

    1. Translate into English.

    - Trabaja Sheila en una tienda?. No, trabaja en una oficina, pero los Martes no trabaja.

    - Dnde para el autobs?. Para al lado de ese hotel.

    - Son las doce y veinticinco. Vmonos es muy tarde.

    - Cmo se llama tu madre?. Se llama Sra. Jones.

    - Mira este libro. Es tu libro?. No, es su (de l) libro. Mi libro est en el cajn con mis llaves.

    2. Write questions for these answers:

    - . . He writes poems in the evening.

    - Peters thirty.

    - . No, I dont but I like rock music.

    - . He speaks Polish and Italian.

    - . Eight oclock.

    3. Write these numbers:

    - 14 :

  • - 33 :

    - 84 :

    - 555 :

    - 715 :

    - 894 :

    4. Answer these questions:

    -Are you Japanese?__________________________________________

    - Are you sitting?.___________________________________________

    - What nationality are your parents?.____________________________________________

    - Do you like mushrooms?.____________________________________________

    - Have you got any brother or sister?.___________________________________________

    - What do you do on Mondays afternoon?.___________________________________________

    5. Fill in the blanks with prepositions (for, at, in, with, to from).

    - Wheres the plane?. the airport.

    - Mineral water .. ice and lemon . me, thanks.

    - Monas . Lisboa. Shes Portuguese.

    - Work .. pairs and listen the teacher.

    - Look the board and copy these words.

    - What is this English?.

    - The taxi is going .. the station.

  • ENGLISH, 1 E.S.O


    1. Write the ``Present Continuous into interrogative form of `` study

    2. Write the ``Present Continuous into negative form of `` play

    3. Write the ``Present Simple into Interrogative form of `` read

  • 4. Write the ``Present Simple into Nrgative form of `` write

    5. Translate into English :

    - Qu hora es?.


    - Son las siete y media.


    - Son las diez menos cuarto.


    - Son las ocho en punto.


    - Son las tres y cuarto.


    - Son las cinco y veinte siete.


    - Son las dos menos diez.


    6. Write questions for these answers:

    - _______________________________________

    Yes. I like very much.

  • - _________________________________________

    She plays football.

    - __________________________________________

    My mother is forty two.

    - ___________________________________________

    No, I dont.

    - ___________________________________________

    Yes, he does.

    7. Complete with ` there is or ``there are :

    - any book on the table?.

    - a lot of tomates in the fridge.

    -. any girl in this class.

    - .. four bottles of milk.

    - . any bread and water for lunch?.

    - .. twenty children in this class.

    - . (negative) wine in this bottle.

  • ENGLISH, 1 E.S.O


    1. Translate into English:

    - El prximo mes vamos a ir de vacacione a Londres.

    - A dnde van a ir de vacaciones tus padres?.

    - Cundo vas a estudiar para el examen?.

    - Por qu vas a ir con tu madre de compras?.

    - Cuntos libros hay encima de la mesa?.

    - Cunto dinero necesitars para el viaje?.

    - No hay ninguna manzana en la nevera.

    - Hay cuatro nios hugando en el parque

    - Sheila est trabajando en un hospita. Ella es enfermera.

    - Qu est haciendo tu padre con su coche?.

    2. Complete with ``there is /isnt or ``there are/arent :

    - .. there any sweets for these children?.

    - There . any cars in the garage.

    - . there any chocolates in the bix?. No, there - There a pencil an a book on the table.

    - There any tomatoes in thi salad.

  • - . there any animal in the zoo?.

    - There .. some men in the building.

    -There . any women in the office.

    3. Answer these questions:

    - Where do you live?.

    - What time is it?.

    - How do you go to the school?.

    - Why do you study English?.

    - When are you going to go on holidays?.

    4. Complete:








  • ENGLISH, 1 E.S.O. (Recuperacin Temas 1, 2, 3, y 4).


    1.Translate into English the next sentences:

    - A m se me dan bien la matemticas pero no me gusta la geografa.

    - Ella est loca por la pizza y los espaguetis. Ella no tiene una dieta sana.

    - Cuntas asignaturas tienes en este curso?.

    - Mi compaero de clase siempre va en bus al colegio.

    - Yo a menudo juego al ajedrez en el club de ajedrez.

    - Su (de ella) profesora de Ingls juega al baloncesto y

    - Cunta leche hay en la botella?.

    - Mi hermano normalmente va al gimnasio los lunes y los mircoles.

    - Con qu fracuencia juegas al pim- pom?. Yo normalmente juego todos los das.

    - Cuntas horas entrenas?. Yo entreno ocho horas a la semana.

  • 2. Make questions for these answers:

    - She is twelve years old.

    - Its twenty to seven.

    - No, I dont.

    - Yes, she does.

    - Im from Spain.

    - He lives in Corua.

    - There are fourty- seven pupils in the classroom.

    - She prefers French food.

    3. Complete the next sentences with interrogative words:

    What - How - Where - How often - When - How many - How much.

    - . time is it?.

    - do you go on holidays.

    - .. does she go to the gym?. She goes on Monday and on Tuesday.

    - .. dogs are in the park?.

    -.. is his birthday?. His birthday is the next Saturday.

  • - . is it this book?. Its twenty dollars.

    - . water do you drink?.

    - do you go to the school?.

    4. Transform into interrogative and negative form the next sentences:

    - He is watching TV.



    - She likes romantic films.



    - I have got two sisters.



    - I always play football with my friends.



    - They are crazy about him.



    - Shes got black eyes.



  • 5. Make a description of your best friend.Use adjectives and substantives.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    6. Put in order the next sentences.

    - A camera/ ? / has/ she/ got.

    - cameras/ has/ she/ many/ got/ ? / how/

    -go/cinema/ do/? /to/ you / the

    - ? / your vriend/ play/ does/ games/ computer/

    - always/ Peter/ Maria/ beats.

    - you/ how/ do/ prepare/ the/ exam/ for / ?.

    - team/ does/ your/ when/ ? / play

  • ENGLISH, 1 E.S.O. (Repaso Recuperacin).


    1. Translate into English:

    - Quin es ese chico?. Es el nuevo profesor de Ingls.

