asamblea general - united nations commission on ... · asamblea general comision de las naciones...

ب م' ب' '" - -*m~mrr~**-r”-~ NACIONES UNIDAS ASAMBLEA GENERAL COMISION DE LAS NACIONES UNICAS PARA EL DERECHO MERCANTIL INTERNACIONAL س© período de sesiones REGISTRO DE EXPERTOS Y ESPECIALISTAS EN DERECHO MERCANTIL INTERNACIONAL Suplemento* al Registro de-expertos y especialistas en derecho internacional® Página ' .- 3 . . . . . . . . . ..;-. ............ .. IHTRODUCCION RESPUESTAS DE'LOS GOBIERNOS . . ............ ........... . ....... Argentina 12 . . ......... .......... .............. . ٠ . ٠ ٠ Australia 16 . ........... ....... ...... Austria 18 .......... . ... ......... Costa Rica 19 . . ......... ....... ............ . .......... . . . Diriamarca 52 ...................... ............... Filipinas ..... ............. ........................... Finlandia 2h ................ . ............ .................... Francia 39 ....... . ......... ....... Honduras . 7687 / Documentos A/6677 y Add.l, A/7293 y A * 71-06858 م!• > ٠

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Page 1: ASAMBLEA GENERAL - United Nations Commission on ... · ASAMBLEA GENERAL COMISION DE LAS NACIONES UNICAS PARA EL ... el Secretario General, convenía tener en cuenta el hecho de que

٢ ءبم'ب ٣ ' '"٣ -٦ ٦ ٩ ٢ ٢ ■ -*m~mrr~**-r” -~ — ١٢






Suplemento* al Registro de-expertos y especialistas en derecho internacional®

Página ' ■ ■ ■ . -

. . . . ٠ ٠ . . . . ؛ ، . ٠ ٠ . 3 . ;-.٠ ٠ ..............٠ IHTRODUCCIONRESPUESTAS DE'LOS GOBIERNOS ■

. ٠. . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... . ....... ArgentinaAustralia ٠ ٠ ٠ . ٠ ٠ ................................... . ؛ 1216 ٠ ٠ . ٠ ٠ • ٠ . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . . . . . . Austria18 ........... . . . ٠ ٠ ٠ . . . . . . . . . Costa Rica19 . ......................................... . . Diriamarca52 ...................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Filipinas

. . . . .........................................Finlandia 2h.................................................Francia

39 •٠ ٠ ........ ٠ . . . . . . . . . ٠ . . . . . . . ٠ Honduras

.7687/Documentos A/6677 y Add.l, A/7293 y A *







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G r a n B r e t a ñ a e I r l a n d a d s l N o r t e

٠• ٠

Hungría ٠ ٠

Madagascar México . ٠ Boruega ٠ ٠

Polonia ٠ .

Portugal .R e i n o U n i d o

S u e c i a ٠ ٠ • . • ٠ ٠ ٠ . ٠ -٠ . . . .■*» . ٠

T a i l a n d i a . . . . . . . . ٠ ٠ ٠ . « .٠ ٠

Turquía ٠ ٠ ٠ ٠ ٠.. . . . .٠ ٠ . ٠ ٠ •Uganda ٠ ٠ ٠. ٠. .٠ ... .%٠، ٠ ٠ ٠ ٠ ٠ ...٠

Unión de Repúblicas Socialistas Soviéticas Venezuela ... ٠ ٠ . ٠ ٠ . . ,.٠ . . . •٠

Yugoslavia . . . . . . . . . . .........a.1 ١


Page 3: ASAMBLEA GENERAL - United Nations Commission on ... · ASAMBLEA GENERAL COMISION DE LAS NACIONES UNICAS PARA EL ... el Secretario General, convenía tener en cuenta el hecho de que

ه ح صه *ةم?ةءص ٠

n & m ■5،،

mamمإ;م'ب;أم ,'■ءآء'آتع. ؟

ء مب ■• ' أ '

fo;.:؛'¿٩ >/: ■ ..؛'• ,'i؛'.'؛ - .:Y: ؛؛.4’ ؛.'•?؛

l,.؟,Cm^4etO:,;d,,؟ cc؟tri^|í. » r>؟?؛؛|lver el.¡pnU|jn% ٠٠ «؛$«,٠٠•

Derecho reasfcil ؛,-#las Jü^io^e»,ünidas. »ara ٠.؛$ .omisión؟ d^aa^oU.^; la ٠ ■■en M 3<؟٠٠^te«í^ona3.: (CHUIJMj;) decidió, entre?tras„ .«os ؟o,en Ginebra en marzo ,d.؟ p$dir al Seci^tario G^exal ;«1969 •؛. ^i, é^éb¿؛sesi;ohe

que hiciera: . ..-..._ ؛,. . ■ • .• ■.،.-, wlo necesario para agregar loa npobres^e ■wapütm '»،؛,«•Mrédtó '!■،*«Bifcil ؛

internacional, con los datos pertinentes, para su inclusión en un suple­mento al Registro de expertos y especialistas en derecho internacional.

«según se indica en:el inciso" a) 'del hartado ii5 del pirrafo ^ ‘del íaforadel Secretario General" (A/CJf.9/27) 1/

gobiernos*ص lo®

a. En cumplimiento de esa decisión, el Secretario General pidió a los por nota verbal de 25 de febrero de 1970, ؛pie facilitaran los nombres ٠ dato» pertinentes٠ de aquéllos de sus expertos que considerasen aptos, por su experiencia y distinción ea los diversos campos del derecho mercantil internacional» para ser incluidos en el suplemento al Registro antes mencionado. Según aclaré el Secretario General, convenía tener en cuenta el hecho de que los expertos cuyos nombres se propusieran hubiesen manifestado su disposición a prestar servicios en los países en desarrollo٠ a fin de que el suplemento pudiera cons» tituir una fuente iítil para la selección de los expertos que esos país«« necesitasen*

Derecho Mercantil ص Raciones Unidas para 1 1هه/ Inferno« de la Comisión de ada en s^ segundó período de sesiones؛؛Internacional (CNUDffi) sobre la labor reali

Documentos Oficiales de la Asamblea General, vigésimo cuarto período de وا(جمرو({/sesiones" Supl«m»nto yo. 18 iA/TÜLQl pfer igo' c

Page 4: ASAMBLEA GENERAL - United Nations Commission on ... · ASAMBLEA GENERAL COMISION DE LAS NACIONES UNICAS PARA EL ... el Secretario General, convenía tener en cuenta el hecho de que



General, veintitrés gobiernos lian !،؛la nota del Secretar ه En respuesta و* facilitado los nombres y datos pertinentesde los expertos y especialistas ؛

original, , ' ' ث ف ؛ '؛,'íiKfitíidos ea:;:el";pre8eate;'suplej؛ató»"' La infbmacián *se da-en ٠٤ ضposible, con ث en 0مهةف0م ca¿^ del ruso, ÿ sè'ha revisaâo y ص ¿salvo e

٠ ®bre y apellidos» cargo actual, titule؛noK ؛arre^Lo a'los siguièntes epígrafesaaadláaieos ÿ profesional«!» experiencia profesional» esferas de especiaiizaoi&i»

principales (con respecto a estas últimas» por razones ' ' % ة€هةئهههقتهغ ,idiomasde espacio, sálo se dan los títulos de libros*)

- «Registro se revisará periódicamenteئ' .k


Page 5: ASAMBLEA GENERAL - United Nations Commission on ... · ASAMBLEA GENERAL COMISION DE LAS NACIONES UNICAS PARA EL ... el Secretario General, convenía tener en cuenta el hecho de que

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ALEGRIA, Héctor.

Profesor de Derecho Comercial y Privado de la Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires ؛ Presidente de la Comisión Nacional de Valores.

Doctor en Derecho.

Enseñanza del Derecho Comercial desde 196 en la Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires؛, la Universidad del Salvador, la Universidad Argentina de la Empresa, la Universidad Católica de Mar del Plata y la Universidad Católica Santa María de los Buenos Aires; Secretario del Juzgado Nacional de Primera Instancia en lo Comercial (1958-1963)؛ Juez Nacional de Primera Instancia en lo Comercial (1963-1969)• Ha asistido a varios seminarios y conferencias nacionales y regionales sobre diversos aspectos del derecho comercial. Miembro de varias comisiones gubernamentales para la reforma de las leyes comerciales. Miembro de varias asociaciones de derecho comercial. Arbitro de la Comisión Interamericana de Arbitraje Comercial.

Papeles de comercio, Derecho Mercantil y arbitraje comercial int ernac ional.

Sociedades Anónimas, 3a. impresión (1962). Varios artículos sobre diversos aspectos del derecho comercial.


CAMARA, Héctor Rafael.

Profesor de Derecho Comercial de la Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba; Director de la Sección de Derecho Comercial del Instituto de Derecho Comercial y de la Navegación de la Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba.

Nombre y apellido

Cargos actuales

Títulos académicos y profesionales


Esferas de especialización


Nombre y apellido

Cargos actuales

Títulos académicos Abogado (193^); Doctor en Derecho y Ciencias Sociales (192*؛) y profesionales por la Universidad Nacional, de Córdoba.

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6l.؛?/A/CN٤ Page

Enseñanza de diversos aspectos del derecho comercial, incluidos los instrumentos negociables, el derecho mercantil y los seguros desde 3 ا9ال . Miembro de la Academia de Derecho de Córdoba desde 1963. Delegado a varias conferencias jurídicas nacionales e internacionales. Miembro de la Comisión Asesora y Revisora de la Ley de Sociedades y de la Ley de Seguros. Miembro de la Comisión Revisora de Legislación Mercantil. Miembro de la Cámara de Apelaciones en lo Civil y Comercial de la Ciudad,de córdoba (1955-1963). Miembro del Tribunal Superior de Justicia de la Provincia de Córdoba desde 1963.

Derecho Mercantil, instrumentos negociables, seguros y Derecho Marítimo.

^ulación en los actos jurídicos, 2a. ed. ( ا9و8ئ) Seguro obligatorio de automotores (responsabilidad civil) ( ا9هبإ ) ; Contrato de transporte de cosas ( 8 ا9ا ) ; Sociedades de Economía Mixta ( ا95لب ); Disolución y Liquidación de Sociedades Mercantiles, 2a. ed. (1962)أ Prenda con Registro o Hipoteca Mobiliaria (1961)؛ Letra de cambio y vale o pagare.


CCLOMBRES, Gervasio R.

Profesor de Derecho Comercial de la Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Políticas de la Universidad Católica Argentina Santa María de los Buenos Aires.

Abogado ( ا9لب9ث) Doctor en Derecho y Ciencias Sociales (1953) por la Universidad de Buenos Aires.

Director y Profesor del Curso de especialización para abogados asesores de empresas; Jefe de Investigaciones del Instituto de Derecho Comercial y de la Navegación de la Facultad de Derecho de Buenos Aires desde 1957 ؛؛ Representante de la Argentina en la Comisión de las Naciones Unidas para el Derecho Mercantil Internacional (CNUDMI)؛ Miembro y Coordinador de la Comisión encargada de proyectar la reforma de la legislación mercantil;Miembro de la Comisión Redactora de la Ley sobre Oferta pública de títulos, valores, bolsas y Cercados de comercio y mercados de valores; Asesor del Gabinete del Ministro de Justicia de la Nación; Miémbro de la Asociación de Derecho Internacional; Miembro del Consejo Consultivo y del

ARGENTINA (continuación)


Esferas de especialización


Nombre y apellido

Cargo actual

Títulos académicos y profesionales


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Tribunal Arbitral de la Cámara Argentina de Comercio؛ Miembro de la Comisión de Derecho Comercial en la Conferencia celebrada en Buenos Aires por la Federación Interamericana de Abogados ; Miembro de la Asociación Argentina de Derechos de Seguros.Instrumentos negociables, ؛Derecho Marítimo, arbitraje comercial internacional, seguros y Derecho Societario.

Curso de Derecho Societario, parte general, vol. I (196*0 ؛Curso de Derecho Societario, parte general, vol. II (1966); La Teoría del Organo en la Sociedad Anónima (196؛)+؛ varios artículos sobre diversos aspectos del Derecho Comercial.


FARGOSI, Horacio P,Profesor de Derecho Comercial,

Doctor en Derecho.

ARGENTINA (continuación)

Enseñanza del Derecho Comercial en la Facilitad de Derecho de la Universidad de Buenos Aires, la Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Políticas de la Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina, la Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas de la Universidad del Salvador؛ Representante de la Federación Argentina de Colegios de Abogados en la Comisión Asesora Consultiva y Revisora sobre la Ley General de Sociedades; Presidente de la Comisión de Derecho Comercial del Consejo Consultivo de la Cámara Argentina de Comercio؛ Miembro de varias comisiones asesoras gubernamentales sobre legislación comercial؛ Miembro del Instituto Argentino de Derecho Comercial, de la Asociación Argentina de Derecho Comparado, de la Rama Argentina de la Asociación de Derecho Internacional, del Consejo Consultivo de la Cámara Argentina de Comercio, del Tribunal Arbitral de la Cámara Argentina de Comercio. >

La Affectio Societatis (1955)؛ Suspensión de Administradores de Sociedades Comerciales (1959)؛ Cuatro Aspectos del Nuevo Régimen del Cheque (1963); muchos artículos sobre diversos aspectos del Derecho Comercial.

Esferas de especialización


Nombre y apellido

Cargo actual

Títulos académicos y profesionales




* * * * * *

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FONTANARROSAو Rodolfo Oscar.

Profesor de Derecho Comercial de la Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Políticas de la Universidad Nacional del Litoral (Rosario).

