(541) 779-5531

Copeland, Beverly A, MD…

La Clinica del Valle - Wellness


Family Medicine

730 Biddle Rd

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 535-6239

Cordy, Victoria, MD*…

La Clinica del Valle - Birch Grove

Health Center

Family Medicine

910 S Central Ave

Medford, OR 97501

(541) 535-6239

Cronk, Adrienne W, FNP…

Oasis Center of the Rogue Valley

Family Medicine

1025 E Main St Ste 108

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 200-1530

Crum, Theodore A, MD…

Asante Physician Partners -

Family Medicine Ashland Stone

Internal Medicine

595 N Main St

Ashland, OR 97520

(541) 482-5853

Crum, Theodore A, MD…

Asante Physician Partners -

Family Medicine

Internal Medicine

628 N Main St

Ashland, OR 97520

(541) 201-4930

Cullen, Edward (Clark), MD…

Sunstone Primary Care

Internal Medicine

1910 E Barnett Rd Ste 102

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 727-8972

Dailing, Angela K, FNP*…

Asante Physician Partners

Family Medicine

555 Black Oak Dr

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 789-8000

Dam, Aaron, MD…

PMG - Medford Medical Clinic

Family Medicine

70 Bower Dr

Medford, OR 97501

(541) 734-3430

Davis, Michael A, MD…

PMG - Pediatrics


840 Royal Ave Ste 110

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 732-8370

Day, Travis A, FNP*…

PMG - Medford Medical Clinic

Family Medicine

70 Bower Dr

Medford, OR 97501

(541) 734-3430

Day, Travis A, FNP*…

PMG - Central Point

Family Medicine

870 S Front St Ste 200

Central Point, OR 97502

(541) 732-8000

DeLoa, Angelika, MD…

One Peak Medical - Hillcrest

Family Medicine

3265 Hillcrest Park Dr

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 494-9355

Diaz, Jessica H, MD…

La Clinica del Valle - Wellness


Family Medicine

730 Biddle Rd

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 535-6239

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid

Page 11 of 204




Diggs, Jenna E, MD…

Asante Physician Partners -

Internal Medicine

Family Medicine

560 Catalina Dr

Ashland, OR 97520

(541) 201-4800

Dodd, Kamara M, FNP…

Dodd Integrative Medicine

Family Medicine

597 Normal Avenue

Ashland, OR 97520

(541) 404-4485

Downey, David J, MD…

PMG - Eagle Point

Family Medicine

1332 S Shasta Ave Ste A

Eagle Point, OR 97524

(541) 826-8160

Duane, Leslie C, FNP…

Southern Oregon Wellness Clinic

Family Medicine

2921 Doctors Park Dr

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 973-2551

Dunckel, Phyllis T, MD…

Rogue Community Health

Family Medicine

19 Myrtle St

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 773-3863

Dunn, Rachel M, NP…

Asante Physician Partners -

Family Medicine

Family Medicine

555 Black Oak Dr

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 789-8000

Dunn-Black, Rachel R, MD*…

One Peak Medical - Hillcrest

General Practice

3265 Hillcrest Park Dr

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 494-9355

Farouq, Anika, FNP…

One Peak Medical - Siskiyou

Family Medicine

2655 Siskiyou Blvd

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 304-8008

Farouq, Anika, FNP…

One Peak Medical - Hillcrest

Family Medicine

3265 Hillcrest Park Dr

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 494-9355

Finley, Kathleen S, FNP*…

Shady Cove Clinic

Family Medicine

21990 Hwy 62

Shady Cove, OR 97539

(541) 878-2022

Finley, Kathleen S, FNP…

Bear Creek Clinic

Family Medicine

358 Meadowbrook Dr

Central Point, OR 97502

(541) 423-5832

Follett, Mary Lou, FNP*…

Southern Oregon Wellness Clinic

Family Medicine

2921 Doctors Park Dr

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 973-2551

Follett, Mary Lou, FNP…

Southern Oregon Wellness Clinic

Family Medicine

547 E Pine Street Ste 101

Central Point, OR 97502

(541) 973-2551

Fondell, Nathaniel A, MD…

La Clinica del Valle - Birch Grove

Health Center

Family Medicine

910 S Central Ave

Medford, OR 97501

(541) 535-6239

Ford, Shelby Y, FNP…

PMG - Medford Medical Clinic

Family Medicine

70 Bower Dr

Medford, OR 97501

(541) 734-3430

Frazier-Rice, Tara L, FNP*

Hersey Healthcare

Family Medicine

400 W Hersey St Ste 1

Ashland, OR 97520

(541) 482-7047

Friend, Heather M, FNP…

La Clinica del Valle - Wellness


Family Medicine

730 Biddle Rd

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 494-3800

Frierson, J Alan, MD…

PMG - Pediatrics


840 Royal Ave Ste 110

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 732-8370

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid

Page 12 of 204




Frierson, J Alan, MD…

Rogue Community Health


1322 E McAndrews Rd 202

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 773-3688

Frires, Patrice M, NP…

Hersey Healthcare

Family Medicine

400 W Hersey St Ste 1

Ashland, OR 97520

(541) 482-7047

Gannett, Kristin C, NP…

Asante Physician Partners

Family Medicine

691 Murphy Rd Ste 107

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 789-6460

Garcia, V Paul, FNP…

La Clinica del Valle - Phoenix

Health Center

Family Medicine

3617 S Pacific Hwy

Medford, OR 97501

(541) 535-6239

Giachetti, Andrea M, FNP…

Complete Integrative Care

Family Medicine

3144 State St

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 773-9772

Goemaat, Emily E, FNP…

One Peak Medical - Hillcrest

Family Medicine

3265 Hillcrest Park Dr

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 494-9355

Gramley, Molly M, MD…

PMG - Ashland Internal Medicine

Internal Medicine

1661 Hwy 99 N Bldg A Ste 100

Ashland, OR 97520

(541) 732-8300

Groskopp, Kristine A, DO*…

Groskopp & Ryland

Family Medicine

800 E Main St

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 608-7683

Grunwald, Gregory, DO…

Oregon Internal Medicine

Internal Medicine

2380 W Main St Ste A

Medford, OR 97501

(541) 858-7183

Gunn, Francesca B, NP*…

Stone Medical

Family Medicine,


595 N Main St Ste 2

Ashland, OR 97520

(541) 488-1116

Gurov, Andrean A, MD…

PMG - Doctors Clinic

Internal Medicine

965 Ellendale Dr

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 732-6000

Hagar, Suzin M, MD*…

Asante Physician Partners

Family Medicine

555 Black Oak Dr

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 789-8000

Hasan, Besma M, FNP…

Family Practice Group

Family Medicine

229 W Stewart Ave

Medford, OR 97501

(541) 779-5531

Hazel, Tom D, FNP*…

Talent Clinic

Family Medicine

312 E Main St

Talent, OR 97540

(541) 535-9108

Hecox, Kerri A, MD…

Oasis Center of the Rogue Valley

Family Medicine

1025 E Main St Ste 108

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 200-1530

Heer, Tajinder S, MD…

Rogue Community Health

Family Medicine

19 Myrtle St

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 773-3863

Helman, Edward A, MD*

Edward Helman, MD

Family Medicine

1017 Royal Ave

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 770-5188

Henry, Evelyn, MD…

PMG - Doctors Clinic

Internal Medicine

965 Ellendale Dr

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 732-6000

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid

Page 13 of 204




Henry, Jill A, PA…

Complete Integrative Care

General Practice

3144 State St

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 773-9772

Hibner, Jessie, NP…

Asante Physician Partners

Family Medicine

2859 State St

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 282-6505

Hill, Jennifer B, NP…

Asante Physician Partners

Family Medicine

628 N Main St

Ashland, OR 97520

(541) 201-4930

Hirtle, Samuel A, DO…

PMG - Central Point

Family Medicine

870 S Front St Ste 200

Central Point, OR 97502

(541) 732-8000

Hoagland, Lauri A, FNP*…

La Clinica del Valle - Birch Grove

Health Center

Family Medicine

910 S Central Ave

Medford, OR 97501

(541) 535-6239

Hoering, Cecilea C, FNP…

Shady Cove Clinic

Family Medicine

21990 Hwy 62

Shady Cove, OR 97539

(541) 878-2022

Hogge, Matthew J, FNP…

La Clinica del Valle - Wellness


Family Medicine

730 Biddle Rd

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 535-6239

Honsinger, Patrick H, MD*…

Asante Physician Partners

Family Medicine

49 Talent Ave

Talent, OR 97540

(541) 201-4900

Hughes, Sarah R, FNP…

Elizabeth Institute

Family Medicine

638 N Main St Ste C

Ashland, OR 97520

(541) 708-5433

Hulcy, Jessica B, FNP…

One Peak Medical - Hillcrest

Family Medicine

3265 Hillcrest Park Dr

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 494-9355

Hulcy, Jessica B, FNP…

One Peak Medical - Siskiyou

Family Medicine

2655 Siskiyou Blvd

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 304-8008

Hull, Brandan A, MD…

PMG - Central Point

Family Medicine

870 S Front St Ste 200

Central Point, OR 97502

(541) 732-8000

Husum, William C, MD*…

Southern Oregon Internal


Internal Medicine

2900 Doctors Park Dr Ste 200

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 282-2200

Jimenez, Ernesto, DO…

Asante Physician Partners

Family Medicine

691 Murphy Rd Ste 107

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 789-6460

Johnson, Malia L, NP…

Options for Southern Oregon

Family Medicine

200 Beatty St

Medford, OR 97501

(541) 476-2373

Jolliffe, Grant A, FNP…

PMG - Medford Medical Clinic

Family Medicine

3225 Hillcrest Park Dr

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 734-5700

Jolliffe, Grant A, FNP…

PMG - Medford Medical Clinic

Family Medicine

70 Bower Dr

Medford, OR 97501

(541) 734-3430

Kacho, Amy M, FNP…

Monarque Health and Wellness

Family Medicine

148 E Hersey St

Ashland, OR 97520

(541) 326-4777

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid

Page 14 of 204




Kalina, Sarah A M, FNP…

One Peak Medical - Hillcrest

Family Medicine

3265 Hillcrest Park Dr

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 494-9355

Kalina, Sarah A M, FNP…

One Peak Medical - Siskiyou

Family Medicine

2655 Siskiyou Blvd

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 304-8008

Keene, Carolina Mona,


La Clinica del Valle - Central

Point Health Center


4940 Hamrick Rd

Central Point, OR 97502

(541) 535-6239

Key, Christopher T, PA…

Asante Physician Partners -

Family Medicine (Talent)

Family Medicine

49 Talent Ave

Talent, OR 97540

(541) 201-4900

Kim, Andrew D, MD…

PMG - Doctors Clinic

Internal Medicine

965 Ellendale Dr

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 732-6000

Kinney, Sara B, FNP…

Rogue Community Health

Family Medicine

8385 Division Rd

White City, OR 97503

(541) 826-5853

Klein, Joel B, MD…

Complete Integrative Care

Family Medicine

3144 State St

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 773-9772

Konecne, Cindy A, DO…

Valley Family Practice

Family Medicine

3524 Heathrow Way

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 646-3505

Kordus, Michael J, MD…

Rogue Community Health

Family Medicine

8385 Division Rd

White City, OR 97503

(541) 826-5853

Kozak, Brittany M, FNP…

One Peak Medical - Hillcrest

Family Medicine

3265 Hillcrest Park Dr

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 494-9355

Kozleski, Karen A, FNP…

Valley Family Practice

Family Medicine

3524 Heathrow Way

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 646-3505

Kuhl, Jason M, MD*…

PMG - Medford Family Medicine

Family Medicine

1698 E McAndrews Rd Ste 300

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 732-7950

Kuhl, Karin B, MD…

PMG - Ashland Internal Medicine

Internal Medicine

1661 Hwy 99 N Bldg A Ste 100

Ashland, OR 97520

(541) 732-8300

LaFleur, Kelli A, FNP*…

La Clinica del Valle - Central

Point Health Center

Family Medicine

4940 Hamrick Rd

Central Point, OR 97502

(541) 535-6239

Ledbetter, Denise A, PA-C…

Family Practice Group

Family Medicine

229 W Stewart Ave

Medford, OR 97501

(541) 779-5531

Leggett, Rebecca A, FNP*…

Asante Physician Partners

Family Medicine

2841 Ave G Ste 100

White City, OR 97503

(541) 826-5252

Linden, Dennis H, MD*…

Southern Oregon Internal


Internal Medicine

2900 Doctors Park Dr Ste 200

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 282-2200

Lohrfink, Kathrine, NP…

PMG - Central Point

Family Medicine

870 S Front St Ste 200

Central Point, OR 97502

(541) 732-8000

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid

Page 15 of 204




Lynch, Brandon J, MD…

Oasis Center of the Rogue Valley

Family Medicine

1025 E Main St Ste 108

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 200-1530

Mais, Monica K, FNP…

La Clinica del Valle - Birch Grove

Health Center

Family Medicine

910 S Central Ave

Medford, OR 97501

(541) 535-6239

Margulies, Thomas D, MD*…

Family Practice Group


229 W Stewart Ave

Medford, OR 97501

(541) 779-5531

Matz, Paul D, MD…

Rogue Community Health

Family Medicine

19 Myrtle St

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 773-3863

McMahon, Douglas B, DO*…

Asante Physician Partners

Family Medicine

2841 Ave G Ste 100

White City, OR 97503

(541) 826-5252

McNeal, Travis A, MD…

PMG - Medford Medical Clinic

Internal Medicine

70 Bower Dr

Medford, OR 97501

(541) 734-3430

Melms, Laura A, FNP…

La Clinica del Valle - Wellness


Family Medicine

730 Biddle Rd

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 494-3800

Mendoza, Nicole R, FNP…

Rogue Community Health

Family Medicine

19 Myrtle St

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 773-3863

Michelbrink, Lisa J, MD…

PMG - Medford Family Medicine

Family Medicine

1698 E McAndrews Rd Ste 300

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 732-7950

Michelbrink, Lisa J, MD…

PMG - Medford Family Practice

Family Medicine

827 Spring St

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 732-7600

Min, Sarah K, MD…

PMG - Pediatrics


840 Royal Ave Ste 110

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 732-8370

Miner, Dorothy K, PA-C*…

Stone Medical

Family Medicine

595 N Main St Ste 2

Ashland, OR 97520

(541) 488-1116

Morgan, Christopher, MD*…

Asante Physician Partners

Internal Medicine

2859 State St

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 282-6505

Morningstar, Aja MF, MD

Aja Morningstar, PC

Family Medicine

534 Washington Street

Ashland, OR 97520

(541) 482-2032

Morningstar, Howard W, MD…

Morningstar Healing Arts

Family Medicine

534 Washington St

Ashland, OR 97520

(541) 482-2032

Morris, Lisa S, FNP…

Monarque Health and Wellness

Family Medicine

148 E Hersey St

Ashland, OR 97520

(541) 326-4777

Moss, Jennifer A, FNP*…

Ashland Family Practice, LLC

Family Medicine

935 Siskiyou Blvd

Ashland, OR 97520

(541) 482-2716

Mosser, Cynthia L, FNP…

PMG - Central Point

Family Medicine

870 S Front St Ste 200

Central Point, OR 97502

(541) 732-8000

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid

Page 16 of 204




Mosser, Cynthia L, FNP…

PMG - Medford Family Medicine

Family Medicine

1698 E McAndrews Rd Ste 300

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 732-7950

Muhonen, Timothy J, MD…

PMG - Eagle Point

Family Medicine

1332 S Shasta Ave Ste A

Eagle Point, OR 97524

(541) 826-8160

Munro, Amy J, DO…

PMG - Pediatrics


840 Royal Ave Ste 110

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 732-8370

Murphy, Babbette L, NP…

PMG - Medford Medical Clinic

Family Medicine

70 Bower Dr

Medford, OR 97501

(541) 734-3430

Murphy, Christopher M, MD*…

Southern Oregon Internal


Internal Medicine

2900 Doctors Park Dr Ste 200

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 282-2200

Nawoichik, Jessica D, PNP…

La Clinica del Valle - West

Medford Health Center


1307 W Main St

Medford, OR 97501

(541) 618-1314

Newmann-Lucero, Julie, PA-C…

Family Practice Group

Family Medicine

229 W Stewart Ave

Medford, OR 97501

(541) 779-5531

Newton, Albert H, MD*…

Southern Oregon Internal


Internal Medicine

2900 Doctors Park Dr Ste 200

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 282-2200

Noble, Melissa, DO…

Asante Physician Partners

Family Medicine

628 N Main St

Ashland, OR 97520

(541) 201-4930

Noble, Melissa, DO…

Asante Physician Partners -

Family Medicine (Talent)

Family Medicine

49 Talent Ave

Talent, OR 97540

(541) 201-4900

Norton, Killian D, PA…

Asante Physician Partners

Family Medicine

691 Murphy Rd Ste 107

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 789-6460

Noyes, Monique A, FNP…

Valley Family Practice

Family Medicine

3524 Heathrow Way

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 646-3505

Oddo, Curtis T, MD

PMG - Pediatrics


840 Royal Ave Ste 110

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 732-8370

Ogawa, Stefanie T, MD…

PMG - Pediatrics


840 Royal Ave Ste 110

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 732-8370

Ohlschwager, Julie G, NP…

Asante Physician Partners

Family Medicine

691 Murphy Rd Ste 107

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 789-6460

Olsen, Anna, PA-C…

La Clinica del Valle - Phoenix

Health Center

Family Medicine

3617 S Pacific Hwy

Medford, OR 97501

(541) 535-6239

Olsen, Neil M, MD*…

PMG - Central Point

Family Medicine

870 S Front St Ste 200

Central Point, OR 97502

(541) 732-8000

Osborn, Jamie S, MD…

La Clinica del Valle - West

Medford Health Center

Family Medicine

1307 W Main St

Medford, OR 97501

(541) 618-1314

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid

Page 17 of 204




Overstreet, Carla N, FNP*…

PMG - Central Point

Family Medicine

870 S Front St Ste 200

Central Point, OR 97502

(541) 732-8000

Palm, William H, MD*…

Asante Physician Partners

Family Medicine

691 Murphy Rd Ste 107

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 789-6460

Palomino Vargas, Jorge D, MD…

La Clinica del Valle - Phoenix

Health Center

Family Medicine

3617 S Pacific Hwy

Medford, OR 97501

(541) 535-6239

Parks-Landis, Cynthia A, FNP*…

Ashland Family Practice, LLC

Family Medicine

935 Siskiyou Blvd

Ashland, OR 97520

(541) 482-2716

Payne, Johnny P, FNP…

One Peak Medical - Hillcrest

Family Medicine

3265 Hillcrest Park Dr

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 494-9355

Payne, Johnny P, FNP…

One Peak Medical - Siskiyou

Family Medicine

2655 Siskiyou Blvd

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 304-8008

Peard, Garrett H, MD…

PMG - Medford Medical Clinic

Internal Medicine

3225 Hillcrest Park Dr

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 734-5700

Peterson, Ashley, MD*…

Family Practice Group

Family Medicine

229 W Stewart Ave

Medford, OR 97501

(541) 779-5531

Pippin, Cheryl L, PNP…

Rogue Community Health


1322 E McAndrews Rd 202

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 773-3688

Polidor, Autumn L, MD…

Rogue Community Health

Family Medicine

19 Myrtle St

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 773-3863

Porterfield, Stacey J, DO…

Rogue Community Health

Family Medicine

8385 Division Rd

White City, OR 97503

(541) 826-5853

Potter, Michael L, MD…

PMG - Stewart Meadows

Family Medicine

70 Bower Dr Ste 240

Medford, OR 97501

(541) 732-8790

Powell, William P, DO*…

Stone Medical

Family Medicine, Physical Medicine

& Rehabilitation

595 N Main St Ste 2

Ashland, OR 97520

(541) 488-1116

Preslar, Susan K, NP…

Complete Integrative Care

Family Medicine

3144 State St

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 773-9772

Prestwich, Brian D, MD…

Monarque Health and Wellness

Family Medicine

148 E Hersey St

Ashland, OR 97520

(541) 326-4777

Prestwich, Brian D, MD…

PMG - Medford Medical Clinic

Family Medicine

70 Bower Dr

Medford, OR 97501

(541) 734-3430

Ramoso, Wesley T, MD…

PMG - Medford Medical Clinic

Family Medicine

70 Bower Dr

Medford, OR 97501

(541) 734-3430

Ramoso, Wesley T, MD…

PMG - Medford Medical Clinic

Family Medicine

3225 Hillcrest Park Dr

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 734-5700

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid

Page 18 of 204




Reed, Nathan D, DO…

PMG - Medford Family Medicine

Family Medicine

1698 E McAndrews Rd Ste 300

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 732-7950

Reinhart, Karla A, FNP…

Murphy Creek Wellness

Family Medicine

1600 Delta Waters 105

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 690-1525

Ring, Eric W, MD*…

Family Practice Group

Family Medicine

229 W Stewart Ave

Medford, OR 97501

(541) 779-5531

Robbins, Debra G, PA…

Complete Integrative Care

Family Medicine

3132 State St

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 773-9772

Roberson, Sarah A, FNP*…

Complete Integrative Care

Family Medicine

3132 State St

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 773-9772

Robertson, Donald P, DO*…

Asante Physician Partners

Family Medicine

2841 Ave G Ste 100

White City, OR 97503

(541) 826-5252

Robey, Laura E, FNP…

Rogue Community Health

Family Medicine

8385 Division Rd

White City, OR 97503

(541) 826-5853

Rollins, Jani R, MD*…

Rollins Family Health

Family Medicine

1025 Siskiyou Blvd

Ashland, OR 97520

(541) 488-0873

Romo, Stephanie P, FNP…

One Peak Medical - Hillcrest

Family Medicine

3265 Hillcrest Park Dr

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 494-9355

Romo, Stephanie P, FNP…

One Peak Medical - Siskiyou

Family Medicine

2655 Siskiyou Blvd

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 304-8008

Ross, Scott B, PA…

PMG - Medford Medical Clinic

Family Medicine

70 Bower Dr

Medford, OR 97501

(541) 734-3430

Roth, Nicole Y, MD…

Asante Physician Partners

Family Medicine

560 Catalina Dr

Ashland, OR 97520

(541) 201-4800

Ruppert, Ronald C, DO*…

Asante Physician Partners

Family Medicine

2859 State St Ste 101

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 282-6505

Rushton, Michele C, MD…

Asante Physician Partners

Internal Medicine

691 Murphy Rd Ste 107

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 789-6460

Sager, John L, MD*…

Asante Physician Partners -

Family Medicine Ashland Stone

Family Medicine

595 N Main St

Ashland, OR 97520

(541) 482-5853

Sager, John L, MD…

Asante Physician Partners -

Family Medicine

Family Medicine

628 N Main St

Ashland, OR 97520

(541) 201-4930

Sanders, Rivka A, MD

Rivka Ann Sanders, MD

Family Medicine

540 Catalina Dr

Ashland, OR 97520

(541) 482-0061

Sanderson, Suzanne E, NP…

Monarque Health and Wellness

Family Medicine

148 E Hersey St

Ashland, OR 97520

(541) 326-4777

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid

Page 19 of 204




Sauer, Karen L, MD*…

La Clinica del Valle - Wellness


Family Medicine

730 Biddle Rd

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 535-6239

Scelza, Sharon M, FNP…

Family Practice Group

Family Medicine

229 W Stewart Ave

Medford, OR 97501

(541) 779-5531

Schindler, Leah F, FNP…

La Clinica del Valle - Birch Grove

Health Center

Family Medicine

910 S Central Ave

Medford, OR 97501

(541) 535-6239

Schneider, Melissa A, FNP…

One Peak Medical - Hillcrest

Family Medicine

3265 Hillcrest Park Dr

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 494-9355

Schorran, Erin M, FNP*…

La Clinica del Valle - Central

Point Health Center

Family Medicine

4940 Hamrick Rd

Central Point, OR 97502

(541) 535-6239

Schultz, George E, DO…

PMG - Doctor's Clinic PMMC


Internal Medicine

1698 E McAndrews Rd Ste 170

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 732-6000

Schultz, George E, DO…

PMG - Doctors Clinic

Internal Medicine

965 Ellendale Dr

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 732-6000

Self, Carolyn F, FNP*…

Self Integrative Care

Family Medicine

1630 - B Siskiyou Blvd

Ashland, OR 97520

(541) 482-6777

Sengenberger, Daniel J, DO…

La Clinica del Valle - West

Medford Health Center

Family Medicine

1307 W Main St

Medford, OR 97501

(541) 535-6239

Serafini, Whitney A D, PNP…

PMG - Pediatrics


840 Royal Ave Ste 110

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 732-8370

Serra-Van Brunt, Christelle,


PMG - Medford Medical Clinic

Family Medicine

70 Bower Dr

Medford, OR 97501

(541) 734-3430

Serra-Van Brunt, Christelle,


PMG - Central Point

Family Medicine

870 S Front St Ste 200

Central Point, OR 97502

(541) 732-8000

Shah, Subhechchha, MD*…

PMG - Medford Family Medicine

Family Medicine

1698 E McAndrews Rd Ste 300

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 732-7950

Shearer, E Rachel, FNP…

Rogue Community Health

Family Medicine

8385 Division Rd

White City, OR 97503

(541) 826-5853

Shrader, Ashley N, FNP…

One Peak Medical - Siskiyou

Family Medicine

2655 Siskiyou Blvd

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 304-8008

Shrader, Ashley N, FNP…

One Peak Medical - Hillcrest

Family Medicine

3265 Hillcrest Park Dr

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 494-9355

Siapno, Charisse N, MD…

PMG - Central Point

Internal Medicine

870 S Front St Ste 200

Central Point, OR 97502

(541) 732-8000

Siefring, Mark L, MD…

Asante Physician Partners

Internal Medicine

2859 State St

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 282-6505

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid

Page 20 of 204




Smith, Greg D, NP*…

PMG - Central Point

Family Medicine

870 S Front St Ste 200

Central Point, OR 97502

(541) 732-8000

Smith, Greg D, NP*…

PMG - Medford Medical Clinic

Family Medicine

70 Bower Dr

Medford, OR 97501

(541) 734-3430

Soliman, Jayrus F, MD…

PMG - Doctors Clinic

Internal Medicine

965 Ellendale Dr

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 732-6000

Stanek, Christine, FNP…

Valley Family Practice

Family Medicine

3524 Heathrow Way

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 646-3505

Steinsiek, Jill T, MD…

Asante Physician Partners -

Family Medicine

Family Medicine

555 Black Oak Dr

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 789-8000

Stevenson, Annette K, NP…

Asante Physician Partners -

Internal Medicine

Internal Medicine

560 Catalina Dr

Ashland, OR 97520

(541) 201-4800

Stringer, Kathryn P, FNP…

Medford Women's Clinic

Women's Health

3170 State St

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 864-8900

Strowbridge, Michael J, FNP*…

PMG - Gastroenterology

Family Medicine

1698 E McAndrews Rd Ste 400

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 732-8500

Sturm, Elisabeth A, FNP…

Sunstone Primary Care

Family Medicine

1910 E Barnett Rd Ste 102

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 727-8972

Sue, Adrian, MD*…

Asante Physician Partners -

Family Medicine

Family Medicine

555 Black Oak Dr

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 789-8000

Sweede, Rebecca K, FNP…

PMG - Gastroenterology

Family Medicine

1698 E McAndrews Rd Ste 400

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 732-8500

Taibi, Sita SM, PA-C…

Valley Family Practice

Family Medicine

3524 Heathrow Way

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 646-3505

Teichman, Peter G, MD…

Asante Physician Partners

Family Medicine

2859 State St

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 282-6505

Tenscher, Max E, FNP*…

Talent Clinic

Family Medicine

312 E Main St

Talent, OR 97540

(541) 535-9108

Thompson, Molly R, FNP…

Complete Integrative Care

Family Medicine

3132 State St

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 773-9772

Walker, Donald W, FNP*…

Asante Physician Partners -

Family Medicine Ashland Stone

Family Medicine

595 N Main St

Ashland, OR 97520

(541) 482-5853

Walker, Donald W, FNP

Asante Physician Partners -

Family Medicine

Family Medicine

628 N Main St

Ashland, OR 97520

(541) 201-4930

Walz, Sara E, MD…

PMG - Ashland

Internal Medicine

1661 Hwy 99 N Bldg A Ste 100

Ashland, OR 97520

(541) 732-8300

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid

Page 21 of 204




Walz, Sara E, MD…

PMG - Ashland Internal Medicine

Internal Medicine

1661 Hwy 99 N Bldg A Ste 100

Ashland, OR 97520

(541) 732-8300

Watson, Jarrod J, NP…

PMG - Medford Family Medicine

Family Medicine

1698 E McAndrews Rd Ste 300

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 732-7950

Watts, Amber J, NP…

Southern Oregon Wellness Clinic

Family Medicine

547 E Pine Street Ste 101

Central Point, OR 97502

(541) 973-2551

Webb, Eric S, MD…

PMG - Ashland Internal Medicine

Family Medicine

1661 Hwy 99 N Bldg A Ste 100

Ashland, OR 97520

(541) 732-8300

Wei, John O, MD…

PMG - Ashland Internal Medicine

Internal Medicine

1661 Hwy 99 N Bldg A Ste 100

Ashland, OR 97520

(541) 732-8300

Weiner, Daniel M, DO…

Rogue Community Health

Family Medicine

99 Central Ave

Ashland, OR 97520

(541) 482-9741

Wells, Steven, MD…

Wells Collaborative Health

Family Medicine

534 Washington St

Ashland, OR 97520

(541) 203-0737

Wells, Steven, MD…

Oasis Center of the Rogue Valley

Family Medicine

1025 E Main St Ste 108

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 200-1530

Wendlandt, Tara M, NP…

One Peak Medical - Hillcrest

Family Medicine

3265 Hillcrest Park Dr

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 494-9355

Wilder, Carol J, MD…

PMG - Stewart Meadows

Family Medicine

70 Bower Dr Ste 240

Medford, OR 97501

(541) 732-8790

Wilk, Leonard M, MD*…

Asante Physician Partners

Family Medicine

2841 Ave G Ste 100

White City, OR 97503

(541) 826-5252

Williams, Aaron D, DO…

PMG - Medford Medical Clinic

Family Medicine, Sports Medicine

70 Bower Dr

Medford, OR 97501

(541) 734-3430

Williams, Aaron D, DO…

PMG - Stewart Meadows

Family Medicine, Sports Medicine

70 Bower Dr Ste 240

Medford, OR 97501

(541) 732-8790

Wilson, Scott E, NP…

Valley Family Practice

Family Medicine

3524 Heathrow Way

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 646-3505

Winter, Todd A, MD…

PMG - Medford Medical Clinic

Internal Medicine

70 Bower Dr

Medford, OR 97501

(541) 734-3430

Wizes, Veronica R, FNP…

PMG - Medford Hospitalists

Family Medicine

1111 Crater Lake Ave

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 732-5545

Woods, Kristin D, PA…

PMG - Central Point

Family Medicine

870 S Front St Ste 200

Central Point, OR 97502

(541) 732-8000

Wruck, Eric L, FNP…

Pain Specialists of Southern


Family Medicine

825 Bennett Ave

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 779-5228

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid

Page 22 of 204




Zaslow, Kimberly A, DO…

Osteopathic Consultants

Family Medicine

850 Siskiyou Blvd 7

Ashland, OR 97520

(541) 482-0342

Zerby, Tamera N, NP…

Rogue Community Health

Family Medicine

8385 Division Rd

White City, OR 97503

(541) 826-5853


Black, Judy, MD*…

Grants Pass Clinic, LLP


495 SW Ramsey Ave

Grants Pass, OR 97527

(541) 476-6644

Byers, John C, FNP…

Asante Physician Partners

Family Medicine

537 SW Union Ave

Grants Pass, OR 97527

(541) 507-2170

Choudhury, Zia A, MD…

Asante Physician Partners

Family Medicine

520 SW Ramsey Ave

Grants Pass, OR 97527

(541) 472-7810

Countiss, John S, MD*…

Grants Pass Clinic, LLP

Internal Medicine

495 SW Ramsey Ave

Grants Pass, OR 97527

(541) 476-6644

Davis, John T, PA…

Asante Physician Partners

Family Medicine

520 SW Ramsey Ave

Grants Pass, OR 97527

(541) 472-7810

DeKorte, Bradley M, DO…

Asante Physician Partners

Family Medicine

520 SW Ramsey Ave

Grants Pass, OR 97527

(541) 507-2140

DeLoa, Angelika, MD…

One Peak Medical - Grants Pass

Family Medicine

1325 NE 7th St

Grants Pass, OR 97526

(541) 460-5331

Dunn-Black, Rachel R, MD*…

One Peak Medical - Grants Pass

General Practice

1325 NE 7th St

Grants Pass, OR 97526

(541) 460-5331

Ermshar, Jon E L, MD…

WellSpring Family Practice

Family Medicine

1716 Williams Hwy

Grants Pass, OR 97527

(541) 474-6053

Farouq, Anika, FNP…

One Peak Medical - Grants Pass

Family Medicine

1325 NE 7th St

Grants Pass, OR 97526

(541) 460-5331

Giltner, Gail F, FNP…

NorthWest Family Practice

Family Medicine

1619 NW Hawthorne Ave Ste 101

Grants Pass, OR 97526

(541) 916-5500

Gordon, Doreen, FNP*…

Rumrey Family Practice

Family Medicine

1587 NW Washington Blvd

Grants Pass, OR 97523

(541) 474-5511

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid

Page 23 of 204




Haddad, Haitham B, MD*…

Grants Pass Clinic, LLP

Internal Medicine

495 SW Ramsey Ave

Grants Pass, OR 97527

(541) 476-6644

Hallows, Ian S, DO…

Asante Physician Partners

Family Medicine

520 SW Ramsey Ave

Grants Pass, OR 97527

(541) 472-7810

Hamilton, Lorene L, DO

Lorene Hamilton, DO

Family Medicine

1819 Nebraska Ave

Grants Pass, OR 97527

(541) 956-8800

Hancock, Brian E, MD

Brian E Hancock, MD

Family Medicine

841 NE 7th St

Grants Pass, OR 97526

(541) 474-2721

Heidinger, Wendell C, MD…

Optimal Health of Southern


Family Medicine

1600 NW 6th St South Ste

Grants Pass, OR 97526

(541) 507-1948

Hitchcock, Jeremy J, MD*…

Grants Pass Clinic, LLP

Family Medicine

495 SW Ramsey Ave

Grants Pass, OR 97527

(541) 476-6644

Hulcy, Jessica B, FNP…

One Peak Medical - Grants Pass

Family Medicine

1325 NE 7th St

Grants Pass, OR 97526

(541) 460-5331

Hunt, Kori L, MD*…

Grants Pass Clinic, LLP

Family Medicine

495 SW Ramsey Ave

Grants Pass, OR 97527

(541) 476-6644

Hutchings, Jacquelyn N, FNP…

Jacquelyn Hutchings FNP, LLC

Family Medicine

1619 NW Hawthorne Ave Ste 204

Grants Pass, OR 97526

(541) 916-8530

Jackson, Nisha M, WHNP*…

One Peak Medical - Ashland

Women's Health

2205 Ashland Street

Ashland, OR 97520

(541) 526-9016

Johnson, Laura L, FNP…

Laura L Johnson, NP

Family Medicine

1619 NW Hawthorne Ave 204

Grants Pass, OR 97526

(541) 916-8530

Lali, Satnam S, MD*…

Grants Pass Clinic, LLP

Family Medicine

495 SW Ramsey Ave

Grants Pass, OR 97527

(541) 476-6644

Lara, Angelina, FNP*…

Grants Pass Clinic, LLP

Family Medicine

495 SW Ramsey Ave

Grants Pass, OR 97527

(541) 476-6644

Leung, Samuel S, DO*…

Asante Physician Partners

Family Medicine

520 SW Ramsey Ave

Grants Pass, OR 97527

(541) 472-7810

Matiaco, Lisa M, PA-C…

Cedarwood Family Practice

Family Medicine

124 NW Midland Ave Ste J

Grants Pass, OR 97526

(541) 476-8859

Mechling, Katherine A, MD*…

Clear Creek Family Practice

Family Medicine

18173 Redwood Hwy

Selma, OR 97538

(541) 597-2464

Moss, Benjamin L, PA*…

Grants Pass Clinic, LLP

Internal Medicine

495 SW Ramsey Ave

Grants Pass, OR 97527

(541) 476-6644

Opel, Markus H, MD*…

Grants Pass Clinic, LLP

Internal Medicine

495 SW Ramsey Ave

Grants Pass, OR 97527

(541) 476-6644

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid

Page 24 of 204




Packard, Lauren E, PA*…

Grants Pass Clinic, LLP

Family Medicine

495 SW Ramsey Ave

Grants Pass, OR 97527

(541) 476-6644

Phillips, Neil A, DO*…

Grants Pass Clinic, LLP


495 SW Ramsey Ave

Grants Pass, OR 97527

(541) 476-6644

Picker-Johnson, Linda M, ANP…

Cascade West Primary Care



201 NE Savage St

Grants Pass, OR 97526

(541) 787-4360

Pitzak, Andrew S, DO*…

Grants Pass Clinic, LLP

Internal Medicine

495 SW Ramsey Ave

Grants Pass, OR 97527

(541) 476-6644

Rasmussen, Brett L, PA-C…

WellSpring Family Practice

Family Medicine

1716 Williams Hwy

Grants Pass, OR 97527

(541) 474-6053

Ray, David M, FNP*…

Redwood Family Practice

Family Medicine

214 NE Outlook Ave

Grants Pass, OR 97526

(541) 474-5665

Roberts, Timothy E, MD*…

Grants Pass Clinic, LLP

Family Medicine

495 SW Ramsey Ave

Grants Pass, OR 97527

(541) 476-6644

Rondeau, Mark A, MD*…

Cedarwood Family Practice

Family Medicine

124 NW Midland Ave Ste J

Grants Pass, OR 97526

(541) 476-8859

Rumrey, Tori L, FNP*…

Rumrey Family Practice

Family Medicine

1587 NW Washington Blvd

Grants Pass, OR 97523

(541) 474-5511

Sager, Eli R, DO…

Asante Physician Partners

Family Medicine

520 SW Ramsey Ave

Grants Pass, OR 97527

(541) 472-7810

Scott, Lacy E, FNP…

Cascade West Primary Care


Family Medicine

201 NE Savage St

Grants Pass, OR 97526

(541) 787-4360

Stichter, Taylor J, PA…

Grants Pass Clinic, LLP

Family Medicine

495 SW Ramsey Ave

Grants Pass, OR 97527

(541) 476-6644

Thompson, Brandy N, FNP…

Asante Physician Partners

Family Medicine

520 SW Ramsey Ave

Grants Pass, OR 97527

(541) 472-7810

Tijerina, Andrew M, PA*…

Grants Pass Clinic, LLP

Internal Medicine

495 SW Ramsey Ave

Grants Pass, OR 97527

(541) 476-6644

Weber, Kayla B, FNP…

Asante Physician Partners

Family Medicine

520 SW Ramsey Ave

Grants Pass, OR 97527

(541) 472-7810

Wendlandt, Tara M, NP…

One Peak Medical - Grants Pass

Family Medicine

1325 NE 7th St

Grants Pass, OR 97526

(541) 460-5331

Wiggers, Marcel, MD*…

Grants Pass Clinic, LLP

Internal Medicine

495 SW Ramsey Ave

Grants Pass, OR 97527

(541) 476-6644

Wilson, John D, MD*…

Grants Pass Clinic, LLP

Family Medicine

495 SW Ramsey Ave

Grants Pass, OR 97527

(541) 476-6644

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid

Page 25 of 204




Wood, Erin K, NP…

WellSpring Family Practice

Family Medicine

1716 Williams Hwy

Grants Pass, OR 97527

(541) 474-6053

Zauher, Alisha, NP…

Asante Physician Partners

Family Medicine

520 SW Ramsey Ave

Grants Pass, OR 97527

(541) 472-7810


Barbee, Carl A, MD*…

Sky Lakes Primary Care Clinic

Family Medicine

2821 Daggett Ave Ste 200

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 274-8400

Barkalow, Ahjainene T H, PA…

Sky Lakes Primary Care Clinic

Family Medicine

2821 Daggett Ave Ste 200

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 274-8400

Berardino, Alison, FNP*…

Sky Lakes Primary Care Clinic

Family Medicine

2821 Daggett Ave Ste 200

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 274-8400

Bergeron, Barbara A, FNP…

Klamath Open Door Family


Family Medicine

2074 S Sixth St

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 851-8110

Britsch, Jerri L, MD*…

Sky Lakes Primary Care Clinic

Family Medicine

2821 Daggett Ave Ste 200

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 274-8400

Bryson, Ashley R, MD…

Klamath Open Door Family


Family Medicine

2074 S Sixth St

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 851-8110

Burke, Connor P, MD*…

Cascades East Family Medicine

Family Medicine

2821 Daggett Ave Ste 100

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 274-6733

Butcher, Darcy R, FNP…

Klamath Tribal Health & Family


Family Medicine

330 Chiloquin Blvd

Chiloquin, OR 97624

(541) 882-1487

Carrillo, Rebekah M, PA*…

Cascades East Family Medicine

General Practice

2821 Daggett Ave Ste 100

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 274-6733

Carruthers, Natoya S, PA-C*…

Cascades East Family Medicine

Family Medicine

2821 Daggett Ave Ste 100

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 274-6733

Chase, Brandon D, MD*…

Cascades East Family Medicine

Family Medicine

2821 Daggett Ave Ste 100

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 274-6733

Cherry, Nicola J, MD…

Children's Clinic of Klamath


2580 Daggett Ave

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 884-1224

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid

Page 26 of 204




Cofas, C. Keith, MD*…

Cofas, Inc.

Internal Medicine

2218 Shallock Ave

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 882-3818

Cowie, Sharon K, FNP…

Sky Lakes Primary Care Clinic

Family Medicine

2821 Daggett Ave Ste 200

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 274-8400

Cowie, Sharon K, FNP…

George Kubac, MD

Family Medicine

2614 Clover St

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 884-6233

Decker, Stewart L, MD*…

Sky Lakes Primary Care Clinic

Family Medicine

2821 Daggett Ave Ste 200

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 274-8400

Devine, Anjanette M, NP*…

Klamath Tribal Health & Family


Family Medicine

330 Chiloquin Blvd

Chiloquin, OR 97624

(541) 882-1487

Eiman, Joann D, PA*…

Sky Lakes Primary Care Clinic

Family Medicine

2821 Daggett Ave Ste 200

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 274-8400

Gansberg, Traci N, NP*…

Sky Lakes Primary Care Clinic

Family Medicine

2821 Daggett Ave Ste 200

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 274-8400

Glidden, Alden B, MD…

Sky Lakes Primary Care Clinic

Family Medicine

2821 Daggett Ave Ste 200

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 274-8400

Gonzales, Erin L, MD*…

Sky Lakes Primary Care Clinic

Family Medicine

2821 Daggett Ave Ste 200

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 274-8400

Grimes, Kayleigh N, PA-C…

Sky Lakes Primary Care Clinic

Family Medicine

2821 Daggett Ave Ste 200

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 274-8400

Hallock, Jan E, DO…

Klamath Open Door Family


Family Medicine

2074 S Sixth St

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 851-8110

Harsch, Rachel A, PA-C*…

Sky Lakes Primary Care Clinic

Family Medicine

2821 Daggett Ave Ste 200

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 274-8400

Hartley, Debra, MD*…

Sky Lakes Primary Care Clinic

Family Medicine

2821 Daggett Ave Ste 200

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 274-8400

Hayes, Hannah J, PA…

Klamath Open Door Family


Family Medicine

2074 S Sixth St

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 851-8110

Heberling, Matthew J, PA-C…

Klamath Open Door Family


Family Medicine

2074 S Sixth St

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 851-8110

Hollander-Rodriguez, Joyce,


Cascades East Family Medicine

Family Medicine

2821 Daggett Ave Ste 100

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 274-6733

Hoyle, Aurora C, FNP*…

Cascades East Family Medicine

Family Medicine

2821 Daggett Ave Ste 100

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 274-6733

Jackman, Robert P, MD*…

Cascades East Family Medicine

Family Medicine

2821 Daggett Ave Ste 100

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 274-6733

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid

Page 27 of 204




Jantzi, Hannah K, MD…

Sky Lakes Primary Care Clinic

Family Medicine

2821 Daggett Ave Ste 200

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 274-8400

Johnson, Maria C, MD…

Sky Lakes Primary Care Clinic

Family Medicine

2821 Daggett Ave Ste 200

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 274-8400

Jolley, Margaret A, MD*…

Cascades East Family Medicine

Family Medicine

2821 Daggett Ave Ste 100

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 274-6733

Kessler, Anne Marie, MD*…

Cascades East Family Medicine

Family Medicine

2821 Daggett Ave Ste 100

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 274-6733

Layton, Danielle M, NP…

One Peak Medical - Klamath


Family Medicine

2340 S 6th St

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 851-2107

Lee, Julie M, FNP*…

Sky Lakes Primary Care Clinic

Family Medicine

2821 Daggett Ave Ste 200

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 274-8400

Lowell, Evelyn I, NP…

Klamath Open Door Family


Family Medicine

2074 S Sixth St

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 851-8110

Machado, Randal A, MD*…

Sky Lakes Primary Care Clinic

Family Medicine

2821 Daggett Ave Ste 200

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 274-8400

Martin, Katie Jo, MD…

Klamath Tribal Health & Family


Internal Medicine

330 Chiloquin Blvd

Chiloquin, OR 97624

(541) 882-1487

Mayland, Gabriel R, MD*…

Cascades East Family Medicine

Family Medicine

2821 Daggett Ave Ste 100

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 274-6733

McCalmont, Jean C, FNP*…

Cascades East Family Medicine

Family Medicine

2821 Daggett Ave Ste 100

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 274-6733

McGarry, Sean P, PA…

Sky Lakes Primary Care Clinic

Family Medicine

2821 Daggett Ave Ste 200

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 274-8400

McKellar, Jon G, MD*…

Cofas, Inc.

Family Medicine

2218 Shallock Ave

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 882-3818

Moisa, Radu, MD*…

Cascades East Family Medicine

Family Medicine

2821 Daggett Ave Ste 100

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 274-6733

Montjoy, Holly, MD*…

Cascades East Family Medicine

Family Medicine

2821 Daggett Ave Ste 100

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 274-6733

Mounts, Flor A, MD…

Klamath Open Door Family


Family Medicine

2074 S Sixth St

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 851-8110

Neal, Jonathan J, PA…

Klamath Open Door Family


Family Medicine

2074 S Sixth St

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 851-8110

Neal, Jonathan J, PA*…

Chiloquin Open Door Family


Family Medicine

103 S Wasco Ave

Chiloquin, OR 97624

(541) 783-2292

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid

Page 28 of 204




Niskanen, Grant, MD*…

Cascades East Family Medicine

Family Medicine

2821 Daggett Ave Ste 100

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 274-6733

Niskanen, Grant, MD*…

Sky Lakes Primary Care Clinic

Family Medicine

2821 Daggett Ave Ste 200

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 274-8400

O'Brien, Sarah K, DNP*…

Klamath Tribal Health & Family


Family Medicine

330 Chiloquin Blvd

Chiloquin, OR 97624

(541) 882-1487

Parrish, Melonie M, PA*…

Cofas, Inc.

Family Medicine

2218 Shallock Ave

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 882-3818

Patel, Minal G, PA…

Cofas, Inc.

Internal Medicine

2218 Shallock Ave

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 882-3818

Patterson, Kelly M, MD*…

Cascades East Family Medicine

Family Medicine

2821 Daggett Ave Ste 100

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 274-6733

Peters, Matthew A, MD…

Sky Lakes Primary Care Clinic

Family Medicine

2821 Daggett Ave Ste 200

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 274-8400

Pierce, Carolyn M, MD*…

Cascades East Family Medicine

Family Medicine

2821 Daggett Ave Ste 100

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 274-6733

Ruth, Catherine F, MD…

Klamath Open Door Family


Family Medicine

2074 S Sixth St

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 851-8110

Schreiber, Hannah C, DO*…

Cascades East Family Medicine

Family Medicine

2821 Daggett Ave Ste 100

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 274-6733

Sewing, Jeff L, PA…

Klamath Open Door Family


Family Medicine

2074 S Sixth St

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 851-8110

Sheets, Michael A, FNP…

The Merrill Clinic

Family Medicine

125 N Lincoln St

Merrill, OR 97633

(541) 798-5074

Sheets, Michael A, FNP…

The Bonanza Clinic

Family Medicine

31863 Hwy 70

Bonanza, OR 97623

(541) 545-1820

Smestad, Danielle C, FNP…

Sky Lakes Primary Care Clinic

Family Medicine

2821 Daggett Ave Ste 200

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 274-8400

Smith, Brooke M, PA*…

Sky Lakes Primary Care Clinic

Family Medicine

2821 Daggett Ave Ste 200

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 274-8400

Smith, Dwight W, MD*…

Cascades East Family Medicine

Family Medicine

2821 Daggett Ave Ste 100

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 274-6733

Spicher, Jonathan M, MD*…

Sky Lakes Primary Care Clinic

Family Medicine

2821 Daggett Ave Ste 200

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 274-8400

Stuart, Benjamin, DNP…

Klamath Tribal Health & Family


Family Medicine

330 Chiloquin Blvd

Chiloquin, OR 97624

(541) 882-1487

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid

Page 29 of 204




Swanson, Dallas J, MD*…

Cascades East Family Medicine

Family Medicine

2821 Daggett Ave Ste 100

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 274-6733

Sweetser, Jessica B, FNP…

Sky Lakes Cancer Treatment


Family Medicine

2610 Uhrmann Rd

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 883-4171

Taguba, Ralph E, PA-C…

Klamath Open Door Family


Family Medicine

2074 S Sixth St

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 851-8110

Tesman, Linda M, PA…

Sky Lakes Primary Care Clinic

Family Medicine

2821 Daggett Ave Ste 200

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 274-8400

Trejo, Brock, MD*…

Sky Lakes Primary Care Clinic

Family Medicine

2821 Daggett Ave Ste 200

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 274-8400

Trobaugh, Edward R, MD*…

Klamath Open Door Family


Family Medicine

2074 S Sixth St

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 851-8110

Tudor, Danny D, MD…

Sky Lakes Primary Care Clinic

Family Medicine

2821 Daggett Ave Ste 200

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 274-8400

Villarreal, Priscilla, MD…

Sky Lakes Primary Care Clinic

Family Medicine

2821 Daggett Ave Ste 200

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 274-8400

Williams, Sarah, MD…

Klamath Open Door Family


Family Medicine

2074 S Sixth St

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 851-8110

Wirsing, Nellie, MD*…

Cascades East Family Medicine

Family Medicine

2821 Daggett Ave Ste 100

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 274-6733

Wlodarski, Gregory H, MD…

Sky Lakes Primary Care Clinic

Family Medicine

2821 Daggett Ave Ste 200

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 274-8400


Allison-McNutt, Anita N, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

South Clinic

Family Medicine

3299 Hilyard St

Eugene, OR 97405

(541) 222-8620

Asirot, Rechelle L, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

South Clinic

Family Medicine

3299 Hilyard St

Eugene, OR 97405

(541) 222-8620

Barak, Virginia, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Pediatric Specialists


3377 RiverBend Dr

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 222-8500

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid

Page 30 of 204




Barton, David K, PA…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -


Family Medicine

380 9th St

Florence, OR 97439

(541) 997-7134

Baxter, Jeffrey G, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Senior Health And Wellness

Center - Barger Clinic

Geriatrics, Family Medicine

4010 Aerial Way

Eugene, OR 97402

(541) 242-8300

Beckstrand, Katherine L, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

RiverBend Pavilion

Family Medicine

3377 RiverBend Dr

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 222-6565

Beckstrand, Katherine, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Barger Clinic

Family Medicine

4010 Aerial Way

Eugene, OR 97402

(541) 687-6353

Beckstrand, Katherine, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Santa Clara Clinic

Family Medicine

2484 River Rd

Eugene, OR 97404

(541) 222-7609

Bennett, Alysha L, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

RiverBend Pavilion


3377 RiverBend Dr

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 222-8500

Bigley, Lorne E, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

South Clinic

Family Medicine

3299 Hilyard St

Eugene, OR 97405

(541) 222-8620

Blasé, Jonell, FNP…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

University District

Family Medicine

1200 Hilyard St Ste 230

Eugene, OR 97401

(458) 205-6011

Bradley, Angela, FNP…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

University District

Family Medicine

1200 Hilyard St Ste 550

Eugene, OR 97401

(458) 205-6543

Braun, Lisa J, FNP…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Barger Clinic

Family Medicine

4010 Aerial Way

Eugene, OR 97402

(541) 687-6353

Brinkman, Sarah J, NP…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

University District

Family Medicine

1200 Hilyard St Ste 230

Eugene, OR 97401

(458) 205-6011

Cannon, Jennifer J, NP…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -


Family Medicine

380 9th St

Florence, OR 97439

(541) 997-7134

Cannon, Jennifer J, NP…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -


Family Medicine

390 9th St

Florence, OR 97439

(541) 997-7134

Carmichael, Laurie L, PNP…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

University District


1200 Hilyard St Ste 440

Eugene, OR 97401

(458) 205-6061

Carnevale, Michael A, DO…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

University District

Internal Medicine

1200 Hilyard St Ste 540

Eugene, OR 97401

(458) 205-7070

Carnevale, Michael A, DO…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

University District

Internal Medicine

1200 Hilyard St Ste 230

Eugene, OR 97401

(458) 205-6011

Caton, Thomas A, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -


Geriatrics, Family Medicine

390 9th St

Florence, OR 97439

(541) 997-7134

Chaplin, Jill J, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Barger Clinic

Family Medicine

4010 Aerial Way

Eugene, OR 97402

(541) 687-6353

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid

Page 31 of 204




Chinn, Kathleen T, FNP…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Senior Health And Wellness

Center - Barger Clinic


4010 Aerial Way

Eugene, OR 97402

(541) 242-8300

Christensen, Eric C, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

South Clinic

Internal Medicine

3299 Hilyard St

Eugene, OR 97405

(541) 222-8600

Colon, Lizzie I, NP…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Community Geriatrics - Barger

Clinic - Eugene


4010 Aerial Way

Eugene, OR 97402

(541) 242-8300

Cranor, Lily M, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Cottage Grove

Family Medicine

1515 Village Dr Ste 220

Cottage Grove, OR 97424

(541) 767-5200

Cranor, Lily M, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -


Family Medicine

180 Melton Rd

Creswell, OR 97426

(541) 222-7700

Crowe May, Sarah, DO…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Cottage Grove

Family Medicine

1515 Village Dr Ste 200

Cottage Grove, OR 97424

(541) 767-5200

Danielson, Christa, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Senior Health And Wellness

Center - Barger Clinic

Family Medicine, Geriatrics

4010 Aerial Way

Eugene, OR 97402

(541) 242-8300

De Vera, Rensie Chiara R, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

University District

Family Medicine

1200 Hilyard St Ste 230

Eugene, OR 97401

(458) 205-6011

Degler, Sara T, PA…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

University District

Family Medicine

1200 Hilyard St Ste 230

Eugene, OR 97401

(458) 205-6011

DeLine, Myra E, NP…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Cottage Grove


1515 Village Dr Ste 100

Cottage Grove, OR 97424

(541) 767-5200

Derbyshire, Cameron E, PA…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -


Family Medicine

380 9th St

Florence, OR 97439

(541) 997-7134

DiFrancesco, Jennifer L, FNP…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

University District

Family Medicine

1200 Hilyard St Ste 230

Eugene, OR 97401

(458) 205-6010

Dissanayake, Magha S, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

South Clinic

Internal Medicine

3299 Hilyard St

Eugene, OR 97405

(541) 222-8620

Dodson, Anthony L, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -


Family Medicine

390 9th St

Florence, OR 97439

(541) 997-7134

Doerksen, Juanita P, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

University District

Family Medicine

1200 Hilyard St Ste 230

Eugene, OR 97401

(458) 205-6010

Dunphy, John E, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

University District


1200 Hilyard St Ste 440

Eugene, OR 97401

(458) 205-6061

Durrant, Jennifer L, NP…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Senior Health And Wellness

Center - Barger Clinic


4010 Aerial Way

Eugene, OR 97402

(541) 242-8300

Dzubay, Leita M, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

RiverBend Pavilion


3377 RiverBend Dr

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 222-8500

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid

Page 32 of 204




Fey, Mary L, FNP…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Cottage Grove

Family Medicine

1515 Village Dr

Cottage Grove, OR 97424

(541) 767-5200

Fields, Rachel A, NP…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

University District

Internal Medicine

1200 Hilyard St Ste 230

Eugene, OR 97401

(458) 205-6011

Freyermuth, Gretta M, PA…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Santa Clara Clinic

Family Medicine

2484 River Rd

Eugene, OR 97404

(541) 222-7660

Freyermuth, Gretta M, PA…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Barger Clinic

Family Medicine

4010 Aerial Way

Eugene, OR 97402

(541) 687-6353

Freyermuth, Gretta M, PA…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

RiverBend Pavilion

Family Medicine

3377 RiverBend Dr

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 222-6565

Friedman, Timothy V, DO…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -


Family Medicine

380 9th St

Florence, OR 97439

(541) 997-7134

Fuerth, Deborah R, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

University District


1200 Hilyard St Ste 440

Eugene, OR 97401

(458) 205-6061

Gibbens, Cory, NP…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -



380 9th St

Florence, OR 97439

(541) 997-7134

Gohl, Michelle J, NP…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Barger Clinic

Family Medicine

4010 Aerial Way

Eugene, OR 97402

(541) 687-6353

Graham, Aprill P, NP…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -


Family Medicine

390 9th St

Florence, OR 97439

(541) 997-7134

Hammond, Christopher C, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -


Family Medicine

380 9th St

Florence, OR 97439

(541) 991-7134

Hammond, Christopher C, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

RiverBend Pavilion


3377 RiverBend Dr

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 222-7300

Hannegraf, Alanna M, DO…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

University District

Family Medicine

1200 Hilyard St Ste 230

Eugene, OR 97401

(458) 205-6011

Hantke, Marta E, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Cottage Grove

Family Medicine

1515 Village Dr

Cottage Grove, OR 97424

(541) 767-5200

Hazrat, Ehsan, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Cottage Grove

Family Medicine

1515 Village Dr Ste 100

Cottage Grove, OR 97424

(541) 767-5200

Holmes, Aaron K, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -


Family Medicine

390 9th St

Florence, OR 97439

(541) 997-7134

Holtzapple, John B, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Barger Clinic

Family Medicine

4010 Aerial Way

Eugene, OR 97402

(541) 687-6353

Hughes, Jeffrey, PA…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -


Family Medicine

390 9th St

Florence, OR 97439

(541) 997-7134

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid

Page 33 of 204




Hutchison-Dennis, McKinley M,


PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Cottage Grove

Family Medicine

1515 Village Dr

Cottage Grove, OR 97424

(541) 767-5200

Jarvis, Barry S, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

University District

Family Medicine

1200 Hilyard St Ste 230

Eugene, OR 97401

(458) 205-6011

Joehnk, F Jeffrey, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

RiverBend Pavilion


3377 RiverBend Dr

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 222-8500

Johnson, Douglas R, DO…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -


Internal Medicine

380 9th St

Florence, OR 97439

(541) 997-7134

Kaiser, Matthew J, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

South Clinic

Family Medicine

3299 Hilyard St

Eugene, OR 97405

(541) 222-8620

Kernan, Kathryn M, FNP…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Unified Care Clinic

Family Medicine

1200 Hilyard St Ste 450

Eugene, OR 97401

(458) 205-6011

Kerner, Stephen S, DO…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -


Family Medicine

380 9th St

Florence, OR 97439

(541) 997-7134

Kosgei, Titus B, NP…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Santa Clara Clinic

Family Medicine

2484 River Rd

Eugene, OR 97404

(541) 222-7650

Kosgei, Titus B, NP…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Barger Clinic

