Page 1: , d A t 1IIi!,er. rl'UIII 1'fUilflrllfllil nil :v, I rn Itt · the j'ook ontitlCJd "Tho Insido 01' PI'c, Gordoll C, Forbc~, killed II' .. Followillg n1'() Lilu lIun~es of t.hose Blll"kwel1,



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, d A ~ L loenae I(C~, S,"' 1IIi!,er. I am now prepared'\ ~ linn 0

your sale big or small :v, solici t your. patronage. Will sl ahle and guarantee sa .....

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A8 1 hHVI) lIIuvocl rl'UIII 1'fUilflrllfllil Will;' rna inteud cnrryilm nil tHy A:lcLfnn Un thrtlllllh tho t'nuntr)', CUHLOI. ~Irt" wHit, ProlU))t At.tnntlon hy wrlt."HC III'J Itt III ~tI"ru8sor PhollutihtJrbrotll( oC,7 un ruvnrSt',.. Pricu)J As Utlllni. SIlLi!irncLlnn Ounrnntce l',

N. WILSON, M.A.A., 169 Langgido SI., Winnipofj

r. J. Olbbons • I ~ "Jlo<Ioll

========~b--========~==============~======================~~--=--·=··~'--~~=-·=----~ l'REHERNE, UAN[TOI3A, .1~j~..,.aY, SEPT 2!I1'I\ 19J(j~ No, 2

VOL. XV] [1.



Many Present to Hear Rev. A. E. Smith


B~rl, SlIlith-llliS3illg N ej I W nl.Aon-ld lied

IT, Ki"kOl,t D. Grnllt

"IN' RIAM Homes Saddened' During)~the P~st Week. . Some

Answer the Call Ftom the Trenches -----" .. - ------

\VIII, UI'OULI. John BrowlI PHYLLIS WILSON rilr;IIL wns l11ndo in Bethel Cemetery, On SUhrlny, Sept, 24th, the nn- 1\[ ]- II' A. ~'lreLaughlin ,T, I C ~aug 1 111 H .. J, Mills, JIlS, Flncle, J,J. Staplus"

nUllol ITnrvesL Home Rervices WOI'C' 1\ I'llolcl SpillitH ]ronl Cal'tor On Sal,nl'tllLY Illornill;:, BI,pL. 23, H"hel'tH, C, \VillinlllR allr! :John held in Tl'ohel'no }\[cthodisl, ch1ll'ch \\'111. J0111l,"Orl Alld," Clo,"" I tl "t d tl I I' 'r IIC] n "n~ lea I nSI e Ie IOnl(; 0 II I'. a lIoter! ns pnllbeal'e)'s, ami condncLed h" Lhe pnsLol', Rev. \VI'III"1111 IJoIlgluu, ,'lul\'I'III' ,CIIlll)lcs 1\1 \\r W'I ')' I 11'11" " J ,~ H ~ Irs" I son, ' re 101'110, nil I.., :' The bo)'en\'ed family hnyo I.h" J, A, LOllSloy, The chnl'cli was D'-'I" St"111"," i\lilton Eatoll to Il'sl' '1lel'r Il'tLlo 111'11" YO'Lt' old " 'I - v .. ~n ' , v I cl-" - 'sl'l11paLhy of the C\JI,iJ'o 0011111111111 ,y vel''' tnRtily deoQl'ated wi Lh J1?werl.: I.esll'e SI,on(l" J'llll1 1~II,II'lu 1"1 I t 1'1 1ll'A I r II tcl "n.,,'" .r ~ n - ( .. Ig lor, IY ,W 1 I I iii t.h"iJ'SlId IdllicLioll, vegetnbleH, gl'ainR ,:\1111 red, wllito F. Bm'low J, It. Fen !l0 budly hlll'II'!c\ jllst. two wpeks " and blno stl'enlllCI'H I':ll' thn oer;n,sioll P. StcwnrL Fl'Itnk' PleciouR )Jrevionf1, whil,) plnying wilh h~I' and spucinll11nsiu wnll I'elujm'ed hy .fOR, Pinkerton Chns, \Voor!ward cOllsill, TOIllI11Y \ViIH"II,

the choir. Chlylfln Ross Hugh 'Hooney Besides hel' Plll'Pllls sIlO j(JI\\'CS 10 On i'liondny evoning all enl(~rt,aill' D. D Fee Thofl, Lindfllty mOlll'1I het, loss two Hilll,e)'s, the

ment wnR held, It: WUR expected ,ToH, Gent ll'mnlc l'IIl'kel' i\lisRos Klltie ami Tilly \Vilson, that the POI'Lage In PI'nil'io lI1ale C. L, D;)lgnLy Hoy On.1 t The fnnCl'nl was held OIL S11Ilfilty f) nartctto wonld fnl"n ish l ho m nsi - All': Blnncilltl'd ,T ns, \ V i1ki IIHOIl nftcl'lIosn Ilt 1 p. m, t'roll\ the t'alll i Iy cal pnrt of tho PI'ogl'nmllle, bnt, ow- Lient, A, \V. MyleR 1'esillence, the Ae1'dcCH heillg UOII-ing to somo nnl'o!'scen cil'cllm~t:ance Ancll'ew Mool'o KenneLh ~tnlll'ol'd dncted by l~ldel' E, 1!', Hohel'LsolI, they were ullable to be pl'o~(\nt, \V. H, TIOIIAlI Halph OI'f)el1wnod 01' \VinnipC'g. IntcJ'lllenl, waR Aftel' the singing 01' "Whell th,) J.. SJ,I1.I'I!'1l H. lklnhllnl, IIIn(lo in 13et,hcl Cemetery. The:


',Alexander (JOt'don, socond son oJ' ~ir, and M)'s, T, C, Delg!tty, '1'1'0-lu:u"ne p3ssod Il WIly on 'L'h 11I'srlny ntorl1illg :J I. Lhe aWJ 2 t yenl's Itllc! :~ ni'oIlLhs, 'l'he t'l1ncml will 1,0 Iwlrl

I'I:PIII tho f'Llllily rC'liliclICI\ 011 Sal~ 11l!dny, Sept, :lOt]" at. 2 PIll,

i I \


Holl is Called fOl' Ser\'ico ]'l[,IH' GIlO, Norfi(lld All'x. i\le}\ay pullhual'cl'l:I WCI'U ChaR, lIuywnl'll, There" by tho uhoi .. nn adrll'ess <)11 '(rho ~ad news of lbe dcalh 01 Clms, Lee, \Vrn, Hall, Cln1'clIlne . the j'ook ontitlCJd "Tho Insido 01' PI'c, Gordoll C, Forbc~, killed II' .. Followillg n1'() Lilu lIun~es of t.hose Blll"kwel1, Oilbel'i, Acln,il' Imd Lewis ' tl C I)" \\'I'S (\"II','el'e(IIIY I'p\' A n, ell'oll rcached' Italhwell la~1 Ie II • v - \" • who onlillLed in t.1)[) 'l'I'('hol'llc Unit \Vhite, ", ' E S 'tl o· jrl'l'st 1\lutllocliRt '1'111ITsday and was tcceiverl with .. lUI I, ' , ' 01' Lhe SOl1thel'1I Mllllil,ol,a, 2221 - MllllY 1101'nl tributeR wel'o plaC!url CI I 1, ld 'l'lle 1111'''0 111l'1l rofouI1l1 regret by une and :111. IIIrc 1, >1'/1.1 on, ,,~ - O\'el'nCuR ]ll~tLI\IiOIl: on Lhe cnskol, hy loying. lIIembm's ber lwesont flllly enjoyed, nnr1 Wl1l'O Pte. Forbes wns bom and educated

S I 'I' 13 1 . I IlIJ(I fJ'iend.fI ul' t.he I'fln d I.\', amollg , ' I muoh iLlSI)ired by 1\11', Smith's l'C- , '3I'g '. UIII l'm el'lO ( in' Rnthwell and all speak wei 01 , r them l){Jing n CI'09A 1'1'0111 tlie \Vill-marks, The speakor said t.hat we CrJl'[l, ,J OR. l\ 111'I'llY his slerl i n'g q II ali lies, II e joi lied

0, \\T ']' l' 1 nipeg' Bl"!lnch 01' tho Lnttel' Day Bro living in nn ago of: revollltiol,lI, Let,.- OI'P, m, ,j. ~'ng III I the ral11;s early in lb,! war, was il

. "'I J- SainLs, ' a revolllLion or COllstl'ncLioll, 1101, St.lnley Perl'W _I lOS, Olll'nonllX lrni'ning for some time in Winn:·

1 ~[,J I' 1 "J J Phyllis ,yill be milch missud hy . of destruction and hnving its grel\j, A ox" c,,,,porl'nn .0 10l'~ " ones p~'!; and has been in the I renche,

ADVANCE IN MACE'DDNIA Brlttsh Take Jcnmlta-Great Battles

Probably Impending

With l\Jac!tcnseu's urmy of InvasIon successfully, checltOd und on the reo trent In tho 'Dobl'uuja, the buttlo In Muccdonla and Trunsylvanla IIIIU been renewed with vigor by tho ullleu troops, '

Not only have Serbs cOlltiuucd lhelr ndvunco ugllinst Jllollustir, but the BrItish forces on the Strum!t front have shown the greutest Ilcttvlly In slwerul duys, A Drlttsh otllclul re­port sayn: "On the Strumu [ronl, hav, Ing crosRed the river at three plucet!, our troops hllve occupied Jcnmltu, whIch hud been set ou tll'e, drIving the enemy Loiore them, lind ulluclted

,Kum Dzlwvbulu, where they met with strong opposltlou, Our arllllery eu­tlrely dIspersed n counter-nttnck CroUl Navul·Jell."

'rho eyes of Ill! Europo are uuxlous­Iy directed loward the Danube, whore two glnnt armIes Ilre engaged III u battle the outcome of whIch Is ex, per:lod to ha,'o u declslvc el'fecl on the whole wur In tho Near I~nst, A ROll­mnnlun \Vnr Ofllco statement reads: "On 'the south front In Dobrudju lhe enemy hus stopped his retreat und Is [ortifylng hImself. Wo put to HIght somo unIts from the onemy's rIght flunlt. l!:nemy nerolllnues bombed 'l'clJernavodll, ItHUng soveu mell, of whom two were soldlors, alld Illso sovernl anlmltls, and destroy lug three hOUSOB.H ,

'rho German War OHlce claIms tllllt l\!ncltensoa's Dobrndju urmy "by 1111

cuclrcllng couutor-attuck ugillnst llu' enemy's flanlt and renr," drove tho RUSBo·Roumanluns back In dIsorder. 'rho counlcr-lltluck whIch Berlln clnlma wus sllccessful was lauDclll;d at 'roprosurl. 101 mlleu south \Vest of Constunzll.

OANADIANS HOLD GAINS r J> I S C VI' het, mllny plnynmtes nt 8chool nud [,

e/lt eff'ecb on socioty, Ho At,al.ed \, III, -~. ~OIlS '. ,_!tllller for quite a long time, A memOT i\I,'tlcollll Arl", IllS AngllR i\foLenll' the borea\'ed pal'en),8 hl1\7e Lhe 8YIII- , 'I Cllr,g Tenaciously to Every Inch of

that our l)rOsent economic BysLl'~1II .. ial scn'ice was held iiI the Pres )y. Ground so Dearly Bought \V T 1\[ lo.T 'I F I I' pathy, of the c0Il1111nnit,y' in l,hcit·

Produce8 '~nl', nucl it is tho Chul'lih Ill, , • j CL'C) - l'!lll { \nmAey terion chill'ch by lhe uniled con,

Jallll l\IcCreltl'y IJhesLol' J\ llnn snd loss, "Tho Canadluns arB clingIng lo every tllat mnst fight tho problom or tbe l"[-""'1Liol1s, the Anglican nnd the Inch of d so brlillaully lnltell ul -defootifi;l"tl1\\t sylitom. ' -No "prol,' ,,,",, . .HCH!t,,,u:o.I'Ji.W'pu.,~, ..l.'t-lOl:t;lfU\!Jl.I~~lf-p~,'I .... ~,,;,:';;;"··=z.L: .;.~'""=.:~ .. ",:" i;, -·.c~.,>-·-;Rj~prall}:,iie:l'in ll-.. ~11ll rc IH!F;-" '}~'n'.-H ,..j_:~~~~,~~~~,' e" nll!1 ,\V:O, ?on uo)ldj.LlI Ill;(

.~t'hofl.J, Bicldord Rogel' Aymont. " U.,II\I.\I1U s dully, despltc! thu'tor"cutl! ll)m lias boen solved but by H'oIllH' , pith assisling Rev, p, 01' mIll which mnde lhelr ~caulY cover

1 ' 1 l' I ';Jns. Kennedy \Vnllel' ](onnerli 011 Sntllrclny mOI'111'llg, S"'I)t. 23 S 11I0ro lllw Il sort of lugoon thnn ell, great ideo. )e1l1g I1sm ns n 1I CI'~I III ,. , j peoner. trtl.lchmeuts, 'I'hev hall 10 1'01101 sev-Androw ]\forL'ow C, H. l\lol'rill 'I 1 I < Bnd it is ll!lI1a\ly tho ~vomon who news or the death or Mrs, 1\[1l1'gnl'el, The parents and tallll Y love t Ie ernl f1al'co eountel"atlucltH towards lhe

. I Erl \vard COO \V. l\[OI'WllI ' I h f I 11' I' end 01' thu weelt, 'l'he enemy mude a are responsible, oiLhm' dll'oct Y 01' Dnrling came lUI a, schock Lp t Ie sympal y 0 olle nl1~ a In l lelT ([elel'mlned el'ort curly Salurdu"

RoherL BI-IICO J-nllles Park . 1 ' J indirectly, fOl' the nchie\'Ol11onl .. ' people of '1:1'01lel'no. Although de- hour or bereavement, also t Ie COli. agalnsl that portiun of tho-llno where After l'el'l'eshment,s wel'e sorverl James 11. CIOSH \V, T,oe 'ceasod had 1I0t enjoyed the hest or solation th'at he died ill lhe path the 1~I'ellch,CunodlulIs ")lrovod theIr

GeOl'''e ]1. GoJ'iu OcLnnt' Lefebre muslery, comIng liP ngulnst nn un, n: J, Mills Oil behalf of: tho Lallics' '" healLh fOl' the pl\st few yonrs Itor of duty, making the suprcme sac· shultable defence of machIne gUliS,

f \i'. Stokoe \V m. FORteI' I' I d wllh 11 most powerfnl SUPPOl't oC Ilrlll·

Aid tendered ]\fl', Smith It yoLe 0 -J condition wnll 1I0L I,hollght to lJo rifice for the safely of liS ove lel'y In lho reill', 'I'he Gernllin urtlllery A. Redford W. , . Adnh' thanks, which' wnll reit'el'nterl by ~'3riOllS unlit n couple or dnys bofore oues and friends, sWI pours hellvlly u'pon tho GIIDudlau C, Cal'l' Archie Bolloycau ' !lup, ,- ,

nO\'. J, A, LOURlo.Y. her denth, She hnrl boen suffering' : ... , ... --J, Boles. ' ' ,Too Hltre fIb l'OIll n cold nn( ronchitis hilt l'e-G, Ta"lol' Co1i1l 1301'ry POWELL TO J tired the Anme n~ IIsllul on Tllesday K ]'lal'!rltL ']', i\llll'ill lIight, nnt.! )Jasser! uwny on Snl,lII'-i\l. K Arnold U, Llllll'am!;- ... day, of: pnl'nlysifl, at tho nd\'nncod Cecil Smith A. J, PnJrrey

VISIT TREHERNE The grent. Powell, distingn ished

i1\uBioniflt o.nd hill oxcellent COIII­pany, pl'esenled hy 13l11'nlll'rI Enk­ardt will nppeal' in Pollon'f! ][n1l, Tl'ohlll'lle, 'lIndel' tho allspices 01' I:ho Home Economics Societl', 011 \Verl

nge of 79 yellrs :tnd n months. , Harold Haywnrd H, Dnchnrme Deconseu WIIS born in J'lrnnvul's Olh'er Cox Piel'l;e Mnbon


nesdlLY, Oct" 11th, Probnbly al1ll1\\'o noLiucd ill 1'0-This is the first nppeal'nnce in oent issnes of: the \Vinnipug pnpol's

Tl'ehel'ne or thiR COIll)lltny, which tho lII'gellb nppenl of: the Red CI'08S SoeieL" fOl' ono hnndl,etl bods fOl' lS presenLed by l,ho R!tme PQl'son liS J -

nre' the Ecl~nl'dL'6, t.ho Swiss Bell Lho PrillCllS9 ,Plltricill COII\'lLlescellt Itingers, nlld gh'os promise of gil'- Homo for (Jalla{\ian soldicrs,nt St. ing equlllly ns good il' nor, It GUilel'- I.:.lJ.wl'illlCJ Colll·ge,· RllIllSg!\tO, Eng, ior performance to thnt gh'cri hy 'rhe ::;oldiers' Aid SocieLy, is YOI'y

. . Ituxioll~ Lo 'I;l'o\"ido 0110' of the heris them" l' I 1 d

, Pross noLi cos 1'1'0111 Ansi,)'[J.]ja nnrl 1.0 bo kllown nA Lhe I'e 101 lie 1(0,

township, Huron OOllnty, Ont/trio, where sho lIlnl'l'icd the luto C. Il. Dnl'1ing, ;md Ih'erl nnW comillg to Manitoha in the I'nll of JR7U,

The Into :M"rs, Darling leny~!! '1,0 m011l'll her loss six ROilS ltnd tlu'co r!aught/U,s ali(I Chreo brother~, \VIIl, Tl'im hle, or POl'tago In Pmiric, J 01 Tl'illlble, of \Vinni peg, Thonllls ,r.·imblo, nnd a sistel', Mrs. J, Dnne,

b:Jth li "ing' in lIm·on'Co., Onto The funeral was held' t'l'om her

la~e residence, Smil.h RLL'eot, 1'l'e, hcrno, whol'o Rhe'lmd beon Ih'ing with hOI' danght.:ll', :HI'S, Goo, \Vil-• son, [ol"tho past Len months, on Sundnyaftern'oon, SepL, ,24th; at 3,30 p,m. A fnll(l)'al sCI'vice was hold nt Bethol dlUl'oh, , cond)llctcd by Ro\', J, A, LOllsley and' Rev. R. A. l\I nllnders, 'of Hollund. ,Intet'-

~ .. " .. . ,


\Yord hns .\Jeon l'oeoh'ed of th~ lleltlll or Pte. Elgin R. Lee, No, ,l2 1i71:3, on 8epLelllbel' 1.5th, f!'olll wOllmls in Lhe ,jaw allLl nbc10men

Decollsed wns bOl'n Ii.t rnl mcl's· Lon, Ont" on 1\llll'ch, 23I't!, 18!J3, and 1Il0vo~1 to 1'l'ohol'lIe whell hp wnfl ten yen.t's of age, At. the nge of sU"onLeen hi) weilL Lo SWfl,lI

. ,'el', Mall" WhOI'll ho Ih'ed unLil elllisLing with Lho tji)Ll,. bnttnlion ill \Villllipeg last No,'cmbel', goillg o\'el';ens in MIlI'oh:' ho wns dl'l1.rtell to the 3181, bnttalion !llld went to tho f\'OnL ill i\Iny.

Ho lelwes to llIonl'n his loss hill 1ll0LiJm' nml step,fathm', l\fIo. and i\f l·,~. Am'on Lee, 01' Hlll'riston, Out" 1\ sl11all sislel', VOl'll, nnd two sl11nll hl'ot.hej,s Lloyd I\lId' FO"d, a!l~1 n sistOl': !lIrs. LymlUl Tnpp, of Vil'-

dOll, l\Inn, . " . Pte, 'Lee will bo well, remolllbel'ed

hy.rnnny pe';ple ill Lhe Trehorno


Ne~ Zealnnd spank ili'\'ery 1IItL~OI:' Bul,!ls tho hed~ coal, $50 apioce, tho iug terms of: the skill Ilnd ubilit,~' of SOl i ll,y hot \awing enongh (nsh on PO\\'13l1 ill hill l:ewildel'ing on'ccts. hlllld wiLhont' tnldng Lho '11I0noy Beil(lell the two hOll!"S of filII nnd lIceded roi, yn!"Il [01' Rodo did RC'. lDy'stelY pl'omisod by Powell in his As t,he townflp~ople I~now the So­"ra.nd illlISioll~, thel'o is Miss l'iny aioty bnys yllrn !1')1d gives il; ont ~o 'Vhite, oiJnl'llOtel' Ringel' ltnd musi- the WOlllcn who Idn.dly lmit soeklJ, can-playing xylphone, oornot nne! whioh nl'o U;en 91;l11t'to uio S~.Joh'1 "Violin' Miss l\lo.y lrenwiok SOl)J'i\lln Ambnlance 80ci~ty. \Vinllip(lg nnd

... r.-~J ',.. , .~~~-;:-o;---.-. ;;---;'--, ---.-~--'-~--- --,--.--:..----.

;"'ld l\ Mnrgal'et !\ferl'oll, pinllis rorw~l:dod Ill' t1~e1l1 1.0 the f1'ont, '.CURLER:S,'!O MEET' ADDITIONAL" , '

, TREHERNE ITEMS: . .. . 'l'he pl'o'ceeds of the cntorLnin- 'A~ \lw~ ... in\.e~, seM~n ~pPI'onchefl men't will bo used'by tlie Home nil lho wo~l~n ~oQks ,'~lllc!1 the. ,So-,."" .. "A,'n"

, • Sooiety for pntrioLio pnr-I' i ,I y n\l(1 othol's cnn WIll - "

onomlC ,. ' , 'pose.'! Itud ov'ery pO!·<.!on', shOUld lHcedod L~

make al\ o{fol'l; to bo pl'eSO!lh t? et;- t '(melt!?A ,)y 1\ night's :fUll nnd ~SSI¥ Ill' It: LhnL LlI ,PI'I.V .. :"".,;

a(IIood cnllse, "fi<-.1<a'.8, onhsn~ll '. nt

Ol.:allam's Drug storc;: , ,M}!1ISS.I~~ , 'Z5C:~ !lOc .. nnd 25c.,

MATCHETTVILLE Ple, Will, DurioII', of lhe ::!03rd

ballalion, Faid his (ual visit, ce· fore leaving for Englnnd to Mal·

'chcllville Inst week, He, will be IIIlSHUl by hi!! l11any friends ill Ihl­dis'.rict ond in Ihe i\lulchellvil:e church, wher;) he waH a great wor· kel' Bill)", being of a nll1~iealnn­iure" was always in his Ilnc: inlhe chofr and alw'ays on hand wilh his Illuch apprecialed songs nt lhe Inllsicql elltertail1ll1ents.

"Blue wllters may belwecn liS roll And dislance be our lot,

Bll~ if we fail lo moct again , D;!ar frieu'd, .,Ve'll foq:cl ) Oll

11 at. "

,'.r",,, 1 \.. ' .~ .' , . ,

Born ," .

LOISELL--At Dcerf\ehl,' 1Ifnll" on J"l'idny, Sept, 22ud, iOlU, to,Ml'; nud i\fJ's. J, A, LoisclJ, It (hugh­t(,I' ,


F. RIIIIlSOY wishos to thnuk t,h~ pic or Tl'oheme nnrl d istl'ict fOl' I' pnLt'onngo while ho wits in

hllsineRs tllIl'iug tho pllsL fim; ydlll'S,

Tr'eherne We~ther Report


La'dies "Vend their Way to Mrs. A. E. Smith's

On Munday allll TIl"~r1ay LlII' Illdie!i 1lJ' "1'1 "Iu,t'll': an,l,1 i~1 I'ic'!. W('III Sl't'li \\,f'lIdilll-( tlll,il' WIl.\' l.IIII'1l1 tl ,\II'H. A, I~. ~lllil,h'fI llIillinl'I'Y )JIlI'­Il)I'H. 'rho In.l'gp Hho\\'l'Ut)lIl'-1 \\'t'l t\

I :Jill "flllly df'{!ol'n tl'd J'm' Lhl' HIII'I'i" I "hllwillg ,,)' halfl III Ill' nm",' (111

Ih()"I~ pilI ticlIIlll' day!', '1'11Il )ll'otLy IIO\\' l'il,buliH IllI,1

1I0WCI'H HllOwn t.hiH fall 1\1'(, l1sed

HJl!"lringly bilL VOl'y ull'cuLiI'ely "II

t.he "IlI'iollA Hhll)J('!i. Tho 110 w 01'"

Ill"; 11IoHLly AIlIIlII ILlld or 111'"Lly HOI'!, sharlf'l'l, IIHl)IY Hhowillg t."lI('h .. s or gold ami Hill· .. I'. NIll'I',,\\, ribbulIH wiLh I ill.\' "loop" 1',lgJ'~, ill pillill, !lnd lIoml r1esigllH fll'(\ lilli'" 10 greaL Ild\·IlIlt.IlW· IlH tl'illllllillgH,

III HlIlflll hnt.!; n \,ljl'Y 1If'IlL iiI 1./11 I,hing WllS HhOWII ill hltll'k wit.h

tOllehes or hillU 011 tlt" I rif'''; 11

('I'OWII, On enoh or the tlll'o() Hid"H WitS n how or billok )'ihhon, Ilnd nil,. ulllal' dCHigll ill billu Hilk Llm'arl.

