Page 1: 1st Flr, No. 290, Jln Pudu, 55100 KL 日本冲绳岛逍遥之旅 客户热线: +603-2148 3880 1st Flr, No. 290, Jln Pudu, 客户热线 : +603-2148 3880

1st Flr, No. 290, Jln Pudu, 55100 KLEmail: [email protected]/LN 1655 183304-M



*本行程內卡打車漫遊,若不參加者視同自行放棄,不另退任何費用。本行程贈送半潛艇,若天候因素無法成行,不另退任何費用。§ 以上行程內容僅供參考,內容或有更動微調的可能,本公司保有修正的權利 §

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Code: 5OKA-CI

冲绳美之海水族馆 玉泉洞

琉球风体验王国村 万座毛Ashibinna Outlet Mall

赠送: 升降式半潜水艇体验星级特色风味餐

烧烤放题 琉球猪肉吃得饱 冲绳自助餐 拉面 汤豆腐料理

第一天吉隆坡 ✈ 台北(桃园)✈冲绳住宿: 大和皇家 露天风吕 残波岬ROYAL(或)同级


海洋博公园~『世界第一』美ら海水族馆 / 北谷町美国村 (早:饭店内 / 午:日式定食套餐 / 晚:美国村自理)【海洋博水族馆.世界第一最大】号称东北亚养殖技术最好最先进的大型水族馆。计有世界鱼类精华共有六百五十多种,馆内同时还饲养有超巨大鲸鲨,还有世界首次于水族馆内由人工养殖天然珊瑚的水族馆。【北谷町美国村】综合文化商业设施,美国村的醒目标志是直径50米的大观览车,美国村内拥有以3D映像为主体的娱乐设施,购物中心、美国餐厅、娱乐中心、进口杂货店等,另备有运动的复合设施。《恋战冲绳》另一个拍摄场,正是好个美国风情的最in最潮流的大型购物娱乐区,是去冲绳的扫货之选。住宿: 大和皇家 露天风吕 残波岬ROYAL(或)同级


嘉手纳町屋良观景台~观看亚洲区美军最大空军基地 / 琉球风体验王国村 / 万座毛 / 赠送【升降式半潜水艇~分离式子母船全程约50~60分钟】 / 国际通 :饭店内 / 午:汤豆腐料理或琉球传统料理 / 晚:风味自助餐)【嘉手纳町屋良观景台】近距离一览美军驻亚洲区最大的空军基地神秘面纱,4层楼的观景台上有辽阔的赏机视野,各式美军战斗机、侦测机、飞行机等各种不同的军机让您一饱眼福。【琉球风体验王国村】见习冲绳传统工艺、民艺、手艺各种传统的艺能场及参观造酒场。元气大鼓舞踊秀~ 观赏到真人现场表演“传统元气大鼓队”民俗丰年祭舞的气势。【万座毛】,万座毛其实是片草原。它与众不同的地方是那独特的构造,是经由大海多年侵蚀的杰作,形成这么一个形状独特的大石,仿佛“大象鼻”。【新型升降式半潜水艇】泊大港搭乘唯一升降式半潜观光船前往探寻多达68科260种类的珊瑚,其美丽又广阔的海域为蕴藏2000余种海洋生物的巨大宝库(备注:半潜水艇为赠送行程,若风浪太大无法成行,不另退任何费用)。【国际通】晚上您可自行前往国际通大道,位于那霸市中心是冲绳观光的出发点也是那霸的中心繁华街。国际通大道充满朝气。自古便做为冲绳的中心而繁荣,第二次世界大战受到毁灭性打击,而战后又以惊人的速度得到复兴和发展,因此人称「奇迹大街」。在全长1.6公里的大道两侧,百货店、餐厅、出售美军军品的杂货店、土特产店、时装店鳞次栉比,终日游人不断,热闹非常。住宿: APA / 日光 / 太平洋 / 露櫻或同級


世界遗产~首里城迹(外城) / 药妆店 / ~ 玉泉洞 / ASHIBINNA OUTLET MALL(早:饭店内 / 午:冲绳自助餐 / 晚:海鲜火锅+琉球猪肉吃到饱)

【守礼门、首里城迹~外城】14世纪末创建的首里城,是琉球历代国王的居住地,同时,也是琉球王国的政治的中心。首里城二次世界大战被摧毁,1992年重建,2000年12月登记为世界文化遗产。【玉泉洞王国村】东南亚最大的地下美术馆,欣赏蕴藏有95万支的各式石笋石柱,置身其中您也不免赞叹大自然的巧手神工。ASHIBINNA OUTLET MALL, 享受去日本不可错过的购物乐。住宿: APA / 日光 / 太平洋 / 露櫻或同級