    - Yo cocina a menudo para mi familia.

    - Cuntas horas entrenas?. Yo entreno cuatro horas al da.

    - Cundo va l al gimnasio?. l va los mircoles y los jueves.

    - A m se me dan bien la matemticas pero no me gusta la geografa.

    - Ella est loca por la pizza y los espaguetis. Ella no tiene una dieta sana.

    - M hermano normalmente va al gimnasio los lunes y los mircoles

    - Con qu fracuencia juegas al pim- pom?. Yo normalmente juego todos los das.

    - Habla usted espaol?.

    - Estoy hablando contigo, por favor, escchame

    - Su (de ella) profesora de Ingls tine una dieta muy sana. Todos los das come verduras y bebe mucha agua.

  • ENGLISH, 1 E.S.O.( Exam 1 Evaluacin).


    1. Translate into English:

    - Su (de ella) profesor de Educacin Fsisca tiene una dieta muy sana.

    - Cuntos aos tienes?. Yo tengo trece aos.

    - Quin es l?. l es my amigo.

    - Le gusta a elal el cordero?. S.

    - Dnde vives?. Yo vivo en esta casa.

    - Cundo vas al club ecolgico?. Yo voy los Mircoles y los Viernes.

    - Nuestros padres no trabajan los Sbados.

    - Cunta agua hay en la botella?. Hay un montn de agua.

    - Cul es tu pelcula favorita?. Mi pelcula favorita es E.T.

    - Ella no es alta pero ella es delgada.

    - Su (de l) madre est leyendo el peridico en el sof.

  • 2. Complete the text with the Present Simple in Negative, Afirmative or Interrogative form:

    .. you watch a lot of TV?.No, I I .. (not) like TV, but Im mad about films.

    .. you go to the cinema?. Yes, I . .I go to the cinema at the weekend with my fiends. I .. (not) go to the cinema during the week.

    - .. she watch videos?. Yes, she .. She .. in the film club at school..

    - . You read comics?. No, I .

    - .. you read magazibes?. Yes, I .. I a lot of magazines.

    3. Complete the questions and the answers of these sentences:

    - you like fuit?. No, .. .

    - . time is it?. Its .. .

    - .. many children there in the classroom?. . twenty-five children.

    -. her name?. Her name is Ana.

    - he like lamb?. Yes, .

    - .. often you go to the swimming pool?.

    - .. is your birthday?. birthaday is .

    - .. he hungry?. No, .. .

    4. Make sentences:

    - A dog/ ? / has/ she/ got.

    - got/ a book/ he / has / ?.

  • - does/ your friend / ? / swim.

    - Mario/ play/ ?/ computer games.

    - Doesnt/ he/ tennis/ play/ Mondays/ on.

    - like/ he/ ? /does/ fruit/.

    5. Put into interrogative an negative form:

    - She likes dancing.

    - Hes got glasses.

    - Rachels hair is long.

    - Im hungry

    - I wash the dishes.

    - She does the exercises at home.

    6. Tanslate into English:

    - Asiganatura:

    - Hazme un favour:

    - Cordero:

    - Encantado de cococerte:

    - Figura.

  • - Aficciones:

    - Estar loco:

    - Cuello:

    - Estudiante de intercambio:

    - Espacio:

    - Deberes:

    - Horario:

    - Flauta:

    - Barba:

    - Taza:

    - Tener fro:

    - Tener calor:

    - Tener sed:

  • ENGLISH, 1 E.S.O. (Verb Can).


    1. Translate into English:

    - Ella no puede cocinar.___________________________________________________

    - Puede l tocar el piano?. No, l no puede.____________________________________________________

    - Ella no sabe cosas una chaqueta.____________________________________________________

    - Saben ellos hacer fuego?. S, ellos saben.____________________________________________________

    - Sabes bailar?. No, yo no s._____________________________________________________

    - l no sabe tocar ningn instrumento._____________________________________________________

    - Mi padre sabe montar en bici peo no sabe montar en moto._____________________________________________________

    - Ellos pueden cazar animales. _____________________________________________________

    2. Make sentences with these words:

    1. ? / she/ guitar / play / the ____________________________________________________________________

    2. you / ride/ cant / bike / on .____________________________________________________________________

    3. read/ can /you /map / a?. ____________________________________________________________________

    4. cant / Jim/ speak/ Lewis 7 English. ____________________________________________________________________

    5. play / you/ ? / chess / can_____________________________________________________________________

  • 3. Translate into English:

    - T no debes po comer en clase.

    - Ella debe estudiar en vocabulario de Ingls.

    - Nosostros no debemos corer en clase.

    - Yo debo escuchar al profesor de Matemticas.

    - l no debe jugar al ordenador por la noche.

    - Ellos no deben hacer fuego.

  • ENGLISH, 1 E.S.O. (Going to).


    1.Translate into English:

    - Por qu ests encendiendo la televisin?. Porque yo voy a ver las noticias.

    - De qu color vas a pintar tu casa?. Yo la voy a pintar de blanco.

    - Por qu ests cogiendo tu paraguas?. Porque va a llover.

    - A donde vais a ir de vacaciones?. Nosotros vamos a ir a Mxico.

    - Qu vas a hacer por la tarde?. Yo voy a jugar al ftbol con mis amigoa.

    - Qu vas a hacer maana?. Yo voy a ir a una fiesta.

    - Mis manos estn sucias. Yo voy a lavarlas con agua.

    - Qu vas a hacer el fin de semana?. No lo s.

    2. Complte with the ``Going to:

    - I . (buy) some books tomorrow.

    - Sarah (not sell) her car.

    - (to invite) Jonh to the party?.

    - It .. (to rain).

    - Its 9 oclock and Im not ready. I (to be) late.

    - What . (to wear) to the party tonight?.

    - Its Sharons birthday next week. We .. (to buy) her a present.

    - Im not hungry. I .. ( not to eat) a sandwich.

  • ENGLISH, 1 E.S.O (Past)


    1. Translate into English the next sentences:

    - Ayer fui al cine con mis amigos.

    - El ao pasado nosotros estuvimos en Londres.

    - La semana pasada ellos no jugaron al ftbol porque estaba lloviendo.