A Ill'dl,y RflilOl' WIlS Hhowll or al'lny gl"l'Y \,(,h'pt with Illldl':' I'ar;­illg or arlll\, hl1\c \·"h·c!., whill! Lhl' (')'OWIl W I~ HoI' 11 U lUll 11 i Il I~

"eh'et RllI'I'Ollnded hy lIo\'ult,y 1,I'ill!.

mingR or oaLI'ich in m'lIlY groy. The oRtrich LrimmillgH ),oning draWl!

t.ho bright sh'lldos IlHf'r1 ill th c1

Ol'Own, alld adding j1\st I he Lle,~iJ'{,ll lo01Wh of RoftncsH,

. AnothfJI' ':~l'y smnr~ hilt wnli ill _ '1\ Clllillflhlll'O Ilh;Y;~-;:;'( 1:)lucl;: "ph'pl, J , I,he (JIlI,\' Ll'i I1l1n i IIgs l'fli ng a bnttor­

II.\' clen'r'ly mltd" IIp or eol()I'ct~ \',)lldH, Illlrl Lwo Mf'phi!llo whip!i.

AlI10ng Lho IHlW OUIOI'R 1If1'::-<1 lids .\'eal' iR IHlq,loHhip gl'f'.\', :"t1·,I'Y grei

alld arlllY hi lie. 'I'll" ,~')!""ll'e HllIlt!e!l of Inst .)'elU' Hl"<1; gh'il;/4" waY>lOIlHJ" II'hat to IJl'ighLcolol's foJ' Lhis sea"" -on,

III tJ'illl ll1 ings used m. 'lllollnlfl' Imllriellllfl !lml ill Lllf! I))'e [, 1,,\' Ii; no\'r;1!,y tl'illllllillg>l, /I'lowurB :llltl

all killllrl 01' 1I0"elly l,I'illlll1ing l'fJ' pocinll.\' ill gold :t1l(1 Hi\YCI', 'In!

IlIlIClJ ill "ogllo \aut rihl>on iii ill Lhu gl oa l,esL clOll1nllLl.

Thoro 11I'u nil kinds of qllllpo.'1 111111 Lhe Ri;r.o!l l'IUlg" t'l'C'1ll Lho Ilont Ii ttl" Imln, jn~t lal'g'.l ollollgh I,,) 110\'0)"

Lho ilt-ad, nnd bonnet co/roeta, to LiJd l'xt.romely large oll'es, TallL CI'O\\'II .efJ',!OtH 1\111 Lhe snilol:s aro IllOS), [lOp-

1I11l)' rUl' l his SOItBOn, '


A cl'owdell hOlls{) f,(1'Ootod I.h(>­IIlllsionl Eckl\l'dL'1l, LIm SWiSH Bell I~ingCl's, n~ . thoil' app~!ll'nneo in PollQn's Ha.ll, Tl'ehel'ne on Sntlll'-

• ~ '" t,.-

day, Sept. 23rd, uudel' the auspices 'of the Ladi~s' Aid'of ClmllllorA Pl'es­bY~~rinn' ehJlI'eh,

The progl"lt1l11l10 wnll all untiL'o ,llge fl'om nnything they hall

iI'en in TI'ehm'lIe bofOl'o Itnd eOIl­tllinod AOlllething to pIlI,tieulnrly please tho vnl'iccl tusteR nud fllllciuH

the lnl'go nudiollco, Tho selecLions 011 Lho bolla, which

formed only 0. small pllrt o\' tho Pl:og{,n:nune, brollg!1 I, \'ot,th helu'ly applause, .i\J'micl Eclml'dt as pi~ Itllist and vocalist wnae'qllally well

. ' Buddy Benty !Lnd Happy Dick C;olemal1" tho two -j u ven ilo entortainel's co.used many IL hearty Inugh',and II.lso _showoli gl'enL mllsi· cal nbility. G. C. Ecko.rdt ha co-

" l~lIidiil.ll' WD.S splendid:,; His 1l111s.ionl

42 aQo\:o GO auO',,~ s,~leotibns, )Vore all ,that could be de ~ 3,7 ' " 70' _" . sir1!d, whioh oombined wil;h his im­

• • • .' .

i"norliOlI ~tioils .~vel'll "slll1'ciont for Il • .,.. I • ) -,~ ~

com plete pI'Ogl'!ll1l1ll0 in thc1l1ael veil •.

. . ' •

• • • ,-,:

• • •

'. • • •

• • •

• • •

• • " ,

• • • •

'0 •• ' "':.

. "


• • • • • • • .:. ... . .: ... •


Page 2: , d A t 1IIi!,er. rl'UIII 1'fUilflrllfllil nil :v, I rn Itt · the j'ook ontitlCJd "Tho Insido 01' PI'c, Gordoll C, Forbc~, killed II' .. Followillg n1'() Lilu lIun~es of t.hose Blll"kwel1,

i !




_. .(1)

lJ.ft • ". , @ •• .... , ...


• •


" " I !~. I r •



-WIFE -:nY--

I 1. fA hRl4ht: ",1) 10(," OF*~'~rfEST~QUAtJ:rY :1 lO'CENrS PER PLUG

~::::::::::::~i::~~.;-,~::::~,~-::~\t:~~::~~~:::·~~~h~'::::::::::::::::#lj~,j,:,~,~,~~,~::~~::~~"~~::::::~~~::::::::~~~~~::~:::::::r::~~:::::::_::~~~~_~~_~~~~~=s~ I "You were mistaken. Good even- Wheat That Resists Rust Dairy Shorthorns Source of German Alarm Mortgages in the West


FLORENCE . -.. W.,J. L«J. a Ca.. LImIW , 1 OR ONTO

ing II • ., ... I '"

Sir Penywcrn. who was stanUmg rl f E ~e'P'"rkab,le Re~ults Are ~~i~&' .Se- Adoption of Compulsory Service by by the door. turned the handle to go Success Attends Loni Se es 0 "S-.!! - ellred 'in Alberta' , out perlments by Prof. ,Boley " "'" • "--. .1, ,_, Great Britain WOfrleS German

Lenders and Borrowers Confer, And Better Understand1l1g on Both

Sides LIkely. to Result P~ddol' c~, me Ilcavl'ly aeross and • Dairying forms a p~omlncnt fcat- Press

" " The enor~'ous damage don! the th k ,\ - " \close up to him. sprl'ng \"lle, t crdp In M;\nJt'ob-g and arc It;\'~ e~~?\1i E,arrler: 0,1' :111 con- One of the fcaturcs of the leng[\IY For a nnlllber of )ealS, sa\s The

S. P tl t ' "... .J nec:l1~h \'I'lt \ !the i:lcmol\stratlon G G G

,> I "Arc you sur~, If enywern. la elsewherc has brought to'hgllt 'Ie of farms and'~c ools,' conducted; by the reviews of thc second year of the ralll ro\\ers' tude, there h,IS been So the day passed. ~omcwhat un-lIt's r~e that IS nllstaken,. and not the most sensational successes of'the Department!. df Agriculture 111 the world \;,tar publIshed 111 the German a good deal of cntlclsm on th e pHt

easily for everybody. without any you~ the .asked, thrustl\lg hIS ,face.ull expenmental farms. To Prof. Doley. ProvlJlce of Alberta. As part of thIS newspapers of the last Sunday of of the f.lfIlICrS 111 thc \\'"t .'I;.III1St approach 10 corlfidence of any SOl t las ncar as he could to that of the of the North Dakota Agricultural \vork demonstratIOns have becn July is the scrious comment upon 1l10rtg.lge COIIIIl.lllles Four-fifths of

jib d 'nd b r nct C II b tl d t of I I t f I It r the f.lrms III Ihe j'r,IIIIC l'rO\IIICeS between aunt anu niece, IUS an" .1 0.. • 0 egc must e glvcn Ie ere I gIven as (to the capacIty of the tie a( op Ion 0 COIllPU sory ml I a y \\Ife. or host and gucst j: But ~he starthng firmness w\th producl~g after ycars of study a double-llUcpose .Sh'OI'tJtOflU ns a Imlk service 111 Engl'llId The Cologne Me ,morlgaged, .1I1d It IS therefore a Thc~ dll fel~ thae they were wa\I:, '1llIch SIr Penywern turned upon 111m wheat which is rust resistant. . producer,. The records made In the Gazelle, as quoted by the LOlldon questlOlI of \ It.d IlIlel eSI to Ihe f 11111-

ing ov~r r'cd-hot ploughshares, and ahd glared into his sodden features Along 111 1903 Prof. Boley p~rsoll- Albcrta'~ ProvlIlclal farms have not Tllnes, saId In ItS revIew Ing comnUllllty j he pre\ .,Iltllg .1\ er-I I I

tile -rio d I I COIl I I d d d I I l f 1 age rate of Interest In ~l.lIlllllb.l on they must go wan Y UII I I .. ~, e 11 n rc. • 'd'" a Iy se ecte 111 IVI ua pall s ron qUite equa\1ed the best made at the "Amollg lhe surprIses of tillS war even In" when a small dIll ncr party \'v'hat do you mean. tou Impu ent the RUSSIan Wlleat fields south of Ontano Agncultural College. WhCfC IS the fact that It b,IS brought Eng- f.lrm 1II01lg.lges IS se\ en per cellt,

.... • I ttl clr I?" de dcd lIe ,.. d. I I I b and 111 S.lsk.ltchel\.11I .1\,,1 AILerta "Ive them somethIng to ( Istrac I rasca man. Kazan an on t lese Ie las een one daIry Shorth-orn gave 12.401 land to the :ntroductlon of unIversal U .... II ,. b n" TI patlse and the' man ,!' r, fl' t I r 1'Ile eIght PCI cenl, alld Ihere .Ire morl-thought~ fro 111 the one a -ausor I '" , Icre was a , " wor.-l11g or lllr een yea S. llounds of nllik 111 a ycar. \Vhat has I1I1!ttary service-the gl eatest mter-tOPIC of the disappearance of l{ath- instinctively murmured. "Beg your wheat'has been a success, but oW1I1g been accomphshed in Alberta would, nal revolution 111 Elwla\ld's modern g.lgcs c.trr)lIlg liLlIe per ccnl, \\Ith

d.. '. d ft"t II qual ' " "E some hIgher rates III OUII) Ill" ,hs-

bone. par on. SIr. , ' to certal11 e ec s 111 I S \lI1 I11g . - however. be credItable unuer any Ills tory. Even those who knew 'ng- b

Daphne and SIr p~l1ywcrn wond~r- The;: baronet took advan,t'lge ,of tli,1S ities It has not been regarUed \\ Ith cIrcumstances. and IS especmLly so In land well clung to the last to the tnets cd how much had reached Ihe cars momentary \veakness to, leavc t~c unul the present year. In face vIew of the fact th:jt the Alberta re- behef that It \\ ould not bc pOSSIble '1 he cxpense vf fOI eclosurc IS ,tlso of theIr guests, the bar- roonl, al:d to tell',Fenner to get fld enormous damage done m th.e cords were made by 'cows IInported Ito force upon the Enghsh people this compl,lllleu of. I he eX]/CIISlS III AI- I

onct was I11chncd to tlllnk, (rom the of (h~ vI~}lor.. • 1" _ and 1hnnesota tillS year It from Ontano, and, th:).! had not as Imstltutlon so antagolllstlc to ItS fun-I bel ta for foreclosul es on 1,IfIlIS He the very fact that notillng was .ald I He d,ld not.llId<: IllS dIspleasure or sensation of the hour, and the yet been (ully acclimatized 111 the damental conVIClIons A 1.lst Judg- almost double those of Ihc 011" r 1\\0-about it by any of the men, one or t\le cause, of It ",hen 1\e got bjl~k to willch I,a,"e had the courage 'vVest. ment \\ III apprecl.lte Ihe full extent I pro\ Inces, rUn!"llg .IS IlIgh, .,~ $100 10 two of "hOIll "ere all IIltllnate tcnlls ,tht; drawlIIg-rBolll. ,Indeed, he was grow tillS vanety arc In a ~OSI- At the demonstratIOn farm at of tillS sacnhce, ~lIld me,ISUre theleby I foreclose .1 :j;I,UlIll III1Jrtg.lge 011 , \\ Ith him, that thcy all kn

7w what~'I:tJtIXiO\IS to let D~phne fce that they tion to prOVIde many 'others wllh Sedge\\ Ick, Alberta. the Shorthorn the scr)ou~ncss ot j~ngland's IIltell- qnarler seetlOlI j he dd.", Me .!lso

e\ cr there was to be ~no'Wl\ I \\ er,e b~.ll1g stl~Jected to :1. of seed of a quahty. willch \yould have cow, Lady 11cKay 2nd, gave 10.472\lIon to make Germany h.lrmlcss for I \ er) senous III ]/Im Illce I ",'S-It seemed to hlln, 100. nlthough tte I1crspcUllOn ~Vhl(ih, cou been unattal11able If they had not had Ibs. of 1I111k 111 a yeal, and two other Enghsh purposes, Nothlllg morell.IIIOII 1II,lkes [olldosu,c 1>1'0( l(111I'~S.

'Isked 11Il1l,elf \\hcther tillS \\as the Ired by maklllg COlli at courage Shorthorns g,lve 9,699 ,ll,d 9,006 Ibs plamly sho\\s tile Immense scnous-IHry

slo\\, vel) le(hollS lid \(lV ~esl11t of 1m d~cr-exclted lIuagmation, I er husband and by' The \\hc,1t is by thIS tllne a cross of 1I111k respectIvely. Fourteen CO\\S \ness of the united \\111 to destroy us coslh •• Ind III the (u,1 IIllbl cun,c thcy 1

all Iqoket! at Daphne, With '(Another per~on ween the ongmal Russmn wheat of the sallie breed at tillS farlll, five I than tillS conversIon of the 'En~hsh lout of the f.lfluer If he hJS .111) cqully

a certal)! v~IIcd cunoslty, ddTerent t pay Rathbone s as nnd durum whcat, and, posse~ses of these bemg two-year-olds. and one 1 pcople to unlvel sal SCI VICC" left, In IllS plopert) from thclr usu.t1 attltudc of frank he callie. up to, the ,cs'. . ~n- 1lI,lny of the charactenstlcs of the three, gave an average of over 6,0001 'lhe G,lzettc croes 011 to say th,11 \ or,> flcq lently. 100, bnd under .lllllllration 'I here, secmcd to ue a sw~rdl IllS wlfc s stea\(\lIly IlIqUlr!ng latter variety Not only IS It. reslst- Ibs of Illlik for the year. the adoptIOn of cOIIIJlUISlOn h,ts ncv_\llIortg Igc IS .11, IIHloned .Ind grol\ S touch of compaSSIon 111 th(lr manner eyes. , ,alit to the rust scab, btlt It. IS also The most IIIterestlllg feature In lertheless "been In \aln." The l'rlllk- UJl to \\eells ]\;OXIUUS \\ccd, 11"I'IC­to\\arcls 'her' wlllch IfIltatcd and '''Atid djd you?" asked Daphne. Immune from other funsanal and connectIOn WIth what IS belllg done I furter Zeltung also emphas,zes the Ilurs I,lestloy tl,,· \\Cells, .11 III frc­,I 'n d hlln' "Of course not. There wasn't a fungus root blIghts. It held ItS own With daIry Shorthorns at these AI- ,lInportancc of compllision In FIII':- qt.enl) put a ven he 1\ y ch II go OIL :'13:,tC the e~ellmg passed off pleas-,word of truth in 11115 fcHow's c1,tim, dunng the bad year of 1904-1905 andtuerta Provincml farm is found iu land although It says th,lt "hundredslthe,I.lnd At tllll" II h,ls rnn.1S 11I,J.:!t Inlly and I ad) Acr;se had the sat-!\vha,tevcr there may h,ave been in the has been gro\\mg m favor m certalll the records made by daughters of one jof t1lOusands ale s\lIely toleratlllg II I ,IS ~bO~ ,lg,lIl1st a I; I1f secllunl ~"'S ;sflcilO'n of -;ddll1g a new admirer to wldQ\\"~t\lt was that rascal Paddon, dlstncts ever slllce and the kernels of the herd bulls. This bull IS But- only \11th gnasillng of teeth" IS m.lte .1 prior CI.II1':e 10 I" Irst he~ hst 111 tile shal)e of a fox-hunting, the' ,,:rbcer, one ot the best-knp;wn lhls year are seenllngly burstmg \11th tcrfly Klllg. He has, says the officIal \ 'j hc Fr,lnl-fllrter Zeltung, in ItS IJII°rtg.lrc, a ,Ill In I numb" r of rt"scs bachclo'r \I 1(11 "more n!oncy I1lan ' 1[nrsh'DultQn topers, who wauteo to glultcn. . report of the Department of Agncul-Ileadmg artlclc, declares that It IS not \\ lere orec OSUI C proceellllgs I,n e beallls who had been a declarcd ad- make,ollt that Rathbone owed hun a The cllIef objection to tillS van~ty turc. all the charactcnstlcs of the I Germany that ue.lrs "the ten ,ble guIlt taken plarrc tilt h.1S Vec\t fount! }[ICI IlII'rer 'of 'OUI Lady Tradcscant un- bIll for !:"rocenes," of wheat IS that the flour IS of too chOIcest dairy Shorthorn SIres, and I of every fresh day on which thous- pa) Ing 0 Ie \\ ee( C ',II gcs, see( tIl she hid ~11~wn hersdf unappreci- "Bul pcrhaps he did" dark a color The clevator men at the sallie tm,,; he would In 1115 ands dIe." Germany c,ln only "hold I


lIens, dcsllucllun of gopher Illve of'tlls'ellhemerahdevollon \ "I should h,IVC to have very strong bought it \llthout dlscnnllnatlOn for prime have stood in good cOIllPanylout untIl the hour at \\lllch the Ichalges and othe, c1,.lI g

e\ Ihe nltt-. But on the followlIII;\' day lher~ oc- I!roof.\Beslde~, it's not my business to a year or l\1?, and then gave i •. up 111 any beef show ring . ThIS bull IS strength of her enemIes IS dcvoured ~[g~e~~:.I,'ti:~:~~lr~:lg J~I~:~: .lIn a oss currcd a fresh development nay the man s debts He got wages far more qUIckly than Ihe mllhng the sIre of one cow wlllch produced lIn theIr own fire, and untIl the day \. f II I II

Ag lin' 111 tlie eVCl1Ing SIr Pcny- and food from tiS, and with his way test warranted. It IS a heavy yield- 8,343 pounds of nulk In IlIne months. when reason finally masters arro- I ~ con erence t \~ .IS I eCfn y I Ie l wern' \~as IIIformed tl;at a person lof life \lhe)1 his work .was over er under rust condltl!>ns. and' ~!1r:ves another .which is credited. with 5,28~ g,lIlce." The Joulnal says that Ger- ~~I1~~~.~,:',e~ep:,~;:ln ~e~~rc:se~'I.,~\I~)~ ~~'egs~ \\Ished 10 sec him, and ag,lln Daphne ha(~ not\jlllg to do." '. on the .drler and .Igd,ter pounds 111 n lIllie over Sll< 11l0nthsd, lIIany's vIctory \\111 consIst 111 self- tern f.lIlllers \\Ith .1 Vle\\ 10 b'lngllll-: and Lad Acnse looked at 111m fur- 1 '1 he ladles were 100k1llg fur t has malllly been trlC on of a three-year-old whIch produce lIIallltenance." about I bettcr undelst ndln' II \\ IS tlVc\ 'a/he asked \\ho It was. qt eacll ,other. The sound of Pa garden plots" wlllch were kno~n to 2,561 pounds in .three months, and a In a long art~c1e on "'vV~r FIIl- ~oon found .1 co'~lIlno~ IlIecIII;'

"I[.s a persoll named WIlliam Pad- don's -angry' vOice reached theIr cars be dIseased and to those. dlscase two-year-old willch h~s a record of anees" the [·r.lnkfurter Zeltung round eXIsted and both ).Irtle~ don SIr Penywcrn, I belIeve hc's a j (r,01l1 the hall, where he was argulllg germs were due many ~!. ItS black 3,454 pounds of nnlk 111 five. months. clalll1s that German mcthods have ~grced In recon:lIlendlng ~.I1 ex-ro~cr m t-larsl. Dutlo/)," saId !II 1\ ,~,ith the butler. " pOInts: Prof. Boley says. I am hop- TI:e departmental report clalll1s for proved supenor, but the \\ riter docs ISlln' le'lsl.ltlon 1\'ln' )fIOllt over

~utlcr \\Itll a very dIstinct intllllatlon\ "But he won't go awayl' saId IIlg tillS ycar to establIsh. more clcar- PHS bu\l that he has more daughters not S,IY that the sItuatIon IS sound. first gmo~t '.1 es t; c1'I~II~ olhe~ th III in 11I~ tone tbat.1 he conSidered the aphne, III tones of acute Une"aMness. Iy ItS real merIts as to Illllhng valued 111 the Record of. Mcnt 111 canadlllDeahng WIth the belhgercnts gener- legltlln,lte g I,~xes shouhl be<l, vIsItor an undcsirable ,OI\C., '''''11'1 \Vhat IS he saYIng?" as many farmers. on dIfferent Ian than any other daIry Shorthorn bu a\ly, he says that as long" as cenrl- and no futule Icglsl.lllon 01

Slr'Peliy\\crn rose \dth .so!ne hesi- ~ "Never mllld what he ~,ays .. Th~t areas have pronHsed to ~ .. e~~~h~~~~~~- III the DOll1l1l1on. dence can, be mamtalned the tech- n,ltun shoulll be en.leled j IllS, It tat IOn' and turned to the ladles' IS the only safe course, saId SIr Clent for larger tests. . ' lIIque of \\ar finance holds out, cspe-

I was pOlnled out \\olIld tend 10 1111-

, "\,,;\1' YOII excuse me'" he s,ud. "I f'cnywern WIth deCIsion: " ItS natIve reglo~ is dryer. lIghter New Type of Aeroplane \clallY as paper and the pnntlll.g pres~ p;ove the sect"mty gIven untler n suppose I'd bdter sec the fe\low, but "\'v'e ought to knolV what he says, land, and when It has. been gIven ~ arc not only able to produce money IllOI tgage alld so relluce Ihe r,lle of I know 111m I inlaglllc he only pleaded she. . . tnal. under these con~ltlons I hope t . . ' ,for the tillie, but arc adnllrable Intel cst. It \\as also pOinted OUI by wants help-," Willcil l'l,l sure I shan't He met her eyes WIth a stralght- sec. It lose many of ItS blafk POlh~s~ Improved Brlttsh. BIplane Second Imeans of prodUCIng a bnlhant de- the representatIves of tht lendcls glvc hlln, 10 keep hllll out of the fo;.ward. steadY, grave !:,ok. whIch are due; to dIsease on y. W n Fastest Thing In the World ceptlon reg,lrdlng the. actual II11POV- there IS very genelodly ,I feelIng 'Il B' lk uptey, Court whcre he certain- 'v"hat does"t malter, Said illl- these are cultIvated on the newer a d fib enshment by al tlficlally produclllg rural COlllmunltles of the \Vesl Ig-ly'lIde~erv~s' to be: if half that's said presslvc1y, "wllat is said by a discase free lands of the west much . A lIew tYP~h~ B~i~i~h a~~e th~\fro~t bUYlllg power and ar~lficl,dl,>;. cre;,t- ,"n~t the .Ibsentee l.lIld 0\\ III I S l;.,r-nbout hllll by his decent neighbors Is]hke that, whom ~o one woulU be- of the dark color .~f the flour may Ing used dby d f 27 F k_\~ng an apparent war boom ~he tlcul,lriy If held by ,I 1Il0ltgage COIll-

t " heve on IllS oalh? natura\ly dIsappear. has alrea y accounte or t °d Zeltung says that the German Em- pan" Ind th It the lev) IIIg of execS-

rue. • Did d t' . t btl e nk kers accordlllg to a statemen rna e I tl f b bl t ~ J> ' , Da I Ie who was looking very ap me I no mSls. u s 1 sa • M C G G I plre las IUS ar cen a e 0 "nance Slve charges ag III1St sllch also temls. : p II 'trl' I to Slleak about the back on her couch, uneasy and fur- Confiscatl'ng Contraband by Baron ontagu' l . . reH

y, the war "almost WIthout h,lVlIlg re- I to redu~e the' secunty of Icnders .Intl

anxIOus. Cl' ,. I t f I d tl I lIe made editor of The Aerop ane gIves t e t tl t "It • VISIt as If It werc of no 1I11portance, I tl've year u, an ,oug' . . . f I I course 0 Ie pnn IIIg prcss III thIS way agalll IntereSI r.lles .He although her looks betrayed the fact 1110 sIgn, IllS heart '.'lent out. to her In The Humor and Glory of the Cen. followtng descnptlon 0 tllS new says that the CIrculatIon of large necess,lnly Incre.,sct! hat IllS was not her VICW. her dlstrcss, and IllS y.earnlllg to get ae,~I~1 destroyer. . quantItIes of German, paper money I 'I he confer"nce should make for a

t "Ht cry tiresome for you Sirlher entIre confidence tncrease.d. . sor's Museum . ~hese sm.tli fighttng mdaclllnies arc In BelgIum, Northern ['rance and Po- bctter underst,lIHhng bet\\eell lenders ow v b I t1'b k lIe knew however, that tillS lIttle . I d dIstinctly a Bntlsh pro uct. lavtng land conslltutes "a senous problelll db'

