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Butlletí núm. 418

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Butlletí núm. 418



La setmana vinent, els Fredolics i els Rovellons, iniciarem el treball d’un

nou objectiu de “COMPARTIM EL TEMPS”:


Us demanarem la vostra col·laboració per tal de realitzar l’activitat

compartida família-escola que us detallem en una circular que

s’entregarà avui divendres 10 de març.

El conte, amb el nom i cognom del nen/a, el portaran el dilluns 12 de

març i el 19 de març, segons digui la circular que us donarem. El conte

es quedarà al col·legi uns dies fins que s’acabi l’activitat. Gràcies per la

vostra col·laboració


Els nens i nenes de la classe dels Mussols i dels Pica-soques aquestes

setmanes estem aprenent molt sobre els animals marins, on viuen,

com és desplacen, com s’alimenten, com neixen, etc.

Per continuar treballant i investigant sobre aquest tema ús demanem que

el proper dilluns dia 12-03-18 al mati, ens feu arribar una imatge o

fotografia d’un animal marí acompanyada d’un petit comentari que ajudi

al vostre fill/a a explicar aquesta informació a la resta dels seus


També podeu portar contes, llibres, joguines, animalets de peluix,

pel·lícules en CD, tot allò que faci referencia al fons marí.

Moltes gràcies per la vostra col·laboració!!!



Els alumnes del CI (1r i 2n) han de portar per la setmana vinent dues

ampolles de plàstic buides (grans o petites), per fer una manualitat a la

classe de plàstica.

Moltes gràcies per la vostra col·laboració!


El proper dijous 15 de març al matí, un grup d’infermeres ens faran una

xerrada a l’escola, sobre la higiene dental i hàbits saludables.


D’acord amb la Llei d'Educació de Catalunya i amb la legislació vigent, els

propers dies, de dilluns 12 a dijous 15, es passaran les proves

diagnòstiques a l’alumnat de 3r. Aquestes proves avaluen la

competència matemàtica i la competència comunicativa lingüística a

Català i Castellà.

Les proves es realitzaran en les sessions d’abans del pati ja que aquestes

hores permeten una major concentració per part dels alumnes.

L’avaluació diagnòstica té caràcter orientador i formatiu per als centres.

No determina, per tant, l’expedient acadèmic individual de l’alumnat.

Els resultats de la prova, conjuntament amb altres indicadors, ajuden els

centres a analitzar, valorar i reorientar, si cal, la pràctica docent per

assolir les competències i els aprenentatges que estableix el currículum.


Seguint amb el projecte de les funcions bàsiques dels éssers vius,

aquesta setmana hem començat a treballar la nutrició, concretament

l’aparell digestiu.

Per tal de realitzar una de les activitats us demanem que, pel dilluns 12

de març, tots els alumnes portin una samarreta blanca, o de color

clar, i llisa. És indiferent el tipus de màniga però és molt important que

no tingui cap estampat, lletres, ni dibuixos, ja que, com a part de

l’activitat, els alumnes hauran de dibuixar a sobre.

Com sempre moltes gràcies per la vostra col·laboració!


El proper dimarts 13 de març els alumnes de 5è passaran el dia al Parc

Arqueològic de les mines de Gavà, en el qual aprendran moltes coses

sobre el Neolític. Tot just hem acabat el tema sobre la prehistòria, per

tant serà una sortida molt profitosa!

Caldrà que portin l’esmorzar, el dinar i una llibreta amb bolígraf per

prendre apunts durant la visita a les mines.


Continuem necessitant pedres per a una sorpresa que estem preparant,

és per això que si feu alguna excursió prop d’un riu i en podeu portar,

ens fareu un enorme favor!


El proper dimarts 13 de Març anirem a la Colònia Vidal (Berga). Els

alumnes coneixeran el funcionament de la fàbrica tèxtil i com vivien els

habitants de la colònia. Cal portar esmorzar i dinar.



Fa uns dies que a 2n d’ESO estem treballant en un projecte anomenat

“La millor ruta de casa a l’escola”.

Aquest projecte es basa en

calcular la distància que hi ha de

la nostra casa a l’escola, i el

temps que hi invertim ajudant-

nos amb l’eina “Google Maps”.