Family Medicine

4010 Aerial Way

Eugene, OR 97402

(541) 687-6353

Kosgei, Titus B, NP…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

RiverBend Pavilion

Family Medicine

3377 RiverBend Dr

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 222-6565

Laurie, Michael A, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Barger Clinic

Internal Medicine

4010 Aerial Way

Eugene, OR 97402

(541) 687-6349

Lee, Devin L, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

University District

Family Medicine

1200 Hilyard St Ste 230

Eugene, OR 97401

(458) 205-6011

Lee, Jungeun, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

RiverBend Pavilion

Internal Medicine

3377 RiverBend Dr

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 222-6565

Lester, Eric, PA…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Behavioral Health Services -


Family Medicine

4010 Aerial Way

Eugene, OR 97402

(541) 687-6353

Lovvorn, Joshua J, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

University District


1200 Hilyard St Ste 440

Eugene, OR 97401

(458) 205-6061

Lyon, Mark B, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

South Clinic

Family Medicine

3299 Hilyard St

Eugene, OR 97405

(541) 222-8620

Malleis, John M, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Cottage Grove

Internal Medicine

1515 Village Dr

Cottage Grove, OR 97424

(541) 767-5200

Mann, Sarbmeet S, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

RiverBend Pavilion

Internal Medicine

3377 RiverBend Dr

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 222-6565

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid

Page 34 of 204




Mann, Sarbmeet S, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Santa Clara Clinic

Internal Medicine

2484 River Rd

Eugene, OR 97404

(541) 222-7609

Mann, Sarbmeet S, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Barger Clinic

Family Medicine

4010 Aerial Way

Eugene, OR 97402

(541) 687-6353

Mann-Sweeney, Susan E, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

RiverBend Pavilion


3377 RiverBend Dr

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 222-8500

Manzoor, Sidra, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Barger Clinic

Internal Medicine

4010 Aerial Way

Eugene, OR 97402

(541) 687-6349

Marks, Kevin P, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Barger Clinic


4010 Aerial Way

Eugene, OR 97402

(541) 242-8500

McAllister, Jayme S, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

University District


1200 Hilyard St Ste 440

Eugene, OR 97401

(458) 205-6061

McBride, Rebecca, NP…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Cottage Grove

Family Medicine

1515 Village Dr Ste 200

Cottage Grove, OR 97424

(541) 767-5200

McCook, Leon E, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Cottage Grove

Family Medicine

1515 Village Dr Ste 200

Cottage Grove, OR 97424

(541) 767-5200

McGhan, Logan J, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Cottage Grove

Family Medicine

1515 Village Dr

Cottage Grove, OR 97424

(541) 767-5200

McKague, Dustin K, NP…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

RiverBend Pavilion

Family Medicine

3377 RiverBend Dr

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 222-7627

McKague, Dustin K, NP…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Barger Clinic

Family Medicine

4010 Aerial Way

Eugene, OR 97402

(541) 687-6353

McKague, Dustin K, NP…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Santa Clara Clinic

Family Medicine

2484 River Rd

Eugene, OR 97404

(541) 222-7609

Mehlhaff, Dawn L, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Barger Clinic

Internal Medicine

4010 Aerial Way

Eugene, OR 97402

(541) 687-6349

Mehlhaff, Dawn L, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Santa Clara Clinic

Internal Medicine

2484 River Rd

Eugene, OR 97404

(541) 222-7600

Merrick, John P, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

University District

Family Medicine

1200 Hilyard St Ste 230

Eugene, OR 97401

(458) 205-6011

Merz, Laurel L, NP…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Cottage Grove

Family Medicine

1515 Village Dr Ste 220

Cottage Grove, OR 97424

(541) 767-5200

Mills, Lacey, NP…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -


Family Medicine

390 9th St

Florence, OR 97439

(541) 997-7134

Mitchell Sanchez, MaiLynn A,


PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Santa Clara Clinic

Family Medicine

2484 River Rd

Eugene, OR 97404

(541) 222-7660

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid

Page 35 of 204




Mitchell Sanchez, MaiLynn A,


PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Barger Clinic

Family Medicine

4010 Aerial Way

Eugene, OR 97402

(541) 687-6353

Mitchell Sanchez, MaiLynn A,


PeaceHealth Medical Group -

RiverBend Pavilion

Family Medicine

3377 RiverBend Dr

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 222-6565

Mitchell, Jennifer L, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Barger Clinic

Family Medicine

4010 Aerial Way

Eugene, OR 97402

(541) 687-6353

Mitchell, Jennifer L, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

University District

Family Medicine

1200 Hilyard St Ste 510

Eugene, OR 97401

(458) 205-6074

Moffett, Melissa L, PA-C…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -


Family Medicine

380 9th St

Florence, OR 97439

(541) 997-7134

Mokrohisky, Elizabeth A, FNP…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Barger Clinic

Family Medicine

4010 Aerial Way

Eugene, OR 97402

(541) 687-6353

Mokrohisky, Elizabeth A, FNP…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Santa Clara Clinic

Family Medicine

2484 River Rd

Eugene, OR 97404

(541) 222-7609

Mokrohisky, Elizabeth A, FNP…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

RiverBend Pavilion

Family Medicine

3377 RiverBend Dr

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 222-7300

Moser, Michael L, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Cottage Grove

Internal Medicine

1515 Village Dr Ste 100

Cottage Grove, OR 97424

(541) 767-5200

Njonjo, Margaret, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Community Geriatrics - Barger

Clinic - Eugene


4010 Aerial Way

Eugene, OR 97402

(541) 242-8300

Noone, Tiffany M, NP…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Senior Health And Wellness

Center - Barger Clinic


4010 Aerial Way

Eugene, OR 97402

(541) 242-8300

O'Brien, Joanne M, NP…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -


Family Medicine

180 Melton Rd

Creswell, OR 97426

(541) 222-7700

Oleksick, Elaine M, NP…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Cottage Grove

Family Medicine

1515 Village Dr

Cottage Grove, OR 97424

(541) 767-5200

Omernick, Katherine E, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Barger Clinic


4010 Aerial Way

Eugene, OR 97402

(541) 242-8500

Orlino, Sean A, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

RiverBend Pavilion

Family Medicine

3377 RiverBend Dr

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 222-7627

Orlino, Sean A, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Barger Clinic

Family Medicine

4010 Aerial Way

Eugene, OR 97402

(541) 687-6349

Orlino, Sean A, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Santa Clara Clinic

Family Medicine

2484 River Rd

Eugene, OR 97404

(541) 222-7609

Padilla-Vazquez, Arnoldo A, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Cottage Grove

Internal Medicine

1515 Village Dr

Cottage Grove, OR 97424

(541) 767-5200

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid

Page 36 of 204




Pansoy, JoeAnn C, NP…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Barger Clinic

Family Medicine

4010 Aerial Way

Eugene, OR 97402

(541) 687-6353

Parker, Justine E, DO…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -


Family Medicine

380 9th St

Florence, OR 97439

(541) 997-7134

Parker, Lisa M, FNP…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Cottage Grove

Family Medicine

1515 Village Dr

Cottage Grove, OR 97424

(541) 767-5200

Parrish, Clark O, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -


Internal Medicine

390 9th St

Florence, OR 97439

(541) 997-7134

Pearson, Paul E, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -


Family Medicine

390 9th St

Florence, OR 97439

(541) 997-7134

Pelinka, Leslie R, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

RiverBend Pavilion


3377 RiverBend Dr

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 222-8500

Petersen, Thea E, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Cottage Grove

Family Medicine

1515 Village Dr Ste 220

Cottage Grove, OR 97424

(541) 767-5200

Petrac, Natasa, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Community Geriatrics - Barger

Clinic - Eugene


4010 Aerial Way

Eugene, OR 97402

(541) 242-8300

Pfaff, Emily D, PA…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -


Family Medicine

380 9th St

Florence, OR 97439

(541) 997-7134

Pham, Hang D, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

University District

Family Medicine

1200 Hilyard St Ste 230

Eugene, OR 97401

(458) 205-6011

Posegate, Heather M, NP…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -


Family Medicine

390 9th St

Florence, OR 97439

(541) 997-7134

Radel, Samantha M, NP…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Senior Health And Wellness

Center - Barger Clinic


4010 Aerial Way

Eugene, OR 97402

(541) 242-8300

Reforma, Janjan A, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

RiverBend Pavilion

Family Medicine

3377 RiverBend Dr

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 222-6565

Reforma, Janjan A, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Barger Clinic

Family Medicine

4010 Aerial Way

Eugene, OR 97402

(541) 687-6353

Reforma, Janjan A, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Santa Clara Clinic

Family Medicine

2484 River Rd

Eugene, OR 97404

(541) 222-7609

Rodgers, Kimberly E, NP…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -


Family Medicine

390 9th St

Florence, OR 97439

(541) 997-7134

Roth, John R, PA-C…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

RiverBend Pavilion

Family Medicine

3377 RiverBend Dr

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 222-8500

Ruljancich, Haley G, NP…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Senior Health And Wellness

Center - Barger Clinic


4010 Aerial Way

Eugene, OR 97402

(541) 242-8300

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid

Page 37 of 204




Sachs, Emma E, DO…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

University District

Family Medicine

1200 Hilyard St Ste 230

Eugene, OR 97401

(458) 205-6011

Saxer, Jennifer L, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

RiverBend Pavilion


3377 RiverBend Dr

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 222-7300

Schlessman, Heather A, PNP…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

RiverBend Pavilion


3377 RiverBend Dr

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 222-8500

Schmieding, Ashley O, MD*

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

University District


1200 Hilyard St Ste 440

Eugene, OR 97401

(458) 205-6061

Schmitz, Tracy L, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

University District


1200 Hilyard St Ste 440

Eugene, OR 97401

(458) 205-6061

Schroder, Benjamin R, PA…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -


Family Medicine

390 9th St

Florence, OR 97439

(541) 997-7134

Serrano, Jacquelyn L, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -


Family Medicine

380 9th St

Florence, OR 97439

(541) 997-7134

Shasteen, Morgan K, NP…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

University District


1200 Hilyard St Ste 230

Eugene, OR 97401

(458) 205-6011

Shillington, Holly M, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

University District


1200 Hilyard St Ste 440

Eugene, OR 97401

(458) 205-6061

Sims, James E, ANP…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Community Geriatrics - Barger

Clinic - Eugene


4010 Aerial Way

Eugene, OR 97402

(541) 242-8300

Stober, Kimberly R, NP…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Cottage Grove

Family Medicine

1515 Village Dr Ste 200

Cottage Grove, OR 97424

(541) 767-5200

Succar, Julien, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

RiverBend Pavilion

Family Medicine

3377 RiverBend Dr

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 222-6565

Succar, Julien, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Barger Clinic

Family Medicine

4010 Aerial Way

Eugene, OR 97402

(541) 687-6353

Succar, Julien, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Santa Clara Clinic

Family Medicine

2484 River Rd

Eugene, OR 97404

(541) 222-7609

Sunada, Fay Y, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

RiverBend Pavilion


3377 RiverBend Dr

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 222-8500

Sunkomat, Julia NE, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

South Clinic

Internal Medicine

3299 Hilyard St

Eugene, OR 97405

(541) 222-8600

Tensen, Amy L, PA…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -


Family Medicine

380 9th St

Florence, OR 97439

(541) 997-7134

Van Scoy, David J, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

South Clinic

Family Medicine

3299 Hilyard St

Eugene, OR 97405

(541) 222-8600

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid

Page 38 of 204




Veerman, Richard J, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -


Family Medicine

380 9th St

Florence, OR 97439

(541) 997-7134

Wieckowska, Zuzanna M, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Cottage Grove

Internal Medicine

1515 Village Dr Ste 100

Cottage Grove, OR 97424

(541) 767-5200

Yeh, Robert, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Barger Clinic

Internal Medicine, Geriatrics

4010 Aerial Way

Eugene, OR 97402

(541) 687-6349

Yeh, Robert, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Santa Clara Clinic