Abogado (1933)؛ Doctor en Derecho ( 6 ا9ا ) por la Universidad Racional de Buenos Aires.

Miembro de dos comisiones asesoras gubernamentales de legislación nacional que se ocupan de instrumentos negociables y de otros aspectos del Derecho Comercial (seguros generales و

transferencias de fondos y fideicomisos). Juez de Primera Instancia en lo civil y Comercial en los Tribunales de Rosario ( 6 ا9بإ3ا-9بإ ) , Vocal de la c^؛ara de Apelaciones en lo Civil y Comercial en los Tribunales de Rosario ( 5 ا9بإ6ا-9أ ). Juez de la Corte Suprema de la Provincia de Santa Fe (junio de 1955-octubre de 1955). Ha participado en varias conferencias y seminarios nacionales y regionales sobre diversos aspectos del derecho comercial.

Derecho comercial argentino (parte general) (2 ة( ا95و a. ed.ا9ة3و) 3) a. ed. (2 آغ ا9و) a. impresión (1969); Derecho comercial argentino. Doctrina general de los contratos comerciales (1969); El nuevo régimen jurídico del cheque, la. ed. (1965), 2a. ed. (1966), 3a. ed. (1968)ئ varias monografías y artículos.



Profesor de Derecho Comercial de la Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires. Juez de la cámara Nacional de Apelaciones en lo Comercial.

Abogado (1929)؛ Doctor en Derecho (1939) por la Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires -

Enseñanza del Derecho Comercial desde ا93لب . Delegado del Poder Judicial y Presidente de la Comisión Revisora del Anteproyecto de Ley General de Sociedades. Vicepresidente Permanente de la Association Internationale pour l'étude du droit des assurances (Roma). Presidente de la Asociación Argentina del Derecho del seguro. Delegado del Poder Judicial de la Nación y de la Facultad de Derecho para la reforma de la legislación mercantil.

ARGENTINA (continuación)

Nombre y apellido

Cargo actual

Títulos académicos y profesionales



Nombre y apellido

Cargos actuales

Títulos académicos y profesionales


Page 9: ASAMBLEA GENERAL - United Nations Commission on ... · ASAMBLEA GENERAL COMISION DE LAS NACIONES UNICAS PARA EL ... el Secretario General, convenía tener en cuenta el hecho de que


Derecho de seguros.

Acción directa de la víctima contra el asegurador del responsable civil del daño. Contrato de seguro (seguros terrestres) (196U)؛ Sociedades de responsabilidad limitada,5a. ed.' (1966)؛ Manual de sociedades anónimas, 3a. impresión; Sociedades comerciales - parte general - (196U); La resolución de los contratos comerciales (1965)؛ Curso de derecho comercial, vol. I, (1967)؛ numerosos artículos sobre diversos aspectos del derecho comercial.

* * * * * *


Profesor de Derecho. Director Ejecutivo de Espasa-Calpe Argentina, S.A.

Abogado, Universidad de Buenos Aires.

Profesor de Derecho Monetario y Bancario de la Facultad de Derecho de la U.C.A.؛' Titular de Legislación Económica de la Facultad de Economía de la Universidad Católica;Profesor de Principios de Economía Política de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas de la Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires; Profesor del Curso Especializado de Asesoría Jurídica de Empresas (para abogados) de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires;Profesor Investigador del Centro de Investigaciones del Departamento de Administración de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas de la U.C.A.؛ miembro de la Asociación de Derecho Internacional.

Pagos internacionales, Derecho Bancario y Monetario.

El Dinero y las Estructuras Monetarias (1965)3 2a. ed. (1967)؛ Manual del Crédito Documentario (1966); Evolución Monetaria Argentina (1968); varios artículos.

ARGENTINA (continuación)

Esfera de especialización


Nombre y apellidos

Cargos actuales

Títulos académicos y profesionales


Esferas de especialización


* * * * * *

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Profesor de Derecho Comercial de la Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba.

Abogado (1936); Doctor en Derecho (19U0) por la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba.

Vicedecano de la Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad Nacional de córdoba (1965-1966); Decano (1966-1970). Miembro de la Academia Nacional de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales de córdoba; Vicedirector del Instituto de Derecho Comercial y de la Navegación en la Facultad antes nombrada, encargado de la Sección de Derecho Comercial; Miembro de la Asociación Argentina de Derecho Comparado; Miembro de la Asociación Argentina de Derecho de Seguro (Rama argentina de la Association internationale pour l'étude du droit des assurances); Miembro del Instituto Argentino de Estudios Legislativos (Buenos Aires); Miembro de la Comisión Organizadora del Congreso Nacional de Derecho Comercial, celebrado en Rosario (agosto de 1969)5 bajo el patrocinio de la Universidad Nacional de Rosario; Miembro de la Comisión de Reformas a la Legislación Mercantil Argentina. Ha participado en muchas conferencias nacionales e internacionales sobre diversos aspectos del derecho comercial.

Instrumentos negociables.

Verificación y calificación de créditos (Tesis doctoral)) El endoso de la letra de cambio ؛ (1963) والأ)اب Naturaleza .jurídica del desapoderamiento del deudor a raíz de su declaración en quiebra ( ا9ا2ة) La letra de cambio - Análisis de doctrina, legislación y .jurisprudencia ( ا9بألب ); varios trabajos y artículos.


RAY, José Domingo.

Profesor de Derecho déla Navegación de la Universidad de Buenos Aires. D i ^ c t del Instituto de Derecho de la Navegación de la Universidad de Buenos Aires.

ARGENTINA (continuación)

Nombres y apellidos

Cargo actual

Títulos académicos y profesionales


Esfera de especialización


Nombre y apellido

Cargos actuales

Abogado ( 5 ا9ا ); Doctor en Jurisprudencia.Títulos académicos y profesionales

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Miembro de la Mesa Permanente del Comité maritime international y de la Asociación Argentina de Derecho Marítimo.; Representante de la Repم lica Argentina en las conferencias diplomáticas de Bruselas en 1957 y 1967; ha asistido a varias conferencias del Comité maritime international y de la Asociación de Derecho Internacional; miembro de las Comisiones Revisoras del código de la Navegación.

Derecho Marítimo ء

ARGENTINA (continuación)

Derecho de la Navegación (I96U); numerosos artículos sobre el derecho de la navegación.



Profesor de Derecho Comercial de la Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires.

Abogado (1929)؛ Doctor en Jurisprudencia (19؛+ ) por la Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires.

Abogado de la Anglo-Argentine Transways Co., Ltd. (1936-1938) Asesor Letrado de la Corporacion de Transportes de la ciudad de Buenos Aires (1936); Profesor de Derecho Comercial desde 19^6; Jefe del Departamento de Investigaciones del Seguro del Instituto de Derecho Comercial y de la Navegación; Juez de la Cámara Nacional de Comercio (1955-1963؛ ejerció la presidencia en dos períodos); Ministro de la Corte Suprema de Justicia de la Nación (jubilado en 1966). Estudio jurídico dedicado exclusivamente al asesoramiento, arbitrajeso consultas de grandes empresas comerciales del país y del extranjero; ha participado en varias conferencias nacionales e internacionales sobre diversos aspectos del Derecho Comercial.

Código de comercio comentado (eds. de 1959٠ 1961, 1965)؛ Publicidad Comercial. Su régimen legal (19^7)؛ Dibujos y modelos industriales (1962); Asesoramiento Legal de las Empresas (1966); Empresa Comercial. -Su concepto jurídico.


Esfera de especialización


Nombre y apellidos

Cargo actual

Títulos académicos y profesionales



* * * * * *

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Sir Hayden Starke professor of law, Monash University.

M.A., Cantab.; of the Middle Temple; barrister-at-law.

Former director of a Lawasia research project on Asian contract law; presently directing a major research project on credit and security arrangements in Asian countries.

Contract, credit and security arrangements.



Professor of law, Australia National University.

M.A., B.C.L., Oxon.; barrister-at-law.

Involved in teaching and research in international sale of goods since 195؛*.

International sale of goods.

The Sale of Goods, 1957; 2nd ed. , 1963; 3rd ed., 1966.


Present position

Educational andprofessionalqualifications


Fields of spécial interest


Present position

Educational andprofessionalqualifications


Field of special interest

Ma j orpublications

* * * * * *

BRENNAN, Gerard Antony

Senior lecturer in law, University of Melbourne.

LL.B. (Hons.), Melbourne; LL.M., London. Admitted as barrister and solicitor in Victoria and as solicitor in the United Kingdom.


Present position

Educational andprofessionalqualifications

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AUSTRALIA (continued)

International shipping legislation and international commercial arbitration.

English, French, Italian.

Field of special interest




Senior lecturer in law and sub-dean, Faculty of Law, Monash University.

B.A.؛ LL.B; Dip. Ed.؛ barrister-at-law.

Considerable amount of research on international business transactions. In 1969, legal adviser in the Kingdom of Lesotho (United Nations appointment).

International business transactions.


Present position

Educational andprofessionalqualifications


Fields of special interest

* * * * * *


Professor of law, Sydney University.

LL.M., Sydney; S.J.D., Michigan; barrister-at-law of the Supremem Court of New South Wales and Tasmania.

Teaching conflict of laws since i960 and a post-graduate course on international business transactions since I968. Advised the Australian Government on the conflict aspects of the Hague Conventions on the International Sale of Goods, 196؛

Private international law.


Present position

Educational andprofessionalqualifications


Field of special interest

English, Dutch, German, French.Languages

Conflict of laws in Australia, 1968.Maj orpublications

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AUSTRALIA (continued)


Professor of international law, University of Adelaide.

B.A., LL.M., Auckland; Ph.D., LL.D., Cambridge.

Professor of international law since 1962. Rapporteur of the International Law Association's Committee on State Succession since i960. Chairman of the Australian Deep Sea Mining Committee. Advised several new States on questions of international law.

International law.

English, German, French.

International Law, 196؟; State Succession in Municipal Law and International Law, 1967.


Present position

Educational and professional quali fi c at i on s


Fields of special interest





Professor of law, University of Tasmania.

For the last three years, has been involved in research on behalf of the Law Association for Asia and the Western Pacific on Asian contract law and the legal aspects of development finance and its security in several Asian countries. In 1969, he was one of the Australian representatives at the Conference of Development Banks held by the Asian Development Bank in Manila.

International sale of goods and provision of finance for development and its security.

Part author of Asian Contract Law, I969.


Present position


Fields of special interest

Maj orpublications

* * * * * *

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AUSTRALIA (continued)


Professor of law and dean of the Faculty of Law, University of Queensland.B.A., LL.M (N.Z.)؛ Ph.D., Melbourne; barrister-at-law and solicitor of the Supremem Court of New Zealand.

Teaching commercial law, including various aspects of international trade law, since i960 at university level. American Council of Learned Societies research scholar at Harvard University, 1966-1967.Law of contracts, sale of goods and various other aspects of commercial law.

English, French.

Law of Sale of Goods in Australia and New Zealand, 19&7١ several articles dealing with various aspects of commercial law.


Present position

Educational andprofessionalqualificationsProfessionalexperience

Fields of special interest


Maj orpublications


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FROTZ, Gerhard. ¥ilhelm

Professor of commercial law, University of Vienna.

Baccalaureate, study of law, junior lawyer examination,1952; four years of practice at courts؛ junior barristerex^ination, 1957.

Scientific assistant with special emphasis on civil law, trade law and comparative law, 1957-1966ئ lecturer on trade law, including company law and securities, at the University of Tuebingen, Germany, 1966؛ deputy holder of the Chair of commercial law, University of Bochum, Germany, 1966-1967؛ University professor at Vienna since April 1967; vice-chairman of the Vienna Institute for Trade and Security Law؛ consultant to the Austrian Banker's Association and the Control Bank; holder of a work contract with the Ministry of Finance.

International sales, international commercial arbitration, trade representation and insurance.

German, English, French.

Various publications dealing with civil law, trade law and company law.



Professor of law, University of Commerce in Vienna.

Graduate of the University of Commerce, Vienna, 1931؛ doctor of law, 1932, University of Vienna.

Formerly lecturer in law. University of Berlin, 1935 anc؛؛■ professor of law at Charles University in Prague; lecturer in commercial law, University of Commerce in Vienna, 1962; appointed professor of commercial law in 1967; technical advisor and member of the Commission for Banking Techniques and Banking Practice for more than 1ه years.


Present position

Educational andprofessionalqualifications


Fields of special interest


Maj orpublications


Present position

Educational andprofessionalqualifications


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AUSTRIA (continued)

International payments and international commercial arbitration.

German, French, English.

Contributed to works on bank guarantees and documentary letters of credit؛ published a number of articles on international trade law and documentary collection.

Fields of special interest


Ma j orpublications


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Profesor Alterno de Derecho Mercantil de la Universidad de Costa Rica.

Abogado y Notario practicante; asesor legal de varias empresas nacionales y extranjeras; Profesor Alterno de Derecho Comercial desde 1965. 'Miembro de la Junta Directiva de la Union Costarricense de Abogados (I966-I967); Tesorero de la Junta Directiva del Colegio de Abogados (desde 1970)؛ Miembro de la Federación Interamericana de Abogados.

Español e ingles.

Jurisprudencia Comercial dictada en Costa Rica, coautor (1960-1966).



Profesor de Derecho Comercial de la Universidad de Costa Rica; Jefe de la Sección de Derecho Privado de dicha Facultad.

Abogado por la Universidad de Costa Rica; Notario Público.