Pen I YWi[n, f to e b \day~ a\1 ,e ~II incident had still furthcr estranged WII,enk

tlble kwar IS l!1 IVt~r' ~n .we been introduccd by the Sopwith firm \ of the fnturc" Elsewhere III the an orro\\ _c_rs ____ _ all( ca 0 evc;ry 0 YIn. ,e" nel - her, since it was tnevltable that the can 00 ac upon ItS I. e IrOllles, a year or so before the war. From same artIcle thc Zeltun!! says. h borhood \yho \\ants anytl!~ng, , cned atlltude he took np, although it was humors and mlll!>r tragcdle;s. one .of first experiments they have ueen de- "It would be a fo\ly unworthy of a Germans Fought to Deat Lady Acnse effu~lvely You re !OO the only pOSSIble one. should make the most attractive places In whIch vloped and fitted WIth more and I grown-up peoplc to try to concenl i --good-naturedl It s wors~,.0~an bemg him appear hard. to study these phases of the war w!lI more powerful engines. untIl today ,the extent of the saCrifices fOI us In the Horror There Was an Occa-a ))l;mber of, Parhtmer\1 If" d I Two days passed with~ut spl!cial be the n.ltIseumb' Iff the censors. In the Brltisl: scout biplane IS the fast- and our alhes If the conclUSIon of I slOnal Glcam of Humor

I en can t Ie p .lImse. sal incident, and Lady ACrlsc found the vano!'s e Igerent count.nes. est thing 1J1 the world except a pro- peace were not to bnng us a large P I GIbbs III a StOI sent from papllne'l trylllg I {o I smll}, aId her hUSd plenty to amuse her in the viSits of b'l~heke~ec.tlveness bf /he Brltbsh jcctile from" gun. The German Fok- war indemmty. But for the Jlenod of heaS~t\\rters I;' Fr~nce ~f the f,ght-

I anl s Hugge( liS s IOU crs ,~n the neighbors, and in rides and oc a e IS responsl e or anum er ker monoplane IS a fast destroyer. the war - wlllch IS what matters as • 'd 1'1 'I s crossed the loom to the door. He dnves WIth her niece of the exillbits that already crowd but its success is hmited to some ex- regards our strength In fmanclal 1111,1 .Iroun G lIepva d StY d I I Inhents the position of Judge and It was on the even'ing of the sec- the space allotted to the cen~or's tent" II readIness to make saCrifices and :n l

I any 'I erma I 115 I cAell el t lem-• k' t I If tl county from'. . G t B 't . . . . I .. h • selves to tIC (cat, senlry out-peacema cr a la Ie ond day, when SIr Penywern was museulll III .rea n aI!,. "The Improvement III tIe Bnlls econonllc capacIty-we can be satls- u f I I, , I B t-

IllS father And he nevcr refuses .0 passing through Marsh Dutton on Upon entering one IS IIltroduced to, aeroplanes may evcntually have a lied" lSI COliC 0 tIe l ugouts sa\\ I Ie n see anybody. It's a tradillon. isn't f~ot that he suddenly came face to a parcel of books for "the lonely sol- conSIderable elTect on the aIr defen- . Ish approlcllilng, alnd tU~TI)'1' q"llckllr. it, Pen ,,, ., facc' with Paddon as the latter reel- dlers at the front, or at least that is ses of Britain It must necessarily be hc shoutel (own tIe worl ~ng .Im

"Oh, yes," said the baronet lacon- e'd out of "'The Tradescant Arms." what it seems to be till you begin 0 nore rapid tl;an the improvement in Evidence of German Barbarism to 1115 comrades below One of the ically. as If scarcely notIcing wh\1t she The grocer was m hilarious mood. study the literature. Then you be- ~irships and consequently it is qUIte In the Willte Book-or officml re- {",ar'l;lckt c10si

sl to Illnl hurled IllS

was saYlllg.. . and he thrust himself into the path hold the remains of bacon I You lrobabl~ that the new types of de- port-recently Issued by the French as.t on,' .It 11\11 all( t len, S~IZ,IlIf.. At the next nllnute he found hun- of the baronet and putting his pass on. A cask of rags, collected ~troyer aeroplanes may be produced Government askIng neutr,11 powers the man s rifle, sprallg on to the 1,1

self III the dilling-room with his dIs-I thumbs througl; his own button- "for suffering children." and shipped which will make It almost Impossible'to make mvesllgatlOns IIlto IIlhuumn alPet ready to sh?l.olt the Germ.llls as

t bl I k s't r -' . . btl t t Germany fib G t t ICY camc up ICY came up III a repu a e- 00 IIlg VI 10 • .. Iholes, saId. m a Jeermg tone: y a. neu ra co un ry o. • for airships to get away rom t le pracllces y crman roops, sworn . I b' b 'd tl • S a

Wllh.lIn P,lddon was a dlSSlpated- "Well Sir Penywern if you're con tamed drugs and surgIcal apph- British Isles if they ever reach eVidence is gIven of men seventy swarm w~ I oll'~' '1I1d I,erl' \\'\ looking, thickset man af about forty close-fisted with your' money, and ances. them' to eIghty years old made to work; great con ICt, \\ IIC I en eldon y W len years of age, with a bald head and don't care to part for the sake of A pound of lard was artistically "lt~provements in cli;;'bing of women forced to labor under the Ith) last Gr

man Irs dea . tl

a florid facc. His expression was your own honor there's others that designed to represent a copy of the strength and power of aeroplane~ fire of French troops. and others . In onfe '1lUglout Illere W,IS. 111 ,e . I I I' d I' tt' . ' ? L k I I" S' fi Id Rbi' k II d d I 1lI1( st 0 a tllS 101 ror a COIllIC epI-parllcu ar Y unp ea~mg, an liS ~ 1- aren't so I11ce. Eh. 00 lere pnng e cpu Ican o,r a pac e havc been so great that they can now compe e to Ig trenc les. d \. d I'd the du-

tude was half-servIle, half-blustering. And taking his right-hand thumb of pure rubber to look hke a bundle be reasonably expected to outchmb It also makes a charge. based on so e. ~ c~;tall1 kl\t e tl g t But as he was, on this particular oc- out of his button-hole, he drew from of narcissus bulbs. an airship and the speed of the bcst the testimony of a WItness, that m outs. arwlc S lire IlIlan I(U5 casion, quite sober, Sir Penywern his pocket a handful of silver with There is one specimen that has not aeroplane' has always been supenor October. 1914. the Germans took IllS bayoni

t bT,e,'th t t Ie cur ,lin,

asked him what he wanted, with coo~- two or tllree gold coins in it. even been disgUIsed. It is a parcel to that of the best contemporary air- from the Department of Pas de when sud(denly

t Ie CUb aln was ( 11\\ n ncss but WIth civility. (T B C . d) of 15 Ibs. of bacon. That is not very shi CalaIS a party of mhabltants, and to OI:e Sl e, amb,a elrman so (lei'

lIe was prepared for what follow- 0 e ontmue. unusual. but this bacon is not as other ,PS'o tllat with these improvements that they used them as shields ag- YI aWkl1lng

kal nd rudutllllg 115 etYI es \1\ Itt I

d b I"d Th I . . h fi f I F I d I liS nuc es stoo lere as loug I 0

e . acon-tlat IS eVI ent. e man w 10 m the organizallon of the defense amst t e re 0 tIe • renc I an tlat "WI t" ?" 11 I d slept "Well, Sir Penywern. it goes ag- A War Analogy was sending this to Germany thought stations it is not unlikely that even forty were thus kIlled. I say ~\I s I'P tl b lI:b' dment

ainst the grain to have to come to \'v'e do not want to press the an- so much of his gift that he sent it the mo~t improved German airships "In F--, Meurthe and Moselle, he1vlI{ Irou~ I dIe °u I ar d Ita you, who have tho name of being al- alogy of other wars too far, but there letter post and pasted stamps on it to may lind it too expensive to contmue work assigned to the Mayor being am td

le at~ac ,an now cleve ways so free-handed. to ask you to is one which ,{ill help people to un- the value of ISs, 1s for every pound to annoy the British Isles." uncompleted in time. he was sus- was reaml_n_g_. -----repair the wrongs done l:iy others. derstand the situation. Abraham of bacon in the package. Somewhere pend cd from a tree by means of a But. sir. the man Rathbone, that used Lincoln, in the 'Iast year of the war in Germany there is a family Itill rope passed under his arms, and he Canada as a Wheat Exporter to be in your employmcnt, I'm sorry with the South, would never listen to waiting in very much the same way "They" Have Come was left in this pOSill.:ln about an "Ten years ,lgO no one would have to say he wasn't quite a~ open and overtures for peace, however great that Mother Hubbard's dog had to After the tradition of his race and hour." \thought that C.lnada would entcr the above board as he might have been; the concessIons which appeared to be wait. the fashion of his nation. the English- field as an exporter of wheat. Today nnd when he went away; disappear- olTered him. Lover of peace All these innocent bundles of man. millions of him. has now gone How Could He Do It? the Dommion IS a~lc to export ~75,-cd so sudden sir, he left behind 111m haler of war as he was, he knew newspapers are not what they out to kill and be killed until the I h d d . 1000000 bushels. 1 \\ 0 other of l~ng-:'I',pretty big debt to me unpaid. for the only way to end the war whic The neatly rolled ends are work that is to be done is done. I An o.'dl bfart;ter W!l1 a riven knto

land's colomes, IndIa and Austraha. gro~eries and what not." . .' would ju'stify the nation for having cleverly made plugs of paper and Once that spirit was clear in Eng- tIe nelg I Orlng VI age t? . ma e. a have 175000000 bushels to sell, with

SIr Penywern eyed 111m steadily. waged it was by dictating terms, and wood. Pul) one of these plugs out land, then those of us who believe few purchas~s took back wIth. 111m :Argentm~ able to export 150,000,000 He knew. that. there was not a word not by negotiations. He was not go. and you WIll lin~ a Ion I\' ~ausage- that all that America as well as all m!>re hard cIder. than was conslstcnt l' bushels." \\ rites a rallw.,y authonty, of truth m tlus story. for Rathbone I ing to leave the Confederates in a shaped bag of cahco contammg any- that democracy held best in the ~vlth careful d~lVmg. \Vlllie descend, "This total of 600,000,000 bush cis IS had had three meals a day in Ihe position t~ make a second war. when thing from. sliced ham to Para rub- wo~ld was at stalce in this war could Ing a st~ep hlll IllS horse stumbled. \ more than enough to take care of all cottage of of the gardeners. and they had recovered sufficiently. and bert from rice to afford to roll up the war maps and fell flat In the roau and refuse? to of Europe's Import needs, which are what groceries he could have wanted to spring once again at the throat p' ut aside the battle reports. The get lip. The farmer looked at 111m a I 11 about 500000000 bushels." must have been of very smal1 am- tlte ~l'ortll. He acted not out of any Id moment over the dashboard. then ex- norma Y " n' incidental changes wou mean claimed: ounl. • • '" feelin'g of revenge, but because he and they will mean nothing. G' Id f II G' Straws Going With the Wind

"Have yo.u got the blll WIth you? knew that the South must fight on come so slowly," the French- "It up, you 0 00 It up, or he asked WIth marked dryness.. t1ll it could fight no longer. _ The you of his a1lies six months 1'\1 drive right over you I"

The question did not disco Spectator. 'I in this he added out visitor in the least! On the ' of half a he drew himself up Anglo-French feet a little more do come swered significantly:

"Bang I" went the rifles at the man­oeuvres. "00-00 I" screamed the pretty girl-a nice. decorous, surpris­ed little scream. She stepped back­ward into the arms of a young man. "No, Sir Penywern,

the bill with me. I were likely to ask for

"I certainly should nro.~~~~?'(:~ 'wllr'­out having seen i'"

"Oh I" said sh e. blushing. "I was frightened by the rilles. I beg your pardon."

dc:m,ocl'aeyl "N the young man. watch the artil· to pay it at

plied Sir <P~li'vw~rl'

bone hid his ; here';":luid /1~~d:!tl~~}~!1r5j he chose to ,~ was clearly , The man

'. ~ " • • • •

• -<lip • • • ~ • • • '. •

Two years ago the German leader who darcd express any doubt about the ability of the Kaiser to win would have been 'arrested Today It is safe recreation. All of which means that the Jig is up.-Philadclphia North Amencan.

, Edith (sigh ing): Oh. dear! Ton\

hasn't proposed yet. Marie: Wcll. what can you expect'

of a chap who never runs his aute> over ten miles an hour?

• • • ,

" e • ." • • III • • •

• ," ..... ~ • • • • .. : • • • .'. • • • • , , • , • • . ' • • • :

" • . • , . , , '. • .


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• ... • •

• • • • • " •

• . • • • , • • • , •

Page 3: , d A t 1IIi!,er. rl'UIII 1'fUilflrllfllil nil :v, I rn Itt · the j'ook ontitlCJd "Tho Insido 01' PI'c, Gordoll C, Forbc~, killed II' .. Followillg n1'() Lilu lIun~es of t.hose Blll"kwel1,



". ---

.. •


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• e.

• • • •





' ... " .

«"'77.77"" •• 7777777

,The Army .:of~ . Constipapp.n ~J .. Growin. Smallh 'Eye". D.,.. CARTER'S UTTLE, LIVER PILLS are '

'.'r.n'iblc-Ihey Dot on , sive •• hel­they permanenll, cure Con.hpa .. 'ion. Mil­~ion. use them lor lUioa •• " , "'''' I.Ji,,,,i"., Sic~ H •• J.clt., SaIl.,. SAi .. ,

