comando dsadd 21429

Dsadd Agrega tipos de objetos específicos al directorio. Dsadd es una herramienta de línea de comandos que está integrada en Windows Server 2008. Está disponible si tiene instalada la función de servidor de servicios de dominio de Active Directory (AD DS). Para utilizar dsadd, debe ejecutar el comando dsadd desde un símbolo del sistema con privilegios elevados. Para abrir un símbolo del sistema con privilegios elevados, haga clic en Inicio, haga clic en símbolo del sistemay, a continuación, haga clic en Ejecutar como administrador. Comandos Comando -Descripción Dsadd computer -Agrega un solo equipo en el directorio. Dsadd contact -Agrega un contacto al directorio. Dsadd group -Agrega un grupo en el directorio. Dsadd ou -Agrega una unidad organizativa al directorio. Dsadd user -Agrega un usuario al directorio. Dsadd quota -Agrega una especificación de cuota a una partición de directorio. Creación de usuarios con dsadd Dsadd es una herramienta de la línea de comandos que sirve para agregar objetos al directorio activo. Para utilizar estas herramientas debemos instalar support tools que está en el CD de Windows Server 2008 en la ruta support\tools\ suptools.msi. Esta utilidad permite agregar usuarios al directorio incluso con la cuenta activada y con contraseña. Por ejemplo: Docente:Mg Ivan Martinez Moran –Consultor en Infraestructura Tecnologica SISTEMAS OPERATIVOS 2

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DsaddAgrega tipos de objetos especficos al directorio. Dsadd es una herramienta de lnea de comandos que est integrada en Windows Server 2008. Est disponible si tiene instalada la funcin de servidor de servicios de dominio de Active Directory (AD DS). Para utilizar dsadd, debe ejecutar el comando dsadd desde un smbolo del sistema con privilegios elevados. Para abrir un smbolo del sistema con privilegios elevados, haga clic en Inicio, haga clic en smbolo del sistemay, a continuacin, haga clic en Ejecutar como administrador. Comandos Comando -Descripcin Dsadd computer -Agrega un solo equipo en el directorio. Dsadd contact -Agrega un contacto al directorio. Dsadd group -Agrega un grupo en el directorio. Dsadd ou -Agrega una unidad organizativa al directorio. Dsadd user -Agrega un usuario al directorio. Dsadd quota -Agrega una especificacin de cuota a una particin de directorio.

Creacin de usuarios con dsadd

Dsadd es una herramienta de la lnea de comandos que sirve para agregar objetos al directorio activo. Para utilizar estas herramientas debemos instalar support tools que est en el CD de Windows Server 2008 en la ruta support\tools\suptools.msi.

Esta utilidad permite agregar usuarios al directorio incluso con la cuenta activada y con contrasea. Por ejemplo:

c>dsadd user "CN=IVAN, OU=SISTEMAS, DC=MARTINEZ, DC=LOCAL" -pwd pro1@mador -disabled no

Ejemplo:Esto nos va a aadir el usuario Ivan a la unidad organizativa Sistemas del dominio martinez.local y la cuenta estar habilitada con la contrasea puesta en el parmetro -pwd. Por defecto, si no se especifica el parmetro -disabled, la cuenta estar deshabilitada.PARAMETROS DE DSADD

dsadd user DNUsuario [-samid nombreSAM] [-upn UPN] [-fn nombre] [-mi inicial] [-ln apellidos][-display nombreDescriptivo] [-empid idEmpleado] [-pwd {contrasea *}] [-desc descripcin] [-memberof grupo ...] [-office oficina] [-tel nmeroDeTelfono] [-email correoElectrnico] [-hometel nmeroDeTelfonoParticular] [-pager nmeroDeLocalizador] [-mobile nmeroDeTelfonoMvil] [-fax nmeroDeFax] [-iptel nmeroDeTelfonoIP] [-webpg pginaWeb] [-title cargo] [-dept departamento] [-company compaa] [-mgr director] [-hmdir directorioPrincipal] [-hmdrv letraDeUnidad:][-profile rutaDeAccesoDePerfil] [-loscrrutaDeAccesoDeSecuenciaDeComandos] [-mustchpwd {yesno}] [-canchpwd {yes no}] [-reversiblepwd {yes no}] [-pwdneverexpires {yes no}] [-acctexpires nmeroDeDas] [-disabled {yes o}] [{-s servidor -d dominio}] [-u nombreDeUsuario] [-p {contrasea *}] [-q] [{-uc -uco -uci}]Parameters

Parameter Description

Required. Specifies the distinguished name of the user that you want to add. If you omit the distinguished name, dsadd takes the name from standard input (stdin).