Registrador de la Propiedad; Abogado y Notario en ejercicio desde 1955; Presidente de la Unión Costarricense de Abogados (1958-1959); Juez Suplente del Tribunal de lo Contencioso Administrativo y Civil de Hacienda; Profesor de Derecho Comercial desde 1963.


Comisionistas y Corredores (196U); Curso de Derecho Mercantil - Texto y Material de Estudio, 5 vols. (I968-I969) varios artículos sobre diversos aspectos del derecho comercial.

Nombre y apellidos

Cargo actual

Títulos académicos y profesionales


Publicaciones principales v

Nombres y apellidos

Cargos aétuales.

Títulos académicos y profesionales




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Name GOMARD, Bernard

Present position Professor of law, University of Copenhagen.

Educational and Cand. jur., 1950; Dr. Juris, 1958•

Teaching and carrying out.research in commercial law since legal advisor to the Association of Danish Insurance ؛1951Companies and to the Danish Atomic Energy Commission; member of the Appeal Board for Monopoly Control.

Fields of special Company, antitrust law and insurance, interest

Languages The Scandinavian languages, English, German, French.

Major Aktieselskabsret (Law of corporations)¿ 1970, and otherpublications textbooks on Danish law in the fields mentioned above.

* * * * * *

Name J0RGËNSEN, Stig

Present position Professor of law, University of Aarhus.

Educational and Cand. jur., 199+؛ ; Dr. juris, 1957•professionalqualifications

Teaching and carrying out research in the law of obligations, including national and international commercial law, since 19^9,.

Fields of special The law of contracts, interest

Languages The Scandinavian languages, English, German, French.

Major Fire obligationsretlige afhandlinger (Four papers on the lawpublications of contracts and torts), 1965; Dansk Forsikringsret I-II

(insurance law), 1965-1966; Vertrag und Recht, 1968;Fuldmagtsproblemes (Problems of agency), 1968.





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DENMARK (continued)


Professor of law, Copenhagen School of Commercial Science,

Cand. jur. , 197+؛; Dr. juris, 1963.

Teaching and carrying out research in international commercial law and private international law, since 1951; general reporter to the International Encyclopedia of Comparative Law, vol. Ill, on private international law and contracts.

Private international law and comparative commercial law.

The Scandinavian languages, English, German, French.

Kontraktsstatuttet (The proper law of contract); The Law of Trade with Eastern Europe; co-editor of Bibliografisk introduktion til frermnedlog Komparativ ret (Bibliographical introduction to foreign and comparative law); Udeurigshandelens Kontrakter (international trade law respecting contracts).


Present position

Educational andprofessionalqualifications


Fields of special interest




LYNGS0E, Preben

Lecturer in law, University of Aarhus.

Cand. jur., 1963.

Teaching and carrying out research in the law of obligations since 1965.

Law of insurance and negotiable instruments.

The Scandinavian languages, English.

"The Statute on Cheques and Bills of Exchange"; co-editor of "Dansk Forsikringsret I and II"; "Third Parties Rights against the Insurer" (National report to the Third World Congress of AIDA, Paris, 1970).


Present position

Educational aridprofessionalqualifications


Fields of special interest



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DENMARK (continued)


Professor of law, University of Copenhagen.

Cand. jur., 1951؛ Dr. juris, 1962.

Teaching and carrying out research in public and private international law and law since ا9و3ئ chairman,Maritime Law Reform Committee; chairman of the Danish delegatic^s to the Brussels conferences on maritime law since 1967; member of ^he Danish delegation to the Hague conferences; advisor to various Danish trade associations.

Private international law, company law, antitrust law.

The Scandinavian languages, English, French.

American-Danish Private International Law, 1957; Studies in the theory of International Company Law, 1962; ”Danish Private and Procedural International Law", ا9هآ .


Present position

Educational andprofessionalqualifications


Fields of special interest




Lecturer in law at the University of Aarhus,

international student at University College year, and at the Scandinavian Institute of five months.

Cand. jur. of London : Maritime L;

Teaching and carrying out research, inter alia, in maritime law since 1967.

Maritime law.


Present position

Educational andprofessionalqualifications


Fields of special interest

The Scandinavian languages, English, German, Spanish.

Deviationsansvaret ; s^retten (Deviation in maritime law) Laerebog; Soret (textbook on maritime law).


Maj orpublications


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GODENHJELM, Berndt Adolph Fredrik Leonard

Professor of law, Helsinki University


corresponding member ا9و1ئ Teaching civil and trade law since of the Ligue internationale contre la concurrence déloyale ئ

secretary of the Finnish group of the Association Internationale pour la protection de la propriété industrielle

Finnish delegate at ؛and chairman of its Executive Committee many international conferences concerning industrial

legislation. ■،؛protection and international paten

.Industrial design protection and international patent law

Swedish, Finnish, English, French, German.

Patentskyddets Omfang pa basen av patentansprakets funktionella innehall (on the extent of patent protection with reference to the functional contents of the patent application); Utlandsk och internationell patentratt (foreign and international patent law); Internationellt privatrattsliga fragor inom patentratten (international aspect of private (legislative character in the patent) legislation)؛ Laroboki kontraktsratt (textbook on contract law).

JOKELA, Heikki Ensio

Professor of law, Helsinki University.


Teaching private international law since 1966؛ member of the Finnish delegation to the Conference of private international law at the Hague, I96U-I969.


Present position

Educational andprofessionalqualifications


Fields of special interest




Present position

Educational andprofessionalqualifications

Professional ' experience

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FINLAND (continued)

Private international law.Fields of special interest

Finnish, Swedish, English, German.

Irtaimen kaupasta kansainvalisen yksityisoikeuden kannalta (On trade from the viewpoint of the international private law).




SUNDSTROM, Georg Oliver Zacharias

Special University lecturer at Stockholm University.

LL.D. , M.C.L., University of Chicago; Master of Letters, Cambridge University.

Visiting lecturer at the University of California, 1965؛ professor at the Haile Selassie University (Addis Ababa, Ethiopia), I967-I969; prefect at the Institute of Comparative Law at the University of Uppsala, Sweden, Department for African Law؛ member of the Board of the Finnish Department of the Comité Maritime.

Shipping legislation and comparative African law.


Present position

Educational andprofessionalqualifications


Fields of special interest

Swedish, Finnish, English.

Om normkbllision vid fartygs sammanstotning (on collision between ships); Three Discussions on the conflict of laws.



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BIGOT, Jean.

Professeur à la Faculté de droit d'Orléans. .

Agrégé des Facultés de droit (section droit privé'

Titulaire de la chaire de droit des assurances à la Faculté de droit d'Orléans; enseignement de doctorat sur le ,,contrat d'assurance en droit international". Professeur à la Faculté de droit de l'Université de Tunis de 1962 à 1967• Liaison avec les autorités chargées des questions d'assurances. Membre de l'Association internationale du droit de l'assurance (AIDA); chargé de 1* intervention de la. délégation française au Congrès de Paris en 1970• Membre de l'international Law Association; directeur de la collection ”Jurisciasseur - Responsabilité civile et Assurances".

Droit international des assurances.

Français, anglais.



Etudes etqualificationsprofessionnelles


3Suranc،questions de droitDivers articles sur

Domaines de spécialisation




BREDIN, Jean-Denis.Nom

Professeur de droit à l'Université Paris IX; directeur du département juridique.

droit, docteur en droit, licenciéAgrégé des Facultés es lettres.

Fonctions actuelles ■

Etudes etqualificationsprofessionnelles

Nombreux enseignements de droit international. Avocat à la Cour de Paris depuis 1 0 .وو


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Droit international privé; droit international commercial.

Français,, anglais.

Auteur avec Y. Loussouarn du Traité de droit commercial international, Sirey, 1969, collaborateur du Journal de droit international.

FRANCE (suite)

dABRILLAC, Michel.

Professeur à la Faculté de droit et des sciences économiques , de Montpellier.

Doctorat en droit, licence ès lettres, agrégation des Facultés de droit (concours de droit privé آووا). Lauréat de l'Académie française.

Enseignement à la Faculté de droit de Tunis de 1 8 à 1 وو 2 .ةوEnseignement de droit commercial européen à 1a. Faculté de Montpellier.

Droit bancaire, effets de commerce, titres de crédit et de paiement, sûretés réelles.

Fra.n؟ais, anglais.

Le chèque et le virementj 1967ئ El cheque y la transferencia,1969.


Professeur honoraire de la Faculté de droit de Bordeaux; avocat honoraire de la Cour d'appel,de Pau.

Domaines de spécialisation





Etudes etqualificationsprofessionnelle


Domaines de spécialisation


Principales publications



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Etudes juridiques et économiques. Docteur en droit, agrégé des Facultés de droit. Doyen honoraire.

Quarante années d'enseignement dans les Facultés de droit. Ecole de commerce. Ecole d’administration d أ outre-mer (cours de droit international : droit maritime, droit commercial). Ancien premier président de la Cour d’appel de Bas^ia; membre permanent du Comité maritime international; participation aux travaux et au Congrès du Comité en vue de la préparation des conventions maritimes internationales. Membre de International Law Association (Commission des grands fonds marins et Commission du droit aérien); rapporteur d’un projet de convention sur les naviplanes; président honoraire de l'Association française de droit maritime. Collaboration à la refonte du livre II (commerce maritime) du Code de commerce ainsi qu’à l'étude du problème de la pollution des mers. Membre du Comité directeur de la Société française de droi؛: aérien et spatial. Rédacteur du projet devenu loi du 2 mars آووا sur la responsabilité de transporteur aérien. Ancien membre du Conseil quadripartite de contrôle ف Berlin.

Droit maritime, droit aérien, assurances et effets de commerce.

Français, anglais.

Notes concernant le droit maritime, le droit aérien, l ’assurance maritime, la, législation des effets de commerce. Divers articles dans revues françaises et étrangères.

FRANCE (suite)

DAVID, René.

Professeur à la Faculté de droit d'Aix-Marseille.

Docteur en droit (Paris); Ph.D. (Cambridge); LL.D. honoris causa (Edimbourg), docteur honoris causa- de !’Université libre de Bruxelles.

Etudes etqualificationsprofessionnelles


Domaines de spécialisation





Etudes etqualificationsprofessionnelles

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Professeur aux Facultés de droit de Grenoble ( 1929“ 19 -3)> de Paris (1945-1970) et d’Aix-Marseille (depuis 1970). Secrétaire général adjoint de l'UNIDROIT (1930-193^)• Auteur de 1*avant-projet de Code civil éthiopien; chargé de 1a. codification du droit privé au Rwanda. Représentant de la France auprès de la Commission des Nations Unies pour le droit commercial international (CNUDCl) (première, deuxième, troisième et quatrième sessions).

Contrats en général; unification du droit; arbitrage.

FRANCE (suite)

Français, allemand, anglais, espagnol, italien, russe.

Arbitrage commercial en droit comparé. Unification du droit.


EISEMANN, Frédéric.

Directeur du département des questions juridiques et des pratiques commerciales à la Chambre de commerce inter­nationale (CCI); Secrétaire général de la Cour d'arbitrage auprès de la CCI.

Docteur en droit.

Ancien attaché chargé de recherches à l'institut de droit comparé de l'Université de Paris; maître de conférences à l'institut européen d'administration des affaires (iNSEAD, Fontainebleau), à l'institut de commerce international (ICI) et à l'Association pour l'organisation des stages en France (ASTEF, Paris). Conseiller juridique des commissions de la CCI chargées de l'étude des problèmes concernant l’arbitrage international, la technique et les pratiques bancaires, les pratiques commerciales internationales. Diverses missions pour la CCI auprès de l'organisation des Nations Unies et d■1 organisations non gouvernementales.

Etudes et qualification,؛


Domaines de spécialisation





Etudes etqualificationsprofessionnelles


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Legislation et pratique en matière d'arbitrage commercial international; unification et harmonisation du droit régissant les contrats de vente internationale; régime inter­national des opérations de financement du commerce extérieur (crédits documentaires, effets de commerce, encaissement de papier commercial, etc.)•

Français, anglais, allemand.

Le crédit documentaire dans le droit et dans la pratique, 1963 !traduit en allemand et en portugais); divers articles et notes concernant des questions de droit commercial international.

FRANCE (suite)


FOUCHARD, Philippe.

Professeur à la Faculté de droit et des sciences économiques de Dijon.

Agrégation des Facultés de droit (droit privé).

Enseignement du droit commercial et du droit international privé à la Faculté de droit de Dijon (196I-I965 et 1969-1970) et à la Faculté de droit d'Abidjan (Cote d'ivoire) (1966-1969); enseignement, en doctorat, à la Faculté de Dijon, du droit des contrats commerciaux internationaux (1969-1970). Recherches sur l'arbitrage'commercial inter­national (thèse de doctorat : I96I-I963 et travaux postérieurs). Direction de la Revue de l'arbitrage, publiée par le Comité français de l'arbitrage. Conseils épisodiques donnés à des membres de l'administration de la République de Cote d'ivoire.

Arbitrage commercial international; droit des contrats commerciaux internationaux; droit des investissements internationaux.

Domaines de spécialisation





Etudes etqualificationsprofessionnelles


Domaines de spécialisation

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FRANCE (suite)

Français, anglais.

L'arbitrage commercial international, 1965. Divers.articles.





GAVALDA, Christian.

Professeur à la Faculté de droit et des scienc؛ de Paris-Ouest.

Agrégation des Facultés de droit et des sciences économiques.