Internal Medicine, Geriatrics

2484 River Rd

Eugene, OR 97404

(541) 222-7609

Yoder, Steven M, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

University District

Family Medicine

1200 Hilyard St Ste 230

Eugene, OR 97401

(458) 205-6011


Gower, Lynn E, DO*…

Santiam Medical Group -

Santiam Medical Clinic

Family Medicine

280 S 1st Ave

Mill City, OR 97360

(503) 897-4100

Large, Lance B, MD…

Stayton Family Practice

Family Medicine

41 E Ash St

Lebanon, OR 97355

(503) 769-2641

Lulich, Joseph P, FNP*…

Santiam Medical Group -

Santiam Medical Clinic

Family Medicine

280 S 1st Ave

Mill City, OR 97360

(503) 897-4100

Ohling, Dirk A, MD…

Praxis Health Albany Primary


Family Medicine

2605 Willetta St SW Ste D-1

Albany, OR 97321

(541) 924-2873


Abreu Pacheco, Heidi M, MD…

Legacy Medical Group - Keizer

Internal Medicine

5685 Inland Shores Way N

Keizer, OR 97303

(503) 779-2271

Abreu Pacheco, Heidi M, MD…

Legacy Medical Group - Mt Angel

Internal Medicine

250 W Marquam St

Mt Angel, OR 97362

(503) 845-2000

Akbari, Shahab, MD…

Salem Clinic

Family Medicine

2020 Capitol St NE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 399-2424

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid

Page 39 of 204




Alkire, Seth P, MD…

Lancaster Family Health Center

Family Medicine

255 Lancaster Dr NE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 576-8400

Alvale, Emily R, MD…

Santiam Medical Group -

Sublimity Medical Clinic

Family Medicine

114 SE Church St

Sublimity, OR 97385

(503) 769-2259

Ayers-Johnson, Margaret E,


Salem Health Medical Clinic -

Boulder Creek

Family Medicine

2485 12th St SE

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 363-8047

Baar-Dealy, Fatima J, PA…

Santiam Medical Group -

Santiam Medical Associates

Family Medicine

1401 N 10th Ave Ste 100

Stayton, OR 97383

(503) 769-6386

Barclay, Amanda Leigh, PA*…

Santiam Medical Group - Internal

Medicine Clinic

Internal Medicine

1401 N 10th Ave Ste 200

Stayton, OR 97383

(503) 769-7151

Barnett, Dennis L, MD…

Salem Clinic

Internal Medicine

2020 Capitol St NE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 399-2424

Barrett, Christopher A, PA-C…

Salud Medical Center

Family Medicine

1175 Mt Hood Ave

Woodburn, OR 97071

(503) 982-2000

Basilan, Denise S, MD*…

Happy Doc Family Medicine

Family Medicine

4744 Liberty Rd S Ste 120

Salem, OR 97302

(971) 599-1002

Bass, Michael R, PA…

Santiam Medical Group -

Sublimity Medical Clinic

Family Medicine

114 SE Church St

Sublimity, OR 97385

(503) 769-2259

Bastola, Nirmal, MD…

Salem Clinic - Inland Shores

Family Medicine

5900 Inland Shores Way N Ste 100

Keizer, OR 97303

(503) 399-2424

Bay, Nathan B, MD*…

Silver Creek Family Medicine

Family Medicine

111 W C St

Silverton, OR 97381

(503) 874-4747

Blount, Elizabeth J, MD*…

Family Medical Group of


Family Medicine

335 Fairview St

Silverton, OR 97381

(503) 873-8686

Bodmer, Peter C, PA-C*…

Lancaster Family Health Center

Family Medicine

255 Lancaster Dr NE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 576-8400

Boller, Brandi, DO…

Salem Clinic

Family Medicine

2020 Capitol St NE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 399-2424

Brooks, Breiana L, PA*…

Family Medical Group of


Family Medicine

335 Fairview St

Silverton, OR 97381

(503) 873-8686

Brown, Jeffery C, MD*…

Salem Health Medical Clinic -

Skyline Village

Internal Medicine

5050 Skyline Village Lp S

Salem, OR 97306

(503) 391-1110

Brown, Rashanda N, DO*…

Salem Health Medical Clinic -

Skyline Village

Family Medicine

5050 Skyline Village Lp S

Salem, OR 97306

(503) 391-1110

Brown, Rashanda N, DO…

Praxis Health South Salem

Primary Care

Family Medicine

4999 Skyline Rd S 100

Salem, OR 97306

(503) 364-4005

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid

Page 40 of 204




Broyhill, Julie C, MD…

Legacy Woodburn Health Center

Family Medicine

1475 Mt Hood Ave

Woodburn, OR 97071

(503) 982-2174

Buckley, Christopher P, MD*…

Salem Health Medical Clinic -

Skyline Village

Family Medicine

5050 Skyline Village Lp S

Salem, OR 97306

(503) 391-1110

Burgin, Heather J, MD…

Salem Clinic - South

Internal Medicine

2531 Boone Rd SE

Salem, OR 97306

(503) 399-2424

Burnett, Kaaren B, FNP*…

Salem Health Medical Clinic -

Skyline Village

Family Medicine

5050 Skyline Village Lp S

Salem, OR 97306

(503) 391-1110

Campbell, Jay S, DO*…

Salem Health Medical Clinic -

Skyline Village

Family Medicine

5050 Skyline Village Lp S

Salem, OR 97306

(503) 391-1110

Capuras, Alfonso E, AGPCNP…

Legacy Woodburn Health Center


1475 Mt Hood Ave

Woodburn, OR 97071

(503) 982-2174

Card, Amy L, DO*…

Salem Health Medical Clinic -

Skyline Village

Family Medicine

5050 Skyline Village Lp S

Salem, OR 97306

(503) 391-1110

Carlson, Lauren M, FNP…

Santiam Medical Group -

Aumsville Medical Clinic

Family Medicine

205 Main St

Aumsville, OR 97325

(503) 749-4734

Carp, Stephen A, DO…

Salem Clinic - Inland Shores

Internal Medicine

5900 Inland Shores Way N Ste 100

Keizer, OR 97303

(503) 399-2424

Carter, Analiesse M, MD*…

Family Medical Group of


Family Medicine

335 Fairview St

Silverton, OR 97381

(503) 873-8686

Chance, Stacie N, FNP…

Salem Health Medical Clinic -

Boulder Creek

Family Medicine

2485 12th St SE

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 363-8047

Chen, Michael C, MD*…

Santiam Medical Group - Internal

Medicine Clinic

Internal Medicine

1401 N 10th Ave Ste 200

Stayton, OR 97383

(503) 769-7151

Chun, Denise M, MD*…

Salud Medical Center

Family Medicine

1175 Mt Hood Ave

Woodburn, OR 97071

(503) 982-2000

Cogdill, Marci L, FNP…

Compassion Care Family

Practice LLC

Family Medicine

610 Hawthorne Ave SE Ste 250

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 559-3312

Cohen, Jill, FNP…

Stayton Family Practice

Family Medicine

1881 W Washington St

Stayton, OR 97383

(503) 769-2641

Cohen, Jill, FNP…

Vida Family Medicine

Family Medicine

374 Owens St SE 100

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 399-1400

Cooley, Ryan K, MD…

Salem Clinic - South

Family Medicine

2531 Boone Rd SE

Salem, OR 97306

(503) 399-2424

Cramer, Erin L, PA-C*…

Santiam Medical Group -

Sublimity Medical Clinic

Family Medicine

114 SE Church St

Sublimity, OR 97385

(503) 769-2259

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid

Page 41 of 204




Crowfoot Lapham, Capella A,


Lancaster Family Health Center

Family Medicine

3896 Beverly Ave NE, Bldg J Ste


Salem, OR 97305

(503) 588-0076

Crum, Stephen P, PA…

Salud Medical Center

Family Medicine

1175 Mt Hood Ave

Woodburn, OR 97071

(503) 982-2000

Dacker, Evelin R, MD*…

Vida Family Medicine

Family Medicine

374 Owens St SE 100

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 399-1400

Daniels, John P, MD…

Salem Clinic

Family Medicine

2020 Capitol St NE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 399-2424

Datta, Saumyajit, MD*…

Salem Health Medical Clinic -

Boulder Creek

Family Medicine, Geriatrics

2485 12th St SE

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 363-8047

Davies, Olwyn K, MD*…

Olwyn K Davies, MD

General Practice

410 Welch St

Silverton, OR 97381

(503) 873-5331

Degner, George (Matthew), MD*…

Santiam Medical Group - Internal

Medicine Clinic

Internal Medicine

1401 N 10th Ave Ste 200

Stayton, OR 97383

(503) 769-7151

Delmar, Susan F, MD…

Lancaster Family Health Center

Family Medicine

255 Lancaster Dr NE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 576-8400

Dessieux, Guesly, DO…

Santiam Medical Group -

Santiam Medical Associates

Family Medicine

1401 N 10th Ave Ste 100

Stayton, OR 97383

(503) 769-6386

Devaux, Christian A, DO…

Salem Clinic - South

Internal Medicine

2531 Boone Rd SE

Salem, OR 97306

(503) 399-2424

Diaz, Heather N, MD*…

Lancaster Family Health Center

Family Medicine

255 Lancaster Dr NE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 576-8400

Do, Andrew C, MD…

Salem Health Medical Clinic -

River Road S

Family Medicine

2925 River Rd S Ste 110

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 814-4400

Do, Andrew C, MD…

Salem Health Medical Clinic -

Skyline Village

Family Medicine

5050 Skyline Village Lp S

Salem, OR 97306

(503) 391-1110

Doctor, Shaleen M, MD…

Salud Medical Center

Family Medicine

1175 Mt Hood Ave

Woodburn, OR 97071

(503) 982-2000

Domst, James E, MD…

Legacy Medical Group - Mt Angel

Family Medicine

250 W Marquam St

Mt Angel, OR 97362

(503) 845-2000

Drapiza, Leslie A, MD*…

Lancaster Family Health Center

Family Medicine

255 Lancaster Dr NE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 576-8400

Dunham, Sara A, MD…

Santiam Medical Group -

Sublimity Medical Clinic

Family Medicine

114 SE Church St

Sublimity, OR 97385

(503) 769-2259

Dupuis, Danielle M, FNP*…

Phoenix Rising Family Medicine

Family Medicine

1655 Liberty St SE

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 339-7689

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid

Page 42 of 204




Eller, Jared C, DO…

Salem Clinic - South

Family Medicine

2531 Boone Rd SE

Salem, OR 97306

(503) 399-2424

Eller, Jared C, DO…

Salem Clinic

Family Medicine

2020 Capitol St NE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 399-2424

Ericson, Timothy, FNP…

Legacy Woodburn Health Center

Family Medicine

1475 Mt Hood Ave

Woodburn, OR 97071

(503) 982-2174

Essex, Charles P, MD…

Praxis Health South Salem

Primary Care

Family Medicine

4999 Skyline Rd S 100

Salem, OR 97306

(503) 364-4005

Farnell, Gerald F, MD…

Salem Clinic - Inland Shores

Family Medicine

5900 Inland Shores Way N Ste 100

Keizer, OR 97303

(503) 399-2424

Fife, Maria A, FNP…

Canyon Family Health

Family Medicine

1095 N 1st Ave

Stayton, OR 97383

(503) 767-3226

Fischl, Mark R, MD…

Salem Clinic

Internal Medicine

2020 Capitol St NE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 399-2424

Foster, Jennifer P, PA-C*…

Vida Family Medicine

Family Medicine

374 Owens St SE 100

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 399-1400

Froyd, Jon D, DO…

Lancaster Family Health Center

Family Medicine

3896 Beverly Ave NE Bldg J

Salem, OR 97305

(503) 588-0076

Froyd, Jon D, DO…

Lancaster Family Health Center

Family Medicine

255 Lancaster Dr NE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 576-8400

Froyd, Jon D, DO…

Salud Medical Center

Family Medicine

1175 Mt Hood Ave

Woodburn, OR 97071

(503) 982-2000

Froyd, Jon D, DO…

Pacific Pediatrics

Family Medicine

1475 Mt Hood Ave

Woodburn, OR 97071

(503) 982-0626

Fu, Irene HL, MD…

Salem Clinic

Family Medicine

2020 Capitol St NE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 399-2424

Gallup, Donald N, MD…

Salem Clinic

Family Medicine

2020 Capitol St NE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 399-2424

Galvez, Olivia A, MD*…

WFMC Health

Family Medicine

435 Lancaster Dr NE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 585-6388

Garber, Lesley E, DO…

Salem Clinic - Inland Shores

Family Medicine

5900 Inland Shores Way N Ste 100

Keizer, OR 97303

(503) 399-2424

Germann, Antonio M, MD*…

Salud Medical Center

Family Medicine

1175 Mt Hood Ave

Woodburn, OR 97071

(503) 982-2000

Gienger, Elizabeth G, FNP…

Legacy Medical Group - Keizer

Family Medicine

5685 Inland Shores Way N

Keizer, OR 97303

(503) 779-2271

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid

Page 43 of 204




Gillespie, William G, MD…

Salem Clinic

Internal Medicine

2020 Capitol St NE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 399-2424

Golden, Maurice F, MD*…

Legacy Medical Group - Silverton

Family Physicians

Internal Medicine, Geriatrics

347 Fairview St

Silverton, OR 97381

(503) 873-5667

Golden, Maurice F, MD*…

Legacy Woodburn Health Center

Internal Medicine, Geriatrics

1475 Mt Hood Ave

Woodburn, OR 97071

(503) 982-2174

Gould, Ann M, PA-C*…

Vida Family Medicine

Family Medicine

374 Owens St SE 100

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 399-1400

Grady, Michael E, MD…

Legacy Medical Group - Silverton

Family Physicians

Family Medicine

347 Fairview St

Silverton, OR 97381

(503) 873-5667

Graven, Kendall E, MD…

Salem Clinic - South

Family Medicine

2531 Boone Rd SE

Salem, OR 97306

(503) 399-2424

Greig, Shandra D, MD*…

Family Medical Group of


Family Medicine

335 Fairview St

Silverton, OR 97381

(503) 873-8686

Gutierrez Holguin, Jose D, MD…

Legacy Medical Group - Keizer

Internal Medicine

5685 Inland Shores Way N

Keizer, OR 97303

(503) 779-2271

Hadden, Scott T, MD…

Santiam Medical Group -

Aumsville Medical Clinic

Family Medicine

205 Main St

Aumsville, OR 97325

(503) 749-4734

Halder, Marilyn, MD…

Salem Clinic - South

Family Medicine, Geriatrics

2531 Boone Rd SE

Salem, OR 97306

(503) 399-2424

Hanks, Elaine E, FNP*…

WFMC Health

Family Medicine

435 Lancaster Dr NE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 585-6388

Harmon, Harold R, MD…

Praxis Health South Salem

Primary Care

Internal Medicine

4999 Skyline Rd S 100

Salem, OR 97306

(503) 364-4005

Harrington, Mark A, DO…

Salem Clinic - South

Family Medicine

2531 Boone Rd SE

Salem, OR 97306

(503) 399-2424

Harvey, Harmon T, MD*…

Salem Health Medical Clinic -

Boulder Creek

General Practice

2485 12th St SE

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 363-8047

Hawkins, Christopher M, MD…

Salem Clinic

Family Medicine

2020 Capitol St NE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 399-2424

Hawkins, Christopher M, MD…

Salem Clinic - South

Family Medicine

2531 Boone Rd SE

Salem, OR 97306

(503) 399-2424

Hawkinson, Curtis R, PA-C*…

Salem Health Medical Clinic -

Skyline Village

Family Medicine

5050 Skyline Village Lp S

Salem, OR 97306

(503) 391-1110

Henderson, Monica Z, FNP…

Salem Health Medical Clinic -


Family Medicine

105 Arney Rd Ste 130

Woodburn, OR 97071

(503) 902-3900

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid

Page 44 of 204




Hoang, Hoa T, MD*…

Salem Health Medical Clinic -

Skyline Village

Internal Medicine

5050 Skyline Village Lp S

Salem, OR 97306

(503) 391-1110

Holmes, Ashley P, PPCNP…

Pacific Pediatrics


1475 Mt Hood Ave

Woodburn, OR 97071

(503) 982-0626

Hotan, Tanie, MD…

Santiam Medical Group -

Aumsville Medical Clinic

Family Medicine

205 Main St

Aumsville, OR 97325

(503) 749-4734

Houts, Katie E, MD*…

Silver Creek Family Medicine

Family Medicine

111 W C St

Silverton, OR 97381

(503) 874-4747

Howard, Antje H, MD*…

Salem Health Medical Clinic -

Skyline Village

Family Medicine

5050 Skyline Village Lp S

Salem, OR 97306

(503) 391-1110

Hoyte, Natalie C, PA…

Silver Creek Family Medicine

Family Medicine

111 W C St

Silverton, OR 97381

(503) 874-4747

Hunt, Troy W, FNP…

Salem Health Medical Clinic -

River Road N

Family Medicine

5100 River Rd N

Keizer, OR 97303

(503) 393-2533

Hupp, Kelsey R, FNP*…

Silver Creek Family Medicine

Family Medicine

111 W C St

Silverton, OR 97381

(503) 874-4747

Huun, Paul E, MD…

Salem Clinic

Internal Medicine

2020 Capitol St NE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 399-2424

Hyde, Charles D, FNP…

Legacy Medical Group - Mt Angel

Family Medicine

250 W Marquam St

Mt Angel, OR 97362

(503) 845-2000

Hyde, Dan, FNP…

Legacy Medical Group - Mt Angel

Family Medicine

250 W Marquam St

Mt Angel, OR 97362

(503) 845-2000

Jamsa, Kristen S, FNP*…

WFMC Health

Family Medicine

435 Lancaster Dr NE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 585-6388

Janini, Cole B, PA-C…

Salud Medical Center

Family Medicine

1175 Mt Hood Ave

Woodburn, OR 97071

(503) 982-2000

Jappay, Elisabeth L, MD…

Praxis Health South Salem

Primary Care

Internal Medicine

4999 Skyline Rd S 100

Salem, OR 97306

(503) 364-4005

Jewett, Robin M, PA-C*…

Salem Health Medical Clinic -

Skyline Village

Family Medicine

5050 Skyline Village Lp S

Salem, OR 97306

(503) 391-1110

Jimenez-Mendez, Patricia M,


Salem Health Medical Clinic -

Skyline Village

Internal Medicine

5050 Skyline Village Lp S

Salem, OR 97306

(503) 391-1110

Kao, Grace W, DO*…

Salem Health Medical Clinic -

Skyline Village

Internal Medicine

5050 Skyline Village Lp S

Salem, OR 97306

(503) 391-1110

Kargel, Christopher P, DO…

Santiam Medical Group -

Aumsville Medical Clinic

Family Medicine

205 Main St

Aumsville, OR 97325

(503) 749-4734

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid

Page 45 of 204




King, Claire E, MD…

Santiam Medical Group -

Cascade Medical Clinic

Family Medicine

1375 N 10th Ave Ste B

Stayton, OR 97383

(503) 769-7546

Kirkpatrick, Megan E, NP…

Legacy Woodburn Health Center

Family Medicine

1475 Mt Hood Ave

Woodburn, OR 97071

(503) 982-2174

Knudsen, Lara M, MD*…

Happy Doc Family Medicine

Family Medicine

4744 Liberty Rd S Ste 120

Salem, OR 97302

(971) 599-1002

Koschmann, Faith L, MD…

Legacy Medical Group - Mt Angel

Family Medicine

250 W Marquam St

Mt Angel, OR 97362

(503) 845-2000

Kupershtok, Mania, MD*…

Salud Medical Center

Family Medicine

1175 Mt Hood Ave

Woodburn, OR 97071

(503) 982-2000

Kupershtok, Mania, MD…

Pacific Pediatrics

Family Medicine

1475 Mt Hood Ave

Woodburn, OR 97071

(503) 982-0626

Lackides, Gregory A, MD…

Salem Clinic

Internal Medicine

2020 Capitol St NE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 399-2424

Lane, Michelle A, FNP*…

Armstrong Wellness

Family Medicine

1655 State St

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 581-1198

Large, Lance B, MD…

Stayton Family Practice

Family Medicine

1881 W Washington St

Stayton, OR 97383

(503) 769-2641

Larson, Robert L, MD…

Northwest Family Medicine

Family Medicine

605 Welch St

Silverton, OR 97381

(503) 873-6987

Ledford, Greta M, FNP*…

Family Medical Group of


Family Medicine

335 Fairview St

Silverton, OR 97381

(503) 873-8686

Lee, Earl W, DO…

Salem Clinic

Family Medicine

2020 Capitol St NE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 399-2424

Lee, Earl W, DO…

Salem Clinic - South

Family Medicine

2531 Boone Rd SE

Salem, OR 97306

(503) 399-2424

Lee, Jennifer L, ANP…

Salem Health Medical Clinic -

River Road N

Family Medicine

5100 River Rd N

Keizer, OR 97303

(503) 393-2533

Lehrfeld Smith, Jessica A, DO…

Legacy Medical Group - Silverton

Family Physicians

Family Medicine

347 Fairview St

Silverton, OR 97381

(503) 873-5667

Lenz, Lynette M, PA-C…

Salem Health Medical Clinic -

Skyline Village

Family Medicine

5050 Skyline Village Lp S

Salem, OR 97306

(503) 391-1110

Lewis, Steven L, PA-C*…

Salem Health Medical Clinic -

Boulder Creek

Family Medicine

2485 12th St SE

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 363-8047

Likhonina, Lyudmila Y, PA…

Salud Medical Center

Family Medicine

1175 Mt Hood Ave

Woodburn, OR 97071

(503) 982-2000

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid

Page 46 of 204




Lissy, Ernest E, FNP…

Jefferson Medical Clinic

Family Medicine

294 N 2nd St

Jefferson, OR 97352

(541) 327-2380

Lissy, Ernest E, FNP…

Stayton Family Practice

Family Medicine

1881 W Washington St

Stayton, OR 97383

(503) 769-2641

Loewen-Thomas, Ian G, MD…

Salem Clinic

General Practice

2020 Capitol St NE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 399-2424

Lulay, Casey J, FNP…

Santiam Mobile Medicine

Family Medicine

610 Hawthorne Ave SE 250

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 507-5356

Mansilla Diaz, Patricia E, FNP*…

WFMC Health

Family Medicine

435 Lancaster Dr NE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 585-6388

McCarthy, Eva S, DO…

Santiam Medical Group -

Sublimity Medical Clinic

Family Medicine

114 SE Church St

Sublimity, OR 97385

(503) 769-2259

McDonald, Jordana L, FNP…

Salem Health Occupational


Family Medicine

1002 Bellevue St SE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 561-5352

McQuillan, Lindsey D, FNP…

Salem Health Medical Clinic -

Skyline Village

Family Medicine

5050 Skyline Village Lp S

Salem, OR 97306

(503) 391-1110

Mee, Adrienne F, FNP…

Santiam Medical Group -

Cascade Medical Clinic

Family Medicine

1375 N 10th Ave Ste B

Stayton, OR 97383

(503) 769-7546

Metzger, Katie E, PA…

Santiam Medical Group -

Santiam Medical Associates

Family Medicine

1401 N 10th Ave Ste 100

Stayton, OR 97383

(503) 769-6386

Miguez, Jill S, FNP, NMNP*…

WFMC Health

Family Medicine

435 Lancaster Dr NE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 585-6388

Miller, Mary K, ANP…

Praxis Health South Salem

Primary Care

Internal Medicine

4999 Skyline Rd S 100

Salem, OR 97306

(503) 364-4005

Mills, Elizabeth P, NP…

Salem Health Family Medicine -


Family Medicine

550 Dietz Ave NE

Keizer, OR 97303

(503) 814-4400

Mills, Elizabeth P, NP…

Salem Health Medical Clinic -

River Road N

Family Medicine

5100 River Rd N

Keizer, OR 97303

(503) 393-2533

Mitzel, Jerrod C, MD*…

Salem Health Medical Clinic -

Boulder Creek

Family Medicine

2485 12th St SE

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 363-8047

Moore, Raquel P, PA…

Lancaster Family Health Center

Family Medicine

3896 Beverly Ave NE Bldg J

Salem, OR 97305

(503) 588-0076

Mullins, Tamara S, FNP…

Salem Health Medical Clinic -

Skyline Village

Family Medicine

5050 Skyline Village Lp S

Salem, OR 97306

(503) 391-1110

Naik, Neha R, MD…

Salem Health Medical Clinic -

Skyline Village

Internal Medicine

5050 Skyline Village Lp S

Salem, OR 97306

(503) 391-1110

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid

Page 47 of 204




Nanduri, Venkata Praneet K, MD…

Salem Clinic

Internal Medicine

2020 Capitol St NE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 399-2424

Ngo, Anthony Q, FNP*…

Salem Health Medical Clinic -

Skyline Village

Family Medicine

5050 Skyline Village Lp S

Salem, OR 97306

(503) 391-1110

Nnodum, Benedicta N, MD*…

WFMC Health

Internal Medicine

435 Lancaster Dr NE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 585-6388

North, Eric M, MD*

Hope Family Medicine, Inc

Family Medicine

530 Welch St

Silverton, OR 97381

(503) 874-6026

North, Phoenix S, MD*

Hope Family Medicine, Inc

Family Medicine

530 Welch St

Silverton, OR 97381

(503) 874-6026

Nwaele, Vitus N, MD…

Salem Health Medical Clinic -

River Road N

Family Medicine

5100 River Rd N

Keizer, OR 97303

(503) 393-2533

Ochoa Sosa, Silvia, PA-C*…

Lancaster Family Health Center

Family Medicine

3896 Beverly Ave NE Bldg J

Salem, OR 97305

(503) 588-0076

Oreschak, Lisa C, PA…

Santiam Medical Group -

Santiam Medical Associates

Family Medicine

1401 N 10th Ave Ste 100

Stayton, OR 97383

(503) 769-6386

Orr, Rodney E, MD*…

Family Medical Group of


Family Medicine

335 Fairview St

Silverton, OR 97381

(503) 873-8686

Ortega, Salvador M, MD*…

WFMC Health

Family Medicine

435 Lancaster Dr NE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 585-6388

Oyama, Joel M, FNP…

Legacy Woodburn Health Center

Family Medicine

1475 Mt Hood Ave

Woodburn, OR 97071

(503) 982-2174

Oyama, Joel M, FNP*…

Legacy Silverton Medical Center

Family Medicine

342 Fairview St

Silverton, OR 97381

(503) 873-1500

Pandit, Roopa S, MD…

Pacific Pediatrics


1475 Mt Hood Ave

Woodburn, OR 97071

(503) 982-0626

Pathak, Rishi R, MD…

Salem Clinic - Inland Shores

Family Medicine

5900 Inland Shores Way N Ste 100

Keizer, OR 97303

(503) 399-2424

Pedersen, Niels F, MD…

Salem Clinic

Family Medicine

2020 Capitol St NE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 399-2424

Peters, Sarah M, MD…

Northwest Family Medicine

Family Medicine

605 Welch St

Silverton, OR 97381

(503) 873-6987

Peters, Timothy R, MD…

Northwest Family Medicine

Family Medicine

605 Welch St

Silverton, OR 97381

(503) 873-6987

Pirkl, Gregory L, MD…

Salem Clinic

Family Medicine

2020 Capitol St NE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 399-2424

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid

Page 48 of 204




Pociurko, Barbara, MD*…

WFMC Health

Internal Medicine

435 Lancaster Dr NE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 585-6388

Rankin, Sarah L, FNP*…

Legacy Woodburn Health Center

Family Medicine

1475 Mt Hood Ave

Woodburn, OR 97071

(503) 982-2174

Read, Tracy L, MD…

Legacy Woodburn Health Center

Family Medicine

1475 Mt Hood Ave

Woodburn, OR 97071

(503) 982-2174

Roberts, Joel S, FNP…

Salem Health Medical Clinic -


Family Medicine

105 Arney Rd Ste 130

Woodburn, OR 97071

(503) 902-3900

Robinson, Brett W, MD*…

Salem Family Medicine

Family Medicine

432 Lancaster Dr NE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 581-8899

Robinson, Jamie E, MD…

Santiam Medical Group -

Santiam Medical Associates

Family Medicine

1401 N 10th Ave Ste 100

Stayton, OR 97383

(503) 769-6386

Rue, Christine J, PA-C…

Salem Health Medical Clinic -

Boulder Creek

Family Medicine

2485 12th St SE

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 363-8047

Rue, Christine J, PA-C…

Praxis Health South Salem

Primary Care

Family Medicine

4999 Skyline Rd S 100

Salem, OR 97306

(503) 364-4005

Rumbaugh, Lori C, MD…

Legacy Medical Group - Keizer

Internal Medicine

5685 Inland Shores Way N

Keizer, OR 97303

(503) 779-2271

Saadoun, Basma, MD…

Salem Clinic

Family Medicine

2020 Capitol St NE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 399-2424

Saavedra, Fiorella L, PA…

Lancaster Family Health Center

Family Medicine

255 Lancaster Dr NE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 576-8400

Sabella, Alexandra L, PA-C*…

Lancaster Family Health Center

Family Medicine

255 Lancaster Dr NE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 576-8400

Sanchez, Adam F, FNP…

Salem Clinic - Inland Shores

Family Medicine

5900 Inland Shores Way N Ste 100

Keizer, OR 97303

(503) 399-2424

Savage, Jeanne S, MD*…

Salud Medical Center

Family Medicine

1175 Mt Hood Ave

Woodburn, OR 97071

(503) 982-2000

Schlegel, Lisa M, ARNP*…

Salud Medical Center

Family Medicine

1175 Mt Hood Ave

Woodburn, OR 97071

(503) 982-2000

Schmidt, Alyssa R, PA-C…

Praxis Health South Salem

Primary Care

Family Medicine

4999 Skyline Rd S 100

Salem, OR 97306

(503) 364-4005

Schmidt, Stephanie M, FNP*…

WFMC Health

Family Medicine

435 Lancaster Dr NE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 585-6388

Schwartz, Megan C, MD…

Pacific Pediatrics


1475 Mt Hood Ave

Woodburn, OR 97071

(503) 982-0626

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid

Page 49 of 204




Sheffield, Annan J, PA…

Lancaster Family Health Center

Family Medicine

255 Lancaster Dr NE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 576-8400

Singh, Mala, MD…

Salem Clinic - Inland Shores

Internal Medicine

5900 Inland Shores Way N Ste 100

Keizer, OR 97303

(503) 399-2424

Skelding, Philip C, MD…

Salem Clinic

Internal Medicine

2020 Capitol St NE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 399-2424

Smith, Elizabeth R, MD…

Legacy Medical Group - Keizer

Family Medicine

5685 Inland Shores Way N

Keizer, OR 97303

(503) 779-2271

Snyder, Katherine A, MD…

Salud Medical Center

Family Medicine

1175 Mt Hood Ave

Woodburn, OR 97071

(503) 982-2000

Snyder, Katherine A, MD*…

Lancaster Family Health Center

Family Medicine

255 Lancaster Dr NE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 576-8400

Snyder, Katherine A, MD…

Pacific Pediatrics

Family Medicine

1475 Mt Hood Ave

Woodburn, OR 97071

(503) 982-0626

Spencer, Paula J, DO…

Salem Health Medical Clinic -

Boulder Creek

Family Medicine

2485 12th St SE

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 363-8047

Spencer, Paula J, DO…

Praxis Health South Salem

Primary Care

Family Medicine

4999 Skyline Rd S 100

Salem, OR 97306

(503) 364-4005

Steele, Robert L, MD*…

WFMC Health

Internal Medicine

435 Lancaster Dr NE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 585-6388

Stegeman-Olsen, Jenny L, MD…

Lancaster Family Health Center

Family Medicine

3896 Beverly Ave NE, Bldg J Ste


Salem, OR 97305

(503) 588-0076

Steiner, Erin E, FNP*…

Lancaster Family Health Center

Family Medicine

255 Lancaster Dr NE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 576-8400

Stevens, Jennifer R, FNP…

Legacy Medical Group - Silverton

Family Physicians

Family Medicine

347 Fairview St

Silverton, OR 97381

(503) 873-5667

Stoessl, Jeffrey S, MD…

Salem Clinic

Family Medicine

2020 Capitol St NE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 399-2424

Summers, Krista J, FNP…

Salem Health Medical Clinic -

Skyline Village

Family Medicine

5050 Skyline Village Lp S

Salem, OR 97306

(503) 391-1110

Thomas, Kristy L, AGACNP…

Salem Clinic - Inland Shores

Family Medicine

5900 Inland Shores Way N Ste 100

Keizer, OR 97303

(503) 399-2424

Tran, Trini, FNP…

Salem Womens Clinic, Inc

Family Medicine

1395 Liberty St SE

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 399-2444

Traser, Sarah M, FNP…

Santiam Medical Group -

Santiam Orthopaedic Clinic

Family Medicine

1377 N 10th Ave

Stayton, OR 97383

(503) 769-8470

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid

Page 50 of 204




Truxilio, Lauren E, PA-C*…

Lancaster Family Health Center

Family Medicine

255 Lancaster Dr NE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 576-8400

Uselman, Julian J, DO…

Legacy Medical Group - Silverton

Family Physicians

Family Medicine

347 Fairview St

Silverton, OR 97381

(503) 873-5667

Vanderburgh, Mark P, MD…

Salem Clinic - South

Family Medicine

2531 Boone Rd SE

Salem, OR 97306

(503) 399-2424

Vishwakarma, Moti L, MD…

Salem Clinic - South

Family Medicine

2531 Boone Rd SE

Salem, OR 97306

(503) 399-2424

Volchok, Sabine, MD*…

Salud Medical Center

Family Medicine

1175 Mt Hood Ave

Woodburn, OR 97071

(503) 982-2000

Walker, Jamey L, MD…

Legacy Woodburn Health Center

Family Medicine

1475 Mt Hood Ave

Woodburn, OR 97071

(503) 982-2174

Wang, Jeffrey T, MD…

Salem Clinic - Inland Shores

Internal Medicine

5900 Inland Shores Way N Ste 100

Keizer, OR 97303

(503) 399-2424

Wang, Jeffrey T, MD*…

Salem Clinic

Internal Medicine

2020 Capitol St NE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 399-2424

Weber, Ty C, FNP…

Santiam Medical Group -

Aumsville Medical Clinic

Family Medicine

205 Main St

Aumsville, OR 97325

(503) 749-4734

Weeks, Patricia J, MD…

Salem Clinic

Family Medicine

2020 Capitol St NE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 399-2424

West, Lynn A, ANP…

Salem Health Medical Clinic -

Skyline Village

Family Medicine

5050 Skyline Village Lp S

Salem, OR 97306

(503) 391-1110

Wettlaufer, Sheila L, FNP*…

Mill Creek Family Clinic

Family Medicine

4285 Commercial St SE Ste 120

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 585-6455

Whitmire, Tracy L, FNP…

Legacy Medical Group - Silverton

Family Physicians

Family Medicine

347 Fairview St

Silverton, OR 97381

(503) 873-5667

Whitney, Annette, MD…

Salem Clinic

Family Medicine

2020 Capitol St NE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 399-2424

Wild, Anne M, MD…

Salem Clinic

Family Medicine

2020 Capitol St NE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 399-2424

Williams, Gerald E, DO…

Salem Clinic

Family Medicine

2020 Capitol St NE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 399-2424

Wong, Gay, FNP…

Legacy Woodburn Health Center

Family Medicine

1475 Mt Hood Ave

Woodburn, OR 97071

(503) 982-2174

Yale, Jerry D, MD…

Salud Medical Center

Family Medicine

1175 Mt Hood Ave

Woodburn, OR 97071

(503) 982-2000

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid

Page 51 of 204




Yau, Jean-Huei, MD*…

Salud Medical Center

Family Medicine

1175 Mt Hood Ave

Woodburn, OR 97071

(503) 982-2000

Young, Angela T, PA-C…

Salem Health Medical Clinic -

Skyline Village

Family Medicine

5050 Skyline Village Lp S

Salem, OR 97306

(503) 391-1110

Young, Sandra C, FNP…

Praxis Health South Salem

Primary Care

Family Medicine

4999 Skyline Rd S 100

Salem, OR 97306

(503) 364-4005

Zawada, Eleanor, MD…

Legacy Woodburn Health Center

Internal Medicine

1475 Mt Hood Ave

Woodburn, OR 97071

(503) 982-2174

Zuk, Timothy T, MD…

Salem Clinic - Inland Shores

Family Medicine

5900 Inland Shores Way N Ste 100

Keizer, OR 97303

(503) 399-2424


Austin, Jared P, MD…

OHSU General Pediatric Clinic


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-5700

Aylor, Megan E, MD…

OHSU General Pediatric Clinic


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-5700

Azar, Afaf S, MD…

OHSU Internal Medicine &


Internal Medicine

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-8562

Bellanca, Helen K, MD*…

OHSU Family Medicine

Family Medicine

3930 SE Division St

Portland, OR 97202

(503) 418-3900

Bensching, Katherine L, MD…

OHSU Internal Medicine &


Internal Medicine

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-8562

Bernstein, Juliana M, PA…

OHSU Internal Medicine &


Internal Medicine

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-8562

Blanchard, Shawn H, MD…

OHSU Family Medicine

Family Medicine

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 9

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-8573

Blaschke, Gregory S, MD…

OHSU Doernbecher


15220 NW Laidlaw Rd Ste 100

Portland, OR 97229

(503) 418-2000

Blenning, Carol E, MD*…

OHSU Family Medicine

Family Medicine

3930 SE Division St

Portland, OR 97202

(503) 418-3900

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid

Page 52 of 204




Bonazzola, Michael F, MD…

OHSU Internal Medicine &


Internal Medicine

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-8562

Bower, Elizabeth A, MD…

OHSU Internal Medicine &


Internal Medicine

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-8562

Cantor, Amy G, MD…

OHSU Center for Women's


Family Medicine

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-4500

Cecil, Valerie L, FNP…

OHSU Family Medicine

Family Medicine

3930 SE Division St

Portland, OR 97202

(503) 418-3900

Chan, Brian, MD…

OHSU Hospital Medicine

Internal Medicine

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-6101

Cheng, Anthony M, MD…

OHSU Family Medicine

Family Medicine

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 9

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-8573

Chiang, Lydia K, MD*…

OHSU Doernbecher


15220 NW Laidlaw Rd Ste 100

Portland, OR 97229

(503) 418-2000

Chinn, Ashley M, PA…

OHSU Family Medicine

Family Medicine

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 9

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-8573

Choxi, Hetal H, MD…

OHSU Center for Women's


Family Medicine

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-4500

Christiansen, Ruth, PA…

OHSU Family Health Center

Family Medicine

4411 SW Vermont St

Portland, OR 97219

(503) 494-9992

Clark-Nicholson, Ella, PA…

OHSU Family Health Center

Family Medicine

4411 SW Vermont St

Portland, OR 97219

(503) 494-9992

Coleman, Clifford A, MD*…

OHSU Family Medicine

Family Medicine

3930 SE Division St

Portland, OR 97202

(503) 418-3900

DeGan, Moniquea J, FNP…

OHSU Family Medicine

Family Medicine

3930 SE Division St

Portland, OR 97202

(503) 418-3900

Dellinger, Michael D, MD…

OHSU Internal Medicine &


Internal Medicine

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-8562

DeMunter, Jodi K, MD…

OHSU JBT Health & Wellness


Family Medicine

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-8665

Devarajan, Sumathi, MD*…

OHSU Family Medicine

Family Medicine, Geriatrics

3930 SE Division St

Portland, OR 97202

(503) 418-3900

DeVoe, Jennifer E, MD*…

OHSU Family Health Center

Family Medicine

4411 SW Vermont St

Portland, OR 97219

(503) 494-9992

Devoe, Meg A, MD…

OHSU Internal Medicine &


Internal Medicine

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-8562

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid

Page 53 of 204




DiPiero, Albert R, MD…

OHSU Internal Medicine &


Internal Medicine

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-8562

Dorr, David A, MD*…

OHSU Internal Medicine &


Internal Medicine

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-8562

Eckstrom, Elizabeth N, MD…

OHSU Internal Medicine &



3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-8562

Elliot, Diane L, MD…

OHSU Health Promotion &

Sports Medicine

Internal Medicine

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-6813

Fagnan, Lyle J, MD*…

OHSU Family Health Center

Family Medicine

4411 SW Vermont St

Portland, OR 97219

(503) 494-9992

Flynn, Jessica M, MD*…

OHSU Family Medicine

Family Medicine

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 9

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-8573

Fox, Allison L, FNP*…

OHSU Family Medicine

Family Medicine

3930 SE Division St

Portland, OR 97202

(503) 418-3900

Fox, Christopher B, ANP…

OHSU Internal Medicine &


Internal Medicine

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-8562

Frank, Brian E, MD…

OHSU Family Medicine

Family Medicine

3930 SE Division St

Portland, OR 97202

(503) 418-3900

Garvin, Roger D, MD*…

OHSU Family Health Center

Family Medicine

4411 SW Vermont St

Portland, OR 97219

(503) 494-9992

Gideonse, Nicholas L, MD…

OHSU Family Medicine

Family Medicine, Addiction


3930 SE Division St

Portland, OR 97202

(503) 418-3900

Gil, Richard, MD*…

OHSU Internal Medicine &


Internal Medicine

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-8562

Gilbert, Kristin E, MD…

OHSU Family Health Center

Family Medicine

4411 SW Vermont St

Portland, OR 97219

(503) 494-9992

Glidden, Diana G, ANP…

OHSU Internal Medicine &


Internal Medicine

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-8562

Grigsby, Tamara M, MD…

OHSU General Pediatric Clinic


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-5700

Hallock Koppelman, Laurel K,


OHSU Family Medicine

Family Medicine

3930 SE Division St

Portland, OR 97202

(503) 418-3900

Haney, Elizabeth M, MD…

OHSU Internal Medicine &


Internal Medicine

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-8562

Hardman, Joseph A, MD…

OHSU Internal Medicine &


Internal Medicine

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-8562

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid

Page 54 of 204




Hasan, Reem, MD…

OHSU Internal Medicine &


Internal Medicine, Pediatrics

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-8562

Heintzman, John D, MD…

OHSU Family Medicine

Family Medicine

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 9

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-8573

Herrick, Timothy L, MD…

OHSU Family Medicine

Family Medicine

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 9

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-8573

Hoffman, Benjamin D, MD…

OHSU General Pediatric Clinic


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-5700

Hutchison, Ryan B, MD…

OHSU Family Medicine

Family Medicine

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-8573

Iwasaki, Ellen L, FNP*…

OHSU Family Health Center

Family Medicine

4411 SW Vermont St

Portland, OR 97219

(503) 494-9992

Jacobsen, Emily R, PA-C*…

OHSU Family Health Center

Family Medicine

4411 SW Vermont St

Portland, OR 97219

(503) 494-9992

Jacobsen, Emily R, PA-C…

OHSU Family Medicine

Family Medicine

3930 SE Division St

Portland, OR 97202

(503) 418-3900

Jaffe, Arthur C, MD…

OHSU General Pediatric Clinic


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-5700

Joslin, Timothy A, MD…

OHSU Family Medicine

Family Medicine

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 9

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-8573

Kanakia, Meera M, ANP…

OHSU Center for Women's


Family Medicine

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-4500

Kassakian, Steven Z, MD…

OHSU Internal Medicine &


Internal Medicine

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-8562

Khaki, Ida S, MD…

OHSU Doernbecher


15220 NW Laidlaw Rd Ste 100

Portland, OR 97229

(503) 418-2000

Kim-Hoffman, Jane, MD…

OHSU Doernbecher


15220 NW Laidlaw Rd Ste 100

Portland, OR 97229

(503) 418-2000

King, Adam B, PA…

OHSU JBT Health & Wellness


Family Medicine

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-8665

King, Valerie J, MD*…

OHSU Family Medicine

Family Medicine, Preventative


3303 S Bond Ave Ste 9

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-8573

Korthuis, Philip T, MD…

OHSU Internal Medicine &


Internal Medicine

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-8562

Kuehl, Kerry S, MD…

OHSU Health Promotion &

Sports Medicine

Internal Medicine

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-6813

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid

Page 55 of 204




Lenhart, Abigail A, MD…

OHSU Internal Medicine &


Internal Medicine

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-8562

Lieberman, Michael I, MD*…

OHSU Internal Medicine &


Internal Medicine

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-8562

Livingston, Catherine J, MD*…

OHSU Family Medicine

Family Medicine, Preventative


3303 S Bond Ave Ste 9

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-8573

Luiz, Joshin A, PA…

OHSU Internal Medicine &


Internal Medicine

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-8562

Marks, Bruce A, FNP*…

OHSU Family Medicine

Family Medicine

3930 SE Division St

Portland, OR 97202

(503) 418-3900

Marty, Nanette C, MD…

OHSU Internal Medicine &


Internal Medicine

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-8562

McIlraith, Marlo L, MD…

OHSU Doernbecher


15220 NW Laidlaw Rd Ste 100

Portland, OR 97229

(503) 418-2000

Milano, Christina E, MD…

OHSU Family Medicine

Family Medicine

3930 SE Division St

Portland, OR 97202

(503) 418-3900

Miller, Amanda F, PA…

OHSU Family Health Center

Family Medicine

4411 SW Vermont St

Portland, OR 97219

(503) 494-9992

Mitchell, Jennifer S, PA-C…

OHSU Family Health Center

Family Medicine

4411 SW Vermont St

Portland, OR 97219

(503) 494-9992

Mohan, Vishnu, MD…

OHSU Internal Medicine &


Internal Medicine

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-8562

Morgan, Emily A, MD*…

OHSU Internal Medicine &



3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-8562

Muench, John P, MD*…

OHSU Family Medicine

Family Medicine

3930 SE Division St

Portland, OR 97202

(503) 418-3900

Mullowney, Christine E, MD…

OHSU Internal Medicine &


Internal Medicine

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-8562

Myers, Emily, MD*…

OHSU Family Medicine

Family Medicine

3930 SE Division St

Portland, OR 97202

(503) 418-3900

Nicolaidis, Christina M, MD…

OHSU Internal Medicine &


Internal Medicine

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-8562

Noelck, Michelle B, MD…

OHSU General Pediatric Clinic


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-5700

Novak, Melissa A, DO…

OHSU Family Health Center

Family Medicine, Sports Medicine

4411 SW Vermont St

Portland, OR 97219

(503) 494-9992

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid

Page 56 of 204




Nurre, Noelle H, PNP…

OHSU General Pediatric Clinic


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-5700

Onishi, Eriko, MD…

OHSU Family Medicine

Family Medicine, Hospice &

Palliative Medicine

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 9

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-8573

Parker, Kea A, MD…

OHSU Family Medicine

Family Medicine

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 9

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-8573

Pena, Angeles, MD…

OHSU Doernbecher


15220 NW Laidlaw Rd Ste 100

Portland, OR 97229

(503) 418-2000

Phillipi, Carrie A, MD…

OHSU General Pediatric Clinic


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-5700

Pickett, Mary E, MD…

OHSU Internal Medicine &


Internal Medicine

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-8562

Polensek, Natasha A, MD…

OHSU Family Medicine


3303 S Bond Ave Ste 9

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-8573

Raj, Y Pritham, MD…

OHSU Internal Medicine &


Internal Medicine

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-8562

Ray, Moira K, MD*…

OHSU Family Medicine

Family Medicine, Preventative


3303 S Bond Ave Ste 9

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-8573

Ricci, Brian C, MD…

OHSU Internal Medicine &


Internal Medicine

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-8562

Robbins, Jonathan L, MD…

OHSU Internal Medicine

Internal Medicine

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-8562

Robinson, Sean C, MD…

OHSU Family Health Center

Family Medicine, Sports Medicine

4411 SW Vermont St

Portland, OR 97219

(503) 494-9992

Saultz, John W, MD…

OHSU Family Medicine

Family Medicine

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 9

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-8573

Schneider, Benjamin N, MD*…

OHSU Family Medicine

Family Medicine

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 9

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-8573

Seaman, Andrew P, MD…

OHSU Internal Medicine

Internal Medicine

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-8562

Seeley, Meghan A, FNP…

OHSU Center for Women's


Family Medicine

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-4500

Sells, Clifford W, MD…

OHSU General Pediatric Clinic


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-5700

Smith, Marian E, DO*…

OHSU Health Promotion &

Sports Medicine

Internal Medicine

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-6813

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid

Page 57 of 204




Smits, Ariel K, MD*…

OHSU Family Health Center

Family Medicine

4411 SW Vermont St

Portland, OR 97219

(503) 494-9992

Sosa, Sonia, MD…

OHSU Family Medicine

Family Medicine

3930 SE Division St

Portland, OR 97202

(503) 418-3900

Stein, Daniel P, PA…

OHSU Family Medicine

Family Medicine

3930 SE Division St

Portland, OR 97202

(503) 418-3900

Steiner Hayward, Elizabeth,


OHSU Family Health Center

Family Medicine

4411 SW Vermont St

Portland, OR 97219

(503) 494-9992

Stevenson, Windy L, MD*…

OHSU General Pediatric Clinic


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-5700

Sustersic, Brianna L, MD…

OHSU Internal Medicine &


Internal Medicine

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-8562

Taub, Sara, MD…

OHSU General Pediatric Clinic


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-5700

Terndrup, Christopher P, MD…

OHSU Internal Medicine

Internal Medicine

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-8562

Tolle, Susan Anne W, MD*…

OHSU Internal Medicine &


Internal Medicine

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-8562

Valvano, Thomas J, MD…

OHSU General Pediatric Clinic


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-5700

Verdieck Devlaeminck,

Alexandra, MD…

OHSU Family Medicine

Family Medicine

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 9

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-8573

Wagner, Tamara L, MD…

OHSU General Pediatric Clinic


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-5700

Warren, Johanna B, MD…

OHSU Center for Women's


Family Medicine

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-4500

Waterman, Emily H, MD…

OHSU Family Medicine

Family Medicine

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 9

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-8573

Weddle, Melissa C, MD*…

OHSU General Pediatric Clinic


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-5700

Werner, Leah C., MD

OHSU Family Health Center

Family Medicine

4411 SW Vermont St

Portland, OR 97219

(503) 494-9992

Wessenberg, Leah B, FNP…

OHSU Child Development &

Rehabilitation Center

Family Medicine

707 SW Gaines St

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-7859

Wiser, Amy L, MD…

OHSU Family Medicine

Family Medicine

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 9

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-8573

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid

Page 58 of 204




Wiser, Eric M, MD…

OHSU Family Health Center

Family Medicine

4411 SW Vermont St

Portland, OR 97219

(503) 494-9992

Yamashita, Daisuke, MD…

OHSU Family Medicine

Family Medicine

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 9

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-8573

Zink, Nancy, MD*…

OHSU Family Medicine

Family Medicine

3930 SE Division St

Portland, OR 97202

(503) 418-3900

Zuckerman, Katharine E, MD…

OHSU General Pediatric Clinic


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-5700


Baca Dietz, Deborah G,


West Salem Clinic

Family Medicine

1233 Edgewater St NW

Salem, OR 97304

(503) 378-7526

Balcom, Julia E, FNP…

Dallas Family Care

Family Medicine

531 SE Clay St

Dallas, OR 97338

(971) 612-6100

Bean, Scott D, MD*…

West Salem Family Practice


Family Medicine

1275 Wallace Rd NW

Salem, OR 97304

(503) 371-3232

Biehle, Jordan A, FNP…

Salem Health Medical Clinic -

Edgewater Clinic

Family Medicine

1049 Edgewater St NW Ste 150

Salem, OR 97304

(503) 814-4400

Birdsong, Jane E, FNP…

Salem Health Medical Clinic -

Edgewater Clinic

Family Medicine

1049 Edgewater St NW Ste 150

Salem, OR 97304

(503) 814-4400

Blome, Randall E, MD…

Grand Ronde Health & Wellness


Family Medicine

9605 Grand Ronde Rd

Grand Ronde, OR 97347

(503) 879-2002

Butler, Amanda J, PA-C…

West Salem Clinic

Family Medicine

1233 Edgewater St NW

Salem, OR 97304

(503) 378-7526

Caldwell, Serena D, FNP…

Primary Care West

Family Medicine

1255 Wallace Rd NW

Salem, OR 97304

(503) 362-1314

Carey, Shannon R, PA-C…

West Salem Clinic

Family Medicine

1233 Edgewater St NW

Salem, OR 97304

(503) 378-7526

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid

Page 59 of 204




Carrasco Cabrera, Veronica C,


Salem Health Medical Clinic -

Edgewater Clinic

Family Medicine

1049 Edgewater St NW Ste 150

Salem, OR 97304

(503) 814-4400

Cernev, Iuri, FNP…

Salem Health Medical Clinic -

Edgewater Clinic

Family Medicine

1049 Edgewater St NW Ste 150

Salem, OR 97304

(503) 814-4400

Chaffee, Stephen J, DO…

Dallas Family Care

Family Medicine

531 SE Clay St

Dallas, OR 97338

(971) 612-6100

Chen, Eric T, MD…

West Salem Clinic

Family Medicine

1233 Edgewater St NW

Salem, OR 97304

(503) 378-7526

Coulam, Benjamin G, FNP*…

Salem Health West Valley -

Monmouth Medical Center

Family Medicine

512 Main St E Ste 300

Monmouth, OR 97361

(503) 838-1182

Coulam, Benjamin G, FNP…

Salem Health Medical Group


Family Medicine

555 SE Washington St

Dallas, OR 97338

(503) 623-7301

Coulam, Benjamin G, FNP*…

Central Health & Wellness Center

Family Medicine

1601 Monmouth St Ste 100

Independence, OR 97351

(503) 838-0045

Cunningham, Susan E, FNP…

Primary Care West

Family Medicine

1255 Wallace Rd NW

Salem, OR 97304

(503) 362-1314

Edwardson, Christopher W, MD…

Dallas Family Care

General Practice

531 SE Clay St

Dallas, OR 97338

(971) 612-6100

Erez, Aaron, DO…

Well Life Family Medicine

Family Medicine

1174 Cornucopia St NW Ste 240

Salem, OR 97304

(971) 301-4411

Evers, Aaron M, FNP…

Compass Medical Clinic

Family Medicine

607 SE Jefferson St

Dallas, OR 97338

(503) 623-1200

Everson, Allison K, PA*…

West Salem Family Practice


Family Medicine

1275 Wallace Rd NW

Salem, OR 97304

(503) 371-3232

Fairfax, Carolyn S, MD…

Grand Ronde Health & Wellness


Family Medicine

9605 Grand Ronde Rd

Grand Ronde, OR 97347

(503) 879-2002

Ferry, Meghan M, PA…

West Salem Clinic

Family Medicine

1233 Edgewater St NW

Salem, OR 97304

(503) 378-7526

Fulkerson Schaeffer, Sandra D,


West Salem Clinic

Family Medicine

1233 Edgewater St NW

Salem, OR 97304

(503) 378-7526

Gillis, Erik S, PA…

West Salem Clinic

Family Medicine

1233 Edgewater St NW

Salem, OR 97304

(503) 378-7526

Gurram, Shwetha R, MD…

Salem Health Medical Clinic -

Edgewater Clinic

Family Medicine

1049 Edgewater St NW Ste 150

Salem, OR 97304

(503) 814-4400

Gyuricska, Magdalene R, MD…

Salem Health Medical Clinic -

Edgewater Clinic

Family Medicine

1049 Edgewater St NW Ste 150

Salem, OR 97304

(503) 814-4400

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid

Page 60 of 204




Hadley, John C, DO*…

Salem Health Medical Clinic -

Uglow Ave

Family Medicine

1000 SE Uglow Ave

Dallas, OR 97338

(503) 623-8376

Hoover, Barbara G, DO*

Compass Medical Clinic

Family Medicine

607 SE Jefferson St

Dallas, OR 97338

(503) 623-1200

Humphrey, Jeffrey S, DO…

Salem Health Medical Clinic -

Uglow Ave

Family Medicine

1000 SE Uglow Ave

Dallas, OR 97338

(503) 623-8376

Lee, Chelsea R, PA-C…

Salem Health Medical Clinic -

Uglow Ave

Family Medicine

1000 SE Uglow Ave

Dallas, OR 97338

(503) 623-8376

Loberg, Lance G, MD…

Grand Ronde Health & Wellness


Family Medicine

9605 Grand Ronde Rd

Grand Ronde, OR 97347

(503) 879-2002

Lucas, William M, MD*

Compass Medical Clinic

Family Medicine

607 SE Jefferson St

Dallas, OR 97338

(503) 623-1200

McDowell, Taylor J, PA…

West Salem Clinic

Family Medicine

1233 Edgewater St NW

Salem, OR 97304

(503) 378-7526

Mehlhoff, Amanda M, FNP*…

West Salem Family Practice


Family Medicine

1275 Wallace Rd NW

Salem, OR 97304

(503) 371-3232

Mitchell, Jacob L, PA…

Salem Health Medical Clinic -

Uglow Ave

Family Medicine

1000 SE Uglow Ave

Dallas, OR 97338

(503) 623-8376

Niemuth, Maria L, DO…

West Salem Clinic

Family Medicine

1233 Edgewater St NW

Salem, OR 97304

(503) 378-7526

Placek, Mary S, MD…

Salem Health West Valley -

Monmouth Medical Center

Family Medicine

512 Main St E Ste 300

Monmouth, OR 97361

(503) 838-1182

Placek, Mary S, MD…

Salem Health Medical Clinic -


Family Medicine

1430 Monmouth St

Independence, OR 97351

(503) 917-2255

Rasmussen, Michelle A, MD…

Salem Health Medical Clinic -

Edgewater Clinic

Family Medicine

1049 Edgewater St NW Ste 150

Salem, OR 97304

(503) 814-4400

Rasmussen, Michelle A, MD…

Salem Health West Valley -

Monmouth Medical Center

Family Medicine

512 Main St E Ste 300

Monmouth, OR 97361

(503) 838-1182

Remington, Gina P, MD*…

Salveo Family Medicine

Family Medicine

410 E Ellendale Ave Ste 2

Dallas, OR 97338

(503) 623-8151

Sandeman, Joshua F, FNP…

Total Health Community Clinic

Family Medicine

180 Atwater St N

Monmouth, OR 97361

(503) 606-3288

Scherlie, Mark J, DO*…

West Salem Family Practice


Family Medicine

1275 Wallace Rd NW

Salem, OR 97304

(503) 371-3232

Schumilas, Harry B, MD…

Salem Health Medical Group


Family Medicine

555 SE Washington St

Dallas, OR 97338

(503) 623-7301

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid

Page 61 of 204




Schumilas, Harry B, MD…

Salem Health Medical Clinic -

Uglow Ave

Family Medicine

1000 SE Uglow Ave

Dallas, OR 97338

(503) 623-8376

Shinn, Faith R, FNP…

Dallas Family Care

Family Medicine

531 SE Clay St

Dallas, OR 97338

(971) 612-6100

Shrestha, Sarah, FNP*…

West Salem Family Practice


Family Medicine

1275 Wallace Rd NW

Salem, OR 97304

(503) 371-3232

Skreen, Jamie L, DO…

West Salem Clinic

Family Medicine

1233 Edgewater St NW

Salem, OR 97304

(503) 378-7526

Skreen, Jamie L, DO…

Total Health Community Clinic

Family Medicine

180 Atwater St N

Monmouth, OR 97361

(503) 606-3288

Spellings, Kristie A, DO…

Total Health Community Clinic

Family Medicine

180 Atwater St N

Monmouth, OR 97361

(503) 606-3288

Spicer, Kerrie E, FNP…

Salem Health Medical Clinic -

Edgewater Clinic

Family Medicine

1049 Edgewater St NW Ste 150

Salem, OR 97304

(503) 814-4400

Thomas, Heidi S, MD*…

West Salem Family Practice


Internal Medicine

1275 Wallace Rd NW

Salem, OR 97304

(503) 371-3232

Tihanyi, Katie E, MD*…

Primary Care West

Family Medicine

1255 Wallace Rd NW

Salem, OR 97304

(503) 362-1314

Tseng, Timothy J, PA-C…

West Salem Clinic

Family Medicine

1233 Edgewater St NW

Salem, OR 97304

(503) 378-7526

Van Noy, Patrick S, PA-C…

Total Health Community Clinic

Family Medicine

180 Atwater St N

Monmouth, OR 97361

(503) 606-3288

Watkin, Holli J, FNP*…

Central Health & Wellness Center

Family Medicine

1601 Monmouth St Ste 100

Independence, OR 97351

(503) 838-0045

Weaver, Paul G, DO*…

West Salem Family Practice


Family Medicine

1275 Wallace Rd NW

Salem, OR 97304

(503) 371-3232

Wimmer, Shelly A, PA-C…

Salem Health Medical Clinic -


Family Medicine

1430 Monmouth St

Independence, OR 97351

(503) 917-2255

Wimmer, Shelly A, PA-C…

Salem Health West Valley -

Monmouth Medical Center

Family Medicine

512 Main St E Ste 300

Monmouth, OR 97361

(503) 838-1182

Witt, Angela L, FNP…

West Salem Clinic

Family Medicine

1233 Edgewater St NW

Salem, OR 97304

(503) 378-7526

Yamaguchi, Eugene Y, MD*…

West Salem Family Practice


Family Medicine

1275 Wallace Rd NW

Salem, OR 97304

(503) 371-3232

Yates, Ralph A, DO…

Salem Health Medical Clinic -

Edgewater Clinic

Family Medicine

1049 Edgewater St NW Ste 150

Salem, OR 97304

(503) 814-4400

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid

Page 62 of 204




Zheng, Xi, MD…

Salem Health Medical Clinic -

Edgewater Clinic

Internal Medicine

1049 Edgewater St NW Ste 150

Salem, OR 97304

(503) 814-4400


Erez, Aaron, DO…

Well Life Family Medicine

Family Medicine

256 SE 2nd Ave

Hillsboro, OR 97123

(971) 301-4411

Nesse, Johanna, FNP…

OHSU Family Medicine

Family Medicine

15700 SW Greystone Ct

Beaverton, OR 97006

(971) 262-9150

Norton, Ryan M, DO…

OHSU Family Medicine

Family Medicine

15700 SW Greystone Ct

Beaverton, OR 97006

(971) 262-9150

Petering, Ryan C, MD…

OHSU Family Medicine

Family Medicine, Sports Medicine

15700 SW Greystone Ct

Beaverton, OR 97006

(971) 262-9150

Shivalingappa, Samudyatha A,


OHSU Internal Medicine


15700 SW Greystone Ct

Beaverton, OR 97006

(971) 262-9150

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid

Page 63 of 204



Addiction Medicine

Hursey, Phyllis D, MD…

JD Health and Wellness Center

608 Lancaster Dr SE

Salem, OR 97317

(503) 877-1995

Allergy & Immunology

Berry, Alalia W, MD…

Silver Falls Dermatology -


2358 NW Kings Blvd Ste 100

Corvallis, OR 97330

(503) 362-8385

Chou, Alice H, MD…

Allergy & Asthma Center

330 S Garden Way Ste 150

Eugene, OR 97401

(541) 485-0316

Israelsen, Ryan B, MD…

Allergy & Asthma Center of

Southern Oregon

3860 Crater Lake Ave Ste A

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 858-1003

Israelsen, Ryan B, MD…

Allergy & Asthma Center of

Southern Oregon

2628 Clover St

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 858-1003

Israelsen, Ryan B, MD…

Allergy & Asthma Center of

Southern Oregon

1722 Williams Hwy

Grants Pass, OR 97527

(541) 858-1003

Israelsen, Ryan B, MD…

Allergy & Asthma Center of

Southern Oregon

1813 W Harvard Ave Ste 241

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 858-1003

Kelly, Kary A, FNP…

Allergy & Asthma Center of

Southern Oregon

3860 Crater Lake Ave Ste A

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 858-1003

Kelly, Kary A, FNP…

Allergy & Asthma Center of

Southern Oregon

2628 Clover St

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 858-1003

Kelly, Kary A, FNP…

Allergy & Asthma Center of

Southern Oregon

1722 Williams Hwy

Grants Pass, OR 97527

(541) 858-1003

Kerwin, Edward, MD…

Allergy & Asthma Center of

Southern Oregon

3860 Crater Lake Ave Ste A

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 858-1003

Khalili, Barzin, MD…

OHSU Allergy & Clinical


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-4300

Montanaro, Anthony, MD…

OHSU Allergy & Clinical


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-4300

Ostovar, Jaleh, FNP…

Allergy & Asthma Center of

Southern Oregon

1722 Williams Hwy

Grants Pass, OR 97527

(541) 858-1003

Ostovar, Jaleh, FNP…

Allergy & Asthma Center of

Southern Oregon

2262 Ashland St

Ashland, OR 97520

(541) 858-1003

Ostovar, Jaleh, FNP…

Allergy & Asthma Center of

Southern Oregon

3860 Crater Lake Ave Ste A

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 858-1003

Parks, Kevin W, MD…

Allergy & Asthma Center of

Southern Oregon

1722 Williams Hwy

Grants Pass, OR 97527

(541) 858-1003

Parks, Kevin W, MD…

Allergy & Asthma Center of

Southern Oregon

1813 W Harvard Ave Ste 241

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 858-1003

Parks, Kevin W, MD…

Allergy & Asthma Center of

Southern Oregon

3860 Crater Lake Ave Ste A

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 858-1003

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid Page 64 of 204



Allergy & Immunology

Parks, Kevin W, MD…

Allergy & Asthma Center of

Southern Oregon

2628 Clover St

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 858-1003

Rohr, Candice M, MD…

Allergy & Asthma Center

330 S Garden Way Ste 150

Eugene, OR 97401

(541) 485-0316

Smith, Tiffany R, PA…

Allergy & Asthma Center of

Southern Oregon

3860 Crater Lake Ave Ste A

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 858-1003

Smith, Tiffany R, PA…

Allergy & Asthma Center of

Southern Oregon

2262 Ashland St

Ashland, OR 97520

(541) 858-1003

Smith, Tiffany R, PA…

Allergy & Asthma Center of

Southern Oregon

1722 Williams Hwy

Grants Pass, OR 97527

(541) 858-1003

Smith, Tiffany R, PA…

Allergy & Asthma Center of

Southern Oregon

1813 W Harvard Ave Ste 241

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 858-1003

Sweet, James M, MD…

Silver Falls Dermatology - Salem

1793 13th St SE

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 362-8385


Anderson, Scott C, AuD

Roseburg Audiology Center

1367 W Harvard

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 672-8868

Anderson, Scott C, AuD…

ENT Associates of Roseburg

2423 NW Troost St

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 677-3400

Anderson, Steven G, AuD…

ENT Associates of Roseburg

2423 NW Troost St

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 677-3400

Anderson, Steven G, AuD

Roseburg Audiology Center

1367 W Harvard

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 672-8868

Berg, C. Jeffrey, AuD…

Asante Physician Partners

537 SW Union Ave Second Floor

Grants Pass, OR 97527

(541) 507-2150

Berg, C. Jeffrey, AuD…

Audiology Associates of

Southern Oregon

1665 Williams Hwy

Grants Pass, OR 97527

(541) 474-4694

Berg, Craig A, AuD…

Audiology Associates of

Southern Oregon

1665 Williams Hwy

Grants Pass, OR 97527

(541) 474-4694

Berg, Craig A, AuD…

Audiology Associates of

Southern Oregon

1875 Oregon 99 Ste 5

Ashland, OR 97520

(541) 201-3201

Berg, Craig A, AuD…

Audiology Associates of

Southern Oregon

833-B Alder Creek Dr

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 772-8337

Berg, Craig A, AuD…

Asante Physician Partners

537 SW Union Ave Second Floor

Grants Pass, OR 97527

(541) 507-2150

Cox, Katherine T, AuD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

University District

1200 Hilyard St Ste 620

Eugene, OR 97401

(458) 205-6500

Dimitri, Mindy L, AuD…

Willamette ENT and Facial

Plastic Surgery

3099 River Rd S Ste 150

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 581-1567

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid Page 65 of 204




Dougherty, Stephen T, AuD…

Asante Physician Partners - ENT


537 SW Union Ave

Grants Pass, OR 97527

(541) 507-2150

Dougherty, Stephen T, AuD…

Audiology Associates of

Southern Oregon

1665 Williams Hwy

Grants Pass, OR 97527

(541) 474-4694

Dugan, Cristin A, AuD…

Asante Physician Partners

537 SW Union Ave Second Floor

Grants Pass, OR 97527

(541) 507-2150

Dugan, Cristin A, AuD…

Audiology Associates of

Southern Oregon

1875 Oregon 99 Ste 5

Ashland, OR 97520

(541) 201-3201

Dugan, Cristin A, AuD…

Audiology Associates of

Southern Oregon

833-B Alder Creek Dr

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 772-8337

Fowler, Jennifer R, AuD…

OHSU Audiology Services

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-5171

Frank, Allison R, AuD…

Willamette ENT and Facial

Plastic Surgery

3099 River Rd S Ste 150

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 581-1567

Frink, Christopher S, AuD…

Salem Audiology Clinic

2521 Boone Rd SE Ste 120

Salem, OR 97306

(971) 701-6322

Frink, Christopher S, AuD…

Woodburn Hearing Center

1301 Evergreen Rd Ste E

Woodburn, OR 97071

(503) 981-8575

Frink, Christopher S, AuD…

Salem Audiology Clinic

3857 Wolverine St NE Ste 16-C

Salem, OR 97305

(503) 588-1039

Funatake, Sara A, AuD…

OHSU Audiology Services

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-5171

Furseth, Kristen, AuD…

Willamette ENT and Facial

Plastic Surgery

3099 River Rd S Ste 150

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 581-1567

Greenaway, Bryan J, AuD…

Salem Audiology Clinic

3857 Wolverine St NE Ste 16-C

Salem, OR 97305

(503) 588-1039

Greenaway, Bryan J, AuD…

Salem Audiology Clinic

1301 Evergreen Rd Ste E

Woodburn, OR 97071

(503) 981-8575

Hubbard-Parker, Jamie M, AuD…

Willamette ENT and Facial

Plastic Surgery

3099 River Rd S Ste 150

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 581-1567

Johnson, Amy L, AuD…

OHSU Audiology Services

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-5171

Kahane, Melody C, AuD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

University District

1200 Hilyard St Ste 620

Eugene, OR 97401

(458) 205-6500

Kuhl, Jade H, AuD…

Salem Audiology Clinic

3857 Wolverine St NE Ste 16-C

Salem, OR 97305

(503) 588-1039

Kuhl, Jade H, AuD…

Salem Audiology Clinic

2521 Boone Rd SE Ste 120

Salem, OR 97306

(971) 701-6322

Lane, Jennifer J, AuD…

OHSU Audiology Services

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-5171

Larson, Megan A, AuD…

Salem Audiology Clinic

3857 Wolverine St NE Ste 16-C

Salem, OR 97305

(503) 588-1039

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid Page 66 of 204




McDowall, Stephanie N, AuD…

Willamette ENT and Facial

Plastic Surgery

3099 River Rd S Ste 150

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 581-1567

Mueller, Amanda L, AuD…

Oregon ENT Center

1170 Royal Ave

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 779-7331

Paldi, Devon M, AuD…

OHSU Audiology Services

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-5171

Peterson, Diana C, AuD…

Willamette ENT and Facial

Plastic Surgery

3099 River Rd S Ste 150

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 581-1567

Robinson, Laura E, AuD…

Oregon ENT Center

1170 Royal Ave

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 779-7331

Sayre, Carol I, AuD…

Salem Audiology Clinic

2521 Boone Rd SE Ste 120

Salem, OR 97306

(971) 701-6322

Schlobohm, Lindsay M, AuD…

OHSU Audiology Services

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-5171

Smith, Steven B, AuD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

University District

1200 Hilyard St Ste 620

Eugene, OR 97401

(458) 205-6500

Smith, Steven B, AuD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Senior Health And Wellness

Center - Barger Clinic

4010 Aerial Way

Eugene, OR 97402

(541) 242-8300

Spangler, Kellie E, AuD…

Salem Audiology Clinic

3857 Wolverine St NE Ste 16-C

Salem, OR 97305

(503) 588-1039

Spangler, Kellie E, AuD…

Salem Audiology Clinic

2521 Boone Rd SE Ste 120

Salem, OR 97306

(971) 701-6322

Swem, Katherine A, AuD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

University District

1200 Hilyard St Ste 620

Eugene, OR 97401

(458) 205-6500

Tolstikhine, Melissa, AuD…

Klamath Audiology

123 N 4th St

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 884-6101

West, William B, AuD…

Sky Lakes Medical Center ENT


3000 Bryant Williams Dr Ste 200

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 274-8650

Wilson, Brittany K, AuD…

OHSU Audiology Services

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-5171

Bariatric Surgery

Folek, Jessica M, MD*…

PeaceHealth Oregon Bariatric


3377 RiverBend Dr

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 222-2700

MacColl, Colin S, MD…

PeaceHealth Oregon Bariatric


3377 RiverBend Dr

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 222-2700

Wallace, Kristina M, PA-C…

PeaceHealth Oregon Bariatric


3377 RiverBend Dr

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 222-2700

Webb, Christopher A, PA-C…

PeaceHealth Oregon Bariatric


3377 RiverBend Dr

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 222-2700

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid Page 67 of 204



Cardiothoracic Surgery

Azarbal, Lauren M, PA…

OHSU Cardiothoracic Surgery

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-7820

Baca, Toni A, NP…

Asante Physician Partners

520 Medical Center Dr Ste 201

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 789-5710

Beissinger, Jason P, PA…

OHSU Cardiothoracic Surgery

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-7820

Bhamidipati, Castigliano M, DO…

OHSU Cardiothoracic Surgery

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-7820

Bone, Clarence C, PA-C…

Asante Physician Partners

520 Medical Center Dr Ste 201

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 789-5710

Cook, Stephani K, PA…

Asante Physician Partners

520 Medical Center Dr Ste 201

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 789-5710

Davis, Christopher C, PA…

Asante Physician Partners

520 Medical Center Dr Ste 201

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 789-5710

Duke, David J, MD…

Oregon Heart & Vascular


3311 Riverbend Dr Ste 300

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 222-2866

Eng, Lindsey M, PA…

Oregon Heart & Vascular


3311 RiverBend Dr Ste 300

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 222-2866

Fanous, Nervin H, MD…

Salem Health Cardiothoracic

Surgery Clinic

875 Oak St SE Ste 5020

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 371-4044

Hansen, Matthew P, PA…

Salem Health Cardiothoracic

Surgery Clinic

875 Oak St SE Ste 5020

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 371-4044

Henderson, Shannon E, NP…

Asante Physician Partners

520 Medical Center Dr Ste 201

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 789-5710

Koh, Paul, MD…

Oregon Heart & Vascular


3311 Riverbend Dr Ste 300

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 222-2866

Millsap, Kenneth L, NP…

Asante Physician Partners

520 Medical Center Dr Ste 201

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 789-5710

Molloy, Thomas A, MD…

OHSU Cardiothoracic Surgery

3303 S Bond Ave

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-7820

Muralidaran, Ashok, MD…

OHSU Pediatric Cardiothoracic


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-5443

Neville, Daniel A, PA-C…

Asante Physician Partners

520 Medical Center Dr Ste 201

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 789-5710

Raman, Jaishankar, MD…

OHSU Cardiothoracic Surgery

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-7820

Raman, Jaishankar, MD…

OHSU Pediatric Cardiothoracic


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-5443

Raman, Jaishankar, MD…

OHSU Cardiothoracic Surgery

3303 S Bond Ave

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-7820

Ramme, Laura D, PA…

OHSU Cardiothoracic Surgery

3303 S Bond Ave

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-7820

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid Page 68 of 204



Cardiothoracic Surgery

Rehder, Angela M, PA…

Salem Health Cardiothoracic

Surgery Clinic

875 Oak St SE Ste 5020

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 371-4044

Schipper, Paul H, MD…

OHSU Cardiothoracic Surgery

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-7820

Shen, Irving, MD…

OHSU Pediatric Cardiothoracic


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-5443

Song, Howard K, MD…

OHSU Cardiothoracic Surgery

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-7820

Stiles, Eileen W, NP…

Asante Physician Partners

520 Medical Center Dr Ste 201

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 789-5710

Sukumar, Mithran S, MD…

OHSU Cardiothoracic Surgery

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-7820

Tibayan, Frederick A, MD…

OHSU Cardiothoracic Surgery

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-7820

Tieu, Brandon H, MD…

Salem Health Cardiothoracic

Surgery Clinic

875 Oak St SE Ste 5020

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 371-4044

Cardiovascular Disease

Akhavein, Reyhaneh M, MD…

OHSU Cardiovascular Services

3303 S Bond Ave

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-1775

Anderson, Douglas E, MD…

Centennial Medical Group - Shaw

Heart and Vascular Specialists

2801 NW Mercy Dr Ste 300

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 677-1555

Athar, Syed A, MD…

Centennial Medical Group - Shaw

Heart and Vascular Specialists

2801 NW Mercy Dr Ste 300

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 677-1555

Azadpour, Maziar, MD…

Cascade Cardiology - Silverton

400 Welch St

Silverton, OR 97381

(503) 485-4787

Azadpour, Maziar, MD…

Cascade Cardiology - Woodburn

1475 Mt Hood Ave

Woodburn, OR 97071

(503) 485-4787

Azadpour, Maziar, MD…

Cascade Cardiology - Salem

777 Commercial St SE Ste 130

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 485-4787

Azeem, Ali A, MD…

Southern Oregon Cardiology

520 Medical Center Dr Ste 200

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 930-7222

Azeem, Ali A, MD…

Southern Oregon Cardiology

520 SW Ramsey Ave Ste 204

Grants Pass, OR 97527

(541) 930-7223

Banerjee, Sudeshna, MD…

Oregon Cardiology - Springfield

3311 RiverBend Dr Ste 300

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 222-3531

Basco, Patrick S, PA…

Oregon Cardiology - Springfield

3311 RiverBend Dr Ste 300

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 222-3531

Binder, Paul L, PA-C…

Oregon Cardiology - Springfield

3311 RiverBend Dr Ste 300

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 222-3531

Blattler, Andrea O, FNP*…

Oregon Cardiology - Springfield

3311 RiverBend Dr Ste 300

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 222-3531

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid Page 69 of 204



Cardiovascular Disease

Brisson, Jessica F, PA-C…

Salem Health Cardiology Clinic

885 Mission ST SE

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 814-0273

Broberg, Craig S, MD…

OHSU Oregon Cardiology

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 9

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-7400

Bronstein, Gary, MD…

Centennial Medical Group - Shaw

Heart and Vascular Specialists

2801 NW Mercy Dr Ste 300

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 677-1555

Brower, Jon R, MD…

Southern Oregon Cardiology

520 Medical Center Dr Ste 200

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 930-7222

Brower, Jon R, MD…

Southern Oregon Cardiology

520 SW Ramsey Ave Ste 204

Grants Pass, OR 97527

(541) 930-7223

Camacho, Samuel A, MD…

OHSU Oregon Cardiology

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 9

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-7400

Cantwell-Gab, Kim R, ACNP…

Southern Oregon Cardiology

520 Medical Center Dr Ste 200

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 930-7222

Carlson, Shannon M, NP…

Oregon Cardiology - Springfield

3311 RiverBend Dr Ste 300

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 222-3531

Cassidy, Erin P, FNP…

Mercy Heart Group at Shaw

Heart & Vascular Center

2801 NW Mercy Dr Ste 300

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 677-1555

Chadderdon, Scott M, MD…

OHSU Oregon Cardiology

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 9

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-7400

Chagarlamudi, Arjun K, MD…

Cascade Cardiology - Santiam

1371 N 10th Ave STE 200

Stayton, OR 97383

(503) 485-4787

Chagarlamudi, Arjun K, MD…

Cascade Cardiology - Salem

777 Commercial St SE Ste 130

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 485-4787

Chagarlamudi, Arjun K, MD…

Cascade Cardiology - Woodburn

1475 Mt Hood Ave

Woodburn, OR 97071

(503) 485-4787

Cigarroa, Joaquin E, MD…

OHSU Oregon Cardiology

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 9

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-7400

Cook, James C, MD…

PMG - Cardiology Grants Pass

1619 NW Hawthorne Ave Ste 206

Grants Pass, OR 97526

(541) 732-7850

Cook, James C, MD…

PMG - Cardiology

1698 E McAndrews Rd Ste 300

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 732-7850

Cook, Stephen L, MD…

Oregon Cardiology - Springfield

3311 RiverBend Dr Ste 300

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 222-3531

Dauterman, Kent W, MD…

Southern Oregon Cardiology

520 SW Ramsey Ave Ste 204

Grants Pass, OR 97527

(541) 930-7223

Dauterman, Kent W, MD…

Southern Oregon Cardiology

520 Medical Center Dr Ste 200

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 930-7222

Draper, Cathryn D, ANP…

Southern Oregon Cardiology

520 Medical Center Dr Ste 200

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 930-7222

Draper, Cathryn D, ANP…

Southern Oregon Cardiology

520 SW Ramsey Ave Ste 204

Grants Pass, OR 97527

(541) 930-7223

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid Page 70 of 204



Cardiovascular Disease

Dreier, Dayna M, PA…

Oregon Cardiology - Springfield

3311 RiverBend Dr Ste 300

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 222-3531

Dreiling, Roger J, MD…

PMG - Cardiology

1698 E McAndrews Rd Ste 300

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 732-7850

Dye-Blondell, Lea N, PA…

Oregon Cardiology - Springfield

3311 RiverBend Dr Ste 300

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 222-3531

Dygert, Timo N, MD…

Southern Oregon Cardiology

520 Medical Center Dr Ste 200

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 930-7222

Dygert, Timo N, MD…

Southern Oregon Cardiology

520 SW Ramsey Ave Ste 204

Grants Pass, OR 97527

(541) 930-7223

Enger, Lisa, ANP…

PMG - Medford Heart Rhythm

1698 E McAndrews Rd Ste 300

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 732-7850

Ferencik, Maros, MD…

OHSU Oregon Cardiology

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 9

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-7400

Finch, Dana M, NP…

Centennial Medical Group - Shaw

Heart and Vascular Specialists

2801 NW Mercy Dr Ste 300

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 677-1555

Funk, Nathan, MD…

Southern Oregon Cardiology

520 Medical Center Dr Ste 200

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 930-7222

Funk, Nathan, MD…

Southern Oregon Cardiology

520 SW Ramsey Ave Ste 204

Grants Pass, OR 97527

(541) 930-7223

Gandhok, Harminder P, MD…

Cascade Cardiology - Silverton

400 Welch St

Silverton, OR 97381

(503) 485-4787

Gandhok, Harminder P, MD…

Cascade Cardiology - Woodburn

1475 Mt Hood Ave

Woodburn, OR 97071

(503) 485-4787

Gandhok, Harminder P, MD…

Cascade Cardiology - Salem

777 Commercial St SE Ste 130

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 485-4787

Ghalili, Kamran, MD…

Oregon Heart Center

610 Hawthorne Ave SE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 814-4440

Gilmore, Paul S, MD…

PMG - Cardiology

1698 E McAndrews Rd Ste 300

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 732-7850

Gory, Dennis J, MD…

Oregon Cardiology - Springfield

3311 RiverBend Dr Ste 300

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 222-3531

Gross, Brian W, MD…

Southern Oregon Cardiology

520 SW Ramsey Ave Ste 204

Grants Pass, OR 97527

(541) 930-7223

Gross, Brian W, MD…

Southern Oregon Cardiology

520 Medical Center Dr Ste 200

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 930-7222

Gundry, John, MD…

Oregon Cardiology - Springfield

3311 RiverBend Dr Ste 300

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 222-3531

Henderson, Carmen M, PA…

OHSU Oregon Cardiology

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-7400

Henderson, Luke B, DO…

Oregon Cardiology - Springfield

3311 RiverBend Dr Ste 300

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 222-3531

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid Page 71 of 204



Cardiovascular Disease

Henrikson, Charles A, MD…

OHSU Oregon Cardiology

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 9

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-7400

Hermansen, Ryan L, PA…

Oregon Heart Center

610 Hawthorne Ave SE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 814-4440

Hong, Jaekyoung A, MD…

Southern Oregon Cardiology

520 Medical Center Dr Ste 200

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 930-7222

Hong, Jaekyoung A, MD…

Southern Oregon Cardiology

520 SW Ramsey Ave Ste 204

Grants Pass, OR 97527

(541) 930-7223

Hughes, Deborah A, MD…

Oregon Heart Center

610 Hawthorne Ave SE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 814-4440

Hussein, Karim, MD…

Oregon Cardiology - Springfield

3311 RiverBend Dr Ste 300

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 222-3531

Huth, Mark M, MD…

Southern Oregon Cardiology

520 SW Ramsey Ave Ste 204

Grants Pass, OR 97527

(541) 930-7223

Huth, Mark M, MD…

Southern Oregon Cardiology

520 Medical Center Dr Ste 200

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 930-7222

Iyengar, Hrishikesh S, MD…

Oregon Heart Center

610 Hawthorne Ave SE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 814-4440

Jensen, Donita J, FNP…

PMG - Cardiology

1698 E McAndrews Rd Ste 300

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 732-7850

Jensen, Donita J, FNP…

PMG - Cardiology Grants Pass

1619 NW Hawthorne Ave Ste 206

Grants Pass, OR 97526

(541) 732-7850

Kamineni, Raghunandan, MD…

Oregon Heart Center

610 Hawthorne Ave SE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 814-4440

Kang, Donna D, MD…

Oregon Cardiology - Springfield

3311 RiverBend Dr Ste 300

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 222-3531

Karanam, Sreekanth, MD…

Oregon Cardiology - Springfield

3311 RiverBend Dr Ste 300

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 222-3531

Kaul, Sanjiv, MD…

OHSU Oregon Cardiology

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 9

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-7400

Kawata, Hiro, MD…

OHSU Oregon Cardiology

3311 RiverBend Dr Ste 300

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 484-4332

Khan, Abigail D, MD…

OHSU Oregon Cardiology

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 9

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-7400

Krishnamurthy, Barath, MD…

Oregon Heart Center

610 Hawthorne Ave SE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 814-4440

Kubac, George, MD…

George Kubac, MD

2614 Clover St

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 884-6233

Kucinsky, Rastislav, MD

Klamath Heart Clinic

2614 Clover St

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 884-6233

Lai, Wallace, MD…

Advanced Vascular Therapy

2480 Liberty St NE Ste 110

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 371-1756

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid Page 72 of 204



Cardiovascular Disease

Lawrence, Jeffrey J, PA…

Oregon Heart & Vascular


3311 Riverbend Dr Ste 300

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 222-2866

Le, Dai-Trang E, MD…

OHSU Oregon Cardiology

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 9

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-7400

Lee, Benjamin J, DO…

Santiam Medical Group -

Santiam Cardiology Clinic

1401 N 10th Ave Ste 200

Stayton, OR 97383

(503) 769-9118

Lindner, Jonathan R, MD…

OHSU Oregon Cardiology

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 9

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-7400

Maalouf, Marc C, MD…

Salem Health Cardiology Clinic

885 Mission ST SE

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 814-0273

Malhotra, Rohit, MD…

Southern Oregon Cardiology

520 Medical Center Dr Ste 200

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 930-7222

Mann, Amardeep S, MD…

Centennial Medical Group - Shaw

Heart and Vascular Specialists

2801 NW Mercy Dr Ste 300

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 677-1555

Martin, David J, MD…

Southern Oregon Cardiology

520 SW Ramsey Ave Ste 204

Grants Pass, OR 97527

(541) 930-7223

Martin, David J, MD…

Southern Oregon Cardiology

520 Medical Center Dr Ste 200

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 930-7222

McWhorter, David R, PA…

Salem Health Cardiology Clinic

885 Mission ST SE

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 814-0273

Moran, Mark G, MD…

Southern Oregon Cardiology

520 SW Ramsey Ave Ste 204

Grants Pass, OR 97527

(541) 930-7223

Moran, Mark G, MD…

Southern Oregon Cardiology

520 Medical Center Dr Ste 200

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 930-7222

Morrison, Brian J, MD…

Southern Oregon Cardiology

520 SW Ramsey Ave Ste 204

Grants Pass, OR 97527

(541) 930-7223

Morrison, Brian J, MD…

Southern Oregon Cardiology

520 Medical Center Dr Ste 200

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 930-7222

Muller, Eric R, MD…

Oregon Cardiology - Springfield

3311 RiverBend Dr Ste 300

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 222-3531

Muller, Eric R, MD…

Oregon Cardiology - Florence

310 9th St

Florence, OR 97439

(541) 484-4332

Murphy, Edward S, MD…

OHSU Oregon Cardiology

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 9

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-7400

Murphy, George R, PA…

Oregon Heart Center

610 Hawthorne Ave SE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 814-4440

Narasimha, Deepika, MD…

Centennial Medical Group - Shaw

Heart and Vascular Specialists

2801 NW Mercy Dr Ste 300

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 677-1555

Narkiewicz-Jodko, Joanna B,


Joanna Narkiewicz-Jodko, MD

2614 Clover St

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 884-6233

Nazer, Babak, MD…

OHSU Oregon Cardiology

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 9

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-7400

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid Page 73 of 204



Cardiovascular Disease

Osman, Ibrahim, MD…

Centennial Medical Group - Shaw

Heart and Vascular Specialists

2801 NW Mercy Dr Ste 300

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 677-1555

Pacheco, Samantha M, PA-C…

Cascade Cardiology - Silverton

400 Welch St

Silverton, OR 97381

(503) 485-4787

Pacheco, Samantha M, PA-C…

Cascade Cardiology - Salem

777 Commercial St SE Ste 130

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 485-4787

Patel, Ashit G, MD…

Cascade Cardiology - Silverton

400 Welch St

Silverton, OR 97381

(503) 485-4787

Patel, Ashit G, MD…

Cascade Cardiology - Salem

777 Commercial St SE Ste 130

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 485-4787

Patel, Keval K, MD…

Southern Oregon Cardiology

520 Medical Center Dr Ste 200

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 930-7222

Patel, Keval K, MD…

Southern Oregon Cardiology

520 SW Ramsey Ave Ste 204

Grants Pass, OR 97527

(541) 930-7223

Patterson, Bruce L, MD…

Southern Oregon Cardiology

520 SW Ramsey Ave Ste 204

Grants Pass, OR 97527

(541) 930-7223

Patterson, Bruce L, MD…

Southern Oregon Cardiology

520 Medical Center Dr Ste 200

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 930-7222

Pena, Eric A, MD…

Southern Oregon Cardiology

520 SW Ramsey Ave Ste 204

Grants Pass, OR 97527

(541) 930-7223

Pena, Eric A, MD…

Southern Oregon Cardiology

520 Medical Center Dr Ste 200

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 930-7222

Personius, Bradley, MD…

Southern Oregon Cardiology

520 SW Ramsey Ave Ste 204

Grants Pass, OR 97527

(541) 930-7223

Peterson, Michael J, PA…

Mercy Heart Group at Shaw

Heart & Vascular Center

2801 NW Mercy Dr Ste 300

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 677-1555

Pierson, Linda M, NP…

Southern Oregon Cardiology

520 Medical Center Dr Ste 200

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 930-7222

Plumb, Jared P, MD…

Southern Oregon Cardiology

520 Medical Center Dr Ste 200

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 930-7222

Plumb, Jared P, MD…

Southern Oregon Cardiology

520 SW Ramsey Ave Ste 204

Grants Pass, OR 97527

(541) 930-7223

Putz, Eric J, MD…

Salem Health Cardiology Clinic

885 Mission ST SE

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 814-0273

Rahmouni, Hind W, MD…

OHSU Oregon Cardiology

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 9

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-7400

Rajotte, Katherine G, PA…

OHSU Oregon Cardiology

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 9

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-7400

Raju, Manjunath G, MD…

Oregon Cardiology - Springfield

3311 RiverBend Dr Ste 300

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 222-3531

Reddy, Ramakota, MD…

Oregon Cardiology - Springfield

3311 RiverBend Dr Ste 300

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 222-3531

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid Page 74 of 204



Cardiovascular Disease

Rinkevich, Diana, MD…

OHSU Oregon Cardiology

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 9

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-7400

Romney, Stacey L, NP…

Southern Oregon Cardiology

520 Medical Center Dr Ste 200

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 930-7222

Saenger, David R, MD…

Oregon Cardiology - Springfield

3311 RiverBend Dr Ste 300

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 222-3531

Saha, Sandeep A, MD…

Oregon Heart Center

610 Hawthorne Ave SE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 814-4440

Salgado, Benjamin C, MD…

Southern Oregon Cardiology

520 Medical Center Dr Ste 200

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 930-7222

Salgado, Benjamin C, MD…

Southern Oregon Cardiology

520 SW Ramsey Ave Ste 204

Grants Pass, OR 97527

(541) 930-7223

Schiedler, Michael R, DO…

Salem Health

890 Oak St SE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 814-2483

Shuaib, Samer S, MD…

Klamath Heart Clinic

2614 Clover St

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 884-6233

Smelley, Matthew P, MD…

Southern Oregon Cardiology

520 Medical Center Dr Ste 200

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 930-7222

Smelley, Matthew P, MD…

Southern Oregon Cardiology

520 SW Ramsey Ave Ste 204

Grants Pass, OR 97527

(541) 930-7223

Stecker, Eric C, MD…

OHSU Oregon Cardiology

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 9

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-7400

Thompson, Kevin H, DO…

Oregon Heart Center

610 Hawthorne Ave SE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 814-4440

Trojan, Matthew, MD…

Oregon Cardiology - Springfield

3311 RiverBend Dr Ste 300

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 222-3531

Van Bean, Eric A, FNP…

Southern Oregon Cardiology

520 Medical Center Dr Ste 200

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 930-7222

Virgilio, Courtney R, MD…

Centennial Medical Group - Shaw

Heart and Vascular Specialists

2801 NW Mercy Dr Ste 300

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 677-1555

Wei, Kevin S, MD…

OHSU Oregon Cardiology

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 9

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-7400

Williams, Katelyn A, FNP…

Oregon Heart Center

610 Hawthorne Ave SE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 814-4440

Yang, Sushan, MD…

Oregon Cardiology - Springfield

3311 RiverBend Dr Ste 300

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 222-3531

Child & Adolescent Psychiatry

Jetmalani, Ajitkumar N, MD…

OHSU Psychiatry Child &


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-6176

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid Page 75 of 204




Ambrose, Jordan M, DC

NW Family Chiropractic

1797 Lansing Ave NE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 391-9112

Bailey, Matthew S, DC…

Bailey Chiropractic &

Rehabilitation Center

1100 Liberty St SE Ste 2

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 689-1604

Bains-Reed, Prabhjot K, DC…

Southern Oregon Chiropractic

2931 Doctors Park Dr

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 245-4444

Baker, Jeffery W, DC

Back to Health Clinic

4630 River Rd N Ste A

Keizer, OR 97303

(503) 304-2225

Baker, Ryan C, DC…

Ryan Baker DC

333 SW 5th St Ste B

Grants Pass, OR 97526

(541) 471-0397

Chapman, Kelly R, DC…

Dallas Chiropractic

608 SE Jefferson St

Dallas, OR 97338

(503) 623-2225

Cline, Nicholas D, DC

Cline Chiropractic Rehabilitation


5010 Grange Rd Ste 103

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 679-0741

Colwell, John C, DC…

Southern Oregon Chiropractic -


410 N Main St

Ashland, OR 97520

(541) 245-4444

Crockett, Ronald M, DC

Crockett Chiropractic Center

4070 MacLeay Rd SE

Salem, OR 97317

(503) 371-9796

Dance, Jared L, DC…

Southern Oregon Chiropractic -

Central Point

650 E Pine St

Central Point, OR 97502

(541) 245-4444

Dance, Jared L, DC…

Southern Oregon Chiropractic -

Central Point

547 E Pine St 102

Central Point, OR 97502

(541) 245-4444

Diaz, Mark J, DC

Intuitive Wellness Center

226 S Main St Ste D

Independence, OR 97351

(503) 838-1951

Dyson, James G, DC

Advanced Chiropractic - Salem

1295 Wallace Rd NW

Salem, OR 97304

(503) 361-3949

Eilertson, Gina M, DC…

Southern Oregon Chiropractic

21885 OR-62

Shady Cove, OR 97539

(541) 245-4444

Ewanyk, John T, DC…

Chiropractic Physicians

705 Ewald Ave SE

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 378-0068

Finlayson, Steven C, DC

Chiropractic Spine Associates

2510 NW Edenbower Blvd Ste 188

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 672-9700

Goodrich, Matthew S, DC…

Complete Care Health Centers

1296 S Shasta Ave

Eagle Point, OR 97524

(541) 830-4325

Graeme, Jordan M, DC…

OHSU Comprehensive Pain


3303 S Bond Ave

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-7246

Hanlan, William J, DC…

Southern Oregon Chiropractic -


410 N Main St

Ashland, OR 97520

(541) 245-4444

Hanlan, William J, DC…

Southern Oregon Chiropractic

977 Royal Ave

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 245-4444

Hansen, Terrence M, DC

Hansen Chiropractic Clinic

3962-D Center St NE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 362-8892

