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    Postoperative Tracheal Extubation

    Kirk A. Miller,


    Christopher P. Harkin,


    and Peter L. Bailey, MD

    Department of Anesthesiology, Universi ty of Utah Medical Center, Salt Lake City, Utah


    though tracheal intubation receives much at-

    tention, especially with regard to management

    of the difficult airway, tracheal extubation has

    received relatively little emphasis. The scope and sig-

    nificance of problems occurring after tracheal extuba-

    tion are real. Adverse outcomes involving the respira-

    tory system comprise the single largest class of injury

    reported in the ASA Closed Claims Study (1). Obvious

    adverse events related to tracheal extubation ac-

    counted for 35 of the 522 or 7 of the respiratory-

    related claims. Certainly additional morbidity related

    to extubation could be accounted for in other catego-

    ries of adverse respiratory events, such as inadequate

    ventilation, airway obstruction, bronchospasm, and

    aspiration. Others have documented a 4 -9 inci-

    dence of serious adverse respiratory events in the

    immediate postextubation period (2,3) and prevent-

    able anesthesia-related etiologies were noted as im-

    portant by Ruth et al. (2). Mathew et al. (4), in a

    retrospective review of more than 13,000 anesthetics,

    noted that emergency tracheal reintubations occurred

    in only 0.19 of patients, and that the majority of

    tracheal reintubations were due to preventable anes-

    thesia-related factors. Perhaps a greater percentage of

    patients experience postextubation difficulties but do

    not require reintubation of the trachea. Reasons for

    tracheal reintubation in the intensive care setting may

    differ, but the reported incidence in that arena is sim-

    ilarly 4 (5).

    Anesthesiologists recognize the immediate postex-

    tubation period as one where patients are particularly

    vulnerable. Events such as laryngospasm, aspiration,

    inadequate airway patency, or inadequate ventilatory

    drive can occur and frequently result in hypoxemia.

    Such hypoxemia is most often corrected within min-

    utes. Less frequently, postextubation hypoxemia can

    rapidly result in serious morbidity. In this report we

    will review the known physiologic and pathophysio-

    logic changes associated with anesthesia and surgery

    that can influence respiratory function after tracheal

    Accepted fo r publication August 10, 1994.

    Address correspondence and reprint requests to Peter L. Bailey,

    MD, Department of Anesthesiology, University of Utah Medical

    Center, 50 North Medical Drive, Salt Lake Cit y, UT 84132.

    01994 by the International Anesthesia Research Society


    extubation, the physiologic impact of extubation itself,

    criteria used for predicting successful extubation, and

    different techniques and interventions used for tra-

    cheal extubation. It is not our intent to review the

    complications of laryngoscopy and tracheal intuba-

    tion. However, common complications of tracheal in-

    tubation, with special emphasis on the airway, will be

    discussed in detail as they frequently affect respira-

    tory function after tracheal extubation. More uncom-

    mon and miscellaneous complications, such as prob-

    lems related to the endotracheal tube cuff, recently

    have been reviewed (6).

    Effects of Anesthesia and Surgery on

    Respiratory Function After Extubation

    After the ideal extubation, patients would exhibit

    adequate ventilatory drive, a normal breathing pat-

    tern, a patent airway with intact protective reflexes,

    normal pulmonary function, and the absence of any

    mechanical perturbations such as coughing. Unfortu-

    nately, all of these conditions are rarely, if ever,

    achieved in patients extubated after anesthesia. Un-

    derstanding the potential interactions between anes-

    thesia, surgery, and extubation on respiratory function

    helps define many of the complications that occur at

    this crucial juncture in anesthesia care. This section

    will include a discussion of the effects of anesthesia

    and surgery on the respiratory system which are com-

    mon during extubation, with major emphasis on the

    airway and lung.

    Airway Changes

    Any form of airway dysfunction, such as obstruction

    after tracheal extubation, is an immediate threat to

    patient safety. Significant airway compromise leads to

    diminished minute ventilatory volumes and hypox-

    emia ensues in a variable, but often rapid fashion. A

    differential diagnosis of acute postoperative obstruc-

    tion of the upper airway after extubation includes:

    laryngospasm, relaxed airway muscles, soft tissue

    edema, cervical hematoma, vocal-cord paralysis, and

    vocal-cord dysfunction (Table 1). Airway obstruction

    from foreign body aspiration (e.g., temperature probe

    condoms) will not be reviewed but deserves mention.

    Anesth Analg 1995;80:149-72


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    Table 1. Differential Diagnosisof Postoperative

    Airway Obstruction

    1. Laryngospasm

    2. Airway muscle elaxation

    a. Residual muscle elaxants

    b. Residual anesthetics

    3. Soft tissue edema (allergic reaction/mechanical


    a. Uvular

    c. Paryngolaryngeal

    4. Cervical hematoma

    5. Vocal cord paralysis/dysfunction

    6. Foreign body aspiration

    Laryngospasm Laryngospasm, defined by Keating

    (7) as a protective reflex, can be life-threatening when

    it occurs after extubation. Historically, a patient in

    Stage II anesthesia has been thought to be particularly

    vulnerable to laryngospasm (8). Stimulation of a vari-

    ety of sites from the nasal mucosa to the diaphragm

    can evoke laryngospasm (9). Most commonly, laryn-

    gospasm is a reaction to a foreign body or substance

    near the glottis. Blood or saliva, even in small

    amounts, can elicit laryngospasm. It has been sug-

    gested that laryngospasm can be prevented by extu-

    bating a patient under deep anesthesia, while the la-

    ryngeal reflexes are depressed (8). However,

    substantial proof of this tenet is lacking.

    Suzuki and Sasaki (10) contend that laryngospasm

    is solely attributable to prolonged adduction of the

    vocal cords mediated via the superior laryngeal nerve

    and cricothyroid muscle. Ikari and Sasaki (11) have

    demonstrated that the firing threshold of the laryngeal

    adductor neurons involved in laryngospasm varies in

    a sinusoidal manner during spontaneous ventilation.

    Interestingly, reflex laryngeal closure occurs more

    readily during expiration than inspiration (Figure 1).

    Others believe that laryngospasm also involves clo-

    sure of the glottis in addition to adduction of the vocal

    cords. Closure of the glottis results from contraction of

    the lateral cricoarytenoid and thyroarytenoid muscles,

    which are innervated by the recurrent laryngeal nerve

    (9). Clinical recognition and treatment of laryngo-

    spasm must be expedient (see below), if complications

    such as hypoxemia or pulmonary edema are to be

    avoided (12).

    Airway Relaxation Airway obstruction related to

    relaxation of airway soft tissue is frequently associated

    with residual effects of anesthesia. Such obstruction is

    purported to be most commonly due to relaxation of

    the airway (pharyngolaryngeal) muscles. Physiologic

    maintenance of upper airway patency occurs by a

    complex mechanism that involves the muscles in-

    serted into the hyoid bone and thyroid cartilage (13).

    During normal inspiration, an increase in tonic activ-

    ity of these strap muscles precedes contraction of the

    diaphragm and prevents apposition of the tongue and

    soft palate against the posterior pharyngeal wall (141.

    Drummond (15), administered sodium thiopental to

    14 patients which resulted in a decrease in electromyo-

    graphic activity of the strap muscles that was associ-

    ated with airway obstruction. Airway collapse has

    been prevented by stimulation of the strap muscles in

    rabbits (16). The mechanisms of airway obstruction in

    sleep disorders also involves a decrease in the tonic

    activity of these upper airway muscles.

    The actual tissue producing obstruction is a point of

    debate, but likely sites include the tongue, soft palate,

    and/or epiglottis. Evidence implicating the tongue as

    responsible for upper airway obstruction after extuba-

    tion is derived from several sources including descrip-

    tions of the mechanism of obstruction in unconscious

    patients, other sleep apnea studies, and several anes-

    thesia reports (17-21). Safar et al. (17), after evaluating

    lateral radiographs in anesthetized patients concluded

    that obstruction is secondary to posterior prolapse of

    the tongue. Sleep apnea patients also experience ob-

    struction from relaxation of the tongue secondary to

    decreased airway muscle tone that occurs during

    rapid eye movement sleep (18,191. Studies using elec-

    tromyograms in obstructive sleep apnea patients have

    recorded decreased activity of the genioglossus mus-

    cle concurrent with airway obstruction (19). Nishino et

    al. (20), reported decreases n hypoglossal nerve activ-

    ity which correlated inversely with increasing halo-

    thane concentrations in cats; however, there were no

    observations concerning airway obstruction. In addi-

    tion, reports of intraoperative airway obstruction dur-

    ing bilateral carotid endarterectomy under cervical

    plexus block suggest bilateral hypoglossal nerve dys-

    function as a contributing factor (21).

    Using fluoroscopy and lateral radiography, others

    have demonstrated that obstruction occurs at the level

    of the soft palate in sleep apnea patients (22). Nandi et

    al. (23) demonstrated obstruction at the soft palate in

    17 of 18 patients, the epiglottis in 4 of 18 patients, and

    the tongue in 0 of 18 patients (Figures 2 and 3). Boiden

    (24), using bronchoscopy, had similar findings, and

    proposed that the relative position of the hyoid bone

    to the thyroid cartilage determines the degree of air-

    way patency (24). Thus, the head tilt and jaw thrust

    recommended by Morikawa et al. (25) results in ven-

    tral movement of the hyoid bone relative to the thy-

    roid cartilage, and is effective in opening the airway.