Professeur à l'institut international d'administration publique; membre du Comité de droit international privé et de l'international Law Association. Enseignement touchant les problèmes posés par le financement du commerce inter­national, à la. Faculté de droit de Dijon et aux stagiaires étrangers de l'institut international d'administration publique. Direction de séminaires sur le financement du commerce extérieur. Direction de travaux sur le crédit inter­national (1970)-

Problèmes du crédit à l'exportation et aux importations] financement du commerce international et aide au dévelop­pement; assurance crédit internationale.

Français, allemand, anglais.

L'harmonisation (européenne) des législations bancaires, 1970. Divers articles.



Etudes et qualifications profes sionnelles


Domaines de spécialisation



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FRANCE (suite)

G0LBMA.N, Berthold.

Professeur à la Faculté de droit et des sciences économiques de Paris.

Agrégé des Facultés de droit.

Professeur ف la. Faculté de droit de l’Indochine ( ل1ولئ)ور واص professeur de droit commercial à la Faculté de droit de Dijon ( ا9لوب ~ i960); professeur à la Faculté de droit de Paris, titulaire -de la. chaire de droit commercial européen depuis 1964. Avocat à la Cour اجappel de Paris (1946-1960). Rédacteur en chef du Journal du droit international, du Jurisclasseur de droi^ international et du Jurisclasseur de d^oit comparé. Président du groupe d'experts gouverne- mentaux chargé de préparer, dans le cadre de la. Communauté économique européenne, les conventions relatives aux sociétés prévues à l'article 220 du Traité de Rome. Consultant auprès du Gouver؟ement du Royaume-Uni sur un problème relatif à l'application de la Convention européenne des droits de■, l'homme et auprès du Gouvernement de la République algérienne sur des problèmes relatifs aux conséquences juridiques des mesures de nationalisation en Algérie.

Contrats internationaux de construction et d’installation d’usines dans les pays développés ou en voie de développement sociétés aya^t une activité internationale] arbitrage commerc^'l international; droit commercial européen.

Français, anglais, allemand, italien et roumain.

Précis de droit commercial européen, 1970; divers articles'.



Etudes etqualificationsprofessionnelles


Domaines de spécialisation




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FRANCE (suite)

KAHN, Philippe.

Charge de recherche au Centre national de la. recherche scientifique.

Docteur en droit; lauréat du concours général des Facultésde droit (1955)•

Enseignement ؛ cours de droit commercial international (Faculté de droit de Dijon, diplôme d'études supérieures de droit privé); problèmes juridiques des affaires (Centre d'administration des entreprises de Dijon). Participation au séminaire de droit international des affaires de 1*Ecole supérieure de commerce et d,'administration des entreprises de Paris. Directeur du Centre de recherche sur le droit des marchés et des investissements internationaux du Département des relations internationales de l'Université de Dijon.Ancien secrétaire juridique de la Conférence diplomatique sur l'unification du droit de la vente internationale (La Haye, 1964); rapporteur général de la Commission de l'international■Law Association sur les investissements étrangers dans les pa.ys en voie de développement. Secrétaire général de la rédaction du Journal du droit international.

Les contrats, spécialement le contrat de vente et le contrat d'investissement, dans les relations économiques inter­nationales; les investissements étrangers dans les pays en voie de développement. Sociétés internationales. Arbitrage commercial international.

Français, anglais.

La vente commerciale internationale, 196l; divers articles et notes.



Etudes etqualificationsprofessionnelles


Domaines de spécialisation




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FRANCE (suite


Professeur à la Faculté de droit et des sciences économiques de Paris.



Docteur en droit; agrégé des Facultés de droit; doyen honoraire de la Faculté de droit et des sciences économiques de Rennes.

Professeur de droit depuis 19^9> enseignement : droit civil, droit commercial, droit international privé, droit comparé. Membre de la délégation française à .la Conférence de La Haye de droit international privé depuis 1956• Arbitre dans de nombreux litiges en droit commercial international.

Problèmes d'établissement et de sociétés.

Etudes etqualificationsprofessionnelles


Domaines de spécialisation

Français, anglais.Connaissanceslinguistiques

Traité de droit du commerce international, en collaboration avec J. D. Bredin, 1969J Précis de droit international privé; Les conflits de lois en matière de sociétés, 194-9؛ divers articles.


* * * * * *

Nom du PONTAVICE, Emmanuel.

Fonctions Professeur des Facultés de droit et des sciences économiques, actuelles

Etudes et Agrégé des Facultés de droit, diplômé de l'institut d’étudesqualifications politiques de Paris, licencié ès lettres, professionnelles

Plusieurs années d’enseignement du droit commercial, du droit maritime et du droit aérien.


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FRANCE (suite

Droit des sociétés, droit maritime, droit aérien.

Français, anglais, allemand.

Divers articles et notes.


Domaines de spécialisation




ROBERT, Jean Edmond Achille.

Avocat à la Cour d'appel de Paris.

Docteur en droit; diplômé de 1’Ecole des hautes études commerciales.

Professeur de droit des affaires à !,Ecole des hautes études commerciales. Vice-Président de la Cour d’arbitrage de la Chambre de commerce internationale. Conseil du Gouvernement polonais (Ministère du commerce extérieur). Secrétaire général du Comité français de l'arbitrage. Rédacteur en chef de la Revue de ■1*arbitrage. Membre du comité de redaction de la Common Market Law Review (jusqu’en 1969)•

Français, anglais.

Arbitrage civil et commercial (droit interne et droit international privé), quatrième édition; divers articles.



Etudes etqualificationsprofessionnelles




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. ROBK)T, René Cyprien.

Professeur à la Faculté de droit et des sciences économiques de Nancy.

Docteur en droit ( ا93ءة Paris); agrégé des Facultés de droit (droit ؟rivé, 1 3 وا ).

Doyen des Facultés de droi^ de Nancy (1956-1961) et Phnom Penh ( غوا1-1و6)و ئ recteur de !'Université de Madagascar (1968- وا6إل ) multiples enseignements de droi^ commercial international et comparé aux Facultés de droit de Nancy et Phnom Penh et à l'université de sciences comparées de Luxembourg. Préparation de la rubrique Negotiable instruments dans 1’International Encyclopaedia of Comparative Law; expert du Gouvernement cambodgien pour les questions juridiques et spécialement pour la préparation d'un code des investissements étrangers.

Effets de commerce; sociétés et établissements publics à caractère industriel et commercial.

Français, anglais, italien.

La politique des nationalisations et le droit international, 1950; £.es relations commerciales des entreprises assujetties à la Communauté européenne du charbon et de !,acier, !956.


FRANCE (suite)


Professeur à la Faculté de droit de Paris. Directeur de !,Institut de droit comparé de Paris.



Etudes et qualifications profes sionnelles


Domaines de spécialisation





Agrégé des Facultés de droit (?arisEtudes etqualificationsprofessionnelles

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Trente-cinq ans d،enseignement dans les Facultés de droit.

Droit commercial maritime, droit commercial des transports.

Français, anglais, espagnol.

Traité générai de droit maritime, tome I, 1968; tome II, 1969; tome III, 1970; Droit des transports (4 volumes), tome I,1953; tome II, 1955; tome III, 196l; tome IV, 1962; diverses études pour la Commission économique pour l'Europe.

****** .

FRANGE (suite)


Professeur de droit international et de d^oi^ européen des affaires, chef des départements juridique et international à 1'Ecole supérieure de commerce de Paris; professeur ف 1 س ل ا1س de droit appliqué de Paris.

Doctorat en droit (Paris); Académie de droit international(1933, 193^ 1935).

Membre du Comité français de droit international privé.Ancien avocat ف la Cour de Paris, spécialisé en droit i. .ter- national e^ européen des affaires; conseiller juridique de la République démocratique du Viet’Nam à Paris; rapporteur, et rapporteur général, ف plusieurs congrès internationaux de droit européen (droit des sociétés et; de la. propriété industrielle); Rapporteur à l'international Law Association, branche française (droit de la concurrence) et à l'Association internationale des avocats, section internationale (droit des sociétés); conférencier (1959-1968) ف !'Ecole supérieure de l'intendance mili^ai^e (droit économique international); membre du groupe des "principaux collaborateurs" du Journal de droit international et du Juriscla.sseur de droit internati؟nal.


Domaines de spécialisation







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FRANCE (suite)

Droit international et européen de la concurrence et de la propriété industrielle; problèmes relatifs à la concentration.

Français, allemand, anglais, italien, roumain.

Droit international des affaires, ا97ل (Presses universitaires de France); divers articles.

Domaines de spécialisation



* * * * * *


Frofesseur à la Faculté de droit et des sciences économiques de Clermont-Ferrand; doyen de la Faculté.

Docteur en droit; agrégé des Facultés de droit.

Enseignement du droit commercial et du droit international privé à la Faculté de droit de Clermont-Ferrand; direction de recherche à la. même Faculté sur le droit bancaire et les problèmes juridiques du financement des entreprises; cours à l’institut de droit comparé de l ’Université de Paris sur le contrôle du crédit en droit comparé; consultations pour des banques françaises et étrangères sur des problèmes de droit bancaire international.



Etudes etqualificationsprofessionnelles


Droit des sociétés.commerciales, droit de la concurrence; droit bancaire et financier.

Français, anglais, allemand.

Le crédit documentaire, étude juridique d'un instrument financier du commerce international, 1957; divers articles etnotes.

Domaines de spécialisation



* * * * * *

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FRANCE (suite)

TUNC, André.

Professeur à la Faculté de droit et des sciences économiques de Paris.

Professeur agrégé des Facultés de droit ( وامم)ب

Conseiller juridique au Fonàs monétaire international depuis 194-7; conseiller juridique à la Commission économique des Nations Unies pour l'Europe ( ل9و7-لنرووو membre e^ rapporteur de la Commission spéciale créée par la Conférence diplomatique de La Haye de 1 1 pour élaborer un projet d'e loi uniforme ووsur la vente internationale; directeur d’une traduction française de !’Uniform Commercial Code effectuée par Mme Lambrechts.

Vente international٠

Français, anglais.

Commentaire des Conventions de La Haye du 1er juillet 1964 sur la vente internationale des objets mobiliers corporels et sur la formation des contrats de vente (édité par le Ministère de la justice des Pays-Bas et reproduit dans les Actes et Documents de la Conférence diplomatique); divers articles sur les Conventions de La Haye.


VASSEUR, Michel Joseph.

Professeur à la Faculté de droit et des sciences économiques de Paris.



Etudes et qualifications



Domaines de spécialisation





Agrégé des Facultés de droit.Etudes etqualificationsprofessionnelles

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FRANCE (suite)

Enseignement du cours de droit commercial européen à Lille (1962-I966); cours de doctorat sur le droit comparé des sociétés commerciales; actuellement chargé du cours de droit commercial et du cours de droit et économie bancaires. Membre du Conseil consultatif de législation commerciale (section droit international) au Ministère de la justice. Auteur d’un rapport préliminaire sur la création d’une société de type européen (Ministère des finances et Commissariat général au plan). Représentant de l’institut pour !,unification du droit privé (UNIDROIî) aux réunions préparatoires organisées par l’ONU sur la création d'un titre de paiement international. Membre du Comité juridique de la Fédération bancaire du Marché commun. Membre du Comité monétaire de l’international Law Association.

Banques; effets de commerce; sociétés.

Français, anglais،-

Divers articles.


Domaines de spécialisation




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GUTIERREZ, Laureano.Profesor de Derecho de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras.

Abogado؛ Notario Público; estudios postgraduados en la Universidad de Harvard.

Director de la División Legal del Banco Central de Honduras.


ORTEZ COLINDRES, Enrique.Cargo actual Presidente del Banco Centroamericano de Integración Económica.

Títulos académicos Abogado; Notario Público; Graduado de la Universidad de y profesionales París.

* * * * * *

Nombre y apellido RAMIREZ, Roberto.

Profesor de Derecho de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma 'de Honduras.

Abogado; Notario Público.

Ex Decano de la Facultad de Leyes de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras; Presidente del Instituto Centroamericano de Derecho Comparado; Presidente del Banco Central de Honduras.

* * * * * *

ZACAPA3 Francisco.Profesor de Derecho de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras.

Títulos académicos Abogado; Notario Público, y profesionalesExperiencia Ex Decano de la Facultad de Leyes de la Universidad Nacionalprofesional Autónoma de Honduras.

Nombre y apellido

Cargo actual

Cargo actual

Títulos académicos y profesionalesExperienciaprofesional

Nombre y apellido

Cargo actual

Títulos académicos y profesionales


Nombre y apellidos

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Deputy head of the Legal Department, Ministry of Foreign Trade.

LL.D., Budapest; aspirant to the science of international private law.

Practising lawyer from 1951؛ legal adviser of various foreign trade companies since i960؛ in 1968, became acting head of the Legal Department of the Ministry of Foreign Trade; significant experience in international commercial transactions as well as in negotiation and conclusion of inter-State treaties; member of the Drafting Committee of International Private Law; teaching international trade law under the auspices of the College of Foreign Trade since 1965

Commercial agency and commission; international sale of goods

English, German, French, Hungarian.

"International Trade Law" (textbook of the College of Foreign Trade, in Hungarian), 1970; "The Contracts of Commercial Agency" (Transactions of the postgraduate course for foreign trade lawyers, Wo. 12), in Hungarian; "The Legal Status of Commercial Agencies", in Hungarian (Rattsfr§gor i Ost - vast handeln, No. 3, 1969, in Swedish).


EÔRSI, Gyula

Professor of civil law at the "Eotvos Lorând" University, Budapest ; head of the Civil Law Section of the Institute of Jurisprudence, Hungarian Academy of Sciences.

LL.D., member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.