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Harmon, Jefferson M, DC…

Southern Oregon Chiropractic -

Klamath Falls

2575 Campus Drive

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 273-7120

Heppner, Abigail C, DC

Heppner Chiropractic

1010 13th St SE

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 391-9222

Holton, Charles E, DC

Charles E Holton, Jr, DC

289 E Ellendale Ave Ste 102

Dallas, OR 97338

(503) 623-3903

Hurd, John P, DC…

Southern Oregon Chiropractic

21885 OR-62

Shady Cove, OR 97539

(541) 245-4444

Hurd, John P, DC…

Southern Oregon Chiropractic -

Central Point

547 E Pine St 102

Central Point, OR 97502

(541) 245-4444

Hutcheson, Allen M, DC…

Southern Oregon Chiropractic

2931 Doctors Park Dr

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 245-4444

Isaksen, Andrew J, DC

NW Family Chiropractic

1797 Lansing Ave NE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 391-9112

Isaksen, Andrew J, DC

NW Family Chiropractic

1010 13th St SE

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 391-9112

Jeffers, Alicia, DC

Back to Health Clinic

4630 River Rd N Ste A

Keizer, OR 97303

(503) 304-2225

Kaul, Kiran K, DC

Kaul Family Chiropractic and


1844 W Harvard Ave

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 672-8831

Kelty, Robert M, DC…

Southern Oregon Chiropractic

977 Royal Ave

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 245-4444

Kitchen, Bryant L, DC

TLC Chiropractic, LLC

230 E Main St

Rogue River, OR 97537

(541) 582-2323

Kitchen, Bryant L, DC…

Southern Oregon Chiropractic -

Central Point

547 E Pine St 102

Central Point, OR 97502

(541) 245-4444

Lange, Kelly M, DC

Hands on Wellness

108 E Hersey St Ste 2A

Ashland, OR 97520

(541) 482-3492

Layman, Richard S, DC

Richard Layman, DC, PC

1334 Liberty St SE

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 362-5500

Lee-Jones, Yeonjoo, DC…

Complete Care Health Centers

761 Golf View Dr

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 210-5100

Maclean, Christine N, DC…

Maclean Chiropractic Center

711 NE Irving Ave

Bend, OR 97701

(541) 388-0496

Marsh, Nathan L, DC…

Chiropractic Physicians

705 Ewald Ave SE

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 378-0068

McCarthy, Richard E, DC

Cottage Grove Chiropractic


437 South Fifth St

Cottage Grove, OR 97424

(541) 942-5486

McDaid, Ryan A, DC…

Chiropractic 503

1645 12th St SE

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 371-2044

McDonough, Colleen B, DC

Colleen McDonough

Chiropractic, LLC

358 Superior St SE Ste 100

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 485-0830

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McEvers, Ken R, DC…

Dr Ken McEvers, DC

3000 Market St NE, Ste 321

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 371-9593

Naugle, Tory D, DC…

Better Life Chiropractic and


2460 NW Troost St

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 673-0190

Nelson, Wayne R, DC…

Condition for Life

335 S Spring St

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 887-2223

Peterson, Richard L, DC…

Peterson Chiropractic Clinic

2185 Liberty St NE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 371-4055

Reed, Eric S, DC…

Southern Oregon Chiropractic

977 Royal Ave

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 245-4444

Reed, Eric S, DC…

Southern Oregon Chiropractic

2931 Doctors Park Dr

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 245-4444

Reneau, Christopher T, DC…

Umpqua Chiropractic PC

535 NE Stephens St

Roseburg, OR 97470

(541) 672-4807

Reneau, David D, DC…

Umpqua Chiropractic PC

535 NE Stephens St

Roseburg, OR 97470

(541) 672-4807

Reneau, Gregory W, DC…

Reneau Chiropractic

1632 NW Hughwood Ct Ste 1

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 677-9199

Robertson, Julia R, DC

Robertson Spinal Rehab &


4666 Commercial St SE

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 399-7607

Rohm, JD Tucker, DC…

Tri-City Walk In Chiropractic

213 S Old Pacific Hwy Ste 101

Myrtle Creek, OR 97457

(541) 860-3000

Shaw, Jordan D, DC…

Axis Health

333 SW 5th St Ste B

Grants Pass, OR 97526

(541) 471-0397

Siegel, James B, DC…

Axis Health

333 SW 5th St Ste B

Grants Pass, OR 97526

(541) 471-0397

Six, Ronald L, DC

Kaul Family Chiropractic and


1844 W Harvard Ave

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 672-8831

Smith, Brent E, DC…

Chiropractic Physicians

705 Ewald Ave SE

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 378-0068

Smith, Jeffrey W, DC

Jeffrey W Smith DC

4747 S 6th St

Klamath Falls, OR 97603

(541) 810-2332

Tarnasky, Gideon M, DC

Back to Health Clinic

4630 River Rd N Ste A

Keizer, OR 97303

(503) 304-2225

Tornabene, Jeffrey R, DC…

Complete Care Health Centers

1296 S Shasta Ave

Eagle Point, OR 97524

(541) 830-4325

Towne, Cornelius A, DC…

Southern Oregon Chiropractic -


410 N Main St

Ashland, OR 97520

(541) 245-4444

Turner, Matthew C, DC…

Back to Health Clinic

4630 River Rd N Ste A

Keizer, OR 97303

(503) 304-2225

Weingard, Ty R, DC…

OHSU Comprehensive Pain


3303 S Bond Ave

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-7246

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Yewchuk, James M, DC

Advanced Chiropractic - Klamath


2950 Shasta Way

Klamath Falls, OR 97603

(541) 273-5433

Clinical Genetics

Grompe, Markus C, MD…

OHSU Pediatric Metabolism

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-7859

Hayflick, Susan J, MD…

OHSU Molecular & Medical


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-8307

Rogers, Caleb C, MD…

OHSU Molecular & Medical


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-8307

Colon & Rectal Surgery

Herzig, Daniel O, MD…

OHSU Gastrointestinal & General


3303 S Bond Ave

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-4373

Lu, Kim C, MD…

OHSU Gastrointestinal & General


3303 S Bond Ave

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-4373

Tsikitis, Vassiliki L, MD…

OHSU Gastrointestinal & General


3303 S Bond Ave

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-4373


Adelson, David M, MD…

OHSU Dermatology

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 16

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-3376

Bar, Anna A, MD…

OHSU Dermatology

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 16

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-3376

Barklund, Jennifer S, MD…

Dermatology & Laser Associates

of Medford

2959 Siskiyou Blvd

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 773-3636

Blattner, Collin M, DO…

Clear Choice Dermatology LLC

1174 Cornucopia St NW 240

Salem, OR 97304

(541) 316-6575

Braden, Mary M, MD…

The Clinic for Dermatology &


2924 Siskiyou Blvd Ste 200

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 200-2777

Bremmer, Samuel F, MD…

Valley View Dermatology

5900 Inland Shore Wy NE Ste 202

Keizer, OR 97303

(503) 463-6799

Bremmer, Samuel F, MD…

Valley View Dermatology

8642 SW Main St Ste 100

Wilsonville, OR 97070

(503) 427-0269

Bremmer, Samuel F, MD…

Valley View Dermatology

2441 Grear St NE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 364-3321

Capuras, Charity A, AGPCNP…

Silver Falls Dermatology - Salem

1793 13th St SE

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 362-8385

Carson, Esther M, PA…

David F Young MD

1309 NE 6th St

Grants Pass, OR 97526

(541) 479-3367

Cavanaugh, Christa D, PA…

David F Young MD

1309 NE 6th St

Grants Pass, OR 97526

(541) 479-3367

Chadwick, Preston W, MD…

Valley View Dermatology

2441 Grear St NE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 364-3321

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Chadwick, Preston W, MD…

Valley View Dermatology

8642 SW Main St Ste 100

Wilsonville, OR 97070

(503) 427-0269

Clayton, Lara A, PA…

OHSU Dermatology

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 16

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-3376

Collins, David, PA-C…

Advanced Skin Center

1813 W Harvard Ave Ste 310

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 672-7546

Delgado, William J, MD…

Bend Dermatology Clinic

2705 NE Conners Ave

Bend, OR 97701

(541) 382-5712

Delgado, William J, MD…

Bend Dermatology Clinic

2747 NE Conners Ave

Bend, OR 97701

(541) 382-5712

Desai, Nisha S, MD…

OHSU Dermatology

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 16

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-3376

Evans, Thomas R, DO…

Dermatology & Laser Associates

of Medford

2959 Siskiyou Blvd

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 773-3636

Fett, Nicole M, MD…

OHSU Dermatology

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 16

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-3376

Foo, Chong Wee, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -


1200 Hilyard St Ste 520

Eugene, OR 97401

(458) 205-6129

Foreman, Rebecca S, MD…

OHSU Dermatology

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 16

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-3376

Forster, Elena T, PA…

The Clinic for Dermatology &


2924 Siskiyou Blvd Ste 200

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 200-2777

Forster, Elena T, PA…

The Clinic for Dermatology &


2937 Siskiyou Blvd Ste 1

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 200-2777

Fry, Lindsay R, FNP…

Silver Falls Dermatology - Salem

1793 13th St SE

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 362-8385

Gade, Jay N, MD…

Roseburg Dermatology

2440 NW Edenbower Blvd

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 957-1141

Gatti, Joseph R, PA-C…

The Clinic for Dermatology &


2924 Siskiyou Blvd Ste 200

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 200-2777

George, Teresa L, PA-C…

Valley View Dermatology

2441 Grear St NE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 364-3321

Geraghty, Laurel N, MD…

Dermatology & Laser Associates

of Medford

2959 Siskiyou Blvd

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 773-3636

Goodenberger, Michael E, MD…

Valley View Dermatology

2441 Grear St NE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 364-3321

Greiling, Teri M, MD…

OHSU Dermatology

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 16

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-3376

Hall, Mark, MD

Central Oregon Dermatology

388 SW Bluff Dr

Bend, OR 97702

(541) 678-0020

Harmon, Eric B, PA-C…

Valley View Dermatology

8642 SW Main St Ste 100

Wilsonville, OR 97070

(503) 427-0269

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

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Harmon, Eric B, PA-C…

Valley View Dermatology

5900 Inland Shore Wy NE Ste 202

Keizer, OR 97303

(503) 463-6799

Harmon, Eric B, PA-C…

Valley View Dermatology

2441 Grear St NE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 364-3321

Head, Winthrop T, PA-C…

Advanced Skin Center

855 W Central Blvd B

Coquille, OR 97423

(844) 209-4499

Head, Winthrop T, PA-C…

Advanced Skin Center

1813 W Harvard Ave Ste 310

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 672-7546

Heuer, Ashley D, PA…

Advanced Skin Center

1813 W Harvard Ave Ste 310

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 672-7546

Heuer, Ashley D, PA…

Advanced Skin Center

855 W Central Blvd B

Coquille, OR 97423

(844) 209-4499

Hoesly, Fridolin J, MD…

Bend Dermatology Clinic

2747 NE Conners Ave

Bend, OR 97701

(541) 382-5712

Hoesly, Fridolin J, MD…

Bend Dermatology Clinic

236 NW Kingwood Ave

Redmond, OR 97756

(541) 382-5712

Hoesly, Fridolin J, MD…

Bend Dermatology Clinic

1900 Main St Ste A

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 382-5712

Hoesly, James M, MD…

Bend Dermatology Clinic

236 NW Kingwood Ave

Redmond, OR 97756

(541) 382-5712

Hoesly, James M, MD…

Bend Dermatology Clinic

2747 NE Conners Ave

Bend, OR 97701

(541) 382-5712

Hopkins, Robert S, MD…

OHSU Dermatology

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 16

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-3376

Hsu, Leon N, MD…

Dermatology & Laser Associates

of Medford

2959 Siskiyou Blvd

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 773-3636

Johnson, Brolin G, PA…

Silver Falls Dermatology - Salem

1793 13th St SE

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 362-8385

Johnson, Brolin G, PA…

Silver Falls Dermatology -


2358 NW Kings Blvd Ste 100

Corvallis, OR 97330

(503) 362-8385

Johnson, Brolin G, PA…

Silver Falls Dermatology - Albany

1390 Waverly Dr SE

Albany, OR 97322

(541) 967-8385

Johnson, Brolin G, PA…

Silver Falls Dermatology -


685 Evergreen Rd

Woodburn, OR 97071

(503) 362-8385

Johnson, Brolin G, PA…

Silver Falls Dermatology -


375 SE Norton Ln Ste C

McMinnville, OR 97128

(503) 362-8385

Johnson, Mariah M, MD…

Bend Dermatology Clinic

236 NW Kingwood Ave

Redmond, OR 97756

(541) 382-5712

Johnson, Mariah M, MD…

Bend Dermatology Clinic

1900 Main St Ste A

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 382-5712

Johnson, Mariah M, MD…

Bend Dermatology Clinic

2747 NE Conners Ave

Bend, OR 97701

(541) 382-5712

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Johnson, Mariah M, MD…

Bend Dermatology Clinic

2855 NW Crossing Ste 104

Bend, OR 97701

(541) 382-5712

Johnson, Mariah M, MD…

Bend Dermatology Clinic

2705 NE Conners Ave

Bend, OR 97701

(541) 382-5712

Keller, Jesse J, MD…

OHSU Dermatology

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 16

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-3376

Kokkonen, Erik W, MD…

Valley View Dermatology

2441 Grear St NE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 364-3321

Krinsky, Eric J, PA…

Bend Dermatology Clinic

2747 NE Conners Ave

Bend, OR 97701

(541) 382-5712

Krinsky, Eric J, PA…

Bend Dermatology Clinic

1900 Main St Ste A

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 382-5712

Leachman, Sancy A, MD…

OHSU Dermatology

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 16

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-3376

Lear, William, MD…

Silver Falls Dermatology -


2358 NW Kings Blvd Ste 100

Corvallis, OR 97330

(503) 362-8385

Lear, William, MD…

Silver Falls Dermatology - Salem

1793 13th St SE

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 362-8385

Lear, William, MD…

Silver Falls Dermatology -


375 SE Norton Ln Ste C

McMinnville, OR 97128

(503) 362-8385

Leitenberger, Justin J, MD…

OHSU Dermatology

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 16

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-3376

Leposavic, Robert I, MD…

Advanced Skin Center

1813 W Harvard Ave Ste 310

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 672-7546

Leposavic, Robert I, MD…

Advanced Skin Center

1021 NE 6th St

Grants Pass, OR 97526

(541) 507-1881

Ling, Jason C K, PA-C…

Silver Falls Dermatology -


685 Evergreen Rd

Woodburn, OR 97071

(503) 362-8385

Ling, Jason C K, PA-C…

Silver Falls Dermatology - Salem

1793 13th St SE

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 362-8385

Maughan, Cory B, DO…

Advanced Skin Center

1813 W Harvard Ave Ste 310

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 672-7546

Maughan, Cory B, DO…

Advanced Skin Center

1021 NE 6th St

Grants Pass, OR 97526

(541) 507-1881

May, Joshua S, MD…

Bend Dermatology Clinic

2747 NE Conners Ave

Bend, OR 97701

(541) 382-5712

McDaniel, Sadie A, FNP…

Silver Falls Dermatology - Salem

1793 13th St SE

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 362-8385

McDaniel, Sadie A, FNP…

Silver Falls Dermatology -


685 Evergreen Rd

Woodburn, OR 97071

(503) 362-8385

McElligott, Sean C, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -


1200 Hilyard St Ste 520

Eugene, OR 97401

(458) 205-6129

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid Page 82 of 204




McKean, Allison M, PA-C…

Bend Dermatology Clinic

2747 NE Conners Ave

Bend, OR 97701

(541) 382-5712

McKean, Allison M, PA-C…

Bend Dermatology Clinic

413 Larch Ave Ste 202

Redmond, OR 97756

(541) 382-5712

Mendelson, Jeri K, MD…

Roxy Ann Dermatology LLC

3210 Hillcrest Park Drive 100

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 772-0278

Mengden Koon, Stephanie J,


OHSU Dermatology

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 16

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-3376

Miller, Nathan G, DO…

Sky Lakes Dermatology

2617 Almond St

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 274-8900

Morrison, Lynne H, MD…

OHSU Dermatology

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 16

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-3376

Mudd, Rachael T, PA…

Sky Lakes Dermatology

2617 Almond St

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 274-8900

Naversen, Douglas N, MD…

Dermatology & Laser Associates

of Medford

2959 Siskiyou Blvd

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 773-3636

Neuhaus, Kristin J, MD…

Bend Dermatology Clinic

2747 NE Conners Ave

Bend, OR 97701

(541) 382-5712

Neuhaus, Kristin J, MD…

Bend Dermatology Clinic

2855 NW Crossing Ste 104

Bend, OR 97701

(541) 382-5712

Onoday, Heather M, FNP…

OHSU Dermatology

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 16

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-3376

Ortega Loayza, Alex G, MD…

OHSU Dermatology

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-3376

Phitwong, Ame, NP…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -


1200 Hilyard St Ste 520

Eugene, OR 97401

(458) 205-6129

Praytor, Jordan E, PA-C…

Valley View Dermatology

2441 Grear St NE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 364-3321

Praytor, Jordan E, PA-C…

Valley View Dermatology

5900 Inland Shore Wy NE Ste 202

Keizer, OR 97303

(503) 463-6799

Rich, Phoebe, MD…

OHSU Dermatology

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 16

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-3376

Richards, Julee K, MD…

Julee K. Richards, MD

341 Medical Lp Ste 110

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 440-2165

Richardson, David P, PA…

The Clinic for Dermatology &


2924 Siskiyou Blvd Ste 200

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 200-2777

Richterich, Gregory C, MD…

Cascade Dermatology &


992 Country Club Rd Ste 201

Eugene, OR 97401

(541) 485-7546

Riter, Melinda C, MD…

OHSU Dermatology

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 16

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-3376

Romanini, Terry L, FNP…

Silver Falls Dermatology - Albany

1390 Waverly Dr SE

Albany, OR 97322

(503) 362-8385

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid Page 83 of 204




Sanders, Kim B, PA…

OHSU Dermatology

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 16

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-3376

Schmidt, Elizabeth, PA-C…

Silver Falls Dermatology -


375 SE Norton Ln Ste C

McMinnville, OR 97128

(503) 362-8385

Schmidt, Elizabeth, PA-C…

Silver Falls Dermatology - Salem

1793 13th St SE

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 362-8385

Schwarzenberger, Kathryn, MD…

OHSU Dermatology

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 16

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-3376

Simpson, Eric L, MD…

OHSU Dermatology

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 16

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-3376

Small, Alison M, MD…

OHSU Dermatology

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 16

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-3376

Smith, Krista L, PA-C…

David M Trask, MD

492 Murphy Rd

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 772-0557

Smith, Megan E, PA…

Silver Falls Dermatology - Salem

1793 13th St SE

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 362-8385

Srinivasan, Shashi K, MD…

Valley View Dermatology

5900 Inland Shore Wy NE Ste 202

Keizer, OR 97303

(503) 463-6799

Srinivasan, Shashi K, MD…

Valley View Dermatology

2441 Grear St NE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 364-3321

Staub, Alexandria N, PA…

Bend Dermatology Clinic

2855 NW Crossing Ste 104

Bend, OR 97701

(541) 382-5712

Staub, Alexandria N, PA…

Bend Dermatology Clinic

2747 NE Conners Ave

Bend, OR 97701

(541) 382-5712

Staub, Alexandria N, PA…

Bend Dermatology Clinic

1900 Main St Ste A

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 382-5712

Stoecker, Allison A, DO…

Silver Falls Dermatology - Salem

1793 13th St SE

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 362-8385

Swift, Reyna D, MD…

Valley View Dermatology

2441 Grear St NE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 364-3321

Swift, Reyna D, MD…

Valley View Dermatology

5900 Inland Shore Wy NE Ste 202

Keizer, OR 97303

(503) 463-6799

Tang, Nikki Danielle Ying, MD…

The Clinic for Dermatology &


2924 Siskiyou Blvd Ste 200

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 200-2777

Thompson, Jacob D, PA…

Advanced Skin Center

1813 W Harvard Ave Ste 310

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 672-7546

Thompson, Jacob D, PA…

Advanced Skin Center

855 W Central Blvd B

Coquille, OR 97423

(844) 209-4499

Thompson, Jacob D, PA…

Advanced Skin Center

385 Ranch Road

Reedsport, OR 97467

(844) 209-4499

Tofte, Susan J, FNP…

OHSU Dermatology

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 16

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-3376

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Trask, David M, MD…

David M Trask, MD

492 Murphy Rd

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 772-0557

Trautman, Matthew J, PA…

Bend Dermatology Clinic

2747 NE Conners Ave

Bend, OR 97701

(541) 382-5712

Trautman, Matthew J, PA…

Bend Dermatology Clinic

413 Larch Ave Ste 202

Redmond, OR 97756

(541) 382-5712

Trautman, Stephanie A, MD…

Bend Dermatology Clinic

2747 NE Conners Ave

Bend, OR 97701

(541) 382-5712

Trautman, Stephanie A, MD…

Bend Dermatology Clinic

2855 NW Crossing Ste 104

Bend, OR 97701

(541) 382-5712

Tribelhorn, Dwight R, MD…

Dermatology & Laser Associates

of Medford

2959 Siskiyou Blvd

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 773-3636

Ullan, Amy L, PA-C…

Valley View Dermatology

2441 Grear St NE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 364-3321

Vouch, Sarah, PA-C…

Advanced Skin Center

1813 W Harvard Ave Ste 310

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 672-7546

Vouch, Sarah, PA-C…

Advanced Skin Center

855 W Central Blvd B

Coquille, OR 97423

(844) 209-4499

Weber, Larry M, PA-C…

Bend Dermatology Clinic

2747 NE Conners Ave

Bend, OR 97701

(541) 382-5712

Weber, Larry M, PA-C…

Bend Dermatology Clinic

236 NW Kingwood Ave

Redmond, OR 97756

(541) 382-5712

Weese, Kaylan L, MD…

Weese Dermatology

2440 NW Edenbower Blvd

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 957-1141

White, Kevin P, MD…

OHSU Dermatology

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 16

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-3376

Williams, Andrew M, PA…

Central Oregon Dermatology

388 SW Bluff Dr

Bend, OR 97702

(541) 678-0020

Williams, Lauren G, FNP…

Silver Falls Dermatology - Salem

1793 13th St SE

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 362-8385

Williams, Mark D, PA-C…

Silver Falls Dermatology -


2358 NW Kings Blvd Ste 100

Corvallis, OR 97330

(503) 362-8385

Williams, Mark D, PA-C…

Silver Falls Dermatology - Albany

1390 Waverly Dr SE

Albany, OR 97322

(503) 362-8385

Wilson, Jennifer, PA…

Weese Dermatology

2440 NW Edenbower Blvd

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 957-1141

Wren, Cassandra M, PA-C…

Cascade Dermatology &


992 Country Club Rd Ste 201

Eugene, OR 97401

(541) 485-7546

Wright, Kevin T, MD…

The Clinic for Dermatology &


2924 Siskiyou Blvd Ste 200

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 200-2777

Wyble, Angela R, PA-C…

Dermatology & Laser Associates

of Medford

2959 Siskiyou Blvd

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 773-3636

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

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Young, David F, MD…

David F Young MD

1619 NW Hawthorne Ave

Grants Pass, OR 97526

(541) 479-3367

Zimmer, Tiffany D, NP…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -


1200 Hilyard St Ste 520

Eugene, OR 97401

(458) 205-6129

Zurita, Jody M, FNP…

Advanced Skin Center

1021 NE 6th St

Grants Pass, OR 97526

(541) 507-1881


Brandt, Kathleen A, LD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

University District

1200 Hilyard St Ste 550

Eugene, OR 97401

(541) 686-7029

Bryant, Amanda, RD…

OHSU Food & Nutrition

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-8636

Canganelli, Jennifer L, RD…

Asante Physician Partners

555 Black Oak Dr Ste 310

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 789-5906

Carnahan, Dallas M, RD…

OHSU Food & Nutrition

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-8636

Chang, Jessica, RD…

OHSU Food & Nutrition

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-8636

Cullen, Jeanne M, RD…

PeaceHealth Oregon Bariatric


3377 RiverBend Dr

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 222-2700

De La Cruz, Noriko, RD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Diabetes and Endocrine

1200 Hilyard St Ste 550

Eugene, OR 97401

(458) 205-6543

Filkins, Susan J, RD…

OHSU Child Development &

Rehabilitation Center

707 SW Gaines St

Portland, OR 97239

(800) 452-3563

Flowers, Grace, RD…

OHSU Food & Nutrition

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-8636

Greene, Amanda M, RD…

PeaceHealth Oregon Bariatric


3377 RiverBend Dr

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 222-2700

Greenlee, Shannon M, RD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Diabetes and Endocrine

1200 Hilyard St Ste 550

Eugene, OR 97401

(458) 205-6543

Haddock, Lauren, RD…

Aviva Health Center - Roseburg

150 NE Kenneth Ford Dr

Roseburg, OR 97470

(541) 672-9596

Hall, Michael A, RD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Diabetes and Endocrine

1200 Hilyard St Ste 550

Eugene, OR 97401

(458) 205-6543

Hall, Michael A, RD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Cottage Grove

1515 Village Dr Ste 200

Cottage Grove, OR 97424

(541) 767-5200

Haskell, Pamela, RD…

OHSU Food & Nutrition

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-8636

Hill, Ansley, RD…

Cow Creek Health & Wellness


2589 NW Edenbower Blvd

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 672-8533

Hill, Ansley, RD…

Cow Creek Health & Wellness


480 Wartahoo Ln

Canyonville, OR 97417

(541) 839-1345

Hublitz, Lisa M, LD…

Salem Health Medical Clinic -

Boulder Creek

2485 12th St SE

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 363-8047

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

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Jacobson, Cecelia, RD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Comprehensive Spine Clinic

3377 Riverbend Dr

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 222-8400

Jerome, Maggie, RD…

OHSU Food & Nutrition

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-8636

Jones, Tina D, RD…

Asante Physician Partners

555 Black Oak Dr Ste 310

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 789-5906

Jones, Tina D, RD…

Asante Physician Partners

700 SW Ramsey Ste 101

Grants Pass, OR 97527

(541) 789-5906

Keeney, Lindsay F, RD…

OHSU Food & Nutrition

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-8636

Like, Laura K, LD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

University District

1200 Hilyard St Ste 550

Eugene, OR 97401

(541) 686-7029

Mitsch, April D, RD…

OHSU Child Development &

Rehabilitation Center

707 SW Gaines St

Portland, OR 97239

(800) 452-3563

Morgan, Nicole, RD…

Nicole Morgan Nutrition

1480 Oregon St

Ashland, OR 97520

(541) 601-3045

Peterson, Kelly R, LD…

PeaceHealth Sacred Heart


3377 RiverBend Dr

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 335-2700

Raymond, Marci M, RDN, LD…

Asante Physician Partners

700 SW Ramsey Ste 101

Grants Pass, OR 97527

(541) 789-5906

Richardson, Breanna, RD…

Asante Physician Partners

700 SW Ramsey Ste 101

Grants Pass, OR 97527

(541) 789-5906

Sahl, Sarah F, RD…

OHSU Child Development &

Rehabilitation Center

707 SW Gaines St

Portland, OR 97239

(800) 452-3563

Scalisi, Julie, RD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Cottage Grove

1515 Village Dr Ste 200

Cottage Grove, OR 97424

(541) 767-5200

Scalisi, Julie, RD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -


380 9th St

Florence, OR 97439

(541) 997-7134

Severson, Tracy R, RD…

OHSU Oregon Cardiology

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 9

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-7400

Spivey, Amber N, RD…

Asante Physician Partners

555 Black Oak Dr Ste 310

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 789-5906

Spivey, Amber N, RD…

Asante Physician Partners

700 SW Ramsey Ste 101

Grants Pass, OR 97527

(541) 789-5906

Taber, Joan M, RD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -


390 9th St

Florence, OR 97439

(541) 997-7134

Warren, Malissa M, RD…

OHSU Gastrointestinal & General


3303 S Bond Ave

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-4373

Yeap, Tok-Hui, RD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Diabetes and Endocrine

3377 Riverbend Dr

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 222-1255

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

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Aby-Daniel, Diana K, PA-C…

OHSU Endocrinology

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-3273

Ahmann, Andrew J, MD…

OHSU Endocrinology

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-3273

Amato, Paula, MD…

OHSU General Obstetrics &


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-4500

Baghel, Annavi, MD…

Asante Physician Partners -

Endocrinology Medford

555 Black Oak Dr Ste 400

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 789-8873

Bassett, Martin L, MD…

Willamette Valley Endocrinology

925 Commercial St SE Ste 320

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 399-8105

Bromley, Lindsay E, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

University District

1200 Hilyard St Ste 550

Eugene, OR 97401

(458) 205-6543

Castle, Jessica R, MD…

OHSU Endocrinology

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-3273

Cavazos, Martha M, MD…

Asante Physician Partners

560 Catalina Dr

Ashland, OR 97520

(541) 201-4800

Clyde, Patrick W, MD…

Evergreen Family Medicine

2570 NW Edenbower Blvd Ste 100

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 677-7200

Duell, Paul B, MD…

OHSU Oregon Cardiology

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 9

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-7400

El Youssef, Joseph, MD…

OHSU Endocrinology

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-3273

Gallen, John T, MD…

Asante Physician Partners

555 Black Oak Dr

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 789-8000

Hawkins, Riley C, PA…

Firehouse Diabetes and

Endocrine Center

1585 Liberty St SE

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 589-0565

Hungerford, Patrick R, MD…

Southern Oregon Internal


2900 Doctors Park Dr Ste 200

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 282-2200

Iyer, Priyanka C, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

University District

1200 Hilyard St Ste 550

Eugene, OR 97401

(458) 205-6543

Joarder, Farahnaz S, MD…

OHSU Endocrinology

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-3273

Killen, Christopher, PA…

Willamette Valley Endocrinology

925 Commercial St SE Ste 320

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 399-8105

Klopfenstein, Bethany J, MD…

OHSU Endocrinology

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-3273

Latif, Summaya, MD…

Asante Physician Partners -

Endocrinology Medford

555 Black Oak Dr Ste 400

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 789-8873

Lee, David M, MD…

OHSU General Obstetrics &


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-4500

Lester, Linda B, MD…

OHSU Endocrinology

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-3273

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

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Madison, Dana L, MD…

OHSU Otolaryngology

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-8510

Manuylova, Ekaterina A, MD…

Firehouse Diabetes and

Endocrine Center

1585 Liberty St SE

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 589-0565

McKenzie, Sheldon, MD…

Asante Physician Partners -


700 SW Ramsey Ave Ste 101

Grants Pass, OR 97527

(541) 507-2140

Michaels, Rodney D, MD…

Firehouse Diabetes and

Endocrine Center

1585 Liberty St SE

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 589-0565

Morimoto, Victoria S, PA…

OHSU Endocrinology

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-3273

Ortega, Lucy M, PA…

Asante Physician Partners

555 Black Oak Dr

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 789-8000

Orwoll, Eric S, MD…

OHSU Endocrinology

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-3273

Purnell, Jonathan Q, MD…

OHSU Oregon Cardiology

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 9

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-7400

Racine, Michael S, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

University District

1200 Hilyard St Ste 550

Eugene, OR 97401

(458) 205-6543

Radhakrishnan, Latha S, MD…

Physicians Building Group

1234 Commercial St SE

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 362-9334

Samuels, Mary H, MD…

OHSU Endocrinology

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-3273

Sanderson, Susan L, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

University District

1200 Hilyard St Ste 550

Eugene, OR 97401

(458) 205-6543

Schuff, Kathryn G, MD…

OHSU Endocrinology

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-3273

Senashova, Olga, MD…

OHSU Otolaryngology

15700 SW Greystone Ct

Beaverton, OR 97006

(503) 494-8510

Soltman, Sarah, MD…

OHSU Endocrinology

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-3273

Vanek, Chaim, MD…

OHSU Endocrinology

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-3273

Varlamov, Elena Vladimirovna,


OHSU Endocrinology

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-3273

Westfall, Melanie R, NP…

Asante Physician Partners -


700 SW Ramsey Ave Ste 101

Grants Pass, OR 97527

(541) 507-2140

Wu, Diana H, MD…

OHSU Fertility Clinic

3303 S Bond Ave CH10F

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-3700

Zahr, Roula S, MD…

OHSU Harold Schnitzer Diabetes

Health Center

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-3273

Zuber, Katherine M, PA…

Willamette Valley Endocrinology

925 Commercial St SE Ste 320

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 399-8105

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

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Female Pelvic Medicine & Reconstructive Surgery

Edwards, Sharon R, MD…

OHSU Urogynecology

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-4500

Gregory, William T, MD…

OHSU Urogynecology

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-4500


Adesman, Peter W, MD…

Gastroenterology Consultants

2860 Creekside Cir

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 779-8367

Ahn, Joseph, MD…

OHSU Gastroenterology &


3303 S Bond Ave Ste 6D

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-4373

Bhavan, Falguny I, MD…

Salem Gastroenterology


875 Oak St SE, Bldg C Ste 3010

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 399-7520

Black, Joseph M, MD…

Joseph Black, MD

2550 NW Edenbower Blvd Ste 100

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 580-5328

Brandes, Richard W, MD…

Salem Gastroenterology


875 Oak St SE, Bldg C Ste 3010

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 399-7520

Bravo, Alberto O, MD…

PMG - Gastroenterology

1698 E McAndrews Rd Ste 400

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 732-8500

Brown, Danelle N, FNP…

Gastroenterology Consultants

2860 Creekside Cir

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 779-8367

Buhl, Jeani G, NP…

Gastroenterology Consultants

2860 Creekside Cir

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 779-8367

Butler, Daniel C, PA-C…

Salem Gastroenterology


875 Oak St SE, Bldg C Ste 3010

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 399-7520

Chang, Michael F, MD…

OHSU Gastroenterology

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-8577

Childers, Ryan E, MD…

OHSU Gastroenterology &


3303 S Bond Ave Ste 6D

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-4373

Choueiri, Nabil E, MD…

Salem Gastroenterology


875 Oak St SE, Bldg C Ste 3010

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 399-7520

Chow, Craig C, MD…

Ashland Gastroenterology

743 N Main St

Ashland, OR 97520

(541) 488-8941

Davis, Colette M, FNP…

Gastroenterology Consultants

2860 Creekside Cir

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 779-8367

Diamond, Sarah J, MD…

OHSU Gastroenterology &


3303 S Bond Ave Ste 6D

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-4373

Ditzel, Amy K, PA-C…

Salem Gastroenterology


875 Oak St SE, Bldg C Ste 3010

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 399-7520

Drahuschak, Nicole F, NP…

PeaceHealth Sacred Heart


3377 Riverbend Dr -


Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 222-6200

D'Souza, Sharlene L, MD…

Gastroenterology Consultants

2860 Creekside Cir

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 779-8367

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid Page 90 of 204




Em, Makkalearn, MD…

Salem Gastroenterology


875 Oak St SE, Bldg C Ste 3010

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 399-7520

Engstrom, Gerald W, MD…

Centennial Medical Group -

Centennial Gastroenterology


2510 NW Edenbower Blvd Ste 112

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 464-6260

Epstein, Roger J, MD…

Silverton Specialists

408 Welch St

Silverton, OR 97381

(503) 874-4626

Evans, Paul, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

RiverBend Pavilion

3377 RiverBend Dr

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 222-6200

Ferney, Stephen J, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

RiverBend Pavilion

3377 RiverBend Dr

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 222-6200

Gilroy, Meghan E, MD…

Gastroenterology Consultants

2860 Creekside Cir

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 779-8367

Ho, Nancy, MD…

OHSU Gastroenterology &


3303 S Bond Ave Ste 6D

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-4373

Hoda, Katherine M, MD…

Salem Gastroenterology


875 Oak St SE, Bldg C Ste 3010

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 399-7520

Hoda, Katherine M, MD…

OHSU Gastroenterology &


3303 S Bond Ave Ste 6D

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-4373

Jacobson, Kris N, MD…

Gastroenterology Consultants

2860 Creekside Cir

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 779-8367

Kao, Patricia C, MD…

Salem Gastroenterology


875 Oak St SE, Bldg C Ste 3010

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 399-7520

Katon, Ronald M, MD…

OHSU Gastroenterology &


3303 S Bond Ave Ste 6D

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-4373

Lhewa, Dekey Y, MD…

OHSU Gastroenterology &


3303 S Bond Ave Ste 6D

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-4373

Magarian, Valerie M, ARNP…

PMG - Gastroenterology

1698 E McAndrews Rd Ste 400

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 732-8500

Modiano, Nir, MD…

OHSU Gastroenterology &


3303 S Bond Ave Ste 6D

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-4373

Mougey, Adam M, MD…

Gastroenterology Consultants

2860 Creekside Cir

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 779-8367

Mukherjee, Subhajit, MD…

Centennial Medical Group -

Centennial Gastroenterology


2510 NW Edenbower Blvd Ste 112

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 464-6260

Myers, Lauren E, PA…

OHSU Gastroenterology &


3303 S Bond Ave Ste 6D

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-4373

Naugler, Willscott E, MD…

OHSU Gastroenterology &


3303 S Bond Ave Ste 6D

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-4373

Otaki, Fouad, MD…

OHSU Gastroenterology &


3303 S Bond Ave Ste 6D

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-4373

Palazo, Makaila S, PA…

Salem Gastroenterology


875 Oak St SE, Bldg C Ste 3010

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 399-7520

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid Page 91 of 204




Petre, Sorin A, MD…

Centennial Medical Group -

Centennial Gastroenterology


2510 NW Edenbower Blvd Ste 112

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 464-6260

Ponec, Robert J, MD…

Salem Gastroenterology


875 Oak St SE, Bldg C Ste 3010

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 399-7520

Radley, Michelle A, PA-C…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

RiverBend Pavilion

3377 RiverBend Dr

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 222-6200

Slabaugh, Michael C, PA-C…

Salem Gastroenterology


875 Oak St SE, Bldg C Ste 3010

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 399-7520

Srinivasan, Nandakumar, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

RiverBend Pavilion

3377 RiverBend Dr

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 222-6200

Tingey, Leigha, PA…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

RiverBend Pavilion

3377 RiverBend Dr

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 222-6200

Tiwari, Abhinav, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

RiverBend Pavilion

3377 RiverBend Dr

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 222-6200

Walker, John A, MD…

Gastroenterology Consultants

2860 Creekside Cir

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 779-8367

Ward, Allison, PA…

Salem Gastroenterology


875 Oak St SE, Bldg C Ste 3010

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 399-7520

Winters, Gregory F, MD…

Gastroenterology Consultants

2860 Creekside Cir

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 779-8367

Zaman, Atif, MD…

OHSU Gastroenterology

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-8577

General Surgery

Adams, Audra E, PA-C…

Oregon Surgical Specialists, PC

520 Medical Center Dr Ste 300

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 930-8900

Boulay, Catherine A, MD…

Salem Clinic

2020 Capitol St NE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 399-2424

Brown, Savana M, PA-C…

Oregon Surgical Specialists, PC

520 Medical Center Dr Ste 300

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 930-8900

Buglino, Crystal M, PA…

Salem Health Surgery Clinic

665 Winter St SE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 561-2448

Cangelose, Cameron G, MD…

Salem Health Surgery Clinic

665 Winter St SE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 561-2448

Caton, Glena D, MD…

Salem Clinic

2020 Capitol St NE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 399-2424

Christensen, Kendall B, FNP…

Legacy Pre-Surgery Care Clinic

454 Welch St

Silverton, OR 97381

(503) 873-1540

Clarke, George A, MD…

Salem Health Surgery Clinic

665 Winter St SE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 561-2448

Clarke, George A, MD…

Salem Health Rehab Services -


525 SE Washington St

Dallas, OR 97338

(503) 623-7305

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid Page 92 of 204



General Surgery

Clarke, George A, MD…

Salem Health Specialty Clinic -


591 SE Clay St

Dallas, OR 97338

(503) 831-0784

Cleary, Andrew J, MD…

Salem Health Surgery Clinic

665 Winter St SE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 561-2448

Cooper, Cassie R, FNP…

Salem Health Surgery Clinic

665 Winter St SE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 561-2448

Cordero, John, DO…

Salem Health Surgery Clinic

665 Winter St SE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 561-2448

Craft, William B, MD…

PMG - Vascular and General


940 Royal Ave Ste 420

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 732-8388

Dang, Beni T, PA-C…

Oregon Surgical Specialists, PC

520 Medical Center Dr Ste 300

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 930-8900

Deveney, Clifford W, MD…

OHSU General Surgery

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-4373

Frost, Megan M, MD…

Asante Physician Partners

537 SW Union Ave Second Floor

Grants Pass, OR 97504

(541) 479-6777

Galey, Kelly, MD…

Salem Health Surgery Clinic

665 Winter St SE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 561-2448

Gilbert, Erin W, MD…

OHSU Gastrointestinal & General


3303 S Bond Ave

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-4373

Haley, Tracy L, MD…

PMG - General Surgery

1698 E McAndrews Rd Ste 160

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 732-7874

Hansen, Bret R, MD…

Centennial Medical Group -

Centennial Surgery

2801 NW Mercy Dr Ste 330

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 677-3600

Haputa, Andrew J, MD…

Santiam Medical Group -

Santiam General Surgery

1371 N 10th Ave

Stayton, OR 97383

(503) 769-3785

Havel, Liska L, MD…

James P Nealon, MD, PC

450 Welch St

Silverton, OR 97381

(503) 874-0574

Hiesterman, Matthew E, DO…

Asante Physician Partners

560 Catalina Dr

Ashland, OR 97520

(541) 201-4800

Hoffman, Paul, MD…

Paul Hoffman, MD

280 Maple St

Ashland, OR 97520

(541) 201-4420

Hunter, John G, MD…

OHSU General Surgery

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-4373

Husain, Farah A, MD…

OHSU Bariatric Services

3303 S Bond Ave

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-1983

Jean Baptiste, Sarah R, PA…

OHSU Orthopaedics

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 12

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-6400

Karmy-Jones, Riyad C, MD…

PeaceHealth Behavioral Health

Services - Springfield Riverbend

3333 Riverbend Dr

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 222-2185

Kim, Jiyoun E, MD…

Salem Clinic

2020 Capitol St NE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 399-2424

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid Page 93 of 204



General Surgery

Laro, Eric A, MD…

Salem Health


875 Oak St SE Bldg C

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 814-1434

Laro, Eric A, MD…

Salem Health Specialty Clinic -


591 SE Clay St

Dallas, OR 97338

(503) 831-0784

Laro, Eric A, MD…

Salem Health Medical Clinic -

Skyline Village

5050 Skyline Village Lp S

Salem, OR 97306

(503) 391-1110

Lawson, Kenneth L, MD…

Lower Umpqua Hospital -

Reedsport Medical Clinic

385 Ranch Rd

Reedsport, OR 97467

(541) 271-2119

Lin, Hsinchen J, MD…

Salem Health Surgery Clinic

665 Winter St SE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 561-2448

Luckeroth, Patricia D, MD…

Salem Health Surgery Clinic

665 Winter St SE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 561-2448

Luckeroth, Patricia D, MD…

Salem Health Cancer Institute

875 Oak St SE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 814-7370

Martin, Aaron D, DO…

Asante Physician Partners

537 SW Union Ave Second Floor

Grants Pass, OR 97527

(541) 507-2110

Martindale, Robert G, MD…

OHSU General Surgery

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-4373

Mason, Mark C, MD…

PMG - General Surgery

1698 E McAndrews Rd Ste 160

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 732-7874

Massoni-Blaine, Angela T, ANP…

Legacy Pre-Surgery Care Clinic

454 Welch St

Silverton, OR 97381

(503) 873-1540

McClune, Grant, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Florence - Women's Care Center

340 9th St

Florence, OR 97439

(541) 902-1634

McGreevy, Robert G, MD…

Santiam Medical Group -

Santiam General Surgery

1371 N 10th Ave

Stayton, OR 97383

(503) 769-3785

McReynolds, Samuel D, PA…

Asante Physician Partners

537 SW Union Ave Second Floor

Grants Pass, OR 97504

(541) 479-6777

Mirande, Raul A, MD…

Cascade Vein Center

2664 Campus Dr

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 880-2838

Mollenkopf, Emily S, FNP…

Salem Health Surgery Clinic

665 Winter St SE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 561-2448

Mozell, Everett J, MD…

Salem Clinic

2020 Capitol St NE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 399-2424

Nair, Rajan V, MD…

Salem Clinic

2020 Capitol St NE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 399-2424

Nair, Rajan V, MD…

Salem Clinic

2020 Capitol St NE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 399-2424

Nealon, James P, MD…

James P Nealon, MD, PC

450 Welch St

Silverton, OR 97381

(503) 874-0574

Nelson, Richard S, DO…

Asante Physician Partners

537 SW Union Ave Second Floor

Grants Pass, OR 97527

(541) 507-2110

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid Page 94 of 204



General Surgery

Nix, Jenni L, MD…

Centennial Medical Group -

Centennial Surgery

2801 NW Mercy Dr Ste 330

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 677-3600

Ogao, Jared M, MD…

Sky Lakes General Surgery

3000 Bryant Williams Dr Ste 110

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 274-2345

Orenstein, Sean B, MD…

OHSU Gastrointestinal & General


3303 S Bond Ave

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-4373

Orlando, Marc D, MD…

Sky Lakes General Surgery

3000 Bryant Williams Dr Ste 110

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 274-2345

Orloff, Susan L, MD…

OHSU Liver & Pancreas


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-7810

Pool, Garrett M, MD…

James P Nealon, MD, PC

450 Welch St

Silverton, OR 97381

(503) 874-0574

Powell, Theo H, MD…

Grants Pass Clinic, LLP

495 SW Ramsey Ave

Grants Pass, OR 97527

(541) 476-6644

Primus, Jason A, MD…

PMG - General Surgery

1698 E McAndrews Rd Ste 160

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 732-7874

Purkey, Amy A, FNP…

Salem Health Surgery Clinic

665 Winter St SE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 561-2448

Raymer, Jordan M, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Florence - Women's Care Center

340 9th St

Florence, OR 97439

(541) 902-1634

Reed, Richard D, PA…

OHSU Pediatric Cardiothoracic


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-5443

Russi, Scott A, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -


330 9th St

Florence, OR 97439

(541) 997-2820

Sadzewicz, Katherine, PA…

Bear Creek Surgery

1801 Hwy 99 N Ste 2

Ashland, OR 97520

(541) 488-4464

Sells, Meghan E, PA…

OHSU Liver & Pancreas


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-7810

Shank, Gregory S, MD…

Lower Umpqua Hospital -

Reedsport Medical Clinic

385 Ranch Rd

Reedsport, OR 97467

(541) 271-2119

Shepherd, Matthew E, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -


330 9th St

Florence, OR 97439

(541) 997-2820

Sheppard, Brett C, MD…

OHSU General Surgery

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-4373

Smith, Stanton, MD…

Sky Lakes General Surgery

3000 Bryant Williams Dr Ste 110

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 274-2345

Soder, Brent J, MD…

Centennial Medical Group -

Centennial Surgery

2801 NW Mercy Dr Ste 330

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 677-3600

Spence, Christopher R, MD…

Centennial Medical Group -

Centennial Surgery

2801 NW Mercy Dr Ste 330

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 677-3600

Spight, Donn H, MD…

OHSU Bariatric Services

3303 S Bond Ave

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-1983

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid Page 95 of 204



General Surgery

Stauffer, Paul R, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Florence - Women's Care Center

340 9th St

Florence, OR 97439

(541) 902-1634

Stewart, Bert "Monte", MD…

Bear Creek Surgery

1801 Hwy 99 N Ste 2

Ashland, OR 97520

(541) 488-4464

Stroud, Andrea M, MD…

OHSU Bariatric Services

3303 S Bond Ave

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-1983

Svoboda, Shane M, MD…

Salem Health Surgery Clinic

665 Winter St SE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 561-2448

Travis, Amber M, PA-C…

Oregon Heart & Vascular


3311 Riverbend Dr Ste 300

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 222-2866

Vanderheyden, Nicole MJ, MD…

Salem Health Surgery Clinic

665 Winter St SE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 561-2448

Venkataraman, Ashok, MD…

Oregon Heart & Vascular


3311 Riverbend Dr Ste 300

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 222-2866

Wenger, Lindsay M, MD…

Asante Physician Partners

537 SW Union Ave Second Floor

Grants Pass, OR 97504

(541) 479-6777

Wood, Stephanie G., MD

OHSU Gastrointestinal & General


3303 S Bond Ave

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-4373

Yang, Estin K, MD…

Asante Physician Partners

537 SW Union Ave Second Floor

Grants Pass, OR 97527

(541) 507-2110

Gynecologic Oncology

Bruegl, Amanda S, MD…

OHSU Gynecologic Oncology

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-4500

De Geest, Koenraad, MD…

OHSU Gynecologic Oncology

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-4500

Egan, Lisa A, PA…

OHSU Gynecologic Oncology

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-4500

Eller, Stephanie L, PA-C…

Salem Health


875 Oak St SE Bldg C

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 814-1434

Emerson, Jenna B, MD…

Salem Health


875 Oak St SE Bldg C

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 814-1434

McFarland, Meagan H, FNP…

Salem Health


875 Oak St SE Bldg C

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 814-1434

Munro, Elizabeth G, MD…

Salem Health


875 Oak St SE Bldg C

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 814-1434

Munro, Elizabeth G, MD…

OHSU Gynecologic Oncology

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-4500

Pejovic, Tanja, MD…

OHSU Gynecologic Oncology

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-4500

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid Page 96 of 204



Hand Surgery

Koehler, Logan R, MD…

Klamath Orthopedic Clinic, PC

2200 Bryant Williams Dr Ste 1

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 884-7746


Allen, Bryon E, FNP…

OHSU Center for Hematologic


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-5058

Balakrishna, Pragathi, MD…

Hematology Oncology


2828 E Barnett Rd

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 774-5853

Barber, Nicholas A, MD…

Oregon Oncology Specialists

875 Oak St SE Ste 4030

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 561-6444

Barber, Nicholas A, MD…

Oregon Oncology Specialists -


2700 SE Stratus Ave Ste A

McMinnville, OR 97128

(503) 435-6590

Barber, Nicholas A, MD…

Oregon Oncology Specialists -


404 Welch St

Silverton, OR 97381

(503) 561-6444

Barber, Nicholas A, MD…

Oregon Oncology Specialists -


1475 Mt Hood Ave

Woodburn, OR 97071

(503) 561-6444

Blackhall, Sadie J, PA-C…

Oregon Oncology Specialists

875 Oak St SE Ste 4030

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 561-6444

Blackhall, Sadie J, PA-C…

Oregon Oncology Specialists -


404 Welch St

Silverton, OR 97381

(503) 561-6444

Blackhall, Sadie J, PA-C…

Oregon Oncology Specialists -


1475 Mt Hood Ave

Woodburn, OR 97071

(503) 561-6444

Blackhall, Sadie J, PA-C…

Oregon Oncology Specialists -


2700 SE Stratus Ave Ste A

McMinnville, OR 97128

(503) 435-6590

Brewer, Diana E, PA…

OHSU Center for Hematologic


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-5058

Burmeister, Jennifer S, PA…

OHSU Center for Hematologic


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-5058

Cain, Ryan L, PA…

OHSU Center for Hematologic


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-5058

Chen, Andy I, MD…

OHSU Center for Hematologic


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-5058

Conser, Maggie M, FNP…

OHSU Hematology & Medical


10000 SE Main St Ste 350

Portland, OR 97216

(971) 262-9800

Cook, Rachel J, MD…

OHSU Center for Hematologic


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-5058

Crum, Christopher M, PA…

Hematology Oncology


2828 E Barnett Rd

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 774-5853

Dang, Theresa Huong T, PA…

OHSU Hematology & Medical


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-6594

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid Page 97 of 204




Daniel, Sarah F, PA-C…

Oregon Oncology Specialists

875 Oak St SE Ste 4030

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 561-6444

Daniel, Sarah F, PA-C…

Oregon Oncology Specialists -


2700 SE Stratus Ave Ste A

McMinnville, OR 97128

(503) 435-6590

Daniel, Sarah F, PA-C…

Oregon Oncology Specialists -


1475 Mt Hood Ave

Woodburn, OR 97071

(503) 561-6444

Daniel, Sarah F, PA-C…

Oregon Oncology Specialists -


404 Welch St

Silverton, OR 97381

(503) 561-6444

DeLoughery, Thomas G, MD…

OHSU Hematology & Medical


3303 S Bond Ave Ste 7

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-6594

Desai, Samir B, MD…

OHSU Hematology & Medical


24988 SE Stark St Ste 140

Gresham, OR 97030

(971) 262-9500

Donovan, Jeffrey M, PA…

OHSU Hematology & Medical


3303 S Bond Ave Ste 7

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-6594

Dwary, Ashish D, MD…

Hematology Oncology


2828 E Barnett Rd

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 774-5853

Esfahbodi Rad, Joseph J, PA…

Oregon Oncology Specialists

875 Oak St SE Ste 4030

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 561-6444

Filoon, Matthew M, NP…

Hematology Oncology


2828 E Barnett Rd

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 774-5853

Goseland, Aimee M, FNP…

Hematology Oncology


2828 E Barnett Rd

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 774-5853

Harlan, Rogelyn P, FNP…

OHSU Center for Hematologic


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-5058

Hayes-Lattin, Brandon M, MD…

OHSU Center for Hematologic


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-5058

Hehn, Esther L, NP…

Hematology Oncology


2828 E Barnett Rd

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 774-5853

Hehn, Sean T, MD…

Hematology Oncology


2828 E Barnett Rd

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 774-5853

Heinrich, Michael C, MD…

OHSU Hematology & Medical


3303 S Bond Ave Ste 7

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-6594

Huang, Ted, MD…

OHSU Hematology & Medical


1130 NW 22nd Ave Ste 150

Portland, OR 97210

(971) 262-9600

Johns, Carolyn M, ANP…

OHSU Hematology & Medical


3303 S Bond Ave Ste 7

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-6594

Johnston, Caitlin G, PA…

OHSU Center for Hematologic


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-5058

Johnston, Caitlin G, PA…

OHSU Hematology & Medical


3303 S Bond Ave Ste 7

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-6594

Kefer, Catherine A, ANP…

OHSU Hematology & Medical


19260 SW 65th Ave Ste 140

Tualatin, OR 97062

(971) 262-9700

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid Page 98 of 204




Kim, Hidong, MD…

Hematology Oncology


2828 E Barnett Rd

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 774-5853

Kittleson, Bonnie Kate, FNP…

OHSU Hematology & Medical


10000 SE Main St Ste 350

Portland, OR 97216

(971) 262-9800

Kleiman, Darcy M, FNP…

Hematology Oncology


2828 E Barnett Rd

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 774-5853

Koca, Emre, MD…

Hematology Oncology


2828 E Barnett Rd

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 774-5853

Koca, Emre, MD…

Asante Rogue Regional Medical


2825 E Barnett Rd

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 789-7000

Kohler, Susan E, MD…

Hematology Oncology


2828 E Barnett Rd

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 774-5853

Kujovich, Jody L, MD…

OHSU Child Development &

Rehabilitation Center

707 SW Gaines St

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-8716

Leonard, Jessica T, MD…

OHSU Center for Hematologic


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-5058

Matar, Sara, MD…

Hematology Oncology


2828 E Barnett Rd

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 774-5853

Maziarz, Richard T, MD…

OHSU Center for Hematologic


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-5058

McGaffey, Mariah J, PA-C…

Hematology Oncology


2828 E Barnett Rd

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 774-5853

Medvedova, Eva, MD…

OHSU Center for Hematologic


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-5058

Meyer, Janelle M, MD…

Oregon Oncology Specialists

875 Oak St SE Ste 4030

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 561-6444

Meyers, Gabrielle, MD…

OHSU Center for Hematologic


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-5058

Mumey, Christine M, FNP…

Oregon Oncology Specialists

875 Oak St SE Ste 4030

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 561-6444

Mumey, Christine M, FNP…

Oregon Oncology Specialists -


2700 SE Stratus Ave Ste A

McMinnville, OR 97128

(503) 435-6590

Mumey, Christine M, FNP…

Oregon Oncology Specialists -


404 Welch St

Silverton, OR 97381

(503) 561-6444

Mumey, Christine M, FNP…

Oregon Oncology Specialists -


1475 Mt Hood Ave

Woodburn, OR 97071

(503) 561-6444

Nagle, Sarah Jordan, MD…

OHSU Center for Hematologic


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-5058

Nelli, Erin M, DO…

Hematology Oncology


2828 E Barnett Rd

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 774-5853

Newell, Laura F, MD…

OHSU Center for Hematologic


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-5058

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid Page 99 of 204




O'Brien, Catherine A, MD…

Oregon Oncology Specialists -


2700 SE Stratus Ave Ste A

McMinnville, OR 97128

(503) 435-6590

Ogletree, Heidi M, NP…

Hematology Oncology


2828 E Barnett Rd

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 774-5853

Okada, Craig Y, MD…

OHSU Center for Hematologic


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-5058

Ottenheimer, Edward J, MD…

Umpqua Medical, PC

1813 W Harvard Ave Ste 436

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 673-0496

Pace, Ethan R, PA…

Hematology Oncology


2828 E Barnett Rd

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 774-5853

Petrunin, Charles G, MD…

Oregon Oncology Specialists

875 Oak St SE Ste 4030

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 561-6444

Phillips, Tabitha R, PA-C…

Oregon Oncology Specialists

875 Oak St SE Ste 4030

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 561-6444

Phillips, Tabitha R, PA-C…

Oregon Oncology Specialists -


2700 SE Stratus Ave Ste A

McMinnville, OR 97128

(503) 435-6590

Phillips, Tabitha R, PA-C…

Oregon Oncology Specialists -


1475 Mt Hood Ave

Woodburn, OR 97071

(503) 561-6444

Phillips, Tabitha R, PA-C…

Oregon Oncology Specialists -


404 Welch St

Silverton, OR 97381

(503) 561-6444

Pierce, William C, MD…

Oregon Oncology Specialists

875 Oak St SE Ste 4030

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 561-6444

Pierce, William C, MD…

Oregon Oncology Specialists -


2700 SE Stratus Ave Ste A

McMinnville, OR 97128

(503) 435-6590

Poisson, Brett A, MD…

Hematology Oncology


2828 E Barnett Rd

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 774-5853

Prins, Renee C, MD…

Oregon Oncology Specialists

875 Oak St SE Ste 4030

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 561-6444

Radcliff, Lisa M, DNP…

OHSU Hematology & Medical


24988 SE Stark St Ste 140

Gresham, OR 97030

(971) 262-9500

Rizvi, Mujahid A, MD…

Hematology Oncology


2828 E Barnett Rd

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 774-5853

Rodgers, Dawn L, PA…

OHSU Center for Hematologic


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-5058

Samuelson Bannow, Bethany T,


OHSU Hematology & Medical


3303 S Bond Ave Ste 7

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-6594

Sander, Aleksandra S, MD…

Hematology Oncology


2828 E Barnett Rd

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 774-5853

Savage, Alison D, MD…

Hematology Oncology


2828 E Barnett Rd

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 774-5853

Schwab, Jeffery D, FNP…

Oregon Oncology Specialists

875 Oak St SE Ste 4030

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 561-6444

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid Page 100 of 204




Schwab, Jeffery D, FNP…

Oregon Oncology Specialists -


2700 SE Stratus Ave Ste A

McMinnville, OR 97128

(503) 435-6590

Schwab, Jeffery D, FNP…

Oregon Oncology Specialists -


404 Welch St

Silverton, OR 97381

(503) 561-6444

Schwab, Jeffery D, FNP…

Oregon Oncology Specialists -


1475 Mt Hood Ave

Woodburn, OR 97071

(503) 561-6444

Seaders, Diana M, PA…

Oregon Oncology Specialists

875 Oak St SE Ste 4030

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 561-6444

Sendowski, Merav, MD…

OHSU Hematology & Medical


3303 S Bond Ave Ste 7

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-6594

Stephens, Alyssa H, PA…

Oregon Oncology Specialists

875 Oak St SE Ste 4030

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 561-6444

Stephens, Alyssa H, PA…

Oregon Oncology Specialists -


2700 SE Stratus Ave Ste A

McMinnville, OR 97128

(503) 435-6590

Stephens, Alyssa H, PA…

Oregon Oncology Specialists -


404 Welch St

Silverton, OR 97381

(503) 561-6444

Stephens, Alyssa H, PA…

Oregon Oncology Specialists -


1475 Mt Hood Ave

Woodburn, OR 97071

(503) 561-6444

Stowers, Katie H, DO…

OHSU Hematology & Medical


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-6594

Strother, John M, MD…

Oregon Oncology Specialists

875 Oak St SE Ste 4030

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 561-6444

Strother, John M, MD…

Oregon Oncology Specialists -


404 Welch St

Silverton, OR 97381

(503) 561-6444

Sweetser, Matthew G, MD…

Sky Lakes Cancer Treatment


2610 Uhrmann Rd

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 883-4171

Takahashi, Gary W, MD…

OHSU Hematology & Medical


15700 SW Greystone Ct

Beaverton, OR 97006

(971) 262-9000

Taylor, Amanda N, PA…

Hematology Oncology


2828 E Barnett Rd

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 774-5853

Taylor, Sandra J, MD…

Hematology Oncology


2828 E Barnett Rd

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 774-5853

Tiffany, Natasha M, MD…

Oregon Oncology Specialists

875 Oak St SE Ste 4030

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 561-6444

Tirumali, Nagendra R, MD…

OHSU Hematology & Medical


15700 SW Greystone Ct

Beaverton, OR 97006

(971) 262-9000

Tomic, Kaitlyn M, AGPCNP…

OHSU Hematology & Medical


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-6594

Trussell, Jacqueline L, FNP…

OHSU Center for Hematologic


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-5058

Tyler, Kimberly B, ANP…

OHSU Center for Hematologic


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-5058

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

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VanWart, Virginia L, NP…

Hematology Oncology


2828 E Barnett Rd

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 774-5853

Vetto, Irene P, ANP…

OHSU Hematology & Medical


1130 NW 22nd Ave Ste 150

Portland, OR 97210

(971) 262-9600

Weese, Joshua M, MD…

Steelhead Oncology

2880 NW Stewart Pkwy Ste 300

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 229-4070

Williams, Stephen A, MD…

Steelhead Oncology

2880 NW Stewart Pkwy Ste 300

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 229-4070

Yee, Kevin W, MD…

OHSU Hematology & Medical


19260 SW 65th Ave Ste 140

Tualatin, OR 97062

(971) 262-9700

Ying, Monique M, PA…

OHSU Hematology & Medical


15700 SW Greystone Ct

Beaverton, OR 97006

(971) 262-9000

Infectious Disease

Alday, Phil H, MD…

OHSU Infectious Disease

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-7735

Balasingham, Shivashanker,


Asante Physician Partners

700 SW Ramsey Ste 101

Grants Pass, OR 97527

(541) 789-5906

Bonura, Erin M, MD…

OHSU Infectious Disease

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-7735

Cronin, Jason D, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

RiverBend Pavilion

3377 RiverBend Dr

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 222-6345

Curlin, Marcel E, MD…

OHSU Infectious Disease

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-7735

Doggett, Joseph S, MD…

OHSU Infectious Disease

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-7735

Felder, Kimberly K, PA…

OHSU Pediatric Infectious


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-5747

Hakki, Morgan B, MD…

OHSU Infectious Disease

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-7735

Maier, Marissa M, MD…

OHSU Infectious Disease

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-7735

Majorant, Oana D, MD…

PMG - Infectious Disease

1698 E McAndrews Rd Ste 170

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 732-6070

Makadia, Jina T, MD…

OHSU Infectious Disease

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-7735

Messer, William B, MD…

OHSU Infectious Disease

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-7735

Ormesher, Brenda M, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

RiverBend Pavilion

3377 RiverBend Dr

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 222-7300

Pelz, Robert K, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

RiverBend Pavilion

3377 RiverBend Dr

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 222-7300

Perez, Kialing P, MD…

PeaceHealth Hyperbaric Center

3333 RiverBend Dr

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 222-4500

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid Page 102 of 204



Infectious Disease

Pfeiffer, Christopher D, MD…

OHSU Infectious Disease

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-7735

Robinson, Brad E, MD…

Aviva Health Center - Newton


3031 NE Stephens St

Roseburg, OR 97470

(541) 672-9596

Schutte, Kirsten M, MD…

Asante Physician Partners -

Infectious Disease

691 Murphy Rd Ste 107

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 789-4505

Seshadri, Pratibha, MD…

Asante Physician Partners -

Infectious Disease

691 Murphy Rd Ste 202

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 789-4505

Sikka, Monica K, MD…

OHSU Infectious Disease

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-7735

Strasfeld, Lynne M, MD…

OHSU Infectious Disease

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-7735

Strnad, Luke C, MD…

OHSU Infectious Disease

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-7735

Sukerman, Ellie S, MD…

OHSU Infectious Disease

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-7735

Townes, John M, MD…

OHSU Infectious Disease

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-7735

VanSant, Janine T, MD…

Santiam Medical Group -

Infectious Diseases and Travel


1401 N 10th Ave

Stayton, OR 97383

(503) 769-9307

Winthrop, Kevin L, MD…

OHSU Infectious Disease

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-7735

Maternal and Fetal Medicine

Bednar, Amy D, MD…

Legacy Health - Center for

Maternal & Fetal Medicine

454 Welch St

Silverton, OR 97381

(503) 779-2201

Bednar, Amy D, MD…

Legacy Health - Center for

Maternal & Fetal Medicine

10151 SE Sunnyside Rd Ste 315

Clackamas, OR 97015

(503) 414-5700

Bernard, Leah S, MD…

Women's Health Center of

Southern Oregon, PC

1075 SW Grandview Ave Ste 200

Grants Pass, OR 97527

(541) 479-8363

Bernard, Leah S, MD…

Asante Physician Partners

2911 Siskiyou Blvd

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 789-5982

Caughey, Aaron, MD…

OHSU Perinatology

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-4200

Hermesch, Amy C, MD…

Salem Health Maternal Fetal


875 Oak St SE, Bldg C Ste 5050

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 814-4600

Kahn, Daniel A, MD…

Asante Physician Partners

2911 Siskiyou Blvd

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 789-5982

Salati, Jennifer A, MD…

Legacy Health - Center for

Maternal & Fetal Medicine

454 Welch St

Silverton, OR 97381

(503) 779-2201

Salati, Jennifer A, MD…

Legacy Health - Center for

Maternal & Fetal Medicine

300 N Grahman St Ste 100

Portland, OR 97208

(503) 413-1122

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

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Maternal and Fetal Medicine

Salati, Jennifer A, MD…

Legacy Health - Center for

Maternal & Fetal Medicine

10151 SE Sunnyside Rd Ste 315

Clackamas, OR 97015

(503) 414-5700

Mental Health

Afzal, Karim, PsyD…

WFMC Health

435 Lancaster Dr NE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 585-6388

Anderson-Caldwell, Holly,


Cow Creek Health & Wellness


2589 NW Edenbower Blvd

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 672-8533

Anderson-Caldwell, Holly,


Cow Creek Health & Wellness


480 Wartahoo Ln

Canyonville, OR 97417

(541) 839-1345

Auborn, Jamie M, LCSW…

Options for Southern Oregon

200 Beatty St

Medford, OR 97501

(541) 476-2373

Austin, Susan (Becky) R, LCSW…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Behavioral Health Services -


1200 Hilyard St Ste 420

Eugene, OR 97401

(458) 205-6444

Bailey, Heather, LCSW…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -


530 9th St

Florence, OR 97439

(541) 997-7104

Baker, Kindall S, LCSW…

Compass Behavioral Health

621 W Madrone St

Roseburg, OR 97470

(541) 440-3532

Balowitz, Barbara M, LCSW

Barbara M. Balowitz, LCSW

4035 12th St Cutoff SE Ste 140

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 371-0863

Banasky, Douglas J, LCSW

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

University District

1200 Hilyard St Ste 230

Eugene, OR 97401

(458) 205-6011

Banther, Roger E, LCSW…

West Salem Clinic

1233 Edgewater St NW

Salem, OR 97304

(503) 378-7526

Banther, Roger E, LCSW…

Roger Banther, LCSW

805 Liberty St NE

Salem, OR 97302

(971) 720-6820

Beach, Keely M, LCSW…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Behavioral Health Services -


1200 Hilyard St Ste 570

Eugene, OR 97401

(458) 205-7070

Beeching, Hannah D, LCSW…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Behavioral Health Services -


3333 RiverBend Dr

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 222-2185

Bellinger, Elizabeth H, LCSW…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Behavioral Health Services -


1200 Hilyard St Ste 420

Eugene, OR 97401

(458) 205-6444

Besing, Steven E, PsyD…

Salem Health Bariatric Surgery


875 Oak St SE Ste 5040

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 814-5286

Besing, Steven E, PsyD…

Salem Health Rehabilitation


755 Mission St SE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 561-5986

Bjorkquist, Patricia M, PsyD

Patricia M. Bjorkquist, PhD

525 Glen Creek Rd NW Ste 250

Salem, OR 97304

(503) 585-1333

Blea, Philip F, LCSW…

Marion County Health


3180 Center St NE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 588-5357

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid Page 104 of 204



Mental Health

Bock, Benjamin R, PsyD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Behavioral Health Services -


1200 Hilyard St Ste 420

Eugene, OR 97401

(458) 205-6444

Bonds, Mary E, LCSW

Poyama Counseling Services

965 Liberty St SE

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 588-2004

Boyd, Stephen J, PsyD…

OHSU Comprehensive Pain


3303 S Bond Ave

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-7246

Brigham, Barbara K, LCSW…

Barbara K Brigham, LCSW

1490 NW Valley View

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 315-6857

Bryan, Benjamin M, LCSW…

Options for Southern Oregon

1911 Hazel St

Medford, OR 97501

(541) 476-2373

Buist, Catriona M, PsyD…

OHSU Comprehensive Pain


3303 S Bond Ave

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-7246

Butsenina, Nataliya, LCSW…

Valley Mental Health

821 Saginaw St S

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 589-4046

Caldwell, Kathleen S, LCSW…

Kathleen S Caldwell

328 S Central Ave Ste 108A

Medford, OR 97501

(541) 857-1201

Calvo, Peter E, PsyD…

Peter E Calvo, PsyD

905 Main St Ste 206

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 850-9225

Carroll, Angela M, LCSW…

Salem Clinic - Primary Health

Care Clinic

1165 Union St NE Ste 200

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 399-2424

Carson, James W, PsyD…

OHSU Acute Pain Service

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-4910

Carter, Steven H, PsyD…

Clarity Behavioral Medicine, LLC

10 Crater Lake Ave Ste 18

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 244-2643

Cervantes, Sarah, LCSW…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Behavioral Health Services -


1255 Hilyard St

Eugene, OR 97401

(541) 686-6929

Chambers, Mary J, LCSW…

Mary Chambers, LCSW

14 Cottage St

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 601-0616

Chester, Serana K, PsyD…

Oregon Neuro Behavioral Group

14631 SW Millikan Way Ste 12

Beaverton, OR 97003

(971) 330-7352

Clark, Sarah E, LCSW…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Behavioral Health Services -


770 East 11th Ave

Eugene, OR 97401

(458) 205-7000

Clarke, Valeria LF, LCSW…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Cottage Grove

1515 Village Dr

Cottage Grove, OR 97424

(541) 767-5200

Cohen, Seth E, LCSW…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Behavioral Health Services