    The soft palate appears to be the most likely site of

    airway obstruction. Nevertheless, prolapse of the

    tongue, especially when it is large, can probably also

    impair airway patency.

    Pharyngolaryngeal Edema Uvular and/or soft pal-

    ate edema is a potential cause of postextubation air-

    way obstruction (26). The pathophysiology of uvular

    edema is undetermined, but suggested possibilities

    include mechanical trauma and/or impeded venous

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    Figure 1. Mean threshold in volts for reflex glottic

    closure (laryngospasm) plotted with respect to respi-

    ratory phase. Note the increased threshold during

    inspiration. (Adapted with permission f rom: Ikari T,

    Saski CT. Glottic closure reflex control mechanisms.

    Ann oto1 1980;89:220-4.)

    Figure2. Radiographic evidence before (le ft) and

    after (right) induction of anesthesia, demonstrating

    sof t palate obstruction of the airway during anesthe-

    sia. Arrows indicate airway opening and narrowing.

    (Adapted with permission from Nandi PR. Effect of

    general anaesttiesia on the pharynx. Br J Anaesth




    I I I I I

    early late early late early late early late early late early late


    drainage from airway devices including endotracheal

    tubes (271, oral airways (281, nasal a irways (291, laryn-

    geal mask airways (30), and vigorous suctioning of the

    airway (31). Pregnant patients, and especially those

    with toxemia, may experience significant uvular

    and/or pharyngolaryngeal edema and related airway

    obstruction (32).

    Surgery involving the anterior neck, including dis-

    sections or cervical spine operations, may also result

    in pharyngolaryngeal edema and airway obstruction.

    Avoiding bilateral neck dissections in an attempt to

    prevent serious edema has been recommended (331,

    but, significant edema and supraglottic obstruction

    can occur even after delayed contralateral second

    stage procedures (34). One proposed mechanism of

    edema after neck surgery is the physical disruption of

    lymphatic drainage. Emery et al. (35) presented a re-

    view of seven cases of postoperative upper airway

    obstruction after anterior cervical spine surgery. Five

    of the seven patients had evidence of pharyngolaryn-

    geal edema, while none of the seven cases had evi-

    dence of cervical hematoma.

    Cervical Hem&ma Cervical hematoma after ante-

    rior neck surgery can also cause airway obstruction.

    Such hematomas can develop postoperatively, and

    cause delayed airway obstruction after extubation.

    The purported mechanism of airway obstruction as-

    sociated with cervical hematoma is the obstruction of

    venous and lymphatic systems by the expanding

    mass, resulting in pharyngolaryngeal edema (36).

    Edematous mucosal folds can eventually obliterate the

    glottis (36). Compression of adjacent airway struc-

    tures, such as the trachea, by a hematoma is not com-

    monly found (37).

    OSullivan et al. (36), described the postoperative

    course of six carotid endarterectomy patients who

    formed cervical hematomas. Stridor and respiratory

    compromise, which required immediate surgical in-

    tervention, developed in four of six patients. After

    induction of general anesthesia, three of these pa-

    tients were impossible to manually ventilate and two

    could not be intubated. The two patients without

    evidence of stridor also returned to the operating

    room. One of these two could not be manually ven-

    tilated and both were difficult to intubate. Another

    reported case of cervical hematoma involved a 57-

    yr-old patient who developed airway obstruction 12

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    - pre-induction

    . apnoea

    I I I

    I I I I I

    0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

    Distance (mm)

    Figure 3. Diagramm atic representation of the pharyngeal outline

    based on radiograph (Figure 2) measurem ents before (solid line)

    and after (dotted line) induction of anesth esia. 1, soft palate; 2, base

    of tongue; 3, hyoid bone; 4, epiglottis. (Adapted with permission

    from Nunn JF. Effect of general anaes thesia on the pharynx. Br

    J Anaesth 1991;66:157-62.)

    h after thyroidectomy. A significant hematoma de-

    veloped, but its evacuation did not relieve airway

    obstruction. The persistent airway obstruction was

    thought to be secondary to pharyngolaryngeal edema


    The incidence of cervical wound hematoma after

    carotid endarterectomy is cited as 1.9 , with an un-

    known percentage of these patients developing air-

    way obstruction (39). When these patients return to

    the operating room for reexploration, the absence of

    stridor or respiratory distress does not predict free-

    dom from diff icult airway problems. Hematoma, as

    well as pharyngolaryngeal edema, may render man-

    ual ventilation by mask and/or visualization of the

    vocal cords and tracheal intubation difficult or impos-

    sible. In addition, evacuation of the hematoma may

    not ameliorate existing airway compromise. Such

    patients should be extubated cautiously and when

    there is evidence that pharyngolaryngeal edema has


    Linglnal Edema Oral surgery can produce edema of

    the tongue and compromise postoperative airway

    function, especially after palatoplasty or pharyngeal

    flap surgery (40). Prolonged placement of a mouth

    gag, commonly used in cleft palate repair, can result in

    lingual edema as described by Schettler (41). Periodic

    relie f of pressure from mouth gag devices should help

    reduce associated lingual edema (42). Head position

    during neurosurgery has also been reported to con-

    tribute to lingual edema. Patients undergoing a

    craniotomy in the sitting position may have their head

    in such extreme flexion that obstruction of venous

    drainage of the tongue results in lingual edema, mac-

    roglossia, and airway obstruction (43). During such

    head flexion the presence of an oral airway may exac-

    erbate compression of the tongue and further compro-

    mise lingual circulation.

    An allergic reaction to glutaraldehyde solution,

    used to sterilize laryngoscope blades, is another

    unique cause of lingual edema. Edema can be so se-

    vere as to lead to reintubat ion during recovery (44).

    Severe allergic reactions in general may involve part

    or al l of several airway structures and can also result

    in edema and airway compromise.

    Vocal Cord Paralysis Unilateral vocal cord paraly-

    sis may cause persistent hoarseness after extubation

    (45). Bilateral vocal cord paralysis may produce upper

    airway obstruction (46,47). Vocal cord paralysis is usu-

    ally secondary to injury of the recurrent laryngeal

    nerve resulting in unopposed superior laryngeal

    nerve mediated adduction of the vocal cords. Such an

    injury can occur with neck surgery (especially thyroid-

    ectomy) (48), thoracic surgery (49,501, internal jugular

    line placement (51), and endotracheal intubation (52-

    55). Endotrachealtubes are frequently cited as a cause

    of vocal cord paralysis, and suggested mechanisms

    include endotracheal tube cuff compression of the re-

    current laryngeal nerve against the lamina of the thy-

    roid cartilage. Positioning of the endotracheal tube

    cuff just below or adjacent to the vocal cords may

    increase the incidence of this problem. Excessive cuff

    inflation and/or high cuff pressures resulting from

    diffusion of nitrous oxide can also contribute to vocal

    cord damage, especially in cuffs that are positioned

    just below the cords.

    Vocal Cord Dysfunction Vocal cord dysfunction

    (VCD) is an uncommon clin ical cause of airway ob-

    struction. VCD was first described in 1902 by Osler

    (56). It has since been described by various synonyms,

    including paroxysmal vocal cord motion (57), facti-

    tious asthma (58), emotional laryngeal wheezing (59),

    and Munchausens stridor (60). Al l of the above enti-

    ties are similar in their clinical presentation. The pa-

    tient population, from the few reported cases (61,621,

    appears to consist predominantly of young females

    with a recent history of an upper respiratory tract

    infection and emotional stress (59,61,63). VCD pre-

    sents with laryngeal stridor or upper airway wheezing

    similar to asthma (59,64), but the wheezing is unre-

    sponsive to bronchodilator therapy (58,63,65). Patients

    complain of inspiratory difficulties that result from

  • 8/11/2019 123 Posoperative Tracheal Extubacion[1]




    paradoxical adduction of the vocal cords during inspi-

    ration (59). Obstruction can be severe and require the

    institution of an arti ficia l or surgical airway (61,66).

    Flow volume loops will reveal variable extrathoracic

    obstruction with a marked decrease in inspiratory

    flow compared to expiratory flow (611, but visualiza-

    tion of the vocal cords during a symptomatic episode

    is necessary for a def initive diagnosis (67). Recommen-

    dations for successful extubation of these patients in-

    clude avoiding an awake extubation or, if possible,

    providing adequate sedation at the time of extubation.

    Sedation alleviates the dynamic inspiratory obstruc-

    tion by reducing inspiratory effort and flow. Treat-

    ment of a VCD episode includes verbal reassurance,

    asking the patient to focus on the expiratory phase of

    breathing (621, and sedation if the diagnosis of VCD as

    the cause of respiratory distress is certain (58).

    Laryngeal Incompetence Several investigations have

    demonstrated that laryngeal incompetence occurs af-

    ter extubation whether or not residual anesthetic ef-

    fects are present. Tom lin et al. (68) evaluated 56 pa-

    tients undergoing simple surface surgery under

    light balanced anesthesia; 12 patients developed

    postoperative atelectasis, 6 of whom aspirated when

    asked to swallow 10 mL of contrast medium 2 or more

    hours after surgery. The majority of these patients (4

    of 6) demonstrating this finding had been intubated.

    Gardner (69) demonstrated aspiration in 10 of 94 pa-

    tients 2 to 4 days after extubation, and Siedlecki et al.