A partir d’aquestes dades

(temps i distància) i amb el que

hem treballat a les classes de

física vam poder calcular la

velocitat que trigàvem en fer

aquests trajectes a peu, en

cotxe, en bicicleta, amb

transport públic, etc.

Amb la informació extreta del Google Maps, dels càlculs i els criteris que

vam creat conjuntament tots els membres del grup base (criteris que

pensem que són essencials per a nosaltres: la rapidesa, la comoditat, la

sostenibilitat, etc), vam escollir la millor ruta per anar des de casa de

cadascú a l’escola.

Després d’haver decidit la millor

ruta individualment, ens

ajudarem per grups base i

valorarem conjuntament si cada

alumne per separat ha escollit la

millor ruta de manera adequada.

Només tindrem cinc sessions per

dur a terme el treball... en

conclusió: ens haurem de posar

les piles.

Quin serà el millor transport per anar de casa teva fins a l’escola?

Ens sortirà millor anar a peu?

Amb quina ruta trigarem menys temps?

Quina serà la més sostenible?

Quina és la que més ens agrada?

Gràcies a aquest projecte ho podrem esbrinar.

Lucia Cabrera 2nA


El proper dijous 15 de març , els alumnes de 3r d’ESO realitzaran una

sortida al Parc Natural del Montseny, per realitzar La pujada al


Material necessari:

Roba esportiva del col·legi

Calçat esportiu/muntanya


Aigua i menjar per tot el dia

Mapa del itinerari que realitzarem


In honour of International Women’s Day, I have decided to devote this column entry to 7 women who have had an unmistakeable impact on

the world. The figures I have chosen are all quite different, but I think their contributions to society speak for themselves. These powerful,

principled, intelligent, dedicated, loving, fierce, flawed and complex women’s stories never fail to inspire me in my own life. Because of them,

I will always strive to be a better advocate for women and other marginalised groups. They inspire me to live my life truthfully and be led

by passion, kindness and bravery.

1. Mary Wollstonecraft

Mary Wollstonecraft was an early proponent of

women’s rights, as well as a writer and philosopher. She was born in 1759 in London.

During her lifetime she was mostly renowned

for her unconventional personal relationships that did not conform to the social order.

Nowadays she is best known for writing “A Vindication of the Rights of Woman” in 1792.

In the book, she argued that women should be granted the right to access the same

education, freedoms, respect and dignity as men. For 1792, these were widely considered

to be extremely radical, even dangerous ideas. Mary died at the age of 38 shortly after giving birth to her second

child. For almost a century after her death, her writings were largely dismissed. It wasn’t until the late 19th and early 20th centuries, with the

emergence of the women’s suffrage movement, that she was finally recognised as the pioneer that she was.

2. Mary Shelley

Mary Shelley was an author, born in 1797 in

London. Her parents were Mary Wollstonecraft and the anarchist philosopher William Godwin.

She is best known for her novel “Frankenstein”, which relates the chilling tale of a scientist who

creates a living creature in an experiment, but soon regrets his curiosity and ambition as he

realises he has created a monster. Mary Shelley is often considered to be one of the inventors of

the Gothic genre in literature, as well as the mother of science fiction. Although her work as a

novelist was recognised and respected during her lifetime, she was primarily known as the wife of

the Romantic poet Percy Bysshe Shelley, whose work she tirelessly edited and promoted. In the modern era she is remembered in her own

right, based on her own skill and merit.

3. Ada Lovelace

Ada Lovelace was a writer and mathematician, widely

considered to be one of the first computer programmers in history. Born in 1815 to Annabella

Milbanke Byron and the poet Lord Byron, she showed a

remarkable talent for mathematics as a child. Due to her family’s wealth she was educated to a high level

and enabled to pursue her fascination for mathematics and machines. She came to learn of the theoretical

work of the mathematician Charles Babbage, who proposed the concept of the Analytical Machine.

Lovelace developed the idea further and even created the programming language with which the machine

could be operated.

4. Sylvia Pankhurst

Sylvia Pankhurst was a campaigner for the suffragette movement, as well as a prominent socialist and anti-

fascist activist. She was born in Manchester in 1882 and trained as an artist at the Manchester School of

Art, and then won a scholarship to study at the Royal

College of Art in London. In the early 1900s she worked for the WSPU (Women’s Social and Political

Union), an organisation run by her mother Emmeline Pankhurst with the objective of gaining women the

right to vote and participate in the political process. The motto of the WSPU was “Deeds Not Words”.