    - Ayer vi a sus(de ella) padres en el supermercado.

    - Yo me compr un coche el ao pasado.

    - Cundo leiste el peridico?.

    - Ella no hizo los deberes en casa.

    - El mes pasado nuestros abuelos vinieron a Madrid.

    - Ayer com pollo con patatass fritas.

    - Por qu bebas tanto?. Porque tena mucha sed.

    - Dnde vivas el ao pasado?. Yo vivva en Santander.

    - Dnde trabajabas el ao pasado?. Yo trabaj en un restaurante.

    - Mi madre tuvo muchos regalos en su cumpleaos.

    - Te gust el vestido que te di ayer?.Si, me gust.

  • 2. Change these sentences into INTERROGATIVE and NEGATIVE form:

    - My cousin travelled by plane to Amsterdam.



    - She eats a los of fruit every day.



    - I bought a new jersey yesterday.



    - I cried because I was very sad.



    - My teacher spoke in English.



    - It was raining all day.



    - We went to the cinema.



    - They played football on Saturdays.





    1. Translate into English:

    - Maana vamos a ir a la playa con mis abuelos.

    - Ayer fuimos al museo. All vimos un cuadro muy bonito. Pal pensaba que era de Leonardo da Vinci.

    - La polica est investigando el misterioso robo pero no hay tiempo.

    - Vas a ir al cine esta noche?. Si, voy a ir con mi amigo Pedro.

    - Qu le gusta a Sam?.A Sam le gusta jugar al baloncesto e ir a la playa.

    - Fuiste al parque ayer?. No, no fui. Me qued en casa jugando al ordenador.

    - Yo voy a ir a Inglaterra en avin. Cundo te vas a ir?.Voy a ir el uno de Septiembre.

    - Viste ayer el partido de ftbol?. No, no lo vi. Ayer estuve estudiando para el examen de Ingls.

    - Dnde vivas el ao pasado?. Viva en Madrid pero ahora vivo en Corua.

    - Cundo fue tu cumpleaos?. Mi cumpleaos fue la semana pasada pero hoy es la fiesta.

  • - Mi hermana no va a ir de acamapada porque odia los insectos.

    - Qu comiste ayer?. Ayer com tortilla con ensalada. Es mi comida favorita.

    - Por qu estabas contento? Porque lleg mi to de Francia y me trajo un regalo.

    - Cuntos aos tienes? Tengo veientitrs aos.

    - Cunta agua bebe (ella) en un da?. Ella bebe mucha agua porque tiene una dieta muy sana.

    - El mes pasado compramos un coche nuevo porque tuvimos un accidente.

    - Jugaste ayer al tenis?. No, no jugu porque haca mucho calor.

    - Cuando estbamos viendo la televisin llegaron nuestros padres de Londres.

    - Mi hemano est estudiando Matemticas para el examen de maana.

    - Cuando conduces debes ponerte el cinturn de seguridad.

    - No debes fumar en el hospital, es malo para ti y para la gente.

    - Sabes tocar el piano?. Si, s. Toco el piano todos los das porque me gusta mucho.

    - Fuiste ayer a la playa?. No, ayer fui a la piscina porque haca mucho viento.

  • ENGLISH, 1 E.S.O (Repaso).


    1. Pu the verb in the correct form: Prsent Simple or Present Continuous:

    - Lets go out. It (not rai) now.

    - Julia is very good at languages. She .. (speak) four languages very well.

    - Hurry up. Everybody . (wait) for you.

    - (you/ listen) to the radio?. No, you can turn it on.

    - Look at the river. It .. (flow) very fast today.

    - We usually (grow) vegetables in our garden but this year we

    . (not/ grow) any.

    - Ron is in London at this moment. He .. (stay) at the Park Hotel.

    - Can you drive?. I . (learn). My father ..

    (teach) me.

    - My parents .(live) in Bristol. Where (your parents / live).?

    - The train is never late. It (always / leave) on time.

    2. Read what Sharon says about a typical working day.

    ``I usually get up at 7 oclock and have a big breakfast. I walk to work.I start work at 8.45. I never have lunch. I finish work at 5 oclock. Im always tired when I get home. I usually cook a meal in the evening. I dont usually go out. I go to bed at 11 oclock. I always sleep well.

    Yesterday was a typical working day for Sharon. Write what she didi or didnt do yesterday.

    - She

    -She . a big breakfast.

    - She

  • - It to get work.

    - .. at 8.45.

    - .. lunch.

    - . at 5 oclock.

    - . tired when . home.

    - ..a meal yesterday evening.

    - . out yesterday evening.

    - well last night.

    3. Complete these sentences with the Past Simple. Put the verb into the correct form, positive or negative.

    - It was warm, so I (take) off my coat.

    - The film wasnt very good. I .. (enjoy) it very much.

    - I knew Sarah was very busy, so I .. (disturb) her.

    - I was vey tired, so I .. (go) to bed early.

    - The bed was very uncomfortable. I . (sleep) very well.

    - Sue wasnt hungry, so she .. (eat) anything.

    - We went to Kates house but she . (be) at home.

    - The window was open and a bird .. (fly) into the room.

    - The hotel wasnt very expensive. It (cost) very much.

    - I was in a hurry (apuro), so I ..(have) time to phone you.

    4. Translate into English:

    - Estoy cansado. Me voy a ir a la cama. Buenas noches.

    - Dnde vive la madre de Liza?. Ella vive en Amsterdam.

    - Jenny est estudiando para el examen de Matemticas.

  • - Ayer fuimos al cine y la pelcula estuvo muy bien.

    - A qu hora cierran los bancos en Londres?. Cierran a las dos y media

    - Tienes hambre?. Quieres algo para comer?.

    - Ella ley la noticia y nosotros la estbamos escuchando.

    - La prxima semana vamos a ir de vacaciones a Suiza. Nosotros vamos a ir en avin.

    - Cuntas sillas hay en la clase?. Creo que hay treinta y tres.

    - Maana voy a lavar el coche porque est muy sucio.

    5. Complete the sentences with SOME or ANY.

    - We didnt buy .. flowers.

    - This evening Im going to out with . friends of mine.