Transition Team

770 E 11th Ave

Eugene, OR 97401

(458) 205-7013

Cole, Jeffrey R, PsyD…

Jeffrey R Cole, PhD

2460 NW Troost St Ste 202

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 643-1375

Crawford, Lisa A, LCSW…

Adapt Integrated Health Care:

Primary Care

671 SW Main St

Winston, OR 97496

(541) 229-8973

Cummings, Anne C, LCSW…

New Perspectives Center

161 High St SE Ste 222

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 316-6770

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid Page 105 of 204



Mental Health

Danforth, Tiffany, LCSW…

Cow Creek Health & Wellness


480 Wartahoo Ln

Canyonville, OR 97417

(541) 839-1345

Danforth, Tiffany, LCSW…

Cow Creek Health & Wellness


2589 NW Edenbower Blvd

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 672-8533

Darling, Rhonda M, LCSW…

Meredith Krugel LCSW, PC

272 NW Medical Lp Ste E

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 900-4285

Davoudian, Teni, PsyD…

OHSU Center for Women's


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-4500

De Araujo Sanchez,

Maria-Alejandra, LCSW…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Behavioral Health Services -


1255 Hilyard St

Eugene, OR 97401

(541) 686-7376

Delgado, Andrew, LCSW…

Cow Creek Health & Wellness


2589 NW Edenbower Blvd

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 672-8533

Delgado, Andrew, LCSW…

Cow Creek Health & Wellness


480 Wartahoo Ln

Canyonville, OR 97417

(541) 839-1345

DeLongis, Maureen E, LCSW…

OHSU Child Development &

Rehabilitation Center

707 SW Gaines St

Portland, OR 97239

(800) 452-3563

Dhillon, Deborah A, LCSW…

Adapt Integrated Health Care:

Primary Care

671 SW Main St

Winston, OR 97496

(541) 229-8973

Dixon, Tracy, PsyD…

PMG - Central Point

870 S Front St Ste 200

Central Point, OR 97502

(541) 732-8000

Dougher, David T, LCSW…

Poyama Counseling Services

965 Liberty St SE

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 588-2004

Dougher, David T, LCSW…

Poyama Counseling Services

216 NW 6th St

Corvallis, OR 97330

(541) 754-9072

Dubisar, Sarah K, LCSW…

Sarah K Allen, LCSW

220 Main St Ste 108

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 892-6673

Duke, Danny C, PsyD…

OHSU Child Development &

Rehabilitation Center

707 SW Gaines St

Portland, OR 97239

(800) 452-3563

Duvall, Susanne W, PsyD…

OHSU Child Development &

Rehabilitation Center

707 SW Gaines St

Portland, OR 97239

(800) 452-3563

Eberly, Sara B, LCSW…

Options for Southern Oregon

200 Beatty St

Medford, OR 97501

(541) 476-2373

Eckerd, Lizabeth M, PsyD…

Beth Eckerd, PhD

4497 Brownridge Terrace Ste 106

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 690-9101

Eckstein, Judith K, PsyD…

Valley View Counseling

1652 NW Hughwood Ct

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 673-3985

Eppelsheimer, Rhonda, LCSW…

OHSU Child Development &

Rehabilitation Center

707 SW Gaines St

Portland, OR 97239

(800) 452-3563

Flores, Marcel H, PsyD…

WFMC Health

435 Lancaster Dr NE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 585-6388

Frakes, Kimie A, LCSW…

Adapt Integrated Health Care:

Primary Care

221 N Main St

Winston, OR 97496

(541) 492-4550

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid Page 106 of 204



Mental Health

Freeburg, Rachel M, LCSW…

New Perspectives Center

1895 Liberty St N

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 316-6770

Freeman, Esther L, PsyD…

OHSU Psychiatry

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-6176

Freeman, Kurt A, PsyD…

OHSU Child Development &

Rehabilitation Center

707 SW Gaines St

Portland, OR 97239

(800) 452-3563

Galindo, Deborah L, PsyD

Mid-Valley Counseling Center -

Spinnaker Place

2601 25th St SE Ste 420

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 364-6093

Gamallo, Dana T, LCSW…

New Perspectives Center

565 Union Street NE Ste 208C

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 316-6770

Gerber, Carla, LCSW…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Behavioral Health Services -


1200 Hilyard St Ste 570

Eugene, OR 97401

(458) 205-7070

Gilbertson, Michael K, LCSW

Michael Gilbertson LCSW

1900 Main St Ste B

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 884-9890

Graves, Monique L, LCSW…

PeaceHealth Behavioral Health


1255 Hilyard St

Eugene, OR 97401

(458) 205-6555

Green, Randall, PsyD

Mid-Valley Counseling Center

2250 D St NE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 364-6093

Gross, Richard A, LCSW…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Behavioral Health Services -


1200 Hilyard St Ste 420

Eugene, OR 97401

(458) 205-6444

Grove, Heidi A, LCSW…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Behavioral Health Services -


1200 Hilyard St Ste 570

Eugene, OR 97401

(458) 205-7070

Gutierrez, Ivan, LCSW…

West Salem Clinic Mental Health

1245 Edgewater St NW

Salem, OR 97304

(503) 378-7526

Gutierrez, Ivan, LCSW…

West Salem Clinic Mental Health

1233 Edgewater St NW

Salem, OR 97304

(503) 378-7526

Hadden, Therese A, LCSW…

Compass Behavioral Health

548 SE Jackson St

Roseburg, OR 97470

(541) 440-3532

Hadley, Rachel A, LCSW…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Behavioral Health Services

770 East 11th Ave

Eugene, OR 97401

(458) 205-7085

Hall, Trevor A, PsyD…

OHSU Child Development &

Rehabilitation Center

707 SW Gaines St

Portland, OR 97239

(800) 452-3563

Hargraves, Julie A, LCSW…

Compass Behavioral Health

548 SE Jackson St

Roseburg, OR 97470

(541) 440-3532

Hart, Cora G, PsyD…

Adapt Integrated Health Care:

Primary Care

671 SW Main St

Winston, OR 97496

(541) 229-8973

Hawkins, Heather M, LCSW…

New Perspectives Center

1675 Winter St NE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 316-6770

Heath, Susan A, LCSW…

New Perspectives Center

161 High St SE Ste 206A

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 316-6770

Higby, Anne M, LCSW…

Asante Physician Partners

2841 Ave G Ste 100

White City, OR 97503

(541) 826-5252

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid Page 107 of 204



Mental Health

Higgins, Kyle D, LCSW…

OHSU Family Medicine

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 9

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-8573

Hilke, Carmen R, LCSW…

Valley Mental Health

821 Saginaw St S

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 589-4046

Holley, Amy S, PsyD…

OHSU Child Development &

Rehabilitation Center

707 SW Gaines St

Portland, OR 97239

(800) 452-3563

Howald, Shanna L, LCSW…

Salem Health Medical Clinic -

Boulder Creek

2485 12th St SE

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 363-8047

Howard-Jones, Katherine, LCSW

Katherine Howard Jones, LCSW

555 W Harrison St

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 580-5861

Huang-Storms, Lark Y, PsyD…

OHSU Child Development &

Rehabilitation Center

707 SW Gaines St

Portland, OR 97239

(800) 452-3563

Huson, Kacie M, LCSW…

Aviva Health Center - Roseburg

150 NE Kenneth Ford Dr

Roseburg, OR 97470

(541) 672-9596

Jackson, Garrick D, LCSW…

Lutheran Community Services


2545 N Eldorado Ave

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 883-3471

Janzen, Darren M, PsyD…

OHSU Child Development &

Rehabilitation Center

707 SW Gaines St

Portland, OR 97239

(800) 452-3563

Jennings, Lisa M, LCSW…

Second Wind Mental Health

Clinic, LLC

11 SW Brantley Dr

Winston, OR 97496

(541) 679-0366

Johnson, Heather I, LCSW…

Compass Behavioral Health

621 W Madrone St

Roseburg, OR 97470

(541) 440-3532

Johnstone, Jeanette M, PsyD…

OHSU Psychiatry Child &


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-6176

Jorgensen, Jennie, LCSW…

Legacy Medical Group - Mt Angel

250 W Marquam St

Mt Angel, OR 97362

(971) 983-5214

Juett, Jared E, LCSW…

Aviva Health Center - Roseburg

150 Kenneth Ford Dr

Roseburg, OR 97470

(541) 672-9596

Juniper, Naomi L, LCSW…

Options for Southern Oregon

1181 SW Ramsey

Grants Pass, OR 97527

(541) 476-2373

Kern, Thomas G, PsyD…

OHSU Acute Pain Service

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-4910

King, Lindsey M, PsyD…

PeaceHealth Oregon Bariatric


3377 RiverBend Dr

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 222-2700

Kobus, Amy M, PsyD…

OHSU Psychiatry

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-6176

Krugel, Meredith C, LCSW…

Meredith Krugel LCSW, PC

272 NW Medical Lp Ste E

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 900-4285

Leitson-Grabelsky, Jenny B,


Asante Physician Partners

2859 State St

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 282-6505

Leonard-Durrant, Erin M, LCSW…

Compass Behavioral Health

680 Fir St

Reedsport, OR 97457

(541) 440-3532

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid Page 108 of 204



Mental Health

Mackiewicz Seghete, Kristen L,


OHSU Psychiatry Child &


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-6176

Malone, Marc R, PsyD…

West Salem Clinic

1233 Edgewater St NW

Salem, OR 97304

(503) 378-7526

Mansoor, Laurel G, LCSW…

OHSU Avel Gordly Center for


621 SW Alder St Ste 520

Portland, OR 97205

(503) 418-5311

Maron, Leeza M, PhD…

OHSU Psychiatry

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-6176

Martinez, Patricia, LCSW…

Salem Psychiatric Associates

821 Saginaw St S

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 362-1999

McDonald, Cheryl D, LCSW…

Compass Behavioral Health

621 W Madrone St

Roseburg, OR 97470

(541) 440-3532

McGarry, Tara, PsyD…

Legacy Medical Group - Keizer

5685 Inland Shores Way N

Keizer, OR 97303

(971) 983-5214

McGarry, Tara, PsyD…

Legacy Medical Group - Mt Angel

250 W Marquam St

Mt Angel, OR 97362

(503) 845-2000

McIrvin, Bonnie M, LCSW…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Behavioral Health Services

1200 Hilyard St Ste 450

Eugene, OR 97401

(458) 205-7131

McKenzie, Lorraine, LCSW…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Behavioral Health Services -


1200 Hilyard St Ste 570

Eugene, OR 97401

(458) 205-7070

McLaughlin, Paul T, PsyD…

Mid-Valley Counseling Center -

Spinnaker Place

2601 25th St SE Ste 420

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 364-6093

Mello, Allison R, LCSW…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -


380 9th St

Florence, OR 97439

(541) 997-7134

Miller, Michael R, LCSW…

Valley Family Practice

3524 Heathrow Way

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 646-3505

Milnes, John B, LCSW

John B. Milnes, MSW, PC

1645 Liberty St SE

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 585-5328

Mittleider, Andrea, LCSW…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

University District

1200 Hilyard St Ste 230

Eugene, OR 97401

(458) 205-6011

Moe, Carly L, LCSW…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Behavioral Health Services -


1255 Hilyard St

Eugene, OR 97401

(541) 686-6929

Molinaro, Dalyn J, LCSW…

Legacy Behavioral Health WHC

1475 Mt Hood Ave

Woodburn, OR 97071

(971) 983-5214

Moon, Emma R, LCSW…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Beh Health Svcs - Eugene

1200 Hilyard St Ste 460

Eugene, OR 97401

(458) 205-6555

Morris, Katherine J, PsyD…

Salem Health Rehabilitation


755 Mission St SE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 561-5986

Morris, Katherine J, PsyD…

Salem Health Sleep Center

875 Oak St SE Ste 3060

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 561-5170

Myers, Kara D, LCSW…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Behavioral Health Services

1200 Hilyard St Ste 420

Eugene, OR 97401

(458) 205-6444

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Mental Health

Nagel, Bonnie J, PsyD…

OHSU Psychiatry Child &


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-6176

Newburgh, Tami L, LCSW…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

RiverBend Pavilion

3377 RiverBend Dr

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 222-6565

Nguyen-Driver, Mina D, PsyD…

OHSU Child Development &

Rehabilitation Center

707 SW Gaines St

Portland, OR 97239

(800) 452-3563

Nickson, Stephanie N, LCSW…

Legacy Behavioral Health WHC

1475 Mt Hood Ave

Woodburn, OR 97071

(971) 983-5214

O'Connor, Cari M, LCSW…

Marion County Health


2045 Silverton Rd NE Ste B

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 588-5351

Olsen, Emily K, PsyD…

OHSU Child Development &

Rehabilitation Center

707 SW Gaines St

Portland, OR 97239

(800) 452-3563

Olsson, Sasha, LCSW…

Klamath Tribal Health & Family


635 Main St

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 884-1841

Otterstrom, Jack L, LCSW…

Legacy Medical Group - Mt Angel

250 W Marquam St

Mt Angel, OR 97362

(971) 983-5214

Palmer, Wayne C, PsyD

Mid-Valley Counseling Center

2250 D St NE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 364-6093

Peoples, Franklin "Jay", LCSW

Peoples Counseling

4509 S 6th St Ste 307

Klamath Falls, OR 97603

(541) 274-9551

Perales, Elida, LCSW…

New Perspectives Center

3000 Market St NE Ste 503

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 316-6770

Perez, Janet A, LCSW…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Behavioral Health Services -


3333 RiverBend Dr

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 222-1497

Perez-Jefferis, Consuela E,


PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Behavioral Health Services

1200 Hilyard St Ste 460

Eugene, OR 97401

(458) 205-6555

Peters, Kathleen A, LCSW…

Compass Behavioral Health

621 W Madrone St

Roseburg, OR 97470

(541) 440-3532

Quiring, Jason M, PsyD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Behavioral Health Services -


1200 Hilyard St Ste 310

Eugene, OR 97401

(458) 205-6709

Rasmussen, Janelle M, LCSW…

OHSU Family Health Center

51377 SW Old Portland Rd

Scappoose, OR 97056

(503) 418-4222

Renteria, Laura, PsyD

Oregon Neuro Behavioral Group

14631 SW Millikan Way Ste 12

Beaverton, OR 97003

(971) 330-7352

Retton, Michelle L, LCSW…

New Perspectives Center

388 State St Ste 703

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 316-6770

Reynolds, Kimberly E, PsyD…

OHSU Child Development &

Rehabilitation Center

707 SW Gaines St

Portland, OR 97239

(800) 452-3563

Rice, Rebecca M, LCSW…

Lower Umpqua Hospital -

Reedsport Medical Clinic

385 Ranch Rd

Reedsport, OR 97467

(541) 271-2119

Rifino, Rosemary J, LCSW…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Beh Health Svcs - Eugene

1200 Hilyard St Ste 540

Eugene, OR 97401

(458) 205-7070

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

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Mental Health

Riley, Andrew R, PsyD…

OHSU Child Development &

Rehabilitation Center

707 SW Gaines St

Portland, OR 97239

(800) 452-3563

Rodriguez, Christina L, LCSW…

Legacy Behavioral Health WHC

1475 Mt Hood Ave

Woodburn, OR 97071

(971) 983-5214

Rohrbacker, Charlotte V, LCSW…

Renewing Strength Counseling

4509 6th St 310

Klamath Falls, OR 97603

(541) 891-5778

Rose, Diane C, LCSW…

Diane Rose, LCSW, LLC

11 SW Brantley Dr

Winston, OR 97496

(541) 679-0366

Rose, Hannah, LCSW…

Marion County Health


2045 Silverton Rd NE Ste B

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 588-5351

Rowland, Crystal LK, LCSW…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Behavioral Health Services -


1200 Hilyard St Ste 570

Eugene, OR 97401

(458) 205-7070

Sanchez Leon, Veronica, LCSW…

West Salem Clinic Mental Health

1245 Edgewater St NW

Salem, OR 97304

(503) 378-7526

Sanchez, Ricardo, LCSW…

Legacy Medical Group - Keizer

5685 Inland Shores Way N

Keizer, OR 97303

(503) 779-2271

Sanford, Madeleine J, FNP…

Well Life Family Medicine

1174 Cornucopia St NW Ste 240

Salem, OR 97304

(971) 301-4411

Saxton, Sage N, PsyD…

OHSU Child Development &

Rehabilitation Center

707 SW Gaines St

Portland, OR 97239

(800) 452-3563

Schiefer, Rebekah A, LCSW…

OHSU Family Health Center

51377 SW Old Portland Rd

Scappoose, OR 97056

(503) 418-4222

Schwartz, Audrey E, LCSW…

PeaceHealth UDIS Palliative Care

1200 Hilyard St Ste 230

Eugene, OR 97401

(458) 205-7450

Seal, Wendelyn K, LCSW…

Adapt Integrated Health Care:

Primary Care

671 SW Main St

Winston, OR 97496

(541) 229-8973

Sheehan, Meagin E, LCSW…

Options Hillside Medical Center

1545 Harbeck Rd

Grants Pass, OR 97527

(541) 476-2373

Shirtcliff, Cindy, LCSW…

Compass Behavioral Health

621 W Madrone St

Roseburg, OR 97470

(541) 440-3532

Shrifter, Lyle S, LCSW…

Lyle Shrifter, LCSW

501 Main St Ste 200

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 884-2357

Smith, Raegan, PsyD…

OHSU Child Development &

Rehabilitation Center

901 E 18th Ave

Eugene, OR 97403

(541) 346-3575

Smith-Fernandez, Michael W,


Second Wind Mental Health

Clinic, LLC

11 SW Brantley Dr

Winston, OR 97496

(541) 679-0366

Soric, Sarah J, LCSW…

JD Health and Wellness Center

608 Lancaster Dr SE

Salem, OR 97317

(503) 877-1995

Starck, Jennifer, LCSW…

West Salem Clinic Mental Health

1245 Edgewater St NW

Salem, OR 97304

(503) 378-7526

Stoltzfus, Paul S, PsyD

Mid-Valley Counseling Center

2250 D St NE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 364-6093

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid Page 111 of 204



Mental Health

Thurston, Reid, LCSW…

Valley Mental Health

835 Saginaw St S

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 362-1999

Tucker, Edna (Marlene) R,


Marion County Health


2045 Silverton Rd NE Ste B

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 588-5351

Villanueva, Michael R, PsyD…

Southern Oregon

Neuropsychological Clinic

837 Alder Creek Dr

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 608-3878

Voynick, Candice M, LCSW…

Umpqua Health Newton Creek

3031 NE Stephens St

Roseburg, OR 97470

(541) 229-7038

Wagner, Anne E, LCSW…

West Salem Clinic Mental Health

1245 Edgewater St NW

Salem, OR 97304

(503) 378-7526

Wagner, David, PsyD…

OHSU Child Development &

Rehabilitation Center

707 SW Gaines St

Portland, OR 97239

(800) 452-3563

Warner, Kimberly L, LCSW…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

South Clinic

3299 Hilyard St

Eugene, OR 97405

(541) 222-8620

Weathersby, Barbara, LCSW…

Cascades East Family Medicine

2821 Daggett Ave Ste 100

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 274-6733

Weeks, Kimberly R, LCSW…

Options for Southern Oregon

200 Beatty St

Medford, OR 97501

(541) 476-2373

Wesneski, Ryan S, LCSW…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Behavioral Health Services -


1200 Hilyard St Ste 460

Eugene, OR 97401

(458) 205-6444

White, Laura J, PsyD…

Lancaster Family Health Center

255 Lancaster Dr NE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 576-8400

Wilhelm, Shannon P, LCSW…

Marion County Health


3180 Center St NE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 588-5357

Wilson, Lori A, LCSW…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Pain and Addiction Medicine

3377 Riverbend Dr

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 222-8400

Witcraft, Leeandria N, LCSW…

Cow Creek Health & Wellness


2589 NW Edenbower Blvd

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 672-8533

Witcraft, Leeandria N, LCSW…

Cow Creek Health & Wellness


480 Wartahoo Ln

Canyonville, OR 97417

(541) 839-1345

Wright, Leah J, LCSW…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Behavioral Health Services -


1200 Hilyard St Ste 310

Eugene, OR 97401

(458) 205-6709

Wung, Christine K, PsyD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Behavioral Health Services -


1200 Hilyard St Ste 460

Eugene, OR 97401

(458) 205-6555

Yoder, Robert J, PsyD…

West Salem Clinic Mental Health

1245 Edgewater St NW

Salem, OR 97304

(503) 588-5816


Anderson, Sharon, MD…

OHSU Nephrology &


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-3442

Andone, Andreea L, MD…

Kidney Care Physicians, LLC

875 Oak St SE Ste 5070

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 561-8565

Avasare, Rupali, MD…

OHSU Nephrology &


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-3442

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid Page 112 of 204




Biewend, Alexis M, PA…

Kidney Care Physicians, LLC

875 Oak St SE Ste 5070

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 561-8565

Cazan, Gheorghe C, MD…

Renal Care Consultants

760 Golf View Dr Ste 200

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 618-4400

Chopra, Pavan, MD…

OHSU Nephrology &


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-3442

Cohen, David M, MD…

OHSU Nephrology &


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-3442

Dicker, Lance M, MD…

Kidney Care Physicians, LLC

875 Oak St SE Ste 5070

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 561-8565

Dirkx, Tonja C, MD…

OHSU Nephrology &


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-3442

Ellison, David H, MD…

OHSU Nephrology &


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-3442

Fay, Shannon M, PA-C…

OHSU Nephrology &


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-3442

Gona, Pavan K, MD…

Kidney Care Physicians, LLC

875 Oak St SE Ste 5070

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 561-8565

Gupta, Anjali, MD…

Centennial Medical Group -

Centennial Kidney Associates

2460 NW Stewart Pkwy Ste 102

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 464-6258

Gupta, Renu, MD…

Renal Care Consultants

760 Golf View Dr Ste 200

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 618-4400

Hecox, Douglas B, MD…

Renal Care Consultants

760 Golf View Dr Ste 200

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 618-4400

James, Amy M, NP…

Renal Care Consultants

760 Golf View Dr Ste 200

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 618-4400

Keene, David W, PA-C…

Kidney Care Physicians, LLC

875 Oak St SE Ste 5070

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 561-8565

Kumar, Neil K, MD…

Kidney Hypertension Center,


2410 NW Edenbower Blvd Ste 176

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 957-1133

Lee, Eva Y, MD…

Kidney Care Physicians, LLC

875 Oak St SE Ste 5070

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 561-8565

Liu, Zhongfeng, PA-C…

OHSU Nephrology &


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-3442

Makarachi, Teardaad, PA…

Kidney Care Physicians, LLC

875 Oak St SE Ste 5070

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 561-8565

McClelland, Nicole L, ANP…

Renal Care Consultants

760 Golf View Dr Ste 200

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 618-4400

Michels, Kendall R, MD…

Renal Care Consultants

760 Golf View Dr Ste 200

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 618-4400

Mikeska, Brett W, MD…

Kidney Care Physicians, LLC

875 Oak St SE Ste 5070

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 561-8565

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid Page 113 of 204




Mix, Susan M, FNP…

Renal Care Consultants

760 Golf View Dr Ste 200

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 618-4400

Mohindra, Misha, MD…

Kidney Care Physicians, LLC

875 Oak St SE Ste 5070

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 561-8565

Moore, Andrea R, PA-C…

Kidney Care Physicians, LLC

875 Oak St SE Ste 5070

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 561-8565

Norman, Douglas J, MD…

OHSU Nephrology &


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-3442

Pannagasayanam Dinesh,

Kumar, MD…

Renal Care Consultants

760 Golf View Dr Ste 200

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 618-4400

Privalov, Denis G, MD…

Kidney Care Physicians, LLC

875 Oak St SE Ste 5070

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 561-8565

Raniele, Dean P, MD*…

Renal Care Consultants

760 Golf View Dr Ste 200

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 618-4400

Rehman, Shehzad, MD…

OHSU Nephrology &


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-3442

Rohit, Kumar, MD…

Kidney Care Physicians, LLC

875 Oak St SE Ste 5070

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 561-8565

Rueda, Jose F, MD…

OHSU Nephrology &


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-3442

Sitalakshmi, Iyer J, MD…

Kidney Care Physicians, LLC

875 Oak St SE Ste 5070

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 561-8565

Thomas, Maria Joana A, MD…

Renal Care Consultants

760 Golf View Dr Ste 200

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 618-4400

Weiss, Jessica W, MD…

OHSU Nephrology &


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-3442

Wusirika, Raghav, MD…

OHSU Nephrology &


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-3442


Ali, Zakir M, MD…

Jefferson Neurology, LLC

1801 Hwy 99 N Ste 4

Ashland, OR 97520

(541) 482-5515

Ali, Zakir M, MD…

Jefferson Neurology, LLC

2200 Bryant Williams Dr Ste 1

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 482-5515

Anderson, Shannon D, PA-C…

OHSU Neurology

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 8

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-7772

Batya, Sara S, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -


3377 Riverbend Dr

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 222-8400

Bernard, Jacqueline T, MD…

OHSU Neurology

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 8

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-7772

Bourdette, Dennis N, MD…

OHSU Neurology

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 8

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-7772

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid Page 114 of 204




Brodsky, Matthew A, MD…

OHSU Neurology

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 8

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-7772

Brooks, Jessica L, PA…

Capital Neurosurgery

Specialists, LLC

875 Oak St SE Ste 5060

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 399-1386

Cameron, Michelle H, MD…

OHSU Neurology

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-7772

Carlini, Walter G, MD…

PMG - Medford Neurology

920 Royal Ave

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 732-8400

Carter, Julie H, ANP…

OHSU Neurology

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 8

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-7772

Chahin, Nizar, MD…

OHSU Neurology

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 8

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-7772

Chen, Daniel S, MD…

Salem Health Neurology

875 Oak St SE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 814-6387

Chung, Kathryn A, MD…

OHSU Neurology

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 8

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-7772

Clark, Wayne M, MD…

OHSU Neurology

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-7772

Conway, Jaime M, PA-C…

Headache Center at Piercey


305 SW C Ave

Corvallis, OR 97333

(541) 207-3900

Dardis, Christopher J, MD…

Asante Physician Partners -

Neurology (Medford)

2900 State St Ste 101

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 789-5790

Durrant, Julia C, MD…

OHSU Neurology

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-7772

Ernst, Lia D, MD…

OHSU Neurology

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 8

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-7772

Faheem, Urooba, MD…

Salem Health Neurology

875 Oak St SE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 814-6387

Gabr, Mark T, MD…

Willamette Sleep Center

180 Ramsgate Sq SE

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 485-0672

Hammerstad, John P, MD…

OHSU Neurology

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 8

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-7772

Hibbs Porter Rogge, Cierra, NP…

Oregon Neurosurgery Specialists

3377 Riverbend Dr 5th Floor

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 222-8400

Higgs, Kathleen M, FNP…

OHSU Neurology

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 8

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-7772

Hill, Robert G, PA…

Salem Health Neurology

875 Oak St SE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 814-6387

Hiller, Amie L, MD…

OHSU Neurology

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-7772

Hinson, Holly E, MD…

OHSU Neurology

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-7772

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid Page 115 of 204




Hogarth, Penelope, MD…

OHSU Molecular & Medical


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-8307

Hutchison, Kimberly, MD…

OHSU Neurology

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 8

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-7772

Jensen, Joan M, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -


3377 Riverbend Dr

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 222-8400

Johansson, Kirsten R, NP…

OHSU Neuro-Oncology

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-7802

Kaye, Jeffrey A, MD…

OHSU Neurology

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 8

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-7772

Kellogg, Marissa A, MD…

OHSU Neurology

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 8

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-7772

Kiley, James H, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -


3377 Riverbend Dr

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 222-8400

Kim, Edward, MD…

OHSU Neurology

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 8

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-7772

Kim, Minji, MD…

PMG - Medford Neurology

920 Royal Ave

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 732-8400

Kim, Minji, MD…

PMG - Stewart Meadows


70 Bower Dr Ste 240

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 732-8360

Kraakevik, Jeff A, MD…

OHSU Neurology

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 8

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-7772

Lane, Michael A, MD…

OHSU Neurology

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 8

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-7772

Lindauer, Allison, FNP…

OHSU Neurology

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 8

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-7772

Motika, Paul V, MD…

OHSU Neurology

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 8

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-7772

Nalla, Shravani R, MD…

Asante Physician Partners -

Neurology (Medford)

2900 State St Ste 101

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 789-5790

Nalla, Shravani R, MD…

Asante Physician Partners -

Neurology (Grants Pass)

520 SW Ramsey Ave Ste 201

Grants Pass, OR 97527

(541) 789-5790

Natonson, Andrew J, MD…

OHSU Neurology

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 8

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-7772

Nutt, John G, MD…

OHSU Neurology

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 8

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-7772

Oken, Barry S, MD…

OHSU Neurology

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 8

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-7772

Parks, Devon A, PA-C…

Pacific Sports and Spine

74-B Centennial Loop Ste 100

Eugene, OR 97401

(541) 780-6654

Pfeiffer, Ronald F, MD…

OHSU Neurology

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 8

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-7772

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid Page 116 of 204




Piercey, Sydney C, MD…

Headache Center at Piercey


305 SW C Ave

Corvallis, OR 97333

(541) 207-3900

Preston, Juliette S, MD…

OHSU Neurology

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 8

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-7772

Quinn, Joseph F, MD…

OHSU Neurology

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 8

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-7772

Rabacal, Sean T, PA-C…

The NeuroSpine Group

74-B Centennial Loop Ste 300

Eugene, OR 97401

(541) 686-3791

Ramirez, Mark A, MD…

Umpqua Neurology, PC

1813 W Harvard Ave Ste 426

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 440-5320

Ranawat, Nishant S, MD…

Asante Physician Partners -

Neurology (Grants Pass)

520 SW Ramsey Ave Ste 201

Grants Pass, OR 97527

(541) 789-5790

Robinson, Melissa P, PA…

OHSU Neurological Surgery

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-4314

Rodriguez Moreno, Jose I, MD…

Asante Physician Partners -

Neurology (Medford)

2900 State St Ste 101

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 789-5790

Rodriguez Moreno, Jose I, MD…

Asante Physician Partners -

Neurology (Grants Pass)

520 SW Ramsey Ave Ste 201

Grants Pass, OR 97527

(541) 789-5790

Roth, Debra E, PA-C…

The NeuroSpine Group

74-B Centennial Loop Ste 300

Eugene, OR 97401

(541) 686-3791

Salinsky, Martin C, MD…

OHSU Neurology

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 8

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-7772

Samara, Verena C, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -


3377 Riverbend Dr

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 222-8400

Sanchez, Oscar A, MD…

PMG - Medford Neurology

920 Royal Ave

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 732-8400

Schuyler, Thye M, MD…

Salem Health Sleep Center

875 Oak St SE Ste 3060, Bldg C

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 561-5170

Serkin, Zakhar, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -


3377 Riverbend Dr

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 222-8400

Silbert, Lisa C, MD…

OHSU Neurology

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 8

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-7772

Singh, Asha, MD…

OHSU Sleep Disorders Clinic

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-4895

Smith, William B, MD…

OHSU Neurology

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 8

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-7772

Spain, Rebecca, MD…

OHSU Neurology

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 8

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-7772

Spencer, David C, MD…

OHSU Neurology

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 8

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-7772

Tucker, Tarvez, MD…

OHSU Neurology

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-7772

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid Page 117 of 204




Tullar, David A, PA…

Asante Physician Partners -

Neurology (Grants Pass)

520 SW Ramsey Ave Ste 201

Grants Pass, OR 97527

(541) 789-5790

Unni, Vivek, MD…

OHSU Neurology

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 8

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-7772

Weber, Stewart A, MD…


Neuro-Interventional Clinic

3377 Riverbend Dr

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 222-8400

Woolhiser, Kenten D, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -


3377 Riverbend Dr

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 222-8400

Wooliscroft, Lindsey B, MD…

OHSU Neurology

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 8

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-7772

Yadav, Vijayshree, MD…

OHSU Neurology

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 8

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-7772


Falardeau, Julie M, MD…

OHSU Casey Eye Institute

3303 S Bond Ave

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-3687


Hantke, Nathan C, PhD…

OHSU Neurology

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 8

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-7772

Walker, Sara J, PhD…

OHSU Psychiatry

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-6176

Watson-Stites, Elizabeth R, PhD…

OHSU Child Development &

Rehabilitation Center

901 E 18th Ave

Eugene, OR 97403

(541) 346-3575


Adams, Joanna K, PA…

OHSU Neurological Surgery

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 8

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-4314

Angeles, Carmina F, MD…

KeiperSpine, PC

1410 Oak St Ste 200

Eugene, OR 97401

(541) 485-2357

Bates, Micah D, PA…

OHSU Neurological Surgery

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 8

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-4314

Bobek, Miroslav P, MD…

Southern Oregon Neurosurgical

& Spine Associates

2900 State St

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 779-1672

Burchiel, Kim J, MD…

OHSU Neurological Surgery

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 8

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-4314

Ciporen, Jeremy N, MD…

OHSU Neurological Surgery

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 8

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-4314

Collada, Mauricio, MD…

Capital Neurosurgery

Specialists, LLC

875 Oak St SE Ste 5060

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 399-1386

Coon, Valerie C, MD…

Oregon Neurosurgery Specialists

3377 Riverbend Dr 5th Floor

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 222-8400

Crawford, Sarah L, NP…

Southern Oregon Neurosurgical

& Spine Associates

2900 State St

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 779-1672

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid Page 118 of 204




Dogan, Aclan, MD…

OHSU Neurological Surgery

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 8

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-4314

Donahoe, Dakota S, PA-C…

Southern Oregon Neurosurgical

& Spine Associates

2900 State St

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 779-1672

Gahramanov, Seymur, MD…

Capital Neurosurgery

Specialists, LLC

875 Oak St SE Ste 5060

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 399-1386

Gallo, Catherine, MD…

The NeuroSpine Group

74-B Centennial Loop Ste 300

Eugene, OR 97401

(541) 686-3791

Garcin, Alan J, ACNP…

Oregon Neurosurgery Specialists

3377 Riverbend Dr 5th Floor

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 222-8400

Gragg, Antonia L, PA…

OHSU Neurological Surgery

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 8

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-4314

Gregoire, Nicole E, PA-C…

Southern Oregon Neurosurgical

& Spine Associates

2900 State St

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 779-1672

Hanauska, Jodi N, PA-C…

Oregon Neurosurgery Specialists

3377 Riverbend Dr 5th Floor

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 222-8400

Hatchette, Charles V, MD…

Capital Neurosurgery

Specialists, LLC

875 Oak St SE Ste 5060

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 399-1386

Hutton, Daniel S, DO…

Oregon Neurosurgery Specialists

3377 Riverbend Dr 5th Floor

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 222-8400

Hutton, Daniel S, DO…

PeaceHealth Comprehensive

Spine Clinic

3377 RiverBend Dr

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 222-6070

Keiper, Glenn L, MD…

KeiperSpine, PC

1410 Oak St Ste 200

Eugene, OR 97401

(541) 485-2357

Kocian, Jason A, PA…

KeiperSpine, PC

1410 Oak St Ste 200

Eugene, OR 97401

(541) 485-2357

Kokkino, Andrew J, MD…

Oregon Neurosurgery Specialists

3377 Riverbend Dr 5th Floor

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 222-8400

Liu, Jesse J, MD…

OHSU Neurological Surgery

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 8

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-4314

Miller, Christopher, MD…

The NeuroSpine Group

74-B Centennial Loop Ste 300

Eugene, OR 97401

(541) 686-3791

Miller, Matthew L, MD…

Southern Oregon Neurosurgical

& Spine Associates

2900 State St

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 779-1672

Nanaszko, Michael J, MD…

Capital Neurosurgery

Specialists, LLC

875 Oak St SE Ste 5060

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 399-1386

Nguyen, Linh H, PA…

KeiperSpine, PC

1410 Oak St Ste 200

Eugene, OR 97401

(541) 485-2357

Parker, Jose J, PA-C…

Southern Oregon Neurosurgical

& Spine Associates

2900 State St

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 779-1672

Peterson, Ralph G, PA…

KeiperSpine, PC

1410 Oak St Ste 200

Eugene, OR 97401

(541) 485-2357

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid Page 119 of 204




Raslan, Ahmed M, MD…

OHSU Neurological Surgery

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 8

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-4314

Remling, Janette K, PA…

OHSU Neurological Surgery

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 8

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-4314

Ross, Donald, MD…

OHSU Neurological Surgery

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-4314

Roundy, Neil E, MD…

Oregon Neurosurgery Specialists

3377 Riverbend Dr 5th Floor

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 222-8400

Roundy, Neil E, MD…

PeaceHealth Comprehensive

Spine Clinic

3377 Riverbend Dr 2nd Floor

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 222-6070

Sawyer, Patrick S, PA-C…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Comprehensive Spine Clinic

3377 Riverbend Dr

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 222-8400

Schultz, Heidi R, NP…

PeaceHealth Hospital Medicine

3377 RiverBend Dr

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 222-6389

Selden, Nathan R, MD…

OHSU Neurological Surgery

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 8

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-4314

Sherman, Jonathan D, MD…

KeiperSpine, PC

1410 Oak St Ste 200

Eugene, OR 97401

(541) 485-2357

Stapleton, Kaitlin E, NP…

Southern Oregon Neurosurgical

& Spine Associates

2900 State St

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 779-1672

Taplin, AmiLyn M, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -


3377 Riverbend Dr

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 222-8400

Thompson, Catherine E, PA…

OHSU Neurological Surgery

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 8

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-4314

Toyama, Hiroe, NP…

Oregon Neurosurgery Specialists

3377 Riverbend Dr 5th Floor

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 222-8400

Uschold, Anna L, PA-C…

Southern Oregon Neurosurgical

& Spine Associates

2900 State St

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 779-1672

Uschold, Timothy D, MD…

Southern Oregon Neurosurgical

& Spine Associates

2900 State St

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 779-1672

Walker, David H, MD…

Southern Oregon Neurosurgical

& Spine Associates

2900 State St

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 779-1672

Wolfram, Megan K, PA-C…

Capital Neurosurgery

Specialists, LLC

875 Oak St SE Ste 5060

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 399-1386

Yedinak, Christine G, FNP…

OHSU Neurological Surgery

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 8

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-4314

York, Julie E, MD…

Capital Neurosurgery

Specialists, LLC

875 Oak St SE Ste 5060

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 399-1386

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid Page 120 of 204



Nurse Midwife

Abrams, Marley R, NMNP…

Salem Health Midwives

875 Oak St SE, Bldg C Ste 5030

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 562-4040

Brouzes, Linda K, NMNP…

La Clinica del Valle - Women's

Health Center

221 W Stewart Ave Ste 101

Medford, OR 97501

(541) 690-3500

Colo, Shanti, NMNP…

Legacy Women's Health SH

406 Welch St

Silverton, OR 97381

(503) 873-8853

Duran Snell, Deborah A, CNM…

OHSU Midwifery

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-4500

Emeis, Cathy L, CNM…

OHSU Midwifery

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-4500

Estes, Stephanie A, NMNP…

La Clinica del Valle - Women's

Health Center

221 W Stewart Ave Ste 101

Medford, OR 97501

(541) 690-3500

Griego-Marsh, Aristotle, NMNP…

Salem Health Midwives

875 Oak St SE, Bldg C Ste 5030

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 562-4040

Ham, Jennifer A, NMNP…

Salem Clinic

2020 Capitol St NE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 399-2424

Handelsman, Hillary L, NMNP…

Oasis Center of the Rogue Valley

1025 E Main St Ste 108

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 200-1530

Hanna, Stacie L, CNM…

Evergreen Family Medicine and

Women's Health - Women's


1937 W Harvard Ave 2nd Floor

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 677-7200

Hanson, Patricia E, CNM…

OHSU Midwifery

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-4500

Hernandez, Ireli Y, NMNP…

La Clinica del Valle - Women's

Health Center

221 W Stewart Ave Ste 101

Medford, OR 97501

(541) 690-3500

Hersh, Sally R, DNP…

OHSU Midwifery

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-4500

Hinshaw, Cheryl I, CNM, WHNP…

Accent on Women's Health

2460 NW Stewart Pkwy Ste 240

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 677-4427

Jenson, Laura R, CNM…

OHSU Midwifery

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-4500

LaChance, Michelle A, CNM…

OHSU Midwifery

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-4500

Lechner, Kathryn R, CNM…

Accent on Women's Health

2460 NW Stewart Pkwy Ste 240

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 677-4427

Letts, Laura M, CNM…

Asante Physician Partners -

Midwifery Services

560 Catalina Dr Ste 200

Ashland, OR 97520

(541) 201-4850

MacMorris-Adix, Molly A, NMNP…

Legacy Medical Group -

Women's Health

406 Welch St

Silverton, OR 97381

(503) 873-8853

MacMorris-Adix, Molly A, NMNP…

Legacy Medical Group -

Women's Health

1535 State St

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 873-8853

MacMorris-Adix, Molly A, NMNP…

Legacy Medical Group -

Women's Health

1475 Mt Hood Ave

Woodburn, OR 97071

(503) 873-8853

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid Page 121 of 204



Nurse Midwife

Mahar, Katherine A, NMNP…

Legacy Medical Group -

Women's Health

1535 State St

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 873-8853

Mahar, Katherine A, NMNP…

Legacy Women's Health SH

406 Welch St

Silverton, OR 97381

(503) 873-8853

Mahar, Katherine A, NMNP…

Legacy Medical Group -

Women's Health

1475 Mt Hood Ave

Woodburn, OR 97071

(503) 873-8853

Maitland, Amanda R, NMNP…

La Clinica del Valle - Women's

Health Center

221 W Stewart Ave Ste 101

Medford, OR 97501

(541) 690-3500

Malmquist, Lisa J, NMNP…

Legacy Medical Group -

Women's Health

406 Welch St

Silverton, OR 97381

(503) 873-8853

Malmquist, Lisa J, NMNP…

Legacy Medical Group -

Women's Health

1535 State St

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 873-8853

Malmquist, Lisa J, NMNP…

Legacy Medical Group -

Women's Health

1475 Mt Hood Ave

Woodburn, OR 97071

(503) 873-8853

Martin, Jaya N, NMNP…

Salem Health Midwives

875 Oak St SE, Bldg C Ste 5030

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 562-4040

McCrossin, Megan K, NMNP…

Salem Health Midwives

875 Oak St SE, Bldg C Ste 5030

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 562-4040

Megregian, Michele P, CNM…

OHSU Midwifery

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-4500

Montagne, Mori J, NMNP…

Salem Clinic

2020 Capitol St NE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 399-2424

Morales, Christine S, NMNP…

Salem Health Midwives

875 Oak St SE, Bldg C Ste 5030

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 562-4040

Nielsen, Kathryn A, NMNP…

Salem Health Midwives

875 Oak St SE, Bldg C Ste 5030

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 562-4040

Njord, Rebecca A, NMNP…

Salem Health Midwives

875 Oak St SE, Bldg C Ste 5030

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 562-4040

Olson-Cassidy, Kendall L,


Medford Women's Clinic

3170 State St

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 864-8900

Reddy, Patricia M, CNM…

Asante Physician Partners -

Midwifery Services

560 Catalina Dr Ste 200

Ashland, OR 97520

(541) 201-4850

Rose, Rebecca, NMNP…

La Clinica del Valle - Women's

Health Center

221 W Stewart Ave Ste 101

Medford, OR 97501

(541) 690-3500

Rossio, Pamela J, CNM…

Asante Physician Partners -

Midwifery Services

560 Catalina Dr Ste 200

Ashland, OR 97520

(541) 201-4850

Salazar, Devin A, NMNP…

Legacy Medical Group -

Women's Health

1535 State St

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 873-8853

Salazar, Devin A, NMNP…

Legacy Medical Group -

Women's Health

406 Welch St

Silverton, OR 97381

(503) 873-8853

Salazar, Devin A, NMNP…

Legacy Medical Group -

Women's Health

1475 Mt Hood Ave

Woodburn, OR 97071

(503) 873-8853

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid Page 122 of 204



Nurse Midwife

Scott, Lisa R, CNM…

OHSU Midwifery

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-4500

Sheffield, Melissa A, NMNP…

Santiam Medical Group -

Santiam Women's Clinic

1373 N 10th Ave

Stayton, OR 97383

(503) 769-9522

Sommer, Tiffany L, CNM…

OHSU Midwifery

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-4500

Swain, Lori L, NMNP…

Legacy Medical Group -

Women's Health

1475 Mt Hood Ave

Woodburn, OR 97071

(503) 873-8853

Tilden, Ellen L, CNM…

OHSU Midwifery

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-4500

Tippin, Mary M, NMNP…

Legacy Medical Group -

Women's Health

406 Welch St

Silverton, OR 97381

(503) 873-8853

Tippin, Mary M, NMNP…

Legacy Medical Group -

Women's Health

1475 Mt Hood Ave

Woodburn, OR 97071

(503) 873-8853

Turney, Michelle T, NMNP…

Legacy Medical Group -

Women's Health

406 Welch St

Silverton, OR 97071

(503) 873-8853

Wilson, Tamara, NP…

Salem Health Midwives

875 Oak St SE, Bldg C Ste 5030

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 562-4040

Yeast, Emily Zeno, CNM…

OHSU Midwifery

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-4500


Adams, Karen E, MD…

OHSU General Obstetrics &


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-4500

Au, Katherine M, MD…

OHSU General Obstetrics &


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-4500

Baldwin, Maureen K, MD…

OHSU General Obstetrics &


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-4500

Ban, Chelsea W, MD…

OHSU General Obstetrics &


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-4500

Barton, Christopher D, MD…

Sky Lakes Women's Health Clinic

2850 Daggett Ave

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 274-8610

Bednarek, Paula H, MD…

OHSU General Obstetrics &


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-4500

Berlin, Michelle, MD…

OHSU General Obstetrics &


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-4500

Binette, Alan A, MD*…

Womens Specialty Group

691 Murphy Rd Ste 232

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 773-3018

Bishop, David K, MD…

Salem Health Obstetrics &


875 Oak St SE, Bldg C Ste 5030

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 814-4480

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid Page 123 of 204




Blanchard, Darcy L, DO…

Salem Clinic

2020 Capitol St NE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 399-2424

Boruszak, Allan N, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Florence - Women's Care Center

340 9th St

Florence, OR 97439

(541) 902-1634

Brewer, Jennifer C, MD…

Santiam Medical Group -

Santiam Women's Clinic

1373 N 10th Ave

Stayton, OR 97383

(503) 769-9522

Callahan, Laurie L, FNP…

PMG - OB/GYN Health Center

940 Royal Ave Ste 350

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 732-7460

Callahan, Laurie L, FNP…

PMG - Medford Urogynecology


1698 E McAndrews Rd Ste 400

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 732-7400

Camarda, Marjorie S, NMNP…

Legacy Women's Health SH

406 Welch St

Silverton, OR 97381

(503) 873-8853

Carbonell, Miguel G, MD…

Associates for Women's Health

3190 State St Ste 102

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 773-1565

Carrillo, Lori A, MD…

Centennial Medical Group - OR

Obstetrics & Robotic Surgery

201 NW Medical Loop 201

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 677-4427

Chau, Yuen M, MD…

Salem Clinic

2020 Capitol St NE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 399-2424

Chong, Laura J, MD…

Salem Clinic

2020 Capitol St NE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 399-2424

Christie, Leigh M, DO…

Salem Health Obstetrics &


875 Oak St SE, Bldg C Ste 5030

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 814-4480

Collins, Rebecca L, MD…

Salem Clinic

2020 Capitol St NE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 399-2424

Colwill, Alyssa C, MD…

OHSU General Obstetrics &


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-4500

Conklin, Kendra S, MD…

PMG - OB/GYN Health Center

940 Royal Ave Ste 350

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 732-7460

Cordeiro, Maria E, MD…

PMG - OB/GYN Health Center

940 Royal Ave Ste 350

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 732-7460

Culbert, Emily C, MD…

Salem Womens Clinic, Inc

1395 Liberty St SE

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 399-2444

Cundiff, Kendra M, FNP…

Heartfelt Obstetrics &


2640 Biehn St Ste 1

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 205-6890

Dalisky, Denis J, MD…

Legacy Women's Health SH

406 Welch St

Silverton, OR 97381

(503) 873-8853

Dalisky, Denis J, MD…

Legacy Medical Group -

Women's Health

5685 Inland Shores Way N

Keizer, OR 97303

(503) 873-8853

Ecker, Amanda M, MD…

OHSU General Obstetrics &


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-4500

Edelman, Alison B, MD…

OHSU General Obstetrics &


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-4500

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid Page 124 of 204




Elliott, Rebecca E, DO…

PMG - OB/GYN Health Center

940 Royal Ave Ste 350

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 732-7460

Fife, Shannon C, DO

PMG - OB/GYN Health Center

940 Royal Ave Ste 350

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 732-7460

Fisher, Carlotto A, MD…

Legacy Women's Health SH

406 Welch St

Silverton, OR 97381

(503) 873-8853

Frank, Frederick H, MD…

Salem Clinic

2020 Capitol St NE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 399-2424

Freeman, Jonathan C, MD…

Medford Women's Clinic

3170 State St

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 864-8900

Fried, Yvonne, MD…

Ashland Center for Womens


540 Catalina Dr

Ashland, OR 97520

(541) 482-3327

Galffy, Andrew, MD…

PMG - OB/GYN Health Center

940 Royal Ave Ste 350

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 732-7460

Galffy, Andrew, MD…

PMG - OB/GYN Health Center

1661 Hwy 99 N Bldg A Ste 100

Ashland, OR 97520

(541) 732-7460

Giles, Laura M, NMNP…

Salem Health Midwives

875 Oak St SE, Bldg C Ste 5030

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 562-4040

Goldsworthy, Sheila D, MD…

Salem Clinic

2020 Capitol St NE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 399-2424

Guise, Jeanne-Marie R, MD…

OHSU Perinatology

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-4200

Hagloch, Nancy L, MD…

PMG - OB/GYN Health Center

940 Royal Ave Ste 350

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 732-7460

Han, Leo, MD…

OHSU General Obstetrics &


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-4500

Harder, Robert J, MD…

Salem Clinic

2020 Capitol St NE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 399-2424

Harris, Karen D, MD…

PMG - OB/GYN Health Center

940 Royal Ave Ste 350

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 732-7460

Harvill Brooks, Marjorie N, DO

PMG - OB/GYN Health Center

940 Royal Ave Ste 350

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 732-7460

Harvill Brooks, Marjorie N, DO

PMG - Medford Urogynecology


1698 E McAndrews Rd Ste 400

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 732-7400

Hatfield, Joanna L, MD…

OHSU General Obstetrics &


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-4500

Himebaugh, Karen S, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Florence - Women's Care Center

340 9th St

Florence, OR 97439

(541) 902-1634

Jensen, Jeffrey T, MD…

OHSU General Obstetrics &


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-4500

Jorda, Katherine G, MD…

OHSU General Obstetrics &


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-4500

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid Page 125 of 204




Joyce Heffner, Valerie J, MD…

Salem Clinic

2020 Capitol St NE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 399-2424

Kelly, Caroline L, MD…

Women's Health Center of

Southern Oregon, PC

1075 SW Grandview Ave Ste 200

Grants Pass, OR 97527

(541) 479-8363

King, Julie A, MD…

Medford Women's Clinic

3170 State St

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 864-8900

Knight, Claudia K, DO…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

University District

1200 Hilyard St Ste 510

Eugene, OR 97401

(458) 205-6074

Krieg, Sacha, MD…

OHSU Gynecologic Oncology

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-4500

Kronman, Karen R, MD…

PMG - OB/GYN Health Center

940 Royal Ave Ste 350

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 732-7460

Leclair, Catherine M, MD…

OHSU General Obstetrics &


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-4500

Mason, Nancy J, NP…

Women's Health Center of

Southern Oregon, PC

1075 SW Grandview Ave Ste 200

Grants Pass, OR 97527

(541) 479-8363

Meinig, Martin L, MD…

Heartfelt Obstetrics &


2640 Biehn St Ste 1

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 205-6890

Metz, Arielle A, MD…

Heartfelt Obstetrics &


2640 Biehn St Ste 1

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 205-6890

Mills, Nicholas T, MD…

Rogue Women's Health

2941 Doctors Park Dr

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 200-2646

Monteith, Cheri M, NP…

Heartfelt Obstetrics &


2640 Biehn St Ste 1

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 205-6890

Morgan, Lorie, MD…

Asante Physician Partners

2859 State St

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 282-6505

Nichols, Mark D, MD…

OHSU General Obstetrics &


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-4500

Oler, Elizabeth C, MD…

Evergreen Family Medicine and

Women's Health - Women's


1937 W Harvard Ave 2nd Floor

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 677-7200

O'Reilly, Margaret M, MD…

OHSU General Obstetrics &


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-4500

Peterson, Patricia E, MD…

Salem Clinic

2020 Capitol St NE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 399-2424

Phillips, Sandi R, FNP…

Salem Clinic

2020 Capitol St NE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 399-2424

Powell, Mary E, MD…

Evergreen Family Medicine and

Women's Health - Women's


1937 W Harvard Ave 2nd Floor

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 677-7200

Price, Linda C, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Florence - Women's Care Center

340 9th St

Florence, OR 97439

(541) 902-1634

Renard, Brooke D, MD…

Santiam Medical Group -

Santiam Women's Clinic

1373 N 10th Ave

Stayton, OR 97383

(503) 769-9522

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid Page 126 of 204




Resnick, Karen A, NMNP

La Clinica del Valle - Women's

Health Center

221 W Stewart Ave Ste 101

Medford, OR 97501

(541) 690-3500

Rice, Lisa A, MD…

Salem Health Obstetrics &


875 Oak St SE, Bldg C Ste 5030

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 814-4480

Riley, Julie M, NMNP…

Legacy Women's Health SH

406 Welch St

Silverton, OR 97381

(503) 873-8853

Rodriguez, Maria I, MD…

OHSU General Obstetrics &


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-4500

Ross, Carissa M, MD…

Medford Women's Clinic

3170 State St

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 864-8900

Rubinstein, Tanya, MD…

Heartfelt Obstetrics &


2640 Biehn St Ste 1

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 205-6890

Sakon, Keita, MD…

Salem Health Obstetrics &


875 Oak St SE, Bldg C Ste 5030

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 814-4480

Saltalamacchia, Charles A, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Florence - Women's Care Center

340 9th St

Florence, OR 97439

(541) 902-1634

Samawi, Steven H, MD…

Salem Clinic

2020 Capitol St NE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 399-2424

Sandoval, Loretta, NMNP…

Medford Women's Clinic

3170 State St

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 864-8900

Schroeder, Paul W, MD…

Paul W Schroeder, MD

1910 E Barnett Rd Ste 102

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 770-2556

Sculley, Yvonne M, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Florence - Women's Care Center