Present position

Educational andprofessionalqualifications


Fields of special interest




Present position

Educational andprofessionalqualifications

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Teaching comparative law courses , including international commercial law, at the "Eotvos Lorand" University, Budapest; Visting professor for four years at the Faculté Internationale de Droit Comparé, Luxembourg; visiting professor at the Law Faculty of the University College, Dar es Salaam, 1967•

International sale of goods.

HUNGARY (continued)

Hungarian, English, German, French.

A number of articles on the unification of the law of international trade and other comparative commercial law subjects.



General Counsel and Director of the National Bank of Hungary.

Professor of Law at.the University of Szeged; LL.D.J Doctor ئ0 ط ه Hungarian Ac^emy of Sciences.

Theoretical and practical work in the field of the law of international payments, law of banking and foreign exchange regulation; lectures at the University of Szeged (financial Taw).'

Negotiable instruments (bills of exchange, cheques, etc,)؛ guarantees and securities; bankers٠ commercial credits; foreign exchange legislation.

Hungarian, English, French, German.

Banking Business in Socialist Countries with spécial regard to East-West Trade (in English) 1968؛ Das Devisenrecht in Ungarn ا9لئجب Ungarisches Devisenrecht 6 ا9ب؛ ; contributed to other works on international trade law.


Fields of special interest




Present position

Educational andprofessionalqualifications


Fields of special interest



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RECZEI, Laszlo

Professor of law, Karl Marx University for Economics, head of the chair for international relations.

Law degree؛ LL.D.؛ postgraduate diploma required for judges and practising lawyers ئ candidate of legal sciences.

Practising lawyer in commercial and civil cases, 5 ا933ا-9ءإ chief draftsman, Ministry of Justice, ا9إل5ة chief of Law Department in the Ministry of Foreign Trade, ا9ب؛6أ University professor of law, lecturing on civil and commercial law and private international law, since 1953أ arbitrator on the panel of the international arbitration at the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce.

,Private international law؛ international sale; international arbitration, etc.

Hungarian, English, French , German.

"Private International Law" (Hungarian, one German edition);' various other publications, mainly in French and German.

* * * * * *

HUNGARY (continued)


Head of the Legal Department of the Ministry of Foreign Trade; professor of law, College of Foreign Trade.

LL.D.; postgraduate training and diploma required for judges and practising lawyers.

Practising lawyer from 1955؛ legal adviser of various foreign trade companies; first senior officer, later head of the Legal Department of the Ministry of Foreign Trade; member of drafting committee on several national and international legislations ; significant experience in the practise of international commercial transactions and treaty practice.


Present position

Educational andprofessionalqualifications


Fields of special interest




Present position

Educational andprofessionalqualifications


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HUNGARY (continued)

International sale of goods.

Hungarian, English, German, Russian.Several publications on questions of trade law in Hungarian; Hungarian Foreign Trade Lav in English, French and German.

Fields of special interest


Ma,1 orpublications

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Assistant à la Faculté de droit depuis trois ans.

Licence en droit, licence ès lettres; diplômes d'études supérieures de droit privé, de sciences pénales et de philosophie.

Droit international privé, droit du- travail, droit commercial.

Français, malgache, anglais.



Etudes et qualifications


Domaines de spécialisation



Licence en droit, diplômes d'études supérieures de droit public et de droit privé, doctorat de droit commercial. Diplôme de l'institut d'études judiciaires de Madagascar.

Consultations lors de la formation de sociétés à partici­pations internationales; spécialisation en droit comparé des sociétés commerciales.

Etudes etqualificationsprofessionnelles


Constitution, organisation et fonctionnement de sociétés commerciales de droit international.

Malgache, français, anglais.

La constitution des sociétés commerciales en droit comparé. Ta paraitre).

Domaines de spécialisation




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Nombre y apellidos BARRERA. GRAF, Jorge.

Cargo actual Profesor de Derecho Mercantil de la Universidad NacionalAutónoma de México.

Títulos académicos Licenciado en Derecho, y profesionales

Experiencia profesional

Esfera de Compraventas internacionales,especialización

Idiomas Español, francés, inglés, italiano y portugués.

Publicaciones La Reglamentación Uniforme de las Compraventas Internacionalesprincipales de Mercaderías (1965).


Nombre y apellidos BRISEÑO SIERRA, Humberto.

Cargo actual Profesor de Derecho de la Facultad de Derecho de laUniversidad Nacional Autónoma de México desde i960.

Títulos académicos Licenciado en Derecho, y profesionales

Esfera de Arbitraje,especialización

Idiomas Español, francés, inglés, italiano y portugués.

Publicaciones Una monografía sobre arbitraje,principales

Representante 19+،5؛ Profesor de Derecho Mercantil desde de México en la Comisión de las Naciones Unidas para el

Presidente del (؛Derecho Mercantil Internacional (CNUDMI Grupo de Trabajo de la CNUDMI sobre compraventas


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Nombre y apellidos CERVANTES AHUMADA, Raúl.

Cargo actual Profesor de Derecho de la Facultad de Derecho de la UniversidadNacional Autónoma de Mexico desde 19 0.

Títulos académicos Licenciado en Derecho, y profesionales

Esfera de Pagos internacionales,especialización

Idiomas Español؛, francés؛, inglés,, italiano y portugués.

Publicaciones Una monografía sobre títulos de crédito,principales


Nombre y apellidos DIAZ BRAVO, Arturo.

Cargo actual Profesor de Derecho de la Facultad de Derecho de laUniversidad Nacional Autónoma de México desde 1958.

Títulos académicos Licenciado en Derecho, y profesionales

Esfera de Seguros.especialización

Idiomas Español, francés, inglés, italiano y portugués.

* * * * * *

Nombre y apellidos MANTILLA MOLINA, Roberto.

Cargo actual Profesor de Derecho Mercantil de la Facultad de Derechode la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México desde 1939•

Títulos académicos Doctor en Derecho, y profesionales

MEXICO (continuación)

Esferas de Pagos internacionales y seguros,especialización

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Español3 francés, inglés, italiano y portugués.

Autor de diversas obras sobre Derecho Mercantil.

MEXICO (continuación)




Nombre y apellidos MINVIELLE MARABOTO, Carlos.

Licenciado en Derecho؛ cursos de postgraduado en la Universidad de París.

Transporte marítimo.

Español, francés, inglés, italiano y portugués.

Títulos académicos y profesionales

Esfera de especialización


* * * * * *


Profesor de Derecho Mercantil de la Universidad de Nuevo León desde 1954.

Pagos internacionales, agencia y seguros.

Español, francés, inglés, italiano y portugués.

Nombre y apellidos

Cargo actual

Esferas de especialización


* * * * * *


Profesor de Derecho Internacional Privado de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México desde 1952.

Licenciado en Derecho.

Arbitraje comercial internacional y conflictos de leyes.

Español, francés, inglés, italiano y portugués.

Nombre y apellido

Cargo actual

Títulos académicos y profesionales

Esferas de especialización


* * * * * *

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Advocate of the Supreme Court, Oslo.

Law de§ree, 1 2 وا , University of Oslo; research fellowship at University of Oslo, 1 -آبإو1و5ته special graduate student at Harvard Law School, 1 9 باو8-1ولب •, admitted to practise before Supreme Court in 1955.

Served in Norwegian Ministry of Justice, London, 5 ا9لا-بأب9ا ; assistant Judge, 8 ا9لب5—ا9لب ; lectured on the law of contracts at the University of Oslo, ل9ال6ا-95ثه pra،:tising since 9 ا9لب in the fields of international maritime law, patent and trade mark. Chairman of the Norwegian Association for Industrial Law; Norwegian representative to the Executive Committee of the International Association for the Protection of Industrial Property, and lectured in this field.Appointed by the International Bar Association as chairman of a committee to prepare a report on the international shipbuilder contract and the unification of national laws relating to registration of ships under construction.Maritime insurance law; industrial law and law of contracts.

Norwegian, English.

Several articles in different fields of commercial and industrial law.


Advocate of the Supreme Court, Oslo.

Law degree, 1938, University of Oslo. Awarded the King's Gold Medal by the University of Oslo in 195^ for a dissertation on collective bargaining agreements and the duty to avoid industrial disputes in Norwegian labour law. Admitted to practise before the Supreme Court in 1955•


Present position

Educational andprofessionalqualifications


Fields of special interest




Present position

Educational aridprofessionalqualifications

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Deputy Judge ا9بأ0ا-9ب؛2؛ law practice, 5 ا9لب2ا-9بأ . Chief of section؛ Directorate for Enemy Property, ل9إل5ا-9لآب . Lectured in labour law at the University of Oslo. Member of the Norwegian delegations to International Labour Conferences, ا9لب8-ل9آآو legal adviser to the Norwegian Association of Employers, ا9لب8ا-95آ ; managing director of the Norwegian Association of Insurance Companies from 1957. Participated in the work of the Insurance Committee of OECD؛ participated in the collaboration between European insurance associations, through "Comité Européen des Assurances" which deals with questions relating to the harmonization of insurance legislation and to the public regulation of the insurance business.

Labour law, international regulation of insurance.

Norwegian, English, French.

"Collective Bargaining Agreements and the Duty to Avoid Industrial Disputes", Oslo 1956 (in Norwegian). Some articles in professional journals on the work of OECD, and EEC in the field of insurance law.

NORWAY (continued)


R0ED, Ole Torleif

Advocate of the Supreme Court, Oslo.

Law degree 1935, University of Oslo, Admitted to practise before the Supreme Court 19؛+T.

Has practised extensively over 30 years in the field of international private law, including sales, international payments, international maritime law, commercial arbitration, agency and insurance. Specializes in handling international and foreign briefs.

International private law.


Fields of special interest




Present position

Educational andprofessionalqualifications


Fields of special interest

Norwegian, English, French, German.Languages

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NORWAY (continued)

Books and articles on international law and private international law, including a publication on the international aspects of the administration and settlement of estates.


SMITH, Carsten

Professor of law, University of Oslo.

Law degree, 1956, University of Oslo. Studies in the Netherlands, 19571 France, 1958; United Kingdom, 1961.Doctor juris, 1964; fellowship at University of Oslo from1957.

Deputy judge i960. Engaged in law practice since 1956. Responsible for the teaching of commercial law and credit and monetary law, including international aspects of these disciplines, at the University of Oslo since i960. Chairman of a Royal Commission for the revision of Norwegian legislation concerning commercial representatives. Member of the Royal Commission for the revision of Norwegian legislation concerning the monetary and central banking system. Lectured on international law.

Legal questions with regard to finance and credit institutions and their activities, including international payments.

Norwegian, English.

Garantioppgj<¿r (enforcement of guarantees) and studier i garantiretten (studies in the law of guarantees). Several publications and articles in the fields of international law and the Norwegian (and Nordic) law of property.

* * * * * *

SELMER, Knut S. .

Professor of insurance law, University of Oslo.

Law degree, 1940, University of Oslo. Qualified as average adjuster, 1954; doctorat de l'Universitê de Paris 1955؛ Doctor juris, 1958, University of Oslo. Studies in the



Present position

Educational andprofessionalqualifications


Fields of special interest




Present position

Educational andprofessionalqualifications

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United Kingdom and France, 1952-1953؛ held fellowship at the University of Oslo 1953-1958.

Deputy judge 1949-1952. Teaching insurance law, including marine insurance, and civil law in general at the University of Oslo since 1959; from 1958 to 1968, secretary of a committee to revise the Norwegian conditions of marine insurance; prepared the "Norwegian Marine Insurance Plan of 1964" and the "Norwegian Insurance Plan for the Carriage of Goods of 1967", both with printed preparatory works.

Marine and transport insurance, insurance law in general, and maritime law.

English, French, German.

"The Survival of General Average. A Necessity or an Anachronism?"-(doctoral dissertation), and works referred to above. Several other publications in Norwegian.

* * * * * *

NORWAY (continued)

VOGT, Johan H.L.

Advocate of the Supreme Court, Oslo.

Norwegian law degree, 1944 (after examination held in Sweden) admitted to practise before the Supreme Court, 1956.

Practising in the fields of maritime law and marine insurance since 1947 ; attorney for the Central Association of Marine Insurers, 1946-1965 ; partner in the firm of Vogt, Ditley- Simonsen and Irgens from 1966; legal adviser to the Imperial Government of Ethiopia, 1959-1961, with main responsibility for drafting legislation relating to territorial waters, fisheries, ports, registry of shipping, surveying of ships, manning of merchant vessels etc.

Maritime law.

Norwegian, English, German.

A number of articles in the field of maritime law.


Fields of special interest


Ma j orpublications


Present position

Educational andprofessionalqualifications


Fields of special interest




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MIRANDA, Gregorio S.

President, Better Brokerage Services, Inc.

Ph.D., 1955 (University of Santo Tomas).

Chairman and professor of economics, University of the East; professorial lecturer, Graduate School, University of Santo Tomas; guest lecturer, National Defence College of the Philippines. Formerly, reviewer, Foreign Affairs٠ Examination, University of Manila; formerly, examiner,Board of Examiner for Customs Brokers ; member, American Economic Association.

International trade, tariffs, customs, commercial policies and commercial agreements.


International Trade, a textbook widely in use in colleges and universities in the Philippines ; Introductory Economics; International Marketing; Importation and Exportation; Business and Government; Elements of Business Finance; Basic Marketing ; Introduction to Study of Business in the Philippines ; and numerous articles in journals, magazines and newspapers.


Present position

Educational andprofessionalqualifications


Fields of special interest




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Professor of law, University of Maria Sklodowska-Curie, Lublin.