l,small Pill" S,ma!l po.o, ~~all frice. Genuine mcst bear Si~na.turc .

~~~~~ 02 ZU Z: W.i"'W4N' , :au •• s ,u.

rHI!: NI!'W "'''I!NCH RIEMI!DV. N.t ... 2 •••

THERAPION U.ed,oProoc' HOlpllah "nil

4''''.'lucrru CUIfl:U CJI"OMIC W'AKNESS LOST VIOal A VI\I )\IIIH£Y .LAUDEIfI: PISEAS!S 'LOOD rOlSoli "LlS 41tHI.!! Ho DMUGOISntOfWAIt.11 'OST .cn 'OUGII:"", Co .0 aI!EKMAH!\T NEW VOlueOfLY"'AM 'lint

~"0NTO WililY! 'OR FRI!:I. hOOK TO Dill L.I eLK Ill'


H ,. BAPION .,,. •• 0 ~. LASTINO CU" .. ,U tlfAt TN'A I!. )tAU.ED \liORD \TllltftAPION IS O. O.I.1T UOVl »T A~ po A"IXED TO A1.L OKNUUIII: IACUta

-TY--P-I-I'O I'D : f~ ''''' more ,;:;;.;;.;;-\ 'tb.nStnBllpOk~l.Atm7 I experience bas dcmoruuated \ the almosl,. mlraculoUJ eftl ... r ~c,., 11~ blltmles.nclS, or ~DtltYJ'lbQld"V~ecln2Ubnl

-Be l'acciuatcd NOW by ,.dur sth,..ldau, )'aU and I aO\lr t~II". It IJ marc ,.IUlI than tlOUlc InsUfaDCI:! •

• o

. .... . ", " .. .0°

' . '" '. ' .. .

.. . , '. '. 'j '0 . .


Attitude of United St.te3 The War In Africa •. To Callie of Allie3 Huge Territory Taken From Ger-

The aqn, J. M. Beck Sees Future ,many Since War Began

.h~ .. Anurlc" Is .. INSURANCe

Against Sudden Death. • ;J¥}l#n ~nd America One in . ~,!"I.le report' that Gel!eral Smuts, .the

, fnterests and Sympathy I !3ntlsh commander m East Africa, Before an Insurance Company will IS about to complcte the conquest ot take a risk' on your hIe the examining


Indian Universal Language

Solved Centuries Ago By the Savage Inhabitants of the Western

World "The - tlroblem of a universal lan­

guage, the neel' of which has !leen realrzed-': in this war," says a Cam­bridge; ~rofessor, "was really solved centurid 'ago 'by the savago inhabi­tauts of ·the I"estern world."

Tile. B:P~, Jame~ Montgomery, Germany's richest and largest pos- physIcian will test the urine and report Beck, a leadl,ng American lawyer and: ses'sion in that continent suggests whcther you are a good risk. When former· assIstant attorney-general'l the strange narratives of war des- your kIdneys gct sluggish and clog, w~ose book .on the w~r has had a; tined to flow Jrom that ficld when the you suUer from backache, ilicle·head· WIde popularity, speakIDg at Glas-! ful) .storr. of the conflict is unfolded. ache, dIZZY spells, or the tWlnges.,and gow, '.Seotland,. recently, referre~ to! It: has becn just two years since pains of lumbngo, rheumatIsm and . Sholtl4, a.n I?dl~n. from northern .~he}r!fndly attitude taken by the !na-: Britain carried the war into Africa by r;out. The urine is often cloudy, full AJas~a gp t? Pa.!~S'bnla, he could by jonty of the people of the UUlted: seiZIng Port Lame, in Togoland; and of sedimcnt· channcle oltcn get sore me:lus·.of* thIS ulllvcrsal language con­~tates. towards the ca';ls.e of the, al-, only German East Africa remains and sleep i; disturbed two or three vc<se Il:i~h his southern br~thren al­hes.:· II} .the. ~var. Bntlsh-Amencan unconquered, although that is a ter- times a night. This is the time you I mo~t as easily as he could with his f;at.<:rrylty, whIch bef,?re the war ~vas ritory In 1irca greater than all the sbould consult some physician of widu' nei'gfitiors at home. That would also sltnply ,the.s'y)1)pathe~lc touch of kIDs- New EngJllitd, the Middle Atlantic. experiellcc-su~h as Dr, Picrco 01 tho' be :th!; case If he v'sited Central Am­men' wtih cd!"mon Idc;als and com-I States and Ohio, Indiana, Illinois and Invnlids' Hotel and Snrgleal Institute, erica, or met the tribesmen of the mono conceP:lOns ?f hberty and. hu· Michigan, and containing a popula- Buffalo, N. Y. Seud .him 10 ~ents for Wesl.'~'rn prairies and mountains. malllty, ha~, .he; s~ld, now grown mto tion of seven million Africans. sample pnekRp'0 of hlB DCW discovery, 'When this language was invellted a corporation whIch had become a Very little 'attention has been given "Anurie." \\ rite him yo~r sym.ptOlns no -Bl.1~ kllOWS, but every IndIan moSt·vit;!,l. fact for the future welfare to that far away phase of the war and s~nd a sample·of ur~ne J,?r test. learns ~t in addition to his own. Re-of human!,ty. So far as there could which has' bee'rt pressed continuously Experleuco hns taught Dr. Plctee that ceri.tly. two c1uefs of dilTerent tribes

The best th~ ,."... ... lrI

) 1 .. ~ •



be a reasonabl<; and favoral1le pro· and has deprivca the imperial gov- "An?ric".ie the. D10S~ powerful aljent met.. ,ir t1;e GeographIcal SocIety ph'l:~y that the time. would come when errtment of an area more than twice in dle80lvlDg url~ acid,. as hot jatrr rooms' 'In \Vashingtoll ancl beld a Justice wotftd be .vllldleated through- the size of tl.e twenty-five states of molts suga!; bcsldos bemg ,!bso ute y convetsatiQn that lasted nearly three S<>fety 1" t

t' th orld thIS vould be brought 'I harmlcss It Is endowcd wlLh othcr I d I • k . .. ..... '!rR.. . \ on e w , '. the European empire and the reichs- properties, for it preserves tbe kidueys I.OUr~.~, all yet nf!tlcr onc uew a., :'( abou.t by P!e c:o-operatlon and eom- land of Alsace-Lorraine. The man 10 a healthy ('ondition by ihoroughly \voru. C5f Ille; other s lat1gu~ge. • G . I .'~ I" cI _. P , R k. ~~~:,~~n~!e;~h~s, °t~ethes~ea\WOel~~1~! who,. in his boyhood, was t1)rill;d. by clcansiug them. Belnlt so many tImes Thlsr,,'Ulllvers:l1 hlD.guagc IS, of ar.pPt~n D ".It~a~e 0 tQ .~ev~.nt .S!'i,-) and the great repullllc.g The action. re.a~mg of th.e advent~res ?!,;,b\vmg- more aeLiye than lithIa, it clears the coursf_, .m~ge up o! slgn~. For ex- :; rlVlIIg .ver al way. of Great Britain in. unsheathing her ~totie and Stanl~y; III tlll~ part. of heart valves of auy sandy substanoes ample, If an lndlal. IS passlllS' titrQ,ugh . Crosslllgs sWord' fQr. Belgium' and her declara- the ,",:orld can antlelpa~e WIth rehsh which may clog them· and checks the a. stran~e cou.ntry and sees other In- 'Tlie tragic frequcncy of colllSlon9 tion that-she would not suffer the de- the kind .of tal.e that IS to be;,.told degeueration of the blood-vessels, as ~!Ians.~~tl a"dlstan;.e, he makes t1~e bet\\cCJ\ .1IItomobtlcs and ,,"I\\ay mocracy of France to perish beneath when, laYll}g aSIde the. cold language "'cll ~8 rcgulatlng bl?od pressure. peace s~gn ; that IS, he holds III? ~I.S tr.llns. 'at ralll\ay CIOSSIllg'S IS bClllg the iron hcel of Prusslan despotlam, and restramts of offiCIal and. cen- t~Anurlon ie a ~egular IDsur:mC8 and blanket. by two corners ~o that It uc,llt-\<"ith boldly by the L6ng Islulld had dotle more than any tiling else, sored reports, the f!lll story IS un- hlc·savcr foral! blgmeat~atersl,\n~ those covers h~s. whole !'gure. 1 he s:l!ne I R:III\\IIy' whIch has IlIltl.lted .1 stnk­could possibly have done to com- folded of the campaIgn now. under I who deposit 10 t~Clr lolnts. thought IS exprclsed by extencll11~. V\g; poster camp.llgl1 showlIIg Ihe mend her 10 the sympathetic and en- war from :rang:IIIYI.ka to ZanZIbar. - Ask the ~ruggl~t for t~Anurlo" put np ~he. hands, palms outward, shghtlYi recklcssltcs, \\Ith 1\llIch molonsts dud\1g friendship of the great mass PllIladelpllla Bulletlll. by Dr. Plereo, III 6?-cent packages, mchned from the face: . IgIIOFt> all danb"Cr SlgllS not 1.1111) .It of tltd! 1\:'iherican people. There never '~"I STR.ENGTH AND BEAUTY - b Thel \1lthtelre ar,e the al~stra~ .~I~n~, theIr OWII risk, 'bu['oft'cn :jt Ihe cost

, I A . I . n,' b I' • I I' y W IIC I lese savages can expo ess f' I' tl ! .' .'J 1 '1,,' L-t was a time w len \Ilenca, t lrowmg !V\ orms, y tIe Irritalton t lat t ley Come with Dr. Ploree's Goldeu Medical Itltcir thoughts with regarcKltIlIu.he? 1.,.II1Y O. Ie! ~v~,s. .11" ,b"t oJ op

I .. ,.'k )'our pbyth;larl, dt11e'llst~o~ lend ror uUi.YO

'J'au b2d Typhohll" teUlnl! or T,.phold V.eelne, re.ults tram US I Dnd daile-or trom Typhoid Curiers. Tile CUTTtR I.ABOUJlTORY, lIeR~tU:Y, CAL

aside the. prepossessions of its youth, cause in the stomach and intcstines, Dlseovory ThIs Is a. blood cleansor and t"( I d I I r 1 hCJl.I ..... \\ c Can t, IS one p," tlcul ... Iy \vas so' 'open Lo a sympathetic ul](ler- deprive infants of the nourishment alterat.Jve'that starts thQ liver and stom- grea I Splrl '. leaven, goo , .en,1 .1 .. :\ 'II IU plcttlrc sho\\illg a tUUIlllg ,11110 stapdmg, which would one day rtpen that they should derive from food. neh Into vigorous a"tto~. It thus assists and (~ath'L![kl!ess, healthd rliheci all with b'llli'dllt he.ldlt/:hts· (i:I~llIlI!:' I- "t into afi.tntente i cordiale, as at the and mal-nutrition is the result. hIil- the body to manuftl.ct!1re rich red lilood pover Y'. I!! IS exprcsse y raw-l' "I !loll III IIlolll 01 .11'''''';'''' II 'of


I f


'.ODU~H' YA"CCIMU • IUU.' UHII'.'i.I.'. GDY. uc ....


, J edcber of Englisb in All Branches

Pre-ento,moment.' It was felt, how- ler's 'vVorm Powders destroy worms which feeds the h'llart. rtOrves, brain and mg an Imagmary thread fro,ll1 tl\e ' 1,,1 '. I, .• I 'n. • I ,. •. ~" of the body. 'rbe organs work mouth, and death by chQPlllng tills 1 b .

ever, that Great Britaiu had not and correct the morbid conditions in 8moothly IIko ma.chlnery runnlnll lu oil. thread 01T .. - ;~, '. country nrc- pIng- appealed to 111 the wholly, understood the attitude of the the stomach and bowels that are fav- You feel cleau strong aud strenuouS lIt- A I .. 'f' l I i I II hopc·th.l\ a .1;0Jlcertcd ~fTort"I1I.IY he American people, nor what they had orable to worms, so that the full nu- ltead of tired, 'weak and faint; , .. n?t ler sIgn or (cat 1 S tq; 10 ( Imade to stOll.tlllS reckl!!S5 pr;\cl,ce of tricd toldo to help Great Britam. triment of the child is assured and the. tips of the fingers of .onee .• hand i speedll1g over grade CIOSSIIl!{S. C~II-

I, \. Ioi I.:.: _C9.rle~pondence Course to Suit Actual

'l.y' I .. f' ,. • ~uin .• oeuts oC the l'upl1.

desire to know what would be the cd. Hedgerow Nomads let ·them gradually shp dOI\nlVard, \\cll take thi" lessOIl flOm the UnIted When the war began there was a keen development in every way eucourag-' ag~lllst the palm of t1~e oth..,r, and1adl.ln :tutolllobtle .ISSOCI.ltIOIlS Jl1l!{ht

verdict. of the United States, the ",. nnd att last drop ~eneath thc. palm: St.ltcS, as aCCIdents 01 .1 ""111,11" -I' .,,, .... ' _-~_ Mod~rale "ce


----............... : . • 1. _ j

tOoR'lj CGtton Root CotrlpotmeJ.

-== __ -...l __

(:~ I; .... ot. Amellca's Pioneer

DOl Remedies

.A -flf .. rdlBl,u f'<mUatifl/1 on.d"",,,,, Bold tn ih .... d .. ,;reM nt .Irenc:th. No. 11 $1; No.2, $3. No.3. ,­per box. Bold by aU druggistR, or Bent pre .. paid In plaIn pllclca&:e on recelpl or price. Fre.

. pamphlet. Addre .. : Till! COOK MEDICIN; .. C:j '~OITo. alll" Uot .....

DOOlt 0:0;

DOG DISEASES An'<J lImy to Feed

)ralle<l rrel!:to pnl addre.. by the Author

II. CLAY GLOVER CO., Inc. 118 West 31st Street, New York

ARLINGTON WAT!:RPROOF' COLLARS AND CUF'f'S Somethllur better than lin.!" and hia laundry

bill.. \V"dl It with fldnp And ""ler All IItorc!t or direct Srllte style and tlize. For 25c. we Will mail you


G& Frailer A..y.uue. Torollio. Ontarl.

• Warfare of the Huns

gre~tcl;t uation outside the arena of Dill Smith went 01T to the shore Gypsies Are Soul of Honor in Their MOist fPeoplet' tllln'~lIthat" the- Hldlaln n.llurc In Ulb COIII)tjy arc h) 110 tllc cOIII1I·et. l;llat verdIct was in- won 0 grec mg, OIV, 'I!>' J,tI":,~ y \1lcaJ1S ral~, A tr.,in IlIUVI fi fasler

, for a week or two, and on his return Personal Relations the abb t f tl ..' . st".lltallCoIIS, sl'ontaneous a'nd over- " revla 1O"n 0 le '. qu, es I, .... n, th.ln thc nlOtorlst uiay call ilLIte. :\11-

n took Sam Jones to task severely: How au? B t tl at· ", "\lcIIUI1)g. 'I'll IS great '1111partlal j'ury S 'd • Quite a number of gypsies are in • re yo. u "I I,', no, ,0'. other poster the t.II'llOn. "\\'e .. "Look here, am," he sal , 'I un- The d II I I of Anlerlean citizens, excludmg those derstand that while I was off at the the armies of Europe, both. as al- \~obr thIS" rea"fY' aOI~~' S w IIIC I Call't Stop Ihe ll'lrs~s." .1I1l1 sho\\s ., of l 'ClltOI1lC ortgm, witll an amazing lies and enemies of Britain, for th,ey means ro er or nel](.", 0 W lell driver aslecp II Ith ,1)N,,:r,c.III1 .ILout to

shore you took advantage of my ab- h d I' " .' I approach to un",lIImity, declared that b G are internatiGnal and know no coun- e comes up an grow S .. vl ...... 1IS 'r\\U through th" giCes" d

seuce to hang round Ma e1 reen try as thdr own. Their. orlgih is a seemingly inquisi\ive "l'lbw.': he IS ' , :. l3r1talll, France an RUSSIa were almost every night." k' f I I I b"11 ' • f'ghtlllg for the basic rights of civil- "No, Bill," said Sam, "you're mis- mystery, although it is 'c!:rt:lIn they not as IIlg a ter your lea t " I.\t'tc - There ,,' more Cat ;;;'Ii '1'" Un, '''',on 01 izallon, and that their sympathies hail from the East. It' is geuerally ing you that he IS a friend:' . .~. Ihe ,ounlry Ih./I .111 bil,,,, d""., I"" 10 taken. It's her sister. Sally Grecn, I h 1 f E .rethel. and for )eaj~"1l \\;l<; ~uJlP(J ... ('d to he were with them. \Vhy, then, it might that I've been hangin' around." t loug t t ley come rom 'gypt - '. ,'. I "eUl.IlI. DOllo"·,,,.,rll!>.,1 10,11 "", .. I", be asked, did this verdict not hnd "Well," said Bill, "that makes no hence their name - but is by no Th C f A ~"fiA 'lid Ily con,'all,ly I"ltll~ 10 '"" ,,"I! I,,, 01 greatcl" concrete recognition in the I means ccrtain. They have been e ause 0 ppeuUICI S' ~Irc"ntcllt, p.onoUl,,·cd II "1<1" dole Cal.ceh

I f I ~ 'VI'I dilTerence. I got my eyes on bot I thought to be the Ten Lost Tribes ' 11. a local dISC",', g.e.lIl) lI"ll1<.n.eol 11) ,011

jlttiLul e 0 LtC gOVCrlltllClll. v 11 e of them girls."-Washington Star. N D fi 't I K .4\". " l'llttutlonal loudltlOns and th,. riole U'Ql1lIC" 1I0t aule to speak Ion this point with also, and they certainly speak of all OW e m e Y DOwn .01l-tllllIl01l 11 lIe"'ntent, 11 111', (" 11 h the flankuess desired, Mr. l3eck said non-Romany folk as Gentiles. Ctlre. ",allll.lo,",ed by I J lhcllc\ " '''' that'they exaggerated the import- Minard's Liniment for &ala every- Gypsies are regarded as a nuis- "~-':;"'. . i 'loledb, Oh,o! IS , .,,,,,tIlUIlOllll .cnted) ...

Where h th • I The comlll0nest ca'lse of aPI'e"ndi- .aken lutM"na I) alHI .Il:t~ thlotl/<:h the Blt)od

ance of polhlcal governmcnt in the • _____ -.:..._ ance w erever ~y go, as parla lS ... . ' ) >n Ihe .\Imol" g", 1.,,0< of Ihe Sy<lell1 Un.

IT. f and outcasts, but in their personal cllls IS eonstlDa\lon. Evel'y" doC'{or Itulldrc(~ 1)011.", teW>ld " orr",d for .ny

a ,\Irs 0 InCl1. J \:Vh I" I C While the American people had had Ice Cream Parlor Cars relations they are the soul of honor, says so. v en' you rl!.qtllr~ \lhy.~}e. 'ase tha' H.It, Cat." eI. ure 1111, 10 CUI.

.no OPl1ortulllty of gIving a formal and a gypsy may I;>e trusted to keep don't use a cheap'· slr.lsll« pill-get Seud i~:'(Jr;, ulac< .11,.'1 le":,,,o," 11,

d h· I' ht d ddt t d b Dr Hamilton's PIlls ~vhit:ft·\ade I 1 J. CIILNI \ & CO. lul,do, Oh,o !llonouneemcnt, they ha rendered Popular Idea Adopted by the Cana- IS pIg e wor an 0 san y . '. Sold by UroU"I', 7Sc

I d· . t t d d I' his frl·end. They possess a certain from the private forlnula of -QI',I' .of not on y a Ism eres e all ( Ispas- dian Pacific . •. slOn:l\e judgment, in favor of the al- lofty pride, a c~rtain proud code of the greatest physici,lns. Dr. Hamtl- "'Grounds for Divt/!:ce hes, bdt

' 'I htid aJsb worked for the The ice cream parlor plays such honor which a gypsy would rather tall's Pills stre.ngthen the sk;jmad~, I

alhes, within the limits of official an importarlt part in the IHe of the die than lower. regulate the bowels '~,'i'd prev.en! a.IlY hIrs. NCllly-wed (I\GCI!ln\i) "I[.n • ucutrality, since t)le.outbreak of hos- people that Mr. W. A. Cooper, of the ,.Daul?hters are more useful than tendency to appendici{iJ;. In. one u.',Y ,'ry, 1 ~m ~~lIe'l h:lVe !{r\l"llll, [01 a tlltUes. The point he wished to Canadi,m Pacific dij1inS car servie'e, sons m gypsyland, and the parents yOU feel the trem~ndou~ benefit <:>flBr. dIvorce I [.1I1r P051tlv,e tftat ) Oil h.l\'e make was that there was a govern- has decided to iht!orjlbra~jt into often put obstacles 'in the way of Hamilton's Pills: "lIy"puJ'HYJP,g the .decelved life I" " : .... : .. ment far grcatc;r than the political railway travel and has initiatea what the girls taking the man of their blood and c1eansiiJPt,,lhc jsyst~m 'they I 1\1r. Ncw'ly-wed: L:\\,Ii.~t III the government. Every peoplc in them- may be called the Ice Cream Parlor choice. Thus elopements are com· prevent headach~s,lijt depfession and world do you'mean? .. '<Vhat ha\'e I selvcs formed.a spiritual unity which Car on the chief trains be£ilcdn Mon- mon and easy. There are no win- drive away we.trIn~s'5J No Incdicllle done to arollsc SlIch a:1ill sjlldoll?" had its O\\'U activitIes, functions and treal and Ottawa, tha.t-is to say, on dows to climb out of, and no lad- so successful as Dr: H;uniltoli's Pills. 1 !\lrs. NCI\I~Jwed (\,ccllInf; hardcr): methods of e,xpression, and just as the trains which carry a BulTet-Lib- ders to scale. Sold evcrywhere in 25c'}jo)(01l, with "1-[ saw .1 "lcmor.t111ltllll In) ollr' the American people, quite indepen- rary-Observation-Parlor Car. It is Probably the custom of destroy- yellow cover; get the genuillu. Ijlocket this lllOrlllng to-tv. buy some dent of any organic, political govern- now possible on such cars to obtain ing everything that belonged to a ~ .'. "hew rlbbon~ for your tYPC\1 rlterl" ment, had a collective force which soft drinks, ice cream and sundaes, dead gypsy in life 1s dying out, but The "Ba.c;k NUll1bef' . had expressed itself in this crisis, so, and, though the service has been in it is still done with the bigger fam- A merchant w'l;o"'r~\,is"lO -Usc news- . ~Vorms feed upan the. vit,tiity 01 rislllg above the l3ritish Empire and existence only a few days, its l>opu- i1ies who are the nobility of the paper advertising-J is- rert)1~d a "back c!ltldren and l'IHlal1ger thclr ItVI S A lbe American Republic, there was an larity has been so pronounced that it Romany people!-. Answers. number" by Henry C. Urown, adver- ~lInple, and efTcc~lve c~re IS 1\[othcr

as empire of the English-speaklllg race. will no doubt be extended to other '1 . tising lIlanager Jor te VIctor T;tlkillg IGraves \\'orm ]. xterl1l1nator. Fire Screen TillS was no VIsionary conception, services in the near future. Minard's Linim'ent Cures Burns, Etc. !\lachine Company:'He cit~s interest-

Germans Non-Combatants Use

"/\ terrible day of wrath awaits but a vital lact. Had the great Am- ing instances of,firms \1£\10 \\:ould not .The N'l:l:d for National Thrift Germ.lny when the nations of the erieatl conllnoi\wealth across the sea A Great Hindu Woman Hidden in the Cornfi~ld part WIth the .fjwnership·· • of their l:l;o.I;"j;(.'i;"ce I-ltnister of C.lnada. earth have tlllle to rellect IIpon the been loyal to this great English- One of the world's remarkable wo- "I must give," w~ites a' correspon- trade-t,narks. fqr 'inilHorts pf doll~rl\. cOIl1),l)snling on thc .. puhlt~hed .q1p<'al' mcthods of Gcrman 11':11 fare, and speaking empire? He believed it had. mcn is the Pandita (learned Hindu d It hes within ttle .po}ver of any of th" •. 'l3r1tlsh COlllllllttce [or N.I-\lhen they arc 1I0t afraid of being l3ut they had ceen very much em- scholar) Ramapai. Her institution ent, "some fu~th~f. details of the dealer t.o mount .to gr7at· h'Cig!lts. as 1~lOnal Saving," stronr:ly emphasizcs' dragged IIItO it as partIcipants of its barrassed in the outward and con- for the Christian education of, Hindu strange ~ssoctatlOlI.:- .Burely ..... the a captam of 1I1allstrY'~lf he WI)! use the d .. ty of :]11 eLlsscs of CoIII.HIt.lns horrors." crete t!xpression of that loyalty. He child widows rescued from horrible strangest III t~e ~var - of cavalry newspaper adv-cttisint:; judiciouslv, to .&,lYe .as much as possible in order

Thus writes a Dutch statesman in thought tlte wisest minds of America degradation and sulTering has been and aeroplaues m. the adva~e of he dcclared.-~(in.,gston W~lig. ,r that. tlll~ country may b~ a bit· 1I0t, a powerful comment upon the in- now recognized that the historic pol- for years the nucleus and heart of pat!ols towards. )Hlgh Wood (the: .• ' •. ¥ , merely to. Dear its own \\ar expon(lt-. dictment that France brings against icy of isolalton must be abandoned Mukti (salvation), a village of two; BOIS des~ Foureaux. At the m,?ment All Night with Asthma., Everyone Iture, but also to aid the l3dtlSh Gov-Gerlllan officers ill their treatment of if the American commonwealth was thousand child widows and orphan' t~at the cavalry were 'debQuchlllg a knows ho)V;.l!-\t:t£ks of as'tlima often I crnment in linancill!{ the purchase III

Frcnch non.combatants in the occu. to play its due part in this great em- girls, mothered by her and her noble pll'?t saw !l group c;>f Ge~mans and keep their victtlll''l1'wake the .whole Canada ot l11ul1ltions anil olJlcr sup­pied territory of their enemy. pire of the English-speaking race. daughter, Mano-ramabai, says The th~lr maclpne g)lll,illdde\1111 the corn. night Ion/(. ". Morning finds him plies. At' 'such a time as' thiS the

The full story, with affidavits and The American republic, Mr. Beck Outlook. Here they learn many arts HIS ol)ly method. of telling .. .!he eav- wholly unfit{ed for a day of business. kreat. majority of people cOIII,1 les­other documentary pt;oof, that hav~ s.lid, had made more than one saeri- and crafts, domestic and industrial, airy of the 111~klllg .~nger" was to and yet, busuic's"§ 'must still q~ ctlrried sen to SOllie ex.tent thclr pcrsQn.t1 ex­becn presented to th e public already, fice to Britain in this crisis, while and . the practice of pure religion. dc.scend and .lmll1~,~!~.t.eIY ope? fire. through. AI{" thls.'l)igltt .51\fferlng aud pen5e~ if they chose to d~ so, alld 'are so shocking in their inhuman only a very fel'{ had profited by !UP- Ramabai holds four hundred acres, HIS manoeuvre W'a~ -absolutel~L.I.suc- lack of r~~t ~~!\; be aVOIded by tl~e Sir Thomas White has clearly inch­significance that it is difficult for the plying munitions. No doubt they employs eighty oxen, 'raises food lor cenful. The maclllqe., g~ 111· the prompt \!s.e ?P'Dr. ];! D. Ketl,?~ s ~ated t.he noble purposes their sav-, human mind to conjurc up grosser all 'profilted 'Indirectly by the pros- Muj{ti, is her own architect, runs a corn was turned, upon ~Im, a.naJ .the Asthma. 'Reructiy-,' '. whJch pOSItively In~~ nllght be 'I!ade to ser;e, . I dep.trtures frol11 the law of nations perity which this' traffic had caused. printing establishment, sends her pu- eav~l:y g~I1.oped up almost with,. Im- does drt:v.c:~"way. the attacks. 1 "ere are vanolls ways III willeh, lind the dictates of sanity. But there was another side to the pils to instruct the ,peasant women pU,~lIty: ,.,. ~\, '.. ,,' . ", savings might 'be' invested,. but per-