    (70) found that 27 of responsive patients aspirated

    radiopaque dye immediately after extubation. Cardiac

    surgery patients also have a high risk (33 ) of aspira-

    tion when extubated early (less than 8 h) after surgery,

    even if awake. This risk sign ificantly decreases to 5

    when extubation is performed later (71). Residual an-

    esthetic effects may contribute to this high incidence of

    aspiration in the early postoperative period. In sum-

    mary, laryngeal incompetence is common and the risk

    of aspiration after extubation is not elimina ted by the

    presence of consciousness.

    Swallowing Swallowing, another airway protec-

    tion reflex, can also be impaired by a host of factors

    after surgery and anesthesia. As recently reviewed

    (72), topical anesthetics, tracheostomy, tracheal intu-

    bation, neurologic or airway structure injury, con-

    scious intravenous sedation, inhalat ion of 50 nitrous

    oxide, and even sleep can depress swallowing and

    permit pulmonary aspiration. Pavlin et al. (73) and

    Isono et al. (74) have also demonstrated that partial

    paralysis with neuromuscular blockers depresses

    swallowing, too.

    Control of Breathing

    While it is not the purpose of this review to completely

    describe the impact of anesthesia on the control of

    breathing, it is necessary to highlight the major factors

    affecting ventilatory drive during tracheal extubation.

    Airway function is also linked to the central neural

    control of breathing and, like spontaneous ventilation,

    is depressed by anesthesia. Inhalation drugs, opioids,

    sedative-hypnotics, and muscle relaxants are the com-

    mon anesthetics that can depress the ventilatory re-

    sponse to carbon dioxide and/or hypoxia. Significant

    residual drug effects are often present at the time of

    tracheal extubation.

    Inhalation drugs alter the regulation of CO, partial

    pressures, as evidenced by the correlation between

    increasing alveolar concentrations of various potent

    inhaled anesthetics, and increases in resting CO, ten-

    sions and declines in ventilatory responses to CO2

    (75-77). Low concentrations of the potent inhalation

    drugs (less than 0.5 minimum alveolar anesthetic con-

    centration (MAC)) should not, in and of themselves,

    produce clin ically troublesome blunting of ventilatory

    response to CO2 during extubation and recovery from

    surgery (78). However, low concentrations of potent

    inhalation drugs may blunt the hypoxic ventilatory

    response and such an effect can pose a significant risk.

    Halothane, enflurane, and isoflurane, at 1 MAC in

    dogs, produce significant depression of hypoxic ven-

    tilatory drive. Enflurane has been reported to be the

    greatest depressant of hypoxic ventilatory drive and

    isoflurane the least (79). Knil l et al. (78,80,81) per-

    formed several investigations of hypoxic ventilatory

    drives in humans and demonstrated that even low

    concentrations (0.1 MAC) of halothane and enflurane

    greatly decrease the ventilatory response to isocapnic

    hypoxia. A more recent report suggests that hypoxic

    ventilatory drive may not be depressed by low con-

    centrations of isoflurane (82). Decreases in hypoxic,

    but not hypercapnic, ventilatory drive occur with ni-

    trous oxide as well (83).

    All p receptor opioid agonists, including morphine,

    fentanyl, sufentanil, and alfentanil, produce dose-de-

    pendent depression of ventilation, primarily through

    a direct action on the medullary respiratory center

    (84). The responsiveness of the respiratory center to

    CO, is significantly reduced by opioids. The slope of

    the ventilatory response to CO, is decreased, and

    minute vent ilatory responses to increases in Pace, are

    shifted to the right. The apneic threshold and resting

    arteria l Pco, are also increased by opioids. Thus, the

    primary mechanism whereby the body regulates

    minute ventilation and protects itself from significant

    increases in COP and respiratory acidosis is signifi-

    cantly impaired by opioids. Opioids also decrease hy-

    poxic ventilatory drive (85,86), and blunt the increase

    in respiratory drive normally associated with in-

    creased loads, such as increased airway resistance


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    Delayed or recurrent respiratory depression can oc-

    cur in patients recovering from general anesthesia

    who have received fentanyl (87), morphine (88), me-

    peridine (89), alfentanil (90), and sufentanil (91). Ex-

    planations for this phenomenon include a lack of stim-

    ulation or pain, administration of supplemental

    analgesics and other medications, renarcotization after

    naloxone administration, motor activity causing re-

    lease of opioids stored in skeletal muscle, hypother-

    mia, hypovolemia, and hypotension. Investigators

    have noted second peaks in plasma fentanyl levels

    during the drugs elimination phase (92). Secondary

    peaks in fentanyl plasma levels produce parallel de-

    creases in CO, sensitivity and breathing (93).

    Benzodiazepines have also been shown to decrease

    the acute ventilatory response to hypercarbia and hy-

    poxia (94). This action is not as profound as that

    observed after opioid agonists. Antagonism of signif-

    icant residual benzodiazepine effects with flumazenil

    can be followed by resedation because of the shorter

    duration of action of the latter drug. Vecuronium and

    d-tubocurarine can also decrease hypoxic ventilatory

    drive, supposedly by blocking nicotinic cholinergic

    receptors in the carotid body (95,96). Acety lcholine is

    one of the carotid body neurotransmitters involved in

    facilitating hypoxic ventilatory drive (96).

    Recurrence of troublesome ventilatory depression

    can occur after extubation without obvious cause. Tra-

    cheal extubation, patient transport, and init ial recov-

    ery room nursing assessment can result in significant

    patient stimulation. Once these events have passed,

    overall stimulation can subside, and possibly result in

    an apparent renarcotization with inadequate

    and/or obstructed ventilation. Sleep, too, especially in

    association with the actions of opioid analgesics, re-

    sults in significant depression of ventilatory drive (97).

    Pulmonary Function

    The lung routinely undergoes significant physiologic

    and, at times, pathophysiologic changes during gen-

    eral anesthesia that can persist after tracheal extuba-

    tion. These changes frequently include decreased lung

    volumes, abnormalities in gas exchange, augmented

    work of breathing, and depressed mucociliary func-

    tion. These changes are rarely, if ever, of benefit. They

    can be detrimental and, at times, may result in signif-

    icant patient morbidity. Thus, the impact of anesthesia

    and surgery on lung function can significantly influ-

    ence results after tracheal extubation.

    Lung Volumes The most apparent and easily ex-

    plained lung volume change after extubation is an

    increase in dead space, which occurs as a result of

    substituting the endotracheal tube volume with the

    upper airway volume. Significant changes in func-

    tional residual capacity (ERC) also occur periopera-

    tively. FRC usually decreases by approximately 18

    of total lung capacity or approximately 500-1000 mL

    with induction of general anesthesia (98,991. Postop-

    erative decreases in FRC are associated with surgery

    of the abdomen or thorax (100,101). It is unclear

    whether FRC is decreased immediately after tracheal

    extubation. Ali et al. (100) and Colgan and Whang

    (101) demonstrated that, although FRC is not de-

    creased immediately after extubation, it is decreased

    several hours later. Strandberg et al. (102) demon-

    strated a decrease in FRC in 90 of patients 1 h after


    The decrease in ERC seen after induction of anes-

    thesia and after extubation may be caused by different

    mechanisms (103). The decrease in FRC seen immedi-

    ately after induction was well illustrated by Brismar et

    al. (99). In that study computed tomography revealed

    areas of compression atelectasis (Figure 4). The mech-

    anism for this decrease in FRC after induction of an-

    esthesia has been attributed to a cephalad shift of the

    diaphragm (1041, rib cage instability (105,106), and

    increased intrathoracic blood volume (105). Interest-

    ingly, neuromuscular block (NMB) after induction of

    general anesthesia does not result in a further decrease

    in FRC (105). The mechanism underlying postopera-

    tive decreases in FRC is usually related to diaphrag-

    matic dysfunction (102,107,108). Simonneau et al. (107)

    reported that diaphragmatic dysfunction after abdom-

    ina l surgery could last up to 1 wk and resulted in a

    greater reliance on rib cage movement for breathing.

    Diaphragmatic dysfunction is though to be secondary

    to surgical irritation, inadequate pain control, and/or

    abdominal distention. In addition to diaphragmatic

    dysfunction, another cause of postoperative decreases

    in FRC is guarded breathing (splinting). Relief of pain

    can part ially restore FRC (108) and vital capacity (109),

    and improve oxygenation (110).

    While the clin ical consequences of decreases in FRC

    are often not problematic, decreases in FRC are often

    large enough to cause atelectasis (Figure 4) and ven-

    tilation-perfusion abnormalities that impair gas ex-

    change and decrease oxygen stores. Such lung volume

    changes, if present at the time of extubation, can com-

    promise a patients abi lity to tolerate airway difficul-

    ties by decreasing the time available for intervention

    and prevention of hypoxemia.

    Hypoxemiu The incidence of hypoxemia, most fre-

    quently defined as an oxyhemoglobin saturation less

    than 90 , after extubation and recovery from general

    anesthesia is high. As many as 24 of children (111)

    and 32 of adults after a general anesthetic will be

    hypoxemic upon arrival at a postanesthesia care uni t if

    no supplemental oxygen is provided during transport

  • 8/11/2019 123 Posoperative Tracheal Extubacion[1]





    Figure 4. Transverse computed tomography scan s of the thorax

    before (upper) and after (lower) induction of anesthe sia, demon-

    strating areas of comp ression atelecta sis (arrows) in the dependent

    regions of both lungs. (Adapted with permission from Brismar B, et

    al. Pulmonary dens ities during ane sthesia w ith muscu lar relax-

    ation-a proposal of atelectas is. Anesthes iology 1985;62:422-8.)