第五天 波之上神宫 冲绳 ✈ 台北(桃园)✈ 吉隆坡 【波之上神宫】琉球八神社之一,矗立在珊瑚礁岩上,俯视那霸港,视野辽阔。神社中供奉国土守护神,重大祭祀都在

此举行,吸引无数的琉球人民及观光客至此许愿纳福,祈求平安。 (早:饭店内)

Page 2: 1st Flr, No. 290, Jln Pudu, 55100 KL 日本冲绳岛逍遥之旅 客户热线: +603-2148 3880 1st Flr, No. 290, Jln Pudu,


POPULAR ! 4 * hotel

Day 01 Kuala Lumpur - Taipei (Taoyuan Airport) - Naha Airport (Okinawa) Free and leisure by ownHotel : Zanpamisaki Daiwa Royal Hotel or similar

Day 02 Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium / Mihama American Village (Meals : B~ Hotel Breakfast / L~ Okinawa Ramen or Japanese Cuisine / D~ OWN)Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium, It is world largest Kuroshio tank containing a wide variety of marine species, the most striking of which are the giant sharks and manta rays. See marine life in the extremely deep waters of Okinawa which includes various bioluminescence fishes.Mihama American Village, is a large entertainment complex located in Chatan, Okinawa. The village provides a nostalgic outlet, Americana themed village have American styled shops, restaurants, cafes and entertainment that blends well with the Okinawa island culture.Hotel : Zanpamisaki Daiwa Royal Hotel or similar

Day 03 Kadena Air Base ~ Asia's largest Military air base view / Ryukyu Culture Kingdom Village / Cape Manzamo / Semi Submarine Reef Ride / Kokusaidori (Meals : B~ Hotel Breakfast / L~ Tofu Cuisine / D~ All You Can Eat)

Kadena Air Base, The hub of airpower in the Pacific, and home to the US Air Force's largest combat wing that forms part of a world-class combat team of the Pacific.Kingdom Village, you can enjoy a hands-on experiences at the many workshops of various traditional Okinawan crafts, such as weaving, dyeing, paper making, pottery, sugar cone processing, the making of music instruments and glass blowing.Cape Manzamo, a scenic rock formation and picturesque cliff. Fruit Garden (Pineapple farm) is Okinawa specialty products. Here can taste pineapple dessert.Experience Semi Submarine Reef Ride, for about an hour, the semi submarine will show you the underwater world, there are plenty of beautiful coral and reefs and numerous type of ocean life. (As semi submarine ride is a free items given, if it cancel due to weather, no refund are given). Kokusaidori, literally means ‘International Street’, is lined by restaurants, cafes, bars, hotels, souvenir shops, boutiques and department stores. Many shops remain open until 11pm, and live Okinawa music is played at several restaurants.Hotel : APA/ Hotel Nikko/ Hotel Pacific/ Hotel Route Inn Naha Maejima or similar

Day 04 Shuri Castle (outside) / Gyokusendo Cave / Ashibina Factory Outlet Mall (Meals: B~ Hotel Breakfast / L~ Okinawa Buffet / D~ Shabu Shabu All You Can Eat) Shuri Castle, It was the palace of the Ryūkyū Kingdom. In 1945, during Okinawa’s war, it was almost completely destroyed, with only a few walls standing as high as a few decimeters. In 1992, it was reconstructed on the original site based on photographs, historical records, and memory. In 2000, along with other gusuku and related sites, it was designated as a UNESCO World Heritage site.Gyokusendo Cave, the longest of many caves in the south of Okinawa island featuring spectacular stalactites and stalagmites. Hotel : APA/ Hotel Nikko/ Hotel Pacific/ Hotel Route Inn Naha Maejima or similarAshibina Factory Outlet Mall, the Mall follow the design of ancient Greek design. Here there are over 70 international branded outlets, including the latest products of Japanese brand. Hotel : APA/ Hotel Nikko/ Hotel Pacific/ Hotel Route Inn Naha Maejima or similar

Day 05 Naha Airport (Okinawa) - Taipei (Taoyuan Airport) - Kuala Lumpur (Meals: B~ Hotel Breakfast ) Naminoue Shrine, there is a beautiful shrine with a lot of history located on top of a scenic hill. Shiseibyo is a Confucian temple, it served for centuries as a major center of Chinese learning for the Ryūkyū Kingdom.

Ashibinna Outlet Mall

Code: 5OKA-CI

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