Women’s suffrage campaigners (or “suffragettes” as they were often called at the time) spent years using

both violent and non-violent means to draw attention to the plight of women in society. They were frequently

arrested, imprisoned and even force-fed when they attempted to go on hunger strike. Sylvia gradually distanced herself from

the WSPU due to her socialist beliefs and opposition to the First World War, which were not shared by her mother Emmeline. Throughout her

life Sylvia aligned herself with socialist, pacifist and anti-imperialist

causes. She was also opposed to the concept of marriage and taking a husband’s name.

5. Frida Kahlo

Frida Kahlo was a Mexican artist, famed for her self-portraits. Born in Coyoacán, Mexico City, in

1907, she contracted polio as a child which forced her to be kept in isolation for months. As a result

of the illness she became partially disabled. Other

children bullied her because one of her legs was underdeveloped, and this caused her to grow up

introverted and lonely. At the age of 18 she met with a severe traffic accident which resulted in her

suffering from widespread pain and health problems for the rest of her life. Prior to the

accident she had hoped to become a doctor, but afterwards she began to consider a career as a

medical illustrator. She had a specially designed easel which allowed her to paint in bed. Frida strove to paint things “just

as I saw them, with my own eyes and nothing more.” Her paintings drew inspiration from traditional Mexican folk art and mythology. They often

explore themes of identity, gender, postcolonialism, race and class in Mexican society. Nowadays she is highly regarded as a feminist, disabled

and LGBTQ+ icon.

6. Nina Simone

Nina Simone was an American singer,

songwriter, pianist and civil rights activist. She was born to a poor family in North

Carolina and began playing the piano at the age of 3. She performed in her first

classical concert at the age of 12, but her parents – who had taken front row seats –

were forced to move to the back of the hall because they were black, and the front row seats were reserved for white people. Simone refused to

perform until her parents were permitted to sit at the front. She recalled this event years later and described it as one of the first instances of

racial inequality that inspired her to join the civil rights movement. As a

teenager she hoped to study classical piano at the Curtis Institute of Music in Philadelphia, but her application was denied because of her race.

She began playing the piano and singing in a bar in Atlanic City. Her performances combined jazz, blues and classical music which earned her

a legion of loyal fans. She eventually got a record deal and she began to become a household name. In the 1960s she became heavily involved

with civil rights activism and her musical output decreased. She was diagnosed with bipolar disorder later in life, and eventually came to settle

in France, where she passed away in 2003.

7. Forough Farrokhzad

Forough Farrokhzad was an Iranian poet and film director. Growing up in

Tehran in the 1930s, she was taught painting and sewing at a girls’ school

for the manual arts before getting

married at the age of 16. Two years later her marriage ended in divorce

and her ex-husband won custody of their only child. It was then that she

began to write poetry. Her work was controversial at the time because she was writing from a feminine perspective in a socially conservative

society, and her poems often delved into the taboo realm of female sexual desire. In 1962 she travelled to Tabriz and spent 12 days shooting

a documentary film about a colony for people suffering from leprosy. The film, entitled “The House is Black”, was an attempt to empathise and

humanise a highly marginalised community, as well as to show that they too could find beauty and spiritual meaning in their lives. The film was

critically acclaimed and was instrumental in the development of the “Iranian New Wave” of cinema. Farrokhzad died in 1967 in a car accident

at the age of 32.


Aquesta setmana els redactors i les temàtiques són:


Cats Carla S.S. 3rd ESO B

Gossip Girl Àfrica S. E. 3rd ESO B

One of the most difficult decisions Daniel P. O. 4th ESO B

The Greatest Showman Marta S. V. 4th ESO A

Us recordem que podeu trobar l’enllaç al bloc a la pàgina web de l’escola, o directament a : http://gepsgbcn.blogspot.com.es/



12/19 Matí P3 Conte

12 Matí P4 Imatge animal marí

13 Tot el dia 5è EP Mines de Gavà

13 Tot el dia 6è EP Colònia Vidal

15 Tot el dia 3r ESO Sortida Tagamanent

16 12:30h ESO Concurs videoclips

19-23 Tot el dia 1r a 3r ESO Treball de síntesi

19-23 Tot el dia 4t ESO Treball de recerca