    - Have you seen . good films recently?.

    - I didnt have money, so I had to borrow

    - Can I have . milk in my coffee, please?

    - I was very tired to do .. work.

    - You can cash these travellers cheques at . bank.

    - Can you give me .. information about places os interest in the town?

    - With the special tourist train ticket, you can travel on train you like.

    - Have tou got money?. I neeed .. coins for the parking.

    - The havent got questions about this.

  • 6.Write questions with going to:

    - You friend won some money. (what / do with the money).

    - Your friend is going to a party tonight. ( what ( wear).

    - Your friend bought a new table ( where / put/ the table).

    - Your friend decided to have a party. ( who / invite).

    - Your friend hasnt got money. (Where/ go/ to the bank).

    - Your friend had an accident (what / do / with your car).

    7. Rewrite the sentences to include the word in brackets.

    - Ann doesnt drink tea (often).

    - We were on holiday. (all).

    - We were staying at the same hotel (all).

    - Catherine is very generous (always).

    - I dont have to work on Saturdays (usually).

    - Do you watch television in the evening?. (usually).

    - That hotel is very expensive (probably)

    - Our car breaks down (often).

  • ENGLISH, 1 E.S.O (Revision).


    1. Translate into English the next sentences:

    - Mis asignaturas favoritas son Matemticas y Geografa.

    - A mi padre se le da muy bien el Ingls pero el no sabe hablar en Francs.

    - Dnde vive tu prima?. Ella vive en Londres.

    - Cundo es el cumpleaos de tu madres?. Du cumpleaos es el veintisis de Octubre.

    - De dnde es tu abuela?. Ella es francesa.

    - Qu hora es?. Son las siete menos cuarto.

    - A m se me da muy bien la Historia pero no se me dan bien los idiomas.

    - Te gusto la pelcula?. S, pero fue muy larga.

    - Quines son aquellos chicos?. Ellos son los nuevos compaeros de clase.

    - Te gust el caf?. No, no me gusta. A m me gusta el t con limn.

    - El est viendo la televisin y nosotros estamos estudiando para el examen de Ciencias.

    - Tienes hambre?. No, tengo sed.

    - Dnde est tu madre?. Ella est limpiando el jardn.

    - Est lloviendo?. S, coge tu paraguas y tus botas.

  • 2. Write into English the next numbers:

    - 238:

    -14th :

    - 55 :

    - 30th :

    - 62 :- 110:

    - 9th :

    - 1.276 :

    - 71th:

    - 42th:

    3. Write into English the next dates:

    - Martes, 12 de Febrero:

    - Viernes, 6 de Abril:

    - Mircoles, 23 de Mayo:

    - Jueves, 10 de Junio:

    - Sbado, 15 de Septiembre:

    - Domingo, 30 de Marzo:

    - Lunes, 18 de Octubre:

    - Mircoles, 31 de Diciembre:

    - Jueves, 22 de Enero:

    - Domingo, 4 de Julio:

    4. Write into English:

    - Las tres y diez:

    - Las doce y media:

  • - Las seis menos cuarto:

    - Las cinco en punto:

    - Las doce y media:

    - Las once menos veinte:

    - La dos en punto:

    - Las cuatro menos diez:

    5. Complete the next sentences with Present Simple or Present Continuos:

    - Wheres Tom ?. .. (he / have) a shower.

    - . (I / not / watch) television very often.

    - Listen Somebody .. (sing)

    - Sandra is tired. (want) to go home now.

    - How often (you / read) a newspaper ?

    - Excuse me but . (you / sit) in my place. Oh Im sorry.

    - Im sorry. . ( I / not / understand). Can you speak more slowly?

    - Its late. .. ( I / go) home now. (you / come) with me.

    - What time . ( your father / finish) work in the evening ?

    - You can turn off the radio. (I / not / listen) to it.

    - Wheres Paul ?. In the kitchen.. (cook) something.

    - Martin (not / usually / drive) to work. He

    . (usually / walk) .

    - Sue .. (not / like) coffee. ( prefer) tea.

  • ENGLISH, 1 E.S.O ( To be, Present Simple, Adverbs Frequency, Pronoums, Plurals, Wh- questions).


    1. Answer the questions about you. Use an adverb of frequency in your answer

    What's the first thing you do in the morning?


    Do you have tea or coffee for breakfast?


    What do you do in the evenings?


    What do you do on Sundays?


    Where do you go on holidays?


    Do you sometimes have a winter holiday?

    2. Complete with the correct adjective possessive

    1-Tonys got a bike. This is . bike.

    2-Ian and Jodie live in this street. That's.. house.

    3-Hello.Im Gemma and this is friend Danny.

    4-Do you like pop music? Who's .. favourite band?

    5-Jenny can't come because .. arm is broken.

    6-We play football. .team is called Sporting Chance

    3. Chose the correct form

    my sister/sisters doesn't/do not like/likes sports.

    My best friend doin't like/ like sport very match/much

    My cousins are/is French. They doesn't /do not speak spanish.

    I is/am spanish.

  • 4. Make questions and answers.

    ? Yes, I like tennis

    .? I get up at half past seven

    .? It is a clock.

    ..? yes, I have a book

    Do you g oto school by car?..........................................................

    How many months are there in a year?...............................................................

    5. Wite the plural:


    Key :







    6. Write into negative and interrogative form.

    - They speak English

    - My mother is a nurse.

    - He plays the piano

    7. Make a question witk these words.





  • Why_________________________________________________________________?

    9. Translate into English next sentences:

    - A m se me dan bien la matemticas pero no me gusta la geografa.

    - Mi compaero de clase siempre va en bus al colegio.

    - Yo a menudo juego al ajedrez en el club de ajedrez.

    -Quin es ese chico?. Es el nuevo profesor de Ingls

    - Su (de ella) profesora de Ciencias teine una dieta muy sana. Todos los das come verduras y bebe mucha agua.

    - Qu le gusta a Sam?.A Sam le gusta jugar al baloncesto e ir a la playa.

    - A qu hora cierran los bancos en Londres?. Cierran a las dos y media.

    - Tienes hambre?. Quieres algo para comer?.