-samid Specifies the Security Accounts Manager (SAM) name as the unique SAM account name for this user, for example, Linda. If you do not specify the SAM name, dsadd attempts to create the SAM account name by using up to the first 20 characters from the common name (CN) value of UserDN.

-upn Specifies the user principal name of the user that you want to add, for example, [email protected].

-fn Specifies the first name of the user that you want to add.

-mi Specifies the middle initial of the user that you want to add.

-ln Specifies the last name of the user that you want to add.

-display Specifies the display name of the user that you want to add.

-empid Specifies the employee ID of the user that you want to add.

-pwd {| *} Specifies that the password for the user be set to Password or an asterisk (*). If you set the password to *, dsadd prompts you for a user password.

-desc Specifies the description of the user that you want to add.

-memberof Specifies the distinguished names of the groups of which you want the user to be a member.

-office Specifies the office location of the user that you want to add.

-tel r Specifies the telephone number of the user that you want to add.

-email Specifies the e-mail address of the user that you want to add.

-hometel Specifies the home telephone number of the user that you want to add.

-pager Specifies the pager number of the user that you want to add.

-mobile Specifies the cell phone number of the user that you want to add.

-fax Specifies the fax number of the user that you want to add.

-iptel Specifies the IP phone number of the user that you want to add.

-webpg Specifies the Web page URL of the user that you want to add.

-title Specifies the title of the user that you want to add.

-dept Specifies the department of the user that you want to add.

-company Specifies the company information of the user that you want to add.

-mgr Specifies the distinguished name of the manager of the user that you want to add.

-hmdir Specifies the home directory location of the user that you want to add. If you specify HomeDirectory as a Universal Naming Convention (UNC) path, then you must specify a drive letter for dsadd to map to this path using the -hmdrv parameter.

-hmdrv : Specifies the home directory drive letter (for example, E:) of the user that you want to add.

-profile Specifies the profile path of the user that you want to add.

-loscr Specifies the logon script path of the user that you want to add.

-mustchpwd {yes | no} Specifies whether users must change their passwords when they next log on. The available values are yes and no. By default, users do not have to change their passwords (no).

-canchpwd {yes | no} Specifies whether users can change their passwords. The available values are yes and no. By default, users can change their passwords (yes). The value of this parameter must be yes if the value of the -mustchpwd parameter is yes.

-reversiblepwd {yes | no} Specifies whether to store user passwords using reversible encryption. The available values are yes and no. By default, users cannot use reversible encryption (no).

-pwdneverexpires {yes | no} Specifies whether the user password never expires. The available values are yes and no. By default, user passwords expire (no).

-acctexpires Specifies the number of days from today that the user account will expire. A value of 0 sets expiration at the end of today. A positive value sets expiration in the future. A negative value sets expiration in the past. The value never sets the account to never expire. For example, a value of 0 implies that the account expires at the end of today. A value of -5 implies that the account has already expired 5 days ago and sets an expiration date in the past. A value of 5 sets the account expiration date for 5 days in the future.

-disabled {yes | no} Specifies whether dsadd disables the user account for logon. The available values are yes or no. For example, the following command creates a Nicolettep user account in an enabled state:dsadd user CN=Nicolettep,CN=Users,DC=Widgets,DC=Contoso,DC=Com -pwd Password1 -disabled noBy default, the user account is disabled for log on (yes). For example, the following command creates a Nathanp user account in a disabled state:dsadd user CN=Nathanp,CN=Users,DC=Widgets,DC=Contoso,DC=Com

{-s | -d } Connects to a specified remote server or domain. By default, the computer is connected to the domain controller in the logon domain.

-u Specifies the user name with which the user logs on to a remote server. By default, -u uses the user name with which the user logged on. You can use any of the following formats to specify a user name: user name (for example, Linda) domain\user name (for example, widgets\Linda) user principal name (UPN) (for example, [email protected])

-p { | *} Specifies to use either a password or a * to log on to a remote server. If you type *, you are prompted for a password.

-q Suppresses all output to standard output (quiet mode).

{-uc | -uco | -uci} Specifies that output or input data is formatted in Unicode. The following list explains each format. -uc: Specifies a Unicode format for input from or output to a pipe (|). -uco : Specifies a Unicode format for output to a pipe (|) or a file. -uci: Specifies a Unicode format for input from a pipe (|) or a file.

/? Displays help at the command prompt.

Se pueden aadir otros objetos como: Computer, OU o Group. Con un poco de ingenio para aadir masivamente usuariosDocente:Mg Ivan Martinez Moran Consultor en Infraestructura Tecnologica