Doctor of law. i

Teaching trade law since 1946؛ managing the chair of mercantile la؛w; member of the editorial board of the monthly review Paristwo i Prawo (State and law); president of Polish group of the International Association for the Protection of Industrial Property (AIPPI); 1931-1951, practising in finance and banking laws ; arbitrator in the State General Economic Arbitration Court in Warsaw, 1951-1956.

Banking, securities, sale of goods and industrial property.

Polish, Russian, German, French, English.

More than 70 publications, in Polish, including books and articles on various aspects of commercial law. Among other books: "Limited Liability of a Merchant", 1938; "state Enterprise", ا9لآب ; "The Role of .Arbitration in Socialist Economy", ا95لب .


Present position

Educational andprofessionalqualifications


Fields of special interest




GORSKI, Wladyslaw

Professor of law at Szczecin School of Economics.

Doctor of law.

Teaching commercial law, law of transport, maritime law and transport insurance, since 1947•

Transport law, maritime law, transport insurance.


Present position

Educational andprofessionalqualifications


Fields of special interest

Polish, English, Italian, German, French, Hungarian.Languages

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"Consignment Note", in Polish, 1959؛ "Carriage of Goods Contract", in Polish, 1968؛ Transport Insurance", in Polish, 1964; 2nd ed., 19683 ؛rd ed. , 1970؛ "The Law of Transport", in Polish, I966; 2nd ed., 1968 - jointly with L. Babinski.


POLAND (continued)


Associate professor, Faculty of Law, Warsaw University.

Doctor of law (i960).

Legal counsellor of the Polish Chamber of Foreign Trade, 1957-1962, Associate professor since 1967; deputy director of the Institute of Civil Law, Warsaw University؛ head of postgraduate studies on ,legal problems of foreign trade at the same University؛ legal consultant to the Ministry of Foreign Trade of Poland since 1967 ; listed on the panel of arbitrators of the Court of Arbitration at the Polish Chamber of Foreign Trade since 1969; vice-president of the Polish branch of the International Law Association; rapporteur at a number of international conferences and symposia and member of the editorial board of several Polish periodicals.

International sales, agency, international commercial arbitration, international payments, legal regulation of foreign trade.

Polish, English, French, Russian, German, Italian, Spanish.

"Contract of Sale in International Trade - Methods and Forms of Regulation", in Polish, 1966; "Enterprises in International Trade - Legal Problems" under printing by the Polish Chamber of Foreign Trade. Over 30 articles in different languages dealing with various aspects of international trade law.



Present position

Educational andprofessionalqualifications


Fields of special interest



* * * * * *

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MANOWSKI, Zbigniew L.

Head of Legal Department of Polish Chamber of Foreign Trade.

LL.M., Nicolas Copernicus University.

POLAND (continued)

Worked in Polish General Consulate in Berlin, 1946-1949• Legal counsellor for the Central Enterprise for Projecting on Industrial Architecture and with Provincial Enterprise for Municipal Trade in Warsaw, 1952-1956. Assistant professor, chair of laws, at the Main School of Planning and Statistics in Warsaw, I956-I96I; Secretary of the Court of Arbitration, legal counsellor and since 1962 head of Legal Department of the Polish Chamber of Foreign Trade; lately, lecturer at Polish Economics Association, on the settlement of disputes in international trade; editor of "The Law in Foreign Trade" issued in Polish by the Polish Chamber of Foreign Trade since 1962; expert in área of international commercial arbitration, in the Polish delegation for 44th session of Executive Committee of CMEA; leader of the delegation of Polish experts for the Working Group on International Commercial Arbitration of CMEA.

International commercial arbitration, organization of information and consultation in the field of international trade law.

Polish, Russian, English, German.

Several articles and contributions on international commercial arbitration and other aspects of international trade law published in Poland, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia and other socialist countries.


MATYSIK, StaniskaW

Professor of maritime and civil law at the University of Gdansk and Torun, Poland.

Doctor of law.

Present position

Educational andprofessionalqualifications



Fields of special interest




Present position

Educational andprofessionalqualifications

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POLAND (continued)

Chairman of the Polish Maritime Law Association؛ member of the Bureau of the International Maritime Committee, Antwerp, Belgium; vice-chairman of the International Court of Arbitration for Marine and Inland Navigation at Gdynia,Poland؛ vice-chairman of the Panel of Liability for Nuclear Ships, convened in 0 ا9ج by the International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna؛ member of the Panel on Legal Implications of Disposal of Radioactive Waste into the Sea, convened in 1961 by the International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna; member of the Polish delegation to the Diplomatic Conferences on Maritime Law in Brussels, 196 ,آوواl, 19621969 , ء ا9آة .Unification of maritime law and arbitration in maritime cases.

Pplish, English, French, German.

"A handbook of the maritime law", 1st ed., 19592 ؛nd ed. , 1963 and 3rd ed., 1967, in Polish; La distinction du contrat d'affrètement et du contrat de transport de merchandises ; 1969؛ "The ice-clauses in the Baltic charter-parties", 1969, in Polish.



Advocate and member of the Arbitration Court at the Polish Chamber of Foreign Trade.


Twenty years of practice in international trade law including legal advice, mainly to governmental agencies, especially government-owned enterprises, in their dealings with commercial institutions in Europe, Asia and Africa.

International sales, especially contracts for building of vessels, for mechanical engineering works and for consulting; international commercial arbitration in the above-mentioned areas; general conditions of sale, and the law of international trade in socialist countries.


Fields of special interest




Present position

Educational andprofessionalqualifications


Fields of special interest

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POLAND (continued)

Polish , English, French, German.

Several articles and contributions in various languages published in Polish and international comparative and trade law journals.



Professor of law at the Faculty of law, Warsaw University.

LL.M., 1955؛ Dr. jur. , 1961؛ Dr. agrégé, 1968؛ Diplômes de droit comparé, I962 et d’études supérieures de droit comparé1963 ,؛, de la Faculté internationale pour l'enseignement du droit comparé, Strasbourg, France.

Teaching at the Faculty of law, Warsaw University, since 1955; research fellow at the Institute of Air and Space Law, McGill University, Montreal, Canada, 1966-1967؛ delivered lectures on different aspects of international commercial law at several foreign universities such as Harvard, Berkeley, Chicago, Washington, McGill and at the International Faculty of Comparative Law in Strasbourg, France. Member of several international law associations and rapporteur at several international congresses of law, e.g., general rapporteur at the Congress of Comparative Law in Strasbourg in 1964 on the legal regime of international trade.

International sales, especially: liability for damages and non-performance of contracts ؛ international transport law, especially international air law; jurisdiction of courts and enforcement of foreign judgements and arbitral awards.

Polish, English, French, Spanish, German, Russian.

"Air Carriers ٠ Liability in International and Comparative Law" in Polish, 1968؛ "International Jurisdiction of Domestic Courts in Civil Cases" in Polish, 1962؛ over 50 articles in various languages published in international trade and comparative law journals.




Present position

Educational andprofessionalqualifications


Fields of special interest


جس ة م . »


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POLAND (continued)

TRAMMER, Kenryck.

Professor of International Private Law.

Late barrister, LL.D.

Vice-president of the Special Commission of International Commercial Arbitration, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe; chairman of the International Court of Arbitration for legal relations incident to maritime shipping, in Gdynia; chairman of the Court of Arbitration at the Polish Chamber of Foreign Trade in Warsaw; member of the Cor nittee of International Commercial Arbitration in the International Law Association, London.

International commercial arbitration.

Polish, French, German, English, Russian.

Several articles and contributions to works, in English and French. More than 200 publications in Polish and about 60 translations from English, French, German and Russian.


WARKAJ،3؛j0 , Witold

Ordinary professor at the Faculty of law and administration, University of Warsaw.

LL.D., University of Warsaw, 1939; diplomas of the Faculty of law, University of Paris and the Academy of International Law of the Hague, Holland.

Teaching civil law, insurance law and trade law since 1951؛ former counsellor in the Polish Ministry of Work and Social Assistance; chairman of the Polish Association for Insurance Law; member of the Presidential Council of the International Insurance Law Association.


Present position

Educational andprofessionalqualifications


Fields of special interest


Maj orpublications


Present position

Educational andprofessionalqualifications


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POLAND (continued)

Law of contract: liability for non-per’formance and force majeure- insurance law and international commercial arbitration.

Polish, English, French, German, Russian, Latin, Hungarian.

"Law and risk", in Polish, 1 +؛و9ئ "Industrial and other personal injuries compensation", in Polish, 1951؛ "Liability for damage; function, types, limits" in Polish, 1962؛ ,Property insurance - insurance protection of social property؛؛in Polish, 1958, ا9ة5و 1و6و * The Problem of Nationalized Property Insurance under printing,, Rome ئ Respective rules of state and employer in the provision for old age under printing, Oxford, England.

Fields of special interest



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Professor of law



Professor of law

* * * * * * * *


Professor of law



Professor of law

* * * * * * * *


Present position


Present position


Present position


Present position


* Other particulars will be published when available.

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Professor of private international law, University of Stockholm.

International arbitration.

"International law in retrospect and prospect", "The Swedish conflict of laws"; "The law of nations".

EEK, Hilding



Member of the Stockholm Civil Court.

Participated, as a member of the Directorate of Legal Affairs of the Council of Europe, in the preparation of various conventions, inter alia, on arbitration, establishment of companies, patents, and foreign money liabilities؛ participated, as a legal adviser to the Swedish Ministry of Justice, in the elaboration of several conventions, e.g., the Hague Conventions of 1964 on the International Sale of Goods and on the Formation of Contracts of Sale. Participated in the Tenth and Eleventh Hague Conferences on Private International Law and in the Intellectual Property Conference of Stockholm, 1967.

Industrial property and private international law.

Swedish, English, French.

"The 1964 Hague Conventions on Sales".

* * * * * *


Present position

Fields of special interest



Present position



Fields of special interest




Present position Professor of science of law, University for Commerce,Goteborg.

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SWEDEN (continued)

International maritime law and charter law.

"The charterer’s right of recession and the legal character of maritime charter in Swedish law"; "On the liability for unloaded but not delivered goods in connection with transport by sea". ؛

Fields of special interest


* * * * * *


Professor of insurance law, University of Stockholm.

Insurance; international sales and payments.

"Insurance Law".



Present position

Fields of special interest



Professor of public jurisprudence, University of Uppsala.

International sales and payments.

"Foreign exchange restrictions and private international law studies in the recognition of foreign, penal, revenue, confiscatory and political laws in different legal systems"; "The general approach to foreign confiscations".


Present position

Fields of special interest


* * * * * *

LAGERGREN, Gunnar Karl Andreas

President of the Court of Appeal for Western Sweden at Goteborg.


Present position

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B.A, , Stockholm University, 1934؛ LL.B., Stockholm University, •doctor honoris causa, Uppsala University, 1965 ؛1937

Judge of the Stockholm Court of Appeal, 1957-1966؛ president of the Court of Appeal for Western Sweden at Goteborg, since 1966؛ arbitrator in cases submitted to the Court of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce, Paris, since 1949؛ president of the Commission on International Commercial Practice of the International Chamber of Commerce, Paris, 1951-1967؛ since 1967, honorary president of the Commission; member of the International Court at Tangier, 1953-1956؛ vice-president of the Arbitral Commission on Property, Rights and Interests in Germany, Koblenz, neutral member of the French-German Arbitration ؛1956-1969Court at Saarbriicken, 1959؛ president of the third division of the Supreme Restitution Court for West Germany, Herford, since 1964; president of an Italian-Scmali Arbitral Tribunal in Mogadiscio, 1964؛ chairman of the Indo-Pakistan Western Boundary Case Tribunal, Geneva, 1965-1969؛ member of the Permanent Court of Arbitration at The Hague, since 1966; arbitrator of the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes, New York, since 1967.

International arbitration.

SWEDEN (continued)

"Delegations regarding Conciliation and Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce".



Vice-president of the 12th division of the Svea Court of Appeal.

LL.B., 1939, Stockholm University.

Educational andprofessionalqualifications


Fields of special interest

Ma j orpublications


Present position

Educational andprofessionalqualifications

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SWEDEN (continued)


Judge in lower courts, 1939-1959ئ Justice of appeal since chairman of the Commercial Settlement Division, High ؛1959Court of Ethiopia; president of the Federal High Court in Erithrea and president of its Admiralty Division, 1950-1955; also worked in Palestine, 1957, and in Cyprus, 1964.

Private international law and international maritime and charter law.

Swedish, English, German, Italian.

"fiaritime court procedure for Ethiopia" and a number of articles.


Fields of special interest





Assistant professor in civil law, University of Stockholm

International maritime and charter law.

"Cancellation of contracts of affreightment on account of war and similar circumstances".


Present position

Fields of special interest


* * * * * *


Assistant professor of civil law, University of Stockholm

International maritime and charter law.

"Masters’ contract and maritime liens".


Present position

Fields of special interest


* * * * * *

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Ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary ءه Thailand to the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg; chief of mission of Thailand to the European Economic Community.

B.A. Hons., 1 و53ت D.Phil.1955 و, Oxford; docteur endroit, ا95او diplômé d'études supérieures de droit international public, ا95او University of Paris; LL.M. , 1956و Harvard; barrister-at-law, ا95او of the ittddle Temple, England; diplômé de l'Académie, 1958, Académie de droit international de La Haye.