  • ENGLISH 1 E. S. O (Revision)


    1. Use the Present Simple or Continuos.

    - I . ( think) of my boyfriend. Id like to be with him now.

    - We . ( see ) my parents tomorrow.

    - He ( always, eat ) chocolates.

    - I .. ( meet ) Paul at the airport at six oclock.

    - We . ( usually, go ) to Spain on holidays.

    - Mr. Green ( play ) the violin beautifully. This evening he . ( play ) better than ever.

    - Peter ( learn ) to play the piano.

    - What .. ( you / think ) about ?.

    2. Write questions from these words. Use the Present Continuos.

    - Work / Paul / Today / ?

    - What / do / the children / ?

    - You / listen / to me.

    - Your parents /television / watch / ?

    - Why / cook / Ann / ?

    - Come / the bus / ?


  • 2. Put IN / AT / ON:

    - What have you got . your bag?

    - There a lot of fish this river.

    - Our house is number 45 the number is . the door.

    - Is the cinema near here?. Yes, turn left .. traffic lights.

    - My sister lives Brussels.

    - Its difficult to carry a lot of things . a bike.

    - There are a few shops . the end of the street.

    - There is a mirror .. the wall the living room.

    - Helen is studying law .. university.

    - Who is that man .. the photograph?.

    - Charlie is hospital. Hes going to have an operation tomorrow.

    2. Complete the sentences. Use ALWAYS and the Present Simple or the Continuous.

    - Melanie : Tom talks too much, doesnt he?

    - Rita: Yes, and (he / talk) about football.

    - Laura: You forget your keys every time.

    - Trevor : I try to remember them, but. ( I / forget) Claire : Sarah takes the train every day, doesnt she?

    - Mark : Yes, . ( she / take) the train.

    - Vicky : Rachel misses lectures much too often in my opinion

    - Emma : I agree. .. (she / miss) lectures.

    - Mike : Every time I drive along here, I go the wrong way.

    - Harriet : But its very simple, isnt it? Why .. (you / drive) along the wrong way.

    - David : Trevor and Laura argue much too often, I think.

    - Melanie : I know (they / argue)

  • 3. Write sentences from these words.

    - (Always / early / Sue / arrive)

    - (basketball / I / play / often)

    - (work / Margaret / hard / usually)

    - (Jenny / always / nice clothes / wear)

    - (dinner / we / have / always / at 7.30)

    - (television / Tim / watch / never)

    - (like / chocolate / children / usually)

    Julia / parties / enjoy / always)


    4. Write sentences about yourself. Use ALWAYS, OFTEN, NEVER, SOMETIMES, USUALLY

    - (watch / television)

    - (read / in bed)

  • - (get up / before 7 oclock)


    - (go to school / by bus)

    - (drink / coffee)

    - (go / to the theatre)

    - (ride / a bike)


    - (travel 7 by train)


    - (eat / in restaurants)


    5. READING. Read the text and answer the questions.

    My namess Lee Hung Suk. Im twenty one. I live with my family in a small flat in

    Hong Kong. I study Psychology. I speak English and Chinese. I like Chinese and Italian

    food. I dont drink coffee or milk but I love Chinese tea. I dont smoke and I dont have

    a car. In the evenings, I watch TV or films on video. On Saturdays, I go to discos and on

    Sundays, I play basketball or table tennis.


    1. Does Lee live in a flat?

    2. Does he work?

  • 3. Does he speak Chinese ?

    4. Does he drink milk?

    5. Does he have a car?

    6. What does he do on weekends?

    7. Does he study Maths?

    8. Does he smoke?

    9. What does he like?

  • ENGLISH, 1ESO (Revision Exercises).


    1.Write the verbs in the correct tense: Present Simple or Present Continuos.

    1. They (play) every day.

    2. They (study) University next year.

    3. My friends (go) Madrid next week.

    4. Your sister (read)..........................a book every days

    5. My parents (watch) ................TV in the afternoon.

    6. Peter (write).............................. a letter at this moment.

    7. Margaret (go) Paris next week.

    8. He (do).......................his homework now. 9.Use the present simple or present continuous.

    9.Danny...........................(live) on a farm

    10. Tom...............................(watch) TV now

    11.Mrs King.........................(go) shopping at the market

    12.Erica and John..........................(walk) to school every day

    13. Sally..................................(do) her homework at night

    14. The baby..............................(not sleep) now

    15.The children ............................(eat) breakfast right now

    16. Mr and Mrs Brown......................(work) in the city

    17.Dr Hall..............................(help) children

    18.The dogs....................................(not run) in the park at the moment

    19.We......................................(take) photos of the animals at the moment

    20.Dianne................................(not do) her homework now

    21.Kenny.................................(listen) to rock music every afternoon

  • 2. Write sentences or questions using the words given. You must use an auxiliary verb

    1. You / watch /the / snow?


    2. Kim / no / have / lunch.


    3. They / no / play / chess.


    4. Alan / walk / home ?


    5. Annabelle / no / eat / pizza.


    6. They / speak / to / you ?


    7. You / go / bed / early ?


    8. Ben / enjoy / funfair ?


    3. Write questions for the answer.


    Hes got six apples.


    I m eleven years old


    There is a lot of milk in the bottle.


  • I drink orange juice for the breakfast


    We live in Brazil

    4. Put the words into the correct order and translate them into Spanish.

    1 weekend / I / at / the / get up / early (hate)

    2 we / theatre / go / the / to (enjoy)

    3 anybody / hamburgers / day / every / eat / does ? (like)

    4 be / lawyer / parents / my / me (want)

    5 he / play / with / friends / his / chess (love)

    6 sister / my / spiders / see (hate)

    5.Underline the word or phrase that best completes each sentence.

    1 Sam isn't having a birthday party this year / usually.

    2 My mother always telling / tells me to tidy my room on Sunday evenings.

    3 Are you listening to the radio every day / or can I turn it off?

    4 In autumn the leaves fall / are falling from the trees.

    5 It hardly ever snows/snowing in the city. I think it's because of the pollution.

    6 My parents like to go to the theatre to see a Shakespeare play / when they can find the time.

  • 6. What is the third person present simple form of these verbs?