340 9th St

Florence, OR 97439

(541) 902-1634

Seger, Hillary M, MD…

Asante Physician Partners -

Midwifery Services

560 Catalina Dr Ste 200

Ashland, OR 97520

(541) 201-4850

Sewell, Linda L, MD…

Excellence in Women's


2564 NW Edenbower Blvd Ste 134

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 492-2350

Shaffer, Lishiana S, MD…

OHSU General Obstetrics &


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-4500

Shelton, Justin A, DO…

Women's Health Center of

Southern Oregon, PC

1075 SW Grandview Ave Ste 200

Grants Pass, OR 97527

(541) 479-8363

Steinbis, Emily S, MD…

Medford Women's Clinic

3170 State St

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 864-8900

Stenson, Amy, MD…

OHSU General Obstetrics &


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-4500

Strizzi, Mary H, DO…

Medford Women's Clinic

3170 State St

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 864-8900

Swain, Lori L, NMNP…

Legacy Medical Group -

Women's Health

1535 State St

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 873-8853

Swain, Lori L, NMNP…

Legacy Medical Group -

Women's Health

406 Welch St

Silverton, OR 97381

(503) 873-8853

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid Page 127 of 204




Wonderly, Donald E, MD*…

Accent on Women's Health

2460 NW Stewart Pkwy Ste 240

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 677-4427

Yang, John P, MD…

Legacy Medical Group -

Women's Health

406 Welch St

Silverton, OR 97381

(503) 873-8853

Yang, John P, MD…

Legacy Medical Group -

Women's Health

5685 Inland Shores Way N

Keizer, OR 97303

(503) 873-8853

Yanit-Mitchum, Keenan E, MD…

OHSU General Obstetrics &


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-4500

Zastrow, Amy N, MD…

Legacy Women's Health SH

406 Welch St

Silverton, OR 97381

(503) 873-8853

Zastrow, Amy N, MD…

Legacy Women's Health WHC

1475 Mt Hood Ave

Woodburn, OR 97071

(503) 873-8853


Anderson, Eric C, MD…

OHSU Hematology & Medical


1130 NW 22nd Ave Ste 150

Portland, OR 97210

(971) 262-9600

Barford, Katharine L, MD…

OHSU Hematology & Medical


15700 SW Greystone Ct

Beaverton, OR 97006

(971) 262-9000

Beer, Tomasz M, MD…

OHSU Hematology & Medical


3303 S Bond Ave Ste 7

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-6594

Bergan, Raymond C, MD…

OHSU Hematology & Medical


3303 S Bond Ave Ste 7

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-6594

Blanke, Charles D, MD…

OHSU Hematology & Medical


3303 S Bond Ave Ste 7

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-6594

Cain, Ryan L, PA…

Oregon Oncology Specialists

875 Oak St SE Ste 4030

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 561-6444

Carter, Dylan K, PA…

Oregon Oncology Specialists

875 Oak St SE Ste 4030

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 561-6444

Cetnar, Jeremy P, MD…

OHSU Hematology & Medical


3303 S Bond Ave Ste 7

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-6594

Cooper, Valerie, FNP…

Steelhead Oncology

2880 NW Stewart Pkwy Ste 300

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 229-4070

Druker, Brian J, MD…

OHSU Center for Hematologic


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-5058

Ey, Frederick S, MD…

OHSU Hematology & Medical


15700 SW Greystone Ct

Beaverton, OR 97006

(971) 262-9000

Fleming, William H, MD…

OHSU General Pediatric Clinic

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-5700

Graff, Julie N, MD…

OHSU Hematology & Medical


3303 S Bond Ave Ste 7

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-6594

Hinson, Julie E, ANP…

Oregon Oncology Specialists

875 Oak St SE Ste 4030

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 561-6444

Hinson, Julie E, ANP…

Oregon Oncology Specialists -


2700 SE Stratus Ave Ste A

McMinnville, OR 97128

(503) 435-6590

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid Page 128 of 204




Hinson, Julie E, ANP…

Oregon Oncology Specialists -


404 Welch St

Silverton, OR 97381

(503) 874-2422

Hinson, Julie E, ANP…

Oregon Oncology Specialists -


1475 Mt Hood Ave

Woodburn, OR 97071

(503) 561-6444

Ledbetter, Nancy J, CNS…

Salem Health


641 SE Miller Ave

Dallas, OR 97338

(503) 623-2345

Lopez, Charles D, MD…

OHSU Hematology & Medical


3303 S Bond Ave Ste 7

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-6594

Mitri, Zahi I, MD…

OHSU Hematology & Medical


3303 S Bond Ave Ste 7

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-6594

Ray, Sara M, FNP…

Steelhead Oncology

2880 NW Stewart Pkwy Ste 300

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 229-4070

Ryan, Christopher W, MD…

OHSU Hematology & Medical


3303 S Bond Ave Ste 7

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-6594

Traer, Elie A, MD…

OHSU Center for Hematologic


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-5058

Trubowitz, Phoebe R, MD…

OHSU Hematology & Medical


1130 NW 22nd Ave Ste 150

Portland, OR 97210

(971) 262-9600

Vuky, Jacqueline, MD…

OHSU Hematology & Medical


1130 NW 22nd Ave Ste 150

Portland, OR 97210

(971) 262-9600


Aryah, Keyhan F, MD…

Oregon Eye Consultants, LLC

1550 Oak St Ste 7

Eugene, OR 97401

(541) 687-1927

Aryah, Keyhan F, MD…

Oregon Eye Consultants, LLC

3783 International Court Ste 290

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 687-1927

AufderHeide, Adam C, MD…

Retina Care Center, LLC

748 State St

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 842-2020

AufderHeide, Adam C, MD…

Retina Care Center, LLC

1236 NE 7th St

Grants Pass, OR 97526

(541) 842-2020

Barrus, Loren R, MD…

Cataract & Laser Institute of

Southern Oregon

1408 E Barnett Rd

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 779-2020

Baynham, Justin T, MD…

Retina Consultants, LLC

2450 12th St SE

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 371-4350

Beardsley, Robert M, MD…

Oregon Eye Consultants, LLC

1550 Oak St Ste 7

Eugene, OR 97401

(541) 687-1927

Beardsley, Robert M, MD…

Oregon Eye Consultants, LLC

341 Medical Lp Ste 120

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 687-1927

Beardsley, Robert M, MD…

Oregon Eye Consultants, LLC

1550 Oak Street Eugene OR,

97401 Ste 4

Eugene, OR 97401

(541) 687-1927

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid Page 129 of 204




Bingham, Chad M, MD…

Eye Care Physicians & Surgeons,

Inc - Oculoplastics Center

1285 Liberty St SE

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 585-2022

Bordewick, Dianna L, MD…

Eugene Eye Care

992 Country Club Rd Ste 101

Eugene, OR 97401

(541) 687-1715

Cox, William E, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

University District

1200 Hilyard St Ste 110

Eugene, OR 97401

(458) 205-6257

Davis, Ellen J, MD…

OHSU Ophthalmology

3303 S Bond Ave

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-3000

Diaz Sanjur, Rocio I, MD…

Retina Care Center, LLC

748 State St

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 842-2020

Diaz Sanjur, Rocio I, MD…

Retina Care Center, LLC

1236 NE 7th St

Grants Pass, OR 97526

(541) 955-7229

Donovan, James W, MD…

Weston Eye Center

2435 NW Kline St

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 672-2020

East, Marcus A, MD…

Medical Center Eye Clinic

655 Medical Center Dr NE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 581-5287

Echalier, Elizabeth L, MD…

Medical Eye Center

1333 E Barnett Rd

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 779-4711

Echalier, Elizabeth L, MD…

Medical Eye Center

881 NE 7th St

Grants Pass, OR 97526

(541) 476-6302

Edwards, Albert O, MD…

Eugene Eye Care

992 Country Club Rd Ste 101

Eugene, OR 97401

(541) 687-1715

Edwards, Albert O, MD…

Oregon Eye Consultants, LLC

1550 Oak Street Ste 3

Eugene, OR 97401

(541) 687-1927

Edwards, Albert O, MD…

Oregon Retina, LLP

535 9th St

Florence, OR 97439

(541) 762-2763

Edwards, Albert O, MD…

Oregon Retina, LLP

992 Country Club Rd Ste 102

Eugene, OR 97401

(541) 762-2763

Edwards, Albert O, MD…

Oregon Retina, LLP

1011 Valley River Way Ste 110

Eugene, OR 97401

(541) 762-2763

Epstein, William S, MD…

Siskiyou Eye Center

648 N Main St

Ashland, OR 97520

(541) 482-8100

Erickson, Brandon R, MD…

Andrea V. Gray MD, PC

2995 NW Edenbower Blvd

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 957-5400

Ewing, Robert H, MD…

Siskiyou Eye Center

648 N Main St

Ashland, OR 97520

(541) 482-8100

Fay, Jonathan, MD…

Klamath Eye Center

2640 Biehn St Ste 3

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 884-3148

Fay, Mark T, MD…

Klamath Eye Center

2640 Biehn St Ste 3

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 884-3148

Fine, Irwin H, MD…

Drs. Fine, Hoffman & Sims, LLC

1550 Oak St Ste 5

Eugene, OR 97401

(541) 687-2110

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid Page 130 of 204




Gebhard, Nathaniel J, MD…

OHSU Casey Eye Institute - The

Dalles & Hood River

405 E 7th St

The Dalles, OR 97058

(541) 298-5144

Gebhard, Nathaniel J, MD…

OHSU Casey Eye Institute - Hood


1619 Woods Ct.

Hood River, OR 97031

(541) 386-1399

Gonzales, Christine, MD…

Retina & Vitreous Center of

Southern Oregon

1019 NE 7th St

Grants Pass, OR 97526

(541) 488-3192

Gonzales, Christine, MD…

Retina & Vitreous Center of

Southern Oregon

246 Catalina Dr

Ashland, OR 97520

(541) 488-3192

Gonzales, Christine, MD…

Retina & Vitreous Center of

Southern Oregon

3516 Excel Drive

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 488-3192

Graham, Teresa R, MD…

Teresa R. Graham, MD

1000 Pine St

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 883-1998

Gray, Andrea V, MD…

Andrea V. Gray MD, PC

2995 NW Edenbower Blvd

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 957-5400

Gupta, Seema R, MD…

OHSU Ophthalmology

3303 S Bond Ave

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-3000

Guymon, Matthew R, DO…

Cascade Eyecare Center PC

1226 NE 7th St

Grants Pass, OR 97526

(541) 476-6636

Healey, Jeffrey M, MD…

OHSU Ophthalmology

3303 S Bond Ave

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-3000

Hoffman, Richard S, MD…

Drs. Fine, Hoffman & Sims, LLC

1550 Oak St Ste 5

Eugene, OR 97401

(541) 687-2110

Hoffman, Richard S, MD…

Drs. Fine, Hoffman & Sims, LLC

2002 Hwy 101 N

Florence, OR 97439

(541) 687-2110

Hoffman, Richard S, MD…

Drs. Fine, Hoffman & Sims, LLC

1007 Harlow Rd Ste 100

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 687-2110

Hubbell, Margaret H, MD…

Eugene Eye Care

992 Country Club Rd Ste 101

Eugene, OR 97401

(541) 687-1715

Hunter, Allan A, MD…

Oregon Eye Consultants, LLC

1550 Oak St Ste 7

Eugene, OR 97401

(541) 687-1927

Hunter, Allan A, MD…

Oregon Eye Consultants, LLC

3783 International Court Ste 290

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 687-1927

Hunter, Allan A, MD…

Oregon Eye Consultants, LLC

2510 NW Edenbower Blvd Ste 146

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 687-1927

Hunter, Allan A, MD…

Oregon Eye Consultants, LLC

341 Medical Lp Ste 120

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 687-1927

Hunter, Allan A, MD…

Oregon Eye Consultants, LLC

1550 Oak Street Eugene OR,

97401 Ste 4

Eugene, OR 97401

(541) 687-1927

Hyatt, John D, MD…

Retina & Vitreous Center of

Southern Oregon

246 Catalina Dr

Ashland, OR 97520

(541) 488-3192

Hyatt, John D, MD…

Retina & Vitreous Center of

Southern Oregon

1019 NE 7th St

Grants Pass, OR 97526

(541) 488-3192

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid Page 131 of 204




Hyatt, John D, MD…

Retina & Vitreous Center of

Southern Oregon

3516 Excel Drive

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 488-3192

Jorizzo, Paul A, MD…

Medical Eye Center

1333 E Barnett Rd

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 779-4711

Karth, John W, MD…

Oregon Eye Consultants, LLC

1550 Oak St Ste 7

Eugene, OR 97401

(541) 687-1927

Karth, John W, MD…

Oregon Eye Consultants, LLC

2510 NW Edenbower Blvd Ste 146

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 687-1927

Karth, John W, MD…

Oregon Eye Consultants, LLC

3783 International Court Ste 290

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 687-1927

Karth, John W, MD…

Oregon Eye Consultants, LLC

341 Medical Lp Ste 120

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 687-1927

Karth, John W, MD…

Oregon Eye Consultants, LLC

1550 Oak Street Eugene OR,

97401 Ste 4

Eugene, OR 97401

(541) 687-1927

Karth, Peter A, MD…

Oregon Eye Consultants, LLC

341 Medical Lp Ste 120

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 687-1927

Karth, Peter A, MD…

Oregon Eye Consultants, LLC

1550 Oak Street Eugene OR,

97401 Ste 4

Eugene, OR 97401

(541) 687-1927

Karth, Peter A, MD…

Oregon Eye Consultants, LLC

1550 Oak St Ste 7

Eugene, OR 97401

(541) 687-1927

Karth, Peter A, MD…

Oregon Eye Consultants, LLC

2510 NW Edenbower Blvd Ste 146

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 687-1927

Karth, Peter A, MD…

Oregon Eye Consultants, LLC

3783 International Court Ste 290

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 687-1927

Koenigsman, Helen H, MD…

Medical Eye Center

881 NE 7th St

Grants Pass, OR 97526

(541) 476-6302

Koenigsman, Helen H, MD…

Medical Eye Center

1333 E Barnett Rd

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 779-4711

Kuhn, Julia M, MD…

Eugene Eye Care

992 Country Club Rd Ste 101

Eugene, OR 97401

(541) 687-1715

Kunz, Walter B, MD…

Oregon Eye Consultants, LLC

1550 Oak St Ste 7

Eugene, OR 97401

(541) 687-1927

Kunz, Walter B, MD…

Oregon Eye Consultants, LLC

3783 International Court Ste 290

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 687-1927

Lapour, Ryan W, MD…

Medical Center Eye Clinic

655 Medical Center Dr NE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 581-5287

Leavitt, Rodney D, MD…

Cascade Eyecare Center PC

1226 NE 7th St

Grants Pass, OR 97526

(541) 476-6636

Lemley, Craig A, MD…

Medical Eye Center

1333 E Barnett Rd

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 779-4711

Lemley, Craig A, MD…

Medical Eye Center

881 NE 7th St

Grants Pass, OR 97526

(541) 476-6302

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid Page 132 of 204




Lim, Janet M, MD…

Drs. Fine, Hoffman & Sims, LLC

1550 Oak St Ste 5

Eugene, OR 97401

(541) 687-2110

Lim, Janet M, MD…

Drs. Fine, Hoffman & Sims, LLC

2002 Hwy 101 N

Florence, OR 97439

(541) 687-2110

Lim, Janet M, MD…

Drs. Fine, Hoffman & Sims, LLC

1007 Harlow Rd Ste 100

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 687-2110

Maffett, Mark J, MD…

Cascade Eyecare Center PC

1226 NE 7th St

Grants Pass, OR 97526

(541) 476-6636

McClintic, Scott M, MD…

Retina Consultants, LLC

2450 12th St SE

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 371-4350

Merritt, Douglas R, MD…

Cascade Eyecare Center PC

1226 NE 7th St

Grants Pass, OR 97526

(541) 476-6636

Messenger, Wyatt, MD…

Eye Care Physicians and

Surgeons - Salem

1309 Liberty St SE

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 585-2022

Messenger, Wyatt, MD…

Eye Care Physicians and

Surgeons - Keizer

5750 Inland Shores Way N

Keizer, OR 97303

(503) 585-2022

Michelotti, Monica, MD…

Retina Consultants, LLC

2450 12th St SE

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 371-4350

Neahring, Richard K, MD…

Eye Care Physicians and

Surgeons - Keizer

5750 Inland Shores Way N

Keizer, OR 97303

(503) 585-2022

Neahring, Richard K, MD…

Eye Care Physicians and

Surgeons - Salem

1309 Liberty St SE

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 585-2022

Neale, Matthew D, MD…

Eugene Eye Care

992 Country Club Rd Ste 101

Eugene, OR 97401

(541) 687-1715

Niespodzany, Eric J, MD…

Eugene Eye Care

992 Country Club Rd Ste 101

Eugene, OR 97401

(541) 687-1715

Oliva, Matthew S, MD…

Medical Eye Center

881 NE 7th St

Grants Pass, OR 97526

(541) 476-6302

Oliva, Matthew S, MD…

Medical Eye Center

1333 E Barnett Rd

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 779-4711

Paden, Philip Y, MD…

Paden Eye Care Center PC

221 Stewart Ave Ste 110

Medford, OR 97501

(541) 776-9026

Patel, Poorav J, MD…

Medical Eye Center

1333 E Barnett Rd

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 779-4711

Patel, Poorav J, MD…

Medical Eye Center

881 NE 7th St

Grants Pass, OR 97526

(541) 476-6302

Rodden, William S, MD…

Retina & Vitreous Center of

Southern Oregon

1019 NE 7th St

Grants Pass, OR 97526

(541) 488-3192

Rodden, William S, MD…

Retina & Vitreous Center of

Southern Oregon

246 Catalina Dr

Ashland, OR 97520

(541) 488-3192

Rodden, William S, MD…

Retina & Vitreous Center of

Southern Oregon

3516 Excel Drive

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 488-3192

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Rutar, Tina, MD…

Cataract & Laser Institute of

Southern Oregon

1408 E Barnett Rd

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 779-2020

Schiedler, Vivian, MD…

Oasis Eye

251 Maple St

Ashland, OR 97520

(541) 708-6393

Seely, Bradley H, MD…

Umpqua Valley Eye Associates

341 Medical Lp Ste 120

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 672-8288

Sims, Annette C, MD…

Drs. Fine, Hoffman & Sims, LLC

1550 Oak St Ste 5

Eugene, OR 97401

(541) 687-2110

Sims, Annette C, MD…

Drs. Fine, Hoffman & Sims, LLC

1007 Harlow Rd Ste 100

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 687-2110

Skalet, Alison H, MD…

OHSU Ophthalmology

3303 S Bond Ave

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-3000

Spaulding, Justin M, DO…

Cataract & Laser Institute of

Southern Oregon

1408 E Barnett Rd

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 779-2020

Stevens, Scott K, MD…

Klamath Eye Center

2640 Biehn St Ste 3

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 884-3148

Stice, Scott E, MD…

Eye Care Physicians and

Surgeons - Woodburn Vision


590 Glatt Cir

Woodburn, OR 97071

(503) 585-2022

Stice, Scott E, MD…

Eye Care Physicians and

Surgeons - Salem

2001 Commercial St SE

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 585-2022

Tu, Daniel C, MD…

OHSU Ophthalmology

3303 S Bond Ave

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-3000

Wang, Yujen, MD…

Oregon Retina Center

1867 Williams Hwy Ste 107

Grants Pass, OR 97527

(541) 770-2020

Wang, Yujen, MD…

Oregon Retina Center

2995 NW Edenbower Blvd

Roseburg, OR 97470

(541) 770-2020

Wang, Yujen, MD…

Oregon Retina Center

1518 E Barnett Rd

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 770-2020

Warner, Russell B, MD…

Eye Care Physicians and

Surgeons - Keizer

5750 Inland Shores Way N

Keizer, OR 97303

(503) 585-2022

Warner, Russell B, MD…

Eye Care Physicians and

Surgeons - Woodburn Vision


590 Glatt Cir

Woodburn, OR 97071

(503) 585-2022

Warner, Russell B, MD…

Eye Care Physicians and

Surgeons - Salem

1309 Liberty St SE

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 585-2022

Welder, Jeffrey D, MD…

Siskiyou Eye Center

648 N Main St

Ashland, OR 97520

(541) 482-8100

Welling, John D, MD…

Medical Eye Center

1333 E Barnett Rd

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 779-4711

Welling, John D, MD…

Medical Eye Center

881 NE 7th St

Grants Pass, OR 97526

(541) 476-6302

Westfall, Andrew C, MD…

Retina Consultants, LLC

2450 12th St SE

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 371-4350

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Weston, Jon-Marc, MD…

Weston Eye Center

2435 NW Kline St

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 672-2020

Willoughby, Alexander S, MD…

Umpqua Valley Eye Associates

341 Medical Lp Ste 120

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 672-8288

Yang, Paul, MD…

OHSU Ophthalmology

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-3000


Azpiroz, Lee, OD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

University District

1200 Hilyard St Ste 110

Eugene, OR 97401

(458) 205-6257

Babek, Sara B, OD…

Medical Eye Center

1333 E Barnett Rd

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 779-4711

Babek, Sara B, OD…

Medical Eye Center

881 NE 7th St

Grants Pass, OR 97526

(541) 476-6302

Bishop, Daniel D, OD…

Eyecare Center of Salem

1415 Capitol St NE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 364-0512

Boyer, John M, OD…

OHSU Ophthalmology

3303 S Bond Ave

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-3000

Brown, Dean R, OD

Central Point Eyecare

650 E Pine St Ste 105

Central Point, OR 97502

(541) 664-5535

Brown, Jordan D, OD

Salem Eye Clinic

1097 Liberty St SE

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 581-4411

Chung, Rebecca, OD…

Eye Care Physicians and

Surgeons - Salem

1309 Liberty St SE

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 585-2022

Chung, Rebecca, OD…

Eye Care Physicians and

Surgeons - Keizer

5750 Inland Shores Way N

Keizer, OR 97303

(503) 585-2022

Chung, Rebecca, OD…

Eye Care Physicians and

Surgeons - Salem

2001 Commercial St SE

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 585-2022

Creed, Robert W, OD…

Basin Eyecare Center

2424 Shasta Way

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 882-2812

Danson, Laurence B, OD…

Laurence B Danson, OD

780 NW Garden Valley Blvd Ste


Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 957-5249

Dearing, Kyle D, OD…

Benson Eye Center

2615 Almond St

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 883-3688

DeDionisio, Angela M, OD…

Eye Care Group of Southern


1022 NW 6th St

Grants Pass, OR 97526

(541) 476-4545

DeDionisio, Angela M, OD…

Eye Care Group of Southern


335 Caves Hwy

Cave Junction, OR 97523

(541) 592-3921

Dittemore, Kimberlynn A, OD

Cascade Optometry

4141 NE Stephens St

Roseburg, OR 97470

(541) 378-0033

Eagles, Keirsten D, OD…

Silverton Eye Care

114 W Main St

Silverton, OR 97381

(503) 874-2020

Fast, Mark J, OD

Eye Focus NW

3816 Center St NE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 588-5513

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

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Fleming, Darrin P, OD…

Oregon Retina, LLP

1011 Valley River Way Ste 110

Eugene, OR 97401

(541) 762-2763

Fleming, Darrin P, OD…

Eugene Eye Care - Cottage


315 Pacific Hwy 99S

Cottage Grove, OR 97424

(541) 942-0176

French, Heather M, OD…

Medical Eye Center

1333 E Barnett Rd

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 779-4711

French, Heather M, OD…

Medical Eye Center

881 NE 7th St

Grants Pass, OR 97526

(541) 476-6302

Galuza, Yelena I, OD…

Woodburn Vision Source

590 Glatt Cir

Woodburn, OR 97071

(503) 982-3937

Garrett, Rachael L, OD…

OHSU Ophthalmology

3303 S Bond Ave

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-3000

Gauer, Bonnie M, OD…

Bonnie M Gauer OD, MS

320 Medical Lp

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 440-2590

Glennie, Peter W, OD…

Sterling Vision West Salem

Vision Center

1594 Edgewater St NW Ste 190

Salem, OR 97304

(503) 779-2119

Goodwin, Lynn E, OD*…

Advanced Eyecare and Eyewear

425 N Main St

Myrtle Creek, OR 97457

(541) 863-5258

Hackett, David A, OD…

Sterling Vision, PC

4765 Village Plaza Loop 100

Eugene, OR 97401

(541) 342-3100

Harrington, John R, OD…

Eye Care Physicians and

Surgeons - Keizer

5750 Inland Shores Way N

Keizer, OR 97303

(503) 585-2022

Harrington, John R, OD…

Eye Care Physicians and

Surgeons - Salem

1309 Liberty St SE

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 585-2022

Hedberg, Nicholas J, OD…

Oregon Retina, LLP

1011 Valley River Way Ste 110

Eugene, OR 97401

(541) 762-2763

Hedberg, Nicholas J, OD…

Eugene Eye Care - Cottage


315 Pacific Hwy 99S

Cottage Grove, OR 97424

(541) 942-0176

Heintz, Justin T, OD…

Salem Vision Clinic

1810 Summer St NE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 364-0767

Heintz, Justin T, OD…

All Family Vision Care

1597 SW 53rd St

Corvallis, OR 97333

(541) 757-8844

Hoins, Stacey L, OD…

Medical Eye Center

1333 E Barnett Rd

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 779-4711

Hoins, Stacey L, OD…

Medical Eye Center

881 NE 7th St

Grants Pass, OR 97526

(541) 476-6302

Hoover, Cameron L, OD…

Capitol Eye Care

2755 Commercial St SE 102

Salem, OR 97322

(503) 363-9011

Hutzell, Alexandria S, OD…

Basin Eyecare Center

2424 Shasta Way

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 882-2812

Jager, Benjamin M, OD…

Cascade Vision Center

1201 SE 223rd Ave Ste 160

Gresham, OR 97030

(503) 492-2020

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Johnson, Christopher, OD…

Mid-Valley Eyecare

986 SE Uglow Ave

Dallas, OR 97338

(503) 623-3538

Johnson, Christopher, OD…

Mid-Valley Eyecare

617 Clay St E

Monmouth, OR 97361

(503) 837-0281

Kautz, Gregory G, OD…

Eyecare Center of Salem

1415 Capitol St NE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 364-0512

Kitchens, Rebecca L, OD

Cascade Optometry

4141 NE Stephens St

Roseburg, OR 97470

(541) 378-0033

Klautzsch, Michael D, OD…

Salem Vision Clinic

1810 Summer St NE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 364-0767

Klautzsch, Michael D, OD…

All Family Vision Care

1597 SW 53rd St

Corvallis, OR 97333

(541) 757-8844

Knowles, Garrett W, OD…

Dallas Vision Clinic

506 Main St

Dallas, OR 97338

(503) 623-9233

Knowles, Garrett W, OD…

Polk Vision Clinic - Central

Vision Clinic

405 Boyd Ln

Monmouth, OR 97361

(503) 838-1244

Knowles, Geoffrey W, OD…

Dallas Vision Clinic

506 Main St

Dallas, OR 97338

(503) 623-9233

Knowles, Geoffrey W, OD…

Polk Vision Clinic - Central

Vision Clinic

405 Boyd Ln

Monmouth, OR 97361

(503) 838-1244

Knowles, Grant W, OD…

Polk Vision Clinic - Central

Vision Clinic

405 Boyd Ln

Monmouth, OR 97361

(503) 838-1244

Koch, Korbin J, OD

Klamath Vision, LLC

3600 Washburn Way

Klamath Falls, OR 97603

(541) 885-5405

Krisciunas, Tammie L, OD…

OHSU Ophthalmology

3303 S Bond Ave

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-3000

Lampa, Matthew J, OD…

Silver Falls Eyecare

600 N 1st St

Silverton, OR 97381

(503) 873-8619

Leech, Thomas, OD…

Thomas Leech, OD

2282 NW Troost St Ste 104

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 672-7428

Louie, Derek J, OD…

OHSU Ophthalmology

3303 S Bond Ave

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-3000

Macrae, Mallory C, OD…

Keizer Vision Source, PC

4350 Cherry Ave NE

Keizer, OR 97303

(503) 393-6060

Morris, Martin G, OD…

Eye Care Physicians and

Surgeons - Salem

1309 Liberty St SE

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 585-2022

Morris, Martin G, OD…

Eye Care Physicians and

Surgeons - Keizer

5750 Inland Shores Way N

Keizer, OR 97303

(503) 585-2022

Nadeau, David, OD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

University District

1200 Hilyard St Ste 110

Eugene, OR 97401

(458) 205-6257

Napier, Barrett, OD…

Weston Eye Center

2435 NW Kline St

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 672-2020

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

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Nehring, Emilee R, OD…

Woodburn Vision Source

590 Glatt Cir

Woodburn, OR 97071

(503) 982-3937

Nehring, Scott L, OD…

Woodburn Vision Source

590 Glatt Cir

Woodburn, OR 97071

(503) 982-3937

Niimi, Joycelyn, OD…

OHSU Ophthalmology

3303 S Bond Ave

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-3000

Palm, Toby J, OD…

Palm Family Eyecare

201 Dakota St

Sutherlin, OR 97479

(541) 459-4333

Paluska, Robert M, OD…

Eye Care Physicians and

Surgeons - Salem

2001 Commercial St SE

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 585-2022

Pelson, Jeffrey S, OD…

Eye Care Group of Southern


335 Caves Hwy

Cave Junction, OR 97523

(541) 592-3921

Pelson, Jeffrey S, OD…

Eye Care Group of Southern


1022 NW 6th St

Grants Pass, OR 97526

(541) 476-4545

Reed, Shon, OD…

Silver Falls Eyecare

600 N 1st St

Silverton, OR 97381

(503) 873-8619

Richardson, Matthew S, OD…

Rogue Family Eye Care

853 NE A St

Grants Pass, OR 97526

(541) 474-2788

Rickman, John V, OD…

Sublimity Eyecare

103 S Center St Ste D

Sublimity, OR 97385

(503) 769-9181

Rossman, Alton, OD…

Sterling Vision West Salem

Vision Center

1594 Edgewater St NW Ste 190

Salem, OR 97304

(503) 779-2119

Shannon, Kelly C, OD…

All Family Vision Care

1597 SW 53rd St

Corvallis, OR 97333

(541) 757-8844

Shannon, Kelly C, OD…

Salem Vision Clinic

1810 Summer St NE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 364-0767

Sharp, James E, OD…

Oregon Retina, LLP

707 Greenwood St

Junction City, OR 97448

(541) 342-2201

Sharp, James E, OD…

Oregon Retina, LLP

1594 Edgewater St NW Ste 190

Salem, OR 97304

(541) 762-2763

Sharp, James E, OD…

Oregon Retina, LLP

5709 Main St

Springfield, OR 97478

(541) 342-2201

Sharp, James E, OD…

Oregon Retina, LLP

3015 W 11th Ave

Eugene, OR 97402

(541) 342-2201

Shoemaker, Allecia A, OD…

Silverton Eye Care

114 W Main St

Silverton, OR 97381

(503) 874-2020

Shupe, Adam T, OD…

Medical Center Eye Clinic

655 Medical Center Dr NE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 581-5287

Sparks, Jennifer D, OD…

Benson Eye Center

2615 Almond St

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 883-3688

Sparks, Jennifer D, OD…

Downtown Optical

629 Main St

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 884-8322

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

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Stanley, Scott L, OD…

New Visions EyeCare

371 NE Garden Valley Blvd

Roseburg, OR 97470

(541) 673-4166

Stignei, Irina, OD…

Woodburn Vision Source

590 Glatt Cir

Woodburn, OR 97071

(503) 982-3937

Storey, Henry F, OD…

Santiam Vision Source

515 N 3rd Ave

Stayton, OR 97383

(503) 769-3441

Strawn, Cynthia S, OD…

Keizer Vision Source, PC

4350 Cherry Ave NE

Keizer, OR 97303

(503) 393-6060

Tatum, Brittany B, OD…

Eugene Eye Care

992 Country Club Rd Ste 101

Eugene, OR 97401

(541) 687-1715

Tatum, Brittany B, OD…

Eugene Eye Care - Cottage


315 Pacific Hwy 99S

Cottage Grove, OR 97424

(541) 942-0176

Taylor, Benjamin T, OD…

Medical Eye Center

1333 E Barnett Rd

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 779-4711

Taylor, Benjamin T, OD…

Medical Eye Center

881 NE 7th St

Grants Pass, OR 97526

(541) 476-6302

Taylor, Travis J, OD

Family Focus Eye Care

3400 State St Ste G770

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 585-6700

Thomas, Jeffrey K, OD…

Eugene Eye Care

992 Country Club Rd Ste 101

Eugene, OR 97401

(541) 687-1715

Tuhy, Edwin E, OD…

Benson Eye Center

2615 Almond St

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 883-3688

Vidlak, Daniel J, OD…

Eye Care Group of Southern


1022 NW 6th St

Grants Pass, OR 97526

(541) 476-4545

Walters, Scott M, OD…

Eye Care Group of Southern


1022 NW 6th St

Grants Pass, OR 97526

(541) 476-4545

Walters, Scott M, OD…

Eye Care Group of Southern


335 Caves Hwy

Cave Junction, OR 97523

(541) 592-3921

Wellwood, John D, OD…

Oregon Retina, LLP

3015 W 11th Ave

Eugene, OR 97402

(541) 342-2201

Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery

Allender, Brian, DMD…

Oregon Oral & Implant Surgeons,

P.C. - Eugene

330 S Garden Way Ste 140

Eugene, OR 97401

(541) 686-9750

Engelstad, Mark E, MD…

OHSU Oral & Maxillofacial


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-8916

Petrisor, Daniel, MD…

OHSU Oral & Maxillofacial


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-8916

Tucker, Todd S, DMD…

Oregon Oral & Implant Surgeons,

P.C. - Eugene

330 S Garden Way Ste 140

Eugene, OR 97401

(541) 686-9750

Tucker, Todd S, DMD…

Oregon Oral & Implant Surgeons,

P.C. - Roseburg

1813 W Harvard Ave Ste 211

Roseburg, OR 97470

(541) 673-0888

Wu, Ying, DDS, PhD…

OHSU Oral & Maxillofacial


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-8916

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Orthopedic Surgery

Aulakh, Kiran K, PA…

Advanced Joint Replacement

Center of Southern Oregon

707 Murphy Rd

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 622-8900

Barker, Michael D, PA…

Southern Oregon Orthopedics

2780 E Barnett Rd Ste 200

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 779-6250

Bayley, Gillian A, MD…

Klamath Orthopedic Clinic, PC

2200 Bryant Williams Dr Ste 1

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 884-7746

Bell, Kevin A, PA-C…

Hope Orthopedics of Oregon -


1600 State St

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 540-6300

Bengard, Matthew J, MD…

Southern Oregon Orthopedics

2780 E Barnett Rd Ste 200

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 779-6250

Bents, Robert T, MD…

Paragon Orthopedic Center

702 SW Ramsey Ave Ste 112

Grants Pass, OR 97527

(541) 472-0603

Bjorklund, Erin E, FNP…

Hope Orthopedics of Oregon -


1600 State St

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 540-6300

Blanchard, Derrick J, PA-C…

Asante Physician Partners -

Orthopedic Surgery

537 SW Union Ave, Second Floor

Grants Pass, OR 97527

(541) 507-2050

Bloom, Heidi T, MD…

Southern Oregon Orthopedics

2780 E Barnett Rd Ste 200

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 779-6250

Brewer, Paul A, MD…

Legacy Orthopedics SH

452 Welch St

Silverton, OR 97381

(503) 874-2454

Brewer, Paul A, MD…

Legacy Orthopedics WHC

1475 Mt Hood Ave

Woodburn, OR 97071

(503) 874-2454

Brozovich, Courtney E, PA-C…

Salem Health Surgery Clinic

665 Winter St SE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 561-2448

Cabalo, Adam E, MD…

Southern Oregon Orthopedics

2780 E Barnett Rd Ste 200

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 779-6250

Cain-Aggrey, Tawnee, OT…

Hope Orthopedics of Oregon -


1600 State St

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 540-6300

Casey, Michael J, MD…

Cascades East Family Medicine

2821 Daggett Ave Ste 100

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 274-6733

Chandler, Brenda A, PA-C…

Hope Orthopedics of Oregon -


1600 State St

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 540-6300

Church, Loretta L, PA…

Asante Physician Partners -

Orthopedic Surgery

537 SW Union Ave, Second Floor

Grants Pass, OR 97527

(541) 507-2050

Clevenger, Todd A, MD…

Southern Oregon Orthopedics

2780 E Barnett Rd Ste 200

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 779-6250

Colley, Ryan T, DO…

Advanced Joint Replacement

Center of Southern Oregon

707 Murphy Rd

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 622-8900

Colley, Ryan T, DO…

Advanced Joint Replacement

Center of Southern Oregon

70 Bower Rd Ste 240

Medford, OR 97501

(541) 622-8900

Coniglio, Jonathan O, PA-C…

Southern Oregon Orthopedics

2780 E Barnett Rd Ste 200

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 779-6250

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid Page 140 of 204



Orthopedic Surgery

Cooksey, Jeffrey M, PA…

Hope Orthopedics of Oregon -


1600 State St

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 540-6300

Cowley, Daniel J, DO…

Asante Physician Partners

537 SW Union Ave Second Floor

Grants Pass, OR 97527

(541) 507-2050

Cvitash, Michael T, PA-C…

Legacy Orthopedics SH

452 Welch St

Silverton, OR 97381

(503) 874-2454

Cvitash, Michael T, PA-C…

Legacy Orthopedics Keizer

5685 Inland Shores Way N

Keizer, OR 97303

(503) 874-2454

Cvitash, Michael T, PA-C…

Legacy Orthopedics WHC

1475 Mt Hood Ave

Woodburn, OR 97071

(503) 873-8740

Dages, Austin L, PA…

Klamath Orthopedic Clinic, PC

2200 Bryant Williams Dr Ste 1

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 884-7746

Denard, Patrick J, MD…

Southern Oregon Orthopedics

2780 E Barnett Rd Ste 200

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 779-6250

Dimacali, Lawrence Michael M,


Hope Orthopedics of Oregon -


1600 State St

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 540-6300

Dolan, Mark M, MD…

Hope Orthopedics of Oregon -


1600 State St

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 540-6300

Dolan, Mark M, MD…

Hope Orthopedics of Oregon -


5825 Shoreview Ln N

Keizer, OR 97303

(503) 540-6300

Dolan, Robert W, PA…

Hope Orthopedics of Oregon -


1600 State St

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 540-6300

Doung, Yee-Cheen, MD…

OHSU Orthopaedics

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-6400

Durrant, Kenneth JH, PA…

Asante Physician Partners

537 SW Union Ave Second Floor

Grants Pass, OR 97527

(541) 507-2050

Elkin, Daniel, MD…

Hope Orthopedics of Oregon -


5825 Shoreview Ln N

Keizer, OR 97303

(503) 540-6300

Elkin, Daniel, MD…

Hope Orthopedics of Oregon -


1600 State St

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 540-6300

Elkin, Daniel, MD…

Salem Health Medical Clinic -


105 Arney Rd Ste 130

Woodburn, OR 97071

(503) 902-3900

Fan, Robert S, MD…

Hope Orthopedics of Oregon -


1600 State St

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 540-6300

Fan, Robert S, MD…

Hope Orthopedics of Oregon -


5825 Shoreview Ln N

Keizer, OR 97303

(503) 540-6300

Fazzini, Erica B, PA-C…

Southern Oregon Orthopedics

2780 E Barnett Rd Ste 200

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 779-6250

Francom, Jessica S, PA…

Asante Physician Partners

537 SW Union Ave Second Floor

Grants Pass, OR 97527

(541) 507-2050

Friess, Darin M, MD…

OHSU Orthopaedics

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-6400

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

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Orthopedic Surgery

Frost, Jared R, PA…

Klamath Orthopedic Clinic, PC

2200 Bryant Williams Dr Ste 1

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 884-7746

Glatthaar, Robert J, PA…

Asante Physician Partners -

Orthopedic Surgery - Ashland

269 Maple St

Ashland, OR 97520

(541) 482-4533

Gundle, Kenneth R, MD…

OHSU Orthopaedics

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-6400

Halsey, Matthew F, MD…

OHSU Pediatric Orthopaedics

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-4122

Hanson, Tobin S, DO…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -


530 9th St

Florence, OR 97439

(541) 997-7104

Hayden, James B, MD…

OHSU Orthopaedics

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-6400

Heaton, Kevin T, DO…

Kevin T Heaton, DO

2200 Bryant Williams Dr Ste 1

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 884-7746

Herzka, Andrea S, MD…

OHSU Orthopaedics

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-6400

Hess, Shane R, DO…

Hope Orthopedics of Oregon -


1600 State St

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 540-6300

Hess, Shane R, DO…

Hope Orthopedics of Oregon -


5825 Shoreview Ln N

Keizer, OR 97303

(503) 540-6300

Hess, Shane R, DO…

Hope Orthopedics of Oregon -


607 SE Jefferson St

Dallas, OR 97338

(503) 540-6300

Hiratzka, Jayme R, MD…

Southern Oregon Orthopedics

2780 E Barnett Rd Ste 200

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 779-6250

Ho, James E, MD…

Southern Oregon Orthopedics

2780 E Barnett Rd Ste 200

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 779-6250

Holway, Molly E, FNP…

Hope Orthopedics of Oregon -


1600 State St

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 540-6300

Holway, Molly E, FNP…

Hope Orthopedics of Oregon -


607 SE Jefferson St

Dallas, OR 97338

(503) 540-6300

Horinek, Jeffrey, MD…

Southern Oregon Orthopedics

2780 E Barnett Rd Ste 200

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 779-6250

Hosack, Luke W, MD…

Klamath Orthopedic Clinic, PC

2200 Bryant Williams Dr Ste 1

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 884-7746

Huff, Thomas W, MD…

OHSU Orthopaedics

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 12

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-6400

Jany, Richard S, MD…

Lower Umpqua Hospital -

Reedsport Medical Clinic

385 Ranch Rd

Reedsport, OR 97467

(541) 271-2119

Janzik, Carey L, PA…

Asante Physician Partners -

Orthopedic Surgery

537 SW Union Ave, Second Floor

Grants Pass, OR 97527

(541) 507-2050

Johnson, Sarah R, PA…

Legacy Orthopedics SH

452 Welch St

Silverton, OR 97381

(503) 873-8740

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid Page 142 of 204



Orthopedic Surgery

Johnson, Sarah R, PA…

Legacy Orthopedics Keizer

5685 Inland Shores Way N

Keizer, OR 97303

(503) 873-8740

Johnson, Sarah R, PA…

Legacy Orthopedics WHC

1475 Mt Hood Ave

Woodburn, OR 97071

(503) 873-8740

Kam, Benjamin C, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -


530 9th St

Florence, OR 97439

(541) 997-7104

Karlen, Aaron I, MD…

Hope Orthopedics of Oregon -


1600 State St

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 540-6300

Karlen, Aaron I, MD…

Hope Orthopedics of Oregon -


5825 Shoreview Ln N

Keizer, OR 97303

(503) 540-6300

Kehrer, Nicole L, PA-C…

Hope Orthopedics of Oregon -


1600 State St

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 540-6300

Kloepper, Robert G, MD…

Centennial Medical Group -

Centennial Orthopedics &


2460 NW Stewart Pkwy Ste 100

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 229-2663

Knight, Jeffrey B, MD…

Hope Orthopedics of Oregon -


1600 State St

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 540-6300

Knight, Jeffrey B, MD…

Hope Orthopedics of Oregon -


5825 Shoreview Ln N

Keizer, OR 97303

(503) 540-6300

Knudsen, Karl R, MD…

Karl Knudsen, MD

2200 Bryant Williams Dr Ste 1

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 884-7746

Krajbich, Joseph I, MD…

OHSU Orthopaedics

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-6400

Kranenburg, Andy J, MD…

Southern Oregon Orthopedics

2780 E Barnett Rd Ste 200

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 779-6250

Krnacik, Michael J, MD…

Umpqua Orthopedics

277 Medical Lp

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 677-2131

Lee, Samantha N, PA-C…

Klamath Orthopedic Clinic, PC

2200 Bryant Williams Dr Ste 1

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 884-7746

Lin, Clifford W, MD…

OHSU Orthopaedics

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-6400

McCormick, Kelly R, MD…

Hope Orthopedics of Oregon -


1600 State St

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 540-6300

McDaniel, Ryan, PA…

Southern Oregon Orthopedics

2780 E Barnett Rd Ste 200

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 779-6250

Meeker, James E, MD…

OHSU Orthopaedics

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 12

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-6400

Metwally, Yaser A, MD…

Advanced Joint Replacement

Center of Southern Oregon

707 Murphy Rd

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 622-8900

Metwally, Yaser A, MD…

Advanced Joint Replacement

Center of Southern Oregon

70 Bower Rd Ste 240

Medford, OR 97501

(541) 622-8900

Mirarchi, Adam J, MD…

OHSU Orthopaedics

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-6400

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid Page 143 of 204



Orthopedic Surgery

Morrison, Douglas P, MD…

Asante Physician Partners -

Orthopedic Surgery - Ashland

269 Maple St

Ashland, OR 97520

(541) 482-4533

Munch-Brady, Jacqueline L, MD…

OHSU Orthopaedics

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 12

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-6400

Naraghi, Fred F, MD…

Klamath Orthopedic Clinic, PC

2200 Bryant Williams Dr Ste 1

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 884-7746

Nazir, Omar F, MD…

OHSU Orthopaedics

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-6400

Nelson, Andrew D, DO…

Legacy Orthopedics SH

452 Welch St

Silverton, OR 97381

(503) 873-8740

Nelson, Andrew D, DO…

Legacy Orthopedics WHC

1475 Mt Hood Ave

Woodburn, OR 97071

(503) 873-8740

Nelson, Andrew D, DO…

Legacy Orthopedics Keizer

5685 Inland Shores Way N

Keizer, OR 97303

(503) 873-8740

Nerli, Suzanne M, PA…

Hope Orthopedics of Oregon -


1600 State St

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 540-6300

Nonweiler, Blake A, MD…

Santiam Medical Group -

Santiam Orthopaedic Clinic

1377 N 10th Ave

Stayton, OR 97383

(503) 769-8470

Nugent, Matthew T, MD…

Asante Physician Partners

537 SW Union Ave Second Floor

Grants Pass, OR 97527

(541) 507-2050

Orfaly, Robert M, MD…

OHSU Orthopaedics

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-6400

O'Sullivan, Glen S, MD…

Asante Physician Partners -

Orthopedic Surgery - Ashland

269 Maple St

Ashland, OR 97520

(541) 482-4533

Owens, Richard F, MD…

Southern Oregon Orthopedics

2780 E Barnett Rd Ste 200

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 779-6250

Palmer, Chad J, PA…

Legacy Orthopedics SH

452 Welch St

Silverton, OR 97381

(503) 874-2454

Patterson, Robert L, PA-C…

Asante Physician Partners -

Orthopedic Surgery - Ashland

269 Maple St

Ashland, OR 97520

(541) 482-4533

Phillips, Cameron J, MD…

Southern Oregon Orthopedics

2780 E Barnett Rd Ste 200

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 779-6250

Pressman, David N, MD…

Hope Orthopedics of Oregon -


1600 State St

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 540-6300

Punsalan, Paolo Antonio R, MD…

OHSU Orthopaedics

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 12

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-6400

Puskas, Brian L, MD…

Legacy Orthopedics WHC

1475 Mt Hood Ave

Woodburn, OR 97071

(503) 874-2454

Puskas, Brian L, MD…

Legacy Orthopedics Keizer

5685 Inland Shores Way N

Keizer, OR 97303

(503) 874-2454

Raehl, Jason L, PA…

Asante Physician Partners -

Orthopedic Surgery - Ashland

269 Maple St

Ashland, OR 97520

(541) 482-4533

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid Page 144 of 204



Orthopedic Surgery

Reid III, John B, MD…

Asante Physician Partners -

Orthopedic Surgery - Ashland

269 Maple St

Ashland, OR 97520

(541) 482-4533

Riffenburgh, Stephen K, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -


530 9th St

Florence, OR 97439

(541) 997-7104

Rosborough, Todd M, PA-C…

Santiam Medical Group -

Santiam Orthopaedic Clinic

1377 N 10th Ave

Stayton, OR 97383

(503) 769-8470

Sanders, Cary T, MD…

Centennial Medical Group -

Centennial Orthopedics &


2460 NW Stewart Pkwy Ste 100

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 229-2663

Sauer, John A, MD…

Legacy Orthopedics SH

452 Welch St

Silverton, OR 97381

(503) 873-8740

Schabel, Kathryn L, MD…

OHSU Orthopaedics

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 12

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-6400

Scribner, Andrea L, PA…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -


530 9th St

Florence, OR 97439

(541) 997-7104

Sealby, Jacob W, PA-C…

Southern Oregon Orthopedics

2780 E Barnett Rd Ste 200

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 779-6250

Sealby, Lucas W, PA-C…

Southern Oregon Orthopedics

2780 E Barnett Rd Ste 200

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 779-6250

Sewell, Dan G, MD…

Hope Orthopedics of Oregon -


1600 State St

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 540-6300

Sewell, Dan G, MD…

Hope Orthopedics of Oregon -


5825 Shoreview Ln N

Keizer, OR 97303

(503) 540-6300

Sexton, Nicholes S, MD…

Umpqua Orthopedics

277 Medical Lp

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 677-2131

Slosser, Jami L, PA-C…

Hope Orthopedics of Oregon -


1600 State St

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 540-6300

Smith, Anthony N, PA-C…

Legacy Orthopedics Keizer

5685 Inland Shores Way N

Keizer, OR 97303

(503) 874-2454

Smith, Anthony N, PA-C…

Legacy Orthopedics SH

452 Welch St

Silverton, OR 97381

(503) 874-2454

Smith, Anthony N, PA-C…

Legacy Orthopedics WHC

1475 Mt Hood Ave

Woodburn, OR 97071

(503) 873-1722

Smith, Ronald A, PA-C…

Santiam Medical Group -

Santiam Orthopaedic Clinic

1377 N 10th Ave

Stayton, OR 97383

(503) 769-8470

Southard, Tyler C, PA…

Southern Oregon Orthopedics

2780 E Barnett Rd Ste 200

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 779-6250

Sternenberg, Paul L, MD…

Southern Oregon Orthopedics

2780 E Barnett Rd Ste 200

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 779-6250

Stratton, Nicolas J, MD…

Santiam Medical Group -

Santiam Orthopaedic Clinic

1377 N 10th Ave

Stayton, OR 97383

(503) 769-8470

Taksali, Sudeep, MD…

Hope Orthopedics of Oregon -


1600 State St

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 540-6300

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid Page 145 of 204



Orthopedic Surgery

Tesman, Aaron F, PA…

Klamath Orthopedic Clinic, PC

2200 Bryant Williams Dr Ste 1

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 884-7746

Thomas, Michael GE, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -


530 9th St

Florence, OR 97439

(541) 997-7104

Thorsett, David A, MD…

Santiam Medical Group -

Santiam Orthopaedic Clinic

1377 N 10th Ave

Stayton, OR 97383

(503) 769-8470

Tobin, Richard W, MD…

Hope Orthopedics of Oregon -


1600 State St

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 540-6300

Tobin, Richard W, MD…

Hope Orthopedics of Oregon -


5825 Shoreview Ln N

Keizer, OR 97303

(503) 540-6300

Townsend, Hal S, MD…

Asante Physician Partners -

Orthopedic Surgery - Ashland

269 Maple St

Ashland, OR 97520

(541) 482-4533

Turner, Eric K, MD…

Legacy Orthopedics SH

452 Welch St

Silverton, OR 97381

(503) 873-8740

Turner, Eric K, MD…

Legacy Orthopedics Keizer

5685 Inland Shores Way N

Keizer, OR 97303

(503) 873-8740

Turner, Eric K, MD…

Legacy Orthopedics WHC

1475 Mt Hood Ave

Woodburn, OR 97071

(503) 873-8740

Van Horne, James R, MD…

Paragon Orthopedic Center

702 SW Ramsey Ave Ste 112

Grants Pass, OR 97527

(541) 472-0603

Van Tassel, Edward L, DO…

Edward L Van Tassel, DO

2200 Bryant Williams Dr Ste 1

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 884-7746

Vu, Tommy N, PA-C…

Hope Orthopedics of Oregon -


1600 State St

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 540-6300

Watanabe, Bruce M, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -


530 9th St

Florence, OR 97439

(541) 997-7104

Wehman, Ryan K, PA…

Asante Physician Partners -

Orthopedic Surgery

537 SW Union Ave, Second Floor

Grants Pass, OR 97527

(541) 507-2050

Welborn, Michelle C, MD…

OHSU Pediatric Orthopaedics

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-4122

Wenner, Karl C, MD…

Cascades East Family Medicine

2821 Daggett Ave Ste 100

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 274-6733

Wieking, Daniel C, MD…

Asante Physician Partners

537 SW Union Ave Second Floor

Grants Pass, OR 97527

(541) 507-2050

Winkler, Paul A, PA…

Klamath Orthopedic Clinic, PC

2200 Bryant Williams Dr Ste 1

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 884-7746

Wright, Jesse A, PA…

Hope Orthopedics of Oregon -


1600 State St

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 540-6300

Yao, Eric S, MD…

Hope Orthopedics of Oregon -


5825 Shoreview Ln N

Keizer, OR 97303

(503) 540-6300

Yao, Eric S, MD…

Hope Orthopedics of Oregon -


1600 State St

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 540-6300

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid Page 146 of 204



Orthopedic Surgery

Yao, Eric S, MD…

Hope Orthopedics of Oregon -


607 SE Jefferson St

Dallas, OR 97338

(503) 540-6300

Yoo, Jung U, MD…

OHSU Orthopaedics

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-6400

Ziegler, Kiley E, MD…

Asante Physician Partners -

Orthopedic Surgery

537 SW Union Ave, Second Floor

Grants Pass, OR 97527

(541) 507-2050

Zirschky, Robert G, MD…

Hope Orthopedics of Oregon -


1600 State St

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 540-6300


Allen, Brian J, PA…

Paragon Orthopedic Center

702 SW Ramsey Ave Ste 112

Grants Pass, OR 97527

(541) 472-0603

Baird, Benjamin J, PA-C…

Centennial Medical Group -

Centennial Orthopedics &


2460 NW Stewart Pkwy Ste 100

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 229-2663

Berent, Kara L, PA…

OHSU Orthopaedics

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-6400

Christie, Anna M, FNP…

Paragon Orthopedic Center

702 SW Ramsey Ave Ste 112

Grants Pass, OR 97527

(541) 472-0603

Del Carlo, Andrew R, PA-C…

Southern Oregon Orthopedics

2780 E Barnett Rd Ste 200

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 779-6250

Emch, David, PA…

Legacy Orthopedics WHC

1475 Mt Hood Ave

Woodburn, OR 97071

(503) 873-8740

Fennewald, Nathan W, PA…

OHSU Orthopaedics

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 12

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-6400

Fleming, Tannia L, PA…

OHSU Orthopaedics

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 12

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-6400

Hobart, Lisa J, PA-C…

Umpqua Orthopedics

277 Medical Lp

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 677-2131

Keegan, Noah T, PA-C…

Southern Oregon Orthopedics

2780 E Barnett Rd Ste 200

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 779-6250

Logan, Shelby, PA-C…

Southern Oregon Orthopedics

702 SW Ramsey Ave Ste 112

Grants Pass, OR 97527

(541) 472-0603

Lowengart, Ruth A, MD…

Ruth Lowengart, MD

2627 Siskiyou Blvd Ste 100

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 776-5111

Ludwig, Molly, NP…

Paragon Orthopedic Center

702 SW Ramsey Ave Ste 112

Grants Pass, OR 97527

(541) 472-0603

Mangrum, Robert D, PA…

OHSU Orthopaedics

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 12

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-6400

Martin, Joshua A, PA…

Klamath Orthopedic Clinic, PC

2200 Bryant Williams Dr Ste 1

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 884-7746

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid Page 147 of 204




McPherson, Carl H, PA…

Southern Oregon Orthopedics

702 SW Ramsey Ave Ste 112

Grants Pass, OR 97527

(541) 472-0603

Quilici, Samantha M, PA…

OHSU Orthopaedics

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 12

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-6400

Reeder, Steven J, PA-C…

Southern Oregon Orthopedics

2780 E Barnett Rd Ste 200

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 779-6250

Schuller, Michael J, PA…

OHSU Orthopaedics

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-6400

Smith, Dillon J, PA…

Southern Oregon Orthopedics

2780 E Barnett Rd Ste 200

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 779-6250

Sothern, Amy E, PA…

OHSU Orthopaedics

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-6400

Tracy, Shane T, PA-C…

Southern Oregon Orthopedics

2780 E Barnett Rd Ste 200

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 779-6250

Trubenbach, Thomas J, NP…

Asante Physician Partners -

Spine Care

1311 E Barnett Rd Ste 201

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 789-6000

Wehmann, Ryan K, PA…

Asante Physician Partners -

Orthopedic Surgery

537 SW Union Ave, Second Floor

Grants Pass, OR 97527

(541) 507-2050

Weinman, Christopher, PA…

Asante Physician Partners -

Spine Care

1311 E Barnett Rd Ste 201

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 789-6000

Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine

Goodrum, Joshua K, DO…

Goodrum Medical Services

850 Siskiyou Blvd 7

Ashland, OR 97520

(541) 482-0342

Hagie, David B, DO…

David B. Hagie, DO

850 Siskiyou Blvd 7

Ashland, OR 97520

(541) 482-0342

Lowry, Meredith, DO…

Southern Oregon Wellness Clinic

547 E Pine Street Ste 101

Central Point, OR 97502

(541) 973-2551

Moreaux, Brian J S, DO…

Moreaux, LLC

850 Siskiyou Blvd 7

Ashland, OR 97520

(541) 482-0342

Thomas, Michael E, DO…

Ashland Osteopathic Services

850 Siskiyou Blvd 7

Ashland, OR 97520

(541) 482-0342


Andersen, Peter E, MD…

OHSU Otolaryngology

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-8510

Arthurs, Kali A, PA…

OHSU Otolaryngology

15700 SW Greystone Ct

Beaverton, OR 97006

(503) 494-8510

Chambers, David W, MD…

Oregon ENT Center

1170 Royal Ave

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 779-7331

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid Page 148 of 204




Christensen, Nathan P, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

University District

1200 Hilyard St Ste 620

Eugene, OR 97401

(458) 205-6500

Clarke, Joseph C, MD…

Oregon ENT Center

1170 Royal Ave

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 779-7331

Clayburgh, Daniel R, MD…

OHSU Otolaryngology

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-8510

Detwiller, Kara Y, MD…

OHSU Otolaryngology

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 5

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-8510

Donovan, John S, MD…

Willamette ENT and Facial

Plastic Surgery

3099 River Rd S Ste 150

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 581-1567

Fear, Daniel R, MD…

Asante Physician Partners

537 SW Union Ave Second Floor

Grants Pass, OR 97527

(541) 507-2150

Fladmo, Erik, PA…

Oregon ENT Center

1170 Royal Ave

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 779-7331

Flint, Paul W, MD…

OHSU Otolaryngology

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 5

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-8510

Gupta, Sachin, MD…

OHSU Otolaryngology

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-8510

Hiebert, Jared C, MD…

Ear Nose & Throat Northwest,


2025 Madrona Ave SE

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 383-8493

Huffaker, Richard K, DO…

Asante Physician Partners

537 SW Union Ave Second Floor

Grants Pass, OR 97527

(541) 507-2150

Hume, Jenny Lynn, PA…

Modern Nose Clinic

340 Vista Ave Ste 100

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 584-1174

Hume, Jenny Lynn, PA…

Modern Nose Clinic

19150 SW 90th Ave Ste 100

Tualatin, OR 97602

(503) 584-1174

Johnson, Bruce C, MD…

Willamette ENT and Facial

Plastic Surgery

3099 River Rd S Ste 150

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 581-1567

Lam, Derek J, MD…

OHSU Pediatric Otolaryngology

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-5350

Lee, Jonathan H, MD…

Oregon ENT Center

1170 Royal Ave

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 779-7331

Lennard, Colleen M, MD…

Asante Physician Partners

537 SW Union Ave Second Floor

Grants Pass, OR 97527

(541) 507-2150

Li, Ryan J, MD…

OHSU Otolaryngology

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-8510

Loyo Martinez, Myriam D, MD…

OHSU Otolaryngology

15700 SW Greystone Ct

Beaverton, OR 97006

(503) 494-8510

MacArthur, Carol J, MD…

OHSU Pediatric Otolaryngology

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-5350

Malanowski, Sean P, PA…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

University District

1200 Hilyard St Ste 620

Eugene, OR 97401

(458) 205-6500

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid Page 149 of 204




McCarley, Kenneth H, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

University District

1200 Hilyard St Ste 620

Eugene, OR 97401

(458) 205-6500

Miller, Jonathan B, PA…

Asante Physician Partners

537 SW Union Ave Second Floor

Grants Pass, OR 97527

(541) 507-2150

Miller, Mark A, MD…

Oregon ENT Center

1170 Royal Ave

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 779-7331

Netland, Jillian N, PA…

Willamette ENT and Facial

Plastic Surgery

3099 River Rd S Ste 150

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 581-1567

Prze, Christopher T, MD…

Willamette ENT and Facial

Plastic Surgery

3099 River Rd S Ste 150

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 581-1567

Quintanilla-Dieck, Lourdes, MD…

OHSU Pediatric Otolaryngology

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-5350

Raz, Yael, MD…

OHSU Otolaryngology

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-8510

Reeck, Jay B, MD…

Oregon ENT Center

1170 Royal Ave

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 779-7331

Schindler, Joshua S, MD…

OHSU Otolaryngology-NW Clinic

for Voice & Swallowing

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 15

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-5947

Shindo, Maisie L, MD…

OHSU Otolaryngology

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-8510

Skarada, Douglas J, MD…

Modern Nose Clinic

340 Vista Ave Ste 100

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 584-1174

Smith, Timothy L, MD…

OHSU Otolaryngology

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 5

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-8510

Smith, Timothy L, MD…

OHSU Otolaryngology

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-8510

Sonnen, Kathleen E, PA…

ENT Associates of Roseburg

2423 NW Troost St

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 677-3400

Souza, David, DO…

Sky Lakes Medical Center ENT


3000 Bryant Williams Dr Ste 200

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 274-8650

Steele, Elizabeth H, MD…

Oregon ENT Center

1170 Royal Ave

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 779-7331

Strand, Suzanne F, DO…

Willamette ENT and Facial

Plastic Surgery

3099 River Rd S Ste 150

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 581-1567

Thompson, Clark R, MD…

Willamette ENT and Facial

Plastic Surgery

3099 River Rd S Ste 150

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 581-1567

Tooze, William G, PA-C…

Asante Physician Partners - ENT


537 SW Union Ave

Grants Pass, OR 97527

(541) 507-2150

Tooze, William G, PA-C…

Asante Physician Partners

500 SW Ramsey

Grants Pass, OR 97527

(541) 472-7000

Traynor, Sean J, MD…

Oregon ENT Center

1170 Royal Ave

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 779-7331

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Wang, Tom D, MD…

OHSU Otolaryngology

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 5

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-8510

Wax, Mark K, MD…

OHSU Otolaryngology

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-8510

Wayman, Daniel, MD

Southern Oregon ENT

555 Black Oak Dr Ste 210

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 734-3540

Wolfe, Lynsie, PA…

Sky Lakes Medical Center

3000 Bryant Williams Dr Ste 200

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 274-8650

Wyant, Lindsay E, PA…

OHSU Otolaryngology

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 5

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-8510

Yun, James M, MD…

ENT Associates of Roseburg

2423 NW Troost St

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 677-3400

Zochowski, Katherine E, PA…

OHSU Otolaryngology-NW Clinic

for Voice & Swallowing

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 15

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-5947

Pain Management

Anderson, Craig D, MD

Liberty Spine & Pain

350 Miller St SE Ste 100

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 371-4647

Castleberry, William B, NP…

Pain Relief Institute

2925 Siskiyou Blvd

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 773-1435

Chen, Grace, MD…

OHSU Acute Pain Service

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-4910

Chen, Poly, MD

Pain Care Specialists of Oregon

2480 Liberty St NE Ste 180

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 371-1010

Cho, Young E, MD

Pain Care Specialists of Oregon

2480 Liberty St NE Ste 180

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 371-1010

Christiansen, Sandy, MD…

OHSU Comprehensive Pain


3303 S Bond Ave

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-7246

Coelho, Paul C, MD…

Salem Health Pain Clinic

875 Oak St SE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 814-7246

Critchlow, Kasey L, PA…

Pain Specialists of Oregon PC

360 S Garden Way Ste 290

Eugene, OR 97401

(541) 844-1807

Dunn, Joseph S, MD…

Pain Specialists of Oregon PC

360 S Garden Way Ste 290

Eugene, OR 97401

(541) 844-1807

Greenberg, Mark R, MD…

Advanced Pain Care

638 N Main St Ste A

Ashland, OR 97520

(541) 482-1712

Hillman, Frank P, PA-C…

Pain Specialists of Oregon PC

360 S Garden Way Ste 290

Eugene, OR 97401

(541) 844-1807

Keene, David W, PA-C

Pain Care Specialists of Oregon

2480 Liberty St NE Ste 180

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 371-1010

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Pain Management

Koh, Jeffrey L, MD…

OHSU Acute Pain Service

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-4910

Kosek, Peter S, MD…

Oregon Neurosurgery Specialists

3377 Riverbend Dr 5th Floor

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 222-8400

Leppert, Jeffrey P, ANP…

Pain Specialists of Southern


825 Bennett Ave

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 779-5228

Mauer, Kimberly M, MD…

OHSU Acute Pain Service

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-4910

Milbert, Jason D, PA…

Pain Care Specialists of Oregon

2480 Liberty St NE Ste 180

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 371-1010

Moore, Gregory, MD…

Pacific Sports and Spine

74-B Centennial Loop Ste 100

Eugene, OR 97401

(541) 780-6654

Morgan, Donna M, MD…

Pain Specialists of Oregon PC

360 S Garden Way Ste 290

Eugene, OR 97401

(541) 844-1807

Oh, Andrew H, MD

Pain Care Specialists of Oregon

2480 Liberty St NE Ste 180

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 371-1010

Osborn, Carl E, DO

Center for Regenerative

Orthopedic Medicine

2850 State St

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 842-7777

Partin, Denise L, FNP…

Pain Specialists of Southern


825 Bennett Ave

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 779-5228

Quave, Brett T, MD…

Quave Clinic

701 Golf View Dr

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 494-1111

Quave, Brett T, MD…

Quave Clinic

3555 Lear Way

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 494-1111

Ray, Raymond C, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Pain and Addiction Medicine