\Ve can ohly suhmit a few in- question. Did they sUIlPose the Am- and children of the vicinity, and is It IS a Ilqe ~~mple ot ·th.e sel.f- He Got 'ais 'IJ;ltervi"w • haps ;hc: n~ .. st obviou;; one is thdr. stances of German brutality. They; edtan people did not know that by preparing a new version of the Bible li~sne.s, t~e \fPersontl ~erQls~ of The ciui~f( wlt.'of i tr,welljng ~ales. \iepo.5lt.!n t!tc.Gov'!!r1l1nent l'ost Of-


must speak for themselves without their action they had incurred the for them in their dialect, Other high t liS war t at 1~ eaya r, h no y~t man was 'lex-rely tesled one day.' H;e (ice. S:t\'\I1g;'l . Dcp .... ~~lIent or \11 the I further comment: ,. enmity of. what was until very re- caste Hindu women have been stim- k~ow the; n,upe. of t~elf. P rtner m sent in his c~r'd to ''tfie' manager of 'll ~avll1gs departll1(!'lts .of the !!harter-;

In the Aisne Department a farmer eently the first military power of the ulated by her work for child widows thiS dashmg httle affair. large concern, whose inner office was ~d banks. Mo.,~c.)I. &0 depOSIted .be- \ who dit! not want to work was un- world? Americans kncw when they to similar enterprises. • ,. '!,,'., ~t:of!arat~d ,f.rQIl! the waiting rOOIl1 by ~on~es at once ·I>ar.t of the. worklllg ! drcssed and sent, almost naked, into sold the.munitions that if Gcrmany Church Union at. th~ Front a,;gl\lss":'p~rti6bn":; ~l;trP.1he boy caplt,\1 of. the couutry, and It belfins' the fields under rifle and shell fire, won the ivaI" or: evert if the war end- Charity • A. Baptist chal?lain say.: '''Commu- IUlndctt1 the:ca.rd ~o the manager tlie I \0 .brt~g 111 a ·pr-ofit. to the dCJ'i.osltor ' with his eyes bandaged and his hands ed in n dra,v~they would be the next "Please, kind lady," said the way- nion. at the front 'is' a' '''pathetically ~ale&lJ'Ul'l pw. him:' 'imp:iti,1'nlly tear I w!lIlc It helps to Jl!;o!lIote th~ II1e1US-bound. He was left there for 'a day, to be attacked., Mr. Beck concluded farer, "I ain't had a bite to eat in 24 simple thing. I wis\! you cQuld have the. cilrd iti' t\!l'o'and throw it in his I tries 'If the DOJIIlnlon. - foronto

d tl t k I t t 'G with a warning that the two great hours." • been 'at my' last. A lad ksk"cu ine to' IV". 'JtLoAo·-sk"t>f. :.,.. .•.•. Globe. _.. I

au len a en as a lOS age 0, er- divisions ot the' '''English-speaking n' c''''' .... . many "You are jUst the man I'm looking h~r his confession, 'and' 'wh:c,n ~V~;~:~I~~~1i~ijs~:~!.e~ returned with ' . , race should not misunderstand each f" I' d hid f h . . . d ~, hl:IDY witnesses declare that at or, rep Ie tea y 0 t e house .. commence 1Ievc.ou ~Sg.$.I!.9~!d ohief ,vould not The Business Man (to applicant d 'lT I . I 1 other, because the next 2S years were "M I b d' tl d 'f <tli' .. l tl >: j f I crent \l aces, parltcu ar 'I .in the sure"to be portentious years for civ- 'I IUS:I.II ga lere a mess 0 . ems4!ves.-as I irrr~\til·e:.s:1~6:!T''''n lold tIe Boy to or a SilllJltion): Yes, we're short-Departments ,of. the Aisne and Pas- mushrooms this morning, and 1 want :wine •. l.ife 'out h 11:¢~A::e~,~'r~;~:~~J~ card,', • handed, ~!.t what lise do you think dc-Calais, the inhabitants were forc- i1ization. The, great Empire and the to make sure they are not toadstools. fine distinctions; :aua n.!;y'er.:'·;:~.S!',I:- ;with a. nickel and you'd b~ ,Ill an clfficc?

I cd to work in ,lhe tTelle\teS. ~ great': Republic lVould'l he believed, Just wait a moment and 1'111, bring if the Communion .iI aj:;.\he card wa's lqrn ,The:.t\'pjJ1icant': '..vcll, Guv'nor, I'm , A y.outh_of 16 states that in become indissoluble, uUlted in their you a dish of them." ' the order of Hie\" t:or'd. im ·anothe~r·card; 'he wot ycr,lJlight call a orl.round useful

her, 1914, he was forced,' with SOnH:lintercsts, purposClS, and sympathy. ' ! if we shall learn the ~'"IU,."Ut,I!"Y: ... l,·,., •. • sort 0' man~light a match for yer; 50 comrades,' to do' trench work ,'U -.. All women must make themselves, pare a \V4;lcoI11e lell your boss that I 'old a door opcn; ring ther bell for the Plain of L-.l in the Pas-de- The English colony in Buenos useful. I would sooner e1ean Ollt a I who are t'eacjlih ~l~~(:fjt~~~~;' for 'five cents'," ~ t)lcr lift; IQok an' see if it's left off

I Calais, for six days'. 'Tiley were then Ayres has sent $15,000 to the pigsty than dUlt a drawing-room. -lone out here. f; interview an9' sold his tainin', alld iell people yer out when : taken to I.:,..!.=-,. ,where the of i'Y~le~' Furld"'~ .~ • Mrs. Roland Wilkins. ., I es\ ,together tet ain't.-S~etch.

used th em as shiel<\s •. F.9J: ty' of :~:;:5::::~~~:;::':~::::~~T==~;;~;;:;~3:='=;;:~~~~!#;~;::~5~~~;#~~;:;~:;:::::#::.t;f;:;~;;~~!::~~==:;;;;:===:;:;*~==~=:::;===~===~ were killed. The wil\\ess waS .w()url~ .: ded by the splinter of· ll' "75" shell.

This' practice IWA been extended to Litle and the (llstrict', as' is' \>y the corresponUtmcc e»,changed tween the Governor.and the M of Lille. '

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Page 4: , d A t 1IIi!,er. rl'UIII 1'fUilflrllfllil nil :v, I rn Itt · the j'ook ontitlCJd "Tho Insido 01' PI'c, Gordoll C, Forbc~, killed II' .. Followillg n1'() Lilu lIun~es of t.hose Blll"kwel1,

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The Treurae' Timet M. B. McCAUt;lLAND


Auction Sales Wednesday. Oct. 11th, ~ommelloing at I' o'olock. the roIlowing:


vance. $1.00; oI1l lIloilt ..... -1 til ... mootlla U. H. aud forellrn, per r .... r. ~L:\o -

.,.11' new" Intended for poblt_loD .nould rc,,,,h Lhla olllco liD later t .... n TueHllar.

..I.d vortlslnK rates made knowo' 00 appU .. tlon. -

y ..... lrCODtract l14 .. ml ..... to ... ' .... fwat nd or each _IIJI. 1I'0w,-.-jt __ ltlite a

mooth. eaua IMuu w1lIl1e ~ II fIIIr.- . Job. worli of u, 4tieiI~ a8.tIJ' and

~ rompU, eIl8C11lt.L ...' 'A4vortlMJDenbi '~~Ie4. with In· "tructlolltll~ IIDW ra .... · .• E.'--."f· cord1nKI • N"'~ of .' ·.n __ 11 u>ent •• r...m wllkill a '~ Itt: el1ved, II. )ocal oohlO1n8, 10 _til perUoe;, ' • N.D.-Advertl..,menbl ~t" flO'''' or lIMY) o"""o.IUon wiU be el, ...... · tor extl'l! at fill,(

At the premises of the pNprietor, A. .J:). Robertson, n. w. 14·8·10. on rlleaday, Oot. Srd, commenoing at L o'olock.

HORSEs-'Matched team of bay mares. 7 and 8 years ol.d;-team· of mares,. plaok and brown. 9 years 'lid; brown mare, 10 years old; bay nol'!lle. aged; S geldinlls, 2 yeaI'll olii; !illy, 2 yrs. old, 2 .filliu, 1 year ol(~; 2 geldinga. 1 year old; 4 colt.s. '

, .. 1-' \ CATl'L&-CoW, 7 ·years 0 II: cow • .J years old: 2 cows, 4 years old;

==============~'I heifer, 3 yea~8 oid; steer. 1 year old oalves. .

".IIi I,or boor

FRIDAY. SEPT. 29TH. 191'

'BRlTISH uamm THE TOWlt ·OF·

PIGs. C.ICJj:IiNS. E1'c:--6 pigs. 4 months old; 9'pigs, 14 'weeks old; !l pa,!CR, 9 week~\;ld j 50 hellS, 800 !tll-. of O:1l.s. < ,;; ...

hIPL}lMENTS-Binder, 8,fL. out;

.. riM of Un_rw~ IlICce- .n Part ., Wa((Ollli, 2 buggy, 2, gang plows. fit Alii .. Alon, WNt "rwnt- '·sec. harrows. diliC 'hal'row, hny

Teok Man), Pr.t"Mrw rake. falming mill. 22 shoe drill.

At every vital ~t 01 &he Ik_ [)ickler, tnarlllre spreader. - 2 bob· balth.' UDe lb. Qenaau UY. IllallCtiled ,leigh!!. power olipper. paoker, water couoter·attacll. 01' fnaUe Itlee-nae.. I 1Il"Vl'1') wbere their atte.,.. to npm -.allk. 2 gasoline ellginell. Clopper. the arouod lo.t alae. ua. rell'.,.,op wood saw, Ii sets or harneliR. robe; or tb8 &llJu' 1I~ tub a w"' "(j

HORSEs-Bay mare. 8 years old, in foal; bay horse. 9 years old; b~y horee. 7 years old; 111\ v' horse: 4 yeal's old: bay rna re, aRed. in foal: filly and' gelding: 2 yearR old; oolt •. 1 year old; 2 spring coIts; bay mare S years old.

CATl'LE-2 O:l\\'s, 6 years old; \ .

cow. 7 years old; oow, 4 years old; cow. 5 years old. 2 hei fen, 2 years old, in calf; 2 heifers. 1 year old; 4 steerfl, 1 year old; 3 calves; pedi· greed bull. 18 months old.

PIGS:CHICKIilNS, FEJi:D-5 st.ook· ers, .pure bred boar. 25 hens. 3 stacks sheaf feed.

JJIlPLElIrENTS-Binder, 2 waRonil, t.1'lIok, Ret of sleiRhs, 2 hay rakes, 20-Rhoe drill, roller, scales, 2 plows, 2 sets of harrowlI. wild oat oleaner, top buggy, jmnper, mower. mke, 4 sets of harnell. cream separatol'. Ilew sideboal'd. whiffletree'3. neck· yokes, etc.

til olle dOWD with ... en ~,_rd- lorks, eto. . . 1Jac to tbe Fr...cb IIIM1 IJrMIih ddal HOUSIlHOLD 000D8-4 bedstearls rllport.. 'fbe,,,ere~. to WNI& ' I .

TERlIIS-II0.00 and under, cl\sh; O\'er that amouDt 12 months' credit will be Riven on furnishing ap~' proved joint notes bearing interest at 8 per oent per annum. 5 per oant di!!count will be given for cash on. 1I1l,~IIUIW'I entitled to oredit. Pigs Illlli feed cash.

trolll tbe bteat. UIIiD .. aD Saeh Glf lNith .. Prings. 6 ~!tchen c laIrs. ex· tbe lo.t terraio, oon!lion tab.le, w~.·.~hstalld. ran gil.

001, at ODe polDt. •• a BellIl7' -

.tIJI ..... f 1141 1,1 , is not to be cured . by hanh purgn· J tives; they rather aggravate the trouble.. For a gentle. but .ure laxative. Ule Chamberlain'. Stomach and Liver Tablet.. They

, .tir up the ltver, tone the nerve. and lre.hen tho .tomaeh and bowel. ;lu.t

. like an Interoal bath.

From \llrlhood to old a\l •• thOle little red bealth re· .toren are an untaUlnl' lluJde toan active Ilverand a clean, 1, •• lth)', nonnal .tomaeh. "1 ake a Chamberlaln'. StOmach Tablet at nh,ht and tho lour .tomacb Dnd fer-mentation, nnd tho r..adBCh •• have all Kone by mornlnil. All drunlltt. 25c .. , or by mail frOID

WANTED There I. n mOI'kml 'C(\I'clt.y 01 compul· ent oftlco hulp 111 \Vlnnlpeg, duo to the h~n\'y' tmll~t.lI1ent of ottIca men. 'fhu BuC!mSS II U S IN~,~S COl,I,E G E Ormluf\tcR (tre gh'cn pl'eferenco. 'l'ho SUVOICSS Is I h. \tU'ICU"t- H~,.onlCe~t­mONt.l'eliablu. It, tl'UlnR 11101'0 Htudc'nta thBlI'l1l cOlllputitOl14 cOll1blncll-hnH ton hronc I ~choolH-ulll'Olls moro Utllll :JOOO RtmlcntH n.nnulllly, J'~II1()lo)'8 ('01lI'te01l8, competent. AklllCfl tt!llChCl'H, "~l1rol1nny HlIlc. \\'l"ilo tot' intOl'lIHltioll.

•• : '0 -", ' .

. . •

TREHERN.E Flour Mill

! Returns from No. I Northern Wheat: Pnrity Patent, 36 Ibs. flour per bushel, 6 Ibs. sborts, 12 Ibs. brnn Straight Grade, 40 .. " 6 II 12 II

Returns from No.2 Northern Wheat: P\lJ'i~y Patent, 35 Ibs. flour per bushel, 6 Ibs. shorts, 13 Ibs. bran Straight Grade, 39 " " 6 " I r 3 II


PASTRY Purit;y Patent Flour Sta;y.. with the Leaders i~lIrity Patllut f101ll' is now blenohed by an eleotrioal process that

i!! absolutely hlll'mleRfI. whioh ages and pm'i!lell it. making it bel\utifully white, pure and wholesome -c. Wiechman

'lI\.EHERNE MANITOBA -, _ .. _------_._-----------.-- .. ----_.-

Ship Your Stock Through me, I Ihip regularly and pay belt

• prlcel. PHONE No. 110

eD-S.Dterre I.IId Barieu, iUd till Qer­IIlIUlll lIIake a. lIIack .. a ta-.ot&r1 calD. Tb., were 1= illiteii' an .. a Ollt of tbe trucIi lD .~c~ ·tII." taM WOD a foo&hoW, 11, .. ~:~ cOIiDter.attMll. n ... ....n.tJY.I .. ~ '1&1:­eeas ""AI lI:Ored, .c:o.r.u.. til· t1l. Freocb coDUllualllll., W'IUt Ole .w

T C S · LIVE STOCK At the prem~s of the p~prietor At the premi.u of the nroprietor" SUCOESS nUSlN~~SS COI,('IWg VI'D. tInso' n DEALER

. 'n I '" Wlllulpcg. ]'Iflll. T. Bowman. 34.8·., 6 miles nort l' W. G. Thompson, 23.7·11. 1 ~./ .., TREHERNE. MAN.

WORt '~f' ~at.hw;ll: • on ThurRday, south-ea.llt of Holland on Werlnes· -.-•••••••••• - I.~~~~~=~~~E=::~~=~=~E:E===E~~ O.t. 5th. com~nclog at 1 p.m. day. Oot 4th, commenoing at l' , .. ,~ ============== !-- -------.- --._--._.- _. ___ .5 __ '--__ 1-

a.ts of llqulli ..... 8rltleh 8&1... .111,."nt

HORSEs-Bay:mRre,3 yearll p.m. sharI'. the,following: Voal; b~y marll. '(years old in foal, HORsES-' Bay gelding. 4 yeal's bay wre. in fool {bay mare •. aget]: olb, about, 1500 lba., bay gelding, 5 bay geldin.c: 4 i.j;~r!! old; bay geld- years old, about 1500 Ibs .• blnck ing. 12 yeal'fl old;'; }:i$Y gelding, 3 gelding. 8 years old, abaut 1600 years old: 2 mare~, 3 years old; 2 Ibs" bay mare, 6 yeRrs old, about sorrel horses. ~ .. 7 and old; 1600 Ibs" bay mare. \) years old, I colt" 2 ytlB1'8 old; colt. 1 year old::2 I1bout 1600 ILs .• bay mare., aged,

r:W==h II ''ill . Winnipeg Oil Co. T~. IIrIdIb -.oil III prfiIDUli oa

Buda,.. ,.. .... ~ a rialut Cl8Utar aU..,." IIiOItUMt ut ... .,... ... • WeI'.OI1Ia ctr Oladal". Ill ... ylewa. . &h. w_'.· all ..... a .~l .. 1Il.1ll I.MIIAMi al b .... ,uiCen .... ,. tb. IIrIdU Ililce lut SuD., un Itv.bed tMIr frout forw-rd 1,t04 ,ard •• to a ..,th YIl'TiD. MtW_ 11110 1.11. S,"" ,ards. Th. lmportut polla" 11."" It, tile aevu ..,a· aIIy_~ en the ~alflt_Qt ..... ~IIM Weef. ad 1M y11l&&e. of 0"'''''1Iat .... Olacla,.

Tbe ~ of 0iadI,. wllidl &h. .lfrtUab. .... SIIt1&niaJ &ftenwell, S. ,1M ... "..,191.. t.e~" JIac:I ....,..Uq lh. IkUlb frea uae la-portlUlt 0-_. raslwll1 -'", Com"I ... C ...... '1a .ow ..... ar. fl'Olll Ulree ."...:, It, LIM IIIttfab frolll tb. DOrUaW .. t _4 wM&, aM " &h. J'reoch fl'llm tile ~wlllL' ·Ita s. pow llellned to .. a ....u.r ef a ,."" •• ,1.

Vlctel'1 at V.Nun

.. pring oolt... about 1200 Ib~., blaok I'.eldillg, 1 C~Tl'LE, PIGS, ETC.-Registered year o\d, 2 sucking ~~Itll:

Hol.tein cow. 5 years old, milking; CA'11'~E;ETQ.-Orey cow. 6 yeaTS i cow, 5 yearaold, milki~g; registered old, re~ cow, rising 3 yesrs, grey Holstt>hi I.t!ifer, 1916; 3' spring s'.eer . .1 year old, white steer, .6 oalves. 2 spring p~s, 100 pure bred month, old, abont·80 Fowls (mostly white Leghorn chiokenli, quantity sp~ing. :lhickens), quant.ity of hay of potatoeS. (green feed). .

bll'LEHICNTs-MoCormiok bindel' IMPLEMENTS,. ETO.-7 ·ft. Massey with trucks, ~3·sboe drill, 3 wagon'! binder. (~ years old), 6.ft. l\fasS(>y 'lnd boXell, 2 sets of IleighS; 2raoks b' d 16 t D . d '11 12 f

2 seta of harrows. packer, aana pIQ,~ .111. -~!'.' .~ :!n~~. ~e~t.:!~'; .. J:,I_ ~.I ·,; •• ~t!.~

"" li~d paoker .. 16·ft. aiso' hal'l'O:':l~l

We Carry It ]full Stock of:-.



Coal Oil w. W. Gasoline ~

Monarch Gasol ine I Prompt atumtion given to All

C.: ~Metc~lf,· .:Agent· . : .,1'.. PbODt 66 .~, . ,1 I . Tu 'FreaCIa ..... _. ua, M, at

VerdWl. la wW Ii ftIi:I1JIe4 or­AeW1, u • ""' ..... t ~.. th., took 1" more . ~un eaat of Pl • ..,. welt of fbi! _, ~.

walking plow, cnltivator. mower. L3.inoh John. Deere gang plow,new, rake. diso t{afrow, gra~ seeder, fall- 12.inoh p. & O. gang plow. }4·io. ning mill, wild oat -Ieparator, sOllff· walking plow, } hreaking plow, ling plow. soales, piokler, 2 onLters, MoCormick mo~er, 10.ft. hay rake, 'Jart, feed boiler. 3 sets or harlie R.'!, set of narrOW8, grain piokler(Hew). 800 bus. good oats. qnantity of harl'ow cart, rotal'Y harrow. wag; ~heaf oats, g'rindstoue, eto.

LreherD~1 II

Ma~~ ,be total .,. to .... .... ClI'UIIe4 a Oerlll&8 atack .... l . ., I'Itrt·Vau.

Ii. ltat.mat I.... It" cu War 01· alee at 1'aIW 1'1$11111. reeeat· .,.... at"'u ... ,.: "a.JOrte recehed ft'Ul yartou. ..aon ef· Ga. flo... lreal IIC1'M II', to Ule .... naaoi at 1M "'_ .uetat ... " tU __ , .VIIaI 11111 lalt at\aCIl.. TM ..... ef. Ger· IIIIUl bodl. 10111. Sa ,",'0,.. 1:0.' mualcaUoQ tre·Rdl.. ... •. • W., S. l:oDIIl4.rallle. PrIaoaIII'II" 'I"e.

gon and box, wagon and two raokF, HOUSEBOY,D 000D8-2 extension b 50 tamaraok fence post!!. a Ullin el'

tables, book CIUl8, sideboard, refa ig'. of tools. 3 sets pf double hal'lle8s erator. 15 chail'll. cnpboard, kitchen (one set new). t'labinst, oliunl, ."Ihing maohine, . F' . I'rellch tIM ..... ~ ....

01 the 60_. 1IlaoI .. • amouat 19 '1,'Itt .....

~to olllt:en."

UBNlTUBE, ETO.-8·ft. exten· .... :_- oree.m freezer, lamp, oream sep· .ion table, kitchen taLle. sidehoard;

vator, . range, hall rack, parlorlohiiH'o'nil~I' , Singer sewing· maohine; . S rooking chairs, centre table, roll top desk and tilting ohair;'

.I dl'elJljen, 4 wubatand.. . 3 iron small writirig desk, 2 bedsteads and i

beds with spriOWI' and mattresses, springe, baby walker,' Kitohen kitchen utenlils and other artioles

eM"',.. " ....... 0. A. 4.lpetdl to "e

frOIll ita ...... ua. BrtUeIl .. ,I: Til. Ga. ,uk" _,ODd; aa4 &h. WtHMI; til' .u tb. FreacJI

. QlIeen cook stove, 2 coal aud wood

.too nUllleroua to mention. heaters, 2.bllrner oil stove .. Comfort ' ~~~~I oil h~ater. dlnnel' iet, w'aahing lila.'

uve atnD~~to~E~~~~~5Q~ lIu .11 atllUlll,,'" our troopa Ila,

Liv~ry Stable

A first-class Livery and Feed Business j good Reliable l-:orses; sty· Iish rigs ;' everything

. up· to-date,

Prompt and obliging . service .

·Dravin2 and· Teaming

Special attelltion to ComlUercials. .

. Automobile' for' Hire;

J. H.-.Smith,

llae at Ollr

laM hUM. tut

At the premiaea of the proprietor ohine and wrinller. chnrn and other Fred Hayward,w. ! of 880. 26-89. art.ioles tOo. numerous to mention. 4 miles' north.welt of Bathwell. on TERMS--'20, 'a~d linder",' cash; TUeed&Y, Oct. . iOtb, oor'umenoing ove~ that amonnt approv8d joir,t at 1 o'cloo~, the,lollo,!ing; notes dne" Nov: lit. 1917,' bearing Ir..--...;. ... ...;.-·--.....;.----

HORSES-Team of mares, 7 yaars inier~st at:" t.he rate of 8 'psr' ~ent.r~~E====~=E~~~~ "

nul at i'rl.cb

. ~ bay hon.,lO yean old; bay till due and· 10 per ceRt: after. .. 5 hone, 8 years old; bay horse 9 years per cent. di;.c~ll~t. r~~ .~b on'~u~~ n~-v'all'Vi"

_. '-ba,: oWe; 12 yeal'fl' oldi bay e,.titled to credit. -.,' . '

'. Ira: a' IoRIo, ;Ior Ilreq&h c:rack 811.

IIlI,re,' • yeal'8 old; . brown mare. 4 ,ean ~id; bl~ck selding,··2. nara old: black ~a."" i year'~ld; driver;

Iia~.~:aa. 3 ytl&1'1 oldi'm~~; as*J. .

; .. by. p1llblio

GIlDce' Ofo-]~~~~~~ t! I C~Tl'LE':"'3 ·.CoWI, I)" yelrs . ... d aIIoIIt co.~5 v~ar. . I~h.; 'cow' ._~_.,..,I~ .. II", .and.~I\·.I,uil,bll~v'iU.g,I!;lllrOpelrh':1 A8d' hal J.. ~~~ed~ • taod\Jac ~~ •• IIr1&1'" '5 heilen; year ~id: 4' oalV."c.I ~

. For the F~rmer

. ill the lille of .

·I~plementa and Ma-r. '; •.•• 'chinery"" . . _ f" '. • -.... ,

.'. .UD lire, " '.. ,'puN . lIiiida.y; lhe ,oalUODI lUt baaard wa, tDto Uae IIome

N:;;'W'.I,,80J,,)~;~pq1\\U)~ .. I Allythillll! .from a \Vheelbal'l'ow to an Engine, Gas or. .

110 Ia' a UT:IILK

. Steam .. '

Uilllht 'and Re~~o~"bl~ " ' . ,

Drills Plows Mowers

Disks Engines


, We handle the C'lckshutt line of farm mlchinery. Each

article is a m'lsterpiece in its owo particular sphere-they are made by men who have had practical experience in the needs

of Western farmer. And the price;, too, are right.

Call around and let u; demln5trate our farm mlchinery_it

will be a lesson to you in farm efficiency.

The Cock.hutt Khaki Plow Patriotic in c.olor, and patriotic in its helD to greater production

-Agents fot· Listel' gl\soline engines. De L~vl\lllntl Melotte Cl'eam Separators, and Adam'! 'Vagons. , , " ; _________ ...;....;. ______ -'!' __________ r ... ' 1



~~l~~~~~ Repairing Time

Now is the time to have yont W Btch Repaired and

put in good running order before the busy season starts. Bring in all your Jewellery Repairing. .

All Work turned out of this shop Fully Guaranteed .

Treherne D. GOODMAN

Jeweller Man.

W m. Darling .

ALL . ~ia~' .f alfle.ll.ra' ialpI .. nll a .... a.w.·

HJ ........ FaU Ii ... .. re,aln I •• teck.

.1. H. C •. Agent ,

------------_._-----: Have lome . E~velopes and

. Let~erheads printed. . . " ,



r :-.-=:= __ 7-=

The Corona Lumber· Co.

Lumber and Building Material

There is a diff~renoe in the Quality of Lumber; in the way of.different "rades ~nd the man· faoture of as oarpijn~ril and contractors know from ex:· l>erienoe. Unles!I you look a·" round before plaoiug your bills for your house or barn. . YOll are mighty apt to got stuok .

:Feed and Livery' Stable'

, \Vha!. is . the use of taking ohanotlS like that. We will be only too glad to gi ve YOII an esti· mate you oan depend upon, .on any kind of Building 1tlaterial. We oan'prove to you its to your: 'advantage to blly from ns. Get.'

:' our.lfigures -anyway.

R. F .. Steele" Alent

_. Br~adway-.• '.

: ,Alfred.'

. : ;~


' . . ,

. ..

• '.

• • • • • - . . . . . . . • # • e. • .. ." 0.:-.; ..• ~~~


, "

. ,

.. . .. ) : ,

. .': . ~.' . .. ," '" .., . :, .. ; : . '. :... '.... :. -:," : ......... ': .. :.

• . .

': . .: .

Page 5: , d A t 1IIi!,er. rl'UIII 1'fUilflrllfllil nil :v, I rn Itt · the j'ook ontitlCJd "Tho Insido 01' PI'c, Gordoll C, Forbc~, killed II' .. Followillg n1'() Lilu lIun~es of t.hose Blll"kwel1,

. 'II


-- ,"".--. ..

• . ~ ! •• -

'. '

•• •

\ .



-" .;




•• "I' .....


"Music Hath Charms'" A VICTROLA

Furnishes splendid music, and

VICTROLA RECORDS Can ALWAYS be purchased Ion able Prices.

at ~ea·

The long wintm' e\'enin~s, now almost here. can be most profitably RI1'mt. hy listening to good musio.

Why not invest in a VICTROLA Bnd RECORDS?

CEO. GRAHAM Druggist and Stationer T reherne, Man.


, tUn "

'JAMES FULTON' Su~.,. .. ar 10 Andr'III' a"d . • I 1 And,e..", ... "1".,, I

Real E,ta~e, Loans and Inlur~nce I"ending and I(Qliable Companies represented:

The undersigned hn,s been inlltl'noted by the Toronto deneral Trusts Corporation to accept applioations 1'01' J"oans on well

improved farm properties in this'district at


James Fulton oa - - T r~heme ... Ma~J ~ 1

SS.i ___ . ___ --r-----;.,...,.----- _. ------ .. ~ ---- ---.--

BUY YOUR' FLOUR NOW Wheat prices continue to go up and Flour will follow

'NOW is the tim~ to lay in a atock of that I well known brand


"Royal Household' , SOLD BY



, I



DRESSeD.DDS Our Fall seleotion of High Grade Dress Goods inollld~8 a most

i.t.traCtive range. of the. new sha~es in Priestley,'s Fabrics.

: -Theile' Dl'ellS' G60(ls,ar6 famolls all 0\'81' the wol'1d ,for their wide • :. 'i' , • ;--" ',' , • ' . . .

,_ ran go of Fllshioniible Shades, t.heil' J,'ast Colo\ll's and Splendid Wearj'nl~ Qualities. r.[~de of the fineat silk and. wool. .' \' . . . .

We'lped.lize in ,Fine Dress Goods, and you Will alway .. ~d , a full stock at this store. .

. , '

8efor~ .ele~'ing' the paaterial for your F a,ll S~it come .and ; our display', or 'tend for iainples. It will pay you.

. . '


, '

, '

W~ R;ROSS/ HOLLAND; MAN. • . I':, ' '" . ~

,. . • • • • 0

,. •

• '. • • • . .' ." .. .. , , ,

• . ..

• • •

,~ ! :" •

• •

" '.

I .

,.) •• o· o

.' (.;

• 't. • ',. . ',' " ':".1&

. . . ., I!'

: 10 .. •



IN AND 0 OF··TOWN l'I~:rell 10 T reherne and Disliicl ' , .

Fa ..... 1" .... "" 01" ... ",.au,.;.,n."t. caml". 1111.11/" t". c •••• a .... • f ."~ ••• I.I" ........ II!. tll/. " •• "i" •• c"ar •• of' .

Ten C.II'. count line U ",,,d.

'W. H. Spinks l'eturned visit to W'innipeg on FI'idny:

Mra. F. Scammell Friday from a "isit to Winili