Lecturer in international economic law, !Thammasat University, 1956-1959; member of National Research Council, Thailaad, 1959-1970; member of the Hague Research Center, studying problems of foreign invetment ٠ 1958; second secretary, Legal Division, Treaty and Legal Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 1959-1960 ; secretary of the National Committee to review Treaties and Conventions, 1960-1969; member and secretary of the Committee since 1969؛ representative of Thailand on the Sixth Committee (Legal) of the United Nations General Assembly in 1960, 1962, 1965, 1967 and 1969; chief of division, International Organization Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 1963; represented the Asian-Afriean Legal Consultative Committee at the fifth session of Inter- American Juridical Council; representative of Thailand in the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAI،), 1968; represented Asian countries at the First Hague Colloquium on International Trade Law5 1968؛ Director-General, Economic Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 1968-1970.

Ihai, English; French, Spanish.

State immunities and trading activities i'n international law (1958); several articles in Thai, English and French.

Present position


Educational andprofessionalqualifications



Maj orpublications


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Professor of commercial law, Faculty of law,Ankara University.

Law degree, 19U4; doctor of law,'19^7, Ankara University.

Named assistant professor, Faculty of law, Ankara University in 1955 and professor in 196l; has worked in the Faculty of law of Ankara University since 194+؛; in 1955 ١ founded the Institute for Research on Bank Law and Commercial Law; has been legal consultant to the Is Bank of Turkey, one of the largest Turkish commercial banks, and subsequently, to the Turk Cimento Sanayii A.S. (Turkish Cement Industries, S.A.).

Unfair competition; the law of trade marks; agency, international commercial arbitration and insurance.

Turkish, French, German, English.

Ticaret hukuku - giris - ticari isletme (Commercial law - introduction - business administration), latest edition 1968; Mes'uliyet ve sigorta hukuku bakimindan baslica isletme kazalari (Main industrial accidents from the standpoint of liability and insurance law), i960; articles on various aspects of commercial law.



Professor of commercial law, Faculty of law,Ankara University.

Law degree, 19^7, Ankara University; doctor of law, 1951 Neuchatel University.


Present position

Educational andprofessionalqualifications


Fields of special interest


Maj orpublications


Present position

Educational andprofessionalqualifications

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Named a c t a n t professor. Faculty of law, Ankara University in 1956 and professor in 1965؛ has worked in the Faculty of law of Ankara University since 1 وو1أ , director of the Institute for Research on Bank Law and Commercial Law, since 196c أ in 1966, founded the Turkish Insurance Law Association, affiliate of the Association Internationale de Droit des Assurances ; since that date, chairman of its Board of Directors; member of the boards of directors of and legal adviser to various economic organizations and banks.

International commercial arbitration, insurance law, common market law.

Turkish, French, English.

Sigorta hukuku (insurance law), 1965 ئ articles on various aspects of commercial law.

TURKEY (continued ر


ANSAY, Tugrul

Professor of commercial law, Faculty of law, Ankara University.

Law degree, 1951؛ doctor of law, 195؛+, Ankara University.

Named assistant professor. Faculty of law,'Ankara University, in 1958 and professor in 1967؛ has worked in the Faculty of law of Ankara University since 1951; was one of the founders of the Ankara Association of Comparative Law in1968.

Trademark law؛ law governing international companies; common market law.

Turkish, English, German.

Articles on various aspects of commercial law.


Fields of special interest


جس،س ة


Resent position

Educational andprofessionalqualifications


Fields of special interest



* * * * * *

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TURKEY (continued)


Professor of commercial law, Faculty of law,Ankara University.

Law degree, 1952, Ankara University; doctor of law, 195^, Goethe University, Frankfurt-am-Main, Germany.

Named assistant professor. Faculty of law, Ankara University, in 1958 and professor in 1967; has worked in the Faculty of law of Ankara University since 1956؛ legal adviser to the Union of Turkish Chambers of Commerce, Industry and Commodity Exchanges and the Turkish National Committee of the International Chamber of Commerce, with which the Union is affiliated; has own legal practice; general secretary of the Turkish Association on Insurance Law.

International sales; international commercial arbitration; transport legislation; maritime law; intellectual and industrial property.

Turkish, German, French.

Die Gefahrtragung beim Versendungskauf (Risk of loss in sales shipments), 195؛+•; Ticari satisda ifa mahalli (Place of performance of commercial sale), i960; Denizasiri satislar (Overseas sales).



Professor of commercial law, bank law and insurance law at the Faculty of political science, Ankara University.

Graduate of Faculties of political science and law; doctorate in law; studied comparative law at New York University Law School, I956-I957, and at the Institute of Comparative Law of the Faculty of Law and Economics, Paris, 1958-1959; studied comparative commercial law at the Faculty of law of Lausanne University, Switzerland, 1962-1963.


Present position

Educational andprofessionalqualifications


Fields of special interest


Ma j orpublications


Present position

Educational andprofessionalqualifications

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Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Teachers Bank of Turkey; member, International Bankers Association, Washington, D.C.; member, New York University Law Association in Europe, Paris؛ during 1963, I966 and 1967s delivered, on invitation, a series of lectures at the Belgian Institute of Comparative Law, and the Belgian Universities of Louvain and Ghent, dealing with fundamental principles of international trade law, international sales, international payments, agency and international commercial arbitration. At the invitation of the Luigi Bocconi Commercial University of Milan, is now engaged in three research projects relating to corporations and international commercial arbitration.

Commercial law; bank law; insurance law; labour law.

Turkish, French, English, Arabic.

TURKEY (continued)


Professor of law, Istanbul University.


ARSEVE, Haydar*

Professor of law, Istanbul University.

* * * * * *

CAGA, Tahir*

Professor of law, Istanbul University.

* * * * * *


Fields of special interest



Present position


Present position


Present position

Other particulars will be published when available.

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TURKEY (cont inued)


Assistant professor of law, Istanbul University.position



Assistant professor of law, Istanbul University.position

* * * * * *


Professor of law, Istanbul University.position

* * * * * *


Professor of law, Istanbul University.position

* * * * * *

KENDER, Rayegan*

Professor of law, Istanbul University.position

* * * * * *











Other particulars will be published when available.

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TURKEY (continued)

Professor of law, Istanbul University,

ONEN, Mesut*

Present position



OKAY, Sami*

Professor of larç, Istanbul University,


Present position

* * * * * *

POROY, Reha*

Professor of law, Istanbul University.

* * * * * *


Present position


Assistant professor of law, Istanbul University

* * * * * *


Present position

Other particulars will be published when available.

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Principal State Attorney, Government of the Republic Uganda.

LL.B. Hons., London; LL.M., Columbia University.

International trade and economic development, in particular, foreign aid and international commercial arbitration.


Various articles in law journals.


Present position

Educational andprofessionalqualifications

Fields of special interest



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Professor at the Research Institute for Soviet legislation.

Doctor of law; professor.

Held teaching positions at higher educational establishments for over 20 years and taught Curses in civil law, including foreign civil law; helped in compiling and editing the commentary on the Civil Code of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic; chairman of the Foreign Trade Arbitration Commission; member of the Maritime Arbitration Commission of the All-Union Chamber of Commerce in Moscow.

Civil law and arbitration.

Russian, French, Ge^anو English.

Over 150 published works including "Bodies Corporate in Soviet Law", "Subjects of Civil Law" and "Prescription in Foreign Trade", and a number of articles on foreign trade arbitration; about Uo works translated into various languages.



Deputy director of the Soyuzmom u proekt Research Institute.

Candidate in law.

Member of the Maritime Arbitration Commission of the All-Union Chamber of Commerce in Moscow؛, president of the Soviet Association for Maritime Law; former head of the Legal Division of the Ministry of Marine; taught courses on international maritime law for five years at Moscow University.

Present position

Educational andprofessionalqualifications



Fields of special interest




Present position

Educational andprofessionalqualifications


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Maritime law.Fields of special interest

Russian, French, English.

Co-author of the textbook "Maritime law"; author of "Essays on international maritime law", "both in Russian; over 20 articles on maritime law.





Lecturer at the Institute of International Relations.

Candidate in law; lecturer.

Teaching legal regulation of foreign trade, civil law and foreign trade law for about 10 years; member of the Maritime Arbitration Commission; consultant to the Foreign Trade Arbitration Commission of the All-Union Chamber of Commerce in Moscow; average adjuster in the Bureau of Average Adjusters of the All-Union Chamber of Commerce; deputy editor-in-chief of the Soviet Yearbook of International Law; worked as a lawyer in the Soviet Foreign Trade Organization; attended a number of international conferences and seminars on arbitration; studied at the University of Michigan Law School, United States 1961-1962.

International commercial arbitration and civil law.

Russian, English, Spanish, French.

Co-author of the textbook, "Civil and commercial law in the capitalist States" and author of "International commercial arbitration", both in Russian; contributed to other works on legal regulation of foreign trade in USSR and published a number of articles on civil and maritime law.


Present position

Educational andprofessionalqualifications


Fields of special interest


Maj orpublications

* * * * * *

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President of the Foreign Trade Organization؛ "Sovinflot*

Candidate in law.

Chairman of the Legal Committee of the Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative Organization (IMCO); vice-chairman of the Maritime Arbitration Commission of the All-Union Chamber of Commerce in Moscow; member of the London Freight Exchange; previously worked as a lawyer in the Soviet Trade Organization; formerly director of the Anglo-Soviet Shipping Company; for over 10 years has been teaching courses, at higher educational establishments, on civil and commercial law of the capitalist States and on the maritime law of the USSR and other countries.

Maritime law.

Present position

Educational andprofessionalqualifications



Fields of special interest

Russian, English, French.

Contributor to a work on legal regulation of foreign trade in USSR and to a Russian legal dictionary; author of a number of articles on maritime and civil law published in various journals.





Present position Professor at the Institute of International Relations.

Educational and Candidate in law; professor.professionalqualifications

Lecturing on public and private international law at higher educational establishments for about 20 years ; took part in the work of the United Nations.

Public and private international law.


Fields of special interest

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Russian, English.Languages

Co-author of the textbooks, "A course in international law1' and "Private international law"؛ author of a number of articles on maritime arbitration in the USSR and on international law, including the legal regulation of international trade.

Maj orpublications

* * * * * *


Lecturer at the Institute of International Relations.

Candidate in law؛ lecturer.

Teaching civil and commercial law at higher educational establishments for about 20 years ؛ worked at the Institute of State and Law of the USSR Academy of Sciences and at the Research Institute for Soviet Legislation; taught at Patrice Lumumba Peoples1 Friendship University.

Civil law and foreign trade law.

Russian, German, English, French.

Co-author of the textbooks, "Civil law in the people's democracies", "History of State and law", "Civil and commercial law in the capitalist States" and contributed to other works on foreign trade; author of a number of articles on civil law.


Present position

Educational andprofessionalqualifications


Fields of special interest





Present position Head of the Department of law of the All-Union Academy ofForeign Trade.

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.lecturer ؛Candidate in law

Held teaching positions and lectured on civil law and legal member of ؛ regulation of foreign trade for more than 20 years

the Foreign Trade Arbitration Commission and the Maritime Arbitration Commission of the All-Union of the Chamber of

.Commerce in Moscow

Educational andprofessionalqualifications


Civil law.Fields of special interest

Russian, English.

CoN-author of the monograph, "The State Monopoly of Foreign Trade in the USSR"; contributed to other works on legal regulation of foreign trade; author of a number of articles on the international sale of goods.


Ma j orpublications



Lecturer at the All-Union Academy of Foreign Trade,

Candidate in law; lecturer.

Consultant to the Foreign Trade Arbitration Commission of the All-Union Chamber of Commerce in Moscow; worked for a number of years as a lawyer in Soviet foreign trade organizations; participated in the drafting of the General Conditions for the Delivery of Goods of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance in 1958 and in 1968 and in the work of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL).


Present position

Educational and professional quali fi c at i ons


Fields of special Civil law, in particular the question of prescription, interest

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Russian, English.

Author of the monograph "Legal regulation of relations between the all-Union foreign trade combines and Soviet organizations placing orders for import goods", in Russian; a number of articles on the international sale of goods and on prescription; contributor to a work on legal regulation of export-import operations.



Section head in the Institute of State and Law of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

Doctor of law; professor.

Vice-chairman of the Foreign Trade Arbitration Commission; formerly engaged, for a number of years, in legal work in the Ministry of Foreign Trade and as a professor at the All-Union Academy of Foreign Trade.

International public law.

Russian, German, Swedish.

Author of a number of works on international law, including "Agreements on deliveries of goods between socialist countries"؛ "International legal forms of economic co-operation between socialist States"; "International economic agreements"; "Methods of regulating the socialist international division of labour"; "The principle of non-discrimination and questions of force majeure in international economic relations", and "Foreign trade arbitration in the USSR", all in Russian.




Present position

Educational andprofessionalqualifications


Fields of special interest



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DIAMOND, Aubrey, L.

Professor of law, University of London.

LL.M., London; solicitor, England.

Taught various aspects of commercial law, including, at various times since 1955, international sale of goods, carriage of goods by sea, marine insurance and insurance.

Sale of goods, instalment credit and insurance.

English, French.

Articles and case-notes in International and Comparative Law Quarterly and in Modern Law Review.

Present position

Educational andprofessionalqualifications



Fields of special interest


Ma j orpublications



Professor of law, Leicester University.

Lecturer and senior lecturer, Bristol University,1949-1965.M.A., Oxford; bachelier en droit, Grenoble; barrister-at-law, Lincoln's Inn, London.

International sales; conflict of laws as affecting international trade.


Présent position

Previous positions held

Educational andprofessionalqualifications

Fields of special interest

Polish, English, French.Languages

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GUEST, Anthony Gordon

Professor of English law, University of London; vice-dean,Faculty of law, King's College, London; reader in common lawto the Council of Legal Education, Inns of Court.

M.A., Oxford; barrister-at-law, Gray’s Inn.