    (112). Marshall and Wyche (1131, in a review of hy-

    poxemia during and after anesthesia, categorized

    postoperative hypoxia into early and late causes. Be-

    sides inadequate minute ventilation or airway ob-

    struction, other causes of early hypoxemia include

    increased ventilation/perfusion mismatch (114), in-

    creased alveolar-to-arterial gradient (115), diffusion

    hypoxia (116), obligatory posthyperventilation hy-

    poventilation (117,118), shivering (1191, inhibi tion of

    hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction (120), and a de-

    crease in cardiac output (121). Late causes include

    increased ventilation/perfusion mismatch (122,123)

    preexisting pulmonary disease (124), old age (124),

    gender (with males experiencing hypoxemia more fre-

    quently than females) (125), and obesity (126). Al-

    though the intraoperative administration of opioids

    occasionally has been reported to increase postopera-

    tive hypoxemia (127), the vast majority of studies have

    not demonstrated that the use of opioids in anesthesia

    is associated with an increased incidence of postoper-

    ative hypoxemia (128).

    Diffusion hypoxia, another cause of hypoxemia in

    patients emerging from anesthesia was first reported

    by Fink (116), who thought the outward diffusion of

    N,O could dilu te alveolar oxygen. With the continu-

    ous application of supplemental oxygen during emer-

    gence and recovery from anesthesia the incidence of

    clinically significant diffusion hypoxia is rare but not

    unheard of (129,130).

    Mucociliary dysfunction associated with anesthesia

    and surgery can also contribute to postoperative hy-

    poxemia. Bronchial epithelial cell cilia normally clear

    mucous from the respiratory tract (131). Patients with

    atelectasis have been shown to have delayed mucocili-

    ary clearance (132). Anesthesia, tracheal intubation

    and surgery result in mucociliary dysfunction and

    abnormal or retrograde mucous flow. Mucous pooling

    in dependent areas can contribute to impaired gas


    Work of Breathing Tracheal extubation of a spon-

    taneously breathing patient can decrease the work of

    breathing (WOB) by decreasing airway resistance and

    minute ventilation (133). The presence of an endotra-

    cheal tube augments spontaneous ventilation increas-

    ing respiratory rate and tidal volume (134). Some

    studies demonstrate transient increases in minute ven-

    tilation after extubation produced by increases in re-

    spiratory rate, tidal volume, and inspiratory flow, all

    of which return to preextubation values within 30 min

    (135). Most often, if airway obstruction is minimal,

    tracheal extubation results in a decrease in the WOB.

    The impact of other artificial airways, such as an oral

    airway, on the WOB is unknown. Although the de-

    crease in WOB after extubation should be beneficial,

    as noted above, the presence of an endotracheal tube

    may stimulate breathing and counteract the respira-

    tory depressant effects of anesthesia while simulta-

    neously maintaining the airway. An apparently ade-

    quate spontaneous minute ventilation prior to

    extubation may not be sustained once the trachea is



    Coughing frequently occurs during tracheal extuba-

    tion. Bucking is a more forceful and often protracted

    cough that physiologically mimics a Valsalva maneu-

    ver. Unlike a Valsalva maneuver, bucking occurs at

    variable lung volumes, which are often less than vital

    capacity. Coughing and bucking are not only estheti-

    cally unpleasant, but can also be harmful. They can

    cause abrupt increases in intracavitary pressures. For

    example, patients with an open eye injury or increased

    intracranial pressure, can be placed at risk. Increased

    intraocular and intracranial pressures result from an

  • 8/11/2019 123 Posoperative Tracheal Extubacion[1]




    increase in intrathoracic pressure that decreases ve-

    nous return to the right atrium (136). Abdominal

    wound separation, although rarely associated with

    emergence from anesthesia, is another potential com-

    plication associated with an increase in intraabdomi-

    nal pressure secondary to bucking.

    Bucking also results in a decrease in FRC (137).

    Bucking, especially in pediatric patients, can rapidly

    cause hypoxemia, not only due to the decrease in

    minute vent ilation but also subsequent to the associ-

    ated loss in lung volume and resultant atelectasis. The

    persistence of relative hypoxemia after bucking itself

    resolves illustrates the greater time and difficulty

    needed to reexpand the lung compared to the ease

    with which it collapses. The avoidance of bucking

    during the extubation of patients is an important clin-

    ical skill and art, and is one of the clin ical hallmarks

    of the smooth extubation.

    Cardiovascular Effects of Extubation

    Many investigators have documented that tracheal

    extubation causes modest (10 30 ) and transient

    increases in blood pressure and heart rate, lasting 5-15

    min (138-143). Although such cardiovascular stimu-

    lation is usually inconsequential, certain patients may

    experience unfavorable or undesirable sequelae. For

    example, Coriat et al. (144) demonstrated that patients

    with coronary artery disease experience significant

    decreases in ejection fractions (from 55 2 7 to

    45 ? 7 ) after extubation. The changes in ejection

    fraction occurred in the absence of electrocardio-

    graphic signs of myocardial ischemia. Wellwood et al.

    (145) reported that patients with a cardiac index of less

    than 3.0 L * min- * m-*

    did demonstrate an ischemic

    response to the stress of postoperative tracheal extu-

    bation after myocardial revascularization. These pa-

    tients experienced decreases in myocardial lactate ex-

    traction, left ventricular compliance, and cardiac

    performance. Others, however, have failed to confirm

    electrocardiographic or enzymatic evidence of myo-

    cardial ischemia related to tracheal extubation in pa-

    tients after coronary artery surgery (146,147). Tracheal

    extubation after caesarean section in parturients with

    gestational hypertension can cause significant in-

    creases of 45 and 20 mm Hg in mean arterial and

    pulmonary artery pressures, respectively. It was con-

    cluded that tracheal extubation and related hemody-

    namic changes increased the risk of cerebral hemor-

    rhage and pulmonary edema in those parturients


    Finally, as described above, coughing often occurs

    during tracheal extubation. Coughing can lead to in-

    creases in intrathoracic pressure which can interfere

    with venous return to the heart. The effects of cough-

    ing on heart rate, systolic, diastolic , and arteria l pulse

    pressure, and coronary flow velocity have been eval-

    uated by Kern et al. (149). Fourteen patients undergo-

    ing routine diagnostic coronary arteriography were

    evaluated. Coughing significantly increased systolic

    pressure (from 137 -+ 25 to 176 -+ 30 mm Hg), diastolic

    pressure (from 72 + 10 to 84 + 18 mm Hg), and

    arteria l pulse pressure (from 65 -t 27 to 92 -+ 35 mm

    Hg), without changing heart rate. Mean coronary flow

    velocity decreased (from 17 + 10 to 14 2 12 cm/s> in

    these patients.

    In summary, significant hemodynamic stimulation,

    to varying degrees, can be at least transiently pro-

    duced by tracheal extubation. Although these changes

    are usually inconsequential, patients at particular risk

    may occasionally be adversely affected by tracheal

    extubation. Thus, the potentia l for deleterious hemo-

    dynamic events to follow extubation, while most often

    rare, should not be ignored.

    Neurologic Effects of Extubation

    It is well established that laryngoscopy and intubation

    increase intracranial pressure (ICI), the greatest in-

    crease being elic ited in patients with decreased intra-

    crania l compliance (150). However, the effects of tra-

    cheal extubation on ICI have not been investigated.

    Although it is likely that extubation causes at least

    transient increases in ICI, the existence of such effects

    must be extrapolated from other data.

    Donegan and Bedford (151) reported that ICI in-

    creased by 12 + 5 mm Hg in comatose patients whose

    tracheas were suctioned. White et al. (152) also found

    ICI? increased from 15 t 1 to 22 + 3 mm Hg after

    endotracheal suctioning in fully resuscitated, coma-

    tose intensive care unit (ICU) patients. The ICI in-

    creases lasted for less than 3 min after suctioning. Both

    authors hypothesized that coughing associated with

    endotracheal suctioning causes ICI to increase by in-

    creasing intrathoracic pressure, cerebral venous pres-

    sure, and cerebral blood volume. Thus tracheal extu-

    bation, especially when associated with suctioning

    and/or coughing or bucking, is also likely to increase


    Increases in arterial blood pressure often result from

    tracheal extubation as mentioned above, and arterial

    hypertension can also lead to or be associated with

    intracranial hemorrhage or increases in ICI (153). Pos-

    sibly, associated hemodynamic changes, during and

    after extubation, can also negatively impact patients

    with intracranial pathology.

    The problems and pitfalls of airway management in

    patients with cervical spine injuries have been docu-

    mented (154). Although not studied, the potential for

    neurologic damage during the extubation of such pa-

    tients after cervical spine stabil ization procedures

    seems remote. However, the preoperative injury, as

  • 8/11/2019 123 Posoperative Tracheal Extubacion[1]





    well as the cervical spine surgery, can result in signif-

    icant postoperative edema formation and/or bleeding

    and airway dysfunction. Cervical spine injury or

    edema can also impair neural drive and phrenic nerve

    and diaphragmatic function.

    In summary, although the neurologic consequences

    of tracheal extubation have not been evaluated, cough-

    ing, bucking, and arterial hypertension during tra-

    cheal extubation can all be detrimental, especially in

    patients with existing intracranial pathology. The

    maintenance of adequate ventilatory drive and airway

    function after extubation is also likely to be more

    difficult in patients undergoing intracranial or cervical

    spine surgery.