    1 go goes

    2 play

    3 do

    4 study

    5 reach

    6 try

    7 fix

    8 wish

    9 have

    10 love

    11 kiss

    7. Look at the following sentences. Make a list of the countable nouns and another list of the uncountable nouns. Write down the plural form of the countable nouns.

    1.- A potato is a vegetable

    2.- A dog dislikes a cat

    3.- A horse often has a long tail

    4.- A boy likes to play a game

    5.- A diamond is a beautiful stone

    6.- A girl likes chocolate

    7.- We put sugar in a cup of coffee

    8.- A slice of bread and a piece of cheese make a sandwich

    9.- We make an omelette with an egg

    10.- A book is made of paper.




    11.Put in "a" or "an" before singular countable nouns

    1.- ...sick child

    2.- Mr. Brown is...bus driver

    3.- His son is...pupil near here

    4.- He wants to when he

    5.- is...person who writes books

    6.- My father

    7.- His brother is...teacher

    8.- Peter is studying to be...architect

    9.-...little boy sometimes plys at being...fireman

    10.- George is...mechanic in...garage

    12. Put in the correct order the next sentences with the adverbs in brackets and translate the sentences into Spanish.

    a. We have fish for breakfast (never)

    b. John goes to school by bus (usually)

  • c. He play football on Saturdays (always)

    d. He is playing the guitar (now)

    e. She eat meat because she is vegetarian (never)

    f. We study Maths in the afternoon (often)

    g. Do you go to the swimming pool on Sabturdays? (usually)

    h. Does he play football with the mixed team?. (sometimes)

  • ENGLISH, 1ESO (Revision Exercises).


    1. Write the verbs in the correct tense: Present Simple, Present Continuous or Past Simple.

    1. They (play) every day.

    2. They (study) University next year.

    3. My friends (go) Madrid last week.

    4. Your sister (read)..........................a book once a week.

    5. My parents (watch) ................TV yesterday.

    6. Peter (write).............................. a letter at the moment.

    7. Margaret (go) Paris next week.

    8. He (do).......................his homework now.

    9.She ..................(like) modern art

    10. The baby often .....................(cry) at night

    11.I ......................(not think) that museums are boring

    12. ................Bob ...............(study) at the moment?

    13.We usually ...................(play) tennis in the morning

    14. The students .........................(not take) their exams now

    2. Write the sentences or questions in the past using the words given

    1. You / watch /the / show?


    2. Kim / no / have / lunch.


    3. They / no / play / chess.


  • 4. Alan / walk / home ?


    5. Annabelle / no / eat / pizza.


    6. They / speak / to / you ?


    7. You / go / bed / early ?


    8. Ben / enjoy / funfair ?


    3. Correct these sentences

    1. There are some water in the bottle.

    2. There aren't no cows on the farm.

    3. There's some appels on the table.

    4. There isn't some computer in my flat.

    5. There wasn't some water.

    6. Are there any homework?

    4. Complete the text using the verbs in the past

    The first time Daniella (go) went to the mountains. She (be) .................very excited. She (take).................a warm sweater because the weatherman (say) expect cold winds. Unfortunately nobody (know) was going to rain and they all (get) ...............very wet. When they (arrive)..................home Daniella (start)

  • get a headache and sore throat. She (feel).............. terrible! She (have).......................the flu and she (ca 1.- Complete the sentences with the present simple or the present continuous. You will need to use the auxiliary verb do in the questions and negative sentences.

    5.Answer the following questions:

    a.When did you go to the cinema?

    b.Why did she study all night long?

    c.Why did you visit the doctor?

    d.Why did they buy the car?

    e.Why did you prepare a cake?

    6.Complete the following sentences:

    - My mother loves_______________________________________

    - I think ________________is awful.

    - I dont like____________________________________________

    - My father doesnt __________________________________

    - She_____________________________________________

    7. Use must or mustnt

    - loud music on this beach

    - You...................... put your rubbish in the bins provided

    - You...................... go swimming when there isnt a lifeguard

    - You.......................leave the beach by 7 pm

    - You.......................bring dogs to the beach

  • 8. Complete these sentences with some or any

    - Do you like ........................... tea ?

    - There arent ................................ potatoes

    - Can I buy ............................... cakes at the supermarket?

    - Can I have .............................. more coffee, please?

    - I didnt meet ......................... English people when I was on holiday

    - Is there............................... fruit left or shall I buy .........................?

    9. Put the words in the right order.

    (a newspaper/reads/every day/ Jill)


    (football/don't like/very much/ I)


    (lost/ I/ my watch/ last week)


    (Tom/ the letter/ slowly/ read)


    (London/ do you know/ ver well)


    (ate/ we/ very quickly/ our dinner)


    (we/ at the concert/ some friends/met)


  • 10. Translate into English:

    - Yo a veces, bebo t.

    -Yo nunca estoy enfadado.

    - Ella siempre va al colegio.

    - Yo casi nunca bebo whisky.

    - Ella, generalmente, est en casa.

    -T rara vez duermes en casa.

    - l, a menudo, lee el peridico.

    - Son las 8 menos cuarto.

    - Mi padre no es mdico. l es ingeniero.

    - Mi ta es de Espaa.

    - Cul es tu nacionalidad? Yo soy espaol.

    - Cmo te llamas? Me llamo Antonio.

    - Yo no tengo un gato.

    - Ella tiene un perro.

    - Ana no est aprendiendo francs.

    - Mi amigo es rubio. l tiene los ojos azules.

    - Ella es buena en matemticas pero es mala en dibujo.

    - Son las 9 y media.

    - Cul es tu trabajo? Yo soy profesor.

    - Yo puedo hablar alemn porque yo soy alemn.

    - Nosotros estamos leyendo un libro.

    - Ella est estudiando.

    - T lavas el coche.

    - Lava l el coche?

  • 11. Put in plural these sentences.

    - This girl is a secretary.

    - My family is big.

    - I have a fish.

    - The sheep is white and black.

    12. Complete with:WHAT -WHERE - WHO - HOW MANY - HOW MUCH - WHEN WHAT TIME - HOW.

    - .....................old are you? I am 27.

    - you live? In Gijn.

    - it? Its ten oclock.