Delegate of the United Kingdom to the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL), 1968-1970; member of the Lord Chancellor's Law Reform Committee; member of the Examining Board of the Finance Houses Association.

Contract; sale of goods, hire-purchase and limitation.

English, French.

Ed. Chitty on contracts; Anson's law of contract; The law of hire-purchase.


Present position

Educational andprofessionalqualificationsProfessionalexperience

Fields of special interest


Maj orpublications


Professor of law. Faculty of law, University College, London.

LL.B. , 7 ا9بأ , London• Ph.D., 3 ا9و , London; LL.D. , 1967,London; barrister-at-law. Middle Temple, 9 ا9لب •

Lecturing in international trade law at University College, London, since وااو ; author of memorandum submitted to the United Nations on the legal aspects of containers, in June 1970.

Sale of goods; bankers' commercial credits and finance of foreign trade; marine insurance; carriage of goods by sea, and maritime law.


Present position

Educational andprofessionalqualifications


Fields of special interest


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Marine insurance, (1969)؛ editor of Payne's Carriage of Goods by sea, 7th ed., 19638 ؛th ed. 5 1968; editor of Chalmer's Marine Insurance Act 1966; Casebook on sale of goods,1st ed. , 1966; 2nd ed., I969.




Professor of commercial law, Birmingham University.

LL.B.، Hons., 1946, Birmingham; LL.D. , i960, Birmingham؛ solicitor of the English Supreme Court, Hons., 1951•

Practises as a solicitor in Birmingham, 1951؛ senior lecturer and reader at the Law Society's School of Law, London, senior lecturer in commercial law, Birmingham ؛1951-1962University, 1962-1968؛ professor of commercial law since drafted the Companies Act for Trinidad in 1967, and ؛1968the Companies (Debentures and Floating Charges) Ordinance and the Companies Ordinance for the Seychelles 1970 (under agreement with the United Kingdom Government).

Comparative and international company law; banking law; investment law and taxation.

English, French, German, Italian.

Companies in the Common Market, 1st ed., 19622 ؛nd ed., 1970; published in professional periodicals various articles on international exchange control, company law and sales of goods.

* * * * * *

REYNOLDS, Francis Martin Baillie

Fellow and tutor in law, Worcester College, Oxford.




Present position

Educational andprofessionalqualifications


Fields of special interest


Ma j orpublications


Present position

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B.A. in law, 1956, Oxford1957 ؛, Oxford؛ Bigelow teaching fellow. University of Chicago Law School, 1957-1958 harrister-at-law. Inner Temple ء I960; M.A., 0 ا9ة , Oxford.

Twelve years of teaching experience principally on the general law of contract; teaching a new course on international ^rade since 1969.

Agency; international sales; international shipping legislation. 'English, Spanish, French.

Co-editor, Bowstead on Agency, 13th ed., 1968; co-editor of a forthcoming large work on Sale of goods; to co-author a book on "International trade" to be published in 1975.

* * * * * *

SCHMITTHOFF, Clive Macmillan

Principal lecturer in law, the City College of London Polytechnic; hon. professor of law at the Ruhr University, Bochum.

LL.M., London; LL.D., London; Dr. jur., Berlin; M.I. Ex.; barrister-at-law, Gray's Inn.

Taught the law of international trade for many years at the above college; also taught the courses for government legal officers arranged by the Ministry of Overseas Development and the courses on background to exporting, organized by the Board of Trade; taught international trade law, repeatedly, at Louisiana State University, United States, and in 1970, at the Hague Academy of International Law; as consultant to the United Nations, prepared the draft report of the Secretary-General on the progressive development of the law of international trade in which the formation of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) was suggested; consultant to the Government of Spain in the Barcelona Traction case before the International Court of Justice; practising member of the. English Bar and arbitrator in international commercial disputes; reporter at the four

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Educational andprofessionalqualifications


Fields of special interest





Present position

Educational andprofessionalqualifications


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colloquia on international trade law arranged by the International Association of Legal Science in Rome, 1958ئ Helsinki, i960; London, 1962, (General reporter); New York, reporter at the fourth meeting of organizations ;+؛196concerned with the unification of law, convened by the Internationn.T Institute for the Unification of Private Law fUNIDROIT) in Rome, 1968,

Unification of the law of international trade; international sales; international payments; international co!amei*cial arbitration; agency; companies; private international law.

English; French؛, German.

The export trade, the law and practice of international trade, 5th ed., 1969; The sources of the law of international trade, editor, ا96بإ ; Legal aspects of export sales, 2nd ed. , 1969; The sale of goods, 2nd ed., 1966; The English conflict of laws, 3rd ed., ا95ا ; Palmer's company law, 21st ed. , 1968, co-editor; Charlesworth's mercantile law, 11th ed.,1967» co-editor; editor of the Journal of Business Law, London, since 1967.



Tutor and fellow of Magdalen College, Oxford.

B.C.L.; M.A.; barrister-at-law, Gray’s Inn.

Introduced into the syllabus of Oxford University and taught a new course on international trade, comprising international sales, carriage of goods by sea., and bankers' commercial credits.

International sales and carriage of goods by sea.


Fields of special interest




Present position

Educational andprofessionalqualifications


Fields of special interest

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English, German, French.

Two works on international sales and international trade in preparation.


WORTI،EY, Ben Atinson, O.B.E.

?rofessor of jurisprudence and international law, University of I'ianChester since 1 6 ولب .

LL.B. .LL.M., Leeds; LL.D., Manchester; Docteur hon ;و 1928des universités de Rennes, 1955 et Strasbourg, 1965؛ barrister-at-law, Gray's Inn, 1 ولقآب Q.C. , 1969.

Practised full-time till 1931 ; taught law, London School .of Economics, 1931-1933; Manchester University, ا933ا-93إل ; Birmingham University, 936 ا93ا-بأ ; Manchester University since 1936; visiting professor, Tulane University, New Orleans, 1959; member of directing bodies of the International Institute for the Unification of Private Law, Rome; of the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies; London and the British Yearbook of International Law; Society of Public Teachers of Law; president, 5 ا9ةاا-9ج ; member3 Royal Netherlands Academy, 0 ا9ة ; commendatore Italy, 1 ا9غ ; correspondent of the Hellenic Institute for International and Foreign Law and of the Belgian Society for Comparative Law; representative of Her Majesty's Government at International Conferences at TheHague, 1951, 1956, 1960, ا9ةا and at New York, 1955 and ا95ئةmember of the Lord Chancellor’s Committee on conflict of laws

Series of lectures, 1939, ا9ا7 5 ا95بإ and 1958; published by the Hague Academy of International Law; Expropriation in public international law, 1959; Jurisprudence, 1967; part editor of Dicey's conflict of laws, 9 ا9ا ; ed. UN, the first, ten years, 1957.





Present position

Educational andprofessionalqualifications



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Síndico Procurador Municipal del Distrito Federal.

por la Universidad ا(95ل)ب Doctor en Oiencias Políticas 6) por laا(9و Doctor en Derecho ؛Central de Venezuela

Universidad de París.

Abogado Auxiliar de la Procuraduría General de la República Director de Personería de la Nación en la Procuraduría ا(95ث)آ

Consultor Jurídico de (1959-1963؛) General de la República Profesor de (1965-1969؛) la Gobernación del Distrito Federal

Derecho Mercantil en la Universidad Central de Venezuela Suplente de la Corte Superior Segunda en lo (1957-1969؛)

(.1969^-196) Civil y Mercantil del Distrito Federal

Derecho de Sociedades.

Varios artículos y estudios especializados sobre Derechode Sociedades.

* * * * * *


Abogado en ejercicio.

Bachiller en Filosofía y Letras (1957؛) Abogado (1965؛)Doctor en Derecho (1965) por la Universidad Central deVenezuela.

con especialización en 1962؛ Ejerce la abogacía desde Derecho Mercantil y Laboral: Miembro del Personal de Investigación del Instituto de Derecho Privado de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad Central de Venezuela

Magistrado Suplente en la Corte Superior 1963؛ desde Primera en lo Civil y Mercantil de la Circunscripción

(.1969-1970) Judicial del Distrito Federal y restado de Miranda

El Cheque en el Proyecto de Ley General de Títulos Valores Algunos aspectos de la وا(6لة)ب y Operaciones Bancarias

Protección del Derecho de Autor en Venezuela (1965)ئ.Estudios sobre Derecho de Autor

Nombre y apellidos

Cargo actual

Títulos académicos y profesionales


Esfera de especialización


Nombre y apellidos

Cargo actual

Títulos académicos y profesionales




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Profesor de Derecho de la Universidad Central de Venezuela.

Doctor en Derecho ( ووال ) por la Universidad Central de Venezuela.

Profesor de" Derecho Internacional Privado y de Derecho Comercial (Derecho Bancario y títulos de crédito) desde Jefe del Departamento Legal del Banco Nacional de ئ 1953Descuento ( ا9و8ا-96ه ) y cLel Banco Italo-Venezolano ejerce la profesión de Abogado como Miembro ؛(1961-1963)Asociado del Escritorio de Abogados Mendoza, Palacios, Borjas, Páez Pumar y cía.; Cojuez de la Corte Superior Segunda en lo Civil y Mercantil de la Circunscripción Judicial del Distrito Federal y Estado de Miranda,

Derecho Privado Internacional; títulos de crédito y Derecho Bancario.

Español, francés, inglés, italiano y portugués.

Los Conflictos de Leyes - La Codificación Colectiva en America (1955); Aval de la Letra de Cambio (1963)ث Anotaciones sobre el Endoso por Procuración ( ا96ال ); Exégesis y Dogmática de la Cuenta Corriente Bancaria (en prensa).

* * * * * *

PISAN!, María Auxiliadora.

Profesora de Derecho de la Universidad Central de Venezuela.

Abogada (1963), Universidad de Venezuela; cursos especia- lizados de Derecho Mercantil en la Universidad de Roma.

Profesora de Derecho Comercial en la Universidad Central de Venezuela desde 1965; Instructora del Instituto de Dere¿ho Privado de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad Central de Venezuela; ejerce la abogacía y se especializa en Derecho Ci^il y Comercial.

Títulos de crédito ٠

VENEZUELA (continuación)

Español, francés, inglés, italiano y portugués.

Ha traducido al español algunas obras de Derecho Comercial y ha publicado varios artículos sobre el tema.

Nombre y apellidos

Cargo actual

Títulos académicos y profesionales


Esferas de especializaeión



Nombre y apellido

Cargo actual

Títulos académicos y profesionales





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Profesor de Derecho de la Universidad Central de Venezuela, 1965.Ahogado, summa cum laude (1963), por la Universidad Central de Venezuela.

Profesor de Derecho Comercial (títulos de crédito, Derecho Laboral y Marítimo) desde 1965؛ ejerce la profesión de abogado, especializado en Derecho Civil y Mercantil;Instructor Interino del Instituto de Derecho Privado de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad Central de Venezuela (de media jornada, I965-I966, de dedicación exclusiva desde noviembre de 1966)؛ Director de la Revista del Colegio de Abogados del Distrito Federal desde fines de 1967; Subdirector encargado del Instituto le Derecho Privado de la Universidad Central de Venezuela desde 1970؛ organizador y coordinador de los cursos de postgraduados de ampliación en Derecho Mercantil de la Universidad Central de Venezuela desde 1969•

Español, francés, italiano y portugués.

Ha traducido al español algunas obras de Derecho Comercial y publicado varios artículos sobre diversos aspectos del tema.

VENEZUELA (continuación)

Nombre y apellidos

Cargo actual

Títulos académicos y profesionales




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سر ل؟مص Vladimir.

Professeur à la Faculté de droit de Belgrade.

Docteur en droit,- professeur titulaire à la. Faculté de droit de Belgrade.

"Visiting professor" à l'Université du Caire (1962-1964); conférencier de l'Association internationale de droit comparé (1967-1969)• Expert lors de la. conclusion de contrats relatifs à des investissements étrangers dans des entreprises économiques yougoslaves. Directeur du Séminaire inter­national des sciences sociales de !,Université de Belgrade (1965-1970).

Statut (situation juridique) des entreprises économiques; assurances.

Serbo-croate, français, anglais, allemand.

Diverses études sur le statut juridique des entreprises, les investissements étrangers en Yougoslavie et les a-ssurances; "Droit du change et droit des chèques de la RSF de Yougoslavie", en ellaboration avec MM. Bartos et Antonijevic, 1953; manuel de droit économique et des organisations économiques, 1961.



Etudes etqualificationsprofessionnelles


Domaines de spécialisation



* * * * * *


Conseiller juridique de la Banque nationale de Yougoslavie.

Docteur en droit de l'Université de Paris.



Etudes etqualificationsprofessionnelles

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Professeur de sciences juridiques à la Faculté économique Belgrade (1936-1 ومب6ئ) arbitre, président de collèges arbitraux pour le commerce extérieur. Agent du Gouvernement yougoslave devant la Cour permanente de justice inter- nationale. Négociateur d'accords pour le règlement de d^tes yougoslaves avec des porteurs d'emprunts à l'étranger. Conseiller juridique d'entreprises yougoslaves pour l'achat d'installations industrielles complètes et 1'exécution de travaux de construction à l'étranger.

Arbitrage commercial international, contrats de vente de caractère international, droit monétaire international] le droit international privé et les obligations commerciales.

Serbo-croate, fran؟ais, anglais.

"Eléments de droit civil", ا9صلن "Encyclopédie juridique". 1 ولب0ت ”Les obligations av^c éléments internationaux", توووا "Le contrat de vente dans le commerce extérieur", 1ووو.

Expérience profes sionnelle

Domaines de spécialisation