3377 Riverbend Dr

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 222-8400

Reavis, David R, PA-C…

Pain Care Specialists of Oregon

2480 Liberty St NE Ste 180

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 371-1010

Reen, Marissa A, PA-C…

Pain Specialists of Oregon PC

360 S Garden Way Ste 290

Eugene, OR 97401

(541) 844-1807

Rubin, Dana K, PA-C…

Pacific Sports and Spine

74-B Centennial Loop Ste 100

Eugene, OR 97401

(541) 780-6654

Savino, Joseph M, MD…

Pain Specialists of Southern


825 Bennett Ave

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 779-5228

Sibell, David M, MD…

OHSU Acute Pain Service

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-4910

Sibell, David M, MD…

OHSU Comprehensive Pain


3303 S Bond Ave

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-7246

Sills, Shawn M, MD…

Touchstone Interventional Pain


2925 Siskiyou Blvd

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 773-1435

Solomon, Julie C, ANP…

Salem Health Neurology

875 Oak St SE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 814-6387

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Pain Management

Solomon, Julie C, ANP…

Salem Health Pain Clinic

875 Oak St SE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 814-7246

Tansey, Sean N, PA…

Pain Relief Institute

2925 Siskiyou Blvd

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 773-1435

Thomas, Jared L, NP…

Quave Clinic

701 Golf View Dr

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 494-1111

Turner, Helen N, CNS…

OHSU Acute Pain Service

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-4910

Vargas, Ismael C, PA-C…

Quave Clinic

3555 Lear Way

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 494-1111

Vitello, David M, AGPCNP…

OHSU Comprehensive Pain


15700 SW Greystone Ct Ste 1100

Beaverton, OR 97006

(503) 601-4650

Vu, Cuong M, MD…

Pain Care Specialists of Oregon

2480 Liberty St NE Ste 180

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 371-1010

Winder, Donald E, PA-C

Pain Care Specialists of Oregon

2480 Liberty St NE Ste 180

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 371-1010

Palliative Medicine

Alexander, Rajeev L, MD…

PeaceHealth Hospital Medicine

3377 RiverBend Dr

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 222-6389

Bordley, Jessica L, MD…

OHSU Palliative Care

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-6068

Gepner, Andrea S, FNP…

OHSU Palliative Care

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-6068

Mones, Stewart L, MD…

PeaceHealth UDIS Palliative Care

1200 Hilyard St Ste 230

Eugene, OR 97401

(458) 205-7450

Onishi, Eriko, MD…

Salem Health Palliative Care

875 Oak St SE Bldg C

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 814-2483

Wixson, Rachel A, FNP…

Salem Health Palliative Care

875 Oak St SE Bldg C

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 814-2483

Pediatric Cardiology

Armsby, Laurie B, MD…

OHSU Pediatric Cardiology

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-5750

Balaji, Seshadri, MD…

OHSU Pediatric Cardiology

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-5750

Burch, Grant H, MD…

OHSU Pediatric Cardiology

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-5750

Carlson, Misty L, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

RiverBend Pavilion

3377 RiverBend Dr

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 222-6160

Carlson, Misty L, MD…

OHSU Pediatric Cardiology

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-5750

Holmes, Kathryn W, MD…

OHSU Pediatric Cardiology

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-5750

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Pediatric Cardiology

Huang, Jennifer, MD…

OHSU Pediatric Cardiology

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-5750

Johnson, Eric A, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

RiverBend Pavilion

3377 RiverBend Dr

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 222-6160

Johnson, Eric A, MD…

OHSU Pediatric Cardiology

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-5750

Kelly, Brendan P, MD…

OHSU Pediatric Cardiology

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-5750

Madriago, Erin J, MD…

OHSU Pediatric Cardiology

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-5750

Michaud, Joylyn K, FNP…

OHSU Pediatric Cardiology

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-5750

Minette, Mary S, MD…

OHSU Pediatric Cardiology

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-5750

Reller, Mark D, MD…

OHSU Pediatric Cardiology

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-5750

Ronai, Christina, MD…

OHSU Pediatric Cardiology

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-5750

Shaughnessy, Robin D, MD…

OHSU Pediatric Cardiology

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-5750

Silberbach, Gary M, MD…

OHSU Pediatric Cardiology

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-5750

Pediatric Dermatology

Funk, Tracy, MD…

OHSU Dermatology

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-3376

Leitenberger, Sabra L, MD…

OHSU Dermatology

16699 Boones Ferry Rd

Lake Oswego, OR 97035

(503) 346-0500

Pediatric Development & Rehabilitation

Bear, Ami, MD…

OHSU Child Development &

Rehabilitation Center

901 E 18th Ave

Eugene, OR 97403

(541) 346-3575

Crupi, Lisa A, PNP…

OHSU Child Development &

Rehabilitation Center

707 SW Gaines St

Portland, OR 97239

(800) 452-3563

Fusetti, Lydia A, MD…

OHSU Child Development &

Rehabilitation Center

901 E 18th Ave

Eugene, OR 97403

(541) 346-3575

Phelps, Randall A, MD…

OHSU Child Development &

Rehabilitation Center

901 E 18th Ave

Eugene, OR 97403

(541) 346-3575

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Pediatric Endocrinology

Boston, Bruce A, MD…

OHSU Pediatric Endocrinology

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-5710

Connelly, Kara J, MD…

OHSU Pediatric Endocrinology

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-5710

Guttmann-Bauman, Ines, MD…

OHSU Pediatric Endocrinology

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-5710

Keller, Kelly R, PA…

OHSU Pediatric Endocrinology

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-5710

Madison, Lisa D, MD…

OHSU Pediatric Endocrinology

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-5710

Nicol, Lindsey E, MD…

OHSU Pediatric Endocrinology

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-5710

Woods, Kathryn A, MD…

OHSU Pediatric Endocrinology

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-5710

Pediatric Gastroenterology

Bassett, Mikelle D, MD…

OHSU Pediatric


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-5751

Hunter, Anna K, MD…

OHSU Pediatric


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-5751

Hunter, Anna K, MD…

OHSU Pediatrics

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-5700

Kavet, Suzanne, PNP…

OHSU Pediatric


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-5751

Leinwand, Kristina L, DO…

OHSU Pediatric


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-5751

Muir, Linda V, MD…

OHSU Pediatric


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-5751

Muir, Linda V, MD…

OHSU Pediatrics

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-5700

Ramraj, Ramya, MD…

OHSU Pediatric


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-5751

Pediatric Hematology/Oncology

Anderson, Kelly D, FNP…

OHSU Pediatric


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-5150

Chang, Billy H, MD…

OHSU Pediatric


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-5150

Conrady, Christopher G, PNP…

OHSU Pediatric


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-5150

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Pediatric Hematology/Oncology

Haley, Kristina M, DO…

OHSU Pediatric


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-5150

Jacobs, James E, MD…

OHSU Pediatric


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-5150

Kiley, Erica E, PNP…

OHSU Pediatric


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-5150

Kurre, Peter, MD…

OHSU Pediatric


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-5150

Lamkin, Thomas D, MD…

OHSU Pediatric


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-5150

Lindemulder, Susan J, MD…

OHSU Pediatric


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-5150

Nemecek, Eneida R, MD…

OHSU Center for Hematologic


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-5058

Recht, Michael, MD…

OHSU Pediatric


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-5150

Schlis, Krysta, MD…

OHSU Pediatric


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-5150

Shereck, Evan B, MD…

OHSU Pediatric


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-5150

Skinner, Michelle I, PNP…

OHSU Pediatric


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-5150

Stork, Linda C, MD…

OHSU Pediatric


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-5150

Tilford, David L, MD…

OHSU Pediatric


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-5150

Winsnes, Katrina, MD…

OHSU Pediatric


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-5150

Wong, Trisha E, MD…

OHSU Pediatric


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-5150

Wu, Melinda D, MD…

OHSU Pediatric


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-5150

Pediatric Infectious Diseases

Guzman-Cottrill, Judith A, DO…

OHSU Pediatric Infectious


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-5747

Lancioni, Christina L, MD…

OHSU Pediatric Infectious


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-5747

Lewinsohn, Deborah A, MD…

OHSU Pediatric Infectious


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-5747

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Pediatric Infectious Diseases

Nolt, Dawn L, MD…

OHSU Pediatric Infectious


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-5747

Vaz, Louise E, MD…

OHSU Pediatric Infectious


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-5747

Pediatric Nephrology

Al-Uzri, Amira, MD…

OHSU Pediatric Nephrology

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-7327

Iragorri, Sandra, MD…

OHSU Pediatric Nephrology

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-7327

Jenkins, Randall D, MD…

OHSU Pediatric Nephrology

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-7327

Richardson, Kelsey L, MD…

OHSU Pediatric Nephrology

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-7327

Rozansky, David J, MD…

OHSU Pediatric Nephrology

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-7327

Wright, Mary F, FNP…

OHSU Pediatric Nephrology

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-7327

Pediatric Neurology

Back, Stephen A, MD…

OHSU Pediatric Neurology

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-5856

Blasco, Peter A, MD…

OHSU Child Development &

Rehabilitation Center

707 SW Gaines St

Portland, OR 97239

(800) 452-3563

Cho, Yoon-Jae, MD…

OHSU Pediatric Neurology

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-5856

Coryell, Robert J, MD…

OHSU Pediatric Neurology

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-5856

Domreis, Wendy O, PNP…

OHSU Neurological Surgery

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 8

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-4314

Finanger, Erika L, MD…

OHSU Pediatric Neurology

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-5856

Kube, David A, MD…

OHSU Child Development &

Rehabilitation Center

707 SW Gaines St

Portland, OR 97239

(800) 452-3563

Olson, Donald M, MD…

PMG - Medford Neurology

920 Royal Ave

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 732-8400

Panoscha, Rita, MD…

OHSU Child Development &

Rehabilitation Center

707 SW Gaines St

Portland, OR 97239

(800) 452-3563

Piantino, Juan A, MD…

OHSU Pediatric Neurology

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-5856

Piantino, Juan A, MD…

OHSU Pediatrics

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-5700

Pinter, Joseph D, MD…

OHSU Child Development &

Rehabilitation Center

707 SW Gaines St

Portland, OR 97239

(800) 452-3563

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Pediatric Neurology

Roberts, Colin M, MD…

OHSU Pediatric Neurology

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-5856

Senn, Kevin M, MD…

OHSU Child Development &

Rehabilitation Center

707 SW Gaines St

Portland, OR 97239

(800) 452-3563

Wray, Carter D, MD…

OHSU Pediatric Neurology

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-5856

Yablon, Laurie D, PNP…

OHSU Neurological Surgery

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 8

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-4314

Pediatric Orthopaedics

Brookings, Pollee J, PNP…

OHSU Pediatric Orthopaedics

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-4122

Pediatric Otolaryngology

Bowman, Kandice S, PNP…

OHSU Pediatric Otolaryngology

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-5350

Deshpande, Monica N, FNP…

OHSU Pediatric Otolaryngology

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-5350

Milczuk, Henry A, MD…

OHSU Pediatric Otolaryngology

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-5350

Pediatric Pulmonology

Hsia, Danny W, MD…

OHSU Pediatrics

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-5700

Link, Holger W, MD…

OHSU Pediatric Pulmonary

Medicine & Cystic Fibrosis

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-8023

MacDonald, Kelvin D, MD…

OHSU Pediatric Pulmonary

Medicine & Cystic Fibrosis

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-8023

Powers, Michael R, MD…

OHSU Pediatric Pulmonary

Medicine & Cystic Fibrosis

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-8023

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Pediatric Surgery

Azarow, Kenneth S, MD…

OHSU Pediatric Surgery

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-7764

Butler, Marilyn W, MD…

OHSU Pediatric Surgery

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-7764

Eighmey, Christine M, PNP…

OHSU Pediatric Surgery

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-7764

Fialkowski, Elizabeth A, MD…

OHSU Pediatric Surgery

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-7764

Hamilton, Nicholas A, MD…

OHSU Pediatric Surgery

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-7764

Horton, John D, MD…

PeaceHealth Sacred Heart


3377 RiverBend Dr

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 222-6135

Jafri, Mubeen, MD…

OHSU Pediatric Surgery

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-7764

Joseph, Christina M, PA…

OHSU Pediatric Surgery

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-7764

Krishnaswami, Sanjay, MD…

OHSU Pediatric Surgery

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-7764

Peil, Rebecca W, FNP…

OHSU Pediatric Surgery

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-7764

Ruscher, Kimberly A, MD…

PeaceHealth Sacred Heart


3377 RiverBend Dr

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 222-6135

Wilson, Rachel E, PA…

OHSU Pediatric Surgery

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-7764

Yang, Edmund Y, MD…

PeaceHealth Hospital Medicine

3377 RiverBend Dr

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 222-6135

Yang, Scott S, MD…

OHSU Pediatric Orthopaedics

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-4122

Zallen, Garret S, MD…

PeaceHealth Sacred Heart


3377 RiverBend Dr

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 222-6135

Zigman, Andrew F, MD…

OHSU Pediatric Surgery

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-7764

Pediatric Urology

Anderson, Erin J, PNP…

OHSU Pediatric Urology

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-4808

Austin, James C, MD…

OHSU Pediatric Urology

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-4808

Bayne, Aaron P, MD…

OHSU Pediatric Urology

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-4808

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Pediatric Urology

Seideman, Casey A, MD…

OHSU Pediatric Urology

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-4808

Skoog, Steven J, MD…

OHSU Pediatric Urology

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-4808

Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation

Amsden, Christopher F, MD…

Lower Umpqua Hospital -

Reedsport Medical Clinic

385 Ranch Rd

Reedsport, OR 97467

(541) 271-2119

Blake, Erik D, MD…

Salem Rehabilitation Associates

3624 River Rd N

Keizer, OR 97303

(503) 561-5976

Brumbaugh, Raymond B, MD…

Salem Rehabilitation Associates

3624 River Rd N

Keizer, OR 97303

(503) 561-5976

Brusky, Kristen B, DO

Salem Pain and Spine Specialists

1100 22nd St SE

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 967-6771

Carlson, Hans L, MD…

OHSU Orthopaedics

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-6400

Carlson, Nels L, MD…

OHSU Orthopaedics

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-6400

Crider, Nathaniel J, MD…

Center for Regenerative

Orthopedic Medicine

2850 State St

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 842-7777

Grant, Peter A, MD…

Peter A. Grant, MD

1100 NE 7th St Bldg A

Grants Pass, OR 97526

(541) 772-3200

Grant, Peter A, MD…

Peter A. Grant, MD

473 Murphy Rd

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 772-3200

Harris, David E, DO…

Evergreen Regenerative

Medicine & Rehabilitation

707 Murphy Rd Ste 101

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 414-0455

Harris, David E, DO…

PMG - Stewart Meadows


70 Bower Dr Ste 240

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 732-8360

Harris, David E, DO…

PMG - Medford Physiatry

920 Royal Ave

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 732-8360

Johnston, George D, DO…

Pain Specialists of Southern


825 Bennett Ave

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 779-5228

Kandah, Blake A, MD…

Pacific Sports and Spine

74-B Centennial Loop Ste 100

Eugene, OR 97401

(541) 780-6654

Kephart, Jason F, FNP…

PMG - Stewart Meadows


70 Bower Dr Ste 240

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 732-8360

Kephart, Jason F, FNP…

PMG - Medford Physiatry

920 Royal Ave

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 732-8360

Kephart, Jason F, FNP…

PMG - Grants Pass Physiatry

1619 NW Hawthorne Ave Ste 206

Grants Pass, OR 97526

(541) 732-8360

Kim, Daniel W, MD…

Quave Clinic

701 Golf View Dr

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 494-1111

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Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation

Li, Xiaoyue, MD…

Salem Rehabilitation Associates

3624 River Rd N

Keizer, OR 97303

(503) 561-5976

McClary, Keegan J, MD…

Pacific Sports and Spine

74-B Centennial Loop Ste 100

Eugene, OR 97401

(541) 780-6654

Modzelewska, Maya D, MD

Salem Pain and Spine Specialists

1100 22nd St SE

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 967-6771

Monreal, Rebeca M, DO

Salem Pain and Spine Specialists

1100 22nd St SE

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 967-6771

Phillips, Gregory M, MD…

Pacific Sports and Spine

74-B Centennial Loop Ste 100

Eugene, OR 97401

(541) 780-6654

Saviers, Daniel A, MD…

Rehabilitation Medicine

Physicians of Southern Oregon

2780 E Barnett Rd Ste 320

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 776-5065

Solomon, Jeffrey A, DO…

Rehabilitation Medicine

Physicians of Southern Oregon

2780 E Barnett Rd Ste 320

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 776-5065

Tang, Andrew S, DO…

PMG - Stewart Meadows


70 Bower Dr Ste 240

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 732-8360

Tang, Andrew S, DO…

PMG - Medford Physiatry

920 Royal Ave

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 732-8360

Truong, Dung X, MD…

Salem Rehabilitation Associates

3624 River Rd N

Keizer, OR 97303

(503) 561-5976

Vora, Rishi, DO…

Pacific Sports and Spine

74-B Centennial Loop Ste 100

Eugene, OR 97401

(541) 780-6654

Winn, Erin M, PA…

Rehabilitation Medicine

Physicians of Southern Oregon

2780 E Barnett Rd Ste 320

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 776-5065

Zielicke, Timothy J, DO…

Pacific Sports and Spine

74-B Centennial Loop Ste 100

Eugene, OR 97401

(541) 780-6654

Plastic Surgery

Austin, Edwin N, MD…

Oregon Plastic Surgeons

875 Oak St SE Ste 4060

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 561-7000

Berli, Jens U, MD…

OHSU Plastic Surgery

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 5

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-6687

Chang, Shiliang, MD…

OHSU Plastic Surgery

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 5

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-6687

Christiansen, Dustin, MD…

Neaman Plastic Surgery

1430 Commercial St SE

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 364-5033

Dillon, Laura W, PA…

OHSU Plastic Surgery

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 5

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-6687

Edwards, Ruth J, FNP…

Oregon Plastic Surgeons

875 Oak St SE Ste 4060

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 561-7000

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Plastic Surgery

Fausett, Blake V, MD…

Aesthetic Surgical Arts

2550 Willakenzie Rd Ste 1

Eugene, OR 97401

(541) 434-0922

Fausett, Blake V, MD…

Aesthetic Surgical Arts

2435 NW Kline

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 434-0922

Fausett, Blake V, MD…

Aesthetic Surgical Arts

1226 NE 7th St

Grants Pass, OR 97526

(541) 434-0922

Fausett, Blake V, MD…

Aesthetic Surgical Arts

341 Medical Loop Ste 120

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 434-0922

Gescher, Kaylee M, PA…

Neaman Plastic Surgery

1430 Commercial St SE

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 364-5033

Hansen, Juliana E, MD…

OHSU Plastic Surgery

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 5

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-6687

Herron, Margo, MD

Elizabeth Institute

638 N Main St Ste C

Ashland, OR 97520

(541) 708-5433

Hunts, John H, MD…

Aesthetic Surgical Arts

2550 Willakenzie Rd Ste 1

Eugene, OR 97401

(541) 434-0922

Jensen, Robert M, MD…

Jensen Center for Cosmetic &

Plastic Surgery

1353 E McAndrews Rd

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 770-6776

Kreul, Brian, MD…

Brian Kreul MD PC

3200 Hillcrest Park Dr Ste 200

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 773-6700

Leonard, Dann K, MD…

Leonard Plastic Surgery

500 Liberty St SE Ste 400

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 391-2760

Lipira, Angelo B, MD…

OHSU Plastic Surgery

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 5

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-6687

Lovich, Stephen, MD…

Valley Plastic Surgery

1170 Royal Ave

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 512-4771

Mattison, Gennaya L, MD…

Arete Plastic Surgery

350 Miller St SE 200

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 400-3434

Mueller, Reid V, MD…

OHSU Plastic Surgery

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 5

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-6687

Neaman, Keith C, MD…

Neaman Plastic Surgery

1430 Commercial St SE

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 364-5033

Scanlon, Kindra T, FNP…

OHSU Plastic Surgery

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 5

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-6687

Solomon, Joel S, MD…

OHSU Plastic Surgery

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 5

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-6687

Wherley, Alix L, PA…

OHSU Plastic Surgery

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 5

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-6687

Yonker, Katie E, MD…

Yonker Plastic Surgery

875 Oak St SE 4060

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 561-7000

Zickmund, Elizabeth R, MD…

The Clinic for Dermatology &


2924 Siskiyou Blvd Ste 200

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 200-2777

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Arabshahi, Hamid R, DPM…

Advanced Foot Clinic, PC

6464 SW Borland Rd Ste B3

Tualatin, OR 97062

(503) 612-4040

Arabshahi, Hamid R, DPM…

Advanced Foot Clinic, PC

1475 Commercial St SE

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 391-0688

Berg, Scott L, DPM…

Coastline Foot and Ankle Center

800 Liberty St SE

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 370-8784

Bishop, Brandon W, DPM…

Centennial Medical Group -

Centennial Orthopedics &


2460 NW Stewart Pkwy Ste 100

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 229-2663

Callahan, John T, DPM…

Santiam Foot Clinic

2235 Mission St SE Ste 150

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 581-2505

Castle, John E, DPM…

Grants Pass Podiatry

1227 NE 7th St Ste A

Grants Pass, OR 97526

(541) 471-3668

DeKorte, Michael A, DPM…

Medford Foot & Ankle Clinic

713 Golf View Dr

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 770-1225

Dimond, Devin G, DPM…

Southern Oregon Foot & Ankle


1904 E Barnett Rd

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 776-3338

Dunn, Sean P, DPM…

Grants Pass Clinic, LLP

495 SW Ramsey Ave

Grants Pass, OR 97527

(541) 476-6644

Froehlich, Monika, DPM…

Grants Pass Clinic, LLP

495 SW Ramsey Ave

Grants Pass, OR 97527

(541) 476-6644

Goforth, William D, DPM…

Active Foot & Ankle Center

490 Murphy Rd

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 779-5227

Holdermann, Heather A, DPM…

Active Foot & Ankle Center

490 Murphy Rd

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 779-5227

Holdermann, James S, DPM…

Active Foot & Ankle Center

490 Murphy Rd

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 779-5227

Howell, Daniel E, DPM…

Roseburg Foot & Ankle

Specialists, PC

2300 NW Stewart Pkwy

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 673-7322

Johnson, Justin T, DPM…

Ankle & Foot Specialists of

Southern Oregon

1661 Hwy 99 N Ste 201

Ashland, OR 97520

(541) 482-4924

Kamery, Amanda J, DPM…

Ambulatory Foot Center PC

1619 NW Hawthorne Ave Ste 110

Grants Pass, OR 97526

(541) 471-7056

Keplinger, Nathaniel D, DPM…

Roseburg Foot & Ankle

Specialists, PC

2300 NW Stewart Pkwy

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 673-7322

Manson, Tyler S, DPM…

Santiam Foot Clinic

2235 Mission St SE Ste 150

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 581-2505

McClure, Rick E, DPM…

Medford Foot & Ankle Clinic

713 Golf View Dr

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 770-1225

McCullough, Michael P, DPM…

Klamath Orthopedic Clinic, PC

2200 Bryant Williams Dr Ste 1

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 884-7746

McCullough, Michael P, DPM…

Klamath Tribal Health & Family


330 Chiloquin Blvd

Chiloquin, OR 97624

(541) 882-1487

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Merrill, Evan C, DPM…

Southern Oregon Foot & Ankle


1904 E Barnett Rd

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 776-3338

Merrill, Jeffrey T, DPM…

Klamath Falls Foot and Ankle

531 S 6th St

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 850-6463

Otto, Bettricia A, DPM…

OHSU Family Medicine

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 9

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-8573

Pollak, Ruben, DPM…

Santiam Medical Group -

Santiam Podiatry Clinic

1377 N 10th Ave

Stayton, OR 97383

(503) 769-8470

Rich, Bryce J, DPM…

Cascade Foot Center

3474 Liberty Rd S

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 588-8188

Rich, Natalia, NP…

Cascade Foot Center

3474 Liberty Rd S

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 588-8188

Scott, Robert T, DPM…

Coastline Foot and Ankle Center

800 Liberty St SE

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 370-8784

Sessions, John W, DPM…

Willamette Foot Center

4305 River Rd N

Keizer, OR 97303

(503) 363-0763

Simchuk, Mark L, DPM…

Ambulatory Foot Center PC

1619 NW Hawthorne Ave Ste 110

Grants Pass, OR 97526

(541) 471-7056

Smith, Cordell B, DPM…

Roseburg Foot & Ankle

Specialists, PC

2300 NW Stewart Pkwy

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 673-7322

Stevens, Robert C, DPM…

Willamette Foot Center

4305 River Rd N

Keizer, OR 97303

(503) 363-0763

Tippets, Trevor W, DPM…

Cascade Foot Center

3474 Liberty Rd S

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 588-8188

Tovey, Micah D, DPM…

Cow Creek Health & Wellness


2589 NW Edenbower Blvd

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 672-8533

Tovey, Micah D, DPM…

Cow Creek Health & Wellness


480 Wartahoo Ln

Canyonville, OR 97417

(541) 839-1345

Tovey, Micah D, DPM…

Centennial Medical Group -

Centennial Orthopedics &


2460 NW Stewart Pkwy Ste 100

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 229-2663

Westover, Sean M, DPM…

Cascade Foot Center

3474 Liberty Rd S

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 588-8188

Wilkinson, Joseph M, DPM…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -


530 9th St

Florence, OR 97439

(541) 997-7104

Wilks, G. Jason, DPM…

Wilks Advanced Foot Care

1813 W Harvard Ave Ste 201

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 673-0742

Zimmer, Jeffrey D, DPM…

Medford Foot & Ankle Clinic

713 Golf View Dr

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 770-1225

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Preventative Medicine

Braman, Marcus A, MD…

Northwest Lifestyle Medicine,


6250 Commerical St SE Ste 100

Salem, OR 97306

(971) 983-5433


Aga, Vimal M, MD…

OHSU Neurology

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 8

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-7772

Akins, James T, PMHNP…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Behavioral Health Services

770 East 11th Ave

Eugene, OR 97401

(458) 205-7085

Akins, Yetunde O, MD…

Sky Lakes Behavioral Health

2600 Clover St

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 274-8640

Amato, Jacqueline M, MD

Jacqueline M Amato, MD

841 Alder Creek Dr

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 858-7188

Anderson, Anna M, PMHNP…

OHSU Center for Women's


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-4500

Anderson, Stacy M, PMHNP…

Legacy Behavioral Health WHC

1475 Mt Hood Ave

Woodburn, OR 97071

(971) 983-5214

Ankeny, Maggie T, PMHNP…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Behavioral Health Services -


1200 Hilyard St Ste 460

Eugene, OR 97401

(458) 205-6555

Bailey, Lisa G, MD…

Options Hillside Medical Center

1545 Harbeck Rd

Grants Pass, OR 97527

(541) 476-2373

Baldwin-Thomas, Valerie, NP…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Behavioral Health Services -


1200 Hilyard St Ste 310

Eugene, OR 97401

(458) 205-6709

Bassett, Sandra G, PMHNP…

Valley Mental Health

670 Hawthorne Ave SE Ste 150

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 589-4046

Betlinski, Jonathan P, MD…

OHSU Psychiatry

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-6176

Black, Whitney E, MD…

OHSU Psychiatry

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-6176

Blekic, Amela, MD…

OHSU Psychiatry

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-6176

Boehnlein, James K, MD…

OHSU Psychiatry

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-6176

Bowling, Cindy, PMHNP…

New Perspectives Center

3795 River Rd N

Keizer, OR 97303

(503) 316-6770

Bowling, Cindy, PMHNP…

Cindy Bowling PMHNP

3795 River Rd N Ste B

Keizer, OR 97303

(503) 390-0082

Brasted, Robert C, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Behavioral Health Services -


1200 Hilyard St Ste 420

Eugene, OR 97401

(458) 205-6444

Brooks, Kristin R, PMHNP…

Kristin Brooks, PMHNP

336 NE Norton Ave Ste 3

Bend, OR 97701

(541) 350-6913

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Broskie, Nancy E, MD

N. Elaine Broskie, MD

525 Glen Creek Rd NW Ste 240

Salem, OR 97304

(503) 364-7049

Browning, Anthony D, PMHNP…

Klamath Basin Behavioral Health

2210 N Eldorado Ave

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 883-1030

Carley, Jennifer, PMHNP

True North -Therapeutic Options

4035 12th St Cutoff SE Ste 120

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 371-3121

Chandragiri, Satyanarayana, MD

Chandra's Clinic, PC

1249 Fairview Ave SE

Salem, OR 97302

(971) 239-1146

Cirino, Nicole H, MD…

OHSU Center for Women's


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-4500

Claussen, Arvilla M, PMHNP…

Mid-Valley Counseling Center

2250 D St NE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 364-6093

Daniels, Mark R, NP…

PeaceHealth Counseling


340 9th St

Florence, OR 97439

(541) 997-6085

DeCelles, Elisabeth R, PMHNP…

West Salem Clinic Mental Health

1233 Edgewater St NW

Salem, OR 97304

(503) 378-7526

Delima-Tokarz, Thayanne C, DO…

Options Hillside Medical Center

1545 Harbeck Rd

Grants Pass, OR 97527

(541) 476-2373

Delima-Tokarz, Thayanne C, DO…

Options for Southern Oregon

200 Beatty St

Medford, OR 97501

(541) 476-2373

Dieter, Kay L, MD…

Marion County Health


2045 Silverton Rd NE Ste B

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 588-5351

Dietz, Jenny L, PMHNP…

One Peak Medical - Siskiyou

2655 Siskiyou Blvd

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 304-8008

D'Souza, Neisha A, MD…

OHSU Psychiatry

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-6176

Elkin, Kiara G, PA…

Asante Physician Partners

691 Murphy Rd Second Floor

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 789-4078

Fireman, Marian, MD…

OHSU Psychiatry In-Patient


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-6176

Flanders, Sarah, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Behavioral Health Services -


1200 Hilyard St Ste 420

Eugene, OR 97401

(458) 205-6444

Freeman, Thomas, MD…

Cow Creek Health & Wellness


2589 NW Edenbower Blvd

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 672-8533

Freeman, Thomas, MD…

Cow Creek Health & Wellness


480 Wartahoo Ln

Canyonville, OR 97417

(541) 839-1345

Garduque, Ayako T, PMHNP…

Valley Mental Health

670 Hawthorne Ave SE Ste 150

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 589-4046

Gruber, Joann E, PMHNP…

Ashland Integrative Care

1607 Siskiyou Blvd

Ashland, OR 97520

(541) 201-3173

Guerrero Urena, Iris, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Behavioral Health Services -


1200 Hilyard St Ste 420

Eugene, OR 97401

(458) 205-6444

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Guerrero Urena, Iris, MD…

PeaceHealth Behavioral Health

Services - Springfield Riverbend

3333 Riverbend Dr

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 222-2185

Hall, Jacqueline H, PMHNP…

HIV Alliance

1195A City View Street

Eugene, OR 97402

(541) 556-1409

Hancey, James O, MD…

OHSU Psychiatry

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-6176

Hartman, Carolyn M, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Behavioral Health Services -


1200 Hilyard St Ste 460

Eugene, OR 97401

(458) 205-6555

Henderson, Constance L,


Marion County Health


2045 Silverton Rd NE Ste B

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 588-5351

Henderson, Hugh R, MD…

Cow Creek Health & Wellness


2589 NW Edenbower Blvd

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 672-8533

Hicks, Natalia, NP…

PeaceHealth Behavioral Health


1255 Hilyard St

Eugene, OR 97401

(458) 205-6555

Howard, Cecelia R, PMHNP

Cecelia Howard, PMHNP, P.C.

208 Oak St

Ashland, OR 97520

(541) 890-0979

Hubbard, Stephen D, DO…

Asante Physician Partners -

Behavioral Health - Outpatient

691 Murphy Rd Second Floor

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 789-4078

Huffman, Russell T, PMHNP…

Salem Health Medical Clinic -

Boulder Creek

2485 12th St SE

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 363-8047

Hurlocker, Toni L, PMHNP…

Hope Springs Health, LLC

20172 N Umpqua Hwy

Glide, OR 97443

(541) 496-0298

Hurlocker, Toni L, PMHNP…

Adapt Integrated Health Care:

Primary Care

671 SW Main St

Winston, OR 97496

(541) 229-8973

Inda, Diane M, PMHNP…

Legacy Behavioral Health WHC

1475 Mt Hood Ave

Woodburn, OR 97071

(971) 983-5214

Inda, Diane M, PMHNP…

Legacy Behavioral Health

240 Phelps Ste 2

Silverton, OR 97381

(971) 983-5214

Jeffers, Steven W, MD…

Cow Creek Health & Wellness


2589 NW Edenbower Blvd

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 672-8533

Jeffers, Steven W, MD…

Cow Creek Health & Wellness


480 Wartahoo Ln

Canyonville, OR 97417

(541) 839-1345

Jobe, Pearl A, PMHNP…

West Salem Clinic Mental Health

1245 Edgewater St NW

Salem, OR 97304

(503) 588-5816

Johnson, Kyle P, MD…

OHSU Psychiatry Child &


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-6176

Jones, Monique M, MD…

OHSU Avel Gordly Center for


621 SW Alder St Ste 520

Portland, OR 97205

(503) 418-5311

Kainuma, Koji, PMHNP…

Lancaster Family Health Center

255 Lancaster Dr NE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 576-8400

Keepers, George A, MD…

OHSU Psychiatry

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-6176

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Kinnicutt, Fred P, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Behavioral Health Services

1200 Hilyard St Ste 420

Eugene, OR 97401

(458) 205-6444

Kinzie, John M, MD…

OHSU Intercultural Psychiatric


2214 Lloyd Center

Portland, OR 97232

(503) 494-4222

Klug, Melody A, PMHNP…

Marion County Health


3878 Beverly Ave NE Bldg G

Salem, OR 97305

(503) 566-2917

Kravitz, Nathaniel, PMHNP…

Marion County Health


2045 Silverton Rd NE Ste B

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 588-5351

Larsen, Tisha M, PMHNP…

Adapt Integrated Health Care:

Primary Care

621 W Madrone

Roseburg, OR 97470

(541) 492-4550

Lee, Tamara R, PMHNP…

Second Wind Mental Health

Clinic, LLC

11 SW Brantley Dr

Winston, OR 97496

(541) 679-0366

Leung, Paul K, MD…

OHSU Intercultural Psychiatric


2214 Lloyd Center

Portland, OR 97232

(503) 494-4222

Linton Nelson, Lori L, PMHNP…

Marion County Health


2045 Silverton Rd NE Ste B

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 588-5351

Lipkin, John O, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Ucare Behavioral Health

1200 Hilyard St Ste 430

Eugene, OR 97401

(458) 205-6530

MacLaurin, Caitlin S, PMHNP…

West Salem Clinic Mental Health

1245 Edgewater St NW

Salem, OR 97304

(503) 378-7526

Mansoor, David J, MD…

OHSU Psychiatry

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-6176

Marcus, Judith T, MD…

Legacy Behavioral Health WHC

1475 Mt Hood Ave

Woodburn, OR 97071

(971) 983-5214

Marks, Jennifer JA, PMHNP…

Oregon Behavioral Health Group


312 Oak Street Ste 205

Central Point, OR 97502

(541) 299-0390

Marshall, Rebecca D, MD…

OHSU Psychiatry Child &


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-6176

Marvich, Karla G, PMHNP…

Bridges Community Health

1551 Oak St Ste B

Eugene, OR 97401

(541) 255-1411

Marvich, Karla G, PMHNP…

Bridges Community Health

210 S 5th St

Cottage Grove, OR 97424

(541) 255-1411

Maynard, Adrienne J, PMHNP…

Vida Family Medicine

374 Owens St SE 100

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 399-1400

McClain, Christine S, MD…

West Salem Clinic

1233 Edgewater St NW

Salem, OR 97304

(503) 378-7526

McInerny, Carolynn M, NP…

Adapt Integrated Health Care:

Primary Care

621 W Madrone

Roseburg, OR 97470

(541) 492-4550

McNamara, Michael C, PMHNP…

Adapt Integrated Health Care:

Primary Care

621 W Madrone

Roseburg, OR 97470

(541) 492-4550

McVay, Stephanie A, PMHNP…

Klamath Open Door Family


2074 S Sixth St

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 851-8110

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

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Mendelson, Scott D, MD…

Umpqua Health Newton Creek

3031 NE Stephens St

Roseburg, OR 97470

(541) 229-7038

Mendenhall, Sarah M, PMHNP…

Options Hillside Medical Center

1545 Harbeck Rd

Grants Pass, OR 97527

(541) 476-2373

Middlekauff, George W, MD…

Adapt Integrated Health Care:

Primary Care

621 W Madrone

Roseburg, OR 97470

(541) 492-4550

Millard, Peter M, PMHNP…

La Clinica del Valle - Birch Grove

Health Center

910 S Central Ave

Medford, OR 97501

(541) 535-6239

Miller, James F, MD…

Marion County Health


2045 Silverton Rd NE Ste B

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 588-5351

Motis, Daxson R, PA…

Asante Physician Partners

691 Murphy Rd Second Floor

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 789-4078

Newman, Julie A, PMHNP

Julie Newman, PMHNP

1744 E McAndrews Rd Ste B

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 776-0821

Outland, Mary K, PMHNP…

Valley Mental Health

4035 12th Street Cutoff Ste 140

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 589-4046

Parsoei, Alireza, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Behavioral Health Services -


1200 Hilyard St Ste 420

Eugene, OR 97401

(458) 205-6444

Petersen-Snider, Keely A, NP…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Florence - Counseling Services

340 9th St

Florence, OR 97439

(541) 997-6085

Piccirilli, Deborah L, PMHNP…

Salem Health Medical Clinic -

Skyline Village

5050 Skyline Village Lp S

Salem, OR 97306

(503) 391-1110

Rakhlin, Dmitriy, PMHNP…

OHSU Adult Psychiatry Resident


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-6176

Ramirez, Cheryle-May M,


Klamath Open Door Family


2074 S Sixth St

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 851-8110

Rao, Nikhil P, MD…

Legacy Woodburn Health Center

1475 Mt Hood Ave

Woodburn, OR 97071

(971) 983-5214

Rennick, John H, MD…

Options for Southern Oregon

1545 Harbeck Rd

Grants Pass, OR 97527

(541) 476-2373

Rennick, John H, MD…

Options for Southern Oregon

200 Beatty St

Medford, OR 97501

(541) 476-2373

Ricoy, Rebecca L, MD…

Valley Mental Health

670 Hawthorne Ave SE Ste 150

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 589-4046

Rivera, Pamela J, PMHNP…

Options for Southern Oregon

200 Beatty St

Medford, OR 97501

(541) 476-2373

Rivera, Pamela J, PMHNP…

Options Hillside Medical Center

1545 Harbeck Rd

Grants Pass, OR 97527

(541) 476-2373

Ruggiero, Rosa M, PMHNP…

La Clinica del Valle - Wellness


730 Biddle Rd

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 494-3800

Sampley, H Russell, MD*…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Behavioral Health Services -


3333 RiverBend Dr

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 222-1497

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid Page 169 of 204




Seim, Tymberly S, MD…

Salem Psychiatric Associates

821 Saginaw St S

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 362-1999

Sheats, Shannon M, PMHNP…

Rogue Community Health

900 E Main St

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 773-3863

Sheats, Shannon M, PMHNP…

Rogue Mental Health Solutions

15 Crater Lake Ave

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 770-5100

Sherwood, Stacy Jo, NP…

Klamath Basin Behavioral Health

2210 N Eldorado Ave

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 883-1030

Shirvani, Nicole, MD…

Asante Physician Partners

2825 E Barnett Rd

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 789-7000

Shirvani, Nicole, MD…

Asante Physician Partners -

Behavioral Health - Outpatient

691 Murphy Rd Second Floor

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 789-4078

Sholar, John M, PMHNP…

Marion County Health


3180 Center St NE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 588-5357

Simon, Joseph S, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Unified Care Clinic

1200 Hilyard St Ste 450

Eugene, OR 97401

(458) 205-6011

Smith, McKenzie L, PMHNP…

Second Wind Mental Health

Clinic, LLC

11 SW Brantley Dr

Winston, OR 97496

(541) 679-0366

Smith, Rance, PMHNP…

Klamath Basin Behavioral Health

2210 N Eldorado Ave

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 883-1030

Smith, Walter (Devin), PMHNP

Child & Family Psychiatric


1744 E McAndrews Rd Ste B

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 776-0821

Snider, Mark E, PMHNP…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Behavioral Health Services -


770 East 11th Ave

Eugene, OR 97401

(458) 205-7000

Stanley, Michael S, MD…

OHSU Psychiatry

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-6176

Strek, William, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Behavioral Health Services

1200 Hilyard St Ste 420

Eugene, OR 97401

(458) 205-6444

Sundin, Ted, MD

Ted Sundin MD

1043 Prospect St

Ashland, OR 97520

(541) 482-0580

Tausch, Jenny V, PMHNP…

Second Wind Mental Health

Clinic, LLC

11 SW Brantley Dr

Winston, OR 97496

(541) 679-0366

Taylor, Donald L, PMHNP…

OHSU Psychiatry

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-6176

Towns, Daniel S, DO…

OHSU Intercultural Psychiatric


2214 Lloyd Center

Portland, OR 97232

(503) 494-4222

Tremko, Michael P, PMHNP…

Mid-Valley Counseling Center

2250 D St NE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 364-6093

Trevino, Christina, MD…

OHSU Psychiatry

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-6176

Truschel, Timothy L, MD…

West Salem Clinic Mental Health

1233 Edgewater St NW

Salem, OR 97304

(503) 588-5816

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid Page 170 of 204




Underwood, Vanessa A, NP…

New Perspectives Center

805 Liberty St NE Ste 2

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 316-6770

Upcraft, Jennifer L, PMHNP…

Options Hillside Medical Center

1545 Harbeck Rd

Grants Pass, OR 97527

(541) 476-2373

Usher, Craigan T, MD…

OHSU Psychiatry Child &


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-6176

Vance, Levi D, PA…

Asante Physician Partners -

Behavioral Health - Outpatient

691 Murphy Rd Second Floor

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 789-4078

Veeder, Thomas A, MD…

OHSU Psychiatry In-Patient


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-6176

Veenhuizen, Janice C, MD…

Salem Psychiatric Associates

821 Saginaw St S

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 362-1999

Wabin, Jennifer, MD…

Asante Physician Partners

691 Murphy Rd Second Floor

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 789-4078

Wear, David S, PMHNP…

Valley Mental Health

670 Hawthorne Ave SE Ste 150

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 589-4046

Welch, Michael T, PA-C…

Asante Physician Partners

2825 E Barnett Rd

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 789-7000

Welch, Michael T, PA-C…

Asante Physician Partners

691 Murphy Rd Second Floor

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 789-4078

White, Christopher L, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Behavioral Health Services -


1200 Hilyard St Ste 420

Eugene, OR 97401

(458) 205-6444

White, Ursula J, PMHNP…

Marion County Health


2045 Silverton Rd NE Ste B

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 588-5351

Whiteley, H Edmond, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Behavioral Health Services -


1200 Hilyard St Ste 420

Eugene, OR 97401

(458) 205-6444

Whiteley, H Edmond, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Behavioral Health Services -