    - ........................books have you got? 25

    - that man? Hes my father.

    - .......................water is there in the bottle? There isnt any water.

    - you go to the beach? In summer.

    - .......................does this cost? 1500 ptas.

    - .........................are you doing? Im studying.

  • ENGLISH, 1ESO (Revision).


    1. Complte with Some / Any.

    Have you got ................. appels?

    There arent ................. pencils.

    She has got ................. books.

    Are there ................. girls?

    You have got ................. money.

    There is ................. milk.

    She doesnt play ................. instrument.

    There arent ................. pencils

    2. Complete with the correct verbal tense

    Let's go out. It ..................................(not rain) now.

    Julia is very good at languages. She .................................. (speak) four very well.

    Hurry up! Everybody .................................. (wait) for you.

    .................................. (you watch) the T.V.? No you can turn it off.

    The river Nile .................................. (flow) into the Mediterranean Sea.

    Look at the river. It .................................. (flow) very fast today.

    We usually .................................. (grow) vegetables in our garden but this year we .................................. (not grow) any this year.

    Ron is in London at the moment. He .................................. (stay) at the Park Hotel. He always .................................. (stay) there when he's in London.

    Normally I .................................. (finish) work at 5.00 but this week I .................................. (work) until 6.00.

    My parents ..................................(live) in Bristol. Where .................................. (your parents live)?

  • Sonia .................................. (look) for a place to live. She .................................. (stay) with her sister until she finds somewhere.

    What .................................. (your father do)? He's an architect but he .................................. (not work) at the moment.

    The train is never late. It always .................................. (leave) on time.

    3. Maje questions in Prsent Continuos.

    I am living in Pars.

    He is eating an apple.

    We are working in a hotel.

    The manager is holding a meeting.

    He is holding 5 meetings.

    He is arriving at five oclock.

    They are staying for 3 nights.

    I am studying beause Im having an exam.

    4. Translate and complete these setences with : OFTEN - ALWAYS - NEVER - - SOMETIMES - USUALLY.

    Yo a veces, bebo t.

    Yo nunca estoy enfadado.

    Ella siempre va al colegio.

  • l, a menudo, lee el peridico.

    5. Put in plural these sentences.

    This girl is a secretary.

    My family is big.

    I have a fish.

    The sheep is white and black.


    IME HOW in the correct sentence.

    .....................old are you? I am 27. you live? In Gijn. it? Its ten oclock.

    ........................books have you got? 25 that man? Hes my father.

    .......................water is there in the bottle? There isnt any water. you go to the beach? In summer.

    .......................does this cost? 1500 ptas.

    .........................are you doing? Im studying.

  • ENGLISH, 1 ESO.(Revision)


    1.Translate into English these sentences.

    - Yo no veo la television muy a menudo, pero ahora mis padres estn viendo la televisin.

    - Sandra est cansada porque ella trabaj ayer por la noche.

    - A qu hora te levantaste ayer?. Me levant a las doce menos diez porque era Sbado.

    - El mes pasado nos compramos un coche nuevo y muy moderno.

    - Lo siento, pero no puedo ir a tu fiesta el prximo Domingo.

    - No debes ver la televisin cuando ests estudiando.

    - No debes decirle a Sue nuestro secreto.

    - No abras la ventana, hace fro.

    - Mis manos est muy sucias, voy a lavarlas.

    - Qu te vas a poner para ir al cumpleaos de Raquel?.

    2. Complete with There is / There are or There were /There was and Some / Any.

    - Kenham isnt an old town. . ______ old building.

    - Can we take a photograph?. No, .. a film in the camera.

    - I was hungry but _______ to eat.

    - .. _______ football match on TV last night?.

    - Did you buy _______ eggs?. No, .. ___ in the shop.

  • - .. 24 hours in a day.

    - .. __________ restaurants in this city.

    - How many students . in your classroom?.

    - The wallet was empty (vaca). __________ money in it.

    - Imsorry. Im late . a lot of traffic.

    3. Put the plural of these words

    - Woman:

    - Adress:

    - Knike:

    - Family:

    - Holiday:

    - Sandwich:

    - Man:

    - Mouse:

    - Foot:

    - Person:

    4. Complete these box.

    VERB INFINITIVE PASTCostarVolarBeberSerRomperHacerCaerseComprarDarTenerConvertirse enVenirConducirEncontrarIrse

  • Poder, SaberLevantarseComerOlvidarConseguirTraer

    5. Put in NEGATIVE and INTERROGATIVE forms these sentences.

    - Were going to go travel around the world.

    - Shes writing a letter for her mum.

    - We went to the cinema yesterday

    - I like reading romantic novels.

    - Im going to a party tonight.

    - They lived in Bristol.

    6. Complete with the correct preposition.

    - I go to school foot.

    - My father goes to work . car.

    - I have kunch half past two.

    - Do you often go out .. the evening?

    - Did you go out . Tuesday evening?

    - What are you going to do the weekend?

    - My sister got married May

  • 7. Put in the correct order the next sentences.

    - they / like / do/ music / rock / ?

    - always / in/ homework / the / my / do / I / evenings.

    - on / go / Sundays/ to / school/ never / we.

    - isnt / he / a/ writing/ letter/ his/ parents/ to.

    - he/ Maths/ is/ ? / studyinh/ for/ exam.

    - meet/ Friday/ Lets/ on.

    - last week/ you/ the/ at /centre/ werent / sports.

    - last/ you/ night/ at/ cinema/ werent .

  • ENGLISH, 1 ESO (Make Questions).


    1. Make questions for these answers:

    1. Yes, she did.

    2. No, Im not.

    3. Yes, he does.

    4. No, the dont.

    5. Yes, I like.

    6. On Wednesday afternoon.

    7. Im from Spain.

    8. My mother lives in frica.

    9. There are twenty- three chairs.

    10. Because she was very tired.

    11. I was at work yesterday.

    12. Its half past two.

    13. Ive got two bothers.

    14. No, it isnt.

  • ENGLISH, 1ESO (Revision Exercise)


    1. Translate into Spanish:

    Hello, my name is Rodrigo, I am from Colombia, and I am 10 years old. I like read comic and watch TV. In the afternoons, I like to play basketball with my friends, and after I go to make my home works, because the study is very important for me. I have a dog, its name is Lucas, and is my best friend.