?tIl'S. Geo. Wilson was II. ,"811001'

to Winnipeg on Tuellday A\·,eni,nll~. tl'ain.

Miss Warren, of t.he school staH', was a Treherne vi1llitbr I on Saturday. 'I

. :" 1 Mrs. T. Lindsay was a Winni­

peg visitor this week, going in' J,u Tllesday evening. . .. ~

DI'. Musgrove, dentist, will be sent from his Treherne office Sept. 28th to Oot~ 3rd,

Jno. McLeod, of Rathwell, ,was a Treherne visitor on Wednesday.' -

Mrs. 'V. 'Vilson was a passenger to 'Vinilipep; on Monday 6\'ening'.s train.

SeY'.ll'BI fl'om Rathwell attended the School Fair on Wednesday Ilf­tel'noon.

Beginning on Monday, ~ct. 1st, all ~he stOl'es in Trehel'lle will 'close at 7 l~m, sharp.'

Mist! ?tIary Kane, of Rathwell lYas a Treherne visitor between h'ains on SaturdlLY.

," 0' :. '. · .,

.... " , .. ' .

I, ,

, , .

,', ..

f' '," .' \ ~,r-:,~lt .. \ .• , ..... :).~.-::. , ;




Our Fall SHOES are coming in and we · wish to make a clean-up of all the odd ~air~ and remnants. We can interest you. III I~nes to fit almost any member of the: family at pri~es that will s,ave you money in these times of high prices of leather.


who wear size 17~ We have just received 25 pairs of ,I:ight. up-to-date Sample Boots, all differen~ kinds and all one size-·-7. They, will walle out fast to the tune

of 25 per cent. off regul~r.price.

We sell Clark's Piccary and H.B.K,Pinto Shell Working Cloves


Alex. Mn,okie, who had " lome months in 'Vi II ni peg,

out on Monday's ,noon tl'aill.

Remembel' the Presbyterian Thnnksgiving dinner' and' concert, on Monday e\'ening, Oct, 9th.

ca:ml!', Miss Stevenson, o~. Rathwell, Ipent from Tnesday until 'Vednes­day as thA' guest of rths.· ,Geo. G l'nhnll1,

. J. .

SCOTT PHONE. No:-.60 Treherne'

------_.----- -------]\[rs. N.\ 'VilsOIi returned

'Villnipeg on Monday tl'l\in, having spent n, week in lIfrs, j, ]follcilerll, of Winllipej,(,

!wl'i\'ed on llLst Friday's noon train to spend n, few days wiLh . relative/! at TI'ehel·lIe.

rj'HE FURN'ITU'RE"S'TlORE' her!le,

Miss Watts, came out from nipeg on Satlll'day's noon train. take, charge of ?tIl'S. A. E, Smit1.i'sl Rev. W: M. Fee left on Monday's millinery department, ! noon train to ~ttend, the Presby-

D H I d t f I tery meetings held at Elgin. He

I', aze woo spen i.\ ew ( ays· . I

• k tl t fl' b . returned on Tueday evening &s. wee as Ie Rues 0 llS ro- '.' .

ther,O'. H, Hazelwood, leaving OIl Jai:!. Delgaty, who is tonching Friday's noon train for BI'andon. Turtleford, Sask., was called home

on 'Vednesday, owing' to the -ser, iOllS illness of his brothOl', GOI'doll Delgaty.

.' .. .


~ MI·s. Wiggle-"\YIII\L !\l'e yon going to get to '.bri~hten yonr

honse for fall cleaning? I don't know what to'buy." ?ths. 'Visdl)lIl-"Why (lOme wiLli me to Pollan Bros. T'hey will

ha \'e w hal. wo need and' hel p us decide too;"

PHO~E ~2' ' .....

• =u Elder E. F. Robel'tson, who wa~

called to Treherne owing to death of Miss Phyllis Wilson, turned to Winnipeg OQ Monday' night's train.

lIarvest lIo'me SCl'vices 'will be held in St.Matthi3w';J Chnrch,B~yu Creek, on Sunday aftel'noon. Oct. 1st 'n't 3 I>.m.. Special' musi~ will be flil'nished by ,the Rathwell Choir.


, '. Mrs. L. L. Dawson, of Regina,

who had spent the past two months at the home of her mother"MI's. E,\ Emmond, left fOI' her hoine'(lIl Sat: urday's noon train.

• • t.

FALL H·A.TS ,'.:. • • .:' I .

Send in Any· Local" Item I'

You May Know.~~Pii~n~:116 , "'"'' ,,'

)frs. Thos. NeeH", of Virden,', Witl~ one o~ two exc!lpti~ns all who was called to .Treherne on ac-; , boys of the 222nd bat.~a1iou, ~""""""!'lI!'!!':' ................ ...", """'_"'_ ..... =_~_ ... _."'--~-== ..... "'."" . .ii...~~!!17!!!-!.j~-!!'!!-!!!!-..!!~'!!!-~5!'ii_i".i!!·-~-"i_i:';;': -...;,. ~ cOllnt of the ,aocident of hel' mother; 'who spent tlleir. hal'ves,t ,leave at I f-::=...;.~:----------~..:.;"~-'.:.;': ~..;;~ . .,:'..:.' --:':"'~' ~" ~ .. ~-?tlf9. 'Vallace UcCreary', 1'etur and' retlll'ned ,to Camp. Th G · G home on Saturday's noo!" train, llglui~ abo~t tell days ago"coming _, e r~ln rowers' Gra:in:Co.,Ltd.

Mrs. A. Ro88, ?tliss'Lollise ROil ..... ,,,"'·Lhe following day 1m all e~ aDd Miss?tlargeryWillettfl.ttellded:ail:tlension, have aga~l,l rehll'ue'd to ,Mr. F~rmer~--ln'T~inking.Over Your: the Older Girl's Conference held R .' f S -" ,'. . '\' . Brandon last Friday, "K' .LIII'IrlIl.V' ~qulrements or pring· and:' Su~fuer and Sunday, ~ delegatesfl'om ' Eilward Beck,-inanqtDr 8ditor' of Study Our 1916_'Cat~lc:igue . PreBbyterianSll1~day S~ilOO1. ' . The Wbmlper Telell'lUD, 11'&1 Itmt to . ,.' . the .common ja11, for ,one month and I ,Call ~! the Elevatl!r If ~~u have 'not recel:;.id-one"'~,

The Annual Har\'est "Home Do, • .ll' ,600 by Mr. JUBtice Galt on Sat- I oJ'..... , - ." ~ " . ':ii;~;'rlf;;;;Adal1eled . contempt· of court. ..... : yiees 'will'be,lleld i~ ·St .. Ma'" to anlwer'any!:~==:~:, We Handle Co I L . b " " "'d 'F' - ..... · th th ..... . . a .. ,. um er an' " . enclon' g' church, Tl'ehernll' on 'SullIlay, . "a~ ~a "U~:, 5

!::o;!t!:;~r .!:::'c~:~i~:il~I~·~ ~rl~J~;~~§~~~~:~~~~oEfd~~~ FI~,:_~~~ Feeds Alw~~1 on,Ha~,~: ' fipeoillol mnsio will be furnished edlto~ A1'1hjl Buy' f YO":' ," ". jail tor two ,.' rom our. wn, Company . th~ choir of St, PR~I'8 .. chilr()h,!l'iiii.~Lt.,160,; Stanley Beck,\. J ' Ad'· . ' ' Rathwell.' lame paper, was alo, , air, Manager , • ,Phone 27

'tor one month .. Kn~ M ... e .... ~-~--__ ~_..-.-;._ ..... __ .::..'.:.,.~. ~ ... ~. _~;"''';'::;'';';' ~::'_:"'':':'''J · ,'edl,tor of The Saturda,' POlt, tor COil: .

. The.regl'lar monthly' meetil{g of ~·t, Bm~tt' wal committed to jan fOl' olle .!!!!!!~~~ ..... ~' ~-'~';' ~~~~~~=";",,,,,,,,,,,,!!!!!!!!~!,!!!--:\~',;.:~ ... ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ... the.Home Economics' Aociety will andJlned:,600.., .... ' ".-.~- .' --. --------- "

be I Id' ' ' the Com~181Ion, At Mr.tHu,h =_=:u

Ie III th~ Hchool, on Satlird/lY, Ooy_ernment counlel, read re, .' , '" ., • ~:, ' 7th .. at a ~'olock. Any appeared,lnTheTel.11'UIl ' ". , ' .'. . tol;1,owlnl _ ,~e 'Itatem.llt. . , " . ", . .,' ,. "" .. .

bel' of 'he Soc,iety reqniriuR.the,;\'ii-' ,1II&de I Robert ROIWI' on 0 N'" L' 'f"; ,II';' '.'. QUUm :o1eane1' for faU.ol,eaniri';'can ,ThuriMla, that ,the Judi" wtiowe...'·,. Ur, :', -, ew . "IDeS, <> ~.; .:., - ;.-:' '

... pald lucla,Oommllllou .' lae'Dllreit by applylnR ,to M,'s. J. . "1

Mr.' . "hUliDt.

- ..

, '

',": 'tJ~'L1E~~EiR • A .-~ ,,~ "lt l ',~..... "

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"&; .... ,1&_ :Women,;are in " ,,~ 11 , .. ,' ... ,~ .... , .. >,,' .. ' I.... '.. .!t

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Page 6: , d A t 1IIi!,er. rl'UIII 1'fUilflrllfllil nil :v, I rn Itt · the j'ook ontitlCJd "Tho Insido 01' PI'c, Gordoll C, Forbc~, killed II' .. Followillg n1'() Lilu lIun~es of t.hose Blll"kwel1,

. '.~ '. ..' .. ,,' " " .



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, . . THE

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'W,·~'::he"n.i.lo,. a,th,s" H. u,rt ¥,o,·.ur"~lide,. '~.,) . 'Rettfif~iO~I~!i ':,rra~t~~{~:~ ~~a~es '. , .. .1 l.~ Extra Egg" ,Crime Where Myriads 01 "Reptiles Hiliem-, • \j.·R "b' S· " '.,; A/ \' :., 'w' 'th':~" I\re' '. -"'1" ' Agaip,~t ,the F.ath~rHlP4! ';;" '. \". -', -., ate .Durirtg '.the.'Winter

Let Him' Help Himself To I. U oreness ~Mway I 111 rVl I ne Ad~lph 'von, Ba~ocki,. p,resident 'J£" '. ,'. ~onths I I the ~ermi1n • fpod regUlation board, . A loathsonl~,. 'wrig~ling, . gleaming

has Issued,. an a,PPH! l~a. tJ\~,\len ,of Im:\ss"o'f "ipero'us creation' the quan-CROWN BRAND

~ CORN~@:5YRUP P . . 1 b bl d rural Germany to tllvld~ ,tl'lllr, .foo\l" .• • f"1 . I . ' . rompt Action Often Pre- NerVlhne. las pro a Y save 'tl tl d I 'Idren of the ,ll<y 0 repU es Wit lin a certal11 cav-

from pleurisy. WI I Ie dwo~.en an c 11 R " d I er\1 of'a boulder-strewn gullyside, in , vents Pleurisy or Just try Nerviline to~vlls in ~~leS't s"J's a e!1te( eS- I Sout1lern Mallitoba, is difficult of es-':l ' ness, coughs, aches pa c I rom ms e; . am: : I tiUlation.

I neumonla it's a wonderful Ii tl Iillrr.·)I'Pf\t~t"lt!,ckl,l11Jh!S;l,PnPogael sa>;sll Within the district of Clcarw"t"r,1 k

., I I Ie larves liS yeal IS I ner... S tl M' b ' "I 'f' .:: I 'cpt l11' t,le ~ome abundaht and thnt the cattle have ro- 111 "ou lern. anlto a, are . " I from lots of III a d f tl ff t f the fO"'1 senes of raVl11es, presumably form

Do long breaths hurt you?" ~ry it, .Iarge bottle 011 dover~ .~omdf i~'Ste ~i~:etciltsed b};1 by, a." all.cientir;i~,r.Qf"impbrtarllte and ,see. If you " ,: to U,15 • rSl >': • 'II' prtlustonc days.' Deep and rUi:-&,cd notiCl: '!a l\vileeZe can \h: failure of (;rop.s ... ' . 'oJ.. \ hill 'fsides bound 'them not a few of

IT will do mar. than satisfy his crnln~ for "aomethlnrsweet"l-It will supply

• the lood elements needed to bUild up his IIltl. body,.nd h.lp him to ~.In In b • .tth ond .tr.n~t h "Crown Brandl! II a wholesome, nourbh­

In~ food-as well a3 ths most d.llclo"" of syrups. ~ , , .

, ' or a catch in your ~ lat:~tAI~I' ~ on aSI He adds: "Restnctlons everywhe'l'l.\vhlch!can be likel1ed to canyons; de-lide, 'then. be sure ~ h !~". d ~ and migl~{ty, are neces:rY'1 anderall tl~~e, ,';a~r~a~t~~II.1J!P'1 o~ l~egc:t~ti~ltj' s~ye ~ sprin~lin.g trouble CXISts. -__ ._-- pt cure r cessary <:. ong 'b' dlof s<;};UP, o;(](, anI! a,sp~.ctes of )Unl -

Proper ncii~q, j I .... l!latism.. s i-: restrl~tlOns fs:uffl c mer~a~e \1 per;\' rhe Cypress, a fair-sized

Tho recl~.p In our new book, • Doss"rt:s and CAndles':,-. wll1 tell you Ju~t how to use tt, In rTUlny novel ways. ,wrUe ror Do copy to our Montreoll Of Ilea.

consists in a vigorqus rubbmg of the attca, lumbago, pleuriSY, stiff nedk'i ~Iril hdusl'hol s. AnYOnt ltlm~ stream, meanders through the valley. -baclJ QI\~st nJlil 'sb(.e 'side with "Ner- sore muscles, and enlarged joints. i on.t e an ~v 10 consumes e en la At a I distance of one-half mile from vilin~.I/ ;htis . wonderful liliilllent Get the large 50c family size bdt-, a Ittre of milk or a quarter of a l~he.vil):¥ge'Wljaq~t $0 ~heihjglt tres-8in~s,ilttri the~.)i~sues where the P'li]1 tJe; it is far more economical thlq, pound: ~re ?f butter,' or even an egg tie' bridge; ',Clearwate~, exists the Is scathl':"gives' instant relief. That the 2Sc trial size. Sold by dealclrs n;tor~ l~h:\n, ,I). ,~~sf\~1,1~IY d nexessar:(,. cavern" wllet~i'n snakedom' possesses catcl{ '9rsapp~ars;'l all" sellSe or; ~ore- cverywhere, or direct from the Cfi sm,s a~alnst t ~d bt er an d . n °dg-1a hibernating retreat. A few resi­ness go'e~ 'and ,you l\len knolv, that tarrhozone Co., Kingstc;m, Canada. ~.: antbzattoll wloill

b e create 11I obi erldel1:t~ 8.f t~e surroulldin.\\ countryside

DtHalers ~~erywhota have "Crown Brand" In 2, 5, 10 And 20 pound IIns.


/tIak~~s oj' L;~)' n~/"felt Co, n.s:l "'''1'. Jln7Jon's Corn Starch a"d "SlIver G(Q.u;1 /.a,md,y ~~'l1r(".

"I' t " •• ' 'I' ," , ",. _, to uy up a utter,. eggs, vegeta e.s'lhave".v1tness~d the rcptlpan conglom-; i I '1' et~., t~at can be dispensed With In ethion; 'a greater numoer evince no

Ru'Ssia; Will II'a,'e" l ;:,' The School and, the Farm! tlhe"bc,?~nt trYft ~?~ ~se, ~1~/1l' to feed intentiot.' .of utHlertaking the~yislt. I

, • • ,~ ~, tIe ,Ig ow s. . ' . . :My VISit to the snakes was made Grand '!Awakening Benefits Derived From Teachiuit i th~ ~rmy and th.e:,il?orer. f.amlltes In on a bright day in spring, the snows

. !' Little can be :,-ccom~ltshed ~y of winter, outside 6£ 'a,ftw sheltered -- Agriculture In the Schools " force or by continual mcrease In 'k' h ·n .... t b .d)n::tl"; b th

Peaceful Revolution .Is .Expected to " '.. d b noO S,' aVI t; •• ceo. rn~ eo enea

do Great "'hi~;gs at Close r n times past tflere has been ~ar pnces. willch have alrea ~ , ecom.e the. glowing' sun,hine of: the "western

_ :::s


ANDALl, 10. ~ too lillie conncction betwecn t~e exo~~ltant for many of tlie p!,orer prairie land.

._._ ,~f .. t~e.War ., scho.ol and theJarm:, ~Vith the intrp- famlhes. C?nly, :tl\f,qugh, ratlo'!-a), Out on the hillside, several of the Travellers c01l1111g from RUSSia, no 1 ductton of agnculture mto the schopl spontaneous, pntno~l~ co~opcratlon more venturesome members of the '

mjlllcr of wh;ltn:tti'rnality,,\t~'!<Af;~}lt system'an opportunity is offered }o ?f the rural. po~,ulatl.9~ ~an the ob- viperous mass are noticed crawling , ., 4~O:.~r~i~~ Ex~ha.~ge~

one. ~lling I tUe \ wo~derf111 nw;{Kentng bring the schaol and Jarm to~eth'"r, )ect be att~111ed. . I 1,1,Pon the moss-covered boulders,. ap-of J{lIS1;ill:·J~Anl'~";'iellns, in particular, in a manner which will be benefici.'ll ,f,', " "', I parently corne forth to reconnoitre.


'5c,,-!p Jll:J:;lllL.U!Il!.,-~~~e<J.1lY ~h.c;.IU,Il.'l~\h to both and peculi~~h:"".e~n,e~~ial to " PALE,: WE AIK GIRLS At the cavern's entrance, a thick, otmltom'if~1'1rm .. th~tt:rtr:i'ff!!di:'i~~al the farm boy who is the \IledlUm for ft tangled "rope" of the slimy Garter

". Write for market information. L'lTT1l lre"-:ffi'["l1'i'e"i'ilOst"-5!i(lgulne a's to such co-operation. 'It is necessary to snakes was endeavoring to force it-il;;';\\l~ytei "';; ''';'' or: : ~.} I, :. -r' , have real co-operatl-on on'~he par.t of sclf forward into the balmy atmos- MIN N E A PO LI 5

GJcai liS is . iii ... a)v,!keninlf already, the parcnt if the scho,Ql and' \11e fnrm Grow Into Weak Despondent Women phere outside . WINNIPEG DULUTH ... 1I .... ~~,d,I: I~fl(t, 1tr isJ'n .. thin'g~~t~~hlat are tb be' broilght; intb clo~er rela- -How to Overcome the A glance into the horrible excava-

,'war, whell millio\ts.,et , re- cC\'I1ed. The parent must furnish the ..' in countless thousands; in many curi- Still Bleeding Behrium will' tul<r.: p1aue illlnicdiatel~· nfter; t \e tiunship to the' aMandge'"ol all con- . Trouble Ition displayed the presence of snakes

':turn \\ilh the ncw o\ltlook,upon the pupil wilh the land, the animals or ~ea\t~y Glrlhoo1d ISd

theThnly path ous shapes, one particular instance 'worid, new idca~,:anUr )lew' \.;rrowl- the' equipment for the carrying out ~o featlY,wllomadnloo. he liss- was that of a vast number coiled to- Whole of This UnhappY,Country in

l edge of civilized ·living.' liussii, it IS' ot the projccts selected. He must mg rom glr 100 to woman 00. ays gether so as to resemble a large bat-' .. 6ald, f\ll1y 'ixlle~ts a r.~volutiol) nftc;r also grant the pupil ~he time necded a new ~ax uptnl th

blbl03dti ~t IS ~Ie reI. . The sizes of the reptiles va.ried. Bondage to the Hun

~the W:lr, hut' tll'e hbpe 'and belief IS for the work, and sho'lid verify and overt~xmg. 0 tIff T) 1a ral es lIanttoba's snakes nevcor 1lSSUme the The forcible removal out of ,heir' \thal it will bt.'purelyl\lolitleal and 111\- vouch for the time record'of the pu- grdWbngkglllS sUf er ,ro,! ea aC1e:I size.of the pythonic ~onsters of the country of ncarly ten thousand Bel-, attendcd by bloodshed ,.alld de~truc.- pi!. He should also; so farl~ as mayan k ac ac IdCS, rO,m pa cress in tropics. In no case did snakes exceed gians by the German autho:ities, pre-I tion. • , , .' be practical, "ive the pupil the benefit wea nedss an d weaf1ne~~, rotm t ~Inl- four feet in len"th. The garter enake bl bid G b "'uor espon ency anu cons an lb. I suma y to e p ace on erman I

i;. of his own experience in the accom- I" It I U I Itl . II d' b d occasionally measures a few mc les farms 'to aid in harvesting the crops, 'Minard's Liniment Relieves Neural- plishment of similar projects, and to tIcal Id· t nl1a IQ glr 100 ~s doun d more than this and the inner recesses Is only another instance of how the

gia. give the work a maximum of educa- 0 ria f u~ lea IY Nw~ran 'to t ~h 10f the cavern may have contained Kaiser is deliberately bleeding the " ....... ,\.,1 tional vahte he sho~ld allow the pu- a

bl Ide b 'ldn.lIsery. I'C o lInl D u W'le extremely large specimens, which at conquered country. The whole coun-

'\ 1 . t. f '8 19 d f p'll tile bcncfilt' tier,',i_e) fro"1 III'S own 1. 00 P·UlI 111,1.&'11 qua lies 0 I' rl• I I - rare intervals are seen in various por- . d d' I . II 'f t I ,. t ta .... r.-s rq.m,. ',ito' poun sOl ~ .;". lams In ( I S can save a g r W len. f" 't"b try, 111 ee , IS P Iyslca y,' no tec 1-... 6i<jA1 •. ~ilti!. t~IMIU.!f;·ti6tlnd of che~se. labor and manage nent. ' 11115, how- she undertakes the trials and tasks tlons 0 manto va..., . nically, In bondage to tht' Hun. Its ~lrik testln I per cent. fat rectUires ever may not be always easy of ac- , f I d Th t . tl t' e In the earhest years of Manttoban labor and capital are sub)'ect to any .. , . . woman 100 . a IS Ie 1m h' h' I tI 11" fNm~J15 ,tu' 16"pound'S'to make Olle compitshment where the pupil takes hen nature makes new demands Istory t IS cave~n dn Ie gUbles IS requisition the hated foreign author-pound of cheesc; milk tesling 2 per up one of the phases of the rcgular upon the blood supply. Dr. 'vVilliams ~nown to have.9,C'lste . And 0 s~rva- ity that sits at Brussels chooses to Celll. fat requires 13 to 14 poundJ; business of the farm as his task. - Pink Pills actually make new rich hon has. deterrt1lhed ,t..ha,t

l· th,e mlr~- make. Belgians may not be compell-

milk testing 3 per cent. fat The Uichigan Farmer. 1 blood to meet these new dedtands. tory pen0e! ofl

the rfePI

~bl ~s 0!1 t lelr cd actually to take arms against their frum II to 12 pounds;. milk ' , lrl this simple scientific way Dr ~o their pace 0 11 ernallon oc- own countrymcn and the soldiers of per cent. fat requires There is no poisonous ingredien Williams Pink' Pills, give growing curs m the ~onth Df October, when the' Allies, on the trench border, but pounds to make. a in Holloway's Corn Cure, and it can girls new health' and. makes their the leavc;s In the wooill~nds have they are forced to do military work is known that the be used without danger of injUry •. " dawning womanh~od' bright, and at- scattered In the autum!,'; wmd." Per· behind the lines. The draft of tell tests in milk fat t . . : tractive. Miss A. Sternberg, Hailey- chance many .of the colony ma'y thousand for agricultural labor with-lie madc fr~m IPO, "Do animals possess the senllmen~ bury Road New Liskeard Ont. crawl long distances from, their in German territory attracts attention I

of alTection?': ask cd the school tea7 "I have ~i.rch rcason, to' be' haun.ts of summer quarters, others because of its size. But the draining i I Germanll-l;atifbW:O¥.irig I1own' ,cher of the hllie girl. ' to Dr' W111iams Pink Pills as pOSSibly do not wander far. But of the working population to release I Amung Borlin:i~, .En~land remains "Vcth, ma'am. Almost always." ,I restor~d me to health, if, indeed they when frost and snow depart,. and Germans for the army has been go- I

I I d 11" ).", A d tl I "Good," praised the teacher. "Now,'! d'ld not save my life. In 1914 I began w.arm weather has appeared, Will be- in" on for some time.

t te most late ·Yllcmy. n Ie lat- i I d f tl c b , red of English'ls, perhaps, as deep turning to a little boy, "tell me w~a to feel Tun down, and' the doctor who gm a genera exo, us rom Ie cav t liS ever, but, it is no longer flamboy- animal has the greatest natural fOlld- was called in said that mine was a to the. II!eadows and. forest ltla.des.

ness for man?" " i bad case of anaemia. I lost flesh, A Similar caverI'! IS loc~ted In th.e an6n j;ll\~illO,' an English officer, on The small boy considered care- always felt tired and I got so ncr' of t~e SOUriS, Westerl,l Mant-

In Hamburg Harbor

his way from one prison camp to an- fully, then returned: "'\'oman." I vous that I could scarcely hold a cup toba. Until abou~ .1878, thlr~y-fivf other, unattendcd, in his English uni- 'to take a drink. My heart would y~ars ago,. a prodlglOu.s gathermg 0

, kif U d flutter alarmingly. The doctor did vlper?us 1.lfe annually Invaded ~n ex-

Bitter Commelltary on Germany's Loss of Her Great Marine

I form, \\al 'ed the ength 0 ntci en , not seeln to be ", ble to help me at cav.atlon In the Ston.y 10-,: Lindcll, took a cab, toured the city, "I f h f W then took lrain to his destination. 4 all and my family and friends all cahty, nort I 0 .t e city o. .mntp~g.

Trade The London Daily :Mail quotes

from The Berliner Tageblatt's de­scription of Hamburg written by a recent visitor to that port. "If any­one wants to realize the picture of Hamburg as a sleeping beauty he need only take a run down to the docks. The sound of sirens, the groaning of cranes, the clanking of anchor chains is heard no more. Only from the shipbuilding yards come occasional sounds of blows of ham­mers. Through the silence of the quays and ships everything is com­pletely still. Before the war, boats made an uninterrupted chain right to the mouth of the Elbe, but now the tennants of the villas on Dlankenese

No crowd followed hi1l1; he was not St. Isidore, P. Q., Aug. 18, 189, thought that I was in a declin~ and A .I.arge quanttty. of qUl~kll1ne ~vbas d I

· I I k Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. cOllld not recover. I ,"as in' bed for utlhzed to exterm.mate thiS hO.rn Ie i(lsultc ; the Ber 1I1ers mere y 00 - '. d I h Id I b

f . , '1'1' d Gentlemen, - I II", ve 'frequently some weeks when an aunt came to en, a process w lIC cou easl y e e(\' a ter hllll CUriously. lat IS mo -" d t h CI t d sed MINARD'S LINIMENT and see me and urrred that I try Dr.,Wil- reso~te to ate:. earwa er an

craIe haling. 'I'n also prescribe it for my patients ai- Iiams Pink Pi1ls. My father got a Souns .Valley reptlban c~verns, the So writes one who has resided ways with' the most gratifying re- supply, and by the time I had taken onl'y .place~ C!f such. hC!rnbl.e .cha.rac-

Berlin for many years. sui and I consider it the best all- three boxes there was a noticea terlstlcs wlthm provmcml hmltatlons Liniment extant improvement, and from that on I today.-J. D. A. Evans.

Dutch Subma.rine . The Dutch Government are gradu­

ally bringing into form a .. splendid licet of submarines. against the day when they will be forced to enter the war. Thc lirst o( a series of seven was Ii\unched the other day at Feyen­eord. , Four others of a larger type IVill in a few months be ready for exercise. The Government have made II study of all types of submersibles lind it is believed that they _will in­traducc into their latest vessels two remarkable additions that will ensure Il speedier and safer plunge.


. , Two Fellows


Yours truly, steadilr progressed townrd recovery. , I contmued using the pills for some

DR. JOS. AUG. SIROIS. time longer, and they restored me to myoid-time health and strength. I shall never cease to praise this medi· cine, and to urge all weak, run-down girls to give it a fair trial, as I have proved jn 111Y own case their great Annual Fire 'Losses .