    Hormonal Effects of Extubation

    Recognition that a significant and potentially deleteri-

    ous stress response can result from the induction of

    anesthesia, tracheal intubation, and surgery has led to

    numerous documentations of this phenomenon. On

    the other hand, the endocrine response to tracheal

    extubation has received little attention. Lowrie et al.

    (143) evaluated the impact of tracheal extubation on

    changes in plasma concentrations of epinephrine and

    norepinephrine in 12 patients undergoing major elec-

    tive surgery. Epinephrine levels were significantly

    increased from 0.9 to 1.4 pmol/mL only 5 min af-

    ter extubation. Norepinephrine

    levels remained


    Adams et al. (155) performed an investigation in

    which 40 patients, undergoing herniorraphy or chole-

    cystectomy, were anesthetized with either isoflurane

    or halothane and extubated at 0.5 MAC depth of an-

    esthesia or awake. Significant but transient (lasting

    minutes) increases in plasma epinephrine levels oc-

    curred in all patients but to greater degrees in those

    anesthetized with isoflurane versus halothane and in

    those extubated prior to awakening. Norepinephrine

    levels also increased in all patients except those extu-

    bated awake after halothane anesthesia. Although an-

    tidiuretic hormone levels increased in all patients after

    extubation, neither adrenocorticotropic hormone nor

    cortisol levels did.

    These few investigations indicate that an endocrine

    response to tracheal extubation can occur. This re-

    sponse appears to be modest and transient in nature,

    and unlikely to have a negative impact.

    Extubation Criteria

    The ability to predict adequate respiratory function

    after extubation depends on many factors. In broad

    terms, anesthesia and specific pharmacologic thera-

    pies used to permit tracheal intubation and mechani-

    cal ventilation must be sufficiently reversed. In addi-

    tion, any underlying pathologic determinants of the

    need for mechanical ventilation, whether they be med-

    ical (e.g., pneumonia) or iatrogenic (e.g., thoracoto-

    my), must be addressed, so that spontaneous ventila-

    tion can sustain adequate cardiopulmonary function.

    The operative setting often differs from the ICU in that

    the factors leading to required mechanical ventilation

    (anesthesia, surgical insult, residual anesthetics, neu-

    romuscular blockers) are primarily iatrogenic. In ad-

    dition, these factors are usually rapidly reversed. ICU

    patients frequently require mechanical ventilation be-

    cause of cardiopulmonary disease and pathologic pro-

    cesses hat interfere with gas exchange. A discussion

    of the process of weaning ICU patients from ventila-

    tory support is not the objective of this paper; how-

    ever, many of the criteria commonly used to predict

    successful tracheal extubation are derived from the

    study of such patients.

    Predicting whether a patient will tolerate tracheal

    extubation after general anesthesia requires knowl-

    edge of the patients current cardiopulmonary status

    as well as the presence and impact of residual anes-

    thetics, including muscle relaxants. The cardiopulmo-

    nary system is of particular concern, especially if or-

    gan dysfunction and pathology might preclude

    immediate postoperative extubation. Cardiopulmo-

    nary function criteria focus primarily on ventilatory,

    hemodynamic, neuromuscular, and hematologic con-

    siderations. Specific respiratory concerns include

    breathing pattern, ventilatory drive, airway function,

    ventilatory muscle strength, and gas exchange. Car-

    diovascular concerns include hemodynamic stability

    in order to ensure adequate circulation and respira-

    tory gas transport, both through the lungs and sys-

    temically. The impact of residual NMB and determi-

    nation of its adequate reversal is also key. Hemoglobin

    levels sufficient for adequate oxygen transport and

    hemostasis should be achieved (156). While the above

    considerations are important and well known to clini-

    cians, specific derived and objective criteria for pre-

    dicting successful extubation are often lacking. For

    instance, single independent factors, such as the he-

    matocrit, cannot be considered in isolation but only as

    part of larger formulas, organ system(s) function, and

    the patient as a whole. Frequently used objective cri-

    teria used to decide whether to extubate a patient will

    be reviewed.

    Breathing Patterns

    Spontaneous breathing patterns provide information

    about respiratory efficiency and the likelihood of suc-

    cessful extubation. Two types of breathing patterns,

    either a rapid shallow breathing pattern or a paradox-

    ical breathing pattern (asynchronous motion of the rib

    cage and abdomen) indicate an increased risk that

    extubation will not be successful or that it is failing.

  • 8/11/2019 123 Posoperative Tracheal Extubacion[1]







    Rapid shallow breathing is often secondary to me-

    chanical dysfunction and causes inefficient gas ex-

    change (157). Yang and Tobin (158) studied medical

    ICU patients and found that the frequency of breaths

    per minute divided by the tidal volume in liters (f/Vt>

    is a reliable predictor of extubation success. Patients

    with f/Vt values of less than 100 had successful tra-

    cheal extubation. In that study, the f/Vt ratio proved

    superior to minute ventilation, tidal volume, respira-

    tory rate, maximal inspiratory pressure, and static or

    dynamic compliance in predicting successful weaning

    and extubation.

    Paradoxical breathing, or asynchronous motion of

    the rib cage and abdomen, can imply the onset of

    respiratory failure, especially in cases of pulmonary

    insufficiency (157). Respiratory muscle fatigue can un-

    derlie this phenomenon and in an attempt to conserve

    energy, the intercostal muscles and the diaphragm

    contract alternately. Paradoxical or rocking boat

    breathing patterns are also seen in patients with sig-

    nificant residual NMB and/or airway obstruction.

    Respiratory Muscle Strength

    Neuromuscular Block Tracheal extubation after gen-

    eral anesthesia is at times unsuccessful because resid-

    ual muscle relaxation results in airway obstruction

    and/or inadequate minute ventilation. The presence

    of residual muscle relaxation is less likely to result in

    inadequate minute ventilation than airway obstruc-

    tion (73,159,160). Uncoordinated breathing, dyspnea,

    and/or accompanying anxiety often further exacer-

    bate conditions. Clinicians usually attempt to objec-

    tively determine adequate neuromuscular function by

    peripheral nerve stimulation, clinical strength tests,

    and maximum inspiratory pressure (ME).

    Ali et al. (161,162), using ulnar nerve evoked elec-

    tromyograms, suggested that a train-of-four (TOF) ra-

    tio of 0.6 to 0.7 correlated well with signs of adequate

    clinical recovery and safe extubation. However, the

    TOF ratio cannot always predict adequate ventilation

    and airway muscle strength after tracheal extubation.

    Possible explanations for this include the fact that

    visual and/or tactile assessmentof the TOF ratio has

    not been found to be clinically reliable (163,164). The

    use of subjective rather than objective TOF ratio meas-

    ures may explain the finding that up to 28 of recov-

    ery room patients have a TOF ratio of less than 0.7

    (165). Other factors, such as increases in Pace,, can

    also impair the pharmacologic reversal of neuromus-

    cular block.

    The double-burst technique has been suggested to

    improve the clinical accuracy of peripheral nerve stim-

    ulation (166). Although visual observation of the dou-

    ble-burst technique is 90 accurate at predicting a

    TOF ratio less than 0.5, it is only 44 accurate in







    Figure 5. Maximum inspiratory pressure (MB) below which the

    indicated clinic al maneuvers could not be performed after incre-

    mental neuromuscular block with curare in volunteers. Note that

    the head lift is the most sen sitive clinic al indicator of residual

    neuromuscu lar block with d-tubocurarine chloride. All asterisks

    indicate different and statistically significan t P values for MIP indi-

    cated by the bar graph versus a MIP of -25 cm H,O (dotted line).

    (Adapted with permission from Pavlin EG, Holle RH, Schoen e RB.

    Recovery of airway p rotection compared with ventilation in hu-

    mans after paralysis curare. Anesthes iology 1989;70:381-5.

    predicting a TOF ratio less han 0.7 (166). Thus, neither

    the TOF ratio nor the double-burst technique, when

    applied with a standard peripheral nerve stimulator,

    permit great accuracy, and do not reliably permit the

    diagnosis of significant residual NMB. The reliability

    of a sustained tetanic response to peripheral nerve

    stimulation as a predictor of successful tracheal extu-

    bation has not been documented to our knowledge.

    Clinical assessment of respiratory muscle strength

    prior to extubation includes observation of head lift,

    leg lift, hand grip strength and/or the MIP that can be

    generated against an occluded airway. The head lift

    was introduced by Varney et al. (167), who standard-

    ized the assessmentof NMB by using the rabbit head

    drop as an indication of muscle relaxation. The ability

    to perform a 5-s head lift, perhaps the most reliable

    test of adequate neuromuscular strength, correlates

    with a TOF ratio of 0.7-0.8 (168). Dam and Guldmann

    (169), and others (73,170,171), have advocated the use

    of the head lift as a reliable test of adequate respiratory

    muscle strength. Pavlin et al. (73) administered incre-

    mental small doses of curare to awake volunteers,

    decreasing MIP from -90 cm H,O to -20 cm H,O,

    and studied the correlation between the progressive

    muscle relaxation, airway obstruction, and clinical

    tests including the 5-s head lift, leg lift, and grip

    strength (Figure 5). The 5-s head lift was again found

    to be the most reliable indicator of adequate airway

    muscle strength and function. Interestingly, adequate

    minute ventilation could be sustained when airway

  • 8/11/2019 123 Posoperative Tracheal Extubacion[1]






    support was provided, despite the presence of signif-

    icant paralysis.