1200 Hilyard St Ste 310

Eugene, OR 97401

(458) 205-6709

Wolf, Robert M, MD…

Marion County Health


3878 Beverly Ave NE Bldg G

Salem, OR 97305

(503) 566-2917

Wrona, Susan, PMHNP

Susan Wrona, PMHNP

14 Cottage St

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 292-6722

Psychosomatic Medicine

Gross, Anne F, MD…

OHSU Psychiatry

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-6176

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid Page 171 of 204




Allada, Gopal, MD…

OHSU Pulmonary & Critical Care


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-1620

Amba, Samridhi, MD…

PMG - Pulmonology

827 Spring St

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 732-7600

Arora, Rishi S, MD…

Asante Physician Partners -

Pulmonary Consultants

555 Black Oak Dr Ste 300A

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 789-8100

Arora, Rishi S, MD…

Asante Physician Partners -

Pulmonary Consultants

700 SW Ramsey Ave Ste 101

Grants Pass, OR 97527

(541) 789-5250

Bader, Fayez, MD…

Salem Pulmonary Associates &

Sleep Center

801 Mission St SE

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 588-3945

Barker, Alan F, MD…

OHSU Pulmonary & Critical Care


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-1620

Bell, Julian W, MD…

PMG - Pulmonology

827 Spring St

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 732-7600

Chesnutt, Mark S, MD…

OHSU Pulmonary & Critical Care


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-1620

Cochran, Carla L, FNP…

Asante Physician Partners -

Pulmonary Consultants

555 Black Oak Dr Ste 300A

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 789-8100

Dale, Wheeler J, MD…

Centennial Medical Group -

Pulmonary & Sleep Specialists of


2460 NW Stewart Pkwy Ste 103

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 672-9515

Diaz Chavez, Alejandro, MD…

Centennial Medical Group -

Pulmonary & Sleep Specialists of


2460 NW Stewart Pkwy Ste 103

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 672-9515

Drake, Matthew G, MD…

OHSU Pulmonary & Critical Care


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-1620

Dyckman, Sarah, PA…

Salem Pulmonary Associates &

Sleep Center

801 Mission St SE

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 588-3945

Eslaamizaad, Yasaman, MD…

Salem Pulmonary Associates &

Sleep Center

801 Mission St SE

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 588-3945

Fairhurst, Margaret S, DO…

PMG - Pulmonology

827 Spring St

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 732-7960

Fennell, Dan F, MD…

Asante Physician Partners -

Pulmonary Consultants

555 Black Oak Dr Ste 300A

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 789-8100

Firoozi, Kamran K, MD…

Salem Pulmonary Associates &

Sleep Center

801 Mission St SE

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 588-3945

Garner, Daniel M, PA-C…

Klamath Pulmonary & Critical

Care Medicine

2614 Almond St

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 885-2201

Gold, Jeffrey A, MD…

OHSU Pulmonary & Critical Care


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-1620

Gosman, Razvan I, MD…

Centennial Medical Group -

Pulmonary & Sleep Specialists of


2460 NW Stewart Pkwy Ste 103

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 672-9515

Hall, Stephen B, MD…

OHSU Pulmonary & Critical Care


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-1620

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid Page 172 of 204




Jacoby, David B, MD…

OHSU Pulmonary & Critical Care


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-1620

Johnson, Martin C, MD…

Salem Pulmonary Associates &

Sleep Center

801 Mission St SE

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 588-3945

Kanagalingam, Sivajothi, MD…

Asante Physician Partners -

Pulmonary Consultants

555 Black Oak Dr Ste 300A

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 789-8100

Kanagalingham, Sivajothi, MD…

Asante Physician Partners -

Pulmonary Consultants

555 Black Oak Dr Ste 300A

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 789-8100

Khan, Akram, MD…

OHSU Pulmonary & Critical Care


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-1620

Kruenegel, Kevin L, PA…

Asante Physician Partners -

Pulmonary Consultants

555 Black Oak Dr Ste 300A

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 789-8100

Marchini, Carlos E, MD…

Lung Clinic Center for Sleep


874 NE 7th St

Grants Pass, OR 97526

(541) 471-6026

Marri, Siva RK, MD…

PMG - Pulmonology

827 Spring St

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 732-7960

Marvel, Steven L, MD…

Salem Pulmonary Associates &

Sleep Center

801 Mission St SE

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 588-3945

Mehta, Nimeshkumar S, MD…

Salem Pulmonary Associates &

Sleep Center

801 Mission St SE

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 588-3945

Mohammad, Diya F, MD…

Asante Physician Partners -

Pulmonary Consultants

555 Black Oak Dr Ste 300A

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 789-8100

Moseson, Erika M, MD…

PMG - Pulmonology

827 Spring St

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 732-7600

Mouammar, Marwan, MD…

OHSU Pulmonary & Critical Care


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-1620

Moulton, Bart, MD…

OHSU Pulmonary & Critical Care


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-1620

Noda Milla, Julio R, MD…

Salem Health Sleep Center

875 Oak St SE Ste 3060

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 561-5170

Nonas, Stephanie A, MD…

OHSU Pulmonary & Critical Care


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-1620

Obaidat, Baha M, MD…

Asante Physician Partners -

Pulmonary Consultants

555 Black Oak Dr Ste 300A

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 789-8100

Obaidat, Baha M, MD…

Asante Physician Partners -

Pulmonary Consultants

700 SW Ramsey Ave Ste 101

Grants Pass, OR 97527

(541) 789-5250

Ordal, John C, MD…

Asante Physician Partners -

Pulmonary Consultants

555 Black Oak Dr Ste 300A

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 789-8100

Panossian, David H, MD…

Klamath Pulmonary & Critical

Care Medicine

2614 Almond St

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 885-2201

Parosa, James F, MD…

Santiam Medical Group -

Santiam Pulmonary

1401 N 10th Ave Ste 200

Stayton, OR 97383

(503) 769-7151

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid Page 173 of 204




Petre Nedita, Luana I, MD…

Centennial Medical Group -

Pulmonary & Sleep Specialists of


2460 NW Stewart Pkwy Ste 103

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 672-9515

Ramachandran, Kavan, MD…

Salem Pulmonary Associates &

Sleep Center

801 Mission St SE

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 588-3945

Reidy, Michael F, MD…

PMG - Pulmonology

827 Spring St

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 732-7600

Satcher, Virginia, ANP…

OHSU Pulmonary & Critical Care


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-1620

Shiekh Sroujieh, Laila Ahmad

Said, MD…

Salem Pulmonary Associates &

Sleep Center

801 Mission St SE

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 588-3945

Sullivan, Donald R, MD…

OHSU Pulmonary & Critical Care


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-1620

Trivedi, Kovid, MD…

Salem Pulmonary Associates &

Sleep Center

801 Mission St SE

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 588-3945

Vanaik, Samar, MD…

Salem Pulmonary Associates &

Sleep Center

801 Mission St SE

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 588-3945


Braun, Simona, MD…

Eugene Rheumatology

132 E Broadway Ste 830

Eugene, OR 97401

(541) 687-0816

Cassell, Sarah, MD…

Eugene Rheumatology

132 E Broadway Ste 830

Eugene, OR 97401

(541) 687-0816

Cassell, Sidney L, MD…

Eugene Rheumatology

132 E Broadway Ste 830

Eugene, OR 97401

(541) 687-0816

Chamberland, David L, MD…

David Chamberland MD PC

1365 Poplar Dr

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 773-2233

Chu, Cong Qiu, MD…

OHSU Arthritis & Rheumatic


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-8637

Deodhar, Atulya A, MD…

OHSU Arthritis & Rheumatic


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-8637

Dryland, David I, MD…

Rheumatology Clinic

1365 Poplar Dr

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 773-2233

Duffin, Michael D, MD…

Sky Lakes Rheumatology

2200 Bryant Williams Dr Ste 6

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 880-2750

Ghetie, Elena D, MD…

OHSU Arthritis & Rheumatic


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-8637

Gietzen, Hanna E, PA…

Salem Rheumatology &

Infusions, LLC

960 Liberty St SE Ste 200

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 399-0652

Gona, Amitha, MD…

Oregon Rheumatology


875 Oak St SE 4050

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 485-0350

Greene, Rudy R, MD…

Rudy R. Greene, MD

540 Catalina Drive

Ashland, OR 97520

(541) 535-5523

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid Page 174 of 204




Kahl, Leslie E, MD…

OHSU Arthritis & Rheumatic


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-8637

Macalester, Shawn G, DO…

Salem Rheumatology &

Infusions, LLC

960 Liberty St SE Ste 200

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 399-0652

Maldonado-Stitt, Yasmin R, MD…

Yasmin Maldonato, MD

420 Williamson Way

Ashland, OR 97520

(541) 535-5523

Mendez Allwood, Daniel E, MD…

Oregon Rheumatology


875 Oak St SE 4050

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 485-0350

Schmitz, Diane M, PA…

Salem Rheumatology &

Infusions, LLC

960 Liberty St SE Ste 200

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 399-0652

Schreibman, Carrie A, FNP…

OHSU Arthritis & Rheumatic


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-8637

Sepulvado, Polly M, MD…

Aviva Health Center - Roseburg

150 NE Kenneth Ford Dr

Roseburg, OR 97470

(541) 672-9596

Sepulvado, Polly M, MD…

Aviva Health Center - Newton


3031 NE Stephens St

Roseburg, OR 97470

(541) 672-9596

Sokalski, Dominik G, MD…

Rheumatology Clinic

1365 Poplar Dr

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 773-2233

Sleep Medicine

Billinger, Wendelin J, PA…

OHSU Sleep Disorders Clinic

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-4895

Haynal, William B, MD…

Asante Physician Partners -

Sleep Specialists Clinic

555 Black Oak Drive Ste 300B

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 789-8100

Henderson, Jennifer G, DO…

Asante Physician Partners -

Sleep Specialists Clinic

555 Black Oak Drive Ste 300B

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 789-8100

Henderson, Jennifer G, DO…

Asante Physician Partners -

Sleep Specialists Clinic

700 SW Ramsey Ave Ste 101

Grants Pass, OR 97527

(541) 789-8100

Kahler, James R, PA-C…

PeaceHealth Sleep Disorder


3355 RiverBend Dr Ste 400

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 222-2402

Komakula, Venugopal, MD…

PeaceHealth Sleep Disorder


3355 RiverBend Dr Ste 400

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 222-2402

Lin, Samantha D, FNP…

Willamette Sleep Center

180 Ramsgate Sq SE

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 485-0672

McPeak, Erin C, PA-C…

Asante Physician Partners -

Sleep Specialists Clinic

700 SW Ramsey Ave Ste 101

Grants Pass, OR 97527

(541) 789-8100

Obispo, Nancy M, NP…

Asante Physician Partners -

Sleep Specialists Clinic

555 Black Oak Drive Ste 300B

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 789-8100

Sanford, Jillian N, MD…

OHSU Pediatric Pulmonary

Medicine & Cystic Fibrosis

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-8023

Seeto, Keifong W, MD…

K William Seeto, MD

960 Liberty St SE Ste 140

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 585-0575

Sevart, Damon W, PA-C…

PeaceHealth Sleep Disorder


3355 RiverBend Dr Ste 400

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 222-2402

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

Providers with … accept Medicaid Page 175 of 204



Sleep Medicine

Shim, Hyong W, MD…

Salem Sleep Medicine

1395 Commercial St SE

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 990-7187

Sutton, Sohee, FNP…

Salem Health Sleep Center

875 Oak St SE Ste 3060, Bldg C

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 561-5170

Telford, Byron B, FNP…

Asante Physician Partners -

Sleep Specialists Clinic

555 Black Oak Drive Ste 300B

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 789-8100

Wiese, Theron J, PA-C…

Salem Sleep Medicine

1395 Commercial St SE

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 990-7187

Sports Medicine

Crawford, Dennis C, MD…

OHSU Orthopaedics

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 12

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-6400

Pandit, Sandesh, MD…

Umpqua Orthopedics

277 Medical Lp

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 677-2131

Ryan, Alana N, DO…

Hope Orthopedics of Oregon -


1600 State St

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 540-6300

Ryan, Alana N, DO…

Hope Orthopedics of Oregon -


5825 Shoreview Ln N

Keizer, OR 97303

(503) 540-6300

Schweigert, Daniel S, MD…

Santiam Medical Group -

Santiam Orthopaedic Clinic

1377 N 10th Ave

Stayton, OR 97383

(503) 769-8470

Surgical Oncology

Lim, James Y, MD…

OHSU Surgical Oncology

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 7

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-5501

Mayo, Skye C, MD…

OHSU Surgical Oncology

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 7

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-5501

Naik, Arpana M, MD…

OHSU Surgical Oncology

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 7

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-5501

Pommier, Rodney F, MD…

OHSU Surgical Oncology

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 7

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-5501

Vetto, John T, MD…

OHSU Surgical Oncology

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 7

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-5501

Thoracic Surgery

Oyarzun, Juan R, MD…

Salem Health Cardiothoracic

Surgery Clinic

875 Oak St SE Ste 5020

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 371-4044

Schelar, William A, PA-C…

Salem Health Cardiothoracic

Surgery Clinic

875 Oak St SE Ste 5020

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 371-4044

Wacek, Paul D, PA-C…

Salem Health Cardiothoracic

Surgery Clinic

875 Oak St SE Ste 5020

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 371-4044

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Transplant Surgery

Enestvedt, Charles K, MD…

OHSU Liver & Pancreas


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-7810

Maynard, Erin C, MD…

OHSU Liver & Pancreas


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-7810

Scott, David L, MD…

OHSU Liver & Pancreas


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-7810


DiMarco, Connie, MD…

Oregon Urology Institute

2400 Hartman Ln Ste 200

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 334-3350

Hutchings, Timothy B, DO…

PMG - OB/GYN Health Center

940 Royal Ave Ste 350

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 732-7460

Hutchings, Timothy B, DO…

PMG - Medford Urogynecology


1698 E McAndrews Rd Ste 400

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 732-7400

Lloyd, Jessica, MD…

Oregon Urology Institute

2400 Hartman Ln Ste 100

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 334-3350

Wright, Tracie L, WHNP…

PMG - Medford Urogynecology


1698 E McAndrews Rd Ste 400

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 732-7400

Urological Surgery

Amling, Christopher L, MD…

OHSU Urology

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 10

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 346-1500

Barry, John M, MD…

OHSU Urology

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 10

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 346-1500

Davis, Nina S, MD…

OHSU Urogynecology

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-4500

Dugi, Daniel D, MD…

OHSU Urology

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 10

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 346-1500

Duty, Brian D, MD…

OHSU Urology

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 10

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 346-1500

Garzotto, Mark G, MD…

OHSU Urology

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 10

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 346-1500

Hedges, Jason C, MD…

OHSU Urology

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 10

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 346-1500

Liu, Jen-Jane, MD…

OHSU Urology

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 10

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 346-1500

Sajadi, Kamran P, MD…

OHSU Urology

3303 S Bond Ave Ste 10

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 346-1500


Bacher, Kathryn A, MD…

Asante Physician Partners -


691 Murphy Rd Ste 107

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 789-5121

Barrett, Ronald T, MD…

Sky Lakes Urology Clinic on

Bryant Williams

2200 Bryant Williams Dr 5

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 274-8910

Bashey, Jaffer H, MD…

Willamette Urology

2973 12th St SE

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 561-7100

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Bernardo, Suzanne J, PA…

Rogue Valley Urology

1698 E McAndrews Rd Ste 280

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 774-5808

Bodell, Dawn M, DO…

Oregon Urology Institute

2400 Hartman Ln Ste 100

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 334-3350

Bryan, Kadi-Ann N, MD…

Rogue Valley Urology

1698 E McAndrews Rd Ste 280

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 774-5808

Bui, Thong T, MD…

Rogue Valley Urology

1698 E McAndrews Rd Ste 280

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 774-5808

Carson, Mark, MD…

Oregon Urology Institute

2400 Hartman Ln Ste 200

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 334-3350

Davol, Patrick E, MD…

Rogue Valley Urology

1698 E McAndrews Rd Ste 280

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 774-5808

Eoff, Donna D, WHNP…

Oregon Urology Institute

2550 NE Edenbower Blvd Ste 102

Roseburg, OR 97470

(541) 334-3350

Eoff, Donna D, WHNP…

Oregon Urology Institute

2400 Hartman Ln Ste 200

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 334-3350

Esrig, David, MD…

Oregon Urology Institute

1441 7th Ave Ste A

Florence, OR 97439

(541) 334-3350

Esrig, David, MD…

Oregon Urology Institute

2400 Hartman Ln Ste 200

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 334-3350

Evans, Parker-Leigh, NP…

Oregon Urology Institute

2400 Hartman Ln Ste 100

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 334-3350

Evans, Parker-Leigh, NP…

Oregon Urology Institute

2550 NE Edenbower Blvd Ste 102

Roseburg, OR 97470

(541) 334-3350

Ferguson, Genoa G, MD…

Oregon Urology Institute

2400 Hartman Ln Ste 200

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 334-3350

Ferguson, Genoa G, MD…

Oregon Urology Institute

2550 NE Edenbower Blvd Ste 102

Roseburg, OR 97470

(541) 334-3350

Fielder, Erica S, NP…

Oregon Urology Institute

2400 Hartman Ln Ste 200

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 334-3350

Godwin, Christina A, MD…

Asante Physician Partners -


691 Murphy Rd Ste 107

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 789-5121

Harp, Joseph, PA-C…

Oregon Urology Institute

2400 Hartman Ln Ste 100

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 334-3350

Harp, Joseph, PA-C…

Oregon Urology Institute

2550 NE Edenbower Blvd Ste 102

Roseburg, OR 97470

(541) 334-3350

Harp, Joseph, PA-C…

Oregon Urology Institute

1441 7th Ave Ste A

Florence, OR 97439

(541) 334-3350

Hoff, Douglas, MD…

Oregon Urology Institute

2400 Hartman Ln Ste 100

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 334-3350

Hopkins, Scott A, MD…

Asante Physician Partners -


691 Murphy Rd Ste 107

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 789-5121

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Johnson, Michael H, MD…

Oregon Urology Institute

2400 Hartman Ln Ste 100

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 334-3350

Jorgensen, Chad, PA-C…

Oregon Urology Institute

2400 Hartman Ln Ste 100

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 334-3350

Kollmorgen, Thomas A, MD…

Oregon Urology Institute

2400 Hartman Ln Ste 200

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 334-3350

Kollmorgen, Thomas A, MD…

Oregon Urology Institute

1441 7th Ave Ste A

Florence, OR 97439

(541) 334-3350

Koppie, Theresa M, MD…

Willamette Urology

2973 12th St SE

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 561-7100

Kyle, Christopher, MD…

Oregon Urology Institute

2400 Hartman Ln Ste 100

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 334-3350

Kyle, Christopher, MD…

Oregon Urology Institute

2550 NE Edenbower Blvd Ste 102

Roseburg, OR 97470

(541) 334-3350

Lemmers, Michael J, MD…

Silverton Specialists

408 Welch St

Silverton, OR 97381

(503) 874-4626

Loos, James C, MD…

Asante Physician Partners -


691 Murphy Rd Ste 107

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 789-5121

Macleod, Liam C, MD…

Asante Physician Partners -


691 Murphy Rd Ste 107

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 789-5121

Martin, Christina R, NP…

Asante Physician Partners -


691 Murphy Rd Ste 107

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 789-5121

Martin, Eric, MD…

Eric L Martin, MD FACS PC

537 Murphy Rd Ste B

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 772-6600

McCarthy, Erika L, PA-C…

Willamette Urology

2973 12th St SE

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 561-7100

McClure, Mark W, MD…

Asante Physician Partners

700 SW Ramsey Ave

Grants Pass, OR 97527

(541) 507-2020

McKimmy, Roger, MD…

Oregon Urology Institute

2400 Hartman Ln Ste 100

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 334-3350

McKimmy, Roger, MD…

Oregon Urology Institute

1441 7th Ave Ste A

Florence, OR 97439

(541) 334-3350

Mehlhaff, Bryan, MD…

Oregon Urology Institute

2400 Hartman Ln Ste 100

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 334-3350

Mehlhaff, Bryan, MD…

Oregon Urology Institute

1441 7th Ave Ste A

Florence, OR 97439

(541) 334-3350

Mhoon, John M, MD…

Willamette Urology

2973 12th St SE

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 561-7100

O'Brien, Kayla N, NP…

Oregon Urology Institute

2400 Hartman Ln Ste 200

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 334-3350

Price, Paige E, FNP…

Oregon Urology Institute

2400 Hartman Ln Ste 100

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 334-3350

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Rosen, Phillip A, MD…

Willamette Urology

2973 12th St SE

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 561-7100

Walker, Brady, MD…

Oregon Urology Institute

2400 Hartman Ln Ste 200

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 334-3350

Walker, Brady, MD…

Oregon Urology Institute

1441 7th Ave Ste A

Florence, OR 97439

(541) 334-3350

Waltz, Victoria, PA-C…

Oregon Urology Institute

2400 Hartman Ln Ste 200

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 334-3350

Warner, Bradley W, MD…

Willamette Urology

2973 12th St SE

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 561-7100

Wells, Mark A, PA-C…

Oregon Urology Institute

2400 Hartman Ln Ste 100

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 334-3350

Wells, Mark A, PA-C…

Oregon Urology Institute

1441 7th Ave Ste A

Florence, OR 97439

(541) 334-3350

Woolsey, Jeffrey, MD…

Oregon Urology Institute

2400 Hartman Ln Ste 100

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 334-3350

Wright, Brianna M, NP…

Asante Physician Partners -


691 Murphy Rd Ste 107

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 789-5121

Vascular Neurology

Bozorgchami, Hormozd, MD…

OHSU Neurology

1935 E 19th St Ste 110

The Dalles, OR 97058

(503) 494-7225

Bozorgchami, Hormozd, MD…

OHSU Neurology

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-7772

Lutsep, Helmi L, MD…

OHSU Neurology

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-7772

Sachar, Pawani, MD

PMG - Medford Neurology

920 Royal Ave

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 732-8400

Vascular Surgery

Abraham, Cherrie Z, MD…

OHSU Vascular Surgery

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-7593

Azarbal, Amir F, MD…

OHSU Vascular Surgery

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-7593

Ballard, James R, MD…

Oregon Vascular Specialists,


1550 NE 27th St Ste 100

Bend, OR 97701

(541) 313-8111

Castillo, Juan M, MD…

Oregon Surgical Specialists, PC

520 Medical Center Dr Ste 300

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 930-8900

Chopra, Atish, MD…

Salem Health Vascular Surgery

665 Winter St SE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 561-2448

Crawford, Jeffrey D, MD…

Salem Health Vascular Surgery

665 Winter St SE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 561-2448

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Vascular Surgery

Eaton, Mark A, MD…

Oregon Surgical Specialists, PC

520 Medical Center Dr Ste 300

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 930-8900

Faught, William E, MD…

Oregon Surgical Specialists, PC

520 Medical Center Dr Ste 300

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 930-8900

Harris, Sheena K, MD…

Salem Health Vascular Surgery

665 Winter St SE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 561-2448

Hodges, Timothy C, MD…

Salem Health Vascular Surgery

665 Winter St SE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 561-2448

Jalbert, Darby S, PA…

Advanced Vascular Therapy

2480 Liberty St NE Ste 110

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 371-1756

Jhajj, Sandeep S, MD…

PMG - Vascular and General


940 Royal Ave Ste 420

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 732-8388

Jundt, Jason P, MD…

Oregon Vascular Specialists,


1550 NE 27th St Ste 100

Bend, OR 97701

(541) 313-8111

Jung, Enjae, MD…

OHSU Vascular Surgery

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-7593

Koopman, Matthew C, MD…

OHSU Vascular Surgery

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-7593

Landry, Gregory J, MD…

OHSU Vascular Surgery

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-7593

Liem, Timothy K, MD…

OHSU Vascular Surgery

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-7593

Long, Paul R, MD…

Oregon Vascular Specialists,


1550 NE 27th St Ste 100

Bend, OR 97701

(541) 313-8111

Marin, Morgan E, PA…

Advanced Vascular Therapy

2480 Liberty St NE Ste 110

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 371-1756

McLafferty, Robert B, MD…

OHSU Vascular Surgery

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-7593

Moneta, Gregory L, MD…

OHSU Vascular Surgery

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-7593

Nelson, Wayne K, MD…

Oregon Vascular Specialists,


1550 NE 27th St Ste 100

Bend, OR 97701

(541) 313-8111

Nguyen, Khanh, MD…

OHSU Vascular Surgery

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-7593

Partsafas, Aaron W, MD…

PMG - Vascular and General


940 Royal Ave Ste 420

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 732-8388

Phelan, Patrick J, MD…

Oregon Surgical Specialists, PC

520 Medical Center Dr Ste 300

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 930-8900

Pittman, Ricky D, MD…

Silver Falls Dermatology - Salem

1793 13th St SE

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 362-8385

Plummer, Mitchell M, MD…

Oregon Surgical Specialists, PC

520 Medical Center Dr Ste 300

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 930-8900

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Vascular Surgery

Roseborough, Glen S, MD…

Advanced Vascular Therapy

2480 Liberty St NE Ste 110

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 371-1756

Street, David L, MD…

Oregon Surgical Specialists, PC

520 Medical Center Dr Ste 300

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 930-8900

Studer, Matthew J, PA…

Salem Health Vascular Surgery

665 Winter St SE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 561-2448

Teso, Desarom, MD…

PeaceHealth Oregon Bariatric


3377 RiverBend Dr

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 222-2700

Traul, David K, MD…

Oregon Surgical Specialists, PC

520 Medical Center Dr Ste 300

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 930-8900

Women's Health

Bzowy, Jennifer K, WHNP…

Accent on Women's Health

2460 NW Stewart Pkwy Ste 240

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 677-4427

Carhart, Kirstin A, CNM…

Aviva Health Center - Roseburg

150 NE Kenneth Ford Dr

Roseburg, OR 97470

(541) 672-9596

DeGrazia, Christa E, WHNP…

One Peak Medical - Hillcrest

3265 Hillcrest Park Dr

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 494-9355

DeGrazia, Christa E, WHNP…

One Peak Medical - Ashland

2205 Ashland Street

Ashland, OR 97520

(541) 526-9016

Diaz, Heather N, MD…

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Florence - Women's Care Center

340 9th St

Florence, OR 97439

(541) 902-1634

Frommer-Sherbow, Ute, NMNP…

Talent Clinic

312 E Main St

Talent, OR 97540

(541) 535-9108

Larson, Kimberly D, WHNP…

Medford Women's Clinic

3170 State St

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 864-8900

Luckman, Jessica L, NP…

PMG - Medford Urogynecology


1698 E McAndrews Rd Ste 400

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 732-7400

Luckman, Jessica L, NP…

PMG - OB/GYN Health Center

940 Royal Ave Ste 350

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 732-7460

Meek, Rebecca M, NP…

One Peak Medical - Hillcrest

3265 Hillcrest Park Dr

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 494-9355

Meek, Rebecca M, NP…

One Peak Medical - Siskiyou

2655 Siskiyou Blvd

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 304-8008

Niemela, Donna J, NMNP…

Women's Health and Wellness


3502 Excel Dr 101

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 690-1215

Stearman, Heather J, MD…

Aviva Health Center - Roseburg

150 NE Kenneth Ford Dr

Roseburg, OR 97470

(541) 672-9596

Taylor, Kristi A, WHNP…

PMG - Medford Urogynecology


1698 E McAndrews Rd Ste 400

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 732-7400

Taylor, Kristi A, WHNP…

PMG - OB/GYN Health Center

940 Royal Ave Ste 350

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 732-7460

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

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Women's Health

Thompson, Mitzi D, NP…

Accent on Women's Health

2460 NW Stewart Pkwy Ste 240

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 677-4427

Warner, Ashley N, NP…

Women's Health and Wellness


3502 Excel Dr 101

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 690-1215

Wheelock, Bobijo, FNP…

Sky Lakes Women's Health Clinic

2850 Daggett Ave

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 274-8610

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

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Ambulatory Surgery Center

Aesthetic Surgery Center of

Eugene…2550 Willakenzie Rd Ste 2

Eugene, OR 97401

(541) 434-0922

Ashland Surgery Center…658 N Main St

Ashland, OR 97520

(541) 482-5518

Cascade Surgery Center…120 NE Manzanita Ave

Grants Pass, OR 97526

(541) 479-2824

Crater Lake Surgery Center…833 Bennett Ave

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 200-3600

Eye Surgery Center…1408 E Barnett Rd

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 779-2020

Grants Pass Surgery Center…1601 NW Hawthorne Ave

Grants Pass, OR 97526

(541) 472-4880

Klamath Surgery Center…2640 Biehn St 2

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 884-5559

Laser & Surgical Eye Center…1333 E Barnett Rd

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 779-4711

Northbank Surgical Center…2525 12th St SE Ste 110

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 364-3704

Oregon ENT Surgery Center…1170 Royal Ave

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 779-7331

Oregon Eye Surgery Center…1550 Oak St Ste 8

Eugene, OR 97401

(541) 683-8771

Oregon SurgiCenter…2400 Hartman Ln Ste 300

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 343-1603

River Road Surgery Center…3099 River Rd S Ste 100

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 361-3094

Rogue Valley Surgery Center

LLC…2925 Siskiyou Blvd

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 773-1435

Salem Endoscopy Center…875 Oak St SE Ste 3095

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 561-8170

Salem Laser and Surgery

Center…1330 Commercial St SE

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 763-1973

Surgery Center of Southern

Oregon…2798 E Barnett Rd

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 858-8100

Two Rivers Surgical Center…74-B Centennial Lp Ste 200

Eugene, OR 97401

(541) 393-0925

Valley Plastic Surgery…1170 Royal Ave

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 512-4771

Vision Surgery & Laser Center…2435 NW Kline St

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 673-8182

Willamette Surgery Center…1445 State St

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 365-3965

Providers with * are not accepting new patients

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Charles T Gonsowski, MD…2865 Daggett Ave

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

E Richard Clark, MD…2525 12th St SE Ste 110

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 364-3704

OHSU Anesthesiology…3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-7641

OHSU Anesthesiology…3303 S Bond Ave

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-7641

OHSU Anesthesiology…3375 SW Terwilliger Blvd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-7641

Oregon Anesthesiology Group,

PC…1111 Crater Lake Ave

Medford, OR 97504

(503) 299-9906

Oregon Anesthesiology Group,

PC…890 Oak St SE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 299-9906

Oregon Anesthesiology Group,

PC…665 Winter St SE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 299-9906

Peter Lusich Anesthesia, MD…2865 Daggett Ave

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 882-6311

Peter Lusich Anesthesia, MD…2640 Biehn St Ste 2

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 884-5559

Rebecca T Morton-Nonweiler,

MD Inc…2865 Daggett Ave

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(503) 299-9906

Roseburg Anesthesiology

Specialists…2801 Mercy Dr

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 677-2800

Stefan Jodko, MD…2865 Dagett Ave

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 882-6311

Susan F Barnes…2865 Daggett Ave

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 882-6311

Vanessa Vu, MD…2801 NW Mercy Dr Ste 200

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 677-2800

Vincent D Herr, MD…2865 Daggett Ave

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 882-6311

Wutte MD Inc…1445 State St

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 365-3965

Diagnostic Radiology

Diagnostic Laboratories…17744 NE San Rafael

Portland, OR 97230

(800) 660-0531

Medford Radiological Group…1910 E Barnett Rd Ste 104

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 618-5801

Mid Rogue Imaging Center…1619 NW Hawthorne Ave Ste 102

Grants Pass, OR 97526

(541) 472-5154

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Diagnostic Radiology

OHSU Diagnostic Radiology…1500 NW Bethany Blvd Ste 195

Beaverton, OR 97006

(503) 418-0990

OHSU Diagnostic Radiology…3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-0990

OHSU Diagnostic Radiology…3303 S Bond Ave

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-0990

OHSU Diagnostic Radiology…3930 SE Division St

Portland, OR 97202

(503) 418-0990

OHSU Diagnostic Radiology…4411 SW Vermont St

Portland, OR 97219

(503) 418-0990

OHSU Diagnostic Radiology…51377 Old Portland Rd Ste C

Scappoose, OR 97056

(503) 418-0990

OHSU Hematology & Medical

Oncology…15700 SW Greystone Ct

Beaverton, OR 97006

(971) 262-9000

Oregon Advanced Imaging, LLC…870 S Front St

Central Point, OR 97502

(541) 608-0350

Oregon Advanced Imaging, LLC…881 O'Hare Pkwy

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 608-0350

Oregon Advanced Imaging, LLC…1107 Crater Lake Ave

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 608-0350

Oregon Imaging Centers…1200 Hilyard St Ste 330

Eugene, OR 97401

(541) 334-7555

Radiology Associates, PC…10 Coburg Rd Ste 330

Eugene, OR 97401

(541) 334-7550

Radiology Associates, PC…445 Harlow Rd Ste 200

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 681-8586

Roseburg Radiologists PC…1813 W Harvard Ave Ste 411

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 673-4303

Salem Clinic, PC- Radiology…2020 Capitol St NE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 399-2424

Salem Radiology Consultants…2925 Ryan Dr SE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 399-1262

Sky Lakes Outpatient Imaging…2900 Daggett Ave

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 884-1371


Cornell Road Dialysis…1700 NW 167th Pl Ste 230

Beaverton, OR 97006

(503) 439-8829

Fresenius Medical Care Eugene…201 River Ave

Eugene, OR 97404

(541) 743-4335

Fresenius Medical Care

Florence…2820 Kingwood St

Florence, OR 97439

(541) 997-1136

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Fresenius Medical Care Mt

Hood…23335 SE Stark St

Gresham, OR 97030

(503) 465-0424

Fresenius Medical Care

Redmond…916 SW 17th St Ste 100

Redmond, OR 97756

(541) 548-2778

Fresenius Medical Care West

Salem…1060 2nd St NW

Salem, OR 97304

(503) 763-3257

Glen Creek Dialysis…645 9th St 145

Salem, OR 97304

(503) 365-6316

Grants Pass II Dialysis (DaVita)…1055 Redwood Ave

Grants Pass, OR 97527

(541) 479-0545

Hillsboro Dialysis (Davita)…2500 NE Century Blvd Ste 300 Bldg


Hillsboro, OR 97124

(503) 681-9460

Klamath Falls Dialysis (DaVita)…2421 Washburn Way Ste B

Klamath Falls, OR 97603

(866) 544-6741

Lancaster Drive Dialysis

(DaVita)…421 Lancaster Dr NE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 581-6236

Meridian Park Dialysis Center

(Davita)…19255 SW 65th Ave Ste 100

Tualatin, OR 97062

(503) 692-8159

NE Salem Dialysis (DaVita)…4792 Portland Rd NE

Salem, OR 97305

(503) 393-2142

PNRS - Beaverton Dialysis

Clinic…2715 SW 153rd Dr

Beaverton, OR 97006

(503) 520-1363

PNRS - Eastern Oregon Dialysis

Clinic…10601 S Walton Rd

La Grande, OR 97850

(541) 663-8420

PNRS - Emanuel…2801 N Gantenbein Ave Ste 4400

Portland, OR 97227

(503) 413-4346

PNRS - Hollywood Dialysis

Center…2824 NE Wasco St

Portland, OR 97232

(503) 493-8227

PNRS - Home Dialysis…2701 NW Vaughn St Ste 150

Portland, OR 97210

(503) 205-0320

PNRS - McMinnville Kidney

Center…345 SE Norton Ln Ste B

McMinnville, OR 97128

(503) 474-2680

PNRS - North Coast Dialysis

Clinic…632 Marine Dr Ste 100

Astoria, OR 97103

(503) 338-3885

PNRS - Rose Quarter Dialysis

Center…4905 NE Martin Luther King Jr Blvd

Portland, OR 97211

(503) 288-7020

PNRS - Twin Oaks…15201 NW Greenbrier Pkwy Ste


Beaverton, OR 97006

(503) 690-4883

Qualicenters- Salem…440 Lancaster Dr NE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 364-1130

Rogue Valley Dialysis (Davita)…760 Golf View Dr Ste 100

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 776-4805

Roseburg Mercy Dialysis

(Davita)…2410 NW Edenbower Blvd Ste 178

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 672-4608

Salem Dialysis (DaVita)…3550 Liberty Rd S Ste 100

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 371-8047

Salem North Dialysis (Davita)…1220 Liberty St NE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 315-2212

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Sherwood Dialysis Center

(Davita)…21035 SW Pacific Hwy

Sherwood, OR 97140

(503) 925-0105

Siskiyou Dialysis…50 Rossanley Dr

Medford, OR 97501

(541) 414-2437

Woodburn Dialysis (DaVita)…1840 Newberg Hwy Ste 140

Woodburn, OR 97071

(800) 424-6589

Durable Medical Equipment

180 Medical…7869 SW Nimbus Ave Space 29-E

Beaverton, OR 97008

(877) 688-2729

A Step Forward…8605 SW Terwilliger Blvd

Portland, OR 97219

(503) 478-0600

A Step Forward…744 Hawthorne Ave NE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 798-4988

A Turning Leaf Home Medical

Equipment…75 E Oak St

Lebanon, OR 97355

(541) 570-1868

A Turning Leaf Home Medical

Equipment*…315 Mission St SE Ste 100

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 689-1597

Acelis Connected Health…6465 National Drive

Livermore, CA 94550

(877) 262-4669

Advanced Cardio Services

2544 Campbell Place Ste 275

Carlsbad, CA 92009

(866) 416-8989

Advanced Diabetes Supply…2544 Campbell Pl Ste 150

Carlsbad, CA 92009

(866) 422-4866

American Medical Technologies…17595 Cartwright Road

Irvine, CA 92614

(714) 556-0200

American Seating & Mobility…7525 NE Ambassador Pl. Ste B

Portland, OR 97220

(503) 253-4655

Byram Healthcare…10202 E Burnside St Ste 7

Portland, OR 97216

(800) 678-0707

Cynthia's on Main…347 Main St

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 345-9204

Edgepark Medical Supplies…1810 Summit Commerce Park

Twinsburg, OH 44087

(800) 321-0591

Foothills Medical Supply…304 N 1st St

Silverton, OR 97381

(503) 873-4083

Grove Medical Equipment &

Supply…148 Gateway Blvd

Cottage Grove, OR 97424

(541) 225-5443

Grove Medical Equipment &

Supply…2260 NW Stewart Parkway

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 225-5999

Hanger Clinic: Prosthetics and

Orthotics…10117 SE Sunnyside Rd Ste L

Clackamas, OR 97015

(503) 653-9772

Hanger Clinic: Prosthetics and

Orthotics…1840 E Barnett Rd Ste A

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 779-8199

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Durable Medical Equipment

Hanger Clinic: Prosthetics and

Orthotics…9450 SW Barnes Rd Ste 160

Portland, OR 97225

(503) 296-9955

Hanger Clinic: Prosthetics and

Orthotics…832 W Harvard Ave

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 672-7482

Hanger Clinic: Prosthetics and

Orthotics…675 12th St SE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 581-9191

Hanger Clinic: Prosthetics and

Orthotics…445 Harlow Rd 110

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 485-1363

Home Care Delivered…11013 W Broad St 4th Flr

Glen Allen, VA 23060

(800) 565-5644

InfuSystem…3851 W Hamlin Rd

Rochester Hills, MI 48309

(800) 962-9656

Inogen…326 Bollay Dr

Goleta, CA 93117

(805) 562-0500

KCI USA - Boise…6135 W Corporal Ln

Boise, ID 83704

(800) 275-4524

KCI USA - Fresno…1155 E North Ave Ste 105

Fresno, CA 93725

(800) 275-4524

KCI USA - Portland…11937 NE Sumner St Ste H

Portland, OR 97220

(800) 275-4524

KCI USA - Sacramento…3951 Performance Dr Ste H

Sacramento, CA 95838

(800) 275-4524

Ladies First Choice, Inc…2375 Grear St NE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 363-3940

Lincare…155 N Schoneman Ave

Coos Bay, OR 97420

(541) 269-0607

Lincare…2795 Anderson Ave Ste 107

Klamath Falls, OR 97603

(541) 882-2325

Lincare…3263 Biddle Rd

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 773-2211

Lincare…7301 SW Kable Ln Ste 900

Portland, OR 97224

(503) 624-8884

Lincare…1810 NW Mulholland Dr

Roseburg, OR 97470

(541) 957-0907

Lincare…3547 Fairview Industrial Dr SE

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 566-8763

Lincare…4660 Main St Ste 320

Springfield, OR 97478

(541) 741-8330

MDS Medical Device Specialty…270 W 500 N

North Salt Lake, UT 84054

(801) 475-0303

Medical Logistics Solutions…1310 Coburg Rd Ste 10, Unit 4

Eugene, OR 97401

(541) 515-6258

Mobility Solutions Prosthetics

and Orthotics…441 Union St NE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 339-7096

National Seating & Mobility…5820 Jean Rd Ste 100

Lake Oswego, OR 97035

(503) 746-6333

Norco Medical Supplies…63024 Sherman Rd

Bend, OR 97703

(541) 388-2273

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Durable Medical Equipment

Norco Medical Supplies…3310 Washburn Way

Klamath Falls, OR 97603

(541) 885-2996

Norco Medical Supplies…1877 NE 7th Ave

Portland, OR 97212

(503) 288-8174

Norco Medical Supplies…3039 S Hwy 97

Redmond, OR 97756

(541) 548-1044

Norco Medical Supplies…2685 Commercial St NE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 378-1756

Norco Medical Supplies…302 Shelly St

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 343-0304

Northwest Medical - Medford…935 Town Centre, Dr Ste 101

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 973-2616

Northwest Medical - Portland…1010 SE Stark St

Portland, OR 97214

(800) 367-6963

Northwest Medical - Springfield…939 Harlow Rd Ste 120

Springfield, OR 97477

(800) 280-1862

Numotion…4823 Industry Dr

Central Point, OR 97502

(541) 772-1771

Numotion…646 SW Umatilla Ave Ste 1

Redmond, OR 97756

(541) 330-3934

Numotion…200 Hawthorne Ave SE C340

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 385-4954

Numotion…915 International Way

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 686-9706

Numotion…11975 SW Herman Rd

Tualatin, OR 97062

(503) 582-1955

Numotion…1301 NE 144th St Ste 118

Vancouver, WA 98685

(360) 993-8660

Olson Medical Services*…16242 SE McLoughlin Blvd

Milwaukie, OR 97267

(503) 607-1170

Option 1 Healthcare Solutions…8063 SW Cirrus Dr Ste 20-F

Beaverton, OR 97008

(866) 883-1188

Pacific Medical - Corvallis…2292 NW Kings Blvd

Corvallis, OR 97330

(541) 752-9034

Pacific Medical - Medford…2594 E Barnett Rd Ste A

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 608-2478

Pacific Medical - Salem…1344 Liberty St SE Ste 150

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 385-1702

Physicians Building Pharmacy…1234 Commercial St SE

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 362-4874

Priority Footwear & Pedorthic

Services…10240 SW Nimbus Ave L1

Portland, OR 97223

(503) 524-9656

Prism Medical Products…112 Church St Ste 101

Elkin, NC 28621

(888) 244-6421

Prosthetics by Lynda…345 NE Norton Ave

Bend, OR 97701

(541) 383-8085

Respiratory Solutions…9020 N Capital of Texas Hwy, Bldg

2 Ste 230

Austin, TX 78759

(888) 665-8855

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Durable Medical Equipment

RespirTech…5905 Nathan Lane North 200

Plymouth, MN 55442

(800) 793-1261

Rick's Medical Supply…482 NE Winchester St

Roseburg, OR 97470

(541) 672-3042

Rotech - Eugene…4284 W 7th Ave Unit D

Eugene, OR 97402

(541) 393-0136

Rotech - Portland…10150 SW Nimbus Ave Ste E6 &


Portland, OR 97223

(503) 968-5281

Saffron's Specialized Medical…875 Oak St SE Bldg C Ste 1020

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 339-7094

Sound Health Medical Supply…10130 SW Nimbus Ave D9

Tigard, OR 97223

(503) 639-9501

Spectrum Orthotics &

Prosthetics…1963 Thompson Rd

Coos Bay, OR 97420

(541) 269-1773

Spectrum Orthotics &

Prosthetics…300 Union Ave Ste C

Grants Pass, OR 97527

(541) 955-9678

Spectrum Orthotics &

Prosthetics…2231 N Eldorado Ave

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 884-5348

Spectrum Orthotics &

Prosthetics…1180 Crater Lake Ave

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 734-2435

Spectrum Orthotics &

Prosthetics…2504 NW Medical Park Dr

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 673-1275

Valley Opticians…780 NW Garden Valley Blvd Ste


Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 672-5400

Willamette Orthotics &

Prosthetics…1630 SE 9th Avenue

Albany, OR 97321

(541) 967-7100

Willamette Orthotics &

Prosthetics…2200 NE Neff Rd Ste 307

Bend, OR 97701

(541) 389-5422

Willamette Orthotics &

Prosthetics…400 NW Walnut Blvd Ste 100

Corvallis, OR 97330

(541) 738-2462

Willamette Orthotics &

Prosthetics…935 Willagillespie Rd

Eugene, OR 97401

(541) 743-0612

Willamette Orthotics &

Prosthetics…3011 NE West Devils Lake Rd

Lincoln City, OR 97367

(541) 996-9688

Willamette Orthotics &

Prosthetics…345 SE Norton Ln Ste A

McMinnville, OR 97128

(503) 474-4434

Willamette Orthotics &

Prosthetics…111 NW Larch Ave Ste 100

Redmond, OR 97756

(541) 923-2552

Willamette Orthotics &

Prosthetics…2420 Grear St NE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 364-6006

Willamette Orthotics &

Prosthetics…1310 Meridian Dr Ste B1

Woodburn, OR 97071

(971) 338-9353

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Home Health Services

AccentCare Home Health of

Rogue Valley, LLC…691 Murphy Rd Ste 236

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 414-1800

Amedisys Home Health

12021 NE Glenn Widing Dr. Ste G

Portland, OR 97220

(503) 253-5155

Amedisys Home Health

1820 NW Mulholland Dr

Roseburg, OR 97470

(541) 440-3052

Amedisys Home Health

3220 State St Ste 100

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 364-9850

First Call Home Health Agency

2608 Cascadia Industrial St SE

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 371-4567

Healthy Living at Home -

Portland…16083 SW Upper Boones Ferry Rd

Ste 100

Portland, OR 97224

(888) 743-4979

Healthy Living at Home - Salem…200 Hawthorne Ave SE E510

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 766-3124

Mercy Home Health…2675 NW Edenbower Blvd

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 677-2384

Providence Benedictine Home

Health…570 S Main St

Mt Angel, OR 97362

(503) 845-9226

Providence Medford Home Care…1111 Crater Lake Ave

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 732-5000

Riverside Home Health Care…402 SE G St

Grants Pass, OR 97526

(541) 476-1583

Signature Home Health - Albany…317 W 1st Ave Ste 301

Albany, OR 97321

(541) 812-5254

Signature Home Health Central

Point…834 S Front St

Central Point, OR 97502

(541) 664-7400

Signature Home Health Eugene…1200 Executive Parkway Ste 410

Eugene, OR 97401

(541) 461-0325

Signature Home Health Salem…1220 20th St SE

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 364-0347

Signature Home Health Tigard…7632 SW Durham Rd Ste 105

Tigard, OR 97224

(503) 783-2470

Sky Lakes Home Health Care…2605 Crosby Ave

Klamath Falls, OR 97603

(541) 274-6293


Asante Ashland Community

Hospital…280 Maple St

Ashland, OR 97520

(541) 201-4000

Asante Rogue Regional Medical

Center…2825 E Barnett Rd

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 789-7000

Asante Three Rivers Medical

Center…500 SW Ramsey Ave

Grants Pass, OR 97527

(541) 472-7000

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Cottage Grove Community

Medical Center…1515 Village Dr

Cottage Grove, OR 97424

(541) 767-5500

Legacy Emanuel Medical

Center…2801 N Gantenbein Ave

Portland, OR 97227

(503) 413-2200

Legacy Good Samaritan Medical

Center…1015 NW 22nd Ave

Portland, OR 97210

(503) 413-7711

Legacy Meridian Park Medical

Center…19300 SW 65th Ave

Tualatin, OR 97062

(503) 692-1212

Legacy Mount Hood Medical

Center…24800 SE Stark St

Gresham, OR 97030

(503) 674-1122

Legacy Salmon Creek Hospital…2211 NE 139th St

Vancouver, WA 98686

(360) 487-1000

Legacy Silverton Medical

Center…342 Fairview St

Silverton, OR 97381

(503) 873-1500

Lower Umpqua Hospital…600 Ranch Rd

Reedsport, OR 97467

(541) 271-2171

Mercy Medical Center…2700 NW Stewart Pkwy

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 673-0611

Oregon Health & Science

University…3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-8311

Peace Harbor Medical Center…400 9th St

Florence, OR 97439

(541) 997-8412

PeaceHealth Sacred Heart

Medical Center (RiverBend)…3333 Riverbend Dr

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 222-7300

PeaceHealth Sacred Heart

Medical Center (University

District)…1255 Hilyard St

Eugene, OR 97401

(541) 686-7300

Providence Medford Medical

Center…1111 Crater Lake Ave

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 732-5000

Salem Hospital…890 SE Oak St SE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 561-5200

Santiam Memorial Hospital…1401 N 10th Ave

Stayton, OR 97383

(503) 769-2175

Sky Lakes Medical Center…2865 Daggett Ave

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 882-6311

Southern Coos Hospital & Health

Center…900 11th St SE

Bandon, OR 97411

(541) 347-2426

Vibra Specialty Hospital of

Portland…10300 NE Hancock St

Portland, OR 97220

(503) 257-5500

West Valley Hospital…525 SE Washington St

Dallas, OR 97338

(503) 623-8301

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Infectious Disease

Cascade Infectious Disease &

Infusion…2720 Commercial St SE Ste 201

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 540-9999

HIV Alliance…1195A City View Street

Eugene, OR 97402

(541) 556-1409

HIV Alliance…647 W Luellen Drive Ste 3

Roseburg, OR 97470

(541) 556-1409

Infusion Therapy

Asante Community Services…2900 East Barnett Rd Ste 1

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 789-4377

Option Care at Legacy Health -

Bend…2275 NE Doctors Dr Ste 10

Bend, OR 97701

(855) 613-0023

Option Care at Legacy Health -

Portland…16195 SW 72nd Ave

Portland, OR 97224

(503) 536-8300

Soleo Health…1324 W Winton Ave

Hayward, CA 94545

(510) 362-7360

Laboratory Services

Inform Diagnostics…6655 N MacArthur Blvd

Irving, TX 75039

(866) 588-3280

Labcorp…7777 Forest Lane C350

Dallas, TX 75230

(800) 788-9892

mdINR…72 Bonaventure Dr

San Jose, CA 95134

(800) 231-2290

Nepenthe Laboratory Services…1710 Willow Creek Circle

Eugene, OR 97402

(541) 654-5039

Precision Diagnostics…4215 Sorrento Valley Blvd

San Diego, CA 92121

(800) 635-6901

Quest Diagnostics…5220 NE 122nd Ave

Portland, OR 97230

(866) 697-8378

Quest Diagnostics…1737 Airport Way S Ste 200

Seattle, WA 98134

(866) 697-8378

Schryver Medical…12688 Interurban Ave S

Tukwila, WA 98168

(800) 638-3240

Occupational Therapy

Authentic Healing…308 N Laurel St

Ashland, OR 97520

(541) 482-9182

Hope Orthopedics of Oregon…5825 Shoreview Ln N

Keizer, OR 97303

(503) 540-6300

Hope Orthopedics of Oregon…1600 State St

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 540-6300

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Occupational Therapy

Northwest Rehabilitation

Associates…3270 Liberty Rd S

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 371-0779

Powered by Motion Physical

Therapy…4734 River Rd N

Keizer, OR 97303

(503) 967-7874

PT Northwest…685 36th Ave NE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 371-8860

PT Northwest…1750 Wilco Rd

Stayton, OR 97383

(503) 769-7131

Salem Health Rehab Services -

Dallas…525 SE Washington St

Dallas, OR 97338

(503) 623-7305

Salem Health Rehabilitation

Center…755 Mission St SE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 561-5986

Sanders Hand Therapy…2217 Country Club Rd

Woodburn, OR 97071

(503) 982-4200

Therapy Plus…470 NE Stephens St Ste 102

Roseburg, OR 97470

(541) 673-5770


Northern Pacific Diagnostics…2865 Daggett Ave

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 274-6243

Pathology Consultants…1775 Thompson Rd

Coos Bay, OR 97420

(541) 341-8033

Pathology Consultants…123 International Way

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 341-8033

Physical Therapy

Aaron D Anders Physical

Therapy…1911 United Way

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 773-2999

ATI Physical Therapy…2480 Liberty St NE Ste 140

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 763-3525

ATI Physical Therapy…3165 Commercial St SE Ste 101 &


Salem, OR 97302

(503) 566-7700

Authentic Healing…308 N Laurel St

Ashland, OR 97520

(541) 482-9182

BenchMark Physical Therapy…365 Westfield St

Silverton, OR 97381

(503) 873-6111

Benchmark Physical Therapy of

Oregon…625 Ramsey Ave Ste B

Grants Pass, OR 97527

(541) 479-6979

Benchmark Physical Therapy of

Oregon…117 McNary Estates Dr N

Keizer, OR 97303

(503) 400-7717

Benchmark Physical Therapy of

Oregon…6250 Commercial St SE

Salem, OR 97306

(503) 485-1666

Benchmark Physical Therapy of

Oregon…4132 Devonshire Ct NE

Salem, OR 97305

(503) 364-5313

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Physical Therapy

Benchmark Physical Therapy of

Oregon…300 Glen Creek Rd NW

Salem, OR 97304

(503) 990-8627

Body Essential Physical Therapy

and Massage…1032 SE Lane Ave

Roseburg, OR 97470

(541) 784-7771

BodyWorks Physical Therapy,

Orthopedics & Sports Rehab

3051 S 6th St

Klamath Falls, OR 97603

(541) 884-1865

BPM Physical Therapy Center

233 Madrona Ave SE

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 566-7782

Bradshaw Physical Therapy and

Wellness Center

223 Wintersage Circle Unit A

Talent, OR 97540

(541) 482-3126

Connected Physical Therapy…2627 Siskiyou Blvd 102

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 500-1779

Core Physical Therapy &

Rehabilitation Services…4880 Grange Rd

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 391-4712

CORE PT & Training…771 W Stewart Ave Ste 103

Medford, OR 97501

(541) 500-8029

Darrington Physical Therapy…289 E Ellendale Ave Ste 101

Dallas, OR 97338

(503) 623-9676

Direct Physical Therapy…753 Wrights Creek Dr

Ashland, OR 97520

(541) 941-5170

Direct Physical Therapy…21850 Hwy 62 Ste 7

Shady Cove, OR 97539

(541) 941-5170

Elevate Physical Therapy Fitness

& Performance…2312 S 6th St Ste B

Klamath Falls, OR 97603

(541) 887-2030

Fairway Physical Therapy

211 Dakota St

Sutherlin, OR 97479

(541) 315-2851

Focus Physical Therapy…550 SW Industrial Way Ste 130

Bend, OR 97702

(541) 385-3344

Focus Physical Therapy…1239 NE Medical Center Dr Ste


Bend, OR 9770

(541) 385-3344

Hope Orthopedics of Oregon…5825 Shoreview Ln N

Keizer, OR 97303

(503) 540-6300

Hope Orthopedics of Oregon…1600 State St

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 540-6300

Integrated Physical Therapy,

Inc…2345 Biehn St

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 882-4612

Jackson County Physical

Therapy - Ashland Clinic…370 E Hersey St

Ashland, OR 97520

(541) 482-6360

Jackson County Physical

Therapy - Central Medford

Clinic…36 Hawthorne St

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 776-2333

Jackson County Physical

Therapy - Eagle Point Clinic…158 W Main St

Eagle Point, OR 97524

(541) 830-0914

Jackson County Physical

Therapy - East Medford Clinic…709 N Phoenix Rd

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 630-3055

Jacksonville Physical Therapy…635 North 5th Street

Jacksonville, OR 97530

(541) 899-8179

Jeff State Physical Therapy -

Ashland…850 Siskiyou Blvd Ste 6

Ashland, OR 97520

(541) 201-3183

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Physical Therapy

Keizer Physical Therapy…4953 River Rd N

Keizer, OR 97303

(503) 393-8741

Kleiman & Stamper Physical


2205 Ashland St Ste 204

Ashland, OR 97520

(541) 482-0242

Marilyn M Von Foerster PT…577 Bonnie Ct NW

Salem, OR 97304

(503) 365-7554

Marquis Physical Therapy and

Spine Rehab PC…2241 Country Club Rd

Woodburn, OR 97071

(503) 982-8544

Medford Sports Injury & Therapy

Center…1251 E McAndrews Ste 102

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 779-6146

Mountain View Physical Therapy

1735 Washburn Way

Klamath Falls, OR 97603

(541) 273-0892

Northwest Physical Therapy

2510 NW Edenbower Blvd Ste 124

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 957-5825

Northwest Rehabilitation

Associates…3270 Liberty Rd S

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 371-0779

Northwest Rehabilitation

Associates…3220 Liberty Rd S

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 371-0779

Optimum Physical Therapy

2448 W Harvard Ave

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 673-2408

Pacific Sport and Spine…74-B Centennial Loop Ste 100

Eugene, OR 97401

(541) 780-6654

Pacific Sport and Spine…89B Centennial Loop

Eugene, OR 97401

(541) 780-6654

Pacific Sport and Spine…341 Medical Lp Ste 100

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 780-6654

Pacific Sport and Spine…1614 SE Stephens St

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 780-6654

PeaceHealth Medical Group -

Barger Physical Therapy…4010 Aerial Way

Eugene, OR 97402

(541) 242-8410

Pinnacle Physical Therapy PC…210 W Ellendale Ave Ste 100

Dallas, OR 97338

(503) 623-2433

Pinnacle Physical Therapy PC…4025 Cherry Ave NE

Keizer, OR 97303

(503) 390-9009

PMG - Ellendale Therapy…965 Ellendale Dr

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 734-3450

Powered by Motion Physical

Therapy…4734 River Rd N

Keizer, OR 97303

(503) 967-7874

Progressive Rehab and Work

Injury…7334 Crater Lake Hwy Ste B-1

White City, OR 97503

(541) 826-8200

PRO-Motion Advanced

Functional Rehab…601 N 1st Ave

Stayton, OR 97383

(503) 769-3123

Providence Ellendale Therapy…965 Ellendale Dr

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 734-3450

PT Northwest…335 NW 4th St

Corvallis, OR 97330

(541) 602-4423

PT Northwest…109 McNary Estates Dr

Keizer, OR 97303

(503) 463-5231

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Physical Therapy

PT Northwest…225 E Main S

Monmouth, OR 97361

(503) 838-4244

PT Northwest…2521 Boone Rd SE Ste 100

Salem, OR 97306

(503) 585-5131

PT Northwest…1594 Edgewater NW Ste 140

Salem, OR 97304

(503) 391-5542

PT Northwest…685 36th Ave NE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 371-8860

PT Northwest…1750 Wilco Rd

Stayton, OR 97383

(503) 769-7131

Riverside Physical Therapy

415 S Main St

Canyonville, OR 97417

(541) 839-4998

Riverside Physical Therapy…218 Redwood Hwy

Cave Junction, OR 97523

(541) 592-6580

Riverside Physical Therapy…114 S Molly St

Glendale, OR 97442

(541) 832-2765

Riverside Physical Therapy…544 Union Ave

Grants Pass, OR 97527

(541) 955-0940

Salem Health Medical Clinic

Woodburn - Rehab…105 Arney Rd Ste 130

Woodburn, OR 97071

(503) 902-3900

Salem Health Rehab Services -

Dallas…525 SE Washington St

Dallas, OR 97338

(503) 623-7305

Salem Health Rehabilitation

Center…755 Mission St SE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 561-5986

Siskiyou Physical Therapy

1485 NE 7th St

Grants Pass, OR 97526

(541) 479-6936

Therapeutic Associates…1217 Plaza Blvd Ste E

Central Point, OR 97502

(541) 664-2800

Therapeutic Associates…702 SW Ramsey Ste 220

Grants Pass, OR 97527

(541) 479-0765

Therapeutic Associates…5955 Shoreview Ln N Ste 100

Keizer, OR 97303

(503) 463-4221

Therapeutic Associates…1311 E Barnett Rd Ste 202

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 779-1041

Therapeutic Associates…213 NW Second Ave

Myrtle Creek, OR 97457

(541) 860-7550

Therapeutic Associates…2040 NW Newcastle St

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 673-1808

Therapeutic Associates…3400 State St Ste G704

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 378-7434

Therapeutic Associates…2925 River Rd S Ste 200

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 585-4824

Therapeutic Associates…515 Taggart Dr NW Ste 150

Salem, OR 97304

(503) 363-6770

Therapy Plus…470 NE Stephens St Ste 102

Roseburg, OR 97470

(541) 673-5770

Vibrance Physical Therapy &

Wellness…3295 Triangle Dr SE Ste 140

Salem, OR 94302

(503) 991-5223

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Psychiatric Hospital

Cedar Hills Hospital…10300 SW Eastridge St

Portland, OR 97225

(503) 944-5000

Radiation Oncology

Community Cancer Center…2880 NW Stewart Pkwy Ste 100

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 673-2267

OHSU Beaverton Radiation

Medicine…15700 SW Greystone Ct

Beaverton, OR 97006

(971) 262-9400

OHSU Radiation Medicine…335 SE 8th Ave

Hillsboro, OR 97123

(503) 494-8757

OHSU Radiation Medicine…3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 494-8756

OHSU Radiation Medicine…3303 S Bond Ave

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 418-9745

OHSU Tuality/OHSU Cancer

Center…299 SE 9th Ave

Hillsboro, OR 97123

(503) 681-4200

Oregon Urology Institute…2400 Hartman Ln Ste 100

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 334-3350

Oregon Urology Institute…2400 Hartman Ln Ste 100

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 334-3350

Oregon Urology Institute -

Radiation Center…1457 G St

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 334-3351

Radiation Oncology

Consultants…510 SW Ramsey Ave

Grants Pass, OR 97527

(541) 472-7040

Radiation Oncology

Consultants…1111 Crater Lake Ave

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 732-7000

Radiation Oncology

Consultants…2825 E Barnett Rd

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 789-4263

Radiation Oncology

Consultants…940 Royal Ave Ste 110

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 732-7000

Radiation Therapy Consultants -

McMinnville…2700 SE Stratus Ave Ste A

McMinnville, OR 97128

(503) 435-6593

Radiation Therapy Consultants -

Salem…875 Oak St SE Ste 1080

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 814-5294

Salem Health Cancer Institute…890 Oak St SE Bldg C

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 561-5419

Salem Health

Gynecology/Oncology…875 Oak St SE Bldg C

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 814-1434

Sky Lakes Cancer Treatment

Center…2610 Uhrmann Rd

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 883-4171

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Skilled Nursing Facilities

Avamere at Three Fountains…835 Crater Lake Ave

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 773-7717

Avamere Bend Transitional

Care…900 NE 27th St

Bend, OR 97701

(541) 382-0479

Avamere Court at Keizer…5210 River Rd N

Keizer, OR 97303

(503) 393-3624

Avamere Crestview of Portland…6530 SW 30th Ave

Portland, OR 97239

(503) 244-7533

Avamere Health Services of

Rogue Valley…625 Stevens St

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 779-3551

Avamere Laurelhurst Village

Rehabilitation Center…3060 SE Stark St

Portland, OR 97214

(503) 535-4700

Avamere Rehabilitation of

Beaverton…11850 SW Allen Blvd

Beaverton, OR 97005

(503) 646-7164

Avamere Rehabilitation of

Clackamas…220 E Hereford St

Gladstone, OR 97027

(503) 656-0393

Avamere Rehabilitation of Coos

Bay…2625 Koos Bay Blvd

Coos Bay, OR 97420

(541) 267-2161

Avamere Rehabilitation of

Eugene…2360 Chambers St

Eugene, OR 97405

(541) 687-1310

Avamere Rehabilitation of

Hillsboro…650 SE Oak St

Hillsboro, OR 97123

(503) 648-8588

Avamere Rehabilitation of

Junction City…530 Birch St

Junction City, OR 97448

(541) 998-2395

Avamere Rehabilitation of King

City…16485 SW Pacific Hwy

Tigard, OR 97224

(503) 620-5141

Avamere Rehabilitation of

Lebanon…350 S 8th St

Lebanon, OR 97355

(541) 259-1221

Avamere Rehabilitation of

Newport…835 SW 11th Ave

Newport, OR 97365

(541) 265-5356

Avamere Rehabilitation of

Oregon City…1400 Division St

Oregon City, OR 97045

(503) 656-0367

Avamere Riverpark of Eugene…425 Alexander Lp

Eugene, OR 97401

(541) 345-6199

Avamere The Pearl at Kruse Way

4550 Carman Dr

Lake Oswego, OR 97035

(503) 675-6055

Avamere Transitional Care at

Sunnyside…4515 Sunnyside Rd SE

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 370-8284

Cascade Terrace Nursing

Center…5601 SE 122nd Ave

Portland, OR 97236

(503) 761-3181

Chehalem Health &

Rehabilitation Center…1900 E Fulton St

Newberg, OR 97132

(503) 538-2108

Coast Fork Nursing Center…515 Grant Ave

Cottage Grove, OR 97424

(541) 942-5528

Corvallis Manor Nursing &

Rehabilitation Center…160 NE Conifer Blvd

Corvallis, OR 97330

(541) 757-1651

Creswell Health & Rehabilitation

Center…735 S 2nd St

Creswell, OR 97426

(541) 895-3333

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Skilled Nursing Facilities

Dallas Retirement Village…377 NW Jasper St

Dallas, OR 97338

(503) 623-5581

Forest Grove Rehabilitation and

Care Center…3900 Pacific Ave

Forest Grove, OR 97116

(503) 359-0449

French Prairie Nursing and

Rehabilitation Center…601 Evergreen Rd

Woodburn, OR 97071

(503) 982-0111

Glisan Care Center…9750 NE Glisan St

Portland, OR 97220

(503) 256-3920

Green Valley Rehabilitation

Health Center…1735 Adkins St

Eugene, OR 97401

(541) 683-5032

Hearthstone Nursing and

Rehabilitation Center…2901 E Barnett Rd

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 779-4221

Highland House Nursing and

Rehabilitation Center…2201 NW Highland Ave

Grants Pass, OR 97526

(541) 474-1901

Hillside Heights Rehabilitation

Center…1201 McLean Blvd

Eugene, OR 97405

(541) 683-2155

Hood River Care Center…729 Henderson Rd

Hood River, OR 97031

(541) 386-2688

Independence Health &

Rehabilitation Center…1525 Monmouth Street

Independence, OR 97351

(503) 838-0001

Linda Vista Nursing &

Rehabilitation Center…135 Maple St

Ashland, OR 97520

(541) 482-2341

Marquis Centennial Post Acute

Rehab…725 SE 202nd Ave

Portland, OR 97233

(503) 665-3118

Marquis Forest Grove Post Acute

Rehab…3300 19th Ave

Forest Grove, OR 97116

(503) 357-7119

Marquis Hope Village…1577 S Ivy St

Canby, OR 97013

(503) 266-5541

Marquis Marian Estates…390 SE Church St

Sublimity, OR 97385

(800) 440-2669

Marquis Mill Park…1475 SE 100th Ave

Portland, OR 97216

(503) 262-6000

Marquis Mt Tabor…6040 SE Belmont St

Portland, OR 97215

(503) 231-7166

Marquis Newberg…441 Werth Blvd

Newberg, OR 97132

(503) 538-9436

Marquis Oregon City Post Acute

Rehab…1680 Molalla Ave

Oregon City, OR 97045

(503) 655-2588

Marquis Piedmont Post Acute

Rehab…319 NE Russet St

Portland, OR 97211

(503) 289-5571

Marquis Plum Ridge…1401 Bryant Williams Dr

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 882-6691

Marquis Springfield…1333 N First St

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 736-2700

Marquis Tualatin Post Acute

Rehab…19945 SW Boones Ferry Rd

Tualatin, OR 97062

(503) 612-5400

Marquis Vermont Hills…6010 SW Shattuck Rd

Portland, OR 97221

(503) 246-8811

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Skilled Nursing Facilities

Marquis Wilsonville Post Acute

Rehab…30900 SW Parkway Ave

Wilsonville, OR 97070

(503) 682-2330

Molalla Manor Care Center…301 Ridings Ave

Molalla, OR 97038

(503) 829-5591

Oregon City Health Care Center…148 Hood St

Oregon City, OR 97045

(503) 656-4035

Park Forest Care Center…8643 NE Beech St

Portland, OR 97220

(503) 256-2151

Porthaven Health Care Center…5330 NE Prescott St

Portland, OR 97218

(503) 288-6585

Prestige Care & Rehabilitation -

Menlo Park…745 NE 122nd Ave

Portland, OR 97230

(503) 252-0241

Prestige Care & Rehabilitation of

Reedwood…3540 SE Francis St

Portland, OR 97202

(503) 232-5767

Prestige Post-Acute and

Rehabilitation Center -

Gresham…405 NE 5th St

Gresham, OR 97030

(503) 666-5600

Prestige Post-Acute and

Rehabilitation Center -

McMinnville…421 SE Evans St

McMinnville, OR 97128

(503) 472-3141

Prestige Post-Acute and

Rehabilitation Center -

Milwaukie…12045 SE Stanley Ave

Milwaukie, OR 97222

(503) 659-2323

Providence Benedictine Nursing

Center…540 S Main St

Mt Angel, OR 97362

(503) 845-6841

Regency Care of Rogue Valley…1710 NE Fairview Ave

Grants Pass, OR 97526

(541) 479-2606

Rose Haven Nursing Center…740 NW Hill Pl

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 672-1631

Royale Gardens Health and

Rehabilitation Center…2075 NW Highland Ave

Grants Pass, OR 97526

(541) 476-8891

Salem Transitional Care…3445 Boone Rd SE

Salem, OR 97317

(503) 576-3000

South Hills Rehabilitation

Center…1166 E 28th Ave

Eugene, OR 97403

(541) 345-0534

The Oaks at Sherwood Park…4062 Arleta Ave NE

Keizer, OR 97303

(503) 390-2271

Timberview Care Center…1023 SW 6th Ave

Albany, OR 97321

(541) 926-8664

Umpqua Valley Nursing &

Rehabilitation Center…525 W Umpqua St

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 464-7100

Willowbrook Terrace…707 SW 37th St

Pendleton, OR 97801

(541) 276-3374

Windsor Health & Rehabilitation

Center…820 Cottage St NE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 399-1135

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Speech Language Pathology

Northwest Rehabilitation

Associates…3270 Liberty Rd S

Salem, OR 97302

(503) 371-0779

OHSU Child Development &

Rehabilitation Center - Eugene…901 E 18th Ave

Eugene, OR 97403

(541) 346-3575

OHSU Doernbecher

Developmental Pediatrics at

Salem…875 Oak St SE 3040

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 494-8417

PT Northwest…1750 Wilco Rd

Stayton, OR 97383

(503) 769-7131

PT Northwest…1475 Mt Hood Ave

Woodburn, OR 97071

(971) 983-5206

Salem Health Rehab Services -

Dallas…525 SE Washington St

Dallas, OR 97338

(503) 623-7305

Salem Health Rehabilitation

Center…755 Mission St SE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 561-5986

Sensible Speech-Language

Pathology, LLC…220 NE Norton Ln

McMinnville, OR 97128

(971) 599-1712

Sensible Speech-Language

Pathology, LLC…1475 Capitol St NE

Salem, OR 97301

(971) 599-1712

Substance Abuse Treatment Center

ADAPT…356 NE Beacon Dr

Grants Pass, OR 97526

(541) 474-1033

ADAPT…400 Virginia Ave Ste 201

North Bend, OR 97459

(541) 751-0357

ADAPT…621 W Madrone St

Roseburg, OR 97470

(541) 672-2691

Urgent Care

Asante Physician Partners -

Urgent Care-Grants Pass…537 Union Ave

Grants Pass, OR 97527

(541) 507-2170

Asante Physician Partners

Alternative Access Care…1429 Center Dr Ste Space 105

Medford, OR 97501

(541) 789-8750

Centennial Medical Group East

LLC - Evergreen Urgent Care…2570 NW Edenbower Blvd Ste 100

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 957-1111

Emurgent Care…109B E Ellendale Ave

Dallas, OR 97338

(503) 623-3199

La Clinica del Valle - Acute Care

Clinic…616 Market St

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 494-3840

Lancaster Family Health Center -

Beverly…3896 Beverly Ave NE Bldg J

Salem, OR 97305

(503) 588-0076

Legacy Urgent Care -

Woodburn…1475 Mt Hood Ave

Woodburn, OR 97071

(971) 983-5360

Lower Umpqua Hospital District

Walk-in Clinic…385 Ranch Rd

Reedsport, OR 97467

(541) 271-6309

Molalla Urgent Care…861 W Main St

Molalla, OR 97038

(503) 829-7344

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Urgent Care

OHSU Family Medicine at

Richmond Walk-In Clinic…4212 SE Division St Ste 150

Portland, OR 97206

(503) 418-1500

PeaceHealth Medical Group

Urgent Care- Cottage Grove…1515 Village Dr

Cottage Grove, OR 97424

(541) 767-5200

PeaceHealth Medical Group

Urgent Care- Creswell…180 Melton Rd

Creswell, OR 97426

(541) 222-7700

PeaceHealth Medical Group

Urgent Care- Eugene…3321 W 11th Ave

Eugene, OR 97402

(541) 222-7200

PeaceHealth Medical Group

Urgent Care- Springfield…860 Beltline Rd

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 222-6005

PMG- Medford Medical Clinic

Urgent Care…70 Bower Dr

Medford, OR 97501

(541) 734-3430

Salem Clinic Urgent Care- Inland

Shores…5900 Inland Shores Way N Ste 100

Keizer, OR 97303

(503) 399-2424

Salem Clinic Urgent Care- Main…2020 Capitol St NE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 399-2424

Salem Clinic Urgent Care-

South…2531 Boone Rd SE

Salem, OR 97306

(503) 399-2424

Salem Health Convenient Care…1002 Bellevue St SE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 814-5554

Silverton Urgent Care…335 Fairview St

Silverton, OR 97381

(503) 873-4115

Valley Immediate Care Ashland…1401 Siskiyou Blvd Ste 1

Ashland, OR 97520

(541) 488-6848

Valley Immediate Care Grants

Pass…162 NE Beacon Dr Ste 103

Grants Pass, OR 97526

(541) 479-1090

Valley Immediate Care North

Medford…1600 Delta Waters Rd Ste 107

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 858-2515

Valley Immediate Care South

Medford…1700 E Barnett Road

Medford, OR 97504

(541) 773-4029

Wound Care

Healogics Specialty Physicians

of Oregon, LLC…4110 SE Hawthorne Blvd Ste 637

Portland, OR 97214

(855) 480-6667

Healogics Specialty Physicians

of Oregon, LLC…2700 NW Stewart Parkway

Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 677-4501

Healogics Specialty Physicians

of Oregon, LLC…875 Oak St SE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 814-1472

PeaceHealth Sacred Heart

Wound and Ostomy Center…3333 RiverBend Dr

Springfield, OR 97477

(541) 222-2560

Sky Lakes Wound Care Clinic…2821 Daggett Ave Ste 201

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

(541) 274-3290

United Wound Healing…1500 NW Bethany Blvd Ste 200

Beaverton, OR 97006

(855) 255-1750

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