Sixty-four per cent. of all the fires in New York City in a year were in dwellings, most of them started in cellars; next most in kitchens; next in bedrooms.

Five thousand persons are killed 50,000 injured yearly as a result

merit." You can get these pills from any

dealer in medicine or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.

Minard's Liniment Cures 'Dandruff •

Wife (nibbling: her pen): Let's see, what is the term applied to one who signs another person's. )lame to a check?

Hub: Five or ten years; usually.,

, .. . tell me they rush to the window every Germany Already Broken '. time a ship goes by. The whole

The Kaiser and the Crown Prince place is deserted excepting for some still stand firm; official Berlin still' warehouse caretakers, a sentinel prognosticates victory, but the at~i- guarding the margarine depot a1}d a tude' of l\lese folks begm few women packing salted codfish.

annual avera .... e fire loss in to the :wh!stling of a boy The Imperator, lay empty in the " danger-a desperate at- docks. Strange to say, the brass port-

for the past three years has keep up the ,courage that hole fittings of this ship are un-$35,000,000. Add the cost of Ist're.~·t, ' begun 'to wane. Ger- touched. The ship has 2,000 portholes

insurance protection in excess of l~i~~;e~t:mt~',t~~f1~'~ u~.~~:~~;.~~.~~~~~~ 'perceive the situation, and the weight of brass is 75 tons, the losses paid, and the cost of I:' Y al1·~anv. broken. The war may but it is to'o much trouble to remove maintaining wa,terworks and private atr:"8tre:Ctlw"" tCdntinue a time, 'even for a long it." fire protection, aggregating a total llut Gernlhny's' dream of con-annual cost of over $61,000,000. Those is at an end.-Roclt,ester H~r-are colossal figures, 'and 'when' yoU ' ' add to them the cost of fire waste in the United States, it makes a grand

, A western stock man dehorns his calves with Gillett's lye. When a

a few days old he rubs grease

of $230,000,000 a year in ted States and Canada. '.

Eiderly Gentleman (alony in'a c;om- :l,nllnn the place where the horn is na:r[m ent' with fully-armeil spldiers, due to appear lind puts lye' on the

stop one hour): Excuse.,in'c: my scat of the horn itself. No horn

;.~~~~i~~~~f~~ \ but your face is str,a1}ge1y fam- grow,s, and ,no scar is left . 1~;:)~!~~,!~,:;J::t~~',I~p .. ~nn,l' to me. ~ l '" , ..... f (I' • "

Ii olnnnl'[<!'v • Soldier ( me'aning):' Quite The Bowels Must Act Healtl1i1y.-'pc:asant ike1y, si' as tYou were the gent In 1110St ailments the first care of the

The Lights Of 65 Years Ago

\ Are still doin!:' duty iu the shape of

Eddy's Matches

Sixty - live years ago . lhe firstCanndiul1-made ' Matches were lIladc at Hull by Eddy and since that timc, for materials nnd striking qualities, Eddy'~ have been the acknowledg­ed bcst.

When Buying M.atch,el 5 'f II Edd ,:,. '. peci y y s.

For Emerge~cies

When you have a- bilious at­tack, or when you feel illness coming on-promptly move the bowels, start the liver working and put your entire digestive system in good shape with a dose or two of the time-tested

You will welcome the quick relief and often ward off a severe illness. Beecham's Pills are carefully compounded from vegetable products-' mild, harmless, and not habit-form­ing. Buy a box now. You don't know when you may need Beecham's Pills. A reliable .family remedy that always

Should Be at Hand

....... , 5.1. of Any Modlcln. In Ih. W ...... Sold .yerywb.,... 10 boao •• 26 conti.

Fall Wheat Escaped Rust


, ,

made .game of me, medical man is to see that the bowels cci'its.c:iel~ti'ous I obJector", But, are open and fully performing their

t? , I ve changed my functions. Parmelee's V cgetable "}.Jgikist'[~i~~:.trc; .a[IU",.·~:.~m;t .now g.ot any ob- Pills are so compounded that certain !o' ta~m' 'uptan. hfe.-Punch. ingredients in them act on the bow·

., . els solely and they are the very best medicine available to produce healthy action of the bowels. Indeed, there is no other specific so serviceable in keeping the digestive organs in healthful action.


, While the spring wheat plots at

the Manitoba Agricultural College were very seriously alTected b) the rust this year, it is noteworthy that the fall wheat varieties cspped practically ullscath ed. Although it is not usual for fall wheat tot stand the winter in most parts of Mani­toba (the Swan River district I bein, a notable exception), yet all the plots at the Cullege callie througll

\ The Skirl of the Bagpipes last winter in perfect condition, and, . During an attack on a village, two I being more advanced than tht;' sprin,

lieutenants, a sergeant and a piper wheats when the ~ust outbrtak oc­of the Argyll and Sutherland High- curred,. gave an excellent and heavy

ulI""I,landcrs got detached from the main yield of,' good grain. ) . au'.all ce in' the smoke alld darkness

ost their way. They presently

• • .. • • .

ou.'u that tlley w'ere in the ruined the village, that their

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at the other large party

them. The bOlilbs, with

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THE TIMES, TREHERNE, MAN, .' • ------- --


'i I. :.. ~~ ......... :

Ingenious Schemes

To Fool 'fhe Censor

England Is Taking No Chances on Information Reaching the


Reinfo~:~:::S:O p::r~::'s: Very I GREAT NEED OF THE PRESENT TIME Quickly as p~=~Ult of New IS TO SUPPLY THE SINEWS OF WAR

Owing to slow recruiting which is \ prevalent everywhere at present, many Ul1lts are compelled to remaIn NATIONAL SAVING AND THRIFT HELP TO TIllS END " J, ~ II , _ • ...... • " f

<I 1 J.'" ..

POSSIB~L1TY OF 'A' ,PATCHED.l:JP' ,PEACE ~ D1SMISSED • ~ • ... ,/ , !t

"The censor is not the fool you take him to be" The above line was in Canada for a much longer period (

. _ penned by a British censor upon a

Britain Has Put Aside' AU Speculation About The Duration Of'l<;tter. fro,? an ?fficer at the. front to , , , , • IllS WIfe, m which an mgenlous code War And The People \ Are Determieed ,To See The was discovered. It meant to disclose

than they expected. The reinforce­ments for the PatricIa's have over­come that difficulty by sending theIr men acros.s by lots of fifty. In tlus way drafts Icave every six weeks or two months, or as soon as the men are recruIted and practically trained. One draft has already gone overseas and wIll soon be in France, and only

Expenditures On Non-Essentials, Whether Produced At Homo

Or Abroad, Diverts Capital And Labor To Purposes

Which Do Not Help in Winning The War '. 1" C I . to the anxious wife just where her Struggle Carned Through 0 A Successful onc uSlon husband was fighting, but it was

" ,0 spoiled by the censor and an order 0------------------------issued by the war office prohibiting Without Honor ..

When! the ,e;Kperimelltal preludes to the slow 'aiivance began specula­tion wag various. There were still large knots of enthUSiasts, mIlitary and lay, who thought that the Ger­man hnes In the west would be WIde­ly breached III a few weeks. The questions to be estabhshcd, therefore, by real operations were two: What would be the tempo of victory and what ,the cost? \Ve have the an~wer on b6th POllltS, and the stern, sob~r iudge~. whQ. .no.w, quite predomUlate In the (hrectlon of thIS bUSIness, are

When Britain's Fleet such practices. . S d R d Before the officer who wrote the few more men are needed to com'

'Canada is passing through a pe­riod of phenomenal trade prosperlly. Business IS boomll1g, there IS prac­tically no unemployment, and wor­

Among Nations

, too ea Y I code letter left for the front he se- plete the next draft. _-'-- I cured two maps showing the entire

Secured the Initiative at the Very IBritish fighting line. The maps were Commencement of Hostilities identical. One he left with his wife

. I or and the other he took with him. Writing on luly 29, the nava c - Thereafter each time he wrote he

I efpondent 0 the London Times placed t1;e stationery on his map, contributed the follo ...... rng mterestlllg stuck a pin through it directly over summary of the Brlttsh .naval ~l~~ Parts, another dIrectly over Brussels,

On account of this method of sending their men across, the 6th Universities Company never show a strength much over fifty, which some­times gIves the impression that the

kers and employers ahke are reaplllg No Peace Agreement With Germany a rich harvest in IIlcreased profits Worth the Paper it Would and higher wages. • . . For the Take month of July alone savings depOSIts 11 A I I I I d f $21765 DO/) as I Ie rmy all( Navy Gazette, tIe

jUSllhed. The tempo of victory ,will un­

doubtedly be pretty slow, at least un­tIl the lighting IS resumed on the final and largest scale in spring. As for the cost - 1 am referring now, of course, to casualties - it must cer­tainly be terrlfilC by comparison WIth all prevIOUS Brttish precedents, and there IS no qualllter German delusion than 'that Britain will not stand the saCrifice.

N ow Just on account of the faults which' make it so hard to get ~he pebple of this country faIrly gotng for. war,' they are by temperament ~s -.yell lj>U\lt to stand moral and phYSI­cal ~train as any people .in the world. The .more they suffer m a manner so strange to them, the more cool, clear-nllnded tenacIOUS and deadly they WIll be: Th ere is no touch of the patriotic panegYric about this. You WIll filld it proved by events to

, be the truth without varnish. That is~ one of the new psychological fac-tors. . d

Another thing is that continue

pOSItIOns ImmedIately prtor to and a third at the point where he was outbreak of war: '.~~:r. . stationed Upon receiving the let-

"It IS tw'! years ago :/lOOay smce ter his ~ife would superimpose It on the Grand I· leet left Its base: at PO:t~~ he; map, adjusting the extreme pin­land for Its .war stations m No holes over Paris and Brussels and her Sea, where . It has been ever smce. husband's whereabouts would be in-1 hiS strategIc movement not only dicated by the middle hole. confounded the german plans, but This is but one ctf a score of codes ~as been, and WIll be, the determm- and secret signals discovered by the m?, factor of the war. . \censors recently. England does not

The IIlspeCtlon of the .comblned censure the relatives of men at the fleets .and squadrons at Splthead by front for wanting to know the local­the Kmg had taken place on J, uly 19 ity in which they are fighting and and 20, and aftcr a few days exer- perhaps dying but such disclosures clses In the Channel the first lleet become a me~ace. Noone knows hail returned t~ Portland and the how extensive Germany's espionage second fleet to Its home ports. Leave system may be, and England il tak­by watches was to have begun . on ing no chances. ' Monday, July. 27.. On the prevIOUs Another code system used by a ~ay, however, 10 View of the dlsqu!et- certain officer was more elaborate. I~g news. from abroad, AdmIral It was arranged by an officer with I rmce; LOUIS of Battenberg, who was his wife just before he sailed for ~hen m charge of the Adnllralty, France, and consisted of two charts Issued an o~der ~y telegraph to the of the battle line, one of which he commander-m-clllef of the home retained while the wife kept the ~eets ~t Portland to the effect that other. Each map was laid out on

Company is not recruiting. Several splendid men have been

taken on the strength lately. The number at present on strength in­cludes nine qualified heutenants who are proceeding overseas in the ranks and taking their promotion in Eng­land or France. The Patricia's is a specially suited unit for these men, as Major Gault and the senior offi­cers always try to follow the policy of I aisiug a man from the ranks who knows Ih" tradItions and spirit of the r,egmwnt, rather than taking on men from other regiments. At least ten of the officers at present with the Patricia's are men who have gained their promotion In this manner.

The reinforcements for the Patric­ia's are being recruited at Molson Hall, McGill University, Montreal, where their training is facilitated by the use of some of the university buildings and grounds. The unit re­mains there for all its training on this side and goes to England without first going to camp.

Any enquiriel as to enlistment and service will be gladly attended to on application to the Officer Command­Ing 6th Overseas Universities Com­pany, C.E.I.:"J Molson HaU, McGill University, Montreal.

The Ubiquitous Russian

s lowe an I,:,crease 0 ", well-known servIce weekly dlscnss-compared with an II1crease III June f 'I of $2,500,000. These arc figures that I III?, pea~e terms, says a~ 01 U\\ s do not lie, and they II1dlcate a IlIgh I Ollce agalll there arc sIgns lhat tide of prosperity WIthout a par.dldl Germany IS Jlrep.lrtnr~, .1 pc ICC prop 1-III the hIstory of the DOllllnlon. The I ganda and that ,I selcc~ I~O(~) of C";­bank returns for .the year endlllg \ nest mell has been elll,.lf,ed lO go

Jul 31 reveal an e ually remarkable "bout the country nllsle,ldlng lhe peo­

y h accumula(ed wealth 111 thIS pie and, endeavorll1g to convey tho ~ci~:ttr Idl;rin the second year of l"llPresslOn that Germany IS re.llly l,U

y D n~ depOSIts showed an 1lI.lke. pe.lce-of a kInd-but th.ll III r war. I . ema f tile ye"r of $91 enelllles, who refuse to know \\ II< n actua II1crease or ~ ,- I b II I I 007973 whIle notice depOSIts were tley are eaten, WI not Islen lo tl~

, '\ d b $97632200 That in- terms whIch Germany once 11101 e

daugm.enl e y 'I 'ave' no lack of I holds out. The peace willcll G~r-

ustrm concerns I. I ' I f I I . I' . d t d b reduct' Ion in many wants IS one t Ie terms 0 "'I( 1 capIta IS In Ica e Y a I II . h II tl 1ft

t If $18308776 These WI gIve er a Ie SPOI s 0 \ Ie orv.

curren oans 0 "'0 I and the peace conference whIch the are healthy symptoms. n C tIe \German na'tlon is to be IIlVlted to threshold of a t1l1rd year of war an- vlsual;ze I~ one of the old-flsh loned ada IS ladm~sslfg w~fl~~ at :f rti~~ M: kind at whIch the VIctor, In ~llIs case e.xamp e 1,11 ew, I y, reprcsented by Germany, SItS at lhe hed countries.... head of a long table and docs all the

But WIth tillS Inc.reaslllg wealth talking whIle everybody else hsten~

German brutalities and barbarities toward the Alhes' wounded and pris­oners and toward the civil popula­tion 'of the occupied districts of France and BelgIum are putting a very stark, grim tempe~ into ~he British, French and RUSSian armIes, You know well what happens when the more good humored and indul­gent temperaments, if provoked long enough, fiSC without a word, but also WIthout ruth, to brUIse a bully.

no. shIp was to leav,~ that .ancho.r~ge blocks an inch square; each square until furthc;r orde~~. TIllS ~eclSlon could be identified by combinations for the slllps to s~and fast . was of letters indicating each line of necessary because m the ordlllary squares from left to right. Down the course of events they would have left-hand side was another row of let­separated at daybreak on ,July 27, ters. In writing home the officer and a few hOUri later their crews would say: "Give my regards to L. w?uld have pee.n scattered far and A. Smith." Being a fictitious name, Wide: At mIdnight on ,July 26 . the the wife would know it as a key to The Rqssian Soldier Can Now Be Admlralt~ announced ~hls precautlon- her secret code. Putting her finger Found on All the Battle

comes the call for thrift and the ne- obseqUIously and SIgns whatever doc­cesslty of applYlllg surplus savings uments are put before them, '1 hI! to IlIgher purposes than the satlsfy-.\ may be Germany's Idea of a peace ing of IIldlvldual tastes and cravlllgs. conference, but we may assert, \\lth­Parsimony and ex\ravagance are

f lout much fear of contradIctIon,

equally reprehenSIble In these days 0 France, Belgium, RUSSIa, SerbIa, war. In the monthly letter o.f th.e Great Britain and the rest of the AI­Bank of Commerce; attention IS dl- hes have formed other vIews If the rected to the warlllng words of the conference is held, Germany WIll be Chancellor of the Exchequer, the excluded the terms WIll be deCIded III

Right Hon. Reginald McKen?a, who her abs'ence and they WIll be an­exposes the fallacy underlYing the nouneed to her for immedIate accept­argument that expendIture of mon.ey ance. There can, we belteve, be no at home, for whatever purposes, In- peace which WIll be agreed to hy creases prosperity: those nations which have sutTered

"It is often necessary in deahng most and whose vOIces WIll therefore with problems of war expendIture to carry most wcight, willeh docs not speak in terms of money, but tlllnk- include sentence of pUlllshment. and Ing of those problems exclUSIvely \11 we shall not .1sk Germ.lny to sIgn any terms of money of len people paper for" c havc le.lrned by expert­very much astray. For example, 1 enee 'that neIther her word nor hr r have heard It s.lId that the more bond have any value, that she IS \\lth­money IS spent on home prod- out honor among n.lllons .1I1d ucts the better, bCc.l1lse the more she m.lkes pe.lce not bcc.ltlse she money IS Clrcul.lted lhe greater the chooses but becausc she must"

ary step m the followmg message to on the "A" line of squares on her Fronts th~ ,press: . chart, she would follow along under Now he has turned up in Saloniki.

the ubiquitous Russian. Is it because he is a wonderful soldier whose work and spirit serve to spur others on to greater efforts? Is It that hIS restless spirit of adventure demands new scenes, new enemics? Is it that there are so many of 111m, that lack­ing room for him on IllS own fronts, place must be found for hIm on the fronts of all Russia's allies?

Throughout the English-speaking world tIllS IS Ulllversally understood, but It has been qUIte useless to try to explain it to the Germans, They persist In thinktng that frightfulne~s intlmid.ltes and quells, whereas It only hardens and exasperates their opponents, WIth inexplicable fatuity the enemy stili chngs to the ghastly preconceived pedantries of the Ger­m.ln War Book without any attention to the change of circumstances, or any rational and balanced conSIdera­tion of what the consequences must be.

Orders h~ve .been gIven to the the "L" squares, in which was her first fleet, whIch IS concentrated at husband's position at the front. Portland, not to dIsperse for manoe- It is improbable that any informa­uvre leave for the present. A!I .vessels lion contained in these ""de letters of ~he second fle:t are ~en!ammg at has ever reached the Germans, but theIr home po~ts 1\1 proxImIty to theIr there is a possibility of snch a mis­ba,l,ance crews . chance and England is losing no op­

On the morlllng of Wednesday, por~unity to defeat a spy system that

Finally, there was the murder of Captain Fryatt. It touched England on the maritime side like the sinking of the Lusltania, and on the moral side like the fate of Edith Cavell ThIS crime was almost more stupid than either of the others. It filled up the cup.

There is always in England a strain of sentimental idealism on which Germany, hy a more clever and plaUSIble POlICY, might have worked to the deep prejudIce of British na­tional interests. But the enet)lY has eliminated for us what we thought at the beginning might eventually be our greatest national danger.

July 29, the first fleet shpped qUletlY'has made Englishmen gasp. aw.lY from Portland under the com­mand of Admiral Sir George Calla-ghan. Its departure was unheralded With the Boy Scouts and without ceremony. There was, --indeed, a little cheering and the bands Interesting Bits of Information on board the ships were playing as Gleaned From Far and the big squadrons left harbor, but Near for the rest the nation's God-speed I was a silent one. As Mr. Churchill Arrangements have be on made has told us, on the night of July 29 whereby the flags which have flown the whole of the fleet, with its auxil- over the Canadian Boy Scouts' hut iary cruiser squadrons and flotillas, at the front WIll be preserved as me­passed the Straits of Dover and gain- mentos of the war and of the share ed its war station in northern waters. that the Boy Scouts of Canada had Along the east coast the patrol flo- in it. This action wa'S suggested by tillas were completed to war I Sir Robert Baden-Powell, and was strength, the naval aircraft moved to hearttly approved of by the Canadian the vulnerable points, and the second' General Council of the Boy Scouts' fleet embarked its balance crews, ASSOCIation. At the end of the war while similar precautionary measures the flags will be sent back to the took place on all the foreign stations. Canadian Scout Headquarters. It is

"It is common knowledge how the qUIte probable that they will be used successive steps taken day by day on' as challenge flags for presentation to the part of those responsible for the deserving troops.

With a battle hne of close to a thousand Iniles against an enemy prepared as no nallon was ever pre­pared for war, to say nothing of her work in Turkey, it might be thought that Russia had busmess enough on her hands If she kept ail her men for the part of the Job she has under­taken, Why, then, send troops first to France, and now to Greece? Is it part of the general strategy agreed on by the central committee that is planning the Entente Allies' battle, or is the idiosyncrasy of a nation full of restless energy. unlimited man resources, and dommated by a curi­ous sentimentality that finds expres­sion by physical fraternizmg?

Who knows or can answer ques­tions such as these till the war is over? France reincarnated. Great Britain awakened. Italy emerging into full vIew. Russia unfoldmg coils of strength vaguely sensed but hitherto hardly reahzed. What fresh marvels is the war to disclose besides these and the colossal power of Ger­many?....,From the New York Globe.

War To End In Revolt

prosperity. TillS IS .1 profound error 'vVhat the nation needs IS goods, 1.1-bor and servIces for the successful

, hE' prosecutIOn of t e war. . veryone s

German Trench With Fifty Beds

work is wanted eIther dIrectly or Ill­

dIrectly for this purpose, whether for Tommy At~ins Thinks It a Shame supplYIng our fightlllg forces or for making goods for export WIth wh~ch to Deprive Germans of Such to pay for necessary Imports J~x- LUXUries pendlture on non-esscntlals, whether "As In many pl.lces, the German produced at home or abroad, dIverts dug-outs arc provlIlg VCI Y usefnl.' capital and labor that can III be spar- Wrl\cs an onicer. "They receive every ed to purposes whIch do not help us sort of cOlllphmcnt from OUI soldIers, in winlllng the war." . ' who, III theIr own IdIom, d.lily thloW