    The MIP is often quoted as a measure of adequate

    respiratory muscle strength. Bendixen et al. (172) dem-

    onstrated in a small series of patients that a MIP of

    -20 to -25 cm H,O was necessary to maintain ade-

    quate minute ventilation, and suggested that inspira-

    tory force measurement could be a valid measure of

    ventilatory capacity. Sahn and Lakshminarayan (173)

    demonstrated that 100 of patients in the ICU with a

    MIP of -30 cm H,O could be extubated successfully,

    and others have agreed (174). Pavlin et al. (73) dem-

    onstrated, however, that when volunteers were ad-

    ministered incremental doses of curare in order to

    decrease the mean MIP of -90 cm H,O to -20 cm

    H,O, minute ventilation, but not airway function,

    could be maintained (Figure 5). In fact, airway ob-

    struction persisted unless a mean MIP of at least -40

    cm H,O could be produced. A 5-s head lift could be

    consistently reproduced only when patients demon-

    strated a mean MIP of -53 cm H,O. A study that

    tested both the MIP and the TOF ratio could not

    demonstrate any correlation between the two tests

    (168). The above studies are supported by the clin ical

    observation that adequate minute ventilation prior to

    extubation is at times not sustained once airway sup-

    port (e.g., an endotracheal tube) is removed.

    In conclusion, peripheral nerve stimulation is a

    valuable tool for the intraoperative titration of muscle

    relaxants and assessment of NMB (175); however, TOF

    monitoring is fal lib le as a clin ical predictor of success-

    ful extubation. Similarly, measurement of intraopera-

    tive maximum inspiratory pressure to prove adequate

    return of muscle function is variably predictive and

    also used much less frequently. The abi lity of patients

    to perform a 5-s head li ft is the simplest and most

    reliable method to date to determine the return of

    sufficient muscle strength after NMB and its reversal.

    However, many anesthetized patients are extubated

    prior to regaining responsiveness, an approach which

    removes the abi lity of a patient to respond to a com-

    mand requesting them to perform a head lift maneu-

    ver. There is often little uncertainty concerning the

    adequacy of neuromuscular and airway function, and

    therefore little need to perform a head lift test. Nev-

    ertheless, when there is concern for whether a patient

    can maintain their airway and spontaneous venti-

    lation, performance of a 5-s head lift prior to extuba-

    tion is recommended as the best predictor of such


    Extubation Techniques

    The actual technique of tracheal extubation has re-

    ceived remarkably lit tle scientific study. This fact is al l

    the more curious in light of the attention and impor-

    tance given to protecting the lungs from aspiration

    during periods where airway function is compro-

    mised. The lack of substantial information with regard

    to the advantages or disadvantages of various tracheal

    extubation techniques also stands in contradistinction

    to the number and intensity of opinions on the matter.

    Extubation and Trailing Suction Catheters

    In 1972, Mehta (176) studied several endotracheal tube

    (ETT) placement and extubation techniques and asso-

    ciated pulmonary aspiration in 90 patients undergoing

    different surgical procedures. After intubation, ETT

    cuffs were inflated until an airtight seal was obtained.

    Mehta evaluated the efficacy of six different extuba-

    tion techniques in preventing aspiration of radio-

    graphic dye placed on the back of the tongue. Only

    two techniques resulted in no radiographic signs of

    aspiration. One of these approaches involved placing

    the ETT so that the proximal end of the cuff was just

    beyond the true vocal cords. The second method in-

    volved tilting the operating table 10 head down, suc-

    tioning the pharynx, and then placing the suction

    catheter through the ETT and removing both the ETT

    and the trailing suction catheter while applying gentle

    suction. In other patient groups, pharyngeal suction-

    ing alone or trailing the suction catheter without some

    head down positioning did not prevent radiographic

    dye lung contamination. The authors concluded that

    liquid matter (e.g., regurgitated gastric contents,

    blood) can accumulate above the ETT cuff and be

    aspirated. Others (177,178) have also demonstrated

    that a column of fluid can accumulate around the ETT

    above the cuff, and below the vocal cords. Recommen-

    dations to minimize this phenomenon include using

    the largest possible diameter ETT, use of gauze pads

    in the hypopharynx, and use of the Trendelenburg

    position (178).

    Cheney (179), in a correspondence concerning

    Mehtas report, agreed that ETT cuff placement just

    below the true vocal cords and the head down posi-

    tion prior to extubation was advantageous. However,

    he argued against suctioning through the ETT at the

    time of its withdrawal, fearing depletion of lung oxy-

    gen stores as well as interruption of air and oxygen

    flow into the lungs. Cheney suggested a method

    where patients receive several positive pressure

    breaths of 100 oxygen after endotracheal suctioning

    and just prior to cuff deflation. Any accumulated en-

    dotracheal contents above the cuff would then theo-

    retically be expelled into the pharynx by the positive

    pressure gradient established between the lungs and

    the atmosphere after cuff def lation and tube with-

    drawal. This technique would hypothetica lly leave the

  • 8/11/2019 123 Posoperative Tracheal Extubacion[1]





    extubated patient with a clear airway and oxygen-

    fil led lungs. In support of Cheneys assessment, both

    Urban and Weitzner (180) and Jung and Newman

    (181) have demonstrated that endotracheal suctioning

    can lead to hypoxemia.

    Positive-Pressure Breath and Extubation

    The method of extubation that includes delivering a

    large positive pressure breath immediately prior to

    extubation has received support (182,183), and most

    major anesthesiology textbooks describe tracheal ex-

    tubation via this method. It is stated that the lungs

    should receive a large sustained inflation (to near total

    lung capacity), then the ETT cuff should be deflated

    and the trachea extubated. This sequence often causes

    the first postextubation respiratory event to be a cough

    which, in theory, clears the airway and vocal cords of

    secretions. Garla and Skaredoff (184) further recom-

    mend that closure of anesthesia machines adjustment

    pressure limiting valve can produce and sustain lung

    inflation prior to deflating the cuff and extubation. It is

    unknown to what extent, if any, material that has

    accumulated in the trachea, above an endotracheal

    tube cuff, is actually expelled by a positive pressure

    breath prior to extubation. We could find no well

    controlled clinical study or scientific evidence delin-

    eating the merits or disadvantages of this extubation

    maneuver or technique compared to others.

    While the study by Mehta (176) represented a useful

    beginning to research in this area, no further work has

    since bui lt upon it . Thus, many questions remain un-

    answered, especially since Mehtas work evaluated

    radiographic evidence of aspiration as the only out-

    come measure. Other concerns, not addressed by

    Mehta but also of importance during and after tra-

    cheal extubation, include the resultant degree of

    breath holding or breathing pattern disturbance, air-

    way patency or compromise, subsequent oxyhemo-

    globin desaturation, and the number and type of in-

    terventions necessary after each extubation method.

    Deep Versus Awake Extubation

    Historically, Guedel (185) was the first to describe the

    clinical stages of ether anesthesia. During the second

    stage, uninhib ited activity, unconsciousness, and ex-

    citement are manifest. Clinically important reflex ac-

    tivities (e.g., laryngospasm, vomiting) are readily elic-

    ited during second stage by procedures such as

    laryngoscopy and tracheal intubation or extubation.

    Thus, the premise that tracheal extubat ion should oc-

    cur when patients are either fully awake or at surgical

    (deep) levels of anesthesia. The common use of bal-

    anced anesthesia often obscures the clinical signs of

    the second stage. It is also not clear to what extent a

    second and excitatory stage even exists with balanced

    or intravenous anesthetic techniques. Consequently,

    proof of necessity for deep extubating conditions,

    and what leve l of anesthesia is adequately deep, is

    somewhat arbitrary and debatable.

    Evaluation of tracheal extubation at deep or surgical

    levels of general anesthesia versus during the awake

    state has only been investigated in the pediatric pa-

    tient population. Pate1 et al. (186) examined 70 healthy

    children for differences in oxygen saturation and air-

    way-related complications after awake or deep ex-

    tubation. Patients were undergoing either elective

    strabismus surgery or adenoidectomy and/or tonsil-

    lectomy. Patients randomly assigned to be extubated

    awake breathed 100 oxygen for at least 5 min and

    had end-tidal halothane concentrations of less than

    0.15 prior to extubation. Patients extubated at deep

    levels of anesthesia had end-tidal halothane concen-

    trations of greater than 0.8 at the time of extubation.

    Both groups, breathed 100 oxygen for 5 min after

    extubation. At 1, 2, 3, and 5 min after extubation,

    patients extubated deep had significantly higher oxy-

    hemoglobin saturations than patients extubated

    awake (Spa, 97.6 + 3.7 to 99.8 + 0.5 vs

    93.7 t 4.8 to 98.6 & 2.5 ). Oxygen saturation

    values were similar thereafter. The incidence of post-

    operative laryngospasm, excessive coughing, breath

    hold ing, airway obstruction requir ing positive pres-

    sure vent ilation after extubation, or arrhythmias was

    not statistically different between patients extubated

    awake or deep. These investigators concluded that for

    healthy children undergoing elective surgery, clinical

    conditions or the preference of the anesthesiologist

    should dictate the choice of extubation technique.