    I live with my mother, my father and my little sister, and I love they so much. She is 5 year old, and the next month we go together for the first time to the zoo-park. There is many animals like the panther, the tiger, the big bear, the funny monkeys, and birds like the eagle, the condor and others more that will be nice to meet.

    My father say me If you are a god boy, in your birthday I give you a Play station can you believe it?, is a nice gift, so I will be a god boy for win this prize.

    Yesterday star the summer, and I can go to the beach with my uncle and my cousins, for play everyday together in the sea. I know that this is a god plan, also is funny and is economic.

  • 2. Answer these QUESTIONS about the text:

    - when is the name of the boy?

    - what old is he?

    - what he like to play in the afternoons?

    - when he go the next month?

    - why he gone be a nice boy?

    - who live with he?

    - which animal wait to see Rodrigo?

    - where is he from?

    - when he can go in this summer?

    - who go with he?

  • ENGLISH, 1 ESO (Revision Verbal Tenses).



    1. Complete with the correct verbal tense.

    Let's go out. It ..................................(not rain) now.

    Julia is very good at languages. She .................................. (speak) four very well.

    Hurry up! Everybody .................................. (wait) for you.

    .................................. (you watch) the T.V.? No you can turn it off.

    .................................. (you watch) the T.V. every day? No only occasionally.

    The river Nile .................................. (flow) into the Mediterranean Sea.

    Look at the river. It .................................. (flow) very fast today.

    We usually .................................. (grow) vegetables in our garden but this year we .................................. (not grow) any this year.

    How is your English? Not bad. It .................................. (improve) slowly.

    Ron is in London at the moment. He .................................. (stay) at the Park Hotel. He always .................................. (stay) there when he's in London.

    Can we stop walking soon? I ..................................(start) to feel tired.

    Can you drive? I .................................. (learn) at the moment. My father .................................. (teach) me.

    Normally I .................................. (finish) work at 5.00 but this week I .................................. (work) until 6.00.

    My parents ..................................(live) in Bristol. Where .................................. (your parents live)?

  • Sonia .................................. (look) for a place to live. She .................................. (stay) with her sister until she finds somewhere.

    What .................................. (your father do)? He's an architect but he .................................. (not work) at the moment.

    The train is never late. It always .................................. (leave) on time.

    Past simple y present perfect

    Where's your key? I don't know. I ..................................(lose) it.

    I .................................. (be) very tired so I went to bed.

    Mary .................................. (go) to Australia for a month but she's back now.

    I did German at school but I .................................. (forget) most of it.

    I meant to phone Peter last night but I .................................. (forget)

    I .................................. (have) a headache earlier but I feel fine now.

    Look! There's an ambulance over there. There .................................. (be) an accident.

    The police .................................. (arrest) three people last night.

    Ann .................................. (give) me her address but I'm afraid I .................................. (lose) it.

    Where's my bike? It ..................................(be) outside the house. It .................................. (disappear).

    In 1788 he ...............................(write) his last great work in Vienna.

    Oh no! My car ......................................... (disappear)!

    Research ............................... (show) that cycling can help patients with their health.

    The eclipse ........................ (begin) at 2 minutes past 3.

    The football match ............................. (start) at 6 O'clock tonight.

  • The guests were early. They ......................(arrive) as I .........................(get) changed.

    The last train ....................... (leave) at 10 O'clock to Bristol.

    The rabbit just ...............................(appear) one day in my garden last week.

    ENGLISH, 1 ESO (Revision).



    b/ Im an actor.

    e/ I m from Los Angeles, California.

    d/ I five in Hollywood

    e/ I arrived to Hollywood in 1982.

    f/ I live in Hollywood because it is very near my working place. The Studios I work

    for are in Hollywood too.

    g/ No, I'm divorced.

    h/ Yes, I have got two daughters.

    i/ No, they live with their mother, but they stay with Te four days a month.

    j/ Yes, I like my job very much.

    2. - READ THIS TEXT AND ANSWER TRE QUESTIONS. THEN, WRITE ASIMILAR PARAGRAP11. YOU ARE PAUL, ALICE'S FATHER."Hello! This is my family.My names Alice Smith. Im from Liverpool. I am 6 years old. I am a student. I have

  • got two brothers. Their names are John and Michael. They are students. My parentsare Paul and Mary My father works in a factory. Hes an engneer. My motherworks in a hospital. Shes a nurse.

    A/ Where is Alice from?

    B/ How many brothers and sisters has she got?

    C/ How old is she?

    D/ What is her mothers name?

    E/ What is her fathers name?

    3. WRITE POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE SHORT ANSWERSAre you working at the moment? Yes, 1 am No, I'm notA/ I Are you reading a magazine?B/ Does Peter live in Madrid?C/ Is Mary going to the cinema?D/ Are your parents coming tonight?E/ Is the cat eating?F/ Is Robert cooking now?G Do they study in their bedroom?IU Can your sister play tennis?1/ Is her English teacher leaving?4. MAKE THE FOLLOWING SENTENCES NEGATIVE. THEN GIVETHE WRIGHT INFORMATION.

  • EXAMPLE: Shakespeare wrote songs. (plays) -Shakespeare didn t write songsHe wrote plays.Al Christopher Columbus discovered India. (America)

    B/ Beethoven came from Portugal. (Germany)

    C/ Leonardo da Vine lived in Brazil. (Italy)

    D/ The Americans landed on the moon in the 191h century.(20,h)

    E/ Spain won the last Football World Cup. (France)

    F/ Last night I had grass for dinner.(Soup)

    5. PUT THE WORDS IN ORDER TO FORM SENTENCESA/ school / wanted/ the 1 to / burn / they,

    B/ murder / wanted / people/ they 1500 1 to.

    C/ said/ hijack / they / to / he / wanted / a / that / plane

    D/ wanted / school / also / to / they / attack / neighbourhood / the.

    E/ plane / they / a / New York / into / crash / wanted / to .

    F/ they / teachers / wanted / kill / and / to / classmates / the / their.

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