The great essential necd In tillS .It the enemy the old, old provelb: third year of the campaIgn IS to sup- SIC vos, non vobIS aedlflcatls-h Itz ply the sinews of war. In tillS C.ln- bUIlt not for Illmself but for 'l'olnIIlY. adlans may aId materially by apply- 'J t was a shame lo t.lke thcm aw I): ing their surplus savlllgs-savlngs not s.lId one, ,Ind anolhcr, 'Flltz wtli he only from surplus reVenl!e" but sav- gettlllg homesIck' One of the OVII­ings effected by "bstatnlng fro lers 'homes' has fifty beds In It. It needless expendIture on non-essen- IS a nloll1SIOn or a bart aeks or a forl. tials-In • taklllg up the war loan We h.we never dug such placcs. per­stock. . . . There are fcw \11 haps because we were 1.12lcr, perhaps Canada who do not yearn for some bec,luse we felt th,lt we had 1.lken opportunity of helping to smash the only a short lease. The trenches here enemy. It is not gIven to everyone have pecuhar Interest, as we .md lhe to do this on the field of battle. But enemy both occupy the old Gcrm.ln by the husbanding of all our national front hne, willch we attack d.llly from resources, by a rigid policy of thrift, itself, movtng up and along, never Governments and people may do frontally. The method IS necessary much to case the burden of war in to the position, but IS not all .l!lvant­the days to come by applying avall- ag,e, for the Boche had foreseen even able savings to investments of thIS tillS and made arrangemcnts to

The murder of Captain Fryatt ex­tniguished the last faint hngering possibility of a weak peace, Tn that respect a curious thing 'has happen­ed. France, which longe.d for a Ipeedy end a year ago, is preparinp; as a matter of course for a third winter campaign and another year's fighting.

navy at this momentous period in Tho recent death of Capt. the Hon. our history saved the cause of the Roland PllIlipps, who was killed in Allies. By thus promptly graspin"'! action at the front, removes one of the initiative afloat, and denying it the most gallant members of the to our enemies, the virtual command great brotherhood of Boy Scouts. of the sea, with all that this has I Capt. Philhps was, in every sense, a meant, was secured by the Grand "good Scout." It was due mainly to Fleet, and German commerce and hIS efforts that many troops sprang the German flag were swept from into existence throughout the Brit­the world's waterways, which were ish Isles. The point about his life therefore rendered free for all the which should commend itself to ev- I Peonle in Central Empires Today purposes of the Allies, including the ery Scout in the' world, is that Not a Constitutional Factor

character In this way, if in no other, sweep, rake, or enfilade the c.,p111rcd Canadian~ may feel the conscious p.lss,lges of his own house. And a pride that comes to every man who labyrinth is not easIer to thread is "doing his bit" in this war.-Tor- from the side than the front."

Britain has simply put aside all .peculation about the duration of the war. Our people from top to bottom are determined now to make a clean thing. There is no more talk of "clenching teeth" or "setting jaws" or of anything like that. There is no further need of such conscious ex­pression, The mood I describe is en­tirely noiseless and automatic. To bring home to the German mind any .ense of what that means would be 1m possible.

transport of troops." throughout his career as a Scout the The London Morning Post's Buda­ten Scout Laws were to him th pest correspondent quotes a promin-

To Be Degraded guide in all that he did; th~refore,\ he ent Hunganan professor as saying in Identifyinlt Him

onto Globe.

That is why I say that the killing has only begun, and that the final .tage of the war' will be by far the bloodiest. It wiil last for nine months or twelve or a little more un­til the central empires go under.­J. L. Garvin in New York Tribune.

Prlntinlt Known Lonlt Before Caxton Those who believe printing to have

been invented in Europe during the 15th century may have been surpris­ed to read of Cambridge University having acquired "the works of the Chinese philosopher, Liu Tsung Tuan, printed in 1167:' China has been credited with anticipating not a few modern inventions, but her c:1aim to have discovered the art of printing centuries before its first adoption in Europe is beyond dispute. An edition of most of the Chinese c:1assies was printed by means of

';,.-ood bloeks in 922 A.D., and movable type is said to have been devised by • blacksmith, Pi ,Shing, in the elev­enth century.-London Chronicle.

lknew what he was talkmg about a lecture: Ordinary concerts have grown rath-From Knighthood when he urged every Scout, whatever "There is no such constitutional er stale in Middleton, where every-

his work or place in the world might factor as the people nowadays either body sings, or thinks he can. German Nobles to Be Deprived of be, to stick to,his promise and carry in Germany or Hungary. The so- So a novelty was arranged, in which

M b h' . B" h out those laws. called representatives in Parliament each performer was to appear in a em ersOIP

d tn nUs "Do,:,'t take. tips" is the ~aption of are only the toys of the men in pow- fancy dress and sing a sllltable song.

r ers an article whIch appeared In one of er. Their utterances do not count, The first items went off very well, Three more German nobles closely the recent issues of the "Scout," the their actions are limited by the althou~h when Miss Antike came on

connected with the British royal official organ of the Boy Scouts. The of the rulers them- in a SImple, giritsh gown and sang family are to be deprived of their warning note in this item is that one selves the State, especial "For Ever and For Ever" the audi-membership in British orders of cannot do a good turn for another gary, where the people are CI.ISStn4:U,1 ence got nervous and thought she knighthood. in a really friendly way if one is as suspects and non-suspects. n.eant to do so. .

The Duke of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, thinking of the "tip" that is to fol- "This conditton is almost as much 1 hen the village crier appeared III and Prince Albert of Sehleswig- low. This very lofty ideal has al- a feature of the war as the army it- a sailor rtg and declaimed "Aslce(J Holstein are both grandsons of Queen ways b'een urged upon Canadian Boy self. The people are placed under 011 the Deep" in a voice hIgh-pitched Victoria, the former being a son of I Scouts by their Scoutmasters and the inslruCtion of "armed mi"ht," and cracked. P

. L Id D"k f Alb 4th th ffi nd 1'1 0 '''''ho is he?" "What character rtnee eopo , u e 0 any, ,0 er 0 cers, a w 11 e some may as long as this stands there are no vv son of the Good Queen, and the I be wont to accept tips for doing odd people in a political or constitutional does he represent," were the ques­latter a son of Princess Helena, 3rd jobs the average I Canadian Scout sense." tions the listeners asked each other daughter of Queen Victoria, who will not accept a tip for doing a good The correspondent supports this wildly. ' . d P' Ch . t' f S I I t l'hen came the usual voice from marne nnce ns Ian 0 c I es- I:rn. contention, addin" that these circum-. Hit' l'h e 100000 -- St' 0 the rear of the hall, sayin": ' WI~- 0 S elll. er are , ~- COU 5 In stances explain why prominent 0 "

he D k f Cu b I d f th B I't'sh f t d"v Th' . f "Why, 'e's Sing-Bad the Sailor. -

u e 0 m er an , a er r I army 0 0 ~(' IS In 0 thinkers say the war can end only in of the Kaiser's son-in-law, Duke lion comes to hand In a recent a revolution wherein the army will Chicago Ledger. Ernest, is a great grandson of Geor~e I paper interview with have to lake the lead. --"':""':"'---II!., grandfather of Queen VictorIa, I Baden-Powell. The B and by his ,marriage with Queen also has its quota Alexandra's sister is uncle to King this connection, George V. Beatty and

Since all three have thrown in lost his their lot with the Kaiser, they have-. ":>'IIl<:U

actively. enemies to the Em o~lcii~I~~~,~i~;;~~~ci~:~~;.hi;~t~~~! ought to have lost their EngJ:~iSil~~~I~ilR~~Im~c;~:.:~,~I! ors, titles, . and financial -pn1'1IO:g4:1

long ago. ~~~:;Y?~~~;6~~ll~~;:' W;:,J~:~:yJ,\~~~~l

• • • . .' .' . •• • • .. ,

Ex-Premier Viviani

Ex~ect8 Long War

Another French Statesman Declares France Will Bear All Sacrifices A dIfficult and prolonged sit uggl e

before the war IS ended \V.IS prophc­Sled by former Prenller Vlvlalll, \\ ho is MUllster of Justice III the present Cablllet. In an address before the General CounCIl of the Dcpartment of Creuse, held at Gueret, he saId:

"Although victory is certain It will require hard and prolonged efTorts to break Prussian IlllhtarlSIll and prevent recurrence of its cmnes. There can be no peace before the attainmnt of victory, before ade­quate reparation is made and before justice triumphs,"

In an -address before the General Council of the Department of Anbe, Bienvenu Martin, former MlIlister of Justice, saId:

"The French wiil not submit to the peace of the German Emperor, who boasted he would force IllS ad­versaries to accept pe.lce on bcnded knees. They wiil accept only such a peace as assures them legItimate reparations, as well as 'weIr Indepen­dence and security, and they \,,11 bear patiently all sacrifices in order that, in conjunction with the efTorts of their faithful allies, such a peace may be imposed." -'-0 ___ _

The Prophecy Came True A good many years ago, when the

present Kaiser was a youth, he WOl! on a VIsit to his litrandmother, Oueen Victoria, and whIle walking in- tho url",nds of a certain Royal domain

s boasting of the rise of the Hohenzo: lerns and the future great­ness of his house. Among thc lad­ies who accompanied him was one who Jmd certain powers of clairvoy­ance, and it was noticed that aftrr the Prince had made his boast as they stood on the SIde of an orna­mental lake, the lady, pointing to it, said: they cut hay from the botto that lake the' Hohen',f)I-lern comes to an end." This

grown on the bottom lake and has been cut for hay,

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i -, ' .<; ", :,.'\'

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....... "".

New F all Goods Ladies' Coats

Sevcl'ld Ladies' Fall n.nd \VintOl' Con.ts. No two alike. Pm'chnscd fl'OIll the "Uerchants Consolidated". Prices l'igh t.

Furnishings for Men. New ~llop.k jllst n.l'l'ivecl. In BooLs we clln eqnn! I\IIY 1Iln.i1 ol'dol' ~I'ice, lind 0111' '1'1!\1i t,y iA gnll1'l\ n teed. Ovel'l\ll~, SmockH n.lld Shir,t,A at lowest priccA-IIIOlley refnnded If not satisfied.

Winter Rubbers \\' '. I I t I III ('0,,,1 ,·nt'iet", '1' .. y 0111' pl'icrlt!. (\ .IIIRo 1111 plte WI. ,10. ~, J

Complete stock of Groceries--Always Fresh

SMITH BROS. PHONE 39 Rathwell, Man.'


__ &r'

------------ ----------~------- ----------~.-

D. ROBERTSON & CO. ------------------

Phone 41 Rathwell ,

V,fe have the largest stock \If Confectionery in towu.

Ice Ice Cream parlor is now -open. Fountain Drinks, and Sundaes are

Our Cream,

our specialties. Leave your Orders for PRE,SERVING FRUITS.


I have engaged the services of an up-to-date Tinsmith, who is prepared to do : FURNACE WORK


All kinds of Repair work.


This Store will be closed at 6 p. m.

W. L. DAWKINS' Phone 23 Rathwell, Man.



LOCAL ITEMS Jas. Gill was a Winnipeg visitor

on 1'hursday last.

'Weatber has been most unfavor­able for stook threshing.

Inspector and ~Irs. Dnulop were preseut at tbe school ~air on Tues·


John Jones, of the Mutual Life Insurance Co., was in town on Wednesday.

~I iss K. Caswell left for Cbicago los; Mon~ay evening to take up ber work as deaconess,

Jas. Gibson, of Brandon, arrived in town last Thursdoy to look a£· ter'the interests of bis far:u,

Pte. 1. Scarrow, of Cam p Hllghes, returned h901e on ;\lou­day,as did also Pte. Jack Scarrow.

Mr. and Mrs. W, A. C,lswell motored to \Vjnnipeg on Sunday last. Mrs. Caswell retnrning on


Mr. Mercier and fami!}' have va· cated the :McGowan house, and moved to that late!y occupied by

Jas. Graut.

The casualty lists of Sept. 26th, contained the name of Cha~. S. ~farks, of Rathwell, 1\[al1.,.I\.1I10ng the WOllnded.

~rr. and Mrs. Jas, Grant and family left for the city last Thurs, day, having sold their honse, and shop to 1\1r, Mercier.


Places of Business Close Keen Interest Taken

by Pupils

Rathwell school fair' hns come and gone, leaving cbildren and parents well sBtisfied with their endeavours and success.

\(=Y 'b·'··d db our usmess IS )U gc y your 1 D ~======~======~-

The weatber was very unfavor­able in the,mornillg but b0~htened towards nine 0' clock after leaving the roads almost unfit for autos. Exhibits came in\early an:!a splen. did show in all tranches was in readjtless for tbe Judges who ar­rived from Winnipeg_an the noon train. A half boliday wan prJ. claimed by, the ,ittsiness section aud everyone seemed bent 011 1l.!:1' sisting iu making the, Fair u suc.

business stationery. The better the quality, the better the work., manship, the better will be the'

Treherne-Times L~mpression created. Give us a trial. c;:

Watchmaker and Jeweller. I lutve opl!norl It 'Vatoh ILIHI- Clc)ok Hopah'ing tho Pool H.aom ill 1~l\thwoll, what·o I will be

Thlll'ArJay 01' OV01'y woek.

establishment at fl'om Monday to


All 'Vol'k dOllo by me will he I'Jllly GIlILl'rl.nteerl rot' Two ¥eal·s.

The Following are my' Prices:··.

Best Cleaning 75c. Main Spring 75c.

Balance Staff $1,25 Best General Jewel 75c. . ' , -


H.Glowatz - .

cess in every way. / ' ' The exhibits were large and var·

ied, Parents aud children nre to cougratulnteoll the keen interest taken in prodll<;:ing the very best.

On tbe east side' cf the scbool a Iiiie'up of pO~lltrv was arrongdd th~t would do credit to any of our lar~~ fairs aud several pells of pigs asoulshed tbe people, for their size and fitness. Four' ,ijpring calV<lS were slio\\'11 ,ope. wei~hing over fOlli' hundred and fifty pounds:

The Interior of, the scbool was R

line liP of scbool work wb ieh _ WB~ mOlltpJealliup.- to pareuts nud: on· lookers and tbe gnrdlinvegetnbJes ~' '.

were a show,tbelllse\N!s. ' , A,n hon'or to' whom h'ouor is duct

tile cblldjen did their best.atidpar eots and fri~uds were deligbted. It 'wn's' a~ , tiftej.n~o~i long to ~e re: membered' -hopes '- ani ,enter.


C. K Ford. ,V. Scarrow R. WilSall. Eo Scarrow. G. Forbes. 'V. Kline. P. KIIIIO. A. B, Cuin. J. Kirk. A. O. Bil'ch A. lIT c Donald S. Fnlshel' F. Stockdale S. Campbell 'V. l\lnlhollltllrl ,J. Scott S. Finlay C. Gill D. SellnrA A. Morrison W, «ox


'V. Gmillger' F. Elliot \\r. HIlHR

J( Shol,thoso IT. PlJlltOIl n, CI~\'flllagh ~r. Kee

'no SiIIlP~UII TJ. Pnyetl.e J. McKollzio P. Strn'loll


~"---"''''--~'':. .. ' .. '--. " --,-::: '," .,:.

o "

•• ,1 ..... ,'..,': • ,

TO FARMERS The Bank of Hamilton offers every

facility and convenience to both

depositors and borrowers among

the farmers. Soecial attention to

Cattle Business and. Sale Notes.

Treherne Branch G. V. Hann~h, Manager


French Crew Taken Prisoners-- MBlHCAI,

Enemy Flying Men Rescued Sailors

') n. I', I I,,\ \1 ON'!' Austrian seaplunes bomllllrded und sallk tue l~rellch Huumurilw l,'ollcault In the Southeru Adrlalle, says Illl or· tlelul Htutemllllt trom tbe AUHtrlun Ad· mlrally. 'l'ho enttre crew or the slIb­marine, comprising two omeers ami 27 mell, mallY oC whom wero In a 11rownlng cOlldltton, wore roscued and made prisoner by tho lIuvat aeroplane menttoned Imd by Ilnother piloted by Lleut. KomJovcc, with Cadet SeveI'll IlH observer, HuIr Iln hour lutor the ImprlDoned crew WILS taken over by Il torpedo bout, while the two officers woro transported to lund on tbe nuval ueroplUllos.

.Jllt J~"!lt I'\,,\\j' ') fnu. 1'1111: "HonNe,.: ,11.j) ;: ,II UIIII'or"tf l (Mnnltobn. 1I0nor


Oll1cc n.1I" rCRldcnco, Borlle litrcct. Phone 2'

nil. ,r. A. CUUISTILA W'

C Ph),HlollllI 'UI(I HII"rrcon, ]\[,,"ltobn Medl""l ollog'u U I'ad lint c.

Olllco~ COl'. BUYllu 1\11(1 ItlLllwn.y. Phono )01.

, ,V, A, ;\fO'L':r, M,D.

Ceroner r Bronclwny • Rathwoll, Man,

• , l •


O. McKillnon A. McKinllon K 'ltohOl'l.f! K SYJJ11119 W. P. SmiLh

~ , Mortgage Sale

O. A, BOWMAN, V,S., n.v.Sc,

VET~]I!INAI!Y Bnrgoon "OIl Dontlst OUl"" in t;mlth'a Llvory t:lt.nblOlt t Ur~iI.(Jw8)'.

Hoslclf!flcU Ilhouo, No. 33. TI!}:H1mNE, MAN

H.01l11101·011 J'. P. 1,1 Lton C. ~[lIlhoIlILllcJ

A. Fm'l'is IT .. Tn 1'11111111 C. CI\.I'I· -n. Lowell G. Killcnid n. J olles n. Sonl'l'ow C, Unil' If. Falcollel' F.,! 'V. Wilson A. Tn.ylol' W. Pillk fif. G. PlIllill C. Wil~QII

, \V. J. Montgolllel'Y W m. G iIln.ndol's O. Cox J. SOlJ.lTOW S. Bennet D. J~ell.tqlJ .1\.. ,I~ LJ [t Hi n T. n'lIl1 tell'

- I. Scan'ow m !aa15!!aiiiii!:J 1E:!i!i=====.l'Iei ~,r:JJ

(OMBLES'REACHED \ BY 'FOCH'S SOLDIERS Dllhlng Succeuea' by - Both French , and British on Western

.. Front "

! Th!! ];'r~nch tr~ops hav!) fllc\llhell p(l!l@e~, PUP. 1lIJl l tllqg In tile.' tOW\I \11 111 U1I!lr pososslon.. In what Is de· Ilcrlbed by lJ, Paris communique as "a, brilliant' surprise uttack," UII Isolut· ed ,structure at the extreme outsldrts of the Important German base on the Somme WIlS captured by the l!'rench td,day. The building had beon strong· Iy, fortified us a defeilCe work. 'rhree olllc'ers and 97 mon were tllken prison· ers. Simultaneously' o ell'. , l~ch'lI troops pushed forward to the 1I9Ul\\: east of Combles; tlghtentng \ho' 'rliilli !lfound that toW!!.' ~~ H\I§ i!~lit(Q" -~Q prl"OPerS were made, - ' ,

A seml-officlal estimate says the Oerman losses SUffered In' the vain counter·attlick aro'und 'Bouclmvesnofl were 30,000. The Gorninn comman;

, .trled vainly to stem the ,l~rench agatnst Combles by a sortie trenches south ot Rancourt.

nipped In the bud by the Vrench 1u':ie.r1l!r 'fire., ,

Of Valuable Farm Property

UNIlI"lA:-iD IIY VlIl'rUI,: oflho POW",'" nf Halo ('ollllLllIl!lilll'lllIpllucllli Il ef!,'lnlll

1II0I'I.gHgu, whlr~h will hu pl'orllll:ctillt, tho t IlIlI} or Imll!. nllfl which IH I egir.'tl'I'I'd IIJ.WfrH",L t Iw lands hcl'tsillUfllH' (i'jl"cl'lheil, t Iwl't~ will lw uf· tel'ml fOl' "'ILII! 1Iy lIuhlic!lHlf,tinli h~' NtJl~on \ViI· ROil, LI('OIlHCd.l\ lIet hllluUI" ILl Lllu Cent l'lll llotul III I.ho Vmngn or ')'rchm"lIfl, )11 tho PI'O\·!tWO of i\illllltu\.HI, 011 Sntlll',IIL)'l t lIu 'PWllllt y.ulghth fillY ufOctolJlH'.A,Il,IUHI a· Ihu lW\I1' or 'I'wul\'o o'cIoclt IlfHllI, tlUl folio wing \'alllllhlt! flll'lIl JlI'UIJ· ol'tYj-l\ulngo III t hu P,'O\'111I'(\ fir .i\Jn 11 it nlm ILIltI IH!IIIl~ l'Ollllln~ell of the )':n~l. lllllr awl tllB ~ul'l h \\'u!'!l, l)IIIII'lOI' of !-!l'{'lloll '1'\\'CHlt,\'''!"C\'I!I1(~jl'lli 'I'ownshll. Nlllu{lI) !Lilli 1~IlIlu'u '1'4!II(JII) \\'Wit. uf the li'II'Hl, 1Il'lnclpILI MOI'hllall III t.ho ~1L1t1 PI'U\'. llwn,

'I'ho nhO\'c IJI'opm'ly will he uil'I.!!''!.! !n~' Mldo Imu1~(!I, 10 IlI'O-lfll'\'j~ IIld.

"'(!I'III'i or Ba!ej-'I'wolli y(20) PCI' cont, (:aHh and Ilw hallLllco IIIIU!CcH'dn.lleo wILli III)~ ImiulitlOiIS to be IIHuin kllUWIlILt Iho 111110 of Ihu:ULle.

FOI' rlll'lhm'III\I'Llcl1lnl'R to: 1'1'1'111 .. 1 1m, llo~1\ IN ~Cn ~\i'" s ,:,

1I'f\""l~~~ lluilu IIJ.,". H!li\ "",III S\"OIlI,

IV \II II 11"'Il) ilta IIllohu. \ t!11t m"H ~(JH{Jit 01 toI.

I JA 'II JI! I' ILL t.tlU City nr \\'Inlllilog 1 n t.ho 1'1'0\" illcu or Mllilitullll, L1I1H 'rWcnlY·HCJ\,oIlLh unv or SCI)tcIIIIJOI', A,}), UHO ~,5,e,

Condensed Advertisements • c


Ad vOI't.isomontH II 1H1 01' til IH IWIUllllg ""0 chnl"tUlI Wn rOI' OliO I II!-lOt"Lioll , rOlli' 11l"lIll'LhHlIi for I,no, 'I'he Ulml.'liJleti ILd. way l!i ILIlI!t:onomlealulCLholi or Hollllllt', huyillir 01' l'onl,lnl!,


As I.hlwe gOl1e ouL,of lSiiiilncRH ] reqllest thnt ILlIlJ.cCOlll1ti'l owing Lo IllO Ill'nst he plLirl on 01' befot,o Nov. 1st, :t 9J fj.

1-2 o. JAS L1CI~ !


FQR SAL~ HOlIsr! Ilml .1,1 nCl'OIl or In.nd. FOI'

fnrthm' p:wLicnln.I's npply Lo ,T. S. P,\l,)(gn,

49·U Tl'ohel'lIc, Man.

LOST . A I'obe, 'betweon A. D. lloburt­

SOli'S n.nd N. Kel\l'ns', Finder please len.vo'llt The Times offico or phoile fiG ring 2. '

2p, J. L. HURST;

Olh'e, MUll.



nIt. A. 'v. l\lYLHS

'I' no I "t1Rt. D.D.S .• I,.D.S. UllIco III MyleR Dlock, 1'0 IO('IIC.

1I10~1l'!i: n to J2 R.m. : 1.30 to 0 p.m. i }l~\'onln(ti' lUI( QUIIlIILYH by ILppolntment.


,JAAmS FUUrON 8Uccossor ~o


'OFl'roES Uallway Avo., Troher". l.saaltobA 'iuliolLord fur IoBu (J.,uluJietn Haul of Com mor06, Unnk or HumilLon, uuti tor A~un'clJ).U'lI· of ijOHlt Nor(olk,

DELOR~ll~ l~ 1.u\C~JRTm A \'OC.,t.ii·] In,rl'i.-itO('li

At ~oLro Dnlllu clo I.,oUl'tie'i "\'OI'Y SfltUn.':l,F C1'OIll 1 tu U P,III.

Telophollo (I,ll'I')' ~J.l1 70!1 1~lect"lo Hnll wily , UllIUIlUUl':\o \\'luuhH'"

F, H. l\IITC!ll~Lr, D.A, , ATTOIINEY AT LAW. OIllDo as A.ldarllD

ugonof, Urofldw8)'1 'l'roherne

I •

ltlNN &, "'AT,LAH

AttorneYH, SolleltOl'M. 1Ct.o. 1,0""" negotintor. Illid NMtalod hlllldlcd.

110111111(1. l\!t\II.


Hcnl ]~RlaLo, ]\rorl~~RFo nlHl lusurl\nc. Agoml1. HOIU'OHoIILln" HO\"'fIL ot thu best l.JjQ" and In. SIll'IlIWO GOllllJlI.III'lrl, - Uomm.lsMonor OLncu Ill'Oatlwny. '

'J'rU~lTImNI~ LODO}] NO. 51 A. If. l~. A. 1\(.

MeeLB 1"'ld"y all or boto,'o tho tu' "moon lho }'1Iu~()1110 Hllll, '1'1'OhOl'IIO, VIHiU 411' bnJthrGn cordln.lly wolcolllo. '.

\VOI', Bro. O. \Vlochlllflll, 'V.4\~ It. \V. lira. Johll CoullOl', !lo~ .. "y

IND, ommn Ol~ OJ)D1"l~LT,OWS 'I" I' J" N \ • 10101'110 "ouA'O J. o. ,lImootH in Lho l\(n,Honlo

IIFLIl O\'OI'Y 'l'hlll'Hfln.y u\tolllna.r ILt 6 V,IU, All OddrollowH III ,:ouu HtUllllluK l'fO wnlcoUlO. J. Coultul', N. O. II. A. All"lr, Hoo. 800 ••

nOYNE l~.O.r .. No. li:lO, moots on 'l'lIoHdn.y o\'u~lIn(t 0IIiII G1"' btt tor" th" t,,11 at th" ",1)011 III I'OIlOIl'H illLlI. Visit: In~ brott,,'ul' n,1WII.),H wolcome, UOiJ. J~. :::IttLillU ... , ",,'.M. \V. ,I. Spink:!l, Soo ..


No. 4370, meot. III tho 1II1UIOnio R"ll on IMe. 'l'uoad"y o[ O4oh mOIlLh. Vb)IUllg brothro .. WOit.'OIIlO. th'.!'s':lllle', being aUDital,

di!veloo,tol:ev'en IZt'ea1t'e r tiii~gl1. U~'~I.U1EU,!I;1I , ghtdi~e~.

rnllll9 lIorthwest ot dual aim ot break·

Tools alld'll in oOlllloe~ioll wiLh, tho fepn.h· shop, IJ.\~Q Lho hOllso n.nd lots 01.\ arQll.d'way. 'Buyer olin lll~vilJgenoy ~nr Myors 'Pllinp n.s well, IrOi' further inrormatioll ap-

for the ra'.:~II\~I~~~~t.IIIl)'IY to 1\[,'s, F. Th~l'l,ilbCl,t, Ti'eh'ol'lle 10 Ii'. TI10nr~lIiER'r. '

'f"" ," 'l'rehel'lla,?If an. _ ' Q • ,J.n ;

',WANTED ... '

C,O,1I'., COURT TUEHERNE :IIcetJIln 1IIllHolllolI .. ll,lIIonrlny,on or botoro fnU UlOOII, I\t 81 •. 111, VI.IUng brclhrelll\lwuy. wuU como. Chlut Hn.ui:or. Uuo. J~. t3U'lllod.



Flro Illsurl\ncc .Agont " _ls"no"'lot I\(l\rrll\go LI_ TREIlEltNE • _' '. ,MAN

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" ~ I ; • J. A. FERRIS'"


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