    A similar investigation was conducted by Pounder

    et al. (187) comparing halothane and isoflurane with

    respect to the incidence of complications after awake

    and deep tracheal extubation. One hundred children

    undergoing minor urologic surgery or abdominal her-

    niotomy were studied. A comparison of patients who

    underwent deep extubations with either inhalation

    drug revealed no statistical differences in the inci-

    dence of coughing, breath-holding, airway obstruc-

    tion, laryngospasm, or the lowest oxyhemoglobin sat-

    uration levels (halothane 97 -+ 1.9 and isoflurane

    96.5 2 2.1 ). Patients extubated awake demon-

    strated a higher incidence of coughing (18 vs 7), air-

    way obstruction (9 vs 2), and total number of any

    respiratory complications (20 vs 10) after isoflurane

    versus halothane. There were no significant differ-

    ences in the incidence of oxyhemoglobin desaturation

    to less than 90 or lowest saturation recorded

    (87.4 5 11.2 vs. 89.0 t 11.2 ) between isoflurane

    and halothane anesthetized patients extubated awake.

    Patients anesthetized with halothane experienced a

    lower incidence of oxyhemoglobin desaturation to less

    than 90 when extubated deep versus awake (0 vs 6).

  • 8/11/2019 123 Posoperative Tracheal Extubacion[1]






    Table 2. Number (and Percent) of Pediatric Patients Experiencing the Listed Complications After Halothane or Isoflurane

    and Tracheally Extubated Awake or Deep

    Complications Deep

    Halothane Isoflurane


    Deep Awake



    Airway obstruction


    Any complication

    spo, < 90

    Lowest saturation level

    recorded (mean 2


    3 (12) 7 (28) 1 (4) 18 (72)b,d

    5 (20) 3 (12) 7 (28) 8 (32)

    5 (20) 2 (8) 7 (28) 9 (36jb

    0 1 (4) 1 (4) 3 (12)

    10 (40) 10 (40) 12 (48) 20 (so)b,d

    0 6 (24) 0 11 (44)d

    97 t 1.9 89.0 +- Il.2 96.5 + 2.1 87.4 k 11.2

    Adaoted from Pounder DR. Blackstock D. Steward DT . Tracheal e xtubation in children: halothane versus isoflurane. anesthetized versus awake. Anesthesi-

    ology 1991; 74654-5, with permission.

    a See text for details.

    b Statistically different fro m awake/halothane group.

    Statistically different fro m deep/halothane group.

    d Statistically different fr om deep/isoflurane group.

    Patients anesthetized with isoflurane and extubated

    deep had significantly less coughing (1 vs 18) and a

    lower incidence of at least one respiratory complica-

    tion (12 vs 20) than those extubated awake. Awake

    versus deep extubation after isoflurane anesthesia also

    resulted in a higher incidence of oxyhemoglobin de-

    saturations to less than 90 (11 vs 0). The authors

    concluded that in children with normal airways,

    awake extubations after either halothane or isoflurane

    anesthesia results in more hypoxemia (Spa, < 90 )

    than deep extubation. Anesthesia with isoflurane ver-

    sus halothane also results in more coughing and air-

    way obstruction after awake extubation (Table 2). The

    authors also stated that, if it is desirable to extubate a

    patient awake, the use of halothane, instead of isoflu-

    rane, may improve emergence.

    Many anesthesiologists believe, and it is widely

    taught, that it is advantageous to extubate patients at

    risk of developing bronchospasm at surgical levels of

    anesthesia. Actual clinical investigations of this prin-

    ciple could not be found. The basis for this approach

    stems from multiple studies of the effects of general

    anesthesia, and in particular the potent inhalation an-

    esthetics, on bronchial smooth muscle and airway re-

    activity. Shnider and Paper (188) concluded from a

    retrospective study that during general anesthesia, pa-

    tients who had their tracheas intubated experienced

    significantly more wheezing than nonintubated pa-

    tients. They also suggested that halothane was a valu-

    able inhalation drug for anesthetizing patients with

    reactive airway disease and for treating intraoperative

    bronchospasm. Many investigators have evaluated the

    effects of inhalational drugs on airway reflexes and

    determined that ether (189), cyclopropane (190), enflu-

    rane (20,191), and isoflurane (191) obtund or block

    airway reflexes which could lead to bronchospasm by

    directly relaxing smooth muscle or by inhibiting me-

    diator release (192,193). Thus, there is significant evi-

    dence to strongly suggest a role for the potent inhala-

    tion drugs in relaxing bronchial smooth muscle tone

    and controlling airway reflexes and reactivity. Al-

    though deep extubation may represent a practice of

    this principle and an effective technique for patients

    with reactive airway disease, there is no adequate

    clinical investigation substantiating any real benefit to

    this approach.

    Pharmacologic Interventions

    Several pharmacologic approaches to attenuate the

    physiologic changes associated with tracheal extuba-

    tion have been evaluated. Local anesthetics, and in

    particular lidocaine, have received the most attention.

    Steinhaus and Howland (194) observed that patients

    have a smoother anesthetic course when nitrous

    oxide-thiobarbiturate anesthesia was combined with

    lidocaine to suppress pharyngeal and laryngeal re-

    flexes. Laryngospasm and coughing too was success-

    fully treated with intravenous (IV) lidocaine. In a fol-

    lowup study, Steinhaus and Gaskin (195) found IV

    lidocaine (1.1 mg/kg) more effectively suppressed

    coughing and resulted in no apnea compared to so-

    dium thiopental(l.l mg/kg, IV) and meperidine (0.36

    mg/kg, IV). Poulton and James (196) also found IV

    lidocaine (1.5 mg/kg) compared to saline, produced

    significant reductions in the number of cough re-

    sponses (24 + 11 to 9 + 9) in subjects induced to cough

    by the inhalation of nebulized aqueous citric acid.

    In a study of 40 children undergoing elective ton-

    sillectomy, Baraka (197) evaluated the effects of IV

    lidocaine on preventing or controlling laryngospasm

    associated with extubation. Anesthesia was induced

    and maintained with halothane in oxygen and discon-

    tinued 5 to 10 min prior to the end of surgery. None of

  • 8/11/2019 123 Posoperative Tracheal Extubacion[1]






    1995;80:149 -72

    the 20 patients receiving an IV bolus of 2 mg/kg of

    lidocaine 1 min prior to extubation developed laryn-

    gospasm after extubation; 4 of 20 patients in the con-

    trol group had severe laryngospasm after extubation.

    IV lidocaine, 2 mg/kg, rapidly controlled laryngo-

    spasm in these children. The observations of Baraka

    were not confirmed in a double-blind study by Leicht

    et al. (1981, who evaluated the effect of prophylactic IV

    lidocaine on laryngospasm after extubation in chil-

    dren undergoing tonsillectomy. The incidence of la-

    ryngospasm was the same between lidocaine and sa-

    line groups. Leicht et al. (198) concluded that their

    results differed from Barakas because of differences

    in the time interval time (4.5 vs 0.5 to 1.5 min) between

    lidocaine administration and extubation, and that the

    central effect of lidocaine had already dissipated in the

    children they evaluated. The duration of action of

    lidocaine is such that it should be administered 60-90

    s prior to tracheal stimulation or extubation. Although

    a central mechanism of action of lidocaine is cited as

    likely (198), peripheral airway suppressant effects (see

    below) may also exist. Other IV drugs, including me-

    peridine, doxapram, and diazepam, have occasionally

    been reported to relieve laryngospasm (199,201).

    The use of aerosolized loca l anesthetics to suppress

    coughing has also been evaluated. For example, the

    inhalat ion of nebulized 20 lidocaine or 5 bupiva-

    Caine has been shown to abolish the cough reflex in

    animals (202-204). Cross et al. (204) found that inha led

    aerosolized bupivacaine significantly suppressed

    coughing triggered by inhaled citric acid or tactile

    stimulation of the trachea with a suction catheter via

    tracheotomy stomas. However, the same effects were

    not produced by IV bupivacaine. Thomson (205) as-

    sessed the effects of nebulized 4 bupivacaine on

    seven normal subjects and eight asthmatic patients. In

    all cases, bupivacaine prevented coughing triggered

    by inhaled aerosolized citric acid. Local anesthetics,

    administered either systemically or as aerosols, can

    also attenuate bronchospasm by directly relaxing air-

    way smooth muscle, inh ibi ting mediator release,

    and/or interrupting reflex arcs (206,207).

    The effects of lidocaine on blood pressure and heart

    rate responses to tracheal extubation were evaluated

    by Bidwai et al. (138,139) and Wallin et al. (142). In

    their first investigation, Bidwai et al. administered 1.5

    mL of 4 lidocaine down the ETT 3 to 5 min prior to

    extubation. While the tube was being slowly with-

    drawn, they also sprayed a second dose of 1.0 mL of

    4 lidocaine down the ETT. No statistically significant

    increases of systolic and diastolic blood pressure or

    heart rate occurred 1 or 5 min after extubation. In a

    similar study, IV lidocaine (1 .O mg/ kg), administered

    2 min prior to extubation, was also effective in block-

    ing increases in blood pressure and heart rate 1 and 5

    min after extubation (138). Wallin et al. (142) evalu-

    ated the efficacy of a continuous IV lidocaine infusion

    in attenuating the hemodynamic response periopera-

    tively. Sign ificant blunting of increases in systolic

    blood pressure (SBP) and heart rate were observed in

    patients who received the lidocaine infusion 5 and 10

    min after extubation.

    IV lidocaine has also been used to treat increases in

    ICI associated with endotracheal suctioning. Donegan

    and Bedford (151) demonstrated that IV lidocaine (1.5

    mg/kg) administered 2 min prior to endotracheal suc-

    tion ing attenuated increases in ICI normally caused

    by this procedure. However, White et al. (152) used

    the same amount of IV lidocaine administered 2 to 3

    min prior to endotracheal suctioning, and observed

    significant increases in ICI (peak increase of 19 + 3

    mm Hg from baseline). It is unclear why their results

    differ from those of Donegan and Bedford (151). White

    et al. (152) also evaluated IV fentanyl (1 pg/kg), thio-

    pental (3 mg/kg), and intratracheal lidocaine (1.5

    mg/kg), by the same protocol and observed similar

    increases in ICI with endotracheal suctioning. Since

    the test drugs in the amounts studied were unable to

    suppress the cough reflex, they concluded that cough-

    ing caused the ICI increases seen with endotracheal

    suctioning. Thus, lidocaine may be an effective sup-

    pressant of ICI increases during tracheal extubation if

    coughing is eliminated.

    In summary, the above results indicate that lido-

    Caine is usually an effective therapeutic drug when

    attempts to decrease or avoid several of the physio-

    logic sequelae of tracheal extubation are merited. Al-

    though some studies suggest that the mechanism of

    loca l anesthetic action in cough suppression supports

    their topical application (2021, the IV administration of

    lidocaine, in an appropriate dose (l-2 mg/kg) and in

    a timely fashion (l-2 min before extubation) will often

    reduce the coughing or bucking as well as the cardio-

    vascular responses to extubation. In addition, sponta-

    neous vent ilation and respiratory pattern will usually

    be preserved after an IV bolus of lidocaine.

    Esmolol has also been used to attenuate hemody-

    namic responses to tracheal extubation. Dyson et al.

    (140) studied forty ASA grade I and II patients sched-

    uled for elective surgery. Patients received either es-

    molol(1.0 mg/kg, 1.5 mg/kg, or 2.0 mg/kg) or normal

    saline IV in a randomized fashion 2 to 4 min prior to

    extubation. While al l doses of esmolol controlled the

    heart rate response to extubation, 1.0 mg/kg of esmo-

    101 did not attenuate increases in SBP whereas 1.5

    mg/kg and 2.0 mg/kg did. The largest dose of esmo-

    101 esulted in significant hypotension and the authors

    recommended 1.5 mg/kg of IV esmolol as the best

    dose to control hemodynamic responses to tracheal

    extubation. Muzzi et al. (208) also found IV esmolol

    (500 pg/kg loading dose followed by a 50-300

  • 8/11/2019 123 Posoperative Tracheal Extubacion[1]






    pg * kg- * min- infusion) and labetolol (0.25 to 2.5

    mg/kg) equally effective in treating increases in blood

    pressure during emergence and recovery from anes-

    thesia after intracranial surgery.

    Fuhrman et al. (141) compared the effects of esmolol

    and alfentanil on heart rate and SBP during emergence

    and extubation in a randomized double-blind investi-

    gation of 42 healthy patients having elective surgery.

    Their patients received either a normal saline bolus

    followed by a normal saline infusion, a 5 pg/kg alfen-

    tanil bolus followed by normal saline infusion, or a

    500 pg/kg esmolol bolus followed by a 300

    pg. kg- * mini esmolol infusion when end-tidal

    isoflurane levels were 0.25 or less. Only the bolus

    dose with subsequent infusion of esmolol significantly

    controlled the heart rate and SBP response to emer-

    gence and extubation. Alfentanil controlled these he-

    modynamic variables during emergence, but both

    heart rate and SBP increased (from 81 to 108 bpm and

    from 121 to 147 mm Hg, respectively) with extubation.

    The time to extubation was also significantly pro-

    longed with alfentanil (12.6 min), versus the esmolol

    group (8.8 min) and the placebo group (8.1 min).

    These studies demonstrate that esmolol can be used to

    control the hemodynamic response to tracheal extuba-

    tion. Significant hemodynamic responses to postoper-

    ative tracheal extubation also occur less frequently in

    patients taking P-adrenergic blockers prior to their

    coronary artery surgery (209).

    Finally, Coriat et al. (144) reported that a contin-

    uous infusion of nitroglycerin (0.4 pg * kg- * min-1

    significantly reversed or eliminated decreases in left

    ventricular ejection fraction that occurred in patients

    with mild angina 3 min after extubation. The nitro-

    glycerin infusion was started prior to induction, con-

    tinued throughout surgery, and terminated 4 h after

    extubation. Nitroglycerin infusion did not, however,

    prevent increases in heart rate (from 85 t 8 to 99 ?

    7 bpm) and SBP (from 122 +- 9 to 140 + 8 mm Hg)

    during extubation.

    Routine Tracheal Extubation

    It is clear that experience, clinical skill, and art form

    the basis of techniques for routine postoperative tra-

    cheal extubations. Our recommendations are based on

    the literature reviewed herein, combined with our

    own experience, as well as that of others. Prior to

    extubation, patients should be free of processes

    known to cause or exacerbate airway obstruction (Ta-

    ble 1). The possibility of such a problem is likely to be

    increased with surgery of the head and neck. Often a

    quick, gentle look with a laryngoscope can detect po-

    tential problems such as edema or persistent bleeding

    in the airway. In addition to direct visualization, gen-

    tle suctioning can also be diagnostic, as well as thera-

    peutic, by removing substances such as blood. The

    ease or difficulty with which patients were ventilated

    by bag and mask and intubated during the induction

    of anesthesia should also be considered. Obviously,

    adequate spontaneous ventilation should be estab-

    lished prior to tracheal extubation. As reviewed

    above, this includes the return of adequate ventilatory

    drive, tidal volumes, respiratory rate, breathing pat-

    terns, and oxygenation. Pathology and/or surgery

    that might preclude the maintenance of adequate

    spontaneous ventilation after extubation should also

    be considered. In certain circumstances, a conservative

    approach to extubation may be preferable, especially

    if baseline cardiovascular or respiratory function is

    significantly impaired. NMB, if used, should be ade-

    quately reversed. While the 5-s head lift test is fre-

    quently not applied, it remains the most reliable test

    when assurance of sufficient neuromuscular function

    is required. Clinical experience, limiting the applica-

    tion of muscle relaxants to appropriate surgical indi-

    cations, and careful titration of muscle relaxants to

    avoid overdose will help reduce complications associ-

    ated with neuromuscular blockers.

    Using appropriate but gentle pharyngolaryngeal

    suctioning, administration of IV lidocaine in a timely

    manner, and whether to provide a positive pressure

    breath immediately prior to extubation have been dis-

    cussed. Evidence, presented above (see Figure 11, hat

    laryngeal adductor neuron firing is less active during

    inspiration (11) actually implies that endotracheal

    tube removal during this phase of the respiratory cy-

    cle would produce less laryngospasm. Our own clin-

    ical experience suggests that after IV lidocaine, 1.0-l .5

    mg/kg, and gentle oropharyngeal suctioning, tracheal

    extubation at the onset of an active inspiration without

    any manual augmentation of the preceding tidal

    breath results in less laryngospasm and minimal in-

    terruption of the spontaneous ventilatory pattern. We

    use this particular extubation technique with patients

    who, as part of their anesthesia, have received anal-

    gesic doses of an opioid and are breathing isoflurane,

    usually 0.4 to 0.8 , with nitrous oxide in oxygen.

    Nitrous oxide is discontinued when lidocaine is ad-

    ministered permitting time for reoxygenation of the

    lungs. Our intent is to provide the minimum level of

    anesthesia necessary to prevent any response to ETT

    cuff deflation and extubation. If swallowing, for ex-

    ample, immediately precedes extubation, coughing

    and/or bucking are likely to occur as the ETT is re-

    moved. It is, however, only with time that each clini-

    cian learns to include or omit the above-mentioned

    and/or other maneuvers from their particular extuba-

    tion technique. The concentrations of inhaled anes-

    thetics, if any, that should be used at the time of

  • 8/11/2019 123 Posoperative Tracheal Extubacion[1]





    extubation must also be tailored to each patients re-

    quirements and conditions.

    Immediately after routine tracheal extubation of the

    spontaneously breathing patient, breathing pattern

    and airway patency should be assessed.The applica-

    tion of a gentle jaw thrust maneuver and neck exten-

    sion, combined with 100 oxygen administered by

    4-8 cm Hz0 of continuous positive airway pressure

    (CPAP) via mask, optimizes diagnosis as well as ther-

    apy. A hand on the rebreathing bag of a circle system

    can assess he seal achieved by the face mask, quali-

    tatively measure spontaneous respiratory functions,

    and maintain CPAP which stents the airway open and

    assists breathing. Excessive positive pressure can be

    released easily by slightly lifting the mask or adjusting

    the pressure limiting (pop-off) valve. With this sim-

    ple approach, breathing pattern and airway function

    can be assessed, and if necessary first interventions

    (100 oxygen, administered via positive pressure)

    made. In most experienced hands, breathing pattern

    and tidal volume are adequate and further interven-

    tion is unnecessary as patients emerge from general

    anesthesia and tracheal extubation.

    Prevention and Treatment of

    Hypoxemia After Extubation

    The incidence and risk of airway difficulties and hy-

    poxemia after extubation can be diminished by several

    measures taken prior to and during extubation. For

    example, breathing 100 oxygen for 3 min and pro-

    viding a large inspiration immediately prior to extu-

    bation to decrease atelectasis has been recommended

    (210,211). However, administration of a mixture of

    oxygen and nitrogen versus 100 oxygen prior to

    extubation may have theoretical advantages. Browne

    et al. (212) observed that the incidence

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